PTO-1480 Certification Mark Form, Principal Register

Applications for Trademark Registration

PTO-1480 - Certification Mark Form Principal Register

Use-Based Trademark/Service Mark Applications (TEAS Standard)

OMB: 0651-0009

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Navigation History: Instruction > Applicant > Mark > Goods/S ervices/Filing Basis > Attorney/Dom. Rep.fCorrespondence > Fee/Signature
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information un� it displays a valid 0MB control number.

PTO Form 1480 (Rev 09/2006)
Approved for use through xx/xx/xxxx OMB Control No. 0651-0009

Certification Mark Fm·m, Principal Register
Version 7.1
\Vatch the "Before you file" TiMIN video for an oven•iew or the most important issues to be aware of when filing a trademark application with the USPTO.

To file the •pplication electronically, please complete the following steps:


Answer the first question below to create an application form showing only sections relevant to your specific filing.

For help at any point, click on any underlined word on any page.
After answering the firs1 wizard ques1ion.. click on 1he CONTINUE bunon a1 bollom of the page.
Once in 1he acmal form, comple1e all fields with a * symbol, since 1hey are manda1ory fields for TEAS filing purposes.
Validate the fonn. using the "Validate" bunon at the end of the fonu. Ifthere are errors, return to the fonn to make the correction. A "Warning" may be corrected or by.passed.
Double•check all entries through the links displayed on the Validation page.
You may save your work for submission at a later time by clicking on the Save Form button at the bonom of the Validation page.
When ready 10 file, use the Pay/Submit button at the bottom of the Validation page. This will allow you to choose from three (3) different payment methods: credit card. automated deposit accoun1. or electronic
funds transfer.
9. After accessing the proper screen for payment, and making the appropriate entries. you will receive a confirmation screen if your transmission is successful. This screen wiH say SUCCESS! and will provide your
assigned serial number.
I0. An email acknowledging receipt of the submission (a filing receipt) will be sent 10 the correspondence email address of record.
Once you submit tbls appllcarlon, tbe USPTO wlll not c1ncel tbe filing or refUnd your fee. Tbe fee Is a processing fee, wblcb we do not refUnd even lfwe cannot Issue I regtstrar1on aner our substantln review.

Important: After this application is submitted. the US PTO will send a filing receipt 10 the email address of ei1her (A) !he appointed anomey, if any. otherwise (B) the trademark applicant owner/bolder.
Contact Points:
• General trademark 1orormat100: Please review the information posted at Where Do I Slart. If you have remaining questions. email [email protected]. or telephone 1·800·786·9199\. .
• Help: For insuuctions 011 how to use the electronic fonns. or help in resolving technical glitches. please email [email protected]. Please include your telephone number in your email. so we can talk to you directly. if
necessary. Also. include tile relevant serial number or registration number. if existing.
NOTE: Thi TEAS Support Team focus inprot cfllS r 1ted tc the proa;:;.sof compl>tJng theelf>ctrurnc fc ns, not OOWT�, 1nforr 1tioo would becorrett forentrywi 1111 a form, or llher br1 Ider trildernark 1SSUE Pit route thost. typesdinqu1r to thF TradE ;;rk
As:Klanc centu However,pifa-,�t>Ec1warett tmtt�gr0l,fc.anprovideanysortr/1nf( m;itior,ll'lthe �tureof"leq. advla For !Qaladv, �,plf of'CClR'!ldercontacllnq mattlITlC'(wnospe., l1ZC$.lfl1nte1Pctualproperty.
• Bug Report: Report any "bugs" found within the electronic fonus on the USPTO's website.
• Status Information: For an application with an assigned serial number. check the Trademark Starus & Document Retrieval (TSDR) system 10 view current stanis information. as well as the complete prosecution history.
Do not attempt to check the stams of a filing until at least 7-10 days after submission of the filing. to allow sufficient time for all USPTO databases to be updated. You can view all items listed in the prosecution history
section online via the TSDR system, including all Office actions sent by the USPTO.

Tl!.,n:O1.rr WAR.i�G: After 25 minutes of inactivity you will be prompted to continue your session. If you do not continue within 5 minutes, the session will end, you will be logged out of your account, and you
will lose any unsaved data in the form. Please have all of your infonnation ready before you start.

I. ls au attorney ffllog Ibis application?
Foreign-domiciled owners/holders must have a U.S.-liceosed attorney represent them before the USPTO in any application- or registration-related filing. Information about hiring a U.S.-licensed attorney can
be found on the USPTO website.
2. (OPTIONAL] To upload a pre,•iously saved form me, first review tbt USPTO's TEAS Help instructions for accessing previously saved data and then use tbe "Brow�... " button below to accrss tbe form Ole saved on
your computer.
\VAR..��G: Failure 10 follow the TEAS Help instructions will result in the inability to edit your daia.

lmporta■t: Do NOT use the button below to upload an image file (for example. a specimen). You must use the button that will be presented for that purpose within the proper section ofthe actualform

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Navigation History: .ln..sto.!ctiQn > Applicant > Mark > Goods/Services/Filing Basis > Attorney/Dom. Rep./Correspondence > Fee/Signature
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information un� it displays a valid 0MB control number.

PTO Form 1480 (Rev 09/2006)
Approved for use through xx/xx/xxxx OMB Control No. 0651-0009

Certification Mark Fm·m, Principal Register
Version 7.1
\Vatch the TMIN ''Applicant information" video tha1 explains the tem1s "applicant" or "applicant owner/holder." The term "applicant" idenrifies who owns the trademark, not necessarily who is filing the application.
\Vlltcb the TEAS Nuts and Bolts Applicant Information video that explains how to fill out the Applicant Information page.

Applicant Infonnalion
Note: If there is more than one owner of the trademark. complete the applicant information for the first owner, and then click on the "Add Owner" button at the bottom of this page. Repeat for each owner. You must specify
whether the multiple applicants are joint applicants or some other entity type listed below.


* Owner ofl\1ark

[If an indMdual, use the folowing foonat: Last Name, Arst Name Middle Initial or Name, if applicable)

D DBA (doing business as) D AKA (also known as)
DTA (trading as) D Formerly


0 Individual
0 Corporation
0 Limited Liabilitv Companv
0 Partnership
0 Limited Partnership
OJoint Venture

<- Click lbe approprial, circl, on lbe l•fl lo inclicale !be applicant's ,nlily typ,. The form wUI lben display lbe fidd(s) for enluing
information corresponding lo Iba! specific entity type. If yom· ,nlily type is nol one of lbe options displayed dir,clly lo lbe l,fl, you
must click on "Other n and then select the approp1iate entry from the relevant pull-down box.

0 Sole Proprietorship


Internal Address
* Street Address

(Entered address is viewable in the USPTO's
ISQB database. This address must be capable
of receiving mail. 1l1e USPTO presumes this
address is the applicant owner's/holder's�
If it is not, enter the Domicile Address below.)


NOTE: You must hmit yotK entJy here, and for all remairwlg fields within this OYerilll section, to no more than 40 characters (the storage �m1t for the USPTO database). You may need to abbreviate some words,
e.g., st. instead of St:Jeet. Fai11Ke to do so may result in an undeiverable address, due to trunration at the 40 character limit.

NOTE: You must limit yotK

ISelect State

* State


enby here to no more than 22 characters.


NOTE: You must indude as part d the ·rny- entry any information related to geographical regiOns (e.g., pr � > Mar-k > Goods/Services/Filing Basis > Attorney/Dom. Rep.jCorrespondence > Fee/Signature
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information un� it displays a valid 0MB control number.

PTO Form 1480 (Rev 09/2006)
Approved for use through xx/xx/xxxx OMB Control No. 0651-0009

Certification Mark Fm·m, Principal Register
Version 7.1
Mark Information
Before the USPTO can register your mark. exactly what the mark is must be clear. You may present your mark in one oftbe following ways: ( l ) standard characters, ifnot claiming a particular font style, size. and/or color; (2)
special form, if the mark includes a design or word(s) combined with a design, or is displayed in a particular font style, size, and/or color; or (3) non•visual sound mark (for this type ofmark. you should include a musical score.
and an audio file, as well as a detailed mark description). Do not upload your specimen of use (sample ofactual use, e.g., a label or advertisement) bere. This will be required in a different part ofthe form (if appropriate for your
filing basis). WARl"''l:N"G: You may submit only one mark per application, ifyour application includes multiple marks, it may be denied a filing date or refused registration.
When you click on one of the three circles presented below, and follow the specific instructions, the form will automatically crea1e a separate page that displays the mark for which you are applying or permits the applicant
owner/holder to atlach an audio file for a sound mark. Please carefully review this page prior to final submission to the USPTO, 10 ensure thal it accurately depicts or represen1s your mark. You may not be permitted to change or
correct your mark after filing this application. While minor changes in the mark may sometimes be penuitted, changes tha1 result in a material alteration ofthe mark as originally filed will result in the USPTO issuing a refusal on
that ground.
\Vatch the IlfiN instructional video on the imRortance of conductina; a search of uisting trademarks or senrlce marks before filing your application.
• Click tbe appropriate circle to indicate tbe Mark type: @ Standard Characters O Special Form (Stylizedand/or Design) 0 Sound mark
\Vatch the TMIN instructional video on drawing issues.
Watch the TEAS Nuts and Bolts video exRlaining bow to fill out the Mark Information Rage.

Enter the mark here: (Note: The entry can be in c.apital letters, lower case letters, or a cx:rnbinaoon thereof. Do not indude the""',"',@, or© symbols after the mark entry, because they are not part Cl the actual mark. Ir using Internet
Explorer, the entry cannot exreed 2036 characters; otherwise, you must switch to another browser.)
Preview USPTO-Generated Image
NOTE: For how the USPTO determines what the display of the entered mar'.: will be, dick l:!g.
NOTE: For Wonnation about mark display In USPTO databases, dick here
The "Additional Sta1ement" section oftbis fonn is used to enter various legal or informa1ional s1a1ement(s) thal may penain to the mark: for example. a disclaimer or English 1ransla1ion. You are no1 required 10 en1er any ofthese
statement(s) at the time offiling; however. you may be required to add a sta1ement(s) to the record during examination ofthe applica1ion. Ifyou are unsure whether you should make such a statement, the examining attorney
assigned to your applica1ion will issue a requirement. if appropriate.
0 Check here lo display the full listing of additional statemenls from which you may make your selec1ion.

�--G_ _o B_a_c__
k �I �I __c_o _nt_,n_u_•_�
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Navigation History: .ln..sto.!ctiQn > �> .MaJ::k> Goods/Services/Filing Basis> Attorney/Dom. Rep.fCorrespondence> Fee/Signature
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information un� it displays a valid 0MB control number.
PTO Form 1480 (Rev 09/2006)
Approved for use through xx/xx/xxxx OMB Control No. 0651-0009

Certification Mark Fm·m, Principal Register
Version 7.1
Goods/Services Information

Step 1: Click on the "Add Goods/Sen'ices" bulton.
Step 2: After creating the complete list of goods/senrices for this application, you will then be able to designate tbe f"lling basis (or bases) appropriate for each listed item.


Watch the TMIN Goods and Services video explaining what is meant by "identification of goods and services", and watch the TEAS Nuts and Bolts: Goods and Services video for instructions on filling out the Goods/Services
page in this application.

Add Goods/Services


Remove Checked Goods/Services


NOTE: dicking ·Go Back. wil take you directty back to the MARK section d the form.

Go Back

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Trademark Electronic Application System


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Navigation History: .ln..sto.!ctiQn > � > .MaJ::k > Goods/Services/Filing Basis> Attorney/Dom. Rep.fCorrespondence > Fee/Signature

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information un� it displays a valid 0MB control number.

PTO Form 1480 (Rev 09/2006)
Approved for use through xx/xx/xxxx OMB Control No. 0651-0009

Certification Mark Fm·m, Principal Register
Version 7.1
Basis for Filing

Watch the TMIN Filing Basis video explaining wbat is meant by ''basis for filing.''
Watch the TEAS Nuts and Bolts: Filing Basis video explaining how to fill out the Filing Basis page.

The applicant requests that the Certification mark identified on the preceding page be registered with the USPTO on the Principal Register for the class(es) and goods/services displayed below, and asserts herein the specific basis
(es) that covers the listed goods/services.
After selecting a class number (if known) and entering the goods/services listing for that class, you may assign a specific filing basis. or if appropriate, mul1iple bases. Visil 1he TEAS Help sec1ion of the USPTO website for!!!
explana1ion of lhe four possible filing bases. identified by the 4 buttons beneath the listing of goods/services.

lustructious for assigning a filing basis:

For complete s1ep-by-s1ep instructions on how to correctly assign 1he filing basis(es), click on tile beading that corresponds to the relevant factual scenario. see below. For examples of filings corresponding to each of 1he heading
descriptions, click on the link "Examples."
• One class or mulll(!:le classe.s2 with ONE filing basis for ALL listed Items ExampUs
NOTE: This is the most common choice. The following are other options, but they are much less common:
• Out class or mulll(!:lt dasses2 with samt mulli(!:lt fillog basts for ALL Usltd lltws in class{ts) Examples
• One class2 wilh differtol filing basis{es} for different goods/sen'ices within the samt class Examples
• Multlnle classes wllh different Olin& basls(es} for different overall classes Exan,ples

Watch the TMIN Goods and Services video explaining what is meant by "identification of goods and services". and wa1ch the TEAS Nuts and Bolls: Goods and Services video for instructions on filling out the Goods/Services
page in this application.




Add Class(es) of Goods/Services
Visit lhe TEAS Help section of the USPTO website for instruclions on how lo add ilem{s) to lhe list
displayed below.




Remove Checked Class(es)
Visit the TEAS Help section of the USPTO website for instructions on how to remove item(s) from the
list displayed below.

• Goods/Services
IUnknown vi lastructloas:
If known, select Enter the common commercial name for the specific goods/services associated with your mark. Failure to lisl your goods/services accurately could prevenl registralion. Separate each
dassrunberAoc specific item with a semicolon or conuna.
Do nol enter a Class Number/Letter in the lext box below.
Do no1 include lunll or 01her progranuning code or language lhat may create embedded links.
Do no1 use abbreviations. brackets ([]), or braces ( l} ).

Filing Basls(es)



You should review tbe USPTO Goods/Services ID Manual (ID Manual) before enlering items below. You are not required 10 use an entry from 1he ID Manual; however. if your entry
s not from the ID Mftllual. rou must describe rour �oods/seivices in s2ecific, clear and concise tenns.


NOTE: The 4 BUTTONS below ldentit)' the choices or fillng basis to be assigned to the II ems listed in the table, abo,·e. Because assignment or the correct basis to each llem Is crlllcal, please read the U:(!:lanallon of
each basis If you ban a11y quesllons as to which basls(es) to select, before clicking button(s), below, to begin the assignment of the basls(es). Slnce assignmenI or a filing basis Is not a requirement within this form,
you can b y p
- ass this step by clicking on the Continue button, below, If necessary.
WARNING: Registration Subject to Cancellation for Fraudulent Statements
You mus1 ensure that statements made in filings lo the USPTO are accurate, as inaccuracies may result in the cancellation of a trademark registration. The lack of a bona fide intention 10 use 1he mark with all goods/services
included in an application. or the lack of use on all goods/services for which you claim use, could jeopardize 1he validity of the registration and resull in its caucella1ion.
1 (a)
IActualy usingSection
mark in commerce now

INo use ofSection
mark yet. intending to use

Section 44(d)
Fore,gn application exists foc same goods/services

Section 44(e)
For� registration exists for same goods/services





Enfer Into the "CertlflcaOon Statement" field below,• statement spec�1ng what the appUcaat Is certifying abont the goods/services la the appllcatloa; I.e., tbe characterbtlc(s), standanl(s), or other reatnre(s) or tbe
goods/services that Is certlfled or latended to be certlDed by the mark. The foUowlng format is suggested: Tht ce.rtlOcatlon mark, as used or lateaded to be used by penoas authorized by the certlDer, certlOes or Is
Intended to certify that the goods/senices provided line ____ {").
• Certification Statement


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Trademark Electronic Application System

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Navigation History: .ln..sto.!ctiQn > �> .Ma.!:k> Goods/SeJYices/Filino Basis> Attorney/Dom. Rep./Correspondence > Fee/Signature
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information un� it displays a valid 0MB control number.
PTO Form 1480 (Rev 09/2006)
Approved for use through xx/xx/xxxx OMB Control No. 0651-0009

Certification Mark Fm·m, Principal Register
Version 7.1
Tip: If you do not want to appoint an attorney at this time:
l. Return to the first page of this fom1 by clicking on the hyperlinked tem1, "Instruction," in the Navigation History at the top of this page;
2. Answer "No" to the wizard question asking "Is an attorney filing this application?";
3. Click on the Continue button at the bottom of the Instruction page to resume the form. The Attorney Information page will not appear.

Attorn,y Information


* AttorneyName
Jndhr:ldual Attornel' Dockel/Refnence

NOTE: You must limit your entry here to no more than 12 d\aracters.

* Year or Admission Select Year



* U.S. State/Commonweallb/ferritory ISelect State

* Membership Number I
You must enter "N/A" or a membership nurrtier if your U.S. state, rommonwealth, or terrilory issues one.This number rs not viewab6e in TSOR.
You must lill'Wt your entry here to no more than 40 alpharuneric d\aracters.

* Bar Membership


□ The auorney of record is an active member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a U.S. stare, the District of Columbia, or any U.S. Commonwealth or territory.


Other Appointed AttorneY(S}
Recognized Canadian




Internal Address


* Street Address

NOTE: You must limit your entry here, and for all remaining fields Within lhis overall section (except Oty, see beibff.?, to no more than 40 characters (the storage limit for the USPTO database). You may need to abbreviate some
words, e.g., st. instead of street. failure to do so may result in an oodeliverable address, due to truncaoon at the 40 character limit



NOTE: You must limit your entry here to no more than 22 d\aracters.

* State
(Required for U.S. addresses)
* Countrv/Region/Jurisdiction/U.S.
* Zip/Postal Code
(Required for U.S. and certain international

ISelect State


NOTE: You must include as part of the Naty" entry any information related to geographical regk)ns (e.g., provinces) not found in the dropdown lists for -statesN or -COUnt:ries.N Enter the cxy and then the geographica region,
separated by a comma (e.g., Toronto, onrano}. In most ln-i.tances, you will then also haYe to select the oountry Within whidl the region is found, bek>w .

ISelect Country/Region/Jurisdicrion/U.S. Territ, vJ


IUnited States





The appointed attorney's email address must be provided and kept current with the USPTO.
NOTE: The applicant owner/hOlder Of the applicant owner's/hOlder's attorney acknowledges that he or she is sotety responsible for rereiVing USPTO emails. Additionaly, the applicant owner/holder or the applicant
owner's/hOldef"s attorney ts responsible for perloclicalty chedcing the status of the application/regrstraoon using the Trademark status & Document RetrieYal (TSDR) system. USPTO not:iCEs and office acoons issued in lhis
application/regiStratlon can be Y1ewed online using TSOR. The USPTO is not responsible fof any failure to recetw! a USPTO-issued email due to the rec.elver's security or antl--spam software, or any problems with the receiver's
email system.

* Email Address

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Trademark Electronic Application System

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Navigation History: .ln..sto.!ctiQn > � > .Ma.!:k > Goods/SeJYices/Filino Basis> Attorney/Dom. Rep./Correspondence > Fee/Signature

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information un� it displays a valid 0MB control number.

PTO Form 1480 (Rev 09/2006)
Approved for use through xx/xx/xxxx OMB Control No. 0651-0009

Certification Mark Fm·m, Principal Register
Version 7.1
Co1Tespoudence Information
Watch 1he TEAS Nuts and Bolts: Correspondence Information video on the USPTO website for instructions on this page.
To make changes to the Primary Email Address for Correspondence below, either
( 1) return to the Applicant Information section (if no attorney bas been appointed) and enter the change, or
(2) use the Attorney Information section of the form to enter the change (if an attorney has been appointed).
Primary Ema.ii Address for Correspondence:

Secondary Email Address(es) (Courtesy Copies) l�----------------------------

Enter up to 4 addresses, separated by either a semicolon or a comma.
Only the Primary Email Address for Correspondence is used for official colilJilunication by the USPTO. If an attorney has been appointed, the USPTO will correspond
ONLY with the appointed attorney; otherwise the USPTO will correspond with the applicant owner/holder. The applicant owner/holder or the appointed attorney must keep
this email address current with the USPTO.

Email Address

NOTE: I understand that (1) a Vl'llid emarl address must be maintained by the applieant owner/hoidef and the applicant owner's/holder's attorney, if appointed, for  � > .Ma.!:k > Goods/SeJYices/Filino Basis > Attornev/Oom


Contact Us


Rep /Corresoondeoce > Fee/Signature

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information un� it displays a valid 0MB control number.

PTO Form 1480 (Rev 09/2006)
Approved for use through xx/xx/xxxx OMB Control No. 0651-0009

Certification Mark Fm·m, Principal Register
Version 7.1
Fee Information
The total filing fee is based on the number of classes of the goods/services listed in the application.
If you used the free-text approach for the goods/senrices, and have different filing bases within the same class, then the displayed Number of Classes and Total Fee Due will be inaccurate belO\v. In that case, you must
manually change the Total Fee Paid amount, using the pull-down box to select tbe correct fee amount.
Watch tbe TEAS Nuts and Bolts: Fee/Signature Information video for an explanation of how to fill out the fee and signature information sections.
Payment options: You will have three payment options (credit card, automated de11:osit account, and Electronic Funds Transfer). These options will appear after completing and validating this form.
Number or Classes


Fee per class


* Total Paid Fees


Total Fee Due


Signature Information

Click to choose O1''E signature method:

@ Sign dlrecllv O Email Tut Form to second parh' ror signature O Handwrlllen pen-and-Ink signature O Submit application unsigned

Eltch'ODIC Slgoatur,

To electromcally sign tlus apphcahon, enter any alpha/numeric characten (letten/numben) of your choosing, preceded and followed by the forward slash(/) symbol. Most s1gnatones enter their name between the two forward slashes; examples of
acceptable "signatures" mclude: /john doe/; ljdl; or /123-4567/. The application may still be validated to check for massing mfonnation or erron even 1fthe signature and date signed fields are left blank; howe,·er, you must specifica lly chck the button for
"Submit apphcahon unsigned: above.

Read the following sta1ements before signing. Acknowledge the statements by checking the boxes and signing below.
D Basis:
If the applicant is filing the application based on use in commerce under 15 U.S.C.§ 1051(a):

The signatory believes that the applicant is the owner of the certification mark sought to be registered;
The applicant is exercising legitimate control over the use of the mark in commerce by authorized users on or in connection with the goods/services in the application;
The specimen(s) shows the mark as used in commerce by the applicant's authorized users on or in connection with tbe goods/services in the application;
The applicant is not engaged in the production or marketing of the goods/services to which the mark is applied, except to advertise or promote recognition of the certification program or of the goods/services that
meet the certification standards of the applicant; and
• To the best of the signatory's knowledge and belief, the facts reci1ed in 1he application are accurate.

If the applicant is filing the application based on an intent to use the m.ark in commerce unde.r 15 U.S.C. § 1051(b),§ 1126(d), and/or§ 1126(e):

• The signatory believes that the applicant is entitled to exercise legitimate control over the use of the mark in commerce by authorized users;
• The applicant has a bona fide intention to exercise legitimate control over the use of the mark in commerce by authorized users on or in connection with the goods/services in the application;
• The applicant will not engage in the production or marketing of the goods/services to which the mark is applied, except to advertise or promote recognition of 1he certification program or of the goods/services thal
meet the certification standards of the applicant; and
• To the best of the signatory's knowledge and belief, the facts recited in 1he application are accurate.

D To the best of the signatory's knowledge and belief, no other persons, other than authorized users. and, if applicable, concurrent users. have the right 10 use 1he mark in commerce, either in the identical form or in such near
resemblance as to be likely, when used on or in connection with the goods/services of such other persons. to cause confusion or mistake, or to deceive.
D To the best of 1he signatory's knowledge, infonnation, and belief, formed after an inquiry reasonable under the circumstances, the allegations and other facrual contentions made above have evidentiary support.

D The signatory being warned 1hat willful false statements and the like are punishable by fine or imprisonment. or both, under 18 U.S.C. § 1001, and 1hat such willful false statements and the like may jeopardize the validity
of the application or submission or any registration resulting therefrom, declares that all statements made of his/her own knowledge are true and all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true.
* Date SignedI]
NOTE: The signatory must provide their first and last name. Use the following format: Last Name, First Name Middle Initial or Name, if applicable.
• Slgnatorv's Posllion
Enter appropriate title or nature of relationship to the owner/holder.
* Signature

* Slgnatorv's Name

If the signer is
- An iodh•idual owner/bolder. enter "Owner" or ..Holder,. as appropriate.
• Joiol iodMdual owners/holders, enter "Owners'' or "Holders" as appropriate (all must sign the form).
• A business enlily authorized signatory, enter official title; e.g., "President" (if a corporation),"General Partner" (if a pa11nership), or "Principal" (if a limited liability
• A U.S.-licensed allorney, enter "Attorney of record," and if not specified in the application or prior communications, specify at least one state bar admission, e .g.,
"'Attorney of record, New York Bar member." Also, if the signing attorney is from the same U.S. finn as the attorney of record, but was not listed in the original filing and is
not otherwise of record. also include law firm name. e.g., Associate Attorney, Smith, Jones & Davis, Virginia Bar member.

Signatorv's Phone Number Iunited States
NOTE: If !here are multi

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Signature process. Otherwise, Clidc on lhe � bl.tton, or if necessary, the Go Bao: button.

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Trademark Electronic Application System
Navigation History: Instruction > Applicant > Mark > Goods/Services/filing Basis > Attorney/Dom. Rep./Correspondence > Fee/Signature
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid 0MB control
number. PTO Form 1480 (Rev 09/2006)
Approved for use through xx/xx/xxxx OMB Control No. 0651-0009

Ce1·tification Muk Fo1·m, Principal Registe1·
Version 7.1 - Validation Page
li\1PORTANT: Ou Fri Dec 13 09:10:56 ET 2019, you completed au mandatory fields aud successfully vaUdated the form. It has NOT yet been filed with the USPTO at this point. Complete all the steps below to
submit the application to the USPTO.
\Vatch the TEAS Nuts and Bolts: Validation Page video for instructions on filling oul this page.

• STEP 1: Review the application data in the various formats below by clicking on the byperlinks under "Application Data." Use the print function in your browser to print these pages for your own records. Visit the USPTO'S
TEAS Help webpage for infonuation on correcting your image when the Mark and Specimens appear huge in the provided hyperlinks.
Note: Review this infom1ation for accuracy and completeness now. Corrections after submission may not be allowed. thereby possibly affecting your legal rights.

• STEP 2: If there are no errors and you are ready to file. confirm the Primary Email Address for Correspoudeuce, displayed below. To make changes to this email address, use the navigation buttons below to return to the
appropriate page in the form and update either the anomey's email address, if appointed, or the applicant owne(s/holder's email address. Courtesy copies are also pern1itted and these email address(es) are displayed below. To
update these addresses, use the navigation buttons below to return to the Correspondence Information page and enter the changes.
After you submit the form, the USPTO will send an acknowledgment of receipt to the following email address(es):
Primary Email Address for Correspondence:
Secondary Email Address(es) (Courtesy Copies):
• STEP 3: To download and save the fonn data, click on the "Save Form" button at the bottom of this page. The infonnation will be saved to your local drive. To begin the submission process with saved data. you must open a
new form. and click on the "Browse/Choose File" button displayed on the initial form wizard page, at "[OPTIONAL) To access previously-saved data, use the "Browse/Choose File" button below to access the file from
your local drive." REI\U1''DER: Do NOT try to open the saved .obj/.xml form directly. You must return to the very first page of the form, as if starting a brand new form, and then use the specific "Browse/Choose File" button
on that page to impon the saved file. Clicking on the "Continue" button at the bottom of that first page will then properly open the saved version of your fonn.
• STEP 4: Read and check the following:
Important :'.\'otlce:
(1) Once you submit this applteation, we will not cancel the filing or refund your fee. The fee is a processing fee, which we do not refund even if we cannot issue a registration atter our substantrve review. This is true
regardless of how soon after submission you might attempt to request cancellation of the filing. Therefore, please review ALL information carefully prior to transmission
(2) All information you submit to the USPTO at any point in the application and/or registration process will become publtC record, including your name, phone number, email address, and street address. By filing this
application, you acknowledge and agree that YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CONFIDENTIALITY in the information disclosed. The public will be able to view this information in the USPTO's on-line databases and through
internet search engines and other on-line databases. This information will remain public even if the application is later abandoned or any resulting registration is surrendered, cancelled, or expired. To maintain
confidentiality of banking or credit card information, only enter payment information in the secure portion of the site after validating your form. For any information that may be subject to copyright protection, by submitting it
to the USPTO, the filer is representing that he or she has the authority to grant, and is granting, the USPTO permission to make the information available in its on-line database and in copies of the application or
registration record
(3) Be aware that private companies not associated with the USPTO otten use trademark application and registration information from the USPTO's databases to mail or email trademark-related solicitations (samples of
non-USPTO solicitations included)

D If you have read and understand the above notice, please check the box before you click on the Pay/Submit button.
• STEP 5: If you are ready to file electronically:
Click on the Pay/Submit button below, to access the site where you will select one of three possible payment methods. After successful entry of payment information., you can complete the submission to the USPTO. A valid
transaction will result in a screen that says SUCCESS! Also, we will send an email acknowledgment within 24 hours.
\VARNING: Click on the Pay/Submit button ONLY if you are now entirely prepared to complete the Pay/Submit process. After clicking the button, you can NOT return to the form, since you will have left the TEAS site
entirely. Once in the separate payment site, you must complete the Pay/Submit process within 30 minutes. If you are not prepared to complete the process now, you should select the "Save Form" option to save your form, and
then complete the Pay/Submit process later. Or, if you have discovered any error, use the "Go Back to Modify" button to make a correction.
\VARNING: Fee payments by credit card may uot be made from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. Sunday, Eastern Time. If you are attempting to file during that specific period, you must use either (l) the deposit account or electronic funds
transfer payment method; or (2) the "Save Form" option to save your form, and then complete the Pay/Submit process later for a credit card payment.

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PRA Act Statement
This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 1.137. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the public
which is to file (and by the USPTO to process) an application. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.11, 1.14
and 41.6. This form is estimated to take 40 minutes to complete, including gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed
form to the USPTO. Time will vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments on the amount of time you require to
complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief Administration Officer, U.S. Patent
and Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR
COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Mail Stop Petition, Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450,
Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.

Privacy Act Statement
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) collects this information under authority of 5 CFR 339.205. The
information in this system of records is used to manage name, citizenship, domicile, email address, postal address, and telephone
number of the trademark applicant, registrant, and applicant’s or registrant’s legal or other authorized representative(s), an
attorney’s law firm or company affiliation and professional licensing information, and other information pertaining to an
applicant’s or registrant’s activities in connection with the applied-for or registered mark. Other records mange in this system
include trademark applications, applicant and registrant declarations, office actions, registration certificates, and correspondence
generated in the course of the prosecution of a trademark application or maintenance of a trademark registration. The
information you provide is protected from disclosure to third parties in accordance with the Privacy Act. However, routine uses
of this information may include disclosure to the following: public; foreign entity, professional organizations or associations, audit
or oversight; governments, law enforcement and investigation; non-federal personnel; record informational inquiries; data breach
notification; data breach assistance; adjudication and litigation; department of justice litigation; freedom of information act
assistance from department of justice; office of personnel management; congressional inquiries; the National Archives and
Records Administration; and office of management and budget. Disclosure of the information by you is voluntary; however,
failure to provide any part of the requested information may result in our inability to enroll you in the program. The applicable
Privacy Act System of Records Notice for this information request is COMMERCE/USPTO-26, Trademarks Application and
Registration Records: Federal Register vol. 85 February 18, 2020, p 8847, available at

File Typeapplication/pdf
SubjectScreen Capture by Snagit
AuthorSnagit User
File Modified2021-02-25
File Created2019-12-13

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