UI/UX Stakeholder Analysis: Emerging Technology in Public Safety Use-Cases

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UI_UX Stakeholder Recruitment Qualtrics Survey

UI/UX Stakeholder Analysis: Emerging Technology in Public Safety Use-Cases

OMB: 0693-0043

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Qualtrics Survey Software

12/16/22, 11:30 AM


Study Title: Public Safety Stakeholder Scenarios

OMB Control #0693-0043
Expiration Date: 03/31/2022
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Paperwork Reduction Act
Notice: A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to
comply with an information collection subject to the requirements of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 unless the information collection has a
currently valid OMB Control Number. The approved OMB Control Number for
this information collection is 0693-0043. Without this approval, we could not
conduct this survey/information collection. Public reporting for this information
collection is estimated to be approximately 12 minutes/hours per response,
including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources,
gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
information collection. All responses to this information collection are
voluntary/mandatory/required to obtain benefits. Send comments regarding this
burden estimate or any other aspect of this information collection, including
suggestions for reducing this burden to the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) Communications Technology Laboratory (CTL) Public Safety
Communications Research (PSCR) Division at 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO,
80305, Attn: Scott Ledgerwood, [email protected].
Principal Investigator:
Scott Ledgerwood
Communications Technology Laboratory 
National Institute of Standards and Technology
325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305

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Email: [email protected]
Purpose of this Study
The purpose of this study is to understand public safety stakeholders' experiences broadly.
 These experiences include incident response, public safety communications, and general
knowledge. This study aims to learn from users who work in public safety directly.
You will be asked to answer a series of questions related to your experiences in public
safety, your public safety related training, and your willingness to participate in an
interview. If you are willing to participate in an interview, you will be asked to provide your
contact information and scheduling preferences.
The responses to this survey will be used to adapt the interview questions to
your experience. This survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.  

For participants who provide contact information and participate in an interview:
If you agree to be interviewed and are selected for an interview, you will be
asked a series of questions about  your experiences in public safety by an
interviewer.  The interview will be conducted remotely using a NIST-password
protected online conferencing platform. The interview will take approximately 1
Participant Requirements
Participants must be age 18 or older and public safety personnel.
The risks and discomfort associated with participation are no greater than those ordinarily
encountered in daily life: decision reflection and choice, reflection on professional roles and
communications, and emotional distress.

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For participants who provide contact information and participate in an interview:
The possible risks and discomfort associated with interview participation are 1) loss of

confidentiality of you and/or your organization; 2) consequences to your
reputation and/or your organization. The risks of either event are very low and
further mitigated with the following procedures: 1) during scheduling, all
identifiable data will be maintained on NIST password protected platforms and
servers. All data will be deidentified. No information will be revealed in
published reports regarding the identify of participants or their organizations.
In the event of a security breach, an unlikely but possible risk, your data will remain
anonymous.  This study will not store identifiable information and the data that are
collected will not be connected to information that identities you.  Our data storage and
security procedures are described below under the section “Privacy and Confidentiality”


There may be no personal benefit to your participation in this study, but the knowledge
received may be valuable to public safety research, the scientific understanding of user
experience, and humanity. Participants may receive indirect benefit from participating in
the study in that their response may inform future decisions and developments related to
public safety communications research. Compensation You will receive no payment or
other compensation for participating in this study.
There will be no cost to you if you participate in this study.
Privacy and Confidentiality
By participating in this study, you understand that National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) may be required to disclose your data and other personally identified

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information as required by law, regulation, subpoena, or court order. Otherwise, your
confidentiality will be maintained in the following manner:
We will not be collecting any information that can be tied to your identity directly.
You will be assigned a random number that links your data to your experimental record,
but it will not include information that can link back to your identifiable information.
We will keep your study records private and confidential. Data from the study will be stored
on a secured server or secured hard drive and only authorized members of the research
team will have access to these data.
Certain people may need to see your study records. Anyone who looks at your records
must keep them confidential. These individuals include:
The research team, including the Principal Investigator, Co-Investigators, and
research staff.
Certain government employees who need to know more about the study and
individuals who provide oversight to ensure that we are doing the study in the right

We may publish or disseminate what we learn from this study. If we do, we will not include
information that can be tied to your identity directly. In addition, we will not publish
anything that would allow other people know who you are.
Please note that regulation requires all data to be kept for 3 years. Total confidentiality
cannot be guaranteed, since all security measures have vulnerabilities and may be
compromised. If you decide to discontinue the study for any reason, your partially recorded
data will be retained. It will only be accessible to members of the research team.

Future use of research data and/or specimens

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The data will be stored for future use, but only after all identifiable information has been
removed. We anticipate that the data will be stored only for the immediate research team
to use in the future for other research and development efforts.
Your participation is voluntary. You are free to stop your participation at any point. Refusal
to participate, withdrawal of your consent, or discontinued partipation in this study will not
result in any penalty of loss of benefits or rights to which you otherwise might be entitled.
The principal investigation may use his/her discretion to remove you from the study for any
number of reasons. In such an event, you will not suffer any penalty of loss of benefits or
rights to which you otherwise might be entitled.
Right to Ask Questions and Contact Information
If you have any questions about this study, you should feel free to ask them now. If you
have questions later, desire additional information, or wish to withdraw your participation
you can contact the Principal Investigator at any time by mail, phone, or email:
Scott Ledgerwood
Communications Technology Laboratory 
National Institute of Standards and Technology
325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305
Email: [email protected]
You can get the answers to your questions, concerns, or complaints. If you have
questions about your rights as a participant in this study, or have complaints, concerns or
issues you want to discuss with someone outside the research team, contact The
Research Protections Office (RPO) at (301) 975-5445



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Voluntary Consent
You should only decide to participate if the following is true for you:
I understand the above description of the research and the risks and benefits associated
with my participation as a research subject. I understand that by proceeding with this study
I agree to take part in this research and do so voluntarily.
By selecting “I consent” below, you agree that the above information has been explained to
you and all your current questions have been answered. You are encouraged to ask
questions about any aspect of this research during the course of the study and in the
By selecting “I consent,” you agree to participate in this research study and affirm that you
are 18 years old or older.  A copy of the consent form can be given to you at your request.

I consent

I do not consent


Thank you for your willingness to be interviewed! 
To help us use your time effectively during the interview, we ask that you please
complete this brief questionnaire. 
You may navigate backwards and forwards with the green arrows visible at the
bottom of your screen.  

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Experience & Familiarity with Public Safety

Please tell us about your background in public safety.

Do you currently work in Public Safety?
I work in Public Safety. For example, I work as a first responder.
I do not work in Public Safety. For example, I work as a bank teller.
Other. For example, I work as an emergency communications researcher or a
retired first responder.

In what Public Safety discipline do you work or provide support?
Communications/911 Dispatch
Emergency Medical Services
Law Enforcement

In what type of area do you support Public Safety? 


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In what jurisdiction level do you support Public Safety?

How many years of experience do you have working in Public Safety? For
example, 10.

What is your type of Public Safety appointment?

In what type of Public Safety organization do you work?


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What is your type of Public Safety compensation?


The next questions will ask you about your public safety training broadly.
 Please describe you training in as much detail as you are comfortable. 

Please tell us about any training you completed related to your work in public

Please tell us about any training unrelated to public safety that you completed
that helps you perform your work in public safety.

Please tell us about any training you would like to complete or training you
would like others in public safety to complete.

Please upload any training materials, guidelines, protocols, or policies that you
believe are most relevant to your work and that your are willing to share.

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Additional upload 2

Additional upload 3

Additional upload 4

Additional upload 5

Additional upload 6


Thank you again for your willingness to be interviewed.  


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To simplify scheduling, please us which days of the week and time you would
prefer for the interview.  A member of the study team will contact you with
specific suggested dates and times. 
Please leave the days and times that you are unavailable blank. 



7:00 am


7:00 am 10:00 am


10:00 am
- 1:00 pm


1:00 pm 4:00 pm


4:00 pm 7:00 pm


After 7:00










Please provide your contact information, either email address or phone number,
for the purposes of scheduling the interview only.  We will not use this
information for any other purpose or associate it with any of your responses.
 We will discard it as soon as the interview is scheduled.

Email Address


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Phone Number


Is there anything else you'd like to share with us? Please describe any
feedback, comments, or questions you have in the space below.

Powered by Qualtrics


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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleQualtrics Survey Software
AuthorChelen, Julia S. Dr. (Ctr)
File Modified2022-12-16
File Created2022-12-16

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