
Manufacturer Submission of Average Sales Price (ASP) Data for Medicare Part B Drugs and Biological and Supporting Regulations (CMS-10110) - IRA


OMB: 0938-0921

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Medicare Part B Average Sales Price
(ASP) Module
Submitter User Guide
Version 0.1
Date: January 22, 2024

ASP Module Submitter User Guide

Table of Contents
1. Purpose.................................................................................................................................3
2. Logging in Using MFA ...........................................................................................................4
3. ASP Homepage Menu Tabs ................................................................................................10





Manage NDC1/ALT ID ...............................................................................................10
Assign by NDC1 .............................................................................................10
Assign by Alternate ID....................................................................................13
Request New NDC1/ALT ID/Manufacturer/Generic Name .............................15
Product Data .............................................................................................................22
Add/Update Product Data ..............................................................................23
Upload Product Data ......................................................................................38
View Drugs ....................................................................................................43
Financial Data ...........................................................................................................45
Add/Update Financial Data ............................................................................46
Add/Update Financial Data - Certified Drugs ..................................................52
Upload Financial Data ....................................................................................53
Re-Statements ..........................................................................................................58
Add/Update Restate Financial Data ...............................................................59
Upload Restate Financial Data .......................................................................61
Compliance Summary ...............................................................................................66
Certified .........................................................................................................71
New ...............................................................................................................74
Off Cycle ........................................................................................................75
Generate One-Time Password ..................................................................................77
Assumptions ..............................................................................................................81
Create Assumption.........................................................................................82
Upload Assumption File .................................................................................84

4. Technical Support Contact Information................................................................................88
Appendix A: Revision History ....................................................................................................89
Appendix B: Glossary................................................................................................................90
Appendix C: Figures and Tables ...............................................................................................92

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ASP Module Submitter User Guide



The purpose of this user guide is to provide guidance and instructions to representatives of drug
manufacturing companies as they submit federally required Medicare Part B drug Average
Sales Price (ASP) data to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
CMS uses the Fee-for-Service Data Collection System (FFSDCS) to house various Fee-forSchedule modules.
The ASP Data Collection System, referred to within this user guide as the ASP Module, is one
of the modules under the FFSDCS system, and offers the following:



Provides users with an online-based software application for automating the collection,
editing, and processing of drug product pricing data drug manufacturers submit on a
quarterly basis.
Establishes a relationship between the manufacturers’ reported data and the billing codes
Medicare providers use to calculate a weighted average sales price for each billing code.
Establishes prices for billing codes to determine payment limits of Part B drugs on certain
Medicare claims.
Eliminates data entry errors, data formatting errors, and incomplete submitted data, and
greatly reduces the process cycle and resource time needed to provide the pricing to
contractors through automation of the manually intensive processes.
Accepts, stores, validates, and calculates drug pricing on Medicare Part B drug data
received for the Center for Medicare Management (CMM) stakeholders.

Section 303 (b) and (c) of the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) of 2003 revised the payment
methodology for the majority of Part B covered drugs and biologicals that are not priced on a
cost or prospective payment basis (hereafter referred to as drugs).
CMS applies the ASP methodology to the data drug manufacturers have submitted to the ASP
Module. Per the MMA, ASP methodology determines the payment limit for these drugs. Local
contractors calculate pricing for compounded drugs.

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ASP Module Submitter User Guide


Logging in Using MFA

First time users must register and create an account in the CMS Enterprise Portal before
logging in to the ASP Module. Refer to the ASP Module Registration User Guide for registration
Once registration is complete, follow these steps to log in to the ASP Module as a Submitter
using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):

Navigate to the CMS Enterprise Portal main page.
The ASP Module Login Page opens. Refer to Figure 1.

Figure 1: Logging in Using MFA - ASP Module Login


Enter your login information in the required User ID and Password fields.
Click the Terms & Conditions hyperlink and review the text in the pop-up window; close
the window to move on to the next step.
Review the terms and conditions and select the I agree to the Terms & Conditions

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Note: By selecting this checkbox, you certify that you read and consent to monitoring
while accessing and using the ASP Module. The terms and conditions link provides
additional hyperlinks to the HHS Rules of Behavior and the CMS Privacy Act Statement.

Click Login.
Note: If you forget your user ID or password, click the Forgot your User ID or your
Password? hyperlink under the Login button and follow the provided instructions. If you
still cannot access your account and need to unlock it, click the Need to unlock your
account? hyperlink under Login button.
The Multi-Factor Authentication page opens. Refer to Figure 2.

Figure 2: Logging in Using MFA - Select MFA Device Type Drop-Down Menu

To ensure the security of high value data submitted to the ASP Module, you must authenticate
your identity using an MFA process. The first time you attempt to log in, you must choose an
authentication method. Users have various authentication options, including Interactive Voice
Response (IVR), Email, Text Message (Short Message Service (SMS)), Google Authenticator
and Okta Verify.
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Click the Select MFA Device drop-down menu; select your preferred MFA device type
from the list. Whenever you log back into the ASP Module through this process, your
preferred method of MFA reloads automatically.
Note: Figure 3 demonstrates MFA registration using IVR as the selected option.

Figure 3: Logging in Using MFA - Multi-Factor Authentication - (IVR) Example


Enter your phone number in the Phone Number field; enter your extension in the
Extension field, if necessary.
Click the Send MFA Code button to receive a six-digit code via your chosen contact

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Record and enter the six-digit code you received into the Enter MFA Code field. Refer
to Figure 4.

Figure 4: Logging in Using MFA - Multi-Factor Authentication - Verify MFA Code

10. Check the Send MFA code automatically and Do not challenge me on this device
for the next 30 minutes checkboxes depending on your preference.
Note: If you need help, click the Learn how to add MFA Devices beyond email and
Unable to Access MFA Devices or MFA Code? hyperlinks.
11. Click the Verify button to confirm your identity and enter the ASP Module homepage.
The My Portal landing page opens. Refer to Figure 5.
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Figure 5: Logging in Using MFA - My Portal Landing Page

Note: Other CMS applications you have access to may display on the My Portal landing
12. Click the Fee For Service Data Collection System (FFSDCS) box.
A Fee for Service Data Collection System (FFSDCS) drop-down menu displays. Refer to
Figure 6.

Figure 6: Logging in Using MFA - My Portal Landing Page - FFSDCS Drop-down Menu

13. Click the Average Sales Price (ASP) hyperlink.
A full-page statement displays, titled ASP Data for Drugs and Biologics Covered
Under Medicare Part B. The statement details recent statutory requirements stated in
the Social Security Act (the Act), and the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA), 2021.
These requirements hold that manufacturers must report their ASP data to CMS with
precision on a quarterly basis without errors or miscalculations. Refer to Figure 7.
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Figure 7: Logging in Using MFA - ASP Data for Drugs and Biologics Under Medicare Part B

14. Read the statement; select the I have read the above statement checkbox and click
The Medicare Part B Average Sales Price homepage opens. Refer to Figure 8.

Figure 8: Medicare Part B Average Sales Price Homepage

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ASP Homepage Menu Tabs

The following sections describe the functionality of each menu tab on the ASP homepage,
including Manage NDC1/ALT ID, Product Data, Financial Data, Compliance Summary,
Generate One-Time Password, Assumptions and FAQ.

3.1 Manage NDC1/ALT ID
Before you can enter product and financial data for your respective labeler codes (NDC1/ALT
ID), you must assign those labeler codes to your unique user account.
The following sections describe how to assign NDC1s and Alternate IDs, as well as how to
request a new NDC1, alternate ID, and manufacturer or generic name.


Assign by NDC1

Follow these steps to assign NDC1s:

From the Medicare Part B Average Sales Price homepage, click the Manage NDC1/ALT
ID tab.
The Manage NDC1/ALT ID page opens and displays the Assign NDC1/ALT ID tab by
default. Refer to Figure 9.

Figure 9: Manage NDC1/ALT ID Page - Assign NDC1


From the Assign NDC1/ALT ID tab, select the NDC1 radio button to specify the product
data you need to submit to the Module.

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Under NDC1 (required), click the -Select- drop-down menu to expand the list of
submitted drugs and additional products in the Module to date; select the appropriate
NDC1. Refer to Figure 10.

Figure 10: Manage NDC1/ALT ID Page - Assign NDC1 Drop-down Menu


Under Manufacturer Name (required), type and select the appropriate manufacturer.
Refer to Figure 11.

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Figure 11: Manage NDC1/ALT ID Page - Enter NDC1 Manufacturer Name


Click Assign to submit your information.
A message displays confirming you have successfully added your selections. Refer to
Figure 12.

Figure 12: Manage NDC1/ALT ID - NDC1 Assigned Successfully
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Assign by Alternate ID

Follow these steps to assign alternate IDs:

From the Medicare Part B Average Sales Price homepage, click the Manage NDC1/ALT
ID tab.
The Manage NDC1/ALT ID page opens and displays the Assign NDC1/ALT ID tab by


From the Assign NDC1/ALT ID tab, select the Alternate ID radio button.
New fields specific to assigning an alternate ID display. Refer to Figure 13.

Figure 13: Manage NDC1/ALT ID Page - Assign ALT ID


Under Alternate ID (required), click the -Select- drop-down menu to expand the list of
submitted drugs and additional products in the Module to date; select the appropriate
alternate ID. Refer to Figure 14.

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Figure 14: Manage NDC1/ALT ID Page - Assign ALT ID Drop-down Menu


In the Manufacturer Name (required) auto-fill field, begin to type the manufacturer
name; select the appropriate manufacturer from the list that generates. Refer to Figure

Figure 15: Manage NDC1/ALT ID Page - Enter ALT ID Manufacturer Name
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Click Assign to submit your information.
A message displays confirming you have successfully added your selections. Refer to
Figure 16.

Figure 16: Manage NDC1/ALT ID - ALT ID Assigned Successfully


Request New NDC1/ALT ID/Manufacturer/Generic Name

The following sections describe how to request a new NDC1, ALT ID, manufacturer, and
generic name.

Request New NDC1

Follow these steps to request a new NDC1:

Navigate to the Manage NDC1/ALT ID page, which automatically on the Assign
NDC1/ALT ID tab.
Click the Request New NDC1/ALT ID/Manufacturer/Generic Name tab.
The Request New NDC1/ALT ID/Manufacturer/Generic Name page opens, showing
the status (Pending, Approved, or Rejected) for each submitted request. The Module
organizes data by Request Type, Requested Value as well as Request Date and
Status (Pending, Approved, or Rejected). Refer to Figure 17.

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Figure 17: Request New NDC1/ALT ID/Manufacturer/Generic Name Page


Click the Add New Request button.
An Add New NDC1/ALT ID/Manufacturer/Generic Name window opens. Refer to
Figure 18.

Figure 18: Request New NDC1/ALT ID/Manufacturer/Generic Name Page - Add New NDC1


Select the New NDC1 radio button to specify the product data you need to submit to the
Module. Note that the Module automatically defaults to select the New NDC1.
Under New NDC1 (required), enter the appropriate NDC for the data product you are
requesting to add to the Module. Refer to Figure 19.

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Figure 19: Request New NDC1 - Field Filled


Click Send Request to submit your information.
A message displays confirming you have successfully added your selections. Refer to
Figure 20.

Figure 20: Request New NDC1 - NDC1 Successfully Added

Request New ALT ID

Follow these steps to request a new Alternate ID:

Click the Add New Request button. Refer to Figure 20.
An Add New NDC1/ALT ID/Manufacturer/Generic Name window opens. Note that the
Module automatically defaults to the New NDC1 tab.


Select the New Alternate ID radio button to specify the product data you need to submit
to the Module. Refer to Figure 21.

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Figure 21: Request New NDC1/ALT ID/Manufacturer/Generic Name Page - Add New ALT ID


Under New Alternate ID (required), enter the appropriate alternate ID for the product
you want to add to the Module.
Under Alternate ID Website URL (required), enter the hyperlink for the drug
manufacturer’s website. Refer to Figure 22.

Figure 22: Request New Alternate ID - ALT ID Field Filled


Click the Send Request button to submit your information.

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A message displays confirming you have successfully added your selections. Refer to
Figure 23.

Figure 23: Request New Alternate ID - ALT ID Successfully Added

Request New Manufacturer Name or New Generic Name

Follow these steps to request a New Manufacturer or New Generic Name:

Click the Add New Request button. Refer to Figure 23.
An Add New NDC1/ALT ID/Manufacturer/Generic Name window opens. Note that the
Module automatically defaults to the New NDC1 tab.


Select either the New Manufacturer Name or the New Generic Name radio button to
specify the product data you need to submit to the Module.
A new field displays as the next page opens for either selection. Refer to Figure 24 and
Figure 25.

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Figure 24: Request New Manufacturer Name

Figure 25: Request New Generic Name


Under New Manufacturer Name (required) or New Generic Name (required), enter
the appropriate information for the data product you want to add to the Module. Refer to
Figure 26 and Figure 27.

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Figure 26: Request New Manufacturer Name - Field Populated

Figure 27: Request New Generic Name - Field Populated


Click Send Request to submit your information for either selection.
A message displays confirming you have successfully added your selections. Refer to
Figure 28 and Figure 29.

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Figure 28: Request New Manufacturer Name - Successfully Added

Figure 29: Request New Generic Name - Successfully Added

Note: ASP support staff complete requests to add new items. Contact
[email protected] for further questions or concerns about the process.

3.2 Product Data
Drug manufacturers must submit quarterly drug pricing data using a file transfer process, or
through online data entry in the ASP module. Drug data consists of product and financial data.
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ASP Module Submitter User Guide

Click the Product Data tab on the Medicare Part B Average Sales Price homepage to view the
drop-down menu for the Add/Update Product Data, Upload Product Data, and View Drugs
tabs. Refer to Figure 30.

Figure 30: Product Data - Main Drop-down Menu

The following sections describe how to add/update, upload product data, and view drugs.


Add/Update Product Data

Follow these steps to add and/or update product data:

From the Medicare Part B Average Sales Price homepage, click the Product Data tab;
then select the Add/Update Product Data tab.
The Add/Update Product Data page opens with default selections. Refer to Figure 31.

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Figure 31: Add/Update Product Data

Note: It is imperative that the spelling matches each time you enter product data for the
same drug manufacturer. The spelling must also match when entering data under the
Upload Product Data tab.

Add Product Data by NDC

Follow these steps to add product data by NDC:

From the Add Product Data page, select the Add by NDC radio button if it is not
already selected when the page opens.
In the Manufacturer Name (required) field, begin to type and then select the
appropriate manufacturer.
Under NDC1 (required), click the -Select- drop-down menu to expand the list of
submitted drugs and additional products in the Module to date; select your required
NDC1* code.
Enter your 4-digit number in the NDC2* (required) field.
Enter your 2-digit number in the NDC3* (required) field.
As you complete the NDC3* (required) field, the Add Product Data page expands to
display multiple drop-down menus and empty fields.


Enter or select the required information as follows:

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ASP Module Submitter User Guide

a. Select the Drug has brand name checkbox if the product you are submitting has a
brand name. (If so, a new empty field displays to submit the brand name; type
information here as needed.)
b. Click the Generic Name (required) drop-down menu; select the generic name you
need to enter for your product.
Note: Return to the Manage NDC1/ALT ID page if you cannot find the appropriate
generic name in the system. Refer to Section 3.1 - Manage NDC1/ALT ID for guidance.
c. Enter the volume per item in the Volume Per Item (required) field.
d. Click the Unit for Volume Per Item (required) drop-down; select the appropriate
option for your product.
e. Enter the appropriate number in the Number of Items per NDC (required) field.
f. Click the Package Type (required) drop-down; select the appropriate package
g. Enter the strength in the Strength (required) field.
h. Click the Unit for Strength (required) drop-down; select the appropriate unit.
i. Enter the FDA application number in the FDA Application Number (required)
j. Enter the FDA application supplement number in the FDA Application
Supplement Number field, if applicable.
Note: Click the Add Additional FDA Application Numbers button if applicable for the
drug, and repeat steps i and j.
Enter the FDA approval date in the FDA Approval Date (required) field.
Click the FDA Approval Type (required) drop-down; select the appropriate
approval type.
m. Enter the first marketing date in the First Marketing Date (required) field.
n. Enter the date of first sale in the Date of First Sale (required) field.
o. Enter the WAC in the Wholesale Acquisition Cost (required) field.


Note: The Wholesale Acquisition Cost (required) field is required and displays when
the First Marketing Date occurs after the current reporting period.
Note: The date of first sale cannot occur before the FDA approval date and must occur
prior to the current reporting period start date.

Confirm your selections. Refer to Figure 32.

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Figure 32: Add/Update Product Data Fields Populated
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Click Add Product Data to submit your information.
A message displays confirming you have successfully added your selections. Refer to
Figure 33.

Figure 33: Add/Update Product Data Successfully Added

Note: It is imperative that the spelling matches each time you enter product data for the
same drug manufacturer. The spelling must also match when entering data under the
Upload Product Data tab.

Add Product Data by Alternate ID

Follow these steps to add product data by alternate ID:

From the Add/Update Product Data page, select the Add by Alternate ID radio button.
The Add Product Data page expands to display new empty fields. Refer to Figure 34.

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Figure 34: Add Product Data by Alternate ID


Under Manufacturer Name (required), begin to type and then select the appropriate
Under Alternate ID (required), click the -Select- drop-down to expand the list. Select
the required alternate ID code. Refer to Figure 35.

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Figure 35: Add Product Data by Alternate ID - Fields Populated

As you complete the Alternate ID (required) field, the Add Product Data page expands
to show multiple drop-down menus and empty fields.

Enter or select the required information as follows:
a. Enter the uniform resource locator (URL) to the manufacturer website in the
Manufacturer’s Website URL (required) field for verification purposes.
b. Select the Drug has a brand name checkbox if the product you are submitting has a
brand name. (If so, a new empty field displays in which to enter the brand name; type
information here as needed.)
c. Click the Generic Name (required) drop-down; select the generic name you need to
enter for your product.
Note: Return to the Manage NDC1/ALT ID page if you cannot find the appropriate
generic name in the system. Refer to Section 3.1 - Manage NDC1/ALT ID for guidance.
d. Enter the volume per item in the Volume Per Item (required) field.
e. Click the Unit for Volume Per Item (required) drop-down; select the appropriate
option for your product.
f. Enter the appropriate number in the Number of Items per Alternate ID (required)
g. Click the Package Type (required) drop-down; select the appropriate package type.
h. Enter the strength in the Strength (required) field.
i. Click the Unit for Strength (required) drop-down; select the appropriate unit.
j. Enter the FDA registration number in the FDA Registration Number (required) field.
k. Enter the FDA approval date in the FDA Approval Date (required) field.
l. Enter the FDA approval type in the FDA Approval Type (required) field.

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ASP Module Submitter User Guide

m. Enter the first marketing date in the First Marketing Date (required) field.
n. Enter the date of first sale in the Date of First Sale for this ALT ID (required) field.
Note: The date of first sale cannot occur before the FDA approval date and must occur
prior to the current reporting period start date.

Confirm your selections; click Add Product Data to submit your information. Refer to
Figure 36.

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Figure 36: Add Product Data by Alternate ID - Additional Fields

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A message displays confirming you have successfully added your product data. Refer to
Figure 37.

Figure 37: Product Data by Alternate ID Added Successfully

Note: It is imperative that the spelling matches each time you enter product data for the
same drug manufacturer. The spelling must also match when entering data under the
Upload Product Data tab.

Update Product Data by NDC

Follow these steps to update product data by NDC:

From the Add/Update Product Data page, select the Update Product Data tab; then,
select the Update by NDC radio button if it is not already selected when the page
opens. Refer to Figure 38.

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Figure 38: Update Product Data - Drug Identifier & Manufacturer Name


In the Drug Identifier & Manufacturer Name (required) drop-down menu, click Select- to expand the list of submitted drugs and additional products in the Module to
date; select the appropriate drug identifier.
The page automatically loads the product data for that specific drug. Refer to Figure 39.

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Figure 39: Update Product Data by NDC
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Review all your information in the appropriate boxes previously submitted in Section 3.2
- Product Data.
Confirm your selections; click Update Product Data to submit any changes in your drug
product data.
A message displays confirming you have successfully updated your product data. Refer
to Figure 40.

Figure 40: Update Product Data by NDC - Data Updated Successfully

Update Product Data by Alternate ID

Follow these steps to update product data by Alternate ID:

From the Add/Update Product Data page, select the Update Product Data tab; then,
select the Update by Alternate ID radio button. Refer to Figure 41.

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Figure 41: Update Product Data by Alternate ID


Under the Alternate ID & Manufacturer Name (required) drop-down; click the -Selectdrop-down to expand the list; select the appropriate information.
The page automatically loads the product data for that specific drug. Refer to Figure 42.

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Figure 42: Update Product Data by Alternate ID - Drug Identifier Drop-down Menu

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Review all your information in the appropriate boxes previously submitted in Section 3.2
- Product Data.
Confirm your selections; click Update Product Data to submit any changes in your drug
product data.
A message displays confirming you have successfully updated your product data. Refer
to Figure 43.

Figure 43: Update Product Data by Alternate ID - Updated Successfully


Upload Product Data

Follow these steps to upload product data:

From the Medicare Part B Average Sales Price homepage, click the Product Data tab;
then select the Upload Product Data tab.
The Upload Product Data page opens, listing the financial quarter and year for the
upcoming reporting period. Refer to Figure 44.

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Figure 44: Upload Product Data - New or Corrected

Note: Click the Product Data Template (Excel) box to download a copy of the product
data template.

Upon preparing your .xlsx file (required) and verifying your information for accuracy,
click Select File; then select the Excel file in the dialog box. You may also drag the file
into the Select File box. Refer to Figure 45.

Figure 45: Upload Product Data - Uploading Files from Desktop

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A download bar displays as your file uploads. A message displays confirming you have
successfully uploaded your .xlsx file. Refer to Figure 46.
Note: If the Module cannot process your file, an error message displays, and a New
Report generates under Uploaded Files.

Figure 46: Upload Product Data - New File Successfully Uploaded


Refresh your browser to allow the system to update and display your new file.
The Uploaded Files section displays files you uploaded recently as well as previous
files still in the Module. Refer to Figure 47.

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Figure 47: Upload Product Data - Uploaded Files

Each uploaded file displays the File Name, Upload Date, Reporting Period, Total
Records, Total Accepted, Total Rejected, and Action categories submitted to the

Click View Report under Action in the Uploaded Files section to view the full report for
a submitted file.
The report opens on the next page. Refer to Figure 48.

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Figure 48: Upload Product Data - Full Report of Transmitted Drugs via File Upload


Click the Read More tab under the Report of Transmitted Drugs via File Upload to
view all File Processing Information related to this report.
The report lists all uploaded drugs with saved product data in the ASP system. The
Module organizes the full list by row number and includes each drug identifier, status,
and all previously submitted information from the Add Product Data sections.
Note: The Module highlights errors in red. Hover over the red text to display information
about the specific error.


Click the Rejection Details tab.
A listing of drugs with rejected product data displays. Refer to Figure 49.

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Figure 49: Upload Product Data - Reported Rejection Details

The Module lists all errors found in submitted data by Row Number, Column with
Error, and Error Message under Drugs with Rejected Product Data.


Return to the Add/Update Product Data section of the Module to request any changes
to your product data.

View Drugs

Drug manufacturers can use the ASP module to view drug data submitted during the current
reporting period. However, manufacturers cannot update or edit drug data using this feature.
From the Medicare Part B Average Sales Price homepage, click the Product Data tab; then
select the View Drugs tab to view the View Drugs page.
The following sections describe how to view active and expired drugs.

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View Active Drugs

From the View Drugs page, the Active Drugs tab displays by default. Refer to Figure 50.

Figure 50: Product Data - View Active Drugs

Follow these steps to view submitted drug data for Active Drugs from the View Drugs page:

Scroll through the list of active drugs to view submitted data and status.
The Module organizes all active drugs by Drug Identifier, Manufacturer Name,
Generic Name, Brand Name, Volume per Item, Unit for Volume per Item, Number of
Items per NDC, Package Type, and Strength categories, and previously submitted
information from the Add Product Data sections.


Click the arrows on the bottom left to scroll through all submitted drugs by page. View,
filter, and sort active drugs by clicking on the category name.
Note: Click the Export to Excel button to download all products under the Compliance

View Expired Drugs

Follow these steps to view submitted drug data for Expired Drugs:

From the View Drugs page, select the Expired Drugs tab.
The Expired Drugs page opens. Refer to Figure 51.

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Figure 51: Product Data - View Expired Drugs


Scroll through the list of expired drugs to view submitted data and status.
The Module organizes expired drugs by Drug Identifier, Manufacturer Name, Generic
Name, Brand Name, Volume per Item, Unit for Volume per Item, Number of Items
per NDC, Package Type, and Strength categories, and previously submitted
information from the Add Product Data sections.


Click the arrows on the bottom left to scroll through all submitted drugs by page. View,
filter, and sort active drugs by clicking on the category name.
Click the Export to Excel button to download all expired drug products.

3.3 Financial Data
Click the Financial Data tab on the Medicare Part B Average Sales Price homepage to view the
drop-down menu tabs, Add/Update Financial Data for Current Quarter, Upload Financial
Data for Current Quarter, Restate Financial Data or Add for Prior Quarters, and Upload
Financial Data for Prior Quarters. Refer to Figure 52.

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Figure 52: Financial Data - Main Drop-down

The following sections describe how to add/update and upload financial data.


Add/Update Financial Data

Follow these steps to add or update financial data:

Click the Add/Update Financial Data for Current Quarter tab.
The Add/Update Financial Data page opens with default selections. Refer to Figure 53.

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Figure 53: Add/Update Financial Data

Note: The Module collects data submissions for the upcoming financial quarter. As an
example, figures in this section feature data submitted for Q1 2023.

Add/Update Financial Data for Uncertified Drugs

Follow these steps to add/update financial data for uncertified drugs:

From the Add/Update Financial Data page, select the Uncertified Drugs tab if it is not
already selected.
Note: The Module denotes the Manufacturer’s ASP, Number of ASP Units, and
Wholesale Acquisition Cost fields with an (*) to indicate that each field is required.


Enter or edit any missing or inaccurate financial data for your submitted drug products.
As you add or update information onto the page, click the Save All button to save your
changes in the Module.

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Note: As an alternative to entering data directly into the Module, under Drug Identifiers
with Missing or Incorrect Financial Data, you can click the Excel box on the right side
to convert all information on this page into an Excel file.

Scroll through the list of submitted drugs and products on the page. Filter through all the
information by clicking on the category name.
Click the arrows on the bottom left to scroll through all submitted drugs by page.
Click the plus symbol on each row of the table to expand each product’s information and
view additional categories, including Brand Name, FDA Approval and all other
information previously submitted or acknowledged in the Product Data section. Refer to
Figure 54.

Figure 54: Add/Update Financial Data - Drug Identifiers with Missing or Incorrect Data


Enter and review your information to ensure the highest level of accuracy in data
Click the Save All button to submit your information to the Module.

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The page reopens and returns to default selections. A message displays confirming you
have successfully updated your financial data. Refer to Figure 55.

Figure 55: Add/Update Financial Data Successfully Added

Note: When there is an error in the submitted data or a missing field, the page opens
each box in red or yellow to flag an error.
The expanded menu also shows Action items, such as View Errors/Warnings and
Save Changes. Refer to Figure 56.

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Figure 56: Add/Update Financial Data - Error Menu


Click on View Errors/Warnings for more information regarding the data reporting errors
in your submitted financial data.
A new window opens and displays a listing with descriptions of various errors and
warnings. Refer to Figure 57.

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Figure 57: Add/Update Financial Data - View Errors/Warnings Page

10. Click Save Changes once you address any errors and confirm your product data is
A message displays confirming that you have successfully added your data. Refer to
Figure 58.

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Figure 58: Add/Update Financial Data - Successfully Updated


Add/Update Financial Data - Certified Drugs

The Module collects data submissions for the upcoming financial quarter. Follow these steps to
view submitted data for certified drugs:

From the Add/Update Financial Data page, select the Certified Drugs tab.
The Certified Drugs page opens. Refer to Figure 59.

Figure 59: Add/Update Financial Data - Certified Drugs

Note: To update financial data for Certified drug identifiers, refer to the steps in Section
3.4.1- Add/Update Restate Financial Data.
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Under Drug Identifiers certified, click the Export to Excel button to convert all
information on this page into an Excel file.
Note: The Module denotes the Manufacturer’s ASP, Number of ASP Units, and
Wholesale Acquisition Cost fields with an (*) to indicate that each field is required.


Scroll through the list of certified drugs and products on the page. Filter through all the
information by clicking on your preferred category name.
Click the arrows on the bottom left to scroll through all submitted drugs by page.
Click on the plus symbol on each row of the table to expand each product’s information
and view additional categories, including Brand Name, FDA Approval and all other
information previously submitted or acknowledged in the Product Data section. Refer to
Figure 60.

Figure 60: Add/Update Financial Data - Certified Drugs More Information


Upload Financial Data

Follow these steps to upload financial data:

From the Medicare Part B Average Sales Price homepage, click the Financial Data tab;
then select the Upload Financial Data for Current Quarter tab.
The Upload New or Corrected Financial Data page opens, listing the financial quarter
and year for the upcoming reporting period. Refer to Figure 61.

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Figure 61: Upload Product Data - New or Corrected

Note: Under Data being submitted for: (current quarter), click Financial Data
Template (Excel) to download a financial data template.

Upon preparing your .xlsx file (required) and verifying your information for accuracy,
click Select File to browse your desktop and upload the file to the Module. You may also
drag the file into the Select File box. Refer to Figure 62.

Figure 62: Upload Financial Data - Uploading Files from Desktop
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A download bar displays as your file uploads. A message displays confirming you have
successfully uploaded your .xlsx file. Refer to Figure 63.
Note: If the Module cannot process your file, an error message displays, and a New
Report generates under Uploaded Files.

Figure 63: Upload Financial Data Page - New File Successfully Uploaded


Refresh your browser to allow the system to update and display your new file.
The Uploaded Files section displays files you uploaded recently as well as previous
files still in the Module. Refer to Figure 64.

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Figure 64: Upload Financial Data - Uploaded Files

Each uploaded file displays the File Name, Upload Date, Reporting Period, Total
Records, Total Accepted, Total Rejected, and Action categories submitted to the

Click View Report under Action in the Uploaded Files section to view the full report for
a submitted file.
The report opens on the next page. Refer to Figure 65.

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Figure 65: Upload Financial Data - Report of Transmitted Drugs via File Upload


Click the Read More link under the Report of Transmitted Drugs via File Upload near
the top of the page to view all File Processing Information related to this report.
The report lists all drugs with saved product data in the ASP system. The Module
organizes the full list by row number and includes each drug identifier, status, and all
previously submitted information from the Add Product Data sections.
Note: The Module highlights errors in red. Hover over the red text to display information
about the specific error.


Click the Rejection Details tab.
A listing of drug identifiers with rejected financial data displays. Refer to Figure 66.

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Figure 66: Upload Financial Data - Reported Rejection Details

The Module lists all errors found in submitted data by Row Number, Column with
Error, and Error Message under Drugs with Rejected Product Data.

Return to the Add/Update Financial Data section of the Module to request any changes
to your product data.

3.4 Re-Statements
Manufacturers of drugs and biologicals payable under Medicare Part B have an obligation to
report accurate ASP data to CMS, including addressing data miscalculations and other errors in
previously submitted data. Upon identifying an error, manufacturers must submit corrected data
through the ASP Module. Additionally, CMS may identify an error and contact the manufacturer
to request corrected data.
CMS evaluates resubmitted data and decides whether to issue a restatement of the payment
limit. Criteria evaluated includes, but is not limited to, timing of the corrected data, changes to
the payment limit, and/or administrative burden.
The following sections describe how to add/update or upload restate financial data using the
online data entry process.

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Add/Update Restate Financial Data

Follow these steps to add/update restate financial data:

Click the Financial Data tab; select Restate Financial Data or Add for Prior Quarters.
Refer to Figure 67.

Figure 67: Financial Data - Main Dropdown

The Restate Financial Data or Add for Prior Quarters page opens, listing the financial
quarter and year for the upcoming reporting period. Refer to Figure 68.

Figure 68: Financial Data - Add/Update Restate Financial Data
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Note: Click the Restatement Period (required) tab in the top left to scroll through
previous quarters. Click the blue arrows to navigate to a previous quarter starting with
the most recent or next quarter.

Click the -Select- box under Drug Identifier (required) to expand the list of submitted
drugs in the Module. Refer to Figure 69.

Figure 69: Add/Update Restate Financial Data - Drug Identifier Drop-down


Select the Drug Identifier you need to close the list. Once you click a product, the
Review Restatement List expands to show current restatements. Refer to Figure 70.

Figure 70: Add/Update Restate Page - Review Restatement List
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Review and make any corrections necessary for the drug to the Manufacturer’s ASP,
Number of ASP Units, Wholesale Acquisition Cost (all required) and Average
Wholesale Price fields.
Click the plus symbol on each row of the table to expand each product’s information and
view additional categories previously submitted or acknowledged in the Product Data
Click the Save button to submit your data.
A message displays confirming you have successfully updated your Restate Financial
Data. Refer to Figure 71.

Figure 71: Add/Update Restate Page - Restate Data Successfully Saved



Contact your Certifier to recertify the corrected data you submitted to the Module.

Upload Restate Financial Data

Follow these steps to upload restate financial data:

From the Medicare Part B Average Sales Price homepage, click the Financial Data tab;
then select the Upload Financial Data for Prior Quarters tab. Refer to Figure 80.

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Figure 72: Financial Data - Main Drop-down

The Upload Financial Data for Prior Quarters page opens, listing the financial quarter
and year for the upcoming reporting period. Refer to Figure 73.

Figure 73: Upload Financial Data for Prior Quarters Restate Financial Data

Note: Under Data being submitted for (current quarter), there is a Restatement
Financial Data Template (Excel) available for download. Click the box to download a
desktop copy.

Upon preparing your .xlsx file (required) and verifying your information for accuracy,
click Select File to browse your desktop and upload the file to the Module. You may also
drag the file into the Select File box. Refer to Figure 74.

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Figure 74: Upload Financial Data for Prior Quarters - Uploading Files from Desktop

A download bar displays as your file uploads. A message displays confirming you have
successfully uploaded your .xlsx file. Refer to Figure 75.
Note: If the Module cannot process your file, an error message displays, and a New
Report generates under Uploaded Files.

Figure 75: Upload Financial Data for Prior Quarters - New File Successfully Uploaded

The Uploaded Files section displays files you uploaded recently as well as previous
files still in the Module. Refer to Figure 76.

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Figure 76: Upload Financial Data for Prior Quarters - Uploaded Files

Each uploaded file displays the File Name, Status, Upload Date, Reporting Period,
Total Records, Total Accepted, Total Rejected, and Actions categories submitted to
the Module.

Click View Report under Actions in the Uploaded Files section to view the full report
for a submitted file.
The report opens on the next page. Refer to Figure 77.

Figure 77: Upload Financial Data for Prior Quarters - Report of Transmitted Drugs

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Click the Read More tab under the Report of Transmitted Drugs via File Upload to
view all File Processing Information related to this report.
The report lists all drug identifiers with saved restate financial data in the ASP system.
The Module organizes the full list by row number and includes each drug identifier,
status, and other previously submitted information from the Add Product Data sections.
Note: The Module highlights errors in red. Hover over the red text to display information
about the specific error.


Click the Rejection Details tab.
A listing of drug identifiers with rejected restate financial data displays. Refer to Figure

Figure 78: Upload Financial Data for Prior Quarters - Reported Rejection Details

The Module lists all errors found in submitted data by Row Number, Column with
Error, and Error Message under Drug identifiers with rejected restate financial

Return to the Add/Update Financial Data section of the Module to request any changes
to your product data.
Contact your Certifier to recertify the corrected data you submitted to the Module.

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ASP Module Submitter User Guide

3.5 Compliance Summary
The features in the Compliance Summary section allow drug manufacturers to determine if
their products meet the current submission reporting requirements.
The Compliance Summary consists of the following sections:

Missing: Displays drug products that are missing financial data for the selected reporting
Pending: Displays drug products that are both pending certification and pending
restatement certification, combined under one tab.
Certified: Displays previously certified drug products for the selected reporting period.
Note: Financial data will be suppressed for prior quarters.


New: Displays drug products with a first marketing date in the same reporting period.
Off Cycle: Displays drug products added on or after the first day of the submission
window of the current quarter.
Expired: Displays drug products that have an expired date of final lot sold. A drug
product that expired in an earlier quarter will continue to show in subsequent quarters.

Follow these steps to navigate the Compliance Summary section:

From the Medicare Part B Average Sales Price homepage, click the Compliance
Summary tab.
The Compliance Summary page opens. The page displays the status for each
submitted drug product regarding the drug manufacturer’s compliance for the selected
reporting period. The page automatically defaults to the Missing tab. Refer to Figure 79.
Note: Figure 79 shows an alert message under Reporting Period stating that there are
drug products in need of attention.

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Figure 79: Compliance Summary

Note: Click the Reporting Period (required) tab in the top left to scroll through previous
quarters. Click the blue arrows to navigate to a previous quarter starting with the most
recent or next quarter.



Follow these steps to add data in the Missing tab of the Compliance Summary:

Under Drug Identifiers waiting for data entry, review and identify the missing fields or
incorrect financial information to address; confirm the accuracy of all the necessary
financial information listed on the page.
The Module organizes the full list by Drug Identifier and Manufacturer Name, and
includes Reporting Period, Manufacturer’s ASP, Number of ASP Units, Wholesale
Acquisition Cost, and Average Wholesale Price fields.
Note: Click the Export to Excel button to download all products under the Missing tab.


Click the Add Data tab next to the appropriate drug product.
An Add Financial Data window opens. Refer to Figure 80.

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Figure 80: Compliance Summary - Add Data Screen


Type the requested information in the empty Manufacturer’s ASP (required), Number
of ASP Units (required), Wholesale Acquisition Cost (required), and Average
Wholesale Price (required) fields.
Click Save to submit your information to the Module.
A message displays confirming you have successfully added your data, and that your
product is now pending certification. Refer to Figure 81.

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Figure 81: Compliance Summary - Successfully Saved



Follow these steps to review your data in the Pending tab of the Compliance Summary:

From the default Compliance Summary page, click the Pending tab.
The Pending tab displays. Refer to Figure 82.

Figure 82: Compliance Summary - All Pending Certification
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The Module automatically selects the All Pending Certification radio button, and the
page displays the drug identifiers waiting for certification/restatement certification.
Note: Click the Export to Excel button to download all products under the Pending tab.

Under Drug Identifiers Waiting for Certification/Restatement Certification, review
your information in the appropriate boxes previously submitted in Section 3.2 - Product
Data and Section 3.3 - Financial Data.
The Module organizes the full list by Drug Identifier and Manufacturer Name, and
includes Reporting Period, Manufacturer’s ASP, Number of ASP Units, Wholesale
Acquisition Cost, Average Wholesale Price, and Status fields.


Click the Pending Certification radio button to filter only for drugs pending certification.
Refer to Figure 83.

Figure 83: Compliance Summary - Pending Certification

Note: Click the Export to Excel box to download all products under the Pending tab.

Review the information previously submitted in Section 3.2 - Product Data.
The Module organizes the full list by Drug Identifier and Manufacturer Name, and
includes Reporting Period, Manufacturer’s ASP, Number of ASP Units, Wholesale
Acquisition Cost, Average Wholesale Price, and Status fields.


Click the Pending Restatement Certification radio button to filter only for drugs that
are pending restatement certification. Refer to Figure 84.

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Figure 84: Compliance Summary - Pending Restatement Certification

Note: Click the Export to Excel button to download all products under the Pending tab.

Review all your information in the appropriate boxes previously submitted in Section 3.2
- Product Data and Section 3.3 - Financial Data.
The Module organizes the full list by Drug Identifier and Manufacturer Name, and
includes Reporting Period, Manufacturer’s ASP, Number of ASP Units, Wholesale
Acquisition Cost, and Average Wholesale Price, and Status fields.



Follow these steps to review your data in the Certified tab of the Compliance Summary:

From the default Compliance Summary page, click the Certified tab.
The Certified page displays. The Module automatically selects the All Certified radio
button. Refer to Figure 85.

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Figure 85: Compliance Summary - All Certified

Note: Click the Export to Excel button to download all products under the Certified tab.

Review all your information in the appropriate boxes previously submitted in Section 3.2
- Product Data and Section 3.3 - Financial Data.
The Module organizes the full list by Drug Identifier and Manufacturer Name, and
includes Reporting Period, Manufacturer’s ASP, Number of ASP Units, Wholesale
Acquisition Cost, and Average Wholesale Price, and Status fields.


Click the Certified radio button to filter only for certified drugs. Refer to Figure 86.

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Figure 86: Compliance Summary - Certified

Note: Click the Export to Excel button to download all products under the Certified tab.

Review your information for accuracy.
The Module organizes the full list by Drug Identifier and Manufacturer Name, and
includes Reporting Period, Manufacturer’s ASP, Number of ASP Units, Wholesale
Acquisition Cost, and Average Wholesale Price, and Status fields.


Click the Restated and Certified radio button to filter only for restated and certified
drugs. Refer to Figure 87.

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Figure 87: Compliance Summary - Restated and Certified

Note: Click the Export to Excel box if you need to download all products under the
Certified tab.

Review your information for accuracy.
The Module organizes the full list by Drug Identifier and Manufacturer Name, and
includes Reporting Period, Manufacturer’s ASP, Number of ASP Units, Wholesale
Acquisition Cost, and Average Wholesale Price, and Status fields.



Follow these steps to review your data in the New tab of the Compliance Summary:

From the default Compliance Summary page, click the New tab.
The New page displays. Refer to Figure 88.

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Figure 88: Compliance Summary - New

Note: Click the Export to Excel button to download all products under the New tab.

Review your information for accuracy.
The Module organizes the full list by Drug Identifier and Manufacturer Name, and
includes Reporting Period, Manufacturer’s ASP, Number of ASP Units, Wholesale
Acquisition Cost, and Average Wholesale Price, and Status fields.


Off Cycle

Follow these steps to review your data in the Off Cycle tab of the Compliance Summary:

From the default Compliance Summary page, click the Off Cycle tab.
The Off Cycle page displays. Refer to Figure 89.

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Figure 89: Compliance Summary - Off Cycle

Note: Click the Export to Excel button to download all products under the Off Cycle

Review your information for accuracy.
The Module organizes the full list by Drug Identifier and Manufacturer Name, and
includes Reporting Period, Wholesale Acquisition Cost, and Status fields.



Follow these steps to review your data in the Expired tab of the Compliance Summary:

From the default Compliance Summary page, click the Expired tab.
The Expired page displays. Refer to Figure 90.

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Figure 90: Compliance Summary - Expired

Note: Click the Export to Excel box if you need to download all products under the
Expired tab.

Review your information for accuracy.
The Module organizes the full list by Drug Identifier and Manufacturer Name and
includes First Marketing Date and Expiration Date of Final Lot Sold fields.

3.6 Generate One-Time Password
Once you successfully enter product and financial data in the ASP Module, you can generate a
one-time password (OTP) for each manufacturer name. Note the following about OTPs:


OTPs protect sensitive information and product specific drug-data from tampering or
alterations by others outside of the Submitter or Certifier.
The OTP is a one-time authentication step to link a Submitter to a Certifier within the
system. This step does not need to take place during every submission. There can only
be one active Certifier per manufacturer. If the Certifier changes, the Submitter must
create and share a new OTP with the new Certifier.
The Submitter and Certifier cannot be the same person within your organization.
You can share the OTP with the Certifier. This passcode will remain the same for as long
as the Certifier is the same person in your organization who uses the ASP Module.
If the OTP expires, you can generate another OTP and provide it to the Certifier again.
Note: Refer to the Certifier User Guide for more information about the Certifier role.

Follow these steps to generate an OTP:
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From the Medicare Part B ASP Homepage, click the Generate One-Time Password
The Generate One-Time Password page opens. Refer to Figure 91.

Figure 91: Generate One-Time Password


Click the -Select- box under Manufacturer Name (required) to expand the list. Refer to
Figure 92.

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Figure 92: Generate One-Time Password - Manufacturer Name


Select the appropriate manufacturer name.
A new OTP displays. Refer to Figure 93.

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Figure 93: Generate One-Time Password - Password Created


Click Copy OTP to copy your OTP.
Hover text indicates that you have successfully copied the new password. Refer to
Figure 94.

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Figure 94: Generate One-Time Password - Password Copied


Copy the OTP and send it to your Certifier. You must recreate the OTP if the Certifier
cannot confirm the OTP on the Module, or if it expires.
Note: A message displays at the bottom of the window noting the expiration date for
your new password. The Certifier must log in to the ASP Module to use that OTP before
the noted expiration date.
Note: An OTP is only valid for seven days. After seven days, you must generate a new

3.7 Assumptions
Drug manufacturers can submit comments regarding their certifications to CMS. Manufacturers
may submit these comments for either the current or prior reporting periods.
Follow these steps to submit certification assumptions to CMS:

From the Medicare Part B Average Sales Price homepage, click the Assumptions tab.

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The Assumptions page opens, and defaults to the current quarter and year. Refer to
Figure 95.

Figure 95: Assumptions

Note: Click the Reporting Period (required) tab in the top left to scroll through previous
quarters. Use the drop-down menu to navigate a previous quarter starting with the most
recent, or the next quarter.
Note: Click the Export to Excel box to download all products under the Assumptions


Create Assumption

Follow these steps to create an assumption:

Click the Create Assumption or Upload Assumption File button.
The Create Assumption or Upload Assumption File window displays. The Module
automatically defaults to the Create Assumption radio button with a Manufacturer
Name (required) drop-down menu and empty Short Description and Text for
Assumption file fields. Refer to Figure 96.

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Figure 96: Assumptions - Create Assumption or Upload Assumption File


From the Manufacturer Name (required) drop-down menu, click the -Select- dropdown menu to expand the list and select the manufacturer name.
Complete the Short Description and Text for Assumption file fields.
Note: The Short Description field is optional and allows for 500 characters of text to
provide a summary of the complete assumption you are submitting to CMS. The Text
for Assumption file field is required and allows for 5000 characters to provide as much
detail as possible related to the selected period’s financial submission.


Click the Save button.
A message displays confirming you have successfully created your Assumption. Refer
to Figure 97.

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Figure 97: New Assumption Successfully Created


Upload Assumption File

Follow these steps to upload an assumption file to the Module:

Click the Create Assumption or Upload Assumption File tab.
The Create Assumption or Upload Assumption File window displays. The Module
automatically defaults to the Create Assumption radio button.


Click the Upload Assumption File radio button.
A Manufacturer Name (required) drop-down menu and empty File Description field
display. Refer to Figure 98.

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Figure 98: Upload Assumption File


From the Manufacturer Name (required) drop-down menu, click the -Select- dropdown menu to expand the list and select the manufacturer name.
As you select your manufacturer name, new fields display on the screen. Refer to Figure

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Figure 99: Upload Assumption File - Expanded Fields


In the File Description field, enter your assumption about a data submission. You have
500 characters of total text to comment about your submission in this section.
Note: Click the Show More tab to display all Supported File Formats available in the
Module for you to use in your Assumption File upload.


Click Select File to browse your desktop and upload your Assumption File to the
Module. You may also drag your Assumption File into the Select File box. Refer to
Figure 100.

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Figure 100: Upload Assumption File - Uploading Files from Desktop

A download bar displays as your file uploads. A message opens to confirm you have
successfully uploaded your Assumption File. Refer to Figure 101.

Figure 101: Upload Assumption File - Successfully Added

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ASP Module Submitter User Guide


Technical Support Contact Information

Contact the FFSDCS (ASP) Application Helpdesk for issues such as:

Account unlock
Password reset
Registration process questions
System availability escalations

Table 1 provides contact information for technical support.
Table 1: Technical Support Contacts
Email Address
[email protected]


9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST),
Monday through Friday

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ASP Module Submitter User Guide

Appendix A: Revision History
Table 2 provides a revision history for this document.
Table 2: Revision History
Version Number





Description of Change
• Initial draft following collaboration between
DCCA and Index Analytics and incorporation of
feedback from CMS
• Various font, grammatical, punctuation,
shading, formatting, date, version, pagination,
glossary, and alignment corrections

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ASP Module Submitter User Guide

Appendix B: Glossary
Table 3 provides a list of terms, acronyms, and definitions in this document.
Table 3: Glossary
Expanded Form



Alternate ID Code

Alt ID

An alternate ID code is an alternative labeler code for end
users to use as a different form of ID for specific NDCs within
the ASP Module, especially for biosimilars and other nontraditional drug products.

Average Sales


ASP refers to the price at which an organization typically sells
a certain class of good or service. CMS uses manufacturerreported ASPs, based on manufacturers’ actual quarterly drug
sales, to calculate provider payment amounts for these drugs.
Federal law defines the price.

Center for


The CMM oversees the fee-for-service Medicare program.

Centers for
Medicare &
Medicaid Services


CMS is a federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services that administers the Medicare program
and works in partnership with state governments to administer
Medicaid, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, and
health insurance portability standards.

Appropriations Act,


The CAA establishes protections for consumers related to
surprise billing and transparency in health care. The No
Surprises Act (NSA) is part of the CAA.

Eastern Standard


EST is the standard time in the 5th time zone west of
Greenwich, reckoned at the 75th meridian. This time zone is in
the eastern part of the United States.



FFS is the traditional method of reimbursing physicians,
hospitals, and other healthcare providers for their services.

Data Collection


FFSDCS is an instrument to collect cost, revenue, utilization,
and other information for fee-for-service claims.



An ID is a unique identifying set of characters assigned to a
person or persons to ensure privacy and security on a
computer system or network.



IDM is the process of managing user access to data.

Interactive Voice


IVR is a technology that allows a computer to detect voice and
DTMF keypad inputs.



Medicare is the federal system of health insurance for people
over 65 years of age and for certain younger people with

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ASP Module Submitter User Guide

Expanded Form



Modernization Act


The MMA, or Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and
Modernization Act, is a federal law.

Medicare Part B


Medicare Part B is the part of Medicare that covers doctor
services, outpatient hospital care, and other medical services
that Part A does not cover such as physical and occupational
therapy, X-rays, medical equipment, or limited ambulance



MFA is a security system that implements more than one form
of authentication to verify the legitimacy of a transaction.

National Drug


The NDC is a code set that identifies the vendor
(manufacturer), product, and package size of all drugs and
biologics the FDA recognizes.



Okta is an enterprise-grade, identity management service,
built for the cloud, but compatible with many on-premises



An OTP is a password that is valid for only one login session
or transaction.

Short Message


SMS is a text messaging service component of phone, web, or
mobile communication systems. It uses standardized
communication protocols to allow fixed-line or mobile phone
devices to exchange short text messages.

Social Security Act


The SSA is a law that provides income to retired workers aged
65 or older.

Uniform Resource


The URL is a global address of documents and other
resources on the World Wide Web.

Acquisition Cost


WAC is an estimate of the manufacturer list price for a drug to
wholesalers or other direct purchasers, not including discounts
or rebates. Federal law defines this price.

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ASP Module Submitter User Guide

Appendix C: Figures and Tables
List of Figures
Figure 1: Logging in Using MFA - ASP Module Login..................................................................4
Figure 2: Logging in Using MFA - Select MFA Device Type Drop-Down Menu ...........................5
Figure 3: Logging in Using MFA - Multi-Factor Authentication - (IVR) Example ...........................6
Figure 4: Logging in Using MFA - Multi-Factor Authentication - Verify MFA Code .......................7
Figure 5: Logging in Using MFA - My Portal Landing Page .........................................................8
Figure 6: Logging in Using MFA - My Portal Landing Page - FFSDCS Drop-down Menu ............ 8
Figure 7: Logging in Using MFA - ASP Data for Drugs and Biologics Under Medicare Part B ..... 9
Figure 8: Medicare Part B Average Sales Price Homepage ........................................................9
Figure 9: Manage NDC1/ALT ID Page - Assign NDC1 ..............................................................10
Figure 10: Manage NDC1/ALT ID Page - Assign NDC1 Drop-down Menu ................................ 11
Figure 11: Manage NDC1/ALT ID Page - Enter NDC1 Manufacturer Name .............................. 12
Figure 12: Manage NDC1/ALT ID - NDC1 Assigned Successfully............................................. 12
Figure 13: Manage NDC1/ALT ID Page - Assign ALT ID ..........................................................13
Figure 14: Manage NDC1/ALT ID Page - Assign ALT ID Drop-down Menu .............................. 14
Figure 15: Manage NDC1/ALT ID Page - Enter ALT ID Manufacturer Name ............................ 14
Figure 16: Manage NDC1/ALT ID - ALT ID Assigned Successfully ........................................... 15
Figure 17: Request New NDC1/ALT ID/Manufacturer/Generic Name Page .............................. 16
Figure 18: Request New NDC1/ALT ID/Manufacturer/Generic Name Page - Add New NDC1 .. 16
Figure 19: Request New NDC1 - Field Filled .............................................................................17
Figure 20: Request New NDC1 - NDC1 Successfully Added ....................................................17
Figure 21: Request New NDC1/ALT ID/Manufacturer/Generic Name Page - Add New ALT ID . 18
Figure 22: Request New Alternate ID - ALT ID Field Filled ........................................................18
Figure 23: Request New Alternate ID - ALT ID Successfully Added .......................................... 19
Figure 24: Request New Manufacturer Name ...........................................................................20
Figure 25: Request New Generic Name ....................................................................................20
Figure 26: Request New Manufacturer Name - Field Populated ................................................ 21
Figure 27: Request New Generic Name - Field Populated ........................................................21
Figure 28: Request New Manufacturer Name - Successfully Added ......................................... 22
Figure 29: Request New Generic Name - Successfully Added ..................................................22
Figure 30: Product Data - Main Drop-down Menu .....................................................................23
Figure 31: Add/Update Product Data ........................................................................................24
Figure 32: Add/Update Product Data Fields Populated .............................................................26
Figure 33: Add/Update Product Data Successfully Added .........................................................27
Figure 34: Add Product Data by Alternate ID ............................................................................28
Figure 35: Add Product Data by Alternate ID - Fields Populated ...............................................29
Figure 36: Add Product Data by Alternate ID - Additional Fields ...............................................31
Figure 37: Product Data by Alternate ID Added Successfully ....................................................32
Figure 38: Update Product Data - Drug Identifier & Manufacturer Name ................................... 33
Figure 39: Update Product Data by NDC ..................................................................................34
Figure 40: Update Product Data by NDC - Data Updated Successfully ..................................... 35
Figure 41: Update Product Data by Alternate ID .......................................................................36
Figure 42: Update Product Data by Alternate ID - Drug Identifier Drop-down Menu .................. 37
Figure 43: Update Product Data by Alternate ID - Updated Successfully .................................. 38
Figure 44: Upload Product Data - New or Corrected .................................................................39
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Figure 45: Upload Product Data - Uploading Files from Desktop ..............................................39
Figure 46: Upload Product Data - New File Successfully Uploaded .......................................... 40
Figure 47: Upload Product Data - Uploaded Files .....................................................................41
Figure 48: Upload Product Data - Full Report of Transmitted Drugs via File Upload ................. 42
Figure 49: Upload Product Data - Reported Rejection Details ...................................................43
Figure 50: Product Data - View Active Drugs ............................................................................44
Figure 51: Product Data - View Expired Drugs ..........................................................................45
Figure 52: Financial Data - Main Drop-down .............................................................................46
Figure 53: Add/Update Financial Data ......................................................................................47
Figure 54: Add/Update Financial Data - Drug Identifiers with Missing or Incorrect Data ............ 48
Figure 55: Add/Update Financial Data Successfully Added .......................................................49
Figure 56: Add/Update Financial Data - Error Menu ..................................................................50
Figure 57: Add/Update Financial Data - View Errors/Warnings Page ........................................ 51
Figure 58: Add/Update Financial Data - Successfully Updated .................................................52
Figure 59: Add/Update Financial Data - Certified Drugs ............................................................52
Figure 60: Add/Update Financial Data - Certified Drugs More Information ................................ 53
Figure 61: Upload Product Data - New or Corrected .................................................................54
Figure 62: Upload Financial Data - Uploading Files from Desktop............................................. 54
Figure 63: Upload Financial Data Page - New File Successfully Uploaded ............................... 55
Figure 64: Upload Financial Data - Uploaded Files ...................................................................56
Figure 65: Upload Financial Data - Report of Transmitted Drugs via File Upload ...................... 57
Figure 66: Upload Financial Data - Reported Rejection Details .................................................58
Figure 67: Financial Data - Main Dropdown ..............................................................................59
Figure 68: Financial Data - Add/Update Restate Financial Data ................................................ 59
Figure 69: Add/Update Restate Financial Data - Drug Identifier Drop-down .............................. 60
Figure 70: Add/Update Restate Page - Review Restatement List ............................................. 60
Figure 71: Add/Update Restate Page - Restate Data Successfully Saved ................................ 61
Figure 72: Financial Data - Main Drop-down .............................................................................62
Figure 73: Upload Financial Data for Prior Quarters Restate Financial Data ............................. 62
Figure 74: Upload Financial Data for Prior Quarters - Uploading Files from Desktop ................ 63
Figure 75: Upload Financial Data for Prior Quarters - New File Successfully Uploaded ............ 63
Figure 76: Upload Financial Data for Prior Quarters - Uploaded Files ....................................... 64
Figure 77: Upload Financial Data for Prior Quarters - Report of Transmitted Drugs .................. 64
Figure 78: Upload Financial Data for Prior Quarters - Reported Rejection Details..................... 65
Figure 79: Compliance Summary ..............................................................................................67
Figure 80: Compliance Summary - Add Data Screen ................................................................68
Figure 81: Compliance Summary - Successfully Saved ............................................................69
Figure 82: Compliance Summary - All Pending Certification .....................................................69
Figure 83: Compliance Summary - Pending Certification ..........................................................70
Figure 84: Compliance Summary - Pending Restatement Certification ..................................... 71
Figure 85: Compliance Summary - All Certified .........................................................................72
Figure 86: Compliance Summary - Certified..............................................................................73
Figure 87: Compliance Summary - Restated and Certified ........................................................74
Figure 88: Compliance Summary - New ....................................................................................75
Figure 89: Compliance Summary - Off Cycle ............................................................................76
Figure 90: Compliance Summary - Expired ...............................................................................77
Figure 91: Generate One-Time Password .................................................................................78
Figure 92: Generate One-Time Password - Manufacturer Name...............................................79
Figure 93: Generate One-Time Password - Password Created.................................................80
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Figure 94: Generate One-Time Password - Password Copied ..................................................81
Figure 95: Assumptions ............................................................................................................82
Figure 96: Assumptions - Create Assumption or Upload Assumption File ................................. 83
Figure 97: New Assumption Successfully Created ....................................................................84
Figure 98: Upload Assumption File ...........................................................................................85
Figure 99: Upload Assumption File - Expanded Fields ..............................................................86
Figure 100: Upload Assumption File - Uploading Files from Desktop ........................................ 87
Figure 101: Upload Assumption File - Successfully Added........................................................87

List of Tables
Table 1: Technical Support Contacts ........................................................................................88
Table 2: Revision History ..........................................................................................................89
Table 3: Glossary ......................................................................................................................90

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleAverage Sales Price (ASP) Submitter User Guide
SubjectSubmitter User Guide for the ASP Module
File Modified2024-01-24
File Created2024-01-24

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