Head Start Parent/Caregiver Survey Welcome Letter
Study FAQs for Head Start Parents/Caregivers
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The parents from your child’s Head Start classroom have been selected to be a part of the Head Start REACH study, and we welcome your participation. We are asking parents to complete a short survey as part of the study; your child will not be participating in any study activities. The Head Start REACH study is taking a look at how Early Head Start and Head Start programs reach and support families like yours. The Administration for Children and Families, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is funding Head Start REACH. Mathematica, an independent firm, is conducting the study.
As a participant, we are asking you to complete a 30-minute survey. This survey will include questions about your family’s background, your experience applying to Head Start, your experience with the waitlist (that is, the time between when you were accepted into the program and when you began receiving services), and your experience enrolling in Head Start. You can complete this survey online or on paper. Any information you share in the survey will be kept private and will not affect any services you are receiving. You and the Head Start program will not be identified, and we will combine your responses with others. You will receive a $35 gift card as a thank you for completing this survey.
If you choose to complete the survey online, please use the QR code below or go to [WEB ADDRESS]. You will be asked to enter the login information and password from the label below to access the survey.
If you choose to complete the enclosed paper version of the survey, please place your completed survey in the enclosed postage-paid envelope and seal it. You may then return the envelope to your child’s teacher by [DATE]. Your child’s teacher will then send it back to the study team.
Your response is important, and we look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions about the study, please contact the study team at [EMAIL] or [PHONE NUMBER].
Thank you for your cooperation with this important effort.
Harshini Shah
Head Start REACH Survey Director
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complete a 30-minute survey and receive a $35 gift card for sharing
your thoughts!
Parents from your child’s Head Start classroom have been selected to participate in the Head Start REACH study. We are asking parents to complete a short survey as part of the study; your child will not be participating in any study activities.
Mathematica is conducting this study for the Administration for Children and Families in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. We want to hear how Head Start programs reach and support families like yours.
You can complete the survey online or on paper.
Any information you share in the survey will be kept private and will not affect any services you are receiving.
Please turn this page over to see responses to frequently asked questions about participating. If you have additional questions, please contact Harshini Shah, the survey director, at [email protected] or (617) 674-8360.
Access the survey here:
Head Start REACH Frequently Asked Questions for Families
What is the Head Start REACH study, and why is it taking place?
The Head Start REACH study will take an in-depth look at how programs reach and support families like yours. For this study, the term “Head Start” refers to both Early Head Start and Head Start programs. This study will help Head Start learn about best practices for recruiting, selecting, and enrolling families.
Who is sponsoring and conducting Head Start REACH?
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is sponsoring the study. Mathematica, an independent research organization, is conducting the study for ACF.
Why am I being contacted?
Parents in your child’s Head Start classroom have been selected to be part of the Head Start REACH study. We are asking you to complete a 30-minute survey; we are not asking your child to participate in any study activities. This survey will ask questions about your family’s background and your experience in applying to and enrolling in Head Start. You will be able to choose whether you want to complete the survey online or on paper. We ask that you complete this survey as soon as possible. To thank you for completing the survey, we will give you a $35 gift card. This is the only study activity for which we are requesting your participation.
What are the risks and benefits of participating?
There are no risks associated with participating in the study.
Do I have to participate?
No. Choosing not to participate will not affect you or your child or the services you receive in any way, but your participation will help us learn important lessons about how Head Start programs can better support families like yours. If you do choose to participate, you can change your mind about participating at any time. You can also skip any questions you are not comfortable answering.
How will you protect the privacy of participants and use the information you collect for this study?
Any information you share in the survey will be kept private to the extent permitted by law and will not affect any services you are receiving. We will ensure all information is only reported in summary form and will not use your name, your program’s name, or other identifying information. Survey data will be transmitted to the Child & Family Data Archive or a similar data archive at the end of the study so it can be used by other researchers. We will remove any information that could identify you, your program and its staff or other parents, or the community partners Head Start works with from the data before sharing it with the data archive.
Head Start REACH has received Institutional Review Board approval from the Health Media Lab Institutional Review Board. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Harshini Shah, the survey director, at [email protected] or (617) 674-8360.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Mathematica |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-07-20 |