Form 700 Participant Application for Pension Benefits

Locating and Paying Participants

Form 700 OMBFINAL 04122024

OMB: 1212-0055

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Participant Application for Pension Benefits

PBGC Form 700

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
For Assistance Call 1-800-400-7242
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Participant Name:
Plan Number:
Date Printed:
Date of Plan Termination:

Please print clearly with blue or black ink. You must complete all sections of this form.
Section 1: General Information About You
1. Last Name

2. First Name

3. Middle Name

4. Other Last Name(s) used

5. Social Security Number

6. Date of Birth




8. Mailing Address

Apartment / Route Number



7. Gender

Zip Code


9. Primary Phone


10. Phone Type

11. Secondary Phone


12. Phone Type



13. Marital Status
Are you currently married?
Enter spouse information as of the date you are completing this application.
Spouse Last Name

Spouse First Name

Spouse Middle Name

Other Last Name(s) used

Plan Number:
Participant Name:


Approved OMB 1212-0055
Expires __/__/2027

Spouse Social Security Number

Spouse Date of Birth


Date of Marriage




14. Court order related to the participant’s benefit
Is there a court order (for example domestic relations order, divorce decree, child support order, etc.) that requires some or all
your benefit to be paid to spouse, former spouse, child or other dependent (called alternate payee)?


If YES complete the following. If additional space is needed attach a separate sheet.
Check here if an additional sheet is attached.
Date of Court Order



Name of alternate payee
Relationship to you

Section 2: Retirement Benefit Choices
15. Annuity Starting Date


Enter the Annuity Starting Date from your Retirement
Benefit Estimate. This is the date you would like your
payments to begin.



If you would like a different Annuity Starting Date,
request a new Retirement Benefit Estimate.
16. Working Retirement Restrictions
If the Annuity Starting Date you entered in Block 15 is on or after June 1, 2021, skip Block 16.
If the Annuity Starting Date you entered in Block 15 is before June 1, 2021, were you employed on that date?  YES  NO
If Yes, complete the following.
Employer Name


If you were employed by the company that sponsored your pension plan on the Annuity Starting Date, contact PBGC
to confirm your eligibility before submitting this application.

Plan Number:
Participant Name:


Approved OMB 1212-0055
Expires __/__/2027

17. Election of Benefit Form
Before you choose an option below, please review the Summary of Examples in Your Benefit, Your Choice (enclosed
with this application). The summary provides an example of each option.
Refer to the Retirement Benefit Estimate based on the Annuity Starting Date (Block 15) included in your package that
shows the amount of your benefit under the benefit forms below and your beneficiary choice.
Any cross-outs or changes in this section will require a new form.

NOTE: You cannot change your benefit form election (marked below) after PBGC makes the first payment to you.
Benefit Form

My Choice

A. Plan’s Automatic Form for an Unmarried Participant
• If this is a straight life annuity do NOT complete Blocks 18a/18b.
• If this is NOT a straight life annuity you must complete Block 18b.
B. Plan’s Automatic Form for a Married Participant
Complete Block 18a to select your spouse (from Block 13) as your beneficiary.
C. Straight Life Annuity
Do NOT complete Blocks 18a/18b.
If selecting Options D – G below you must also complete Block 18a.
D. Joint-and-50% Survivor Annuity
E. Joint-and-75% Survivor Annuity
F. Joint-and-100% Survivor Annuity
G. Joint-and-50% Survivor “Pop-up” Annuity
If selecting Options H – J below you must also complete Block 18b.
H. 5-year Certain-and-Continuous Annuity
(The 5-year Certain payment period starts on Annuity Starting Date in Block 15)
I. 10-year Certain-and-Continuous Annuity
(The 10-year Certain payment period starts on Annuity Starting Date in Block 15)
J. 15-year Certain-and-Continuous Annuity
(The 15-year Certain payment period starts on Annuity Starting Date in Block 15)

18a. Designation of Beneficiary for Survivor Annuity
Complete this section if you elected Benefit Forms D-G above.
Because you elected a joint-and-survivor annuity, your survivor annuity beneficiary designation is final and cannot be
changed after PBGC makes your first payment.
The beneficiary identified below will receive the survivor annuity that continues after your death and any additional
money owed to you at your death.
Ensure your choice of survivor annuity beneficiary is consistent with the information in your Retirement Benefit
Estimate (name, date of birth). Any changes require a new Retirement Benefit Estimate.
If your survivor annuity beneficiary predeceases you, no continuing survivor annuity is payable. If we owe you any
money at the time of your death (for example missed pension checks or any underpayments), we will pay the
beneficiary(ies) you designate in Section 4.

Plan Number:
Participant Name:


Approved OMB 1212-0055
Expires __/__/2027


Spouse (Identified in Block 13)


Other Beneficiary

Beneficiary Last Name

Beneficiary First Name

Beneficiary Middle Name

Other Last Name(s) used

Beneficiary relationship to you
Beneficiary Social Security Number

Beneficiary Date of Birth



Proof Required


Beneficiary Mailing Address

Apartment / Route Number



Zip Code/Postal Code

Beneficiary Primary Phone


Beneficiary Secondary Phone




18b. Designation of Beneficiary for Certain-and-Continuous Annuity
Complete this section if you elected Benefit Forms H-J above.
Because you elected a Certain and Continuous Annuity you may change your beneficiary identified below at any time
by filing PBGC Form 711 Change of Beneficiary for Certain & Continuous (C&C) Benefits Only.
If you die before your certain period has expired the beneficiary identified below will receive benefits that continue
after your death and any additional money owed to you at your death.
If you die after your certain period has expired and we owe you any money at the time of your death (for example
missed pension checks or any underpayments), we will pay the beneficiary(ies) designated on Section 4.

Name your beneficiary below. You may name more than one beneficiary. State the percentage you want each one to receive,
and make sure the percentages total 100%. If you do not state percentages that total 100%, the amount owed will be
distributed equally among all beneficiaries.
To name more than two beneficiaries, list their names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, contact information, and
percentages on a separate sheet of paper. Sign the sheet and attach it to this form.
 Check here if an additional sheet is attached.
If a beneficiary dies before you, the amount owed will be distributed equally among the remaining beneficiaries.

Spouse (Identified in Block 13)



Beneficiary (1)



Beneficiary (2)



Plan Number:
Participant Name:


Total of percentages may
not exceed 100% for all
beneficiary entries

Approved OMB 1212-0055
Expires __/__/2027

Beneficiary (1)
Beneficiary Last Name

Beneficiary First Name

Beneficiary Middle Name

Other Last Name(s) used

Beneficiary relationship to you
Beneficiary Social Security Number

Beneficiary Date of Birth




Beneficiary Mailing Address

Apartment / Route Number



Zip Code

Beneficiary Primary Phone


Beneficiary Secondary Phone




Beneficiary (2)
Beneficiary Last Name

Beneficiary First Name

Beneficiary Middle Name

Other Last Name(s) used

Beneficiary relationship to you
Beneficiary Social Security Number

Beneficiary Date of Birth




Beneficiary Mailing Address

Apartment / Route Number



Zip Code

Beneficiary Primary Phone


Plan Number:
Participant Name:

Beneficiary Secondary Phone





Approved OMB 1212-0055
Expires __/__/2027

Section 3: Spousal Consent to Elected Form of Benefit and Beneficiary

Leave this section blank if you:
are not married.
are married and chose Benefit Form B (Block 17) and a prospective Annuity Starting Date (on or after the date you contacted us to
begin receiving benefits) in Block 15.
Your spouse must consent by signing and notarizing the block below if you:
are married and did NOT choose Benefit Form B (Block 17)
chose a retroactive starting date in Block 15
Your spouse’s signature for the consent must be notarized by a notary public.
If your spouse does not consent, PBGC will pay your benefit in the normal married form.
To be completed by spouse:
By signing below, I consent to my spouse’s election of the benefit form selected in Block 17 and the beneficiary designated in Block 18. If
my spouse is offered a retroactive annuity starting date, I consent to my spouse’s election of the retroactive annuity starting date in Block
15. My consent is voluntary. I have read and I understand the information provided with this application.
I understand all the following:

I have a right not to consent to my spouse’s election.


If I do not consent and my spouse chose a prospective annuity starting date in Block 15, my spouse’s benefit will be paid in the
plan’s automatic form for married participants, Benefit Form Choice B in Block 17. Under that automatic form, if my spouse dies
before me, I will receive a benefit equal to at least 50% of my spouse’s benefit for the rest of my life.


If I do not consent and my spouse chose a retroactive annuity starting date in Block 15, PBGC will not process this application.


If I do consent to my spouse’s election, survivor benefits, if any, will be paid according to the benefit form and beneficiary
designation elected by my spouse. As a result, if my spouse dies before me, I may not be entitled to any survivor benefits.


If my spouse elects a certain and continuous annuity (Choice H, I, or J in Block 17), and if I consent to this election, my spouse can
NOT make future changes to the beneficiary without my consent.


If my spouse chose a retroactive annuity starting date in Block 15, the survivor annuity may be less valuable (that is, my monthly
payment as a surviving beneficiary would be smaller) than the one available under a prospective annuity starting date.


If I do consent to my spouse’s election, I cannot revoke my consent after PBGC makes the first payment to my spouse.





To be completed by Notary Public:
On this _____________ day of __________ Month, _______Year,
I acknowledge that this Spousal Consent to Elected Form of Benefit and Beneficiary was signed by _________________________, who
appeared personally before me, or whose identity or signature is personally known to me, or who has proved to me on the basis of
satisfactory evidence that he/she is the authorized signer of this form.





Plan Number:
Participant Name:


Approved OMB 1212-0055
Expires __/__/2027

Section 4: Designation of Beneficiary for Payments Owed at Death
Everyone should complete this section.
PBGC may owe you money at the time of your death. Typically, this happens if your final benefit is higher than the estimated
benefit we had been paying. It may also happen if you have uncashed payments at the time of death.
If another person continues to receive your benefit after your death (as with a joint-and-survivor or certain-andcontinuous annuity), PBGC will pay any money owed to that person.

If there are no continuing benefits or the person designated to receive continuing benefits (in Block 18 a or b of
this form) dies before you, PBGC will pay any money owed you at the time of your death to the person(s) and/or
entity(ies) (such as a trust, church, estate or other organization) that you designate in this section.

If you do not make a designation, or if all the beneficiaries you designate below die before you, PBGC will pay the money in this
order to: your spouse, your children, your parents, your estate, or your next of kin.
To name more than three beneficiaries, list their names, dates of birth, relationship to you, Social Security numbers, contact
information, and percentages on a separate sheet of paper, with your name and customer ID. Sign and date the sheet and
attach it to this form.   
 Check here if an additional sheet is attached.  
If a beneficiary dies before you, the amount owed will be distributed equally among the remaining beneficiaries. 
 If all beneficiaries die before you, the amount owed will be distributed equally among the remaining beneficiaries.
This designation replaces any previous designation and will only be effective when PBGC receives it.

Beneficiary (1) 

          ___________    % 

Beneficiary (2) 

          ___________    % 

Beneficiary (3) 

          ___________    % 

The amount owed will be distributed equally among beneficiaries unless
percentages are provided for each beneficiary, and they total 100%.
If a beneficiary dies before you, the amount owed will be distributed equally
among the remaining beneficiaries.

Beneficiary Information (1) 
Beneficiary Last Name 

Beneficiary First Name 

Beneficiary Middle Name 

Other Last Name(s) used 

Beneficiary relationship to you: 
Beneficiary Social Security Number 

Beneficiary Date of Birth     MM/DD/YYYY     



Beneficiary Mailing Address  

Apartment / Route Number 



Zip Code 

Beneficiary Primary Phone  




Beneficiary Secondary Phone  





Plan Number:
Participant Name:


Approved OMB 1212-0055
Expires __/__/2027

Beneficiary Information (2) 
Beneficiary Last Name 

Beneficiary First Name 

Beneficiary Middle Name 

Other Last Name(s) used 

Beneficiary relationship to you 


Beneficiary Date of Birth     MM/DD/YYYY     

Beneficiary Mailing Address  

Apartment / Route Number 



Beneficiary Social Security Number 

Zip Code 

Beneficiary Primary Phone  





Beneficiary Secondary Phone  




Beneficiary Information (3) 
Beneficiary Last Name 

Beneficiary First Name 

Beneficiary Middle Name 

Other Last Name(s) used 

Beneficiary relationship to you 
Beneficiary Social Security Number 

Beneficiary Date of Birth     MM/DD/YYYY     



Beneficiary Mailing Address  

Apartment / Route Number 



Zip Code 

Beneficiary Primary Phone  




Beneficiary Secondary Phone  




Section 5: Method of Receiving Benefit Payments
PBGC pays benefits through safe, secure, and convenient electronic funds transfer. You will get your payment on time even if
you are out-of-town or unable to get to the bank.
If you have a bank account, you can ask us to deposit your benefit payments to your account through Electronic Direct Deposit
Note: PBGC does not transfer funds to financial institutions outside the United States and its territories. If you live outside the
United States or its territories and do not have a U.S bank account, PBGC will send your payment to your mailing address.

Plan Number:
Participant Name:


Approved OMB 1212-0055
Expires __/__/2027

19. How would you like to receive your payments?

A. By EDD to the account identified below, which must be titled in my name although it is fine
for there to be joint or other co-owners on the account.

My Choice

B. By mail to my home address, which is printed in Section 1 of this form.


20. Bank or Financial Institution and Account Information
Provide the information below for PBGC to send your payment directly to your account at a bank or other financial institution.
The information is available from your financial institution or can be found on your checks and account statements. The sample
check below shows the location of your nine-digit routing number and your account number. If you are unsure of the routing
number or your account number, contact your financial
You can change this arrangement by filing a new Form
710 Application for Electronic Direct Deposit. You can
cancel this arrangement by notifying PBGC in
writing. The financial institution can cancel it by sending
you a written notice.

Or Attach a VOIDED check to this application.

Do not complete below if VOIDED check is attached to this application.
Name(s) on the Account
(Your name must be on the account):
Routing Number:

Account Number – Numbers only:

Account Type




Section 6: Signature
Sign and date this application.
Knowingly and willfully making false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation is a crime
punishable under Title 18, Section 1001, United States Code
I declare under penalty of perjury that all the information I have provided on this form is true and correct.

Participant Signature

Plan Number:
Participant Name:



Approved OMB 1212-0055
Expires __/__/2027

Please review the checklist below to ensure that your application form has all the required signatures and proof documents
1. Did you sign and date the application in Section 6?
2. Did you enclose a copy of your proof of age document? Your driver’s license is not a proof of age
3. If you are married, did you enclose a copy of your marriage certificate?
4. If you completed Section 18a and selected “Other Beneficiary”, did you enclose beneficiary proof of age?
5. If you are married, did you enclose a copy of your spouse’s proof of age?
6. If you are married and elected a benefit form other than option B in Block 17, did your spouse sign
Section 3 and was the signature notarized?
7. Did you complete Section 4 naming beneficiary(ies) for payments owed at death?
8. Did you complete and submit IRS Form W-4P to choose your federal tax withholding?

Plan Number:
Participant Name:


Approved OMB 1212-0055
Expires __/__/2027

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorDuncan Stacey
File Modified2024-04-12
File Created2024-04-12

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