Catch Monitoring Control Plan (CMCP)

NMFS Alaska Region Scale and Catch Weighing Requirements

0648-0330 CMCP Template

OMB: 0648-0330

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Created: January 31, 2024

OMB Control No. 0648-0330, Expiration Date 12/31/2026

Catch Monitoring Control Plan (CMCP)
[ INPUT PROCESSOR NAME HERE ] will fully comply with the provisions of this
CMCP. The Alaska Regional office will notify you via email with problems or other
discrepancies that arise in regards to the agreed upon CMCP. If the processors have
repeated problems with requirements outlined in this CMCP, NMFS may not approve
the processor to receive EM selection pool deliveries for the following calendar year.
The proposed regulatory requirements for the trawl EM category can be found
Observers must notify the North Pacific Observer Program of any issues.
NMFS Contacts:
CMCP Inspections, Submissions, Approvals, and Revisions
Melanie Rickett - NOAA Federal

Sustainable Fisheries Division
[email protected]
Law Enforcement Questions - NOAA NMFS/OLE
Daniel Hauser - NOAA Federal

Dutch Harbor Field Office
Phillip Null - NOAA Federal

Kodiak Field Office

Shoreside Processor Representative _______________________ Date:____________

Approving Official _____________________________ Date:_____________
This CMCP will expire one year from the Approving Official’s signature date.

You must provide this CMCP and any subsequent addendums or revisions to all
observers assigned to your plant and to any agency personnel upon request.
Plant Summary
Plant Name:
Federal Processor Permit:
Plant Location:
Number of Observers:
Receiving Deliveries
(select ALL that apply)

BS ___
EM ___

AI ___

GOA ___


Plant Manager Name:
Phone Number:
Observer Liaison:
Phone Number:
POC for reasonable asst.
Phone Number:

(example: blue hat or shift lead)

Please provide a valid email address. If you have any amendments, questions or
concerns related to your CMCP, please contact Melanie Rickett - NOAA Federal.
CMCP Table of Contents
Communication Requirements § 679.52(g)(9)(viii-ix) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Access to the Observation and Sorting Area § 679.52(g)(7)(vi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Observer Sample Station § 679.52(g)(9). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Observer Scales and Test Weights § 679.52(g)(9)(iii). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Delivery Point, Observation Area Description and Scale Drawing § 679.52(g)(7). . . . . . 7
Deckload and Split Vessel Procedures § 679.52(g)(9)(ii)(D). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
General and Prohibited Species Sorting § 679.52(g) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Scales, test weights, Monitors, and Printed Record § 679.52(g) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Monitors and Cameras (when applicable). . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Communication Requirements
Communication with an observer. The CMCP must describe what communication
equipment such as radios, or cellular phones (Including all associated numbers and app
profiles - Such as WhatsApp), is used to facilitate communications within the plant. The
plant owner must ensure that the plant liaison provides the observer with the same
communications equipment used by plant staff. Notification of plans and any changes
must be communicated to the observer as soon as possible. Delivery method of the
fish ticket should be included along with points of contact if there are discrepancies.
Describe method of communication with observer. Provide information for point of
contact (POC)- the plant personnel and personnel who will be communicating with

Please fill in:
List observer cell phone numbers:
List radio channels to monitor:
Other POC for observers (title and cell number):
Other means of communication (example: WhatsApp, or emails):

*Please note failure to communicate the proper information to observers prior to
deliveries may result in the shoreside processor being out of compliance with
this CMCP.

Access to the Observation and Sorting Area
All relevant ingress/egress points should have photos and descriptions
particularly if observers will be using them. Note any safety obstructions.


Attach images of observer sampling area and access points here.
Attach any associated diagram(s) here.

Observer Sample Station and Collection Point
This section must include descriptions and imagery of all areas associated with
the observer sample station(s) and collection point. Details must include sampling area
description, observer lockable cabinet location, table, scales location, and salmon
storage container must be included. If the facility has more than one observer sampling
area then all areas must be described below. Collection point description should include
how the diverter mechanism functions and where it is located. Note that the collection
point must be located before any sorting of catch has occurred.
● Please include by what means (i.e. Line of sight or camera relay) the
observer will be able to monitor all points of sorting from the observer
station and/or collection point. This includes areas where bycatch is kept
until it has been weighed.

Attach images of observer sampling area and access points here
Attach image of salmon storage container

Scales and Test Weights for Observer use
Storage locations for observer testing equipment and a list of personnel responsible for
testing the observers scale must be included in the scale test description. All observer
scales and test weights must include the serial number, and storage location. Images of
all scales, and test weights being used must be included.
Note: Observer scales must have kilogram (kg) weights available to test at 10,
25, and 50kg (example: 1-10kg, 2-25kg test weights).
List all scales designated for observers below:
Description of scales (make, model, serial no.):
Description (denomination, serial #, material), and location of test weights:
Date test weights were last certified (must be within the last two years):
Description of scales (make, model, serial no.):
Description (denomination, serial #, material), and location of test weights:
Date test weights were last certified (must be within the last two years):

Attach image of scales and test weights here

Delivery Point and Observation Area Description
Each CMCP must identify all delivery points and observation areas.


The delivery point is the first location where fish removed from a delivering catcher
vessel can be sorted or diverted to more than one location. If the catch is pumped
from the hold of a catcher vessel or a codend, the delivery point normally will be the
location where the pump first discharges the catch. If catch is removed from a vessel
by brailing, the delivery point normally will be the bin or belt where the brailer
discharges the catch.
The observation area(s) is a location designated on the CMCP where an individual
may monitor the flow of fish during a delivery.
Please include an estimated tonnage ran over the belts per hour. Realizing that
this can vary based on the species composition, give the best estimate for both A
and B Season.
Delivery Point and Observation Area Images

Delivery Point Description:
Max/Average Tonnage per hour (or processing capacity):
Observation Area(s) Description:

Attach images of delivery point and observation area

Deckload and Offload Meeting Procedures
Prior to offloading any pollock vessel with a deckload or a vessel that will need to
transfer fish from the live tank to their RSW; an offload meeting must be held. The
following individuals must be present at the offload meeting:
• The on-duty plant observer(s), the vessel observer (non-EM deliveries),
the vessel captain or designated vessel representative, and a processing
plant representative, which may be one of the following; The offload lead,
plant liaison, shift lead, or other management personnel.
This group will develop a plan for ensuring the codend or live tank transfer to the
RSW tanks, or any fish offloaded directly to the sorting belt area is fully monitored. The
following items should be discussed:
1. The expected date and time of the offload.
2. Any potential conflicts with other observer duties during the expected
transfer time. All times should reflect reasonably accurate information and
any changes must be communicated to the observers as soon as
3. Notification of any issues that may occur during the offload shall be
communicated directly to the plant observer as soon as reasonably

Split Vessel Offloads (if applicable)
In the event the processor needs to switch vessels during an offload, regardless
of the reason, authorized plant personnel must meet with the plant observer(s) to
ensure that they understand the reason for the split delivery and how it will be handled.
Observers must be given adequate time to finish any sampling duties currently
At the completion of each partial offload, the same procedures as the completion
of a full offload will be followed. The offloading process will be stopped, lines will be
flushed, sorting on the line will be stopped, all fish will be removed from the belt
upstream of the location of last sorting, the observer on duty will be given the
opportunity to count and sample the salmon, and the salmon will be removed from the
salmon storage area once the observer has completed their sampling duties.

General Species Sorting
All groundfish delivered to the plant must be sorted and weighed by species. The
CMCP must detail the amount and location of space for sorting catch, the number of
staff assigned to catch sorting and the maximum rate that catch will flow through the
sorting area. Bycatch handling and weighing must also be included.
● Include a description of how bycatch totes are tared out from weights, or bycatch
tote weight is accounted for when applicable.

Full Description of Catch Handling:

Prohibited Species Sorting
All prohibited species, salmon, crab, and halibut, delivered to the plant must be
sorted, counted, and/or weighed by species. The CMCP must detail the amount and
location of space for sorting catch, the number of staff assigned to catch sorting and the
maximum rate that catch will flow through the sorting area.
If the processing facility is receiving AFA and/or CDQ then the description must include
procedures for handling salmon that are found after the sorting areas.
Description of salmon sorting and storage:
Description of halibut sorting:
Description of crab sorting:
Description of herring sorting:

Scales and Test weights, and Printed Record (non-observer scale)
Images of all scales, readouts, and test weights being used to weigh pollock and
bycatch species must be included. Storage locations for testing equipment and a list of
personnel responsible for testing must be included in the scale test description. Images
of all associated electronics should be included as well as main printing location/rooms.
All scales and test weights must include the serial number, purpose (Pollock, bycatch),
max capacity, and location. The most recent state certification of the scales must be
included as an attachment during the CMCP approval process (attach at the end of this
Printed record: Please attach a printed record from scales within the last season of
operations. Attached records should be from main pollock scales and any bycatch
Date test weights were last certified (must be within the last two years):
Scale test procedures:
● Scale testing procedures:
(A) Describes the procedure the plant will use to test the scale:

(B) Lists the plant personnel responsible for conducting the scale testing:

Scales - Pollock
Description (make, model, serial number):
Description (denomination, serial #, material), and location of test weights:
Date test weights were last certified (must be within the last two years):

Scales – Bycatch

Description (make, model, serial number):
Description (denomination, serial #, material), and location of test weights:
Date test weights were last certified (must be within the last two years):

Attach image of all scales and test weights here.

The Following sections are to be completed when applicable: Monitors and
cameras used to fulfill regulatory requirement for observer to see all points of sorting


Attach and label images here


Attach and label images here

Include images camera view as well as the associated monitor. Description should include the
purpose of the camera.

Attach images here


Attach images here

Check list of images, diagrams and supporting documents:
o The most recent state certification of the scales must be included as an
attachment during the CMCP approval process.
o Diagrams of the shoreside processing facility
o Label observer sampling and observation areas
o Label pump locations and delivery points
o Label any cameras listed in the CMCP
A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a
person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with an information collection subject to the
requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 unless the information collection has a currently
valid OMB Control Number. The approved OMB Control Number for this information collection is 06480330. Without this approval, we could not conduct this survey/information collection. Public reporting for
this information collection is estimated to be approximately 40 hours per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and
completing and reviewing the information collection. All responses to this information collection are
required to obtain benefits. This template is used to develop a Catch Monitoring and Control Plan. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this information collection, including
suggestions for reducing this burden to Assistant Regional Administrator, Sustainable Fisheries Division,
NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, P.O. Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802-1668.
AUTHORITY: The collection of this information is authorized under the Magnuson Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act, 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
PURPOSE: NMFS collects this information to determine how the processor will meet the applicable catch
monitoring and control standards. NMFS will approve a CMCP if it meets all the applicable requirements
specified in 50 CFR 679.28(g)(7) through (g)(10).
ROUTINE USES: The Department will use this information to identify fishery participants and evaluate the
qualifications of the applicants. Disclosure of this information is permitted under the Privacy Act of 1974 (5
U.S.C. Section 552a), to be shared within NMFS offices, in order to coordinate monitoring and
management of sustainability of fisheries and protected resources, as well as with the applicable State or
Regional Marine Fisheries Commissions and International Organizations. Disclosure of this information is
also subject to all of the published routine uses as identified in the Privacy Act System of Records Notice
COMMERCE/NOAA-19, Permits and Registrations for the United States Federally Regulated Fisheries.
DISCLOSURE: Providing this information is required for a processor that chooses to be in the trawl EM
pool of the North Pacific Observer Program. Participation in the trawl EM pool is voluntary. If a processor
fails to provide this information, NMFS may not approve the processor to receive EM pool deliveries for
the following calendar year.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2024-06-06
File Created2024-06-06

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