Impact Aid Electronic Data Collection (EDC) Program Questionnaire

Impact Aid Electronic Data Collection (EDC) Program Questionnaire

1810-0764_Impact Aid EDC Program Questionnaire

Impact Aid Electronic Data Collection (EDC) Program Questionnaire

OMB: 1810-0764

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Impact Aid Program Electronic Data Collection

Electronic data collection

Impact Aid Program

US Department of Education

400 Maryland Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20202


Public Burden Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number.  The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1810-0764.  Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.  The obligation to respond to this collection is voluntary.  If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this individual collection, or if you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual form, application or survey, please contact Shaunton Alston, Impact Aid Program, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-6450, email: [email protected] directly.

  1. Invitation to Propose a Pilot Project

The Impact Aid Program (IAP) requests proposals from local education agencies (LEAs) that wish to develop and launch an electronic data system to collect information regarding eligible federally connected children for the IAP section 7003 application. The project goal is to reduce administrative burden and to create a set of best practices to assist other LEAs that may wish to develop their own electronic systems.

We anticipate that the participating LEAs will benefit from in depth technical assistance from Impact Aid program staff and potentially increase efficiency and reduce costs associated with the Impact Aid data collection process. The Impact Aid Program hopes to develop a set of best practices and identify potential challenges to assist more LEAs that wish to begin electronic data collection in the future. All costs associated with the design and implementation of the electronic data system will be the sole responsibility of the LEA.

  1. How to Prepare and Submit A Pilot Project Proposal

The format and length of the proposals are at the writer’s discretion. We provide a series of questions below for your consideration when crafting a proposal. Send the proposal by email to [email protected] to the attention of the EDC Pilot Team.

  1. Project Recommendations and Requirements

At a minimum, the electronic system should produce data that are accurate, complete, and validated as of the LEA’s survey date. The electronic data collection system must securely protect personally identifiable information (PII) and include an identity authentication process for the parent or other certifying official that prevents record modification after validation by the parent or other certifying official.

The following statutory and regulatory requirements must be met. Any rule changes that take effect during or after the proposal period will be addressed through the Memorandum of Understanding between the LEA and the IAP. The current Impact Aid regulations may be viewed at



34 CFR 222.33

Survey Date

34 CFR 222.35

Parent Pupil Survey Forms (PPSF)

34 CFR 222.52

Children with Disabilities


For federal guidelines regarding electronic signatures, see:

[insert link]

School districts should also check any State law requirements for electronic signatures.

Protection of PII

All personally identifiable information must be protected in accordance with Federal, State, and local law. LEAs must maintain internal controls in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Requirements for federal grants (2 CFR Part 200),and must maintain privacy of student data in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and its implementing regulations (34 CFR Part 99).

We strongly recommend that the LEA use a dual system of data collection (paper and electronic) for the first year of the pilot project. Maintaining a manual/paper process in parallel with the electronic collection will: 1) protect the LEA in the event there is a problem with the electronic data collection; and 2) allow the LEA to directly compare the two methods in terms of accuracy and level of effort.

EDC pilot LEAs do not receive any additional federal funding to implement or modify a current system to meet the project requirements.

  1. Proposal Criteria

We will take the following into consideration when selecting proposals in the first round of the pilot program:

  • Whether the proposal meets the project scope and requirements

  • The LEA’s experience with electronic data collection

  • Diverse Representation of LEAs, including:

    • The LEA’s overall size and number of eligible federally connected children

    • The variety of categories of federally connected students and Federal properties to be surveyed

    • Geographic diversity

  • Evaluation plan that demonstrates the results of EDC pilot in comparison to traditional collection methods.

The questions on the following page are designed to help frame your proposal and assist Impact Aid staff when providing technical assistance.

Questions for Consideration

LEA Information

  1. LEA Name

  2. Please provide six-digit LEA Impact Aid Number (######)

  3. LEA State or Territory (please use abbreviation, i.e., AL, CT, TN)

  4. Please provide the three-year average number of children claimed using parent-pupil survey forms.

  5. Please provide the three-year average number of children claimed using source check forms.

  6. Please provide the three-year average of children claimed who reside on Indian Lands.

  7. Please provide the three-year average of children who reside in low rent housing.

Pilot Project Information

  1. What fiscal year application would you like to begin piloting electronic data collection? (yyyy)

  2. For this pilot project, would you survey all of your students electronically or target a specific population of students (e.g. only those you believe to be military connected, only those attending certain schools in your LEA, etc.)?

  3. Will the LEA run a concurrent paper survey?

  4. For this pilot project, will you be using an electronic survey or other LEA data to assist in your creation of a source check form?

  5. Do you anticipate any barriers to collecting data electronically?

  6. If you anticipate any barriers, how will your LEA mitigate these risks?

  7. Has your LEA successfully used the Internet to communicate with parents and collect data in the past?

  8. Describe how and when you would collect your electronic data as it relates to the requirements of 34 CFR 222.35 and 222.52. (The required information on a parent pupil survey form) Link to regulations:

  9. Describe how often the data collected will be updated or verified. This should specifically address how the data is verified as of the survey date if the data is collected before the survey date, e.g., data collected at registration.

  10. How will the LEA evaluate the effectiveness of the pilot program in relation to the traditional data collection methods?

System / Software Requirements

  1. What software supports your electronic data collection system?

  2. How would your system of controls work to ensure records are not duplicated?

  3. Describe the authentication process your system would use to validate the identity of the person who is providing the information.

  4. Describe the internal control process for maintaining the integrity of the certified record (i.e., who can change it, when it can be changed, and how the system captures the change history).

  5. Can the system’s change history be modified manually by any user?

  6. Describe how you will protect personally identifiable information?

  7. Will your LEA use electronic signatures to sign documents? (yes or no).

  8. Please describe the electronic signature process you intend to use during the pilot.

  9. Does the LEA’s process meet applicable State and/or Federal guidelines? Link to Impact Aid Regulations:

  10. Can your proposed electronic data collection system run historical reports, such as membership counts on a specific date?

  11. If your system cannot run historical reports, describe the internal processes the LEA will use to maintain information needed to comply with field reviews for Impact Aid.

  12. Would you be able to demonstrate the electronic data system for our program staff? (yes or no)

  13. When would you be able to demonstrate the electronic data system for our program staff? (Estimate is fine)

  14. If you are not able to demonstrate, what needs to be done before you can do a demonstration?

  15. Are you interested in scheduling technical assistance with an Impact Aid staff member?

Project Personnel

  1. Provide the first name, last name, title, of the LEA’s lead contact for this project.

  2. Please provide the email address for the LEA's lead contact for this project.

  3. Please provide the phone number for the LEA's lead contact person for this project. (###) ###-####

  4. Who in the LEA would have the authority to sign the Memorandum of Understanding for the pilot project? This may be the same person that is designated as the authorized representative on the IAP application.

Additional Information

  1. Provide any additional information we would need to know about your system or processes to better understand your proposal.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleEDC Request for Proposal Updated 12-26-2019
SubjectPMBOK Request for Proposal Template
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-09-06

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