Reporting FR G-1

Margin Credit Reports


Reporting FR G-1

OMB: 7100-0011

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FR G-1
OMB Number 7100-0011
Approval expires June 30, 2024
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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Registration Statement for Persons Who Extend Credit
Secured by Margin Stock (Other Than Banks, Brokers, or
Dealers)—FR G-1
This registration statement is required by law (15 U.S.C. § 78g and
78w; 12 C.F.R. § 221) and remains in effect until a deregistration
statement is filed.
The Federal Reserve Board regards the information provided
by each respondent as confidential. If it should be determined

subsequently that any information collected on this form must be
released, respondents will be notified.
The Federal Reserve may not conduct or sponsor, and an organization (or a person) is not required to respond to, a collection of
information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

Name of Registrant:
IRS Identification Number1

Name under which business is conducted, if different from above:
Address of principal place of business:
(Do not use P.O. Box Number)




Zip Code


Mailing address, if different from above:




General Instructions

Who must file: Section 221.3(b)(1) of Federal Reserve Regulation U
requires that FR Form G-1 be completed by every person (other than
commercial banks, brokers, or dealers) who during any calendar
quarter extends a total of $200,000 or more, or has outstanding a
total of $500,000 or more, in credit secured directly or indirectly, in
whole or in part, by collateral that includes any margin stock.
When and where to file: The form and attachments must be filed by
submitting Portable Document Format ("PDF") versions to the
designated email address [email protected] within 30
calendar days following the end of such quarter in which credit has
been extended or is outstanding in accordance with Section 221.3(b)(1).
If the submission deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, the report
must be received on the first business day after the Saturday,
Sunday, or holiday. This registration statement will remain in effect
until an FR Form G-2 (deregistration statement) is approved by the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
What to file: All persons subject to the registration requirements of
Section 221.3(b)(1) should (i) supply the background information
specified below; (ii) complete Schedule A; and (iii) submit two copies
of a balance sheet, certified by an independent public accountant, for
the registrant's latest fiscal year. If the registrant is subject to
supervision by a state or federal regulatory authority, a copy of the
latest balance sheet filed with such authority may be used. If neither
is available, the registrant should complete Schedule B on page 4.
1. A registrant who is an individual is not required to disclose his or her
Social Security number.


Zip Code


Terms used in this form are explained below. Precise definitions may
be found in Section 221.2 of Regulation U.

Person: Any individual, corporation, partnership, association, joint
stock company, business trust, or unincorporated organization.

Purpose credit: Credit extended for the purpose of purchasing or
carrying margin stock, or to reduce or retire indebtedness previously
incurred for that purpose.

In the ordinary course of business: Occurring or reasonably
expected to occur from time to time in the course of any activity of a
person for profit or the management and preservation of property or,
in the case of a person other than an individual, carrying out or in
furtherance of any business purpose.
Margin stock: Includes, principally (1) stocks that are registered
on a national securities exchange or any over-the-counter
security designated for trading in the National Market System,
(2) debt securities (bonds) that are convertible into margin stock,
and (3) shares of most mutual funds.
Indirectly secured: In general, credit is indirectly secured by margin
stock if there is any understanding between the borrower and the
lender (1) which is designated to make the margin stock more
available to the lender in case of default than to the borrower's other
creditors, or (2) which limits the borrower from exercising full
dominion over the margin stock to sell, pledge, or donate them, or
determining where they shall be placed physically.

Registration forms will be returned to registrants for corrections if all items have not been answered in the manner required
or if the forms are otherwise unacceptable for filing.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2.5 hours per response, including the time to gather and maintain data in the required form and to review
instructions and complete the information collection. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing
this burden to: Secretary, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th and C Streets, NW, Washington, DC 20551; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork
Reduction Project (7100-0011), Washington, DC 20503.


FR G-1
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Privacy Act Statement

Routine Uses

Sections 3, 7, 17, and 23 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(15 USC 78c, 78g, 78q, and 78w), and Regulation U (12 CFR 221).

The information you provide will be stored in the system of
records entitled BGFRS-16, “FRB—Regulation U Reports of
Nonbank Lenders”. General routine uses A, C, D, G, I, and J
apply to this system. These general routine uses are located at and are published in the
Federal Register at 83 FR 43872 at 43873-74 (August 28, 2018).
Records may be used:

These records are collected and maintained to assist the Board
in maintaining a current list of persons registered as margin
lenders under the securities laws. The registration statement is
required to enable the Federal Reserve to identify nonbank
lenders subject to Regulation U (Section 221.3(b)(1)), to verify
compliance with the regulation, and to monitor margin credit.
The provision of requested information is mandatory.

1. to disclose, upon request, the name of a registered individual
who extends credit secured by margin stock; and
2. to disclose information, when appropriate, to foreign
governmental authorities in accordance with law, and formal
or informal international agreements.



FR G-1
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Background Information
1. Principal lines of business:

2. Registrant is: (check one)
Sole proprietorship

Private investor


Other (specify)

a. If registrant is a sole proprietor, private investor, or other, state full residence address:


Zip Code

b. If registrant is a corporation, state date and place of incorporation:


c. Person responsible for maintaining records in connection with Regulation U:


Area Code / Phone Number

3. If any of the accounts or records of registrant are kept or maintained by anyone other than the person named in 2(c), furnish the
name and address of the other individual, firm, or organization:
Full Name


Zip Code

4. a. Does any person not named in items 2(c) or 3 above exercise or have power to exercise a controlling influence over the
management or policies of registrant, directly or indirectly, through stock ownership, agreement, or otherwise?


b. If "Yes", state the name of such person and describe the agreement, arrangement, or nature of the controlling influence:

5. a. Does the registrant extend credit in connection with an employee stock option or stock purchase plan pursuant to the
special "plan-lender" provision set forth in Section 221.4(a) of Regulation U? If so, submit two copies of documents
establishing the plan, a prospectus, and other information which supports adherence to plan-lender limitations.


b. Does the registrant extend credit to an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) qualified under section 401 of the Internal
Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 401), as set forth in Section 221.4(c) of Regulation U? If so, submit two copies of documents
establishing the plan and any other pertinent supporting information.



FR G-1
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Schedule A—Securities Credit
As of
(Month / Day / Year)

Dollar Amounts in Dollars
A. Credit to purchase or carry margin stock (Purpose Loans):
1. Secured directly by margin stock:
a. Listed stocks and OTC margin stocks .............................................................
b. Debt securities convertible into margin stock ....................................................
c. Mutual funds and other margin stock ..............................................................
2. Secured indirectly by margin stock ....................................................................
3. Total (Purpose Credit).....................................................................................

Total Credit
at End of Quarter

Credit Extended
During Quarter



B. Other credit (Nonpurpose Loans):
1. Secured directly by margin stock:
a. Listed stocks and OTC margin stocks .............................................................
b. Debt securities convertible into margin stock ....................................................
c. Mutual funds and other margin stock ..............................................................
2. Secured indirectly by margin stock ....................................................................
3. Total (Nonpurpose Credit)................................................................................




1. "Credit outstanding" includes credit extended by the registrant during the quarter covered by this report, and during previous quarters, that has not been
extinguished before the end of the quarter covered by this report.
2. "Credit extended" is credit extended by the registrant at any time during the quarter covered by this report. The second column includes new credit
extended during the quarter regardless of whether such credit was extinguished at the end of the quarter. An increase in an existing loan is new credit.


FR G-1
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Schedule B—Balance Sheet
As of
(Month / Day / Year)

This schedule is to be completed only by lenders not submitting corporate balance sheets certified by an independent public
accountant or used to meet reporting requirements of a state or federal regulatory authority.
($ Thousands)

Liabilities and Net Worth

Cash and bank deposits

Short-term bank borrowings

Trade accounts and notes receivable
(net allowance for bad debts of

Other notes and accounts payable
Long-term debt

Other accounts and notes receivable
(include credit to executives and employees)

All other liabilities

Marketable securities

Total Liabilities


Capital stock

Investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries

Additional paid-in capital


Fixed assets (net of depreciation)

Retained earnings/undivided profits

All other assets

Total Equity Capital¹

Total Assets

Total Liabilities and Equity Capital

1. Registrants not reporting capital stock, additional paid-in capital, or retained earnings/undivided profits must nevertheless indicate total equity capital.

The registrant filing this registration form and any attachments thereto and the person by whom it is executed represent hereby that all
information contained therein is true and complete.

Signature of Sole Proprietor, General Partner, Managing Agent, or Principal Officer


Print or Type Name

Area Code / Phone Number


This mandatory report is used to elicit certain background and financial information about a Regulation U lender and the types
and amount of credit activities engaged in that are secured by margin stock.
Honest, accurate, and timely statements are required by law.
(15 U.S.C. § 78ff; 18 U.S.C. § 1001)

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2024-06-28
File Created2024-02-16

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