Updating Manufactured Housing FY24

PRA 0575-0172 Spreadsheet - 7.15.24.xlsx

Direct Single Family Housing Loan and Grant Programs, 7 CFR 3550 - HB-1-3550, and HB-2-3550

Updating Manufactured Housing FY24

OMB: 0575-0172

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RD forms included in notice
Non-forms included in notice
Non-RD forms excluded

Sheet 1: RD forms included in notice

Primary Handbook Reference (Chapter) Title RD Form No. Estimated No. of Respondents Reports Filed Annually Total Annual Responses Estimated No. of Hours per Response Estimated Total Hours Wage Class (per hour) Cost to the Public JR notes - will remove after management review Servicing Center's numbers

HB-1-3550, Chapter 5 Equal Opportunity Agreement 400-1 2,900 1 2,900 0.167 484 $15 $7,265 Unless highlighted in green with a note or a form also used by the Servicing Center, then the respondents were reduced by 8% (which is the change in overall obligations since 2017. Figures were rounded: if greater 1000 to nearest 100, or less than 1000 rounded to nearest 10.

HB-1-3550, Chapter 5 Compliance Statement 400-6 2,900 1 2,900 0.167 484 $30 $14,529

HB-1-3550, Chapter 3 Application for Rural Assistance (NonFarm Tract) Uniform Residential Loan Application 410-4 26,000 1 26,000 1.500 39,000 $15 $585,000

HB-1-3550, Chapter 4 Application Reference Letter 410-8 5,200 1 5,200 0.100 520 $23 $11,960

HB-1-3550, Chapter 13; HB-2-3550, Chapter 2 Application for Partial Release, Subordination, or Consent 465-1 4,700 1 4,700 1.000 4,700 $15 $70,500

HB-1-3550, Chapter 4; HB-2-3550, Chapter 4 Request for Verification of Employment 1910-5 3,000 1 3,000 0.250 750 $23 $17,250 Was 15000 - reduced to 3000 since VOE's should be needed in limited situations. 10

HB-1-3550, Chapter 5; HB-2-3550, Chapter 3 Development Plan 1924-1 480 1 480 0.250 120 $15 $1,800

HB-1-3550, Chapter 5; HB-2-3550, Chapter 3 Description of Materials 1924-2 2,200 1 2,200 0.250 550 $30 $16,500

HB-1-3550, Chapter 5 Documentation of Construction Complaint/Request for Compensation for Construction Defects 55555555555 20 1 20 2.000 40 $15 $600

HB-1-3550, Chapter 5; HB-2-3550, Chapter 3 Construction Contract 1924-6 3,200 1 3,200 0.250 800 $23 $18,400 Wage figure is the average wage of contractor and applicant 2000

HB-1-3550, Chapter 5 Contract Change Order 1924-7 640 1 640 0.250 160 $23 $3,680 Wage figure is the average wage of contractor and applicant

HB-1-3550, Chapter 5; HB-2-3550, Chapter 3 Certificate of Contractor's Release 1924-9 3,200 1 3,200 0.250 800 $23 $18,400 Changed wage class to the average, since Borrower's signature added in 2019 2000

HB-1-3550, Chapter 5; HB-2-3550, Chapter 3 Release by Claimants 1924-10 3,200 1 3,200 0.500 1,600 $30 $48,000

HB-1-3550, Chapter 5; HB-2-3550, Chapter 3 Builder's Warranty 1924-19 3,200 1 3,200 0.250 800 $23 $18,400

HB-1-3550, Chapter 5; HB-2-3550, Chapter 3 Plan Certification 1924-25 2,200 1 2,200 0.167 367 $30 $11,022

HB-1-3550, Chapter 8 Affidavit Regarding Work of Improvement 1927-5 2,200 1 2,200 0.167 367 $30 $11,022

HB-1-3550, Chapter 8 Agreement with Prior Lienholder 1927-8 280 1 280 0.083 23 $30 $697 used 8% reduced figure - actual obligations for Program Type code: 1029, 1032, 1031 = 75

HB-1-3550, Chapter 8 Preliminary Title Opinion 1927-9 280 1 280 1.500 420 $30 $12,600

HB-1-3550, Chapter 8 Final Title Opinion 1927-10 280 1 280 0.333 93 $30 $2,797

HB-1-3550, Chapter 8 Certification of Attorney 1927-19 10 1 10 0.167 2 $30 $50 left at 10 - did not reduce by 8%, since 10 seems like a base minimum amount

HB-1-3550, Chapter 8 Certification of Title Insurance 1927-20 180 1 180 0.167 30 $30 $902

HB-1-3550, Chapter 8 Promissory Note 1940-16 9,800 1 9,800 0.250 2,450 $15 $36,750

HB-1-3550, Chapter 3 Truth in Lending Statement 1940-41 3,000 1 3,000 0.083 249 $10 $2,490

HB-1-3550, Chapter 8 Notice of Right to Cancel 1940-43 37 1 37 0.083 3 $10 $31

HB-1-3550, Chapter 4; HB-2-3550, Chapter 4 Certification of Disability or Handicap 1944-4 350 1 350 0.250 88 $51 $4,463 reduced 1/2 - was 480 but can now use disability benefit statement. Servicing Center responded with 480 - so increased to 350 to account in DLOB reduction 480

HB-1-3550, Chapter 6; HB-2-3550, Chapter 4 Payment Assistance/Deferred Mortgage Assistance Agreement or Interest Credit/Deferred Payment Computation 1944-14/1944-6/1944-A6 and 1944-B6 67,500 1 67,500 0.333 22,478 $18 $404,595

HB-1-3550, Chapter 9 Application for Conditional Commitment 1944-36 280 1 280 0.500 140 $30 $4,200

HB-1-3550, Chapter 4 Landlord's Verification 1944-60 7,800 1 7,800 0.083 647 $23 $14,890 was 15000 - reduced to 7800 - about 50% of 502

HB-1-3550, Chapter 4; HB-2-3550, Chapter 4 Request for Verification of Deposit 1944-62 3,000 1 3,000 1.500 4,500 $23 $103,500 was 5000 - reduced to 3000 since bank statements are preferred method 0

HB-1-3550, Chapter 13; HB-2-3550, Chapter 6 Offer to Convey Security 1955-1 40 1 40 0.250 10 $15 $150

HB-1-3550, Chapter 16 Open Real Property Master Listing Agreement 1955-42 30 1 30 0.500 15 $30 $450

HB-1-3550, Chapter 16 Standard Sales Contract - Sale of Real Property by the United States 1955-45 90 1 90 0.500 45 $30 $1,350

HB-1-3550, Chapter 16 Invitation, Bid, and Acceptance-Sale of Real Property by the United States 1955-46 750 1 750 0.500 375 $30 $11,250

HB-1-3550, Chapter 3; HB-2-3550 Chapter 4 Authorization to Release Information 3550-1 70,000 1 70,000 0.083 5,810 $15 $87,150 B, co B and hh members - good for life of loan but B's often asked to update in servicing. (CSC responded with 70000. 2017 - 50000) 70000

HB-1-3550, Chapter 4 Request for Verification of Gift/Gift Letter 3550-2 3,000 1 3,000 0.083 249 $30 $7,470

HB-1-3550, Chapter 4 Employment and Asset Certification/Employment Certification 3550-4 26,000 1 26,000 0.083 2,158 $15 $32,370 all 502/504 - matches 410-4 number

HB-1-3550, Chapter 7 Notice of Special Flood Hazard, Flood Insurance Purchase Requirements, and Availability of Federal Disaster Relief Assistance 3550-6 1,500 1 1,500 0.083 125 $15 $1,868 Reduced respondant - was 2200- now only require when substantial improvement (previously required for 504 loan greater than $5000)

HB-1-3550, Chapter 8 Funding Commitment and Notification of Loan Closing 3550-7 9,800 1 9,800 0.083 813 $15 $12,201

HB-1-3550, Chapter 7 Initial Escrow Account Disclosure Statement 3550-9 8,300 1 8,300 0.083 689 $15 $10,334

HB-1-3550, Chapter 9 Condominium Rider 3550-10 40 1 40 0.083 3 $18 $60

HB-1-3550, Chapter 10 Planned Unit Development Rider 3550-11 40 1 40 0.083 3 $18 $60

HB-1-3550, Chapter 8; HB-2-3550, Chapter 4 Subsidy Repayment Agreement 3550-12 20,100 1 20,100 0.083 1,668 $18 $30,029 all 502 only. For servicing the only time the borrower to sign is if not previously signed. Servicing center's number seems high but logical to see increase if B. going onto subsidy due to COVID. 13500

HB-1-3550, Chapter 8 Real Estate Mortgage or Deed of Trust 3550-14 (State) 6,900 1 6,900 0.250 1,725 $15 $25,875

HB-1-3550, Chapter 7 Tax Information 3550-15 6,700 1 6,700 0.250 1,675 $30 $50,250

HB-1-3550, Chapter 13; HB-2-3550, Chapter 7 Reamortization Agreement 3550-18 15,000 1 15,000 0.250 3,750 $18 $67,500 Servicing number of respondants due to COVID. Was 4800 in 2017. 15000

HB-1-3550, Chapter 13; HB-2-3550, Chapter 7 Application for Settlement of Indebtedness 3550-20 2,000 1 2,000 0.250 500 $18 $9,000 Servicing number of respondants less. Was 4000 in 2017. 2000

HB-2-3550, Chapter 4 Payment Subsidy Renewal Certification 3550-21 80,000 1 80,000 0.500 40,000 $18 $720,000

HB-1-3550, Chapter 8; HB-2-3550, Chapter 2 Assumption Agreement- Single Family Housing 3550-22 470 1 470 0.083 39 $18 $702

HB-1-3550, Chapter 4 Applicant Orientation Guide 3550-23 9,200 1 9,200 0.500 4,600 $15 $69,000

HB-1-3550, Chapter 12 Grant Agreement 3550-24 4,400 1 4,400 0.083 365 $8 $2,922

HB-1-3550, Chapter 8 Loan Closing Instructions and Loan Closing Statement 3550-25 6,900 1 6,900 0.167 1,152 $30 $34,569 Added - See Supporting Document. No OMB number

HB-1-3550, Chapter 8 Document Errors and Omissions Agreement 3550-29 11,910 1 11,910 0.167 1,989 $15 $29,835 Added - See Supporting Document. No OMB number

HB-1-3550, Chapter 6 Verification of Debt Proposed for Refinancing 3550-30 60 1 60 0.200 12 $23 $276

HB-1-3550, Chapter 6 Option to Purchase Real Property 3550-34 425 1 425 0.083 35 $18 $635

Section 504 Home Repair Loan and Grant Program Intake Form 3550-35 9,700 1 9,700 0.500 4,850 $10 $48,500



OVERALL: 647,127



Sheet 2: Non-forms included in notice

Primary Handbook Reference (Chapter) Title Form No. Estimated No. of Respondents Reports Filed Annually Total Annual Responses Estimated No. of Hours per Response Estimated Total Hours Wage Class (per hour) Cost to the Public JR notes - will remove after management review Servicing Center's numbers
HB-1-3550, Chapter 3 Attachment 3-J, checklist of items to accompany the application Document 16,300 1 16,300 1.000 16,300 $18 $293,400 Unless highlighted in green with a note or a form also used by the Servicing Center, then the respondents were reduced by 8% (which is the change in overall obligations since 2017. Figures were rounded: if greater 1000 to nearest 100, or less than 1000 rounded to nearest 10.
HB-1-3550, Chapter 3 Certificate of homeownership education Document 6,900 1 6,900 5.000 34,500 $18 $621,000

HB-1-3550, Chapter 3 Certified packaging process: application to be an intermediary Document 10 1 10 1.500 15 $30 $450 left
HB-1-3550, Chapter 3 Certified packaging process: intermediary's annual report on certified packaging bodies funneling through them Report 20 1 20 1.000 20 $30 $600 left - 15 intermediaries
HB-1-3550, Chapter 3 Certified packaging process: items needed over and above Attachment 3-J Document 5,030 1 5,030 1.500 7,545 $30 $226,350 electronic apps recvd 5031 per partnership performance report.
HB-1-3550, Chapter 3 Certified packaging process: disclosure letter Document 5,030 1 5,030 0.083 419 $18 $7,542 electronic apps recvd 5031 per partnership performance report.
HB-1-3550, Chapter 3 Notification of continued interest Written 3,700 1 3,700 0.083 308 $15 $4,623

HB-1-3550, Chapter 3 Withdrawal request Oral/Written 2,600 1 2,600 0.083 217 $15 $3,249

HB-1-3550, Chapter 4 Do Not Pay (DNP) - applicant response to delinquent Federal debt Document 1,300 1 1,300 0.500 650 $15 $9,750

HB-1-3550, Chapter 4 Evidence of citizenship Document 230 1 230 0.083 19 $15 $287

HB-1-3550, Chapter 4 Request for copy of tri-merge credit report Written 1,800 1 1,800 0.083 150 $15 $2,249

HB-1-3550, Chapter 4; HB-2-3550, Chapter 4 Oral verification of employment Oral 5,000 1 5,000 0.083 417 $23 $9,580 was 25000 - reduced to 5000 100
HB-1-3550, Chapter 5; HB-2-3550, Chapter 2 Appraisal Report 17,000 1 17,000 2.000 34,000 $30 $1,020,000 total closed loans 11910 (6848 - 502) 17000
HB-1-3550, Chapter 5 Whole house inspection Report 6,850 1 6,850 2.000 13,700 $30 $411,000 was 4600 - increased to total 502 closed loans.
HB-1-3550, Chapter 6 Documentation on the construction quality of a new dwelling Document 1,800 1 1,800 0.500 900 $18 $16,200 purchase new total dwelling type - 1761
HB-1-3550, Chapter 8 Title insurance binder Document 6,850 1 6,850 1.500 10,275 $30 $308,250

HB-1-3550, Chapter 8 Title insurance policy Document 6,850 1 6,850 0.333 2,281 $30 $68,432

HB-1-3550, Chapter 8; HB-1-3550, Chapter 3 Furnish documentation of hazard and flood insurance Document 17,000 1 17,000 0.083 1,416 $15 $21,242 reduced due to change to Chapter 7 flood insurance requirement. Was 20000
HB-1-3550, Chapter 9 List of items to accompany a manufactured dealer-contractor application Document 50 1 50 0.250 13 $30 $375

HB-1-3550, Chapter 9 Check of references for a manufactured dealer-contractor application Oral 100 1 100 0.083 8 $23 $191

HB-1-3550, Chapter 9 Manufacturer's certificate of origin Document 70 1 70 0.250 18 $23 $403

HB-1-3550, Chapter 9 Conditional commitment change in price, plans, and/or specifications Written 40 1 40 0.083 3 $30 $100

HB-1-3550, Chapter 10 Loan commitment from the leveraged lender Written 75 1 75 0.250 19 $30 $563 75 leveraged loans in 2020
HB-1-3550, Chapter 10 Required documentation from a leveraging source Document 740 1 740 0.250 185 $30 $5,550

HB-1-3550, Chapter 12 Attachment 12-E, checklist of items to accompany the application Document 9,700 1 9,700 1.000 9,700 $10 $97,000 26000 less 16300 (3-J number)
HB-1-3550, Chapter 12 Attachment 12-F, Pre-Construction Conference Document 2,900 1 2,900 0.250 725 $23 $16,675 Added - was not included in last review. 0
HB-1-3550, Chapter 13; HB-2-3550, Chapter 7 Missing borrower / determination of property abandonment Oral/Written 0 1 0 0.250 - $23 $-

HB-1-3550, Chapter 16 Release of DSS restrictions Document 300 1 300 0.083 25 $18 $450
HB-2-3550, Chapter 2 Refinancing review Document 3,500 1 3,500 0.750 2,625 $18 $47,250
HB-2-3550, Chapter 2 Documentation of inability to refinance Document 130 1 130 1.000 130 $18 $2,340
HB-2-3550, Chapter 2 Request to waive late or other fees Oral/Written 3,360 1 3,360 0.083 280 $15 $4,198 Higher with COVID? 41676
HB-2-3550, Chapter 2 Final payoff request Oral/Document 41,680 1 41,680 0.083 3,472 $15 $52,079
HB-2-3350, Chapter 3 Notification of insurance claim proceeds Oral/Written 3,500 1 3,500 0.250 875 $15 $13,125
HB-2-3550, Chapter 5 Request for special servicing - delinquency workout agreements and moratoriums Document 20,000 1 20,000 0.500 10,000 $15 $150,000 Higher with COVID? 3200
HB-2-3550, Chapter 6 Offer to pay following an acceleration or a request for an extension Document 3,200 1 3,200 0.500 1,600 $15 $24,000
HB-2-3550, Chapter 7 Borrower's offer to repay Written 40 1 40 0.500 20 $15 $300
HB-2-3550, Chapter 7 Borrower's request for a review regarding administrative offset Written 0 1 0 0.500 - $15 $-
HB-2-3550, Chapter 7 Borrower's request for records Written 80 1 80 0.250 20 $15 $300
HB-2-3550, Chapter 7 Borrower's written agreement for a different repayment schedule Written 0 1 0 0.500 - $15 $-
HB-2-3550, Chapter 7 Borrower's request to review IRS offset referral Written 2,000 1 2,000 1.000 2,000 $15 $30,000
HB-2-3550, Chapter 7 Collection efforts Document 0 1 0 0.083 - $15 $-
HB-2-3550, Chapter 7 Delinquent adjustment agreements Document 0 1 0 0.250 - $15 $-

Sheet 3: Non-RD forms excluded

Primary Handbook Reference (Chapter) Title Form No. Estimated No. of Respondents Reports Filed Annually Total Annual Responses Estimated No. of Hours per Response Estimated Total Hours Wage Class (per hour) Cost to the Public JR notes - will remove after management review Servicing Center's numbers
HB-1-3550 Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan HUD 935-2B 300 1 300 2.000 600 $30 $1,200

HB-1-3550, Chapter 4; HB-2-3550, Chapter 4 Request for Transcript of Tax Return IRS 4506-T 5,000 1 5,000 0.250 1,250 $15 $313 lower amount to match oral VOE - 'only needed IF additional info needed' Was 30,000. 2000
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