Appendix G. 2024 NSECE Center-based Provider Questionnaire Items
2019 Category |
2019 Construct |
2024 Construct |
First Item of 2024 Construct |
Summer program changes |
Summer program changes |
T1_a |
Date of summer changes |
Date of summer changes |
T2 |
Section A: Program Level Information
Type of building program located in |
Type of building program located in |
A7 |
Percent of residence used for program |
Dropped |
N/A |
Removed question about percent of residence used for program. |
Program auspice |
Program auspice |
A8A |
Program sponsorship |
Program sponsorship |
A8B |
Program sponsorship type |
Program sponsorship type |
A8C |
Program ownership type |
Program ownership type |
A9 |
Number of centers in franchise |
Number of centers in franchise |
A9a |
Length of operation at current location |
Length of operation* |
A11_M |
Revised item related to length of operation at current location to instead ask about length of operation in total. Revision done to collect whether program opened before, during, or after the COVID-19 pandemic |
Center space paid by someone else |
Center space paid by someone else |
A12 |
Age groups served |
Age groups served |
A10 |
Number of children enrolled |
Number of children enrolled |
C1_1 |
2019 Category |
2019 Construct |
2024 Construct |
First Item of 2024 Construct |
Key Changes from 2019 to 2024 |
Section A: Program Level Information
Number of children enrolled full time |
Number of children enrolled full time |
C1_2 |
Number of vacancies by age group |
Number of vacancies by age group |
C1a |
N/A |
Number of children enrolled on regular drop-in basis |
C1_3 |
Added new items to capture how many children are enrolled on a regular drop-in basis and whether they are counted in the overall enrollment |
Program hours of operation |
Program hours of operation |
B1a |
Any families pay for child care |
Any families pay for child care |
B1_3 |
Any rate charged for full-time care by age group |
Any rate charged for full-time care by age group |
B1_3a |
Highest rate charged for full-time care |
Highest rate charged for full-time care |
B1_5 |
Removed follow up questions needed to convert weekly, monthly, and daily rates to hourly. Consistent with 2019 data, 2024 rates will be reported weekly and no longer need the items to complete conversion. |
Types of program provided help to afford care |
Types of program provided help to afford care |
B7_a |
Number of children paid for only by parent fees |
Number of children paid for only by parent fees |
B9 |
Program permits variation in care schedule |
Program permits variation in care schedule* |
B5_M |
Revised response options to provide more detail on the ways programs permit variation in care schedules. |
Number of children with variation in care schedule |
Dropped |
N/A |
Removed items. Added new items (above) about |
2019 Category |
2019 Construct |
2024 Construct |
First Item of 2024 Construct |
Key Changes from 2019 to 2024 |
Section B: Schedule and Rates
the ways programs permit varying schedules. |
Program permits variation in hours of paid care |
Dropped |
N/A |
Removed items. Added new items (above) about the ways programs permit varying schedules.
Number of children with varying hours of paid care |
Dropped |
N/A |
Number of weeks program provides care |
Number of weeks program provides care |
B6 |
Number of children with physical disability |
Number of children with physical disability |
C4 |
Number of children with IEP/ISFP |
Number of children with IEP/ISFP |
C5 |
Ethnicity of children in program |
Ethnicity of children in program |
C6 |
Race of children in program |
Race of children in program |
C7 |
Languages used by staff when working with children |
Dropped |
N/A |
Removed item about specific languages used by staff when working with children. New language-related items added about how center staff communicates with families who do not communicate well in English. |
N/A |
Communication with families who cannot speak English well |
C18 |
N/A |
Which staff communicate with families who cannot speak English well |
C19 |
2019 Category |
2019 Construct |
2024 Construct |
First Item of 2024 Construct |
Section C: Enrollment
Number of children experiencing homelessness |
Number of children experiencing homelessness* |
C15 |
Revised item to ask about all children experiencing homelessness compared to 2019, which focused on young children. |
Section R: Revenues
Number of children funded by agencies/government programs |
Number of children funded by agencies/government programs |
C12a_1 |
N/A |
Whether any staff salaries are funded by a single government funding source |
R16a |
New items added to understand specific ways that centers may be blending and braiding funds from different revenue sources.
N/A |
Government funding sources paying for staff salaries or wages |
R16b |
N/A |
Whether staff receive professional development (PD) supports based on funding source |
R17 |
Presence of any children with blended, public funding |
Dropped |
N/A |
Items asking about blended funding supporting children’s enrollment were dropped. Added items (above) asking about multiple funding sources for staff salaries and PD. |
Payment arrangement from agencies/ government programs |
Payment arrangement from agencies/government programs |
C12c |
Community organization pays for care |
Community organization pays for care |
R2 |
2019 Category |
2019 Construct |
2024 Construct |
First Item of 2024 Construct |
Key Changes from 2019 to 2024 |
Number of children paid for by community organizations |
Number of children paid for by community organizations |
R3 |
Program sources of revenue |
Program sources of revenue |
G3 |
Largest source of program revenue |
Dropped |
N/A |
Note: Maintained items about center’s share of funding from public and private sources (R4 below). |
Second largest source of program revenue |
Dropped |
N/A |
Public vs private funding for program |
Public vs private funding for program |
R4 |
Program meets multiple performance standards |
Dropped |
N/A |
How program complies with multiple performance standards |
Dropped |
N/A |
Fees paid by parents receiving subsidy |
Fees paid by parents receiving subsidy |
R7 |
Any program subsidy enrollment limit |
Dropped |
N/A |
Removed items. Added other items about center’s experience and perceptions of serving children supported by child care subsidies. |
Any enrollment supported by subsidy |
Any enrollment supported by subsidy in past year |
R9 |
2019 Category |
2019 Construct |
2024 Construct |
First Item of 2024 Construct |
Key Changes from 2019 to 2024 |
Family requests subsidy to pay for care |
Dropped |
N/A |
Removed items. Added other items about center’s familiarity with the child care subsidy system, and its experience and perceptions of serving children supported by child care subsidies (see below). |
Comparison of private pay and subsidy – Reliability of payment |
Dropped |
N/A |
Comparison of private pay and subsidy – Amount of money received |
Dropped |
N/A |
Comparison of private pay and subsidy – Administrative requirements |
Dropped |
N/A |
Comparison of private pay and subsidy – Ease of filling vacancies |
Dropped |
N/A |
N/A |
Whether provider is familiar with child care subsidy program |
N/A |
Whether program helps families apply for child care subsidies |
D21 |
Added new items about center’s familiarity with the child care subsidy system, and its experience and perceptions of serving children supported by child care subsidies.
N/A |
Perceptions or experiences of the child care subsidy system: consistent payments |
R21_SUB_EXP_a |
N/A |
Perceptions or experiences of the child care subsidy system: administrative hassle |
R21_SUB_EXP_b |
2019 Category |
2019 Construct |
2024 Construct |
First Item of 2024 Construct |
Section R: Revenues
N/A |
Perceptions or experiences of the child care subsidy system: help low-income families |
R21_SUB_EXP_c |
Added new items about center’s familiarity with the child care subsidy system, and its experience and perceptions of serving children supported by child care subsidies.
N/A |
Perceptions or experiences of the child care subsidy system: behavior problems |
R21_SUB_EXP_d |
Provider has access to resources/PD through schools/other programs |
Provider has access to resources/PD through schools/other programs |
C14 |
Any free or reduced cost PD |
Any free or reduced cost PD |
R12 |
N/A |
Use of stabilization funds from a state or federal agency after the COVID-19 Pandemic |
R13a |
New item added about receipt of funding related to recent large scale funding initiatives impacting child care providers. |
N/A |
Program laid off staff or cut staff compensation in past year |
R14 |
New item added about financial challenges faced by center. |
Section D: Admissions/ Marketing |
Number of children who left program |
Number of children who left program |
D1 |
Number of children who entered program |
Number of children who entered program |
D2 |
Program quality rating |
Program quality rating |
D12 |
2019 Category |
2019 Construct |
2024 Construct |
First Item of 2024 Construct |
Section D: Admissions/ Marketing
N/A |
Program's current QRIS rating |
D12b |
Response categories updated to capture movement in rating (up or down) rather than focusing only on improvement. |
Program quality rating improved |
Program quality rating changed |
D13_M |
Children denied due to no vacancies |
Children denied due to no vacancies |
D7 |
Program unable to care for special needs |
Program unable to care for special needs |
D14 |
Early pick up due to behavior problems |
Early pick up due to behavior problems |
D15_M |
N/A |
Care stopped due to child’s behavior in past 12 months |
D8b_M |
Location of children’s physical activity |
Dropped |
N/A |
Removed items. Maintained other physical health-related items. |
N/A |
Center has written guidelines for addressing disruptive and aggressive behavior |
D24 |
New items about different dimensions of key center practices related to behavioral and academic supports for children.
N/A |
How center makes curriculum choices for classrooms with mostly 3 and 4 year olds |
D22b |
Any snacks or meals provided to children |
Dropped |
N/A |
Removed items. Maintained other items related to physical health issues and services. |
Number of times fruit juice offered to children |
Dropped |
N/A |
Program participates in food program |
Program participates in food program |
D19 |
2019 Category |
2019 Construct |
2024 Construct |
First Item of 2024 Construct |
Section D: Admissions/ Marketing
Any access to health consultant |
Any access to health consultant |
D20_M |
N/A |
Any access to mental health consultant |
D20_A |
Added item to increase number of items about mental health supports at the center. |
Comprehensive services – health screenings |
Comprehensive services – health screenings |
D11a |
Comprehensive services – developmental assessments |
Comprehensive services – developmental assessments |
D11b |
Comprehensive services – therapeutic services |
Comprehensive services – therapeutic services |
D11c |
Comprehensive services – counseling services |
Comprehensive services – counseling services |
D11d |
Comprehensive services – social services |
Dropped |
Item removed. New item added (D21 above) about whether center helps families apply for child care assistance (a specific type of social service). |
N/A |
Use of electronic child care management system or business softwares to manage administrative and business issues |
D25 |
Added item related to center’s business and management practices. |
Section E: Staffing
Total number of staff working with children |
Total number of staff working with children |
E1 |
Total number of staff not working with children |
Total number of staff not working with children |
E4 |
2019 Category |
2019 Construct |
2024 Construct |
First Item of 2024 Construct |
Key Changes from 2019 to 2024 |
Section E: Staffing
Number of aides and assistants working in program |
Number of aides and assistants working in program |
E1A |
Number of full-time aides and assistants |
Number of full-time aides and assistants |
E1a1 |
Number of teachers working in program |
Number of teachers working in program |
E1c |
Number of full-time teachers |
Number of full-time teachers |
E1c1 |
Number of specialists working in program |
Number of specialists working in program |
E1d |
Number of full-time specialists |
Number of full-time specialists |
E1d1 |
Number of staff who left program |
Dropped |
N/A |
Updated item about staff who left the program to report separately by staff role: aides/assistant teachers, lead teachers/teachers, and specialists.
N/A |
Number of aides or assistant teachers who left the program |
E2_M_a |
N/A |
Number of teachers who left the program |
E2_M_b |
N/A |
Number of aides or assistants with a 4-year college degree or higher |
E8a_asst |
N/A |
Number of aides or assistants with a CDA |
E8b_asst. |
2019 Category |
2019 Construct |
2024 Construct |
First Item of 2024 Construct |
Key Changes from 2019 to 2024 |
Section E: Staffing
N/A |
Number of teachers with a 4-year college degree or higher |
E8a_teach |
N/A |
Number of teachers with a CDA |
E8b_teach. |
N/A |
Provision of pay raises for obtaining new credential or degree |
E11 |
Added item asking whether program offers pay raises to staff who obtain additional certifications or degrees. |
N/A |
Position for a staff member working with young children unfilled for more than 1 month |
E9 |
Item added to identify whether programs have had an unfilled position for over a month. |
N/A |
Presence of qualified applicants for unfilled position |
E10 |
Added item to better understand whether unfilled position has had any applicant and/or any qualified applicant. |
Program benefits for staff – reduced program tuition |
Program benefits for staff – reduced program tuition |
E6_a |
Program benefits for staff – retirement program |
Program benefits for staff – retirement program |
E6_b |
Program benefits for staff – health insurance |
Program benefits for staff – health insurance |
E6_c |
Any PD resources for staff – funding for training |
Any PD resources for staff – funding for training
E5_a |
2019 Category |
2019 Construct |
2024 Construct |
First Item of 2024 Construct |
Key Changes from 2019 to 2024 |
Section E: Staffing
Any PD resources for staff – Paid time off for training |
Any PD resources for staff – Paid time off for training |
E5_b |
Any PD resources for staff – access to coaches |
Any PD resources for staff – access to coaches |
E5_d |
N/A |
Any PD resources for staff – paid, protected planning time |
E5_e |
N/A |
Challenges to helping staff participate in PD - Funding |
E13_a |
Added items to assess opinions on barriers to staff participating in PD. |
N/A |
Challenges to helping staff participate in PD - Adequate PD opportunities |
E13_c |
N/A |
Staff experiences with distributed leadership: Staff has input into matters that affect everyone in program |
E16_a |
Added items on teaching staff’s ability to provide input into program wide issues and decisions. |
N/A |
Staff experiences with distributed leadership: There is a clear process for staff to have a say in decisions affecting their work |
E16_c |
Experience with background checks |
Experience with background checks* |
E7_M_a |
New items added about center’s experiences with background checks. |
2019 Category |
2019 Construct |
2024 Construct |
First Item of 2024 Construct |
Section E: Staffing
N/A |
Whether program covers cost of background checks for staff |
E7_M_e |
Selected age group not yet in kindergarten |
Selected age group not yet in kindergarten |
F13 |
Number of groups for a specific age grouping |
Number of groups for a specific age grouping |
F1 |
Names of age groups |
Names of age groups |
F2 |
Youngest child in classroom |
Youngest child in classroom |
F3a |
Oldest child in age classroom |
Oldest child in age classroom |
F3b |
Number of children enrolled in classroom |
Number of children enrolled in classroom |
F3c |
Number of vacancies in classroom |
Number of vacancies in classroom |
F3d |
Number of teachers in classroom |
Number of teachers in classroom |
F3f |
Number of assistants/aides in classroom |
Number of assistants/aides in classroom |
F3g |
Number of children in classroom in last activity period |
Number of children in classroom in last activity period |
F3h |
Number of children funded by subsidy in classroom |
Number of children funded by subsidy in classroom |
F14 |
Number of children funded by Head Start in classroom |
Number of children funded by Head Start in classroom |
F15 |
2019 Category |
2019 Construct |
2024 Construct |
First Item of 2024 Construct |
Key Changes from 2019 to 2024 |
Section F: Care Provided
Number of children funded by Pre-k in classroom |
Number of children funded by Pre-k in classroom |
F16 |
Number of children funded by private payment |
Number of children funded by private payment |
F17 |
Names of staff in classroom |
Names of staff in classroom |
F4 |
Role of staff member in classroom |
Role of staff member in classroom |
F4a |
Hours worked by staff member in classroom |
Hours worked by staff member in classroom |
F4d |
Education attainment of staff member in classroom |
Education attainment of staff member in classroom |
F4g |
N/A |
Certification (CDA or state certification) of staff member in classroom |
F4o |
Wage received by staff member in classroom |
Wage received by staff member in classroom |
F4m |
Agencies that inspected program |
Agencies that inspected program |
F18_M |
Section H: Respondent Characteristics and Selection of the Workforce
Respondent job title |
Respondent job title |
H5 |
Respondent responsibilities at the program |
Respondent responsibilities at the program |
H11_1 |
Year of birth |
Dropped |
N/A |
2019 Category |
2019 Construct |
2024 Construct |
First Item of 2024 Construct |
Key Changes from 2019 to 2024 |
Section H: Respondent Characteristics and Selection of the Workforce
Weekly hours worked at program |
Weekly hours worked at program |
H5c |
Weekly hours directly caring for children |
Weekly hours directly caring for children |
H12 |
N/A |
Gender Identity |
H_GI |
Added item on gender identity of respondent aligned with guidance set out in: OMB (Jan 2023) Recommendations on the Best Practices for the Collection of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data on Federal Statistical Surveys ( |
Ethnicity |
Ethnicity |
H5d |
Race |
Race |
H5e |
N/A |
Whether respondent has a CDA or state certification |
H5n |
Respondent educational attainment |
Respondent educational attainment |
H5f |
Respondent educational field of study |
Respondent educational field of study |
H13 |
Any training: management topics |
Dropped |
N/A |
Removed items. New items added about director certifications, and worker certifications for classroom workers in randomly selected classroom (Section F). |
Any training: licensing and standards |
Dropped |
N/A |
Any training: curricula and assessments |
Dropped |
N/A |
Any training: working with young children |
Dropped |
N/A |
Years worked at program |
Years worked at program |
H5j |
2019 Category |
2019 Construct |
2024 Construct |
First Item of 2024 Construct |
Key Changes from 2019 to 2024 |
Section H: Respondent Characteristics and Selection of the Workforce
Years of ECE work experience |
Dropped |
N/A |
Wages received |
Wages received |
H5l |
Health insurance from program |
Dropped |
Any additional staff in classroom |
Any additional staff in classroom |
H6 |
Role of sampled workforce member |
Role of additional workforce member |
H6a2 |
Hours worked by sampled workforce member |
Hours worked by additional workforce member |
H6b |
Name of sampled workforce member |
Name of sampled workforce member |
H7 |
Language spoken by sampled workforce member |
Language spoken by sampled workforce member |
H9a |
Phone number of sampled workforce member |
Phone number of sampled workforce member |
H9b |
Appendix G. 2024 NSECE Center-based Provider Questionnaire Items - Overview and Comparison
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Libbie Main |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-07-20 |