SFA 100 SFA Application Checklist

Special Financial Assistance by PBGC


Application for Special Financial Assistance

OMB: 1212-0074

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Checklist Instructions
Application Checklist

Sheet 1: Checklist Instructions

Application Checklist


Instructions for Section E, Item 1 of the Instructions for Filing Requirements for Multiemployer Plans Applying for Special Financial Assistance (SFA):

The Application to PBGC for Approval of Special Financial Assistance Checklist ("Application Checklist" or "Checklist") identifies all information required to be filed with an initial or revised application. For a supplemented application, instead use "Application Checklist - Supplemented." The Application Checklist is not required for a lock-in application.
For a plan required to submit additional information described in Addendum A of the SFA Filing Instructions, also complete Checklist Items #40.a. to #49.b., and if there is a merger as described in Addendum A, also complete Checklist Items #50 through #63.
Applications (including this Application Checklist), with the exception of lock-in applications, must be submitted to PBGC electronically through PBGC’s e-Filing Portal, (https://efilingportal.pbgc.gov/site/). After logging into the e-Filing Portal, go to the Multiemployer Events section and click “Create New ME Filing.” Under “Select a filing type,” select “Application for Financial Assistance – Special.” Note: revised and supplemented applications must be submitted by selecting “Create New ME Filing.”
Note: If you go to the e-Filing Portal and do not see “Application for Financial Assistance – Special” under the “Select a Filing Type,” then the e-Filing Portal is temporarily closed and PBGC is not accepting applications (other than lock-in applications) at the time, unless the plan is eligible to make an emergency filing under § 4262.10(f). PBGC’s website, www.pbgc.gov, will be updated when the e-Filing Portal reopens for applications. PBGC maintains information on its website at www.pbgc.gov to inform prospective applicants about the current status of the e-Filing portal, as well as to provide advance notice of when PBGC expects to open or temporarily close the e-Filing Portal.

General instructions for completing the Application Checklist:

Complete all items that are shaded:

If required information was already filed: (1) through PBGC's e-Filing Portal; or (2) through any means for an insolvent plan, a plan that has received a partition, or a plan that submitted an emergency filing, the filer may either upload the information with the application or include a statement in the Plan Comments section of the Application Checklist indicating the date on which and the submission with which the information was previously filed. For any such items previously provided, enter N/A as the Plan Response.

For a revised application, the filer may, but is not required to, submit an entire application. For all Application Checklist Items that were previously filed that are not being changed, the filer may include a statement in the Plan Comments section of the Application Checklist to indicate that the other information was previously provided as part of the initial application. For each, enter N/A as the Plan Response.

Instructions for specific columns:

Plan Response: Provide a response to each item on the Application Checklist, using only the Response Options shown for each Checklist Item.

Name(s) of Files Uploaded: Identify the full name of the file or files uploaded that are responsive to the Checklist Item. The column Upload as Document Type provides guidance on the "document type" to select when submitting documents on PBGC's e-Filing Portal.

Page Number Reference(s): For Checklist Items #22 to #29c, submit all information in a single document and identify here the relevant page numbers for each such Checklist Item.

Plan Comments: Use this column to provide explanations for any Plan Response that is N/A, to respond as may be specifically identified for Checklist Items, and to provide any optional explanatory comments.
Additional guidance is provided in the following columns:

Upload as Document Type: When uploading documents in PBGC's e-Filing Portal, select the appropriate Document Type for each document that is uploaded. This column provides guidance on the Document Type to select for each Checklist Item. You may upload more than one document using the same Document Type, and there may be Document Types on the e-Filing Portal for which you have no documents to upload.

Required Filenaming (if applicable): For certain Checklist Items, a specified format for naming the file is required.

SFA Instructions Reference: Identifies the applicable section and item number in PBGC's Instructions for Filing Requirements for Multiemployer Plans Applying for Special Financial Assistance.

You must select N/A if a Checklist Item # is not applicable to your application. Your application will be considered incomplete if No is entered as a Plan Response for any of Checklist Items #1 through #39 on the Application Checklist. If there has been an event as described in § 4262.4(f), complete Checklist Items #40.a. through #49.b., and if there has been a merger described in Addendum A, also complete Checklist Items #50 through #63. Your application will be considered incomplete if No is entered as a Plan Response for any of Checklist Items #40.a. through #49.b. if you are required to complete Checklist Items # 40.a. through #49.b. Your application will also be considered incomplete if No is entered as a Plan Response for any of Checklist Items #50 through #63 if you are required to complete Checklist Items #50 through #63.

If a Checklist Item # asks multiple questions or requests multiple items, the Plan Response should only be Yes if the plan is providing all information requested for that Checklist Item.
Note, a Yes or No response is also required for Checklist Items #a through #f.
Note, in the case of a plan applying for priority consideration, the plan's application must also be submitted to the Treasury Department. If that requirement applies to an application, PBGC will transmit the application to the Treasury Department on behalf of the plan. See IRS Notice [NOTICE] for further information.

All information and documentation, unless covered by the Privacy Act, that is included in an SFA application may be posted on PBGC’s website at www.pbgc.gov or otherwise publicly disclosed, without additional notification. Except to the extent required by the Privacy Act, PBGC provides no assurance of confidentiality in any information included in an SFA application.

Version Updates (newest version at top)

Version Date updated

v202407XXp 07/XX/2024 Update checklist items 11.c, 34.a, and 35 for death audit requirements and to align with instructions

v07272023p 7/27/2023 Updated checklist to include new Template 10 requirement and reflect changes to eligibility and death audit instructions
v20221129p 11/29/2022 Updated checklist item 11. for new death audit requirements
v20220802p 8/2/2022 Fixed some of the shading in the checklist
v20220706p 7/6/2022

Sheet 2: Application Checklist

Application to PBGC for Approval of Special Financial Assistance (SFA)


Do NOT use this Application Checklist for a supplemented application. Instead use Application Checklist - Supplemented.
Plan name:


Unless otherwise specified:

---------------------------Filers provide responses here for each Checklist Item:-------------------------------------------
YYYY = plan year
Plan Name = abbreviated plan name
SFA Amount Requested:

Explain all N/A responses. Provide comments where noted. Also add any other optional explanatory comments.

Your application will be considered incomplete if No is entered as a Plan Response for any of Checklist Items #1 through #39. In addition, if required to provide information due to a "certain event" (see Addendum A of the SFA Filing Instructions), your application will be considered incomplete if No is entered as a Plan Response for any Checklist Items #40.a. through #49.b. If there is a merger event described in Addendum A, your application will also be considered incomplete if No is entered as a Plan Response for any Checklist Items #50 through #63.

Checklist Item # SFA Filing Instructions Reference
Response Options Plan Response Name of File(s) Uploaded Page Number Reference(s) Plan Comments In the e-Filing Portal, upload as Document Type Use this Filenaming Convention
Plan Information, Checklist, and Certifications
Is this application a revised application submitted after the denial of a previously filed application for SFA? Yes

Is this application a revised application submitted after a plan has withdrawn its application for SFA that was initially submitted under the interim final rule? Yes

Is this application a revised application submitted after a plan has withdrawn its application for SFA that was submitted under the final rule? Yes

Did the plan previously file a lock-in application? Yes

N/A N/A If a "lock-in" application was filed, provide the filing date. N/A N/A
Has this plan been terminated? Yes

N/A N/A If terminated, provide date of plan termination. N/A N/A
Is this plan a MPRA plan as defined under § 4262.4(a)(3) of PBGC's SFA regulation? Yes

1. Section B, Item (1)a. Does the application include the most recent plan document or restatement of the plan document and all amendments adopted since the last restatement (if any)? Yes

Pension plan documents, all versions available, and all amendments signed and dated N/A
2. Section B, Item (1)b. Does the application include the most recent trust agreement or restatement of the trust agreement, and all amendments adopted since the last restatement (if any)? Yes

Pension plan documents, all versions available, and all amendments signed and dated N/A
3. Section B, Item (1)c. Does the application include the most recent IRS determination letter?

Enter N/A if the plan does not have a determination letter.

Pension plan documents, all versions available, and all amendments signed and dated N/A
4. Section B, Item (2) Does the application include the actuarial valuation report for the 2018 plan year and each subsequent actuarial valuation report completed before the filing date of the initial application?

Enter N/A if no actuarial valuation report was prepared because it was not required for any requested year.

Is each report provided as a separate document using the required filename convention?

N/A Identify here how many reports are provided. Most recent actuarial valuation for the plan YYYYAVR Plan Name
5.a. Section B, Item (3) Does the application include the most recent rehabilitation plan (or funding improvement plan, if applicable), including all subsequent amendments and updates, and the percentage of total contributions received under each schedule of the rehabilitation plan or funding improvement plan for the most recent plan year available? Yes

Rehabilitation plan (or funding improvement plan, if applicable) N/A
5.b. If the most recent rehabilitation plan does not include historical documentation of rehabilitation plan changes (if any) that occurred in calendar year 2020 and later, does the application include an additional document with these details?

Enter N/A if the historical document is contained in the rehabilitation plans.

Rehabilitation plan (or funding improvement plan, if applicable) N/A
6. Section B, Item (4) Does the application include the plan's most recently filed (as of the filing date of the initial application) Form 5500 (Annual Return/Report of Employee Benefit Plan) and all schedules and attachments (including the audited financial statement)?

Is the 5500 filing provided as a single document using the required filename convention?

Latest annual return/report of employee benefit plan (Form 5500) YYYYForm5500 Plan Name
7.a. Section B, Item (5) Does the application include the plan actuary's certification of plan status ("zone certification") for the 2018 plan year and each subsequent annual certification completed before the filing date of the initial application?

Enter N/A if the plan does not have to provide certifications for any requested plan year.

Is each zone certification (including the additional information identified in Checklist Items #7.b. and #7.c. below, if applicable) provided as a single document, separately for each plan year, using the required filename convention?

N/A Identify how many zone certifications are provided. Zone certification YYYYZoneYYYYMMDD Plan Name, where the first "YYYY" is the applicable plan year, and "YYYYMMDD" is the date the certification was prepared.
7.b. Does the application include documentation for all zone certifications that clearly identifies all assumptions used including the interest rate used for funding standard account purposes?

If such information is provided in an addendum, addendums are only required for the most recent actuarial certification of plan status completed before January 1, 2021 and each subsequent annual certification.

Is this information included in the single document in Checklist Item #7.a. for the applicable plan year?

Enter N/A if the plan entered N/A for Checklist Item #7a.

N/A - include as part of documents in Checklist Item #7.a. N/A
N/A - include as part of documents in Checklist Item #7.a. N/A - included in a single document for each plan year - See Checklist Item #7.a.
7.c. For a certification of critical and declining status, does the application include the required plan-year-by-plan-year projection (showing the items identified in Section B, Item (5)a. through (5)f. of the SFA Instructions) demonstrating the plan year that the plan is projected to become insolvent? If required, is this information included in the single document in Checklist Item #7.a. for the applicable plan year? Enter N/A if the plan entered N/A for Checklist Item #7.a. or if the application does not include a certification of critical and declining status. Yes

N/A - include as part of documents in Checklist Item #7.a. N/A
N/A - include as part of documents in Checklist Item #7.a. N/A - included in a single document for each plan year - See Checklist Item #7.a.
8. Section B, Item (6) Does the application include the most recent account statements for each of the plan's cash and investment accounts?

Insolvent plans may enter N/A, and identify in the Plan Comments that this information was previously submitted to PBGC and the date submitted.

Bank/Asset statements for all cash and investment accounts N/A
9. Section B, Item (7) Does the application include the most recent plan financial statement (audited, or unaudited if audited is not available)?

Insolvent plans may enter N/A, and identify in the Plan Comments that this information was previously submitted to PBGC and the date submitted.

Plan's most recent financial statement (audited, or unaudited if audited not available) N/A
10. Section B, Item (8) Does the application include all of the plan's written policies and procedures governing the plan’s determination, assessment, collection, settlement, and payment of withdrawal liability?

Are all such items included as a single document using the required filenaming convention?

Pension plan documents, all versions available, and all amendments signed and dated WDL Plan Name
11.a. Section B, Item (9)a. Does the application include documentation of a death audit to identify deceased participants that was completed on the census data used for SFA purposes, including identification of the service provider conducting the audit, date performed, the participant counts (provided separately for current retirees and beneficiaries, current terminated vested participants not yet in pay status, and current active participants) run through the death audit, and a copy of the results of the audit provided to the plan administrator by the service provider?

If applicable, has personally identifiable information in this report been redacted prior to submission to PBGC?

Is this information included as a single document using the required filenaming convention?

Pension plan documents, all versions available, and all amendments signed and dated Death Audit Plan Name
11.b. If any known deaths occurred before the date of the census data used for SFA purposes, is a statement certifying these deaths were reflected for SFA calculation purposes provided? Yes

N/A - include as part of documents in Checklist Item #11.a. N/A
N/A N/A - include as part of documents in Checklist Item #11.a.
11.c. Section B, Item (9)b. & Item (9)c. Does the application include full census data (Social Security Number, name, and participant status) of all participants that were included in the SFA projections? Is this information provided in Excel, or in an Excel-compatible format?

Or, if this data was submitted in advance of the application, in accordance with Section B, Item (9)c. of the Instructions, does the application contain a description of how the results of PBGC’s independent death audit are reflected for SFA calculation purposes?

Submit the data file and the date of the census data through PBGC’s secure file transfer system, Leapfile. Go to http://pbgc.leapfile.com, click on “Secure Upload” and then enter [email protected] as the recipient email address and upload the file(s) for secure transmission. Include as the subject “Submission of Terminated Vested Census Data for (Plan Name),” and as the memo “(Plan Name) terminated vested census data dated (date of census data) through Leapfile for independent audit by PBGC.”
12. Section B, Item (10) Does the application include information required to enable the plan to receive electronic transfer of funds if the SFA application is approved, including (if applicable) a notarized payment form? See SFA Instructions, Section B, Item (10). Yes

Other N/A
13. Section C, Item (1) Does the application include the plan's projection of expected benefit payments that should have been attached to the Form 5500 Schedule MB in response to line 8b(1) on the Form 5500 Schedule MB for plan years 2018 through the last year the Form 5500 was filed by the filing date of the initial application?

Enter N/A if the plan is not required to respond Yes to line 8b(1) on the Form 5500 Schedule MB. See Template 1.

Does the uploaded file use the required filenaming convention?

Financial assistance spreadsheet (template) Template 1 Plan Name
14. Section C, Item (2) If the plan was required to enter 10,000 or more participants on line 6f of the most recently filed Form 5500 (by the filing date of the initial application), does the application include a current listing of the 15 largest contributing employers (the employers with the largest contribution amounts) and the amount of contributions paid by each employer during the most recently completed plan year before the filing date of the initial application (without regard to whether a contribution was made on account of a year other than the most recently completed plan year)? If this information is required, it is required for the 15 largest contributing employers even if the employer's contribution is less than 5% of total contributions.

Enter N/A if the plan is not required to provide this information. See Template 2. 

Does the uploaded file use the required filenaming convention?

Contributing employers Template 2 Plan Name
15. Section C, Item (3) Does the application include historical plan information for the 2010 plan year through the plan year immediately preceding the date the plan's initial application was filed that separately identifies: total contributions, total contribution base units (including identification of the unit used), average contribution rates, and number of active participants at the beginning of each plan year? For the same period, does the application show all other sources of non-investment income such as withdrawal liability payments collected, reciprocity contributions (if applicable), additional contributions from the rehabilitation plan (if applicable), and other identifiable sources of contributions? See Template 3.

Does the uploaded file use the required filenaming convention?

Historical Plan Financial Information (CBUs, contribution rates, contribution amounts, withdrawal liability payments) Template 3 Plan Name
16.a. Section C, Items (4)a., (4)e., and (4)f. Does the application include the information used to determine the amount of SFA for the plan using the basic method described in § 4262.4(a)(1) based on a deterministic projection and using the actuarial assumptions as described in § 4262.4(e)?
See Template 4A, 4A-4 SFA Details .4(a)(1) sheet and Section C, Item (4) of the SFA Filing Instructions for more details on these requirements.

Does the uploaded file use the required filenaming convention?

Projections for special financial assistance (estimated income, benefit payments and expenses) Template 4A Plan Name
16.b.i. Addendum D
Section C, Item (4)a. - MPRA plan information A.

Addendum D
Section C, Item (4)e. - MPRA plan information A.
If the plan is a MPRA plan, does the application also include the information used to determine the amount of SFA for the plan using the increasing assets method described in § 4262.4(a)(2)(i) based on a deterministic projection and using the actuarial assumptions as described in § 4262.4(e)?
See Template 4A, 4A-5 SFA Details .4(a)(2)(i) sheet and Addendum D for more details on these requirements.

Enter N/A if the plan is not a MPRA Plan.

N/A - included as part of Template 4A Plan Name N/A
N/A N/A - included in Template 4A Plan Name
16.b.ii. Addendum D
Section C, Item (4)f. - MPRA plan information A.
If the plan is a MPRA plan for which the requested amount of SFA is determined using the increasing assets method described in § 4262.4(a)(2)(i), does the application also explicitly identify the projected SFA exhaustion year based on the increasing assets method? See Template 4A, 4A-5 SFA Details .4(a)(2)(i) sheet and Addendum D.

Enter N/A if the plan is not a MPRA Plan or if the requested amount of SFA is determined based on the present value method.

N/A - included as part of Template 4A Plan Name N/A
N/A N/A - included in Template 4A Plan Name
16.b.iii. Addendum D
Section C, Item (4)a. - MPRA plan information B

Addendum D
Section C, Item (4)e. (4)f., and (4)g. - MPRA plan information B.
If the plan is a MPRA plan for which the requested amount of SFA is determined using the present value method described in § 4262.4(a)(2)(ii), does the application also include the information for such plans as shown in Template 4B, including 4B-1 SFA Ben Pmts sheet, 4B-2 SFA Details 4(a)(2)(ii) sheet, and 4B-3 SFA Exhaustion sheet? See Addendum D and Template 4B.

Enter N/A if the plan is not a MPRA Plan or if the requested amount of SFA is determined based on the increasing assets method.

N/A Template 4B Plan Name
16.c. Section C, Items (4)b. and (4)c. Does the application include identification of the non-SFA interest rate and the SFA interest rate, including details on how each was determined? See Template 4A, 4A-1 Interest Rates sheet. Yes

N/A - included as part of Template 4A Plan Name N/A
N/A N/A - included in Template 4A Plan Name
16.d. Section C, Item (4).e.ii. For each year in the SFA coverage period, does the application include the projected benefit payments (excluding make-up payments, if applicable), separately for current retirees and beneficiaries, current terminated vested participants not yet in pay status, current active participants, and new entrants? See Template 4A, 4A-2 SFA Ben Pmts sheet. Yes

N/A - included as part of Template 4A Plan Name N/A
N/A N/A - included in Template 4A Plan Name
16.e. Section C, Item (4)e.iv. and (4)e.v. For each year in the SFA coverage period, does the application include a breakdown of the administrative expenses between PBGC premiums and all other administrative expenses? Does the application include the projected total number of participants at the beginning of each plan year in the SFA coverage period? See Template 4A, 4A-3 SFA Pcount and Admin Exp sheet. Yes

N/A - included as part of Template 4A Plan Name N/A
N/A N/A - included in Template 4A Plan Name
17.a. Section C, Item (5) For a plan that is not a MPRA plan, does the application include a separate deterministic projection ("Baseline") in the same format as Checklist Items #16.a., #16.d., and #16.e. that shows the amount of SFA that would be determined using the basic method if the assumptions/methods used are the same as those used in the most recent actuarial certification of plan status completed before January 1, 2021 ("pre-2021 certification of plan status") excluding the plan's non-SFA interest rate and SFA interest rate, which should be the same as in Checklist Item #16.a.? See Section C, Item (5) of the SFA Filing Instructions for other potential exclusions from this requirement.

If (a) the plan is a MPRA plan, or if (b) this item is not required for a plan that is not a MPRA plan, enter N/A. If entering N/A due to (b), add information in the Plan Comments to explain why this item is not required.

Does the uploaded file use the required filenaming convention?

Projections for special financial assistance (estimated income, benefit payments and expenses) Template 5A Plan Name
17.b. Addendum D
Section C, Item (5)
For a MPRA plan for which the requested amount of SFA is determined using the increasing assets method, does the application include a separate deterministic projection ("Baseline") in the same format as Checklist Items #16.b.i., #16.d., and #16.e. that shows the amount of SFA that would be determined using the increasing assets method if the assumptions/methods used are the same as those used in the most recent actuarial certification of plan status completed before January 1, 2021 ("pre-2021 certification of plan status") excluding the plan's non-SFA interest rate and SFA interest rate, which should be the same as used in Checklist Item #16.b.i.? See Section C, Item (5) of the SFA Filing Instructions for other potential exclusions from this requirement. Also see Addendum D.

If the plan is (a) not a MPRA plan, (b) a MPRA plan using the present value method, or (c) is otherwise not required to provide this item, enter N/A. If entering N/A due to (c), add information in the Plan Comments to explain why this item is not required.

Does the uploaded file use the required filenaming convention?

Projections for special financial assistance (estimated income, benefit payments and expenses) Template 5A Plan Name
17.c. Addendum D
Section C, Item (5)
For a MPRA plan for which the requested amount of SFA is determined using the present value method, does the application include a separate deterministic projection ("Baseline") in the same format as Checklist Item #16.b.iii. that shows the amount of SFA that would be determined using the present value method if the assumptions used/methods are the same as those used in the most recent actuarial certification of plan status completed before January 1, 2021 ("pre-2021 certification of plan status") excluding the plan's SFA interest rate which should be the same as used in Checklist Item #16.b.iii. See Section C, Item (5) of the SFA Filing Instructions for other potential exclusions from this requirement. Also see Addendum D.

If the plan is (a) not a MPRA plan, (b) a MPRA plan using the increasing assets method, or (c) is otherwise not required to provide this item, enter N/A. If entering N/A due to (c), add information in the Plan Comments to explain why this item is not required.

Has this document been uploaded using the required filenaming convention?

Projections for special financial assistance (estimated income, benefit payments and expenses) Template 5B Plan Name
18.a. Section C, Item (6) For a plan that is not a MPRA plan, does the application include a reconciliation of the change in the total amount of requested SFA due to each change in assumption/method from the Baseline to the requested SFA amount? Does the application include a deterministic projection and other information for each assumption/method change, in the same format as Checklist Item #16.a? Enter N/A if the plan is not required to provide Baseline information in Checklist Item #17.a. Enter N/A if the requested SFA amount in Checklist Item #16.a. is the same as the amount shown in the Baseline details of Checklist Item #17.a. See Section C, Item (6) of the SFA Filing Instructions for other potential exclusions from this requirement.

If the plan is a MPRA plan, enter N/A. If the plan is otherwise not required to provide this item, enter N/A and provide an explanation in the Plan Comments.

Does the uploaded file use the required filenaming convention?


Projections for special financial assistance (estimated income, benefit payments and expenses) Template 6A Plan Name
18.b. Addendum D
Section C, Item (6)
For a MPRA plan for which the requested amount of SFA is based on the increasing assets method, does the application include a reconciliation of the change in the total amount of requested SFA using the increasing assets method due to each change in assumption/method from the Baseline to the requested SFA amount? Does the application include a deterministic projection and other information for each assumption/method change, in the same format as Checklist Item #16.b.i.?

Enter N/A if the plan is not required to provide Baseline information in Checklist Item #17.b. Enter N/A if the requested SFA amount in Checklist Item #16.b.i. is the same as the amount shown in the Baseline details of Checklist Item #17.b. See Addendum D. See Section C, Item (6) of the SFA Filing Instructions for other potential exclusions from this requirement, and enter N/A if this item is not otherwise required.

If the plan is (a) not a MPRA plan, (b) a MPRA plan using the present value method, or (c) is otherwise not required to provide this item, enter N/A. If entering N/A due to (c), add information in the Plan Comments to explain why this item is not required.

Does the uploaded file use the required filenaming convention?


Projections for special financial assistance (estimated income, benefit payments and expenses) Template 6A Plan Name
18.c. Addendum D
Section C, Item (6)
For a MPRA plan for which the requested amount of SFA is based on the present value method, does the application include a reconciliation of the change in the total amount of requested SFA using the present value method due to each change in assumption/method from Baseline to the requested SFA amount? Does the application include a deterministic projection and other information for each assumption/method change, in the same format as Checklist Item #16.b.iii.?

See Section C, Item (6) of the SFA Filing Instructions for other potential exclusions from this requirement. Also see Addendum D.

If the plan is (a) not a MPRA plan, (b) a MPRA plan using the increasing assets method, or (c) is otherwise not required to provide this item, enter N/A. If entering N/A due to (c), add information in the Plan Comments to explain why this item is not required.

Has this document been uploaded using the required filenaming convention?

Projections for special financial assistance (estimated income, benefit payments and expenses) Template 6B Plan Name
19.a. Section C, Item (7)a. For plans eligible for SFA under § 4262.3(a)(1) or § 4262.3(a)(3), does the application include a table identifying which assumptions/methods used in determining the plan's eligibility for SFA differ from those used in the pre-2021 certification of plan status, and does that table include brief explanations as to why using those assumptions/methods is no longer reasonable and why the changed assumptions/methods are reasonable (an abbreviated version of information provided in Checklist Item #28.a.)?

Enter N/A if the plan is eligible for SFA under § 4262.3(a)(2) or § 4262.3(a)(4) or if the plan is eligible based on a certification of plan status completed before 1/1/2021. Also enter N/A if the plan is eligible based on a certification of plan status completed after 12/31/2020 but that reflects the same assumptions as those in the pre-2021 certification of plan status. See Template 7, 7a Assump Changes for Elig sheet.

Does the uploaded file include both Checklist Items #19.a. and #19.b., and does it use the required filenaming convention?

Financial assistance spreadsheet (template) Template 7 Plan Name.
19.b. Section C, Item (7)b. Does the application include a table identifying which assumptions/methods used to determine the requested SFA differ from those used in the pre-2021 certification of plan status (except the interest rates used to determine SFA)? Does this item include brief explanations as to why using those original assumptions/methods is no longer reasonable and why the changed assumptions/methods are reasonable? If a changed assumption is an extension of the CBU assumption or the administrative expenses assumption as described in Paragraph A “Adoption of assumptions not previously factored into pre-2021 certification of plan status” of Section III, Acceptable Assumption Changes of PBGC’s SFA assumptions guidance, does the application state so? This should be an abbreviated version of information provided in Checklist Item #28.b. See Template 7, 7b Assump Changes for Amount sheet.

Does the uploaded file include both Checklist Items #19.a. and #19.b., and does it use the required filenaming convention?

Financial assistance spreadsheet (template) Template 7 Plan Name
20.a. Section C, Item (8) Does the application include details of the projected contributions and withdrawal liability payments used to calculate the requested SFA amount, including total contributions, contribution base units (including identification of base unit used), average contribution rate(s), reciprocity contributions (if applicable), additional contributions from the rehabilitation plan (if applicable), and any other identifiable contribution streams? See Template 8. Yes

Projections for special financial assistance (estimated income, benefit payments and expenses) Template 8 Plan Name
20.b. Does the application separately show the amounts of projected withdrawal liability payments for employers that are currently withdrawn as of the date the initial application is filed, and assumed future withdrawals? Does the application also provide the projected number of active participants at the beginning of each plan year? See Template 8. Yes

N/A - include as part of Checklist Item #20.a. N/A
N/A N/A - included in Template 8 Plan Name
21. Section C, Item (10) Does the application provide a table identifying and describing all assumptions and methods used in i) the pre-2021 certification of plan status, ii) the “Baseline” projection in Section C Item (5), and iii) the determination of the amount of SFA in Section C Item (4)?

Does the table state if each changed assumption falls under Section III, Acceptable Assumption Changes, or Section IV, Generally Accepted Assumption Changes, in PBGC’s SFA assumptions guidance, or if it should be considered an “Other Change”?

Does the uploaded file use the required filenaming convention?

Financial assistance spreadsheet (template) Template 10 Plan Name
22. Section D Was the application signed and dated by an authorized trustee who is a current member of the board of trustees or another authorized representative of the plan sponsor and include the printed name and title of the signer? Yes

Identify here the name of the single document that includes all information requested in Section D of the SFA Filing Instructions (Checklist Items #22 through #29.c.). Financial Assistance Application SFA App Plan Name
23.a. Section D, Item (1) For a plan that is not a MPRA plan, does the application include an optional cover letter?

Enter N/A if the plan is a MPRA plan, or if the plan is not a MPRA plan and did not include an optional cover letter.

N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
For each Checklist Item #22 through #29.c., identify the relevant page number(s) within the single document. N/A N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
23.b. For a plan that is a MPRA plan, does the application include a cover letter? Does the cover letter identify the calculation method (basic method, increasing assets method, or present value method) that provides the greatest amount of SFA? For a MPRA plan with a partition, does the cover letter include a statement that the plan has been partitioned under section 4233 of ERISA?

Enter N/A if the plan is not a MPRA plan.

N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name

N/A N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
24. Section D, Item (2) Does the application include the name, address, email, and telephone number of the plan sponsor, plan sponsor's authorized representative, and any other authorized representatives? Yes

N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name

N/A N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
25. Section D, Item (3) Does the application identify the eligibility criteria in § 4262.3 that qualifies the plan as eligible to receive SFA, and include the requested information for each item that is applicable, as described in Section D, Item (3) of the SFA Filing Instructions? Yes

N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
Briefly note here the basis for eligibility for SFA. N/A N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
26.a. Section D, Item (4) If the plan's application is submitted on or before March 11, 2023, does the application identify the plan's priority group (see § 4262.10(d)(2))?

Enter N/A if the plan's application is submitted after March 11, 2023.

N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
Briefly identify here the priority group, if applicable. N/A N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
26.b. If the plan is submitting an emergency application under § 4262.10(f), is the application identified as an emergency application with the applicable emergency criteria identified?

Enter N/A if the plan is not submitting an emergency application.

N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
Briefly identify the emergency criteria, if applicable. N/A N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
27. Section D, Item (5) Does the application include a detailed narrative description of the development of the assumed future contributions and assumed future withdrawal liability payments used in the basic method (and in the increasing assets method for a MPRA plan)? Yes

N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name

N/A N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
28.a. Section D, Item (6)a. For plans eligible for SFA under § 4262.3(a)(1) or § 4262.3(a)(3), does the application identify which assumptions/methods (if any) used in showing the plan's eligibility for SFA differ from those used in the most recent certification of plan status completed before 1/1/2021? If there are any assumption/method changes, does the application include detailed explanations and supporting rationale and information as to why using the identified assumptions/methods is no longer reasonable and why the changed assumptions/methods are reasonable?

Enter N/A if the plan is not eligible under § 4262.3(a)(1) or § 4262.3(a)(3). Enter N/A if there are no such assumption changes.

N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name

N/A N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
28.b. Section D, Item (6)b. Does the application identify which assumptions/methods (if any) used to determine the requested SFA amount differ from those used in the most recent certification of plan status completed before 1/1/2021 (excluding the plan's non-SFA and SFA interest rates, which must be the same as the interest rates required by § 4262.4(e)(1) and (2))? If there are any assumption/method changes, does the application include detailed explanations and supporting rationale and information as to why using the identified original assumptions/methods is no longer reasonable and why the changed assumptions/methods are reasonable? Does the application state if the changed assumption is an extension of the CBU assumption or the administrative expenses assumption as described in Paragraph A “Adoption of assumptions not previously factored into pre-2021 certification of plan status” of Section III, Acceptable Assumption Changes of PBGC’s SFA Assumptions?


N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name

N/A N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
28.c. Section D, Item (6) If the mortality assumption uses a plan-specific mortality table or a plan-specific adjustment to a standard mortality table (regardless of if the mortality assumption is changed or unchanged from that used in the most recent certification of plan status completed before 1/1/2021), is supporting information provided that documents the methodology used and the rationale for selection of the methodology used to develop the plan-specific rates, as well as detailed information showing the determination of plan credibility and plan experience?

Enter N/A is the mortality assumption does not use a plan-specific mortality table or a plan-specific adjustment to a standard mortality table for eligibility or for determining the SFA amount.

N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name

N/A N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
29.a. Section D, Item (7) Does the application include, for an eligible plan that implemented a suspension of benefits under section 305(e)(9) or section 4245(a) of ERISA, a narrative description of how the plan will reinstate the benefits that were previously suspended and a proposed schedule of payments (equal to the amount of benefits previously suspended) to participants and beneficiaries?

Enter N/A for a plan that has not implemented a suspension of benefits.

N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name

N/A N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
29.b. Section D, Item (7) If Yes was entered for Checklist Item #29.a., does the proposed schedule show the yearly aggregate amount and timing of such payments, and is it prepared assuming the effective date for reinstatement is the day after the SFA measurement date?

Enter N/A for a plan that entered N/A for Checklist Item #29.a.

N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name

N/A N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
29.c. Section D, Item (7) If the plan restored benefits under 26 CFR 1.432(e)(9)-1(e)(3) before the SFA measurement date, does the proposed schedule reflect the amount and timing of payments of restored benefits and the effect of the restoration on the benefits remaining to be reinstated?

Enter N/A for a plan that did not restore benefits under 26 CFR 1.432(e)(9)-1(e)(3) before the SFA measurement date. Also enter N/A for a plan that entered N/A for Checklist Items #29.a. and #29.b.

N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name

N/A N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
30.a. Section E, Item (1) Does the application include a fully completed Application Checklist, including the required information at the top of the Application Checklist (plan name, employer identification number (EIN), 3-digit plan number (PN), and SFA amount requested)? Yes

Special Financial Assistance Checklist App Checklist Plan Name
30.b. Section E, Item (1) - Addendum A If the plan is required to provide information required by Addendum A of the SFA Filing Instructions (for "certain events"), are the additional Checklist Items #40.a. through #49.b. completed?

Enter N/A if the plan is not required to submit the additional information described in Addendum A.

Special Financial Assistance Checklist N/A
31. Section E, Item (2) If the plan claims SFA eligibility under § 4262.3(a)(1) of PBGC's SFA regulation based on a certification by the plan's enrolled actuary of plan status for SFA eligibility purposes completed on or after January 1, 2021, does the application include:
(i) plan actuary's certification of plan status for SFA eligibility purposes for the specified year (and, if applicable, for each plan year after the plan year for which the pre-2021 zone certification was prepared and for the plan year immediately prior to the specified year)?
(ii) for each certification in (i) above, does the application include all details and additional information described in Section B, Item (5) of the SFA Filing Instructions, including clear documentation of all assumptions, methods and census data used?
(iii) for each certification in (i) above, does the application identify all assumptions and methods that are different from those used in the pre-2021 zone certification?

Does the certification by the plan's enrolled actuary include clear indication of all assumptions and methods used including source of and date of participant data, measurement date, and a statement that the actuary is qualified to render the actuarial opinion?

If the plan does not claim SFA eligibility under § 4262.3(a)(1) or claims SFA eligibility under
§ 4262.3(a)(1) using a zone certification completed before January 1, 2021, enter N/A.

Is the information for this Checklist Item #31 contained in a single document and uploaded using the required filenaming convention?

Financial Assistance Application SFA Elig Cert CD Plan Name
32.a. Section E, Item (3) If the plan claims SFA eligibility under § 4262.3(a)(3) of PBGC's SFA regulation based on a certification by the plan's enrolled actuary of plan status for SFA eligibility purposes completed on or after January 1, 2021, does the application include:
(i) plan actuary's certification of plan status for SFA eligibility purposes for the specified year (and, if applicable, for each plan year after the plan year for which the pre-2021 zone certification was prepared and for the plan year immediately prior to the specified year)?
(ii) for each certification in (i) above, does the application include all details and additional information described in Section B, Item (5) of the SFA Filing Instructions, including clear documentation of all assumptions, methods and census data used?
(iii) for each certification in (i) above, does the application identify all assumptions and methods that are different from those used in the pre-2021 zone certification?

Does the certification by the plan's enrolled actuary include clear indication of all assumptions and methods used including source of and date of participant data, measurement date, and a statement that the actuary is qualified to render the actuarial opinion?

If the plan does not claim SFA eligibility under § 4262.3(a)(3) or claims SFA eligibility under
§ 4262.3(a)(3) using a zone certification completed before January 1, 2021, enter N/A.

Is the information for Checklist Items #32.a. and #32.b. contained in a single document and uploaded using the required filenaming convention?

Financial Assistance Application SFA Elig Cert C Plan Name
32.b. Section E, Item (3) If the plan claims SFA eligibility under § 4262.3(a)(3) of PBGC's SFA regulation, does the application include a certification from the plan's enrolled actuary that the plan qualifies for SFA based on the applicable certification of plan status for SFA eligibility purposes for the specified year, and by meeting the other requirements of § 4262.3(c) of PBGC's SFA regulation. Does the provided certification include:
(i) identification of the specified year for each component of eligibility (certification of plan status for SFA eligibility purposes, modified funding percentage, and participant ratio)
(ii) derivation of the modified funded percentage
(iii) derivation of the participant ratio

Does the certification identify what test(s) under section 305(b)(2) of ERISA is met for the specified year listed above?

Does the certification identify all assumptions and methods (including supporting rationale, and where applicable, reliance on the plan sponsor) used to develop the withdrawal liability receivable that is utilized in the calculation of the modified funded percentage?

Enter N/A if the plan does not claim SFA eligibility under §4262.3(a)(3).

Is the information for Checklist Items #32.a. and #32.b. contained in a single document and uploaded using the required filenaming convention?

N/A - included with SFA Elig Cert C Plan Name N/A
Financial Assistance Application N/A - included in SFA Elig Cert C Plan Name
33. Section E, Item (4) If the plan's application is submitted on or prior to March 11, 2023, does the application include a certification from the plan's enrolled actuary that the plan is eligible for priority status, with specific identification of the applicable priority group?

This item is not required (enter N/A) if the plan is insolvent, has implemented a MPRA suspension as of 3/11/2021, is in critical and declining status and had 350,000+ participants, or is listed on PBGC's website at www.pbgc.gov as being in priority group 6. See § 4262.10(d).

Does the certification by the plan's enrolled actuary include clear indication of all assumptions and methods used including source of and date of participant data, measurement date, and a statement that the actuary is qualified to render the actuarial opinion?

Is the filename uploaded using the required filenaming convention?

Financial Assistance Application PG Cert Plan Name
34.a. Section E, Item (5) Does the application include the certification by the plan's enrolled actuary that the requested amount of SFA is the amount to which the plan is entitled under section 4262(j)(1) of ERISA and § 4262.4 of PBGC's SFA regulation? Does this certification include:
(i) plan actuary's certification that identifies the requested amount of SFA and certifies that this is the amount to which the plan is entitled?
(ii) clear indication of all assumptions and methods used including source of and date of participant data, measurement date, and a statement that the actuary is qualified to render the actuarial opinion?
(iii) the count of participants (provided separately, after reflection of the death audit results in Section B(9), for current retirees and beneficiaries, current terminated vested participants not yet in pay status, and current active participants) as of the participant census date?

Is the information in Checklist #34.a. combined with #34.b. (if applicable) as a single document, and uploaded using the required filenaming convention?

Financial Assistance Application SFA Amount Cert Plan Name
34.b. If the plan is a MPRA plan, does the certification by the plan's enrolled actuary identify the amount of SFA determined under the basic method described in § 4262.4(a)(1) and the amount determined under the increasing assets method in § 4262.4(a)(2)(i)?

If the amount of SFA determined under the “present value method” described in § 4262.4(a)(2)(ii) is not the greatest amount of SFA under § 4262.4(a)(2), does the certification state as such?

If the amount of SFA determined under the “present value method” described in § 4262.4(a)(2)(ii) is the greatest amount of SFA under § 4262.4(a)(2), does the certification identify that amount?

Enter N/A if the plan is not a MPRA plan.

N/A - included with SFA Amount Cert Plan Name N/A
N/A - included in SFA Amount Cert Plan Name N/A - included in SFA Amount Cert Plan Name
35. Section E, Item (6) Does the application include the plan sponsor's identification of the amount of fair market value of assets at the SFA measurement date and certification that this amount is accurate? Does the application also include:
(i) information that substantiates the asset value and how it was developed (e.g., trust or account statements, specific details of any adjustments)?
(ii) a reconciliation of the fair market value of assets from the date of the most recent audited plan financial statements to the SFA measurement date (showing beginning and ending fair market value of assets for this period as well as the following items for the period: contributions, withdrawal liability payments, benefits paid, administrative expenses, and investment income)?
(iii) if the SFA measurement date is the end of a plan year for which the audited plan financial statements have been issued, does the application include a reconciliation schedule showing adjustments, if any, made to the audited fair market value of assets used to determine the SFA amount?

With the exception of account statements and financial statements already provided as Checklist Items #8 and #9, is all information contained in a single document that is uploaded using the required filenaming convention?

Financial Assistance Application FMV Cert Plan Name
36. Section E, Item (7) Does the application include a copy of the executed plan amendment required by § 4262.6(e)(1) of PBGC's SFA regulation which (i) is signed by authorized trustee(s) of the plan and (ii) includes the plan compliance language in Section E, Item (7) of the SFA Filing Instructions? Yes

Pension plan documents, all versions available, and all amendments signed and dated Compliance Amend Plan Name
37. Section E, Item (8) In the case of a plan that suspended benefits under section 305(e)(9) or section 4245 of ERISA, does the application include:
(i) a copy of the proposed plan amendment(s) required by § 4262.6(e)(2) to reinstate suspended benefits and pay make-up payments?
(ii) a certification by the plan sponsor that the proposed plan amendment(s) will be timely adopted? Is the certification signed by either all members of the plan's board of trustees or by one or more trustees duly authorized to sign the certification on behalf of the entire board (including, if applicable, documentation that substantiates the authorization of the signing trustees)?

Enter N/A if the plan has not suspended benefits.

Is all information included in a single document that is uploaded using the required filenaming convention?

Pension plan documents, all versions available, and all amendments signed and dated Reinstatement Amend Plan Name
38. Section E, Item (9) In the case of a plan that was partitioned under section 4233 of ERISA, does the application include a copy of the executed plan amendment required by § 4262.9(c)(2)?

Enter N/A if the plan was not partitioned.

Is the document uploaded using the required filenaming convention?

Pension plan documents, all versions available, and all amendments signed and dated Partition Amend Plan Name
39. Section E, Item (10) Does the application include one or more copies of the penalties of perjury statement (see Section E, Item (10) of the SFA Filing Instructions) that (a) are signed by an authorized trustee who is a current member of the board of trustees, and (b) includes the trustee's printed name and title.

Is all such information included in a single document and uploaded using the required filenaming convention?

Financial Assistance Application Penalty Plan Name
Additional Information for Certain Events under § 4262.4(f) - Applicable to Any Events in § 4262.4(f)(2) through (f)(4) and Any Mergers in § 4262.4(f)(1)(ii)
NOTE: If the plan is not required to provided information described in Addendum A of the SFA Filing Instructions, the Plan Response should be left blank for the remaining Checklist Items.
40.a. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section C, Item (4)
Does the application include an additional version of Checklist Item #16.a. (also including Checklist Items #16.c., #16.d., and #16.e.), that shows the determination of the SFA amount using the basic method described in § 4262.4(a)(1) as if any events had not occurred? See Template 4A.

Projections for special financial assistance (estimated income, benefit payments and expenses) For additional submission due to any event: Template 4A Plan Name CE. For an additional submission due to a merger, Template 4A Plan Name Merged, where "Plan Name Merged" is an abbreviated version of the plan name for the separate plan involved in the merger.
40.b.i. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section C, Item (4)
If the plan is a MPRA plan for which the requested amount of SFA is based on the increasing assets method described in § 4262.4(a)(2)(i), does the application also include an additional version of Checklist Item #16.b.i. that shows the determination of the SFA amount using the increasing assets method as if any events had not occurred? See Template 4A, sheet 4A-5 SFA Details .5(a)(2)(i).

Enter N/A if the plan is not a MPRA Plan or if the plan is a MPRA plan for which the requested amount of SFA is based on the present value method.

N/A - included as part of file in Checklist Item #40.a. N/A
N/A N/A - included as part of file in Checklist Item #40.a.
40.b.ii. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section C, Item (4)
If the plan is a MPRA plan for which the requested amount of SFA is based on the increasing assets method described in § 4262.4(a)(2)(i), does the application also include an additional version of Checklist Item #16.b.ii. that explicitly identifies the projected SFA exhaustion year based on the increasing assets method? See Template 4A, 4A-5 SFA Details .4(a)(2)(i) sheet and Addendum D.

Enter N/A if the plan is not a MPRA Plan or if the plan is a MPRA plan for which the requested amount of SFA is based on the present value method.

N/A N/A - included as part of file in Checklist Item #40.a.
40.b.iii. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section C, Item (4)
If the plan is a MPRA plan for which the requested amount of SFA is based on the present value method described in § 4262.4(a)(2)(ii), does the application also include an additional version of Checklist Item #16.b.iii. that shows the determination of the SFA amount using the present value method as if any events had not occurred? See Template 4B, sheet 4B-1 SFA Ben Pmts, sheet 4B-2 SFA Details .4(a)(2)(ii), and sheet 4B-3 SFA Exhaustion.

Enter N/A if the plan is not a MPRA Plan or if the plan is a MPRA plan for which the requested amount of SFA is based on the increasing assets method.

Projections for special financial assistance (estimated income, benefit payments and expenses) For additional submission due to any event: Template 4B Plan Name CE. For an additional submission due to a merger, Template 4B Plan Name Merged, where "Plan Name Merged" is an abbreviated version of the plan name for the separate plan involved in the merger.
41. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section C, Item (4)
For any merger, does the application show the SFA determination for this plan and for each plan merged into this plan (each of these determined as if they were still separate plans)? See Template 4A for a non-MPRA plan using the basic method, and for a MPRA plan using the increasing assets method. See Template 4B for a MPRA Plan using the present value method.

Enter N/A if the plan has not experienced a merger.

Projections for special financial assistance (estimated income, benefit payments and expenses) For an additional submission due to a merger, Template 4A (or Template 4B) Plan Name Merged, where "Plan Name Merged" is an abbreviated version of the plan name for the separate plan involved in the merger.
42.a. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section D
Does the application include a narrative description of any event and any merger, including relevant supporting documents which may include plan amendments, collective bargaining agreements, actuarial certifications related to a transfer or merger, or other relevant materials?


N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
For each Checklist Item #42.a. through #45.b., identify the relevant page number(s) within the single document. Financial Assistance Application SFA App Plan Name
42.b. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section D
For a transfer or merger event, does the application include identifying information for all plans involved including plan name, EIN and plan number, and the date of the transfer or merger? Yes

N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name

Financial Assistance Application N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
43.a. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section D
Does the narrative description in the application identify the amount of SFA reflecting any event, the amount of SFA determined as if the event had not occurred, and confirmation that the requested SFA is no greater than the amount that would have been determined if the event had not occurred, unless the event is a contribution rate reduction and such event lessens the risk of loss to plan participants and beneficiaries?

N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name

Financial Assistance Application N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
43.b. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section D
For a merger, is the determination of SFA as if the event had not occurred equal to the sum of the amount that would be determined for this plan and each plan merged into this plan (each as if they were still separate plans)?

Enter N/A if the event described in Checklist Item #42.a. was not a merger.

N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name

Financial Assistance Application N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
44.a. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section D
Does the application include an additional version of Checklist Item #25 that shows the determination of SFA eligibility as if any events had not occurred?

N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name

Financial Assistance Application N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
44.b. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section D
For any merger, does this item include demonstrations of SFA eligibility for this plan and for each plan merged into this plan (each of these determined as if they were still separate plans)?

Enter N/A if the event described in Checklist Item #42.a. was not a merger.

N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name

Financial Assistance Application N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
45.a. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section D
If the event is a contribution rate reduction and the amount of requested SFA is not limited to the amount of SFA determined as if the event had not occurred, does the application include a detailed demonstration that shows that the event lessens the risk of loss to plan participants and beneficiaries?

Enter N/A if the event is not a contribution rate reduction, or if the event is a contribution rate reduction but the requested SFA is limited to the amount of SFA determined as if the event had not occurred.

N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name

Financial Assistance Application N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
45.b. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section D
Does the demonstration in Checklist Item #45.a. also identify all assumptions used, supporting rationale for the assumptions and other relevant information?

Enter N/A if the plan entered N/A for Checklist Item #45.a.

N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name

Financial Assistance Application N/A - included as part of SFA App Plan Name
46.a. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section E, Items (2) and (3)
Does the application include an additional certification from the plan's enrolled actuary with respect to the plan's SFA eligibility but with eligibility determined as if any events had not occurred? This should be in the format of Checklist Item #31 if the SFA eligibility is based on the plan status of critical and declining using a zone certification completed on or after January 1, 2021. This should be in the format of Checklist Items #32.a. and #32.b. if the SFA eligibility is based on the plan status of critical using a zone certification completed on or after January 1, 2021.

If the above SFA eligibility is not based on § 4262.3(a)(1) or § 4262.3(a)(3) or is based on a zone certification completed prior to January 1, 2021, enter N/A.

Is all relevant information contained in a single document and uploaded using the required filenaming convention?

Financial Assistance Application SFA Elig Cert Plan Name CE
46.b. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section E, Items (2) and (3)
For any merger, does the application include additional certifications of the SFA eligibility for this plan and for each plan merged into this plan (each of these determined as if they were still separate plans)?

If the above SFA eligibility is not based on § 4262.3(a)(1) or § 4262.3(a)(3) or is based on a zone certification completed prior to January 1, 2021, enter N/A.

Enter N/A if the event described in Checklist Item #42.a. was not a merger.

Financial Assistance Application SFA Elig Cert Plan Name Merged CE

"Plan Name Merged" is an abbreviated version of the plan name for the separate plan involved in the merger.
47.a. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section E, Item (5)
Does the application include an additional certification from the plan's enrolled actuary with respect to the plan's SFA amount (in the format of Checklist Item #34.a.), but with the SFA amount determined as if any events had not occurred? Yes

Financial Assistance Application SFA Amount Cert Plan Name CE
47.b. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section E, Item (5)
If the plan is a MPRA plan, does the certification in Checklist Item #46.a. identify the amount of SFA determined under the basic method described in § 4262.4(a)(1) and the amount determined under the increasing assets method in § 4262.4(a)(2)(i)?

If the amount of SFA determined under the “present value method” described in § 4262.4(a)(2)(ii) is not the greatest amount of SFA under § 4262.4(a)(2), does the certification state as such?

If the amount of SFA determined under the “present value method” described in § 4262.4(a)(2)(ii) is the greatest amount of SFA under § 4262.4(a)(2), does the certification identify that amount?

Enter N/A if the plan is not a MPRA plan.

N/A - included in SFA Amount Cert Plan Name CE N/A
N/A - included in SFA Amount Cert Plan Name N/A - included in SFA Amount Cert Plan Name CE
47.c. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section E, Item (5)
Does the certification in Checklist Items #47.a. and #47.b. (if applicable) clearly identify all assumptions and methods used, sources of participant data and census data, and other relevant information? Yes

N/A - included in SFA Amount Cert Plan Name CE N/A
N/A - included in SFA Amount Cert Plan Name N/A - included in SFA Amount Cert Plan Name CE
48.a. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section E, Item (5)
For any merger, does the application include additional certifications of the SFA amount determined for this plan and for each plan merged into this plan (each of these determined as if they were still separate plans)?

Enter N/A if the event described in Checklist Item #42.a. was not a merger.

Financial Assistance Application SFA Amount Cert Plan Name Merged CE

"Plan Name Merged" is an abbreviated version of the plan name for the separate plan involved in the merger.
48.b. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section E, Item (5)
For any merger, do the certifications clearly identify all assumptions and methods used, sources of participant data and census data, and other relevant information?

Enter N/A if the event described in Checklist Item #42.a. was not a merger.


N/A - included in SFA Amount Cert Plan Name CE N/A
N/A - included in SFA Amount Cert Plan Name CE N/A - included in SFA Amount Cert Plan Name CE
49.a. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section E
If the event is a contribution rate reduction and the amount of requested SFA is not limited to the amount of SFA determined as if the event had not occurred, does the application include a certification from the plan's enrolled actuary (or, if appropriate, from the plan sponsor) with respect to the demonstration to support a finding that the event lessens the risk of loss to plan participants and beneficiaries?

Enter N/A if the event is not a contribution rate reduction, or if the event is a contribution rate reduction but the requested SFA is limited to the amount of SFA determined as if the event had not occurred.

Financial Assistance Application Cont Rate Cert Plan Name CE
49.b. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section E
Does the demonstration in Checklist Item #48.a. also identify all assumptions used, supporting rationale for the assumptions and other relevant information?

Enter N/A if the event is not a contribution rate reduction, or if the event is a contribution rate reduction but the requested SFA is limited to the amount of SFA determined as if the event had not occurred.

N/A - included in Cont Rate Cert Plan Name CE N/A
N/A - included in Cont Rate Cert Plan Name CE N/A - included in Cont Rate Cert Plan Name CE
Additional Information for Certain Events under § 4262.4(f) - Applicable Only to Any Mergers in § 4262.4(f)(1)(ii)

Plans that have experienced mergers identified in § 4262.4(f)(1)(ii) must complete Checklist Items #50 through #63. If you are required to complete Checklist Items #50 through #63, your application will be considered incomplete if No is entered as a Plan Response for any of Checklist Items #50 through #63. All other plans should not provide any responses for Checklist Items #50 through #63.

50. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section B, Item (1)a.
In addition to the information provided with Checklist Item #1, does the application also include similar plan documents and amendments for each plan that merged into this plan due to a merger described in § 4262.4(f)(1)(ii)? Yes

Pension plan documents, all versions available, and all amendments signed and dated N/A
51. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section B, Item (1)b.
In addition to the information provided with Checklist Item #2, does the application also include similar trust agreements and amendments for each plan that merged into this plan due to a merger described in § 4262.4(f)(1)(ii)? Yes

Pension plan documents, all versions available, and all amendments signed and dated N/A
52. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section B, Item (1)c.
In addition to the information provided with Checklist Item #3, does the application also include the most recent IRS determination for each plan that merged into this plan due to a merger described in § 4262.4(f)(1)(ii)?

Enter N/A if the plan does not have a determination letter.

Pension plan documents, all versions available, and all amendments signed and dated N/A
53. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section B, Item (2)
In addition to the information provided with Checklist Item #4, for each plan that merged into this plan due to a merger described in § 4262.4(f)(1)(ii), does the application include the actuarial valuation report for the 2018 plan year and each subsequent actuarial valuation report completed before the application filing date? Yes

N/A Identify here how many reports are provided. Most recent actuarial valuation for the plan YYYYAVR Plan Name Merged, where "Plan Name Merged" is abbreviated version of the plan name for the plan merged into this plan.
54. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section B, Item (3)
In addition to the information provided with Checklist Items #5.a. and #5.b., does the application include similar rehabilitation plan information for each plan that merged into this plan due to a merger described in § 4262.4(f)(1)(ii)? Yes

Rehabilitation plan (or funding improvement plan, if applicable) N/A
55. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section B, Item (4)
In addition to the information provided with Checklist Item #6, does the application include similar Form 5500 information for each plan that merged into this plan due to a merger described in § 4262.4(f)(1)(ii)? Yes

Latest annual return/report of employee benefit plan (Form 5500) YYYYForm5500 Plan Name Merged, "Plan Name Merged" is abbreviated version of the plan name for the plan merged into this plan.
56. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section B, Item (5)
In addition to the information provided with Checklist Items #7.a., #7.b., and #7.c., does the application include similar certifications of plan status for each plan that merged into this plan due to a merger described in § 4262.4(f)(1)(ii)? Yes

N/A Identify how many zone certifications are provided. Zone certification YYYYZoneYYYYMMDD Plan Name Merged, where the first "YYYY" is the applicable plan year, and "YYYYMMDD" is the date the certification was prepared. "Plan Name Merged" is an abbreviated version of the plan name for the plan merged into this plan.
57. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section B, Item (6)
In addition to the information provided with Checklist Item #8, does the application include the most recent cash and investment account statements for each plan that merged into this plan due to a merger described in § 4262.4(f)(1)(ii)? Yes

Bank/Asset statements for all cash and investment accounts N/A
58. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section B, Item (7)
In addition to the information provided with Checklist Item #9, does the application include the most recent plan financial statement (audited, or unaudited if audited is not available) for each plan that merged into this plan due to a merger described in § 4262.4(f)(1)(ii)? Yes

Plan's most recent financial statement (audited, or unaudited if audited not available) N/A
59. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section B, Item (8)
In addition to the information provided with Checklist Item #10, does the application include all of the written policies and procedures governing the plan’s determination, assessment, collection, settlement, and payment of withdrawal liability for each plan that merged into this plan due to a merger described in § 4262.4(f)(1)(ii)?

Are all such items included in a single document using the required filenaming convention?

Pension plan documents, all versions available, and all amendments signed and dated WDL Plan Name Merged,
where "Plan Name Merged" is an abbreviated version of the plan name for the plan merged into this plan.
60. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section B, Item (9)
In addition to the information provided with Checklist Item #11, does the application include documentation of a death audit (with the information described in Checklist Item #11) for each plan that merged into this plan due to a merger described in § 4262.4(f)(1)(ii)? Yes

Pension plan documents, all versions available, and all amendments signed and dated Death Audit Plan Name Merged,
where "Plan Name Merged" is an abbreviated version of the plan name for the plan merged into this plan.
61. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section C, Item (1)
In addition to the information provided with Checklist Item #13, does the application include the same information in the format of Template 1 for each plan that merged into this plan due to a merger described in § 4262.4(f)(1)(ii)?

Enter N/A if each plan that fully merged into this plan is not required to respond Yes to line 8b(1) on the most recently filed Form 5500 Schedule MB.

Financial assistance spreadsheet (template) Template 1 Plan Name Merged, where "Plan Name Merged" is an abbreviated version of the plan name for the plan merged into this plan.
62. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section C, Item (2)
In addition to the information provided with Checklist Item #14, does the application include the same information in the format of Template 2 (if required based on the participant threshold) for each plan that merged into this plan due to a merger described in § 4262.4(f)(1)(ii)?

Enter N/A if each plan that merged into this plan has less than 10,000 participants on line 6f of the most recently filed Form 5500.

Contributing employers Template 2 Plan Name Merged, where "Plan Name Merged" is an abbreviated version of the plan name fore the plan merged into this plan.
63. Addendum A for Certain Events
Section C, Item (3)
In addition to the information provided with Checklist Item #15, does the application include similar information in the format of Template 3 for each plan that merged into this plan due to a merger described in § 4262.4(f)(1)? Yes

Historical Plan Financial Information (CBUs, contribution rates, contribution amounts, withdrawal liability payments) Template 3 Plan Name Merged, where "Plan Name Merged" is an abbreviated version of the plan name for the plan merged into this plan.
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