Conducted by: OMB # 1810-0748
U.S. Department of Education Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Education Stabilization Fund—Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund
(GEER Fund) Recipient Reporting Data Collection Form
State or Outlying Area: _____<auto fill from G5>_____________
GEER I PR/Award number: ___<auto fill from G5>___________
GEER II PR/Award number: ___<auto fill from G5>___________
State or Outlying Area Director: _<auto fill from G5>__________
Position: ___<auto fill from G5>___________ (editable)
Office:_ ___<auto fill from G5>___________ (editable)
Telephone:_ ___<auto fill from G5>___________ (editable)
E-mail Address: ___<auto fill from G5>_________
These definitions are provided for the purposes of this reporting activity.
Awarded- A grantee awards funds when it makes a subgrant to an LEA or when it enters into a subgrant or contract with a subrecipient.
CARES- (GEER I, ESF-Governor) Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act
CRRSA- (GEER II, ESF Governor II) Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations of 2021
Expended- The actual spending of money; an outlay. For purposes of this reporting, reimbursements that are made in the current reporting period that reimburse expenditures made prior to the start of the reporting period and on or after March 13, 2020, are considered “expenditures” for this reporting period.
G5- U.S. Department of Education’s grants management and payment system
GEER - Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund; For the purposes of this form, “GEER” also includes ESF-Governor Funds
IHE- Institution of Higher Education
LEA- Local educational agency
Outlying Areas – American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands
Planned Uses of Funds - Remaining funds that have been earmarked or budgeted for specific purposes are considered “Planned Uses” of Remaining Funds. The Department acknowledges these plans may change; please provide the State’s most current information regarding budgeted or earmarked uses of remaining funds.
Remaining Funds- The balance remaining after all expenditures through the end of the reporting period have been subtracted from the total award.
SEA- State educational agency
State– The 50 States, Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico
Reporting Periods
Annual Reporting: This report should be completed based on activities in each State’s Fiscal Year 20XX for GEER I and GEER II respectively.
GEER I under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
Annual Report |
Applicable Reporting Period |
Fifth Annual Report |
Fiscal Year 2024* |
GEER II under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act
Annual Report |
Applicable Reporting Period |
Fourth Annual Report |
Fiscal Year 2024 |
Fifth Annual Report |
Fiscal Year 2025* |
*Note: Annual performance reports are required until all funds have been liquidated. Given the variation in State Fiscal Year closes and the rate at which states and subgrantees expend funds, some states may be required to submit an additional annual report(s) to cover activities through the end of the respective grant liquidation periods for GEER I and GEER II.
1.1 Enter the close of the SEA’s state fiscal year in MM/DD format: _________
Annual Report |
Applicable Reporting Period |
CARES Annual Report |
<auto-calculate>, 20XX - <auto-fill> , 20XX |
CRRSA Annual Report |
<auto-calculate>, 20XX - <auto-fill> , 20XX |
Section 2- Overall GEER Fund Grants
What are the amounts of the State’s or Outlying Area’s GEER I and GEER II total grants, total grant expenditures, total remaining grant funds, and percent of remaining funds planned for specific purposes?
GEER I (CARES Act funding) |
GEER II (CRRSAA funding) |
a. The total grant amount allocated to the State or Outlying Area |
<auto fill from G5> |
<auto fill from G5> |
b. The total amount of the grant expended by the Governor1 and all State subrecipients in the prior reporting periods. |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
c. The total amount of the grant expended by the Governor and all State subrecipients in the current reporting period. |
d. The total amount of remaining grant funds |
<auto fill from calculation> |
<auto fill from calculation> |
e. Amount of remaining funds planned for specific purpose (see definition of planned uses of remaining funds) |
a. Did the Governor expend GEER I or GEER II funds directly in this reporting period (Start of State’s Fiscal Year 20XX - End of State’s Fiscal Year 20XX)(Y/N)?
b. If yes, enter the total amount of GEER I or GEER II funds expended directly by the Governor in this reporting period (Start of State’s Fiscal Year 20XX - End of State’s Fiscal Year 20XX)
GEER Expenditures by Governor |
Which types of entities within the State or Outlying Area did the Governor award funds to in this reporting period?
Entity Type |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Were there any changes to the State’s or Outlying Area’s LEA GEER I award conditions or requirements since the initial 45-day report to the Department of Education? (Y/N)
If yes, please describe.
(3000 character limit) |
Were there any changes to the State’s or Outlying Area’s LEA GEER II award conditions or requirements since the initial 45-day report to the Department of Education? (Y/N)
If yes, please describe.
(3000 character limit) |
Were there any changes to the State’s or Outlying Area’s IHE GEER I award conditions or requirements since the initial 45-day report to the Department of Education? (Y/N)
If yes, please describe.
(3000 character limit) |
Were there any changes to the State’s or Outlying Area’s IHE GEER II award conditions or requirements since the initial 45-day report to the Department of Education? (Y/N)
If yes, please describe.
(3000 character limit) |
a. Did the State or Outlying Area place any funding conditions or requirements on GEER I or GEER II awards for LEAs, IHEs, or other education-related entities including State Educational Agencies (SEAs) to ensure that the funds were spent on specific purposes or activities? (Y/N)
Entity Type |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
<skip logic; if yes to row i, then:>
Did the State or Outlying Area place any funding conditions or requirements directing LEAs to use the funds for activities listed below? (Y/N).
Funding Condition for LEAs |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
<skip logic; if yes to row ii, then:>
Did the State or Outlying Area place any funding conditions or requirements directing IHEs to use the funds for activities listed below? (Y/N).
Funding Condition for IHEs |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
<skip logic; if yes to row iii, then:>
Did the State or Outlying Area place any funding conditions or requirements directing other education-related entities including State Educational Agencies (SEAs) to use the funds for activities listed below? (Y/N).
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
Yes/No |
a. In the table below, for each LEA awarded GEER I or GEER II funds from the State or Outlying Area, provide the amounts expended and select the purposes for which the funds were expended by the LEA in this reporting period. (If the SEA operates as a unitary system then report for the entire SEA.)
Name of LEA Awarded GEER funds |
DUNS # |
State ID # |
Total amount awarded to the LEA |
Total amount expended by the LEA |
Uses of GEER I funds (Y/N) |
Which students and staff were served with these funds? |
Total amount awarded to the LEA |
Total amount expended by the LEA |
Uses of GEER II funds (Y/N) |
<Automatically filled from prior year’s Annual Performance Report> |
1. Purchasing educational technology (including hardware, software, and connectivity), which may include assistive technology or adaptive equipment. <Skip logic: if yes, continue with question 9f; if no, continue> 2. Activities focused specifically on addressing the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth. 3. Providing mental health services and supports. 4. Sanitization and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases, including cleaning supplies and staff training to address sanitization and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases. 5. Extended learning time opportunities, including tutoring, summer learning, and supplemental afterschool programs. 6. Other (uses of funds not included above). If yes, please describe:__________ |
a). Students and staff in both Title I and Non-Title I Schools; or b) Only students and staff in Title I Schools |
1. Purchasing educational technology (including hardware, software, and connectivity), which may include assistive technology or adaptive equipment. <Skip logic: if yes, continue with question 9f; if no, continue> 2. Activities focused specifically on addressing the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth. 3. Providing mental health services and supports. 4. Sanitization and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases, including cleaning supplies and staff training to address sanitization and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases. 5. Extended learning time opportunities, including tutoring, summer learning, and supplemental afterschool programs. 6. Other (uses of funds not included above). If yes, please describe:__________ |
a) Students and staff in both Title I and Non-Title I Schools; or b) Only students and staff in Title I Schools |
… |
b. In the table below, for each LEA awarded GEER I funds from the State or Outlying Area, provide the % of Remaining Funds that have Planned Uses for the purposes below. (If the SEA operates as a unitary system, then report for the entire SEA.)
Name of LEA Awarded GEER I funds |
DUNS # |
State ID # |
Total GEER I Expenditures in Prior Reporting Periods |
Remaining GEER I Funds <Automatically calculated from above & cell to left> |
Planned Uses of Remaining Funds - GEER I (% of Remaining Funds) (Note: Categories must sum to 100% of Remaining Funds) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Purchasing educational technology |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Providing mental health services and supports |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Sanitization and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases, including cleaning supplies and staff training to address sanitization and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Extended learning time opportunities, including tutoring, summer learning, and supplemental afterschool programs. |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Other (uses of funds not included above). Please describe:__________ |
% Remaining Funds
Not Yet Determined |
… |
c. In the table below, for each LEA awarded GEER I funds from the State or Outlying Area, provide the total % of Remaining Funds that are Planned for activities focused specifically on addressing the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth. (If the SEA operates as a unitary system, then report for the entire SEA.)
Name of LEA Awarded GEER I funds
State ID #
Remaining GEER I Funds <From above> |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Activities focused specifically on addressing the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth Note: this should include funds planned for purposes also included in item “b” above if the planned uses are focused specifically on addressing the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth. |
… |
d. In the table below, for each LEA awarded GEER II funds from the State or Outlying Area, provide the % of Remaining Funds that have Planned Uses for the purposes below. (If the SEA operates as a unitary system then report for the entire SEA.)
Name of LEA Awarded GEER II funds |
DUNS # |
State ID # |
Total GEER II Expenditures in Prior Reporting Periods |
Remaining GEER II Funds <Automatically calculated from above & cell to left> |
Planned Uses of Remaining Funds – GEER II (% of Remaining Funds) (Note: Categories must sum to 100% of Remaining Funds) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Purchasing educational technology
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Providing mental health services and supports |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Sanitization and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases, including cleaning supplies and staff training to address sanitization and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Extended learning time opportunities, including tutoring, summer learning, and supplemental afterschool programs.
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Other (uses of funds not included above). Please describe:_______ |
% Remaining Funds
Not Yet Determined |
… |
e. In the table below, for each LEA awarded GEER II funds from the State or Outlying Area, provide the total % of Remaining Funds that are Planned for activities focused specifically on addressing the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth. (If the SEA operates as a unitary system, then report for the entire SEA.)
Name of LEA Awarded GEER II funds
State ID #
Remaining GEER II Funds <From above> |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Activities focused specifically on addressing the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth Note: this should include funds planned for purposes also included in item “d” above if the planned uses are focused specifically on addressing the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth. |
… |
[NOTE to reviewers: in the online data collection instrument, question 9f below will be appended to questions 9a above for each LEA.]
<Skip logic: If the LEA used GEER funds for the first “use of funds” purpose, then ask>
f. Did this LEA use GEER I and/or GEER II funds to provide home Internet access for any students in this reporting period?
Did this LEA use GEER funds to provide home Internet access for any students? (Y/N) |
If yes, what types of home Internet services were provided by the district using GEER funds? Internet Service type: |
Mobile hotspots with paid data plans |
Internet connected devices with paid data plans |
District pays for the cost of home Internet subscription for student |
District provides home Internet access through a district-managed wireless network |
Other; If yes, please describe:___________ |
<Return to 2nd category of uses of funds in Q9a.>
a. In the table below, for each IHE awarded GEER I funds from the State or Outlying Area, provide the amount expended in this reporting period and additional information if GEER I funds were used by the IHE to provide financial aid to students at the IHE.
Name of IHE Awarded GEER I funds |
DUNS # |
Total GEER I Amount Awarded to the IHE |
Total GEER I Amount Expended by the IHE |
Population Served
Uses of GEER I Funds (Y/N) |
Number of students who received financial aid grants as result of GEER I funds |
Birth – Pre-K |
K-12 |
Post-sec |
<Automatically filled from prior year’s Annual Performance Report> |
Y/N |
Y/N |
Y/N |
<skip logic; if 1) = Y, then:>
… |
b. In the table below, for each IHE awarded GEER I funds from the State or Outlying Area, provide the % of Remaining Funds that have Planned Uses for the populations below.
Name of IHE Awarded GEER I funds |
DUNS # |
Total GEER I Expenditures in Prior Reporting Periods |
Remaining GEER I Funds <Automatically calculated from above & cell to left> |
Planned Uses of Remaining Funds - GEER I (% of Remaining Funds) (Note: Categories must sum to 100% of Remaining Funds)
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Birth through Pre-Kindergarten
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Kindergarten through 12th grade |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Postsecondary Education |
% Remaining Funds
Not Yet Determined |
… |
c. In the table below, for each IHE awarded GEER I funds from the State or Outlying Area, provide the % of Remaining Funds that have Planned Uses for the purposes below.
Name of IHE Awarded GEER I funds |
DUNS # |
Remaining GEER I Funds <From above> |
Planned Uses of Remaining Funds - GEER I (% of Remaining Funds) (Note: Categories must sum to 100% of Remaining Funds) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Providing financial aid grants for students (e.g., scholarships) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Supporting distance learning and remote education |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Safe school reopening |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Providing mental health services and supports |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Providing basic needs for students (e.g. food, housing, course materials [non-technology], transportation, and childcare)
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Purchasing COVID-19 tests, health screening, and the healthcare needed to help students and faculty |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Keeping faculty, staff, employees, and contractors at full salary levels who were at risk of unemployment due to pandemic-related factors. |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Other (uses of funds not included above). Please describe:_______ |
% Remaining Funds
Not Yet Determined |
… |
a. In the table below, for each IHE awarded GEER II funds from the State or Outlying Area, provide the amount expended in this reporting period and additional information if GEER II funds were used by the IHE to provide financial aid to students at the IHE or other education-related entity.
Name of IHE Awarded GEER II funds |
DUNS # |
Total GEER II Amount Awarded to the IHE |
Total GEER II Amount Expended by the IHE |
Population Served
Uses of GEER II Funds (Y/N) |
Number of students who received financial aid grants as result of GEER II funds |
Birth – Pre-K |
K-12 |
Post-sec |
<Automatically filled from prior year’s Annual Performance Report> |
Y/N |
Y/N |
Y/N |
<skip logic; if 1) = Y, then:>
… |
b. In the table below, for each IHE awarded GEER II funds from the State or Outlying Area, provide the % of Remaining Funds that have Planned Uses for the populations below.
Name of IHE Awarded GEER II funds |
DUNS # |
Total GEER II Expenditures in Prior Reporting Periods |
Remaining GEER II Funds <Automatically calculated from above & cell to left> |
Planned Uses of Remaining Funds - GEER II (% of Remaining Funds) (Note: Categories must sum to 100% of Remaining Funds)
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Birth through Pre-Kindergarten |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Kindergarten through 12th grade
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Postsecondary Education
% Remaining Funds
Not Yet Determined
… |
c. In the table below, for each IHE awarded GEER II funds from the State or Outlying Area, provide the % of Remaining Funds that have Planned Uses for the purposes below.
Name of IHE Awarded GEER II funds |
DUNS # |
Remaining GEER II Funds <From above> |
Planned Uses of Remaining Funds - GEER II (% of Remaining Funds) (Note: Categories must sum to 100% of Remaining Funds) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Providing financial aid grants for students (e.g., scholarships) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Supporting distance learning and remote education |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Safe school reopening |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Providing mental health services and supports |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Providing basic needs for students (e.g. food, housing, course materials [non-technology], transportation, and childcare)
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Purchasing COVID-19 tests, health screening, and the healthcare needed to help students and faculty |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Keeping faculty, staff, employees, and contractors at full salary levels who were at risk of unemployment due to pandemic-related factors. |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Other (uses of funds not included above). Please describe:_______ |
% Remaining Funds
Not Yet Determined |
… |
a. In the table below, for each other education-related entity including State Education Agencies (SEAs) awarded GEER I funds from the State or Outlying Area, provide the amount expended in this reporting period and additional information if GEER I funds were used by the other education-related entity to provide financial aid to students at the other education-related entity.
Name of Other Education-Related Entity including State Education Agencies (SEAs) Awarded GEER I funds |
DUNS # |
Total GEER I Amount Awarded to the other education-related entity |
Total GEER I Amount Expended by the other education-related entity |
Population Served
Uses of GEER I Funds (Y/N) |
Number of students who received financial aid grants as result of GEER I funds |
Birth – Pre-K |
K-12 |
Post-sec |
<Automatically filled from prior year’s Annual Performance Report> |
Y/N |
Y/N |
Y/N |
<skip logic; if 1) = Y, then:>
… |
b. In the table below, for each other education-related entity including State Education Agencies (SEAs) awarded GEER I funds from the State or Outlying Area, provide the % of Remaining Funds that have Planned Uses for the populations below.
Name of Other Education-Related Entity including State Education Agencies (SEAs) Awarded GEER I funds |
DUNS # |
Total GEER I Expenditures in Prior Reporting Periods |
Remaining GEER I Funds <Automatically calculated from above & cell to left> |
Planned Uses of Remaining Funds - GEER I (% of Remaining Funds) (Note: Categories must sum to 100% of Remaining Funds)
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Birth through Pre-Kindergarten
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Kindergarten through 12th grade |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Postsecondary Education |
% Remaining Funds
Not Yet Determined |
… |
c. In the table below, for each other education-related entity including State Education Agencies (SEAs) awarded GEER I funds from the State or Outlying Area, provide the % of Remaining Funds that have Planned Uses for the purposes below.
Name of Other Education-Related Entity including State Education Agencies (SEAs) Awarded GEER I funds |
DUNS # |
Remaining GEER I Funds <From above> |
Planned Uses of Remaining Funds - GEER I (% of Remaining Funds) (Note: Categories must sum to 100% of Remaining Funds) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Providing financial aid grants for students (e.g., scholarships) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Supporting distance learning and remote education |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Safe school reopening |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Addressing impact of lost instructional time |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Providing mental health services and supports |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Other (uses of funds not included above). Please describe:_______ |
% Remaining Funds
Not Yet Determined |
… |
a. In the table below, for each other education-related entity including State Education Agencies (SEAs) awarded GEER II funds from the State or Outlying Area, provide the amount expended in this reporting period and additional information if GEER II funds were used by the other education-related entity to provide financial aid to students at the other education-related entity.
Name of Other Education-Related Entity including State Education Agencies (SEAs) Awarded GEER II funds |
DUNS # |
Total GEER II Amount Awarded to the other education-related entity |
Total GEER II Amount Expended by the other education-related entity |
Population Served
Uses of GEER II Funds (Y/N) |
Number of students who received financial aid grants as result of GEER II funds |
Birth – Pre-K |
K-12 |
Post-sec |
<Automatically filled from prior year’s Annual Performance Report> |
Y/N |
Y/N |
Y/N |
<skip logic; if 1) = Y, then:>
… |
b. In the table below, for each other education-related entity including State Education Agencies (SEAs) awarded GEER II funds from the State or Outlying Area, provide the % of Remaining Funds that have Planned Uses for the populations below.
Name of Other Education-Related Entity including State Education Agencies (SEAs) Awarded GEER II funds |
DUNS # |
Total GEER II Expenditures in Prior Reporting Periods |
Remaining GEER II Funds <Automatically calculated from above & cell to left> |
Planned Uses of Remaining Funds - GEER II (% of Remaining Funds) (Note: Categories must sum to 100% of Remaining Funds)
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Birth through Pre-Kindergarten |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Kindergarten through 12th grade
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Postsecondary Education
% Remaining Funds
Not Yet Determined
… |
c. In the table below, for each other education-related entity including State Education Agencies (SEAs) awarded GEER II funds from the State or Outlying Area, provide the % of Remaining Funds that have Planned Uses for the purposes below.
Name of Other Education-Related Entity including State Education Agencies (SEAs) Awarded GEER II funds |
DUNS # |
Remaining GEER II Funds <From above> |
Planned Uses of Remaining Funds - GEER II (% of Remaining Funds) (Note: Categories must sum to 100% of Remaining Funds) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Providing financial aid grants for students (e.g., scholarships) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Supporting distance learning and remote education |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Safe school reopening |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Addressing impact of lost instructional time |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Providing mental health services and supports |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Other (uses of funds not included above). Please describe:_______ |
% Remaining Funds
Not Yet Determined |
… |
In the table below, indicate the number of public K-12 schools that received GEER funds or received services paid for with GEER funds in this reporting period. Also indicate the number of non-public K-12 schools, if any, that received services paid for with GEER funds:
School Type |
K-12 schools |
K-12 school |
Public Schools |
Non-public schools |
15. Did the SEA use any funds in the current reporting period under GEER I or GEER II to provide or support vouchers, scholarship programs, tuition tax credit programs, education savings accounts, or scholarships for individual students to support enrollment in non-public schools for elementary and secondary education students in the school year most closely aligned to the reporting period and/or the previous school year? (Yes/No)
Please note that unless a State used GEER I or GEER II funds in this way for students in the previous school year, a State shall not use GEER I or GEER II funds to provide direct or indirect financial assistance to scholarship granting organizations or related entities for elementary or secondary education or to provide or support vouchers, scholarship programs, tuition-assistance programs, tuition tax credit programs, education savings accounts, or scholarships for individual students for elementary or secondary education. If a State used GEER I or GEER II funds for students (for vouchers, scholarship programs, tuition tax credit programs, education savings accounts, or scholarships to support enrollment in non-public schools) in the previous school year, a State may have used GEER I or GEER II funds in the school year most closely aligned with the reporting period to provide such assistance only to students who receive or received such assistance in the previous school year and only for the same assistance provided such students with GEER I or GEER II funds.
16. If yes to above, provide the following information on whether and how GEER I and GEER II funds were used for the specified purposes:
a. Provide the amount expended in the current reporting period and the number of students receiving assistance by GEER I and GEER II for the previous school year. Note: Information that was already reported in the prior APR should not be included in this APR.
Type of assistance |
The amount of funds expended under GEER I |
Number of students who received assistance under GEER I |
The amount of funds expended under GEER II |
Number of students who received assistance under GEER II |
Vouchers, Scholarship programs, and Tuition-assistance programs |
Tuition tax credit programs |
Education savings accounts |
Scholarships for individual students that do not fit into the above categories |
Total |
<auto-sum> |
<auto-sum> |
<auto-sum> |
<auto-sum> |
b. Provide the amount expended in the current reporting period and the number of students receiving assistance by GEER I and GEER II for the school year most closely aligned to the reporting period.
Type of assistance |
The amount of funds expended under GEER I |
Number of students who received assistance under GEER I |
The amount of funds expended under GEER II |
Number of students who received assistance under GEER II |
Vouchers, Scholarship programs, and Tuition-assistance programs |
Tuition tax credit programs |
Education savings accounts |
Scholarships for individual students that do not fit into the above categories |
Total |
<auto-sum> |
<auto-sum> |
<auto-sum> |
<auto-sum> |
Burden Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1810-0748. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 24 hours per response from SEAs and Outlying Areas and 12 hours per response from LEAs, IHEs, and other education-related entities including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Under the PRA, participants are required to respond to this collection to obtain or retain a benefit. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this individual collection, or if you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual form, please contact Joanne Bogart, US. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202.
1 Throughout the form, “Governor” refers to the Governor’s office or any other entity, such as the SEA, designated as the administrator of the GEER fund by the Governor’s office.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-12-24 |