Conducted by: OMB No. 1810-0749
U.S. Department of Education Expiration Date:
Education Stabilization Fund- Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund
(ESSER I/ESSER II/ARP ESSER) Recipient Data Collection Form
State ID:______
State Educational Agency: _____<auto fill from G5>_____________
ESSER I PR/Award number: _____<auto fill from G5>_____________
ESSER II PR/Award number: _____<auto fill from G5>_____________
ARP ESSER PR/Award number:_____<auto fill from G5>____________
State Director: _<auto fill from G5>__________
Position: _<auto fill from G5>__________(editable)
Office: _<auto fill from G5>__________(editable)
Mailing Address: _<auto fill from G5>__________(editable)
Telephone: _<auto fill from G5>__________(editable)
Email address: _<auto fill from G5>__________
These definitions are provided for the purposes of this reporting activity.
ARP - American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
ARP ESSER - Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief fund authorized under section 2001 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
Awarded- An SEA awards funds when it makes a subgrant to an LEA or, in the case of the SEA Reserve, when it enters into a subgrant or contract with a subrecipient.
CARES (ESSER I) - Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act
CRRSA (ESSER II) - Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations
ESSER I- (CARES) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief fund authorized under Section 18003 of Division B
of the Coronavirus Aid Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
ESSER II- (CRRSA) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief fund authorized under Section 313 of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act
Evidence-based- The ARP Act defines the term “evidence-based” as having the meaning in section 8101(21) of the ESEA. Accordingly, “evidence-based” includes several tiers of evidence. Specifically, “evidence-based,” when used with respect to an SEA, LEA, or school activity, means an activity, strategy, or intervention that:
• Demonstrates a statistically significant effect on improving student outcomes or other relevant outcomes based on—
-Strong evidence from at least one well-designed and well-implemented experimental
study (“tier 1”);
-Moderate evidence from at least one well-designed and well-implemented quasi experimental study (“tier 2”); or
-Promising evidence from at least one well-designed and well-implemented correlational
study with statistical controls for selection bias (“tier 3”); or
• Demonstrates a rationale based on high-quality research findings or positive evaluation that such activity, strategy, or intervention is likely to improve student outcomes or other relevant outcomes and includes ongoing efforts to examine the effects of such activity, strategy, or intervention (“tier 4”).
Given the novel context created by the COVID-19 pandemic, an activity need not have generated such evidence during the COVID-19 pandemic to be considered evidence-based.
Expended- The actual spending of money; an outlay. For purposes of this reporting, reimbursements that are made in the current reporting period that reimburse expenditures made prior to the start of the reporting period and on or after March 13, 2020, are considered “expenditures” for this reporting period.
Full-Service Community School- The term ‘‘full-service community school’’ means a public elementary school or secondary school that—participates in a community-based effort to coordinate and integrate educational, developmental, family, health, and other comprehensive services through community-based organizations and public and private partnerships; and provides access to such services in school to students, families, and the community, such as access during the school year (including before- and after-school hours and weekends), as well as during the summer.
G5- U.S. Department of Education’s grant management and payment system
LEA- Local Educational Agency
Planned Uses of Funds- Remaining funds that have been earmarked or budgeted for specific purposes are considered “Planned Uses” of Remaining Funds. The Department acknowledges these plans may change; please provide the State’s most current information regarding budgeted or earmarked uses of remaining funds.
Qualified Educator - For the purposes of this document “qualified” means an educator has met all requirements to earn a State license or certification in the area they are assigned to teach (and does not include substitute or provisional license or certification).
Remaining Funds- The balance remaining after all expenditures through the end of the reporting period have been subtracted from the total award.
SEA- State Educational Agency
SEA Reserve funds- An SEA may reserve 10 percent or less of its ESSER I and II grants (the “SEA Reserve”), to address emergency needs as determined by the SEA resulting from COVID-19, which may be addressed through the use of subgrants or contracts, and up to ½ of 1 percent of its total ESSER I and II award for administrative costs, which must come from the SEA reserve. An SEA must reserve at least 7 percent of its ARP ESSER award for mandatory set-asides for evidence-based interventions, as described below, and up to 3 percent for emergency needs as determined by the SEA (the “SEA Reserve”). An SEA may also reserve up to ½ of 1 percent of its total ARP ESSER award for administrative costs, which must come from the 3 percent for emergency needs.
State– The 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Reporting Periods
Annual Reporting: This report should be completed based on activities in each State’s Fiscal Year 202X for ESSER I, ESSER II and ARP ESSER, respectively.
ESSER I under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
Annual Report |
Applicable Reporting Period |
Year 5 Annual Report |
State Fiscal Year 2024 |
Year 6 Annual Report |
State Fiscal Year 2025* |
ESSER II under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act
Annual Report |
Applicable Reporting Period |
Year 4 Annual Report |
State Fiscal Year 2024 |
Year 5 Annual Report |
State Fiscal Year 2025 |
Year 6 Annual Report |
State Fiscal Year 2026* |
ARP ESSER under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act
Annual Report |
Applicable Reporting Period |
Year 4 Annual Report |
State Fiscal Year 2024 |
Year 5 Annual Report |
State Fiscal Year 2025 |
Year 6 Annual Report |
State Fiscal Year 2026* |
*Note: Annual performance reports are required until all funds have been liquidated. Given the variation in State Fiscal Year closes and the rate at which States and subgrantees expend funds, some States may be required to submit an additional annual report(s) to cover activities through the end of the respective grant liquidation periods for ESSER I, ESSER II and/or ARP ESSER.
1.1 Enter the close of the SEA’s State fiscal year in MM/DD format: _________
Annual Report |
Applicable Reporting Period |
CARES Annual Report |
<auto-calculate>, 20XX - <auto-fill>, 20XX |
CRRSA Annual Report |
<auto-calculate>, 20XX - <auto-fill>, 20XX |
ARP Annual Report |
<auto-calculate>, 20XX - <auto-fill>, 20XX |
a. The total grant amount allocated to the State Educational Agency (SEA) |
<auto-fill from G5> |
<auto-fill from G5> |
<auto-fill from G5> |
b. The total amount of the grant expended by the SEA and all State subrecipients in the prior reporting periods. |
c. The total amount of the grant expended by the SEA and all State subrecipients in this reporting period. |
d. The total amount of remaining grant funds Subtract all expenditures (rows b and c) from the total grant amount (row a). |
<auto-fill from G5>-(b1+c1) |
<auto-fill from G5>-(b2+c2) |
<auto-fill from G5>-(b3+c3) |
e. Amount of remaining funds planned for specific purpose (see definition of planned uses of remaining funds) |
a. The total amount reserved by the SEA
(This value may not exceed 10% of the value reported in Section 2.1a for the associated fund) |
This value may not exceed 10% of the value reported in Section 2.1a for ESSER I
This value may not exceed 10% of the value reported in Section 2.1a for ESSER II |
This value may not exceed 10%, and must not be less than 7%, of the value reported in Section 2.1a for ARP ESSER |
b. The total amount the SEA reserved for implementation of evidence-based interventions aimed specifically at addressing learning loss, such as summer learning, extended day, comprehensive afterschool programs, or extended year programs |
This value must be at least 5% of the value reported in Section 2.1a for ARP ESSER |
c. The total amount reserved for the allocation of evidence-based summer enrichment programs |
This value must be at least 1% of the value reported in Section 2.1a for ARP ESSER and in addition to any amount reported in 1.2b for summer enrichment programs
d. The total amount reserved for the allocation of evidence-based comprehensive afterschool programs |
This value must be at least 1% of the value reported in Section 2.1a for ARP ESSER and in addition to any amount reported in 1.2b for comprehensive afterschool programs
e. The total amount the SEA reserved for administrative costs
(This value may not exceed ½ of 1% of the value reported in Section 2.1a for ESSER I)
(This value may not exceed ½ of 1% of the value reported in Section 2.1a for ESSER II)
(This value may not exceed 1/2 of 1% of the value reported in Section 2.1a for ARP ESSER) |
f. The total amount the SEA reserved for emergency needs |
(This value may not exceed 10% of the value reported in Section 2.1a for ESSER I)
(This value may not exceed 10% of the value reported in Section 2.1a for ESSER II)
(This value may not exceed 3% of the value reported in Section 2.1a for ARP ESSER and should include the amount reserved for administrative costs reported in row e) |
2.2b SEA Expenditures of SEA Reserve
Excluding SEA Reserve Awards made to subgrantees, did the SEA expend any ESSER funds directly from its SEA Reserve? Y/N
<skip logic; If Y, then>
Indicate the total expended directly by the SEA of SEA Reserve funds in the table below. If the SEA did not directly expend funds in a given category, enter “$0” in that cell.
Learning Loss Activities Set-Aside |
Summer Enrichment Set-Aside |
Afterschool Programs Set-Aside |
Emergency Needs and/or Administrative Costs |
The total amount of SEA Reserve the SEA expended directly in the current reporting period |
2.2c. Please describe the specific initiatives and services provided by the SEA using the ARP ESSER SEA Reserve funds during the applicable reporting period.
(3,000 character limit) |
2.2d SEA Interventions to Address Learning Loss
Did the SEA directly administer any activities or interventions to address learning loss and/or meet the needs of students disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic? Y/N
<skip logic; If Y, then>
SEA Interventions and Participation (Skip this question if the
response to 2.2d is N).
Reserve funds) to support learning recovery or acceleration for
student groups who were disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19
pandemic? Mark Y/N to each activity below; if an activity was offered
by the SEA, provide the number of eligible students in the State and
the number of students that participated.
Methods/Intervention |
(If Yes, then) Capacity and Participation |
Is this program available to all enrolled students? Y/N If no, indicate the number of students this program serves at full capacity: __________
Total unique
headcount of students that participated in this activity:
Eligible refers to students within the student group who meet eligibility criteria for participation, such as belonging to the appropriate grade for the activity. |
Student Profile (Note, the total unique headcount does not need to equal the sum of rows a – n, as a student may be counted in multiple rows.)
# Enrolled eligible students in subgroup |
# Eligible students in subgroup participating |
Is this program available to all students? Y/N If no, indicate the number of students this program serves at full capacity: __________
Total unique
headcount of students that participated in this activity:
Eligible refers to students within the student group who meet eligibility criteria for participation, such as belonging to the appropriate grade for the activity.
Student Profile (Note, the total unique headcount does not need to equal the sum of rows a – n, as a student may be counted in multiple rows.)
# Enrolled eligible Students in subgroup |
# Eligible students in subgroup participating |
Is extended instructional time in place at all schools within the State? Y/N
<skip logic; if yes, skip to item d, evidence-based high-dosage tutoring>
If no, indicate the unique headcount of students enrolled in schools within the State with mandatory extended instructional time: __________
Student Profile (Note, the total unique headcount does not need to equal the sum of rows a – n, as a student may be counted in multiple rows.)
# Students Enrolled in Schools with (Mandatory) Extended Instructional Time |
Is this program available to all students? Y/N If no, indicate the number of students this program serves at full capacity: __________
Total unique
headcount of students that participated in this activity:
Eligible refers to students within the student group who meet eligibility criteria for participation, such as belonging to the appropriate grade for the activity.
Student Profile (Note, the total unique headcount does not need to equal the sum of rows a – n, as a student may be counted in multiple rows.)
# Enrolled eligible Students in subgroup |
# Eligible students in subgroup participating |
Did this SEA expand or enhance its early childhood program? Mark Y/N to each below.
<Skip logic: if “Expand”=Y, then:> How many additional students or slots were funded with ESSER I, ESSER II or ARP ESSER in the most recent school year? Please include students or slots that were fully and partially funded with ESSER I, ESSER II, or ARP ESSER funds. _________
Total unique
headcount of students enrolled in an early childhood education
program within the State: __________
Student Profile (Note, the total unique headcount does not need to equal the sum of rows a – n, as a student may be counted in multiple rows.)
# Enrolled Students in subgroup |
How many new or additional full-service community schools were launched using these funds in this State? _____ How many current full-service community schools received additional services and/or support using these funds? _____ What is the total enrollment in full-service community schools supported with ESSER funds within this State? ____
Was educational technology purchased for all students? Y/N <skip logic; if yes, no
additional questions about educational technology purchased by
the SEA are required> If no, indicate the number of
students for whom educational technology was purchased ________ Indicate the number of eligible students within each of the following student groups, and the number of eligible students from that student group that received or were directly supported by the educational technology:
Eligible refers to students within the student group who meet eligibility criteria for the educational technology, such as belonging to the appropriate grade and/or having a specific need for the educational technology.
Student Profile (Note, the total unique headcount does not need to equal the sum of rows a – n, as a student may be counted in multiple rows.)
# Enrolled eligible Students in subgroup |
# Eligible students in subgroup receiving or supported by the education technology |
2.3a SEA Reserve Awards & Direct Expenditures
Learning Loss Activities Set-Aside |
Summer Enrichment Set-Aside |
Afterschool Programs Set-Aside |
Other SEA Reserve |
a. Did the SEA award SEA Reserve Funds to local educational agencies (LEAs) in the current reporting period? |
Y/N |
Y/N |
Y/N |
Y/N |
Y/N |
Y/N |
b. Did the SEA award SEA Reserve Funds to non-LEA entities in the current reporting period? |
Y/N |
Y/N |
Y/N |
Y/N |
Y/N |
2.3b SEA: Identifying Students for Support
Did the SEA use any of the following strategies to identify, or require LEAs or other subgrantees to identify for the use of SEA Reserve awards, which students were disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic? Y/N
<skip logic; if yes> Indicate which strategies were used to identify students disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic (Mark Y/N to each)
2.3c How did the SEA allocate ARP ESSER SEA Reserve funds to ensure support for students disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic? (Please describe the formula or decision-making rubric to allocate funds)
(3,000 character limit) |
2.4 ESSER I SEA Reserve Funds
Name of LEA awarded ESSER I SEA Reserve Funds: <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
DUNS #: <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
UNIQUE ENTITY ID (SAM): <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
NCES LEA ID: <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
2.4a ESSER I SEA Reserve Awards to LEAs
Name of LEA awarded ESSER I SEA Reserve funds |
DUNS # |
Total amount awarded to the LEA from the ESSER I SEA Reserve1 |
Total amount expended by the LEA from the ESSER I SEA Reserve in this reporting period |
Uses of ESSER I SEA Reserve funds (Y/N) |
Addressing Physical Health and Safety |
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (Excluding Mental Health Supports) |
Mental Health Supports for Students and Staff |
Operational Continuity and Other Uses |
2.4b Planned Uses of Remaining ESSER I SEA Reserve Awards to LEAs
Name of LEA awarded ESSER I SEA Reserve funds |
DUNS # |
Total ESSER I SEA Reserve Expenditures in Prior Reporting Periods |
Remaining SEA Reserve Funds <Automatically calculated from above & cell to left> |
Planned Uses of Remaining ESSER I SEA Reserve funds (% of Remaining Funds) Note: Categories must sum to 100% of Remaining Funds
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Addressing Physical Health and Safety
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (Excluding Mental Health Supports) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Operational Continuity and Other Uses |
% Remaining Funds
Not Yet Planned for Specific Use |
ESSER I SEA Reserve Funds to non-LEA entities
Name of non-LEA entity awarded ESSER I SEA Reserve Funds: <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
DUNS #: <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
UNIQUE ENTITY ID (SAM): <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
2.4c ESSER I SEA Reserve Awards to Non-LEAs
Name of non-LEA awarded ESSER I SEA Reserve funds |
DUNS # |
Total amount awarded to the non-LEA from the ESSER I SEA Reserve2 |
Total amount expended by the non-LEA from the ESSER I SEA Reserve in this reporting period |
Uses of ESSER I SEA Reserve funds (Y/N) |
Addressing Physical Health and Safety |
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (Excluding Mental Health Supports) |
Mental Health Supports for Students and Staff |
Operational Continuity and Other Uses |
2.4d Planned Uses of Remaining ESSER I SEA Reserve Awards to Non-LEAs
Name of non-LEA awarded ESSER I SEA Reserve funds |
DUNS # |
Total ESSER I SEA Reserve Expenditures in Prior Reporting Periods |
Remaining ESSER I SEA Reserve Funds <Automatically calculated from above & cell to left> |
Planned Uses of Remaining ESSER I SEA Reserve funds (% of Remaining Funds) Note: Categories must sum to 100% of Remaining Funds |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Addressing Physical Health and Safety
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (Excluding Mental Health Supports) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Operational Continuity and Other Uses |
% Remaining Funds
Not Yet Planned for Specific Use |
Sub-Section 2.5: ESSER II SEA Reserve Funds
Name of LEA awarded ESSER II SEA Reserve Funds: <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
DUNS #: <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
UNIQUE ENTITY ID (SAM): <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
NCES LEA ID: <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
2.5a ESSER II SEA Reserve Awards to LEAs
Name of LEA awarded ESSER II SEA Reserve funds |
DUNS # |
Total amount awarded to the LEA from the ESSER II SEA Reserve3 |
Total amount expended by the LEA from the ESSER II SEA Reserve |
Uses of ESSER II SEA Reserve funds (Y/N) |
Addressing Physical Health and Safety |
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (Excluding Mental Health Supports) |
Mental Health Supports for Students and Staff |
Operational Continuity and Other Uses |
2.5b Planned Uses of Remaining ESSER II SEA Reserve Awards to LEAs
Name of LEA awarded ESSER II SEA Reserve funds |
DUNS # |
Total ESSER II SEA Reserve Expenditures in Prior Reporting Periods |
Remaining ESSER II SEA Reserve Funds <Automatically calculated from above & cell to left> |
Planned Uses of Remaining ESSER II SEA Reserve funds (% of Remaining Funds) Note: Categories must sum to 100% of Remaining Funds |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Addressing Physical Health and Safety
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (Excluding Mental Health Supports) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Operational Continuity and Other Uses |
% Remaining Funds
Not Yet Planned for Specific Use |
ESSER II SEA Reserve Funds to non-LEA entities:
Name of non-LEA awarded ESSER II SEA Reserve Funds: <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
DUNS #: <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
UNIQUE ENTITY ID (SAM): <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
2.5c ESSER II SEA Reserve Awards to Non-LEAs
Name of non-LEA awarded ESSER II SEA Reserve funds |
DUNS # |
Total amount awarded to the non-LEA from the ESSER II SEA Reserve4 |
Total amount expended by the non-LEA from the ESSER II SEA Reserve |
Uses of ESSER II SEA Reserve funds (Y/N) |
Addressing Physical Health and Safety |
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (Excluding Mental Health Supports) |
Mental Health Supports for Students and Staff |
Operational Continuity and Other Uses |
2.5d Planned Uses of Remaining ESSER II SEA Reserve Awards to Non-LEAs
Name of non-LEA awarded ESSER II SEA Reserve funds |
DUNS # |
Total ESSER II SEA Reserve Expenditures in Prior Reporting Periods |
Remaining ESSER II SEA Reserve Funds <Automatically calculated from above & cell to left> |
Planned Uses of Remaining ESSER II SEA Reserve funds (% of Remaining Funds) Note: Categories must sum to 100% of Remaining Funds |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Addressing Physical Health and Safety
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (Excluding Mental Health Supports) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Operational Continuity and Other Uses |
% Remaining Funds
Not Yet Planned for Specific Use |
Sub-Section 2.6: ARP ESSER SEA Reserve Funds
Name of LEA awarded ARP ESSER SEA Reserve Funds: <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
DUNS #: <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
UNIQUE ENTITY ID (SAM): <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
NCES LEA ID: <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
Total amount awarded to the LEA from the ARP ESSER SEA Reserve: <Automatically calculated from table 2.6a>
2.6a ARP ESSER SEA Reserve Awards to LEAs
Name of LEA awarded ARP ESSER SEA Reserve funds |
DUNS # |
Total Amount Awarded from ARP ESSER SEA Reserve Fund5 |
Total Amount Expended from ARP ESSER SEA Reserve Fund |
Name of LEA awarded ARP ESSER SEA Reserve Funds: <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
DUNS #: <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
UNIQUE ENTITY ID (SAM): <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
NCES LEA ID: <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
2.6b ARP ESSER SEA Reserve Awards – Other Use
Name of LEA awarded ARP ESSER SEA Reserve funds |
DUNS # |
Total ARP ESSER SEA Reserve Expenditures in Prior Reporting Periods |
Total amount reserved by the LEA from the ARP ESSER SEA Reserve – “other”
<Automatically filled from above> |
Total amount expended by the LEA from the ARP ESSER SEA Reserve – “other”
<Automatically filled from above> |
Uses of ARP ESSER SEA Reserve funds (Y/N) |
Addressing Physical Health and Safety |
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (Excluding Mental Health Supports) |
Mental Health Supports for Students and Staff |
Operational Continuity and Other Uses |
2.6c Planned Uses of Remaining ARP ESSER SEA Reserve Awards – Other Use
Name of LEA awarded ARP ESSER SEA Reserve funds |
DUNS # |
Remaining ARP ESSER SEA Reserve Funds - Other <Automatically calculated from above> |
Planned Uses of Remaining ARP ESSER SEA Reserve funds (% of Remaining Funds) (Note: Categories must sum to 100% of Remaining “Other SEA Reserve” Funds) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Addressing Physical Health and Safety
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (Excluding Mental Health Supports) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Operational Continuity and Other Uses |
% Remaining Funds
Not Yet Planned for Specific Use |
ARP ESSER SEA Reserve Funds to non-LEA entities:
Name of non-LEA entity awarded ARP ESSER SEA Reserve Funds: <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
DUNS #: <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
UNIQUE ENTITY ID (SAM): <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
2.6d ARP ESSER SEA Reserve Awards to non-LEAs
Name of non-LEA awarded ARP ESSER SEA Reserve funds |
DUNS # |
Total Amount Awarded from ARP ESSER SEA Reserve Fund6 |
Total Amount Expended from ARP ESSER SEA Reserve Fund |
Name of non-LEA awarded ARP ESSER SEA Reserve Funds: <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
DUNS #: <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
UNIQUE ENTITY ID (SAM): <Automatically filled from prior year APR submission>
2.6e ARP ESSER SEA Reserve Awards – Other Use
Name of non-LEA awarded ARP ESSER SEA Reserve funds |
DUNS # |
Total amount reserved by the non-LEA from the ARP ESSER SEA Reserve – “other”
<Automatically filled from above>
Total amount expended by the non-LEA from the ARP ESSER SEA Reserve – “other”
<Automatically filled from above> |
Uses of ARP ESSER SEA Reserve funds (Y/N) |
Addressing Physical Health and Safety |
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (Excluding Mental Health Supports) |
Mental Health Supports for Students and Staff |
Operational Continuity and Other Uses |
2.6f Planned Uses of Remaining ARP ESSER SEA Reserve Awards – Other Use
Name of non-LEA awarded ARP ESSER SEA Reserve funds |
DUNS # |
Total ARP ESSER SEA Reserve Expenditures in Prior Reporting Periods |
Remaining ARP ESSER SEA Reserve Funds - Other <Automatically calculated from above & cell to left> |
Planned Uses of Remaining ARP ESSER SEA Reserve funds (% of Remaining Funds) (Note: Categories must sum to 100% of Remaining “Other SEA Reserve” Funds) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Addressing Physical Health and Safety
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (Excluding Mental Health Supports) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Operational Continuity and Other Uses |
% Remaining Funds
Not Yet Planned for Specific Use |
3.a Provide the amount of the mandatory subgrant awarded7 to each LEA from the ESSER I, ESSER II, and ARP ESSER awards, respectively:
LEA Name |
Total mandatory subgrant amount awarded to LEA |
Total mandatory subgrant amount awarded to LEA |
Total mandatory subgrant amount awarded to LEA |
3.b1 Provide the amount of the LEA expenditures by ESSER Subgrant fund and accounting object for the current reporting period. (If the SEA operates as a unitary system then report for the entire SEA. The total amount reported for subgrant amounts to LEAs may not exceed the total grant amount (Section 2, Question 2.1a) minus total amount reserved (Section 2, Question 2.2a.a))
Report any expenditure ONLY ONCE in the table below; all cells in each column should sum to the total expended by the LEA (or unitary SEA) in this reporting period. Please use the most appropriate and most specific applicable expenditure category/object for each expenditure. See Question 3.b2 for examples of expenditures that should be counted within the four main expenditure categories.
Note: LEA Mandatory Subgrant Expenditure information is reported by accounting object in question 3.b1 and by activity in question 3.b2. As these questions both capture information about the same LEA Mandatory Subgrant Expenditures, the sum of expenditures by ESSER fund and by the four main expenditures categories (Addressing Physical Health and Safety, Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs, Mental Health Supports for Students and Staff, and Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses) should be equal in questions 3.b1 and 3.b2. For ARP ESSER, the categories in 3.b2 should be equal to the sum of both columns of ARP ESSER in 3.b1.
LEA name |
Objects |
Total Amount Expended by Accounting Object8 |
Total Amount Expended by Accounting Object |
Total Amount Expended by Accounting Object |
Total Amount
toward required set-aside to
learning loss |
Addressing Physical Health and Safety |
Auto-calculate from rows a-i below |
Auto-calculate from rows a-i below |
Auto-calculate from rows a-i below |
Auto-calculate from rows a-i below |
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (Excluding Mental Health Supports) |
Auto-calculate from rows j-r below |
Auto-calculate from rows j-r below |
Auto-calculate from rows j-r below |
Auto-calculate from rows j-r below |
Mental Health Supports for Students and Staff |
Auto-calculate from rows s-aa below |
Auto-calculate from rows s-aa below |
Auto-calculate from rows s-aa below |
Auto-calculate from rows s-aa below |
Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses |
Auto-calculate from rows bb-jj below |
Auto-calculate from rows bb-jj below |
Auto-calculate from rows bb-jj below |
Auto-calculate from rows bb-jj below |
3.b2 Provide the amount of the LEA expenditures by ESSER Subgrant fund and activity for the current reporting period. (If the SEA operates as a unitary system then report for the entire SEA. The total amount reported for subgrant amounts to LEAs may not exceed the total grant amount (Section 2, Question 2.1a) minus total amount reserved (Section 2, Question 2.2a.a).
Report any expenditure ONLY ONCE in the table below; All cells in each column should sum to the total expended by the LEA (or unitary SEA) in this reporting period. Please use the most appropriate and most specific applicable activity for each expenditure.
Note: LEA Mandatory Subgrant Expenditure information is reported by accounting object in question 3.b1 and by activity in question 3.b2. As these questions both capture information about the same LEA Mandatory Subgrant Expenditures, the sum of expenditures by ESSER fund and by the four main expenditures categories (Addressing Physical Health and Safety, Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs, Mental Health Supports for Students and Staff, and Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses) should be equal in questions 3.b1 and 3.b2. For ARP ESSER, the categories in 3.b2 should be equal to the sum of both columns of ARP ESSER in 3.b1.
LEA name |
Total Amount Expended by Activity |
Total Amount Expended by Activity |
Total Amount Expended by Activity |
Addressing Physical Health and Safety |
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs Excluding Mental Health Supports |
Mental Health Supports for Students and Staff |
Operational Continuity and Other Allowed Uses |
3.b3 Planned Uses of Remaining ESSER I Funds
What are the LEA’s planned uses of remaining ESSER I mandatory subgrant funds? (Provide the percentage of remaining funds planned for the below expenditure categories.
All categories must sum to 100% of remaining ESSER I mandatory subgrant funds.)
Name of LEA awarded ESSER I Mandatory LEA Subgrant |
DUNS # |
Total ESSER I Expenditures in Prior Reporting Periods |
Remaining ESSER I Funds <Automatically calculated from above & cell to left> |
Planned Uses of Remaining ESSER I Mandatory Subgrant Funds |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Addressing Physical Health and Safety
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (Excluding Mental Health Supports) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Operational Continuity and Other Uses |
% Remaining Funds
Not Yet Planned for Specific Use |
3.b4 Planned Uses of Remaining ESSER II Funds
What are the LEA’s planned uses of remaining ESSER II mandatory subgrant funds? (Provide the percentage of remaining funds planned for the below expenditure categories.
All categories must sum to 100% of remaining ESSER II mandatory subgrant funds.)
Name of LEA awarded ESSER II Mandatory LEA Subgrant |
DUNS # |
Total ESSER II Expenditures in Prior Reporting Periods |
Remaining ESSER II Funds <Automatically calculated from above & cell to left> |
Planned Uses of Remaining ESSER II Mandatory Subgrant Funds |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Addressing Physical Health and Safety
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (Excluding Mental Health Supports) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Operational Continuity and Other Uses |
% Remaining Funds
Not Yet Planned for Specific Use |
3.b5 Planned Uses of Remaining ARP ESSER Funds
What are the LEA’s planned uses of remaining ARP ESSER mandatory subgrant funds? (Provide the percentage of remaining funds planned for the below expenditure categories.
All categories must sum to 100% of remaining ARP ESSER mandatory subgrant funds.)
Name of LEA awarded ARP ESSER Mandatory LEA Subgrant |
DUNS # |
Total ARP ESSER Expenditures in Prior Reporting Periods |
Remaining ARP ESSER Funds <Automatically calculated from above & cell to left> |
Planned Uses of Remaining ARP ESSER Mandatory Subgrant Funds |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Addressing Physical Health and Safety
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Meeting Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and Other Needs (Excluding Mental Health Supports) |
% Remaining Funds Planned for |
% Remaining Funds Planned for
Operational Continuity and Other Uses |
% Remaining Funds
Not Yet Planned for Specific Use |
3.b6 Maintaining Safe In-Person Instruction
Did the LEA expend ESSER funds on any of the items below in the current reporting period (note, ESSER refers to ESSER I, ESSER II, and ARP ESSER funds and includes both mandatory subgrants and SEA Reserve subgrants): (Mark Y/N for each)
Promoting vaccination
Consistent and correct mask use
Physical distancing
Screening testing to promptly identify cases, clusters, and outbreaks
Handwashing and respiratory etiquette
Staying home when sick and getting tested
Contact tracing
Cleaning and disinfection
3.b7 ESSER Funds to Provide Internet Access
Did this LEA use ESSER to provide home Internet access for any students in the current reporting period? (ESSER refers to ESSER I, ESSER II and ARP ESSER awards and includes both mandatory subgrants and SEA Reserve subgrants)
Did this LEA use ESSER funds to provide home Internet access for any students? (Y/N) |
If yes, what types of home Internet services were provided by the district using ESSER funds? Internet Service type: |
Yes/No |
3.b8 Reengaging Students
Provide a response for all LEAs that received ESSER I, ESSER II or ARP ESSER funds.
Did the LEA seek to reengage students with poor attendance or participation? (Mark Y or N)
<skip logic: if Y, then:>
3.b9 Reengaging Students Activities
How did the LEA seek to reengage students with poor attendance or participation? Please answer regardless of whether ESSER funds were used for this purpose. (Mark Y/N for each)
Direct outreach to families
Engaging the school district homeless liaison
Partnering with community-based organizations
Offering home internet service and/or devices
Implementing new curricular strategies to improve student engagement
Offering credit recovery and/or acceleration strategies
Other (please describe): _(1500 character limit)____________
3.b10 LEA Hiring and Retention of Specific Positions with ESSER I, ESSER II, and/or ARP ESSER LEA Mandatory subgrant and SEA Reserve Funds
LEA Name |
Total Amount Expended for These Staff (cumulative across all ESSER funds) |
Indicate the total number of these specific positions supported with any of the ESSER funds for the following positions for the reporting period. Support indicates salaries and/or benefits were partially or fully paid with ESSER funds. (Note, ESSER refers to ESSER I, ESSER II, and ARP ESSER funds and includes both mandatory subgrants and SEA Reserve subgrants) |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission> |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission> |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission> |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission> |
___Special educators and related service personnel ___Paraprofessionals ___Bilingual or English as a second language educators ___School counselors, school psychologists and/or social workers ___Nurses ___Short term contractors ___Classroom educators, not covered by previous categories ___Support personnel, not covered by previous categories ___Administrative staff, not covered by previous categories |
Subsection C –Allocation of ESSER Resources within LEA
3.c Did this LEA allocate some portion of ESSER funds to schools in this reporting period? Note, ESSER refers to ESSER I, ESSER II, and ARP ESSER funds and includes both mandatory subgrants and SEA Reserve subgrants Y/N
<skip logic; if yes then>
How did this LEA allocate ESSER funds? Mark ‘Y/N’ to indicate whether the below criteria were used to allocate ESSER funds to schools. For example, if the LEA allocated funds using a weighted formula of total number of enrollments and total number of enrolled students with disabilities, the LEA should mark ‘Y’ to rows a and b below.
LEA Name |
Criteria Used to Allocate Funds to Schools Within LEA
(Y/N) |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission> |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission> |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission> |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission> |
3.d1 The total amount reserved by the LEA to address the impact of learning loss (note: this value must be at least 20% of the value reported in 3a for ARP ESSER)
3.d2: Total expenditures of ARP ESSER LEA Reserve in this reporting period: <Automatically filled from the expenditure amount reported in 3.b1>
3.d3 Provide the amount expended from the ARP ESSER LEA Reserve in this reporting period on each listed activity or intervention to satisfy the LEA’s mandatory set-aside requirements of ARP ESSER funds, which respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs and address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on underserved student groups, including each major racial and ethnic group, children from low-income families, children with disabilities, English learners, migratory students, students experiencing homelessness, youth in foster care, and other groups disproportionately impacted by the pandemic that have been identified by the SEA (e.g., youth involved in the criminal justice system, students who have missed the most in-person instruction during the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years, students who did not consistently participate in remote instruction when offered during school building closures, and LGBTQ+ students):
Summer learning or summer enrichment
Afterschool programs
Extended instructional time (school day, school week, or school year)
Additional classroom teachers
Other additional staffing and/or activities to assess and support social-emotional well-being (excluding mental health supports), for students, educators and/or families
Other additional staffing and/or activities to assess and support mental health needs, for students, educators and/or families
Other additional staffing and/or activities to identify and/or respond to unique student needs and/or provide targeted support for vulnerable students (including low-income children or students, students with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and children and youth in foster care)
Universal screening, academic assessments, and intervention data systems, such as early warning systems and/or opportunity to learn data systems.
Improved coordination of services for students with multiple types of needs, such as full-service community schools or improved coordination with partner agencies, such as foster care services
Early childhood programs
Curriculum adoption and learning materials
Core staff capacity building / training to increase instructional quality and advance investments in talent pipelines for teachers and/or classified staff
Other (Please specify):_(1,500 character limit)______________
3.d4 Please describe how the expenditures reported in 3.d3 address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on each listed underserved student groups, including each major racial and ethnic group, children from low-income families, children with disabilities, English learners, migratory students, students experiencing homelessness, youth in foster care, and other groups disproportionately impacted by the pandemic that have been identified by the SEA.
(3,000 character limit) |
4.b1 How did this LEA use ESSER (ESSER I, ESSER II and/or ARP ESSER) funds to support learning recovery or acceleration for student groups who were disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic? Mark Y/N to each activity below; if an activity was offered by the LEA, provide the number of eligible students in the LEA and the number of students that participated. (Note, ESSER refers to ESSER I, ESSER II, and ARP ESSER funds and includes both mandatory subgrants and SEA Reserve subgrants.)
Methods/Intervention |
(If Yes, then) Capacity and Participation |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission> |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission> |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission> |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission> |
Is this program available to all students? Y/N If no, indicate the number of students this program serves at full capacity: __________
Total unique
headcount of students that participated in this activity:
Eligible refers to students within the student group who meet eligibility criteria for participation, such as belonging to the appropriate grade for the activity.
Student Group
(Note, the total unique headcount does not need to equal the sum of rows a – n, as a student may be counted in multiple rows.) |
# Enrolled eligible Students at LEA in subgroup |
# Eligible students in subgroup participating |
Is this program available to all students? Y/N If no, indicate the number of students this program serves at full capacity: __________
Total unique
headcount of students that participated in this activity:
Eligible refers to students within the student group who meet eligibility criteria for participation, such as belonging to the appropriate grade for the activity.
Student Group
(Note, the total unique headcount does not need to equal the sum of rows a – n, as a student may be counted in multiple rows.) |
# Enrolled eligible Students at LEA in subgroup |
# Eligible students in subgroup participating |
Is extended instructional time in place at all schools within the LEA? Y/N
<skip logic; if Yes, skip to item 4, evidence-based high-dosage tutoring>
If no, indicate the unique headcount of students enrolled in schools within the LEA with mandatory extended instructional time: __________
Indicate the number students from each student group enrolled in schools with extended instructional time:
Student Group
(Note, the total unique headcount does not need to equal the sum of rows a – n, as a student may be counted in multiple rows.) |
#Students Enrolled in Schools with (Mandatory) Extended Instructional Time |
Is this program available to all students? Y/N If no, indicate the number of students this program serves at full capacity: __________ Total unique
headcount of students that participated in this activity:
Eligible refers to students within the student group who meet eligibility criteria for participation, such as belonging to the appropriate grade for the activity.
Student Group
(Note, the total unique headcount does not need to equal the sum of rows a – n, as a student may be counted in multiple rows.) |
# Enrolled eligible Students at LEA in subgroup |
# Eligible students in subgroup participating |
Did this LEA expand or enhance its early childhood program? Mark Y/N to each below.
<Skip logic: if “Expand”=Y, then:> How many additional students or slots were funded with ESSER I, ESSER II or ARP ESSER in the most recent school year? Please include students or slots that were fully and partially funded with ESSER I, ESSER II, or ARP ESSER funds. _________
Total unique
headcount of students enrolled in an early childhood education
program within the LEA: __________
Student Group
(Note, the total unique headcount does not need to equal the sum of rows a – n, as a student may be counted in multiple rows.) |
# Enrolled Students |
How many new or additional full-service community schools were launched using these funds in this LEA? _____ How many current full-service community schools received additional services and/or support using these funds? _____ What is the total enrollment in full-service community schools supported with ESSER funds within this LEA? ____
Was educational technology purchased for all students? Y/N <skip logic; if yes, no
additional questions about educational technology purchased by
the LEA are required> If no, indicate the number of
students for whom educational technology was purchased ________ Indicate the number of eligible students within each of the following student groups, and the number of eligible students from that student group that received or were directly supported by the educational technology:
Eligible refers to students within the student group who meet eligibility criteria for the educational technology, such as belonging to the appropriate grade and/or having a specific need for the educational technology.
Student Group
(Note, the total unique headcount does not need to equal the sum of rows a – n, as a student may be counted in multiple rows.) |
# Enrolled eligible Students at LEA in subgroup |
# Eligible students in subgroup receiving or supported by the educational technology |
Indicate the total number of enrolled students within the LEA by each student group below. Students should be counted in all student groups to which they belong. Please use the same methodology to identify student counts as used to report enrollment data to EDFacts.
Student Group |
Count Enrolled Students at LEA |
Total Unique Headcount of Enrolled
Students |
4.c1 Please provide the count of FTE staff assigned to serve each school in this LEA, regardless of funding source, as of September 30th of the school year most closely aligned to the reporting period. For example, if one full-time nurse is shared equally by five schools within an LEA, allocate 0.2 FTE to each school served.
DUNS # |
School Name (within LEA) |
Count FTE by Staff Type (to the nearest tenth) |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission> |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission> |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission> |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission> |
[Note to reviewers: these questions will be appended to the LEA and non-LEA entities tables above in the online data collection tool.]
5.a Provide the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) positions for the LEA, or non-LEA Entity as of the listed reporting dates. (The number of FTE positions includes all staff regardless of whether the position is funded by Federal, State, local, or other funds—and equals the sum of the number of full-time positions plus the full-time equivalent of the number of part-time positions.)
Name of LEA/non-LEA Entity |
Full-time equivalent (FTE) positions as of September 30, 2018 |
Full-time equivalent (FTE) positions as of September 30, 2019 |
Full-time equivalent (FTE) positions as of March 13, 2020 |
Full-time equivalent (FTE) positions on September 30, 2020 |
Full-time equivalent (FTE) positions on September 30, 2021 |
Full-time equivalent (FTE) positions on September 30, 2022 |
Full-time equivalent (FTE) positions on September 30, 2023 |
Full-time equivalent (FTE) positions on September 30, 20XX* |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission> |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission> |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission> |
<Automatically filled from prior year APR submission> |
<Pre-populate from data provided in prior year reporting if applicable> |
<Pre-populate from data provided in prior year reporting if applicable> |
<Pre-populate from data provided in prior year reporting if applicable> |
<Pre-populate from data provided in prior year reporting if applicable> |
<Pre-populate from data provided in prior year reporting if applicable> |
<Pre-populate from data provided in prior year reporting if applicable> |
<Pre-populate from data provided in prior year reporting if applicable> |
… |
*Subgrantees will provide the FTE information for September 30 of the most current year in each annual performance report.
Student Outcomes
The U.S. Department of Education will append the most recent and certified submission of LEA and SEA data (with disaggregation by subpopulation) from existing collections as detailed below:
Metric Category |
Specific Metric(s) |
Engagement and Participation |
Student Learning and Progression |
Burden Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1810-0749. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 140 hours per SEA response and 140 hours per LEA response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Under the PRA, participants are required to respond to this collection to obtain or retain a benefit. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this individual collection, or if you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual form, please contact Joanne Bogart, US. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202.
1 This value should reflect the total award under the CARES Act, inclusive of any changes to the total award that may have occurred within or prior to the current reporting period. For example, if an LEA received $1M in total ESSER I / CARES SEA Reserve funds in a prior reporting period, and no changes were made to the total SEA Reserve allocation to the LEA through the end of the current reporting period, the LEA should report $1M. If the total allocation to the LEA was reduced by $200K, and regardless of whether that reduction occurred within or prior to the current reporting period, the LEA should report $800K.
2 This value should reflect the total award under the CARES Act, inclusive of any changes to the total award that may have occurred within or prior to the current reporting period. For example, if a non-LEA received $1M in total ESSER I / CARES SEA Reserve funds in a prior reporting period, and no changes were made to the total SEA Reserve allocation to the non-LEA through the end of the current reporting period, the non-LEA should report $1M. If the total allocation to the non-LEA was reduced by $200K, and regardless of whether that reduction occurred within or prior to the current reporting period, the non-LEA should report $800K.
3 This value should reflect the total award under the CRRSA Act, inclusive of any changes to the total award that may have occurred within or prior to the current reporting period. For example, if an LEA received $1M in total ESSER II / CRRSA SEA Reserve funds in a prior reporting period, and no changes were made to the total SEA Reserve allocation to the LEA through the end of the current reporting period, the LEA should report $1M. If the total allocation to the LEA was reduced by $200K, and regardless of whether that reduction occurred within or prior to the current reporting period, the LEA should report $800K.
4 This value should reflect the total award under the CRRSA Act, inclusive of any changes to the total award that may have occurred within or prior to the current reporting period. For example, if a non-LEA received $1M in total ESSER II / CRRSA SEA Reserve funds in a prior reporting period, and no changes were made to the total SEA Reserve allocation to the non-LEA through the end of the current reporting period, the non-LEA should report $1M. If the total allocation to the non-LEA was reduced by $200K, and regardless of whether that reduction occurred within or prior to the current reporting period, the non-LEA should report $800K.
5 These values should reflect the total awards under the ARP Act, inclusive of any changes to the total awards that may have occurred within or prior to the current reporting period. For example, if an LEA received $1M in total ARP ESSER SEA Reserve funds from the set-aside to address learning loss in a prior reporting period, and no changes were made to the SEA Reserve allocation to the LEA through the end of the current reporting period, the LEA should report $1M. If the allocation to the LEA was reduced by $200K, and regardless of whether that reduction occurred within or prior to the current reporting period, the LEA should report $800K.
6 These values should reflect the total awards under the ARP Act, inclusive of any changes to the total awards that may have occurred within or prior to the current reporting period. For example, if a non-LEA received $1M in total ARP ESSER SEA Reserve funds from the set-aside to address learning loss in a prior reporting period, and no changes were made to the SEA Reserve allocation to the non-LEA through the end of the current reporting period, the non-LEA should report $1M. If the allocation to the non-LEA was reduced by $200K, and regardless of whether that reduction occurred within or prior to the current reporting period, the non-LEA should report $800K.
7 These values should reflect the total mandatory subgrant awards under the respective Act (CARES, CRRSA or ARP), inclusive of any changes to the total award that may have occurred within or prior to the current reporting period. For example, if an LEA received $1M in total ESSER I / CARES mandatory subgrant funds in a prior reporting period, and no changes were made to the total mandatory subgrant allocation to the LEA through the end of the current reporting period, the LEA should report $1M. If the total allocation to the LEA was reduced by $200K, and regardless of whether that reduction occurred within or prior to the current reporting period, the LEA should report $800K.
8 This value should reflect only expenditures made in the current reporting period.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Alexandra |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-12-15 |