Final Report (Tribes and Territories Competition Grantees)

Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) Program Implementation


Final Report (Tribes and Territories Competition Grantees)


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Sheet 1: README

This is an explanation of fields that appear in the Emissions tab.

Each row should feature emissions reductions for an individual pollutant associated with a measure-sector pairing.

For example, a project may feature two measures (A & B). The first measure may impact two sectors (X & Y) and the second measure may impact one sector (X). In this example, there should be a unique row for each pollutant projected to change resulting from measure A on sectors X and Y (A-X & A-Y), as well as each pollutant projected to change resulting from measure B on sector X (B-X).
Field Description
State State name or abbreviation
County County-level emissions reductions associated with the measure and sector listed in columns F and E, respectively.
Tool Used to Identify LIDAC GEOIDs [CEJST or EJScreen] Specify the tool used (CEJST or EJSCREEN) to identify all LIDAC Census GEOIDs that feature emissions benefits from the measure specified in column F.
All LIDAC Census GEOIDs (11-digit tract code or 12-digit block group code) Featuring Emissions Benefits from Measure in Specified State and Counties List all LIDAC Census GEOIDs within the counties listed in column B that feature emissions reductions associated with the measure and sector listed in columns F and E, respectively.
Sector Sector being impacted by the measure specified in column F (e.g., light duty vehicles, residential buildings, electricity generating units).
Measure # and Description Measure # and description of measure associated with emissions reductions.
Pollutant Impacted Specific greenhouse gas (e.g., CO2, CH4), criteria air pollutant (e.g., NOx, PM2.5), or hazardous air pollutant (e.g., benzene, formaldehyde) being reported and impacted by the measure listed in column F.
Base Year of Emissions [YYYY] Base year for emissions of the pollutant listed in column G. Note that the base year used in this analysis is determined by the grantee.
Base Year Emissions Emissions in the base year for the pollutant listed in column G.
Units of Base Year Emissions Unit of measure used for base year emissions (e.g., short tons, kilograms, pounds, metric tons).
Projected Year of Emissions [YYYY] Projected year for emissions of the pollutant listed in column G. Note that the projected year used in this analysis is determined by the grantee.
Projected Year Emissions Emissions in the projected year for the pollutant listed in column G under a business-as-usual scenario.
Units of Projected Year Emissions Unit of measure used for projected year emissions (e.g., short tons, kilograms, pounds, metric tons).
Projected Year Emissions w/ Measure Emissions in the projected year for the pollutant listed in column G after incorporating the measure listed in column G.
Units of Projected Year Emissions w/ Measure Unit of measure used for projected year emissions w/ measure (e.g., short tons, kilograms, pounds, metric tons).
Models/Tools Used Briefly state what type of method and/or tool was used to estimate the base year, projected year, and projected year with measure emissions. If a specific model or tool (e.g., MOVES, AVERT, custom excel-based tool, etc.) was used, please specify and/or include links to any relevant reference documentation. If no specific model or tool was used, please briefly summarize how the calculation were performed (e.g., assumed X% reduction in Y activity type, applied Z emission factor).
Measure Implementation Assumptions Briefly summarize key assumptions related to the implementation of the measure listed in column G (e.g., assumed rate of measure implementation, implementation milestones, measure lifetime, etc.).

Sheet 2: Emissions

OMB Control Number: 2060-NEW; Expiration Date: MM/DD/YYYY
This collection of information is approved by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. OMB Control Number: 2060-NEW. Responses to this collection of information are mandatory (2 CFR Part 2000). An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to be 5 hours per response. Send comments on the Agency's need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden to Director, Information Engagement Division; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2821T); 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW; Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address.
CPRG Emissions Reporting Template

Note: Emissions reductions should be provided for each pollutant, for each sector, for each measure, for each county, for each state (as applicable)

Geographic Information Emissions Information Methods Information
State County Tool Used to Identify LIDAC GEOIDs [CEJST or EJScreen] All LIDAC Census GEOIDs (11-digit tract code or 12-digit block group code) Featuring Emissions Benefits from Measure in Specified State and Counties Sector Measure # and Description Pollutant Impacted Base Year of Emissions [YYYY] Base Year Emissions Units of Base Year Emissions Projected Year of Emissions [YYYY] Projected Year Emissions Units of Projected Year Emissions Projected Year Emissions w/ Measure Units of Projected Year Emissions w/ Measure Models/Tools Used, including references, if applicable Measure Implementation Assumptions
X County A CEJST 31001965400, 31001965500 Passenger vehicles Y CO2 2025 85500 lbs 2032 68400 lbs 67050 lbs Changes in emission factors for EVs vs ICEs for passenger vehicles Assumes consistent vehicle usage patterns to present (VMT, day of week usage, etc); assumes same emission factors for all passenger ICEs and same for all plug-in EVs
X County B CEJST 31001966200 Passenger vehicles Y CO2 2025 42750 lbs 2032 34200 lbs 33525 lbs Changes in emission factors for EVs vs ICEs for passenger vehicles Assumes consistent vehicle usage patterns to present (VMT, day of week usage, etc); assumes same emission factors for all passenger ICEs and same for all plug-in EVs
X County C CEJST 31003979600, 31103975400 Passenger vehicles Y CO2 2025 14250 lbs 2032 11400 lbs 11175 lbs Changes in emission factors for EVs vs ICEs for passenger vehicles Assumes consistent vehicle usage patterns to present (VMT, day of week usage, etc); assumes same emission factors for all passenger ICEs and same for all plug-in EVs
X County A CEJST 31001965400, 31001965500 Passenger vehicles Y NOx 2025 11400 lbs 2032 9120 lbs 8940 lbs Changes in emission factors for EVs vs ICEs for passenger vehicles Assumes consistent vehicle usage patterns to present (VMT, day of week usage, etc); assumes same emission factors for all passenger ICEs and same for all plug-in EVs
X County B CEJST 31001966200 Passenger vehicles Y NOx 2025 5700 lbs 2032 4560 lbs 4470 lbs Changes in emission factors for EVs vs ICEs for passenger vehicles Assumes consistent vehicle usage patterns to present (VMT, day of week usage, etc); assumes same emission factors for all passenger ICEs and same for all plug-in EVs
X County C CEJST 31003979600, 31103975400 Passenger vehicles Y NOx 2025 1900 lbs 2032 1520 lbs 1490 lbs Changes in emission factors for EVs vs ICEs for passenger vehicles Assumes consistent vehicle usage patterns to present (VMT, day of week usage, etc); assumes same emission factors for all passenger ICEs and same for all plug-in EVs
X County A CEJST 31001965400, 31001965500 Electricity Generation Y CO2 2025 4500 lbs 2032 4635 lbs 4522.5 lbs AVERT for power sector impacts Assumes consistent vehicle usage patterns to present (VMT, day of week usage, etc); assumes same emission factors for all passenger ICEs and same for all plug-in EVs
X County B CEJST 31001966200 Electricity Generation Y CO2 2025 2250 lbs 2032 2317.5 lbs 2261.25 lbs AVERT for power sector impacts Assumes consistent vehicle usage patterns to present (VMT, day of week usage, etc); assumes same emission factors for all passenger ICEs and same for all plug-in EVs
X County C CEJST 31003979600, 31103975400 Electricity Generation Y CO2 2025 750 lbs 2032 772.5 lbs 753.75 lbs AVERT for power sector impacts Assumes consistent vehicle usage patterns to present (VMT, day of week usage, etc); assumes same emission factors for all passenger ICEs and same for all plug-in EVs
X County A CEJST 31001965400, 31001965500 Electricity Generation Y NOx 2025 600 lbs 2032 618 lbs 603 lbs AVERT for power sector impacts Assumes consistent vehicle usage patterns to present (VMT, day of week usage, etc); assumes same emission factors for all passenger ICEs and same for all plug-in EVs
X County B CEJST 31001966200 Electricity Generation Y NOx 2025 300 lbs 2032 309 lbs 301.5 lbs AVERT for power sector impacts Assumes consistent vehicle usage patterns to present (VMT, day of week usage, etc); assumes same emission factors for all passenger ICEs and same for all plug-in EVs
X County C CEJST 31003979600, 31103975400 Electricity Generation Y NOx 2025 100 lbs 2032 103 lbs 100.5 lbs AVERT for power sector impacts Assumes consistent vehicle usage patterns to present (VMT, day of week usage, etc); assumes same emission factors for all passenger ICEs and same for all plug-in EVs
X County A CEJST 31001965400, 31001965500 Passenger vehicles Z CO2 2025 6840036 lbs 2032 547200 lbs 502200 lbs Changes in emission factors for EVs vs ICEs for passenger vehicles Assumes consistent vehicle usage patterns to present (VMT, day of week usage, etc); assumes same emission factors for all passenger ICEs and same for all plug-in EVs
X County B CEJST 31001966200 Passenger vehicles Z CO2 2025 3420018 lbs 2032 273600 lbs 251100 lbs Changes in emission factors for EVs vs ICEs for passenger vehicles Assumes consistent vehicle usage patterns to present (VMT, day of week usage, etc); assumes same emission factors for all passenger ICEs and same for all plug-in EVs
X County C CEJST 31003979600, 31103975400 Passenger vehicles Z CO2 2025 1140006 lbs 2032 91200 lbs 83700 lbs Changes in emission factors for EVs vs ICEs for passenger vehicles Assumes consistent vehicle usage patterns to present (VMT, day of week usage, etc); assumes same emission factors for all passenger ICEs and same for all plug-in EVs
X County A CEJST 31001965400, 31001965500 Passenger vehicles Z NOx 2025 91200 lbs 2032 72960 lbs 66960 lbs Changes in emission factors for EVs vs ICEs for passenger vehicles Assumes consistent vehicle usage patterns to present (VMT, day of week usage, etc); assumes same emission factors for all passenger ICEs and same for all plug-in EVs
X County B CEJST 31001966200 Passenger vehicles Z NOx 2025 45600 lbs 2032 36480 lbs 33480 lbs Changes in emission factors for EVs vs ICEs for passenger vehicles Assumes consistent vehicle usage patterns to present (VMT, day of week usage, etc); assumes same emission factors for all passenger ICEs and same for all plug-in EVs
X County C CEJST 31003979600, 31103975400 Passenger vehicles Z NOx 2025 15200 lbs 2032 12160 lbs 11160 lbs Changes in emission factors for EVs vs ICEs for passenger vehicles Assumes consistent vehicle usage patterns to present (VMT, day of week usage, etc); assumes same emission factors for all passenger ICEs and same for all plug-in EVs

Note: All information in the template above are example entries.

Sheet 3: BAP

OMB Control Number: 2060-NEW; Expiration Date: MM/DD/YYYY

This collection of information is approved by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. OMB Control Number: 2060-NEW. Responses to this collection of information are mandatory (2 CFR Part 2000). An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to be 5 hours per response. Send comments on the Agency's need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden to Director, Information Engagement Division; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2821T); 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW; Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address.

Section 1: General Grant Information

Grantee Name

Grant Project Title

Pre-Populated Entry

Pre-Populated Entry

Grant Project #

Start Date of Grant

Pre-Populated Entry

Pre-Populated Entry

Total Grant Award Amount

Pre-Populated Entry

Section 2: Reporting Period Summary

Reporting Period Start Date

Reporting Period End Date

Date Only

Date Only

Describe the outputs achieved to date resulting from this project. Please include progress on the outputs for each measure included in this project and quantify, where possible.
Open Ended Response

Describe the outcomes achieved to date resulting from this project. Please list outcomes for each measure included in this project and quantify, where possible.
Open Ended Response

What are your planned activities for the next six months? (not required for final report)
Open Ended Response

What are some challenges, successes, and lessons from this reporting period that you can share.
Open Ended Response

Section 3: CPRG Implementation Grant Costs

Measure 1: Carshare with Electric Vehicles (Example 1)

***The number of measures in Section 3 are awardee-specific***
Program/Administrative Costs [in current year $]

GHG Measure/Technology Costs [in current year $]

$$ Only

$$ Only

Measure Costs or Expenditures to Date [in current year $]

Total Measure Award Amount

$$ Only

Pre-Populated Entry

Start Date of Measure Implementation

Anticipated End Date of Measure Implementation

Date Only

Date Only

Measure 2: Retrofit of 3 Commercial Buildings (Example 2)

Program/Administrative Costs [in current year $]

GHG Measure/Technology Costs [in current year $]

$$ Only

$$ Only

Measure Costs or Expenditures to Date [in current year $]

Total Measure Award Amount

$$ Only

Pre-Populated Entry

Start Date of Measure Implementation

Anticipated End Date of Measure Implementation

Date Only

Date Only

Measure 3: Soil Carbon Capture (Example 3)

Program/Administrative Costs [in current year $]

GHG Measure/Technology Costs [in current year $]

$$ Only

$$ Only

Measure Costs or Expenditures to Date [in current year $]

Total Measure Award Amount

$$ Only

Pre-Populated Entry

Start Date of Measure Implementation

Anticipated End Date of Measure Implementation

Date Only

Date Only

Section 4: CPRG Implementation Grant Progress

How many community engagement activities have taken place during this reporting period?
Number Only

How many attendees in total (not unique) participated in these activities?
Number Only

Describe the types of activities that occurred (e.g., meeting, survey, etc.), including ongoing and planned community engagements, how they were advertised (online, poster, etc.), and whether the activities were in-person, virtual, or hybrid.
Open Ended Response

How was input from these activities incorporated into the project?
Open Ended Response

If the project resulted in or will result in the creation of high-quality jobs and/or new workforce training opportunities, please describe the progress toward achieving these outcomes.
Open Ended Response

If applicable, please list the number of vehicles replaced by electric vehicles resulting from this project. This includes by vehicle type (light-, medium-, heavy-duty) and by fuel type (gasoline, diesel).
Open Ended Response

If applicable, please list the number and type (L1, L2, L3/DCFC) of chargers installed resulting from this project. This includes by vehicle type and by intended service (Government Fleet, Interstate, General Community, LIDAC Community, Commercial, Residential).
Open Ended Response

If applicable, please list, by equipment type, electric nonroad equipment purchased for this project.
Open Ended Response

If applicable, please list infrastructure (such as chargers) installed to support electrified nonroad equipment.
Open Ended Response

Please describe and quantify, if possible, any other benefits resulting from this project/program.
Open Ended Response

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