FPAC Federal Award Performance Monitoring and Reporting Form

FPAC Federal Award Performance Monitoring and Reporting Form

GAD Progress Report V4

FPAC Federal Award Performance Monitoring and Reporting Form


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Farm Production and Conservation Business Center
OMB Control Number: 0565-NEW
Grants and Agreements Division
OMB expiration date: 00/00/0000
Performance Progress Report
Add Attachments
*indicates a required field

2. Recipient*

1. Agreement Number*

4. Recipient Contact Email*

3. Recipient Contact*

6. Agreement End Date*

5. Agreement Start Date*

7. Reporting Period Start Date*
9. Reporting Frequency:*
10. Total Budget*



8. Reporting Period End Date*



11. Goals and Objectives:* What are the major goals and objectives of this project?

12. Work Done:* What work was done during this reporting period that contributes to achieving the goals and
objectives of this project? When were major tasks or activities completed?

13. Milestones:* Compare any key milestones achieved during this reporting period to the key milestones planned in
the agreement. Provide dates to show if milestones are behind schedule, on time, or ahead of schedule. Highlight any
differences and provide reasons and possible solutions, if applicable.

14. Accomplishments:* What was achieved during this reporting period? Also provide a comparison of any
accomplishments to the original goals, objectives, and deliverables of the project. Highlight any differences and
provide reasons and possible solutions, if applicable.

15. Expenses*

16. Budget Expended



17. Subrecipents:* List all subrecipient monitoring activities that were completed during this reporting period. If
this award does not include any subrecipients, enter “n/a.”

18. Problems:* Describe any problems, not previously mentioned, that are having a negative impact on the project,
such as difficulty receiving or expending funds and completing work, along with any possible solutions. If none exists,
enter "n/a".

19. Changes:* Describe any pending or proposed changes to the agreement, including to the project scope, schedule,
budget, sub-awards, contracts, principal investigators, or primary points of contact. If none exists, enter "n/a".

20. Next Reporting Period:* What are you planning to accomplish during the next reporting period? What are the
key tasks, activities, and milestones scheduled?

Instruc�ons for Comple�ng the Grants and Agreements Division
Performance Progress Report
This progress report was created for recipients of agreements from the following USDA agencies:
Natural Resources Conserva�on Service (NRCS), Farm Service Agency (FSA), Risk Management
Agency (RMA), the Commodity Credit Corpora�on (CCC), and the FPAC Business Center. Refer to the
agreement's terms and conditions for any additional or specific reporting requirements. In the case
of any conflict between language on this form and the agreement's terms and conditions, the
provisions of the agreement's terms and conditions will control. Refer also to your agreement's
terms and conditions for sending the completed progress report to the agency. Use the attachments
tool at the top of page one to add any relevant figures, charts, graphs, photos, etc. If you are unsure
how to answer a specific ques�on, use your best judgment or no�fy your agency program contact
for assistance. For final reports, answer the ques�ons in rela�on to the en�re agreement period. To
complete the progress report, open the form in a fillable PDF program, such as Adobe Acrobat (not a
web-browser PDF application), answer the ques�ons, add any atachments, then save the completed
1. Enter the federal agreement number assigned by the federal awarding agency. This number is listed
in block 1 of the No�ce of Award.
2. Enter the name of the recipient for this agreement, also known as the recipient organiza�on. The
recipient is listed in block 6 of the No�ce of Award.
3. Enter the first and last name of the person completing the progress report.
4. Enter the email address of the person completing the progress report.
5. Enter the agreement start date. The agreement start date is listed in block 3 of the No�ce of Award.
6. Enter the agreement end date. The agreement end date is listed in block 3 of the No�ce of Award. If
the agreement was extended, enter the revised end date.
7. Enter the start date of this repor�ng period. The reporting period start date is the first day this
progress report represents. Determine the reporting period start date by referring to the agreement
Statement of Work and applying the reporting frequency. If this is a final progress report, enter the start
date of the agreement instead.
8. Enter the end date of this repor�ng period. The end date is the last day this progress report
represents. Determine the reporting period end date by referring to the agreement Statement of Work
and applying the reporting frequency. If this is a final progress report, enter the end date of the
agreement instead.
9. Select the radio buton that matches the required repor�ng frequency for this agreement. The
repor�ng frequency refers to how often progress reports are required to be submitted to the agency.
This informa�on can be found in the agreement Statement of Work. Quarterly is every 3 months.
Semi-annual is every 6 months. Annual is every 12 months. If this is a final report, select final. If no
radio butons apply, select other.

Enter the total budget for this agreement. Include any matching contribu�ons, if applicable.

11. List the major goals and objec�ves listed in your agreement. The goals and objec�ves represent
the overarching reasons for undertaking the project. Identifying the goals and objectives of the project
provides context for the remaining questions in the report and assists in evaluating project success.

12. "Work done" is used by the agency to confirm what work was performed during the repor�ng
period and assists in approving payment requests. A descrip�on of work also provides context to the
milestones and accomplishments provided in the other answers.
13. The agency uses a comparison of achieved milestones to planned milestones to determine if the
project is on schedule. If large differences exist, the agency may be able to provide assistance. Use the
atachments tool as needed.
14. "Accomplishments" include the results of your work and show whether the project is achieving its
intended purpose. If large differences exist, the agency may be able to provide assistance. Use the
attachments tool as needed.
15. List the total project expenses to date, including all direct and indirect expenses, cost share, and any
payments made for contractual services and to subrecipient(s).
16. No entry is required for this ques�on. The "budget expended" reflects the percentage of project
funds spent to date and allows the agency to compare expenses to work done. The "budget expended"
is automa�cally calculated based on informa�on provided in number 10 and number 15.
17. For subrecipient monitoring, include the repor�ng of any subawards to fsrs.gov, approving
subaward progress reports and financial reports, and implemen�ng any correc�ve ac�ons, as needed,
to help subrecipients to be successful and remain in compliance with 2 CFR 200 and the agreement.
18. Include in your answer any issues or risks related to your organiza�on, staffing, equipment, or
19. Include in your answer any potential changes to the project that you are considering.
20. Communicating your plan for the next reporting period helps the agency monitor the project and
provide support where needed.

Public Burden Statement (Paperwork Reduction Act): According to the Paperwork Reduction Act requirement, an agency may
not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB
control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0565-XXXX. This collection is voluntary. The
time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 45 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of
information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to [email protected] (OMB NO. 0565-XXXX), Washington,
D.C. 20250.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleFPAC Performance Progress Report
SubjectProgress Report
AuthorGrants and Agreements Division
File Modified2024-08-27
File Created2024-03-04

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