Ams Granss Evaluation: Performance Outcomes and Indicator Survey

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery - AMS

USDA AMS Stakeholder Survey_Questionnaire 3-5-2020

Ams Granss Evaluation: Performance Outcomes and Indicator Survey

OMB: 0581-0269

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USDA AMS Stakeholder Survey

OMB Control No. 0581-0269
Exp. Date: XX/XX/XXXX

The United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service
(AMS) is collecting feedback about performance outcomes for the following
grant programs: Acer Access and Development Program, the Dairy Business
Innovation Initiatives, the Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion
Programs, the Federal State Marketing Improvement Program, the Regional
Food System Partnerships, the Sheep Production and Marketing Program,
and the Specialty Crop Block Grant and Specialty Crop Promotion Programs.
AMS encourages all stakeholders familiar with these grant programs,
including the general public, to provide input.

The survey will take roughly 30 minutes to complete. You can save and
continue the survey by clicking the link on the top of each page. You can
also move between sections of the survey by using the navigation menu on
each page.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to
a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection
is 0581-0269. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the
time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information.

1. Describe the stakeholder category that best describes your perspective
related to AMS grant programs. Please check all that apply. *
Agricultural Cooperative
Cooperative Extension
Farmer Organization
Higher Education
Local Government
Non-Profit Organization

Producer (e.g. farmer, rancher,
grower, etc.)
State Departments of Agriculture
Trade Organization
Tribal Government
Other - Write In (Required)

Show/hide trigger exists.

2. I would like to provide feedback regarding the following program(s)
performance indicators. Check all that apply. *
Acer Access and Development Program
Dairy Business Innovation Initiatives
Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program
Federal State Marketing Improvement Program
Regional Food System Partnerships
Sheep Production and Marketing Grant Program
Specialty Crop Block Grant or Specialty Crop Multi-State Program

Hidden unless: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the following
program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following answers
("Specialty Crop Block Grant or Specialty Crop Multi-State Program")

3. Are you a current and/or past grantee with the Specialty Crop Block Grant
or Specialty Crop Multi-State Program?
Current Grantee
Past Grantee
Current and Past Grantee

Hidden unless: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the following
program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following answers
("Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program")

4. Are you a current and/or past grantee with the Farmers Market and Local
Food Promotion Program?
Current Grantee
Past Grantee
Current and Past Grantee

Hidden unless: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the following
program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following answers
("Dairy Business Innovation Initiatives")

5. Are you a current and/or past grantee with the Dairy Business Innovation
Current Grantee
Past Grantee
Current and Past Grantee

Hidden unless: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the following
program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following answers
("Acer Access and Development Program")

6. Are you a current and/or past grantee with the Acer Access and
Development Program?
Current Grantee
Past Grantee
Current and Past Grantee

Hidden unless: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the following
program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following answers
("Regional Food System Partnerships")

7. Are you a current and/or past grantee with the Regional Food System
Partnerships Program?
Current Grantee
Past Grantee
Current and Past Grantee

Hidden unless: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the following
program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following answers
("Sheep Production and Marketing Grant Program")

8. Are you a current and/or past grantee with the Sheep Production and
Marketing Grant Program?
Current Grantee
Past Grantee
Current and Past Grantee

Hidden unless: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the following
program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following answers
("Federal State Marketing Improvement Program")

9. Are you a current and/or past grantee with the Federal State Marketing
Improvement Program?
Current Grantee
Past Grantee
Current and Past Grantee

Specialty Crop Block Grant Program /Specialty Crop Multi-State Program Outcome 1
Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Specialty Crop Block Grant or Specialty Crop Multi-State Program")

These questions are about Outcome 1 of the Specialty Crop Block Grant and Specialty Crop
Multi-State Programs (SCBGP/SCMP). SCBGP/SCMP grantees report indicator information
to USDA every year on the indicators listed below. Please review Outcome 1 and the
indicators before answering the questions on this page.
Outcome 1: To enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops through increased sales.
Indicator: Sales increased from $___ to $___ and by percent, as result of marketing and/or
promotion activities

Show/hide trigger exists.

10. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 1 for the

Hidden unless: #10 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 1 for
the SCBGP/SCMP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

11. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Outcome
1? Select 'Not Applicable' if the statement is not relevant to your work or
relationship with the SCBGP/SCMP.
It is easy for me to collect this
indicator data.
Baseline data is available or
easy to collect.
I understand this outcome.
I understand the indicator.
I can achieve these goals by the
end of the grant period.
The outcome aligns with the
activities and goals of the


Not Applicable

Hidden unless: #10 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 1 for
the SCBGP/SCMP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

12. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 1 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Specialty Crop Block Grant Program /Specialty Crop Multi-State Program Outcome 2
Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Specialty Crop Block Grant or Specialty Crop Multi-State Program")

These questions are about Outcome 2 of the SCBGP/SCMP. SCBGP/SCMP grantees report
indicator information to USDA every year on the indicators listed below. Please review
Outcome 2 and the indicators before answering the questions on this page.
Outcome 2: Enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops through increased consumption.
1. Of the total number of children and youth reached,
a. The number that gained knowledge about eating more specialty crops
b. The number that reported an intention to eat more specialty crops
c. The number that reported eating more specialty crops
2. Of the total number of adults reached,
a. The number that gained knowledge about eating more specialty crops
b. The number that reported an intention to eat more specialty crops
c. The number that reported eating more specialty crops
3. Number of new and improved technologies and processes to enhance the nutritional value
and consumer acceptance of specialty crops (excluding patents)
4. Number of new specialty crops and/or specialty crop products introduced to consumers

Show/hide trigger exists.

13. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 2 for the

Hidden unless: #13 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 2 for
the SCBGP/SCMP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

14. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Outcome
2? Select 'Not Applicable' if the statement is not relevant to your work or
relationship with the SCBGP/SCMP.


Not Applicable

It is easy for me to collect this
indicator data.
Baseline data is available or
easy to collect.
I understand this outcome.
I understand the indicators.
I can achieve these goals by the
end of the grant period.
The outcome aligns with the
activities and goals of the

Hidden unless: #13 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 2 for
the SCBGP/SCMP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

15. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 2 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Specialty Crop Block Grant Program /Specialty Crop Multi-State Program Outcome 3

Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Specialty Crop Block Grant or Specialty Crop Multi-State Program")
These questions are about Outcome 3 of the SCBGP/SCMP. SCBGP/SCMP grantees report
indicator information to USDA every year on the indicators listed below. Please review
Outcome 3 and the indicators before answering the questions on this page.
Outcome 3: Enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops through increased access and
1. Of the total number of consumers or wholesale buyers reached,
a. The number that gained knowledge on how to access/produce/prepare/preserve
specialty crops
b. The number that reported an intention to access/produce/prepare/preserve specialty
c. The number that reported supplementing their diets with specialty crops that they
2. Of the total number of individuals (culinary professionals, institutional kitchens, specialty
crop entrepreneurs such as kitchen incubators/shared-use kitchens, etc.) reached,
a. The number that gained knowledge on how to access/produce/prepare/preserve
specialty crops
b. The number that reported an intention to access/produce/prepare/preserve specialty
c. The number that reported supplementing their diets with specialty crops that they
3. Number of existing delivery systems/access points* of those reached that expanded and/or
improved offerings of specialty crops
4. Number of new delivery systems/access points* offering specialty crops

*Delivery systems/access points are listed below.
a. farmers markets
b. produce at corner stores
c. school food programs and other food options (vending machines, school events, etc.)
d. grocery stores
e. wholesale markets
f. food hubs that process, aggregate, distribute, or store specialty crops
g. home improvement centers with lawn and garden centers
h. lawn and garden centers
i. other systems/access points, not noted
j. total (if not reported above)

Show/hide trigger exists.

16. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 3 for the

Hidden unless: #16 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 3 for
the SCBGP/SCMP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

17. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Outcome
3? Select 'Not Applicable' if the statement is not relevant to your work or
relationship with the SCBGP/SCMP.
It is easy for me to collect this
indicator data.
Baseline data is available or
easy to collect.
I understand this outcome.
I understand the indicators.
I can achieve these goals by the
end of the grant period.
The outcome aligns with the
activities and goals of the


Not Applicable

Hidden unless: #16 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 3 for
the SCBGP/SCMP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

18. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 3 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Specialty Crop Block Grant Program /Specialty Crop Multi-State Program Outcome 4
Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Specialty Crop Block Grant or Specialty Crop Multi-State Program")

These questions are about Outcome 4 of the SCBGP/SCMP. SCBGP/SCMP grantees report
indicator information to USDA every year on the indicators listed below. Please review
Outcome 4 and the indicators before answering the questions on this page.
Outcome 4: Enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops though greater capacity of
sustainable practices of specialty crop production resulting in increased yield, reduced inputs,
increased efficiency, increased economic return, and/or conservation of resources.
1. Numbers of plant/seed releases (i.e., cultivars, drought-tolerant plants, organic, enhanced
nutritional composition, etc.)
2. Adoption of best practices and technologies resulting in increased yields, reduced inputs,
increased efficiency, increased economic return, and conservation of resources (select at
least one below)
a. Number of growers/producers indicating adoption of recommended practices
b. Number of growers/producers reporting reduction in pesticides, fertilizer, water used/acre
c. Number of producers reporting increased dollar returns per acre or reduced costs per
d. Number of acres in conservation tillage or acres in other best management practices
3. Number of habitat acres established and maintained for the mutual benefit of pollinators
and specialty crops

Show/hide trigger exists.

19. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 4 for the

Hidden unless: #19 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 4 for
the SCBGP/SCMP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

20. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Outcome
4? Select 'Not Applicable' if the statement is not relevant to your work or
relationship with the SCBGP/SCMP.


Not Applicable

It is easy for me to collect this
indicator data.
Baseline data is available or
easy to collect.
I understand this outcome.
I understand the indicators.
I can achieve these goals by the
end of the grant period.
The outcome aligns with the
activities and goals of the

Hidden unless: #19 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 4 for
the SCBGP/SCMP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

21. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 4 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Specialty Crop Block Grant Program /Specialty Crop Multi-State Program Outcome 5
Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Specialty Crop Block Grant or Specialty Crop Multi-State Program")

These questions are about Outcome 5 of the SCBGP/SCMP. SCBGP/SCMP grantees report
indicator information to USDA every year on the indicators listed below. Please review
Outcome 5 and the indicators before answering the questions on this page.
Outcome 5: Enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops through more sustainable,
diverse, and resilient specialty crop systems
1. Number of new or improved innovation models (biological, economic, business,
management, etc.), technologies, networks, products, processes, etc. developed for specialty
crop entities including producers, processors, distributors, etc.
2. Number of innovations adopted
3. Number of specialty crop growers/producers (and other members of the specialty crop
supply chain) that have increased revenue expressed in dollars
4. Number of new diagnostic systems analyzing specialty crop pests and diseases.
[Diagnostic systems refer to, among other things: labs, networks, procedures, access points.]
5. Number of new diagnostic technologies available for detecting plant pests and diseases.
[Grantees count technologies that add to diagnostic capacity, not individual pieces of
equipment or devices]
6. Number of first responders trained in early detection and rapid response to combat plant
pests and diseases
7. Number of viable technologies/processes developed or modified that will increase
specialty crop distribution and/or production
8. Number of growers/producers that gained knowledge about science-based tools through
outreach and education programs

Show/hide trigger exists.

22. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 5 for the

Hidden unless: #22 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 5 for
the SCBGP/SCMP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

23. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Outcome
5? Select 'Not Applicable' if the statement is not relevant to your work or
relationship with the SCBGP/SCMP.
It is easy for me to collect this
indicator data.
Baseline data is available or
easy to collect.
I understand this outcome.
I understand the indicators.
I can achieve these goals by the
end of the grant period.
The outcome aligns with the
activities and goals of the


Not Applicable

Hidden unless: #22 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 5 for
the SCBGP/SCMP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

24. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 5 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Specialty Crop Block Grant Program /Specialty Crop Multi-State Program Outcome 6
Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Specialty Crop Block Grant or Specialty Crop Multi-State Program")

These questions are about Outcome 6 of the SCBGP/SCMP. SCBGP/SCMP grantees report
indicator information to USDA every year on the indicators listed below. Please review
Outcome 6 and the indicators before answering the questions on this page.
Outcome 6: Enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops through increasing the number
of viable technologies to improve food safety.
1. Number of viable technologies developed or modified for the detection and characterization
of specialty crop supply contamination from foodborne threats
2. Number of viable prevention, control and intervention strategies for all specialty crop
production scales for foodborne threats along the production continuum
3. Number of individuals who learn about prevention, detection, control, and intervention food
safety practices and number of those individuals who increase their food safety skills and
4. Number of improved prevention, detection, control, and intervention technologies
5. Number of reported changes in prevention, detection, control, and intervention strategies

Show/hide trigger exists.

25. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 6 for the

Hidden unless: #25 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 6 for
the SCBGP/SCMP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

26. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Outcome
6? Select 'Not Applicable' if the statement is not relevant to your work or
relationship with the SCBGP/SCMP.


Not Applicable

It is easy for me to collect this
indicator data.
Baseline data is available or
easy to collect.
I understand this outcome.
I understand the indicators.
I can achieve these goals by the
end of the grant period.
The outcome aligns with the
activities and goals of the

Hidden unless: #25 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 6 for
the SCBGP/SCMP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

27. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 6 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Specialty Crop Block Grant Program /Specialty Crop Multi-State Program Outcome 7

Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Specialty Crop Block Grant or Specialty Crop Multi-State Program")

These questions are about Outcome 7 of the SCBGP/SCMP. SCBGP/SCMP grantees report
indicator information to USDA every year on the indicators listed below. Please review
Outcome 7 and the indicators before answering the questions on this page.
Outcome 7: Enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops through increased
understanding of threats to food safety from microbial and chemical sources.
Number of projects focused on:
1. Increased understanding of fecal indicators and pathogens
2. Increased safety of all inputs into the specialty crop chain
3. Increased understanding of the roles of humans, plants and animals as vectors
4. Increased understanding of preharvest and postharvest process impacts on microbial and
chemical threats
5. Number of growers or producers obtaining on-farm food safety certifications (such as Good
Agricultural Practices or Good Handling Practices)

Show/hide trigger exists.

28. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 7 for the

Hidden unless: #28 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 7 for
the SCBGP/SCMP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

29. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Outcome
7? Select 'Not Applicable' if the statement is not relevant to your work or
relationship with the SCBGP/SCMP.


Not Applicable

It is easy for me to collect this
indicator data.
Baseline data is available or
easy to collect.
I understand this outcome.
I understand the indicators.
I can achieve these goals by the
end of the grant period.
The outcome aligns with the
activities and goals of the

Hidden unless: #28 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 7 for
the SCBGP/SCMP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

30. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 7 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Specialty Crop Block Grant Program /Specialty Crop Multi-State Program Outcome 8

Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Specialty Crop Block Grant or Specialty Crop Multi-State Program")

These questions are about Outcome 8 of the SCBGP/SCMP. SCBGP/SCMP grantees report
indicator information to USDA every year on the indicators listed below. Please review
Outcome 8 and the indicators before answering the questions on this page.
Outcome 8: Enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops through enhancing or improving
the economy as a result of specialty crop development
1. Number of new rural careers created
2. Number of new urban careers created
3. Number of jobs maintained/created
4. Number of small businesses maintained/created
5. Increased revenue/increase savings/one-time capital purchases (in dollars)
6. Number of new beginning farmers who went into specialty crop production
7. Number of socially-disadvantaged farmers who went into specialty crop production

Show/hide trigger exists.

31. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 8 for the

Hidden unless: #31 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 8 for
the SCBGP/SCMP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

32. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Outcome
8? Select 'Not Applicable' if the statement is not relevant to your work or
relationship with the SCBGP/SCMP.


Not Applicable

It is easy for me to collect this
indicator data.
Baseline data is available or
easy to collect.
I understand this outcome.
I understand the indicators.
I can achieve these goals by the
end of the grant period.
The outcome aligns with the
activities and goals of the

Hidden unless: #31 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 8 for
the SCBGP/SCMP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

33. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 8 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Programs Outcome 1 Feedback

Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program")

These questions are about Outcome 1 of the Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion
Programs (FMLFPP). FMLFPP grantees report indicator information to USDA every year on
the indicators listed below. Please review Outcome 1 and the indicators before answering the
questions on this page.
Outcome 1: To increase consumption of and access to locally and regionally produced
agricultural products.
1.a. Total number of project beneficiaries/stakeholders reached
1.b. Of the total number that were reached, the number that reported buying, selling,
aggregating, storing, producing, and/or distributing locally or regionally produced agriculture
1.c. Of the total number that were reached, the number that gained knowledge on how to
access, produce, prepare, and/or preserve locally and regionally produced agricultural

Show/hide trigger exists.

34. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 1 for the FMLFPP?

Hidden unless: #34 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 1 for
the FMLFPP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

35. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Outcome
1? Select 'Not Applicable' if the statement is not relevant to your work or
relationship with the FMLFPP.


Not Applicable

It is easy for me to collect this
indicator data.
Baseline data is available or
easy to collect.
I understand this outcome.
I understand the indicators.
I can achieve these goals by the
end of the grant period.
The outcome aligns with the
activities and goals of the

Hidden unless: #34 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 1 for
the FMLFPP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

36. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 1 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Programs Outcome 2 Feedback
Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program")

These questions are about Outcome 2 of the FMLFPP. FMLFPP grantees report indicator
information to USDA every year on the indicators listed below. Please review Outcome 2 and
the indicators before answering the questions on this page.
Outcome 2: To increase customers and sales of local and regional agricultural products.
2.a. Sales increased as a result of marketing and/or promotion activities during the project
performance period
2.b. Customer counts increased during the project performance period

Show/hide trigger exists.

37. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 2 for the FMLFPP?

Hidden unless: #37 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 2 for
the FMLFPP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

38. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Outcome
2? Select 'Not Applicable' if the statement is not relevant to your work or
relationship with the FMLFPP.


Not Applicable

Overall, it is easy for me to
collect this indicator data.
Baseline data is available or
easy to collect.
I understand this outcome.
I understand the indicators.
The goals for this outcome are
achievable by the end of the
grant period.
The outcome is aligned to the
activities and goals of the

Hidden unless: #37 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 2 for
the FMLFPP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

39. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 2 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Programs Outcome 3 Feedback
Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program")

These questions are about Outcome 3 of the FMLFPP. FMLFPP grantees report indicator
information to USDA every year on the indicators listed below. Please review Outcome 3 and
the indicators before answering the questions on this page.
Outcome 3: To develop new market opportunities for farm and ranch operations serving local
3.a. Number of Farmers Markets
3.b. Number of Roadside Stands
3.c. Number of Community Supported Agriculture Programs
3.d. Number of Agritourism activities
3.e. Number of other direct producer-to-consumer market opportunities
3.f. Number of local and regional Food Business Enterprises that process, aggregate,
distribute, or store locally and regionally produced agricultural products
3.g. Number that reported an increase in revenue expressed in dollars
3.h. Number that gained knowledge about new market opportunities through technical
assistance and education programs
3.i. Number of New careers created (Difference between "jobs" and "careers": jobs are net
gain of paid employment; new businesses created or adopted can indicate new careers)
3.j. Number of Jobs maintained/created
3.k. Number of New beginning farmers who went into local/regional food production
3.l. Number of Socially disadvantaged farmers who went into local/regional food production

Show/hide trigger exists.

40. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 3 for the FMLFPP?

Hidden unless: #40 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 3 for
the FMLFPP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

41. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Outcome
3? Select 'Not Applicable' if the statement is not relevant to your work or
relationship with the FMLFPP.


Not Applicable

It is easy for me to collect this
indicator data.
Baseline data is available or
easy to collect.
I understand this outcome.
I understand the indicators.
I can achieve these goals by the
end of the grant period.
The outcome aligns with the
activities and goals of the

Hidden unless: #40 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 3 for
the FMLFPP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

42. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 3 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Programs Outcome 4 Feedback

Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program")

These questions are about Outcome 4 of the FMLFPP. FMLFPP grantees report indicator
information to USDA every year on the indicators listed below. Please review Outcome 4 and
the indicators before answering the questions on this page.
Outcome 4: To improve the food safety of locally and regionally produced agricultural
4.a. Number of individuals who learned about prevention, detection, control, and intervention
food safety practices
4.b. Number of those individuals who reported increasing their food safety knowledge and
4.c. Number of growers or producers who obtained on-farm food safety certifications (such as
Good Agricultural Practices or Good Handling Practices)

Show/hide trigger exists.

43. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 4 for the FMLFPP?

Hidden unless: #43 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 4 for
the FMLFPP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

44. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Outcome
4? Select 'Not Applicable' if the statement is not relevant to your work or
relationship with the FMLFPP.


Not Applicable

It is easy for me to collect this
indicator data.
Baseline data is available or
easy to collect.
I understand this outcome.
I understand the indicators.
I can achieve these goals by the
end of the grant period.
The outcome aligns with the
activities and goals of the

Hidden unless: #43 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 4 for
the FMLFPP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

45. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 4 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Programs Outcome 5 Feedback

Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program")

These questions are about Outcome 5 of the FMLFPP. FMLFPP grantees report indicator
information to USDA every year on the indicators listed below. Please review Outcome 5 and
the indicators before answering the questions on this page.
Outcome 5: To establish or expand a local and regional food business enterprise.
5.a. For projects developing a plan to establish or expand a local and regional food business
enterprise and conducting a needs assessment: Number of unmet consumer needs, barriers
to local foods, unserved populations, etc. identified through the use of a comprehensive
need’s assessment
5.b. Number of plans (business, economic, feasibility) developed based on a comprehensive
needs assessment
5.c. Amount of non-Federal financial, professional, and technical assistance measured in
dollars secured as a result of the developed plan(s)

Show/hide trigger exists.

46. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 5 for the FMLFPP?

Hidden unless: #46 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 5 for
the FMLFPP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

47. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Outcome
5? Select 'Not Applicable' if the statement is not relevant to your work or
relationship with the FMLFPP.


Not Applicable

It is easy for me to collect this
indicator data.
Baseline data is available or
easy to collect.
I understand this outcome.
I understand the indicators.
I can achieve these goals by the
end of the grant period.
The outcome aligns with the
activities and goals of the

Hidden unless: #46 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 5 for
the FMLFPP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

48. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 5 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Programs Outcome 6 Feedback

Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program")

These questions are about Outcome 6 of the FMLFPP. FMLFPP grantees report indicator
information to USDA every year on the indicators listed below. Please review Outcome 6 and
the indicators before answering the questions on this page.

Outcome 6: All applicants must identify at least one additional outcome and indicator based
on relevant project activities not covered above.

Show/hide trigger exists.

49. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 6 for the FMLFPP?

Hidden unless: #49 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 6 for
the FMLFPP?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

50. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 6 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Dairy Business Innovation Initiatives Outcome 1 Feedback
Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Dairy Business Innovation Initiatives")

These questions are about Outcome 1 of the Dairy Business Innovation Initiatives (DBI). DBI
grantees report indicator information to USDA every year on the indicators listed below.
Please review Outcome 1 and the indicators before answering the questions on this page.

Outcome 1: To increase consumption of and access to dairy products.
1.a. Total number of project beneficiaries/stakeholders reached
1.b. Of the total number that were reached, the number that reported buying, selling,
aggregating, storing, producing, and/or distributing dairy products
1.c Of the total number that were reached, the number that gained knowledge on how to
access or produce dairy products

Show/hide trigger exists.

51. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 1 for DBI?

Hidden unless: #51 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 1 for
DBI?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

52. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Outcome
1? Select 'Not Applicable' if the statement is not relevant to your work or
relationship with DBI.


Not Applicable

It is easy for me to collect this
indicator data.
Baseline data is available or
easy to collect.
I understand this outcome.
I understand the indicators.
I can achieve these goals by the
end of the grant period.
The outcome aligns with the
activities and goals of the

Hidden unless: #51 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 1 for
DBI?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

53. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 1 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Dairy Business Innovation Initiatives Outcome 2 Feedback
Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Dairy Business Innovation Initiatives")

These questions are about Outcome 2 of the (DBI). DBI grantees report indicator information
to USDA every year on the indicators listed below. Please review Outcome 2 and the
indicators before answering the questions on this page.
Outcome 2: To increase sales of dairy products.
2.a. Sales increased as a result of marketing and/or promotion activities during the project
performance period

Show/hide trigger exists.

54. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 2 for DBI?

Hidden unless: #54 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 2 for
DBI?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

55. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Outcome
2? Select 'Not Applicable' if the statement is not relevant to your work or
relationship with DBI.


Not Applicable

It is easy for me to collect this
indicator data.
Baseline data is available or
easy to collect.
I understand this outcome.
I understand the indicators.
I can achieve these goals by the
end of the grant period.
The outcome aligns with the
activities and goals of the

Hidden unless: #54 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 2 for
DBI?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

56. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 2 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Dairy Business Innovation Initiatives Outcome 3 Feedback

Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Dairy Business Innovation Initiatives")

These questions are about Outcome 3 of the (DBI). DBI grantees report indicator information
to USDA every year on the indicators listed below. Please review Outcome 3 and the
indicators before answering the questions on this page.
Outcome 3: To develop new market opportunities for producers or processors of dairy
3.a. Number of Farmers Markets
3.b. Number of roadside stands
3.c. Number of Agritourism activities
3.d. Number of grocery stores
3.e. Number of wholesale tickets
3.f. Number of other systems/access points, not noted
3.g. Number that reported an increase in revenue expressed in dollars
3.h. Number that reported an increase in dairy activities
3.i. Number that reported an increase in dairy product production and innovative marketing
3.j. Number of jobs maintained/created
3.k. Number of new beginning farmers that began producing dairy products

Show/hide trigger exists.

57. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 3 for DBI?

Hidden unless: #57 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 3 for
DBI?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

58. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Outcome
3? Select 'Not Applicable' if the statement is not relevant to your work or
relationship with DBI.


Not Applicable

It is easy for me to collect this
indicator data.
Baseline data is available or
easy to collect.
I understand this outcome.
I understand the indicators.
I can achieve these goals by the
end of the grant period.
The outcome aligns with the
activities and goals of the

Hidden unless: #57 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 3 for
DBI?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

59. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 3 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Acer Access and Development Program Outcome 1 Feedback

Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Acer Access and Development Program")

These questions are about Outcome 1 of the Acer Access and Development Program (Acer).
Acer grantees report indicator information to USDA every year on the indicators listed below.
Please review Outcome 1 and the indicators before answering the questions on this page.
Outcome 1: To increase consumption of and access to maple syrup and maple-sap products.
1.a. Total number of project beneficiaries/stakeholders reached
1.b. Of the total number that were reached, the number that reported buying, selling,
aggregating, storing, producing, and/or distributing maple syrup or maple-sap products
1.c. Of the total number that were reached, the number that gained knowledge on how to
access or produce maple syrup or maple-sap products

Show/hide trigger exists.

60. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 1 for Acer?

Hidden unless: #60 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 1 for
Acer?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

61. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Outcome
1? Select 'Not Applicable' if the statement is not relevant to your work or
relationship with Acer.


Not Applicable

It is easy for me to collect this
indicator data.
Baseline data is available or
easy to collect.
I understand this outcome.
I understand the indicators.
I can achieve these goals by the
end of the grant period.
The outcome aligns with the
activities and goals of the

Hidden unless: #60 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 1 for
Acer?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

62. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 1 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Acer Access and Development Program Outcome 2 Feedback
Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Acer Access and Development Program")

These questions are about Outcome 2 of Acer. Acer grantees report indicator information to
USDA every year on the indicators listed below. Please review Outcome 2 and the indicators
before answering the questions on this page.
Outcome 2: To increase consumption of and access to maple syrup and maple-sap products.
2.a. Sales increased as a result of marketing and/or promotion activities during the project
performance period

Show/hide trigger exists.

63. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 2 for Acer?

Hidden unless: #63 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 2 for
Acer?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

64. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Outcome
2? Select 'Not Applicable' if the statement is not relevant to your work or
relationship with Acer.


Not Applicable

It is easy for me to collect this
indicator data.
Baseline data is available or
easy to collect.
I understand this outcome.
I understand the indicators.
I can achieve these goals by the
end of the grant period.
The outcome aligns with the
activities and goals of the

Hidden unless: #63 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 2 for
Acer?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

65. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 2 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Acer Access and Development Program Outcome 3 Feedback
Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Acer Access and Development Program")

These questions are about Outcome 3 of Acer. Acer grantees report indicator information to
USDA every year on the indicators listed below. Please review Outcome 3 and the indicators
before answering the questions on this page.

Outcome 3: To develop new market opportunities for producers or processors of maple syrup
or maple-sap products.
3.a. Number of Farmers Markets
3.b. Number of roadside stands
3.c. Number of agritourism activities
3.d. Number of grocery stores
3.e. Number of wholesale tickets
3.f. Number of other systems/access points, not noted
3.g. Number that reported an increase in revenue expressed in dollars
3.h. Number that reported an increase in maple-sugaring activities
3.i. Number that reported an increase in maple syrup production
3.j. Number of jobs maintained/created
3.k. Number of new beginning farmers that began producing maple syrup or maple-sap
3.l. Number of socially disadvantaged farmers that began producing maple syrup or maplesap products

Show/hide trigger exists.

66. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 3 for Acer?

Hidden unless: #66 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 3 for
Acer?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

67. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Outcome
3? Select 'Not Applicable' if the statement is not relevant to your work or
relationship with Acer.


Not Applicable

It is easy for me to collect this
indicator data.
Baseline data is available or
easy to collect.
I understand this outcome.
I understand the indicators.
I can achieve these goals by the
end of the grant period.
The outcome aligns with the
activities and goals of the

Hidden unless: #66 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 3 for
Acer?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

68. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 3 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Acer Access and Development Program Outcome 4 Feedback
Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Acer Access and Development Program")

These questions are about Outcome 4 of Acer. Acer grantees report indicator information to
USDA every year on the indicators listed below. Please review Outcome 4 and the indicators
before answering the questions on this page.

Outcome 4: To increase the sustainable practices of maple syrup production resulting in
increased yield, reduced inputs, increased efficiency, increased economic return, and/or
conservation of resources.
4.a. Number of producers indicating adoption of recommended practices
4.b. Number of producers reporting reduction in pesticides, fertilizer, water used/acre
4.c. Number of producers reporting increased dollar returns per acre or reduced costs per

Show/hide trigger exists.

69. Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 4 for Acer?

Hidden unless: #69 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 4 for
Acer?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

70. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Outcome
4? Select 'Not Applicable' if the statement is not relevant to your work or
relationship with Acer.


Not Applicable

It is easy for me to collect this
indicator data.
Baseline data is available or
easy to collect.
I understand this outcome.
I understand the indicators.
I can achieve these goals by the
end of the grant period.
The outcome aligns with the
activities and goals of the Acer

Hidden unless: #69 Question "Would you like to provide feedback about Outcome 4 for
Acer?" is one of the following answers ("Yes")

71. Please use the box below to provide any additional feedback you have
about Outcome 4 and its indicators. In addition, AMS encourages you to
share new or modified outcomes and indicators you would prefer.

Regional Food System Partnership Feedback
Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Regional Food System Partnerships")

The Regional Food System Partnerships (RFSP) program supports partnerships that connect
public and private resources to plan and develop local or regional food systems and
encourages food economy viability and resilience. You can learn more about the RFSP by
visiting the AMS website.
RFSP and FMLFPP will have similar outcomes and indicators, as they are each part of the
Local Agricultural Marketing Program (LAMP). However, AMS also understands that
measuring the impact of a "partnership" may require modified measures. You can learn more
about LAMP by visiting the AMS website.
The RFSP currently does not have outcomes or indicators. Use this page to provide
your suggestions for program outcomes and indicators.

72. Please use the box below to provide open feedback you have about
outcomes and indicators for the RFSP in the box below.

Sheep Production and Marketing Program Feedback
Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Sheep Production and Marketing Grant Program")

The Sheep Production and Marketing Grant Program (SPMGP) strengthens and enhances
the production and marketing of sheep and sheep products in the United States including the
improvement of infrastructure business, resource development and the development of
innovative approaches to solve long-term needs. SPMGP seeks to develop solutions for
practical problems on a national level to address the needs of the entire sheep industry, while
focusing on measurable benefits for sheep producers, encouraging partnerships among other
sheep industry organizations, and reducing duplication of effort among participating
organizations. You can learn more about the SPMGP by visiting AMS's website.
SPMGP currently does not have outcomes or indicators. Use this page to provide your
suggestions for program outcomes and indicators.

73. Please use the box below to provide open feedback you have about
outcomes and indicators for the SPMGP in the box below.

Federal State Marketing Improvement Program Feedback
Page entry logic:
This page will show when: #2 Question "I would like to provide feedback regarding the
following program(s) performance indicators. Check all that apply." is one of the following
answers ("Federal State Marketing Improvement Program")

The Federal State Marketing Improvement Program (FSMIP) funds a wide range of applied
research projects that address barriers, challenges, and opportunities in marketing,
transportation, and distribution of U.S. food and agricultural products. The goal of FSMIP is
to explore new market opportunities for U.S. food and agricultural products, and encourage
research and innovation aimed at improving the efficiency and performance of the U.S.
agricultural marketing system. You can learn more about FSMIP by visiting the AMS website.
FSMIP currently does not have outcomes or indicators. Use this page to provide your
suggestions for program outcomes and indicators.

74. Please use the box below to provide open feedback you have about
outcomes and indicators for the FSMIP in the box below.


Demographics and
Survey Navigator

75. Select the state or territory where you
live from the box below.
American Samoa
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
District of Columbia

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Tribal Government
United States Virgin Islands
Washington, D.C.
West Virginia

Survey Closing

Thank you for so much for taking the time to provide your feedback. Your response is very
important to us.

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights
regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating
in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national
origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age,
marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political
beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or
funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary
by program or incident. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for
program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should
contact the responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or
contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information
may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program discrimination complaint,
complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online
at and at any USDA office or write a letter
addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a
copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
(1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400
Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2)fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3)
email: [email protected]. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and leader.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleUSDA AMS Stakeholder Survey
File Modified2020-03-04
File Created2020-03-04

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