International Section 214 Authorizations 47 CFR §§ 63.10-63.25, 1.40001,1.40003

International Section 214 Authorizations 47 CFR §§ 63.10-63.25, 1.40001,1.40003

ITC-DSC Instructions_August 2024 clean

International Section 214 Authorizations 47 CFR §§ 63.10-63.25, 1.40001,1.40003

OMB: 3060-0686

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FCC 214



Instructions for

Discontinuance of International Section 214 Services

Office of International Affairs


Approved by OMB


Purpose of Form

This form is used to file a discontinuance of international section 214 services. An international section 214 authorization holder (carrier) must notify the Commission and its customers of its intent to discontinue, reduce or impair service. The carrier must notify all affected customers at least thirty (30) days prior to its planned discontinuance, reduction or impairment of service. The notice shall be in writing, unless the Commission authorizes in advance, for good cause shown, another form or notice. If the carrier is seeking to discontinue, reduce or impair service on a route on which it has market power in the provision of that service on the U.S. end of the route, it must file an application requesting authority to discontinue, reduce or impair the service.

Who Must File This Form and When

A carrier that seeks to discontinue, reduce, or impair international services must file the form at least thirty (30) days prior to its planned discontinuance, reduction or impairment of international service 47 CFR §§ 63.19.

Description of Form

This form consists of a main form and the ability to file an attachment to support the request. The Applicant is encouraged to upload a single document in machine readable format, including all required information. The Applicant must fill in all required fields, upload required documents, make all required certifications, and sign the form before submitting the application.

Information Current and Complete

Information filed in the application with the Commission must be kept current and complete under section 1.65 of the Commission’s rules. Section 63.50 of the Commission’s rules permits the applicant or the party to the application as a matter of right to amend any application prior to the date of any final action taken by the Commission and must notify the Commission regarding any substantial and significant changes in the information furnished in the application while it remains pending. 47 CFR § 63.50.

To amend a submitted application, use a separate form, ITC-AMD.

Applicable Rules and Regulations

The application requirements for discontinuance of international section 214 services can be found in 47 CFR §§ 63.19.

Section 63.19 states that any international carrier that seeks to discontinue, reduce, or impair service, including the retiring of international facilities, dismantling or removing of international trunk lines, shall be subject to the following procedures in lieu of those specified in §§ 63.61 through 63.602:

(1) The carrier shall notify all affected customers of the planned discontinuance, reduction or impairment at least 30 days prior to its planned action. Notice shall be in writing to each affected customer unless the Commission authorizes in advance, for good cause shown, another form of notice.

(2) The carrier shall file with this Commission a copy of the notification on the date on which notice has been given to all affected customers. The filing may be made by letter (sending an original and five copies to the Office of the Secretary, and a copy to the Chief, Office of International Affairs) and shall identify the geographic areas of the planned discontinuance, reduction or impairment and the authorization(s) pursuant to which the carrier provides service. 47 CFR § 63.19(a)

Applicant(s) should refer to the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996. The Debt Collection Act requires all federal agencies ensure that no debtors to the Federal government obtain any licenses or other benefits from the FCC. To ensure this, the Commission must collect FRN information to correlate its Applicants with any outstanding Federal debt that they might have incurred in other dealings with the Federal government. For additional information, press on the FCC’s Debt Collection webpage,

Other International Section 214 (ITC) Forms

  • ITC-214 Form

    • This form is used to request authority under section 214 to provide international services.

  • ITC-AMD Form

    • This form is used to amend a pending application related to an international section 214 authorization.

  • ITC-ASG&TC Form

    • This form is used for an assignment of an international section 214 authorization or the transfer of control of an authorization holder. The form is used for both substantive and pro forma transactions.

  • ITC-MOD Form.

    • This form is used to modify an existing international section 214 authorization, for example to add or remove a condition on an existing authorization.

  • ITC-FCN Form.

    • The form is used by a licensee to notify the Commission of new foreign carrier affiliations.

  • ITC-RPT Form.

    • This form is used to file the reports required for a carrier classified at dominant for the provision of particular services on particular routes due to an affiliation with a foreign carrier with market power in a destination country in accordance with section 63.10(c) of the Commission’s rules.

  • ITC-STA Form

    • This form is used to request Special Temporary Authority related to an international section 214 authorization, such as to provide service prior to grant of the authorization or related to an unauthorized transaction related to the authorization.

  • ITC-WAV Form

    • This form is used to request a waiver of the Commission rules related to an international section 214 authorization.

FCC Notice Required By The Paperwork Reduction Act

We have estimated that on average each response to this collection of information will take one hour. Our estimate includes the time to read the instructions, review existing records, gather and maintain the required data, and complete and review the form or response. If you have any comments on this burden estimate, or on how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden, please e-mail them to [email protected] or send them to the Federal Communications Commission, AMDPERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060-0404), Washington, DC 20554.

The Applicant is not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number of if we fail to provide you with this notice. This collection has been assigned an OMB control number of 3060-0404. This notice is required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, P.L. 104-13, October 1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. Section 3507.

For Assistance

For technical assistance with completing the forms, contact the ICFS Helpline at (202) 418-2222 or [email protected]. For general questions about the form requirements, contact the Office of International Affairs, Telecommunications and Analysis Division at (202) 418-1480 or at [email protected].


Remember to save your draft application periodically by clicking the save button. ICFS will time-out out after 15 minutes of no activity, and failure to save will result in loss of any information entered into the application form after the last save.

Applicant Information

Item 1. Enter the information requested. Some data will be pre-populated using the data associated with Applicant’s FCC Registration Number (FRN).

When the Applicant enters its FRN, the Applicant Information will pre-populate with its FRN data in CORES. To modify these pre-populated data, update the data associated with the FRN in CORES.

Enter any missing data and sections that are not already populated from CORES, such as the “Applicant/Legal Entity Type” or “Doing Business As (DBA)” name.

Contact Information

Item 2. Identify the contact representative, if different from the Applicant. The contact information can be imported automatically from CORES if the Applicant supplied an FRN, but fields are still editable.

If the contact representative is the same as the person indicated in Item 1, then check the box “Same as Applicant.” If the contact representative is not the same as the Applicant, provide the requested information.

  • Provide the name of a person in your organization, your outside counsel, or other representative whom we can contact if there are questions regarding your application. This person should have decisional authority over the contents of your application.

  • Provide the Company name if different from the “Applicant” name in Item 1 or repeat “Company” name here.

  • Provide the contact representative’s address, phone number, fax number, and email.

  • Provide your “Doing Business As (DBA)” name. If the Applicant is not operating its business using a DBA, you may leave this section blank.

  • Indicate how the contact person is related to the Applicant. For example, select “Legal Counsel” if the contact is the Applicant’s counsel.

Application Information

Item 3. Provide a brief description of the application. For example, state “Company X is notifying the Commission of its intention to discontinue pre-paid international services as of [date].”

Item 4. Provide a list of the international section 214 authorizations under which the carrier provides the services which it proposes to discontinue, reduce, or impair. The file numbers should be either an Auth/Sign, ITC-214 or ITC-MOD and must be current authorizations.

Item 5. Provide a description of the service(s) to be discontinued, reduced, or impaired.

Item 6. Provide a description of the geographic area of the planned discontinuance, reduction or impairment of service(s).

Item 7. Provide the date that the carrier proposes to discontinue, reduce, or impair the service(s).

Item 8. Provide the date that the carrier provided notice of proposed discontinuance, reduction, or impairment of services to all of the affected customers.

Item 9. Indicate whether the carrier has been classified as dominant in the provision of the international service(s) to be discontinued, reduced, or impaired because the carrier possesses market power in the provision of that service on the U.S. end of the route by checking “Yes” or “No.”

If “Yes,” indicate whether the carrier seeks to:

  • Retire international facilities, dismantle or remove international trunk lines but not discontinue, reduce or impair the dominant services being provided through those facilities by checking the box.

  • Discontinue, reduce or impair the dominant service or retire facilities that impair or reduce the dominant service by checking the box. In this case, the carrier must provide the information required by section 63.500 of the Commission’s rules in an attachment.

Application Fees

Item 10. An application fee is required for this form. The fee code is XXXX. Select this fee code.

Note that the FCC may not be able to start its review of a submitted application until the associated application fee is paid. To determine the required fee amount, refer to Subpart G of Part 1 of the Commission’s Rules (47 CFR Part 1, Subpart G) and the current Fee Filing Guide. The current Fee Filing Guide can be downloaded from the FCC’s website at, by calling the FCC’s Form Distribution Center at (800) 418-FORM (3676), or by faxing your request to the FCC’s Fax Information System at 1-866-418-0232.

­Item 10a. Indicate whether you are exempt from the application fee by selecting “Yes” or “No.”

Item 10b. If the Applicant is claiming a fee exemption it must select a reason in question 11b. An attachment demonstrating the Applicant’s eligibility for exemption from FCC application fees must be submitted. If the reason is “other,” briefly describe your rationale in the text box provided. If a request for waiver/deferral of the FCC application fees has been filed with the FCC, provide the date-stamped copy of the request filed with the Commission’s Office of the Managing Director as an attachment.


Item 11. Indicate whether this Application includes a request for waver of any Commission rules by checking “yes” or “No.” If “Yes,” list the rules for which a waiver is sought. Provide an explanation for the waiver request in an attachment.


For Items 12-14, the Carrier must check the box showing for each of the following items indicating that it has included the described attachment, as appropriate.

Item 12. The Carrier has uploaded an attachment providing a narrative description of the proposed discontinuance, reduction or impairment of services and a copy of the notification sent to the affected customers.

Item 13. The carrier has uploaded an attachment providing the information required by section 63.500 of the Commission’s rules.

Item 14. The carrier has uploaded a statement supporting the waiver request and identifying the rule number(s) involved, along with other material information.

The Applicant can upload attachments at the end of the form. The Applicant(s) will identify the attachment(s) with a short name for easy identification of the information included in each attachment.

The Applicant can upload a confidential attachment.

Note: Each document required to be filed as an attachment should be current as of the date of filing. Each page of every attachment must be identified with the number or letter, the number of the page, and the total number of pages.

Attachments/Confidential Treatment of Attachments

Item 15. The Applicant will indicate whether it is requesting confidential treatment of an attachment(s) under section 0.459 of the Commission’s rules by checking “Yes” or “No”.

If “Yes,” then in the table, the Applicant must upload a supporting statement for the “confidential treatment request(s)” identifying the applicable rule(s) and providing other supporting materials or information.

If “Yes,” then in the table, the Applicant must also upload both the Redacted Public version and the Non-Redacted Confidential version of the attachment(s) in the Attachments section.

General Certification Statements

Item 16. In submitting this form, the Applicant certifies that all of its statements made in this Application and in the attachments or documents incorporated by reference are material, are part of this Application, and are true, complete, correct, and made in good faith.

Party Authorized to Sign

Item 17. Enter all the required information in the table.

Enter the name of the Applicant in the table.

Enter the title of the person signing the application in the table. If the applicant is a corporation or other business entity, the person submitting the application must be an officer.


August 2024


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