Form F-7 FMCS F-7 Notice Submission Form

Notice to the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS F-7 Notice)

2024 FMCS F-7 Form

FMCS F-7 Notice Submission Form

OMB: 3076-0004

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FMCS F-7 Notice Submission Form

F-7 Notice To the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service

OMB NO. 3076-0004

Expires 11-30-2024

FMCS accepts the “FMCS F-7 Notice” as required by Section 8(d)(3) of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). Please note that FMCS does NOT send F-7 notices to State agencies. You can view the NLRA here directly on the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) website.

When submitted, this online form provides you with a confirmation number for proof of submission and future reference. Please retain your confirmation number to reference in future communication with FMCS personnel.


  1. The F-7 notice and confirmation number that you receive will be sent to the official filer and the chief negotiators/representatives of both parties via email.

  2. FMCS is not responsible for inaccurate information entered into this form.

  3. Internet Explorer is no longer supported by this form. To ensure proper submission, please use any current browser (i.e., Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.).

  4. FMCS no longer accepts F7 Notice submissions by phone, mail or email.

* = required field

Please avoid typographic errors to avoid processing delays. Please do not use all capital letters when completing the form.

Notice Background

This notice is filed by the * (select)

Union Employer

Employer Information

Organization Name* (text entry or select organization name from over 5000 organization names in the FMCS database if available)

Address Line 1 *

Address Line 2

City *

State*  (select)     AK  AL  AR  AS  AZ  CA  CO  CT  DC  DE  FL  FM  GA  GU  HI  IA  ID  IL  IN  KS  KY  LA  MA  MB  MD  ME  MH  MI  MN  MO  MP  MS  MT  NC  ND  NE  NH  NJ  NM  NV  NY  OH  OK  ON  OR  PA  PR  PW  RI  SC  SD  TN  TX  UM  UT  VA  VI  VT  WA  WI  WV  WY 

Zip Code*

Employer Web Site

Employer Industry or Work Activity * (select)   Health Care entities treating patients (including hospitals, nursing and care facilities, clinics, HMOs, ambulatory care, etc.),  Manufacturing, Construction, Natural Resources (including agriculture, mining, energy extraction, refining, etc.)  Transportation and Warehousing,  Wholesale Trade,  Retail Trade,  Accommodation and Food Services,  Utilities and Power Generation,  Telecommunications & Information (including publishing, internet, data processing, and related services),  Real Estate/Property (including development, management, sales, rental and leasing),  Professional, Scientific, Financial, Business, and Organizational Services  Education  Arts, Entertainment, Leisure, and Recreation,  Non-Profit Organization, Other Industry Not Specified Above

Employer Work Sector: Private

Note: The Public Sector (employer is city, municipality, county, or state) and the Federal Sector do not fall under the NLRA and should not file an F-7. If you need a mediator, make a request through our website or email us at [email protected].

Employer Chief Negotiator or Labor Relations Director

First Name *

Last Name *

Business Email *

Confirm Email *

Primary Phone *



CBA and Bargaining Unit Information

Type of Upcoming Negotiation* (select) Successor Contract, Contract Re-Opener, Initial Contract

Estimated Bargaining Unit Size * (select)  2 to 20,  21 to 50,  51 to 100,  101 to 200,  201 to 300,  301 to 400,  401 to 500,  501 to 600,  601 to 700,  701 to 800,  801 to 900,  901 to 1000,  1001 to 1100,  1101 to 1200,  1201 to 1300,  1301 to 1400,  1401 to 1500,  1500+, Number if over 1500. 

Contract Expiration Date *

Location of Negotiation

City *

State * (select) AK  AL  AR  AS  AZ  CA  CO  CT  DC  DE  FL  FM  GA  GU  HI  IA  ID  IL  IN  KS  KY  LA  MA  MB MD  ME  MH  MI  MN  MO  MP  MS  MT  NC  ND  NE  NH  NJ  NM  NV  NY  OH  OK  ON  OR  PA  PR  PW  RI  SC  SD  TN  TX  UM  UT  VA  VI  VT  WA  WI  WV  WY 

Zip Code *

Union Information

Union Full Name *  (Select Union name from the FMCS database) (example)  (AFEA) Abilities First Employees Association  (AEA) Actors' Equity Association  (ACT-UAW) Adjuncts Come Together-United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America  (AEMTC) Air Engineering Metal Trades Council  (AKNA) Alaska Nurses Association  (AITNWA) Amalgamated Industrial Toy & Novelty Workers of America  (ATU) Amalgamated Transit Union  (AAUP) American Association Of University Professors  (ACOPS) American Coalition of Public Safety  (AFGE) American Federation Of Government Employees  (AFL-CIO) American Federation of Labor & Congress of Industrial Organizations  (AFM) American Federation Of Musicians  (AFM AFL-CIO/CLC) American Federation Of Musicians AFL-CIO/CLC  (AFM/AMA) American Federation Of Musicians/American Music Association  (AFM/CFM) American Federation Of Musicians/Canadian Federation of Musicians  (AFSCME) American Federation Of State City & Municipal Employees  (AFSCME/NUHHCE AFL-CIO) American Federation Of State City & Municipal Employees/National Union of Hospital & Health Care Employees AFL-CIO  (AFT) American Federation of Teachers  (AFT Healthcare) American Federation of Teachers Healthcare  (AFTRA) American Federation of Television & Radio Artists  (AGMA) American Guild Of Musical Artists  (AGVA) American Guild Of Variety Artists  (AMO) American Maritime Officers  (ANA) American Nurses Association  (ANA-NFN) American Nurses Association-National Federation of Nurses  (APWU) American Postal Workers Union  (ATC) Area Trades Council  (AEA) Arizona Education Association  (ADG/IATSE) Art Directors Guild/International Alliance of Theatrical & Stage Employees  (ASO) Associate Staff Organization  (AALJ) Association of Administrative Law Judges  (AALJ/IFPTE) Association of Administrative Law Judges/International Federation of Professional & Technical Engineers  (ACE) Association of Chandler Employees  (ACT) Association of Civilian Technicians  (ADIT) Association of Diagnostic Imaging Technologists  (AFSE) Association of Field Service Employees  (ASPEP) Association of Scientists & Professional Engineering Personnel  (AWPPW) Association of Western Pulp & Paper Workers  (AFM) Atlanta Federation of Musicians  (ACLMC) Atlantic Coast Labor Management Conference  (AIU) Atlantic Independent Union  (ATLC) Atomic Trades & Labor Council  (AEA) Aurora Education Association  (AMSP) Auto Marine & Specialty Painters  (BCTGM) Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers & Grain Millers International Union  (BCTGM AFL-CIO) Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers & Grain Millers International Union AFL-CIO  (BCTGM AFL-CIO CLC) Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers & Grain Millers International Union AFL-CIO CLC  (BMU) Baltimore Mailers Union  (BMA) Boston Musicians Association  (BBF) Brotherhood Of Boilermakers & Forgers  (BRS) Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen  (BRC/TCU/IAM) Brotherhood Railway Carmen/Transportation Communications Union/International Association Of Machinists & Aerospace Workers  (BCTD) Building & Construction Trades Department  AFL-CIO  (BSSU) Building Service Staff Union  (CFT) California Federation of Teachers  (CNA) California Nurses Association  (CNA/NNOC) California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee  (CNA/NNU) California Nurses Association/National Nurses United  (CSO) California Staff Organization  (CTA) California Teachers Association  (CWG) Campaign Workers Guild  (CHEU/CNA) Caregiver & Healthcare Employees Union/California Nurses Association  (CJA) Carpenters & Joiners Association  (CIC) Carpenters Industrial Council  (CSCRC) Central South Carpenters Regional Council  (CMRJB) Chicago & Midwest Regional Joint Board Workers United  (CMRJB SEIU) Chicago & Midwest Regional Joint Board Workers United SEIU  (CMRJB/SEIU) Chicago & Midwest Regional Joint Board Workers United/Service Employees International Union  (CNG) Chicago News Guild  (CTU) Chicago Teachers Union  (CCWA) Chicano Correctional Workers Association  (CLA) Christian Labor Association  (CEA) City Employees Association  (CSEA) Civil Service Employees Association  (CSEA/AFSCME) Civil Service Employees Association/American Federation of State County & Municipal Employees  (CCEA) Clark County Education Association  (CFM) Cleveland Federation of Musicians  (CBTU) Coalition of Black Trade Unionists  (CLUW) Coalition of Labor Union Women  (CEA) Colorado Education Association  (WINS) Colorado Workers for Innovative & New Solutions  (CMTC) Columbus Metal Trades Council  (CLEAT) Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas  (CFER) Committee for Fair & Equal Representation  (CRONA) Committee for Recognition of Nursing Achievement  (CIR/SEIU) Committee of Interns & Residents/Service Employees International Union  (CWU) Communication Workers Union  (CWA) Communications Workers Of America  (CWA) Communications Workers of America  (CWA AFL-CIO) Communications Workers Of America AFL-CIO  (CWA/ITU) Communications Workers Of America/International Telecommunication Union  (CIU) Congress of Independent Unions  (CEA) Connecticut Education Association  (CHCA) Connecticut Health Care Associates  (CIUW) Connecticut Independent Utility Workers  (CLDC) Construction & General Laborers District Council of Chicago & Vicinity  (CCCTU) Cook County College Teachers Union  (CFT) Cornish Federation of Teachers  (CPL) Council of Prison Locals  (CPU) Covington Paper Workers Union  (CIU) Craftsman Independent Union  (DCFM) DC Federation of Musicians  (DCPEIU) Delaware County Prison Employees Independent Union  (DSEA) Delaware State Education Association  (DCTA) Denver Classroom Teachers Association  (DMA) Denver Musicians Association  (DEA) Detectives Endowment Association of the City of New York  (DFM/AFM) Detroit Federation of Musicians/American Federation of Musicians  (DWU) Diesel Workers Union  (DETA) Diocesan Elementary Teachers Association  (DGA) Directors Guild of America  (DCNA) District of Columbia Nurses Association  (DC/SEIU) Doctors Council/Service Employees International Union  (DC-SEIU) Doctors Council-Service Employees International Union  (DMU-CWA) Duluth Mailers Union - Communications Workers of America  (EASRCC) Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters  (EMRC) Eastern Millwright Regional Council  (EMLDC) Eastern Missouri Laborers District Council  (ESEA) Education Support Employees Association  (ESC) Engineers & Scientists of California  (ACEA) European Automobile Manufacturers Association  (FAC) Faculty Affairs Council  (FPE) Fedeeration of Public Employees  (FCGOA) Federal Contract Guards of America  (FEA) Federal Education Association  (FPOHA) Federal Police Officers of Hawaii  (FAIR) Federation of Agents & International Representatives  (FNHP/AFT AFL-CIO) Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals/American Federation of Teachers AFL-CIO  (FPD) Federation of Physicians & Dentists  (FUR) Federation of Union Representatives  (FLCRC) Florida Carpenters Regional Council  (FEA) Florida Education Association  (FOP) Fraternal Order Of Police  (GMP) Glass, Molders, Pottery, Plastics & Allied Workers  (GMPIU) Glass, Molders, Pottery, Plastics & Allied Workers International Union  (GUSP) Governed United Security Professionals  (GCC) Graphic Communications Conference  (GCC/IBT) Graphic Communications Conference/International Brotherhood of Teamsters  (GPLDC) Great Plains Laborers District Council  (GPRCC) Greater PA Regional Council of Carpenters  (GFPP) Guild For Professional Pharmacists  (HAMTC) Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council  (HGEA) Hawaii Government Employees Association  (HHHCWU) Hawaii Hospital & Health Care Workers Union  (HNA) Hawaii Nurses Association  (HSTA) Hawaii State Teachers Association  (HPAE) Health Professionals & Allied Employees  (HPAE/AFT) Health Professionals & Allied Employees/American Federation of Teachers  (HPAE/AFT AFL-CIO) Health Professionals & Allied Employees/American Federation of Teachers AFL-CIO  (HTC) Hotel and Gaming Trades Council, AFL-CIO  (Health Professionals & Allied Employees AFT/AFL-CIO) HPAE AFT/AFL-CIO  (IEA) Idaho Education Association  (IEASO) Idaho Education Association Staff Organization  (ICOPS) Illinois Council of Police  (IEA) Illinois Education Association  (IEA-NEA) Illinois Education Association-National Education Association  (IFT) Illinois Federation of Teachers  (IFT/AFT) Illinois Federation of Teachers/American Federation Of Teachers  (ILFOP) Illinois FOP  (INA) Illinois Nurses Association  (ILEU) Independent Laboratory Employees Union  (IUPEDJ) Independent Union of Pension Employees for Democracy & Justice  (IKORCC) Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters  (IUE-CWA) Industrial Division - Communications Workers of America  (IUE-CWA AFL-CIO) Industrial Division Communications Workers of America AFL-CIO  (IWW) Industrial Workers of the World  (IBU) Inlandboatmen's Union of the Pacific  (IATSE) International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees  (IATSE) International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees  (IATSE AFL-CIO) International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees AFL-CIO  (IATSE/MPSM) International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees/MPSM  (IATSE) International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees/Theatrical Stagehands  (IATSE/TWU) International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees/Theatrical Wardrobe Union  (IATSE/TTSU) International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees/Treasurers & Ticket Sellers  (IATSE/USA) International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees/United Scenic Artists  (IW) International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental & Reinforcing Iron Workers Union  (IAEP) International Association of EMTs & Paramedics  (IAFF) International Association Of Fire Fighters  (AWIU) International Association of Heat & Frost Insulators & Allied Workers  (HFIAW) International Association of Heat & Frost Insulators & Allied Workers  (IAMAW) International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers  (IAMAW) International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers District Lodge 112  (SMART) International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail & Transportation Workers  (SMART/SMW) International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail & Transportation Workers/Sheet Metal Workers  (IBB) International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers & Helpers  (IBEW) International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers  (IBEW) International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers  (IBEW AFL-CIO CLC) International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers AFL-CIO  (IBT) International Brotherhood of Teamsters  (IBT) International Brotherhood of Teamsters  (ICWUC) International Chemical Workers Union Council  (ICWUC/UFCW) International Chemical Workers Union Council/United Food & Commercial Workers  (ICWUC/UFCW AFL-CIO CLC) International Chemical Workers Union Council/United Food & Commercial Workers AFL-CIO CLC  (IFMA) International Facility Management Association  (IFPTE) International Federation Professional & Technical Engineers  (IFPTE AFL-CIO) International Federation Professional & Technical Engineers AFL-CIO  (IGUA) International Guards Union of America  (ILEA) International Live Events Association  (ILWU) International Longshoremens & Warehouse Union  (ILA) International Longshoremens Association  (ILA AFL-CIO) International Longshoremen's Association AFL-CIO  (ILA AFL-CIO CLC) International Longshoremen's Association AFL-CIO CLC  (IOMMP) International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots  (ITPEU) International Technical Professional Emplouees Union  (ITPEU, AFL-CIO) International Technical Professional Emplouees Union AFL-CIO  (IUANPW) International Union of Allied, Novelty & Production Workers  (BAC) International Union of Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers  (IUE) International Union Of Electrical Workers  (IUEC) International Union Of Elevator Constructors  (IUJAT) International Union of Journeymen & Allied Trades  (IUOE) International Union Of Operating Engineers  (IUOE AFL-CIO) International Union of Operating Engineers AFL-CIO  (IUOE) International Union of Operating Engineers Stationary Engineers AFL-CIO  (IUPAT) International Union of Painters & Allied Trades  (IUPA) International Union of Police Associations  (SPFPA) International Union Security, Police, Fire Professionals of America  (ISEA) Iowa State Education Association  (JNESO) Jersey Nurses Economic Security Organization  (KNEA) Kansas National Education Association  (KEASO) Kentucky Education Association Staff Organization  (KMLRCC) Keystone Mountain Lakes Regional Council  (KML) Keystone Mountain Lakes Regional Council of Carpenters  (LDCEPA) Laborers' District Council of Eastern Pennsylvania  (LIUNA) Laborers International Union of North America  (LIUNA AFL-CIO) Laborers International Union of North America AFL-CIO  (LDFSJB) Laundry Distribution & Food Service Joint Board  (LJEBLV) Local Joint Executive Board of Las Vegas  (MDA-UAW) Marine Draftsmen's Association-United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America  (MNA) Maryland Nurses Association  (MTDC) Mason Tenders District Council  (MNA) Massachusetts Nurses Association  (MNA) Massachusetts Nurses Association  (MTA) Massachusetts Teachers Association  (MMP) Masters Mates & Pilots  (MPA) Memphis Police Association  (MHC/SEIU) Mental Health Coordinators/Service Employees International Union  (MTD AFL-CIO) Metal Trades Department AFL-CIO  (MAP) Metropolitan Alliance of Police  (MEA) Michigan Education Association  (MNA) Michigan Nurses Association  (MRCC) Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters  (MACRC) Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council  (MARJB) Mid-Atlantic Regional Joint Board - Workers United  (MSCRC) Mid-South Carpenters Regional Council  (MNNCG/TNG-CWA) Minnesota Newspaper & Communications Guild TNG-CWA  (MNA) Minnesota Nurses Association  (MNA) Mississippi Nurses Association  (MNEA) Missouri National Education Association  (MNA) Montana Nurses Association  (NATCA) National Air Traffic Ontrollers Association  (NALC) National Assocation Of Letter Carriers  (NAAE) National Association of Agriculture Employees  (NABET) National Association Of Broadcast Employees & Technicians  (NABET-CWA AFL-CIO) National Association Of Broadcast Employees & Technicians/Communication Workers Of America AFL-CIO  (NABET-CWA) National Association Of Broadcast Employees & Technicians-Communication Workers Of America  (NAGE) National Association of Government Employees  (NAGE/IAEP) National Association of Government Employees/International Association of EMTs & Paramedics  (NAGE/SEIU) National Association of Government Employees/Service Employees International Union  (NAIJ) National Association of Immigration Judges  (NAIL) National Association of Independent Labor  (NAPS) National Association of Postal Supervisors  (NASPSO) National Association of Special Police & Security Officers  (NBRA) National Basketball Referees Association  (NBPC) National Border Patrol Council  (NCFO) National Conference of Firemen & Oilers SEIU  (NCFLL) National Council of Field Labor Locals  (NEA) National Education Association  (NEASO) National Education Association Staff Organization  (NFFE) National Federation Of Federal Employees  (NFFE-IAMAW) National Federation of Federal Employees-International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers  (ICE) National Immigration & Customs Enforcement Council  (NLRBU) National Labor Relations Board Union  (NLJSP) National League of Justice & Security Professionals  (NNOC) National Nurses Organizing Committee  (NNOC/NNU) National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United  (NNOC-MO/NNU) National Nurses Organizing Committee-Missouri/National Nurses United  (NNU) National Nurses United  (NOITU) National Organization of Industrial Trade Unions  (NOLSW) National Organization of Legal Services Workers  (NOLSW/UAW) National Organization of Legal Services Workers/United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America  (NPWU) National Production Workers Union  (NTEU) National Treasury Employees Union  (NUHW) National Union of Healthcare Workers  (NUHHCE) National Union Of Hospital & Health Care Employees  (NUHHCE AFSCME AFL-CIO) National Union of Hospital & Health Care Employees/American Federation of State City & Municipal Employees  (NUHHCE/AFSCME) National Union of Hospital & Health Care Employees/American Federation of State City & Municipal Employees  (NWSEO) National Weather Serice Employees Organization  (NWSL) National Women's Soccer League Players Association  (NSEA) Nebraska State Education Association  (NEHCEU) New England Health Care Employees Union  (NEHCEU/SEIU) New England Health Care Employees Union/SEIU  (NEJB) New England Joint Board Unite Here  (NEJB/Unite Here) New England Joint Board/Unite Here  (NERCC) New England Regional Council of Carpenters  (NSLU) New Seasons Labor Union  (NYHMTC) New York Hotel & Motel Trades Council  (NYHMTC AFL-CIO) New York Hotel & Motel Trades Council AFL-CIO  (NYHTC) New York Hotel Trades Council  (NYHTC AFL-CIO) New York Hotel Trades Council AFL-CIO  (NYSNA) New York State Nurses Association  (NYSUT) New York State United Teachers  (NYNJRJB) New York-New Jersey Regional Joint Board - Workers United  (NABCTC) North Alabama Building & Construction Trades Council  (NASRCC) North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters  (NCSRCC) North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters  (NRCC) Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters  (NCCRC) Northern California Carpenters Regional Council  (NCDCL) Northern California District Council of Laborers  (NWIBT) Northwestern Illinois Building & Construction Trades Council  (NPW) Novelty & Production Workers  (OAPSE) OAPSE/AFSCME, Local 4/AFL-CIO  (OAPSE) OAPSE/AFSCME, Local 4/AFL-CIO  (OPEIU) Office & Professional Employees International Union  (OPEIU AFL-CIO) Office & Professional Employees International Union AFL-CIO  (OPEIU AFL-CIO-CLC) Office & Professional Employees International Union AFL-CIO-CLC  (OCU) Office Committee Union  (OASU) Ohio Associate Staff Union  (OAPSE/AFSCME) Ohio Association Of Public School Employees/American Federation of State County & Municipal Employees  (OAPSE/AFSCME AFL-CIO) Ohio Association Of Public School Employees/Association of Field Service Employees AFL-CIO  (OEA) Ohio Education Association  (OHEA) Ohio Education Association  (OFT/AFT) Ohio Federation of Teachers/American Federation of Teachers  (ONA) Ohio Nurses Association  (OPBA) Ohio Patrol Benevolent Association  (OBPA) Ohio Patrolmen's Benevolent Association  (OPSO) Oklahoma Professional Staff Organization  (OPCM) Operating Plasterers & Cement Masons  (OPCMIA) Operating Plasterers & Cement Masons International Association  (OESPA) Orange Education Supports Professionals Association  (OFNHP) Oregon Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals  (OFNHP/AFT) Oregon Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals/American Federation of Teachers  (ONA) Oregon Nurses Association  (OSEA) Oregon School Employees Association  Other  (OFT) Overseas Federation Of Teachers  (PMWG) Pacific Media Workers Guild  (PNWRCC) Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters  (PNWSU) Pacific Northwest Staff Union  (PNRCC) Pacific NW Regional Council of Carpenters  (PACE) Paper-Allied Ind Chemical & Energy Workers International Union  (POPA) Patent Office Professional Association  (PASNAP) Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses & Allied Professionals  (PAJB) Pennsylvania Joint Board - Workers United  (PSSU/SEIU) Pennsylvania Social Services Union/Service Employees International Union  (PSEA) Pennsylvania State Education Association  (PJB-WU) Philadelphia Joint Board - Workers United  (PSOU) Philadelphia Security Officers Union  (PPF) Plumbers & Pipe Fitters  (PBPA) Police Benevolent Protection Association  (PPGU) Port Police & Guards Union  (PPOA) Postal Police Officers Association  (PRFPT) Pr Federacion Puertorriquena De Trabajadores  (PRTI) Pr Trabajadores Industriales  (PPPWU) Printing Packaging and Production Works Union of North America  (PATCO) Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization  (PASS) Professional Airways Systems Specialists  (PFFO) Professional Fire Fighters of Oklahoma  (PSA) Professional Staff Association  (PSU) Professional Staff Union  (PROA) Protection & Response Officers of America  (PPME) Public Professional Maintenance Employees  (RWP) Restaurant Workers of Portland  (RWDSU) Retail Wholesale & Department Store Union  (RWDSU AFL-CIO) Retail Wholesale & Department Store Union AFL-CIO  (RWDSU/UFCW) Retail Wholesale & Department Store Union/United Food & Commercial Workers  (RWDSU Mid-South Council) Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union Mid-South Council  (RIFTHP) Rhode Island Federation of Teachers & Health Professionals  (RRJB) Rochester Regional Joint Board - Workers United  (RWAW) Roofers, Waterproofers &  Allied Workers  (SUP) Sailors Union of the Pacific  (SEA) Salaried Employees Association  (TXAFT) San Antonio Alliance of Teachers & Support Personnel  (SAG-AFTRA) Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television & Radio Artists  (SEATU) Seafarers Entertainment & Allied Trades Union  (SIUNA) Seafarers International Union Of North America  (SPEEA) Seattle Professional Engineering Employees Association  (SAAAAC) Secretaries & Assistants Association of Anne Arundel County  (SPSOA) Security Police & Security Officers of America  (SEIU Healthcare-Minnesota and Iowa) SEIU Healthcare Minnesota and Iowa  (SEIU) SEIU Healthcare Workers East - RN Division  (SEIU HWE) SEIU Healthcare Workers East - RN Division  (SEIU) Service Employees International Union  (SEIU) Service Employees International Union  (SEIU Healthcare) Service Employees International Union Healthcare  (SEIUHCPA) Service Employees International Union Healthcare Pennsylvania  (SEIU/UHWE) Service Employees International Union/United Healthcare Workers East  (SEIU/UHWW) Service Employees International Union/United Healthcare Workers West  (SEIU/UHWW) Service Employees International Union/United Healthcare Workers West  (SEIU/USWW) Service Employees International Union/United Service Workers West  (SEIU-HCWI) Service Employees International Union-Healthcare Wisconsin  (SEIU-UHW) Service Employees International Union-United Healthcare Workers  (SEIU-UHW) Service Employees International Union-United Healthcare Workers  (SEIU-ULTCW) Service Employees International Union-United Long Term Care Workers  (STCU) Service Trades Council Union  (SMW) Sheet Metal Workers  (SMWIA) Sheet Metal Workers International Association  (SAGCD-ILA) South Atlantic & Gulf Coast District-International Longshoremen's Association  (SCEA) South Carolina Education Association  (SCFL) South Central Federation of Labor  (SCILDC) Southern & Central Illinois Laborers District Council  (SCDCL) Southern California District Council of Laborers  (SCPTAC) Southern California Pipe Trades Administrative Corporation  (SRJB) Southern Regional Joint Board - Workers United  (SSMRC) Southern States Millwright Regional Council  (SUN/NNU) Southern United Nurses/National Nurses United  (SWRCC) Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters  (SWRJB) Southwest Regional Joint Board - Workers United  (SSOBA) Special & Superior Officers Benevolent Association  (SCVEA) St. Croix Valley Employers Association  (SWU) Staff Workers United  (TEA) Technical Engineers Association  (Texas AFL-CIO) Texas AFL-CIO  (TNG) The NewsGuild  (TNGGP) The NewsGuild of Greater Philadelphia  (TNG-CWA) The NewsGuild-Communications Workers of America  (TWU) Theatrical Wardrobe Union  (TWU AFL-CIO) Theatrical Wardrobe Union AFL-CIO  (TWU) Transport Workers Union  (TCU) Transportation Communications Union  (TCU/IAM AFL-CIO) Transportation Communications Union/International Association Of Machinists & Aerospace Workers AFL-CIO  (TFA) Trocaire Faculty Association  (TCMU) Twin Cities Musicians Union  (UGT/SEIU) Union General de Travajadores/Service Employees International Union  (UAPD) Union of American Physicians & Dentists  (UAPD) Union of American Physicians & Dentists (UAPD)  (UGSDW) Union of Grinnell Student Dining Workers  (UNITE HERE) Union Of Needletrades & Industrial Textile Employees Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees  (URSO) Union Rights for Security Officers  (USOFF) Union Security Officers Federal Facilities  (Unite Here AFL-CIO) Unite Here AFL-CIO  (UAP) United Academics of Philadelphia  (UA) United Association of Journeymen & Apprentices of the Plumbing & Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States & Canada  (UA AFL-CIO) United Association of Journeymen & Apprentices of the Plumbing & Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States & Canada AFL-CIO  (UAW) United Automobile, Aerospace, & Agricultural Implement Workers of America  (UBCJA) United Brotherhood Carpenters & Joiners of America  United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America  (UCW) United Campus Workers  (UCW) United Cinema Workers  (UCTIE) United Construction Trades and Industrial Employees Union  (UCEA) United Couriers Employee Association  (UCIW) United Crafts & Industrial Workers  (UE) United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America  (UFF-FSCJ) United Faculty of Florida-Florida State College Jacksonville  (UFW) United Farm Workers  (USFO) United Federation of Special Police & Security Officers  (UFT) United Federation of Teachers  (UFCW) United Food & Commercial Workers  (UFCW AFL-CIO) United Food & Commercial Workers AFL-CIO  (UFCW AFL-CIO CLC) United Food & Commercial Workers International AFL-CIO CLC  (UFCW) United Food and Commercial Workers  (UGSOA) United Government Security Officers of America  (USGOA) United Government Security Officers of America  (UIU) United Independent Union  (UIW) United Industrial Workers  (UIWNA) United Industrial Workers of North America  (UMW) United Mine Workers  (UMWA) United Mine Workers of America  (UNAP) United Nurses & Allied Professionals  (UNAC/UHCP) United Nurses Association Of California/Union of Health Care Professionals  (UPPSR) United Professional Pro-Force of Savannah River  (UPSEU) United Public Service Employees Union  (UPW) United Public Workers  (USPOA) United Security & Police Officers of America  (USWA) United Security Workers Of America  (USWU) United Service Workers Union  (USWU/IUJAT) United Service Workers Union/International Union of Journeymen & Allied Trades  (USU) United Staff Union  (USW) United Steel, Paper & Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial & Service Workers International Union  (USW AFL-CIO) United Steel, Paper & Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial & Service Workers International Union District 11 AFL-CIO  (USA) United Steelsorkers of America  (UTW) United Telegraph Workers  (UTU) United Transportation Union  (UURWAW) United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers & Allied Workers  (UWA) United Workers of America  (UWU) United Workers Union  (UDPOA) University of Dayton Police Officers Association  (UWUA) Utility Workers Union of America  (UWUA AFL-CIO) Utility Workers Union of America AFL-CIO  (UWUA/ICWUC) Utility Workers Union of America/International Chemical Workers Union Council  (VFNHP) Vermont Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals  (VTNEA) Vermont National Education Association  (VSEA) Vermont State Employees Association  (VPSA) Virginia Professional Staff Association  (WSNA) Washington State Nurses Association  (WBNG/TNG-CWA) Washington-Baltimore News Guild TNG-CWA  (WBNG) Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild  (WSRJB) Western States Regional Joint Board - Workers United  (MTC) Wiregrass Metal Trades Council  (WFNHP) Wisconsin Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals  (WLDC) Wisconsin Laborers District Council  (WU) Workers United  (WU/SEIU) Workers United - Service Employees International Union  (WU SRJB) Workers United - Southern Regional Joint Board  (WU-SRJB) Workers United - Southwest Regional Joint Board  (NJNRB) Workers United NY NJ Joint Regional Board  (WGAE) Writers Guild of America East Inc.  (WGAW) Writers Guild of America West Inc. 

Union Unit Number:

Address Line 1 *

Address Line 2

City *

State * (select)  AK  AL  AR  AS  AZ  CA  CO  CT  DC  DE  FL  FM  GA  GU  HI  IA  ID  IL  IN  KS  KY  LA  MA  MB  MD ME  MH  MI  MN  MO  MP  MS  MT  NC  ND  NE  NH  NJ  NM  NV  NY  OH  OK  ON  OR  PA  PR  PW  RI  SC  SD  TN  TX  UM  UT  VA  VI  VT  WA  WI  WV  WY 

Zip Code *

Primary Function of Bargaining Unit Employees (Nurses, Janitors, Clerks, Bldg. Engineers, etc.)

Union Chief Negotiator or Business Agent

First Name *

Last Name *

Business Email *

Confirm Email *

Primary Phone *



Person Filing This Notice

First Name *

Last Name *

Title *

Business Email *

Confirm Email *

Primary Phone *


Please be patient while submitting your F-7 to FMCS. Do not click the 'Submit' button more than once. Doing so may cause a duplicate submission and no confirmation page.


  1. The confirmation that you submitted the F-7 Notice will be sent to the filer and the chief negotiators/representatives of both parties via e-mail

  2. You should receive a date, time AND a confirmation number on the page you receive after you submit online

If there is no confirmation number on the page, your notice was not successfully received. Please contact FMCS if this occurs at [email protected].


Bottom of Form

Privacy Act Statement. 29 U.S.C. § 172, et seq., authorize the FMCS to require the reporting of this information. The primary use of the information on this form is to allow FMCS officials to provide mediation services. Additional disclosures of the information on this report may be made: (1) to a Federal, State, or local law enforcement agency if FMCS becomes aware of a violation or potential violation of law or regulation; (2) to a court or party in a court or Federal administrative proceeding if the Government is a party or in order to comply with a judge-issued subpoena; (3) to the National Archives and Records Administration or the General Services Administration in record management inspections; (4) to the Office of Management and Budget during legislative coordination on private relief legislation; and (5) in a judicial or administrative proceeding if the information is relevant to the subject matter.(6) This information may be used by FMCS to contact parties concerning trainings, events, presentations, conferences, and other education opportunities and programs. This information will not be disclosed to any requesting person unless authorized by law. Failure to provide the requested information could result in FMCS’s delay or inability to provide services.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorBuffington Kevin
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-11-22

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