Burden spreadsheet for NRCAR information collection

2024 Burden Spreadsheet for NRCAR .xlsx

48 CFR 20, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Acquisition Regulation (NRCAR)

Burden spreadsheet for NRCAR information collection

OMB: 3150-0169

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Costs to the gov't

Sheet 1: Reporting

Table 3 Annual Reporting Burden
Section Description Respondents Responses per Respondent Responses Burden Hours per Response Total Burden
2009.570-3(c) Situations or relationships. This section provides examples to identify and resolve contractor OCIO situation. Burden included in 2052.209-72(d)(2), (d)(3), and (f)
2009.570-5(b) Contractor clauses. Provides situations or relationships that may give rise to OCIO. (1) The offeror or contractor shall complete a section of the OCIO checklist in the solicitation, and (2) if the offeror or contractor shall disclose information that may give rise to OCIO. 62 1 62 3.00 186.00
2009.570-8 Subcontractor. The CO shall require offerors and contractors to submit a representation statement from all subcontractors (other than a supply subcontractor) and consultants performing services in excess of
8 1 8 3.00 24.00
2014.201-670(b) and 2052.214-71 Bidder. Requires all bidders to list previous/current contracts for a period of time specified by the CO in which the bidder was the prime or principal subcontractor. The information will assist the CO to make a determination of responsibility. Requires the bidder to provide information on previous and current contracts so that the contracting officer may determine responsibility. 206 1 206 0.50 103.00
2027.305-3(a) & (b) Follow-up by Government. The CO shall require each contractor to report any patents, copyrights, or royalties attained using any portion of the contract funds. 83 1 83 5.00 415.00
2042.570-1 and 2052.242-71 Differing Professional Opinions (DPOs). NRC employees and contractors shall express their concerns with the contractor's work for the NRC without fear of reprisal. Procedures for resolving differing professional opinions. The procedure provides for the expression and resolution of differing professional opinion of health and safety related concerns of NRC contractors and contractor’s personnel on matters associated with a contract 6 1 6 5.00 30.00
2042.803(a)(2)(i) If in disagreement with the disallowed cost, submit a written claim to the contracting officer for payment of the disallowed cost and explain why the cost should be reimbursed 6 1 6 6.00 36.00
2042.803(b) Disallowing costs after incurrence. This provides current information regarding the process of disallowing costs under contracts. 6 1 6 2.00 12.00
2045.371(b) and 2052.211-70 Financial Status Report (FSR). Requires contractors to send a copy of each FSR to the Chief, Property Management Branch. Reference the acquisition of, or change in status of contractor held property purchased with government funds valued at the time of purchase at $50,000 or more. Monthly letter status report (MLSR). The CO shall insert this clause in solicitations, contracts and order, when financial and technical status on a contract is required. 102 4 101 0.50 50.50
Security. It is the contractor's duty to safeguard National Security Information, Restricted Data, and Formerly Restricted Data, except as otherwise expressly provided. 160 1 160 3.00 480.00
2052.204-70(j) Security. Except as otherwise authorized in writing by the CO, the contractor shall insert provisions in all subcontracts and purchase orders. 130 1 130 1.00 130.00
2052.204-70(k) Security. When performing contract work, the contractor (subcontractors) shall classify all documents, materials, and equipment originated or generated by the contractor in accordance with guidance by the Commission. 160 1 160 7.00 1,120.00
2052.204-71 Site access badge requirement. The CORs shall assist the contractor in obtaining the badges for contractor personnel. 160 1 160 3.00 480.00
2052.209-70 Current/former agency employee involvement. Contractors are generally not to utilize current/former NRC employees and must complete a form that confirms that they are not using them. 160 1 160 1.00 160.00
2009.570-3(b)(1)&(2) and 2052.209-71(a) Contractor organizational conflicts of interest (representation). The CO must insert this provision in applicable solicitations and contracts resulting from unsolicited proposals, including task orders and modifications to new work. The offeror or contractor shall complete the organizational conflicts of interest (OCIO) checklist in the solicitation 160 1 160 0.25 40.00
2052.209-72(c)(1)& (d)(2) Contractor organizational conflicts of interest (representation). The CO must insert this provision in applicable solicitations and contracts resulting from unsolicited proposals, including task orders and modifications to new work. 10 1 10 3.00 30.00
2052.209-72(d)(3) Contractor organizational conflicts of interest. The contractor shall disclose all proposed new work involving NRC licensees or applicants which comes with the scope of work of the underlying contract. Also, if this contract involves work at a licensee or applicant site, the contractor agrees to exercise diligence to discover and disclose any new work at the licensee or applicant site. 116 1 116 1.00 116.00
2052.209-72(f) Contractor organizational conflicts of interest. The contractor shall disclose all proposed new work involving NRC licensees or applicants which comes with the scope of work of the underlying contract. Also, if this contract involves work at a licensee or applicant site. 217 1 217 0.25 54.25
2052.211-71 Technical Progress Reports, submitted monthly. Provided under cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts only, are necessary for staff assessment, surveillance and enforcement of technical performance. 150 12 1,800 3.00 5,400.00
2052.211-72 and 2052.211-72 Alternate 1 Financial Status Report. Provides detailed cost information and is analysis in concert with the technical progress report to ensure consisted of progress with cost expended. These reports are analyzed by staff to ensure all cost are allocable and allowable and to provide the basis for approval payment of the contractor's monthly invoices. Financial Spending Plan Alternate 1 is used instead of 2052.211-72 when no contractor spending plan is required 117 12 1,404 3.00 4,212.00
2052.214-72(e ) Bidder(s). Requires bidders to submit on request, statements concerning their ability to meet any of the minimum standards set forth in FAR 9.104, samples of work, and identifying information on clients. 206 1 206 1.00 206.00
2052.214-74 & 215-74 Disposals of proposals. After award of the contract, one copy of each unsuccessful proposals is retained by the NRC and unless requested by the contractor, all other copies well be destroyed. 206 1 206 0.25 51.50
2052.215-70(b) Key personnel. If key personnel become unavailable, the contractor shall immediately notify the CO and shall promptly replace the personnel. 100 1 100 3.00 300.00
2052.215-70(c) Key personnel. Requires a written request to the CO for approval of substitutions for key personnel. 100 1 100 3.00 300.00
2052.215-71(f) COR Authority. Requires the contractor to notify the CO in writing within five days after the receipt of any instruction or technical direction by the project officer that is not within the scope of work, and to request the CO to modify the contract accordingly. 148 1 148 2.00 296.00
2052.215-75, Alt1 & Proposal preparation. Provides proposal preparation instructions for Section L of NRC solicitations which inform offerors of technical and cost proposal content, presentation and format required by NRC. 139 1 139 2.00 278.00
2052.216-72 This section allows the contractor to given an oral presentation of his plan to complete the task order requirements. Instead of submitting a detailed written technical proposal. 104 1 104 2.00 208.00
2052.235-70(c) Publications of research results. The principal investigator(s) shall coordinate all such publications with and transmit a copy of the proposed article or paper to the NRC CO or COR prior to publication 77 1 77 0.50 38.50
2052.235-71 Safety, health, and fire protection. The contractor shall take all reasonable precautions under a contract to protect the health and safety of its employees and the public to minimize danger from all hazards to life and property. 77 1 77 1.00 77.00

Sheet 2: Recordkeeping

Table 4 Annual Recordkeeping Burden
Section Description Number of Recordkeepers Hours per Recordkeeper Total Burden
2052.204-70(k) Security. When performing contract work, the contractor (and subcontractors) shall classify all documents, material, and equipment originated or generated by the contractor in accordance with guidance issued by the Commission. 125 20.00 2,500.00
2052.227-70 Drawing, designs, specifications, and other data. When drawings, designs, specifications, and other data will be developed and the NRC must retain full rights to them (except for the contractor's right to retain a copy for its own use), this clause will be included in the solicitation or contract. 15 5.00 75.00
2042.570-1 and 2052.242-70 Resolving differing professional opinions. The procedure provides for the expression and resolution of differing professional opinions (DPOs) of health and safety related concerns of NRC contractors and contractor personnel on matters associated with a contract. 6 0.50 3.00

Sheet 3: Totals

Table 1.
Burden Totals For NRCAR Information Collection

Hours Responses Cost at $300/hr
Reporting 14,833.75 6,112 $4,450,125
Recordkeeping 2,578.00 146 $773,400
TOTAL 17,411.75 6,258 $5,223,525

Table 2. Burden Change

2021 submission Current Request Change
Reporting 14,833.75 14,833.75 -
Recordkeeping 2,578.00 2,578.00 -
TOTAL 17,411.75 17,411.75 -

Recordkeeping costs (Item #13)


Cost to the Federal government (Item #14)

Hours 3,146.00

Cost $943,800

Sheet 4: Costs to the gov't

Table 5 Costs to the Federal Government
Section Description NRC Staff Hours Cost at $300/hr
2009.570-3(b)(1) & (2) Criteria for recognizing contractor organizational conflicts of interest. The following situations or relationships may give rise to reorganizational conflicts of interest (OCIO): (1) The offeror or contractor shall complete the OCIO checklist in the solicitation (2) The offeror or contractor shall disclose information that may give rise to OCIO. Cost included under 2052.209-71
2009.570-3(c) Situations or relationships. This section provides examples to identify and resolve contactor OCIO situations. Cost included under 2052.209-72(d)2,(d)(3) & (f)
2009.570-5(b) Contract clauses. If it determined from the nature of the proposed contract that an OCIO exists, the CO may determine that the conflict can be avoided, or, after obtaining a waiver, neutralized through the use of an appropriate special contract clause. 96 $28,800
2009.570-8 Subcontracts. The CO shall require offerors and contractors to submit a representation statement from all subcontractors (other than supply subcontractor) and consultants performing services in excess of $10,000. 77 $23,100
2014.201-670(b) Bidders. Requires all bidders to list previous/current contacts for a period of time specified by the CO in which the bidder was the prime or principal subcontractor. The information will assist the CO to make a determination of responsibility. Cost included 2052.214-71
2042.570-1(d) Differing professional opinions (DPOs). The NRC's policy is to strive to encourage all NRC employees and contractors to promptly raise concerns and differing views without fear of reprisal through a DPO program. Cost included under 2052.242-70 & 2052.242-71
2042.803(a)(2)(i) Disallowing costs after incurrence. If discussions do not resolve costs issues, the CO shall issue a notice advising the contractor of costs disallowed. 77 $23,100
2042.803(b) Disallowing costs after incurrence. The CO should process the voucher or invoice for payment and advise the Office of the Chief Financial Officer to deduct the disallowed costs when scheduling the voucher for payment. 96 $28,800
2045.371-(b) Financial Status Report (FSR). Requires contractors to send a copy of each FSR to the Chief, Property Management Branch, Reference the acquisition of or change in status of contractor held property purchased with government funds valued at the time of purchase of $50,000 or more Cost included 2052.211-72 & 2052.211-72, Alt 1
2052.204-70(b) Security. It is the contractor's duty to Safeguard National Security Information, Restricted Data, and Formerly Restricted Data, except as otherwise expressly provided in a contract. 96 $28,800
2052.204-70(j) Security. Except as otherwise authorized in writing by the CO, the contractor shall insert provisions in all subcontracts and purchase orders. 96 $28,800
2052.204-70(k) Security. When performing contract work, the contractor (and subcontractors) shall classify all documents, material, and equipment originated or generated by the contractor in accordance with guidance issued by the Commission 96 $28,800
2052.204-71 Site access badge requirements. The CORs shall assist the contractor in obtaining the badges for contractor personnel. 77 $23,100
2052.209-70 Current/former agency employee involvement. Contractors are generally not to utilize current/former NRC employees and must complete a form that confirms that they are not using them. 96 $28,800
2052.209-71(a) Contractor organizational conflicts of interest (representation). The CO must insert this provision in applicable solicitations and contracts resulting from unsolicited proposals, including task orders and modifications for new work. 96 $28,800
2052.209-72(c)(1) & (d)(2) Contractor organizational conflicts of interest. During the term of the contract, if the contractor has reason to believe that any arrangement with any firm may involve a potential OCOI, the contractor shall obtain the written approval of the CO before the execution of such a contractual arrangement. After award, if the contractor discovers OCOI with respect to this contract, it shall make an immediate disclosure in writing to the CO. 77 $23,100
2052.209-72(f) Contractor organizational conflicts of interest. The contractor shall include this clause, in subcontracts of any tier. 96 $28,800
2052.211-70 Monthly letter status report (MLSR). The CO shall insert this clause in solicitations, contracts, and orders, when financial and technical status on a contract is required. 101 $30,300
2052.211-71 Technical Progress Reports. Provided under cost-plus- fixed-fee contracts only, are necessary for staff assessment, surveillance and enforcement of technical performance. 101 $30,300
2052.211-72 Financial Status Report. Provide detailed cost information and is analyzed in concert with the technical progress report to ensure consistence of progress with cost expended. These reports are allocable and allowable and to provide the basis for approving payment of the contractor's monthly invoices. 70 $21,000
2052.211-72, Alt 1 This section is used instead of 2052.211-72 when no contractor spending plan is required. Cost included under 2052.211-72
2052.214-71 Bidder. Requires the bidder to provide information on previous and current contracts so that the CO may determine responsibility. 96 $28,800
2052.214-72(e) Bidder(s). Requires bidders to submit on request statements concerning their ability to meet any of the minimum standards set forth in FAR 9.104, samples of work, and identifying information on clients. 96 $28,800
2052.214-74 & 215-74 Disposition of proposals. After award of the contract, one copy of each unsuccessful proposal is retained by the NRC and unless requested by the contractor, all other copies will be destroyed. 0 $-
2052.215-70(b) Key personnel. If key personnel become unavailable, the contractor shall immediately notify the CO and shall promptly replace the personnel. 77 $23,100
2052.215-70(c) Key personnel. Requires a written request to the CO for approval of substitutions for key personnel. 77 $23,100
2052.215-71(f) COR Authority. If direction issues by the COR includes one of the categories in & 2052.215-71© the contractor may not proceed, but shall notify the CO in writing within five (5) working days. 96 $28,800
2052.215-75, Alt 1 & 2 Proposal preparation. Provides proposal preparation instructions for Section L of NRC solicitations which inform offerors of technical and cost proposal content, presentation and format required by NRC. 348 $104,400
2052.215-77(a) & (d) Travel approval and reimbursement. All foreign travel must be approved in advance by the NRC on NRC Form 445.Request for Approval of Official Foreign Travel. The contractor must receive written approval from the NRC COR before taking travel that was unanticipated in the contract. It is the responsibility of the contractor to notify the CO when it learns that travel expenses will exceed the estimated costs. Alternate 1. All foreign travel must be approved in advance by the NRC. It is the responsibility of the contractor to notify the CO when it learns that travel expenses will exceed the estimated costs. 96 $28,800
2052.215-78(b) & (d) (cleared under Form 445) Foreign travel. This information collection requirement is used when a total travel expenditure ceiling is specified Section (b) requires that all foreign travel requests be submitted on NRC Form 445. 96 $28,800
2052.216-72 Travel approvals and reimbursement. The level of cost detail submitted by contractor in response to Request for Task Order Proposal (RFTOP) would be based on the contract type and dollar value of the procurement. 348 $104,400
2052.227-70 Drawings, designs, specifications, and other data. When drawings, designs, specifications, and other data will be developed. The NRC must retain full rights to them (except for the contractor's right to retain a copy for its own use).This clause will be included in the solicitation or contract. 96 $28,800
2052.235-70(c) Publications of research results. The principal investigator(s) shall coordinate all such publications with, and transmit a copy of the proposed article or paper to the NRC CO or COR, prior to publication. Alternate 1, Where the information to be published addresses NRC policy, the NRC reserves the right to have the contractor add a disclaimer that "any findings expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the NRC." 92 $27,600
2052.235-71 Safety, health, and fire protection. The contractor shall take all reasonable precautions under a contract to protect the health and safety of its employees and the public to minimize danger from all hazards to life and property. 96 $28,800
2052.242-70 Resolving differing professional opinions. This shall be inserted in cost reimbursement solicitations and contracts for professional services. The NRC's policy is to strive to encourage all NRC employees and contractors to promptly raise concerns and differing views without fear of reprisal through a DPO program. 92 $27,600
2052.242-71+A14 Procedures for resolving differing professional opinions. The procedure provides for the expression and resolution of differing professional opinions (DPOs) of health and safety related concerns of NRC contractors and contractor personnel on matters associated with a contract. 92 $27,600
3,146.00 $943,800
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