OMB No. 0535-0273
Approval Expires: 05/31/2025 Project Code: 9778
Survey ID: 9084
Version 27
States Department
U.S. Department of Agriculture National Operations Division 9700 Page Avenue, Suite 400 St . Louis, MO 63132-1547 Phone: 1888-424-7828
Fax: 855-415-3678
E-mail: nass@usda.gov
Please make corrections to name, address, and ZIP Code, if necessary.
information you provide will be used for statistical purposes only.
Your response will be kept confidential and any person who willfully
discloses ANY identifiable information about you or your operation
is subject to a jail term, a fine, or both. This survey is conducted
in accordance with the Confidential Information
For more information on how we protect your information please
visit: https://www.nass.usda.gov/confidentiality.
Response is voluntary. Response is voluntary.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB number is 0535-0213. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), will conduct periodic surveys of major crop producers that collect information on pesticide and fertilizer use. Survey respondents are randomly selected, and the reported results are based on advanced standardized statistical analyses conducted by Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Your response is necessary to help provide the best statistics possible. If there are any questions, contact the Minnesota Department of Agriculture at 651-201-6336.
Acres |
101 |
102 |
Corn: ...................................................................................................................................................
Soybeans: ...........................................................................................................................................
201 Did you have any acres of corn in 2022 that were planted to soybeans in 2021?
1 ☐ Yes 3 ☐ No (Go to question 4)
Corn on soybean acres. What was the AVERAGE nitrogen rate (units per acre) that was applied across all acres of corn planted in 2022, that were planted to soybeans in 2021? Please include any nitrogen from phosphorus sources such as MAP/DAP/MEZ, sulfur sources such as thiosulfate and ammonium sulfate, and nitrogen in the starter in addition to the main source of nitrogen such as UAN solutions, urea, or anhydrous ammonia.
Total units (actual nitrogen) applied per acre (average per acre) ..................................................................
203 Did you have any acres of corn in 2022 that were planted to corn in 2021?
1☐ Yes 3 ☐ No (Go to question 6)
on corn acres. What was the AVERAGE nitrogen rate (units per
acre) that was applied across all acres of corn planted in 2022,
that were also planted to corn in 2021? Please include any nitrogen
from phosphorus sources such as MAP/DAP/MEZ, sulfur sources such as
thiosulfate and ammonium sulfate, and nitrogen in the stater in
addition to the main source of nitrogen
such as
UAN solutions,
urea, or
Which of the following precision agriculture tools do you use on the farm? (Check all that apply).
205 ☐ Auto Steer
206 ☐ Precision planting
207 ☐ Variable rate fertilizer applications
208 ☐ Precision spraying, such as auto boom shutoff
209 ☐ Nitrogen applications based on zone management
210 ☐ Nitrogen applications based on aerial imagery
211 ☐ Nitrogen applications based on in field variables such as in season soil tests
212 ☐ Nitrogen applications based on other in season variables not mentioned above
Acres |
214 |
215 |
Cover crop on corn acres: ............................................................................................................
Cover crop on soybean acres: ......................................................................................................
If you did not grow corn in 2022, go to question 16
216 With the higher price of fertilizer, did you reduce your N rate on your corn acres?
1 ☐ Yes 3 ☐ No 5 ☐ Don’t Know
217 Was manure used on any of your corn acres in 2022?
1 ☐ Yes 3 ☐ No
218 If yes, was the manure tested within the last five years before application in 2022?
1 ☐ Yes 3 ☐ No
Which of the following factors determine the nitrogen rate calculation in the University of Minnesota nitrogen guidelines. – list factors?
219 ☐ Soil organic matter
220 ☐ Price of nitrogen
221 ☐ Yield goal
222 ☐ Previous crop
223 ☐ Variable rate
224 ☐ Price of corn
225 ☐ Cation exchange capacity (CEC)f. 226 ☐ Don’t know
Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA)
has a
vulnerable groundwater
area map
on its
website that
shows areas
where fall
nitrogen fertilizer
applications are restricted:
How many corn acres do you have in a vulnerable groundwater area or a drinking water supply management area as defined by the MDA vulnerable
groundwater area map?................................................................................. 233 ☐ Don't Know OR
227 When was the last time you reviewed the MDA’s Fall Nitrogen Fertilizer Restrictions map on the MDA website?
1 ☐ Date:
3 ☐ Don't Know
7 ☐ Never
228 Do you use a nitrogen inhibitor on any of your corn acres?
1 ☐ Yes
3 ☐ No
5 ☐ Don't Know
229 Do you sidedress any nitrogen on your corn acres, including top dress or irrigation?
1 ☐ Yes
3 ☐ No
5 ☐ Don't Know
230 Do you use a slow release product such as ESN, Super U or other such product?
1 ☐ Yes
3 ☐ No
5 ☐ Don't Know
231 How important are yields in determining your nitrogen rate on corn? 1 very important. 5 not important [Select one]
1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 ☐ 5 ☐
Herbicide Best Management Practices (BMP) Adoption Survey 2022
On your 2022 corn and/or soybean acres, did you (choose one from the list for each crop) If only one crop, check only in that column.
Corn Soybeans
Apply herbicides yourself....................................................................................... 301 ☐ 302 ☐
Have herbicides custom applied?........................................................................... 303 ☐ 304 ☐
Apply some myself and some custom applied....................................................... 305 ☐ 306 ☐
Don’t use herbicides 307 ☐ 308 ☐
CONCLUDE interview if you did not use any herbicides on corn or soybeans in 2022.
For all the following questions, check the box if you did that practice and you planted that crop in 2022.
Who scouted your corn and/or soybean fields for weeds in 2022? (Check all that apply.) If only one crop check only in that column.
Corn Soybeans
Myself, family members, or an employee............................................................. 309 ☐ 310 ☐
Dealer/coop........................................................................................................... 311 ☐ 312 ☐
Crop consultant...................................................................................................... 313 ☐ 314 ☐
None of my fields were scouted............................................................................. 315 ☐ 316 ☐
(two questions dropped and removed here)
What type of tillage did you use before planting on the majority of your corn and soybean fields in 2022 (Fall of 2021 and Spring of 2022)? [Check one for each crop. If only one crop check only in that column.]
Corn Soybeans
Conventional < 15% residue................................................................................... 331 ☐ 332 ☐
Reduced Tillage 15% – 30% residue....................................................................... 333 ☐ 334 ☐
Conservation Tillage > 30% residue........................................................................ 335 ☐ 336 ☐
Strip Tillage............................................................................................................. 337 ☐ 338 ☐
No Till..................................................................................................................... 339 ☐ 340 ☐
(one question dropped and removed here)
If no corn acres, go to question 20
On your corn acres applied with herbicides, did you use more than one mode of action (group). This could be from two or more products with different modes of action or a premix with two or more different modes of action?
342 ☐ All corn acres
343 ☐ Some corn acres
344 ☐ None of my corn acres
345 ☐ Don't Know
(New Questions Added)
Do you have surface water, such as a river, stream (intermittent or continuous), lake, or pond, in the field or within 50 feet of the outside border of any of your corn or soybean fields?
346 ☐ Yes [Go to next question]
347 ☐ No [Go to question 23]
Do you have non-crop vegetative buffers, such as grass or other permanent vegetation, next to the surface water?
348 ☐ Yes – All [Go to next question]
349 ☐ Yes – Some [Go to next question]
350 ☐ No [Go to question 23]
How many feet is the average width of the non-crop vegetative buffer next to the surface water?
351 _____ft
Do you have a well or sinkhole in the field or within 50 feet outside the border of any of your corn or soybean fields?
352 ☐ Yes – All [Go to next question]
353 ☐ Yes – Some [Go to next question]
354 ☐ No [Go to question 26]
Do you maintain a setback (no herbicide application) or non-crop vegetative buffer for the areas around the well or sinkhole?
355 ☐ Yes – All [Go to next question]
356 ☐Yes – Some [Go to next question]
357 ☐ No [Go to question 28]
How many feet is the average width of the setback or non-crop vegetative buffer to the well or sinkhole?
358 _____ft
Do you mix or load herbicides in any of your corn or soybean fields?
359 ☐ Yes
360 ☐ No
361☐ Don’t Know
Atrazine Use in Corn
401 Was atrazine applied on any of your corn acres in 2022, premixes included?
1 ☐ Yes - Go to question 29.
3 ☐ No - Go to question 33.
5 ☐ Don't Know – Go to next question.
7 ☐ No corn acres in 2022 – Go to question 38.
Were any of the following atrazine products applied to your corn fields? [Check the box if the product was applied]
402 ☐ Acruron
403 ☐ Callisto Xtra
404 ☐ Atrazine 4L or 90DF
405 ☐ Keystone LA NXT
406 ☐ Harness Xtra
407 ☐ Aatrex
408 ☐ Breakfree NXT ATZ
409 ☐ Cadence ATZ or LA NXT
410 ☐ Lumax E
411 ☐ Volley NXT
If you have selected one or more of these atrazine products, then go to then next question. If not, skip to question 33.
412 When did you apply atrazine on the majority of your corn acres? [Only check one]
1 ☐ Crop preplant or preemergence
2 ☐ Crop post emergence - Go to question to 31
3 ☐ Split application (both pre and post on the same field)
413 Was atrazine incorporated though tillage?
1 ☐ All corn acres
3 ☐ Some corn acres
4 ☐ None
5 ☐ Don't Know
414 Did you apply one pound or less per acre of the active ingredient (atrazine) on the majority your corn acres in the 2022 crop year?
1 ☐ Yes
3 ☐ No
5 ☐ Don't Know
Which of the following factors were considered when choosing the rate of atrazine on your corn fields in 2022 besides cost? (Select all that apply)
415 ☐ Soil Texture
416 ☐ Soil Organic Matter
417 ☐ Weed Species
418 ☐ Weed Pressure
419 ☐ Effectiveness
420 ☐ Other
421 ☐ Don’t Know
Acetochlor Use in Corn
501 Was acetochlor applied on any of your corn acres in 2022, premixes included?
1 ☐ Yes - Go to question 35
3 ☐ No - Go to question 38
5 ☐ Don't Know – Go to next question
Were any of the following acetochlor products applied to your corn fields? [Check the box if the product was applied.]
502 ☐ Resicore
503 ☐ Tripleflex
504 ☐ Surestart
505 ☐ Harness
506 ☐ Staunch
507 ☐ Surpass
508 ☐ Volley or Volley NXT
509 ☐ Keystone
510 ☐ Warrant
If you have selected one or more of these acetochlor products, then go to then next question. If not, skip to question 38
511 When did you apply acetochlor on the majority of your corn acres? [Only check one]
1 ☐ Crop preplant or preemergence
2 ☐ Crop post emergence - Go to question 37
3 ☐ Split application(both pre and post on the same field)
512 Was acetochlor incorporated through tillage?
1 ☐ All corn acres
3 ☐ Some corn acres
4 ☐ None
5 ☐ Don't Know
Which of the following factors were considered when choosing the rate of acetochlor on your corn fields in 2022 besides cost? (Select all that apply)
513 ☐ Soil Texture
514 ☐ Soil Organic Matter
515 ☐ Weed Species
516 ☐ Weed Pressure
517 ☐ Effectiveness
518 ☐ Other
519 ☐ Don’t Know
Acetochlor Use in Soybeans
601 Was Warrant or Warrant Ultra applied to your soybean fields?
1 ☐ Yes – Go to next question
3 ☐ No - Conclude survey
5 ☐ Don't Know - Conclude survey
602 When did you apply acetochlor on the majority of your soybean acres? [Only choose one]
1 ☐ Crop preplant or preemergence
2 ☐ Crop post emergence - Go to question to 41
3 ☐ Split application (both pre and post on the same field)
603 Was acetochlor incorporated through tillage?
1 ☐ All soybean acres
2 ☐ Some soybean acres
3 ☐ None
5 ☐ Don’t Know
Which of the following factors were considered when choosing the rate of acetochlor on your soybean fields in 2022 besides cost? (Select all that apply)
604 ☐ Soil Texture
605 ☐ Soil Organic Matter
606 ☐ Weed Species
607 ☐ Weed Pressure
608 ☐ Effectiveness
609 ☐ Other
610 ☐ Don’t Know
Response |
Respondent |
Mode |
Enum. |
Eval. |
Change |
Office Use for POID |
1-Comp 2-R 3-Inac 4-Office Hold 5-R -- Est 6-Inac --Est 7-Off Hold --Est |
9901 |
1-Op/Mgr 2-Sp 3-Acct/Bkpr 4-Partner 9-Oth |
9902 |
6-Email 7-Fax 19-Other |
9903 |
9998 |
9900 |
9985 |
- - |
Optional Use |
9907 |
9908 |
9906 |
9916 |
S/E Name: |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Denton Bruening |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-10-27 |