QID Minnesota Pesticide & Fertilizer Survey - Crop Year 2024

Cooperator Funded Chemical Use Surveys

0273- Pesticide and Fertilizer Survey - Crop Years 2024 - Corn Soybeans - Minnesota Only

Cooperator Funded Chemical Use Surveys

OMB: 0535-0273

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OMB No.0535-0273

Approval Expires: 5/31/2025

Project Code: 778 QID: 163695

SMetaKey: 3695

Clean Copy for Crop Year 2024

Survey collected spring of 2025

Corn and Soybean – Updated 4/25/2024

Updated 8/19/2024

United States

Department of








210 Walnut St., #833
Des Moines, IA 50309

Phone: 1-800-772-0825

FAX: 1-855-271-9802

e-mail: [email protected]

Please make corrections to name, address and ZIP Code, if necessary.

The information you provide will be used for statistical purposes only. Your responses will be kept confidential and any person who willfully discloses ANY

identifiable information about you or your operation is subject to a jail term, a fine, or both. This survey is conducted in accordance with the Confidential

Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2018, Title III of Pub. L. No. 115-435, codified in 44 U.S.C. Ch. 35 and other applicable Federal laws.

For more information on how we protect your information please visit: https://www.nass.usda.gov/confidentiality. Response is voluntary.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB number is 0535-0273. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 35 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), will conduct periodic surveys of major crop producers that collect information on pesticide and fertilizer use and pesticide use rates. Survey respondents are randomly selected, and the reported results are based on advanced standardized statistical analyses conducted by NASS nationwide. Your response is necessary to help provide the best statistics possible. If there are any questions, contact the Minnesota Department of Agriculture at (651) 201-6336.

1. Did this operation plant any [[CORN]] or [[SOYBEAN]] in 2024?

1 Yes - Continue

3 No – Go to Conclusion

Section 2 – 2024 [Corn] Crop Acres


2. How many acres of [Corn] were planted for the 2024 crop year?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


[If [Corn] acres greater than zero, then continue, otherwise go to Section 3.]


3. How many acres of [Corn] were treated with herbicides (week killer)?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4. How many acres of [Corn] were treated with insecticides? (Exclude seed treatments). . . . . . . . . . . . .


5. How many acres of [Corn] were treated with fungicides? (Exclude seed treatments). . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Section 3 – 2024 [[Soybean]] Crop Acres


6. How many acres of [[Soybean]] were planted for the 2024 crop year?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


[If [[Soybean]] acres are greater than zero then continue, otherwise go to Section 4.]


7. How many acres of [[Soybean]] were treated with herbicides (week killer)?. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .


8. How many acres of [[Soybean]] were treated with insecticides? (Exclude seed treatments). . . . . . .


9. How many acres of [[Soybean]] were treated with fungicides? (Exclude seed treatments). . . . . . . .


10. What percent of soybean seeds were treated? . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . xxx percent

If Q10 > 0, then go to Q11, else go to Section 4

11. Did your seed treatments on soybeans include an insecticide?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. Do not know

12. If Q11=Yes, Why does your seed treatment include an insecticide? (choose all that apply)

    1. To treat known soil pest problems

    2. To prevent possible soil pest problems

    3. To prevent possible above-ground pest problems (Ex. Soybean aphids)

    4. Insecticide treatment is part of the fungicide treatment package I use

    5. I do not choose the seed that is planted

    6. Other

    7. I don’t know the reason why

13. If 12c selected, then, Do you purchase insecticide seed treatments specifically with the intent of managing soybean aphids?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Occationally

  4. Do not know

Section 4

Include applications in the fall of 2023 on crops for the 2024 harvest. Report the acres treated with each individual chemical during 2024 by crop or land use. If pesticides were applied in combination, report each separately. (Exclude seed treatments and inoculants.) Start with the fall and spring preplant applications. Then move on to the in-season applications.

If Section 2 [Crop 1] crop acres, items 2, 3, or 4 are greater than zero, complete. Otherwise go to Section 5.

1. In the following table, please report all herbicides, insecticides and fungicides used on the 2024 [Corn] crop.

What Herbicide, Insecticide or Fungicide was applied to the
2024 [Corn] Crop?


Product Code


How many acres of [Corn] were treated with this Product?


How many applications of Product were made for the 2024 [Corn] crop? (If product was applied multiple times in a season, record each application and its rate on separate lines).


At what rate was the product applied


Was that rate:

1 – Pounds

12 – Gallons

13 – Quarts

14 – Pints

15 – Ounces

30 – Grams


Section 5

INSTRUCTIONS: If Section 3 ([[Soybean]] crop acres), items 2, 3 or 4 are greater than zero, complete.
Otherwise go to Section 6.

1. In the following table, please report all herbicides, insecticides and fungicides used on the 2024 [[Soybean]] crop.

What Herbicide, Insecticide or Fungicide was applied to the
2024 [[Soybean]] Crop?


Product Code


How many acres of [[Soybeans]] were treated with this Product?


How many applications of Product were made for the 2024 [[Soybean]] crop? (If product was applied multiple times in a season, record each application and its rate on separate lines).


At what rate was the product applied?


Was that rate:

1 – Pounds

13 – Quarts

14 – Pints

15 – Ounces


[If Herbicide, Insecticide or Fungicide type or quantity is unknown] May we call your dealer, co-op or applicator about the chemicals applied to your operation? Yes__ No__

If Yes, What is the name of the company? __________________________________

Who should we contact for this follow up information? _____________________________

Who should we contact at that company? __________________________________

If Section 3, Q8> 0, then Continue, ElseIf Section 2, Q6>0 skip to Question 10, Else goto Question 11.

You reported insecticides were applied to your soybean crop. The next questions will ask about those insecticide applications.

  1. Where do you get your information when deciding which insecticide product to use (list all that apply)?

    1. My Dealer/Coop/industry representative

    2. Independent consultant

    3. University extension

    4. Other farmers

    5. Internet

    6. Other

  1. How was the insecticide applied to your 2024 soybean crop (choose all that apply)?

    1. Farmer- ground application

    2. Farmer- aerial application

    3. Dealer- ground application

    4. Dealer- aerial application

    5. Other

  2. Which insects were you targeting? (choose all that apply)

    1. Soybean aphid,

    2. Spider mites,

    3. Others

    4. Do not know

If 4a=soybean aphid then ask questions 5,6,7,8, otherwise move to question 9

  1. Who scouted your soybean fields for aphids? (choose all that apply)

    1. Farmer

    2. Dealer

    3. Crop consultant

    4. Other than the above

    5. Did not scout

    6. Do not know

  2. What threshold (aphids per plant) did you use for applying the insecticide for soybean aphid (select one)?

    1. Did not use thresholds

    2. 1-30,

    3. 31-50,

    4. 51-100,

    5. 101-150,

    6. 151-200,

    7. 201-250

    8. Over 250

    9. Do not know

  3. Were records kept for soybean aphid thresholds?

    1. Yes, for all fields

    2. Yes, for some fields

    3. No

    4. Do not know

  4. What factors other than thresholds did you consider to make insecticide application for soybean aphid (choose all that apply)?

    1. Did not consider anything other than thresholds

    2. Followed an Integrated Pest Management plan

    3. Followed a calendar schedule

    4. Followed advice from dealer

    5. Followed advice from crop consultant

    6. Followed other farmers

  5. What factors other than cost and effectiveness were considered important when choosing an insecticide product (choose all that apply)?

    1. Safety to the applicator

    2. Safety to insect predators

    3. Setbacks from water

    4. Label language regarding bees

    5. Weather

    6. Aphid resistance

    7. None

  6. Were there any bee hives within 3 miles of any soybean field when insecticide was applied?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. Do not know

  7. What setbacks from water, if any, were used?

    1. No setbacks

    2. Setbacks listed on the label

    3. Label did not require setbacks from water

    4. No water around the field

    5. Do not know

  8. What percentage of your soybean seeds were treated with insecticide (for all soybean acres)? (This question is placed at the end to avoid confusion with other insecticide application questions)

    1. None

    2. 1-25

    3. 26-50

    4. 51-75

    5. 76-99

    6. 100

    7. Do not know

(Complete Integrated Pest Management Section if corn or soybean insecticide acres were reported in Section 2, 3)

Integrated Pest Management

The next questions are intended for all crops with a focus on use of Integrated Pest Management for insect pests.  Integrated Pest Management, or IPM, is an approach that uses multiple pest control tactics in order to minimize economic, environmental, and human health risks.

  1. What is your primary source of information on Integrated Pest Management for insects?

    1. University extension

    2. Independent crop consultant

    3. Seed or chemical company representative

    4. Internet

    5. Other farmers

    6. Other

    7. I do not get information about IPM for insects

  1. Which of these Integrated Pest Management practices do you use for insect pest management (select all that apply)?

    1. Biological control (Enum note: use of beneficial insects to kill pests)

    2. Cultural control (Enum note: tillage, crop rotation, delayed planting)

    3. Resistant or tolerant crop seed selection (Enum note: Bt traits, cultivar selection)

    4. Physical control (Enum note: barriers around crops such as high and low tunnels)

    5. Chemical control (Enum note: pesticides)

    6. Other

    7. I don’t have pests to manage

  1. What do you view as the primary challenge for implementing Integrated Pest Management?

    1. Cost

    2. Time

    3. Understanding of how to use Integrated Pest Management

    4. Other

    5. No Challenges, I currently use Integrated Pest Management.

  1. If insecticide was used on your Corn, was the decision to use insecticide based on scouting results from the field where the applications were applied?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    1. Occasionally

    2. Insecticide was not used

  1. If insecticide was used on your soybean, was the decision to use insecticide based on scouting results from the field where the applications were applied?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    1. Occasionally

    2. Insecticide was not used

  1. Do you use pest update information from any of the following sources to make insect pest management decisions (choose all that apply)?

    1. Text alerts

    2. Postal mail

    3. Email

    4. Social media

    5. Websites and/or blogs

    6. Other

    7. I do not use pest updates to make management decisions

  1. What factors do you consider when choosing an insecticide (list all that apply)?

  1. Insect resistance to certain insecticides

  2. Rotation of modes of action

  3. Toxicity of insecticide to bees

  4. Toxicity of insecticide to humans

  5. Prior experience with insecticide

  6. Cost of insecticide

  7. Other

  8. No insecticides are used

Section 6 – [Corn] Fertilizer Management

I will now ask you about your fertilizer inputs on [Corn] acres.

Did all your [Corn] fields receive manure for the [2024] crop year?

  1. Yes, all my [Corn] fields received manure. Go to Section 7.

  2. No, I have at least 1 [Corn] field with no manure applied. - Continue

First on a [Corn] field with no manure or compost applied in the fall of [2023] and no manure or compost applied anytime during the 2024 crop year.

Think about your largest [Corn] field that you planted in 2024 without any manure.

All following questions will be in relation to that specific field.

A1. How many acres were in this field in 2024? ______________

A2. Was this field irrigated? Yes No

A3. What was the crop grown on this field in 2023 before the 2024 [Corn] crop? (Not including cover crop)

1 Soybeans

2 corn

3 alfalfa (any alfalfa mix)

4 small grains (oat, wheat, rye, barley)

99 other

A4. If Corn [A3 (2)] What was the crop harvested from this field in the 2022 season, before the last two crops?

1 Soybeans

2 corn

3 alfalfa (any alfalfa mix)

4 small grains (oat, wheat rye, barley)

99 other

A5. What was the yield goal when planting this field in 2024? __________ bushels per acre.

A6. What was the average yield of this field over the past three [Corn] crops? (or estimate if unknown) _____

A7. Was any commercial fertilizer applied to this [Corn] field for the 2024 [Corn] crop? Yes No

IF no go to Section 7.

A8. Was any commercial fertilizer applied with a variable rate or more than one rate such as by management zone or grid on this [Corn] field? Yes No

If yes, please use a field average for all the fertilizer rate questions.

A9. What was the total units (actual pounds) of nitrogen per acre applied to this field from all sources and all applications? _____

A9. What type of fertilizer was used to supply the majority of the nitrogen applied to this field?

10 Anhydrous Ammonia

11 Urea (urea and coated urea such as ESN or Super U)

12 Liquid N (such as 28% or 32%)

13 Other

99 Unknown

A10. Did you use a nitrogen inhibitor or stabilizer on this field? Yes No DK

A11. If A10=Yes, then What type of nitrogen inhibitor or stabilizer did you use? [NEW QUESTION 8-2-24]

      1. N-Serve

      2. Instinct

      3. Centuro

      4. ESN

      5. Other

I will now ask you for all your commercial fertilizer applications made to this field for the 2024 crop year, again including any 2023 fall applications of commercial fertilizer. Each individual application will be recorded separately, preferably as units per acre.

This will include all fall applications in 2023 and all 2024 applications including pre-plant applications, starter/planter applications and post plant applications.

[Corn] Field

[If Fertilizer or Nutrient type or quantity is unknown] May we call your dealer, co-op or applicator to about the fertilizers and nutrients applied to your operation? Yes__ No__

If Yes, What is the name of the company? __________________________________

Who should we contact at that company? __________________________________

Section 7: [Corn] Manure Management

[Corn] Field with manure applied.

M1 Now I will ask about a [Corn] field that was applied with manure for the 2024 growing season.

(1) Press Enter to continue

M2 How many of your 2024 [Corn] acres received manure? _____________ acres

[If 0, Skip to Section 8]

Think about your largest [Corn] field you planted in 2024 with manure applied for the 2024 growing season, including the fall of 2023]. I will ask you questions about that specific field. All questions should be in relation to that field.

(1) Continue : Press Enter to continue

M5 How many acres are in the field? ________________

M3 What was the crop planted on this field in 2023?

(1) Soybeans

(2) Corn

(3) Alfalfa (any alfalfa mix)

(4) Small Grains (oats, wheat, rye, barley)

(99) Other ________________

M4 Was alfalfa the previous crop grown in 2023 before the 2024 [Corn] crop you previously mentioned?

(1) YES

(3) NO

What was the yield goal when planting this field in 2024? __________ bushels per acre.

M6 What was the average yield of this field over the last 3 [Corn] crops? (or estimate if unknown) ____________

M7 Did the whole [Corn] field receive manure?

(1) YES

(3) NO

M8 What is the main source of manure used on the field?

(1) Dairy

(2) Beef

(3) Hog

(4) Poultry

(5) Other (goat, sheep, horse, etc.)

(99) Don't Know

M9 Was the manure applied solid or liquid? Enumertator Note – If farmer reports both solid and liquid, probe by asking “Is the majority of manure applied as a liquid or solid?”

(1) Solid

(2) Liquid

If Solid, what was the rate applied in tons per acre? _______________

If Liquid, what was the rate applied in gallons per acre? _______________

What wat the date manure application began? ____________________

M13 Did you use a nitrogen inhibitor or nitrogen stabilizer on this field?

(1) YES

(3) NO

If M13 = Yes, then Did you use Instinct in your manure?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. Do not know

M14 What is the total amount of 1st year available Nitrogen applied from the manure as units? (Actual pounds of nitrogen per acre). _________________

M20 Was this manure from your own farm operation?

(1) YES

(3) NO

M21 When was the last time the manure was tested for nutrient content?

(1) This year (include 2023 fall applications for the 2024 crop year)

(2) Last 3 years

(3) Over 3 years ago

(4) Don't Test

M18 Did you also apply commercial fertilizers to this field for the 2024 crop year?

(1) YES

(3) NO

M19 What were the total units of Nitrogen applied per acre to this field from commercial fertilizers for 2024 crop year, including all sources? Don’t’ forget the starter may include Nitrogen as well as phosphorus or sulfur sources. _______________________________

Section 8 – [[Soybean]] Fertilizer Management

I will now ask you about your fertilizer inputs on [Soybean] acres.

Did all your [Soybean] fields receive manure for the 2024 crop year?

  1. Yes, all my [Soybean] fields received manure. Go to Section 9.

  2. No, I have at least 1 [Soybean] field with no manure applied.

First on a [Soybean] field with no manure or compost applied in the fall of 2023 and no manure or compost applied anytime during the 2024 crop year.

Think about your largest [Soybean] field that you planted in 2024 without any manure.

All following questions will be in relation to that field.

A1. How many acres were in the largest field planted to soybeans without manure in 2024? _____

A2. Was this field irrigated? Yes No

A3. What was the crop grown on this field in 2023 before the 2024 [Soybean] crop? (Not including cover crop)

1 Soybeans

2 corn

3 alfalfa (any alfalfa mix)

4 small grains (oat, wheat, rye, barley)

99 other

A4. What was the yield goal when planting this field in 2024? __________ bushels per acre.

A6. What was the average [Soybean] yield of this field over the past three [Soybean] crops? (or estimate if unknown) _____

A7. Was any commercial fertilizer applied to this [Soybean] field for the 2024 [Soybean] crop? Yes No

IF no go to Section 9.

A8. Was any commercial fertilizer applied with a variable rate or more than one rate such as by management zone or grid on this [Soybean] field? Yes No

If yes, please use a field average for all the fertilizer rate questions.

A9. What was the total units (actual pounds) per acre of nitrogen applied to this field from all sources and all applications on this field? _____

A9. What type of fertilizer was used to supply the majority of the nitrogen applied to this field?

10 Anhydrous Ammonia

11 Urea (urea and coated urea such as ESN or Super U)

12 Liquid N (such as 28% or 32%)

13 Other

99 Unknown

A10. Did you use a nitrogen inhibitor or stabilizer on this field? Yes No DK

A11. [IF yes to A10] What type of nitrogen inhibitor or stabilizer did you use? [NEW QUESTION 8-2-24]

  1. N-Serve

  2. Instinct

  3. Centuro

  4. ESN

  5. Other

I will now ask you for all your commercial fertilizer applications made this this field for the 2024 crop year, again including any 2023 fall applications of commercial fertilizer. Each individual application will be recorded separately, preferably as units per acre.

This will include all fall applications in 2023 and all 2024 applications including pre-plant applications, starter/planter applications and post plant applications.

[Soybean] Field

[If Fertilizer or Nutrient type or quantity is unknown] May we call your dealer, co-op or applicator about the fertilizer and nutrients applied to you operation? Yes__ No__

If Yes, What is the name of the company? __________________________________

Who should we contact at the company? __________________________________

Section 9: [Soybean] Manure Management

[Soybean] Field with manure applied.

M1 Now I will ask about a [Soybean] field that was applied with manure for the 2024 growing season.

(1) Press Enter to continue

M2 How many of your 2024 [Soybean] acres received manure? _____________ acres

[If 0, Skip to Section 10]

Think about your largest [Soybean] field you planted in 2024 with manure applied for the 2024 growing season, including the fall of 2023. I will ask you questions about that specific field. All questions should be in relation to that field.

(1) Continue : Press Enter to continue

M5 How many acres are in your largest soybean field applied with manure? ________________

M3 What was the crop planted on this field in 2023?

(1) Soybeans

(2) Corn

(3) Alfalfa (any alfalfa mix)

(4) Small Grains (oats, wheat, rye, barley)

(99) Other ________________

M5. What was the yield goal when planting this field in 2024? __________ bushels per acre.

M6 What was the average yield of this field over the last 3 [Soybean] crops? (estimate if unknown)______________

M7 Did the whole [Soybean] field receive manure?

(1) YES

(3) NO

M8 What is the main source of manure used on the field?

(1) Dairy

(2) Beef

(3) Hog

(4) Poultry

(5) Other (goat, sheep, horse, etc.)

(99) Don't Know

M9 Was the manure applied solid or liquid? Enumerator Note – If farmer reports both solid and liquid, probe by asking “Is the majority of manure applied as a liquid or solid?”

(1) Solid

(2) Liquid

If Solid, what was the rate applied in tons per acre? _______________

If Liquid, what was the rate applied in gallons per acre? _______________

What was the date manure application began on your largest soybean field? ____________________

M13 Did you use a nitrogen inhibitor or nitrogen stabilizer on this field?

(1) YES

(3) NO

[IF yes to A10] What type of nitrogen inhibitor or stabilizer did you use? [NEW QUESTION 8-2-24]

  1. N-Serve

  2. Instinct

  3. Centuro

  4. ESN

  5. Other

M14 What is the total amount of 1st year available Nitrogen applied from the manure as units? (actual pounds of nitrogen per acre). _________________

M20 Was this manure from your own farm operation?

(1) YES

(3) NO

M21 When was the last time you manure was tested for nutrient content?

(1) This year (include 2023 fall applications for the 2024 crop year)

(2) Last 3 years

(3) Over 3 years ago

(4) Don't Test

M18 Did you also apply commercial fertilizers to this field for the 2024 crop year?

(1) YES

(3) NO

M19 What were the total units of Nitrogen applied per acre to this field from commercial fertilizers for 2024 crop year, including all sources? Don’t’ forget the starter may include Nitrogen as well as phosphorus or sulfur sources. _______________________________

Section 10: Soil Sampling and Cover Crops – [All Survey Respondents]

What type of soil sampling did you do in the last 5 years on your farm? [Select all that apply]

  1. Traditional

  2. Grid

  3. Zone

  4. In-season Nitrate test

  5. No soil sampling done

[if 4 was selected as an option in question above]

What soil nitrate test did you do use in 2024 or the fall of 2023? (select all that apply)

  1. Fall of 2023 nitrate 24-inch-deep test, specifically for nitrate for the following 2024 corn crop

  2. Spring nitrate 24-inch-deep test, specifically for nitrate for the 2024 corn crop

  3. Pre sidedress soil test specifically for nitrate for the 2024 corn crop

  4. Other

  5. Don’t know

Did you tissue test on Corn or soybeans?



How many of your 2024 Corn acres were planted following a cover crop? ___________

How many of your 2024 Soybean acres were planted with a cover crop? ________________

Respondent Name: ________________________________________


9910 MM DD YY

Phone: _____________________

Date: __ __ __ __ __ __

This completes the survey. Thank you for your help.







Office Use for POID




4-Office Hold

5-R – Est

6-Inac – Est

7-Off Hold – Est






















__ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __

Optional Use





S/E Name

Survey Results: To receive the complete results of this survey when it is released, go to http://www.mda.state.mn.us/chemicals/pesticides/pesticideuse.aspx and

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File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-09-25

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