42 C.F.R. § 438.3(s)(4) and (5) require that each Medicaid managed care organization (MCO) must operate a drug utilization review (DUR) program that complies with the requirements described in Section 1927 (g) of the Social Security Act (the Act) and submit an annual report on the operation of its DUR program activities. Such reports are to include descriptions of the nature and scope of the prospective and retrospective DUR programs; a summary of the interventions used in retrospective DUR and an assessment of the education program; a description of DUR Board activities; and an assessment of the DUR program’s impact on quality of care. Covered Outpatient Drugs (COD) are referenced throughout this survey and refers to participating labelers in the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program (MDRP).
This report covers the period October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024 and is due for submission to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Central Office by no later than June 30, 2025. Answering the attached questions and returning the requested materials as attachments to the report will constitute compliance with the above- mentioned statutory and regulatory requirements.
CMS does not edit state responses; therefore, what is submitted will be what is posted on Medicaid.gov. This material is also utilized for composing the annual report to Congress.
If you have any questions regarding the DUR Annual Report, please contact your state’s Medicaid Pharmacy Program.
Pursuant to 42 C.F.R. § 438.3(s), Medicaid managed care programs must submit to CMS an annual report on the operation of its DUR program activities for that Federal Fiscal Year (FFY). Individual managed care plan’s survey results will be published online and will be publicly available similar to the Fee-for-Service (FFS) surveys which have been published on Medicaid.gov since 2012. Please confirm and acknowledge there is no proprietary or confidential information submitted in this report by checking the box below:
I confirm I am aware this survey will be posted online. Confidential and proprietary information has been removed from this survey.
This mandatory information collection (section 4401 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 and section 1927(g) of the Social Security Act) is necessary to establish patient profiles in pharmacies, identify problems in prescribing and/or dispensing, determine each program’s ability to meet minimum standards required for Federal financial participation, and ensure quality pharmaceutical care for Medicaid patients. State Medicaid agencies that have prescription drug programs are required to perform prospective and retrospective DUR in order to identify aberrations in prescribing, dispensing and/or patient behavior. Under the Privacy Act of 1974 any personally identifying information obtained will be kept private to the extent of the law. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The control number for this information collection request is 0938- 0659 (Expires: XX/XX/XXXX). Public burden for all of the collection of information requirements under this control number is estimated at 65 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: Paperwork Reduction Act Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850.
MCO Name :
(See Appendix A)
If “Other”, please specify.
Identify the MCO person responsible for DUR Annual Report preparation.
First Name:
Last Name:
Position Title:
On average, how many Medicaid beneficiaries are enrolled monthly in your MCO for this Federal Fiscal Year?
Other organization
If “Contractor” or “Other organization”, please identify by name your pharmacy POS vendor.
If “Other”, please specify.
First Data Bank
Other, please specify. ______________________________________________________
When the pharmacist receives a ProDUR alert message that requires a pharmacist’s review, does your system allow the pharmacist to override the alert using the “National Council for Prescription Drug Program (NCPDP) drug use evaluation codes” (reason for service, professional service and resolution)?
Varies by Alert Type
If “Yes” or “Varies by Alert Type”, check all that apply:
Alerts can be overridden ahead of time
Alerts can be overridden with standard professional codes
Alerts need prior authorization (PA) to be overridden
Other, please explain.
If “Yes,” how often does your MCO receive reports? Check all that apply:
Ad hoc (on request)
Other, please explain.
If “Yes,” by what method does your MCO follow up? Check all that apply:
No, please explain.
At what percent threshold does your MCO set your system to edit?
Non-controlled drugs:
Schedule II controlled drugs:
Schedule III through V controlled drugs:
For non-controlled drugs:
When an early refill message occurs, does your MCO require PA?
Dependent on the medication or situation
If “Yes” or “Dependent on medication or situation”, who obtains authorization?
Pharmacist or Prescriber
If “No”, can the pharmacist override at the point of service?
For controlled drugs:
When an early refill message occurs, does your MCO require PA?
If “Yes”, who obtains authorization?
Pharmacist or Prescriber
If “No”, can the pharmacist override at the point of service?
When the pharmacist receives an early refill DUR alert message that requires the pharmacist’s review, does your policy allow the pharmacist to override for situations such as (check all that apply):
Lost/stolen RX
Overrides are only allowed by a pharmacist through a PA
Other, please explain.
If “Yes”, please explain your edits.
If “No”, does your MCO plan to implement this edit?
¡ Yes, please explain.
Does your MCO have a documented process (i.e. PA) in place, so that the Medicaid beneficiary or the Medicaid beneficiary’s prescriber may access any rebate participating manufacturer covered outpatient drug when medically necessary?
Please check all that apply:
Automatic PA based on diagnosis codes or systematic review
Trial and failure of first or second-line therapies to support Preferred Drug List
Pharmacist or technician reviews
Direct involvement with Pharmacy and/or Medical Director
Other, please explain.
No, please explain why not.
How does your MCO ensure PA criteria is no more restrictive than the FFS criteria and review? Please describe the process.
Does your program provide for the dispensing of at least a 72-hour supply of a covered outpatient drug (CODs) in an emergency situation? Please check all that apply.
Real time automated process
Retrospective PA
Other process, please explain.
Column 1 – Top 10 PA Requests by Drug Name, report at generic ingredient level Column 2 – Top 10 PA Requests by Drug Class
Column 3 – Top 5 Claim Denial Reasons (i.e. Quantity Limits (QL), Early Refill (ER), PA, Therapeutic Duplications (TD), and Age Edits (AE))
Column 4 – Top 10 Drug Names by Amount Paid, report at generic ingredient level Column 5 – From Data in column 4, determine the Percentage of Total Drug Spend Column 6 – Top 10 Drug Names by Claim Count, report at generic ingredient level Column 7 – From Data in Column 6, determine the Percentage of Total Claims
NOTE: If an entry is not included in the drop-down box list, please select ‘other’ at end of the list and enter a free form response in the box below.
Column 1 Top 10 PA Requests by Drug Name, report at generic ingredient level |
Column 2 Top 10 PA Requests by Drug Class |
Column 3 Top 5 Claim Denial Reasons (i.e. Quantity Limits (QL), Early Refill (ER), PA, Therapeutic Duplications (TD), and Age Edits (AE)) |
Column 4 Top 10 Drug Names by Amount Paid, report at generic ingredient level |
Column 5 % of Total Spent for Drugs by Amount Paid (From data in Column 4, determine the % of total drug spend) |
Column 6 Top 10 Drug Names by Claim Count, report at generic ingredient level |
Column 7 Drugs by Claim Count % of Total Claims (From data in Column 6, determine the % of total claims) |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
Section 1927(g)(A) of the Act requires that the pharmacist offer patient counseling at the time of dispensing. Who in your program has responsibility for monitoring compliance with the oral counseling requirement? Check all that apply.
State Medicaid Program
State Board of Pharmacy
Other, please explain.
Please explain the steps taken to monitor compliance by pharmacies with the prospective DUR counseling requirements contained in federal and state laws and regulations.
State-operated interventions
Managed Care executes its own RetroDUR activities
Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) performs RetroDUR activities
Combination of MCO RetroDUR interventions and state interventions are performed
Other, please explain.
Academic Institution, please identify by name and type.
Other Institution, please identify by name and type.
Is the RetroDUR vendor the developer/supplier of your retrospective DUR criteria?
Yes, please explain.
No, please explain.
Does your MCO customize your RetroDUR vendor criteria?
Ad hoc based on state-specific needs
State DUR Board
PBM performs RetroDUR and has a RetroDUR Board
PBM Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Board also functions as a DUR Board
State Pharmacy Director
Other, please explain.
Other, please specify:
How often does your MCO perform retrospective reviews that involves communication of client specific information to healthcare practitioners (through messaging, fax, or mail)? Check all that apply:
Other, please specify:
What is the preferred mode of communication when performing RetroDUR initiative s? Check all that apply:
Mailed letters
Provider phone calls
Near real time fax
Near real time messaging
Other new technologies such as apps or Quick Response (QR) codes
Focused workshops, case management or Webex training
Newsletters or other non-direct provider communications
Other, please specify: __________________________________
RetroDUR Educational Outreach Summary should be a year-end summary report on retrospective screening and educational interventions. The summary should be limited to the most prominent problems with the largest number of exceptions. The results of RetroDUR screening and interventions should be included and detailed below.
Same DUR Board as FFS agency
MCO has its own DUR Board
Other, please explain.
Does your MCO have a separate advisory board for your PDL?
DUR Board Activities Summary should include a brief descriptive report on DUR activities during the fiscal year reported. This summary should:
Indicate the number of DUR Board meetings held
List additions/deletions to DUR Board approved criteria
For ProDUR, list problem type/drug combinations added or deleted
For RetroDUR, list therapeutic categories added or deleted
Describe Board policies that establish whether and how results of ProDUR screening are used to adjust RetroDUR screens
Describe policies that establish whether and how results of RetroDUR screening are used to adjust ProDUR screens
Describe DUR Board involvement in the DUR education program (i.e. newsletters, continuing education, etc.)
Describe policies adopted to determine mix of patient or provider specific intervention types (i.e. letters, face-to-face visits, increased monitoring)
The Deficit Reduction Act requires collection of national drug code (NDC) numbers for covered outpatient physician administered drugs. These drugs are paid through the medical benefit. Has your pharmacy system been designed to incorporate this data into your DUR criteria for:
If “No”, does your MCO have a plan to include this information in your DUR criteria in the future?
If “No”, does your MCO have a plan to include this information in your DUR criteria in the future?
Generic Drug Substitution Policies should summarize factors that could affect your generic utilization percentage. In describing these factors, please explain any formulary management or cost containment measures, preferred drug list (PDL) policies, educational initiatives, technology or promotional factors, or other state specific factors that affects your generic utilization rate.
If “Yes”, check all that apply:
Require that a MedWatch Form be submitted
Require the medical reason(s) for override accompany the prescription(s)
PA is required
Other, please explain
Complete Table 2: Generic Drug Utilization Data using the following Computation Instructions.
Single Source (S) – Drugs having an FDA New Drug Application (NDA), and there are no generic alternatives available on the market.
Non-Innovator Multiple -Source (N) – Drugs that have an FDA Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA), and generic alternatives exist on the market.
Innovator Multiple -Source (I) – Drugs which have an NDA and no longer have patent exclusivity.
Generic Utilization Percentage: To determine the generic utilization percentage of all covered outpatient drugs paid during this reporting period, use the following formula:
N ÷ (S + N + I) × 100 = Generic Utilization Percentage
Generic Expenditure s Percentage of Total Drug Expenditures: To determine the generic expenditure percentage (rounded to the nearest $1000) for all covered outpatient drugs for this reporting period use the following formula:
$N ÷ ($S + $N + $I) × 100 = Generic Expenditure Percentage
CMS has developed an extract file from the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program Drug Product Data File identifying each NDC along with sourcing status of each drug: S, N, or I, which can be found at Medicaid.gov (Click on the link “National Drug Code and Drug Category file [ZIP],” then open the Medicaid Drug Product File 4th Qtr. Excel file).
Please provide the following utilization data for this DUR reporting period for all covered outpatient drugs paid. Exclude Third Party Liability (TPL).
Single Source (S) Drugs |
Non-Innovator (N) Drugs |
Innovator Multi- Source (I) Drugs |
Total Number of Claims |
Total Reimbursement Amount Less Co-Pay |
Number of Generic Claims:
Total Number of Claims:
Generic Utilization Percentage: %
Does your Medicaid program have a brand over generic program when the brand product nets a lower cost.
Generic Dollars: $
Total Dollars: $ Generic Expenditure Percentage: %
Did your program conduct a DUR program evaluation of the estimated cost savings/cost avoidance?
If “Yes,” identify, by name and type, the institution that conducted the program evaluation.
Institution Type
Academic Institution
Other Institution Institution Name
Please provide your ProDUR and RetroDUR program cost savings/cost avoidance in the chart below.
Cost in Dollars |
ProDUR Total Estimated Avoided Costs |
RetroDUR Total Estimated Avoided Costs |
Other Cost Avoidance |
Grand Total Estimate d Avoided Costs |
3. The Estimated Percent Impact was generated by dividing the Grand Total Estimated Avoided Costs from Question 2 above by the Total Dollar Amount provided in Section VI, Question 4, then multiplying this value by 100.
Estimated Percent Impact: %
Standing orders
Collaborative practice agreements
State Board authorized prescriptive authority
Other predetermined protocols, please explain:
What categories of drugs are dispensed through these types of agreements?
5. Summary 4 – Cost Savings/Cost Avoidance Methodology
Cost Savings/Cost Avoidance Methodology Summary should include program evaluations/cost savings estimates prepared by the state or contractor. Please provide detailed summary below.
If “Yes”, what actions does this process initiate? Check all that apply:
Deny claims
Require prior authorization (PA)
Refer to Lock-In Program
Refer to Program Integrity Unit (PIU) and/or Surveillance Utilization Review (SUR) Unit for audit/investigation
Refer to Office of Inspector General (OIG)
Other, please explain.
If “No”, skip to question 3. If “Yes”, please continue.
What criteria does your MCO use to identify candidates for Lock-in? Check All that apply:
Number of controlled substances (CS)
Different prescribers of CS
Multiple pharmacies
Days’ supply of CS
Exclusivity of short acting opioids
Multiple emergency room (ER) visits
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) data
Same FFS state criteria is applied
Other, please explain.
Does your MCO have the capability to restrict the beneficiary to:
Prescriber only
Pharmacy only
Prescriber and pharmacy
12 months
18 months
24 months
As determined by the State/MCO on a case by case basis
Lock-in time period is based on number of offenses
Other, please explain.
Please provide an estimate of the savings attributed to the Lock-In Program for the fiscal year under review or N/A if your MCO does not estimate savings.
What actions does this process initiate? Check all that apply:
Deny claims written by this prescriber
Refer to Program Integrity Unit (PIU) and/or Surveillance Utilization Review (SUR) Unit for audit/investigation
Refer to the appropriate Medical Board
Other, please explain.
No, please explain why not.
What actions does this process initiate? Check all that apply:
Deny claims
Refer to Program Integrity Unit (PIU) and/ or Surveillance Utilization Review (SUR) Unit for audit/investigation
Refer to the Board of Pharmacy
Other, please explain.
No, please explain why not.
No, please explain why not.
Briefly explain the MCOs objectives and scope of responsibility between DUR and SUR functions as they relate to FWA. Additionally, explain how the MCO maintains separation between fraud and abuse and educational activities. (Character limit 1000)
If “Yes,” please continue.
Receive PDMP data
Direct access to the database
Other, please specify. ____________
Can query by client
Can query by prescriber
Can query by dispensing entity
In the state’s PDMP system, which of the following beneficiary information is available to prescribers as close to real-time as possible? Check all that apply.
PDMP drug history
The number and type of controlled substances prescribed to and dispensed to the
beneficiary during at least the most recent 12-month period
The name, location, and contact information, or other identifying number, such as a
national provider identifier, for previous beneficiary fills
Other, please explain.
Yes, please explain the barriers (i.e., lag time in prescription data being submitted, prescribers not accessing, pharmacists unable to view prescription history before filling script).
How have you communicated to prescribers who are covered providers that they are required to check the PDMP before prescribing controlled substances to beneficiaries who are covered individuals? Check all that apply.
Provider bulletin
Program website
Provider blast fax
DUR letter
Public notice
Provider manual
RetroDUR communication
Other, please explain.
Yes, please explain.
No, please explain why not.
If “Yes,” does your MCO require the provider to submit, upon request, documentation to the MCO?
No, please explain.
No, please explain.
If “Yes,” are there protocols involved for pharmacists in checking the PDMP?
Yes, please explain.
How was the above calculation obtained?
A provider survey
A provider attestation
A PDMP vendor report
Raw PDMP data using the median
Other, please explain.
Raw PDMP data
MMIS claims
A PDMP vendor report
Multiple data sources, please explain which source is used for each question below.
Other, please explain.
i. Do these calculations include cash payments?
d. Total morphine milligram equivalents (MME) dispensed in 12 month reporting period:
e. Total MME dispensed per covered individual:
f. Total MME dispensed per covered individual who received an opioid prescription:
g. Average daily MME dispensed per opioid prescription:
Population |
Column 1 Number of Beneficiaries Within Each Age Group |
Column 2 Number of Unique Beneficiaries Within Each Age Group Receiving an Opioid Controlled Substance in the 12 Month Reporting Period |
Column 3 Percentage of Unique Beneficiaries Within Each Age Group Receiving an Opioid Controlled Substances in the 12 Month Re porting Period |
Column 4 Top 3 Opioid Controlled Substances Received Within Each Age Group (Generic Ingredient) in the 12 Month Reporting Period |
Column 5 Number of Unique Beneficiaries Within Each Age Group Receiving the Opioid Controlled Substance (Specified in Column 4) in the 12 Month Reporting Period |
Column 6 Percentage of Unique Beneficiaries Within Each Age Group Receiving the Top 3 Opioid Controlled Substance (Specified in Column 4) in the 12 Month Reporting Period |
0-18 yrs. |
19-29 yrs. |
30-39 yrs. |
40-49 yrs. |
50-59 yrs. |
60-69 yrs. |
70-79 yrs. |
80+ yrs. |
Individuals with Disabilities Utilizing State Eligibility Categories |
Table 4: Top Se dative /Benzodiazepine s Controlled Substance s by Population - When listing the controlled substances in different drug categories, for the purpose of Table 4 below, please consider long and short acting benzodiazepines to be in the same category.
Population |
Column 1 Number of Beneficiaries Within Each Age Group |
Column 2 Number of Unique Beneficiaries Within Each Age Receiving a Sedative/ Benzodiazepine in the 12 Month Reporting Period |
Column 3 Percentage of Unique Beneficiaries Within Each Age Group Receiving a Sedative/Benzodiazepine in the 12 Month Re porting Period |
Column 4 Top 3 Sedative/Benzodiazepine Received Within Each Age Group (Generic Ingredient) in the 12 Month Re porting Period |
Column 5 Number of Unique Beneficiaries Within Each Age Group Receiving the Sedative/Benzodiazepine (Specified in Column 4) in the 12 Month Reporting Period |
Column 6 Percentage of Unique Beneficiaries Within Each Age Group Receiving the Top 3 Sedative/Benzodiazepine (Specified in Column 4) in the 12 Month Reporting Period |
0-18 yrs. |
19-29 yrs. |
30-39 yrs. |
40-49 yrs. |
50-59 yrs. |
60-69 yrs. |
70-79 yrs. |
80+ yrs. |
Individuals with Disabilities Utilizing State Eligibility Categories |
Table 5: Top Stimulant/ADHD Controlled Substance s by Population-When listing the controlled substances in different drug categories,
please consider long and short acting ADHD medications to be in the same category.
Population |
Column 1 Number of Beneficiaries Within Each Age Group |
Column 2 Number of Unique Beneficiaries Within Each Age Receiving a Stimulant/ ADHD Medication in the 12 Month Reporting Period |
Column 3 Percentage of Unique Beneficiaries within Each Age Group Receiving a Stimulant/ADHD Medication in the 12 Month Re porting Period |
Column 4 Top 3 Stimulant/ADHD Medication Within Each Age Group (Generic Ingredient) in the 12 Month Re porting Period |
Column 5 Number of Unique Beneficiaries Within Each Age Group Receiving a Stimulant/ADHD Medication (Specified in Column 4) in the 12 Month Reporting Period |
Column 6 Percentage of Unique Beneficiaries Within Each Age Group Receiving the Top 3 Stimulant/ADHD Medication (Specified in Column 4) in the 12 Month Reporting Period |
0-18 yrs. |
19-29 yrs. |
30-39 yrs. |
40-49 yrs. |
50-59 yrs. |
60-69 yrs. |
70-79 yrs. |
80+ yrs. |
Individuals with Disabilities Utilizing State Eligibility Categories |
Table 6: Populations on 2 or more Controlled Substance s in Different Drug Categories When listing the controlled substances in different drug categories, for the purpose of Table 6 below, please consider long and short acting opioids to be in the same category. Please follow this approach for long and short acting ADHD medications and benzodiazepines in this table as well. Please note, Column 2 and Column 4 are requesting an average monthly value based on the 12-month reporting period.
Population |
Column 1 Total Number of Beneficiaries within Each Age Group |
Column 2 Number of Unique Beneficiaries in Each Age Group Receiving 2 or more Controlled Substances in Different Drug Categories per Month Averaged for the 12 Month Reporting Period |
Column 3 Percentage of Age Group Receiving 2 or more Controlled Substances Averaged for the 12 Month Reporting Period |
Column 4 Number of Unique Beneficiaries in Each Age Group Receiving 3 or more Controlled Substances in Different Drug Categories per Month Averaged for the 12 Month Reporting Period |
Column 5 Percentage of Age Group Receiving 3 or more Controlled Substances pe r Month Averaged for the 12 Month Reporting Period |
0-18 yrs. |
19-29 yrs. |
30-39 yrs. |
40-49 yrs. |
50-59 yrs. |
60-69 yrs. |
70-79 yrs. |
80+ yrs. |
Individuals with Disabilities Utilizing State Eligibility Categories |
i. If there is additional information you want to provide for the previous 12-month reporting period, please explain below, or specify N/A if not applicable.
Individuals receiving hospice
Individuals receiving palliative care
Individuals receiving cancer treatments
Residents of long-term care facilities or other facility specified in section 1944(g)(2)(B)
Babies with neonatal abstinence syndrome (also called NAS)
Other population 1, please explain __________________________
Other population 2, please explain __________________________
Other population 3, please explain __________________________
i. If any of the information requested is not being reported above, please explain below, or specify N/A if not applicable.
Have any changes to your state’s PDMP during this reporting period improved or detracted from the Medicaid program’s ability to access PDMP data?
Yes, please explain.
If “Yes,” please summarize the breach, the number of individuals impacted, a description of the steps the state has taken to address each such breach, and if law enforcement or the affected individua ls were notified of the breach.
Yes, please explain the nature and scope of the carve out.
If “Yes,” please skip to the next section.
Does your MCO currently have a POS edit in place to limit the days supply dispensed of an initial opioid prescription for opioid naïve patients?
Yes, for all opioids
Yes, for some opioids
No, please explain why not
If the answer to question 2 is “Yes, for all opioids” or “Yes, for some opioids” please continue.
If “No,” skip to question 2.b.
What is your maximum number of days allowed for an initial opioid prescription for an opioid naïve patient?
# of days
Does your MCO have POS edits in place to limit days’ supply of subsequent opioid prescriptions? If yes, please indicate your days’ supply limit ?
24-day supply
30-day supply
34-day supply
90-day supply
No, please explain.
¡ Yes
¡ No, please explain why not.
If “Yes,” please continue.
a. Does your MCO have POS edits in place to limit the quantity dispensed of short-acting (SA) opioids?
No, please explain.
Other, please explain.
b. Does your MCO currently have POS edits in place to limit the quantity dispensed of long-acting (LA) opioids?
No, please explain.
Other, please explain.
If “Yes,” check all that apply.
Pharmacist override
Deny claim and require PA
Intervention letters
Morphine Milligram Equivalent (MME) daily dose program
Step therapy or Clinical criteria
Requirement that patient has a pain management contract or Patient-Provide r agreement
Requirement that prescriber has an opioid treatment plan for patients
Require documentation of urine drug screening results
Require diagnosis
Require PDMP checks
Workgroups to address opioids
Other, please specify.
Please provide details on these opioid prescribing controls are in place.
If “No,” please explain what you do in lieu of the above or why you do not have measures in place to either manage or monitor the prescribing of opioids.
No, please explain why not.
Please explain the above response and detail the scope and nature of these reviews and/or edits. Additionally, please explain any potential titration processes utilized for those patients chronically on benzodiazepines and how the state justifies pain medications, i.e. Oxycodone/APAP, for breakthrough pain without jeopardizing patient care (i.e. quantity limits/practitioner education titration programs).
No, please explain why not.
Yes, automated retrospective claim reviews
Yes, both POS edits and automated retrospective claim reviews
No, please explain why not.
Yes, automated retrospective claims review process
Yes, both POS edits and automated retrospective claims review process
No, please explain why not.
No, please explain why not.
If “Yes,” please check all that apply.
POS edits
Automated retrospective claim reviews
Provider education
Ad hoc
Other, please specify.
If “No,” does your MCO plan on implementing POS edits, automated retrospective claim reviews and/or provider education regarding beneficiaries with a diagnosis or history of OUD or opioid poisoning in the future?
Yes, when does your MCO plan on implementing?
No, please explain why not.
No, please explain why no guidelines are offered.
No, please explain.
If “Yes”, please continue.
What is your maximum MME daily dose limit in milligrams?
Please explain nature and scope of dose limit (i.e. Who does the edit apply to?, Does it apply to New/Chronic Users?, Does the limit apply to all opioids?, Are you in the process of tapering patients to achieve this limit?).
If “No,” please explain why not.
If “Yes”, does your MCO require PA if the MME limit is exceeded?
No, please explain why not.
If “Yes,” please continue.
How is the information disseminated? Check all that apply:
Provider notice
Educational seminar
Other, please explain.
No, please explain.
Does your MCO set total mg per day limits on the use of buprenorphine and buprenorphine/naloxone combination drugs?
If “Yes”, please specify the total mg/day:
12 mg
16 mg
24 mg
32 mg
Other, please explain.
If “Yes,” please continue.
What is your reduced (maintenance) dosage?
8 mg
12 mg
16 mg
Other, please explain.
What are your limitations on the allowable length of the reduced dosage treatment?
No limit
6 months
12 months
Other, please explain.
If “Yes”, can the POS pharmacist override the edit?
If “Yes”, is a referral needed for OUD treatment through OTPs?
No, please explain.
Does your MCO cover naltrexone for diagnoses of OUD as part of a comprehensive MAT treatment plan?
No, please explain.
Please explain restrictions or N/A.
If “No” or “Covered through the FFS benefits”, skip to question 2.d.
If “Yes”, please continue with questions 2.a, 2.b and 2.c.
Does your MCO manage and monitor:
Child’s Age
Other, please explain.
Please briefly explain the specifics of your documented antipsychotic monitoring program(s).
If “No,” please continue.
Does your MCO plan on implementing an antipsychotic monitoring program in the future?
Yes, please specify when you plan on implementing a program to monitor the appropriate use of antipsychotic drugs in children.
No, please explain why you will not be implementing a program to monitor the appropriate use of antipsychotic drugs in children.
Does your MCO have a documented program in place to manage and monitor the appropriate use of antipsychotic drugs in individuals over the age of 18 receiving home and community-based services (as defined in section 9817(a)(2)(B) of Public Law 117–2)?
If “Yes,” please continue.
a. Does your MCO have edits in place to monitor (check all that apply):
Other, please explain.
b. Please briefly explain the specifics of your documented antipsychotic monitoring program(s).
If “No,” please continue.
c. Does your MCO plan on implementing an antipsychotic monitoring program in the future?
Yes, please specify when you plan on implementing a program.
No, please explain why you will not be implementing a program.
Does your MCO have a documented program in place to manage and monitor the appropriate use of antipsychotic drugs in individuals over the age of 18 residing in institutional care settings (including nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities, institutions for mental diseases, inpatient psychiatric hospitals, and other such institutional care settings)?
If “Yes,” please continue.
a. Does your MCO monitor (check all that apply):
individuals over the age of 18 residing in nursing facilities
individuals over the age of 18 residing in intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities
individuals over the age of 18 residing in institutions for mental diseases
individuals over the age of 18 residing in patient psychiatric hospitals
individuals over the age of 18 residing in other such institutional care settings. Please explain.
If your MCO does not monitor all of the above, please explain why not.
b. Does your MCO have edits in place to monitor (check all that apply):
Other, please explain.
c. Please briefly explain the specifics of your documented antipsychotic monitoring program(s).
If “No,” please continue.
d. Does your MCO plan on implementing an antipsychotic monitoring program in the future?
Yes, please specify when you plan on implementing a program.
No, please explain why you will not be implementing a program.
If “No”, or “Covered through the FFS benefits” skip to question 6.d.
If “Yes”, please continue with questions 6.a, 6.b and 6.c.
Child’s Age
Other, please explain.
If “No”, please continue.
Does your MCO plan on implementing a stimulant monitoring program in the future?
Yes, please specify when you plan on implementing a program to monitor the appropriate use of stimulant drugs in children.
No, please explain why you will not be implementing a program to monitor the appropriate use of stimulant drugs in children.
Does your MCO have a documented program in place to manage and monitor the appropriate use of antidepressant drugs in children?
Covered through the FFS benefit
If “No” or “Covered through the FFS benefit”, skip to question 7.d.
If “Yes,” please continue with questions 7.a, 7.b and 7.c.
Does your MCO manage and monitor:
Does your MCO have edits in place to monitor (check all that apply):
Child’s age
Other, please explain.
Please briefly explain the specifics of your documented antidepressant monitoring program(s).
If “No,” please continue.
Does your MCO plan on implementing an antidepressant monitoring program in the future?
Yes, please specify when you plan on implementing a program to monitor the appropriate use of antidepressant drugs in children.
No, please explain why you will not be implementing a program to monitor the appropriate use of antidepressant drugs in children.
Does your MCO have a documented program in place to manage and monitor the appropriate use of mood stabilizing drugs in children?
Covered through the FFS benefit
If “No” or “Covered through the FFS benefit”, skip to question 8.d.
If “Yes,” please continue with questions 8.a, 8.b and 8.c.
Does your MCO manage and monitor:
Only children in foster care under 18 y.o.
All children including foster care under 18 y.o.
Other, please explain.
Does your MCO have edits in place to monitor (check all that apply):
Child’s age
Other, please explain.
Please briefly explain the specifics of your documented mood stabilizer monitoring program(s).
If “No,” please continue.
Does your MCO plan on implementing a mood stabilizer monitoring program in the future?
Yes, please specify when you plan on implementing a program to monitor the appropriate use of mood stabilizing drugs in children.
No, please explain why you will not be implementing a program to monitor the appropriate use of a mood stabilizing drugs in children.
Does your MCO have a documented program in place to manage and monitor the appropriate use of antianxiety/sedative drugs in children?
Covered through the FFS benefit
If “No” or “Covered through the FFS benefit”, skip to question 9.d.
If “Yes,” please continue with questions 9.a, 9.b and 9.c.
Does your MCO manage and monitor:
Only children in foster care under 18 y.o.
All children including foster care under 18 y.o.
Other, please explain.
Does your MCO have edits in place to monitor (check all that apply):
Child’s age
Other, please explain.
Please briefly explain the specifics of your documented antianxiety/sedative monitoring program(s).
If “No,” please continue.
Does your MCO plan on implementing an antianxiety/sedative monitoring program in the future?
Yes, please specify when you plan on implementing a program to monitor the appropriate use of antianxiety/sedative drugs in children.
No, please explain why you will not be implementing a program to monitor the appropriate use of antianxiety/sedative drugs in children.
Innovative Practices Summary should discuss development of innovative practices during the past year (i.e. Substance Use Disorder, Hepatitis C, Cystic Fibrosis, MME, and Value Based Purchasing). Please describe in detailed narrative below any innovative practices that you believe have improved the administration of your DUR program, the appropriateness of prescription drug use and/or have helped to control costs (i.e., disease management, academic detailing, automated PA, continuing education programs).
Executive Summary should provide a brief overview of your program. It should describe FFY 2024 highlights of the program, FFS initiatives, improvements, program oversight of managed care partners when applicable, and statewide (FFS and MCO) initiatives.
A managed care program is defined by the set of benefits covered and the type of participating managed care plans (e.g., MCOs, PHPs, PACE, etc.) or providers (e.g., PCCM providers).
Managed Care Program Type |
Definition |
Comprehensive MCO |
Comprehensive Managed Care Organization: A program in which the state contracts with managed care plans to cover all acute and primary medical services; some also cover behavioral health, dental, transportation and long-term care. Entities that qualify as MCOs include Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and Health Insuring Organizations (HIOs in California). If the comprehensive MCO also covers long-term services and supports, the program type should be Comprehensive MCO + MLTSS. When certain benefits, such as behavioral health, dental, or transportation, are carved out of the comprehensive MCO program and covered through a limited benefit program (i.e. a Prepaid Inpatient Health Plan or Prepaid Ambulatory Health Plan), enrollees in such limited benefit plans should be reported in separate programs of the appropriate type (e.g., BHO (PIHP and/or PAHP), Dental PAHP, or Non-Emergency Medical Transportation, or an MLTSS-only program when only LTSS and no other services are covered. Individual beneficiaries can be enrolled in only one comprehensive MCO program (either a comprehensive MCO or a comprehensive MCO+MLTSS) as of the July 1 point in time. |
Comprehensive MCO + MLTSS |
Comprehensive Managed Care Organization + Managed Long-Term Services and Supports: A program in which plans cover comprehensive acute and outpatient benefits as defined above, where the same plan also covers long- term services and supports (LTSS). Individual beneficiaries can be enrolled in only one comprehensive MCO program (either a comprehensive MCO or a comprehensive MCO+MLTSS). |
BHO Only (PIHP and/or PAHP) |
Behavior Health Organizations Only (Prepaid Inpatient Health Plan and/or Prepaid Ambulatory Health Plan): A program specializing in behavioral health (mental health and/or substance use disorder) services. Services are covered on a prepaid basis. |
Dental only (PAHP) |
A Prepaid Ambulatory Health Program (PAHP) that only provides dental services. |
MLTSS Only |
Managed Long Term Services and Supports Only: A program only covering long term services and supports. |
Other PHP |
Other Prepaid Health Plan: A program covering a limited set of services through PIHPs or PAHPs not otherwise included above. Examples include disease management and pharmacy benefits. |
Managed Care Program Type |
Definition |
Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly: A program that provides prepaid, capitated comprehensive medical and social services in an adult day health center, supplemented by in-home and referral services according to a participant’s needs. To qualify, individuals must: (1) be 55 years of age or older, (2) meet a nursing home level of care, and (3) live in a PACE organization service area. |
Primary Care Case Management: A managed care arrangement in which primary care providers contract with the state to provide a core set of case management services to the enrollees assigned to them and to serve as the enrollees’ home for medical care, in exchange for a monthly case management fee. All other services are reimbursed on a FFS basis. Primary Care Providers (PCPs) can include primary care physicians, clinics, group practices and nurse practitioners, among others. In general, we would only expect case management and physician services to be covered under capitation for PCCM programs. |
PCCM entity |
Primary Care Case Management entity: In addition to providing primary care case management services for the state, a PCCM entity is an organization that provides any of the following functions: (1) Provision of intensive telephonic or face-to- face case management, including operation of a nurse triage advice line; (2) Development of enrollee care plans; (3) Execution of contracts with and/or oversight responsibilities for the activities of FFS providers in the FFS program; (4) Provision of payments to FFS providers on behalf of the state; (5) Provision of enrollee outreach and education activities; (6) Operation of a customer service call center; (7) Review of provider claims, utilization and practice patterns to conduct provider profiling and/or practice improvement; (8) Implementation of quality improvement activities including administering enrollee satisfaction surveys or collecting data necessary for performance measurement of providers; (9) Coordination with behavioral health systems/providers; and/or (10) Coordination with long-term services and supports systems/ providers. |
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) |
A program that covers transportation to and from medically necessary health care services in which these services are paid for on a per capita basis (the state pays the transportation broker based on the number of people served, not the amount of service or trips that each individual receives). Do not report transportation programs in which individual trips are reimbursed on a FFS basis. |
The table below provides a crosswalk for plan types to program types.
Managed Care Plan Type |
Managed Care Program Type |
Comprehensive MCO |
+MLTSS (if benefits include LTSS) |
Traditional PCCM Provider |
Enhanced PCCM Provider |
Medical-only PIHP (risk or non-risk/non- comprehensive/with inpatient hospital or institutional services) |
Medical-only PAHP (risk or non-risk/non- comprehensive/no inpatient hospital or institutional services) |
Long Term Care (LTC) PIHP |
Mental Health (MH) PIHP |
Mental Health (MH) PAHP |
Substance Use Disorders (SUD) PIHP |
Substance Use Disorders (SUD) PAHP |
Mental Health (MH) and Substance Use Disorders (SUD) PIHP |
Mental Health (MH) and Substance Use Disorders (SUD) PAHP |
Dental PAHP |
Transportation PAHP |
Disease Management PAHP |
Pharmacy PAHP |
Accountable Care Organization |
Managed Care Plan Type |
Managed Care Program Type |
Health/Medical Home |
Integrated Care for Dual Eligibles |
Unknown – it is not yet known how PCCM entities will be reported in T-MSIS. |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | FFY2021 Medicaid Managed Care Organization Drug Utilization Survey |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2025-02-23 |