Change Memo

ECLS April 2024 30D Revision Memo v30.docx

Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2023-24 (ECLS-K:2024) August 2024 Materials Revision Request

Change Memo

OMB: 1850-0750

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Memorandum United States Department of Education

Institute of Education Sciences

National Center for Education Statistics

DATE: April 22, 2024

TO: Bev Pratt, OMB

THROUGH: Carrie Clarady, OMB Liaison, NCES

FROM: Jill McCarroll, Study Director, Early Childhood Longitudinal Studies Program, NCES

SUBJECT: Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2023-24 (ECLS-K:2024) April 2024 Materials Revision Request (OMB#1850-0750 v.30)

The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS) program, conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) within the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education (ED), draws together information from multiple sources to provide rich, descriptive data on child development, early learning, and school progress. The ECLS program studies deliver national data on children’s status at birth and at various points thereafter; children’s transitions to nonparental care, early care and education programs, and school; and children’s experiences and growth through the elementary grades. The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2023-24 (ECLS-K:2024) is the fourth cohort in the series of early childhood longitudinal studies. The study will advance research in child development and early learning by providing a detailed and comprehensive source of current information on children’s early learning and development, transitions into kindergarten and beyond, and progress through school. The ECLS-K:2024 will provide data about the population of children who will be kindergartners in the 2023-24 school year. The ECLS-K:2024 will focus on children’s early school experiences continuing through the fifth grade, and will include collection of data from children, parents, teachers, and school administrators.

The request to conduct the first three national data collection rounds for the ECLS-K:2024 was approved on April 7, 2023 (OMB# 1850-0750 v.26).1 Revisions to procedures and materials for the first two rounds of data collection were submitted and approved in two subsequent revisions requests (OMB# 1850-0750 v.27 was approved on July 2, 2023 and OMB# 1850-0750 v.29 was approved on February 2, 2024). The ECLS-K:2024 fall kindergarten data collection was conducted from August until January 2024. It will be followed by the spring (March-July 2024) kindergarten round, and the spring (March-July 2025) first-grade round. Each of these rounds of data collection will involve advance school contacts, for example to conduct student sampling activities, collect teacher and school information, and locate families whose children may have moved schools. Future OMB packages are planned for the third-and fifth-grade field test (to be conducted in March-July 2026), as well as for the future currently-planned rounds, that is the national spring (March-July 2027) third-grade round and the spring (March-July 2029) fifth-grade round.

This current revision request (accompanied by 30 days of public comment) is to update study respondent materials, web surveys, and website designs that will be used in the spring 2025 first-grade data collection activities. Many of the revisions in this package were made based on analyses of the fall 2022 field test data (OMB# 1850-0750 v.25), as well as additional discussions with design experts, all of which informed changes to the design of the surveys and child assessment. Other changes occurred after further discussion on operational procedures. Revisions to the study instruments, the respondent materials, and websites are limited to changes to the spring first-grade materials. An additional revision request will be submitted to OMB in August 2024 for revisions to the spring first-grade materials as the surveys and study website move into programming. This future revision request will also contain the specifications for the Spanish translation of the parent survey, an abbreviated hard-copy parent survey,2 paper versions of the school staff surveys, an update on the model to be used to collect school administrator data, and any changes to operational procedures. Additionally, this August 2024 revision request will address the new federal statistical standard for race/ethnicity items that was released on 3/28/24 (Statistical Policy Directive No. 15: Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity (SPD 15)). NCES is currently working on its action plan for compliance with the newly revised SPD15 standards, and early discussions suggest that implementation of these standards will be particularly complex and delicate in data collections where race and ethnicity data is reported both by individuals about themselves and also provided by third parties. Compliance for ECLS involves revising multiple race/ethnicity items – e.g., adult self-reports, adult reports of others, school reports of the school composition, teacher reports of the classroom composition, field staff collection of school reports of sampled children. By the time the August 2024 package is submitted, NCES plans to have a better sense of the best way to proceed, including for the ECLS-K:2024 spring 1st-grade collection.  (Note that none of the spring 1st-grade instruments presented in the current submission are being administered in the field prior to the approval of that August 2024 package.) National data collection work completed to date may also inform the revisions submitted in August 2024.

The requested changes in this revision request do not affect the approved total cost to the federal government for conducting this study. Revisions made to some parts of the previously approved ECLS-K:2024 national first-grade data collection request are detailed below.

Please note that the covers of all of the attachments submitted with this revision request have had the version number updated and the date of submission updated with “revised April 2024” to indicate the version and date of this revision request. Additionally, small grammatical errors (such as the removal of a spare comma) and verb tense in text reviewing activities that have previously occurred were updated throughout the documents.

The following edits were made in Part A:

Note, all changes made in Part A can be seen in the tracked version delivered with this submission.

Text in Part A was revised to indicate that district and school recruitment is ongoing through early 2024. The possibility of extending the recruitment period into 2024 had been noted in previous revision requests. NCES determined that an extended recruitment period was needed in order to reach the target number of schools necessary to reach required precision rates.

Text in Part A was revised to indicate that an abbreviated paper parent survey will be used in the spring 2024 kindergarten round, and that the survey items for this short survey are included in the current submission. (In the previous revision request, it had been noted that the use of an abbreviated parent survey in spring 2024 was being considered.) The decision to move forward with the abbreviated survey in the spring 2024 kindergarten round was made after lower-than-desired parent response rates were experienced in the fall 2023 round. It is believed that the use of an abbreviated paper survey, containing the most critical survey items, will help boost response, especially among continued non-responding parents. The letter accompanying the abbreviated paper survey notes that parents still have the option to complete the full survey if desired. Text was also added to Part A to indicate that an abbreviated paper parent survey may be used again in the spring 2025 first-grade round. The spring 2024 parent response rates will be monitored and used to inform the decision to implement an abbreviated paper survey in the spring 2025 round. If decided to include it as an option in the spring 2025 first-grade round, an abbreviated spring 2025 parent survey will be included in the August 2024 revision request.

Text was updated throughout Part A to reflect the revised materials included in the current April 2024 submission. Additionally, details about a newly-added revision request, planned for submission in August 2024, were added. The August 2024 revision request will include the Spanish translation of the spring 2025 first-grade parent survey, the spring 2025 abbreviated paper parent survey (English and Spanish) if applicable, and the spring 2025 paper school staff surveys. It will also include the Spanish and Mandarin translations of the relevant spring 2025 parent materials contained in Attachment A-2. The August 2024 revision request may also include small updates to the spring 2025 web surveys for parents and school staff, made as these surveys move into programming in April/May 2024. Minor updates to the spring 2025 MyECLS specifications and respondent materials will also be included in the August 2024 revision request, as needed.

It was also noted in Part A that NCES is considering alternate methods for distributing surveys for future rounds (i.e., starting with the spring first-grade round). For example, distributing the School Administrator survey only to principals at schools that are new to the study or schools that have never responded to a School Administrator survey in a prior round. A facilities checklist that includes a few survey items that would be completed by field staff is also being considered as a replacement to the school administrator survey. A change to the school administrator survey would be implemented to save study resources, as well as lessen burden on the school administrators; if implemented the changes to the respondent burden, distribution protocol, the survey items, and the respondent materials will be included in the August 2024 revision request.

Throughout Part A, it was noted that the spring 2024 kindergarten round will include schools that did not participate in the fall 2023 round, either because they were recruited too late in 2024 to participate or because they were recruited in early 2024 after the fall round had concluded. Procedures for initial data collection in these schools was added to Part A, including that the school coordinators will be contacted in February 2024 to provide a complete list of their kindergarten students and that after sampling, beginning in March 2024, these schools will be contacted to provide child, teacher, and parent information which will then be entered into the study website, MyECLS. Once these data have been collected and a study visit date has been set, the school coordinator will be mailed the parent and school staff welcome packages for distribution. Data collection activities—including the child assessments, adult surveys, and non-response follow-up—will then be conducted as in the schools that participated in the fall 2023 kindergarten round. The previous revision request noted that it was likely that there would be schools recruited too late to participate in the fall 2023 round, and that these schools would need sampling activities completed prior to beginning school visits in the spring 2024 round. The sampling activities and initial study activity calls at these newly-participating schools are the same as described in the fall 2023 data collection section of the previously-submitted Part A.

Text in Part A was revised to reflect the incentive structure for school coordinators in transfer schools, as follows.

  • In the spring 2024 round, school coordinators in schools to which students transfer from an originally-sampled school will receive the $35 incentive at the end of the round. This is the same incentive used for school coordinators in schools that participated in the fall 2023 round. School coordinators in schools that did not participate in the fall 2023 round because of when they were recruited will receive $65 to reflect their efforts in producing the child list and detailed child, teacher, and parent information that is required for student sampling and data collection efforts. While this is not a change in procedure or incentive amount as described in the October 2023 revision request, it was not clearly articulated and so clarifying text was added.

  • In the spring 2025 round, school coordinators in schools to which less than four students transfer will not receive an incentive, due to their low level of burden. School coordinators in originally-sampled schools, destination schools, and schools to which four or more students transfer will receive a $35 incentive at the conclusion of the spring 2025 round. This was previously planned, but again was not clearly articulated in the October 2023 revision request, so clarifying text was added.

Text in Part A was added to further clarify the follow-up procedures that will be used with non-responding parents in the spring 2024 and 2025 rounds. These non-responding parents will be the main focus of non-response follow-up in order to boost the number of base year parent respondents and work toward minimizing sample bias.

NCES also continues to discuss changes to the mailing protocol for parents. As the study progresses, mailing welcome packages directly to parents, rather than asking the school coordinator to place them in backpacks to be carried home, may be more beneficial for study awareness and response. If the distribution method for these parent welcome packages, or other parent materials, are changed, the revised protocols and letters will be included in the August 2024 revision request. Finally, NCES is discussing possible changes to the parent incentive model, with consideration being given to using cash instead of a Mastercard, as well as the possibility of a pre- and post-paid incentive distribution.

Text in Part A referring to the non-monetary incentive of three seats at an education webinar was deleted as this option will not be offered to schools. It had previously been noted in Part A that various base year non-monetary incentives were being explored for schools and were dependent upon NCES’ resources. NCES is not able to offer such a webinar at this time. Thus, the final incentive for schools participating in the base year will be a choice of $300 or $250 and a subscription to a children’s magazine. As previously noted in Part A, this choice will be provided to school coordinators in the spring 2024 study activities call, and the incentive of choice will be provided at the conclusion of the round.

Text in Part A was edited to indicate that school staff and parent newsletters will be sent seasonally (for example, spring 2024) rather than in specific months. This change was made to provide flexibility on the timing for distribution of the newsletters.

The estimated time to complete the spring 2025 first-grade teacher child-level survey was updated from 12 minutes to 14 minutes in Part A. The increased estimate added a total of 481 respondent burden hours and $15,532 respondent time burden cost. Efforts to streamline the spring 2025 child-level survey continue, however it was also determined that the current first-grade survey items submitted as part of this revision request are needed to meet study objectives.

Text was added to the data collection schedule in Part A to indicate that the fall 2023 kindergarten teacher and parent field period was extended until mid-January 2024 in order to maximize participation.

The following edits were made in Part B:

Note, all changes made in Part B can be seen in the tracked version delivered with this submission.

Text in Part B was revised to indicate that the new number of cooperating schools target was raised to 881 schools, in order to meet required study precision rates. The number of needed schools increased from 850, the target used in the October 2023 revision request, due to the continuing school recruitment challenges. While the number of sampled students in each school did not change, the number of total cooperating schools increased in order to meet the target number of students needed in the subgroups of interest. Additionally, text in Part B was revised to indicate that district and school recruitment is ongoing in early 2024. It had been previously noted that it was a possibility that the recruitment period would be extended into 2024. NCES determined that an extended recruitment period was needed in order to achieve targeted sample size and response rate goals.

As in Part A (and described above), text in Part B was revised to indicate that an abbreviated paper parent survey will be used in the spring 2024 kindergarten round. Text was also added to Part B to indicate that an abbreviated paper parent survey may be used again in the spring 2025 first-grade round. As noted above, the spring 2024 parent response rates will be monitored and used to inform the decision to implement an abbreviated paper survey in the spring 2025 round. An abbreviated spring 2025 parent survey may be included in the August 2024 revision request.

Text in Part B was added to clarify that the school and parent PowerPoint presentations, provided to help school coordinators explain the study to school staff and parents, were developed for use in the base year of the study. That is, these slide decks have not been updated for the spring first-grade round.

As in Part A (and described above), text in Part B referring to the non-monetary incentive of three seats at an education webinar was deleted as this option will not be offered to schools. The final incentive for schools participating the base year will be a choice of $300 or $250 and a subscription to a children’s magazine. As noted in Part A, this choice will be provided to school coordinators in the spring 2024 study activities call, and the incentive of choice will be provided at the conclusion of the round.

Text was added to Part B to indicate that Attachment G is no longer relevant, as the details from the attachment have been merged into Attachment H, following agreement on this new approach by our OMB liaison to the study.

Text in Part B was edited to indicate that school staff and parent newsletters will be sent seasonally (for example, spring 2024) rather than in specific months. This change was made to provide flexibility on the timing for distribution of the newsletters.

As in Part A (and described above), text was updated in Part B to add details about a newly-added revision request, planned for submission in August 2024. As described in Part B, the August 2024 revision request will include the Spanish translation of the spring 2025 first-grade parent survey, the spring 2025 abbreviated paper parent survey (English and Spanish), as applicable, and the spring 2025 paper school staff surveys. It will also include the Spanish and Mandarin translations of the relevant spring 2025 parent materials contained in Attachment A-2. Text about previous submissions were also edited or removed, as the text is no longer applicable (e.g., text that previewed what would be contained in the current April 2024 submission was deleted).

Text was added in Part B to note that the fall 2023 field period was extended until mid-January 2024, for both teachers and parents. The field period was extended in order to boost response rates among these respondents. An email notification about the extended field period was sent by school coordinators to the non-responding teachers and parents.3 The additional calendar time allowed additional survey reminder and completion telephone calls to be placed to parents. As well, teachers had more time to complete their surveys, either on the web or on paper.

Text in Part B was added and existing text was edited to describe the types of schools that will participate in the spring 2024 round, as well as the contact procedures for the schools.

  • Schools that participated in the fall of 2023 will be contacted in February 2024. The school coordinator will be asked to review and confirm the previously-collected child, teacher, and parent information. Welcome packages for the school staff and parent respondents will be mailed to the school coordinator in March 2024. Field staff will then follow-up with the school coordinator in these schools to confirm the spring 2024 visit date and confirm that all of the sampled students are still in attendance at the school. These procedures are not new, and were described in the October 2023 revision request. The text was edited for readability and to add a few details, such as a more specific timeframe for the contacts.

  • Schools that were recruited into the study too late to participate in the fall 2023 round will also be contacted beginning in February 2024. School coordinators will be asked to provide a child list of their kindergarten students and complete sample activities. After sampling, field staff will contact these schools beginning in March 2024 to collect the child, parent, and teacher information and to set a school visit date. Welcome packages to the school staff and parents will then be sent to the school coordinator for distribution. All remaining study activities will proceed, including child assessments and survey follow-up. While this text was included in the October 2023 submission, it was revised for readability and additional details were provided. As noted elsewhere in the previous revision request, text was added to clarify that the school coordinators in these schools will receive $65 as an incentive in recognition of their efforts with sampling, in particular.

  • Schools into which participating students move during the spring 2024 field period (called transfer schools) will be contacted as study staff learn of children who have left their originally-sampled school. As described, these schools will be recruited and to the extent possible, study activities will occur. Text was added to this submission to clarify that transfer schools will not receive an incentive (this information previously appeared in the October 2023 revision request, but it was added in a few additional places within Part B for this submission). The exception are destination schools, that is schools to which four or more students move from an originally-sampled school. Text was also added to clarify that school coordinators in all transfer schools will receive the $35 incentive in the spring 2024 round, but only school coordinators in destination schools will receive the $35 incentive in the spring 2025 round. The reasoning for not providing an incentive to school coordinators in transfer schools with less than four students is that their burden will be relatively low.

As in Part A (and described above), text in Part B was revised to indicate that NCES is considering alternate models for the school administrator survey in the spring 2025 round. Possible alternatives include a more limited distribution—only provided to school administrators in new or previously non-responding schools for example—or a facilities checklist and school-related survey items to be completed by field staff. Any revisions to the school administrator survey will be included in the August 2024 revision request memo.

As in Part A (and described above), text was added to Part B to indicate that NCES continues to discuss changes to the mailing protocol for parents. As the study progresses, mailing welcome packages directly to parents, rather than asking the school coordinator to place them in backpacks to be carried home, may be more beneficial for study awareness and response. If the distribution method for these parent welcome packages, or other parent materials, are changed, the revised protocols and letters will be included in the August 2024 revision request. Finally, NCES is discussing possible changes to the parent incentive model, with consideration being given to using cash instead of a Mastercard, as well as the possibility of a pre- and post-paid incentive distribution.

Text was added to Part B to indicate that NCES is considering other strategies for boosting parent response rates in future rounds.

The following edits were made in Part C:

Revisions were made to Part C to update: the research questions; the literature reviews/content justifications; and the construct listings for spring first-grade national. The edits reflect the current design of the spring first-grade instruments that are included with this submission.

The following edits were made in Attachment A-2:

Note, all changes made in Attachment A-2 can be seen in the tracked version delivered with this submission. Overall, unnecessary text was deleted and phrases rewritten in order to shorten some of the spring first-grade respondent materials and increase readability. It is critical to have streamlined study materials, especially for those respondents who have participated in at least one round of the study prior to the spring 2025 round, in order to increase the likelihood that the materials are read. Additionally, the name of the ECLS-K:2024 Study Overview was corrected in a few instances, so that it appears consistently throughout.

Text was either revised or added throughout Attachment A-2 in order to clarify that school coordinators in transfer schools will not receive a $35 incentive (unless the transfer school contains four or more students) in the spring 2025 round. Text about the $35 incentive was made as conditional text, so that it can be removed from the letters and emails to school coordinators in transfer schools with less than four children. In other cases, the language about incentives was softened to remove mention of the school coordinator incentive.

The estimated time to complete the spring 2025 first-grade teacher child-level survey was updated from 12 minutes to 14 minutes.

Text was added throughout Attachment A-2 to indicate that both parents and guardians are being asked to complete the web survey. In some of the parent reminders, text was added to indicate that parents may be contacted by telephone to complete the survey prior to the web survey due date provided. This language was added, as a few parents in the fall 2023 round expressed surprised that they were being contacted to complete the survey on the telephone, as they thought they had a longer period to complete the web survey.

It was noted in a few places in Attachment A-2 that selected materials, for example those used to recruit transfer districts and schools, will be used in both the advance school contact period in the fall of 2024, as well as during the spring 2025 field period.

QR codes, which can be scanned by respondents using a mobile device to open the study website, were removed from various email templates, as they are not appropriate for use in that type of communication. The email address for the ECLS-K:2024 study director, Jill McCarroll, and the Westat help desk, were hyperlinked in the email templates, for respondent usability. In some cases, hyperlinks are not active in the submitted versions of documents; however all links can be found at the end of Attachment A-2.

References to three seats at an education webinar, used as possible non-monetary incentive, were removed as NCES does not have the resources to conduct such a webinar. (The Certificate for Completion for this webinar was removed from Attachment A-2.) Note that we did not yet offer this incentive to our respondents; it was always just under consideration at NCES.

The following edits were made in Attachment B:

For the spring first-grade parent survey (attachment B-3a) changes were made to align the spring first grade field test version items with the way in which they were administered within the kindergarten national collections. The section on early education and care (CCQ) was revised to streamline the approach and conserve respondent burden. Due to space constraints, selected items on hearing that were asked in kindergarten were removed from first grade with the intent of asking them in third grade instead.

Skip logic between items was also changed to reflect these changes and references to the field test were removed. Programming specifications were updated (i.e., internal programming notes) in the final web instrument relative to the prior, approved version, to refine these for clarity to the programmers. Questions were also renumbered as needed.

A forthcoming 30D revision request will be submitted in August 2024 and will contain the spring first-grade parent survey in Spanish (attachment B-3b) and the spring first grade abbreviated survey (attachment B-3c), as applicable. At this time these materials are not yet developed and therefore are not being submitted as part of the current revision request.

See Attachment H, which lists all items removed, added, and changed for the instruments in this submission. Revisions to gender pronouns were made throughout the survey and are not listed as changes.

The following edits were made in Attachment C:

For the spring first-grade teacher teacher-level web survey (attachment C-5a), changes were made to reduce survey length and refine items. Within the following constructs, survey items were streamlined by combining items together or dropping items that collected information similar to other items: classroom composition, instructional practices, methods of assessing children’s progress, professional development, mentorship activities, school climate, and teacher efficacy.

For the spring first-grade teacher teacher-level special education survey (attachment C-8a), items deleted included those related to instructional and technology resources (most items for this construct were retained), job satisfaction and self-efficacy (most items for this construct were maintained), and teacher or service provider’s education (most items for this construct were maintained). Field test items related to instructional practices and resources and teaching methods and materials were not retained for the national survey. Six more relevant items were added related to instructional practices and resources. Two items were added as gate questions to streamline content related to teacher or service provider’s education and two items were added as validation checks on the number of students with IEPs being reported. Revisions to item wordings or response options were made in items related to instructional and technology resources, job satisfaction and self-efficacy, location of services and inclusion, teacher or service provider’s caseload, teacher or service provider’s education, teacher or service provider's years of experience, and teaching methods and materials to improve clarity and ease respondent burden.

Skip logic between items was also changed to reflect these changes and references to the field test were removed. Programming specifications were updated (i.e., internal programming notes) in the final web instrument relative to the prior, approved version, to refine these for clarity to the programmers. Questions were also renumbered.

A forthcoming 30D revision request will be submitted in August 2024 and will contain the spring first-grade teacher teacher-level paper survey (attachment C-5b) and the spring first-grade special education teacher teacher-level paper survey (attachment C-8b). At this time these materials are not yet developed and therefore are not being submitted as part of the current revision request.

See Attachment H, which lists all items removed, added, and changed for the instruments in this submission.

The following edits were made in Attachment D:

For the spring first-grade teacher child-level survey (attachment D-5a), changes were made to reduce the survey length. Items were added to refine the type of kindergarten class and parent communication and parent involvement questions were condensed to reduce respondent burden.  Items were deleted to correspond to kindergarten item revisions. Item wording was updated to match items in the kindergarten administrations or to further refine response options. Items related to child behaviors on the below-grade path were aligned with the on-grade path rather than with the items in spring kindergarten so that all children in the spring first-grade round regardless of grade are rated on the same child behavior items.

For the first-grade child-level special education teacher survey (attachment D-8a), one item was added as a gate question to streamline the content on first-grade transitions. One item on receipt of services was deleted to reduce duplication of content. Revisions to item wordings or response options were made in items related to the type and amount of special education services, child’s disabilities, teacher methods and materials, teacher communication, and record review to improve clarity and ease respondent burden. Response options in one teacher communication item were revised to capture more precise data. Gender neutral pronoun prefills were added for use in items when child gender is missing. (See Appendix H, which lists all items removed, added, and changed for the instruments in this submission.)

Skip logic between items was also changed to reflect these changes and references to the field test were removed. Programming specifications were updated (i.e., internal programming notes) in the final web instrument relative to the prior, approved version, to refine these for clarity to the programmers. Questions were also renumbered.

A forthcoming 30D revision request will be submitted in August 2024 and will contain the spring first-grade teacher child-level paper survey (attachment D-5b) and the spring first-grade special education teacher child-level paper survey (attachment D-8b). At this time these materials are not yet developed and therefore are not being submitted as part of the current revision request.

See Attachment H, which lists all items removed, added, and changed for the instruments in this submission.

The following edits were made in Attachment E:

For the spring first-grade school administrator web survey (attachment E-3a), changes were made to reduce the survey length. For the school administrator survey items within the following constructs were streamlined by combining items together or dropping items that collected information as other similar items: enrollment; principal characteristics; school policies and practices; teacher compensation and mobility; and school climate.

Skip logic between items was also changed to reflect these changes and references to the field test were removed. Programming specifications were updated (i.e., internal programming notes) in the final web instrument relative to the prior, approved version, to refine these for clarity to the programmers. Questions were also renumbered as needed.

A forthcoming 30D revision request will be submitted in August 2024 and will contain the spring first-grade school administrator paper survey (attachment E-3b). At this time these materials are not yet developed and therefore are not being submitted as part of the current revision request.

See Attachment H, which lists all items removed, added, and changed for the instruments in this submission.

The following edits were made in Attachment F:

Changes were made to the overview section of the school coordinator, school administrator, and teacher portals to more accurately describe the timeline for the fall and spring first-grade rounds of study activities.

A change was made to the “to do” and “documents” sections of the school coordinator portal to remove the documents tab of the school coordinator portal for the fall 2024 work and the spring 2025 first-grade round of the study.

A change was made to the “to do” section of the school coordinator portal to include the word guardian, in order to align the website with the respondent materials.

A change was made to the “prepare for the school visit” section of the school coordinator portal to remove the documents tab of the school coordinator portal for fall 2024.

A change was made to the parent information tab of the school coordinator portal to align the table in the text with the screenshot from the MyECLS website.

A change was made to the introductory text of the school administrator portal section to clarify that the screenshots of the MyECLS website are being provided in this OMB revision request. All of the school administrator portal screenshots were replaced with screenshots to reflect the current programming.

A change was made to the survey section of the school administrator portal to display the text of an error message that respondents may receive while completing the survey.

Changes were made to the overview section of the teacher portal to clarify the conditions under which text displays for teachers of various types in different rounds.

Changes were made to correct some typographical errors in the overview section of the parent portal.

A change was made to remove the reference to the parent survey in the version of the parent portal that will appear in fall 2024.

Note, all changes made in Attachment F can be seen in the tracked version delivered with this submission.

The following edits were made in Attachment G:

NCES is no longer delivering an Attachment G. All information that was once in Attachment G (item number, item text, construct, research question) is now within Attachment H.

Attachment H was added:

Attachment H is included to show all items removed or changed from the spring first-grade K-1 2022 field test instruments compared with the spring first-grade national instruments in this submission. In addition, Attachment H shows all items added for the spring first-grade national that were not in the K-1 2022 field test. In sum, Attachment H presents information on:

  • Field test item number;

  • Field test item wording;

  • Field test construct;

  • Field test research question;

  • National item number;

  • National item wording;

  • National construct;

  • National research question; and

  • Whether the item was added, dropped, or revised and the justification for this change.

1 Note that the expiration date associated with this clearance (April 30, 2026) has not been updated on the materials being submitted in conjunction with this revision request. The revision request expiration date, received once the request is cleared, will be updated on these materials prior to printing or otherwise distributing. Materials that are not part of this revision request will be updated with the April 30, 2026 date prior to printing/distributing.

2 If developed, the abbreviated first-grade parent survey would contain a very small subset of items from the larger first-grade parent web survey. The specifications for that web survey are included as part of this current revision request.

3 The email text was approved in revision request OMB# 1850-0750 v.27 that was approved on July 2, 2023.

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