18 Cfr 157

18 CFR 157.docx

FERC-537, Gas Pipeline Certificates: Construction, Acquisition and Abandonment

18 CFR 157

OMB: 1902-0060

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Subpart A—Applications for Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity and for Orders Permitting and Approving Abandonment under Section 7 of the Natural Gas Act, as Amended, Concerning Any Operation, Sales, Service, Construction, Extension, Acquisition or Abandonment

§ 157.1 Definitions.

For the purposes of this part—

For the purposes of § 157.21 of this part, Director means the Director of the Commission's Office of Energy Projects.

Indian tribe means, in reference to a proposal or application for a certificate or abandonment, an Indian tribe which is recognized by treaty with the United States, by federal statute, or by the U.S. Department of the Interior in its periodic listing of tribal governments in the Federal Register in accordance with 25 CFR 83.6(b), and whose legal rights as a tribe may be affected by the proposed construction, operation or abandonment of facilities or services (as where the construction or operation of the proposed facilities could interfere with the tribe's hunting or fishing rights or where the proposed facilities would be located within the tribe's reservation).

Resource agency means a Federal, state, or interstate agency exercising administration over the areas of recreation, fish and wildlife, water resource management, or cultural or other relevant resources of the state or states in which the facilities or services for which a certificate or abandonment is proposed are or will be located.

[Order 608, 64 FR 51220, Sept. 22, 1999, as amended by Order 665, 70 FR 60440, Oct. 18, 2005]

§ 157.5 Purpose and intent of rules.

(a) Applications under section 7 of the Natural Gas Act shall set forth all information necessary to advise the Commission fully concerning the operation, sales, service, construction, extension, or acquisition for which a certificate is requested or the abandonment for which permission and approval is requested. Some applications may be of such character that an abbreviated application may be justified under the provisions of § 157.7. Applications for permission and approval to abandon pursuant to section 7(b) of the Act shall conform to § 157.18 and to such other requirements of this part as may be pertinent. However, every applicant shall file all pertinent data and information necessary for a full and complete understanding of the proposed project, including its effect upon applicant's present and future operations and whether, and at what docket, applicant has previously applied for authorization to serve any portion of the market contemplated by the proposed project and the nature and disposition of such other project.

(b) Every requirement of this part shall be considered as a forthright obligation of the applicant which can only be avoided by a definite and positive showing that the information or data called for by the applicable rules is not necessary for the consideration and ultimate determination of the application.

(c) This part will be strictly applied to all applications as submitted and the burden of adequate presentation in intelligible form as well as justification for omitted data or information rests with the applicant.

[17 FR 7386, Aug. 14, 1952, as amended by Order 280, 29 FR 4876, Apr. 7, 1964]

§ 157.6 Applications; general requirements.

(a) Applicable rules

(1) Submission required to be furnished by applicant under this subpart. Applications, amendments thereto, and all exhibits and other submissions required to be furnished by an applicant to the Commission under this subpart must be submitted in an original and 7 conformed copies. To the extent that data required under this subpart has been provided to the Commission, this data need not be duplicated. The applicant must, however, include a statement identifying the forms and records containing the required information and when that form or record was submitted.

(2) Maps and diagrams. An applicant required to submit a map or diagram under this subpart must submit one paper copy of the map or diagram.

(3) The following must be submitted in electronic format as prescribed by the Commission:

(i) Applications filed under this part 157 and all attached exhibits;

(ii) Applications covering acquisitions and all attached exhibits;

(iii) Applications for temporary certificates and all attached exhibits;

(iv) Applications to abandon facilities or services and all attached exhibits;

(v) The progress reports required under § 157.20(c) and (d);

(vi) Applications submitted under subpart E of this part and all attached exhibits;

(vii) Applications submitted under subpart F of this part and all attached exhibits;

(viii) Requests for authorization under the notice procedures established in § 157.205 and all attached exhibits;

(ix) The annual report required by § 157.207;

(x) The report required under § 157.214 when storage capacity is increased;

(xi) Amendments to any of the foregoing.

(4) All filings must be signed in compliance with the following.

(i) The signature on a filing constitutes a certification that: The signer has read the filing signed and knows the contents of the paper copies and electronic filing; the paper copies contain the same information as contained in the electronic filing; the contents as stated in the copies and in the electronic filing are true to the best knowledge and belief of the signer; and the signer possesses full power and authority to sign the filing.

(ii) A filing must be signed by one of the following:

(A) The person on behalf of whom the filing is made;

(B) An officer, agent, or employee of the governmental authority, agency, or instrumentality on behalf of which the filing is made; or,

(C) A representative qualified to practice before the Commission under § 385.2101 of this chapter who possesses authority to sign.

(5) Other requirements. Applications under section 7 of the Natural Gas Act must conform to the requirements of §§ 157.5 through 157.14. Amendments to or withdrawals of applications must conform to the requirements of §§ 385.215 and 385.216 of this chapter. If the application involves an acquisition of facilities, it must conform to the additional requirements prescribed in §§ 157.15 and 157.16. If the application involves an abandonment of facilities or service, it must conform to the additional requirements prescribed in § 157.18.

(b) General content of application. Each application filed other than an application for permission and approval to abandon pursuant to section 7(b) shall set forth the following information:

(1) The exact legal name of applicant; its principal place of business; whether an individual, partnership, corporation, or otherwise; State under the laws of which organized or authorized; and the name, title, and mailing address of the person or persons to whom communications concerning the application are to be addressed.

(2) The facts relied upon by applicant to show that the proposed service, sale, operation, construction, extension, or acquisition is or will be required by the present or future public convenience and necessity.

(3) A concise description of applicant's existing operations.

(4) A concise description of the proposed service, sale, operation, construction, extension, or acquisition, including the proposed dates for the beginning and completion of construction, the commencement of operations and of acquisition, where involved.

(5) A full statement as to whether any other application to supplement or effectuate applicant's proposals must be or is to be filed by applicant, any of applicant's customers, or any other person, with any other Federal, State, or other regulatory body; and if so, the nature and status of each such application.

(6) A table of contents which shall list all exhibits and documents filed in compliance with §§ 157.5 through 157.18, as well as all other documents and exhibits otherwise filed, identifying them by their appropriate titles and alphabetical letter designations. The alphabetical letter designations specified in §§ 157.14, 157.16, and 157.18 must be strictly adhered to and extra exhibits submitted at the volition of applicant shall be designated in sequence under the letter Z (Z1, Z2, Z3, etc.).

(7) A form of notice of the application suitable for publication in the Federal Register in accordance with the specifications in § 385.203(d) of this chapter.

(8) For applications to construct new facilities, detailed cost-of-service data supporting the cost of the expansion project, a detailed study showing the revenue responsibility for each firm rate schedule under the pipeline's currently effective rate design and under the pipeline's proposed rates, a detailed rate impact analysis by rate schedule (including by zone, if applicable), and an analysis reflecting the impact of the fuel usage resulting from the proposed expansion project (including by zone, if applicable).

(c) Requests for shortened procedure. If shortened procedure is desired a request therefor shall be made in conformity with § 385.802 of this chapter and may be included in the application or filed separately.

(d) Landowner notification.

(1) For all applications filed under this subpart which include construction of facilities or abandonment of facilities (except for abandonment by sale or transfer where the easement will continue to be used for transportation of natural gas), the applicant shall make a good faith effort to notify all affected landowners and towns, communities, and local, state and federal governments and agencies involved in the project:

(i) By certified or first class mail, sent within 3 business days following the date the Commission issues a notice of the application; or

(ii) By hand, within the same time period; and

(iii) By publishing notice twice of the filing of the application, no later than 14 days after the date that a docket number is assigned to the application, in a daily or weekly newspaper of general circulation in each county in which the project is located.

(2) All affected landowners includes owners of property interests, as noted in the most recent county/city tax records as receiving the tax notice, whose property:

(i) Is directly affected (i.e., crossed or used) by the proposed activity, including all facility sites (including compressor stations, well sites, and all above-ground facilities), rights of way, access roads, pipe and contractor yards, and temporary workspace;

(ii) Abuts either side of an existing right-of-way or facility site owned in fee by any utility company, or abuts the edge of a proposed facility site or right-of-way which runs along a property line in the area in which the facilities would be constructed, or contains a residence within 50 feet of the proposed construction work area;

(iii) Is within one-half mile of proposed compressors or their enclosures or LNG facilities; or

(iv) Is within the area of proposed new storage fields or proposed expansions of storage fields, including any applicable buffer zone.

(3) The notice shall include:

(i) The docket number of the filing;

(ii) The most recent edition of the Commission's pamphlet that explains the Commission's certificate process and addresses the basic concerns of landowners. Except: pipelines are not required to include the pamphlet in notifications of abandonments or in the published newspaper notice. Instead, they should provide the title of the pamphlet and indicate its availability at the Commission's Internet address;

(iii) A description of the applicant and the proposed project, its location (including a general location map), its purpose, and the timing of the project;

(iv) A general description of what the applicant will need from the landowner if the project is approved, and how the landowner may contact the applicant, including a local or toll-free phone number and a name of a specific person to contact who is knowledgeable about the project;

(v) A brief summary of what rights the landowner has at the Commission and in proceedings under the eminent domain rules of the relevant state. Except: pipelines are not required to include this information in the published newspaper notice. Instead, the newspaper notice should provide the Commission's Internet address and the telephone number for the Commission's Office of External Affairs; and

(vi) Information on how the landowner can get a copy of the application from the company or the location(s) where a copy of the application may be found as specified in § 157.10.

(vii) A copy of the Commission's notice of application, specifically stating the date by which timely motions to intervene are due, together with the Commission's information sheet on how to intervene in Commission proceedings. Except: pipelines are not required to include the notice of application and information sheet in the published newspaper notice. Instead, the newspaper notice should indicate that a separate notice is to be mailed to affected landowners and governmental entities.

(4) If the notice is returned as undeliverable, the applicant will make a reasonable attempt to find the correct address and notify the landowner.

(5) Within 30 days of the date the application was filed, applicant shall file an updated list of affected landowners, including information concerning notices that were returned as undeliverable.

(6) If paragraph (d)(3) of this section requires an applicant to reveal Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII), as defined by § 388.113(c) of this chapter, to any person, the applicant shall follow the procedures set out in § 157.10(d).

[17 FR 7386, Aug. 14, 1952]

Editorial Note

Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting § 157.6, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.

§ 157.7 Abbreviated applications.

(a) General. When the operations sales, service, construction, extensions, acquisitions or abandonment proposed by an application do not require all the data and information specified by this part to disclose fully the nature and extent of the proposed undertaking, an abbreviated application may be filed in the manner prescribed in § 385.2011 of this chapter, provided it contains all information and supporting data necessary to explain fully the proposed project, its economic justification, its effect upon applicant's present and future operations and upon the public proposed to be served, and is otherwise in conformity with the applicable requirements of this part regarding form, manner of presentation, and filing. Such an application shall

(1) state that it is an abbreviated application;

(2) specify which of the data and information required by this part are omitted; and

(3) relate the facts relied upon to justify separately each such omission.

[Order 280, 29 FR 4876, Apr. 7, 1964]

Editorial Note

Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting § 157.7, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.

§ 157.8 Acceptance for filing or rejection of applications.

Applications will be docketed when received and the applicant so advised.

(a) If an application patently fails to comply with applicable statutory requirements or with applicable Commission rules, regulations, and orders for which a waiver has not been granted, the Director of the Office of Energy Projects or the Director of the Office of Energy Market Regulation may reject the application within 10 business days of filing as provided by § 385.2001(b) of this chapter. This rejection is without prejudice to an applicant's refiling a complete application. However, an application will not be rejected solely on the basis of:

(1) Environmental reports that are incomplete because the company has not been granted access by the affected landowner(s) to perform required surveys; or,

(2) Environmental reports that are incomplete, but where the minimum checklist requirements of part 380, appendix A of this chapter have been met.

(b) An application which relates to an operation, sale, service, construction, extension, acquisition, or abandonment concerning which a prior application has been filed and rejected, shall be docketed as a new application. Such new application shall state the docket number of the prior rejected application.

(c) The Director of the Office of Energy Projects or the Director of the Office of Energy Market Regulation may also reject an application after it has been noticed, at any time, if it is determined that such application does not conform to the requirements of this part.

[Order 603-A, 64 FR 54536, Oct. 7, 1999, as amended by Order 699, 72 FR 45325, Aug. 14, 2007; Order 701, 72 FR 61054, Oct. 29, 2007]

§ 157.9 Notice of application and notice of schedule for environmental review.

(a) Notice of each application filed, except when rejected in accordance with § 157.8, will be issued within 10 business days of filing, and subsequently will be published in the Federal Register and copies of such notice sent to States affected thereby, by electronic means if practical, otherwise by mail. Persons desiring to receive a copy of the notice of every application shall so advise the Secretary.

(b) For each application that will require an environmental assessment or an environmental impact statement, notice of a schedule for the environmental review will be issued within 90 days of the notice of the application, and subsequently will be published in the Federal Register.

[Order 653, 70 FR 8724, Feb. 23, 2005, as amended by Order 687, 71 FR 62920, Oct. 27, 2006]

§ 157.10 Interventions and protests.

(a) Notices of applications, as provided by § 157.9, will fix the time within which any person desiring to participate in the proceeding may file a petition to intervene, and within which any interested regulatory agency, as provided by § 385.214 of this chapter, desiring to intervene may file its notice of intervention.

(1) Any person filing a petition to intervene or notice of intervention shall state specifically whether he seeks formal hearing on the application.

(2) Any person may file to intervene on environmental grounds based on the draft environmental impact statement as stated at § 380.10(a)(1)(i) of this chapter. In accordance with that section, such intervention will be deemed timely as long as it is filed within the comment period for the draft environmental impact statement.

(3) Failure to make timely filing will constitute grounds for denial of participation in the absence of extraordinary circumstances or good cause shown.

(4) Protests may be filed in accordance with § 385.211 of this chapter within the time permitted by any person who does not seek to participate in the proceeding.

(b) A copy of each application, supplement and amendment thereto, including exhibits required by §§ 157.14, 157.16, and 157.18, shall upon request be promptly supplied by the applicant to anyone who has filed a petition for leave to intervene or given notice of intervention.

(1) An applicant is not required to serve voluminous or difficult to reproduce material, such as copies of certain environmental information, to all parties, as long as such material is publicly available in an accessible central location in each county throughout the project area.

(2) An applicant shall make a good faith effort to place the materials in a public location that provides maximum accessibility to the public.

(c) Complete copies of the application must be available in accessible central locations in each county throughout the project area, either in paper or electronic format, within three business days of the date a filing is issued a docket number. Within five business days of receiving a request for a complete copy from any party, the applicant must serve a full copy of any filing on the requesting party. Such copy may exclude voluminous or difficult to reproduce material that is publicly available. Pipelines must keep all voluminous material on file with the Commission and make such information available for inspection at buildings with public access preferably with evening and weekend business hours, such as libraries located in central locations in each county throughout the project area.

(d) Critical Energy Infrastructure Information.

(1) If this section requires an applicant to reveal Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII), as defined in § 388.113(c) of this chapter, to the public, the applicant shall omit the CEII from the information made available and insert the following in its place:

(i) A statement that CEII is being withheld;

(ii) A brief description of the omitted information that does not reveal any CEII; and

(iii) This statement: “Procedures for obtaining access to Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) may be found at 18 CFR 388.113. Requests for access to CEII should be made to the Commission's CEII Coordinator.”

(2) The applicant, in determining whether information constitutes CEII, shall treat the information in a manner consistent with any filings that applicant has made with the Commission and shall to the extent practicable adhere to any previous determinations by the Commission or the CEII Coordinator involving the same or like information.

(3) The procedures contained in §§ 388.112 and 388.113 of this chapter regarding designation of, and access to, CEII, shall apply in the event of a challenge to a CEII designation or a request for access to CEII. If it is determined that information is not CEII or that a requester should be granted access to CEII, the applicant will be directed to make the information available to the requester.

(4) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any persons from voluntarily reaching arrangements or agreements calling for the disclosure of CEII.

[Order 603-A, 64 FR 54536, Oct. 7, 1999, as amended by Order 643, 68 FR 52095, Sept. 2, 2003]

§ 157.11 Hearings.

(a) General. The Commission will schedule each application for public hearing at the earliest date possible giving due consideration to statutory requirements and other matters pending, with notice thereof as provided by § 1.19(b) of this chapter: Provided, however, That when an application is filed less than fifteen days prior to the commencement of a hearing theretofore ordered on a pending application and seeks authority to serve some or all of the markets sought in such pending application or is otherwise competitive with such pending application, the Commission will not schedule the new application for hearing until it has rendered its final decision on such pending application, except when, on its own motion, or on appropriate application, it finds that the public interest requires otherwise.

(b) Shortened procedure. If no protest or petition to intervene raises an issue of substance, the Commission may upon request of the applicant dispose of an application in accordance with the provisions of § 385.802 of this chapter.

[17 FR 7386, Aug. 14, 1952, as amended by Order 225, 47 FR 19057, May 3, 1982]

§ 157.12 Dismissal of application.

Except for good cause shown, failure of an applicant to go forward on the date set for hearing and present its full case in support of its application will constitute ground for the summary dismissal of the application and the termination of the proceedings.

[17 FR 7386, Aug. 14, 1952]

§ 157.13 Form of exhibits to be attached to applications.

Each exhibit attached to an application must conform to the following requirements:

(a) General requirements. Each exhibit must be submitted in the manner prescribed in §§ 157.6(a) and 385.2011 of this chapter and contain a title page showing applicant's name, docket number (to be left blank), title of the exhibit, the proper letter designation of the exhibit, and, if of 10 or more pages, a table of contents, citing by page, section number or subdivision, the component elements or matters therein contained.

(b) Reference to annual reports and previous applications. An application may refer to annual reports and previous applications filed with the Commission and shall specify the exact pages or exhibit numbers of the filing to which reference is made, including the page numbers in any exhibit to which reference is made. When reference is made to a previous application the docket number shall be stated. No part of a rejected application may be incorporated by reference.

(c) Interdependent applications. When an application considered alone is incomplete and depends vitally upon information in another application, it will not be accepted for filing until the supporting application has been filed. When applications are interdependent, they shall be filed concurrently.

(d) Measurement base. All gas volumes, including gas purchased from producers, shall be stated upon a uniform basis of measurement, and, in addition, if the uniform basis of measurement used in any application is other than 14.73 p.s.i.a., then any volume or volumes delivered to or received from any interstate natural-gas pipeline company shall also be stated upon a basis of 14.73 p.s.i.a.; similarly, total volumes on all summary sheets, as well as grand totals of volumes in any exhibit, shall also be stated upon a basis of 14.73 p.s.i.a. if the uniform basis of measurement used is other than 14.73 p.s.i.a.

[17 FR 7387, Aug. 14, 1952, as amended by Order 185, 21 FR 1486, Mar. 8, 1956; Order 280, 29 FR 4877, Apr. 7, 1964; Order 493, 53 FR 15029, Apr. 27, 1988]

§ 157.14 Exhibits.

(a) To be attached to each application. All exhibits specified must accompany each application when tendered for filing. Together with each exhibit applicant must provide a full and complete explanation of the data submitted, the manner in which it was obtained, and the reasons for the conclusions derived from the exhibits. If the Commission determines that a formal hearing upon the application is required or that testimony and hearing exhibits should be filed, the Secretary will promptly notify the applicant that submittal of all exhibits and testimony of all witnesses to be sponsored by the applicant in support of his case-in-chief is required. Submittal of these exhibits and testimony must be within 20 days from the date of the Secretary's notice, or any other time as the Secretary will specify. Exhibits, except exhibits F, F- 1, G, G-I, and G-II, must be submitted to the Commission on electronic media as prescribed in § 385.2011 of this chapter. Receipt and delivery point information required in various exhibits must be labeled with a location point name and code in conformity with the location name and code the pipeline has adopted in conformance with § 284.13(f) of this chapter. Intervenors and persons becoming intervenors after the date of the Secretary's notice must be advised by the applicant of the afore-specified exhibits and testimony, and must be furnished with copies upon request. If this section requires an applicant to reveal Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII), as defined by § 388.113(c) of this chapter, to any person, the applicant shall follow the procedures set out in § 157.10(d).

(1) Exhibit A—Articles of incorporation and bylaws. If applicant is not an individual, a conformed copy of its articles of incorporation and bylaws, or other similar documents.

(2) Exhibit B—State authorization. For each State where applicant is authorized to do business, a statement showing the date of authorization, the scope of the business applicant is authorized to carry on and all limitations, if any, including expiration dates and renewal obligations. A conformed copy of applicant's authorization to do business in each State affected shall be supplied upon request.

(3) Exhibit C—Company officials. A list of the names and business addresses of applicant's officers and directors, or similar officials if applicant is not a corporation.

(4) Exhibit D—Subsidiaries and affiliation. If applicant or any of its officers or directors, directly or indirectly, owns, controls, or holds with power to vote, 10 percent or more of the outstanding voting securities of any other person or organized group of persons engaged in production, transportation, distribution, or sale of natural gas, or of any person or organized group of persons engaged in the construction or financing of such enterprises or operations, a detailed explanation of each such relationship, including the percentage of voting strength represented by such ownership of securities. If any person or organized group of persons, directly or indirectly, owns, controls, or holds with power to vote, 10 percent or more of the outstanding voting securities of applicant—a detailed explanation of each such relationship.

(5) Exhibit E—Other pending applications and filings. A list of other applications and filings under sections 1, 3, 4 and 7 of the Natural Gas Act filed by the applicant which are pending before the Commission at the time of the filing of an application and which directly and significantly affect the application filed, including an explanation of any material effect the grant or denial of those other applications and filings will have on the application and of any material effect the grant or denial of the application will have on those other applications and filings.

(6) Exhibit F—Location of facilities. Unless shown on Exhibit G or elsewhere, a geographical map of suitable scale and detail showing, and appropriately differentiating between all of the facilities proposed to be constructed, acquired or abandoned and existing facilities of applicant, the operation or capacity of which will be directly affected by the proposed facilities or the facilities proposed to be abandoned. This map, or an additional map, shall clearly show the relationship of the new facilities to the applicant's overall system and shall include:

(i) Location, length, and size of pipelines.

(ii) Location and size (rated horsepower) of compressor stations.

(iii) Location and designation of each point of connection of existing and proposed facilities with:

(A) Main-line industrial customers, gas pipeline or distribution systems, showing towns and communities served and to be served at wholesale and retail, and

(B) Gas-producing and storage fields, or other sources of gas supply.

(7) Exhibit F-I—Environmental report. An environmental report as specified in §§ 380.3 and 380.12 of this chapter. Applicant must submit all appropriate revisions to Exhibit F-I whenever route or site changes are filed. These revisions should identify the locations by mile post and describe all other specific differences resulting from the route or site changes, and should not simply provide revised totals for the resources affected.

(8) Exhibit G—Flow diagrams showing daily design capacity and reflecting operation with and without proposed facilities added. A flow diagram showing daily design capacity and reflecting operating conditions with only existing facilities in operation. A second flow diagram showing daily design capacity and reflecting operating conditions with both proposed and existing facilities in operation. Both flow diagrams shall include the following for the portion of the system affected:

(i) Diameter, wall thickness, and length of pipe installed and proposed to be installed and the diameter and wall thickness of the installed pipe to which connection is proposed.

(ii) For each proposed new compressor station and existing station, the size, type and number of compressor units, horsepower required, horsepower installed and proposed to be installed, volume of gas to be used as fuel, suction and discharge pressures, and compression ratio.

(iii) Pressures and volumes of gas at the main line inlet and outlet connections at each compressor station.

(iv) Pressures and volumes of gas at each intake and take-off point and at the beginning and terminus of the existing and proposed facilities and at the intake or take-off point of the existing facilities to which the proposed facilities are to be connected.

(9) Exhibit G-I—Flow diagrams reflecting maximum capabilities. If Exhibit G does not reflect the maximum deliveries which applicant's existing and proposed facilities would be capable of achieving under most favorable operating conditions with utilization of all facilities, include an additional diagram or diagrams to depict such maximum capabilities. If the horsepower, pipelines, or other facilities on the segment of applicant's system under consideration are not being fully utilized due, e.g., to capacity limitation of connecting facilities or because of the need for standby or spare equipment, the reason for such nonutilization shall be stated.

(10) Exhibit G-II—Flow diagram data. Exhibits G and G-I shall be accompanied by a statement of engineering design data in explanation and support of the diagrams and the proposed project, setting forth:

(i) Assumptions, bases, formulae, and methods used in the development and preparation of such diagrams and accompanying data.

(ii) A description of the pipe and fittings to be installed, specifying the diameter, wall thickness, yield point, ultimate tensile strength, method of fabrication, and methods of testing proposed.

(iii) When lines are looped, the length and size of the pipe in each loop.

(iv) Type, capacity, and location of each natural gas storage field or facility, and of each dehydration, desulphurization, natural gas liquefaction, hydrocarbon extraction, or other similar plant or facility directly attached to the applicant's system, indicating which of such plants are owned or operated by applicant, and which by others, giving their names and addresses.

(v) If the daily design capacity shown in Exhibit G is predicated upon an ability to meet each customer's maximum contract quantity on the same day, explain the reason for such coincidental peak-day design. If the design day capacity shown in Exhibit G is predicated upon an assumed diversity factor, state that factor and explain its derivation.

(vi) The maximum allowable operating pressure of each proposed facility for which a certificate is requested, as permitted by the Department of Transportation's safety standards. The applicant shall certify that it will design, install, inspect, test, construct, operate, replace, and maintain the facilities for which a certificate is requested in accordance with Federal safety standards and plans for maintenance and inspection or shall certify that it has been granted a waiver of the requirements of the safety standards by the Department of Transportation in accordance with the provisions of section 3(e) of the Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968. Pertinent details concerning the waiver shall be set forth.

(11) Exhibit H—Total gas supply data. A statement by applicant describing:

(i) Those production areas accessible to the proposed construction that contain sufficient existing or potential gas supplies for the proposed project; and

(ii) How those production areas are connected to the proposed construction.

(12) Exhibit I—Market data. A system-wide estimate of the volumes of gas to be delivered during each of the first 3 full years of operation of the proposed service, sale, or facilities and during the years when the proposed facilities are under construction, and actual data of like import for each of the 3 years next preceding the filing of the application, together with:

(i) Names and locations of customer companies and municipalities, showing the number of residential, commercial, firm industrial, interruptible industrial, residential space-heating, commercial space-heating, and other types of customers for each distribution system to be served at retail or wholesale; and the names and locations of each firm and interruptible direct industrial customer whose estimated consumption totals 10,000 Mcf or more in any calendar month or 100,000 Mcf or more per year together with an explanation of the end use to which each of these industrial customers will put the gas.

(ii) Applicant's total annual and peak day gas requirements by classification of service in paragraph (a)(11)(i) of this section, divided as follows: Gas requirements for each distribution area where gas is sold by applicant at retail; for each wholesale customer; for all main line direct industrial customers; and company use and unaccounted-for gas, for both the applicant and each wholesale customer.

(iii) Total past and expected curtailments of service by the applicant and each wholesale customer proposing to receive new or additional supplies of gas from the project, all to be listed by the classifications of service in paragraph (a)(12)(i) of this section.

(iv) Explanation and derivation of basic factors used in estimating future requirements, including, for example: Peak-day and annual degree-day deficiencies, annual load factors of applicant's system and of its deliveries to its proposed customers; individual consumer peak-day and annual consumption factors for each class of consumers, with supporting historical data; forecasted saturation of space-heating as related to past experience; and full detail as to all other sources of gas supply available to applicant and to each of its customers, including manufacturing facilities and liquid petroleum gas.

(v) Conformed copy of each contract, letter of intent or other agreement for sale or transportation of natural gas proposed by the application. Indicate the rate to be charged. If no agreements have been made, indicate the basis for assuming that contracts will be consummated and that service will be rendered under the terms contemplated in the application.

(vi) A full description of all facilities, other than those covered by the application, necessary to provide service in the communities to be served, the estimated cost of such facilities, by whom they are to be constructed, and evidence of economic feasibility.

(vii) A copy of each market survey made within the past three years for such markets as are to receive new or increased service from the project applied for.

(viii) A statement showing the franchise rights of applicant or other person to distribute gas in each community in which service is proposed.

(ix) When an application requires a statement of total peak-day or annual market requirements of affiliates, whose operations are integrated with those of applicant, to demonstrate applicant's ability to provide the service proposed or to establish a gas supply, estimates and data required by this paragraph (a)(12)(ix) shall also be stated in like detail for such affiliates.

(x) When the proposed project is for service which would not decrease the life index of the total system gas supply by more than one year, the data required in paragraphs (a)(12)(i) to (ix), inclusive, of this section need be submitted only as to the particular market to receive new or additional service.

(13) Exhibit J—Federal authorizations. A statement identifying each Federal authorization that the proposal will require; the Federal agency or officer, or State agency or officer acting pursuant to delegated Federal authority, that will issue each required authorization; the date each request for authorization was submitted; why any request was not submitted and the date submission is expected; and the date by which final action on each Federal authorization has been requested or is expected.

(14) Exhibit K—Cost of facilities. A detailed estimate of total capital cost of the proposed facilities for which application is made, showing cost of construction by operating units such as compressor stations, main pipelines, laterals, measuring and regulating stations, and separately stating the cost of right-of-way, damages, surveys, materials, labor, engineering and inspection, administrative overhead, fees for legal and other services, allowance for funds used during construction, and contingencies. Include a brief statement indicating the source of information used as the basis for the above estimate. If not otherwise set forth, submit data on preliminary bids, if any, for the proposed facilities and recent experienced cost data for facilities of similar character.

(15) Exhibit L—Financing. Plans for financing the proposed facilities for which the application is filed, together with:

(i) A description of the class (e.g., commercial paper, long-term debt, preferred stock) and cost rates for securities expected to be issued with construction period and post- operational sources of financing separately identified.

(ii) Statement of anticipated cash flow, including provision during the period of construction and the first 3 full years of operation of proposed facilities for interest requirements, dividends, and capital requirements.

(iii) A balance sheet and income statement (12 months) of most recent data available.

(iv) Comparative pro forma balance sheets and income statements for the period of construction and each of the first 3 full years of operation, giving effect to the proposed construction and proposed financing of the project.

(v) Any additional data and information upon which applicant proposes to rely in showing the adequacy and availability of resources for financing its proposed project.

(vi) In instances for which principal operations of the company have not commenced or where proposed rates for services are developed on an incremental basis, a brief statement explaining how the applicant will determine the actual allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC) rate, or if a rate is not to be used, how the applicant will determine the actual amount of AFUDC to be capitalized as a component of construction cost, and why the method is appropriate under the circumstances.

(16) Exhibit M—Construction, operation, and management. A concise statement setting forth arrangements for supervision, management, engineering, accounting, legal, or other similar service to be rendered in connection with the construction or operation of the project, if not to be performed by employees of applicant, including reference to any existing or contemplated agreements therefor, together with:

(i) A statement showing affiliation between applicant and any parties to such agreements or arrangements. See Exhibit D, paragraph (a)(4) of this section.

(ii) Conformed copies of all construction, engineering, management, and other similar service agreements or contracts in any way operative with respect to construction, operation, or financing of facilities which are the subject of the application or will be applicable under system operations.

(17) Exhibit N—Revenues—Expenses—Income. When the estimated revenues and expenses related to a proposed facility will significantly affect the operating revenues or operating expenses of an applicant, there shall be submitted a system-wide statement for the last year preceding the proposed construction or service and pro forma system-wide and incremental statements for each of the first three full years of operation of the proposed facilities, showing:

(i) Gas system annual revenues and volumes of natural gas related thereto, subdivided by classes of service, and further subdivided by sales to direct industrial customers, sales to other gas utilities, and other sales, indicating billing quantities used for computing charges, e.g., actual demands, billing demands, volumes, heat-content adjustment or other determinants. In addition, if enlargement or extension of facilities is involved, the revenues attributable solely to the proposed facilities shall be stated separately, and the basis and data used in such computation shall be clearly shown.

(ii) Gas system annual operating expenses classified in accordance with the Commission's Uniform System of Accounts for Natural Gas Companies; the annual depreciation, depletion, taxes, utility income, and resulting rate of return on net investment in gas plant including working capital. In addition if enlargement or extension of facilities is involved, the cost of service attributable solely to the proposed facilities shall be stated separately with supporting data.

(iii) When the data required in paragraphs (a)(17)(i) and (ii) of this section is not submitted, applicant shall provide in lieu thereof a statement in sufficient detail to show clearly the effect on the operating revenues and operating expenses of the estimated revenues and expenses related to the proposed facility.

(18) Exhibit O—Depreciation and depletion. Depreciation and depletion rates to be established, the method of determination and the justification therefor.

(19) Exhibit P—Tariff.

(i) A statement of the rates to be charged for the proposed sales or service, including:

(A) Identification of the applicable presently effective rate schedules, when no additional tariff filings will be required, or

(B) When changes are required in applicant's presently effective tariff, or if applicant has no tariff, pro forma copies of appropriate changes in or additions to the effective tariff or a pro forma copy of the new gas tariff proposed, or

(C) When a new rate is proposed, a statement explaining the basis used in arriving at the proposed rate. Such statement shall clearly show whether such rate results from negotiation, cost-of-service determination, competitive factors or others, and shall give the nature of any studies which have been made in connection therewith.

(ii) When new rates or changes in present rates are proposed or when the proposed facilities will result in a material change in applicant's average cost of service, such statement shall be accompanied by supporting data showing:

(A) System cost of service for the first calendar year of operation after the proposed facilities are placed in service.

(B) An allocation of such costs to each particular service classification, with the basis for each allocation clearly stated.

(C) The proposed rate base and rate of return.

(D) Gas operating expenses, segregated functionally by accounts.

(E) Depletion and depreciation.

(F) Taxes with the basis upon which computed.

(b) Additional exhibits. Applicant shall submit additional exhibits necessary to support or clarify its application. Such exhibits shall be identified and designated as provided by § 157.6(b)(6).

(c) Additional information. Upon request by the Secretary, prior to or during hearing upon the application, applicant shall submit such additional data, information, exhibits, or other detail as may be specified. An original and 7 conformed copies of such additional information shall be furnished to the Commission. The Commission reserves the right to request additional copies.

(d) Availability of Commission staff for advice prior to formal filing. Prior to filing an application, any person may informally confer with the staff of the Commission to obtain advice on any problem of statement or presentation of an application or any part thereof.

(Secs. 3(e), 7, 8, 82 Stat. 721, 725 (49 U.S.C. 1672, 1676, 1677; Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717-717w); Natural Gas Policy Act (15 U.S.C. 3301-3432); Department of Energy Organization Act (42 U.S.C. 7101-7352); E.O. 12009, 3 CFR 142)

[17 FR 7387, Aug. 14, 1952]

Editorial Note

Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting § 157.14, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.

§ 157.15 Requirements for applications covering acquisitions.

An application for a certificate authorizing acquisition of facilities, in addition to complying with the applicable provisions of §§ 157.5 through 157.14, shall include a statement showing:

(a) The exact legal name of the vendor, lessor, or other party in interest (hereinafter referred to as “vendor”) the State or other laws under which vendor was organized, location of vendor's principal place of business, and a description of the business, operation or property of vendor covered by the application.

(b) Any certificate from the Commission, held by vendor, relating directly to the facilities which applicant seeks to acquire, citing the order, date thereof, docket designation, and title of the proceeding; reference to and designation of any companion applications by vendor for permission and approval pursuant to section 7(b) of the Natural Gas Act.

(c) The manner in which the facilities are to be acquired, the consideration to be paid, the method of arriving at the amount thereof, and anticipated expenses in addition to the consideration.

(d) The facilities to be acquired, their present use, their proposed use after acquisition, and whether they constitute all of vendor's facilities.

(e) Any franchise, license, or permit respecting the facilities involved, showing expiration date thereof, and the effect of the proposed acquisition thereon.

[17 FR 7389, Aug. 14, 1952]

§ 157.16 Exhibits relating to acquisitions.

In addition to the exhibits required by § 157.14, every application involving acquisition of facilities must be accompanied by the exhibits listed below. Together with each exhibit applicant must provide a full and complete explanation of the data submitted, the manner in which it was obtained, and the reasons for the conclusions derived from the exhibits, unless the applicant includes a statement identifying the schedule and rate containing the required information and data filed as prescribed in § 385.2011 of this chapter. If the Commission determines that a formal hearing upon the application is required or that testimony and hearing exhibits should be filed, the Secretary will promptly notify the applicant that submittal of all the exhibits and testimony of all witnesses to be sponsored by the applicant in support of his case-in-chief is required. Submittal of these exhibits and testimony must be within 20 days from the date of the Secretary's notice, or any other time specified by the Secretary in the notice. Sections 157.6(a) and 385.2011 of this chapter will govern the submissions required to be furnished to the Commission. Interveners and persons becoming interveners after the date of the Secretary's notice must be advised by the applicant of the afore-specified exhibits and testimony, and must be furnished with copies upon request. If this section requires an applicant to reveal Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII), as defined by § 388.113(c) of this chapter, to any person, the applicant shall follow the procedures set out in § 157.10(d).

(a) Exhibit Q—Effect of acquisition on existing contracts and tariffs. A statement showing the effect of the proposed transaction upon any agreements for the purchase, sale, or interchange of natural gas, and upon any rate schedules or tariffs on file with this Commission, together with pro forma rate schedule sheets, notices of cancellation, or other tariff filings required to be made with this Commission.

(b) Exhibit R—Acquisition contracts. A summary statement of all contracts, agreements or undertakings relating to the proposed acquisition, including:

(1) A conformed copy of each contract or other agreement covering or relating to the acquisition of the facilities.

(2) The names and addresses of all persons employed or to be employed concerning the transaction, including engineering, financial accounting, legal, or other services, and the compensation, fees, or other payments, paid or payable, to such persons.

(3) A disclosure of affiliation between applicant and vendor or between either of them and any other party in interest in the proposed acquisition. See Exhibit D, § 157.14(a)(4).

(c) Exhibit S—Accounting. A statement showing:

(1) The amounts recorded upon the books of the vendor, as being applicable to the facilities to be acquired, and the related depreciation, depletion, and amortization reserves. Include a brief statement explaining the basis or methods used to derive the related depreciation, depletion and amortization reserves.

(2) The original cost of the facilities to be acquired, segregated by accounts prescribed in the Commission's Uniform System of Accounts for Natural Gas Companies; the method by which the original cost was determined; and whether such statement of original cost has been approved by any regulatory body.

(3) If the original cost has not been determined, an estimate thereof, based upon records or data of vendor or its predecessors, together with an explanation of the manner in which such estimate was made and the name and address of the present custodian of all existing pertinent records and data.

(4) The depreciation, depletion, and amortization reserve requirements applicable to the original cost of the facilities to be acquired, estimated service lives, the approximate average age of the facilities to which the depreciation reserve applies, the amortization period, and the depletion rates and estimated gas reserves upon which accruals to the depletion reserve are based.

(5) The amount at which applicant proposes to record the facilities upon its books; the amount of the original cost to be recorded, the depreciation, depletion, and amortization reserves; and the acquisition adjustments, if any, together with applicant's proposed disposition of all adjustments.

(6) Duplicate facilities to be acquired and retired, property which must be extensively rehabilitated, including a clear description of such property, the additional costs to be incurred, and the accounting therefor proposed.

(7) A balance sheet of the company to be acquired as of the most recent date available, if the acquisition involved is by purchase of capital stock and liquidation of the acquired company.

(8) A pro forma consolidating balance sheet, as of the date of the merger if the acquisition is by merger, showing the merging of the accounts and the adjustments relating thereto.

[17 FR 7389, Aug. 14, 1952, as amended by Order 493, 53 FR 15029, Apr. 27, 1988; Order 603, 64 FR 26605, May 14, 1999; Order 643, 68 FR 52096, Sept. 2, 2003]

§ 157.17 Applications for temporary certificates in cases of emergency.

In cases of emergency and pending the determination of any application on file with the Commission for a certificate of public convenience and necessity pursuant to section 7 of the Natural Gas Act, application may be made for a temporary certificate authorizing the construction and operation of extensions of existing facilities, interconnections of pipeline systems, or sales of natural gas that may be required to assure maintenance of adequate service, or to service particular customers. This application must be submitted in the manner prescribed in §§ 157.6(a) and 385.2011 of this chapter.

(a) Whenever the waiver provisions of § 385.2011 of this chapter apply, the application must be submitted in writing, must be subscribed and verified by a responsible officer of applicant having knowledge of the facts, and must state clearly and specifically the exact character of the emergency, the proposed method of meeting it, and the facts claimed to warrant issuance of a temporary certificate.

(b) The application must be submitted on electronic media as prescribed in § 385.2011 of this chapter, must be subscribed and verified by a responsible officer of applicant having knowledge of the facts, and must state clearly and specifically the exact character of the emergency, the proposed method of meeting it, and the facts claimed to warrant issuance of a temporary certificate.

[Order 493, 53 FR 15029, Apr. 27, 1988, as amended by Order 493-B, 53 FR 49653, Dec. 9, 1988; Order 603, 64 FR 26606, May 14, 1999]

§ 157.18 Applications to abandon facilities or service; exhibits.

Applications for an order authorizing abandonment of facilities or service pursuant to section 7(b) of the Natural Gas Act must contain a statement providing in detail the reasons for the abandonment and must contain the exhibits listed below, unless the applicant includes a statement identifying the schedule and rate containing the required information and data filed as prescribed in § 385.2011 of this chapter. Any application for an abandonment that is not excluded by § 380.4(a)(28) or (29), must include an environmental report as specified by § 380.3(c)(2). Sections 157.6(a) and 385.2011 of this chapter will govern the submission of applications and exhibits required to be furnished. Together with each exhibit, applicant must provide a full and complete explanation of the data submitted, the manner in which it was obtained, and the reasons for the conclusions derived from the data. The Secretary may, in addition, require that the testimony of all witnesses to be presented by the applicant be filed together with all exhibits upon which applicant will base its case-in-chief.

(a) Exhibit T—Related applications. A statement showing:

(1) The docket numbers of the prior proceedings in which the facilities or services sought to be abandoned were certificated.

(2) The docket numbers of related applications pending before or which have been authorized by the Commission with an explanation of the interrelationship of those applications with the instant application.

(b) Exhibit U—Contracts and other agreements. A conformed copy of each contract or other agreement pertaining directly or indirectly to the abandonment of facilities or service, including all agreements which influenced applicant to seek the abandonment and all agreements which are dependent upon the approval of the proposed abandonment.

(c) Exhibit V—Flow diagram showing daily design capacity and reflecting operation of applicant's system after abandonment. Receipt and delivery point information required in various exhibits must be labeled with a location point name and code in accordance with the location name and code the pipeline has adopted in conformance with § 284.13(f) of this chapter. A flow diagram showing daily design capacity and reflecting operating conditions of applicant's system after abandonment of facilities on that segment of the system affected by the abandonment, including the following:

(1) Diameter, wall thickness, and length of pipe remaining.

(2) For each remaining compressor station, the size, type and number of compressor units, horsepower required, horsepower installed, volume of gas to be used as fuel, suction and discharge pressures, and compression ratio.

(3) Pressures and volumes of gas at the main line inlet and outlet connections at each compressor station.

(4) Pressures and volumes of gas at each intake and takeoff point and at the beginning and terminus of all remaining facilities.

(d) Exhibit W—Impact on customers whose service will be terminated. A statement indicating the availability of natural gas from other sources to applicant's customers whose service will be terminated by the abandonment and a statement showing the economic effect of the abandonment on applicant's customers. If no other natural gas is available, indicate the availability of other fuels to those customers and explain why the abandonment of service to each customer is permitted by the public convenience and necessity.

(e) Exhibit X—Effect of the abandonment on existing tariffs. A statement showing the effect of the proposed abandonment upon any rate schedules or tariffs on file with this Commission, together with pro forma rate schedule sheets, notices of cancellation, or other tariff filings required to be made with this Commission.

(f) Exhibit Y—Accounting treatment of abandonment. Concisely describe the changes of property, indicating the cost of property to be abandoned in place, the cost of property to be removed and salvaged, the proposed disposition of salvaged material, and a description of equipment to be relocated setting forth its cost, its proposed new location, and the extent of rehabilitation required. Include the information required below.

(1) State the proposed accounting treatment for property changes, showing, for example, retirements by primary plant accounts, cost of removal, salvage realized for materials and equipment sold, original cost of reusable materials and equipment recovered (see Account 154 of the Uniform System of Accounts), and maintenance costs for reconditioning of reusable materials and equipment.

(2) If the abandonment will be by sale of property, describe the property to be sold, together with the proposed accounting treatment as required by paragraph F of Gas Plant Instruction 5 of the Uniform System of Accounts. Include a brief statement explaining the basis or methods used to derive the accumulated depreciation related to the property to be disposed of. Applicant may use pro forma accounting entries based on estimated amounts, provided that upon consummation of the sale he must file proposed accounting entries in conformity with the requirements of the Uniform System of Accounts. If the proposed sale will result in a taxable gain to the applicant, indicate the amount of federal and state income taxes to be allocated to the gain. If no allocation is to be made, explain the reasons.

(3) State the amount of accumulated deferred income taxes attributable to the property to be abandoned and the tax basis of the property. Indicate the proposed accounting treatment of those accumulated deferred taxes.

(g) Exhibit Z—Location of facilities. Unless shown on Exhibit V or elsewhere, a geographic map of suitable scale and detail showing, and appropriately differentiating between, all of the facilities proposed to be abandoned and the other existing facilities of applicant, the operation or capacity of which will be directly affected by the facilities to be abandoned. This map shall clearly show the relationship of the facilities to be abandoned to the applicant's overall system and shall include:

(1) Location, length and size of pipelines.

(2) Location and size (rated horsepower) of compressor stations.

(3) Location and designation of each point of connection of existing facilities with

(i) main line industrial and other consumers, pipeline or distribution companies and municipalities, indicating towns and communities served at wholesale or retail and

(ii) gas-producing and storage fields, or other sources of gas supply. Designate on the map those facilities and services proposed to be abandoned.

[Order 280, 29 FR 4879, Apr. 7, 1964, as amended by Order 295, 30 FR 4130, Mar. 30, 1965; Order 493, 53 FR 15029, Apr. 27, 1988; Order 603, 64 FR 26606, May 14, 1999; Order 587-W, 80 FR 67312, Nov. 2, 2015]

§ 157.20 General conditions applicable to certificates.

Such of the following terms and conditions, among others, as the Commission shall find is required by the public convenience and necessity, shall attach to the issuance of each certificate and to the exercise of the rights granted thereunder.

(a) The certificate shall be void and without force or effect unless accepted in writing by applicant within 30 days from the issue date of the order issuing such certificate: Provided, however, That when an application for rehearing of such order is filed in accordance with section 19 of the Natural Gas Act, such acceptance shall be filed within 30 days from the issue date of the order of the Commission upon the application for rehearing or within 30 days from the date on which such application may be deemed to have been denied when the Commission has not acted on such application within 30 days after it has been filed: Provided further, That when a petition for review is filed in accordance with the provisions of section 19 of the Natural Gas Act, such acceptance shall be filed within 30 days after final disposition of the judicial review proceedings thus initiated.

(b) Any authorized construction, extension, or acquisition shall be completed and made available for service by applicant and any authorized operation, service, or sale shall be available for regular performance by applicant within (period of time to be specified by the Commission in each order) from the issue date of the Commission's order issuing the certificate. Applicant shall notify the Commission in writing no later than 10 days after expiration of this time period that the end-user/shipper is unable to meet the imposed timetable to commence service.

(c) Applicant must file with the Commission, in writing and under oath, an original and four conformed copies, as prescribed in § 385.2011 of this chapter and, upon request must furnish an intervener with a single copy, of the following:

(1) Within ten days after the bona fide beginning of construction, notice of the date of such beginning;

(2) Within ten days after authorized facilities have been constructed and placed in service or any authorized operation, sale, or service has commenced, notice of the date of such placement and commencement and

(3) Within six months after authorized facilities have been constructed, a statement showing, on the basis of all costs incurred to that date and estimated to be incurred for final completion of the project, the cost of constructing authorized facilities, such total costs to be classified according to the estimates submitted in the certificate proceeding and compared therewith and any significant differences explained.

(d) With respect to an acquisition authorized by the certificate, applicant must file with the Commission, in writing and under oath, an original and four conformed copies as prescribed in § 385.2011 of this chapter the following:

(1) Within 10 days after acquisition and the beginning of authorized operations, notice of the dates of acquisition and the beginning of operations; and

(2) Within 10 days after authorized facilities have been constructed and within 10 days after such facilities have been placed in service or any authorized operation, sale, or service has commenced, notice of the date of such completion, placement, and commencement, and

(e) The certificate issued to applicant is not transferable in any manner and shall be effective only so long as applicant continues the operations authorized by the order issuing such certificate and in accordance with the provisions of the Natural Gas Act, as well as applicable rules, regulations, and orders of the Commission.

(f) In the interest of safety and reliability of service, facilities authorized by the certificate shall not be operated at pressures exceeding the maximum operating pressure set forth in Exhibit G-II to the application as it may be amended prior to issuance of the certificate. In the event the applicant thereafter wishes to change such maximum operating pressure it shall file an appropriate petition for amendment of the certificate. Such petition shall include the reasons for the proposed change. Nothing contained herein authorizes a natural gas company to operate any facility at a pressure above the maximum prescribed by state law, if such law requires a lower pressure than authorized hereby.

(Sec. 20, 52 Stat. 832; 15 U.S.C. 717s)

[17 FR 7389, Aug. 14, 1952, as amended by Order 280, 29 FR 4879, Apr. 7, 1964; Order 317, 31 FR 432, Jan. 13, 1966; Order 324, 31 FR 9348, July 8, 1966; Order 493, 53 FR 15030, Apr. 27, 1988; Order 493-B, 53 FR 49653, Dec. 9, 1988; Order 603, 64 FR 26606, May 14, 1999]

§ 157.21 Pre-filing procedures and review process for LNG terminal facilities and other natural gas facilities prior to filing of applications.

(a) LNG terminal facilities and related jurisdictional natural gas facilities. A prospective applicant for authorization to site, construct and operate facilities included within the definition of “LNG terminal,” as defined in § 153.2(d), and any prospective applicant for related jurisdictional natural gas facilities must comply with this section's pre-filing procedures and review process. These mandatory pre-filing procedures also shall apply when the Director finds in accordance with paragraph (e)(2) of this section that prospective modifications to an existing LNG terminal are modifications that involve significant state and local safety considerations that have not been previously addressed. Examples of such modifications include, but are not limited to, the addition of LNG storage tanks; increasing throughput requiring additional tanker arrivals or the use of larger vessels; or changing the purpose of the facility from peaking to base load. When a prospective applicant is required by this paragraph to comply with this section's pre-filing procedures:

(1) The prospective applicant must make a filing containing the material identified in paragraph (d) of this section and concurrently file a Letter of Intent pursuant to 33 CFR 127.007, and a Preliminary Waterway Suitability Assessment (WSA) with the U.S. Coast Guard (Captain of the Port/Federal Maritime Security Coordinator). The latest information concerning the documents to be filed with the Coast Guard should be requested from the U.S. Coast Guard. For modifications to an existing or approved LNG terminal, this requirement can be satisfied by the prospective applicant's certifying that the U.S. Coast Guard did not require such information.

(2) An application:

(i) Shall not be filed until at least 180 days after the date that the Director issues notice pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section of the commencement of the prospective applicant's pre-filing process; and

(ii) Shall contain all the information specified by the Commission staff after reviewing the draft materials filed by the prospective applicant during the pre-filing process, including required environmental material in accordance with the provisions of part 380 of this chapter, “Regulations Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act.”

(3) The prospective applicant must provide sufficient information for the pre-filing review of any pipeline or other natural gas facilities, including facilities not subject to the Commission's Natural Gas Act jurisdiction, which are necessary to transport regassified LNG from the subject LNG terminal facilities to the existing natural gas pipeline infrastructure.

(b) Other natural gas facilities. When a prospective applicant for authorization for natural gas facilities is not required by paragraph (a) of this section to comply with this section's pre-filing procedures, the prospective applicant may file a request seeking approval to use the pre-filing procedures.

(1) A request to use the pre-filing procedures must contain the material identified in paragraph (d) of this section unless otherwise specified by the Director as a result of the Initial Consultation required pursuant to paragraph (c) of this subsection; and

(2) If a prospective applicant for non-LNG terminal facilities is approved to use this section's pre-filing procedures:

(i) The application will normally not be filed until at least 180 days after the date that the Director issues notice pursuant to paragraph (e)(3) of this section approving the prospective applicant's request to use the pre-filing procedures under this section and commencing the prospective applicant's pre-filing process. However, a prospective applicant approved by the Director pursuant to paragraph (e)(3) of this section to undertake the pre-filing process is not prohibited from filing an application at an earlier date, if necessary; and

(ii) The application shall contain all the information specified by the Commission staff after reviewing the draft materials filed by the prospective applicant during the pre-filing process, including required environmental material in accordance with the provisions of part 380 of this chapter, “Regulations Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act.”

(c) Initial consultation. A prospective applicant required or potentially required or requesting to use the pre-filing process must first consult with the Director on the nature of the project, the content of the pre-filing request, and the status of the prospective applicant's progress toward obtaining the information required for the pre-filing request described in paragraph (d) of this section. This consultation will also include discussion of the specifications for the applicant's solicitation for prospective third-party contractors to prepare the environmental documentation for the project, and whether a third-party contractor is likely to be needed for the project.

(d) Contents of the initial filing. A prospective applicant's initial filing pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of the section for LNG terminal facilities and related jurisdictional natural gas facilities or paragraph (b)(1) of this section for other natural gas facilities shall include the following information:

(1) A description of the schedule desired for the project including the expected application filing date and the desired date for Commission approval.

(2) For LNG terminal facilities, a description of the zoning and availability of the proposed site and marine facility location.

(3) For natural gas facilities other than LNG terminal facilities and related jurisdictional natural gas facilities, an explanation of why the prospective applicant is requesting to use the pre-filing process under this section.

(4) A detailed description of the project, including location maps and plot plans to scale showing all major plant components, that will serve as the initial discussion point for stakeholder review.

(5) A list of the relevant federal and state agencies in the project area with permitting requirements. For LNG terminal facilities, the list shall identify the agency designated by the governor of the state in which the project will be located to consult with the Commission regarding state and local safety considerations. The filing shall include a statement indicating:

(i) That those agencies are aware of the prospective applicant's intention to use the pre-filing process (including contact names and telephone numbers);

(ii) Whether the agencies have agreed to participate in the process;

(iii) How the applicant has accounted for agency schedules for issuance of federal authorizations; and

(iv) When the applicant proposes to file with these agencies for their respective permits or other authorizations.

(6) A list and description of the interest of other persons and organizations who have been contacted about the project (including contact names and telephone numbers).

(7) A description of what work has already been done, e.g., contacting stakeholders, agency consultations, project engineering, route planning, environmental and engineering contractor engagement, environmental surveys/studies, and open houses. This description shall also include the identification of the environmental and engineering firms and sub-contractors under contract to develop the project.

(8) For LNG terminal projects, proposals for at least three prospective third-party contractors from which Commission staff may make a selection to assist in the preparation of the requisite NEPA document.

(9) For natural gas facilities other than LNG terminal facilities and related jurisdictional natural gas facilities, proposals for at least three prospective third-party contractors from which Commission staff may make a selection to assist in the preparation of the requisite NEPA document, or a proposal for the submission of an applicant-prepared draft Environmental Assessment as determined during the initial consultation described in paragraph (c) of this section.

(10) Acknowledgement that a complete Environmental Report and complete application are required at the time of filing.

(11) A description of a Public Participation Plan which identifies specific tools and actions to facilitate stakeholder communications and public information, including a project website and a single point of contact. This plan shall also describe how the applicant intends to respond to requests for information from federal and state permitting agencies, including, if applicable, the governor's designated agency for consultation regarding state and local safety considerations with respect to LNG facilities.

(12) Certification that a Letter of Intent and a Preliminary WSA have been submitted to the U.S. Coast Guard or, for modifications to an existing or approved LNG terminal, that the U.S. Coast Guard did not require such information.

(e) Director's notices.

(1) When the Director finds that a prospective applicant for authority to site and construct a new LNG terminal has adequately addressed the requirements of paragraphs (a), (c) and (d) of this section, the Director shall issue a notice of such finding. Such notice shall designate the third-party contractor. The pre-filing process shall be deemed to have commenced on the date of the Director's notice, and the date of such notice shall be used in determining whether the date an application is filed is at least 180 days after commencement of the pre-filing process.

(2) When the Director finds that a prospective applicant for authority to make modifications to an existing or approved LNG terminal has adequately addressed the requirements of paragraphs (a), (c) and (d) of this section, the Director shall issue a notice making a determination whether prospective modifications to an existing LNG terminal shall be subject to this section's pre-filing procedures and review process. Such notice shall designate the third-party contractor, if appropriate. If the Director determines that the prospective modifications are significant modifications that involve state and local safety considerations, the Director's notice will state that the pre-filing procedures shall apply, and the pre-filing process shall be deemed to have commenced on the date of the Director's notice in determining whether the date an application is filed is at least 180 days after commencement of the pre-filing process.

(3) When a prospective applicant requests to use this section's pre-filing procedures and review for facilities not potentially subject to this section's mandatory requirements, the Director shall issue a notice approving or disapproving use of the pre-filing procedures of this section and determining whether the prospective applicant has adequately addressed the requirements of paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of this section. Such notice shall designate the third-party contractor, if appropriate. The pre-filing process shall be deemed to have commenced on the date of the Director's notice, and the date of such notice shall be used in determining whether the date an application is filed is at least 180 days after commencement of the pre-filing process.

(f) Upon the Director's issuance of a notice commencing a prospective applicant's pre-filing process, the prospective applicant must:

(1) Within seven days and after consultation with Commission staff, establish the dates and locations at which the prospective applicant will conduct open houses and meetings with stakeholders (including agencies) and Commission staff.

(2) Within 14 days, conclude the contract with the selected third-party contractor.

(3) Within 14 days, contact all stakeholders not already informed about the project, including all affected landowners as defined in paragraph § 157.6(d)(2) of this section.

(4) Within 30 days, submit a stakeholder mailing list to Commission staff.

(5) Within 30 days, file a draft of Resource Report 1, in accordance with § 380.12(c), and a summary of the alternatives considered or under consideration.

(6) On a monthly basis, file status reports detailing the applicant's project activities including surveys, stakeholder communications, and agency meetings.

(7) Be prepared to provide a description of the proposed project and to answer questions from the public at the scoping meetings held by OEP staff.

(8) Be prepared to attend site visits and other stakeholder and agency meetings arranged by the Commission staff, as required.

(9) Within 14 days of the end of the scoping comment period, respond to issues raised during scoping.

(10) Within 60 days of the end of the scoping comment period, file draft Resource Reports 1 through 12.

(11) At least 60 days prior to filing an application, file revised draft Resource Reports 1 through 12, if requested by Commission staff.

(12) At least 90 days prior to filing an application, file draft Resource Report 13 (for LNG terminal facilities).

(13) Certify that a Follow-on WSA will be submitted to the U.S. Coast Guard no later than the filing of an application with the Commission (for LNG terminal facilities and modifications thereto, if appropriate). The applicant shall certify that the U.S. Coast Guard has indicated that a Follow-On WSA is not required, if appropriate.

(g) Commission staff and third-party contractor involvement during the pre-filing process will be designed to fit each project and will include some or all of the following:

(1) Assisting the prospective applicant in developing initial information about the proposal and identifying affected parties (including landowners, agencies, and other interested parties).

(2) Issuing an environmental scoping notice and conducting such scoping for the proposal.

(3) Facilitating issue identification and resolution.

(4) Conducting site visits, examining alternatives, meeting with agencies and stakeholders, and participating in the prospective applicant's public information meetings.

(5) Reviewing draft Resource Reports.

(6) Initiating the preparation of a preliminary Environmental Assessment or Draft Environmental Impact Statement, the preparation of which may involve cooperating agency review.

(h) A prospective applicant using the pre-filing procedures of this section shall comply with the procedures in § 388.112 of this chapter for the submission of documents containing privileged materials or critical energy infrastructure information.

[Order 665, 70 FR 60440, Oct. 18, 2005, as amended by Order 756, 77 FR 4894, Feb. 1, 2012; Order 769, 77 FR 65475, Oct. 29, 2012]

§ 157.22 Schedule for final decisions on a request for a Federal authorization.

(a) For an application under section 3 or 7 of the Natural Gas Act that requires a Federal authorization—i.e., a permit, special use authorization, certification, opinion, or other approval—from a Federal agency or officer, or State agency or officer acting pursuant to delegated Federal authority, a final decision on a request for a Federal authorization is due no later than 90 days after the Commission issues its final environmental document, unless a schedule is otherwise established by Federal law.

(b) For requests for a water quality certification submitted pursuant to section 401(a)(1) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act) in connection with a project for which authorization is sought from the Commission under section 3 or 7 of the Natural Gas Act, the reasonable period of time during which the certifying agency may act on the water quality certification request is one year from the certifying agency's receipt of the request. A certifying agency is deemed to have waived the certification requirements of section 401(a)(1) of the Clean Water Act if the certifying agency has not denied or granted certification by one year after the date the certifying agency received a written request for certification.

[86 FR 16302, Mar. 29, 2021]

§ 157.23 Authorizations to Proceed with Construction Activities.

With respect to orders issued pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 717b or 15 U.S.C. 717f(c) authorizing the construction of new natural gas transportation, export, or import facilities, no authorization to proceed with construction activities will be issued:

(a) Until the time for the filing of a request for rehearing under 15 U.S.C. 717r(a) has expired with no such request being filed, or

(b) If a timely request for rehearing raising issues reflecting opposition to project construction, operation, or need is filed, until:

(1) The request is no longer pending before the Commission;

(2) The record of the proceeding is filed with the court of appeals; or

(3) 90 days has passed after the date that the request for rehearing may be deemed to have been denied under 15 U.S.C. 717r(a).

[Order 871, 85 FR 40115, July 6, 2020, as amended by Order 871-B, 86 FR 26160, May 13, 2021]

Subpart B—Open Seasons for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects

Source:Order 2005, 70 FR 8286, Feb. 18, 2005, unless otherwise noted.

§ 157.30 Purpose.

This subpart establishes the procedures for conducting open seasons for the purpose of making binding commitments for the acquisition of initial or voluntary expansion capacity on Alaska natural gas transportation projects, as defined herein.

§ 157.31 Definitions.

(a) “Alaska natural gas transportation project” means any natural gas pipeline system that carries Alaska natural gas to the international border between Alaska and Canada (including related facilities subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission) that is authorized under the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976 or section 103 of the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act.

(b) “Commission” means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

(c) “Voluntary expansion” means any expansion in capacity of an Alaska natural gas transportation project above the initial certificated capacity, including any increase in mainline capacity, any extension of mainline pipeline facilities, and any lateral pipeline facilities beyond those certificated in the initial certificate order, voluntarily made by the pipeline. An expansion done pursuant to section 105 of the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act is not a voluntary expansion.

§ 157.32 Applicability.

These regulations shall apply to any application to the Commission for a certificate of public convenience and necessity or other authorization for an Alaska natural gas transportation project, whether filed pursuant to the Natural Gas Act, the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976, or the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act, and to applications for expansion of such projects. Absent a Commission order to the contrary, these regulations are not applicable in the case of an expansion ordered by the Commission pursuant to section 105 of the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act.

§ 157.33 Requirement for open season.

(a) Any application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity or other authorization for a proposed Alaska natural gas transportation project must include a demonstration that the applicant has conducted an open season for capacity on its proposed project, in accordance with the requirements of this subpart. Failure to provide the requisite demonstration will result in an application being rejected as incomplete.

(b) Initial capacity on a proposed Alaska natural gas transportation project may be acquired prior to an open season through pre-subscription agreements, provided that in any open season as required in paragraph (a) of this section, capacity is offered to all prospective bidders at the same rates and on the same terms and conditions as contained in the pre-subscription agreements. All pre-subscription agreements shall be made public by posting on Internet websites and press releases within ten days of their execution. In the event there is more than one such agreement, all prospective bidders shall be allowed the option of selecting among the several agreements all of the rates, terms and conditions contained in any one such agreement.

[Order 2005, 70 FR 8286, Feb. 18, 2005, as amended by Order 2005-A, 70 FR 35026, June 16, 2005]

§ 157.34 Notice of open season.

(a) Notice. A prospective applicant must provide reasonable public notice of an open season through methods including postings on Internet Web sites, press releases, direct mail solicitations, and other advertising. In addition, a prospective applicant must provide actual notice of an open season to the State of Alaska and to the Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects.

(b) In-State Needs Study. A prospective applicant must conduct or adopt a study of gas consumption needs and prospective points of delivery within the State of Alaska and rely upon such study to develop the contents of the notice required in paragraph (a) of this section. Such study shall be identified in the notice and if practicable, shall include or consist of a study conducted, approved, or otherwise sanctioned by an appropriate governmental agency, office or commission of the State of Alaska. In its open season proposal, a prospective applicant shall include an estimate based upon the study, of how much capacity will be used in-state.

(c) Contents of notice. Notice of the open season required in paragraph (a) of this section, shall contain at least the following information; however, to the extent that any item of such information is not known or determined at the time the notice is issued, the prospective applicant shall make a good faith estimate based on the best information available of all such unknown or undetermined items of required information and further, must identify the source of information relied on, explain why such information is not presently known, and update the information when and if it is later determined during the open season period:

(1) The general route of the proposed project, including receipt and delivery points, and any alternative routes under consideration; delivery points must include those within the State of Alaska as determined by the In-State Study in paragraph (b) of this section.

(2) Size and design capacity (including proposed certificate capacity at the delivery points named in paragraph (c)(1) of this section to the extent that it differs from design capacity), a description of possible designs for expanded capacity beyond initial capacity, together with any estimated date when such expansions designs may be considered;

(3) Maximum allowable operating pressure and expected actual operating pressure;

(4) Delivery pressure at all delivery points named in paragraph (c)(1) of this section;

(5) Projected in-service date;

(6) An estimated unbundled transportation rate for each delivery point named in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, stated on a volumetric or thermal basis, for each service offered, including reservation rates for pipeline capacity, interruptible transportation rates, usage rates, fuel retention percentages, and other applicable charges, or surcharges, such as the Annual Charge Adjustment (ACA); (if rates are estimated on a volumetric basis then the notice must inform bidders that final pro forma service agreements and the sponsor's proposed FERC tariff will have to be submitted with rates based on a thermal basis.)

(7) The estimated cost of service (i.e., estimated cost of facilities, depreciation, rate of return and capitalization, taxes and operational and maintenance expenses), and estimated cost allocations, rate design volumes and rate design;

(8) Based on the In-State Study and the delivery points within the State of Alaska identified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, there must be an estimated transportation rate for such deliveries, based on the amount of in-state needs shown in the study. Such estimated transportation rate must be based on the costs to make such in-state deliveries and shall not include costs to make deliveries outside the State of Alaska;

(9) Negotiated rate and other rate options under consideration, including any rates and terms of any precedent agreements with prospective anchor shippers that have been negotiated or agreed to outside of the open season process prescribed in this section;

(10) Quality specifications and any other requirements applicable to gas to be delivered to the project; provided that a prospective applicant shall not require that potential shippers process or treat their gas at any designated plant or facility;

(11) Terms and conditions for each service offered;

(12) Creditworthiness standards to be applied to, and any collateral requirements for, prospective shippers;

(13) The date, if any, by which potential shippers and the prospective applicant must execute precedent agreements;

(14) A detailed methodology for determining the value of bids for deliveries within the State of Alaska and for deliveries outside the State of Alaska;

(15) The methodology by which capacity will be awarded, in the case of over-subscription, clearly stating all terms that will be considered, except that if any capacity is acquired through pre-subscription agreements as provided in § 157.33(b) and the prospective applicant does not redesign the project to accommodate all capacity requests, only that capacity that was acquired through pre-subscription or was bid in the open season on the same rates, terms, and conditions as any one of the pre-subscription agreements shall be allocated on a pro rata basis and no other capacity acquired through the open season shall be allocated.

(16) Required bid information, whether bids are binding or non-binding, receipt and delivery point requirements, the form of a precedent agreement and time of execution of the precedent agreement, definition and treatment of non-conforming bids;

(17) The projected date for filing an application with the Commission;

(18) All information that the prospective applicant has in its possession pertaining to the proposed service to be offered, projected pipeline capacity and design, proposed tariff provisions, and cost projections, or that the prospective applicant has made available to, or obtained from, any potential shipper, including any affiliates of the project sponsor and any shippers with pre-subscribed capacity, prior to the issuance of the public notice of open season;

(19) A list of the names and addresses of the prospective applicant's affiliated sales and marketing units and affiliates involved in the production of natural gas in the State of Alaska. Affiliated unit means “Affiliate” as defined in § 358.3(a) of this chapter. Marketing units and or affiliates are those conducting a “marketing function” as defined in § 358.3(c) of this chapter, except that the exemption in § 358.3(c)(2)(iii) shall not apply;

(20) A comprehensive organizational chart showing:

(i) The organizational structure of the prospective applicant's parent corporation(s) with the relative position in the corporate structure of marketing and sales units and any affiliates involved in the production of natural gas in the State of Alaska.

(ii) The job titles and descriptions, and chain of command for all officers and directors of the prospective applicant's marketing and sales units and any affiliates involved in the production of natural gas in the State of Alaska; and

(21) A statement that any officers and directors of the prospective applicant's affiliated sales and marketing units and affiliates involved in the production of natural gas in the State of Alaska named in paragraph (c)(19) of this section will be prohibited from obtaining information about the conduct of the open season or allocation of capacity that is not posted on the open season Internet Web site or that is otherwise also available to the general public or other participants in the open season.

(d) Timing.

(1) A prospective applicant must provide prospective shippers at least 90 days from the date on which notice of the open season is given within which to submit requests for transportation services. No bid shall be rejected because a prospective shipper has submitted another bid in another open season conducted under this subpart.

(2) A prospective applicant must consider any bids tendered after the expiration of the open season by qualifying bidders and may reject them only if they cannot be accommodated due to economic, engineering, design, capacity or operational constraints, or accommodating the request would otherwise adversely impact the timely development of the project, and a detailed explanation must accompany the rejection. Any bids tendered after the expiration of the open season must contain a good faith showing, including a statement of the circumstances which prevented the late bidder from tendering a timely bid and how those circumstances have changed. If a prospective applicant determines at any time that, based on the criteria stated in this paragraph, no further late bids for capacity can be accommodated, it may request Commission approval to summarily reject any further requests.

(3) Within 10 days after precedent agreements have been executed for capacity allocated in the open season, the prospective applicant shall make public on the Internet and through press releases the results of the open season, at least including the name of the prospective shipper, amount of capacity awarded, and term of agreement.

(4) Within 20 days after precedent agreements have been executed for capacity allocated in the open season, the prospective applicant must submit copies of all such precedent agreements to the Commission and copies of any relevant correspondence with bidders for capacity who were not allocated capacity that identifies why such bids were not accepted (all documents identified in this paragraph (d)(4) may be filed seeking privileged treatment pursuant to § 388.112 of this chapter.

[Order 2005, 70 FR 8286, Feb. 18, 2005, as amended by Order 2005-A, 70 FR 35026, June 16, 2005; 75 FR 15342, Mar. 29, 2010; Order 769, 77 FR 65475, Oct. 29, 2012]

§ 157.35 Undue discrimination or preference.

(a) All binding open seasons shall be conducted without undue discrimination or preference in the rates, terms or conditions of service and all capacity allocated as a result of any open season shall be awarded without undue discrimination or preference of any kind.

(b) Any complaint filed pursuant to § 385.206 of this chapter alleging non-compliance with any of the requirements of this subpart shall be processed under the Commission's Fast Track Processing procedures contained in § 385.206(h).

(c) Each prospective applicant conducting an open season under this subpart must function independent of the other divisions of the prospective applicant as well as the prospective applicant's “affiliates” performing a “marketing function” as those terms are defined in § 358.3(a) and (c) of the Commission's regulations, except that the exemption in § 358.3(c)(2)(iii) shall not apply. In instances in which the prospective applicant is not an entity created specifically to conduct an open season under this subpart, the prospective applicant must create or designate a unit or division to conduct the open season that must function independent of the other divisions of the project applicant as well as the project applicant's “affiliates” performing a “marketing function” as those terms are defined in § 358.3(a) of this chapter, except that the exemption in 358.3(c)(2)(iii) shall not apply.

(d) Each project applicant conducting an open season under this subpart that is not otherwise subject to the provisions of part 358 of this chapter must comply with the following sections of that part: §§ 358.4(c) and (d), 358.5, 358.6, 358.7(a), (b), and (c), and 358.8 (b) and (c) of this chapter.

[Order 2005, 70 FR 8286, Feb. 18, 2005, as amended by Order 2005-A, 70 FR 35026, June 16, 2005; 75 FR 15342, Mar. 29, 2010]

§ 157.36 Open seasons for expansions.

Any open season for capacity exceeding the initial capacity of an Alaska natural gas transportation project must provide the opportunity for the transportation of gas other than Prudhoe Bay or Point Thomson production. In considering a proposed voluntary expansion of an Alaska natural gas pipeline project, the Commission will consider the extent to which the expansion will be utilized by shippers other than those who are the initial shippers on the project and, in order to promote competition and open access to the project, may require design changes to ensure that some portion of the expansion capacity be allocated to new shippers willing to sign long-term firm transportation contracts, including shippers seeking to transport natural gas from areas other than Prudhoe Bay and Point Thomson.

[Order 2005-A, 70 FR 35026, June 16, 2005]

§ 157.37 Project design.

In reviewing any application for an Alaska natural gas pipeline project, the Commission will consider the extent to which a proposed project has been designed to accommodate the needs of shippers who have made conforming bids during an open season, as well as the extent to which the project can accommodate low-cost expansion, and may require changes in project design necessary to promote competition and offer a reasonable opportunity for access to the project.

[Order 2005, 70 FR 8286, Feb. 18, 2005; Order 756, 77 FR 4894, Feb. 1, 2012]

§ 157.38 Pre-approval procedures.

No later than 90 days prior to providing the notice of open season required by § 157.34(a), a prospective applicant must file, for Commission approval, a detailed plan for conducting an open season in conformance with this subpart. The prospective applicant's plan shall include the proposed notice of open season. Upon receipt of a request for such a determination, the Secretary of the Commission shall issue a notice of the request, which will then be published in the Federal Register. The notice shall establish a date on which comments from interested persons are due and a date, which shall be within 60 days of receipt of the prospective applicant's request unless otherwise directed by the Commission, by which the Commission will act on the proposed plan.

[Order 2005-A, 70 FR 35026, June 16, 2005]

§ 157.39 Rate treatment of pipeline expansions.

There shall be a rebuttable presumption that rates for any expansion of an Alaska natural gas transportation project shall be determined on a rolled-in basis.

Subpart C [Reserved]

Subpart D—Exemption of Natural Gas Service for Drilling, Testing, or Purging from Certificate Requirements

Authority:Natural Gas Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 717 et. seq., Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act, 15 U.S.C. 791 et. seq., Federal Energy Administration Act, 15 U.S.C. 761 et. seq., Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95-621, 92 Stat. 3350, Department of Energy Organization Act, Pub. L. 95-91, E.O. 12009, 42 FR 46267.

§ 157.53 Testing.

(a) Construction and operation of facilities necessary to render direct natural gas service for use in the testing and purging of new natural gas pipeline facilities are exempted from the certificate requirements of section 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act, when the construction and operation of such facilities are conducted in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.

(b) Operations undertaken to render direct natural gas service shall be terminated upon the completion of the purging or testing of the pipeline facilities. Persons undertaking any construction or operation of facilities or service under this section shall file an original and two copies of an annual statement, by February 1 of each year, describing their activities hereunder.

[43 FR 56544, Dec. 1, 1978, as amended at 60 FR 53065, Oct. 11, 1995]

Subpart E [Reserved]

Subpart F—Interstate Pipeline Blanket Certificates and Authorization Under Section 7 of the Natural Gas Act for Certain Transactions and Abandonment

§ 157.201 Applicability.

(a) Scope. This subpart establishes a procedure whereby an interstate pipeline may obtain a blanket certificate authorizing certain construction and operation of facilities and certain certificate amendments and abandonment under section 7 of the Natural Gas Act.

(b) Who may apply. This procedure is only applicable to interstate pipelines.

(c) Cross-reference. The procedures applicable to transportation by interstate pipelines under blanket certificates are set forth in subpart G of part 284 of this chapter.

(d) Availability of case-specific certificates. Nothing in this subpart shall preclude an interstate pipeline from proceeding under any other provision of the Commission's regulations to obtain Commission approval of abandonments or a temporary or permanent certificate of public convenience and necessity.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982, as amended by Order 436, 50 FR 42490, Oct. 18, 1985; Order 603, 64 FR 26606, May 14, 1999]

§ 157.202 Definitions.

(a) General rule. Terms defined in the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 (NGPA) shall have the same meaning for the purposes of this subpart as they have under the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978.

(b) Subpart F definitions. For purposes of this subpart:

(1) Certificate holder means any interstate pipeline with an effective blanket certificate issued pursuant to this subpart.


(i) Eligible facility means, except as provided in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section, any facility subject to the Natural Gas Act jurisdiction of the Commission that is necessary to provide service within existing certificated levels. Eligible facility also includes any gas supply facility or any facility, including receipt points, needed by the certificate holder to receive gas into its system for further transport or storage, and interconnecting facilities between transporters that transport natural gas under part 284 of this chapter. Further, eligible facility includes main line, lateral, and compressor replacements that do not qualify under § 2.55(b) of this chapter because they will result in an incidental increase in the capacity of main line facilities, or because they will not satisfy the location or work space requirements of § 2.55(b). Replacements must be done for sound engineering purposes. Replacements for the primary purpose of creating additional main line capacity are not eligible facilities; however, replacements and the modification of facilities to rearrange gas flows or increase compression for the primary purpose of restoring service in an emergency due to sudden unforeseen damage to main line facilities are eligible facilities. Eligible facility also includes auxiliary installations and observation wells which do not qualify under § 2.55(a) of this chapter because they will not satisfy the location or work space requirements of § 2.55(a). Finally, for purposes of abandonment under § 157.216, eligible facilities include auxiliary installations that do not qualify for pre-granted abandonment authority under § 2.55(a)(3) and replacement facilities constructed under § 2.55(b).

(ii) Exclusions: “Eligible facility” does not include:

(A) A main line of a transmission system, except replacement facilities covered under § 157.202(b)(2)(i).

(B) An extension of a main line, except replacement facilities covered under § 157.202(b)(2)(i).

(C) A facility, including compression and looping, that alters the capacity of a main line, except replacement facilities and facility modifications covered under paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section;

(D) A facility required to test or develop an underground storage field or that alters the certificated capacity, deliverability, or storage boundary, or a facility required to store gas above ground in either a gaseous or liquified state, or a facility used to receive gas from plants manufacturing synthetic gas or from plants gasifying liquefied natural gas, or wells needed to utilize an underground storage field.

(E) Delivery points under § 157.211.

(F) Temporary compression under § 157.209;

(G) A facility that crosses a state line and is constructed for the primary purpose of transporting gas which is also transported by an intrastate pipeline under section 311(a)(2) of the NGPA;

(3) Facility, for purposes of construction under this subpart, does not include an auxiliary facility that qualifies for construction under § 2.55(a) of this chapter or a replacement facility that qualifies for construction under § 2.55(b).

(4) Temporary compression means compressor facilities installed and operated at existing compressor locations for the limited purpose of temporarily replacing existing permanent compressor facilities that are undergoing maintenance or repair or that are pending permanent replacement.

(5) Main line means the principal transmission facilities of a pipeline system extending from supply areas to market areas and does not include small diameter supply or delivery laterals or gathering lines.

(6) Miscellaneous rearrangement of any facility means any rearrangement of a facility, excluding underground storage injection/withdrawal wells, that does not result in any change of service rendered by means of the facilities involved, including changes in existing field operations or relocation of existing facilities:

(i) On the same property;

(ii) When required by highway construction, dam construction, encroachment of residential, commercial, or industrial areas, erosion, or the expansion or change of course of rivers, streams or creeks, or

(iii) To respond to other natural forces beyond the certificate holder's control when necessary to ensure safety or maintain the operational integrity of the certificate holder's facilities.

(7) Project means a unit of improvement or construction that is used and useful upon completion.

(8) Project cost means the total actual cost of constructing the jurisdictional portions of a project. In the case of a project constructed jointly by more than one interstate pipeline, the project cost is the total cost, irrespective of the amount paid by each pipeline.

(9) Right-of-way grantor means

(i) a person who grants a right-of-way easement to the certificate holder; or

(ii) any successor to an interest which is subject to the easement.

(10) Delivery point means a tap and/or metering and appurtenant facilities, such as heaters, minor gas conditioning, treatment, odorization, and similar equipment, necessary to enable the certificate holder to deliver gas to any party.

(11) Sensitive environmental area means:

(i) The habitats of species which have been identified as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act (Pub. L. 93-205, as amended) and essential fish habitat as identified under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801, et seq.);

(ii) National or State Forests or Parks;

(iii) Properties listed on, or eligible for inclusion in, the National Register of Historic Places, or the National Register of Natural Landmarks;

(iv) Floodplains and wetlands;

(v) Designated or proposed wilderness areas, national or state wild and scenic rivers, wildlife refuges and management areas and sanctuaries;

(vi) Prime agricultural lands, designated by the Department of Agriculture; or

(vii) Sites which are subject to use by American Indians and other Native Americans for religious purposes.

(12) Interconnection facilities means the interconnecting point, which includes the tap, metering, and M&R facilities and the related interconnecting pipeline.

(13) Emergency means a sudden unanticipated loss of gas supply or capacity that requires an immediate restoration of interrupted service for protection of life or health or for maintenance of physical property.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982]

Editorial Note

Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting § 157.202, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.

§ 157.203 Blanket certification.

(a) Effect. A blanket certificate issued pursuant to this subpart authorizes the certificate holder, in accordance with the provisions of this subpart, to engage in any of the activities specified in § 157.208 through § 157.218 (as may be amended from time to time).

(b) Automatic authorization. A blanket certificate issued pursuant to this subpart authorizes the certificate holder to engage in transactions described in § 157.208(a), § 157.209(a), § 157.211(a)(1), § 157.213(a), § 157.215, § 157.216(a), or § 157.218 without further Commission approval.

(c) Prior notice required. A blanket certificate issued pursuant to this subpart authorizes the certificate holder to engage in activities described in § 157.208(b), § 157.210,§ 157.211(a)(2), § 157.212, § 157.213(b), § 157.214, or § 157.216(b), if the requirements of § 157.205 have been fulfilled.

(d) Landowner notification.

(1) Except as identified in paragraph (d)(3) of this section, no activity described in paragraph (b) of this section is authorized unless the company makes a good faith effort to notify, in writing all affected landowners, as defined in § 157.6(d)(2), at least 45 days prior to commencing construction or at the time it initiates easement negotiations, whichever is earlier. A landowner may waive the 45-day prior notice requirement in writing as long as the notice has been provided. For activity required to restore service in an emergency, the 45-day prior notice period is satisfied in the event a company obtains all necessary easements. The notification shall include at least:

(i) A brief description of the facilities to be constructed or replaced and the effect the construction activity will have on the landowner's property;

(ii) The name and phone number of a company representative who is knowledgeable about the project;

(iii) A description of the company's environmental complaint resolution procedure that must:

(A) Provide landowners with clear and simple directions for identifying and resolving their environmental mitigation problems and concerns during construction of the project and restoration of the right-of way;

(B) Provide a local or toll-free phone number and a name of a specific person to be contacted by landowners and with responsibility for responding to landowner problems and concerns, and who will indicate when a landowner should expect a response;

(C) Instruct landowners that if they are not satisfied with the response, they may call the company's Hotline; and

(D) Instruct landowners that, if they are still not satisfied with the response, they may contact the Commission's Landowner Helpline at the current telephone number and email address, which is to be provided in the notification.

(2) For activities described in paragraph (c) of this section, the company shall make a good faith effort to notify in writing all affected landowners, as defined in § 157.6(d)(2), within at least three business days following the date that a docket number is assigned to the application or at the time it initiates easement negotiations, whichever is earlier. The notice should include at least:

(i) A brief description of the company and the proposed project, including the facilities to be constructed or replaced and the location (including a general location map), the purpose, and the timing of the project and the effect the construction activity will have on the landowner's property;

(ii) A general description of what the company will need from the landowner if the project is approved, and how the landowner may contact the company, including a local or toll-free phone number and a name of a specific person to contact who is knowledgeable about the project;

(iii) The docket number (if assigned) for the company's application;

(iv) A general description of the blanket certificate program and procedures, as posted on the Commission's Web site at the time the landowner notification is prepared, and the link to the information on the Commission's Web site;

(v) A brief summary of the rights the landowner has in Commission proceedings and in proceedings under the relevant eminent domain rules; and

(vi) The following paragraph: This project is being proposed under the prior notice requirements of the blanket certificate program administered by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Under the Commission's regulations, you have the right to protest this project within 60 days of the date the Commission issues a notice of the pipeline's filing. If you file a protest, you should include the docket number listed in this letter and provide the specific reasons for your protest. The protest should be mailed to the Secretary of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First St., NE., Room 1A, Washington, DC 20426. A copy of the protest should be mailed to the pipeline at [pipeline address]. If you have any questions concerning these procedures you can call the Commission's Office of External Affairs at (202) 208-1088; and

(vii) The description of the company's environmental complaint resolution procedure as described in paragraph (d)(1)(iii) of this section.

(3) Exceptions.

(i) No landowner notice is required for replacements which would have been done under § 2.55 of this chapter but for the fact that the replacement facilities are not of the same capacity as long as they meet the location requirements of § 2.55(b)(1)(ii) of this chapter and do not cause any ground disturbance; or any replacement done for safety, DOT compliance, environmental, or unplanned maintenance reasons that are not foreseen and that require immediate attention by the certificate holder.

(ii) No landowner notice is required for abandonments which involve only the sale or transfer of the facilities, and the easement will continue to be used for transportation of natural gas.

(iii) No landowner notice is required if there is only one landowner and that landowner has requested the service or facilities.

(iv) No landowner notice is required for activities that do not involve ground disturbance or changes to operational air and noise emissions.

(4) If paragraphs (d)(1) or (d)(2) of this section require an applicant to reveal Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII), as defined by § 388.113(c) of this chapter, to any person, the applicant shall follow the procedures set out in § 157.10(d).

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982]

Editorial Note

Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting § 157.203, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.

§ 157.204 Application procedure.

(a) Who may apply. Any interstate pipeline which has been issued a certificate other than a limited-jurisdiction certificate, pursuant to section 7 of the Natural Gas Act and had rates accepted by the Commission may apply for a blanket certificate under this subpart in the manner prescribed in §§ 157.6(a), 157.14(a) and 385.2011 of this chapter.

(b) Hearing procedure. Upon receiving an application for a blanket certificate under this subpart, the Commission will conduct a hearing pursuant to section 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act and §§ 1.32 and 157.11 of this chapter.

(c) Issuance. If required by the present or future public convenience and necessity, the Commission will issue a blanket certificate to the applicant.

(d) Application contents. Applications for blanket certificates shall contain:

(1) Information indicating the exact legal name of the applicant; its principal place of business; whether the applicant is an individual, partnership, corporation or otherwise; citation to the certificate proceeding in which the applicant was found to be a natural gas company; the state under the laws of which the applicant is organized or authorized to do business; and the name, title, and mailing address and telephone number of the person or persons to whom communications concerning the application are to be addressed;

(2) A statement that the applicant will comply with the terms, conditions and procedures specified in this subpart.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982, as amended by Order 319, 48 FR 34888, Aug. 1, 1983; Order 433, 50 FR 40345, Oct. 3, 1985; Order 436, 50 FR 42490, Oct. 18, 1985; Order 493, 53 FR 15030, Apr. 27, 1988; Order 603, 64 FR 26607, May 14, 1999]

§ 157.205 Notice procedure.

(a) Applicability. No activity described in §§ 157.208(b), § 157.210, § 157.211(a)(2), § 157.212, § 157.213(b), 157.214 or 157.216(b), except for activity required to restore service in an emergency, is authorized by a blanket certificate granted under this subpart, unless, prior to undertaking such activity:

(1) The notice requirements have been fulfilled in accordance with the provisions of this section; and

(2) Either

(i) no protest has been filed pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section or,

(ii) if a protest has been filed, it has been withdrawn or dismissed pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section.

(b) Contents. For any activity subject to the requirements of this section, the certificate holder must file with the Secretary of the Commission an original and seven copies, as prescribed in §§ 157.6(a) and 385.2011 of this chapter, a request for authorization under the notice procedures of this section that contains:

(1) The exact legal name of the certificate holder and mailing address and telephone number of the person or persons to whom communications concerning the request are to be addressed;

(2) The docket number in which its blanket certificate was issued;

(3) Any information required in §§ 157.208 through 157.218 of this chapter for the particular activity;

(4) A verified statement that the proposed activity complies with the requirements of this subpart;

(5) A form of notice of the application suitable for publication in the Federal Register in accordance with the specifications in § 385.203(d) of this chapter; and

(6) Identities and docket numbers of other applications related to the transaction. All related filings must be made within 10 days of the first filing. Otherwise the applications on file will be rejected under paragraph (c) of this section without prejudice to refiling when all parties are ready to proceed.

(c) Rejection of request. The Director of the Office of Energy Projects shall reject within 10 days of the date of filing a request which patently fails to comply with the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section, without prejudice to the pipeline's refiling a complete application.

(d) Publication of notice of request.

(1) Unless the request has been rejected pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section, the Secretary of the Commission shall issue a notice of the request within 10 days of the date of the filing, which will then be published in the Federal Register. The notice shall designate a deadline for filing protests, or interventions to the request. The deadline shall be 60 days after the date of issuance of the notice of the request.

(2) [Reserved]

(e) Protests.

(1) Any person or the Commission's staff may file a protest prior to the deadline. Copies of the protest must be served on the Secretary of the Commission and the certificate holder.

(2) Protests shall be filed in the following form:

United States of America Before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

[Name of pipeline holding the blanket certificate] Docket No. [Include both docket no. of the blanket certificate and the prior notice transaction]

Protest to Proposed Blanket Certificate Activity

(Name of Protestor) hereby protests the request filed by (Name of pipeline) to conduct a (construction of facilities, abandonment, etc.) under § 157.____ of the Commission's regulations. Protestor seeks to have this request processed as a separate application.

(Include a detailed statement of Protestor's interest in the activity and the specific reasons and rationale for the objection and whether the protestor seeks to be an intervener.)

(f) Effect of protest. If a protest is filed in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section, then the certificate holder, the person who filed the protest, any intervenors, and staff shall have 30 days from the deadline determined in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section, to resolve the protest, and to file a withdrawal of the protest pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section. Informal settlement conferences may be convened by the Director of the Office of Energy Projects or his designee. If a protest is not withdrawn or dismissed pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section, the activity shall not be deemed authorized by the blanket certificate. Instead, the request filed by the certificate holder shall be treated as an application for section 7 authorization for the particular activity. The Federal Register notice of the request shall be deemed to be notice of the section 7 application sufficient to fulfill the notice requirement of §§ 157.9 and 157.10.

(g) Withdrawal or dismissal of protests. The protestor may withdraw a protest within the 30 day period following the deadline determined in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section by submitting written notice of withdrawal to the Secretary of the Commission and serving a copy on the certificate holder, any intervenors and any other party requesting service. The withdrawal must state that the certificate holder and the protestor concur in the withdrawal. Within 10 days of the filing of a protest, the Director of the Office of Energy Projects will dismiss that protest if it does not raise a substantive issue and fails to provide any specific detailed reason or rationale for the objection. If a protest is dismissed, the notice requirements of this section will not be fulfilled until the earlier of: (1) a 30 day period following the deadline determined in paragraph (d) of this section has run; or the dismissed protesting party notifying the Secretary of the Commission that its concerns have been resolved.

(h) Final authorization.

(1) If no protest is filed within the time allowed by the Secretary, the certificate holder is authorized to conduct the activity under its blanket certificate, effective on the day after time expires for filing protests and interventions unless, during that time, the certificate holder withdraws its application in accordance with § 385.216 of this chapter.

(2) If any protest is filed within the time allowed for protest and interventions and is subsequently withdrawn under paragraph (g) of this section, the certificate holder is authorized to conduct the activity under its blanket certificate, effective upon the day after the withdrawal of all protests, unless the certificate holder withdraws its application in accordance with § 385.216 of this chapter prior to that date.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982]

Editorial Note

Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting § 157.205, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.

§ 157.206 Standard conditions.

Any activity authorized under a blanket certificate issued under this subpart is subject to the following conditions:

(a) Revisions.

(1) The Commission reserves the right to amend the requirements of this subpart from time to time.

(2) The blanket certificate is not transferable in any manner and shall be effective only so long as the certificate holder continues the activities authorized by the order issuing such certificate and does so in accordance with the provisions of the Natural Gas Act, as well as applicable rules, regulations, and orders of the Commission.

(b) Environmental compliance. This paragraph only applies to activities that involve ground disturbance or changes to operational air and noise emissions.

(1) The certificate holder shall adopt the requirements set forth in § 380.15(a) and (b) of this chapter for all activities authorized by the blanket certificate and shall issue the relevant portions thereof to construction personnel, with instructions to use them.

(2) All activities shall be consistent with all applicable law including the provisions of the following statutes and regulations or compliance plans developed to implement these statutes:

(i) Clean Water Act, as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.) and the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Program, 40 CFR part 122 et seq.;

(ii) Clean Air Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.) and air quality regulations and state implementation plans adopted pursuant to 40 CFR parts 50-99;

(iii) National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.);

(iv) Archeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (Pub. L. 93-291);

(v) Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq.);

(vi) Endangered Species Act of 1973, Pub. L. 93-205, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.);

(vii) Executive Order 11988, May 24, 1977 requiring Federal agencies to evaluate the potential effects of any actions it may take on a floodplain;

(viii) Executive Order 11990, May 24, 1977 requiring an evaluation of the potential effects of construction on wetland;

(ix) Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 U.S.C. 1274 et seq.);

(x) National Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1133 et seq.);

(xi) National Parks and Recreation Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 1 and 230 et seq.).

(xii) Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801, et seq.)

(3) The certificate holder shall be deemed in compliance with:

(i) Paragraph (b)(2)(vi) of this section only if it adheres to the procedures in appendix I of this subpart in which case the Commission finds that endangered species and their critical habitat are protected in accordance with 16 U.S.C. 1536;

(ii) Paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section only if it adheres to the procedures in appendix II of this subpart in which case the Commission finds that there is no effect on any property protected by 16 U.S.C. 470f;

(iii) Paragraph (b)(2)(v) of this section only if the appropriate state agency designated to administer the state's coastal zone management plan, prior to construction of the project, waives its right of review or determines that the project complies with the state's coastal zone management plan.

(iv) Paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (viii) of this section only if it adheres to Commission staff's current “Upland Erosion Control, Revegetation and Maintenance Plan” and “Wetland and Waterbody Construction and Mitigation Procedures” which are available on the Commission Internet home page or from the Commission staff, or gets written approval from the staff or the appropriate Federal or state agency for the use of project-specific alternatives to clearly identified portions of those documents.

(4) Any transaction authorized under a blanket certificate shall not have a significant adverse impact on a sensitive environmental area.


(i) The noise attributable to any new compressor station, compression added to an existing station, or any modification, upgrade or update of an existing station, must not exceed a day-night level (Ldn) of 55 dBA at any pre-existing noise-sensitive area (such as schools, hospitals, or residences).

(ii) A compressor facility installed under this section must be designed to meet the following noise emissions criteria. For each new compressor station facility, and for each addition or modification to an existing compression station, the blanket certificate holder must file a noise survey with the Secretary within 60 days of placing the facility in service.

(A) If noise emitted from a new compressor facility operating at full load exceeds an Ldn of 55 dBA at any noise-sensitive area (NSA), or if an addition or modification to an existing compressor station operating at full load at or below an Ldn of 55 dBA at NSAs causes overall noise attributable to the station to exceed an Ldn of 55 dBA at an NSA, the blanket certificate holder must come into compliance with an Ldn of 55 dBA at NSAs within 1 year of placing the facility in service.

(B) If an addition or modification to an existing compressor station operating at full load above an Ldn of 55 dBA at NSAs causes overall noise attributable to the station to increase at an NSA, the blanket certificate holder must act within 1 year of placing the added or modified facility in service to reduce noise at NSAs to the level that existed prior to the addition or modification.

(C) If the initial noise survey demonstrates a need to take action to mitigate noise, within 60 days of completing such action, the blanket certificate holder must file a subsequent noise survey with the Secretary demonstrating that each new compressor station facility, and each addition or modification to an existing compressor station, complies with the noise level limits.

(iii) Any horizontal directional drilling or drilling of wells which will occur between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. local time must be conducted with the goal of keeping the perceived noise from the drilling at any pre-existing noise-sensitive area (such as schools, hospitals, or residences) at or below a night level (Ln) of 55 dBA.


(i) Any activity otherwise subject to authorization under § 157.208 shall not be authorized if the activity is located within 0.5 mile of a nuclear power plant which is either operating or under construction, or for which a construction permit has been filed with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

(ii) Any activity otherwise subject to authorization under § 157.215 shall not be authorized if the activity is located within 2.0 miles of a nuclear power plant which is either operating or under construction, or for which a construction permit has been filed with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

(7) The certificate holder shall act as the Commission's non-Federal representative upon acceptance of the blanket certificate for purposes of complying with the Endangered Species Act of 1973.

(c) Commencement. Any authorized construction, extension, or acquisition shall be completed and made available for service by the certificate holder and any authorized operation, or service, shall be available within one year of the date the activity is authorized pursuant to § 157.205(h). The certificate holder may apply to the Director of the Office of Energy Projects for an extension of this deadline. However, if the request for extension is due to the end-user/shipper not being ready to accept service, the certificate holder must so notify the Commission in writing no later than 10 days after expiration of the one-year period.

(d) Reports. The certificate holder shall file reports as required by this subpart.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982]

Editorial Note

Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting § 157.206, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.

§ 157.207 General reporting requirements.

On or before May 1, or each year, or in the case of emergency reconstruction activity, prior to any activity, the certificate holder must file, in the manner prescribed in §§ 157.6(a) and 385.2011 of this chapter, an annual report signed under oath by a senior official of the company, that lists for the previous calendar year:

(a) For each new facility authorized by §§ 157.208, 157.210, 157.212, or 157.213, the information specified in § 157.208(e);

(b) For each delivery point authorized under § 157.211(a)(1), the information required by § 157.211(c);

(c) for each temporary compressor facility under § 157.209, the information required by § 157.209(b);

(d) For each storage project tested or developed under § 157.215, the information specified in § 157.215(b)(1);

(e) For each abandonment authorized under § 157.216(a), the information specified in § 157.216(d);

(f) For each change in rate schedule authorized under § 157.217, the information specified in § 157.217(b);

(g) For each change in customer name authorized under § 157.218, the information specified in § 157.218(b); and

(h) If any activity required to be reported under this section was not undertaken, a statement to that effect.

[Order 436, 50 FR 42490, Oct. 18, 1985, as amended by Order 493, 53 FR 15030, Apr. 27, 1988; Order 603, 64 FR 26607, May 14, 1999; Order 603, 66 FR 15347, Mar. 19, 2001; Order 633, 68 FR 31605, May 28, 2003; Order 686, 71 FR 63693, Oct. 31, 2006; Order 686-A, 72 FR 37436, July 10, 2007]

§ 157.208 Construction, acquisition, operation, replacement, and miscellaneous rearrangement of facilities.

(a) Automatic authorization. If the project cost does not exceed the cost limitations set forth in column 1 of table 1 to paragraph (d) of this section, or if the project is required to restore service in an emergency, the certificate holder is authorized to make miscellaneous rearrangements of any facility, or acquire, construct, replace, or operate any eligible facility. The certificate holder shall not segment projects in order to meet the cost limitations set forth in column 1 of table 1 to paragraph (d).

(b) Prior notice. If the project cost is greater than the amount specified in column 1 of table 1 to paragraph (d) of this section, but less than the amount specified in column 2 of table 1 to paragraph (d), the certificate holder is authorized to make miscellaneous rearrangements of any facility, or acquire, construct, replace, or operate any eligible facility. The certificate holder shall not segment projects in order to meet the cost limitations set forth in column 2 of table 1 to paragraph (d).

(c) Contents of request. In addition to the requirements of § 157.205(b), requests filed for activities described under paragraph (b) of this section shall contain:

(1) A description of the purpose of the proposed facilities including their relationship to other existing or planned facilities;

(2) A detailed description of the proposed facilities specifying length, diameter, wall thickness and maximum operating pressure for pipeline; and for compressors, the size, type, and number of compressor units, horsepower required, horsepower existing and proposed, volume of fuel gas, suction and discharge pressure and compression ratio;

(3) A USGS 71⁄2 minute series (scale 1:24000) topographic map (or map of equivalent or greater detail, as appropriate) showing the location of the proposed facilities, and indicating the location of any sensitive environmental areas within one-quarter mile of project-related construction activities;

(4) A map showing the relationship of the proposed facilities to the applicant's existing facilities;

(5) A flow diagram or comparative study showing daily design capacity, daily maximum capacity and operating pressures with and without the proposed facilities for that portion of the certificate holder's system affected by the proposal;

(6) The estimated cost and method of financing the proposed facilities;

(7) A statement explaining how the public convenience and necessity requires the approval of the project;

(8) For acquisitions of facilities:

(i) A statement referencing the date of issuance, docket number and title of the proceeding for any certificate issued by the Commission authorizing the facilities proposed to be acquired; and

(ii) The amounts recorded in the accounts of the vendor (seller or lessor) that apply to the facilities proposed to be acquired and the accumulated provisions for depreciation, depletion, and amortization;

(9) A concise analysis discussing the relevant issues outlined in § 380.12 of this chapter. The analysis must identify the existing environmental conditions and the expected significant impacts that the proposed action, including proposed mitigation measures, will cause to the quality of the human environment, including impact expected to occur to sensitive environmental areas. When compressor facilities are proposed, the analysis must also describe how the proposed action will be made to comply with applicable State Implementation Plans developed under the Clean Air Act. The analysis must also include a description of the contacts made, reports produced, and results of consultations which took place to ensure compliance with the Endangered Species Act, National Historic Preservation Act and the Coastal Zone Management Act. Include a copy of the agreements received for compliance with the Endangered Species Act, National Historic Preservation Act, and Coastal Zone Management Act, or if no written concurrence is issued, a description of how the agency relayed its opinion to the company. Describe how drilling for wells or horizontal direction drilling would be designed to meet the goal of limiting the perceived noise at NSAs to an Ldn of 55 dBA or what mitigation would be offered to landowners.

(10) A commitment to having the Environmental Inspector's report filed every week.

(d) Limits and inflation adjustment. The limits specified in table 1 to this paragraph (d) and table 1 to § 157.215(a)(5) shall be adjusted each calendar year to reflect the “GDP implicit price deflator” published by the Department of Commerce for the previous calendar year. The Director of the Office of Energy Projects is authorized to compute and publish limits for future calendar years as a part of table 1 to this paragraph (d) and table 1 to § 157.215(a)(5), pursuant to § 375.308(x)(1) of this chapter.

Table 1 to Paragraph (d)



Auto. proj.
cost limit
(col. 1)

Prior notice proj. cost limit
(col. 2)


































































































































(e) Reporting requirements. For each facility completed during the calendar year pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section and § 157.213(a), the certificate holder shall file in the manner prescribed in §§ 157.6(a) and 385.2011 of this chapter as part of the required annual report under § 157.207(a) the information described in paragraphs (e)(1)-(5) of this section. For each facility completed during the calendar year pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, and §§ 157.210, 157.212, and 157.213(b), the certificate holder shall file in the manner prescribed above only the information described in paragraph (e)(3) of this section.

(1) A description of the facilities installed pursuant to this section, including a description of the length and size of pipelines, compressor horsepower, metering facilities, taps, valves, and any other facilities constructed;

(2) The specific purpose, location, and beginning and completion date of construction of the facilities installed, the date service commenced, and, if applicable, a statement indicating the extent to which the facilities were jointly constructed;

(3) The actual installed cost of each facility item listed pursuant to paragraph (e)(1), separately stating the cost of materials and labor as well as other costs allocable to the facilities;


(i) A description of the contacts made, reports produced, and results of consultations which took place to ensure compliance with the Endangered Species Act, the National Historic Preservation Act and the Coastal Zone Management Act;

(ii) Documentation, including images, that restoration of work areas is progressing appropriately;

(iii) A discussion of problems or unusual construction issues, including those identified by affected landowners, and corrective actions taken or planned; and

(iv) For new or modified compression, a noise survey verifying compliance with § 157.206(b)(5).

(5) For acquisitions of facilities:

(i) A statement referencing the date of issuance, docket number and title of the proceeding for any certificate issued by the Commission authorizing the facilities acquired; and

(ii) The amounts recorded in the accounts of the vendor (seller or lessor) that apply to the facilities acquired and the accumulated provisions for depreciation, depletion, and amortization.

(f) Special conditions.

(1) For purposes of comparing the project cost of leased facilities with the per-project cost limitations in table 1 to paragraph (d) of this section, the project cost of leased facilities shall be the annual lease charge multiplied by the number of years of the lease.

(2) In the interest of safety and reliability of service, facilities authorized by the certificate shall not be operated at pressures exceeding the maximum operating pressure set forth in the request. In the event that the certificate holder thereafter wishes to change the maximum operating pressure of supply or delivery lateral facilities constructed under section 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act or facilities constructed under this section, it shall file an appropriate request pursuant to the procedures set forth in § 157.205(b). Such request shall include the reasons for the proposed change. Nothing contained herein authorizes the certificate holder to operate any facility at a pressure above the maximum prescribed by State law, if such law requires a lower pressure than authorized hereby.

(g) If the actual cost of the project exceeds the per-project cost authorized under a blanket certificate in table 1 to paragraph (d) of this section, the certificate holder shall apply to the Director of the Office of Energy Projects for a waiver of those project cost limits.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982]

Editorial Note

Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting § 157.208, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.

§ 157.209 Temporary compression facilities.

(a) Automatic authorization. If the cost does not exceed the cost limitations set forth in column 1 of table 1 to § 157.208(d), the certificate holder may install, operate and remove temporary facilities provided that the temporary compressor facilities shall not be used to increase the volume or service above that rendered by the involved existing permanent compressor unit(s).

(b) Reporting requirements. As part of the certificate holder's annual report of projects authorized under paragraph (a) of this section, the certificate holder must report the following in the manner prescribed in §§ 157.6(a) and 385.2011 of this chapter;

(1) A description of the temporary compression facility, including the size, type and number of compressor units;

(2) The location at which temporary compression was installed, operated and removed, including its location relative to existing facilities;

(3) A description of the permanent compression facility which was unavailable, and a statement explaining the reason for the temporary compression;

(4) The dates for which the temporary compression was installed, operated and removed; and

(5) If applicable, the information required in § 157.208(e)(4).

[Order 603, 64 FR 26608, May 14, 1999, as amended by Order 699, 72 FR 45325, Aug. 14, 2007; 89 FR 16684, Mar. 8, 2024]

§ 157.210 Mainline natural gas facilities.

Subject to the notice requirements of §§ 157.205(b) and 157.208(c), the certificate holder is authorized to acquire, construct, modify, replace, and operate natural gas mainline facilities, including compression and looping, that are not eligible facilities under § 157.202(b)(2)(i). The cost of a project may not exceed the cost limitation provided in column 2 of table 1 to § 157.208(d). The certificate holder must not segment projects in order to meet this cost limitation.

[Order 686, 71 FR 63693, Oct. 31, 2006, as amended at 89 FR 16684, Mar. 8, 2024]

§ 157.211 Delivery points.

(a) Construction and operation

(1) Automatic authorization. The certificate holder may acquire, construct, replace, modify, or operate any delivery point, excluding the construction of certain delivery points subject to the prior notice provisions in paragraph (a)(2) of this section if:

(i) The natural gas is being delivered to, or for the account of, a shipper for whom the certificate holder is, or will be, authorized to transport gas; and

(ii) The certificate holder's tariff does not prohibit the addition of new delivery points.

(2) Prior notice. Subject to the notice procedure in § 157.205, the certificate holder may acquire, construct, replace, modify, or operate any delivery point if:

(i) The natural gas is being delivered to, or for the account of, an end-user that is currently being served by a local distribution company; and

(ii) The natural gas is being delivered to a shipper for whom the certificate holder is, or will be, authorized to transport gas; and

(iii) The certificate holder's tariff does not prohibit the addition of new delivery points.

(b) Contents of request. In addition to the requirements of § 157.205(b), requests for activities authorized under paragraph (a)(2) must contain:

(1) The name of the end-user, the location of the delivery point, and the distribution company currently serving the end-user;

(2) A description of the facility and any appurtenant facilities;

(3) A USGS 71⁄2-minute series (scale 1:24,000 or 1:25,000) topographic map (or map of equivalent or greater detail, as appropriate) showing the location of the proposed facilities;

(4) The quantity of gas to be delivered through the proposed facility;

(5) A description, with supporting data, of the impact of the service rendered through the proposed delivery tap upon the certificate holder's peak day and annual deliveries.

(c) Reporting requirements. As part of the certificate holder's annual report of projects authorized under paragraph (a) of this section, the certificate holder must report in the manner prescribed in §§ 157.6(a) and 385.2011 of this chapter:

(1) A description of the facilities acquired, constructed, replaced, modified or operated pursuant to this section;

(2) The location and maximum quantities delivered at such delivery point;

(3) The actual cost and the completion date of the delivery point; and

(4) The date of each agreement obtained pursuant to § 157.206(b)(3) and the date construction began.

[Order 436, 50 FR 42491, Oct. 18, 1985, as amended by Order 493, 53 FR 15030, Apr. 27, 1988; Order 603, 64 FR 26608, May 14, 1999; Order 603-B, 65 FR 11464, Mar. 3, 2000]

§ 157.212 Synthetic and liquefied natural gas facilities.

Subject to the notice requirements of §§ 157.205(b) and 157.208(c), the certificate holder is authorized to acquire, construct, modify, replace, and operate natural gas facilities that are used to transport either a mix of synthetic and natural gas or exclusively revaporized liquefied natural gas and that are not “related jurisdictional natural gas facilities” as defined in § 153.2(e) of this chapter. The cost of a project may not exceed the cost limitation provided in column 2 of table 1 to § 157.208(d). The certificate holder must not segment projects in order to meet this cost limitation.

[Order 686, 71 FR 63693, Oct. 31, 2006, as amended at 89 FR 16684, Mar. 8, 2024]

§ 157.213 Underground storage field facilities.

(a) Automatic authorization. If the project cost does not exceed the cost limitations provided in column 1 of table 1 to § 157.208(d), the certificate holder may acquire, construct, modify, replace, and operate facilities for the remediation and maintenance of an existing underground storage facility, provided the storage facility's certificated physical parameters—including total inventory, reservoir pressure, reservoir and buffer boundaries, and certificated capacity remain unchanged—and provided compliance with environmental and safety provisions is not affected. The certificate holder must not alter the function of any well that is drilled into or is active in the management of the storage facility. The certificate holder must not segment projects in order to meet this cost limitation.

(b) Prior Notice. Subject to the notice requirements of §§ 157.205(b) and 157.208(c), the certificate holder is authorized to acquire, construct, modify, replace, and operate natural gas underground storage facilities, provided the storage facility's certificated physical parameters—including total inventory, reservoir pressure, reservoir and buffer boundaries, and certificated capacity remain unchanged—and provided compliance with environmental and safety provisions is not affected. The cost of a project may not exceed the cost limitation provided in column 2 of table 1 to § 157.208(d). the certificate holder must not segment projects in order to meet this cost limitation.

(c) Contents of request. In addition to the requirements of §§ 157.206(b) and 157.208(c), requests for activities authorized under paragraph (b) of this section must contain, to the extent necessary to demonstrate that the proposed project will not alter a storage reservoir's total inventory, reservoir pressure, reservoir or buffer boundaries, or certificated capacity:

(1) A description of the current geological interpretation of the storage reservoir, including both the storage formation and the caprock, including summary analysis of any recent cross-sections, well logs, quantitative porosity and permeability data, and any other relevant data for both the storage reservoir and caprock;

(2) The latest isopach and structural maps of the storage field, showing the storage reservoir boundary, as defined by fluid contacts or natural geological barriers; the protective buffer boundary; the surface and bottomhole locations of the existing and proposed injection/withdrawal wells and observation wells; and the lengths of open-hole sections of existing and proposed injection/withdrawal wells;

(3) Isobaric maps (data from the end of each injection and withdrawal cycle) for the last three injection/withdrawal seasons, which include all wells, both inside and outside the storage reservoir and within the buffer area;

(4) A detailed description of present storage operations and how they may change as a result of the new facilities or modifications. Include a detailed discussion of all existing operational problems for the storage field, including but not limited to gas migration and gas loss;

(5) Current and proposed working gas volume, cushion gas volume, native gas volume, deliverability (at maximum and minimum pressure), maximum and minimum storage pressures, at the present certificated maximum capacity or pressure, with volumes and rates in MMcf and pressures in psia;

(6) The latest field injection/withdrawal capability studies including curves at present and proposed working gas capacity, including average field back pressure curves and all other related data;

(7) The latest inventory verification study for the storage field, including methodology, data, and work papers;

(8) The shut-in reservoir pressures (average) and cumulative gas-in-place (including native gas) at the beginning of each injection and withdrawal season for the last 10 years; and

(9) A detailed analysis, including data and work papers, to support the need for additional facilities (wells, gathering lines, headers, compression, dehydration, or other appurtenant facilities) for the modification of working gas/cushion gas ratio and/or to improve the capability of the storage field.

[Order 686, 71 FR 63693, Oct. 31, 2006, as amended by Order 686-A, 72 FR 37436, July 10, 2007; 89 FR 16684, Mar. 8, 2024]

§ 157.214 Increase in storage capacity.

(a) Prior notice. Subject to the notice requirements of § 157.205, the certificate holder is authorized to increase the maximum volume of natural gas authorized to be stored in a storage field to the extent that geological data and operating experience have demonstrated that a volume of natural gas greater than that currently certificated may be safely stored without the construction of additional facilities.

(b) Contents of request. In addition to the requirements of § 157.205(b), requests filed for activities described in paragraph (a) shall contain:

(1) Current and requested maximum storage capacity;

(2) Current and requested maximum storage pressure;

(3) Average depth of the storage formation;

(4) Copies of any geological or engineering studies that demonstrate the feasibility of the increase in storage volume; and

(5) A statement setting forth the purpose of the proposed increased capacity.

(c) Reporting requirements. For any storage facility whose capacity is increased pursuant to this section, the certificate holder shall submit, in the manner prescribed in § 385.2011 of this chapter, semi-annual reports (to coincide with the termination of the injection and withdrawal cycles) containing the information listed in subdivisions (1) through (8) of this paragraph. The certificate holder shall continue to file semi-annual reports until the storage inventory volume has reached, or closely approximates, the maximum specified in the request. Thereafter, the reports shall continue on a semi-annual basis for a period of one year. The filing of reports shall be discontinued thereafter unless otherwise ordered by the Commission. (Volumes shall be stated at 14.73 psia and 60 °F, and pressures shall be stated in psia.)

(1) The daily volume of natural gas injected into and withdrawn from the storage reservoir.

(2) The volume of natural gas in the reservoir at the end of the reporting period.

(3) The maximum daily injection or withdrawal rate experienced during the reporting period and the average working pressure on such maximum days taken at a central measuring point where the total volume injected or withdrawn is measured.

(4) Results of any tracer program by which the leakage of injected gas may be determined. If the leakage of gas exists, the report should show the estimated total volume of gas leakage, the volume of recycled gas and the remaining inventory of gas in the reservoir at the end of the reporting period.

(5) Any surveys of pressures in gas wells, water levels in observation wells, pump test results for the aquifer-type reservoirs, and the results of back-pressure tests conducted during the reporting period.

(6) The latest revised structure and isopachous contour maps showing the location of the wells, the location and extent of the gas bubble in the storage reservoir for aquifer-type reservoirs and in any other reservoirs of the project in which gas bubbles are known to exist. This map need not be filed if there is no material change from the map previously filed.

(7) Discussion of current operating problems and conclusions.

(8) Such other data or reports which may aid the Commission in the evaluation of the storage project.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982, as amended by Order 493, 53 FR 15030, Apr. 27, 1988]

§ 157.215 Underground storage testing and development.

(a) Automatic authorization. The certificate holder is authorized to acquire, construct and operate natural gas pipeline and compression facilities, including injection, withdrawal, and observation wells for the testing or development of underground reservoirs for the possible storage of gas, if:

(1) The testing and development of a particular storage project will be completed within a three-year-period;

(2) The quantity of natural gas injected into the prospective storage fields pursuant to the blanket certificate does not exceed a total of 10,000,000 Mcf at any time in all fields with no more than 2,000,000 Mcf injected into any single field;

(3) Gas will be injected for testing purposes only during off-peak periods;

(4) The storage field developed pursuant to this section will not be utilized to render service without further authorization from the Commission, except that gas may be withdrawn on occasion for testing purposes; and

(5) The total expenditures per calendar year pursuant to this section do not exceed the amount specified in table 1 to this paragraph (a)(5) as adjusted pursuant to § 157.208(d). These costs shall include expenditures for leases, wells, pipeline, compressors, and related facilities, but shall exclude the cost of the natural gas to be used for testing purposes.

Table 1 to Paragraph (a)(5)

























































































(b) Reporting requirements

(1) Annual reports. For any storage project tested or developed pursuant to this section, the certificate holder shall file, in the manner prescribed in §§ 157.6(a) and 385.2011 of this chapter as part of the annual report required under § 157.207(a), the following information:

(i) A description of the facilities constructed and the type of storage reservoir, i.e., gas expansion or dry gas, water-drive or aquifer;

(ii) The location of the facilities;

(iii) The cost of such facilities, the date construction began, and the date they were placed in service;

(iv) The monthly volumes of gas injected into and withdrawn from each reservoir;

(v) An estimate of the storage capacity and daily deliverability of each project; and

(vi) A description of the contacts made, reports produced, and results of consultations which took place to ensure compliance with the Endangered Species Act, the National Historic Preservation Act and the Coastal Zone Management Act.

(2) Quarterly reports. If the reservoir to be tested and developed is an aquifer-type reservoir, the certificate holder shall file, in the manner prescribed in §§ 157.6(a) and 385.2011 of this chapter unless otherwise ordered by the commission, for each such project quarterly reports, under oath, until the project is either certificated for regular service or abandoned. The quarterly report shall contain the following information in addition to the data required by paragraph (b)(1) of this section:

(i) The daily volumes of natural gas injected into and withdrawn from the aquifer during the quarter and the volume of gas in the aquifer at the end of each month;

(ii) The maximum daily injection or withdrawal rate experienced during the quarter and the average working pressure on such maximum days taken at a central measuring point where the total volume injected or withdrawn is measured;

(iii) Results of any tracer program by which leakage of gas may be determined;

(iv) Any pressure surveys of gas wells and water levels in observation wells conducted during the quarter by individual well, and copies of any core analyses, gamma ray, neutron or other electric log surveys and back-pressure tests taken during the quarter;

(v) A map of the storage project showing the location of the wells, the latest revised structure contours, and the location and extent of the gas bubble. This map need not be filed if there is no material change from the map previously filed; and

(vi) Such other data or reports which may aid the Commission in the evaluation of the project.

(c) Accounting. The cost of any project ultimately determined to be infeasible for storage shall be charged to Account No. 822 of part 201, Underground Storage Exploration and Development Expenses.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982]

Editorial Note

Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting § 157.215, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.

§ 157.216 Abandonment.

(a) Automatic authorization. The certificate holder is authorized pursuant to section 7(b) of the Natural Gas Act to abandon gas supply facilities, and:

(1) A receipt or delivery point, or related supply or delivery lateral, provided the facility has not been used to provide:

(i) Interruptible transportation service during the one year period prior to the effective date of the proposed abandonment, or

(ii) Firm transportation service during the one year period prior to the effective date of the proposed abandonment, provided the point is no longer covered under a firm contract; or


(i) An auxiliary facility as described in § 2.55(a) of this chapter when the abandonment:

(A) Will not exceed the cost limit in § 157.208(d) for activities under the automatic provisions;

(B) Will have no adverse impact on customers' certificated services; and

(C) Cannot satisfy the right-of-way, facility site, and work space limitations for the pre-granted abandonment authority in § 2.55(a)(3);

(ii) A replacement facility that was or could have been constructed under § 2.55(b) of this chapter, provided the current cost to construct the facilities would not exceed the cost limit in § 157.208(d) for activities under the automatic provisions and the certificate holder obtains the written consent of each customer served using the facility during the past 12 months;

(iii) Any other facility that did or could now qualify for automatic authorization as described in § 157.203(b), provided the certificate holder obtains the written consent of each customer served using the facility during the past 12 months.

(b) Prior notice. Subject to the notice requirements of § 157.205, the certificate holder is authorized pursuant to section 7(b) of the Natural Gas Act to abandon:

(1) Any receipt or delivery point if all of the existing customers of the pipeline served through the receipt or delivery point consent in writing to the abandonment. When filing a request for authorization of the proposed abandonment under the notice procedures of § 157.205, the certificate holder shall notify, in writing, the State public service commission having regulatory authority over retail service to the customers served through the delivery point.


(i) An auxiliary facility as described in § 2.55(a) of this chapter when the abandonment:

(A) Will not exceed the cost limit in § 157.208(d) for activities under the prior notice provisions;

(B) Will have no adverse impact on customers' certificated services; and

(C) Cannot satisfy the right-of-way, facility site, and work space limitations for the pre-granted abandonment authority in § 2.55(a)(3).

(ii) A replacement facility that was or could have been constructed under § 2.55(b) of this chapter, provided the current cost to construct the facilities would not exceed the cost limit in § 157.208(d) for activities under the prior notice provisions and the certificate holder obtains the written consent of each customer served using the facility during the past 12 months;

(iii) Any other facility that did or could now qualify for prior notice authorization as described in § 157.203(c), provided the certificate holder obtains the written consent of each customer served using the facility during the past 12 months.

(c) Contents of request. In addition to the requirements of § 157.205(b), requests filed for activities described under paragraph (b) shall describe:

(1) The location, type, size, and length of the subject facilities. For facilities not constructed or acquired under blanket certificate authority, an estimate of the current cost to replicate such facilities;

(2) The docket authorizing the construction and operation of the facilities to be abandoned;

(3) For each facility an oath statement that all of the customers served during the past year by the subject facilities have consented to the abandonment, or an explanation of why the customers' consent is not available;

(4) A proposed accounting treatment of any facilities to be abandoned.

(5) For any abandonment resulting in earth disturbance, a USGS 71⁄2-minute-series (scale 1:24,000 or 1:25,000) topographic map (or map of equivalent or greater detail, as appropriate) showing the location of the proposed facilities and a concise analysis discussing the relevant issues outlined in § 380.12 of this chapter.

(d) Reporting requirements. The annual report filed by the certificate holder shall contain, for each abandonment authorized under paragraph (a) of this section:

(1) A description of the facilities abandoned under this section. For facilities not constructed or acquired under blanket certificate authority, an estimate of the current cost to replicate such facilities;

(2) The docket number(s) of the certificate(s) authorizing the construction and operation of the facilities to be abandoned;

(3) The accounting treatment of the facilities abandoned; and

(4) The date earth disturbance, if any, related to the abandonment began and the date the facilities were abandoned; and

(5) The date of the agreements obtained pursuant to § 157.206(b)(3), if earth disturbance was involved.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982, as amended by Order 234-A, 47 FR 38877, Sept. 3, 1982; Order 603, 64 FR 26609, May 14, 1999; Order 603-A, 64 FR 54536, Oct. 7, 1999; Order 686, 71 FR 63694, Oct. 31, 2006; 72 FR 54820, Sept. 27, 2007; Order 790-B, 80 FR 43949, July 24, 2015; 80 FR 50559, Aug. 20, 2015]

§ 157.217 Changes in rate schedules.

(a) Automatic authorization. The certificate holder is authorized to permit an existing customer, at the customer's request, to change from part 157 individually certificated transportation or storage service to part 284 transportation or storage service, and to abandon the part 157 service, if:

(1) The combined volumetric limitations on deliveries to the customer under both rate schedules are not increased, for either annual or peak day limitations;

(2) The conversion will reflect all the maximum rates and charges associated with the service;

(3) The changes are consistent with the terms of the effective tariffs on file with the Commission. The certificate holder is granted a limited waiver of its tariff requiring posting of available capacity.

(4) The certificate holder shall make a filing to reflect removal of the part 157 rate schedule from its tariff. This tariff filing must be filed in the electronic format required by § 154.4 of this chapter.

(b) Reporting requirements. In the annual report for any year in which the certificate holder has permitted an existing customer to change from one rate schedule to another pursuant to this section, the certificate holder shall state:

(1) The name of the customer;

(2) The rate schedules and associated rates involved; and

(3) The effective date of the change.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982, as amended by Order 603, 64 FR 26609, May 14, 1999; Order 603-A, 64 FR 54537, Oct. 7, 1999; Order 714, 73 FR 57535, Oct. 3, 2008]

§ 157.218 Changes in customer name.

(a) Automatic authorization. The effective certificates of the certificate holder may be amended to the extent necessary to reflect the change in the name of an existing customer, if the certificate holder has filed any necessary conforming changes in its Index of Customers, including the customer's old name.

(b) Reporting requirements. For each customer name change authorized during a calendar year, the certificate holder shall include as a part of its annual report:

(1) The old and new names of the customer; and

(2) A brief explanation of the reason for the name change.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982, as amended by Order 603, 64 FR 26609, May 14, 1999]

Appendix I to Subpart F of Part 157—Procedures for Compliance With the Endangered Species Act of 1973 Under § 157.206(b)(3)(i)

The following procedures apply to any certificate holder which undertakes a project to be authorized under a blanket certificate issued pursuant to subparts E or F of part 157 and to any other service subject to § 157.206(b) of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (Commission) regulations.

Pursuant to § 157.206(b)(7) of the Commission's regulations, the certificate holder shall, upon acceptance of its blanket certificate, be designated as the Commission's non-Federal representative to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in order to conduct informal consultations with those agencies. For purposes of this appendix, “listed species” and “critical habitat” shall have the same meanings as set forth in 50 CFR 402.02. The certificate holder shall be deemed in compliance with § 157.206(b)(2)(vi) of the Commission's regulations only if, prior to constructing facilities or abandoning facilities by removal under the blanket certificate, it complies with the following procedures:

1. The certificate holder shall contact the appropriate regional office of either the FWS or the NMFS (or both the FWS and the NMFS, if appropriate) as determined pursuant to 50 CFR 402.01 for the purpose of initiating informal consultations.

2. The certificate holder shall be deemed in compliance with § 157.206(b)(2)(vi) of the Commission's regulations if the consulted agency (either the FWS or NMFS, or both if appropriate) initially determines, pursuant to the informal consultations:

(a) That no listed species or its critical habitat occur in the project area; and

(b) That no species proposed to be listed under 16 U.S.C. 1533 or its critical habitat occur in the project area.

3. If the consulted agency, pursuant to the informal consultations, initially determines that any species proposed to be listed under 16 U.S.C. 1533 or its critical habitat occur in the project area, then the certificate holder shall confer with the consulted agency on how potential impact can be avoided or reduced. Upon completion of the conference and the implementation of any mitigating measures the certificate holder elects to implement, and compliance with paragraph 4 of this Appendix, if applicable, the certificate holder shall be deemed in compliance with § 157.206(b)(2)(vi) of the Commission's regulations.


(a) If the consulted agency initially determines, pursuant to the informal consultations, that a listed species or its critical habitat may occur in the project area, then the certificate holder shall continue informal consultation with the consulted agency to determine if the proposed project may affect such species or habitat. Continued informal consultations may include discussions with experts (including experts provided by the consulted agency), field surveys, biological assessments, and formulation of mitigation measures.

(b) The certificate holder shall be deemed in compliance with § 157.206(b)(2)(vi) of the Commission's regulations if the consulted agency agrees with the certificate holder's determination resulting from the continued informal consultations, that the proposed project is not likely to adversely affect a listed species or critical habitat, or that no further consultation is necessary.

(c) If the consulted agency does not agree with such determination by the certificate holder, or if the certificate holder concludes that the proposed project may affect listed species or the critical habitat of such species, then the certificate holder may not proceed with the proposed project under the blanket certificate.

[Order 234, 47 FR 24266, June 4, 1982, as amended by Order 436, 50 FR 42491, Oct. 18, 1985; Order 603, 64 FR 26609, May 14, 1999; Order 603-A, 64 FR 54537, Oct. 7, 1999]

Appendix II to Subpart F of Part 157—Procedures for Compliance With the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 Under § 157.206(b)(3)(ii)

The following procedures apply to any certificate holder which undertakes a project under the authority of a blanket certificate issued pursuant to subparts E or F of part 157 and to any other service subject to § 157.206(b) of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (Commission) regulations. For the purposes of this appendix, the following definitions apply:

(a) “Listed property” means any district, site, building, structure or object which is listed

(1) on the National Register of Historic Places, or

(2) in the Federal Register as a property determined to be eligible for inclusion on the National Register.

(b) “SHPO” means the State Historic Preservation Officer or any alternative person duly designated, in accordance with section (1)(b) of Appendix II to Subpart F, to advise on cultural resource matters.

(c) “Unlisted property” means any district, site, building, structure or object which is not a listed property.

(d) “THPO” means the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, as defined at 36 CFR 800.2(c)(2).

The certificate holder shall be deemed to be in compliance with § 157.206(b)(2)(iii) of the Commission's regulations only if, prior to constructing facilities or abandoning facilities by removal under the blanket certificate, it complies with the following procedures:


(a) If federally administered land would be directly affected by the project, then the procedures used by the appropriate Tribal or Federal land managing agency to comply with section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, 16 U.S.C. 470f, shall take precedence over these procedures. The procedures in this appendix apply to State and private lands, and Federal lands for which there are no other Federal procedures.

(b) If there is no SHPO, or THPO, if appropriate, or if the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, declines to consult with the certificate holder, the certificate holder shall so inform the environmental staff of the Office of Energy Projects and shall not proceed with these procedures or the project until an alternate consultant has been duly designated.

(2) It shall be the certificate holder's responsibility to identify or cause to be identified listed properties and unlisted properties that satisfy the National Register Criteria for Evaluation (36 CFR 1202.6), that are located within the area of the project's potential environmental impact and that may be affected by the undertaking.

(3) The certificate holder shall:

(a) Check the National Register of Historic Places and consult with the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, to identify all listed properties within the area of the project's potential environmental impact;

(b) Consult with the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, and to the extent deemed appropriate by the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, check public records and consult with other individuals and organizations with historical and cultural expertise, to determine whether unlisted properties that satisfy the National Register Criteria for Evaluation are known or likely to occur within the area of the project's potential environmental impact; and

(c) Consult with the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, to determine the need for surveys to identify unknown unlisted properties. The certificate holder shall evaluate the eligibility of any known unlisted properties located within the area of the project's potential environmental impact according to the National Register Criteria for Evaluation.

(4) The certificate holder shall be deemed in compliance with § 157.206(b)(2)(iii) of the Commission's regulations if the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, agrees with the certificate holder that no survey is required, and that no listed properties or unlisted properties that satisfy the National Register Criteria for Evaluation occur in the area of the project's potential environmental impact.

(5) If the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, determines that surveys are required to ensure that no listed properties, or unlisted properties that satisfy the National Register Criteria for Evaluation, occur within the area of the project's potential environmental impact, the certificate holder shall perform surveys deemed by the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, to be of sufficient scope and intensity to identify and evaluate such properties. The certificate holder shall submit the results of the surveys including a statement as to which unlisted properties satisfy the National Register Criteria for Evaluation, to the SHPO and solicit comments on the surveys and the conclusions.

(6) The certificate holder shall be deemed in compliance with § 157.206(b)(2)(iii) of the Commission's regulations if, upon conclusion of the surveys, the certificate holder and the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, agree that no listed properties, and no unlisted properties which satisfy the National Register Criteria for Evaluation, occur in the area of the project's potential environmental impact.

(7) For each listed property, and each unlisted property which satisfies the National Register Criteria for Evaluation, which is located within the area of the project's potential environmental impact, the certificate holder, in consultation with the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, shall apply the Criteria of Effect (36 CFR 800.5) to determine whether the project will have an effect upon the historical, architectural, archeological, or cultural characteristics of the property that qualified it to meet National Register Criteria for Evaluation. The certificate holder shall be deemed in compliance with § 157.206(b)(2)(iii) of the Commission's regulations if the certificate holder and the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, agree that the project will not affect these characteristics.

(8) If either the certificate holder or the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, finds that the project may affect a listed property or an unlisted property which satisfies the National Register Criteria for Evaluation, located within the area of the project's potential environmental impact, then the project shall not be authorized under the blanket certificate unless such properties can be avoided by relocation of the project to an area where the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, agrees that no listed properties or unlisted properties that satisfy the National Register Criteria for Evaluation occur. The certificate holder shall be deemed in compliance with § 157.206(b)(2)(iii) of the Commission's regulations if the project is relocated as described above.

(9) If the certificate holder and the SHPO, or THPO, as appropriate, are unable to agree upon the need for a survey, the adequacy of a survey, or the results of application of the National Register Criteria for Evaluation to an unlisted property, the project shall not be authorized under the blanket certificate.

[Order 603, 64 FR 26610, May 14, 1999, as amended by Order 603-A, 64 FR 54537, Oct. 7, 1999; Order 699, 72 FR 45325, Aug. 14, 2007]

Subpart G—Natural Gas Producer Blanket Authorization for Sales and Abandonment [Reserved]

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