NASA Intern Survey (OSTEM)

Generic Clearance for the NASA Office of STEM Engagement Performance Measurement and Evaluation (Testing)

NASA OSTEM INTERN survey 2022 text

NASA Intern Survey (OSTEM)

OMB: 2700-0159

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NASA OSTEM Internship Program Survey As a participant in NASA OSTEM Internship Program, you have been selected to take part in a brief questionnaire about your experiences as a NASA intern. If you wish to participate in this survey, please continue to the next page. Thank you for your cooperation!

Privacy Act Notification:

The information you provide via this form is protected from unauthorized disclosure in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974. It will be used by NASA for the specific purpose of managing registrants, selecting applicants, implementing and evaluating STEM engagement investments. Collection of the information is authorized by the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 § 403(a)(b), 42 U.S.C. § 2473 (c)(1). Provision of the requested information is strictly voluntary; however, failure to provide the information may result in NASA's inability to provide you with the information or STEM services you desire. NASA may disclose information to NASA administrators and managers, Office of Management and Budget officials, and members of Congress for the purposes of accountability and tracking of program and project efficiency and effectiveness. Elaboration and conditions of information disclosure may be found under “Routine Uses” of the full System of Records Notice at and in Appendix B at

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement:

This information collection meets the requirements of 44 U.S.C. §3507, as amended by section 2 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. You do not need to answer these questions unless we display a

valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 2700-0159 and expires 09/30/2024.

* 1. At which site did you participate? (Select one)

Ames Research Center

Armstrong Flight Research Center Glenn Research Center

Goddard Space Flight Center

Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Facility Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Johnson Space Center Kennedy Space Center Langley Research Center

Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Marshall Space Flight Center

NASA Headquarters

NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC) Stennis Space Center

Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) White Sands Complex (WSC)

White Sands Test Facility (WSTF)

2. In which primary area of NASA work were you assigned during your internship? (Select one)

Entry, Descent, and Landing

Advanced Computing and Data Analytics Human Space Flight Related Areas

Spacecraft and Instrument Development and Testing Flight Testing

Remote Sensing and Atmospheric Research

Propulsion for Both Airbreathing and Rocket/Space Systems Communication and Navigation Systems

Aero-sciences including Computer Modeling and Test Facilities (wind tunnels, UAV ranges, simulators) Robotic Operations

Launch Services (range, suborbital, and capabilities) Mission Design and Concept Development

System and Fundamental Research Areas

Mission Support and Enterprise Support (facilities/center operations, financial/procurement, OCHO, legal, IT/OCIO, OCOMM, ODEO, OSTEM, safety and mission assurance, and security)

  • 3. Was your internship experience in-person or virtual? (Select one)

In-person Virtual

Hybrid (contained both in-person and virtual elements)

  • 4. What is your gender? (Select one)

Female Male

Do not wish to provide

  • 5. What is your ethnicity? (Select one)

Hispanic or Latino

Not Hispanic or Latino Do not wish to provide

  • 6. What is your race? (Select as many as apply).

Shape27 Shape28 Shape29 American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian

Black or African American

Shape30 Shape31 Shape32 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White

Do not wish to provide

  • 7. Do you have a disability? (Select one)

Yes No

Do not wish to provide

  • 8. Is English your first/native language? (Select one)

Yes No

Do not wish to provide

  • 9. Has at least one of your parents/guardians graduated from college? (Select one)

Yes No

Do not wish to provide

10. What is your current grade level in school? (Select one)

High school freshman High school sophomore High school junior

High school senior College freshman College sophomore College junior

College senior Graduate student

Do not wish to provide Other (please specify)

  • 11. Have you ever received or are you eligible for a Pell Grant (needs based) at your university? (Select one)

Yes No

Do not wish to provide

Not applicable (I am not a college student)

  1. When in high school, are/were you able to receive free or reduced price lunch? (Select one)

Yes No

Shape48 Do not wish to provide Other (please specify)

  1. Where is/was your high school located? (Select one)

Urban Rural


Do not wish to provide

* 14. How often did you do each of the following in STEM classes at school taken over the past year? (Select one per row)

Not at all At least once Monthly Weekly Every day

Work with a STEM

researcher on a project of my own choosing

Present my STEM research to a panel of judges from a relevant industry


Use laboratory procedures and tools

Analyze data or

information and draw conclusions

Build or make a computer model

* 15. How often did you do each of the following in your NASA internship program this year? (Select one per row)

Not at all At least once Weekly Monthly Every day

Work with a STEM

researcher on a project of my own choosing

Present my STEM research to a panel of judges from a relevant industry


Use laboratory procedures and tools

Analyze data or

information and draw conclusions

Build or make a computer model

* 16. How much did each of the following resources help you learn about NASA internship programs? (Select one per row)

Did not experience Not at all A little Somewhat Very much

NASA Internships on

Facebook, Twitter, or other social media

Internship mentor


Participation in the internship program

* 17. How much did each of the following resources help you learn about careers at NASA? (Select one per row)

Did not experience Not at all A little Somewhat Very much

NASA Internships on

Facebook, Twitter, or other social media

Internship mentor


Participation in the internship program

* 18. How SATISFIED were you with the following internship program features? (Select one per row)

Did not experience Not at all A little Somewhat Very much

Other administrative tasks


Variety of STEM topics

available to you through the program

Direct deposit availability


* 19. How much input did you have in selecting your internship research project? (Select one)

I was assigned a project by my mentor.

I worked with my mentor to design a project.

I had a choice among various projects suggested by my mentor.

I worked with my mentor and members of a research team to design a project.

* 20. How often was your mentor available to you during the internship program? Select one.

Less than half the time.

About half the time of my project. More than half of the time.

Always available.

* 21. To what extent did you work as part of a group or team during the internship program? (Select one)

I worked alone (or along with my mentor).

I worked with others in a shared laboratory or other space, but we worked on different projects. I worked alone on my project and I met with others regularly for general reporting or discussion. I worked alone on a project that was closely connected with projects of others in my group.

I worked with a group who all worked on the same project.

* 22. How SATISFIED were you with each of the following? (Select one per row)

Did not experience Not at all A little Somewhat Very much

The level of appreciation

my mentor expressed towards me

My working relationship with my group


The research experience overall

The contribution I was

able to make to NASA's mission work

My sense of belonging at NASA

  • 23. The list bellow includes effective teaching and mentoring strategies. From the list, please indicate which strategies your mentor(s) used when working with you in the internship program: (Select one per row)

Yes my mentor used this strategy with me No my mentor did not use this strategy with me

Gave me extra support when I needed it


Allowed me to work on a team project or activity

Gave me feedback to help me improve


Recommended other NASA or industry programs that match my interests

24. Which of the following statements apply to your research experience in the internship? (Select all that apply)

Shape120 I presented a talk or poster to other students or faculty.

Shape121 Shape122 Shape123 I presented a talk or poster at a professional symposium or conference. I attended a symposium or conference.

Shape124 Shape125 I wrote or co-wrote a paper that was/will be published in a research journal. I wrote or co-wrote a technical paper or patent.

I will present a talk or poster to other students or faculty.

Shape126 Shape127 Shape128 I will present a talk or poster at a professional symposium or conference. I will attend a symposium or conference.

Shape129 I will write or co-write a paper that was/will be published in a research journal. I will write or co-write a technical paper or patent.

  • 25. Rate your level of agreement about your gains in the following content knowledge areas as a result of your participation in the internship. (Select one per row)

Strongly disagree Disagree

Neither agree or

disagree Agree Strongly agree


Knowledge of research processes, ethics, and rules for conduct in research

Knowledge of what

everyday research work is like

  • 26. Rate your level of agreement regarding if you experienced gains in these abilities areas as a result of your participation in the internship. (Select one per row)

Strongly disagree Disagree

Neither agree or

disagree Agree Strongly agree


Using my knowledge

and creativity to suggest a solution to a problem

Identifying the limitations

of the methods and tools used for collecting data

Supporting an

explanation with my knowledge

Presenting an argument that uses data and/or

findings from an

experiment or investigation

  • 27. Rate your level of agreement regarding if you experienced gains in these skills/abilities as a result of your participation in the internship. (Select one per row)

Strongly disagree Disagree

Neither disagree or

agree Agree Strongly agree


Using my creative ideas to make a product

Evaluating others'

evidence, arguments, and beliefs

Communicating clearly

(written and oral) with others

Accessing and evaluating information

efficiently (time) and

critically (evaluates sources)

Creating media products

like videos, blogs, social media

Adapting to change

when things do not go as planned

  • 28. Rate your level of agreement regarding if you experienced gains in these areas as a result of your participation in the internship. (Select one per row)

Strongly disagree Disagree

Neither agree or

disagree Agree Strongly agree


Deciding on a path to

pursue a career in my field

Feeling prepared for

more challenging activities in my field

Connecting a topic in my

field to my personal values

  • 29. As a result of your internship experience at NASA, which is primarily a STEM-focused organization, are you MORE or LESS likely to engage in the following activities in outside of school requirements or activities? (Select one per row)

Much less likely Less likely

About the same

before and after More likely Much more likely


Tinker (play) with a

mechanical or electrical device

Mentor or teach other students about STEM


Participate in a STEM

camp, club, or competition

* 30. Prior to participating in your internship, how far did you want to go in school? (Select one)

Finish college (get a bachelor’s degree) Get a master’s degree

Get a Ph.D.

Shape187 Get another professional degree (law, business, etc.) Other (please specify)

* 31. After you have participated in your internship, how far do you want to go in school? (Select one)

Finish college (get a bachelor’s degree) Get a master’s degree

Get a Ph.D.

Shape188 Get another professional degree (law, business, etc.) Other (please specify)

* 32. How many jobs/careers did you learn about in your internship program? (Select one)

None 1




5 or more

* 33. How many NASA jobs/careers did you learn about in your internship program? (Select one)

None 1




5 or more

  • 34. Rate your level of agreement regarding the following statements as a result of your participation in the internship. (Select one per row)

Strongly disagree Disagree

Neither agree or

disagree Agree Strongly agree


I am more interested in participating in STEM activities outside of college requirements

I am more interested in

participating in other internships

I am more interested in pursuing a career with a STEM-focused organization


I have a greater appreciation of NASA

  1. Shape200
    Did participating in the NASA OSTEM Internship Program enable you to grow your confidence in doing work in your field? Please provide an example.

  1. Shape201
    While you were a participant in the NASA OSTEM Internship Program, did you feel like you were a part of the NASA culture? Explain why or why not.

  1. Shape208
    Do you see yourself as a person working in STEM more now as a result of your participation in the NASA OSTEM Internship Program?

  • 38. What are the three most important ways that the internship program has helped you?

Shape209 1.

Shape210 2.

Shape211 3.

  • 39. What are three ways that the internship program should be improved for future participants?

Shape212 1.

Shape213 2.

Shape214 3.

40. How would you describe your overall experience during the NASA Pathways Internship Program?

Excellent Very good Good

Poor Very poor

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleView Survey
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-09-11

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