RD Apply Borrower user guide


RUS Electric Loan Application and Related Reporting Burdens

RD Apply Borrower user guide

OMB: 0572-0032

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RD Apply – Application Intake
Electric Customer
User Guide

Updated May 17, 2018
Version 2.5

Updated May 17, 2018

WELCOME TO RD APPLY .......................................................................................................................................................... 5

What is RD Apply?........................................................................................................................................................ 5


What is eAuthentication? ............................................................................................................................................ 5


Who can create an application? .................................................................................................................................. 5


Programs that use RD Apply ........................................................................................................................................ 5


RD Apply Websites ....................................................................................................................................................... 6

GETTING STARTED.................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Identity, Credential Access Management (ICAM) ......................................................................................................... 7


Linking your eAuth ID to a Tax Identification Number ................................................................................................. 8


Linking other users to your Tax Identification Number................................................................................................ 9


Updating an Existing User ..................................................................................................................................... 10


Maintaining a Role ............................................................................................................................................... 11


Maintaining a User ............................................................................................................................................... 13


Adding a Role........................................................................................................................................................ 14


Adding a New User ............................................................................................................................................... 16


Security Roles ............................................................................................................................................................. 18


Who can I contact for help? ....................................................................................................................................... 18

CREATING AN APPLICATION ................................................................................................................................................... 19

Home Page ................................................................................................................................................................. 19


Interview Process ....................................................................................................................................................... 20


Interview Recap ......................................................................................................................................................... 21


Customer.................................................................................................................................................................... 21


Power Supply Contracts ............................................................................................................................................. 22


Financial Forecast ....................................................................................................................................................... 22


Forecast Input....................................................................................................................................................... 22

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Versions (LRFF) ..................................................................................................................................................... 22


Entering Data........................................................................................................................................................ 23


Viewing Data......................................................................................................................................................... 24


Service Area Mapping ................................................................................................................................................ 24


Creating a Service Area ......................................................................................................................................... 24


Drawing a Service Area ......................................................................................................................................... 25


Editing a Service Area ........................................................................................................................................... 25


Uploading a Map .................................................................................................................................................. 26


Toolbar Items ....................................................................................................................................................... 26


Viewing Census Data ............................................................................................................................................ 27


Loan Application ........................................................................................................................................................ 28


Loan Details .......................................................................................................................................................... 28


Reimbursements................................................................................................................................................... 30


Funding Request ................................................................................................................................................... 31


Attachments............................................................................................................................................................... 32


Summary/Submit ....................................................................................................................................................... 34


Submitting an Application .................................................................................................................................... 34


What does “Returned Financial Forecast” mean?................................................................................................ 34

MISCELLANEOUS .................................................................................................................................................................... 35

Print Screens .............................................................................................................................................................. 35


Export to Excel ........................................................................................................................................................... 35


Informational Messages ............................................................................................................................................. 35


Connection Time-Out ................................................................................................................................................. 36


Application Status ...................................................................................................................................................... 36


Notifications ............................................................................................................................................................... 37


Notifications - Subscribe and Unsubscribe................................................................................................................. 38


Accessing the Notification System ....................................................................................................................... 38

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Creating a Subscription ......................................................................................................................................... 38


Deleting a Subscription......................................................................................................................................... 39


Security Roles ............................................................................................................................................................. 40


What do the different roles mean? ...................................................................................................................... 40


How many roles can one person have? ................................................................................................................ 40


What types of security roles are available? .......................................................................................................... 40


Who can assign security roles? ............................................................................................................................ 40

APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................................................... 41

Electric Application Documents ................................................................................................................................. 41

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RD Apply is an application intake system that allows you to apply electronically for loans and grants for Rural Utility Services
(RUS) Programs. Instead of asking you to mail in a paper application, a process that can be slow and unwieldly, you can now
access the system and begin work on an application in a just a few minutes. Additionally, multiple users now have the ability
to work on one to multiple applications from different locations simultaneously.
RD Apply uses checkmarks and X’s to display whether or not a section is complete, so you can see the status of your
application at a glance. As an added bonus, RUS Program staff will be able to login to the system and review your
application, at any stage in the submittal process.

Convenience - The Internet allows customers access to information 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. For example,
customers can fill out and submit their application any time of the day or night from their homes or offices.
Identity Security - Information submitted to the Federal Government remains safe and secure because every customer has
a unique User ID and password; only authorized USDA employees can access the information.
Reduced Paper Consumption - Over time, RD Apply will save paper, which benefits the environment.



USDA eAuthentication is the system used by USDA agencies to enable customers to obtain accounts that will grant them
access to USDA Web applications and services via the Internet. This includes tasks such as submitting forms electronically,
completing surveys online, and checking the status of your USDA accounts.
USDA will only accept eAuthentication Accounts from individuals; USDA eAuthentication does not have the mechanism to
issue accounts to businesses, corporations or other entities. To apply, visit Create an Account.



Any eligible entity can create an application if they have a Level 2 eAuthentication ID and are bound to a company. Once
you have obtained a Level 2 eAuthentication ID you will be able to access RD Apply.



Currently, the only programs that are using RD Apply are Electric, Telecommunications, and Water & Environmental.
Eventually, more programs will be added into the system, allowing a wider range of customers to submit applications via RD

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To log into RD Apply, click here, or paste the following link into your web browser:
To log into RD Apply’s Construction Management module, click here or paste the following link into your web browser:

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Identity, Credential and Access Management (ICAM)

A Level 2 eAuthentication account allows RUS stakeholders to gain access to USDA Web site portals and applications such as
RD Apply. Historically, this process could only be completed by physically meeting with a Local Registration Authority (LRA)
to have your User ID and profile verified. However, we are now offering a new service called Identity, Credential and Access
Management (ICAM) that allows you to apply for a Level 2 account online through a secure web interaction.
To register for a Level 2 account using ICAM, you will click here and select “Register for Level 2 Account.” You will enter in
your personal information, making sure to complete all the required fields. Once finished, click “Continue.” A verification
email will be sent to the email address provided.
Once the email is received, click the link to activate your account. Another email will populate prompting you to verify your
identity. You will verify the information you inputted into the system when registering as well as entering your Social
Security Number (SSN).
Note: The Social Security Number is not saved in this process. It is solely used so the system can present you with a series of
four identifying questions.
After answering all the questions, the system will automatically verify the information and either approve or deny you for a
Level 2 account. If you cannot verify your identity, you will need to visit a LRA in order to continue.
If you do not have sufficient data for a level 2 request, you will need to finish filling out your information before you can
Note: You will need to see an LRA if you live outside of the fifty states. If you live inside the United States, a LRA is not
necessarily needed in order to successfully register for, and receive, your level 2 eAuth account.
Electing to verify online will navigate you to a web page where the system will generate a series of four questions that you
will need to answer successfully before your account is allowed access to RD Apply.

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Some programs require you to be am Authorized Representative before you can create an application with them.

When you log into RD Apply, you will be taken to the Landing/Home Page. At the top of the screen will be a button called
“Authorized Representative Request.” Clicking it will generate a form where you can send a request to Rural Utilities
Services Staff, asking for your eAuth ID to be linked to your entity’s Tax Identification Number (TIN).

Completing the Authorized Representative Request
When you open the “Authorized Representative Request,” you are required to fill out the legal name, TIN, and DUNS
number of the entity that is applying. You will also need to select what the primary program will be, as well as the state you
are primarily planning on working in.
After you enter your entity’s information, you will need to enter your name, your eAuth ID, and which security role you
would like to have. You can also enter up to four more users, to be associated with that same TIN.
Note: The email field will prepopulate with your eAuthentication email. You will be able to change it to a personal email, if
you do not wish to be contacted at your eAuthentication email.
Once you have finished with the users section, enter your point of contact’s information.
You will also need to upload any supporting documentation that grants you the authority to submit the Authorized
Representative Request.

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After you send in your Authorized Representative Request, Rural Utilities Services Staff will review it. Once it has been
approved, they will link your eAuth ID to your Tax Identification Number and you will be able to login to RD Apply and
create an application.



After you have submitted the “Authorized Representative Request” and RUS Staff has accepted it, you will be able to log
into the Application Authorization Security Management (AASM) website. Here, you will be able to search other users by
their eAuthentication ID and link them to your specific Tax Identification Number.
In order to reach the AASM website, you will have to login to RD Apply. At the top of your screen, there will be a button
titled “Admin.” Clicking it will open the Application Authorization Security Management website in a new window.
In order to access AASM, you must be assigned the Administrator or Representative-Signature-Certify role. Once you have
logged in, click on the “Admin” button in the blue header bar.

Once you have clicked on the “Admin” button, AASM will open in a new window.

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To search for a user, you must first select a Tax ID (TIN) from the dropdown box.

After you have selected a TIN, you can enter a user’s eAuth User ID, to see if they are associated to that TIN. If they are
associated, you will see what role they have been assigned.

If the user has not been added in AASM, click on the “Add User” button. You will be navigated to the following screen.

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After you have successfully searched for a user, you have three options. You can either “Maintain Role,” “Maintain User,” or
“Add Role.”



Maintain Role - Allows you to maintain the role(s) assigned to a user
Maintain User – Allows you to maintain the user’s contact information
Add Role – Allows you to add a new security role to a customer. This is also how you add a user to a TIN


If you select “Maintain Role,” you must click on the hyperlinked role to maintain the role.

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When you click the role, you will be navigated to the following screen:

On this screen, you will see all of the TINs that the user has been assigned. In this case, these are all the TINs the user was
assigned to as a “viewer.”

Save – Enabled once you select a TINs. This lets you save any changes you make to the Authorized System, Security
Role, or Tax ID.
Save ID – Enabled when no TIN is selected, and disabled when you select a TIN. This lets you save any changes you
make to the Authorized System, Security Role, or Tax ID.
Remove ID – Enabled when you select a TIN. This lets you remove the user’s role for a specific TIN.
Remove Role - Enabled when no TIN is selected, and disabled when you select a TIN. This lets you completely
remove the role of viewer for all TINs.
Reset – Clears all your fields
Back – This lets you go back to the previous screen, where you can see all the user’s roles.

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If you select “Maintain User,” you must click on the hyperlinked eAuth User ID to maintain the user.

When you click the User ID, you will be navigated to the following screen:

You can update the user’s phone number, fax number, and status. If the email address is incorrect, the user must login into
their eAuthentication account and update their email there.

Save – This lets you save your changes and return to the screen with all of the user’s roles
Reset – Clears all your fields
Back – This lets you go back to the previous screen, where you can see all the user’s roles.
Add Role – This allows you to add a role and TIN to the user, the same way you would when maintain a role

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If you select “Add Role,” you must click on the hyperlinked eAuth User ID to maintain the user.

When you click the User ID, you will be navigated to the following screen:

You will be able to select an Authorized System, a Security Role, and a TIN for this user. The Loan Program is not required to
save a role for a user.

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When you select the “Save” button, you will be asked the following statement:

Once you click the “Yes” button, and successfully add a role, you will be directed to the following screen:

Here you will be able to maintain the user’s role. If you do not need to update any of the roles, click the “Back” button to
return to the main page.

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To search for a user, you must first select a Tax ID (TIN) from the dropdown box.

After you have selected a TIN, you can enter a user’s eAuth User ID, to see if they are associated to that TIN. If they are not
associated to that TIN, you will see this error message:

Since the user is not associated to that TIN, you will need to manually add them. To do that, you will need to click on the
“Add User” button. You will be taken to the following screen:

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Type in the user’s eAuth ID. When you tab away, the system will automatically search, and retrieve, any data about that
user. If the user is already in the system, you will see this pop-up:

Clicking the “OK” button will take you to the User Maintenance screen.

Click the “Add Role” button to be taken to the User Role Maintenance screen. Once there, you can add the user to one of
your existing TINs.

If the user was not in the system, you would still be taken to the “User Maintenance” screen, where you would need to
enter the user’s contact information and then click the “Save” button. Once you have saved, you may click the “Add Role”
button to start adding the user to one of your TINs.

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When you link other users to your Tax Identification Number, you will also be able to assign them a security role. These roles
are what allow users to access your application. Unless you assign other users to your application as Administrators or
Representative-Signature-Certify, you will be the only person able to assign other users access to your application.
Note: For more help on security roles please see: Miscellaneous – Security Roles

If you are experiencing problems with RD Apply, please contact the Help Desk.
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (800)-457-3642; Select USDA Applications (Press 2); then select Rural Development (Press 2)
Hours: Monday through Friday – 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Central Standard Time)
Please be prepared to provide the following information:

Legal Name of Organization
eAuthentication ID
Application ID Number
Contact Person

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Phone Number
Description of the specific problem
Program you are applying for: Electric,
Telecommunications, or Water & Environmental

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When you login into RD Apply, you will be taken to the Home Page.
Before you can get started, you must first choose an account that
you would like to work on. If you accidentally click on the wrong
account, you can click “Switch Account” in the Header to bring up
the Customer Select box again.
Now that you have selected an account to work in, you can create
a new application, submit an Authorized Representative Request,
or access an existing application
Clicking “+ Add New Application” will
cause a pop-up window to appear. This is
the beginning of the Interview Process.
Note: For more help on Interview
Process, please see:
Interview Process
Clicking “+ Authorized Representative Request” will allow you to request Authorized Representation for your
Note: For more help on Authorized Representation Request, please see: Welcome to RD Apply - Linking your eAuth
ID to a Tax Identification Number
If you have already created an application, you can find it in the Search Results section.

To open your application, click the hyperlinked Application Nbr. You will be redirected to your application’s
Customer screen.

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After you have clicked, “+ Add New
Application” a series of Interview
Question pop-ups will appear. Each
answer to an interview question will
determine what additional questions
you will need to answer. Your answers
to all of the interview questions will
drive which screens will appear in the
system and what documents will become required in order for you to submit a complete application.
If you are unable to complete the interview, click the "X" button in the upper right hand corner. This will create a
new pop-up with three options. You can save and exit, exit your interview without saving, or cancel the exit
process and return to your current interview.

If you are in the middle of an interview, and a different user tries to start a new interview, they will not be able to.
Instead, they will see a pop-up, stating who is currently in an interview and to try again in a few moments.

If there is a saved interview, then the user will have the option to either start a new interview or continue the
existing interview.
Note: For more help on required documents, please see: Electric Application Documents

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Interview Recap is where you can see your interview answers. This is also where you can modify your answers if
you need to change a previously submitted response.
For example:
John Smith originally said that he needed funds for a reimbursement. But a few months later, he realizes
that he doesn’t need reimbursements. John Smith would then need to go under the Interview tab, click
the "Modify" button, and remove Reimbursements as part of his funds request.

The customer screen is where you can enter all your organizational data, as well as
contact information. This is where you tell RUS what kind of organization you are. This is
also where you supply your RUS ID, DUNS Nbr, CAGE Code, and key contacts
information, as well as any other required demographic data. The system will
automatically pull down the Primary Borrow ID as well as the Tax ID Nbr (TIN) into uneditable fields.
Note: In order to submit your application, you must supply at least one key contact
and one valid address.
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This screen is where you can enter all your power supply contracts. To add a new power supply, click the “Add New
+” button to create a new row.

Note: This section will only be available if you answered, “Enter financial data into the system's RD Financial Model”
to the following interview question:
How will you be entering your entity's financial data?
If you answered, “Upload a completed and approved Form 325 or equivalent” then this section will not be displayed
and you will have to upload your financial forecast in order to submit your application.
The Financial Forecast tab is made of fifteen sub-tabs that are really split into two groups: Entering Data and
Viewing Data. You will use these sub-tabs to complete all the prior year and forecast year financial information for
the financial forecast 325c.
Note: You can hover your mouse over a label to find tooltips that explain how certain values are

When you first access the Financial Forecast tab, you will only see the Forecast Input sub-tab. You will have to
enter the forecast name and complete all the key dates, in order to save the screen and for all the other sub-tabs
to display. After you save the Forecast Input screen at least once, all of your financial screens will always be visible.
Once you have saved the Forecast Input screen, it will become the second sub-tab in the row, after Versions

The Versions (LRFF) Tab is where you can download a copy of the financial spreadsheet, also known as the 325c. To
download RUS Form 325c, click on the blue hyperlink underneath the “Copy” button.
If you want to keep the integrity of your initial financials intact, but still review scenarios, you can create a “copy”
of your original financials by clicking the “Copy” button.

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This section includes the following sub-tabs: Sales, Revenue, Plant, Debt, Debt Service, and Est. Power Cost. While these are all separate screens,
there are certain fields that are populated by pulling data from other screens; the screen will calculate all your totals as you enter data.
For example, an existing Financial 325c would translate to the RD Apply Financial Forecast like this:

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This section includes the following sub-tabs: Debt Summary, Expenses, Balance Sheet, General Funds, Statement of
Operations, and Ratios. These are also all separate screens; they are all read-only screens as well. These screens will collect
the data entered on all the Financial Forecasts screens and display them for you in a spreadsheet format.

This screen is where you can draw your Service Area(s). You will have the option to either draw your Service Area(s) or
upload an existing Shapefile of your Service Area(s). After creating a Service Area, all the latest census data will be shown on
the main screen.

To create a Service Area Map, click on “Add New” button and provide the information request in the “Add New Service
Area” pop-up.
After entering your data, if you select “Save and
Exit,” you will be re-directed back to the Service Area
If you click on “Draw/Upload,” the initial drawing
page will load and several tools will appear across
the top of the screen: Draw, Upload, Layers, Legend,
Instructions, Save, Save and Exit, and Exit.
You are now ready to create your Service Area.

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To draw your service area, select the Draw feature in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. Once you have a done so,
the following Editing Tools will be displayed: Polygon, FreeHand, Select, Cut, Delete, and Edit.
You will also see three Select Tools options: Select City, Select Blocks, and Create Polygon.
The Polygon tool allows you to draw a point-by-point polygon by clicking the left mouse
button to create polygon points on the map. To begin, click the Polygon button under
Editing Tools. Use the mouse to select your desired polygon points on the map. When you
are finished, double-click the left mouse button
to close the shape.
Note: It is important to click slowly so that the application properly registers
each point/vortex that is clicked on the map.
The Polygon tool also has a Census Block precision feature. Once you are
zoomed in enough to see the Census Blocks, you can hold down the Control
Button. This will allow the Map pointers to connect to a Census Block. You will
see a Cross-hairs pointer appear that indicates the functionality is enabled.
The FreeHand allows you to draw a Service Area by clicking and holding the left
mouse button while dragging the mouse. To begin, click the FreeHand button under Editing Tools. Use the mouse to draw
your proposed service area. Once you are finished free-hand drawing your Service Area shape, release the left mouse button.
When drawing a Map, please do not cross/overlap lines or try to connect the start and end points. This may result in your map
not drawing or loading properly, which may yield an error message. The map will auto-connect the start and end points for
The Select Blocks tool allows you to include specific census blocks in a polygon. The feature only works when zoomed in
enough to see the Census Blocks appear on the map. To begin, zoom in on the area you wish to include. Once the census
blocks appear, the Select Blocks Button will become enabled. Click the Select Blocks button under Select Tools. Use the left
mouse button to click on the census blocks that you want to include in your polygon. Once you are finished, click the
“Create Polygon” button Select Tools.
After you are finished drawing your Service Area, a “Loading” Page will appear as the Map is rendered. Please wait, as
rendering maps may take some time.

If you need to edit your map, click on the “Select” button under the Editing Tools and
then left click on the Service Area you wish to edit. Once you have the Service Area
selected, click on the “Edit” button under the Editing Tools. To edit the polygon, simply
move the mapping pointers as needed. When you are finished editing your map, you
will need to click the “Stop Edit” button under the Editing Tools.
If you need to cut a shape out of your polygon, click on the “Select” button under the
Editing Tools and then left click on the service area you wish to edit. Once you have

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the Service Area selected, click on the “Cut” button under the Editing Tools. The Cut function works similar to the Free-hand
function, in that you must click and hold the left mouse button while dragging the mouse to select the area you wish to cut
from the polygon.
Note: If you intend to make edits to the Base layer of your Service Area, you must make those edits prior to drawing/editing
any Unserved layers.

To upload a Shapefile, click on the “Upload” button at the top of the screen, select the Area Type (Base or Unserved) and then
browse for the .zip file you want to upload. Select the file to upload and click on the “Upload” Button. The “Loading” page will
appear while the Shapefile is being uploaded. If the Shapefile loads successfully, the Map will render the Service Area(s), which
can then be edited by using the Draw feature.
Below are the file specifications for zipped Shapefiles:

1. All map areas must be closed, non-overlapping polygons with a single, unique identifier.
2. The Shapefile must have an assigned projection with an accompanying .prj file.
3. The Shapefile must use an unprojected (geographic) WGS84 geographic coordinate system.
4. The Shapefile must be submitted as a *.zip file. This can be done with a WinZip or in Windows by selecting the files

associated with a Shapefile, right-clicking the files, then clicking “Send” to Compressed (zipped) fold. Be sure that your
*.zip file contains only one Shapefile.

5. *.zip file size must not exceed 2GB

Layers: Allow users to access the display layers.
Note: As more layers are activated, more data must be collected, causing the system to take longer to display your drawn
Service Areas. Sometimes, you may need to zoom in closer to the map in order to see the Layers appear on the screen.
Legend: Holds the colors the users will see on the map as Layers are applied.
Instructions: This shows the Instructions for using the Service Area Mapping Tool.
Save, Save and Exit, Exit: Once you are finished drawing, you may click “Save,” “Save and Exit,” or “Exit.” Save will save
your progress without exiting. Save and Exit will save your progress and return you to the Service Area(s) Tab. Exit will
return you to the Service Area(s) tab without saving your progress.
Edit/View Data: Allows you to review the data you entered on the Add New Screen and enter Alternate Data for the
Census provided information. If you provide any alternative information, you will be required to enter a Justification.
Hide: Allows you to minimize the toolbar.

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RD Apply allows you to view the census data for each Service Area that you draw/upload.

Edit/View Data: Allows you to review the data you entered on the Add New Screen and enter Alternate Data for the
Census provided information. If you provide any alternative information, you will be required to enter a justification.

For example:
If the census data says that the Median Household Income is $54,307 but you know that it is really $54,650, you
can type that into the “Alternate” text field.

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The Loan Details sub-tab is found under the Loan Application Tab. This screen is a read-only screen that displays the
Construction Work Plan Projects that you are requesting funds for, in your current application. The Loan Details screen also
shows the total funding amount requested.
In order for the Loan Details screen to be populated, you must select a Construction Work Plan Project. Click the
“+ Select Projects” to open a pop-up that has all the Construction Work Plans created for that TIN.

Once you have selected a project(s) and clicked the “Submit” button, your Loan Details screen will be populated with all the
project(s) information.
If you don't have a CWP, click the "Launch Construction Work Plan" button to launch the Construction Module in a new

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Completing Code 1300 – Headquarters
If you entered a Code 1300 – Headquarters on your Construction Work Plan, and answered “Yes” to “Will this loan
application include a financing request for Headquarters Facilities?” during the interview, then you will need to fill out the
“Headquarters – Facility” and the “Estimated Cost of Project” sections on the Loan Details.

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If you answered "Yes" to "Do you want reimbursement for projects completed 24 months prior to the cutoff date?" during
the interview, then you will find the Reimbursements sub-tab under the Loan Application Tab.

You will enter the "Cut Off Date" for the reimbursement schedule, along with details about any applicable Distribution
Work Order Summaries, Special Equipment Summaries and Transmission Work Order Summaries that are part of your

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The Funding Request sub-tab is found under the Loan Application Tab. This screen pulls in the Grand Total at the bottom of
the Loan Details screen.

If you have any remaining funds from a previous loan, this is where you can enter that data. As you enter in remaining
funds, they will be subtracted from the Grand Total and the system will recalculate how much money you really need to
apply for.
For example:
You have projects with a total cost of $100,000 but you have $10,000 in remaining funds from a previous loan. The
$10,000 will be subtracted from the $100,000 and you will actually be requesting $90,000 from RD Apply.

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At the bottom of the screen will be your “New Financing Request.”

Note: If you have no remaining funds, then this amount will be the same as your Grand Total.
You will be able to choose what percentage of the Financing Request you would like to request from RD Apply. After
entering in your percent, the system will automatically calculate the loan amount.
If you are also planning on borrowing money from other lenders, you can submit that information in the “Supplemental
Loan Section.”

The Attachments Tab is where you can upload any required attachments as well as upload any additional attachments that
you may have.
Uploading a Required Attachment
To upload an attachment, click on the “Upload” button to open a dialog box to search for your file. Once you have selected
your file, the dialog box will close and your file will be uploaded.
Note: If you want to add a description to your attachment, you must enter it before uploading your document. Once you
have uploaded the document, the field will be locked down and you must delete your attachment to enter a description.

To delete an attachment, you must click the “Delete” button next to that attachment. A message will appear, asking if you
are certain that you wish to delete this attachment. You must confirm that you are certain in order to delete your

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Uploading Multiple Attachments
After you have uploaded your initial attachment, you will have the optional to upload multiple attachments for that same
Category and Document Type. Click the “Add” button next to the initial document you uploaded.
A pop-up will appear, with the same Category and Document Type as the initial attachment.

If you want to add a description, do so before you upload your attachment. Click the “Upload” button to browse for your
file. Once you have selected it, the modal will close and you will see your uploaded attachment.
Uploading an Additional Attachment
To upload an Additional Attachment you must click on the “Upload” Button in the Additional Attachments header. Clicking
it will open a modal that lets you select the Category, the Document Type, and then browse for the attachment.
The Document Type dropdown box is dependent on the Category dropdown. If you change your choice in the Category
dropdown then it will changes the choices available in the Document Type dropdown.
After uploading your attachment it will appear under the Additional Attachments with a green checkmark. If you want to
delete this attachment, you must click the “Delete” button next to it.

The only accepted file types are:
.doc, .docx, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .vsd, .vsdx, .bmp, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .tiff, .tif, .txt, .zip, .dot, .dotx, .xlt, .xltx,
.pot, .potx, .pps, .ppsx, .dxf, .dwg

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The Summary/Submit screen will show you a list of all your Tabs and Sub-tabs, along with their status. This is where you can
track your application to see what is needed to submit. When a Tab or Sub-tab has a green checkmark, you know that that
screen is complete. If it has a red “X” instead, you know that it still needs
some work.
The Summary/Submit screen is also where you can see error messages
next to any screen marked with a red “X.” These error messages tell you
specifically what is needed in order to submit your application. You can
click on a hyperlinked Tab or Sub-tab name to be taken back to that

Before you can submit an Electric application you must first complete the Financial Forecast stage and have it approved by
RUS Staff.
You can complete the Financial Forecast stage at any time in your application. To complete it, you need to go to the
Summary/Screen. Next to Financial Forecast there will be a button called “Complete.” If Financial Forecast has a red “X”
next to it the button will be disabled. If Financial Forecast has a green checkmark next to it, the button will be enabled.
Once the button is enabled, you can click it to mark Financial Forecast as “Complete.” Once you have completed your
Financial Forecast, all the fields will be locked down. You will not be able to go back in and modify any data unless Rural
Utilities Services Staff returns your Financial Forecast.

Once you have completed your Financial Forecast, Rural Utilities Services Staff will receive a notification, letting them know
your Financial Forecast is ready for review. Once that happens, the Rural Utilities Services Staff will log in and review your
Financial Forecast. If your Financial Forecast does not need any correction, the Rural Utilities Services Staff will mark it as
Approved. Otherwise, the Rural Utilities Services Staff will Return it.
A “Returned Financial Forecast” means Rural Utilities Services Staff looked over your Financial Forecast and noticed that
something was either incorrect or missing. Whenever a Financial Forecast is returned, you will receive a notification telling
you why your Financial Forecast was returned. You will have to recomplete your Financial Forecast and have Rural Utilities
Services Staff approve it.
After your Financial Forecast has been approved, and you have received all green checkmarks on the “Summary/Submit”
screen, the “Submit” Button will become enabled. You will be asked to confirm that you are certain you want to submit
your application. After you say “Yes,” your application will be submitted. All of the fields and screens inside your application
will be greyed out; you will no longer be able to edit them unless Rural Utilities Services Staff returns your application.

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What does “Returned Application” mean?
A “Returned Application” means Rural Utilities Services Staff looked over your submitted application and noticed that
something was either incorrect or missing something. Whenever an application is returned, you will receive a notification
telling you why it was returned. After you update your application, you will have to resubmit your application.

At the bottom of some screens there is a “Print” button that will let you open a print-friendly PDF of that screen.
Some screens, such as Certifications and Board Resolutions, do not have “Print” buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Instead, you have to click to open the individual certification or Board Resolution to access the print button.

At the bottom of some screens there is an “Export to Excel” Button that will let you download an Excel copy of that screen.
Note: If you export the Excel sheet and make changes in the workbook, it will not affect the screen. If you export the Excel
sheet and then make changes in the screen, you have to re-download the Excel sheet for it to show the changes.

While completing your application, you might see several different informational messages. These messages are to help
notify you if you are missing any required data. Some messages just let you know whether or not your screen saved
successfully or not. The messages are color-coordinated to help you quickly determine their meaning.
The different statuses are as follows:
Blue Status

If you receive a blue status, it means you have saved your data successfully and that there are no issues for you to look at. A
blue status is the equivalent of a green checkmark.

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Yellow Status

If you receive a yellow status, it means that there are errors or data is missing from the screen. While you can save your
screen, you will not be able to submit your application.
Red Status

If you have received a yellow status, you will also receive red statuses. Red statuses tell you what is needed in order to save
your screen and submit your application. A red status is the equivalent of a red “X.”

If you have been inactive for thirty minutes, the system will prompt you to select either “Stay Active” or “Log Out.” If you do
not respond, the system will automatically log you out. You will need to log back into RD Apply, to continue your application.

The application will go through several statuses on its way to being accepted.

New – This application is being worked on by the applicant.
Submitted – The applicant has submitted the application and it is ready to be reviewed by the GFR. The
application is now locked down to the applicant.
Returned – The application has been returned by the GFR. The application is unlocked and the applicant must go
back in, address the GFR comments, and resubmit the application.
Accepted – The application has been accepted by the GFR. The application is still locked down to the applicant. The
application many now be assigned to a Loan Specialist for review.
Loan Processing – The application has been pushed to CPAP. The application can no longer be returned and is
locked down. On hold - do not Push to CPAP at this time.

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You will receive notifications for any applications that you are assigned to.
For example:
“Sarah Jane submitted Application Nbr: 1234 for Alpha Electric on May 1, 2015. The confirmation number is
Note: You will automatically receive an email when you create an event, such as creating an application. Other users on
your application will not receive that email notification, unless they actively subscribe to the event.

Notifications are sent to two locations. The first location is inside the RD Apply system. The second location is your
eAuthentication email.
RD Apply
To access Notifications inside the RD Apply
system, you will need to login and click the
“Notifications” Tab in the header bar. This
open a screen called, “View Your Notifications” that will list out all your notifications.


You will be able to filter the notifications by Notification Type, Notification Date, Application Number, Program, SubProgram, and State. You will also be able to search for notifications either by “Application Nbr” or by typing search criteria
into the “Search” box under “Search Results.”
To see the full notification text, you will need to click on the “View Details” button next to the specific notification. Clicking
it will cause a pop-up to appear with the notification text.

Notification emails will always be sent to your eAuthentication email. Other than location, there is no difference between
the email notification and the RD Apply system notification.

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After logging into RD Apply, click the “Notifications” Tab in the
header bar. This will open a screen called, “View Your
Notifications.” You will then be able to see a button called,
“Subscribe to Notifications.”
Clicking this button will open a new window called, “Manage
Subscriptions” where you can subscribe to different
notifications. This is also where you can delete any subscriptions you no longer want.


In order to create a subscription, you will have to filter via dropdown lists.
The dropdowns are:

Notification Type

Since the Notifications Module will be used across multiple Applications, with different programs and notifications, the
Program and Notification Type Dropdowns are dependent on each other. The Customer and Counties Dropdowns will be
multi-select dropdowns.
You must first pick a value for Program to pick a value for Notification Type.

Note: The State Dropdown is optional and is not dependent on any other dropdown.
The State dropdown pulls in the state from the Headquarters or Mailing Address supplied on the Customer Screen in your
application. The County dropdown will only be populated after you select a state. You will be able to select multiple

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After you have selected which filters you want, click the “Save” Button. The system will save the chosen filters and display it
below under, “Subscribed Notifications.”

After saving, the dropdowns will be cleared and you will be able to add another subscription. Once a subscription has been
saved, you will start getting notifications for that specific subscription.
After saving, the dropdowns will be cleared and you will be able to add another subscription. Once a subscription has been
saved, you will start getting notifications for that specific subscription.

The dropdowns are filtered based on the values you pick. For example:



a. RD Apply
a. Based off of what Application was chosen
i. If RD Apply then…
1. Electric
2. Telecommunications
3. Water and Environmental
a. Based off of what Program was chosen
Notification Type
a. New Application Created
b. Electric Financial Forecast Stage Completed
c. Electric Financial Forecast Stage Approved
d. Electric Financial Forecast Stage Returned
e. Application Submitted
f. Application Returned
g. Application Accepted
h. Application Pushed to Processing System
a. All USA States plus US Territories

To delete a subscription, you will need to find a specific subscription and click the “Delete” Button next to it. This will delete
the subscription and you will no longer receive email notifications.

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Each role has different security permissions attached to it. When you assign a user a security role, you are effectively
limiting what the user can and cannot do while using your Tax Identification Number.

Each person can only have one security role for a Tax Identification Number.
For example:
Your Administrator cannot have both the Administrator security role and the Viewer Security Role for Tax
Identification Number 123456789. However, they can have the Viewer security role for Tax Identification Number
123456789 and the Administrator security role for Tax Identification Number 987654321.

There are several security roles that range in the amount of access a user can have in an application.
Available security roles:


Administrator: Allows the user to grant representative roles to other users assigned to the same Tax ID and create
/ update an application.
Representative-Signature-Certify: Allows the user to create / update an application, complete electronic stages
and submit applications to the USDA. Also allows the user to provide for the application. Allows the user to grant
representative roles to other users assigned to the same Tax ID and create / update an application.
You can only receive this role by submitting an Authorized Representative Request, and having RUS Staff assign
you the role.
Representative-Update Data: Allows the user to create / update an application.
Engineering Consultant: Allows the user to only create / update the Power Supply Contract and Attachments
sections of the application.
Construction Consultant: Allows the user to only create / update the Construction Work Plan and Attachments
sections of the application.
Financial Consultant: Allows the user to only create / update the Financial Forecast sections of the application.
Viewer: Allows the user to view the application with no update access.

Only the Administrator or Representative-Signature-Certify can assign security roles to a user. To become an Administrator,
you either have to fill out an Authorized Representative Request or ask your current application Administrator to add you as
an Administrator. You can only become a Representative-Signature-Certify by filling out an Authorized Representative

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These are the attachments required to submit an Electric application.

Borrower Environmental Report
Attorney’s Opinion
Load Forecast Approval
Long Range Financial Forecast (Base) Form 325 Series
o (This is not required if you are completing Financial Forecast in RD Apply)
Long Range Financial Forecast Assumptions
Long Range Financial Forecast Sensitivity Runs
Construction Work Plan
Useful Life Statement
Annual ERP Exercise Certification
Assurances Required by 49 CFR Section 24
Emergency Restoration Plan
Federal Debt Delinquency Certification
Interconnection of Distributed Resource Policy
Lobbying Certification
Master Certification for the Loan Application
VRA and ERP Certification
Representation Regarding Felony Conviction (AD 3030)
Board Resolution Approving the Load Forecast
Approval of Ten Year Financial Forecast
Requesting Hardship Rate Loan
o Required if you are applying for a Hardship Rate Loan
Lien Accommodation
o Required if you are applying for a Lien Accommodation Loan
Requesting Guaranteed Federal Financing Bank Loan
o Required if you are applying for a FFB Loan

If this is your first application with RD Apply:

Bylaws or equivalent
Articles of Incorporation
Line Extension Policy
Rate Schedule

If your organization has more than 100 people:

Standard Form 100 / EE0-01

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File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorHartley, Despina - RD, St. Louis, MO
File Modified2018-05-17
File Created2017-01-31

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