Executive Orders 12131

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Greater Atlantic Region Permit Family of Forms

Executive Orders 12131

OMB: 0648-0202

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Federal Register

Presidential Documents

Vol. 44, No. 90
Tuesday, May 8, 1979

T itle 3—

E xecu tiv e O rder 12131 o f M ay 4, 1979

T h e P resident

The President’s Export Council

B y the authority v ested in m e as P resid en t b y the C onstitution and statu tes of
the U nited S ta te s o f A m erica, and in order to expand the m em bership o f the
P resid ent’s E xport Council, in acco rd w ith the provisions o f the F ed eral
A dvisory C om m ittee A c t (5 U .S.C . App. I), it 4s h ereby ordered as follow s:
1 -1 . E sta b lish m en t a n d M em b ersh ip .
1-101. T h ere is esta b lish ed the P resid en t’s E xport Council.
1-102. T h e m em bership o f the C ouncil sh all be as follow s:


(a) T h e head s o f the follow ing E xecu tiv e ag en cies or their rep resen tativ es:
(1) D epartm ent o f S ta te .
(2) D epartm ent o f the Treasury.
(3) D epartm ent o f Agriculture.
(4) D epartm ent o f Com m erce.
(5) D epartm ent o f Labor.
(6) O ffice o f the S p e cia l R ep resen tativ e for T rad e N egotiations.
(7) Export-Im port B an k o f the U nited S ta te s.
(b) T hree m em bers o f the U nited S ta te s Sen ate, designated by the P resid ent of
the Sen ate, and three m em bers o f the U nited S ta te s H ouse o f R ep resen tativ es
designated b y the S p ea k er o f the H ouse.
(c) Not to ex c e e d 28 citizen s appointed b y the P resident. T h ese individuals
sh all b e selecte d from th ose w ho are not full-tim e F ed eral o fficers or em ploy­
ees. T h ey sh all include rep resen tativ es o f b u sin ess and industry, agriculture,
and labor.
1-103. T he P resid en t sh all d esignate a C hairm an and a V ice C hairm an from
am ong the m em bers appointed by the President.
1-104. T h e S e cre ta ry o f C om m erce, w ith the con cu rren ce o f the Chairm an,
sh all appoint an E xecu tiv e D irector.
1 -2 . F u n ctio n s.
¡¡§ l|

1-201. T h e C ouncil sh all serv e as a n atio n al ad visory body on m atters relating
to U nited S ta te s export trade, including ad v ice on the im plem entation o f the
P resid en t’s N ational E xport Policy, w hich w as announced on Sep tem b er 26,
1978. It shall, through the S e cre ta ry o f C om m erce, report to the P resid ent on its
a ctiv ities and on its recom m end ations for expanding U nited S ta te s exports.
1-202. T he Council should survey and ev alu ate the export exp an sio n activ ities
o f the com m unities rep resen ted b y the m em bership. It should identify and
exam ine sp ecific problem s w hich b u sin ess, industrial, and agricultural p ra c­
tices m ay cau se for export trade, and exam in e the need s o f b u sin ess, industry,
and agriculture to expand th eir efforts. T h e Council should recom m end sp e­
cific solutions to th ese problem s and needs.
1-203. T h e C ouncil m ay a ct as lia iso n am ong the com m unities represen ted by
the m em bership; and, m ay provide a forum for th ose com m unities on current
and emerging problem s and issu es in the field o f export expan sion . Th e


F ed eral R egister / Vol. 44, No. 90 / T u esd ay, M ay 8 ,1 9 7 9 / P resid en tial D ocum ents
Council should encourage the bu sin ess, industrial, and agricultural com m uni­
ties to en ter new foreign m arkets and to expand existing export program s.
1-204. T h e C ouncil sh all provide ad vice on F ed eral plans and actio n s th at
a ffe ct export exp an sio n p olicies w hich h av e an im pact on those com m unities
rep resented b y the m em bership.
1-205. T h e C ouncil m ay estab lish , w ith the con curren ce o f the S e cre ta ry o f
C om m erce, an execu tiv e com m ittee and such other subordinate com m ittees it
consid ers n ecessa ry for the perform ance o f its functions. T h e C hairm an o f a
subordinate com m ittee sh all b e designated, w ith the co n cu rren ce o f the
> S e cre ta ry o f Com m erce, b y the C hairm an o f the C ouncil from am ong the
m em bership o f the Council. M em bers o f subordinate com m ittees sh all b e
appointed by the S e cre ta ry o f Com m erce.
1 -3 . A d m in istra tive P ro v isio n s.
1-301. T h e S e cre ta ry o f C om m erce shall, to the ex ten t perm itted b y law ,
provide the Council, including its execu tiv e and subordinate com m ittees, w ith
ad m inistrative and s ta ff serv ices, support and fa cilitie s a s m ay b e n ecessa ry
for the effectiv e perform ance o f its functions.
1-302. E ach m em ber o f the Council, including its execu tiv e and subordinate
com m ittees, w ho is n ot otherw ise paid a salary by the F ed eral G overnm ent,
shall receiv e no com p en sation from the U nited S ta te s b y virtue o f their serv ice
on the Council, but all m em bers m ay receiv e the tran sportation and travel
exp en ses, including per diem in lieu o f su b sisten ce, authorized by law (5
U.S*C. 5702 and 5703).
1 -4 . G e n e ra l P ro v isio n s.
1-401. N otw ithstanding the provisions o f any other E xecu tiv e order, the
functions o f the P resid en t under the F ed eral A dvisory Com m ittee A ct (5 U .S.C .
App. I), ex cep t th at o f reporting annually to the C ongress, w hich are ap p lica­
ble to the Council, sh all b e perform ed b y the S e cre ta ry o f Com m erce, in
acco rd an ce w ith guidelines and procedures esta b lish ed by the A dm inistrator
o f G en eral Serv ices.
1-402. E xecu tiv e O rder No. 11753 is revoked; how ever, nothing in this O rder
sh all b e deem ed to require n ew ch arters for the Council, including its ex ecu ­
tive and su bordinate com m ittees, w hich w ere current im m ediately prior to the
issu an ce o f this O rder.
1-403. T h e C ouncil sh all term inate on D ecem b er 31, 1980, u nless soon er
extend ed .


M a y 4, 1979.

[FR Doc. 79-14501
Filed 5-4-79; 5:03 pm]
Billing code 3195-01-M

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