Strengthening the Implementation of Responsible Fatherhood Programs (SIRF)

Formative Data Collections for ACF Program Support

SIRF_OMB_2_End of Cycle Site Reflections for Staff_updated_clean

Strengthening the Implementation of Responsible Fatherhood Programs (SIRF)

OMB: 0970-0531

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OMB #: 0970-0531

EXPIRATION: 07/31/2022

Instrument 2 - SIRF End of Learning Cycle Site Reflections for Staff

MDRC will develop an electronic data collection approach using Qualtrics to solicit reflections from the select staff at each site. The SIRF team will ask up to 6 staff from each organization to participate for collection time point (once a learning cycle). The staff could be from a range of positions that were involved in or affected by the learning cycle, for example, case manager, facilitator, program manager, etc. The Learning Cycle Manager will always be one of the respondents. The SIRF team will share an email link to the short electronic survey with each site near the end of each cycle.

Some example questions for staff to respond to are below. With input from each program in the study we will finalize questions based on the vision statements developed by each program.

Hello! [Organization Name] is partnering with MDRC, a nonprofit organization, to learn how to better support fathers in their program. The project is called Strengthening the Implementation of Responsible Fatherhood Programs, or SIRF. [name the program] is one of 10 fatherhood programs involved in this project.

The SIRF team would like to ask you a few questions to learn about your experiences working with [name the program], especially your reflections about program operations and achievements. Your responses will help your team to better engage fathers in [name the program]’s services and prepare for the next learning cycle; any identifying information will be removed before sharing so your responses will remain private. Your responses will also be combined with those from other programs participating in the project to come up with ideas for how fatherhood programs nationwide can be better in the future.

It will take about 15 minutes to give your feedback. We will not ask you any personal information. Providing feedback is your choice. There is no penalty for not answering these questions; you may skip any questions or stop answering these questions at any time. If you have questions about this project you can reach out to MDRC by email ([email protected]) or call the SIRF hotline at (877) 375-9340.

This project is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13) STATEMENT OF PUBLIC BURDEN: The purpose of this information collection is to gather preliminary information about the fatherhood field and explore with fatherhood programs the research questions that are of interest and the design options that are feasible. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. This is a voluntary collection of information. The answers you give will be kept private. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0531 and the expiration date is 07/31/2022. If you have any comments on this collection of information, please contact; [email protected], and Dina Israel; [email protected]; Attn: OMB-PRA (0970-0531).  



Response Options


Given what you just read about the purpose of this project, please select a response below.

  • I agree to provide my feedback about [name of program] to help the program and the SIRF project to learn how to better support fathers. I understand that no personal information will be collected about me. [move to #1]

  • I do not agree to provide my feedback about [name of program]. I understand that there is no penalty for now answering these questions. [move to Exit_no_consent]

The questions you will be asked take three forms: yes or no questions, option to write freely, and rate certain things along a 5-point scale. In all cases, answer in a way that best represents how you feel. There are no wrong answers!

** Below, there are several questions that include different wording for the programs testing coaching interventions, since the design differs from the peer supports and outreach interventions. The spirit of the questions are not different, but the wording has been adjusted to better fit each scenario.**

  1. The questions that we’ll ask you will reference the vision statement and SIRF solution your program laid out in your early work with the SIRF team. As a reminder, we’ve included it here.

Vision Statement (Example): Fathers will feel the program is real, authentic, and will provide me what I need, and 50% of those reached out to will enroll after the first touchpoint. 

SIRF Solution: refining messaging of the program; staff training

Outcome measure: enrollment [other options are initial engagement and ongoing attendance]

**contents of this box will be personalized for each site based on the vision statement they developed, intervention selected, and outcome measures of interest as determined in collaboration with the SIRF study team.

Reflect on your program’s vision statement above. How well has your program achieved that vision since [timeframe]? Choose your response based on a 5-point scale where 1 means the program did not make any progress to achieving the vision and 5 means it completely achieved the vision.

1 Our program did not make any progress to achieving the vision.


3 Our program somewhat achieved the vision.


5 Our program completely achieved the vision.

DK Don’t know

[move to #2]

What challenges has [SIRF Solution] strategy implementation introduced for you or other staff in your program?

Free text response

[move to #3]

For coaching cluster:

Do you think [SIRF solution] was implemented as planned?

For outreach and peer support clusters:

Do you think that the different [SIRF solution] strategies were implemented distinctly enough from each other?

0 No [move to #4]

1 Yes [skip to #5]

DK Don’t know [skip to #5]

For coaching cluster:

Why do you think the [SIRF solution] was not implemented as planned?

For outreach and peer support clusters:

What challenges did you face to implement the different strategies distinctly enough from each other?

Free text response

[move to #5]

For coaching cluster:

How did the [SIRF solution] affect the quality of the father’s experience in your program? Choose your response based on a 5-point scale where 1 means the quality of experience went down and 5 means the quality of experience improved.

For the outreach and peer support clusters:

How did the different [SIRF Solution] strategies affect the quality of the father’s experience in your program?

For peer mentors in peers support cluster only:

How did the different [SIRF Solution] strategies affect the quality of the father’s experience in your program?

For coaching cluster:

1 [SIRF solution] has lowered the quality of a father’s experience in the program.


3 [SIRF solution] has not changed the quality of a father’s experience in the program.


5 [SIRF solution] has improved the quality of a father’s experience in the program.

DK Don’t know

[move to #6]

For outreach and peer support cluster:

1 [Group A] lowered the quality of the father’s experience in the program more than [Group B]

2 [Group B] lowered the quality of the father’s experience in the program more than [Group A]

3 [Group A] and [Group B] equally lowered the quality of the father’s experience in the program.

4 [Group A] and [Group B] equally improved the quality of the father’s experience in the program.

5 [Group A] improved the quality of the father’s experience in the program more than [Group B]

6 [Group B] improved the quality of the father’s experience in the program more than [Group A]

DK Don’t know

[move to #6]

Free text response

For coaching cluster:

Do you think the [SIRF solution] increased fathers’ retention in the program?

For outreach cluster:

How did the different intake strategies affect the initial attendee rate? That is, the number of fathers showing up to at least one workshop session.

For the peer support cluster:

How did the different peer mentor strategies affect the completed rate? That is, the number of fathers completing at least 90% of workshop hours.

For coaching cluster:

0 No [move to #7]

1 Yes [skip to #8]

DK Don’t know

For the outreach cluster:

1 [Group A] lowered the initial attendee rate.

2 [Group B] lowered the initial attendee rate.

3 [Group A] did not affect the initial attendee rate.

4 [Group B] did not affect the initial attendee rate.

5 [Group A] improved the initial attendee rate.

6 [Group B] improved the initial attendee rate.

DK Don’t know

**check all that apply

[move to #7]

For the peer support cluster:

1 [Group A] lowered the completed rate.

2 [Group B] lowered the completed rate.

3 [Group A] did not affect the completed rate.

4 [Group B] did not affect the completed rate.

5 [Group A] improved the completed rate.

6 [Group B] improved the completed rate.

DK Don’t know

**check all that apply

[move to #7]

For coaching cluster:

Why didn’t the [SIRF solution] increase fathers’ retention in the program?

For outreach cluster:

Why do you think the initial attendee rate was affected in that way?

For peer support cluster:

Why do you think the completed rate was affected in that way?

Free text response

[move to #8]

Did the [SIRF solution] strategies introduce any challenges for fathers?

0 No [move to #10]

1 Yes [skip to #9]

DK Don’t know

Describe the challenges for fathers introduced by [SIRF solution] strategies.

For outreach and peer support clusters only, add the following text: Specify if the challenges are specific to [Group A] or [Group B].

For peer mentors only:

Describe the challenges for fathers introduced by the peer support strategies. Specify if the challenges are specific to [Group A] or [Group B].

Free text response

[move to #10]

What changes to [SIRF solution] do you think are needed to better achieve your program’s vision?

For peer mentors only:

What changes do you think are needed to the peer support program to make it more helpful to fathers?

Free text response

[move to #11]

Next, we’d like to ask a few questions about your program’s partnership with the SIRF study team. Your feedback is important to ensure we’re providing your team with the best support that we can.

How did the [SIRF Solution] training before the learning cycle prepare you for what happened during the learning cycle? Choose your response based on a 5-point scale where 1 means you were not prepared enough and 5 means you were completely prepared.

For peer mentors only:

How well did the peer mentor training prepare you for your role as peer mentor? Choose your response based on a 5-point scale where 1 means you were not prepared enough and 5 means you were completely prepared.

1 It did not prepare me enough.


3 It prepared me somewhat.


5 It completely prepared me.

9 I didn’t participate in any training before this learning cycle.

DK Don’t know

[move to #12]

How would you describe your program’s individual meetings with the SIRF study team? Choose your response based on a 5-point scale where 1 means you meet too often and 5 means you do not meet enough.

1 We meet too often


3 We meet the right amount.


5 There is too much time between meetings

9 I haven’t been in any individual meetings during this learning cycle

DK Don’t know

[move to #13]

How would you describe the content of your program’s individual meetings with the SIRF study team? Choose your response based on a 5-point scale where 1 means the content is not helpful and 5 means the content is very helpful.

1 The meeting content is not helpful to me in implementing the [SIRF Solution]


3 The meeting content is somewhat helpful to me in implementing the [SIRF Solution]


5 The meeting content is very helpful to me in implementing the [SIRF Solution]

9 I haven’t been in any meetings during this learning cycle

DK Don’t know

[move to #14]


How helpful are the monthly SIRF Session peer-learning meetings? Choose your response based on a 5-point scale where 1 means the meetings are not very helpful and 5 means they are very helpful.

1 Not very helpful


3 Somewhat helpful


5 Very helpful

9 I haven’t attended a monthly SIRF Session during this learning cycle

DK Don’t know

[move to exit_responder]


Thank you for your input! Please click the right arrow to submit your responses.

[move to exit_no_consent]


Thanks for your time. Reach out to MDRC by email ([email protected]) or call the SIRF hotline at (877) 375-9340 if you have any questions.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorMichelle Manno
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-10-07

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