Form 1 Resource Center Performance Progress Report

Generic Performance Progress Reports

FVPSA PPR for National Special Issue and Culturally Specific Resource Centers SPD 15 CLEAN HD 6 7 24

Family Violence Prevention and Services: National, Special Issue, and Culturally Specific Resource Centers

OMB: 0970-0490

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Resource Center Performance Progress Report


Office of Family Violence Prevention and Services (OFVPS)

Administration for Children and Families

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

National, Special Issue, and Culturally Specific Resource Centers Grant Report

1. Federal Agency and Organization Element

to Which Report is Submitted


2. Federal Grant or Other Identifying

Number Assigned by Federal Agency

[Enter text here]

3.a DUNS Number

[Enter text here]

3b. EIN

[Enter text here]

4. Recipient Organization (Name and Complete Address Including Zip Code)

[Enter text here]

5. Recipient Identifying Number or

Account Number

[Enter text here]

6. Project Reporting Period

Start date: End date:

[Enter text here] [Enter text here]

7. Final Report

Y ( ) N ( )

8. Report Frequency


9. Performance Narrative (performance narrative is covered in the attached PPR forms)

10. Attachments

11. Certification: I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that this report is correct and complete for performance of activities for the purposes set forth in the award documents.

12a. Typed or Printed Name and Title of Authorized Certifying Official

[Enter text here]

12c. Telephone (area code, number and


[Enter text here]

12d. Email Address

[Enter text here]

12b. Signature of Authorized Certifying Official

[Enter text here]

12e. Date Report Submitted (Month, Day, Year)

[Enter text here]

Program Indicators Narrative   

Major activities and accomplishments during this period: Describe your progress during the reporting period in completing the activities described in your most recent application.  Provide information on your successes and challenges in meeting the terms of the cooperative agreement as outlined in the Award Letter as of the end of the current reporting period. Please limit your response to 2,500 words.  


Problems: Comment on any barriers that prevented you from meeting accomplishments or milestones that should have occurred during this reporting period. Use this report section to advise Project Officer and Grants Management Specialist of assistance needs. Please limit your response to 2,500 words.  


Dissemination activities: Briefly describe project related inquiries and information dissemination activities carried out over the reporting period. Itemize and include a copy of any newspaper, newsletter, magazine articles or other published materials considered relevant to project activities, or used for project information or public relations purposes.  


Other activities: 

Partnerships (optional): Describe any meaningful relationships and/or partnerships (both new and ongoing) that have assisted in meeting your objectives and/or increased the effectiveness of your programs for this reporting period. Please limit your response to 1,000 words.   


Emerging issues (optional): What do you see as the most significant emerging issues for your training and technical assistant recipients for this reporting period? Describe the types of support, technical assistance, or other needs of the populations that you serve. Please limit your response to 1,000 words.   


Activities planned for next reporting period: Briefly describe any activities planned for the next reporting period that align with the terms of the cooperative agreement as outlined in the Award Letter. Please limit your response to 1,000 words.  


Additional significant findings and events (optional): What other details regarding your work from this reporting period would you like the OFVPS to know? This could include but is not limited to systems-level changes, community collaboration, barriers or challenges to delivering training and technical assistance, and/or promising practices if not already addressed in your report. Please limit your response to 1,000 words.   

National Resource Center, Special Issue, and Culturally Specific Resource Centers Training

Data Tables 

Table A. Type and Number of Training Events Provided    

Total number of training/ community engagement events   

Types of Training/ Community Engagement    








Total # of Events Held Virtually    

Overall Total # of Events  

Total # of People Trained w/ Grant Funds  

A. Conferences/ Institutes Hosted by Organization    











B. Workshop Presentations    










C. New Grantee Orientation    










D. Training of Trainers (ToT) Sessions    










E. Listening Sessions    










F. Other Community Engagement Events    












G. Social Media-Based Events/Trainings    












H. Podcasts   










I. Other: Lecture, Advisory council meeting, Community of Practice    

















    [AUTO SUM]




  [AUTO SUM]  



For all ‘Conferences/Institutes Hosted by Organization’ listed above, please detail: 



Total # or Percentage 





% Funded under grant 


Table B. Number of Individuals Reached through Training and Community Engagement During Reporting Period    

Categories of Individuals Trained    

Number Trained    

Adult Protective Services  


Anti-Trafficking Agencies (Non-Governmental)  




Batterer Intervention Programs (BIPs)   


Child Support System (Administrative and Judicial Agency Personnel, System-Based Victim Advocates)  


Child Welfare System (Judges, Social Workers, Administrators, Foster Care, System-Based Advocates)  


Child Care/Head Start Agencies   


Civil Justice System (Judges, Clerks, Custody Evaluators, 3rd Party Neutrals, System-Based Victim Advocates)  


Coordinated Community Response (CCR) Entities   


Corrections System (Probation, Parole, and Correctional Facilities)   


Criminal Justice System (Clerks, Prosecutors, Expert Witnesses, System-Based Victims, Witness Specialists)  


Culturally-Specific Community-Based Programs- DV/SA Programs  


Culturally-Specific Community-Based Programs- Other   


Disability Rights/Deaf Organizations  


Domestic/Dating Violence Programs and Dual Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Programs (Including Advocates, Boards, Volunteers)  


Domestic Violence State/Territory Coalitions and Dual Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault State/Territory Coalitions (Including Advocates and Boards)  


Educators (Teachers/Faculty from Elementary through College) and School/Campus Personnel   


Economic Security, Asset-Building, Anti-Poverty Programs (Non-Governmental)   


Elder Abuse Organizations (Non-Governmental)  


Emergency Preparedness Agencies 




Faith-Based/Spiritual Leaders/Organizations   


Fatherhood Programs   


Funders- Private Foundations, Corporate Funders   




General Public   


Health Care Providers Working with Adults   


Health Care Providers Working with Children  


Home Visitation Agencies   


Housing Agencies and Transitional Housing Programs (Non-DV Focused)   


Immigrant Organizations (Non-Governmental)   


Interpreters and Translators   




Juvenile Delinquency System (Probation, Other Personnel)   


Law Enforcement Agencies   


LGBTQ / Two-Spirit Community Organizations    




Mental Health Professionals   


Military Family Advocacy Program   


Military Justice Personnel (Military Police, JAGs, Other)   


Multi-Disciplinary Groups   


NGOs (Non-DV)- International (UN Women, Other)   


NGOs (Non-DV)- National/Tribal (NCAAP, NCAI, Nat’l Council of La Raza, NASW)  


NGOs (Non-DV)- State, Territorial, or Local (State/Local Chapter, Other CBOs)  


Policymakers- Federal Government (Congress, White House, Federal Agencies including OVW and OVC) 


Policymakers- State/Territorial and Local   


Policymakers- Tribal   


Public Benefits Agencies (TANF, SNAP, WIC, Other)  




Refugee Organizations (Including those Working with Asylees)  


Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights Programs   


Sexual Assault Center and Programs and Rape Crisis Centers


Sexual Assault Coalitions

Students (K-12, Undergraduate, Graduate, Including Law School and Medical School) and Student Groups   


Substance Misuse Programs  


Supervised Visitation Programs  


Social Services for Adults, Children, and Families (Non-Governmental)  


TA Providers- DVRN Members   


TA Providers- Other DV/SA/Stalking TA Providers  


Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions   


Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Programs  


Tribal Governments (Including Tribal Councils)    


Tribal Justice System (Judges, Clerks, Prosecutors, Probation, Other)   


Tribal Law Enforcement  


Other Individuals and Groups (Social Clubs, Beauty Salons, Community Organizers)   


Other Underserved Communities    


University/Campus Administrators and Campus Police  


Victims/Survivors of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking   


Victims/Survivors and Other Individuals Charged with Crimes   


Victims/Survivors’ Family and Friends   


Youth Serving Organizations   


Other: Please Specify _____________________ 

Add additional rows as needed. 

(For example, Primary Care Associations; State Departments of Health/Public Health; HRSA Workforce Development Agencies) 



    [AUTO SUM]


Table C. Training Content Areas During the Reporting Period    

Training Topics (Check All that Apply) 


Accessibility (ADA, language, programming)  


Adolescent/Teen Relationship Abuse   




Batterers Intervention Programs/Reducing Abusive Behavior   


Child Custody Related Issues   


Child Support   


Child Welfare/Child Protection Issues (Co-Occurrence, System Response)   


Children and Youth Exposed to Domestic Violence  


Civil Legal Issues (Including Family Court Response, POs, Civil Legal Assistance)  


Community Organizing, Engagement, and Mobilization  


Confidentiality/Privacy (HIPAA, Privileged Communication, Tech Safety)  


Corrections (Probation/Parole, Programs in Prison and Related)   


Coordinated Community Response  


Creating and Sustaining Culturally-Specific Organizations and Communities   


Criminal Legal Issues (Law Enforcement, Prosecution, Court, and Defense Responses)   


Cultural Competency for NGOs and Systems   


Curricula and Training Issues   


Data Collection and Evaluation  


Domestic and Dating Violence (Dynamics, Incidence/Prevalence, Response)   


Domestic Violence Victims Charged with Crimes   


Economic Empowerment   


Elder Abuse  


Emergency Preparedness  


Engaging Men and Boys   


Evidence-Based, Evidence-Informed, and Promising Practices (Including Practice-Based Evidence)   




Fatherhood and Domestic Violence   


Firearms and Domestic Violence   


Grants and Funding   


HIV and AIDS   


Health Care and Domestic Violence   


Housing (Transitional Housing, Discrimination, Affordable Housing)   


Homicide (Lethality/Dangerousness Assessments, Fatality Reviews, Homicide Prevention)   


Juvenile System Issues (Delinquency, Dependency, Foster Care, Other)   


Immigration Issue, Including Response to Immigrant Survivors   


Language Access, Interpretation, and Translation   


LGBTQ / Two Spirit Communities, Including Response to Survivors of Abuse    


Male Victims   


Mandatory Reporting (Child Welfare, Law Enforcement)   


Mental Health and Domestic Violence   


Military (Programming, Advocacy, System Response)  


Organizational Development (Fund Development, Boards, Strategic Planning, Other)   


Primary Prevention  


Program Development   


Program Evaluation   


Public Benefits (TANF, SNAP, Other)  


Re-Entry, Including for Incarcerated Women   


Refugees, Including Response to Refugee Survivors   


Research and Statistics   


Disabilities/Deafness, Including Response to Survivors with Disabilities or Who are Deaf   


Runaway and Homeless Youth   


Rural Communities, Including Survivors Living in Rural/Remote Areas   


Safety Audits (Organizations, Systems)   


Safety Planning   


Stalking, Including Response to Stalking Survivors  


Substance Misuse and Domestic Violence   


Supervised Visitation and Exchange  


Technology and Technology Capacity   


Technology Safety and Security   


Trauma-Informed Practice   


Tribal Nations (Sovereignty, Services, Legal and Health Response, Child Welfare, Other)  


Tribal Justice Issues (Law Enforcement, Prosecution, Court, and Correction Responses)   


Workplace Issues   


Other: Please Specify_______________ 

Add additional rows as needed 

(For example: Addressing DV During COVID, COVID-19 and Telehealth, Partner Inflicted Brain Injury, Following Young Peoples’ Lead on Online Youth Engagement for SV Prevention in Times of COVID)  


Table D. Recipients of TA and Type and Number of TA Activities    

Site Visit: An in-person visit made to an agency/location for the purpose of providing TA consultation.    

TA Consultation: TA consultations involve substantive contact with individuals or organizations via phone, email, or in-person that does not rise to the level of a site visit.    

Information and Referral (I & R) Services: I & R services involve the provision of information, materials, or referrals to other resources in response to specific requests.   


Categories of Individuals Trained    

# of Site Visits    

# of TA Consultations    

# of I & R Responses    

Adult Protective Services  




Anti-Trafficking Agencies (Non-Governmental)  








Batterer Intervention Programs (BIPs)   




Child Support System (Administrative and Judicial Agency Personnel, System-Based Victim Advocates)   




Child Welfare System (Judges, Social Workers, Administrators, Foster Care, System-Based Advocates)   




Child Care/Head Start Agencies   




Civil Justice System (Judges, Clerks, Custody Evaluators, 3rd Party Neutrals, System-Based Victim Advocates)   




Coordinated Community Response (CCR) Entities   




Corrections System (Probation, Parole, and Correctional Facilities)  




Criminal Justice System (Clerks, Prosecutors, Expert Witnesses, System-Based Victims, Witness Specialists)  




Culturally-Specific Community-Based Programs- DV/SA Programs   




Culturally-Specific Community-Based Programs- Other   




Disability Rights/Deaf Organizations   




Domestic/Dating Violence Programs and Dual Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Programs (Including Advocates, Boards, Volunteers)   





Domestic Violence State/Territory Coalitions and Dual Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault State/Territory Coalitions (Including Advocates and Boards)   




Educators (Teachers/Faculty from Elementary through College) and School/Campus Personnel   




Economic Security, Asset-Building, Anti-Poverty Programs (Non-Governmental)   




Elder Abuse Organizations (Non-Governmental)   




Emergency Preparedness Agencies   








Faith-Based/Spiritual Leaders/Organizations   




Fatherhood Programs  




Funders- Private Foundations, Corporate Funders   




FVPSA/FYSB Program   




General Public   




Health Care Providers Working with Adults  




Health Care Providers Working with Children   




Home Visitation Agencies   




Housing Agencies and Transitional Housing Programs (Non-DV Focused)   




Immigrant Organizations (Non-Governmental)  




Interpreters and Translators   








Juvenile Delinquency System (Probation, Other Personnel)  




Law Enforcement Agencies   




LGBTQ / Two Spirit Community Organizations   








Mental Health Professionals   




Military Family Advocacy Program   




Military Justice Personnel (Military Police, JAGs, Other)   




Multi-Disciplinary Groups   




NGOs (Non-DV)- International (UN Women, Other)   




NGOs (Non-DV)- National/Tribal (NCAAP, NCAI, Nat’l Council of La Raza, NASW)   




NGOs (Non-DV)- State, Territorial, or Local (State/Local Chapter, Other CBOs)   




Policymakers- Federal Government (Congress, White House, Federal Agencies including OVW and OVC)   





Policymakers- State/Territorial and Local   




Policymakers- Tribal   




Public Benefits Agencies (TANF, SNAP, WIC, Other)   








Refugee Organizations (Including those Working with Asylees)   




Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights Programs   




Sexual Assault Programs and Coalitions   




Students (K-12, Undergraduate, Graduate, Including Law School and Medical School) and Student Groups   




Substance Misuse Programs   




Supervised Visitation Programs   




Social Services for Adults, Children, and Families (Non-Governmental)   




TA Providers- DVRN Members   




TA Providers- Other DV/SA/Stalking TA Providers   




Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions   




Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Programs   




Tribal Governments (Including Tribal Councils)   




Tribal Justice System (Judges, Clerks, Prosecutors, Probation, Other)   




Tribal Law Enforcement   




Other Individuals and Groups (Social Clubs, Beauty Salons, Community Organizers)   




Other Underserved Communities    




University/Campus Administrators and Campus Police   




Victims/Survivors of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking   




Victims/Survivors and Other Individuals Charged with Crimes   




Victims/Survivors’ Family and Friends   




Youth Serving Organizations   




Other: Please Specify:__________________ 

Add additional rows as needed. 

(For example: Primary Care Associations; State Departments of Health/Public Health; HRSA Workforce Development Agencies)    









Table E. TA Content Areas During the Reporting Period    

Training Topics (Check All that Apply)


Accessibility (ADA, language, programming) 


Adolescent/Teen Relationship Abuse   




Batterers Intervention Programs/Reducing Abusive Behavior   


Child Custody Related Issues   


Child Support   


Child Welfare/Child Protection Issues (Co-Occurrence, System Response)   


Children and Youth Exposed to Domestic Violence   


Civil Legal Issues (Including Family Court Response, POs, Civil Legal Assistance)   


Community Organizing, Engagement, and Mobilization   


Confidentiality/Privacy (HIPPAA, Privileged Communication, Tech Safety   


Corrections (Probation/Parole, Programs in Prison and Related)   


Coordinated Community Response   


Creating and Sustaining Culturally-Specific Organizations and Communities   


Criminal Legal Issues (Law Enforcement, Prosecution, Court, and Defense Responses)   


Cultural Competency for NGOs and Systems   


Curricula and Training Issues   


Data Collection and Evaluation   


Domestic and Dating Violence (Dynamics, Incidence/Prevalence, Response)    


Domestic Violence Victims Charged with Crimes   


Economic Empowerment   


Elder Abuse   


Emergency Preparedness   


Engaging Men and Boys   


Evidence-Based, Evidence-Informed, and Promising Practices (Including Practice-Based Evidence)   




Fatherhood and Domestic Violence   


Firearms and Domestic Violence   


Grants and Funding   


HIV and AIDS   


Health Care and Domestic Violence   


Housing (Transitional Housing, Discrimination, Affordable Housing)   


Homicide (Lethality/Dangerousness Assessments, Fatality Reviews, Homicide Prevention)   


Juvenile System Issues (Delinquency, Dependency, Foster Care, Other)   


Immigration Issue, Including Response to Immigrant Survivors   


Language Access, Interpretation, and Translation   


LGBTQ /Two Spirit Communities, Including Response to Survivors of Abuse    


Male Victims   


Mandatory Reporting (Child Welfare, Law Enforcement)   


Mental Health and Domestic Violence   


Military (Programming, Advocacy, System Response)    


Organizational Development (Fund Development, Boards, Strategic Planning, Other)   


Primary Prevention   


Program Development   


Program Evaluation   


Public Benefits (TANF, SNAP, Other)   


Re-Entry, Including for Incarcerated Women   


Refugees, Including Response to Refugee Survivors   


Research and Statistics   


Disabilities/Deafness, Including Response to Survivors with Disabilities or Who are Deaf   


Runaway and Homeless Youth   


Rural Communities, Including Survivors Living in Rural/Remote Areas   


Safety Audits (Organizations, Systems)   


Safety Planning   


Stalking, Including Response to Stalking Survivors   


Substance Misuse and Domestic Violence   


Supervised Visitation and Exchange   


Technology and Technology Capacity   


Technology Safety and Security   


Trauma-Informed Practice   


Tribal Nations (Sovereignty, Services, Legal and Health Response, Child Welfare, Other)   


Tribal Justice Issues (Law Enforcement, Prosecution, Court, and Correction Responses)   


Workplace Issues   


Other: Please Specify:_________________ 

Add additional rows as needed. 

(For example: Addressing DV During COVID, COVID-19 and Telehealth, Partner Inflicted Brain Injury, Following Young Peoples’ Lead on Online Youth Engagement for SV Prevention in Times of COVID)   



Table F. Activities Addressing Culturally-Specific Populations    


Lead/ Primary Activity    

Partner/ Support Activity    

Developing materials and other resources to increase the field’s awareness of and education about the needs and strengths of ethnic and racial minority groups   



Engaging in systems advocacy and collaboration to identify and maximize systems’ support and access and minimize barriers for racial and ethnic minority groups   



Engaging in community organizing, outreach, advocacy, movement building, and/or collaboration to enhance culturally-specific community supports and to minimize barriers for that population   



Identifying and increasing awareness about critical issues affecting target populations of the CSSIRCs to increase culturally-specific and culturally-competent services and access to all programs serving survivors   



Increasing participation and visibility of culturally-specific communities in shaping intervention and prevention policy initiatives   



Increasing participation and visibility of culturally-specific communities in shaping intervention and prevention research initiatives and methodologies to enhance healing and well-being for racial and ethnic minority groups   



Providing training regarding culturally appropriate services for communities   



Analyzing critical issues and new trends in order to develop survivor-centered and community-defined advocacy and community engagement strategies   



Contributing content-area expertise to national, state, federal, and local issues   



Developing, supporting, and enhancing leadership in racial and ethnic communities   



Identifying, adapting, and implementing evidence-based, trauma informed, culturally-relevant strategies and program models   




Table G. Culturally-Specific Populations Served  

[Race/Ethnicity: Report the race and/or ethnicity of the clients served, including children and youth. Clients may self-identify in more than one category, e.g., White and Hispanic.]

Defining race and ethnicity. In accordance with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Statistical Policy Directive No. 15: Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity (SPD 15), the race and ethnicity categories set forth are sociopolitical constructs and are not an attempt to define race and ethnicity biologically or genetically.  The SPD 15 race and ethnicity categories are intended to result in more accurate and useful race and ethnicity data across the Federal government.

Developing/Enhancing Response for Victims/Survivors Who Are:     

Lead/ Primary Activity    

Partner/ Support Activity    

American Indian or Alaska Native (AIAN)



For example, Navajo Nation, Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation of Montana, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, Aztec, Maya, etc.





Asian Indian





Enter, for example, Pakistani, Hmong, Afghan, etc.

Black or African American



African American






Enter, for example, Trinidadian and Tobagonian, Ghanaian, Congolese, etc.

Hispanic or Latino




Puerto Rican





Enter, for example, Colombian, Honduran, Spaniard, etc.

Middle Eastern or North African









Enter, for example, Moroccan, Yemeni, Kurdish, etc.

Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander



Native Hawaiian






Enter, for example, Chuukese, Palauan, Tahitian, etc.










Enter, for example, French, Swedish, Norwegian, etc.



Table H. Activities at the Intersection of other Social, Personal, Demographic Identifiers    

Victims/Survivors who:    

Primary/ Lead    

Partner/ Support    




Black/ African American    

Hispanic or Latino    

Middle Eastern or North African

Native Hawaiian/

Pacific Islander    



General Population    

Are deaf or hard of hearing   











Have physical disabilities   











Have cognitive disabilities   











Are elders   











Are homeless or living in poverty   











Are immigrants   











Are refugees or asylum seekers   











Are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or intersex   











Are torture victims or were victimized in conflict zones   











Are victims of trafficking   











Have limited English proficiency   











Are experiencing mental health issues   











Are experiencing substance misuse issues   











Are charged, incarcerated, or re-entering the community after incarceration   











Have barriers accessing services because of religion   











Live in rural areas   























Table I. Activities Addressing Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups and/or Underserved Populations    


Lead/ Primary Activity    

Partner/ Support Activity    

Developing materials and other resources to increase the field’s awareness of and education about the needs and strengths of ethnic and racial minority groups and/or underserved populations   



Engaging in systems advocacy and collaboration to identify and maximize systems’ support and access and minimize barriers for racial and ethnic minority groups and/or underserved populations   



Engaging in community organizing, outreach, advocacy, movement building, and/or collaboration to enhance community supports and to minimize barriers for specific racial and ethnic minority populations and/or underserved populations   



Increasing participation and visibility of racial and ethnic minority groups and underserved populations in shaping intervention and prevention policy initiatives   



Increasing participation and visibility of racial and ethnic minority groups and underserved populations in shaping intervention and prevention research initiatives and methodologies to enhance healing and well-being for survivors   



Providing training regarding culturally appropriate services for communities   



Analyzing critical issues and new trends in order to develop survivor-centered and community-defined advocacy and community engagement strategies   



Contributing content-area expertise to national, state, federal, and local issues   



Developing, supporting, and enhancing leadership in racial and ethnic communities   



Identifying, adapting, and implementing evidence-based, trauma informed, culturally-relevant strategies and program models   




Table J. Developing/Enhancing Response to Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups and Underserved Populations    

Developing/Enhancing Response for Victims/Survivors Who Are:     

Lead/ Primary Activity    

Partner/ Support Activity    

American Indian or Alaska Native (AIAN)   






Black of African American   



Hispanic or Latino  



Middle Eastern or North African

Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander   





Are deaf or hard of hearing   



Have physical disabilities   



Have cognitive disabilities   



Are elders   



Are homeless or living in poverty   



Are immigrants   



Are refugees or asylum seekers   



Are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex or Two Spirit



Are torture victims or were victimized in conflict zones   



Are victims of trafficking   



Have limited English proficiency   



Are experiencing mental health issues   



Are experiencing substance misuse issues   



Are charged, incarcerated, or re-entering the community after incarceration   



Have barriers accessing services because of religion   



Live in rural areas   







Table K. Use of Grant Award Funds to Develop, Substantially Revise, or Distribute Products During the Reporting Period    

Product Types (During Reporting Period)   

# Developed and/or Substantially Revised    

# Printed (# Hard Copies Distributed)    

# Disseminated Online (# of Copies Viewed/Downloaded from Website, if known)    

Produced in Other Languages/Formats (Identify Language)    

Annotated Bibliography   










Benchcard/ Deskcard   





Fact Sheet/ Tip Sheet   





Funding Alert   





Journal Article/ Book Chapter   










Newsletter/ Magazine   





Online Collection   










Reports- Legislative/ Policy/ Other   





Research/ News Alerts   





Resource Guide/ Directory   





Social Media Posts

TA Packet/ Guide/ Brief   










Training Curriculum   





Training Materials   





Videos/ CDs   





Webinar Recordings   





Formal Permission Granted to Other Organization to Reprint Existing Publications   





Other Publications: Posters, Samples, and Templates, Worksheets, Digital Tools, Billboard Files   











Table L. Website Usage    


Prior 6 Months    

Current 6 Months    

12-Month Total    

% Change    











Daily Visits    





Virtual Event Registrants  

# of Events ___ 






Table M. Online Newsletters and eLerts/ Subscriptions    

Name of eNewsletters, eLerts, and other Online Subscriptions    

# Produced during Reporting Period    

Subscriptions on 1st day of Reporting Period    

Subscriptions on Last Day of Reporting Period    

% Change    

Health e-Bulletin   





Health listserv   






Please refer to the follow definitions for all data tables. 


Definition from 45 CFR 1370.2 

Dating violence 

Violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim and where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors: The length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship. Dating violence also includes but is not limited to the physical, sexual, psychological, or emotional violence within a dating relationship, including stalking. It can happen in person or electronically and may involve financial abuse or other forms of manipulation which may occur between a current or former dating partner regardless of actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. 

Domestic violence 

Felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction receiving grant monies, or by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction. This definition also includes but is not limited to criminal or non-criminal acts constituting intimidation, control, coercion and coercive control, emotional and psychological abuse and behavior, expressive and psychological aggression, financial abuse, harassment, tormenting behavior, disturbing or alarming behavior, and additional acts recognized in other Federal, Tribal, State, and local laws as well as acts in other Federal regulatory or subregulatory guidance. The definition applies to individuals and relationships regardless of actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. 

Primary prevention 

Strategies, policies, and programs to stop both first-time perpetration and first-time victimization. Primary prevention is stopping domestic and dating violence before they occur. Primary prevention includes, but is not limited to: School-based violence prevention curricula, programs aimed at mitigating the effects on children of witnessing domestic or dating violence, community campaigns designed to alter norms and values conducive to domestic or dating violence, worksite prevention programs, and training and education in parenting skills and self-esteem enhancement. 

Underserved populations 

Populations who face barriers in accessing and using victim services, and includes populations underserved because of geographic location, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, underserved racial and ethnic populations, and populations underserved because of special needs including language barriers, disabilities, immigration status, and age. Individuals with criminal histories due to victimization and individuals with substance use disorders and mental health issues are also included in this definition. 

PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT (PRA) OF 1995 (Public Law 104-13) STATEMENT OF PUBLIC BURDEN: The purpose of this information collection is to implement the use of a PPR specific to the Resource Center grantees will allow OFVPS to collect more relevant information from these grantees to measure Resource Centers’ reach and impact. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 8 hours per grantee, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering, and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. This collection of information is required to retain a benefit related to and funded by the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA), 42 U.S.C. 10401 et seq., which authorizes the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to award grants to the National Domestic Violence Hotline and National, Special Issue, and Culturally Specific Resource Centers. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the PRA of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have any comments on this collection of information, please contact Holi Dahl [[email protected]].

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorEmily V. Hall
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-10-26

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