ECIP ISR Instructions BHC_MA

Emergency Capital Investment Program Reporting


Initial Supplemental Report – M&A version

OMB: 1505-0275

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March 21, 2023 Version 1


Emergency Capital Investment Program
Instructions for the Initial Supplemental Report for Insured
Depository Institutions, Bank Holding Companies, and
Savings and Loan Holding Companies that have Completed
M&A Activity with a Non-Participating Institution
General Instructions____________________________________________________ 2


A. Who Must Report on Which Forms ______________________________________________ 2

Definitions and Rules of Practice ________________________________________________ 2

C. Organization of These Instructions_______________________________________________ 3
D. Submission of the Report: Schedule A–Baseline Qualified Lending Calculation __________ 3
E. Submission of the Report: Schedule B–Disaggregated Data on Qualified Lending and Deep
Impact Lending __________________________________________________________________ 5

Lending Activity______________________________________________________________ 5


Qualified Lending___________________________________________________________ 7


Schedule A–Baseline Qualified Lending Calculation__________________________ 9

A. General Instructions for Schedule A–Baseline Qualified Lending Calculation____________ 9


Line Item Instructions for Schedule A–Baseline Qualified Lending Calculation __________ 9

Schedule B – Disaggregated Data on Qualified Lending and Deep Impact Lending _ 10

A. General Instructions for Schedule B – Disaggregated Data on Qualified Lending and Deep
Impact Lending _________________________________________________________________ 10
B. Line Item Instructions For Schedule B – Disaggregated Data on Qualified Lending and Deep
Impact Lending _________________________________________________________________ 11


Glossary __________________________________________________________ 12

ECIP Instructions for Initial Supplemental Report for IDIs, BHCs and SLHCs with M&A Activity
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An institution (Participant) participating in the Emergency Capital Investment Program (ECIP) of the
U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) that has merged with, acquired, or completed another
business combination with another institution that is not participating in the ECIP (the Acquired
Institution) is required to submit an Initial Supplemental Report for the Acquired Institution.
The purpose of the Initial Supplemental Report is to establish the baseline amount of Qualified Lending,
as defined in the Glossary, by the Acquired Institution, which will be used to measure increases in
Qualified Lending in subsequent years during the ECIP investment period. The baseline is established by
measuring the amount of Qualified Lending during the baseline year, which is the annual period ending
on the last day of the last completed quarter before the merger, acquisition or other business combination
was completed. For example, if the Participant’s acquisition of another institution closed on April 15,
2025, submit an Initial Supplemental Report for the Acquired Institution covering the annual period
ending on March 31, 2025. For Acquired Institutions that are bank holding companies or savings and
loan holding companies, the baseline is established by measuring the aggregate amount of Qualified
Lending by the bank holding company or savings and loan holding company’s insured depository
institution subsidiaries during the baseline year.
The Initial Supplemental Report for the Acquired Institution is due concurrently with the Participant’s
first Quarterly Supplemental Report that includes the lending of the Acquired Institution. Please refer to
the Instructions for the Quarterly Supplemental Report for Insured Depository Institutions, Bank Holding
Companies, and Savings and Loan Holding Companies for more information on when the Participant’s
first Quarterly Supplemental Report that includes the lending of the Acquired Institution is due.
Insured depository institutions, bank holding companies, and savings and loan holding companies should
use these instructions to complete the Initial Supplemental Report. Credit unions should use the
Instructions for the Initial Supplemental Report for Credit Unions that have Completed M&A Activity
with a Non-Participating Credit Union, not this document. Participants must prepare and file the Initial
Supplemental Report in accordance with these instructions.
The Initial Supplemental Report has two schedules. Schedule A–Baseline Qualified Lending Calculation
is used to calculate the baseline amount of Qualified Lending. Schedule B–Disaggregated Data on
Qualified Lending and Deep Impact Lending is used to present further detail on the composition of the
Acquired Institution’s Qualified Lending. Both schedules must be completed using a spreadsheet
template, available on the ECIP website, and uploaded to the ECIP Portal, as described below.
If you have general questions regarding this form, please contact the Emergency Capital Investment
Program at [email protected].
Unless otherwise stated, the Initial Supplemental Report and the Instructions for the Initial Supplemental
Report incorporate the definitions and general rules of practice embodied in the Consolidated Reports of
Condition and Income for Banks (Call Report), as well as the instructions pertaining thereto, or the Call
ECIP Instructions for Initial Supplemental Report for IDIs, BHCs and SLHCs with M&A Activity
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Report of the bank holding company or savings and loan holding company’s insured depository
institution subsidiaries.
These instructions are divided into three sections:
1. General Instructions describing overall reporting requirements.
2. General Instructions and Line-Item Instructions for Schedule A–Baseline Qualified Lending
Calculation and Schedule B–Disaggregated Data on Qualified Lending and Deep Impact Lending
3. A Glossary of terms.
The Participant must file the Schedule A–Baseline Qualified Lending Calculation for the Acquired
Institution through the ECIP Portal using the following steps:
1. The person filling out the report must have a sign-on account with to validate his or her
identity prior to accessing the ECIP Portal. Instructions for registering for an account can
be found here: registration instructions.
2. Download the Baseline Qualified Lending Summary Template corresponding to your institution
type from the ECIP Portal. There are separate templates for credit unions and banks or holding
companies. Do not change any formatting, add rows or columns, or make any other
alteration to the template. Once filled out, the template must be uploaded in a .csv format.
3. Prepare the Qualified Lending data in accordance with these instructions and fill out the template.
Do not enter commas, decimal points, dollar signs, letters, or symbols. Participants are strongly
encouraged to enter zeros in any column or row for which the Participant does not have
origination data to report. Blank cells will be treated as zeros. All fields must be completed.
Please double-check all figures before submitting a report. Save the completed template as a
local file on your computer or your network.
4. Log into the ECIP Portal online, click on the “Supplemental Reporting” tab, and upload your
template using the “Upload Files” option.
5. Once uploaded, the “Baseline Qualified Lending” tab will generate an output report based on the
data entered in the template, which will look similar to the example table below. Review the
output report and confirm that the data is presented accurately. If any data is incorrect, make
changes to your .csv file and repeat the steps to upload the corrected report.

ECIP Instructions for Initial Supplemental Report for IDIs, BHCs and SLHCs with M&A Activity
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6. You will be presented with a Data Output table, like the example below, which will display the
Total Originations and Total Qualified Lending calculated based on the data reported in your .csv
file. Please see the Line-Item Instructions for Schedule A–Baseline Qualified Lending
Calculation (Section II.B) in these instructions for more information on how items 12A and 12B
are calculated. Review items 12A and 12B for accuracy. If the results do not match your
expected results, please review the .csv file for any errors and upload a corrected version.

7. You will be presented with Recipient Input fields, like the example below. Report your Baseline
Qualified Lending in item 13A. Please see the Line-Item Instructions for Schedule A–Baseline
Qualified Lending Calculation (Section II.B) in these instructions for more information on how to
determine Baseline Qualified Lending. You will be required to attach a narrative explanation if
the Participant reports an amount in item 13A that is different than the amount listed in item 12B.

8. Attach a narrative explanation of the methodology the Participant used to generate the data in
lines 1-11, to enable Treasury to assess consistency with ECIP program requirements. Provide a
level of detail in the narrative that would allow your organization to reproduce the report at a later
point in time. If there are specific systems or datasets that were used to produce the report, it may
be helpful to provide specific references to those sources (e.g., a report out of system X was used
to calculate Y). Upload the narrative explanation as a PDF file, using the “Upload Files” option
under the “Summary of Qualified Lending Calculation” heading in the ECIP Portal.

ECIP Instructions for Initial Supplemental Report for IDIs, BHCs and SLHCs with M&A Activity
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9. Either the CEO or CFO of the Participant must print their name in item 13D to sign the report,
certifying that all of the amounts listed in the report are complete and accurate. Print the title of
the person certifying the report in item 13E.
10. Once the required fields are completed and the narrative uploaded, click “Save.”
1. The person filling out the report must have a sign-on account with to validate his or her
identity prior to accessing the ECIP Portal.
2. Download the Disaggregated Data template corresponding to your institution type from the ECIP
Portal. There are separate templates for credit unions and banks or holding companies. Do not
change any formatting, add rows or columns, or make any other alteration to the template.
Once filled out, the template must be uploaded in a .csv format.
3. Prepare your disaggregated data in accordance with these instructions and fill out the template.
Do not enter commas, decimal points, dollar signs, letters, or symbols. Participants are strongly
encouraged to enter zeros in any column or row for which the Participant does not have
origination data to report. Blank cells will be treated as zeros. All fields must be completed.
Please double-check all figures before submitting a report. Save the completed template as a
local file on your computer or your network.
4. Log into the ECIP Portal online, click on the “Supplemental Reporting” tab, and upload your
template using the “Upload Files” option.
5. Once uploaded, the “Disaggregated Qualified Lending” tab will generate an output report based
on the data entered in the template. Review the output report and confirm that the data is
presented accurately. If any data is incorrect, make changes to your .csv file and repeat the steps
to upload the corrected report.
6. Either the CEO or CFO of the Participant must print their name to submit the report. Print the
title of the person submitting the report.
7. Click “Submit” to complete submission of Schedule B.

The Participant must report all Qualified Lending by the Acquired Institution, as defined in the Glossary,
for the annual period ending on the last day of the last completed quarter before the merger, acquisition or
other business combination was completed (the baseline year or reporting period). Qualified Lending is a
subset of Lending Activity, as defined in the Glossary and in this section of these instructions, and thus, a
Participant should first identify the Acquired Institution's Lending Activity. Only Lending Activity that
can be verified as meeting the definition of Qualified Lending should be included in the Initial
Supplemental Report.

ECIP Instructions for Initial Supplemental Report for IDIs, BHCs and SLHCs with M&A Activity
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Institutions that are bank holding companies or savings and loan holding companies should aggregate
data for all of the holding company’s insured depository institution subsidiaries.
Components of Lending Activity. For purposes of the baseline, Lending Activity includes:

all new extensions of credit that would be reportable during the baseline year in the Call Report
or equivalent regulatory report;
loans originated and sold during the baseline year, even if not reportable in the Call Report or
equivalent regulatory report due to such sale;
purchases of or participations in loans during the baseline year made by non-depository CDFI
loan funds that were originated within one year of purchase by the institution;
open-ended extensions of credit if the credit was originated during the baseline year; and
direct and indirect investments during the baseline year in real estate ventures and equity
investments without readily determinable fair values.

Exclusions. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these instructions, Lending Activity excludes:

any loans made under the Paycheck Protection Program;
the portion of any loan for which, on the date of origination, a third party other than the U.S.
government assumed the credit risk of the loan; and
any loan that is an extension or renewal of any existing loan unless it involves an increase of 20%
or more in the principal amount of the loan, in which case the entire loan amount, including the
increase, is eligible for inclusion.

Originations. Report new loans and extensions of credit completed during the reporting period. Report
loans originated and sold during the baseline year as long as the loan was not sold on the day of
Lines of Credit. Report the full amount authorized (the maximum credit limit) for an open-ended
extension of credit if the credit was established during the baseline year. For example, if the Acquired
Institution established a $2 million line of credit during the baseline year, include $2 million in Lending
Activity. A line of credit that is an extension or renewal of an existing line of credit is excluded from
Lending Activity unless it involves an increase of 20% or more in the principal amount of the line of
credit, in which case the entire authorized amount, including the increase, is eligible for inclusion. Funds
drawn on a line of credit that was established before the baseline year must not be included in Lending
Loan Purchases. Report the purchase price for purchases of or participations in loans during the baseline
year made by non-depository CDFI loan funds that were originated within one year of purchase by the
Investments. Direct and indirect investments in real estate and equity investments without readily
determinable fair values should be calculated on a cash basis. These investment categories include equity
investments that are public welfare investments and community development investments. Do not report
unfunded investment commitments.

ECIP Instructions for Initial Supplemental Report for IDIs, BHCs and SLHCs with M&A Activity
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Lending Activity Categories. The Lending Activity categories are defined based on the instructions to
the Call Report. For example, Lending Activity reportable on Line 1 in Schedule A–Baseline Qualified
Lending Calculation is originations of loans that would be classified as “Loans secured by construction,
land development, and other land loans” on the Call Report or equivalent regulatory report. The Initial
Supplemental Report measures loan originations, not loan balances. Do not report balances from the Call
Report Schedule RC.
Total Originations. In Schedule A and Schedule B, Participants should report the Acquired Institution's
total Lending Activity for the baseline year in the columns that ask for “Total Originations,” including
Lending Activity that is not Qualified Lending or Deep Impact Lending. In Schedule A–Baseline
Qualified Lending Calculation, “Total Originations” are reported in columns A and B. In Schedule B–
Disaggregated Data on Qualified Lending and Deep Impact Lending, “Total Originations” are reported in
column A. Activity that is excluded from Lending Activity, such as loan extensions or renewals unless
there is an increase of 20% or more in the principal amount of the loan, must not be included in “Total
Target Communities. Qualified Lending is a subset of Lending Activity. Lending Activity is
considered Qualified Lending or Deep Impact Lending if it is made to one of the Target Communities in
the table below. Refer to the Glossary to these instructions for further information on the categories of
Target Communities.
Place-based Categories of Target Communities. To determine whether a loan is made to a place-based
Target Community in the table below (for example, whether a loan is made to a Rural Community), use
the address of the real property for loans collateralized by real property, and the address of the borrower
for all other lending.
Purchases of Loans Made by Non-depository CDFI Loan Funds. As noted above, Lending Activity
includes purchases of or participations in loans during the baseline year made by non-depository CDFI
loan funds that were originated within one year of purchase by the institution. These purchases or
participations are only eligible to qualify as Qualified Lending or Deep Impact Lending if the underlying
loan is made to a Target Community listed in the table below.

Categories of Target


Qualified Lending

Deep Impact Lending


LMI Borrowers
Other Targeted Populations



Rural Communities
Urban Low-Income
Underserved Communities
Minority Communities




Low-income Borrowers
Mortgage lending to
Other Targeted
Persistent Poverty Counties
Indian Reservations and Native
Hawaiian Homelands
U.S. Territories

ECIP Instructions for Initial Supplemental Report for IDIs, BHCs and SLHCs with M&A Activity
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Small Businesses or Farms


Underserved Small Business

Borrowers or projects
that create direct
benefits for LMI
communities or to
Other Targeted


Affordable Housing:
Public Welfare and
Community Development
Investments if they primarily
benefit LMI Borrowers or
Community Service Facility


Deeply Affordable Housing
Public Welfare and Community
Development Investments if they
primarily benefit Low-income
Borrowers, Minority borrowers, or
Minority Businesses.


ECIP Instructions for Initial Supplemental Report for IDIs, BHCs and SLHCs with M&A Activity
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Qualified Lending and Deep Impact Lending. For the purposes of the baseline, Qualified Lending and
Deep Impact Lending count equally. Report Deep Impact Lending as part of Qualified Lending in
Schedule A–Baseline Qualified Lending Calculation.
Loans to Multiple Target Communities. A loan or investment may be to more than one target
community. For example, a loan may be made to a Low-income Borrower in a Persistent Poverty
County. In Schedule A–Baseline Qualified Lending Calculation, each loan must only be counted towards
Qualified Lending once. That is, a loan should be counted towards Qualified Lending if it is made to any
of the target communities outlined above.
Narrative Explanation. Institutions may determine which of their Lending Activity meets the
definitions of Qualified Lending by: (i) geocoding their loans against the Place-based categories of Target
Communities; (ii) using Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data; and (iii) any other methodology or data
which reasonably identifies Qualified Lending. The narrative should describe which methodology, or
combination of methodologies, institutions used to identify their Qualified Lending.
1 - 11. For each of lines 1 through 11, report originations of the loans or investments described in the
line number. For example, in line 1, report originations of loans that would be classified as
“Loans secured by construction, land development, and other land loans” on the Call Report or
equivalent regulatory report. In column A, report the total number of loan originations or
investments. In column B, report the dollar value of total loan originations or investments. In
column C, report the number of loan originations or investments that meet the definition of
Qualified Lending. In column D, report the dollar value of originations or investments that meet
the definition of Qualified Lending.

Total Originations. This is the sum of all Lending Activity of the Acquired Institution for the
baseline year. This amount should equal the sum of column B (items 1B through 11B).


Total Qualified Lending. This is the sum of all Qualified Lending (including Deep Impact
Lending) reported for the Acquired Institution for the baseline year. This amount should equal
the sum of column D (items 1D through 11D).


Baseline Qualified Lending. Report the Baseline Qualified Lending for the Acquired
Institution, which should equal total Qualified Lending in item 12B.
Treasury will use the value reported in item 13A, subject to Treasury review as necessary, as the
Acquired Institution’s Baseline Qualified Lending, which will be added to the Participant’s
Baseline Qualified Lending for purposes of calculating the dividend or interest rate payable on
the ECIP instruments issued by the Participant in accordance with the terms of the instruments.

ECIP Instructions for Initial Supplemental Report for IDIs, BHCs and SLHCs with M&A Activity
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Narrative Explanation for Schedule A. Attach a narrative explanation of the methodology the
Participant used to generate the data in lines 1-11.


Narrative Explanation for Baseline Qualified Lending. Enter a narrative explanation if the
amount entered in item 13A is different than the amount in item 12B.


CEO or CFO Certification. Either the CEO or CFO (or persons performing equivalent
functions) of the Participant must electronically certify the accuracy of Schedule A by typing
their name in item 13D.


CEO or CFO Title. Identify whether the certification in item 13D was provided by the CEO or
CFO (or equivalent) of the Participant.



Schedule B – Disaggregated Data on Qualified Lending and Deep Impact Lending collects Lending
Activity by Qualified Lending or Deep Impact Lending category. Since Schedule B collects historical
data based on demographic or other borrower characteristics the Acquired Institution may not have access
to, Participants should report data in Schedule B for the Acquired Institution on a best-efforts basis using
data that is reasonably available to the institution. Participants are not required to collect demographic or
other borrower characteristics that they do not already have access to solely for the purpose of completing
Schedule B.
Loans to Multiple Target Communities. A loan or investment may be to more than one target
community. For example, a loan may be made to a Low-income Borrower in a Persistent Poverty County.
In Schedule B – Disaggregated Data on Qualified Lending and Deep Impact Lending, report each loan in
each applicable target community category. For example, a loan made to a Low-income Borrower in a
Persistent Poverty County must be included in both columns D and J. The same loan or investment may
be included in both Qualified Lending and Deep Impact Lending. Since a single loan may be reported in
more than one column, Treasury expects that aggregating lending activity across columns (such as adding
together items 2B through 2S) will not equal values reported in Schedule A-Baseline Qualified Lending
Calculation and will not provide useful data points.
Purchases of Loans Made by Non-depository CDFI Loan Funds. As noted above, Lending Activity
includes purchases of or participations in loans during the baseline year made by non-depository CDFI
loan funds that were originated within one year of purchase by the institution. In Schedule B, include as
Deep Impact Lending purchases of or participations in loans during the baseline year made by non-profit
non-depository CDFI loan funds that were originated within one year of purchase by the institution AND
that were made to a Target Community listed under Deep Impact Lending in the table above (e.g.,
Persistent Poverty Counties). Purchases of or participations in loans during the baseline year made by
for-profit non-depository CDFI loan funds may only be included as Qualified Lending and not Deep
Impact Lending even if they were made to a Target Community listed under Deep Impact Lending in the
table above.
ECIP Instructions for Initial Supplemental Report for IDIs, BHCs and SLHCs with M&A Activity
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1 – 11. For each of lines 1 through 11, report originations of the loans or investments described in the
line number. For example, in line 1, report originations of loans that would be classified as
“Loans secured by construction, land development, and other land loans” on the Call Report or
equivalent regulatory report. In column A, report the dollar value of total loan originations or
investments. In columns B through S, report the dollar value of originations or investments that
can be identified as having been made to the Target Community in the column heading, as
defined in the Glossary. For example, in column B, report originations or investments that were
made to LMI Borrowers, as defined in the Glossary. In column P, report originations or
investments that are Public Welfare and Community Development Investments, as defined in the
Glossary, if they primarily benefit LMI Borrowers or communities. In column S, report
originations or investments that are Public Welfare and Community Development Investments, as
defined in the Glossary, if they primarily benefit Low-Income Borrowers, Minority borrowers, or
Minority Businesses.

Total. Report the total for each column (lines 1 through 11).


CEO or CFO Submission. Either the CEO or CFO (or persons performing equivalent functions)
of the Participant must electronically submit Schedule B by typing their name in item 13A.


CEO or CFO Title. Identify whether the confirmation in item 13A was provided by the CEO or
CFO (or equivalent) of the Participant.

ECIP Instructions for Initial Supplemental Report for IDIs, BHCs and SLHCs with M&A Activity
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The following definitions apply to the Initial Supplemental Report and these instructions.
“Affordable Housing” means financing for any affordable housing development project that has received
a funding allocation under a state’s Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program (9% or 4%
credits) or from a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development grantee utilizing HOME or
Housing Trust Fund grant funds.
“Area Median Income” means the estimated median family income as defined in the “Census and Federal
Financial Institutions Examining Council Estimated MSA/MD Median Family Income for 2020
CRA/HMDA Reports” file located at:
“Community Service Facility” means financing of a facility that is a “community service facility” as
defined in 26 USC § 42(d)(4)(C)(iii) and that is underwritten on the basis of primarily serving LowIncome Borrowers or Other Targeted Populations or are sponsored by a unit of government to serve LowIncome Borrowers or Other Targeted Populations.
“Deep Impact Lending” is a subset of Qualified Lending. Lending Activity is considered Deep Impact
Lending if it is made to one of the Target Communities listed in the “Deep Impact Lending” column in
Table 1–Target Communities in these instructions.
“Deeply Affordable Housing” means financing for any (1) affordable housing units restricted to
households earning below 30% of area median income 1 for a period not less than 10 years, prorated based
on the percentage that such units make up of the total number of housing units; or (2) Affordable Housing
in a “high opportunity area” as defined by the Federal Housing Finance Agency in 12 C.F.R. § 1282.1(b).
“Indian Reservations and Native Hawaiian Homelands” means (1) an “Indian Reservation” as defined in
the CDFI Fund regulations at 12 C.F.R § 1805.104 (i.e., any geographic area that meets the requirements
of section 4(10) of the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (25 U.S.C. 1903(10)), and shall include: land
held by incorporated Native groups, regional corporations, and village corporations, as defined in or
established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1602); public domain Indian
allotments; and former Indian reservations in the State of Oklahoma); or (2) Hawaiian Home Lands.
“Lending Activity” means loan originations, investments or other activity that is eligible to be included in
the Initial Supplemental Report, as explained further in the section of the General Instructions titled
“Lending Activity.”
“LMI Borrower” means having an income of not more than: (1) for borrowers in Metropolitan Areas, 120
percent of the area median income; and (2) for borrowers in Non-Metropolitan Areas, the greater of 120
percent of the area median income; or 120 percent of the statewide Non-Metropolitan area median
“Low-income Borrower” means having an income of not more than: (1) for borrowers in Metropolitan
Areas, 80 percent of the area median income; and (2) for borrowers in Non-Metropolitan Areas, the
For the purposes of defining “Deeply Affordable Housing” only, “area median income” refers to the definition
used in the restricting covenant or contract or by the developer of the housing unit. That is, if an affordable housing
developer restricts units to households earning below 30% of area median income for a period not less than 10 years,
those units would be considered “Deeply Affordable Housing.”


ECIP Instructions for Initial Supplemental Report for IDIs, BHCs and SLHCs with M&A Activity
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greater of 80 percent of the area median income; or 80 percent of the statewide Non-Metropolitan area
median income.
“Metropolitan Area” means an area designated as such by the Office of Management and Budget pursuant
to 44 U.S.C. 3504(e) and 31 U.S.C. 1104(d) and Executive Order 10253 (3 C.F.R., 1949–1953 Comp., p.
758), as amended. For the Initial Supplemental Report, Participants must use the list of Metropolitan
Areas posted to the ECIP website.
“Minority” means any Black American, Native American, Hispanic American, Asian American, Native
Alaskan, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander.
“Minority Business” means a business that is 51% or more owned by a Minority.
“Minority Communities” means a census tract where the majority of the population consists of
Minorities. For the Initial Supplemental Report, Participants must use the list of Minority Communities
posted to the ECIP website.
“Other Targeted Populations” means Minorities and, solely for CDFIs, populations designated as Other
Targeted Populations for that CDFI pursuant to any regulation issued by the CDFI Fund.
“Persistent Poverty Counties” means any county, including county equivalent areas in Puerto Rico, that
has had 20% or more of its population living in poverty over the past 30 years, as measured by the 1990
and 2000 decennial censuses and the 2011–2015 5- year data series available from the American
Community Survey of the Bureau of the Census or any other territory or possession of the United States
that has had 20% or more of its population living in poverty over the past 30 years, as measured by the
1990, 2000 and 2010 Island Areas Decennial Censuses, or equivalent data, of the Bureau of the Census.
For the Initial Supplemental Report, Participants must use the list of Persistent Poverty Counties posted to
the ECIP website.
“Public Welfare and Community Development Investments” means Public Welfare Investments made
pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 24(eleventh) or 12 U.S.C. 338a as reported to a Participant’s primary federal
financial regulator.
“Qualified Lending” is a subset of Lending Activity. Lending Activity is considered Qualified Lending if
it is made to one of the Target Communities listed in Table 1–Target Communities in these instructions.
“Rural Communities” means areas within a county not contained within a Metropolitan Statistical Area,
as defined in OMB Bulletin No. 15-01 and applied using 2010 census tracts. For the Initial Supplemental
Report, Participants must use the list of Rural Communities posted to the ECIP website.
“Small Businesses or Farms” means a business or farm with gross annual revenues of $1 million or less at
the time of underwriting.
“Underserved Communities” means a local community, neighborhood, or rural district that is an
“investment area” as defined in the CDFI Fund regulations at 12 CFR § 1805.201(b)(3)(ii). For the Initial
Supplemental Report, Participants must use the list of Underserved Communities posted to the ECIP
“Underserved Small Business” means a business with gross annual revenues that do not exceed $100,000
or that is majority owned by individual(s) who are Low-Income Borrowers or Other Targeted
ECIP Instructions for Initial Supplemental Report for IDIs, BHCs and SLHCs with M&A Activity
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March 21, 2023 Version 1
“Urban Low-Income Communities” means a local community, neighborhood, or rural district in which
the median family income (MFI) does not exceed (1) with respect to a census tract or block numbering
area located within a Metropolitan Area, 80% of the Metropolitan Area MFI or the national Metropolitan
Area MFI, whichever is greater, or (2) with respect to a census tract or block numbering area located
outside of a Metropolitan Area, 80% of the statewide Non-Metropolitan Area MFI or the national NonMetropolitan Area MFI, whichever is greater. For the Initial Supplemental Report, Participants must use
the list of Urban Low-Income Communities posted to the ECIP website.
“U.S. Territories” means Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Northern
Mariana Islands.

ECIP Instructions for Initial Supplemental Report for IDIs, BHCs and SLHCs with M&A Activity
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OMB Approval No. []
Expiration Date: []
The information collected will be used for the U.S. Government to set the dividend and interest rates for
ECIP investments. The estimated burden associated with this collection of information is 160 hours per
response. Comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate and suggestions for reducing this
burden should be directed to the Office of Privacy, Transparency and Records, Department of the
Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20220. DO NOT send the form to this
address. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of
information unless it displays a valid control number assigned by OMB.

ECIP Instructions for Initial Supplemental Report for IDIs, BHCs and SLHCs with M&A Activity
OMB Number: [], Version #1


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorECIP Program
File Modified2023:03:21 14:51:28-04:00
File Created2023:03:21 14:51:16-04:00

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