QSR Instructions CU

Emergency Capital Investment Program Reporting

QSR Instructions CU 2024-10-25

OMB: 1505-0275

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Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL


Emergency Capital Investment Program
Instructions for the Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
Revisions _________________________________________________________________3


II. General Instructions ________________________________________________________4

Introduction __________________________________________________________________ 4


Organization of the Quarterly Supplemental Report _________________________________ 4


When Reports are Due _________________________________________________________ 4


Definitions and Rules of Practice _________________________________________________ 5


Submission of the Report _______________________________________________________ 5


Lending Activity ______________________________________________________________ 8

G. Qualified Lending ____________________________________________________________ 10
III. Schedule A–Summary Qualified Lending ______________________________________13

General Instructions for Schedule A–Summary Qualified Lending ____________________ 13


Line-item Instructions for Schedule A–Summary Qualified Lending___________________ 14

IV. Schedule B–Disaggregated Qualified Lending __________________________________15

General Instructions for Schedule B–Disaggregated Qualified Lending ________________ 15


Line-item Instructions For Schedule B–Disaggregated Qualified Lending ______________ 16

Schedule C–Additional demographic data on Qualified Lending ___________________16


General Instructions for Schedule C–Additional Demographic Data on Qualified Lending 17


Line-item Instructions For Schedule C–Additional Demographic Data on Qualified Lending

VI. Schedule D–Additional Place-based data on Qualified Lending ____________________18

General Instructions for Schedule D–Additional Place-Based Data on Qualified Lending_ 19

ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL

Line-item Instructions For Schedule D–Additional Place-Based Data on Qualified Lending

VII. Glossary ________________________________________________________________ 22

ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL





The narrative must include an estimate of the number and dollar value of
originations of loans or investments during the reporting period for which
demographic data was not collected, expressed as a percentage of Total
Originations as reported on Schedule” to “An estimate of the number and dollar
value of originations of loans or investments during the reporting period for
which demographic data was collected, expressed as a percentage of Total
Originations as reported on Schedule A must be entered in lines 5 & 6 on the
“Schedule A” tab of the QSR report .”


“For the purposes of this narrative, “not collected” refers to instances where the
Recipient did not attempt to collect demographic data from its borrowers. Do not
include instances where borrowers were asked to provide demographic data but
chose not to respond” to “For the purposes of this narrative, “collected” includes
instances where the Recipient attempted to collect demographic data from its
borrowers, but the borrower chose not to respond.”


“The narrative must include an estimate of the number and dollar value of
originations of loans or investments during the reporting period for which
borrowers did not report demographic data, expressed as a percentage of Total
Originations as reported on Schedule A” to “Schedule A must include an estimate
of the number and dollar value of originations of loans or investments during the
reporting period for which Participants collected demographic data, expressed as
a percentage of Total Originations as reported on Schedule A.”




Number of loans for which demographic data is collected (% of Total
Originations #). Report the estimated percentage of Total Originations
for which demographic data was collected, using number of loan
originations. “Collected” refers to instances where the Recipient did
attempt to collect demographic data from its borrowers. Instances where
borrowers were asked to provide demographic data but chose not to
respond do count as “collected”.
Value of loans for which demographic data is collected (% of Total
Originations $). Report the estimated percentage of Total Originations
for which demographic data was collected, using dollar value of loan
originations. “Collected” refers to instances where the Recipient did
attempt to collect demographic data from its borrowers. Instances where
borrowers were asked to provide demographic data but chose not to
respond do count as “collected”.

ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL

Every institution (Participant) participating in the Emergency Capital Investment Program (ECIP) of the U.S.
Department of the Treasury (Treasury) is required to submit a Quarterly Supplemental Report covering each
quarter beginning with the closing date of its ECIP investment (the reporting period).
The primary purpose of the Quarterly Supplemental Report is to establish the growth in Qualified
Lending, as defined in the Glossary, by a Participant over the baseline amount of Qualified Lending
reported in the Initial Supplemental Report submitted by the Participant (Baseline Qualified Lending). In
addition, the Quarterly Supplemental Report may also be used to measure the impact of ECIP on targeted
Credit unions should use these instructions to complete the Quarterly Supplemental Report. Insured
depository institutions, bank holding companies, and savings and loan holding companies should use the
Instructions for the Quarterly Supplemental Report for Insured Depository Institutions, Bank Holding
Companies, and Savings and Loan Holding Companies, not this document. Participants must prepare and
file the Quarterly Supplemental Report in accordance with these instructions
The Quarterly Supplemental Report has four schedules:

Schedule A–Summary Qualified Lending (quarterly data) is used to collect the Qualified
Lending and Deep Impact Lending, as defined in the Glossary, of a Participant for a given
quarter. Schedule A is therefore used to establish the growth in a Participant’s Qualified Lending
over its Baseline Qualified Lending for the purposes of calculating the payment rate on the ECIP
subordinated debt issued by the Participant.


Schedule B–Disaggregated Qualified Lending (quarterly data) is used to present further detail
on the composition of the Participant’s Qualified and Deep Impact Lending.


Schedule C–Additional Demographic Data on Qualified Lending (annual data) collects
additional demographic data on certain categories of Qualified Lending and Deep Impact


Schedule D–Additional Place-based Data on Qualified Lending (annual data) collects
additional geographic data on certain categories of Qualified Lending and Deep Impact Lending.

Schedules B, C and D will be used to better understand the composition of a Participant’s Qualified
Lending and to assess the impact of ECIP on targeted communities.
All schedules are required to be completed in accordance with these instructions and any supplemental
instructions issued by Treasury. All schedules must be completed using a spreadsheet template, available
through the ECIP Portal or on the ECIP webpage, and uploaded to the ECIP Portal, as described below.
If you have questions regarding this form, please contact the Emergency Capital Investment Program at
[email protected].
ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL
Participants are required to submit each Quarterly Supplemental Report concurrently with the Call Report
Form 5300 (Call Report) of the Participant for the quarter covered by the Quarterly Supplemental Report,
as set out in the ECIP Securities Purchase Agreement.
The Quarterly Supplemental Report has four schedules. Two schedules are due quarterly, and two
schedules are due annually, as set forth below:

Schedule A – Quarterly, concurrent with the Call Report for the quarter covered by the Quarterly
Supplemental Report.
Schedule B – Quarterly, concurrent with the Call Report for the quarter covered by the Quarterly
Supplemental Report.
Schedule C – Annually for the prior calendar year, concurrent with the Call Report for the quarter
ending on March 31.
Schedule D – Annually for the prior calendar year, concurrent with the Call Report for the quarter
ending on March 31.

For example, Schedules A and B for the quarter ending December 31, 2023 will be due concurrently with
the Call Report for that quarter and Schedules C and D for calendar year 2023 will be due concurrently
with the Call Report for the quarter ending March 31, 2024.
Submission Deadlines for 2022 and Q1 2023 Quarterly Supplemental Reports
Participants that had an ECIP closing date in 2022 are required to follow an alternate report filing
schedule for each quarter of calendar year 2022 and for the first calendar quarter of 2023:


Participants must submit a Quarterly Supplemental Report with Schedules A and B for each
quarter since their ECIP closing date by June 30, 2023. The report for each quarter must be
submitted separately. For Participants that closed during a quarter, the Quarterly Supplemental
Report for that quarter must include all loans from the closing date and must not include any
loans prior to the closing date.
Participants must submit Schedules C & D for the period from the Participant’s ECIP closing date
through December 31, 2022 by June 30, 2023.

Unless otherwise stated, the Quarterly Supplemental Report and the Instructions for the Quarterly
Supplemental Report incorporate the definitions and general rules of practice embodied in the Call
Report, as well as the instructions pertaining thereto.

The person submitting the report must have a sign-on account with ID.me to validate his or her identity
prior to accessing the ECIP Portal. Instructions for registering for an ID.me account can be found here:
ID.me registration instructions.
The schedules must be completed and uploaded together as follows:
1. Access the ECIP Portal via the Treasury ECIP webpage here: ECIP Webpage.
ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL
2. Download the reporting template through either the ECIP Portal or ECIP webpage. Prepare
your Qualified Lending data in accordance with these instructions and fill out the template.
Users should note the following:
a. There are separate templates for credit unions (QSR Template – CU) and banks or
holding companies (QSR Template – BHC). Be sure to use the correct template for your
institution type.
b. Do not change any formatting, add rows or columns, or make any other alteration
to the template, as all altered templates will be rejected and will require
c. For quarters when only Schedules A and B are due, only complete Schedules A and B.
Do not complete Schedules C and D. For quarters when Schedules C and D are due,
complete all four schedules.
d. Do not enter commas, decimal points, dollar signs, letters, or symbols.
e. Participants must enter zeros in any column or row for which the Participant does not
have origination data to report.

The template contains some basic data validation to assist Participants with identifying
errors. If an error is identified, the corresponding cell will be highlighted orange.

g. If in any of the Schedule Ds, there are more than 1000 rows of data to report, submit
additional template(s) labeled “Additional Template Sch D” into the “Upload Additional
Documents” section of the submission portal.
h. Save the completed template as a local file on your computer or your network.
3. Log into the ECIP Portal and click through the following path: Supplemental Reporting →
Quarterly Supplemental Reports (QSR) → Complete Report for the relevant reporting period.
Please ensure that each report is correctly submitted with its corresponding quarter.
4. Uncheck the checkboxes next to any Schedules for which you have NO data to report (i.e., a
checked box indicates that there is reported data).

5. Upload the completed template using the “Upload Files” field.
6. Attach a narrative explanation of the methodology the Participant used to generate the data in
ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL
the Quarterly Supplemental Report, to enable Treasury to assess consistency with ECIP
program requirements.1 Provide a level of detail in the narrative that would allow your
organization to reproduce the report at a later point in time. If there are specific systems or
datasets that were used to produce the report, it may be helpful to provide specific references
to those sources (e.g., a report out of system X was used to calculate Y). Upload the narrative
explanation as a PDF file, using the “Upload Add’l Doc” field.
7. You will be presented with Recipient Certification fields, like the example below. Either the
CEO or CFO of the Participant must print their name and title in the relevant fields to certify
that the amounts listed in the report are complete and accurate. The system will not require
the CEO or CFO to submit the report or certification themselves. That is, third parties may
submit the report or certification in the system as long as they are authorized by the CEO or
CFO to do so, and the Participant maintains clear documentation that the CEO or CFO is
making the certification to Treasury.

8. Once uploaded, the Participant will be able to review the submitted data. Review the data
and confirm that the data is presented accurately. If any data is incorrect, make changes to
your template and repeat the steps above to upload the corrected data.
9. Once the required fields are completed and the narrative has been uploaded, click “Save.”
10. After the uploaded report has been accepted by the program, the system will generate a
Summary Table for the relevant year, like the example below, that provides several data
points which will be aggregated by the system to inform the calculation of the payment rate.
Please see the Line-Item Instructions for Schedule A–Summary Qualified Lending (Section
II.B) in these instructions for more information on how items 4A – 4F are calculated.

The Participant must provide a methodology narrative for each schedule. The Participant may combine these explanations into a single document
and upload this document only once. Participants also have the option to provide and upload narratives for each schedule separately.


ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL

In each Quarterly Supplemental Report, the Participant must report the number and dollar value of all
Qualified Lending, as defined in the Glossary, for each quarter covered by the Quarterly Supplemental
Report. Qualified Lending is a subset of Lending Activity, as defined in the Glossary and in this section
of these instructions, and thus, a Participant should first identify its Lending Activity.
Components of Lending Activity. For purposes of the Quarterly Supplemental Report, Lending
Activity includes:
all new extensions of credit that would be reportable during the reporting period in the Call
Report or equivalent regulatory report;
loans originated and sold during the reporting period, even if not reportable in the Call Report
or equivalent regulatory report due to such sale;
purchases of loans or participations in loans that are: (a) acquired by the Participant during
the reporting period; (b) made by non-depository CDFI loan funds; and (c) originated within
one year of purchase by the institution;
the pro-rata share of the Participant’s purchase of a participation in a loan that is: (a)
originated by another ECIP Participant during the reporting period; and (b) purchased by the
Participant during the reporting period; and
open-ended extensions of credit if the credit was originated during the reporting period.
Exclusions. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these instructions, Lending Activity excludes:
any loans made under the Paycheck Protection Program;

the portion of any loan for which, on the date of origination, a third party other than the U.S.
government, or any U.S. state, territory, or locality assumed the credit risk of the loan2;
purchases of loans or participations in loans other than those listed in bullets (iii) and (iv) above;
any loan that is an extension or renewal of any existing loan unless it involves an increase of
20% or more in the principal amount of the loan, in which case the entire loan amount,
including the increase, is eligible for inclusion.

ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL
Originations. Report new loans and extensions of credit completed during the reporting period. Report
loans originated and sold during the reporting period as long as the loan was not sold on the day of
Lines of Credit. Report the full amount authorized (the maximum credit limit) for an open-ended
extension of credit if the credit was established during the reporting period. For example, if the
Participant established a $2 million line of credit during the reporting period, include $2 million in
Lending Activity. A line of credit that is an extension or renewal of an existing line of credit is excluded
from Lending Activity unless it involves an increase of 20% or more in the principal amount of the line of
credit, in which case the entire authorized amount, including the increase, is eligible for inclusion. Funds
drawn on a line of credit that was established before the reporting period must not be included in Lending
Loan Purchases and Participations. Report the purchase price for purchases of loans or participations
in loans during the reporting period that are: (a) acquired by the Participant during the reporting period;
(b) made by non-depository CDFI loan funds; and (c) originated within one year of purchase by the
institution. Report the Participant’s pro-rata share of the total loan amount of a purchase of a participation
in a loan that is: (a) originated by another ECIP Participant during the reporting period; and (b) purchased
by the Participant during the reporting period. For the purposes of the Quarterly Supplemental Report, a
“participation” means a loan origination or financing structure in which the ECIP Participant has assumed
at least some credit risk of the loan on the day of origination. Purchases of loans other than from nondepository CDFI loan funds, including purchases of loans from other ECIP Participants, must not be
included in Lending Activity.
Lending Activity Categories. The Lending Activity categories are defined based on the instructions to
the Call Report. For example, Lending Activity reportable on Line 1 in Schedule A–Summary Qualified
Lending is originations of loans that would be classified as “Non-commercial loans / lines of credit” on
the Call Report or equivalent regulatory report. The Quarterly Supplemental Report measures loan
originations, not loan balances. Do not report balances from the Call Report.
Mergers, Acquisitions or Business Combinations. If the Participant has completed a merger,
acquisition, or other business combination with another institution after the date of closing of the ECIP
investment, the Participant must begin including the lending of the acquired institution in the Participant’s
Quarterly Supplemental Report by the earlier of: (i) the first full quarter after the Participant and the
acquired institution have completed integrating data management systems; and (ii) the first quarter that
begins on or after the date that is nine months after the merger, acquisition or other business combination
is completed. For example, if the Participant’s acquisition of another institution closed on April 15, 2025,
the lending of the acquired institution in the Participant’s Quarterly Supplemental Report will need to be

Credit enhancement in the form of insurance, such as credit protection insurance, is not considered an
assumption of credit risk when the enhancement is issued at the time of origination.

ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL
included beginning no later than the Quarterly Supplemental Report covering April 1, 2026 to June 30,
2026. In addition, the Participant must adjust its baseline as follows:

If the acquired institution is also an ECIP participant, the Initial Supplemental Report that was
submitted by the acquired ECIP participant will be used to calculate the Baseline Qualified
Lending for the acquired institution.


If the acquired institution is not an ECIP participant, the Participant must submit an Initial
Supplemental Report for the acquired institution covering the annual period ending on the last
day of the last completed quarter before the merger, acquisition or other business combination
was completed. For example, if the Participant’s acquisition of another institution closed on
April 15, 2025, submit an Initial Supplemental Report for the acquired institution covering the
annual period ending on March 31, 2025. The Initial Supplemental Report for the acquired
institution is due concurrently with the Participant’s first Quarterly Supplemental Report that
includes the lending of the acquired institution. The Initial Supplemental Report for the acquired
institution will be used to calculate the Baseline Qualified Lending for the acquired institution.

The Participant’s Baseline Qualified Lending will be adjusted by adding in the Baseline Qualified
Lending for the acquired institution, which will be calculated based on the Initial Supplemental Report
submitted by the acquired institution. For any merger, acquisition, or other business combination, for
purposes of calculating the Participant’s dividend or interest rate based on the amount of Qualified
Lending during the year in which the Participant begins including the lending of the acquired institution
in its Quarterly Supplemental Report, Treasury will prorate the Baseline Qualified Lending reported by
the acquired institution in its Initial Supplemental Report based on the portion of the relevant year after
the Participant begins including the lending of the acquired institution in its Quarterly Supplemental
Report. Subsequent rate adjustments will include the full Baseline Qualified Lending reported by the
acquired institution in its Initial Supplemental Report.
Total Originations. In Schedule A and Schedule B, Participants should report their total Lending
Activity for the reporting period in the columns that ask for “Total Originations,” including Lending
Activity that is not Qualified Lending or Deep Impact Lending. In Schedule A–Summary Qualified
Lending, “Total Originations” are reported in columns A and B. Activity that is excluded from Lending
Activity, such as loan extensions or renewals unless there is an increase of 20% or more in the principal
amount of the loan, must not be included in “Total Originations.”
Target Communities. Qualified Lending is a subset of Lending Activity. Lending Activity is
considered Qualified Lending or Deep Impact Lending if it is made to one of the Target Communities in
the table below. Refer to the Glossary to these instructions for further information on the categories of
Target Communities. Only Lending Activity that can be verified as meeting the definition of Qualified
Lending should be included in the Quarterly Supplemental Report.
Demographic Data Collection. Participants are required to collect sufficient data to enable them to
complete all the fields and all the schedules in the Quarterly Supplemental Report accurately. As required
under the ECIP Securities Purchase Agreement, the Participant’s principal executive officer or principal
financial officer will need to certify that the information provided on each Quarterly Supplemental Report
is accurate. Treasury expects that it will not be possible for Participants to accurately complete the
ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL
Quarterly Supplemental Report without processes in place to attempt to collect the data necessary to
complete all the fields and all the schedules in the Quarterly Supplemental Report accurately. Participants
are not expected to require their customers (also referred to in these instructions as borrowers) to provide
demographic data; a Participant’s customers may leave any fields requesting demographic data blank. If
the Participant cannot determine the demographic characteristics of the customer, the loan cannot be
included as Qualified Lending under the People or Business categories below for which the demographic
characteristics of the borrower are relevant, such as loans to Other Targeted Populations.
Participants may use the following methods for collecting demographic data from customers: (i) selfreporting by customers; (ii) methods that the Participant uses for the purposes of complying with the
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act; and (iii) methods that the Participant uses for the purposes of complying
with CDFI Fund certification or reporting requirements. However, Participants may not use geographical
proxies, even if such proxies are accepted for the purposes of compliance with the Home Mortgage
Disclosure Act or CDFI Fund certification or reporting requirements. Other than the methods outlined
above, Participants may not use any other methods or proxies to determine the demographic
characteristics of the customer.
Because Participants may require time to develop sufficient data-collection systems, for each Quarterly
Supplemental Report through the report for the quarter ending on June 30, 2024, Treasury will not
consider the Quarterly Supplemental Report to be inaccurate or incomplete solely on the basis of a lack of
demographic data. For each such Quarterly Supplemental Report, the Participant must provide a narrative
explanation, uploaded through the “Upload Add’l Doc” field, of their plans to implement sufficient datacollection systems and their progress in implementing those plans. An estimate of the number and dollar
value of originations of loans or investments during the reporting period for which demographic data was
collected,3 expressed as a percentage of Total Originations as reported on Schedule A must be entered in
lines 5 & 6 on the “Schedule A” tab of the QSR report. Beginning with the Quarterly Supplemental
Report covering the quarter ending September 30, 2024, Treasury will consider a Quarterly Supplemental
Report to be inaccurate and incomplete if the Participant is not collecting sufficient demographic data to
enable them to complete all the fields and schedules in the Quarterly Supplemental Report.
Place-based Categories of Target Communities. To determine whether a loan is made to a place-based
Target Community in the table below (for example, whether a loan is made to a Rural Community), use
the address of the real property for loans collateralized by real property, and the address of the borrower
for all other lending. In situations where a loan is made to finance one real property but is collateralized
by another, use the address of the real property that is being financed. For example, if a Recipient
originates a loan to finance the construction, development or purchase of property X, located in County
A, but the loan is secured by a lien on property Y, located in County B, use the address of property X to
determine whether the loan is made to a place-based Target Community. For loans to businesses,
Participants may use the census tract of the business collected in accordance with the CFPB’s Small
Business Data Collection Rule at 12 C.F.R. Part 1002, Subpart B.
Loans to Multiple Borrowers. Loans to two or more joint applicants, such as mortgage loans, should be
reported in either the Qualified Lending category that applies to all of the joint applicants or the
“Multiracial Borrower” category, as applicable. Please see the section titled “Loans to Borrowers in

For the purposes of this narrative, “collected” includes instances where the Recipient attempted to
collect demographic data from its borrowers, but the borrower chose not to respond.
ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL
Multiple Demographic Categories” in Section IV.A below for more instructions on how to report these
loans in Schedule C. However, loans must not be double-counted within a single aggregated category.
For example, a mortgage loan to a couple where one individual is Black American and the other
individual is Hispanic American must only be counted once towards Deep Impact Lending on Schedule
A, and only reported once as a Mortgage Loan to Other Targeted Populations on Schedule B. This
approach only applies to joint loans; the characteristics of any co-signers on a loan are not considered
when determining if a loan is Qualified Lending, other than for the purposes of identifying LMI
Borrowers and Low-income Borrowers.4 In addition, this approach only applies to loans to natural
persons, not loans to businesses or other entities. Please see the instructions for Loans to Underserved
Businesses in Section IV below for more information on how to report loans to businesses owned by
multiple individuals.
Purchases of Loans Made by Non-depository CDFI Loan Funds and Purchases of Participations in
Loans Made by Other ECIP Participants. As noted above, Lending Activity includes certain
purchases of loans or participations in loans. These purchases of loans or participations are only eligible
to qualify as Qualified Lending or Deep Impact Lending if the underlying loan is made to a Target
Community listed in the table below.
In each Schedule, purchases of loans or participations in loans may only be included as Deep Impact
Lending if:

the loan is originated by a non-profit non-depository CDFI loan funds AND made to a Target
Community listed under Deep Impact Lending in the table below (e.g., Persistent Poverty
Counties); or
the loan is originated by another ECIP Participant and made to a Target Community listed under
Deep Impact Lending in the table below.

Purchases of loans or participations in loans that are originated by for-profit non-depository CDFI loan
funds may only be included as Qualified Lending and not Deep Impact Lending even if they were made
to a Target Community listed under Deep Impact Lending in the table above.

Please see the definitions of LMI Borrower and Low-income Borrower in the Glossary for more information on how to consider the income of joint
applicants and co-signers.


ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL
Categories of Target


Borrowers or projects
that create direct
benefits for LMI
communities or
to Other Targeted

Qualified Lending

Deep Impact Lending


LMI Borrowers
Other Targeted Populations



Rural Communities
Urban Low-Income
Underserved Communities
Minority Communities
Qualified Businesses, including
Small Businesses or Farms
Affordable Housing:
Public Welfare and
Community Development
Investments if they primarily
benefit LMI Borrowers or
communities, Minority
borrowers, or Minority
Businesses (Qualified PWI).
Community Service Facility




ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Low-income Borrowers
Mortgage lending5
to Other Targeted
Persistent Poverty Counties
Indian Reservations and Native
Hawaiian Homelands
U.S. Territories


Underserved Business


Deeply Affordable Housing
Public Welfare and Community
Development Investments if they
primarily benefit Low-income
Borrowers, Minority borrowers, or
Minority Businesses (Deep Impact


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL


LMI Borrowers
Other Targeted Populations




Rural Communities
Urban Low-Income
Underserved Communities
Minority Communities
Qualified Businesses, including
Small Businesses or Farms
Affordable Housing:
Public Welfare and
Community Development
Investments if they primarily
benefit LMI Borrowers or
communities, Minority
borrowers, or Minority
Businesses (Qualified PWI).
Community Service Facility



Borrowers or projects
that create direct
benefits for LMI
communities or to
Other Targeted





Low-income Borrowers
Mortgage lending5 to
Other Targeted
Persistent Poverty Counties
Indian Reservations and Native
Hawaiian Homelands
U.S. Territories


Underserved Business


Deeply Affordable Housing
Public Welfare and Community
Development Investments if they
primarily benefit Low-income
Borrowers, Minority borrowers, or
Minority Businesses (Deep Impact


Qualified Lending and Deep Impact Lending. In Schedule A–Summary Qualified Lending, report
Deep Impact Lending in columns E and F. Only report Qualified Lending that is not also Deep Impact
Lending in columns C and D (denoted as “Qualified Lending Originations*” in the template). The Total
Originations in columns A and B include all Lending Activity (i.e., the amounts in columns A and B
should be at least as much as the sum of columns C + E and columns D + F, respectively).
Loans to Multiple Target Communities. A loan or investment may be to more than one Target
Community. For example, a loan may be made to a Low-income Borrower in a Persistent Poverty
County. In Schedule A–Summary Qualified Lending, each loan must only be counted towards Qualified
Lending or Deep Impact Lending once. If a loan is counted towards Deep Impact Lending, it may not
also be counted towards Qualified Lending. Any loans counted in Qualified Lending or in Deep Impact
Lending should also be included in Total Originations.
Narrative Explanation. Participants may determine which of their Lending Activity meets the
definitions of Qualified Lending by: (i) geocoding their loans against the Place-based categories of Target
Communities; (ii) using Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data; (iii) using any additional data that the
Participant collects on its lending; and (iii) any other methodology or data which identifies Qualified
Lending and is consistent with the instructions above regarding demographic data collection. Participants
may not use proxies to determine their Qualified Lending; only lending that the Participant can verify as
meeting the definition of Qualified Lending should be included. The narrative should describe which

As defined in the Glossary.
ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL
methodology, or combination of methodologies, Participants used to identify their Qualified Lending.
Schedule A must include an estimate of the number and dollar value of originations of loans or
investments during the reporting period for which Participants collected demographic data,6 expressed as
a percentage of Total Originations as reported on Schedule A.
Calculation of Rate Reduction. Under the ECIP Securities Purchase Agreement and Form of
Subordinated Security for credit unions, Participants are eligible for a reduction in the dividend or interest
rate on the ECIP instruments beginning in the third year after the investment is made. The rate is adjusted
annually based on the Participant’s increase in Qualified Lending and Deep Impact Lending in the
preceding year compared to the Baseline Qualified Lending as a percentage of the ECIP investment in the
Participant. The Annual Qualified Lending that is used to calculate the payment rate for each year is
lending during the 12 months ending on the last day of the calendar quarter immediately preceding the
anniversary of the Participant’s ECIP closing date. For example, if a Participant closed its ECIP
investment on June 20, 2022, the Annual Qualified Lending that is used to calculate the payment rate for
each year is lending for the 12 months ending on March 31.

1 - 2.

For each of lines 1 and 2, report the number and dollar value of originations of the loans or
investments described in the line number. For example, in line 1, report the number and dollar
value of originations of loans that would be classified as “Non-commercial loans / lines of credit”
on the Call Report or equivalent regulatory report. In column A, report the total number of loan
originations or investments. In column B, report the dollar value of total loan originations or
investments. In column C, report the number of loan originations or investments that meet the
definition of Qualified Lending, and are not also Deep Impact Lending. In column D, report the
dollar value of originations or investments that meet the definition of Qualified Lending, and are
not also Deep Impact Lending. In column E, report the number of loan originations or
investments that meet the definition of Deep Impact Lending. In column F, report the dollar
value of originations or investments that meet the definition of Deep Impact Lending.

3A/B. Total Originations. These items are the sum of all Lending Activity by the Participant for the
reporting period. These amounts should equal the sum of columns A (items 1A + 2A) and B
(items 1B + 2B), respectively.
3C/D. Qualified Lending Originations. These items are the sum of all Qualified Lending (excluding
Deep Impact Lending) reported by the Participant for the reporting period. These amounts should
equal the sum of columns C (items 1C + 2C) and D (items 1D + 2D), respectively.
3E/F. Deep Impact Lending Originations. These items are the sum of all Deep Impact Lending
reported by the Participant for the reporting period. These amounts should equal the sum of
columns E (items 1E + 2E) and F (items 1F + 2F), respectively.

Baseline Qualified Lending. This item is the Baseline Qualified Lending reported by the
Participant in its Initial Supplemental Report, adjusted as required in these instructions or

For the purposes of this narrative, the estimate should include instances where the borrower was asked to provide demographic data but chose
not to respond.


ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL

Applicable Investment Amount. This item is the initial investment amount made by Treasury
in the Participant under ECIP, adjusted as required in these instructions or otherwise.
Qualified Lending Reported by Year X Quarter. These items are the Qualified and Deep
Impact Lending reported by the Participant in its Quarterly Supplemental Reports for a given


Annual Qualified Lending. This item is the total Qualified Lending for the Participant for a
given year, calculated by adding the sum of Qualified Lending and two (2) times the sum of Deep
Impact Lending reported by the Participant in its Quarterly Supplemental Reports for a given


Increase in Qualified Lending. This item is the difference between the Annual Qualified
Lending reported by the Participant in its Quarterly Supplemental Reports for a given year and
the Baseline Qualified Lending reported by the Participant in its Initial Supplemental Report,
adjusted as necessary, calculated by subtracting item 4A from item 4D (i.e., item 4D – item 4A).


Percentage Change in Qualified Lending. This item is the Increase in Qualified Lending
divided by the Applicable Investment Amount, calculated by dividing item 4E by item 4B (i.e.,
item 4E ÷ item 4B).


Number of loans for which demographic data is collected (% of Total Originations #).
Report the estimated percentage of Total Originations for which demographic data was collected,
using number of loan originations. “Collected” refers to instances where the Recipient did attempt
to collect demographic data from its borrowers. Instances where borrowers were asked to
provide demographic data but chose not to respond do count as “collected”.


Value of loans for which demographic data is collected (% of Total Originations $). Report
the estimated percentage of Total Originations for which demographic data was collected, using
dollar value of loan originations. “Collected” refers to instances where the Recipient did attempt
to collect demographic data from its borrowers. Instances where borrowers were asked to
provide demographic data but chose not to respond do count as “collected”.



Schedule B–Disaggregated Qualified Lending collects Lending Activity by Qualified Lending or Deep
Impact Lending category.
Loans to Multiple Target Communities. A loan or investment may be to more than one target
community. For example, a loan may be made to a Low-income Borrower in a Persistent Poverty
County. In Schedule B–Disaggregated Qualified Lending, report each loan in each applicable target
community category. For example, a loan made to a Low-income Borrower in a Persistent Poverty
County must be included in both columns E/F and Q/R. The same loan or investment may be included in
both Qualified Lending and Deep Impact Lending. For example, a loan made to a Low-income Borrower
in a Persistent Poverty County must also be included in columns A/B, as a Low-income Borrower is, by
definition, also an LMI Borrower.
ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL
Note, however, that a single loan should not be included in both a “People” category and a “Business”
category, though both loans to People and loans to Businesses can also be included under the “Places”
columns. For example, a business loan to an Underserved Business which is Minority-owned would be
included in columns Y/Z for Underserved Business, but would not also be included in columns C/D for
“Other Targeted Populations,” since columns C/D are for loans to People.
Since a single loan may be reported in more than one column, Treasury expects that aggregating lending
activity across columns (such as adding together the number or dollar value of items in columns A
through AJ) will not equal values reported in Schedule A–Summary Qualified Lending and the
aggregated value will not be a useful data point.

In line 1, report total originations of non-commercial loans / lines of credit (the sum of lines 2
through 12).

2–12 For each of lines 2 through 12 and lines 14 and 15, report originations of the loans or
investments described in the line number. For example, in line 2, report originations of
14–15. loans that would be classified as “Unsecured credit card loans” on the Call Report or
equivalent regulatory report. In columns A through AJ, report the number and dollar
value of originations or investments that can be identified as having been made to the
Target Community in the column heading, as defined in the Glossary. For example, in
columns A and B, report the number and dollar value of originations or investments that
were made to LMI Borrowers, as defined in the Glossary. In columns AC and AD,
report the number and dollar value of originations or investments that are Qualified PWI,
as defined in the Glossary. In columns AI and AJ, report the number and dollar value of
originations or investments that are Deep Impact PWI, as defined in the Glossary.

In line 13, report total originations of commercial loans / lines of credit (the sum of lines 14 and


Total. Report the total for each column (line 1 + line 13).


ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL



Schedule C–Additional Demographic Data on Qualified Lending collects additional demographic data on
certain categories of Qualified Lending or Deep Impact Lending.
For loans to LMI Borrowers (columns A and B in Schedule B), Other Targeted Populations (columns C
and D in Schedule B), mortgage lending to Other Targeted Populations (columns G and H in Schedule B),
and loans to Underserved Businesses (columns Y and Z in Schedule B), report the number and dollar
value of loans disaggregated by the demographic categories in the column headings. There are two tabs
for Schedule C – one for loans to LMI Borrowers, Other Targeted Populations, and mortgage lending to
Other Targeted Populations (Schedule C1), and one for loans to Underserved Businesses (Schedule C2).
Loans to Borrowers in Multiple Demographic Categories. Loans to borrowers who identify across
multiple demographic categories should generally be reported in each category to which they identify,
with the exception of multiracial borrowers.7 For example, a loan to a borrower who identifies ethnically
as Hispanic American, regardless of their race, should be reported in the Hispanic American category. A
loan to a borrower who identifies as both Black American and Hispanic American should be reported in
both categories. A loan to a borrower who identifies as more than one race, at least one of which is a
Minority as defined in the Glossary, regardless of their ethnicity, should be reported in the Multiracial
Borrower category. For example, a loan to a borrower that identifies as Black American and Asian
American should be reported in the Multiracial Borrower category. If that borrower also identifies as a
Hispanic American, they should be reported in the Multiracial Borrower and Hispanic American
Joint applicants should be treated similarly to the above. For example, a loan to a couple where one
person is Black American and one person is Hispanic American should be reported in both categories. A
loan to a couple where one person is Black American and the other person is Asian American should be
reported in the Multiracial Borrower category.
A loan to an Underserved Business with gross annual revenues that do not exceed $100,000 and that is
majority owned by a Minority should likewise be reported in both demographic categories in Schedule
Loans to Underserved Businesses. “Underserved Business” includes a business that is majority owned
by Minorities. In Schedule C2, report in columns E through P and S through T loans to businesses that
are majority owned by Minorities of a single race or ethnicity and otherwise owned by individuals who
are not known to be Minorities.8 For example, a loan to a business that is 60% owned by Black
Americans and 40% owned by individuals who are not known to be Minorities should be reported in
columns E and F. A loan to a business that is majority owned by individuals who identify across multiple
demographics should be reported in each category to which they identify, with the exception of
multiracial borrowers, consistent with the instructions above. For example, a loan to a business that is
75% owned by an individual that identifies as both Black American and Hispanic American should be
reported in columns E and F and S and T. A loan to a business that is 75% owned by an individual that
For the purposes of QSR reporting, “Hispanic” is considered a borrower’s ethnicity, not race, consistent with the CFPB’s treatment of race and
ethnicity under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act and the Small Business Data Collection Rule.
For the purposes of reporting loans to Underserved Businesses, individuals whose race or ethnicity is unknown are considered individuals
who are not known to be Minorities.
ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL
identifies as both Black American and Asian American should be reported in columns Q and R. Report
loans to businesses that are majority owned by more than one Minority individual of different races or
ethnicities in columns Q and R. For example, a loan to a business that is 30% owned by a Black
American and 30% owned by a Hispanic American should be reported in columns Q and R. A loan to a
business that is 60% owned by a Black American and 30% owned by a Hispanic American should
similarly be reported in columns Q and R.
If a Participant is using the demographic data of a business’ principal owners, as defined by and
consistent with the CFPB’s Small Business Data Collection Rule at 12 C.F.R. Part 1002, Subpart B, and
the Participant does not have sufficient demographic data on a business’ principal owners to allocate the
loan to an appropriate column in Schedule C2, the loan should be reported in columns U and V
(Incomplete Data on Principal Owners). For example, if a loan is identified as a minority-owned business
under the CFPB’s Small Business Data Collection Rule but the Participant only has demographic data on
one principal owner that owns 25% of the business, the loan should be reported in columns U and V.

In line 1, report total originations of non-commercial loans / lines of credit (the sum of lines 2
through 12).

2–12 For each of lines 2 through 12 and lines 14 and 15, report originations of the loans or
investments described in the line number. For example, in line 2, report originations of
14–15. loans that would be classified as “Unsecured credit card loans” on the Call Report or
equivalent regulatory report. In Schedule C—Additional Demographic Data for
Qualified Lending, in each column, report the number or dollar value of total loan
originations or investments, as applicable, to borrowers identified in the column heading.
For example, in Schedule C1—Additional Demographic Data for Qualified Lending
(People), report the number and dollar value of loans to borrowers with income at 50% or
below of Area Median Income in columns A and B. In Schedule C2—Additional
Demographic Data for Qualified Lending (Businesses), report the number and dollar
value of loans to businesses with gross annual revenues that do not exceed $100,000 in
columns A and B.

In line 13, report total originations of commercial loans / lines of credit (the sum of lines 14 and


Total. Report the total for each column (lines 1 + line 13).

ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL



Schedule D–Additional Place-based Data on Qualified Lending collects additional place-based data on
certain categories of Qualified Lending or Deep Impact Lending.
For the place-based categories of Qualified Lending and Deep Impact Lending, report the counties,
census tracts, or other geographic area the lending or investment was made to and the total number and
dollar value of originations to each geographic area.
The following categories of lending or investment should be reported at the county level:

Rural Communities (columns I and J in Schedule B) – Schedule D1
Persistent Poverty Counties (columns Q and R in Schedule B) – Schedule D5

Reporting at the county level is subject to a de minimis exemption. Only for lending to Rural
Communities (Schedule D1) and Persistent Poverty Counties (Schedule D5), counties that contain less
than 5% of the Participant’s lending for that category by dollar value are excluded from reporting on
Schedule D. For example, for lending to Rural Communities, the Participant should start with the total
dollar value of originations in Rural Communities reported in Schedule B, item 16J. That lending should
then be disaggregated by county, and the Participant should report in Schedule D1 lending to any counties
that have 5% or more of the lending reported in Schedule B, item 16J.
The following categories of lending or investment should be reported at the census tract level:

Urban Low-Income Communities (columns K and L in Schedule B) – Schedule D2
Underserved Communities (columns M and N in Schedule B) – Schedule D3
Minority Communities (columns O and P in Schedule B) – Schedule D4

Report additional place-based data on lending to Indian Reservations and Native Hawaiian Homelands
(columns S and T in Schedule B) on Schedule D6, disaggregated by the American Indian Area, as defined
by the United States Census Bureau, to which the lending was made.
Report additional place-based data on lending to U.S. Territories (columns U and V in Schedule B) on
Schedule D7. Report the territory to which the lending or investment was made and for Puerto Rico,
report the municipality name. That is, report lending or investment disaggregated by whether it was made
to Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands, and each municipality
in Puerto Rico.
For each of the following categories of borrowers or projects that create direct benefits for LMI
communities or to Other Targeted Populations, report each county the lending or investment was made to
and the total number and dollar value of originations to each county on Schedule D8. Loans may be
double counted in Schedule D8. For example, if a loan qualifies as both Affordable Housing and Deeply
Affordable Housing and is therefore included in both columns AA/AB and AG/AH in Schedule B, that
loan should be entered in Schedule D8 for each category, therefore appearing in two rows.

Affordable Housing (columns AA and AB in Schedule B)

ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL

Deeply Affordable Housing (columns AG and AH in Schedule B)
Qualified PWI (columns AC and AD in Schedule B)

ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL

Deep Impact PWI (columns AI and AJ in Schedule B)
Community Service Facility (columns AE and AF in Schedule B)

Schedule D1 (Rural Communities) and Schedule D5 (Persistent Poverty Counties)
Column A

Report the state

Column B

Report the name of the County or County Equivalent

Column C

Report the 5-digit FIPS code for the state and county

Column D

Report the total number of originations in each county

Column E

Report the total dollar value of originations in each county

Schedule D2 (Urban Low-Income Communities), Schedule D3 (Underserved Communities), and
Schedule D4 (Minority Communities)
Column A

Report the state

Column B

Report the name of the County or County Equivalent

Column C

Report the 11-digit FIPS code for the relevant census tract

Column D

Report the total number of originations in each census tract

Column E

Report the total dollar value of originations in each census tract

Schedule D6 (Indian Reservations & Native Hawaiian Homelands)
Column A

Report the American Indian Area name

Column B

Report the American Indian Area code

Column C

Report the total number of originations in each area

Column D

Report the total dollar value of originations in each area

Schedule D7 (U.S. Territories or Puerto Rico)
Column A

Report the U.S. Territory (Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the
Northern Mariana Islands) or for Puerto Rico, report the name of the municipality.

Column B

Report the 11-digit FIPS code for municipalities in Puerto Rico or the 2-digit FIPS code
for the other U.S. Territories.

Column C

Report the total number of originations in each area

ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL
Column D

Report the total dollar value of originations in each area

Schedule D8 (Projects Benefiting LMI Communities or OTP)
Column A

Report the project or investment type (Affordable Housing; Qualified PWI; Community
Service Facility; Deeply Affordable Housing; Deep Impact PWI).

Column B

Report the state

Column C

Report the name of the county

Column D

Report the 5-digit FIPS code for the county

Column E

Report the total number of originations in each county

Column F

Report the total dollar value of originations in each county

ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL



The following definitions apply to the Quarterly Supplemental Report and these instructions. Datasets
referenced below that should be used to identify Qualified Lending and Deep Impact Lending will be
updated periodically.
“Affordable Housing” means financing for any (1) affordable housing development project that has
received a funding allocation under a state’s Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program (9% or
4% credits), from a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development grantee utilizing HOME or
Housing Trust Fund grant funds, or a project that has received funding from the Farm Labor Housing
Direct Loans & Grants program or Housing Preservation Grants program at the U.S. Department of
Agriculture; or (2) financing for any affordable housing units restricted to households earning below 60%
of area median income for a period not less than 10 years, prorated based on the percentage that such
units make up of the total number of housing units.
“Area Median Income” means the estimated median family income as defined in the latest “CDFI
Program Updated Investment Areas Eligibility ACS Data” (see, for example,
“CFPB” means the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
“Community Service Facility” means financing of a facility that is a “community service facility” as
defined in 26 USC § 42(d)(4)(C)(iii) and that is underwritten on the basis of primarily serving LowIncome Borrowers or Other Targeted Populations or are sponsored by a unit of government to serve LowIncome Borrowers or Other Targeted Populations.
“Deep Impact Lending” is a subset of Qualified Lending. Lending Activity is considered Deep Impact
Lending if it is made to one of the Target Communities listed in the “Deep Impact Lending” column in
Table 1–Target Communities in these instructions.
“Deep Impact PWI” means Public Welfare and Community Development Investments that primarily
benefit Low-income Borrowers, Minority borrowers, or Minority Businesses. For the purposes of
determining whether an investment primarily benefits Low-income Borrowers, Minority borrowers, or
Minority Businesses, “primarily benefit” means the same as how it is used in the definition of Community
Economic Development Entities in 12 C.F.R. § 24.2(c).
“Deeply Affordable Housing” means financing for any (1) affordable housing units restricted to
households earning below 30% of area median income9 for a period not less than 10 years, prorated based
on the percentage that such units make up of the total number of housing units; or (2) Affordable Housing
in a “high opportunity area” as defined by the Federal Housing Finance Agency in 12 C.F.R. § 1282.1(b).
“Indian Reservations and Native Hawaiian Homelands” means (1) an “Indian Reservation” as defined in
the CDFI Fund regulations at 12 C.F.R § 1805.104 (i.e., any geographic area that meets the requirements
of section 4(10) of the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (25 U.S.C. 1903(10)), and shall include: land
held by incorporated Native groups, regional corporations, and village corporations, as defined in or

For the purposes of defining “Deeply Affordable Housing” only, “area median income” refers to the definition used in the
restricting covenant or contract or by the developer of the housing unit. That is, if an affordable housing developer restricts units
to households earning below 30% of area median income for a period not less than 10 years, those units would be considered
“Deeply Affordable Housing.”


ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL
established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1602); public domain Indian
allotments; and former Indian reservations in the State of Oklahoma); or (2) Hawaiian Home Lands.
“Lending Activity” means loan originations, investments or other activity that is eligible to be included in
the Quarterly Supplemental Report, as explained further in the section of the General Instructions titled
“Lending Activity.”
“LMI Borrower” means having an income of not more than: (1) for borrowers in Metropolitan Areas,
120% of the area median income; and (2) for borrowers in Non-Metropolitan Areas, the greater of 120%
of the area median income; or 120% of the statewide Non-Metropolitan area median income. For the
purposes of identifying LMI Borrowers, Participants should aggregate the income of the applicant, any
joint applicant, and any co-signers on the loan and compare that aggregated income to the relevant
threshold of area median income. For the Quarterly Supplemental Report, Participants may use the
threshold provided in the QSR Reference Dataset posted to the ECIP website.
“Low-income Borrower” means having an income of not more than: (1) for borrowers in Metropolitan
Areas, 80% of the area median income; and (2) for borrowers in Non-Metropolitan Areas, the greater of
80% of the area median income; or 80% of the statewide Non-Metropolitan area median income. For the
purposes of identifying Low-income Borrowers, Participants should aggregate the income of the
applicant, any joint applicant, and any co-signers on the loan and compare that aggregated income to the
relevant threshold of area median income. For the Quarterly Supplemental Report, Participants may use
the threshold provided in the QSR Reference Dataset posted to the ECIP website.
“Metropolitan Area” means an area designated as such by the Office of Management and Budget pursuant
to 44 U.S.C. 3504(e) and 31 U.S.C. 1104(d) and Executive Order 10253 (3 C.F.R., 1949–1953 Comp., p.
758), as amended. For the Quarterly Supplemental Report, Participants must use the list of Metropolitan
Areas in the QSR Reference Dataset posted to the ECIP website.
“Minority” means any Black American, Native American, Hispanic American, Asian American, Native
Alaskan, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander.
“Minority Business” means a business or farm that is majority-owned by a Minority. Alternatively,
Participants may use the definition of “minority-owned business” in the CFPB’s Small Business Data
Collection Rule at 12 C.F.R. Part 1002, Subpart B. For the purposes of identifying the demographics of
the owners of a business, Participants may use either of the following two options: (i) Participants should
identify the natural person Beneficial Owner(s) of a business, consistent with regulations issued by the
U.S. Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network at 31 C.F.R. § 1010.230 or any successive
regulation; or (ii) Participants should use the demographic data of a business’ principal owners, as defined
by and consistent with the CFPB’s Small Business Data Collection Rule at 12 C.F.R. Part 1002, Subpart
“Minority Communities” means a census tract where the majority of the population consists of
Minorities. Where census tract-level data is unavailable, county-level data may be used. For the
Quarterly Supplemental Report, Participants must use the list of Minority Communities in the QSR
Reference Dataset posted to the ECIP website.
“Mortgage lending,” for the purposes of identifying loans that are Deep Impact Lending as Mortgage
lending to Other Targeted Populations, means a closed-end mortgage loan as defined by the CFPB in 12
C.F.R. § 1003.2(d) (i.e., an extension of credit that is secured by a lien on a dwelling and that is not an
open-end line of credit under 12 C.F.R. § 1003.2(o)).
ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL
“Other Targeted Populations” means Minorities and, solely for CDFIs, populations designated as Other
Targeted Populations for that CDFI pursuant to any regulation issued by the CDFI Fund.
“Persistent Poverty Counties” means any county, including county equivalent areas in Puerto Rico, that
has had 20% or more of its population living in poverty over the past 30 years, as measured by the 1990
and 2000 decennial censuses and the 2011–2015 5- year data series available from the American
Community Survey of the Bureau of the Census or any other territory or possession of the United States
that has had 20% or more of its population living in poverty over the past 30 years, as measured by the
1990, 2000 and 2010 Island Areas Decennial Censuses, or equivalent data, of the Bureau of the Census.
For the Quarterly Supplemental Report, Participants must use the list of Persistent Poverty Counties in the
QSR Reference Dataset posted to the ECIP website.
“Public Welfare and Community Development Investments” means Public Welfare Investments made in
Community Economic Development Entities, as defined in 12 C.F.R. § 24.2(c), pursuant to 12 U.S.C.
24(eleventh) or 12 U.S.C. 338a, as reported to the Participant’s primary federal financial regulator.
"Qualified Business” means a Small Business or Farm or an Underserved Business.
“Qualified Lending” is a subset of Lending Activity. Lending Activity is considered Qualified Lending if
it is made to one of the Target Communities listed in Table 1–Target Communities in these instructions.
"Qualified PWI” means Public Welfare and Community Development Investments that primarily benefit
LMI Borrowers or communities, Minority borrowers, or Minority Businesses. For the purposes of
determining whether an investment primarily benefits LMI Borrowers or communities, “primarily
benefit” means the same as how it is used in the definition of Community Economic Development
Entities in 12 C.F.R. § 24.2(c).
“Rural Communities” means areas within a county not contained within a Metropolitan Statistical Area,
as defined in OMB Bulletin No. 20-01 and applied using 2020 census tracts. For the Quarterly
Supplemental Report, Participants must use the list of Rural Communities in the QSR Reference Dataset
posted to the ECIP website.
“Small Businesses or Farms” means a business or farm with gross annual revenues of $1 million or less at
the time of underwriting, excluding a business or farm that is wholly owned by a business or farm with
consolidated gross annual revenues of more than $1 million. Gross annual revenue for this purpose shall
be determined in accordance with regulations issued by the Small Business Administration at 13 C.F.R.
§121.104 defining “receipts,” or any successive regulation. Alternatively, Participants may use the “gross
annual revenue” data field collected in accordance with the CFPB’s Small Business Data Collection Rule
at 12 C.F.R. Part 1002, Subpart B.
“Underserved Communities” means a local community, neighborhood, or rural district that is an
“investment area” as defined in the CDFI Fund regulations at 12 C.F.R. § 1805.201(b)(3)(ii). For the
Quarterly Supplemental Report, Participants must use the list of Underserved Communities in the QSR
Reference Dataset posted to the ECIP website.
“Underserved Business” means: (i) a business or farm with gross annual revenues that do not exceed
$100,000, excluding a business or farm that is wholly owned by a business or farm with consolidated
gross annual revenues of $100,000 or more; (ii) a business or farm that is majority owned by individual(s)
who are Low-Income Borrowers; or (iii) a Minority Business. Gross annual revenue for this purpose
shall be determined in accordance with regulations issued by the Small Business Administration at 13
C.F.R. §121.104 defining “receipts,” or any successive regulation. Alternatively, Participants may use the
ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL
“gross annual revenue” data field collected in accordance with the CFPB’s Small Business Data
Collection Rule at 12 C.F.R. Part 1002, Subpart B.
“Urban Low-Income Communities” means a local community, neighborhood, or rural district in which
the median family income (MFI) does not exceed (1) with respect to a census tract or block numbering
area located within a Metropolitan Area, 80% of the Metropolitan Area MFI or the national Metropolitan
Area MFI, whichever is greater, or (2) with respect to a census tract or block numbering area located
outside of a Metropolitan Area, 80% of the statewide Non-Metropolitan Area MFI or the national NonMetropolitan Area MFI, whichever is greater. For the Quarterly Supplemental Report, Participants must
use the list of Urban Low-Income Communities in the QSR Reference Dataset posted to the ECIP
“U.S. Territories” means Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Northern
Mariana Islands.

ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


Version 5 — November XX, 2024 – DRAFT PREDECISIONAL
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice
OMB Approval No. 1505-0275
Expiration Date: June 30, 2026
The information collected will be used by the U.S. Government to set the dividend and interest rates for
ECIP investments and to understand the impact of ECIP on target communities. The estimated burden
associated with this collection of information is 180 hours for Schedules A & B and 180 hours for
Schedules C & D per response. Comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate and
suggestions for reducing this burden should be directed to the Office of Privacy, Transparency and
Records, Department of the Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20220. DO NOT
send the form to this address. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid control number assigned by OMB.

ECIP Instructions for Quarterly Supplemental Report for Credit Unions
OMB Number: 1505-0275, expiration June 30, 2026.


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorECIP Program
File Modified2024-10-25
File Created2024-10-22

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