BPS25 Appendix E Survey Instrument v.21

2020/25 Beginning Postsecondary Students (BPS:20/25) Full-Scale Study

BPS25 Appendix E Survey Instrument v.21

OMB: 1850-0631

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Field Test

Appendix E

Survey Instrument

OMB # 1850-0631 v.21

Submitted by

National Center for Education Statistics

U. S. Department of Education

September 2023

Revised: February 2024

This appendix provides the survey facsimile for the 2020/25 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS:20/25) field test.

The goal of the BPS:20/25 field test survey is to follow up with students whose first postsecondary enrollment after high school occurred during the 2018-2019 academic year and were last contacted in 2021 for the 2020/22 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study. In the survey, respondents will provide an update of their enrollment and employment history as well as financial aid, income and expenses, and demographic information, through the 2023-2024 academic year.

To maintain key longitudinal measures across BPS cohorts, the BPS:20/25 field test survey content is initially drawn from the first follow-up survey of the BPS cohort, BPS:20/22 (OMB #1850-0631 v. 19). Additional new content is drawn from the NPSAS:24 field test survey (OMB #1850-0666 v. 34) to collect information of emerging interest, such as participation in the gig economy. Data elements brought forward from BPS:20/22 full-scale will enable longitudinal analysis of new topics including academic experiences and activities, emergency aid, and student basic needs (e.g., housing and food security).

Most question wording for the BPS:20/25 field test survey remains unchanged from how it was administered in prior studies (dates have been updated to reflect the timeframe of interest). However, some modifications of wording were based on results from BPS:20/25 Student Survey Focus Groups (OMB #1850-0803 v.336) or recommendations from the Technical Review Panel (Appendix A), noted in table 1. A summary of the focus group testing results is in Appendix D. Revisions to the survey are intended to reflect current research goals and improve data quality.

Survey questions that determine eligibility will not be included in the BPS:20/25 survey. Sample members who did not respond to NPSAS:20 and BPS:20/22 (double nonrespondents) will not be fielded for the BPS:20/25 field test survey. Eligibility has been established for the remaining survey sample. Therefore, these items are not required. Additionally, as this is the final follow-up for this cohort, some locating information is no longer required (e.g., secondary address/contacting information, parent phone numbers). To maintain a concise summary of item-specific changes, the modifications discussed above (i.e., dropping eligibility and locating items) are not documented in table 1.

Table 1 lists all items in the survey and provides a summary of item-specific changes. The “Change” column indicates whether BPS:20/25 field test survey items have substantively changed from the prior OMB-approved postsecondary studies identified in the “Source” column. Revised items (“R”), in purple font, have been modified from their previous version. Added items (“A”), in green font, are new to the postsecondary studies, have been tested in pretesting activities, and will be fielded for the first time in the BPS:20/25 field test survey. The “Source” column identifies the most recent study the items were included in, if applicable. The “Rationale” column explains how and why specific content changed.

The last column in table 1 identifies items that will be included in the BPS:20/25 field test reinterview (“Reinterview item” column). The reinterview will be administered approximately 3 weeks following completion of the main survey. A notation of “(REINTERVIEW)” has been added next to these items in the facsimile.

Any added or revised items and items to be included in the reinterview survey are individually listed in the hyperlinked table of contents on page E-16.

Table 1. Summary of survey changes

Form Name

Form Label






Security: Respondent verification





Security: Incorrect respondent exit form





Security: Language Preferences


Dropped, not needed for field test as only the full-scale survey instrument will be available in Spanish.



Security: NPSAS school verification





Security: Information verification





Experiment: Contact information update


Added to capture contact information for data collection experiment.



Experiment: PayPal or paycheck incentive option



Experiment: Collect PayPal e-mail address



Experiment: Address picklist



Experiment: Address to send check incentive



Experiment: Incentive confirmation



Browser security





Informed consent





Respondent's email address and cell phone





End form for respondents who declined to complete survey





Continue with web survey





Definitional intro for NPSAS enrollment





Attended NPSAS since last survey participation






Continued enrollment at NPSAS for base-year enrollment since last survey participation






Currently attending NPSAS for base-year enrollment





Completed requirements for base-year NPSAS degree/certificate





Date awarded base-year NPSAS degree/certificate





Enrollment intensity at NPSAS since last survey participation





Full-time months of attendance at NPSAS since last survey participation





Part-time months of attendance at NPSAS since last survey participation





Participated in a study abroad program at NPSAS since last survey participation





Declared major for base-year NPSAS degree/certificate





Decided on major for base-year NPSAS degree/certificate





Verify major(s) as current/most recent majors for base-year NPSAS degree/certificate





Major 1 coder for base-year NPSAS degree/certificate





Major 2 coder for base-year NPSAS degree/certificate





Number of times formally changed major for base-year NPSAS degree/certificate





Original major coder for base-year NPSAS degree/certificate





NPSAS attendance in other than base-year enrollment since last survey participation





Definitional intro for attendance at any other schools





Attendance at any other school besides NPSAS since last survey participation





Other attendance 1: pick list: School name





Other attendance 1: School coder





Other attendance 1: Degree or certificate type





Other attendance 1: Currently attending





Other attendance 1: Completed degree/certificate requirements





Other attendance 1: Date awarded degree/certificate





Other attendance 1: Enrollment intensity since last survey participation





Other attendance 1: Full-time months of attendance since last survey participation





Other attendance 1: Part-time months of attendance since last survey participation





Other attendance 1: Attempted to transfer credits from NPSAS to [OTHER SCHOOL 1]





Other attendance 1: Took classes only to fulfill a degree requirement or transfer credit





Other attendance 1: Reason for taking classes only





Other attendance 1: Declared major for degree/certificate





Other attendance 1: Decided on major for degree/certificate





Other attendance 1: Major 1 coder





Other attendance 1: Major 2 coder





Other attendance 1: Number of times formally changed major





Other attendance 1: Original major coder





Any additional enrollment at [OTHER SCHOOL 1] since last survey participation





Any additional enrollment at any other schools besides [OTHER SCHOOL 1] since last survey participation





Primary institution pick list





Plan to continue to attend primary institution for current degree/certificate between July and December 2024



Plan to attend a college, university, or trade school between July and December 2024 for degree/certificate program



Date expected to complete pursued degree


Dropped, BPS:20/25 is the final contact for cohort, so measures of planned/expected activities not analytically useful.



Likelihood of completing pursued degree by expected date




Likelihood of ever completing pursued degree




Expect to enroll in bachelor's degree within two years




Highest level of education expected ever





Type of professional practice doctoral degree expected


Dropped, BPS:20/25 is the final contact for cohort, so measures of planned/expected activities not analytically useful.



Likelihood of completing highest degree expected ever




Current marital status





Spouse's highest education level





Date of birth


Dropped, age already established from prior rounds of data collections.



Age range




Introduction to undergraduate decisions and COVID questions


Added introductory form necessary for new structure of the education experiences module.




Decision to not enroll due to COVID





Changed major due to COVID


Modified, originally check-all list in COVID-19 module (B22FCVEXP). Per TRP feedback, converted to a single question related to major/field of study changes.




Impact of COVID timeframe




Value of undergraduate education


Added to collect information about respondent's assessment of their postsecondary education.




Debriefing: value of undergraduate education




Undergraduate education worth financial cost




Start education at NPSAS institution again





Taken any remedial courses since NPSAS year





Introduction to education experiences section





GPA at primary institution measured on 4.00 scale





Cumulative GPA at primary institution





Estimate of cumulative GPA at primary institution





Knew degree requirements at primary institution


Dropped to reduce burden and prioritize education experiences directly related to persistence and attainment.



Any classes at primary institution entirely online or hybrid


Revised question wording to include hybrid delivery format that was originally an item on a question (B22FCVEXP) in the COVID-19 module.




Effectiveness of online and hybrid classes


Per TRP request, revised question wording to no longer anchor efficacy of class delivery method with the coronavirus pandemic, due to concerns that respondents may misattribute causation.




Entire degree program at primary institution online





Still attend primary institution if no program/classes online





Introduction to agreement scale





Sense of belonging at primary institution





Teacher effectiveness of teachers at primary institution




Had interactions outside of class with diverse students at primary institution





Frequency of interactions with diverse students at primary institution





Confidence in academic success at primary institution


Dropped to reduce burden and prioritize education experiences content directly related to persistence and attainment.



Encouragement to stay in college




Interactions with primary institution teachers are positive




Interactions with primary institution students are positive




Frequency of communication with family and friends




Participation in academic activities at primary institution




Participation in student social groups at primary institution




Used school services at primary institution




Importance of school services used at primary institution




Introduction to expected occupation items


Dropped, BPS:20/25 is the final contact for cohort, so measures of planned/expected activities not analytically useful.



Occupation coder for expected occupation




Job duties of expected occupation




Likelihood of holding expected occupation




Future expected yearly wages




Introduction to financial aid





Received state aid in 2019-2020 academic year


Dropped, retrospective question previously administered.



Received state aid in years 4-6 academic year




Received specific aid in year 6





Amount of specific aid from B25COTGRTAID





Introduction to student loan questions





Took out student loans in year 6





Took out federal loans in year 6





Took out private loans in year 6





Amount of private student loans borrowed in year 6





Estimated private student loans amount in year 6





Ever taken out student loans





Ever taken out federal loans





Ever taken out private student loans





Total amount of private student loans





Estimate of total private student loans





Currently repaying private student loans





Monthly private student loan payment





Expected to qualify for Biden-Harris Administration Student Debt Relief Plan


These questions were removed based on OMB feedback.



Applied for Biden-Harris Administration Student Debt Relief Plan


These questions were removed based on OMB feedback.



Total amount expected to have been forgiven through Biden-Harris Administration Student Debt Relief Plan


These questions were removed based on OMB feedback.



Currently repaying federal student loans


Per TRP feedback, capture additional information related to resuming federal loan payments given the potential impact on enrollment decisions and financial wellbeing.




Help deciding federal student loan payment plan





Likelihood of contacting for assistance to make federal student loan payments





Federal loan payment communication, loan balance, and ability to meet essential needs





Ever heard of income-driven repayment plan or loan forgiveness program





Likelihood of using income-driven repayment plan





Likelihood of using loan forgiveness programs





Had a work-study job in years 4-6





Aware of emergency aid at primary institution





Applied for emergency aid at primary institution





Received emergency aid at primary institution





Introduction to nonstandard and gig job section




Paid for any nonstandard or gig job




Earned more or less than $600 at nonstandard or gig job




Total amount of money made from nonstandard or gig job




Frequency of paid employment at nonstandard or gig job




Introduction to Employment section





Worked for pay at any time in years 4-6






Number of employers worked in years 4-6





Employer 1: Preloaded employer picklist





Employer 1: Employer name





Employer 1: Months worked for pay in years 4-6





Employer 1: Currently working for pay





Employer 1: Current or ending salary





Employer 1: Worked while attending school





Employer 1: Work-study job


Dropped, not analytically useful in final follow-up. B25CWRKSTDY measures work-study participation.



Employer 1: Job on or off campus





Employer 1: Hours worked per while attending school





Employer 1: Worked while not attending school





Employer 1: Hours worked per week while not attending school





Employer 1: Any other employers in years 4-6





Primary role while attending school and working





Reference employer picklist





Reference employer job: occupation coder





Reference employer job: duties





Reference employer job: eligible for benefits





Had a professional certification or state/industry license






Name of professional certification or state/industry license


Per TRP feedback, supplement professional certification or state/industry license questions with new data elements given interest in non-degree credentialing and recent legislation (e.g., American Rescue Plan, COMPETES Act).




Reasons for obtaining professional certification or state/industry license


2022 National Training, Education, and Workforce Survey (NTEWS)



Primary reason for obtaining professional certification or state/industry license




Issuer of professional certification or state/industry license


2022 National Training, Education, and Workforce Survey (NTEWS)



Debriefing: Issuer of professional certification or state/industry license




Out of pocket costs to obtain professional certification or state/industry license





Debriefing: Out of pocket costs to obtain professional certification or state/industry license




Reference employer job: Professional certification or state/industry license required





Reference employer job: Worked in reference employer job or at a similar job for year or more





Reference employer job: Years of employment with reference employer or similar job





Reference employer job: Related to college studies





Reference employer job: Related to future work





Actively looking for work at any point in years 4-6





Months not working and actively looking for work in years 4-6





Received unemployment compensation in years 4-6


Included in prior cohort final follow-up (BPS:12/17). Will field test to determine full-scale survey utility.




Alternative plans if did not attend school in year 3


Dropped, not analytically useful in final follow-up.



Salary amount per year if had not attended school in year 3




Importance of non-monetary characteristics compared to salary





Intro to Income and Expenses section





Income from all sources in 2023





Spouse's income from all sources in 2023





Financially supported children in year 6





Number of financially supported children in year 6





Financially supported others in year 6





Number of others financially supported, not including children or spouse, in year 6





Number of dependents in college in year 6





Dependent in college in year 6





Intro form household





Active duty





Veteran status





In Reserve or National Guard





Family structure at age 16


Dropped, retrospective question previously administered.



Parents' (or guardians') marital status





Parents' (or guardians) income in 2023





Number of others financially supported by parents in year 6





Number of others financially supported by parents in college in year 6





Regularly supported friends or family with more than $50 per month





Help from parents for education or living expenses in year 6





Amount of help from parents for education and living expenses is more or less than $5,000





Amount of help from parents for education and living expenses: less than $5,000





Amount of help from parents for education and living expenses: more than $5,000





Help from friends or family for education or living expenses in year 6


Dropped to reduce burden and prioritize financial help from parents.



Amount of help from friends or family for education and living expenses is more or less than $5,000




Amount of help from friends or family for education and living expenses: less than $5,000




Amount of help from friends or family for education and living expenses: more than $5,000




Number of credit cards





Credit card balance carried over each month





Balance on all credit cards on last statement





Amount paid toward all credit cards last month





Residence while enrolled at primary institution in year 6





Owned home or paid rent





Monthly mortgage or rent amount





Had car loan or lease





Monthly car loan or lease amount





Received untaxed benefits





Financial fragility: $2,000





Financial fragility: $500





Financial literacy: amount in savings account after 1 year





Financial literacy: amount in savings account after 5 years





Financial literacy: single company stock versus stock mutual fund





Knowledge of federal student loan terms





Intro to Background section





Citizenship status










Gender identity


Removed Two-Spirit option per OMB request.



Sexual orientation


 Removed Two-Spirit option per OMB request.



Voted in November 2020 presidential election


Dropped for BPS:20/25 field test but will administer in the full-scale for the 2024 U.S. presidential election.



Ever voted in a national, state, or local election




Registered to vote




Deaf or serious difficulty hearing






Blind or serious difficulty seeing






Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decision






Serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs






Difficulty bathing or dressing


Added to administer the full 6-question set to identify disability status, according to U. S. Department of Health and Human Services guidelines.





Difficulty doing errands alone





Main type of condition or impairment





Self-rating of physical health





Self-rating of mental health





Amount of missed school or work in past 30 days to physical or mental health concern





Mental impacts: last 30 days


Revised question wording to remove reference to COVID-19 and update timeframe to measure last 30 days.




Household composition, housing security, homelessness, and food security intro form





Residence has access to high-speed internet


Revised question wording to reference "last 30 days" instead of an academic year, per BPS:20/22 results and TRP feedback.




Difficulties with accessing space free of interruption at residence to complete online coursework


 Revised question wording to reference "last 30 days" instead of an academic year and removed the item about ability to access internet, as this is captured on FINTACC, per BPS:20/22 results and TRP feedback.




Felt safe attending primary institution





Housing security measures in the last 12 months





Places ever slept in the last 30 days





Meal plan at primary institution





Meal plan covers 11 or more meals a week





Food bought didn't last and couldn't afford to eat balanced meals: last 30 days





Ever cut the size of meals or skip meals: last 30 days





Frequency of cutting the size or skipping meals: last 30 days





Ever eat less than you felt you should: last 30 days





Ever hungry but didn't eat: last 30 days





Lost weight because there wasn’t money for food: last 30 days





Ever not eat for a whole day: last 30 days





Number of days did not eat for whole day: last 30 days





COVID section introduction form


Dropped COVID-19 module given declining relevance of the pandemic. Some data elements were modified and placed within the relevant sections of the survey.



Attended any school between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021




Attended primary institution between July 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020




Experiences or disruptions while attending primary institution due to COVID




Financial aid impacts due to COVID




Teacher expectations during the coronavirus pandemic




Information received from primary institution due to COVID




Primary institution provided appropriate accommodations to complete online coursework




Primary device has necessary hardware and software to complete online coursework




General experiences or disruptions due to COVID




Personal impacts due to COVID




Locating introduction form





Update name





Permanent address entry





Social Security Number





Reinterview consent



PayPal or paycheck incentive option





Collect PayPal e-mail address





Send paycheck incentive to address reported in Locating





Address to send check incentive





Incentive section end form





Final debriefing form





Survey end






Before you continue, it is important to verify that we are surveying the correct person.

Are you [first name] [middle name] [last name]?

(If you were previously known as [first name] [middle name] [last name], but your name has changed, please answer Yes. You will have the opportunity to update your name later in the survey.)

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Answer Yes if this is your name or if this was previously your name. If [first name] [middle name] [last name] has never been your name, please log out and call 1-800-247-6056 to reach our Help Desk.



Please log out. For assistance, call our help desk at 1-800-247-6056.

Help Text:
Please log out. For assistance, call our help desk at 1-800-247-6056.



Please select the school you were attending during the 2018-2019 academic year (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019) from the list below.

  1 = [NPSAS institution]

  2 = [Other institution 1]

  3 = [Other institution 2]

  4 = [Other institution 3]

  5 = [Other institution 4]

  6 = [Other institution 5]

  7 = [Other institution 6]

  8 = None of the above

Help Text:
If you do not see the school you attended during the 2018-2019 academic year, or if you are unsure about the options presented to you, please select None of the above.



In order to verify that we are surveying the correct person, please provide the following information:

Name of the school(s) you attended during the 2018-19 academic year: 


E-mail address:


Phone number: 


Date of Birth (MM):


Date of Birth (YYYY):


□  Select this box if you would like us to contact you via text message. 

Help Text:
Please provide your information so that we can confirm we are surveying the correct person. If we are unable to do so now, we will review your responses and contact you again if we determine you are eligible to participate in the survey. 

Please call our Help Desk at 1-800-247-6056 if you have any questions. 



Before you begin the survey, please provide your contact information below [{if in the address confirmation experimental group and not on OFAC do not pay list} to receive $5 via [{if not on no PayPal OFAC list} PayPal right now or check {else} check]].

[{If not on OFAC do not pay list} As a reminder, once you complete the survey you will [{if in the address confirmation experimental group} also] receive $[incentive amount].]

E-mail address:


Telephone number:


Please provide your mailing address in the textbox below. If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the "Address not listed" option located at the bottom of the listed results.

Current mailing address:


Help Text:
Please provide the requested contact information.



In appreciation for providing your contact information, we would like to send you $5, payable by PayPal right now or check. Please indicate your preferred payment type.

  1 = PayPal. The $5 PayPal payment will be sent via e-mail within the next few hours.

  2 = Check. Please allow up to 4 weeks for processing and delivery of the $5 check payment.

  3 = No, thanks. Decline the incentive.

Help Text:

You will receive an e-mail from PayPal notifying you of the transfer. If you do not have a PayPal account, you will be prompted to create an account to claim the funds. There is no fee to create a PayPal account or receive funds.

If you do not want to receive the incentive, select No, thanks. I decline the incentive.



Please select the address to which you would like the $5 check mailed. Allow 4 weeks for delivery.

  1 = [Address]

  6 = Provide a different address

Help Text:

If you would like your incentive check mailed to an address that is not provided, select Provide a different address.



Please provide the address to which you would like the $5 check mailed. Allow 4 weeks for delivery.

(Please provide the address in the textbox. If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the "Address not listed" option located at the bottom of the listed results.)

□  Please check here if the address is an international address.



Help Text:
Provide the requested information for the address to which you would like the incentive check mailed.



Please provide your e-mail address to receive your PayPal payment. (Clicking below will process your PayPal payment.)

Some companies deactivate and recycle e-mail accounts after a period of inactivity (i.e., no login activity). Please be sure to provide an e-mail address to an active e-mail account that you can access, so you are able to claim the payment.


Help Text:

If you do not have a PayPal account, enter your preferred e-mail address. You will receive an e-mail from PayPal notifying you of the transfer and you will be prompted to create an account to claim the funds.

There is no fee to create a PayPal account or to receive funds.



[If AUINCTYP = 2 or on no PayPal OFAC list]

Thank you for providing your contact information. Your check should arrive in about 4 weeks. 


[else if user chooses PayPal and the submission was successful] 

Thank you for providing your contact information. Your incentive was successfully submitted. Please check your e-mail for more information. 


[else if user chooses PayPal and the submission was unsuccessful] 

There was an issue submitting your incentive via PayPal. We apologize for the inconvenience. We will attempt to resubmit your incentive and will contact you if the problem persists. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 1-877-677-2766 or [email protected]


Instruction for all question wording conditions: Click Next to continue the survey [{if not on OFAC do not pay list} and receive $[incentive amount] via [{if not on no PayPal OFAC list} PayPal or check {else} check]].

Help Text:
Click "Next" to complete the survey.



[If reported completed degree at NPSAS institution in NPSAS:20 survey or reported completed degree at NPSAS institution in BPS:20/22 survey]

Last time we contacted you, you provided us with information about the [base-year degree] you completed at [NPSAS institution].

To begin, [{if USERMODE = WEB} we'd {else} I’d] like to collect information about any additional attendance at [NPSAS institution] between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024].


Last time we contacted you, you provided us with information about your attendance at [NPSAS institution].

To begin, [{if USERMODE = WEB} we'd {else} I’d] like to collect information about any additional attendance for your [base-year degree] at [NPSAS institution] between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024].

Help Text:
This is an informational screen only. Click the Next button.



[If before July 1, 2024]
Have you attended NPSAS institution] at any time between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and today?

Did you attend [NPSAS institution] at any time between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and June 30, 2024?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
When answering this question, please consider all attendance at [NPSAS institution] between July 1, [YYYY] and June 30, 2024. For example, even if you attended [NPSAS institution] for only one class or term between July 1, [YYYY] and June 30, 2024, please answer Yes.



[If undergraduate classes from base-year]
Between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024], were you continuing at [NPSAS institution] for the undergraduate classes that were not part of a degree or certificate that you began in the 2018-2019 academic year?

Between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024], were you continuing at [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree] that you began in the 2018-2019 academic year?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Indicate if you continued working on your [base-year degree] while attending [NPSAS institution] at any time between July 1,[YYYY] and June 30, 2024.

If you attended [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree] at any time between July 1, [YYYY] and June 30, 2024 while also working on another degree, please answer Yes.



Are you currently attending [NPSAS institution] [{if undergraduate classes from base-year} for the undergraduate classes that are not part of a degree or certificate program {else} for your [base-year degree]]?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Answer Yes if you are enrolled and actively working on something for credit at [NPSAS institution] like a thesis or field work, even if you do not currently attend classes at [NPSAS institution]. 

If you are currently participating in a study abroad program for your [base-year degree] that is offered through [NPSAS institution], answer Yes.



[If before July 1, 2024]
Have you completed all the requirements for the [base-year degree] you began at [NPSAS institution] in the 2018-2019 academic year?

(Answer No if you transferred schools and completed your [base-year degree] at a different school. [{If USERMODE = WEB} We will {else} I'll] ask you about your enrollment at any other colleges, universities, or trade schools later.)

Did you complete all the requirements for the [base-year degree] you began at [NPSAS institution] in the 2018-2019 academic year before July 1, 2024?

(Answer No if you transferred schools and completed your [base-year degree] at a different school. [{If USERMODE = WEB} We will {else} I'll] ask you about your enrollment at any other colleges, universities, or trade schools later.)

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

An example of requirements includes completing all necessary credits.

If you have not yet completed your requirements but will complete them soon, answer No. Also answer No if you transferred schools and completed your requirements at a different school.



In what month and year were you awarded your [base-year degree] from [NPSAS institution]? 


January - December


2019 - 2024

□  Have not yet been awarded [base-year degree]

Help Text:
Select the month and year in which you were awarded your [base-year degree] from [NPSAS institution].


If you are unsure of the date, provide your best guess.



[If BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent and completed base-year degree in year 2]

During the 2019-2020 academic year (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020), were you a full-time or part-time student or a mix of both at [NPSAS institution]?

[else if completed base-year degree in year 2 or after]

Between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and June 30, [{if completed base-year degree in year 3} 2021 {else if completed base-year degree in year 4} 2022 {else if completed base-year degree in year 5} 2023 {else} 2024], were you a full-time or part-time student or a mix of both at [NPSAS institution]?


Between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and June 30, 2024, [{if before July 1, 2024} have you been, or do you plan to be, {else} were you] a full-time or part-time student or a mix of both at [NPSAS institution]?

1 = Full-time

2 = Part-time

3 = Mix of both full-time and part-time

4 = Not enrolled

2019-2020 academic year (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020)

2020-2021 academic year (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021)

2021-2022 academic year (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022)

2022-2023 academic year (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023)

2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)

Help Text:

The following descriptions use examples of standard full-time course loads which may vary by school.


Students who are enrolled as a full-time student typically carry at least the following:

  • 12 semester or quarter hours per term

  • 24 semester hours or 36 quarter hours per academic year for an educational program using credit hours for a program of less than one academic year; or

  • 24 clock hours per week for an educational program using clock hours

Students who are enrolled as a part-time student typically carry the following:

  • Less than 12 semester or quarter hours per term

  • Less than 24 semester hours or less than 36 quarter hours per academic year for an educational program using credit hours for a program of less than one academic year; or

  • Less than 24 clock hours per week for an educational program using clock hours


Select mix of full-time and part-time only if your full-time or part-time status differed across the semester(s) or term(s) within the academic year. For example, if you were full-time for fall 2023, but were part-time for spring 2024, you would be a mix of full-time and part-time student. 



[If BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent and completed base-year degree in year 2]

[{full-time and part-time enrollment at NPSAS institution} You just told [{if USERMODE = WEB} us {else} me] you had a mix of full-time and part-time attendance at [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree]. First, [{if USERMODE = WEB} we'd {else} I'd] like to collect information about your full-time attendance.] Between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020, in which months did you attend [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree] as a full-time student? Do not include months during which you did not take classes, such as summer break.

([{If USERMODE = WEB} Selected months will be shaded dark gray.] If you attended [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree] full-time for only a portion of a month, please include that month.)

[else if completed base-year degree in year 2 or after]

[{If full-time and part-time enrollment at NPSAS institution} You just told [{if USERMODE = WEB} us {else} me] you had a mix of full-time and part-time attendance at [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree]. First, [{if USERMODE = WEB} we'd {else} I'd] like to collect information about your full-time attendance.] Between July 1, [YYYY] and June 30, [YYYY], in which months did you attend [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree] as a full-time student? Do not include months during which you did not take classes, such as summer break.

([{If USERMODE = WEB} Academic years that you indicated no full-time enrollment will not be available for selection. Selected months will be shaded dark gray.] If you attended [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree] full-time for only a portion of a month, please include that month.)


[{If full-time and part-time enrollment at NPSAS institution} You just told [{if USERMODE = WEB} us {else} me] you had a mix of full-time and part-time attendance at [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree]. First, [{if USERMODE = WEB} we'd {else} I'd] like to collect information about your full-time attendance.] Between July 1, [YYYY] and June 30, [YYYY], in which months [{if before July 1, 2024 and B25ASTYR6 in (1 3)} have you attended, or do you plan to attend, {else} did you attend] [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree] as a full-time student? Do not include months during which you did not take classes, such as summer break.

([{If USERMODE = WEB} Academic years that you indicated no full-time enrollment will not be available for selection. Selected months will be shaded dark gray.] If you attended [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree] full-time for only a portion of a month, please include that month.)

July 2019 – June 2024

Help Text:

Select all months of your full-time attendance at [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree], not just the beginning and ending months.

Include any month when you were enrolled full-time and actively working on something for credit at [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree] like a thesis or field work, even if you did not attend classes at [NPSAS institution] during that time.

Any month that has been selected will be shaded dark gray. Months that are not selected will remain shaded light gray. To unselect a month, check the button once again.



[If BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent and completed base-year degree in year 2]

[{If full-time and part-time enrollment at NPSAS institution} Now, [{if USERMODE = WEB} we'd {else} I'd] like to collect information about your part-time attendance.] Between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020, in which months did you attend [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree] as a part-time student? Do not include months during which you did not take classes, such as summer break.

([{If USERMODE = WEB} Selected months will be shaded dark gray.] If you attended [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree] part-time for only a portion of a month, please include that month.)

[else if completed base-year degree in year 2 or after]

[{If full-time and part-time enrollment at NPSAS institution} Now, [{if USERMODE = WEB} we'd {else} I'd] like to collect information about your part-time attendance.] Between July 1, [YYYY] and June 30, [YYYY], in which months did you attend [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree] as a part-time student? Do not include months during which you did not take classes, such as summer break.

([{If USERMODE = WEB} Months within academic years that you indicated no part-time enrollment cannot be selected. Selected months will be shaded dark gray.] If you attended [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree] part-time for only a portion of a month, please include that month.)


[{If full-time and part-time enrollment at NPSAS institution} Now, [{if USERMODE = WEB} we'd {else} I'd] like to collect information about your part-time attendance.] Between July 1, [YYYY] and June 30, [YYYY], in which months [{before July 1, 2024 and B25ASTYR6 in (2 3)} have you attended, or do you plan to attend, {else} did you attend] [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree] as a part-time student? Do not include months during which you did not take classes, such as summer break.

([{If USERMODE = WEB} Months within academic years that you indicated no part-time enrollment cannot be selected. Selected months will be shaded dark gray.] If you attended [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree] part-time for only a portion of a month, please include that month.)

July 2019 – June 2024

Help Text:

Select all months of your part-time attendance at [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree], not just the beginning and ending months.

Include any month when you were enrolled part-time and actively working on something for credit at [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree] like a thesis or field work, even if you did not attend classes at [NPSAS institution] during that time.

Any month that has been selected will be shaded dark gray. Months that are not selected will remain shaded light gray. To unselect a month, check the button once again.



[If currently enrolled at NPSAS institution]
Between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent] 2019 {else} 2021] and today, have you participated in a study abroad program as part of your education at [NPSAS institution]?

[else if before July 1, 2024 and enrolled in year 6 at NPSAS institution]
Between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent] 2019 {else} 2021] and when you last attended, did you participate in a study abroad program as part of your education at [NPSAS institution]?

Between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent] 2019 {else} 2021] and June 30, [{enrolled in year 6 at NPSAS institution} 2024 {else if enrolled in year 5 at NPSAS institution} 2023 {else if enrolled in year 4 at NPSAS institution} 2022 {else if enrolled in year 3 at NPSAS institution} 2021 {else} 2020], did you participate in a study abroad program as part of your education at [NPSAS institution]?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Study abroad programs allow students to pursue educational programs outside of the United States.

Please answer Yes for programs that were offered through [NPSAS institution] even if they were run as part of an exchange program or were administered through a third-party provider.

Please answer No if you enrolled in your study abroad program without the prior direct involvement of [NPSAS institution].



[If B25ACMPDGN = 1]
Did you declare a single or double major [{if base-year degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] for your [base-year degree] at [NPSAS institution]?

[else if currently enrolled at NPSAS institution]
Have you declared a major [{if base-year degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] for your [base-year degree] at [NPSAS institution]?

Had you already declared a major [{if base-year degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] for your [base-year degree] when you last attended [NPSAS institution]?

  1 = [{If B25ACMPDGN = 1} Declared {else} Yes, declared] a single major [{if base-year degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study]

  2 = [{If B25ACMPDGN = 1} Declared {else} Yes, declared] a double major [{if base-year degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study]

  3 = No

Help Text:
Declaring a major (or field of study) is the process of formally identifying your major and typically involves submitting a form, either on paper or online, to the registrar or dean.

If you have more than one declared major (or field of study), answer Yes, declared a double major.

Answer No if you have not yet declared your major, even if you know what you would like to major in.



[If currently enrolled at NPSAS institution]
Even though you have not formally declared your major, have you decided what your major will be for your [base-year degree] at [NPSAS institution]?

Even though you did not formally declare your major, did you decide on a major for your [base-year degree] at [NPSAS institution]?

(Answer Yes if you have left [NPSAS institution] and do not plan to attend again to earn your [base-year degree] there but you had decided what your major would be prior to leaving.)

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

If you know what your major will be, even though you have not officially declared your major, answer Yes.  You will be asked in the next question to tell us what that intended major is.

If you don't know what your major will be, answer No.



[If BPS:20/22 major 1 ne missing and BPS:20/22 major 2 ne missing and B25ACMPDGN = 1]
Last time we contacted you, you told us you were majoring in [{if B25ADBLMAJ = 2} [BPS:20/22 major 1] and [BPS:20/22 major 2] {else} [BPS:20/22 major 1]].

[{If B25ADBLMAJ = 2} Were your final majors {else} Was your final major for your [base-year degree] at [NPSAS institution]...

[else if BPS:20/22 major 1 ne missing and BPS:20/22 major 2 ne missing]
Last time we contacted you, you told us you were majoring in [{if B25ADBLMAJ = 2} [BPS:20/22 major 1] and [BPS:20/22 major 2] {else} [BPS:20/22 major 1]].

[{If currently enrolled at NPSAS institution} Are {else} When you last attended [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree] were] you still majoring in...


[else if B25ACMPDGN = 1]
Last time we contacted you, you told us you were majoring in [BPS:20/22 major 1].

Was [{if B25ADBLMAJ = 2} one of your final majors {else} your final major] for your [base-year degree] at [NPSAS institution]...



Last time we contacted you, you told us you were majoring in [BPS:20/22 major 1]. 


[{If currently enrolled at NPSAS institution} Are {else} When you last attended [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree] were] you still majoring in...

1 = Yes

0 = No

[BPS:20/22 major 1]?

[BPS:20/22 major 2]?

Help Text:
If you have changed your majors, answer No next to each major that you have changed.  You will have an opportunity to provide your new major(s) next.



[If B25ADBLMAJ = 2 and BPS:20/22 major 1 ne missing and BPS:20/22 major 2 ne missing and B25ANPMJ1STG ne 1 and B25ANPMJ2STG ne 1]
You just told [{if USERMODE = CATI} me {else} us] you [{if currently enrolled at NPSAS institution} are {else} were] no longer majoring in [BPS:20/22 major 1] or [BPS:20/22 major 2].

[{If B25ACMPDGN = 1} What was one of your final majors {else} What [{if currently enrolled at NPSAS institution} is {else} was] one of your majors] [{if base-year degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] at [NPSAS institution]?

(Please provide your major in the textbox. If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the "Major not listed" option located at the bottom of the listed results. Since you have a double major, you'll have the opportunity to provide your other major later.)


[else if B25ADBLMAJ = 2 and BPS:20/22 major 1 ne missing and BPS:20/22 major 2 ne missing and B25ANPMJ1STG ne 1 and B25ANPMJ2STG = 1]
[{If B25ACMPDGN = 1} You just told [{if USERMODE = CATI} me {else} us] one of your final majors was [BPS:20/22 major 2]. {else} You just told [{if USERMODE = CATI} me {else} us] you [{if currently enrolled at NPSAS institution} are {else} were] still majoring in [BPS:20/22 major 2].]

What [{if currently enrolled at NPSAS institution} is {else} was] your other major [{if base-year degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] at [NPSAS institution]?

(Please provide your other major in the textbox. If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the "Major not listed" option located at the bottom of the listed results.)


[else if B25ADBLMAJ = 2]

What [{if currently enrolled at NPSAS institution} is {else} was] your first major [{if base-year degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] at [NPSAS institution]? Since you have a double major, please provide only one major here. 


(Please provide your first major in the textbox. If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the "Major not listed" option located at the bottom of the listed results.)


[else if BPS:20/22 major 1 ne missing and B25ANPMJ1STG ne 1]

You just told [{if USERMODE = CATI} me {else} us] you [{if currently enrolled at NPSAS institution} are {else} were] no longer majoring in [BPS:20/22 major 1]. 


What [{if currently enrolled at NPSAS institution} is {else} was] your [{If B25ACMPDGN = 1} final {else if B25ADBLMAJ = 3} intended] major [{if base-year degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] at [NPSAS institution]?


(Please provide your [{if B25ADBLMAJ = 3} intended] major in the textbox. If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the "Major not listed" option located at the bottom of the listed results.)



What [{if currently enrolled at NPSAS institution} is {else} was] your [{if B25ADBLMAJ = 3} intended] major [{if base-year degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] at [NPSAS institution]? 


(Please provide your [{if B25ADBLMAJ = 3} intended] major in the textbox. If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the "Major not listed" option located at the bottom of the listed results.)


Help Text:

To search for your major or field of study, start typing in your major at [NPSAS institution]; a list of majors matching your entry will be displayed. From the results displayed, select the major or field of study that most closely matches your entry and click Next.

If you are unable to find a match in the results, select the Major not listed option located at the bottom of the listed results, then use the dropdowns that appear to find a match. Please do not delete the major you provided in the textbox.

If you indicated earlier that you have formally declared a double major, provide only one major here. You will have an opportunity to provide your other major next.

If you intend to have a double major but have not yet declared any major, provide only one intended major.



[{If B25ADBLMAJ = 2 and BPS:20/22 major 1 ne missing and BPS:20/22 major 2 ne missing and B25ANPMJ1STG ne 1 and B25ANPMJ2STG ne 1]

What [{if currently enrolled at NPSAS institution} is {else} was] your second major [{if base-year degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] at [NPSAS institution]? 


(Please provide your second major in the textbox. If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the "Major not listed" option located at the bottom of the listed results.)


[{If B25ADBLMAJ = 2 and BPS:20/22 major 2 ne missing and B25ANPMJ2STG ne 1]
[{If B25ACMPDGN = 1} You just told [{if USERMODE = CATI} me {else} us] one of your final majors was [BPS:20/22 major 1]. {else}You just told us you [{if currently enrolled at NPSAS institution} are {else} were] still majoring in [BPS:20/22 major 1].]


What [{if currently enrolled at NPSAS institution} is {else} was] your second major [{if base-year degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] at [NPSAS institution]? 


(Please provide your second major in the textbox. If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the "Major not listed" option located at the bottom of the listed results.)


[{If B25ANPMJ1STG = 1 and B25ACMPDGN = 1} You just told [{if USERMODE = CATI} me {else} us] one of your final majors was [BPS:20/22 major 1]. {else if B25ANPMJ1STG = 1} You just told [{if USERMODE = CATI} me {else} us] you [{if currently enrolled at NPSAS institution} are {else} were] majoring in [BPS:20/22 major 1].]


What [{if currently enrolled at NPSAS institution} is {else} was] your second major [{if base-year degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] at [NPSAS institution]? 


(Please provide your second major in the textbox. If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the "Major not listed" option located at the bottom of the listed results.)


Help Text:

To search for your second major or field of study, start typing in your major at [NPSAS institution]; a list of majors matching your entry will be displayed. From the results displayed, select the major that most closely matches your entry and click Next.

If you are unable to find a match in the results, select the Major not listed option located at the bottom of the listed results, then use the dropdowns that appear to find a match. Please do not delete the major you provided in the textbox. 



[If currently enrolled at NPSAS institution]
How many times have you formally changed your major [{if base-year degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] at [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree]?

[{If on or after July 1, 2024} Before July 1, 2024, how {else} How] many times did you formally change your major [{if base-year degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] at [NPSAS institution] for your [base-year degree]?

  0 = Never

  1 = Once

  2 = More than once

Help Text:

Formally changing your major typically involves submitting a form, either on paper or online, to the registrar or dean to change your declared major.

Please only count changes from a major that you have formally declared. Do not include the initial change from "Undeclared" to a declared major in this count.



What was your original declared major [{if base-year degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] at [NPSAS institution]?

(Please provide your original major [{if base-year degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] in the textbox. If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the "Major not listed" option located at the bottom of the listed results.)


Help Text:

If you have changed your major more than once at [NPSAS institution], provide your first declared major at [NPSAS institution].

To search for your original declared major or field of study, start by typing in your original major at [NPSAS institution]; a list of majors matching your entry will be displayed. From the results displayed, select the major that most closely matches your entry and click Next.

If you are unable to find a match in the results, select the Major not listed option located at the bottom of the listed results, then use the dropdowns that appear to find a match. Please do not delete the major you provided in the textbox. 



[{If did not report completed degree at NPSAS institution in BPS:20/22 survey} You just provided [{if USERMODE = CATI} me {else} us] with information about your [{if B25ACMPDGN = 1} completed] [base-year degree] at [NPSAS institution] that you began in the 2018-2019 academic year.]

Aside from [{if undergraduate classes from base-year} these {else} this] [{if reported completed degree at NPSAS institution in BPS:20/22 survey or B25ACMPDGN = 1} completed] [base-year degree], [{if before July 1, 2024} have you attended {else} did you attend] [NPSAS institution] for any [{if not undergraduate classes from base-year} other] degree or certificate programs between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024]?

[{If not undergraduate classes from base-year} (Answer Yes if you attended [NPSAS institution] for any non-degree coursework that was not part of your [base-year degree].)]

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
When answering this question, do not consider any attendance at [NPSAS institution] for the [base-year degree] you began there in the 2018-2019 academic year. Do consider all additional attendance at [NPSAS institution] between July 1, [YYYY] and June 30, 2024 for a different degree or certificate. 

If you are planning to attend [NPSAS institution] for different enrollment in the future, but have not yet started please answer No. 

Some students earn a certificate as part of their degree by taking a specific concentration of academic courses (e.g., Latin American Studies, Women's studies). Do not include these types of academic certificates when answering this question. 



[If B25ASTDABR = 1] 

Thank you for providing your attendance information at [NPSAS institution], including time spent studying abroad. 

Next, we will be asking you about any other colleges, universities, or trade schools you may have attended. 


Thank you for providing your attendance information at [NPSAS institution]. 

 Next, we will be asking you about any other colleges, universities, or trade schools you may have attended for any reason.

Help Text:
We will not be asking you about any school(s) where you studied abroad during your attendance at [NPSAS institution].



[If B25ASTDABR = 1]

Not including any school(s) where you studied abroad during your attendance at [NPSAS institution], have you attended any other college, university, or trade school at any time between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024]?


Other than [NPSAS institution], have you attended another college, university, or trade school at any time between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent) 2019 {else} 2021] and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024]?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Indicate if you have attended any other colleges, universities or trade schools between July 1, [YYYY] and June 30, 2024. Do not include any school(s) where you studied abroad during your attendance at [NPSAS institution].

If you are planning to attend a school for classes or a degree or certificate in the future, but have not yet started, please answer No.

A trade school offers instruction in skilled trades.



Last time we contacted you, you told us you attended the following [{if one preloaded institution} school {else} schools] between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2021.

Have you attended [{if one preloaded institution} this school {else} any of these schools] at any time between July 1, 2021 and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024]?

[{If iteration = 1 and more than one preloaded institution} If you have attended more than one other school between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else) 2021] and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024], tell [{if USERMODE= WEB} us {else} me] about the most recent school first.]

  1 = [BPS:20/22 other postsecondary institution 1]

  2 = [BPS:20/22 other postsecondary institution 2]

  3 = [BPS:20/22 other postsecondary institution 3]

  4 = [BPS:20/22 other postsecondary institution 4]

  5 = [BPS:20/22 other postsecondary institution 5]

  99 = [{If one preloaded institution} No, did not attend this school {else} No, did not attend any of these schools]

Help Text:
When answering this question, only consider attendance between July 1, [YYYY] and June 30, 2024.



What is the name of [{if not enrolled in year 6 at NPSAS institution and not enrolled in year 5 at NPSAS institution and not enrolled in year 4 at NPSAS institution and iteration = 1} a {else} another] school you have attended between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and today?

(Please provide the name of [{if not enrolled in year 6 at NPSAS institution and not enrolled in year 5 at NPSAS institution and not enrolled in year 4 at NPSAS institution and iteration = 1} a {else} another] school you have attended in the textbox. [{If iteration = 1} If you have attended more than one other school between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and today, tell [{if USERMODE= WEB} us {else} me] about the most recent school first.] If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the "School not listed" option at the bottom of the listed results.)


What is the name of [{if not enrolled in year 6 at NPSAS institution and not enrolled in year 5 at NPSAS institution and not enrolled in year 4 at NPSAS institution and iteration = 1} a {else} another] school you attended between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and June 30, 2024?

(Please provide the name of [{if not enrolled in year 6 at NPSAS institution and not enrolled in year 5 at NPSAS institution and not enrolled in year 4 at NPSAS institution and iteration = 1} a {else} another] school you attended in the textbox. [{If iteration = 1} If you attended more than one other school between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and June 30, 2024, tell [{if USERMODE= WEB} us {else} me] about the most recent school first.] If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the "School not listed" option at the bottom of the listed results.)


Help Text:
Only colleges, universities and trade schools within the United States and Puerto Rico are included in the database. 


To search for your school, start typing a school name; a list of schools matching your entry will be displayed. From the results displayed, select the school that most closely matches your entry and click Next.


If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the School not listed option located at the bottom of the listed results and provide the additional information about your school. Please do not delete the school name you provided in the textbox.




[{If iteration 1 and B25ASAMESCH = 1 and B25ASAMEDEG = 0} You just provided me with information about your [{if reported completed degree at NPSAS institution in BPS:20/22 survey or B25ACMPDGN = 1} completed] [base-year degree] at [NPSAS institution] that you began in the 2018-2019 academic year.]

[{If before July 1, 2024} Have you worked on {else} Were you working on] an undergraduate certificate or diploma including those leading to a certification or license, or [{If before July 1, 2024} have you taken {else} were you taking] courses but not enrolled in a certificate or diploma at [other institution] [{if iteration 1 and B25ASAMESCH = 1 and B25ASAMEDEG = 0} between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024]]?

(If you have more than one enrollment at [other institution] or if you [{if before July 1, 2024} are {else} were] are in a joint degree program, tell me about only one of these now. You will have the opportunity to tell me about all enrollment at [other institution].)

[else if B25AOTLEVL01 = 3]

[{If iteration 1 and B25ASAMESCH = 1 and B25ASAMEDEG = 0} You just provided us with information about your [{if reported completed degree at NPSAS institution in BPS:20/22 survey or B25ACMPDGN = 1} completed] [base-year degree] at [NPSAS institution] that you began in the 2018-2019 academic year.]

Which of the following [{if before July 1, 2024} have you been {else} were you] working on at [other institution] [{if iteration 1 and B25ASAMESCH = 1 and B25ASAMEDEG = 0} between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024]]?

(If you have more than one enrollment at [other institution] or if you [{if before July 1, 2024} are {else} were] in a joint degree program, tell us about only one of these now. You will have the opportunity to tell us about all enrollment at [other institution].)

[else if before July 1, 2024]

[{If iteration 1 and B25ASAMESCH = 1 and B25ASAMEDEG = 0} You just provided [{if USERMODE = CATI} me {else} us] with information about your [{if reported completed degree at NPSAS institution in BPS:20/22 survey or B25ACMPDGN = 1} completed] [base-year degree] at [NPSAS institution] that you began in the 2018-2019 academic year.]

What is the type of degree or certificate program for this [{if (other institution is NPSAS institution) or (iteration > 1 and B25AOTDG01 = 1 from the prior iteration) other] enrollment at [other institution] [{if iteration 1 and B25ASAMESCH = 1 and B25ASAMEDEG = 0} between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and today]?

(If you have more than one enrollment at [other institution] or if you are in a joint degree program, tell [{if USERMODE = WEB} us {else} me] about only one of these now. You will have the opportunity to tell [{if USERMODE = WEB} us {else} me] about all enrollment at [other institution].)


[{If iteration 1 and B25ASAMESCH = 1 and B25ASAMEDEG = 0} You just provided [{if USERMODE = CATI} me {else} us] with information about your [{if reported completed degree at NPSAS institution in BPS:20/22 survey or B25ACMPDGN = 1} completed] [base-year degree] at [NPSAS institution] that you began in the 2018-2019 academic year.]

What [{if (other institution is NPSAS institution) or (iteration > 1 and B25AOTDG01 = 1 from the prior iteration) other] degree or certificate were you working on at [other institution] [{if iteration 1 and B25ASAMESCH = 1 and B25ASAMEDEG = 0} between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and June 30, 2024]?

(If you have more than one enrollment at [other institution] or if you were in a joint degree program, tell [{if USERMODE = WEB} us {else} me] about only one of these now. You will have the opportunity to tell [{if USERMODE = WEB} us {else} me] about all enrollment at [other institution].

  1 = Undergraduate level classes

  2 = Undergraduate certificate or diploma (usually less than 2 years), including those leading to a license (e.g., cosmetology, etc.)

  3 = Associate's degree (usually a 2-year degree)

  4 = Bachelor's degree (usually a 4-year degree)

  5 = Graduate level classes

  6 = Post-baccalaureate certificate

  7 = Master's degree

  8 = Post-master's certificate

  9 = Doctoral degree - research/scholarship (e.g., PhD, EdD, etc.)

  10 = Doctoral degree - professional practice (e.g., chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, podiatry, or veterinary medicine, etc.)

  11 = Doctoral degree - other

Help Text:

Undergraduate level classes means taking courses at the undergraduate level but not formally enrolling in a degree or certificate program of any sort.

Undergraduate certificates or diplomas usually take less than 2 years to complete and are usually designed to equip people with the skills needed for direct entry to employment or to earn a license such as a cosmetology license. Other examples include certificates in administrative support, computer programming, and medical records.

An associate's degree normally requires at least 2, but less than 4 years, of full-time equivalent college work.

bachelor's degree is usually awarded by a 4-year college or university and usually requires at least 4 years of full-time, college level work.

Graduate level classes are for students who already hold an undergraduate degree or certificate and who are enrolled in graduate level courses beyond a bachelor's degree, but who are not formally enrolled in a graduate degree program.

post-baccalaureate certificate provides students who already hold a bachelor's degree with new or additional training in an area of specialization. Certificates typically require fewer course hours than do master's or doctoral degrees, and do not require a thesis or dissertation. Examples of this include certificates in accounting, computer science, and human resource management.

master's degree usually requires at least 2 years of full-time graduate level work and may require a thesis or a practicum.

post-master's certificate usually requires completion of 24 semester credit hours beyond the master's degree but does not meet the requirements of academic degrees at the doctoral level.

doctoral degree - research/scholarship is a PhD or other doctoral degree that requires advanced work beyond the master's level, including the preparation and defense of a dissertation based on original research, or the planning and execution of an original project demonstrating substantial artistic or scholarly achievement. Some examples of this type of degree may include EdD, DMA, DBA, DSc, DA, or DM, and others, as designated by the awarding institution.

doctoral degree - professional practice is a doctoral degree that is conferred upon completion of a program providing the knowledge and skills for the recognition, credential, or license required for professional practice. The degree is awarded after a period of study such that the total time to the degree, including both pre-professional and professional preparation, equals at least 6 full-time equivalent academic years. Some of these degrees include: chiropractic (DC or DCM); dentistry (DDS or DMD); law (LLB or JD); medicine (MD); optometry (OD), osteopathic medicine (DO); pharmacy (PharmD); podiatry (DPM, PodD, DP); or veterinary medicine (DVM), and others, as designated by the awarding institution.

doctoral degree - other is a doctoral degree that does not meet the definition of a  doctoral degree-research/scholarship or a doctoral degree-professional practice.



Are you currently attending [other institution] for your [other degree]? 

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Answer Yes if you are enrolled and actively working on something for credit at [other institution] like a thesis or field work, even if you do not currently attend classes at [other institution]. 

If you are currently participating in a study abroad program for your [other degree] that is offered through [other institution], answer Yes.



[If before July 1, 2024]

Have you completed all of the requirements for your [other degree] at [other institution]? 

(Answer No if you transferred schools and completed your [other degree] at a different school. [{If USERMODE = WEB] We will {else} I'll] ask you about your enrollment at other schools later.)


Did you complete all of the requirements for your [other degree] at [other institution] before July 1, 2024? 

(Answer No if you transferred schools and completed your [other degree] at a different school. [{If USERMODE = WEB] We will {else} I'll] ask you about your enrollment at other schools later.)

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

An example of requirements includes completing all necessary credits.

If you have not yet completed your requirements but will complete them soon, answer No. Also answer No if you transferred schools and completed your requirements at a different school.



In what month and year were you awarded your [other degree] from [other institution]?


January - December


2019 - 2024

□  Have not yet been awarded [other degree]

Help Text:

Select the month and year in which you were awarded your [other degree] from [other institution].

If you are unsure of the date, provide your best guess.



[If BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent and completed other institution degree in year 2]

During the 2019-2020 academic year (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020), were you a full-time or part-time student or a mix of both for your [other degree] at [other institution]?

[else if completed other institution degree in year 2 or after]

Between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and June 30, [{if completed other institution degree in year 3} 2021 {else if completed other institution degree in year 4} 2022 {else if completed other institution degree in year 5} 2023 {else} 2024], were you a full-time or part-time student or a mix of both for your [other degree] at {other institution]?


Between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and June 30, 2024, [{if before July 1, 2024} have you been, or do you plan to be, {else} were you] a full-time or part-time student or a mix of both for your [other degree] at [other institution]?

1 = Full-time

2 = Part-time

3 = Mix of both full-time and part-time

4 = Not enrolled

2019-2020 academic year (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020)

2020-2021 academic year (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021)

2021-2022 academic year (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022)

2022-2023 academic year (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023)

2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)

Help Text:

The following descriptions use examples of standard full-time course loads which may vary by school.

Students who are enrolled as a full-time student typically carry at least the following:

  • 12 semester or quarter hours per term

  • 24 semester hours or 36 quarter hours per academic year for an educational program using credit hours for a program of less than one academic year; or

  • 24 clock hours per week for an educational program using clock hours

Students who are enrolled as a part-time student typically carry the following:

  • Less than 12 semester or quarter hours per term

  • Less than 24 semester hours or less than 36 quarter hours per academic year for an educational program using credit hours for a program of less than one academic year; or

  • Less than 24 clock hours per week for an educational program using clock hours

Select mix of full-time and part-time only if your full-time or part-time status differed across the semester(s) or term(s) within the academic year. For example, if you were full-time for fall 2023, but were part-time for spring 2024, you would be a mix of full-time and part-time student.



[If BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent and completed other institution degree in year 2]

[{If full-time and part-time enrollment at other institution} You just told [{if USERMODE = WEB} us {else} me] you had a mix of full-time and part-time attendance at [other institution] for your [other degree]. First, [{if USERMODE = WEB} we’d {else} I’d] like to collect information about your full-time attendance.] Between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020, in which months did you attend [other institution] for your [other degree] as a full-time student? Do not include months during which you did not take classes, such as summer break.

([{If USERMODE = WEB} Selected months will be shaded dark gray.] If you attended [other institution] for your [other degree] full-time for only a portion of a month, please include that month.)

[else if completed other institution degree in year 2 or after]

[{If full-time and part-time enrollment at other institution} You just told [{if USERMODE = WEB} us {else} me] you had a mix of full-time and part-time attendance at [other institution] for your [other degree]. First, [{if USERMODE = WEB} we'd {else} I'd] like to collect information about your full-time attendance.] Between July 1, [YYYY] and June 30, [YYYY], in which months did you attend [other institution] for your [other degree] as a full-time student? Do not include months during which you did not take classes, such as summer break.

([{If USERMODE = WEB} Months within academic years that you indicated no full-time enrollment cannot be selected. Selected months will be shaded dark gray.] If you attended [other institution] for your [other degree] full-time for only a portion of a month, please include that month.)


[{If full-time and part-time enrollment at other institution} You just told [{if USERMODE = WEB} us {else} me] you had a mix of full-time and part-time attendance at [other institution] for your [other degree]. First, [{if USERMODE = WEB} we'd {else} I'd] like to collect information about your full-time attendance.] Between July 1, [YYYY] and June 30, [TOTENREND01], in which months [{if before July 1, 2024 and B25AOTST6YR01 in (1 3)} have you attended, or do you plan to attend, {else} did you attend] [other institution] for your [other degree] as a full-time student? Do not include months during which you did not take classes], such as summer break.

([{If USERMODE = WEB} Months within academic years that you indicated no full-time enrollment cannot be selected. Selected months will be shaded dark gray.] If you attended [other institution] for your [other degree] full-time for only a portion of a month, please include that month.)

July 2019 – June 2024

Help Text:

Select all months of your full-time attendance at [other institution] for your [other degree], not just the beginning and ending months.

Include any month when you were enrolled full-time and actively working on something for credit at [other institution] for your [other degree] like a thesis or field work, even if you did not attend classes at [other institution] during that time.

Any month that has been selected will be shaded dark gray. Months that are not selected will remain shaded light gray. To unselect a month, check the button once again.



[If BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent and completed other institution degree in year 2]

[{If full-time and part-time enrollment at other institution} Now, [{if USERMODE = WEB} we’d {else} I'd] like to collect information about your part-time attendance.] Between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020, in which months did you attend [other institution] for your [other degree] as a part-time student? Do not include months during which you did not take classes, such as summer break.

([{If USERMODE = WEB} Selected months will be shaded dark gray.] If you attended [other institution] for your [other degree] part-time for only a portion of a month, please include that month.)

[else if completed other institution degree in year 2 or after]

[{If full-time and part-time enrollment at other institution} Now, [{if USERMODE = WEB} we'd {else} I'd] like to collect information about your part-time attendance.] Between July 1, YYYY and June 30, YYYY, in which months did you attend [other institution] for your [other degree] as a part-time student? Do not include months during which you did not take classes, such as summer break.

([{If USERMODE = WEB} Months within academic years that you indicated no part-time enrollment cannot be selected. Selected months will be shaded dark gray.] If you attended [other institution] for your [other degree] part-time for only a portion of a month, please include that month.)


[{If full-time and part-time enrollment at other institution} Now, [{if USERMODE = WEB} we'd {else} I'd] like to collect information about your part-time attendance.]Between July 1, [YYYY] and June 30, [YYYY], in which months [{before July 1, 2024 and B25AOTST6YR01 in (2 3)} have you attended, or do you plan to attend, {else} did you attend] [other institution] for your [other degree] as a part-time student? Do not include months during which you did not take classes, such as summer break.

([{If USERMODE = WEB} Months within academic years that you indicated no part-time enrollment cannot be selected. Selected months will be shaded dark gray.] If you attended [other institution] for your [other degree] part-time for only a portion of a month, please include that month.)

July 2019 – June 2024

Help Text:

Select all months of your part-time attendance at [other institution] for your [other degree], not just the beginning and ending months.

Include any month when you were enrolled part-time and actively working on something for credit at [other institution] for your [other degree] like a thesis or field work, even if you did not attend classes at [other institution] during that time.

Any month that has been selected will be shaded dark gray. Months that are not selected will remain shaded light gray. To unselect a month, check the button once again.



Did you attempt to transfer any credits from [NPSAS institution] to [other institution] for your [other degree]? 

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Indicate whether you tried to transfer credits from [NPSAS institution] to [other institution] for this [other degree].

When answering this question, do not consider whether [other institution] accepted these credits or if [other institution] applied the credits towards this [other degree].



[If currently enrolled at other institution]

Are you taking these [other degree] at [other institution] primarily to fulfill a degree requirement or transfer course credit to a degree or certificate program?

[else if before July 1, 2024 and enrolled in year 6 at other institution]

Between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and when you last attended, were you taking these [other degree] at [other institution] primarily to fulfill a degree requirement or transfer course credit to a degree or certificate program?


Between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and June 30, [{if enrolled in year 6 at other institution} 2024 {else if enrolled in year 5 at other institution} 2023 {else if enrolled in year 4 at other institution} 2022 {else if enrolled in year 3 at other institution} 2021 {else if enrolled in year 2 at other institution} 2020 {else} 2024], were you taking these [other degree] at [other institution] primarily to fulfill a degree requirement or transfer course credit to a degree or certificate program?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
If you were taking these [other degree] at [other institution] in order to meet requirements for a degree or certificate program at [other institution] or any other school, or to transfer credit to another school, answer Yes.

If you were taking these [other degree] at [other institution] for some other reason, such as to obtain job skills, to obtain an occupational license or for personal enjoyment, answer No.



[If currently enrolled at other institution]

Which of these reasons best describes why you are enrolled in classes at [other institution]?

[else if before July 1, 2024 and enrolled in year 6 at other institution]

Which of these reasons best describes why you were enrolled in classes at [other institution] between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent] 2019 {else} 2021] and when you last attended?


Which of these reasons best describes why you were enrolled in classes at [other institution] between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and June 30, [{if enrolled in year 6 at other institution} 2024 {else if enrolled in year 5 at other institution} 2023 {else if enrolled in year 4 at other institution] 2022 {else if enrolled in year 3 at other institution} 2021 {else if enrolled in year 2 at other institution} 2020 {else} 2024]?

  1 = To prepare to earn a degree later

  2 = To prepare for a job certification or license

  3 = To gain job or occupational skills

  4 = To take courses solely for recreation, self-improvement, or personal interest

Help Text:

From the options provided, please indicate the one reason that best describes why you decided to enroll in classes at [other institution].

If you took these classes in order to apply class credit to a degree, certificate or license that you plan to work on in the future, select To prepare to earn a degree later.

If you took these classes in order to prepare for, or meet the requirements for a job certification or license – for example, to become a Licensed Realtor, Certified Medical Assistant, or Certified Construction Manager, or an gain IT certification, select To prepare for a job certification or license.

If you took these classes in order to gain job skills--for example, to improve writing ability or carpentry skills or to improve the quality of work you perform at your job, select To gain job or occupational skills.

If you took these classes for personal interest or self-improvement--for example, to learn a new language with hopes of using your new language while on travel or to take an art class in order to practice a new hobby, select To take courses solely for recreation, self-improvement, or personal interest.



[If B25AOTCMPDGN01 = 1]

Did you declare a single or double major [{if other institution degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] for your [other degree] at [other institution]? 


[else if currently enrolled at other institution]

Have you declared a major [{if other institution degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] for your [other degree] at [other institution]? 



Had you already declared a major [{if other institution degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] for your [other degree] when you last attended [other institution]?

  1 = [{If B25AOTCMPDGN01 = 1} Declared {else} Yes, declared] a single major [{if other institution degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study]

  2 = [{If B25AOTCMPDGN01 = 1} Declared {else} Yes, declared] a double major [{if other institution degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study]

  3 = No

Help Text:

Declaring a major (or field of study) typically involves submitting a form, either on paper or online, to the registrar or dean.

If you have more than one declared major (or field of study), answer Yes, declared a double major.

Answer No if you have not yet declared your major, even if you know what you would like to major in.



[If currently enrolled at other institution]
Even though you have not formally declared your major, have you decided what your major will be for your [other degree] at [other institution]?

Even though you did not formally declare your major, did you decide on a major for your [other degree] at [other institution]?

(Answer Yes if you have left [other institution] and do not plan to attend again to earn your [other degree] there but you had decided what your major would be prior to leaving.)

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

If you know what your major will be, even though you have not officially declared your major, answer Yes.  You will be asked in the next question to tell us what that intended major is.

If you don't know what your major will be, answer No.



[If B25AOTDBLM01 = 2]

What [{if currently enrolled at other institution} is {else} was] your first major [{if other institution degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] at [other institution]? Since you have a double major, please provide only one major here.

(Please provide your first major in the textbox. If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the "Major not listed" option located at the bottom of the listed results.)


What [{if currently enrolled at other institution} is {else} was] your [{if B25AOTDBLM01 = 3} intended] major [{if other institution degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] at [other institution]?

(Please provide your [{if B25AOTDBLM01 = 3} intended] major in the textbox. If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the "Major not listed" option located at the bottom of the listed results.)


Help Text:

To search for your major or field of study, start typing in your major at [other institution]; a list of majors matching your entry will be displayed. From the results displayed, select the major or field of study that most closely matches your entry and click Next.

If you are unable to find a match in the results, select the Major not listed option located at the bottom of the listed results, then use the dropdowns that appear to find a match. Please do not delete the major you provided in the textbox. 

If you indicated earlier that you have formally declared a double major, provide only one major here.

If you intend to have a double major but have not yet declared any major, provide only one intended major.



What [{if currently enrolled at other institution} is {else} was] your second major [{if other institution degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] at [other institution]?

(Please provide your second major in the textbox. If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the "Major not listed" option located at the bottom of the listed results.)


Help Text:

To search for your second major or field of study, start typing in your major at [other institution]; a list of majors matching your entry will be displayed. From the results displayed, select the major that most closely matches your entry and click Next. 

If you are unable to find a match in the results, select the Major not listed option located at the bottom of the listed results, then use the dropdowns that appear to find a match. Please do not delete the major you provided in the textbox. 



[If currently enrolled at other institution]

How many times have you formally changed your major [{if other institution degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] at [other institution] for your [other degree]?


[{If on or after July 1, 2024} Before July 1, 2024, how {else} How] many times did you formally change your major [{if other institution degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] at [other institution] for your [other degree]?

  0 = Never

  1 = Once

  2 = More than once

Help Text:

Formally changing your major typically involves submitting a form, either on paper or online, to the registrar or dean to change your declared major.

Please only count changes from a major that you have formally declared. Do not include the initial change from "Undeclared" to a declared major in this count.



What was your original declared major [{if other institution degree is certificate or diploma or associate’s degree} or field of study] at [other institution]?

(Please provide your original major in the textbox. If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the "Major not listed" option located at the bottom of the listed results.)


Help Text:

If you have changed your major more than once at [other institution], provide your first declared major at [other institution].

To search for your original declared major or field of study, start by typing in your original major at [other institution]; a list of majors matching your entry will be displayed. From the results displayed, select the major that most closely matches your entry and click Next.

If you are unable to find a match in the results, select the Major not listed option located at the bottom of the listed results, then use the dropdowns that appear to find a match. Please do not delete the major you provided in the textbox. 



[{If at least 1 other degree listed} You already provided [{if USERMODE = CATI} me {else} us] with information about your attendance at [other institution] for the following:

[List non-missing base-year degree if (B25ASAMEDEG = 1 and other institution is NPSAS institution in current iteration)]
[List non-missing other degree from all iterations that match other institution]

Besides this enrollment, [{if before July 1, 2024} have you attended {else} did you attend] [other institution] for anything else at any time between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024]?

[{If other institution enrollment is coursework} (Answer Yes if you attended [other institution] for any non-degree coursework that was not part of your [other degree].)]

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Indicate if you have attended [other institution] for any other degree or certificate program or for classes that you have not yet told us about.

When answering this question consider all attendance at [other institution] between July 1, [YYYY] and June 30, 2024. For example, if you have additional attendance at [other institution] even for only one class or term, answer Yes.

If you are planning to attend [other institution] for classes or a program in the future, but have not yet started please answer No. 

Some students earn a certificate as part of their degree by taking a specific concentration of academic courses (e.g., Latin American Studies, Women's Studies, etc.). Do not include these types of academic certificates when answering this question.



You've told [{if USERMODE = WEB} us {else} me] that you have attended the following schools between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024]:


[{If B25ASAMEDEG = 1} [NPSAS institution]]

[other institution from iteration 1]

[other institution from iteration x]


[{If before July 1, 2024} Have you attended {else} Did you attend] any other colleges, universities, or trade schools for a degree or certificate program between July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021] and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024]? 

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Indicate if you have attended any other colleges, universities or trade schools between July 1, [YYYY] and June 30, 2024.

A trade school offers instruction in skilled trades.

When answering this question consider all attendance at any other colleges, universities or trade schools, except schools where you have studied abroad, between July 1, [YYYY] and June 30, 2024. For example, if you have attendance at a school even if for only one class or term, answer Yes.

If you are planning to attend a school for classes or a program in the future, but have not yet started please answer No. 



You've reported attending multiple schools since July 1, [{if BPS:20/22 survey nonrespondent} 2019 {else} 2021]. Which of the following schools do you consider to be your main school? 

  0 = [NPSAS institution]

  1 = [other institution]

  2 = [other institution 2]

  3 = [other institution 3]

  4 = [other institution 4]

  5 = [other institution 5]

  6 = [other institution 6]

  7 = [other institution 7]

  8 = [other institution 8]

  9 = [other institution 9]

  10 = [other institution 10]

Help Text:
The list contains all of the schools that you indicated attending at some time between July 1, [YYYY] and June 30, 2024. 

Select the school that you consider to be your main school. 



[{If after July 1, 2024} Have you attended, or will you attend, {else} Will you continue to attend] [primary institution] for your [pursued degree at primary institution] at any time between July 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024?

○ Yes

○ No

Help Text:

If you plan to continue to attend [primary institution], either part-time or full-time, at any time between July 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024 for your current degree or certificate, answer Yes.

You can answer Yes even if you plan to attend school only some of the time (not continuously) between July 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024.



Now, we are interested in your plans for attendance at any college, university or trade school between July 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024.

[{If after July 1, 2024} Have you attended, or will you attend, {else} Will you attend] will any college, university, or trade school for a degree or certificate at any time between July 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024?

○ Yes

○ No

Help Text:

If you are attending or plan to attend any college, university or trade school between July 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024 for a degree or certificate, answer Yes.

If you will be attending for classes only between July 1, 2024 and December 31, 2022, answer No.



What is the highest level of education you ever expect to complete at any school?

  1 = Undergraduate level courses, no undergraduate degree or certificate expected

  2 = Undergraduate certificate or diploma (usually less than 2 years), including certificates leading to a license (example: cosmetology)

  3 = Associate's degree (usually a 2-year degree)

  4 = Bachelor's degree (usually a 4-year degree)

  5 = Graduate level courses, no graduate degree or certificate expected

  6 = Post-baccalaureate certificate

  7 = Master’s degree

  8 = Post-master's certificate

  10 = Professional doctoral degree (including: chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, etc.)

  9 = Doctoral degree, research/scholarship (including: PhD, EdD, etc.)

Help Text:

Indicate the highest level of education that you ever expect to complete at any school. If you do not plan to pursue any education beyond what you are currently working on, indicate your current degree, certificate, or classes.

Undergraduate level classes means taking courses at the undergraduate level but not formally enrolling in a degree or certificate program of any sort.

Undergraduate certificates or diplomas usually take less than 2 years to complete and are usually designed to equip people with the skills needed for direct entry to employment or to earn a license such as a cosmetology license. Other examples include certificates in administrative support, computer programming, and medical records.

An associate's degree normally requires at least 2, but less than 4 years, of full-time equivalent college work.

bachelor's degree is usually awarded by a 4-year college or university and usually requires at least 4 years of full-time, college level work.

Graduate level classes are for students who already hold an undergraduate degree or certificate and who are enrolled in graduate level courses beyond a bachelor's degree, but who are not formally enrolled in a graduate degree program.

post-baccalaureate certificate provides students who already hold a bachelor's degree with new or additional training in an area of specialization. Certificates typically require fewer course hours than do master's or doctoral degrees, and do not require a thesis or dissertation. Examples of this include certificates in accounting, computer science, and human resource management.

master's degree usually requires at least 2 years of full-time graduate level work and may require a thesis or a practicum.

post-master's certificate usually requires completion of 24 semester credit hours beyond the master's degree but does not meet the requirements of academic degrees at the doctoral level.

doctoral degree - research/scholarship is a PhD or other doctoral degree that requires advanced work beyond the master's level, including the preparation and defense of a dissertation based on original research, or the planning and execution of an original project demonstrating substantial artistic or scholarly achievement. Some examples of this type of degree may include EdD, DMA, DBA, DSc, DA, or DM, and others, as designated by the awarding institution.

doctoral degree - professional practice is a doctoral degree that is conferred upon completion of a program providing the knowledge and skills for the recognition, credential, or license required for professional practice. The degree is awarded after a period of study such that the total time to the degree, including both pre-professional and professional preparation, equals at least 6 full-time equivalent academic years. Some of these degrees include: chiropractic (DC or DCM); dentistry (DDS or DMD); law (LLB or JD); medicine (MD); optometry (OD), osteopathic medicine (DO); pharmacy (PharmD); podiatry (DPM, PodD, DP); or veterinary medicine (DVM), and others, as designated by the awarding institution.

doctoral degree - other is a doctoral degree that does not meet the definition of a  doctoral degree-research/scholarship or a doctoral degree-professional practice.


The remainder of the survey asks about your latest experiences in college and your employment and family situations.

So that [{if USERMODE = WEB we {else} I] can ask you the right set of questions in the survey, please indicate your current marital status.

  1 = Single, never married

  2 = Married

  3 = Separated

  4 = Divorced

  5 = Widowed

  6 = Living with partner in a marriage-like relationship

Help Text:
Indicate your current marital status. If you are not currently married, please indicate whether you are Single, never marriedSeparated; Divorced; Widowed or Living with a partner in a marriage-like relationship.

This information will help us to ask you the right set of questions in this survey.



What is the highest level of education your spouse has completed?

  1 = Did not complete high school

  2 = High school diploma or equivalent

  3 = Vocational/technical training

  5 = Associate's degree (usually a 2-year degree)

  6 = Some college but no degree

  7 = Bachelor's degree (usually a 4-year degree)

  8 = Master's degree or equivalent

  9 = Professional degree (chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, podiatry, or veterinary medicine)

  10 = Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, etc.)

  -1 = Don't know

Help Text:

Indicate the highest level of education that your spouse ever completed. If your spouse was in school for a particular degree but has not completed that degree, choose the option for the highest completed degree or level of education.

Did not complete high school: Select this option if your spouse has not completed a high school diploma or equivalent program.

High school diploma or equivalent: Completion of the secondary level of education, usually in the form of a high school diploma, high school completion certificate, or General Educational Development (GED) equivalency exam.

Vocational/technical training: Prepares learners for careers that are based in manual or practical activities, traditionally non-academic and related to a specific trade, occupation or vocation.

Associate's degree: An award that normally requires at least 2 but less than 4 years of full-time equivalent college work.

Bachelor's degree: A degree, usually awarded by a 4-year college or university, that usually requires at least 4 years of full-time college level work.

Master's degree (MA, MS, MBA, MFA, etc.): A university-awarded degree that usually requires at least 2 years of full-time graduate level work, and may require a thesis or a practicum.

Professional degree: A formal award certifying the satisfactory completion of a postsecondary education program in any of the following professional fields: chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, divinity/theology, or veterinary medicine.

Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, etc.): A university-awarded degree that usually requires at least 4 years of full-time graduate level work and usually requires a dissertation.



Now [{If USERMODE = CATI} I {else} we] would like to collect information on your academic experiences related to the coronavirus pandemic and decisions related to your undergraduate education.

Help Text:

This is an informational screen only. Click the Next button.



Please indicate how much you disagree or agree with the following statement. One means "completely disagree" and five means "completely agree."

My decision to not enroll in any college, university, or trade school between July 1, 2021 and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024] was due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

  1 = 1 (Completely disagree)

  2 = 2 (Somewhat disagree)

  3 = 3 (Neither disagree nor agree)

  4 = 4 (Somewhat agree)

  5 = 5 (Completely agree)

Help Text:
Please only think about July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024 when responding to this question. If you are unsure, please provide your best guess.



Did you change your declared or intended major between July 1, 2021 and [if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024] as a result of the coronavirus pandemic?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Please only think about July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024 when responding to this question. If you are unsure, please provide your best guess.



When you think about how the coronavirus pandemic has affected your undergraduate education, what period of time are you thinking about? 

(Please check all that apply.)

□  2019-20 academic year (July 2019 – June 2020)

□  2020-21 academic year (July 2020 – June 2021)

□  2021-22 academic year (July 2021 – June 2022)

□  2022-23 academic year (July 2022 – June 2023)

□  2023-24 academic year (July 2023 – June 2024)

□  None of the above

Help Text:

The institutional response to the coronavirus pandemic affected students in many ways. For example:

  • in-person classes were canceled or moved online;

  • campus classrooms and labs, student housing, and other campus-based residential life facilities were closed;

  • campus-based student jobs were lost;

  • student financial aid for courses and room and board was lost or in jeopardy of being lost;

  • additional emergency aid was offered to students;

  • students had to miss multiple classed while quarantining; and so on.

Please consider these changes and others like them when thinking about how the coronavirus pandemic affected your undergraduate education and during which academic years it was affected.



Compared to when you first enrolled, are you more or less confident in the value of your undergraduate education?

  1 = Less confident

  2 = No change in confidence

  3 = More confident

Help Text:
If you are unsure, please provide your best guess.



The previous question asked your confidence in the value of your undergraduate education. In your own words, how did you define the term “value” when responding?


Help Text:
The information you provide will help us improve the BPS survey.



Do you think your undergraduate education [{if currently attending any institution} is {else} was] worth the financial cost?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Answer Yes if you think that the benefits you will gain from your undergraduate education are greater than the financial costs you incurred.



If you could start your education over, would you begin at [NPSAS institution] again?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Think about your experience at [NPSAS institution] when answering this question. 



Remedial or developmental courses are used to strengthen your skills in math, reading, or other subjects. Students are usually assigned to these courses on the basis of a placement test taken before the academic year begins. Often, these courses do not count for credit toward graduation. 

Between July 1, 2021 and [{if before July 1, 2024} today, have you taken {else} June 30, 2024, did you take] any remedial or developmental courses to improve your basic skills in English, math, reading, or writing?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Sometimes remedial classes are also called developmental classes, pre-curriculum classes, basic skills classes, or have other names as designated by the school.

If you failed a course in the standard curriculum and had to take the same course over again, do not count this course as a remedial course.

Answer Yes if you took any remedial courses at any schools since you completed high school.



[{If USERMODE = CATI} I'd {else} We'd] now like to ask a few questions about your education experiences at [primary institution] between July 1, 2021 and [{if currently attending primary institution} today {else if before July 1, 2024 and enrolled in year 6 at primary institution} when you last attended {else if enrolled in year 6 at primary institution} June 30, 2024 {else if enrolled in year 5 at primary institution} June 30, 2023 {else} June 30, 2022].

Help Text:
This is an informational screen only. Click the Next button.



[If currently attending primary institution] 

Is your grade point average (GPA) at [primary institution] measured on a 4.00 scale? 


Was your grade point average (GPA) at [primary institution] measured on a 4.00 scale?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Please indicate whether your grade point average (GPA) at [primary institution] is measured on a 4.00 scale (where A=4.00, B=3.00, C=2.00, D=1.00, and F=0.00).



[If currently attending primary institution]

What is your cumulative GPA in all classes at [primary institution]?


What was your cumulative GPA in all classes at [primary institution] through the end of your most recent term there in the [{if enrolled in year 6 at primary institution} 2023-2024 {else if enrolled in year 5 at primary institution} 2022-2023 {else} 2021-2022] academic year?

(If you are unsure of the exact amount, provide your best guess.)

Shape87    (0.00 to 4.00)

□  [If currently attending primary institution] Not applicable, have not yet earned GPA [else] Not applicable, did not earn GPA

Help Text:

Indicate your numeric overall GPA in all classes at [primary institution] through the end of your most recent term there. You may provide your GPA using two decimal places (e.g., 3.25).

In general, a 4.00 is an A average, a 3.00 is a B average, a 2.00 is a C average, and a 1.00 is a D average.

If you have not received grades yet, do not report a GPA, instead select Not applicable.



[If B25BGPATYP = 0 and currently attending primary institution]

You just indicated that your grade point average at [primary institution] is not measured on a 4.00 scale. Are you able to say whether your grades are similar to…

[else if B25GPATYP = 0]

You just indicated that your grade point average was not measured on a 4.00 scale. Are you able to say whether your grades when you last attended [primary institution] in the [{if enrolled in year 6 at primary institution} 2023-2024 {else if enrolled in year 5 at primary institution} 2022-2023 {else} 2021-2022] academic year were similar to…

[else if currently attending primary institution]

Overall, which best describes your grades at [primary institution]?


Overall, which best describes your grades when you last attended [primary institution] in the [{if enrolled in year 6 at primary institution} 2023-2024 {else if enrolled in year 5 at primary institution} 2022-2023 {else} 2021-2022] academic year?

  1 = Mostly A's (3.75 and above)

  2 = A's and B's (3.25-3.74)

  3 = Mostly B's (2.75-3.24)

  4 = B's and C's (2.25-2.74)

  5 = Mostly C's (1.75-2.24)

  6 = C's and D's (1.25-1.74)

  7 = Mostly D's or below (1.24 or below)

  -1 = Don't know [{if USERMODE = CATI} your {else} my] grades

  9 = [{If USERMODE = CATI} You {else} I] would describe [{If USERMODE = CATI} your {else} my] grades differently than what is listed here

Help Text:

Select the letter grade or grades that you usually receive in your courses.

If the letter grades listed do not describe the type of grades you earn at [primary institution], select I would describe my grades differently than what is listed here.

If you are unable to provide letter grades and there is no different description of your grades at [primary institution], select Don't know my grades.



Between July 1, 2021 and [{if currently attending primary institution} today {else if before July 1, 2024 and enrolled in year 6 at primary institution} when you last attended {else if enrolled in year 6 at primary institution} June 30, 2024 {else if enrolled in year 5 at primary institution} June 30, 2023 {else} June 30, 2022], [{if currently attending primary institution} have any of your classes at [primary institution] been {else} were any of your classes at [primary institution]...

1 = Yes

0 = No

Taught entirely online (i.e., all instruction for class accessed over the internet with no in-person classes)

Delivered in a hybrid format (i.e., a mix of both online and in-person instruction)

Help Text:
Indicate whether any of your classes were entirely online at [primary institution] between [MM, DD, YYYY to MM, DD, YYYY]. 

Entirely online classes would not include any in-person components; students access all of their instruction for the class over the internet.



Please indicate how much you disagree or agree with the following statements. One means "completely disagree" and five means "completely agree."

Between July 1, 2021 and [{if currently attending primary institution} today {else if before July 1, 2024 and enrolled in year 6 at primary institution} when you last attended {else if enrolled in year 6 at primary institution} June 30, 2024 {else if enrolled in year 5 at primary institution} June 30, 2023 {else} June 30, 2022] at [primary institution]...

1 = 1 (Completely disagree)

2 = 2 (Somewhat disagree)

3 = 3 (Neither disagree nor agree)

4 = 4 (Somewhat agree)

5 = 5 (Completely agree)

My online-only classes were not as effective as in person classes.

My hybrid classes were not as effective as in person classes.

Help Text:
If you are unsure, please provide your best guess.



[If currently attending primary institution] Is your entire [pursued degree] program at [primary institution] online?


When you last attended [primary institution] during the [{if enrolled in year 6 at primary institution} 2023-2024 {else if enrolled in year 5 at primary institution} 2022-2023 {else} 2021-2022] academic year, was your entire [pursued degree] program online?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Indicate whether your [pursued degree] program is or was an entirely online program at [primary institution].

In online programs students access all of their coursework over the internet.



Would you still have attended [primary institution] if [{if B25BONLINEP = 1} your online [pursued degree] program {else} online classes] had not been available?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Indicate whether the availability of online classes and/or online program had an important effect on your decision to attend [primary institution] between [MM, DD, YYYY to MM, DD, YYYY].

In online classes or programs students access their coursework over the internet.



Please use a number from 1 to 5 to answer the next few questions. One means "completely disagree" and five means "completely agree."

Help Text:
This is an informational screen only. Click the Next button.



I [{if currently attending primary institution} feel {else} felt] that I [{if currently attending primary institution} am {else} was] a part of [primary institution].

  1 = 1 (Completely disagree)

  2 = 2 (Somewhat disagree)

  3 = 3 (Neither disagree nor agree)

  4 = 4 (Somewhat agree)

  5 = 5 (Completely agree)

Help Text:

On a scale from 1 to 5, indicate your level of agreement with the statement in the question.

Consider such factors as participation in school activities, feeling valued and accepted by others at [primary institution], and sharing common goals and values with others at [primary institution].



[If currently attending primary institution]

Please indicate how much you disagree or agree with the following statements.

Between July 1, 2021 and today, most teachers at [primary institution] with whom I have had contact…

[else if before July 1, 2024 and enrolled in year 6 at primary institution]

Please indicate how much you disagree or agree with the following statements. Between July 1, 2021 and when I last attended, most teachers at [primary institution] with whom I had contact…


Please indicate how much you disagree or agree with the following statements. Between July 1, 2021 and June 30, [{if enrolled in year 6 at primary institution} 2024 {else if enrolled in year 5 at primary institution} 2023 {else} 2022], most teachers at [primary institution] with whom I had contact…

1 = 1 (Completely disagree)

2 = 2 (Somewhat disagree)

3 = 3 (Neither disagree nor agree)

4 = 4 (Somewhat agree)

5 = 5 (Completely agree)

[{If currently attending primary institution} Are {else} Were] outstanding teachers.

[{If currently attending primary institution} Are {else} Were] genuinely interested in teaching. 

[{If currently attending primary institution} Have {else} Had] a good command of what they [{if currently attending primary institution} are {else} were] teaching. 

[{If currently attending primary institution} Make {else} Made] good use of examples and illustrations to explain difficult points. 

Help Text:
On a scale from 1 to 5, indicate your level of agreement with the statements in the question. 



Between July 1, 2021 and [{if currently attending primary institution} today {else if before July 1, 2024 and enrolled in year 6 at primary institution} when you last attended {else if enrolled in year 6 at primary institution} June 30, 2024 {else if enrolled in year 5 at primary institution} June 30, 2023 {else} June 30, 2022], [{if currently attending primary institution} have you had {else} did you have] interactions outside of the classroom with students from the following groups at [primary institution]?

1 = Yes

0 = No

-1 = Don't know

Student(s) of a different race or ethnicity

Student(s) from a different economic background

Student(s) with a different religious belief

Student(s) with a different political belief

Student(s) of a different sexual orientation

Student(s) of a gender minority status (e.g., transgender, genderqueer, gender nonconforming, etc.)

Help Text:
Please indicate if you have interacted outside of the classroom with each of the groups listed between [MM, DD, YYYY to MM, DD, YYYY]. 

Interactions outside of class can include all types of communication. You may interact with other students through e-mail, through an on-campus job or student group or in other ways.



Between July 1, 2021 and [{if currently attending primary institution} today {else if before July 1, 2024 and enrolled in year 6 at primary institution} when you last attended {else if enrolled in year 6 at primary institution} June 30, 2024 {else if enrolled in year 5 at primary institution} June 30, 2023 {else} June 30, 2022], how often [{if currently attending primary institution} have you had {else} did you have] meaningful and honest conversations outside of the classroom with students from the following groups at [primary institution]?

0 = Never

1 = Rarely

2 = Sometimes

3 = Often

4 = Always

Student(s) of a different race or ethnicity

Student(s) from a different economic background

Student(s) with a different religious belief

Student(s) with a different political belief

Student(s) of a different sexual orientation

Student(s) of a gender minority status (e.g., transgender, genderqueer, gender nonconforming, etc.)

Help Text:
Please provide the frequency with which you had meaningful and honest conversations outside of the classroom with each of the groups listed between [MM, DD, YYYY to MM, DD, YYYY]. If you are unsure, provide your best guess.



[If enrolled at any institution in year 6]

In the next section, we are interested in how you paid for your education after high school. [{If USERMODE = CATI} I {else} We] will ask questions about certain types of scholarships, which do not have to be paid back, and loans, which do have to be paid back.


In the next section, we are interested in how you paid for your education after high school.

Help Text:
This is an informational screen only. Click the Next button.



 Did you receive the [state aid program] in the...

1 = Yes

0 = No

-1 = Don't know

2021-2022 academic year (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022)?

2022-2023 academic year (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023)?

2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)?

Help Text:
Please indicate if you received funds from the [state aid program] in the academic year(s) listed. 



Please indicate whether or not you received or used any of the following to pay for your education in the 2023-2024 academic year.

1 = Yes

0 = No

Veteran's education benefits

[If respondent is younger than 24] Financial assistance from your employer or from your parents’ (or guardians’) employer(s) [else]   Financial assistance from your employer

Scholarships from a private organization such as a church, PTA, fraternity/sorority, or foundation

Help Text:

Indicate whether you received benefits or scholarships in any of the specific categories listed for the 2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024). Include benefits or scholarships you received for all schools you attended in 2023-2024.

The below types of aid may come to you directly or may be given to the financial aid office at your school.

Veteran's education benefits include:

  • Post-9/11 GI Bill

  • Montgomery GI Bill

  • Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP)

Employer scholarships or tuition reimbursement includes:

  • Employer-sponsored tuition reimbursement

  • Employer scholarships as a benefit to employees and their dependents

Private organization scholarships, for example:

  • UNCF

  • National Merit Scholarship Corporation

  • Corporate foundations (for example, Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation)

  • Civic and religious organizations

Do not report scholarships received from any state or schools, even if these schools are private institutions. Also do not include any student loan amounts here; there are separate questions that ask about student loans.



Again, thinking only of the 2023-2024 school year, what was the total amount you received in...

(If you are unsure of the amount(s), please provide your best guess.)

Veteran's education benefits $Shape102  .00

[{If respondent is younger than 24} Financial assistance from your employer or from your parents’ (or guardians’) employer(s) {else} Financial assistance from your employer] $Shape103  .00

Scholarships from private organizations $Shape104  .00

Help Text:
Provide the total amount you received for the 2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024) for each type of benefit or scholarship listed. Include benefits or scholarships you received for all schools you attended in 2023-2024. If you are unsure of the amount, please provide your best guess.



The next few questions will ask about any student loans you have taken out for your education since high school. There are two main types of loans we are interested in:

Federal student loans, such as subsidized and unsubsidized Direct Loans, are from the federal government.


Private student loans are borrowed from a private lender, such as a bank or sometimes a state, usually require a co-signer, and have market interest rates based on credit history.

Help Text:
This is an informational screen only. Click the Next button.



Did you take out any student loans for the 2023-2024 academic year?

(Do not include Parent PLUS loans, grants or scholarships, or money borrowed from family or friends in your answer.)

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Indicate whether you took out any student loans for the 2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024). Include money borrowed for all schools you attended in 2023-2024. Student loans are money that you borrowed from the federal government or from a private lender.
Do not include Parent PLUS loans, grants or scholarships, or money borrowed from family or friends.

Students must file a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) in order to be considered eligible for federal loans.

Subsidized and unsubsidized Direct Loans

  • An education loan borrowed from the federal government (Direct Loans), with an interest rate and other terms that are set by the federal government.

  • Undergraduate and graduate level students are eligible to receive Direct Loans, which can be either subsidized or unsubsidized.

Private loans are offered by private lenders. Some common characteristics of private loans are noted below.

  • With private loans there are no federal application forms to complete.

  • Some students and parents use private loans as a supplement when their federal loans do not provide enough money.

  • Private loans can have higher interest rates than federal loans.

  • Unlike federal student loans, private loans are credit based and therefore often require a cosigner if the student does not have an established credit history.

Some examples of commonly used private loans include:

  • Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan

  • Wells Fargo Collegiate Loan

  • Discover Student Loan

  • PNC Solution Loan

  • SunTrust Custom Choice Loan

Other types of private student loans can include, but are not limited to, loans from credit unions, loans from other banks or financial institutions, or state loan programs. States with private student loan programs include Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Home equity loans are not considered private loans.



Thinking only about the 2023-2024 academic year, did you take out any federal student loans


(Federal student loans include subsidized and unsubsidized Direct Loans. Do not include Parent PLUS Loans.)

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Indicate whether you took out federal student loans for the 2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024). Include federal student loans for all schools you attended in 2023-2024.

Do not include Parent PLUS loans, grants or scholarships, or money borrowed from family or friends.

Students must file a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) in order to be considered eligible for federal loans. 

Subsidized and unsubsidized Direct Loans

  • An education loan borrowed from the federal government (Direct Loans), with an interest rate and other terms that are set by the federal government.

  • Undergraduate and graduate level students are eligible to receive Direct Loans, which can be either subsidized or unsubsidized.



Thinking only about the 2023–2024 academic year, did you take out any private loans borrowed from a private lender?

(Private loans are borrowed from a private lender such as a bank or sometimes a state, usually require a co-signer, and have market interest rates based on credit history.)

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Indicate whether you took out private loans from a private lender for the 2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024). Include private loans for all schools you attended in 2023-2024. Do not include Parent PLUS loans, grants or scholarships, or money borrowed from family or friends.

Private loans are offered by private lenders. Some common characteristics of private loans are noted below.

  • With private loans there are no federal application forms to complete.

  • Some students and parents use private loans as a supplement when their federal loans do not provide enough money.

  • Private loans can have higher interest rates than federal loans.

  • Unlike federal student loans, private loans are credit based and therefore often require a cosigner if the student does not have an established credit history.

Some examples of commonly used private loans include:

  • Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan

  • Wells Fargo Collegiate Loan

  • Discover Student Loan

  • PNC Solution Loan

  • SunTrust Custom Choice Loan

Other types of private student loans can include, but are not limited to, loans from credit unions, loans from other banks or financial institutions, or state loan programs. States with private student loan programs include Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Home equity loans are not considered private loans.



For the 2023-2024 academic year, how much did you borrow in private loans?  


Do not include any money borrowed in federal loans or any money borrowed from family or friends in your answer. 

(If you are unsure of the exact amount, provide your best guess.)

$Shape110  .00

Help Text:

Indicate the amount that you borrowed in private loans for the 2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024). Include private loans for all schools you attended in 2023-2024. Do not include Parent PLUS loans, grants or scholarships, or money borrowed from family or friends.

Private loans are offered by private lenders. Some common characteristics of private loans are noted below.

  • With private loans there are no federal application forms to complete.

  • Some students and parents use private loans as a supplement when their federal loans do not provide enough money.

  • Private loans can have higher interest rates than federal loans.

  • Unlike federal student loans, private loans are credit based and therefore often require a cosigner if the student does not have an established credit history.

Some examples of commonly used private loans include:

  • Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan

  • Wells Fargo Collegiate Loan

  • Discover Student Loan

  • PNC Solution Loan

  • SunTrust Custom Choice Loan

Other types of private student loans can include, but are not limited to, loans from credit unions, loans from other banks or financial institutions, or state loan programs. States with private student loan programs include Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Home equity loans are not considered private loans.



For the 2023-2024 academic year, please indicate the range for how much you borrowed in private loans. Would you say it was...

  1 = Less than $3,000

  2 = $3,000-$6,999

  3 = $7,000-$9,999

  4 = $10,000-$12,999

  5 = $13,000-$15,999

  6 = $16,000-$19,999

  7 = $20,000 or more

  -1 = Don't know

Help Text:

Choose the option that best describes the amount you borrowed in private loans for the 2023–2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024). Include private loans for all schools you attended in 2023-2024. Do not include Parent PLUS loans, grants or scholarships, or money borrowed from family or friends.

Private loans are offered by private lenders. Some common characteristics of private loans are noted below.

  • With private loans there are no federal application forms to complete.

  • Some students and parents use private loans as a supplement when their federal loans do not provide enough money.

  • Private loans can have higher interest rates than federal loans.

  • Unlike federal student loans, private loans are credit based and therefore often require a cosigner if the student does not have an established credit history.

Some examples of commonly used private loans include:

  • Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan

  • Wells Fargo Collegiate Loan

  • Discover Student Loan

  • PNC Solution Loan

  • SunTrust Custom Choice Loan

Other types of private student loans can include, but are not limited to, loans from credit unions, loans from other banks or financial institutions, or state loan programs. States with private student loan programs include Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Home equity loans are not considered private loans.



[If not enrolled at any institution in year 6 and did not take out student loans in prior studies]

{If USERMODE = CATI} I {else} We] want to ask about any student loans you may have taken out from the federal government or from a private lender.

Have you ever taken out any student loans for your education?



Have you ever taken out any student loans for your education?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Indicate whether you have ever taken out student loans. Include any federal, private, state, and school loans, and include money borrowed for all schools you attended. Student loans are money that you borrowed from the federal government or from a private lender.

Do not include Parent PLUS loans, grants or scholarships, or money borrowed from family or friends.

Students must file a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) in order to be considered eligible for federal loans.

Subsidized and unsubsidized Direct Loans
An education loan borrowed from the federal government (Direct Loans), with an interest rate and other terms that are set by the federal government.
Undergraduate and graduate level students are eligible to receive Direct Loans, which can be either subsidized or unsubsidized.

Private loans are offered by private lenders. Some common characteristics of private loans are noted below.

  • With private loans there are no federal application forms to complete.

  • Some students and parents use private loans as a supplement when their federal loans do not provide enough money.

  • Private loans can have higher interest rates than federal loans.

  • Unlike federal student loans, private loans are credit based and therefore often require a cosigner if the student does not have an established credit history.

Some examples of commonly used private loans include:

  • Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan

  • Wells Fargo Collegiate Loan

  • Discover Student Loan

  • PNC Solution Loan

  • SunTrust Custom Choice Loan

Other types of private student loans can include, but are not limited to, loans from credit unions, loans from other banks or financial institutions, or state loan programs. States with private student loan programs include Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Home equity loans are not considered private loans.



Have you ever taken out any federal student loans for your education?

(Federal student loans include subsidized and unsubsidized Direct Loans. Do not include Parent PLUS Loans.)

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Indicate whether you have ever taken out any federal student loans for your education. Include federal loans for all schools you attended. Do not include Parent PLUS loans, grants or scholarships, or money borrowed from family or friends.

Students must file a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) in order to be considered eligible for federal loans.

Subsidized and unsubsidized Direct Loans

  • An education loan borrowed from the federal government (Direct Loans), with an interest rate and other terms that are set by the federal government.

  • Undergraduate and graduate level students are eligible to receive Direct Loans, which can be either subsidized or unsubsidized.



Have you ever taken out any private loans from a private lender for your education?

(Private loans are borrowed from a private lender such as a bank or sometimes a state, usually require a co-signer, and have market interest rates based on credit history.)

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Indicate whether you have ever taken out any private loans for your education. Include money borrowed for all schools you attended. Do not include Parent PLUS loans, grants or scholarships, or money borrowed from family or friends.

Private loans are offered by private lenders. Some common characteristics of private loans are noted below.

  • With private loans there are no federal application forms to complete.

  • Some students and parents use private loans as a supplement when their federal loans do not provide enough money.

  • Private loans can have higher interest rates than federal loans.

  • Unlike federal student loans, private loans are credit based and therefore often require a cosigner if the student does not have an established credit history.

Some examples of commonly used private loans include:

  • Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan

  • Wells Fargo Collegiate Loan

  • Discover Student Loan

  • PNC Solution Loan

  • SunTrust Custom Choice Loan

Other types of private student loans can include, but are not limited to, loans from credit unions, loans from other banks or financial institutions, or state loan programs. States with private student loan programs include Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Home equity loans are not considered private loans.



What is the total amount that you have borrowed in private loans for your education? 


Do not include any money borrowed in federal loans or any money borrowed from family or friends in your answer.

(If you are unsure of the exact amount, provide your best guess.)

$Shape116  .00

Help Text:

Indicate the total amount that you borrowed in private loans for your entire education. Include the private loan amount borrowed for all schools you have attended. If you are unsure of the amount of your private loans, provide your best guess. Do not include Parent PLUS loans, grants or scholarships, or money borrowed from family or friends.

Private loans are offered by private lenders. Some common characteristics of private loans are noted below.

  • With private loans there are no federal application forms to complete.

  • Some students and parents use private loans as a supplement when their federal loans do not provide enough money.

  • Private loans can have higher interest rates than federal loans.

  • Unlike federal student loans, private loans are credit based and therefore often require a cosigner if the student does not have an established credit history.

Some examples of commonly used private loans include:

  • Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan

  • Wells Fargo Collegiate Loan

  • Discover Student Loan

  • PNC Solution Loan

  • SunTrust Custom Choice Loan

Other types of private student loans can include, but are not limited to, loans from credit unions, loans from other banks or financial institutions, or state loan programs. States with private student loan programs include Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Home equity loans are not considered private loans.



Please indicate the range for the total amount you borrowed in private loans for your education. Would you say it was...

  1 = Less than $5,000

  2 = $5,000 - $9,999

  3 = $10,000 - $19,999

  4 = $20,000 - $29,999

  5 = $30,000 - $39,999

  6 = $40,000 - $59,999

  7 = $60,000 or more

  -1 = Don't know

Help Text:

Choose the option that best describes the total amount you borrowed in private loans for your entire education. Include the private loan amount borrowed for all schools you attended. If you are unsure of the amount of your private loans, provide your best guess. Do not include Parent PLUS loans, grants or scholarships, or money borrowed from family or friends.

Private loans are offered by private lenders. Some common characteristics of private loans are noted below.

  • With private loans there are no federal application forms to complete.

  • Some students and parents use private loans as a supplement when their federal loans do not provide enough money.

  • Private loans can have higher interest rates than federal loans.

  • Unlike federal student loans, private loans are credit based and therefore often require a cosigner if the student does not have an established credit history.

Some examples of commonly used private loans include:

  • Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan

  • Wells Fargo Collegiate Loan

  • Discover Student Loan

  • PNC Solution Loan

  • SunTrust Custom Choice Loan

Other types of private student loans can include, but are not limited to, loans from credit unions, loans from other banks or financial institutions, or state loan programs. States with private student loan programs include Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Home equity loans are not considered private loans.



Are you currently repaying your private loans?

  1 = Yes

  2 = No, because they are already paid off

  3 = No, because [{if USERMODE = CATI} you {else} I] have an agreement with [{if USERMODE = CATI} your {else} my] lender to delay or defer payments

  0 = No

Help Text:

If you are currently repaying any private student loans, even if you are still in your deferment period, please answer Yes.

  • Deferred or delayed loan payments are put off until a later date.

  • Deferment of private loans is on a loan-by-loan basis and often varies among lenders.

  • In order to defer private loan payments, generally, the borrower must apply online on the lender's website, over the telephone, via fax or through postal mail.

  • The application may also require supporting documentation, such as a copy of your paycheck stub, unemployment compensation statement, disability award letter or a certified letter from your school verifying your enrollment status.

If you are not currently repaying your private loans and have an agreement with the lender of these loans to delay or defer payment, answer No, because I have an agreement with my lender to delay or defer payments.Shape119


How much are your monthly loan payments for your private loans? (If you are unsure of the exact amount, provide your best guess.)

$Shape120  .00

Help Text:
Enter the minimum amount due on your private loans each month. If you are unsure, provide your best estimate.



Are you currently repaying your federal student loans?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
If you are currently repaying any federal student loans, even if you are still in your deferment period, please answer Yes.



When you started your federal student loan payments, did any of the following help you decide which payment plan was best for you?

1 = Yes

0 = No

[{if B25AMARR = 2} Spouse or other family members {else} Family members]


An employer

A student loan servicer

A college financial aid office

Help Text:

If you are unsure, please provide your best guess.



On a scale from 1 to 5 with 1 being "very unlikely" and 5 being "very likely," how unlikely or likely would it be for you to contact any of the following for assistance if you were unable to make your federal student loan payment?

1 = 1 (Very unlikely)

2 = 2 (Somewhat unlikely)

3 = 3 (Neither unlikely nor likely)

4 = 4 (Somewhat likely)

5 = 5 (Very likely)

[{If B25AMARR = 2} Spouse or other family members {else} Family members]


An employer

A student loan servicer

A college financial aid office

Help Text:

Please indicate how unlikely or likely it is that you would contact any of the listed parties for assistance if you were unable to make your federal student loan payments. If you are unsure, please provide your best guess.



Please indicate how much you disagree or agree with the following statements. One means “completely disagree” and five means “completely agree”.

When I started repaying my federal student loans, …

1 = 1 (Completely disagree)

2 = 2 (Somewhat disagree)

3 = 3 (Neither disagree nor agree)

4 = 4 (Somewhat agree)

5 = 5 (Completely agree)

I received clear and helpful communication about repayment.

It was easy to find out the total balance I owed.

I was able to pay all my bills and essential expenses.

Help Text:
Please consider any communication you received from the federal government or your loan servicer, your college or financial aid office, or any other sources that provided information about resuming federal student loan payments.

When thinking about bills and essentials expenses, please consider costs such as mortgage or rent payments, utility bills, medical care, and groceries, etc.



[If B25CFEDLN = 1 or B25CEVRFEDLN = 1 or took out federal student loans in prior studies]

In thinking about repaying your student loans, have you heard of any...

When thinking about repaying student loans, have you heard of any...

1 = Yes

0 = No

Income-driven repayment plans (e.g., Income-Based, Pay as You Earn, Income-Contingent Repayment Plans)?

Loan forgiveness programs (e.g., Teacher Loan Forgiveness, Public Service Loan Forgiveness, etc.)?

Help Text:
Please indicate if you have ever heard of any income-driven repayment plans or loan forgiveness programs to repay student loans.



On a scale from 1 to 5 with 1 being "very unlikely" and 5 being "very likely," how unlikely or likely is it that you will use any income-driven repayment plans to repay your student loans?

  1 = 1 (Very unlikely)

  2 = 2 (Somewhat unlikely)

  3 = 3 (Neither unlikely nor likely)

  4 = 4 (Somewhat likely)

  5 = 5 (Very likely)

Help Text:
Please indicate how unlikely or likely it is that you will use any income-driven repayment plans to repay your student loans. If you are unsure, please provide your best guess.



On a scale from 1 to 5 with 1 being "very unlikely" and 5 being "very likely," how unlikely or likely is it that you will use any loan forgiveness programs to repay your student loans?

  1 = 1 (Very unlikely)

  2 = 2 (Somewhat unlikely)

  3 = 3 (Neither unlikely nor likely)

  4 = 4 (Somewhat likely)

  5 = 5 (Very likely)

Help Text:
Please indicate how unlikely or likely it is that you will use any loan forgiveness programs to repay your student loans. If you are unsure, please provide your best guess.



[If enrolled at any institution in year 6 and before July 1, 2024]

Next, [{if USERMODE = CATI} I {else} we] have a question about work-study jobs. Federal, state, and institution work-study jobs are offered to students with financial need, allowing them to work part-time to earn money to help pay their education expenses.

Have you held a work-study job between July 1, 2021 and today?

(Students must file a FAFSA, Free Application for Federal Student Aid, in order to be considered for the Federal Work-Study program. Work-study jobs are often located on the campus of a student's school and may or may not be related to a student's course of study.)


Next, [{if USERMODE = CATI} I {else} we] have a question about work-study jobs. Federal, state, and institution work-study jobs are offered to students with financial need, allowing them to work part-time to earn money to help pay their education expenses.

Did you have a work-study job between July 1, 2021 and June 30, [{if enrolled at any institution in year 6} 2024 {else if enrolled at any institution in year 5} 2023 {else} 2022]?

(Students must file a FAFSA, Free Application for Federal Student Aid, in order to be considered for the Federal Work-Study program. Work-study jobs are often located on the campus of a student's school and may or may not be related to a student's course of study.)

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Work-study jobs are offered to students with financial need, allowing them to work part-time to earn money to help pay their education expenses. Students must file a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) in order to be considered for the Federal Work-Study (FWS) program. Work-study jobs are often located on the campus of a student's school and may or may not be related to a student's course of study.

Please consider any work-study jobs held at any time between [MM, DD, YYYY to MM, DD, YYYY], regardless of which college, university, or trade school you attended at the time.



[{If currently attending primary institution} Does {else} Did] [primary institution] have an emergency aid program?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

  -1 = Don't know

Help Text:

Emergency aid can be short-term loans or grants designed to help students remain in school when the completion of their college education is threatened by financial circumstances out of their control.



[If currently attending primary institution]

Between July 1, 2021 and today, have you applied for emergency aid from [primary institution]?

[else if enrolled in year 6 at primary institution and before July 1, 2024]

Between July 1, 2021 and when you last attended, did you apply for emergency aid from [primary institution]? 


Between July 1, 2021 and June 30, [{if enrolled in year 6 at primary institution} 2024 {else if enrolled in year 5 at primary institution} 2023 {else} 2022], did you apply for emergency aid from [primary institution]?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Please indicate if you have applied for emergency aid at any time between [MM, DD, YYYY to MM, DD, YYYY]. 

Emergency aid can be short-term loans or grants designed to help students remain in school when the completion of their college education is threatened by financial circumstances out of their control.



[If currently attending primary institution]

Between July 1, 2021 and today, have you received emergency aid from [primary institution]?

[else if enrolled in year 6 at primary institution and before July 1, 2024]

Between July 1, 2021 and when you last attended, did you receive emergency aid from [primary institution]? 


Between July 1, 2021 and June 30, [{if enrolled in year 6 at primary institution} 2024 {else if enrolled in year 5 at primary institution} 2023 {else} 2022], did you receive emergency aid from [primary institution]?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

  2 = Applied, but have not yet received aid

Help Text:

Please indicate if you have received emergency aid at any time between [MM, DD, YYYY to MM, DD, YYYY]. 


Emergency aid can be short-term loans or grants designed to help students remain in school when the completion of their college education is threatened by financial circumstances out of their control.



Next, we are interested in collecting information about any nonstandard or gig jobs for pay you have held between July 1, 2023 and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024], even if you only worked during breaks or when you weren't taking classes. You will have the opportunity to report other employment later.

Help Text:

This is an informational screen only. Click the Next button.



Between July 1, 2023 and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024], have you been paid for any of the following activities?

1 = Yes

0 = No

Child- or eldercare services (e.g., babysitting or nannying)

Dog walking, feeding pets, or house sitting

House cleaning, yard work, or other property maintenance work

Driving, ridesharing, or delivery services (e.g., DoorDash, Lyft, Instacart)

Paid freelance tasks (e.g., musical performances, copywriting, or online tasks such as Fiverr and Upwork)

Paid tasks online (e.g., MTurk, Clickworker)

Renting out property, such as your car or your house

Selling goods (e.g., at flea markets or thrift stores, online like eBay or Etsy, or planned events like Avon parties, etc.)

Other paid personal tasks, such as running errands, or helping people move

□  Some other nonstandard or gig job(s) not listed above

Please describe:


Help Text:
Please think about any nonstandard or gig jobs for pay you have held between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024 when responding to this question. If you are unsure, please provide your best guess.



Please think about the total amount of money you made from your nonstandard or gig [{if had one nonstandard or gig job} job {else} jobs] between July 1, 2023 and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024]. 

For [{if had one nonstandard or gig job} this {else} each] activity, is the total amount you earned less than $600, or $600 or more? 

Less than $600

$600 or more

Child- or eldercare services (e.g., babysitting or nannying)

Dog walking, feeding pets, or house sitting

House cleaning, yard work, or other property maintenance work

Driving, ridesharing, or delivery services (e.g., DoorDash, Lyft, Instacart)

Paid tasks online (e.g., MTurk, Clickworker)

Paid freelance tasks (e.g., musical performances, copywriting, or online tasks such as Fiverr and Upwork

Renting out property, such as your car or your house

Selling goods (e.g., at flea markets or thrift stores, online like eBay or Etsy, or planned events like Avon parties, etc.)

Other paid personal tasks, such as running errands, or helping people move

[{If B25DGIGOTH_other ne missing} [B25DGIGOTH_other] else} Some other nonstandard or gig job(s)]

Help Text:
Please think about any nonstandard or gig jobs for pay you have held between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024 when responding to this question. If you are unsure, please provide your best guess.



Now, we’re interested in the specific total amount you earned between July 1, 2023 and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024] for [{if had one nonstandard or gig job} this activity {else} each of the following activities].

(If you are unsure of the exact amount, provide your best guess.)

Child- or eldercare services: $Shape137  .00

Dog walking, feeding pets, or house sitting: $Shape138  .00

House cleaning, yard work, or other property maintenance work: $Shape139  .00

Driving, ridesharing, or delivery services: $Shape140  .00

Paid tasks online: $Shape141  .00

Paid freelance tasks: $Shape142  .00

Renting out property: $Shape143  .00

Selling goods: $Shape144  .00

Other paid personal tasks: $Shape145  .00

[{If B25DGIGOTH_other ne missing} [B25DGIGOTH_other] {else} Some other nonstandard or gig job(s)]: $Shape146  .00

Help Text:
Please think about any nonstandard or gig jobs for pay you have held between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024 when responding to this question. If you are unsure, please provide your best guess.



Between July 1, 2023 and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024], about how many months [{if before July 1, 2024} have you regularly earned {else} did you regularly earn] money from working your nonstandard or gig [{if had one nonstandard or gig job} job {else} jobs]?

  1 = All months

  2 = Most months

  3 = A few months

Help Text:
Please think about any nonstandard or gig jobs for pay you have held between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024 when responding to this question. If you are unsure, please provide your best guess.



[{If had nonstandard or gig jobs} Thanks for providing us information about your nonstandard or gig [{if had one nonstandard or gig job} job {else} jobs].]

Now we are interested in collecting information about any [{if had nonstandard or gig jobs} other] jobs for pay you [{if before July 1, 2024} have] held between July 1, 2021 and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024], even if you held them during breaks or when you weren't taking classes.

When thinking about paid employment, please include any self-employment [{if B25CWRKSTDY = 1} , work-study jobs,] and paid internships. [{If had nonstandard or gig jobs} Do not provide information about your and nonstandard or gig [{if had one nonstandard or gig job} job {else} jobs] here.]

Help Text:
 This is an informational screen only. Click the Next button.



[{If before July 1, 2024} Have you worked {else} Did you work] for pay at any time between July 1, 2021 and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024]?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Indicate whether you have held any paid jobs at any time between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024.

If you started a job before July 1, 2021 and continued to work there after July 1, 2021, please answer Yes.

Please consider any jobs for pay, including full-time and part-time employment, self-employment, work-study jobs, and paid internships. Do not report any employers where you have only applied for work or any employer where you have not accepted a paid position.

Federal work-study jobs are offered to students with financial need, allowing them to work part-time to earn money to help pay their education expenses. Students must file a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) in order to be considered for the Federal Work-Study (FWS) program. Work-study jobs are often located on the campus of a student’s school and may or may not be related to a student’s course of study.

An internship is any formal or informal program that provides on-the-job-experience for beginners in an occupation or profession. Many work in internships in order to learn new skills or to gain job experience. Consider only paid internships when answering this question.

Generally, you are self-employed if you are the sole proprietor of a trade or business, a member of a partnership in a trade or business, or otherwise in business for yourself. You are considered an independent contractor if your work is not controlled by an employer.



[If before July 1, 2024]

How many employers have you had since July 1, 2021?


How many employers did you have between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024?

Shape151     employer(s)

Help Text:
Enter the number of employers from whom you have received a paycheck since the date in question. Include all full-time and part-time employment and self-employment.



[{If iteration = 1} Last time we contacted you, you provided us with the [{if 1 employer on picklist} name of the employer {else} names of the employers] you had between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2021.]

[{If before July 1, 2024} Have you continued {else} Did you continue] to work for [{if 1 employer on picklist} this employer {else} any of these employers] at any time between July 1, 2021 and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024]?

  1 = [BPS:20/22 employer 1]

  2 = [BPS:20/22 employer 2]

  3 = [BPS:20/22 employer 3]

  4 = [BPS:20/22 employer 4]

  5 = [BPS:20/22 employer 5]

  6 = [BPS:20/22 employer 6]

  7 = [BPS:20/22 employer 7]

  8 = [BPS:20/22 employer 8]

  9 = [BPS:20/22 employer 9]

  10 = [BPS:20/22 employer 10]

  99 = None of these employers

Help Text:
When answering this question, only consider employment between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024.



[If iteration = 1 and before July 1, 2024]

What is the name of your current or most recent employer? 

(If you had more than one employer at the same time, report only one of them now. Names of any other employers will be collected later.)

[else if iteration = 1 and on or after July 1, 2024]

What is the name of the last employer you worked for between <b>July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024</b>? 

(If you had more than one employer at the same time, report only one of them now. Names of any other employers will be collected later.)


What is the name of another employer you worked for [{if before July 1, 2024} <b>between July 1, 2021 and today</b> {else} <b>between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024</b>]? 


□  Check here to indicate self-employment

Help Text:

Your employer is the entity that issues your paychecks. If you worked through a temporary agency, your employer would be the temporary agency, not the company you were assigned to. If you worked for a public school, your employer would be the school district issuing your paycheck, not the specific school in which you worked.

Count any self-employment or formal independent contractor work during this time as one employer. Generally, you are self-employed if you: are the sole proprietor of a trade or business; are a member of a partnership in a trade or business; or otherwise in business for yourself. You are considered an independent contractor if your work is not controlled by an employer. 

If you were self-employed at a business with a name, please select the checkbox for self-employment and provide an employer name. If you were independently self-employed and not associated with a specific employer (e.g., a babysitter), only select the Check here to indicate self-employment checkbox.



Between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024, in which months [{if before July 1, 2024} have you worked, or will you work, {else} did you work] for [{if B25DEMPNAM01 ne missing} [B25DEMPNAM01] {else if B25DEMPSLF01 = 1} yourself {else} this employer]?

([{If USERMODE = WEB} Selected months will be shaded dark gray.] If you [{if before July 1, 2024} have worked, or will work, {else} worked] for [{if B25DEMPNAM01 ne missing} [B25DEMPNAM01] {else if B25DEMPSLF01 = 1} yourself {else} this employer] only a portion of any month, please include that month.)

July 2021 – June 2024

Help Text:

Select all months that you worked for this employer between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024, not just the beginning and ending months.

If you worked any portion of a month for this employer, select that month.

Any month that has been selected will be shaded dark gray. Months that are not selected will remain light gray. To unselect a month, check the button once again.



Are you currently [{if B25DEMPNAM01 ne missing} working for [B25DEMPNAM01] {else if B25DEMPSLF01 = 1} self-employed {else} working for this employer]?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Indicate whether you are currently working for this employer.



[If B25DEMPCUR01 = 1]

How much do you currently make [{if B25DEMPNAM01 ne missing} working for [B25DEMPNAM01] {else if B25DEMPSLF01 = 1} in your self-employment {else} working for this employer]? 

Include any bonuses, tips, or commissions in your total earnings amount.


How much did you make when you [{if B25DEMPNAM01 ne missing} last worked for [B25DEMPNAM01] {else if B25DEMPSLF01 = 1} were last self-employed {else} last worked for this employer]?

Include any bonuses, tips, or commissions in your total earnings amount. 

(If you are unsure of the exact amount, provide your best guess.)


  1 = Per hour

  2 = Per month

  3 = Per year

Help Text:

Indicate how much you make or made working for this employer.

Indicate the unit of time that corresponds to the amount of earnings that you reported.

If you are unsure, provide your best guess.



[If B25DEMPCUR01 = 1]
Between July 1, 2021 and today, have you regularly worked for [{if B25DEMPNAM01 ne missing} [B25DEMPNAM01] {else if B25DEMPSLF01 = 1} yourself {else} this employer] during weeks in which you were also attending school?

[{If before July 1, 2024} Since July 1, 2021 {else} Between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024], did you regularly work for [{if B25DEMPNAM01 ne missing} [B25DEMPNAM01] {else if B25DEMPSLF01 = 1} yourself {else} this employer] during weeks in which you were also attending school?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Indicate whether you worked for this employer during weeks in which you also attended school between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024.



[{If B25DEMPCUR01 = 1} Is {else} Was] this job on or off the campus of your school?

  1 = On campus

  2 = Off campus

Help Text:

On campus refers to any job located physically within the boundaries of the official campus of your school.

Off campus refers to any job located physically outside the boundaries of the official campus of your school.



[If B25DEMPCUR01 = 1]
Between July 1, 2021 and today, how many hours per week have you usually worked for [{if B25DEMPNAM01 ne missing} [B25DEMPNAM01] {else if B25DEMPSLF01 = 1} yourself {else} this employer] while you were attending school?

[{If before July 1, 2024} Since July 1, 2021 {else} Between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024], how many hours per week did you work for [{if B25DEMPNAM01 ne missing} [B25DEMPNAM01] {else if B25DEMPSLF01 = 1} yourself {else} this employer] while you were attending school? (If you are unsure of the exact amount, provide your best guess.)

Shape162     hours per week

Help Text:

Indicate the average number of hours worked per week at this employer while you were attending school between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024.

If you are unsure, provide your best guess.



[If B25DWRKENR01 = 1]
[{If B25DEMPCUR01 = 1} Between July 1, 2021 and today, have you also regularly worked {else if before July 1, 2024} Since July 1, 2021, did you also regularly work {else} Between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024, did you also regularly work] for [{if B25DEMPNAM01 ne missing} [B25DEMPNAM01] {else if B25DEMPSLF01 = 1} yourself {else} this employer] during weeks in which you were not attending school?

[{If B25DEMPCUR01 = 1} Between July 1, 2021 and today, have you regularly worked {else if before July 1, 2024} Since July 1, 2021, did you regularly work {else} Between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024, did you regularly work] for [{if B25DEMPNAM01 ne missing} [B25DEMPNAM01] {else if B25DEMPSLF01 = 1} yourself {else} this employer] during weeks in which you were not attending school?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Indicate whether you worked for this employer during weeks in which you were not also attending school between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024.

If you worked for this employer only while attending school as either a full-time or part-time student, answer No.



[If B25DEMPCUR01 = 1]
Between July 1, 2021 and today, how many hours per week have you usually worked for [{if B25DEMPNAM01 ne missing} [B25DEMPNAM01] {else if B25DEMPSLF01 = 1} yourself {else} this employer] [{if B25DWRKNEN01 = 1} during weeks in which you were not attending school]?

[{If before July 1, 2024} Since July 1, 2021 {else} Between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024], how many hours per week did you usually work for [{if B25DEMPNAM01 ne missing} [B25DEMPNAM01] {else if B25DEMPSLF01 = 1} yourself {else} this employer] [{if B25DWRKNEN01 = 1} during weeks in which you were not attending school]? (If you are unsure of the exact amount, provide your best guess.)

Shape165    hours per week

Help Text:

Indicate the average number of hours worked per week at this employer while not attending school between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024.

If you are unsure, provide your best guess.



[{If before July 1, 2024} Have you worked {else} Did you work] for pay for any other employers at any time [{if before July 1, 2024} between July 1, 2021 and today? {else} between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024?]

(Answer Yes for any self-employment [{if B25CWRKSTDY = 1} , work-study jobs,] or paid internships.)

  1 = Yes, worked for other employers

  0 = No other employers

Help Text:

If you have had any additional paid jobs, including if you have been self-employed, or held work-study jobs or paid internships, answer Yes. If you started a job before July 1, 2021 and continued to work there after July 1, 2021, please answer Yes.

If you have not worked at any additional employers or if all work was unpaid, such as unpaid internships, answer No.

Do not report any employers where you have only applied for work or any employer where you have not accepted a paid position.



[If currently attending any institution and currently employed]
Do you consider yourself to be primarily...

When you were last attending school and working, did you consider yourself to be primarily...

  1 = [If currently attending any institution and currently employed]
A student who works

A student who worked

  2 = An employee who decided to enroll in school

Help Text:

An example of a student who works would be someone who considers school to be his or her primary focus, but who also holds a job to earn additional money or for the work experience.

An example of an employee who decided to enroll in school is someone who considers his or her primary focus to be work but is attending school to further his or her career or for personal betterment.

Please try to choose the answer that most closely reflects your primary focus for working while enrolled in school.



The next few questions will focus on your experiences specifically with one employer. Please choose the employer you consider to be your main employer between July 1, 2021 and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024].

The next few questions will focus on your experiences specifically with one employer. Which of the following employers do you consider to be your main employer between July 1, 2021 and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024]?

  1 = [employer from iteration 1]

  2 = [employer from iteration 2]

  3 = [employer from iteration 3]

  4 = [employer from iteration 4]

  5 = [employer from iteration 5]

  6 = [employer from iteration 6]

  7 = [employer from iteration 7]

  8 = [employer from iteration 8]

  9 = [employer from iteration 9]

  10 = [employer from iteration 10]

Help Text:

The list contains all of the employers that you indicated you worked for at some time between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024.

Select the employer that you consider to be your main employer.



[If currently employed at reference employer]
[{If reported 1 employer} Next, [{if USERMODE = CATI} I {else} we] have some questions that will focus on your [{if self-employed reference employer, no name} self-employment {else} employment with [reference employer]].]

What is your current job title [{if self-employed reference employer, no name} for your self-employment {else} with [reference employer]]?

(Please provide your job title in the textbox. If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the “Job title not listed” option located at the bottom of the listed results.)

[{If reported 1 employer} Next, [{if USERMODE = CATI} I {else} we] have some questions that will focus on your [{if self-employed reference employer, no name} self-employment {else} employment with [reference employer]].]

What was your most recent job title [{if self-employed reference employer, no name} for your self-employment {else} with [reference employer]?

(Please provide your job title in the textbox. If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the “Job title not listed” option located at the bottom of the listed results.)


Help Text:

To search for the job title, start typing in the job title; a list of job titles matching your entry will be displayed. From the responses displayed, select the title that most closely matches your entry and click Next.

If you can’t find the job title from among the responses returned, click Job title not listed and select a job title from the additional options that appear in the dropdowns.



[If currently employed at reference employer]
What are your current job duties [{if self-employed reference employer, no name} for your self-employment {else} with [reference employer]]?

What were your most recent job duties [{if self-employed reference employer, no name} for your self-employment {else} with [reference employer]?


Help Text:
In the textbox, enter words or phrases describing the primary tasks you perform and the responsibilities for your job. For example, the job duties of a registered nurse may include “care for patients and maintain medical records.”



[If currently employed at reference employer]
In [job title] with [reference employer], are you currently eligible to receive...

[{If on or after July 1, 2024} Before July 1, 2024, when {else} When] you last worked in [job title], were you eligible to receive...

1 = Yes

0 = No

Health insurance

Life insurance

Retirement or other financial benefits, such as a 401(k)/403(b)

Help Text:

Benefits are a type of non-monetary employee compensation provided in addition to salary. Select Yes  for each benefit your employer offered to you, regardless of whether or not you used the benefit.

Health insurance pays all or part of the costs for your medical, dental, vision, or other health care. It may be either completely employer-paid, or offered at a reduced rate as an employee-paid benefit.

Life insurance provides a predetermined amount of money to the family member or other person you have identified to receive the support in case of death. It may be either completely employer-paid, or offered at a reduced rate as an employee-paid benefit.

Retirement benefits are funds that you, your employer, or both, can set aside to invest while you are working. In defined benefit plans (sometimes called pension plans), at the time of retirement, employees are provided a set amount based on salary or years of service. In defined contribution plans like a 401(k)/403(b), both employee and employer contribute specific amounts but the benefit available upon retirement is tied to investment earnings.



Next, [{if USERMODE = CATI} I’d {else} we’d] like to ask about professional certifications or industry licenses. A professional certification or license shows you are qualified to perform a specific job and includes things like Licensed Realtor, Certified Medical Assistant, Certified Construction Manager, or an IT certification.

Do you have a currently active professional certification or a state or industry license?

(Do not include business licenses such as a liquor license or vending license.)

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Indicate whether you have a professional certification or license of any kind, including those not specifically mentioned in the question.

When answering this question, do not consider if your professional certification or license is related to or required by your current or most recent job.



What is the name of your state or industry license or professional certification? 

For example, teaching license, land surveyor license, nurse midwife certification, ASE master technician certification, Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), etc. 

(If you have more than one, please report information about the one that you consider to be most important.)


Help Text:

Please provide the name of your state or industry license or professional certification. If you are unsure, provide your best guess.



Why did you choose to get your [state or industry license or professional certification]?

(Please check all that apply.)

□  It was required for a job I was already doing

□  It was required to get a job I wanted

□  It allowed me to do more in the job I was already doing

□  It allowed me to earn more money

□  It allowed me to move up in my job

□  It was a new or emerging area in my field

□  I was pursuing my passion

□  I was exploring potential interest in a new job or field

□  Someone recommended this field or job to me

□  It was a free or inexpensive opportunity

□  Some other reason

Please describe: Shape178  

Help Text:
Please select all the applicable reasons you chose to pursue your [state or industry license or professional certification].



What was the primary reason you chose to get your [state or industry license or professional certification]? 

  1 = It was required for the job I was already doing

  2 = It was required to get a job I wanted

  3 = It allowed me to do more in the job I was already doing

  4 = It allowed me to earn more money

  5 = It allowed me to move up in my job

  6 = It was a new or emerging area in my field

  7 = I was pursuing my passion

  8 = I was exploring potential interest in a new job or field

  9 = Someone recommended this field or job to me

  10 = It was a free or inexpensive opportunity

  11 = Some other reason

Help Text:
Please select the main reason you chose to pursue your [state or industry license or professional certification].



Who issued your [state or industry license or professional certification]?

(Please select the issuer of your [state or industry license or professional certification]. If coursework or an examination was required, only consider who ultimately gave you your [state or industry license or professional certification]. For example, if you were enrolled in coursework at a technical college to prepare for a Nursing Assistant license issued by your state, you would select “state government agency” as the issuer of your license, not the technical college.)

  1 = City or county government agency (e.g., County Electrical Licensing Board, County Department of Land Use)

  2 = State government agency (e.g., State Board of Education or other state board)

  3 = Federal government agency (e.g., OSHA, FAA)

  4 = Professional or trade association (e.g., American Culinary Federation, CompTIA)

  5 = Business or company (e.g., Xerox, 3M Company)

  6 = A high school

  7 = A vocational, trade, or business school

  8 = A community or technical college

  9 = Another college or university

  10 = Other

Help Text:

Please select the entity that issued (or awarded) your [state or industry license or professional certification]. If you are unsure, provide your best guess.



What is the full name of the [entity] who issued your [state or industry license or professional certification]?


Help Text:

Please provide the full name of the entity that issued your [state or industry license or professional certification]. If you are unsure, provide your best guess.



How much did you or your family pay out of pocket to obtain your [state or industry license or professional certification]?

Do not include tuition or fees associated with any enrollment required for your [state or industry license or professional certification]. Include any costs related to examination or placement tests, renewal, or membership fees, and required materials. If it was free to obtain your [state or industry license or professional certification] or you were fully reimbursed for the costs, please enter “0”.

(If you are unsure of the exact amount, provide your best guess.)

$Shape184  .00

Help Text:
Please provide the total amount you or your family paid out of pocket for you to obtain your [state or industry license or professional certification], excluding tuition and fees associated with any enrollment. Do not include any amount for which you were reimbursed. If you are unsure, provide your best guess.



Thinking about the $[total dollar amount] you and your family paid out of pocket for your [state or industry license or professional certification], please describe what you included in this amount?


Help Text:
We are interested in learning more about what you included in the total out of pocket costs for your [state or industry license or professional certification]. Please provide any specific information you thought through when adding up your out of pocket costs.



[If currently employed at reference employer]
Is this certification or license required for [job title]?

Was this certification or license required for [job title] [{if on or after July 1, 2024} between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024]?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Indicate whether your certification or license is required for the job specified in the question.



[{If B25DHVLIC ne 1} Now we have some questions that focus on [job title].

[If currently employed at reference employer]

Have you worked in [job title], or in any similar jobs for a year or more, even if they were not [{if self-employed reference employer, no name} self-employment {else} with [reference employer]]?

[{If before July 1, 2024} Did {else} Before July 1, 2024, did] you work in [job title], or in any similar jobs for a year or more, even if they were not [{if self-employed reference employer, no name} self-employment {else} with [reference employer]]?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Indicate whether you worked in this type of job for a total time of a year or more, including separate jobs, or non-consecutive employment.



[If currently employed at reference employer]
How many years have you worked in [job title], or in any similar jobs, even if they were not [{if self-employed reference employer, no name} self-employment {else} with [reference employer]]?

[{If before July 1, 2024} How {else} Before July 1, 2024, how] many years did you work in [job title], or in any similar jobs, even if they were not [{if self-employed reference employer, no name} self-employment {else} with [reference employer]]?

Shape190     year(s)

Help Text:
Indicate about how many years total you have worked in this type of job, including separate jobs, or non-consecutive employment. If you are unsure, provide your best guess.



[{If currently employed at reference employer} Is {else} Was] [job title] related to what you studied in college?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Indicate whether the job specified in the question was related to what you studied in college. By college we mean a college, university or trade school. A trade school offers instruction in skilled trades. It is not a high school.

Your job may be related to what you studied in college if it requires skills related to your primary coursework, or if it is similar in content to your primary coursework.



[{If currently employed at reference employer} Is {else} Was] [job title] related to the kind of work you want to do in the future?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Indicate whether the job specified in the question is related to the type of work you would like to do in the future, whether you are currently working in this job or not.



Between July 1, 2021 and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024], were there times when you were actively looking for work?

(Actively looking for work includes activities such as sending out résumés or filling out job applications, placing or responding to job advertisements, contacting employers or employment agencies, and going on job interviews.)

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Indicate whether you have looked for a job at any time between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024.

Actively looking for work includes activities such as sending out résumés or filling out job applications, placing or responding to job advertisements, contacting employers or employment agencies, and going on job interviews.



Between July 1, 2021 and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024], in which months were you not working and actively looking for a job?

([{If USERMODE = WEB} Selected months will be shaded dark gray.] If you [{if before July 1, 2024} have] looked for work for a portion of any month, please include that month.)

July 2021 – June 2024

Help Text:

Select all months in which you were not working and actively looking for work between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024, not just the beginning and ending months.

If you were not working for part of a month, and looking for work while you were not working, include that month.

Do not indicate any months when you were working but looking for a different job.

Actively looking for work includes activities such as sending out résumés or filling out job applications, placing or responding to job advertisements, contacting employers or employment agencies, and going on job interviews.



Did you receive unemployment compensation at any point between July 1, 2021 and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024] while you were not working?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Unemployment compensation is a collection of benefits that pays for a portion of the salary one earned while working. These programs can vary by state.

A person is usually eligible for unemployment compensation for a certain number of weeks or months once becoming unemployed.



When thinking about a job now or in the future, salary may be only one part of why you choose that job.

Compared to the salary, how important is each of the following to you?

1 = Less important than salary

2 = As important as salary

3 = More important than salary

Helping others as part of your job

Being seen as an expert in your field

Making your own decisions about how to get your work done

Balancing work and leisure time

Balancing work and family

Help Text:

For each item listed, indicate how important you think each one is compared to salary when choosing a job.

Leisure means doing things that you think are fun or relaxing, either with friends or on your own.



The next set of questions will help us to better understand how the financial circumstances of students may affect their ability to attend college.

Help Text:
This is an informational screen only. Click the Next button.




Which of the following categories best describes your income for calendar year 2023, prior to taxes and deductions? 

(Calendar year 2023 includes January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Include all income you paid taxes on, including work, investment income, or alimony. [{If B25AMARR = 2} Do not include your spouse's income, {else} Do not include] any grants or loans you may have used to pay for school, or any money given to you by your family.) 


What was your income for calendar year 2023, prior to taxes and deductions?

(Calendar year 2023 includes January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Include all income you paid taxes on, including work, investment income, or alimony. [{If B25AMARR = 2} Do not include your spouse's income, {else} Do not include] any grants or loans you may have used to pay for school, or any money given to you by your family.)

  1 = No income

  2 = Less than $1,000

  3 = $1,000 - $2,499

  4 = $2,500 - $4,999

  5 = $5,000 - $9,999

  6 = $10,000 - $14,999

  7 = $15,000 - $19,999

  8 = $20,000 - $29,999

  9 = $30,000 - $49,999

  10 = $50,000 and above

  -1 = Don't know

Help Text:

Estimate your gross income from the entire 2023 calendar year (January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023). Do not include any income earned during 2024. Your gross income is the full amount before taxes, Social Security, and other deductions are taken out.

Include wages from off-campus jobs, on-campus jobs, work-study jobs, assistantships, fellowships, traineeships, summer jobs, or any other source. Also include income received from a trust fund.

Do not include scholarships, grants or loans, or any money given to you by your family.

If you are unsure what your income in 2023 was, provide your best guess.




Which of the following categories best describes your spouse’s income for calendar year 2023, prior to taxes and deductions? 

(Calendar year 2023 includes January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Include all income your spouse paid taxes on. Do not include any grants or loans your spouse may have used to pay for school, or any money given to your spouse by family.) 


What was your spouse's income for calendar year 2023, prior to taxes and deductions? 

(Calendar year 2021 includes January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Include all income your spouse paid taxes on. Do not include any grants or loans your spouse may have used to pay for school, or any money given to your spouse by family.)

  1 = No income

  2 = Less than $1,000

  3 = $1,000 - $2,499

  4 = $2,500 - $4,999

  5 = $5,000 - $9,999

  6 = $10,000 - $14,999

  7 = $15,000 - $19,999

  8 = $20,000 - $29,999

  9 = $30,000 - $49,999

  10 = $50,000 and above

  -1 = Don't know

□  Check here if you were not married to your spouse in 2023

Help Text:

Estimate your spouse's gross income from the entire 2023 calendar year (January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023). Do not include any income earned during 2024. Gross income is the full amount before taxes, Social Security, and other deductions are taken out.

Include wages from any work-study jobs, assistantships, fellowships, traineeships or any other source of income for your spouse. Also include income received from a trust fund.

Do not include scholarships, grants or loans, or any money given to your spouse by family.

If you are unsure what your spouse's income in 2023 was, provide your best guess.



Do you [{if before July 1, 2024} now have, or will you have, {else} have] children who [{if before July 1, 2024} will receive {else} received] more than half of their support from you between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024? 

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Answer Yes if you have a child or children who received more than half of their financial support from you during the 2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024), even if these children did not live with you. Foster children are not considered dependents for this question.



How many children [{if before July 1, 2024} receive, or will receive, {else} received] more than half of their support from you between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024? 

Shape202     child(ren)

Help Text:

Indicate the number of children who received more than half of their financial support from you in the 2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024), even if these children did not live with you. Foster children are not considered dependents for this question.



[If B25AMARR ne 2 and (B25EDEPS ne 1 or B25EDEP2 lt 1)]

[{If before July 1, 2024} Does {else} Did] anyone else live with you who [{if before July 1, 2024} receives, or will receive, {else} received] more than half of their support from you between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024? 


Do you have dependents [other than your spouse or dependent children] who live with you and [{if before July 1, 2024} receive, or will receive, {else} received] more than half of their support from you between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024? 

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Indicate whether you provided  more than half the financial support for anybody  other than a spouse or children in the 2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024), who lived in your household.

Examples of other dependents might include parents, grandparents, other relatives, or anybody else for whom you provided more than half their financial support. Foster children are not considered dependents for this question.

Do not include yourself, a spouse, or any children as other dependents in this question.



[If B25AMARR ne 2 and (B25EDEPS ne 1 and B25EDEP2 lt 1)]

How many others [{if before July 1, 2024} live {else} lived] with you and [{if before July 1, 2024} receive, or will receive, {else} received] more than half of their support from you between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024? 


Other than your [spouse or dependent children], how many others [{if before July 1, 2024} live {else} lived] with you and [{if before July 1, 2024} receive, or will receive, {else} received] more than half of their support from you between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024? 

Shape205     other(s)

Help Text:

Indicate how many other dependents who lived in your household received more than half their financial support from you in the 2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024).

Examples of other dependents might include parents, grandparents, other relatives, or anybody else for whom you provided more than half their financial support. Foster children are not considered dependents for this question.

Do not count yourself, a spouse, or any children as other dependents in this question.



[If before July 1, 2024]
Of your [number of dependents] [{if B25EOTDEPS = 1 and B25EOTDEPS2 > 0} dependents, {else} dependent children,] how many have attended, or will attend, a college, university, or trade school in the 2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)?

Only include [{if B25EOTDEPS = 1 and B25EOTDEPS2 > 0} dependents {else} dependent children] who have attended, or will attend, at least half-time in 2023-2024, a program that leads to a college degree or certificate.

Of your [number of dependents] [{if B25EOTDEPS = 1 and B25EOTDEPS2 > 0} dependents, {else} dependent children,] how many attended a college, university, or trade school in the 2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)?

Only include [{if B25EOTDEPS = 1 and B25EOTDEPS2 > 0} dependents {else} dependent children] who attended at least half-time in 2023-2024, a program that leads to a college degree or certificate.

Shape207    dependent(s)

Help Text:

Indicate how many of your dependents attended a college, university or trade school in the 2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024).

Dependents include your children, who need not live with you, and others who live in your household who receive more than half of their financial support from you. Foster children are not considered dependent children for this question.Shape208


[If before July 1, 2024]

Has your [{if B25EOTDEPS = 1 and B25EOTDEPS2 > 0} dependent {else} dependent child] attended, or will attend, a college, university, or trade school in the 2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)? 

Answer Yes if your [{if B25EOTDEPS = 1 and B25EOTDEPS2 > 0} dependent {else} dependent child] has attended, or will attend, at least half-time in 2023-2024, a program that leads to a college degree or certificate. 


Did your [{if B25EOTDEPS = 1 and B25EOTDEPS2 > 0} dependent {else} dependent child] attend a college, university, or trade school in the 2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)? 

Answer Yes if your [{if B25EOTDEPS = 1 and B25EOTDEPS2 > 0} dependent {else} dependent child] attended at least half-time in 2023-2024, a program that leads to a college degree or certificate. 

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Indicate if your dependent attended a college, university or trade school in the 2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024).

Dependents include your children, who need not live with you, and others who live in your household who receive more than half of their financial support from you. Foster children are not considered dependent children for this question.



The next few questions will help us better understand the background of students' families and households. 

Help Text:
This is an informational screen only. Click the Next button.



Are you currently serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for purposes other than training?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Answer Yes if you are currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces or are a National Guard or Reserves enlistee who is on active duty for other than state or training purposes. 

Answer No if you are a National Guard or Reserves enlistee who is on active duty for state or training purposes. 



Are you a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces? 

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Answer Yes (you are a veteran) if you were released under a condition other than dishonorable, and:

  • You have engaged in active duty (including basic training) in the U.S. Armed Forces; or

  • You are a National Guard or Reserves enlistee who was called to active duty for other than state or training purposes; or 

  • You were a cadet or midshipman at one of the service academies.


Also answer Yes if you are not a veteran now, but will be one by June 30, 2024. 


Answer No (you are not a veteran) if:

  • You have never engaged in active duty (including basic training) in the U.S. Armed Forces; or

  • You are currently an ROTC student or a cadet or midshipman at a service academy; or

  • You are a National Guard or Reserves enlistee activated only for state or training purpose; or 

  • You were engaged in active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, but released under dishonorable conditions. 


Also answer No if you are currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces and will continue to serve through June 30, 2024. 



Are you currently a member of the Reserve or National Guard for any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces?

1 = Yes

0 = No

The Reserve

National Guard

Help Text:
Each branch of the military has a Reserve component and the Reserve are under the command of their respective military branch (e.g., Army Reserve are under the command of the Army). Answer Yes if you are currently a member of the Reserve component of any military branch. 

The National Guard consists of the Army National Guard and the Air Force's Air National Guard. While federally funded, the National Guard is organized and controlled by state. Answer Yes if you are currently a member of the Army National Guard or the Air Force's Air National Guard. 



What is the current marital status of your parents (or guardians)? If your parents are divorced, please answer this question about the marital status of the parent (or guardian) whom you lived with most during the past 12 months.

(If you did not live with one parent more than the other, answer about the parent who provided more financial support during the last 12 months, or during the most recent year that you received support from a parent.)

  1 = Married or remarried

  2 = Single

  3 = Divorced or separated

  4 = Widowed

  5 = Unmarried and both parents living together

  6 = None of the above - Both parents (or guardians) are deceased

Help Text:

Indicate the option which best describes the current marital status of your parent(s) (or guardian[s]).

Select Married or remarried if your parents are married to each other, or if your parents are divorced, but the parent you lived with most is now remarried.

Select Single if your parents were never married. If your parents were never married and you do not live with both of them, select Single if the parent you lived with most is not married.

Select Divorced or separated if your parents are divorced, and the parent you lived with most has not remarried.

Select Widowed if your parents were married, and your surviving parent is not remarried.



[If B25EPARST in (1 5)]

What was your parents' (or guardians') combined income in calendar year 2023 (January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023)?

[{If B25EPARST = 1} (If your parents are divorced and the parent you lived with more during the past 12 months is remarried, tell [{if USERMODE = CATI} me {else} us] about the combined income of that parent and the person he or she is married to.)]

[else if B25EPARST = 2] 

What was your parent's (or guardian's) income in calendar year 2023 (January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023)?

(Tell [{if USERMODE = CATI} me {else} us] about the parent (or guardian) whom you lived with most during the past 12 months. If you did not live with one parent more than the other, answer about the parent who provided more financial support during the last 12 months, or during the most recent year that you received support from a parent.)

[else if B25EPARST = 4]

What was your parent's (or guardian's) income in calendar year 2023 (January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023)?


In calendar year 2023 (January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023), what was the income of the parent (or guardian) whom you lived with most in the past 12 months? 

(If you did not live with one parent more than the other, answer about the parent who provided more financial support during the last 12 months, or during the most recent year that you received support from a parent.)

  1 = Under $30,000

  2 = $30,000 - $59,999

  3 = $60,000 - $89,999

  4 = $90,000 - $119,999

  5 = $120,000 - $149,999

  6 = $150,000 or more

  -1 = Don't know

□  Parents (or guardians) are deceased

Help Text:

Estimate your parents' (or guardians') gross income from calendar year 2023 (January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023) based on the ranges listed, even if your parents do not provide you with any financial assistance for your education.

Do not include any income earned during 2024.

Gross income is the full amount before taxes, Social Security, and other deductions are taken out.

lf you are unsure of the amount, make your best guess.



[If B25EPARST in (1 5) and currently attending any institution] 

Not including yourself or your parents (or guardians), how many people (e.g., brothers or sisters or grandparents) have your parents (or guardians) been supporting financially since July 1, 2023? 

[{If B25EPARST = 1} (If your parents are divorced and the parent you lived with more during the past 12 months is remarried, tell us about the number of people that parent and the person he or she is married to, are supporting.)]

[else if B25EPARST  in (1 5) and not currently attending any institution] 

Not including yourself or your parents (or guardians), how many people (e.g., brothers or sisters or grandparents) did your parents (or guardians) support financially during the most recent term you attended school in the 2023-2024 academic year? 

[{If B25EPARST = 1} (If your parents are divorced and the parent you lived with more during the past 12 months is remarried, tell us about the number of people that parent and the person he or she is married to, are supporting.)]

[else if B25EPARST in (2 4) and currently attending any institution] 

Not including yourself or your parent (or guardian), how many people (e.g., brothers or sisters or grandparents) has your parent (or guardian) been supporting financially since July 1, 2023? 

[{If B25EPARST = 2} (Tell us about the parent (or guardian) whom you lived with most during the past 12 months. If you did not live with one parent more than the other, answer about the parent who provided more financial support during the last 12 months, or during the most recent year that you received support from a parent.)] 

[else if B25EPARST in (2 4) and not currently attending any institution] 

Not including yourself or your parent (or guardian), how many people (e.g., brothers or sisters or grandparents) did your parent (or guardian) support financially during the most recent term you attended school in the 2023-2024 academic year? 

[{If B25EPARST = 2} (Tell us about the parent (or guardian) whom you lived with most during the past 12 months. If you did not live with one parent more than the other, answer about the parent who provided more financial support during the last 12 months, or during the most recent year that you received support from a parent.)] 

[else if currently attending any institution] 

Not including yourself or the parent (or guardian) whom you lived with most in the past 12 months, how many people (e.g., brothers or sisters or grandparents) has this parent (or guardian) been supporting financially since July 1, 2023? 

(If you did not live with one parent more than the other, answer about the parent who provided more financial support during the last 12 months, or during the most recent year that you received support from a parent.) 


Not including yourself or the parent (or guardian) whom you lived with most in the past 12 months, how many people (e.g., brothers or sisters or grandparents) did this parent (or guardian) support financially during the most recent term you attended school in the 2023-2024 academic year? 

(If you did not live with one parent more than the other, answer about the parent who provided more financial support during the last 12 months, or during the most recent year that you received support from a parent.)

Shape216     other(s)

Help Text:

Indicate the number of people your parents (or guardians) financially supported during the most recent term you attended school in the 2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024).

Include brothers and sisters, grandparents, or anybody else to whom your parents provided financial support. Do not include yourself or your parents in the total.



[If B25EPARST in (1 5) and currently attending any institution] 

Not including yourself or your parents (or guardians), how many of the people financially supported by your parents (or guardians) have attended a college, university, or trade school since July 1, 2023? 

Only include others in your parents' household if they will attend, at least half-time in 2023-2024, a program that leads to a college degree or certificate.

[else if B25EPARST in (1 5) and not currently attending any institution]

Not including yourself or your parents (or guardians), how many of the people financially supported by your parents (or guardians) attended a college, university, or trade school during the most recent term you attended school in the 2023-2024 academic year? 

Only include others in your parents' household if they will attend, at least half-time in 2023-2024, a program that leads to a college degree or certificate.

[else if currently attending any institution] 

Not including yourself or your parent (or guardian), how many of the people financially supported by your parent (or guardian) have attended a college, university, or trade school since July 1, 2023? 

Only include others in your parent's household if they will attend, at least half-time in 2023-2024, a program that leads to a college degree or certificate.


Not including yourself or your parent (or guardian), how many of the people financially supported by your parent (or guardian) attended a college, university, or trade school during the most recent term you attended school in the 2023-2024 academic year?

Only include others in your parent's household if they will attend, at least half-time in 2023-2024, a program that leads to a college degree or certificate.

Shape218     other(s)

Help Text:

Indicate the number of people supported financially by your parent(s) (or guardian[s]), who attended a college, university or trade school during the most recent term you attended school in the 2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024).

Do not include yourself or your parents (or guardians) in the total.



[If before July 1, 2024]
Since July 1, 2023, have you regularly given any friends or family who do not live with you more than $50 per month to help them out?

Between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024, did you regularly give any friends or family who did not live with you more than $50 per month to help them out?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Please indicate if you have regularly given anyone who does not live with you more than $50 per month between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

Do not include one-time or occasional payment(s) made.

Do not include money used to pay back loan(s) given to you or any money used to pay for your own room/board.



[If currently attending any institution]
Between July 1, 2023 and today, have your parents (or guardians) helped you pay for any of your education or living expenses while you are enrolled in school?

(Tuition and fees or school books are examples of education expenses. Rent and food are examples of living expenses.)

Between July 1, 2023 and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024], did your parents (or guardians) help you pay for any of your education or living expenses while you were enrolled in school?

(Tuition and fees or school books are examples of education expenses. Rent and food are examples of living expenses.)

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Indicate whether your parents (or guardians) paid for any education or living expenses while you were enrolled in school between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

Do not include any assistance from your other family members or a spouse.



[If currently attending any institution]

Is the amount your parents (or guardians) will have contributed toward your education or living expenses between July 1, 2023 and today...


Was the amount your parents (or guardians) contributed toward your education or living expenses between July 1, 2023 and [{if before July 1, 2024} today {else} June 30, 2024]...

  1 = $5,000 or less

  2 = More than $5,000

Help Text:
Indicate the amount your parents (or guardians) paid for any education or living expenses while you were enrolled in school between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

Do not include any assistance from your other family members or a spouse.

If you are not sure of the amount, provide your best guess.

Tuition and fees or school books are examples of education expenses. Rent and food are examples of living expenses.



[If currently attending any institution] 

Okay. Is this amount... 


Okay. Was this amount...

  1 = Less than $500

  2 = $500 - $999

  3 = $1,000 - $1,499

  4 = $1,500- $1,999

  5 = $2,000 - $5,000

Help Text:
Indicate the amount your parents (or guardians) paid for any education or living expenses while you were enrolled in school between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

If you are not sure of the amount, provide your best guess.



[If currently attending any institution] 

Okay. Is this amount... 


Okay. Was this amount...

  1 = $5,001 - $9,999

  2 = $10,000 - $14,999

  3 = $15,000 - $19,999

  4 = $20,000 - $24,999

  5 = $25,000 - $49,999

  6 = $50,000 or more

Help Text:
Indicate the amount your parents (or guardians) paid for any education or living expenses while you were enrolled in school between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

If you are not sure of the amount, provide your best guess.



Excluding debit or ATM cards, how many credit cards do you have in your own name that are billed to you?

(Only include credit cards for which you pay at least some of the amount owed.)

  0 = None

  1 = One

  2 = More than one

Help Text:

Credit cards allow cardholders to carry debt from month to month. Examples of credit cards are VISA, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, retail store credit cards, gas cards, etc. 

 Do not include:

  • Cards that have your name on them but the account has been issued to a parent, spouse, or other relative.

  • Credit cards for which you pay none of the amount owed. 

  • Debit cards or ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) cards. Debit cards are tied directly to a checking or savings account so that the amount charged is taken directly out of the account.

  • Company cards that are billed directly to a department within a business or organization.

If you are unsure, provide your best guess.



[If B25ENUMCRD = 1] 

Do you usually owe an amount that is carried over on your credit card from month to month? 


Do you usually owe an amount that is carried over on your credit cards from month to month?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
An amount carried over, or balance, on your credit card(s) means that there is an amount owed on your credit card(s) that is not usually paid off in full each month.



[If B25ENUMCRD = 1]

What was the total amount you owed on your credit card according to your last month’s statement?


What was the total amount you owed on all your credit cards combined according to your last month’s statements? 

$Shape227  .00

Help Text:

Based on your most recent statements, estimate the total amount that you owed on all credit cards in your name.

Credit cards allow cardholders to carry debt from month to month. Examples of credit cards are balances on VISA, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, retail store credit cards, gas cards, etc.

If you are unsure of the amount, provide your best guess.

Do not include the following amounts on...

• Cards that have your name on them but the account has been issued to a parent, spouse, or other relative.

• Credit cards for which you pay none of the amount owed.

• Debit cards or ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) cards. Debit cards are tied directly to a checking or savings account so that the amount charged is taken directly out of the account.

• Company cards that are billed directly to a department within a business or organization.



[If B25ENUMCRD = 1]

What was the total amount you paid toward your credit card statement last month?


What was the total amount you paid toward all of your credit card statements combined last month? 

$Shape229  .00

Help Text:

Estimate the amount that you paid last month on all credit cards that are in your name.

Credit cards allow cardholders to carry debt from month to month. Examples of credit cards are VISA, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, retail store credit cards, gas cards, etc.

If you are unsure of the amount, provide your best guess.

Do not include the following payments or deposits on...

• Cards that have your name on them but the account has been issued to a parent, spouse, or other relative.

• Credit cards for which you pay none of the amount owed.

• Debit cards or ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) cards. Debit cards are tied directly to a checking or savings account so that the amount charged is taken directly out of the account.

• Company cards that are billed directly to a department within a business or organization.



[If currently attending primary institution and USERMODE = WEB] 

Between July 1, 2023 and today, where have you been living while attending [primary institution]?


(If you have lived in more than one residence, choose the place where you have lived for the longest period of time.) 


[else if currently attending primary institution] 

Between July 1, 2023 and today, have you been living in college-owned housing, with your parents (or guardians), or off campus while attending [primary institution]?


(If you have lived in more than one residence, choose the place where you have lived for the longest period of time.) 


[else if before July 1, 2024 and USERMODE = WEB] 

Where were you living when you last attended [primary institution]?


(If you lived in more than one residence, choose the place where you lived for the longest period of time.) 


[else if before July 1, 2024] 

Did you live in college-owned housing, with your parents (or guardians), or off campus when you last attended [primary institution]? 

(If you lived in more than one residence, choose the place where you lived for the longest period of time.)

[else if USERMODE = WEB]
Where were you living while attending [primary institution] between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024?

(If you lived in more than one residence, choose the place where you lived for the longest period of time.)

Were you living in college-owned housing, with your parents (or guardians), or off campus while you attended [primary institution] between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024?

(If you lived in more than one residence, choose the place where you lived for the longest period of time.)

  1 = On campus or in college-owned housing (e.g., a dorm or a residence hall)

  2 = With parents (or guardians)

  3 = Off campus (not college-owned housing)

Help Text:

Indicate where you lived when you last attended [primary institution] in the 2023-2024 academic year (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024).

College-owned housing means that your rent is paid to the school, even if that housing is not on the campus of the school.



Do you own a home or pay a mortgage on a home?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Answer Yes if you own a home outright (the home is paid for in full) or purchased the house but you are still making payments on a mortgage. Also answer Yes if you own a house, town house, or condominium.

Do not include your parents' home.



How much (on average) is your monthly [{if B25EHOME = 1} mortgage {else if B25EHOME = 0} rent {else} rent or mortgage] payment where you currently live?

(Please indicate only the amount that you [{if B25AMARR = 2} and your spouse] are responsible for paying. If someone else pays your [{if B25EHOME = 1} mortgage {else if B25EHOME = 0} rent {else} rent or mortgage] on your behalf, please indicate "0.")

$Shape233  .00

Help Text:

Indicate your average monthly rent or mortgage payment.

If you share a residence with other people, indicate only the amount that you (and your spouse) are responsible for paying. For example, if you share an apartment with one other person and you share the rent evenly, only report the amount that you pay to cover your half.

If someone else pays your rent or mortgage for you every month, or if you owe nothing on a home you own and have paid for it in full, indicate "0."

Do not include money for any other living expenses, such as food, utilities, transportation, etc. in your answer.

If you are unsure of the amount, provide your best guess.



Do you [{if B25AMARR = 2} or your spouse] make loan or lease payments for a car, truck, motorcycle, or other vehicle?

(If someone other than you [{if B25AMARR = 2} or your spouse] makes the payment(s) on your behalf, please answer No.)

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:

Indicate whether you make loan or lease payments on a vehicle.

Answer Yes only if the loan or lease is paid by you or, if you are married, by your spouse.

Answer No if payments are made by anyone else, other than a spouse, on your behalf.



How much do you [{if B25AMARR = 2} and your spouse] usually pay in total vehicle loan or lease payments each month?

$Shape236  .00

Help Text:

Indicate the amount you usually pay for your monthly loan or lease payment(s) for all vehicles (car, truck, motorcycle, etc.) owned by you.

Do not add your car insurance payment to the loan or lease amount. Only indicate the amount you pay for your loan or lease payment.

Please provide the amount paid by you and your spouse only. Do not include payments made by anyone else on your behalf.



[If B25AMARR = 2 and number of dependents > 0]

At any time during 2021 or 2022, did you, your spouse, or anyone in your household receive benefits from any of the federal programs listed? 


[else if number of dependents > 0]

At any time during 2021 or 2022, did you or anyone in your household receive benefits from any of the federal programs listed? 


[else if respondent is older than 23 or B25AMARR = 2] 

At any time during 2021 or 2022, did you [{if B25AMARR = 2} or your spouse] receive benefits from any of the federal programs listed? 



At any time during 2021 or 2022, did you, your parents, or anyone in your parents' (or guardians') household receive benefits from any of the federal programs listed?

1 = Yes

0 = No

Medicaid or Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Free or Reduced Price School Lunch

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

Help Text:
Answer Yes if you or anyone in your family household received any of the following benefits at any time during 2021 or 2022: 

Medicaid provides health coverage to eligible low-income adults, children, pregnant women, elderly adults, and people with disabilities. Medicaid is administered by states according to federal requirements and is funded jointly by states and the federal government. 

The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program pays benefits to disabled adults and children who have limited income and resources. It is designed to help aged, blind, and disabled people who have little or no income and provides cash to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.

The federal Food Stamp Program was renamed Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Some state program names may vary. States typically issue SNAP benefits through electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards that are used to purchase eligible food in authorized retail food stores, farmers' markets, etc. EBT cards work like debit cards.

TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) payments provide financial assistance to families with limited resources. The assistance is time-limited (typically a maximum of 60 months). TANF may have a different name in your parents' state.

A Free and Reduced Price School Lunch program, also known as the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), is a federally assisted meal program operating in public and nonprofit private schools and residential child care institutions. It provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free lunches to children each school day. Household size and family income are used to determine eligibility for free or reduced price school lunch programs.

WIC (the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children) is an assistance program for low-income pregnant women or new mothers, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk. WIC provides nutrition education, supplemental foods, health screenings, and health care referrals.



How confident are you that you could come up with $2,000, from any available source, if an unexpected need arose within the next month? Could you...

  1 = Certainly could come up with the $2,000

  2 = Probably come up with the $2,000

  3 = Probably not come up with the $2,000

  4 = Certainly could not come up with the $2,000

Help Text:
If you are unsure of the answer, please provide your best guess.



How confident are you that you could come up with $500, from any available source, if an unexpected need arose within the next month? Could you...

  1 = Certainly could come up with the $500

  2 = Probably come up with the $500

  3 = Probably not come up with the $500

  4 = Certainly could not come up with the $500

Help Text:

If you are unsure of the answer, please provide your best guess.



For the next few questions, we want to learn more about students' understanding of broad financial concepts. Imagine that the interest rate on your savings account was 1% per year and inflation was 2% per year. After 1 year, how much would you be able to buy with the money in this account?

  1 = More than today

  2 = Exactly the same

  3 = Less than today

Help Text:
If you are unsure of the answer, please provide your best guess.



Suppose you had $100 in a savings account and the interest rate was 2% per year. After 5 years, how much do you think you would have in the account if you left the money to grow?

  1 = More than $102

  2 = Exactly $102

  3 = Less than $102

Help Text:
If you are unsure of the answer, please provide your best guess.



Do you think that the following statement is true or false?

"Buying a single company stock usually provides a safer return than a stock mutual fund."

  1 = True

  2 = False

  -1 = Don't know

Help Text:
If you are unsure of the answer, please provide your best guess.



If a borrower is unable to repay their federal student loan, what steps can the government take to collect the debt? (Please check all that apply.)

□  Report that the student debt is past due to the credit bureaus

□  Garnish wages until the debt, plus any interest and fees, is repaid

□  Retain tax refunds and Social Security payments until the debt, plus any interest and fees, is repaid

□  None of the above

Help Text:
If you are unsure of the answer, please provide your best guess.



Next, [{if USERMODE = CATI} I {else} we] have some questions that will help us better understand the unique experiences of students from all backgrounds.

Help Text:
This is an informational screen only. Click the Next button.



Are you a U.S. citizen?

  1 = Yes

  2 = No, permanent resident or other eligible noncitizen (e.g., hold a temporary resident's card or other eligible noncitizen temporary resident's card)

  3 = No, student visa, in the country on an F1 or F2 visa, or on a J1 or J2 exchange visitor visa

  4 = No, other

Help Text:

Indicate your citizenship status. If you are a U.S. citizen or U.S. national, answer Yes.

If you are a U.S. permanent resident with a Permanent Resident Card (I-551), sometimes called a Green Card, or an eligible noncitizen with an Arrival-Departure Record (I-94), or an eligible noncitizen with a Temporary Resident Card (I-688), select No, permanent resident, or other eligible noncitizen (e.g., hold a temporary resident's card or other eligible noncitizen temporary resident's card).

If you are in the U.S. under any of the following, please select No, student visa, in the country on an F1 or F2 visa, or on a J1 or J2 exchange visitor visa.

  • The F-1 Visa (Academic Student) allows an eligible noncitizen to enter the United States as a full-time student at an accredited college, university, seminary, conservatory, academic high school, elementary school, or other academic institution or in a language training program. The eligible noncitizen must be enrolled in a program or course of study that culminates in a degree, diploma, or certificate, and the school must be authorized by the U.S. government to accept international students. 

  • F2 Visa - For a spouse and/or dependent children of a student with an F1 visa to enter the U.S. 

  • The Exchange Visitor (J) nonimmigrant visa category is for individuals approved to participate in work- and study-based exchange visitor programs such as: educators at a U.S. accredited primary or secondary school, Au Pair, or camp counselor. Participants are integral to the success of the program. 

  • J2 Visa - For a spouse and/or dependent children of a person with a J1 visa to enter the U.S.

If none of these categories describe your citizenship status select No, other.



These next few questions will help us better understand the experiences of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. 

What sex were you assigned at birth, on your original birth certificate?

  1 = Male

  2 = Female

Help Text:
Indicate the sex you were assigned at birth, that is, what is on your original birth certificate.



What is your gender? Your gender is how you feel inside and can be the same or different from your biological or birth sex. (Please check all that apply.)

□  Man

□  Woman

□  Transgender

□  Nonbinary

□  A gender identity not listed

Please describe: Shape248  

Help Text:

This question will help us better understand the experiences of people of all gender identities. 

Gender includes gender identity and gender expression. Gender identity means one's inner sense of one's own gender, which may or may not match the sex assigned at birth. Different people choose to express their gender identity differently. For some, gender may be expressed through, for example, dress, grooming, mannerisms, speech patterns, and social interactions. Gender expression usually ranges between masculine and feminine, and some transgender people express their gender consistent with how they identify internally, rather than in accordance with the sex they were assigned at birth.   

Transgender: When a person's birth sex and gender do not match, they might think of themselves as transgender. 

Nonbinary: Used to identify people whose gender may not conform to the sex they were assigned at birth. Often this term may be used by people who identify their gender as something other than man or woman. Their gender may fall somewhere between man and woman, or may fall outside the traditional gender distinctions. 



[If web mode]

Which of the following best represents how you think of yourself?


Now I will read a list of terms people sometimes use to describe how they think of themselves. 

  • Straight

  • Lesbian or gay

  • Bisexual

  • Asexual

  • Pansexual

  • Queer

  • A sexual orientation not listed

As I read the list again, please say yes when you hear the option that best describes how you think of yourself. 

  1 = Straight

  2 = Lesbian or gay

  3 = Bisexual

4 = Asexual

6 = Pansexual

7 = Queer

  8 = A sexual orientation not listed

Please describe:


Help Text:

This question will help us better understand the experiences of people of all sexual orientations. 

Sexual orientation is someone's emotional or physical attraction to another person.



These next few questions will help us better understand the educational services available for people with disabilities.

Are you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Answer Yes if you are deaf or if you have a hearing impairment that makes it very difficult to hear what is said in a conversation with another person or very difficult to hear what is said in a telephone or radio broadcast.



Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Answer Yes if you are blind or if you have a vision impairment that makes it very difficult to do things that other people of the same age do, such as read a newspaper or book, watch television, or drive a car, even while wearing glasses or other corrective lenses.



Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Answer Yes if it is sometimes or always very difficult or impossible to remember or concentrate, if you forget to eat, forget to take medication, if you have Alzheimer's disease or dementia, or if you have a serious learning disability.



Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Answer Yes if it is sometimes or always very difficult or impossible to walk three city blocks or to climb a flight of stairs.



Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Answer Yes if you have difficulty dressing or bathing.



Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Answer Yes if you have difficulty doing errands alone because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition.



What is the main type of condition or impairment that you have?

  1 = Hearing impairment (e.g., deaf or hard of hearing)

  2 = Blindness or visual impairment that cannot be corrected by wearing glasses

  3 = Speech or language impairment

  4 = Orthopedic or mobility impairment

  5 = Specific learning disability or dyslexia

  6 = Attention deficit disorder (ADD)

  7 = Health impairment or problem

  8 = Mental, emotional or psychiatric condition

  9 = Depression

  10 = Developmental disability

  11 = Brain injury

  12 = Other

Help Text:
From the options provided, indicate which you consider to be your main type of condition or impairment. Select the option that has the most significant effect on your daily activities.



In general, how is your physical health?

  1 = Excellent

  2 = Very good

  3 = Good

  4 = Fair

  5 = Poor

Help Text:
Please describe your general level of physical health. Physical health concerns can include illness and injury to the body.



In general, how is your mental health?

  1 = Excellent

  2 = Very good

  3 = Good

  4 = Fair

  5 = Poor

Help Text:
Please describe your general level of mental health. Examples of mental health concerns include depression, anxiety, loss of emotional control and lack of psychological well-being.



In the past 30 days, how often did each of the following health concerns cause you to miss a day of school or work?

1 = Never

2 = A few times

3 = About once a week

4 = Almost every day

5 = Every day

Physical health concern

Mental health concern

Help Text:

Physical health concerns can include illness and injury to the body.

Mental health concerns can include depression, anxiety, loss of emotional control and lack of psychological well-being.



In the last 30 days, how often did you experience any of the following?

0 = Never

1 = Rarely

2 = Sometimes

3 = Often

4 = Always

Stress or anxiety

Difficulty concentrating

Loneliness or isolation

Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless

Help Text:
If you are unsure, please provide your best guess.



[[{If USERMODE = CATI} I'd {else} We'd] now like to ask a few questions about your food and housing experiences during college. This information will be used to better understand the basic needs of students who started college in the 2018-2019 academic year.

Help Text:
This is an informational screen only. (Click the Next button.)



In the last 30 days, how often did your residence have access to high-speed internet (e.g., such as cable, fiber optic, or DSL service, etc.)?

  0 = Never

  1 = Rarely

  2 = Sometimes

  3 = Often

  4 = Always

Help Text:
If you are unsure, please provide your best guess.



In the last 30 days, how often did you have difficulty with accessing a physical space free of interruption or distraction at your residence where you could complete your coursework?

  0 = Never

  1 = Rarely

  2 = Sometimes

  3 = Often

  4 = Always

Help Text:
If you are unsure, please provide your best guess.



[If currently attending any institution]

 On a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being "completely unsafe" and 5 being "completely safe," how unsafe or safe do you feel attending [primary institution]? 

[else if before July 1, 2024 and enrolled in year 6 at primary institution]

 On a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being "completely unsafe" and 5 being "completely safe," how unsafe or safe did you feel when you last attended [primary institution]?


On a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being "completely unsafe" and 5 being "completely safe," how unsafe or safe did you feel while attending [primary institution] between July 1, 2021 and June 30, [{if enrolled in year 6 at primary institution} 2024 {else if enrolled in year 5 at primary institution} 2023 {else} 2022]?  

  1 = 1 (Completely unsafe)

  2 = 2 (Somewhat unsafe)

  3 = 3 (Neither unsafe nor safe)

  4 = 4 (Somewhat safe)

  5 = 5 (Completely safe)

Help Text:
On a scale from 1 to 5, indicate your level of agreement with the statement in the question. Please think of your attendance at [primary institution] when responding to this question. 



In the past 12 months, did you...

1 = Yes

0 = No

Not pay or underpay your rent or mortgage?

Leave your household because you felt unsafe?

Move three or more times?

Not pay the full amount of a gas, oil, or electricity bill?

Move in with other people, even for a little while, because of financial problems?

Live with others beyond the expected capacity of the house or apartment?

Help Text:
Include all moves, such as moves to or from your permanent address, your parents' (or guardians’) address, different on-campus dormitories, and off-campus housing. Do not include moves due to temporary visits or travel.


Please think about only the last 12 months when responding to this question. If you are unsure, provide your best guess. 



In the last 30 days, have you slept in any of the following places because you had nowhere else to go? (Do not consider sleeping arrangements while on vacation or business travel.)

1 = Yes

0 = No

A shelter

In a camper

Temporarily staying with a relative, friend, or couch surfing until you find other housing

Temporarily at a hotel or motel without a permanent home to return to

In transitional housing or independent living program

Outdoor location such as street, sidewalk or alley, bus or train stop, campground or woods, park, beach or riverbed, or under a bridge or overpass

In a closed area/space with a roof not meant for human habitation such as abandoned building, car or truck, van, encampment or tent, or unconverted garage, attic, or basement

Help Text:
Please think about only the last 30 days when responding to this question. 

Indicate which places you have slept in the last 30 days because you had nowhere else to go. Include places you have slept because of an abusive parent or spouse, even if you would otherwise have a place to live. 



Did you purchase a school meal plan for the 2023-2024 academic year?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Please think about only the 2023-2024 academic year when responding to this question. If you are unsure, provide your best guess. 



[{If before July 1, 2024} Does {else} Did] your school meal plan for the 2023-2024 academic year cover 11 or more meals a week?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Please think about only the 2023-2024 academic year when responding to this question. If you are unsure, provide your best guess. 



For these statements, [{if USERMODE = CATI} please tell me {else} please indicate] whether the statement was often true, sometimes true, or never true for you in the last 30 days.

1 = Often true

2 = Sometimes true

3 = Never true

I worried whether my food would run out before I got money to buy more. 

The food I bought just didn't last, and I didn't have money to get more.

I couldn't afford to eat balanced meals.

Help Text:
Please think about only the last 30 days when responding to this question. If you are unsure, please provide your best guess. 



In the last 30 days, have you ever cut the size of your meals or skipped meals because there wasn't enough money for food?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Please think about only the last 30 days when responding to this question. If you are unsure, provide your best guess. 



In the last 30 days, how many days did this happen? (If you are unsure of the exact amount, provide your best guess.)

 Shape273     days

Help Text:
Please think about only the last 30 days when responding to this question. If you are unsure, provide your best guess. 



In the last 30 days, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn't enough money for food?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Please think about only the last 30 days when responding to this question. If you are unsure, provide your best guess. 



In the last 30 days, were you ever hungry but didn't eat because there wasn't enough money for food?

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Please think about only the last 30 days when responding to this question. If you are unsure, provide your best guess. 



In the last 30 days, did you lose weight because there wasn't enough money for food? 

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Please think about only the last 30 days when responding to this question. If you are unsure, provide your best guess. 



In the last 30 days, did you ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food? 

  1 = Yes

  0 = No

Help Text:
Please think about only the last 30 days when responding to this question. If you are unsure, provide your best guess. 



In the last 30 days, how many days did this happen? (If you are unsure of the exact amount, provide your best guess.)

Shape279     days

Help Text:
Please think about only the last 30 days when responding to this question. If you are unsure, provide your best guess. 



Finally, [{if USERMODE = WEB} we {else} I] need to collect some contact information from you. 

Help Text:

Any and all contact information you provide will be kept in secure and protected data files, and will be separate from the responses you've already provided in this survey.

Please click the Next button to continue.



We currently have your name as follows:

(Make any necessary corrections, then click Next.)

First name:


Middle name:


Last name:


Help Text:
Verify that your name is correct and make any necessary changes.



What is your permanent address?

Your permanent address is usually your legal residence, such as where you maintain your driver’s license or are registered to vote.

(Please provide your address in the textbox. If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the "Address not listed" option located at the bottom of the listed results.)



Help Text:
Please provide the information for your address. Verify all spelling.

Your permanent address is usually your legal residence, which is typically defined as the residence where you are registered to vote, where you pay your local and state taxes, and where you maintain your driver's license and car registration.

If you are under 24 years of age, or are dependent on parental support, your legal residence is usually the residence of your parents (or guardians).

If your permanent address is outside the United States, select the displayed checkbox and provide your foreign address.



What is your Social Security number?

(This information will be kept in secure and protected data files, and will be separate from the responses you have already provided in this survey. All individually identifiable information supplied by individuals or institutions to a federal agency may be used only for statistical purposes and will not be disclosed or used in personally identifiable form for any other purpose, except as required by law [20 U.S.C. § 9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151]. However, giving us your Social Security number is completely voluntary and there is no penalty for not disclosing it.)

(Please enter the number without any dashes.)


Help Text:

Your Social Security number may be used to:

  • Collect additional data such as financial aid, student records, and related information from your institution and other sources, such as student loan databases and admissions testing agencies, and

  • locate you if you are selected for a follow-up survey.



You have been selected for participation in a quality control survey. We'd like for you to return to this website in a few weeks and go over a small number of your responses. The survey takes about 10 minutes [{if not on OFAC do not pay list} and as a token of our appreciation, you will receive $[INC_REINT]]. The purpose of this second, much shorter survey is to determine how well our questions collect reliable information. Please enter your e-mail address and telephone number below. We will contact you when it is time to return for the short survey.

You have been selected for participation in a quality control survey. We'd like to call you back in a few weeks and go over a small number of your responses. The survey takes about 10 minutes [{if not on OFAC do not pay list} and as a token of our appreciation, you will receive $[INC_REINT]]. The purpose of this second, much shorter survey is to determine how well our questions collect reliable information. What is the best number at which to reach you?

E-mail address


Telephone number


Day of the week

9:00 a.m. – 10:30 p.m.

□  Decline to participate

Help Text:
We need your assistance to ensure that this survey collects reliable information. By providing the requested information and agreeing to participate in a short quality control survey, you will help us with the reliability of the survey questions.



To show our appreciation for completing the survey today, we would like to send you $[TOTAL_INCENTIVE], payable by PayPal or check. Please indicate your preferred payment type.

  1 = PayPal. The $[TOTAL_INCENTIVE] PayPal payment will be sent via e-mail within the next few hours.

  2 = Check. Please allow up to 4 weeks for processing and delivery of the $[TOTAL_INCENTIVE] check payment.

  3 = No, thanks. Decline the incentive.

Help Text:

You will receive an e-mail from PayPal notifying you of the transfer. If you do not have a PayPal account, you will be prompted to create an account to claim the funds. There is no fee to create a PayPal account or receive funds.

If you do not want to receive the incentive, select No, thanks. Decline the incentive.



Please provide your e-mail address to receive your PayPal payment. (Clicking below will process your PayPal payment.)

Some companies deactivate and recycle e-mail accounts after a period of inactivity (i.e., no login activity). Please be sure to provide an e-mail address to an active e-mail account that you can access, so you are able to claim the payment.


Help Text:

If you do not have a PayPal account, enter your preferred e-mail address. You will receive an e-mail from PayPal notifying you of the transfer and you will be prompted to create an account to claim the funds.

There is no fee to create a PayPal account or to receive funds.



Please select the address to which you would like the $[TOTAL_INCENTIVE] check mailed. Allow 4 weeks for delivery.

  1 = [Address]

  6 = Provide a different address

Help Text:

Check the address information for the correct spelling of street and city. If the address you would like the incentive check mailed to needs correction, select Provide a different address so we can collect the corrected address on the next screen.

If you would like your incentive check mailed to an address that is not provided, select Provide a different address.



[If INCENT = 6 or missing]
Please provide the address to which you would like the $[TOTAL_INCENTIVE] check mailed. Allow 4 weeks for delivery.

(Please provide the address in the textbox. If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the "Address not listed" option located at the bottom of the listed results.)

To show our appreciation for completing the survey today, we would like to send you a $[TOTAL_INCENTIVE] check. Please provide the address to which you would like the check mailed. Allow 4 weeks for delivery.

(Please provide the address in the textbox. If you are unable to find a match in the results, please select the "Address not listed" option located at the bottom of the listed results.)

First Name:


Last Name:


□  Please check here if the address is an international address.



Help Text:
Provide the requested information for the address to which you would like the incentive check mailed. Verify the spelling of the street and city.



[If INCTYP = 2 or on no PayPal OFAC list]

Thank you for providing your address information. Your check should arrive in about 4 weeks. 


[else if user chooses PayPal and the submission was successful] 

Your incentive was successfully submitted. Please check your e-mail for more information. 


[else if user chooses PayPal and the submission was unsuccessful] 

There was an issue submitting your incentive via PayPal. We apologize for the inconvenience. We will attempt to resubmit your incentive and will contact you if the problem persists. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 1-800-247-6056 or [email protected]



Thank you. 


Instruction for all question wording conditions: (Click Next to complete the survey.)

Help Text:
Click Next to complete the survey.



If you have any additional comments about your overall experience participating in the BPS survey, please provide them now. 


Help Text:
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 1-800-247-6056 or at [email protected]

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2025-02-22

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