PL No. 112-141 Sec 1604 RESTORE Act

Public Law No 112-141 Sec 1604 Restore Act.pdf

NOAA Competitive Research Program (CRP) Grants Proposal Application Package

PL No. 112-141 Sec 1604 RESTORE Act

OMB: 0648-0384

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H. R. 4348—184
‘‘A State may permit the installation of signs that acknowledge
the sponsorship of rest areas within such rest areas or along the
main traveled way of the system, provided that such signs shall
not affect the safe and efficient utilization of the Interstate System
and the primary system. The Secretary shall establish criteria
for the installation of such signs on the main traveled way, including
criteria pertaining to the placement of rest area sponsorship
acknowledgment signs in relation to the placement of advance guide
signs for rest areas.’’.

Subtitle F—Gulf Coast Restoration

This subtitle may be cited as the ‘‘Resources and Ecosystems
Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of
the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012’’.

(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established in the Treasury of
the United States a trust fund to be known as the ‘‘Gulf Coast
Restoration Trust Fund’’ (referred to in this section as the ‘‘Trust
Fund’’), consisting of such amounts as are deposited in the Trust
Fund under this Act or any other provision of law.
(b) TRANSFERS.—The Secretary of the Treasury shall deposit
in the Trust Fund an amount equal to 80 percent of all administrative and civil penalties paid by responsible parties after the date
of enactment of this Act in connection with the explosion on, and
sinking of, the mobile offshore drilling unit Deepwater Horizon
pursuant to a court order, negotiated settlement, or other
instrument in accordance with section 311 of the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1321).
(c) EXPENDITURES.—Amounts in the Trust Fund, including
interest earned on advances to the Trust Fund and proceeds from
investment under subsection (d), shall—
(1) be available for expenditure, without further appropriation, solely for the purpose and eligible activities of this subtitle
and the amendments made by this subtitle; and
(2) remain available until expended, without fiscal year
(d) INVESTMENT.—Amounts in the Trust Fund shall be invested
in accordance with section 9702 of title 31, United States Code,
and any interest on, and proceeds from, any such investment shall
be available for expenditure in accordance with this subtitle and
the amendments made by this subtitle.
(e) ADMINISTRATION.—Not later than 180 days after the date
of enactment of this Act, after providing notice and an opportunity
for public comment, the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation
with the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Commerce,
shall establish such procedures as the Secretary determines to
be necessary to deposit amounts in, and expend amounts from,
the Trust Fund pursuant to this subtitle, including—
(1) procedures to assess whether the programs and activities carried out under this subtitle and the amendments made
by this subtitle achieve compliance with applicable requirements, including procedures by which the Secretary of the
Treasury may determine whether an expenditure by a Gulf

H. R. 4348—185
Coast State or coastal political subdivision (as those terms
are defined in section 311 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1321)) pursuant to such a program or
activity achieves compliance;
(2) auditing requirements to ensure that amounts in the
Trust Fund are expended as intended; and
(3) procedures for identification and allocation of funds
available to the Secretary under other provisions of law that
may be necessary to pay the administrative expenses directly
attributable to the management of the Trust Fund.
(f) SUNSET.—The authority for the Trust Fund shall terminate
on the date all funds in the Trust Fund have been expended.

Section 311 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33
U.S.C. 1321) is amended—
(1) in subsection (a)—
(A) in paragraph (25)(B), by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end;
(B) in paragraph (26)(D), by striking the period at
the end and inserting a semicolon; and
(C) by adding at the end the following:
‘‘(27) the term ‘best available science’ means science that—
‘‘(A) maximizes the quality, objectivity, and integrity
of information, including statistical information;
‘‘(B) uses peer-reviewed and publicly available data;
‘‘(C) clearly documents and communicates risks and
uncertainties in the scientific basis for such projects;
‘‘(28) the term ‘Chairperson’ means the Chairperson of the
‘‘(29) the term ‘coastal political subdivision’ means any
local political jurisdiction that is immediately below the State
level of government, including a county, parish, or borough,
with a coastline that is contiguous with any portion of the
United States Gulf of Mexico;
‘‘(30) the term ‘Comprehensive Plan’ means the comprehensive plan developed by the Council pursuant to subsection
‘‘(31) the term ‘Council’ means the Gulf Coast Ecosystem
Restoration Council established pursuant to subsection (t);
‘‘(32) the term ‘Deepwater Horizon oil spill’ means the
blowout and explosion of the mobile offshore drilling unit Deepwater Horizon that occurred on April 20, 2010, and resulting
hydrocarbon releases into the environment;
‘‘(33) the term ‘Gulf Coast region’ means—
‘‘(A) in the Gulf Coast States, the coastal zones (as
that term is defined in section 304 of the Coastal Zone
Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1453)), except that,
in this section, the term ‘coastal zones’ includes land within
the coastal zones that is held in trust by, or the use
of which is by law subject solely to the discretion of, the
Federal Government or officers or agents of the Federal
Government)) that border the Gulf of Mexico;
‘‘(B) any adjacent land, water, and watersheds, that
are within 25 miles of the coastal zones described in
subparagraph (A) of the Gulf Coast States; and

H. R. 4348—186
‘‘(C) all Federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico;
‘‘(34) the term ‘Gulf Coast State’ means any of the States
of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas; and
‘‘(35) the term ‘Trust Fund’ means the Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund established pursuant to section 1602 of the
Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of
(2) in subsection (s), by inserting ‘‘except as provided in
subsection (t)’’ before the period at the end; and
(3) by adding at the end the following:
‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Of the total amounts made available
in any fiscal year from the Trust Fund, 35 percent shall
be available, in accordance with the requirements of this
section, to the Gulf Coast States in equal shares for
expenditure for ecological and economic restoration of the
Gulf Coast region in accordance with this subsection.
REGION.—Subject to clause (iii), amounts provided to
the Gulf Coast States under this subsection may only
be used to carry out 1 or more of the following activities
in the Gulf Coast region:
‘‘(I) Restoration and protection of the natural
resources, ecosystems, fisheries, marine and wildlife habitats, beaches, and coastal wetlands of the
Gulf Coast region.
‘‘(II) Mitigation of damage to fish, wildlife, and
natural resources.
‘‘(III) Implementation of a federally approved
marine, coastal, or comprehensive conservation
management plan, including fisheries monitoring.
‘‘(IV) Workforce development and job creation.
‘‘(V) Improvements to or on State parks located
in coastal areas affected by the Deepwater Horizon
oil spill.
‘‘(VI) Infrastructure projects benefitting the
economy or ecological resources, including port
‘‘(VII) Coastal flood protection and related
‘‘(VIII) Planning assistance.
‘‘(IX) Administrative costs of complying with
this subsection.
IN THE GULF COAST REGION.—Amounts provided to the
Gulf Coast States under this subsection may be used
to carry out 1 or more of the following activities:
‘‘(I) Promotion of tourism in the Gulf Coast
Region, including recreational fishing.
‘‘(II) Promotion of the consumption of seafood
harvested from the Gulf Coast Region.
‘‘(iii) LIMITATION.—
‘‘(I) IN GENERAL.—Of the amounts received by
a Gulf Coast State under this subsection, not more

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than 3 percent may be used for administrative
costs eligible under clause (i)(IX).
funded under this subsection may not be included
in any claim for compensation paid out by the
Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund after the date of
enactment of this subsection.
‘‘(i) DISTRIBUTION.—In the case of a State where
the coastal zone includes the entire State—
‘‘(I) 75 percent of funding shall be provided
directly to the 8 disproportionately affected counties impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill;
‘‘(II) 25 percent shall be provided directly to
nondisproportionately impacted counties within
the State.
‘‘(ii) NONDISPROPORTIONATELY IMPACTED COUNTIES.—The total amounts made available to coastal
political subdivisions in the State of Florida under
clause (i)(II) shall be distributed according to the following weighted formula:
‘‘(I) 34 percent based on the weighted average
of the population of the county.
‘‘(II) 33 percent based on the weighted average
of the county per capita sales tax collections estimated for fiscal year 2012.
‘‘(III) 33 percent based on the inverse proportion of the weighted average distance from the
Deepwater Horizon oil rig to each of the nearest
and farthest points of the shoreline.
‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—Of the total amounts made available to the State of Louisiana under this paragraph:
‘‘(I) 70 percent shall be provided directly to
the State in accordance with this subsection.
‘‘(II) 30 percent shall be provided directly to
parishes in the coastal zone (as defined in section
304 of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972
(16 U.S.C. 1453)) of the State of Louisiana
according to the following weighted formula:
‘‘(aa) 40 percent based on the weighted
average of miles of the parish shoreline oiled.
‘‘(bb) 40 percent based on the weighted
average of the population of the parish.
‘‘(cc) 20 percent based on the weighted
average of the land mass of the parish.
‘‘(I) LAND USE PLAN.—As a condition of
receiving amounts allocated under this paragraph,
the chief executive of the eligible parish shall certify to the Governor of the State that the parish
has completed a comprehensive land use plan.
‘‘(II) OTHER CONDITIONS.—A coastal political
subdivision receiving funding under this paragraph
shall meet all of the conditions in subparagraph

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‘‘(E) CONDITIONS.—As a condition of receiving amounts
from the Trust Fund, a Gulf Coast State, including the
entities described in subparagraph (F), or a coastal political
subdivision shall—
‘‘(i) agree to meet such conditions, including audit
requirements, as the Secretary of the Treasury determines necessary to ensure that amounts disbursed
from the Trust Fund will be used in accordance with
this subsection;
‘‘(ii) certify in such form and in such manner as
the Secretary of the Treasury determines necessary
that the project or program for which the Gulf Coast
State or coastal political subdivision is requesting
‘‘(I) is designed to restore and protect the natural resources, ecosystems, fisheries, marine and
wildlife habitats, beaches, coastal wetlands, or
economy of the Gulf Coast;
‘‘(II) carries out 1 or more of the activities
described in clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph
‘‘(III) was selected based on meaningful input
from the public, including broad-based participation from individuals, businesses, and nonprofit
organizations; and
‘‘(IV) in the case of a natural resource protection or restoration project, is based on the best
available science;
‘‘(iii) certify that the project or program and the
awarding of a contract for the expenditure of amounts
received under this paragraph are consistent with the
standard procurement rules and regulations governing
a comparable project or program in that State,
including all applicable competitive bidding and audit
requirements; and
‘‘(iv) develop and submit a multiyear implementation plan for the use of such amounts, which may
include milestones, projected completion of each
activity, and a mechanism to evaluate the success of
each activity in helping to restore and protect the
Gulf Coast region impacted by the Deepwater Horizon
oil spill.
AGENCY.—The following Gulf Coast State entities, task
forces, or agencies shall carry out the duties of a Gulf
Coast State pursuant to this paragraph:
‘‘(i) ALABAMA.—
‘‘(I) IN GENERAL.—In the State of Alabama,
the Alabama Gulf Coast Recovery Council, which
shall be comprised of only the following:
‘‘(aa) The Governor of Alabama, who shall
also serve as Chairperson and preside over
the meetings of the Alabama Gulf Coast
Recovery Council.
‘‘(bb) The Director of the Alabama State
Port Authority, who shall also serve as Vice
Chairperson and preside over the meetings

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of the Alabama Gulf Coast Recovery Council
in the absence of the Chairperson.
‘‘(cc) The Chairman of the Baldwin County
‘‘(dd) The President of the Mobile County
‘‘(ee) The Mayor of the city of Bayou La
‘‘(ff) The Mayor of the town of Dauphin
‘‘(gg) The Mayor of the city of Fairhope.
‘‘(hh) The Mayor of the city of Gulf Shores.
‘‘(ii) The Mayor of the city of Mobile.
‘‘(jj) The Mayor of the city of Orange
‘‘(II) VOTE.—Each member of the Alabama
Gulf Coast Recovery Council shall be entitled to
1 vote.
‘‘(III) MAJORITY VOTE.—All decisions of the
Alabama Gulf Coast Recovery Council shall be
made by majority vote.
EXPENSES.—Administrative duties for the Alabama
Gulf Coast Recovery Council may only be performed by public officials and employees that are
subject to the ethics laws of the State of Alabama.
‘‘(ii) LOUISIANA.—In the State of Louisiana, the
Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana.
‘‘(iii) MISSISSIPPI.—In the State of Mississippi, the
Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality.
‘‘(iv) TEXAS.—In the State of Texas, the Office of
the Governor or an appointee of the Office of the Governor.
Secretary of the Treasury determines that an expenditure
by a Gulf Coast State or coastal political subdivision of
amounts made available under this subsection does not
meet one of the activities described in clauses (i) and (ii)
of subparagraph (B), the Secretary shall make no additional
amounts from the Trust Fund available to that Gulf Coast
State or coastal political subdivision until such time as
an amount equal to the amount expended for the unauthorized use—
‘‘(i) has been deposited by the Gulf Coast State
or coastal political subdivision in the Trust Fund; or
‘‘(ii) has been authorized by the Secretary of the
Treasury for expenditure by the Gulf Coast State or
coastal political subdivision for a project or program
that meets the requirements of this subsection.
of the Treasury determines that a Gulf Coast State or
coastal political subdivision does not meet the requirements
of this paragraph, including the conditions of subparagraph
(E), where applicable, the Secretary of the Treasury shall
make no amounts from the Trust Fund available to that

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Gulf Coast State or coastal political subdivision until all
conditions of this paragraph are met.
‘‘(I) PUBLIC INPUT.—In meeting any condition of this
paragraph, a Gulf Coast State may use an appropriate
procedure for public consultation in that Gulf Coast State,
including consulting with one or more established task
forces or other entities, to develop recommendations for
proposed projects and programs that would restore and
protect the natural resources, ecosystems, fisheries, marine
and wildlife habitats, beaches, coastal wetlands, and
economy of the Gulf Coast.
A Gulf Coast State or coastal political subdivision shall
be considered to have met the conditions of subparagraph
(E) for a specific project or program if, before the date
of enactment of the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of
the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012—
‘‘(i) the Gulf Coast State or coastal political subdivision has established conditions for carrying out
projects and programs that are substantively the same
as the conditions described in subparagraph (E); and
‘‘(ii) the applicable project or program carries out
1 or more of the activities described in clauses (i)
and (ii) of subparagraph (B).
‘‘(K) LOCAL PREFERENCE.—In awarding contracts to
carry out a project or program under this paragraph, a
Gulf Coast State or coastal political subdivision may give
a preference to individuals and companies that reside in,
are headquartered in, or are principally engaged in business in the State of project execution.
‘‘(L) UNUSED FUNDS.—Funds allocated to a State or
coastal political subdivision under this paragraph shall
remain in the Trust Fund until such time as the State
or coastal political subdivision develops and submits a plan
identifying uses for those funds in accordance with subparagraph (E)(iv).
‘‘(M) JUDICIAL REVIEW.—If the Secretary of the
Treasury determines that a Gulf Coast State or coastal
political subdivision does not meet the requirements of
this paragraph, including the conditions of subparagraph
(E), the Gulf Coast State or coastal political subdivision
may obtain expedited judicial review within 90 days after
that decision in a district court of the United States, of
appropriate jurisdiction and venue, that is located within
the State seeking the review.
‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—A Gulf Coast State or coastal
political subdivision may use, in whole or in part,
amounts made available under this paragraph to that
Gulf Coast State or coastal political subdivision to satisfy the non-Federal share of the cost of any project
or program authorized by Federal law that is an
eligible activity described in clauses (i) and (ii) of
subparagraph (B).
‘‘(ii) EFFECT ON OTHER FUNDS.—The use of funds
made available from the Trust Fund to satisfy the

H. R. 4348—191
non-Federal share of the cost of a project or program
that meets the requirements of clause (i) shall not
affect the priority in which other Federal funds are
allocated or awarded.
‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Of the total amount made available
in any fiscal year from the Trust Fund, 30 percent shall
be disbursed to the Council to carry out the Comprehensive
‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—In accordance with this paragraph, the Council shall expend funds made available
from the Trust Fund to undertake projects and programs, using the best available science, that would
restore and protect the natural resources, ecosystems,
fisheries, marine and wildlife habitats, beaches, coastal
wetlands, and economy of the Gulf Coast.
The Secretary of the Treasury shall develop such conditions, including audit requirements, as the Secretary
of the Treasury determines necessary to ensure that
amounts disbursed from the Trust Fund to the Council
to implement the Comprehensive Plan will be used
in accordance with this paragraph.
‘‘(iii) ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES.—Of the amounts
received by the Council under this paragraph, not more
than 3 percent may be used for administrative
expenses, including staff.
‘‘(i) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established as an
independent entity in the Federal Government a
council to be known as the ‘Gulf Coast Ecosystem
Restoration Council’.
‘‘(ii) MEMBERSHIP.—The Council shall consist of
the following members, or in the case of a Federal
agency, a designee at the level of the Assistant Secretary or the equivalent:
‘‘(I) The Secretary of the Interior.
‘‘(II) The Secretary of the Army.
‘‘(III) The Secretary of Commerce.
‘‘(IV) The Administrator of the Environmental
Protection Agency.
‘‘(V) The Secretary of Agriculture.
‘‘(VI) The head of the department in which
the Coast Guard is operating.
‘‘(VII) The Governor of the State of Alabama.
‘‘(VIII) The Governor of the State of Florida.
‘‘(IX) The Governor of the State of Louisiana.
‘‘(X) The Governor of the State of Mississippi.
‘‘(XI) The Governor of the State of Texas.
‘‘(iii) ALTERNATE.—A Governor appointed to the
Council by the President may designate an alternate
to represent the Governor on the Council and vote
on behalf of the Governor.
‘‘(iv) CHAIRPERSON.—From among the Federal
agency members of the Council, the representatives
of States on the Council shall select, and the President

H. R. 4348—192
shall appoint, 1 Federal member to serve as Chairperson of the Council.
members shall be appointed by the President.
‘‘(I) IN GENERAL.—The following actions by the
Council shall require the affirmative vote of the
Chairperson and a majority of the State members
to be effective:
‘‘(aa) Approval of a Comprehensive Plan
and future revisions to a Comprehensive Plan.
‘‘(bb) Approval of State plans pursuant to
paragraph (3)(B)(iv).
‘‘(cc) Approval of reports to Congress
pursuant to clause (vii)(VII).
‘‘(dd) Approval of transfers pursuant to
subparagraph (E)(ii)(I).
‘‘(ee) Other significant actions determined
by the Council.
‘‘(II) QUORUM.—A majority of State members
shall be required to be present for the Council
to take any significant action.
CONSIDERED MET.—For approval of State plans
pursuant to paragraph (3)(B)(iv), the certification
by a State member of the Council that the plan
satisfies all requirements of clauses (i) and (ii)
of paragraph (3)(B), when joined by an affirmative
vote of the Federal Chairperson of the Council,
shall be considered to satisfy the requirements
for affirmative votes under subclause (I).
actions of the Council, including significant actions
and associated deliberations, shall be made available to the public via electronic means prior to
any vote.
‘‘(vii) DUTIES OF COUNCIL.—The Council shall—
‘‘(I) develop the Comprehensive Plan and
future revisions to the Comprehensive Plan;
‘‘(II) identify as soon as practicable the projects
‘‘(aa) have been authorized prior to the
date of enactment of this subsection but not
yet commenced; and
‘‘(bb) if implemented quickly, would
restore and protect the natural resources, ecosystems, fisheries, marine and wildlife habitats, beaches, barrier islands, dunes, and
coastal wetlands of the Gulf Coast region;
‘‘(III) establish such other 1 or more advisory
committees as may be necessary to assist the
Council, including a scientific advisory committee
and a committee to advise the Council on public
policy issues;
‘‘(IV) collect and consider scientific and other
research associated with restoration of the Gulf
Coast ecosystem, including research, observation,

H. R. 4348—193
and monitoring carried out pursuant to sections
1604 and 1605 of the Resources and Ecosystems
Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived
Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012;
‘‘(V) develop standard terms to include in contracts for projects and programs awarded pursuant
to the Comprehensive Plan that provide a preference to individuals and companies that reside
in, are headquartered in, or are principally
engaged in business in a Gulf Coast State;
‘‘(VI) prepare an integrated financial plan and
recommendations for coordinated budget requests
for the amounts proposed to be expended by the
Federal agencies represented on the Council for
projects and programs in the Gulf Coast States;
‘‘(VII) submit to Congress an annual report
‘‘(aa) summarizes the policies, strategies,
plans, and activities for addressing the restoration and protection of the Gulf Coast
‘‘(bb) describes the projects and programs
being implemented to restore and protect the
Gulf Coast region, including—
‘‘(AA) a list of each project and program;
‘‘(BB) an identification of the funding
provided to projects and programs identified in subitem (AA);
‘‘(CC) an identification of each
recipient for funding identified in subitem
(BB); and
‘‘(DD) a description of the length of
time and funding needed to complete the
objectives of each project and program
identified in subitem (AA);
‘‘(cc) makes such recommendations to Congress for modifications of existing laws as the
Council determines necessary to implement
the Comprehensive Plan;
‘‘(dd) reports on the progress on
implementation of each project or program—
‘‘(AA) after 3 years of ongoing activity
of the project or program, if applicable;
‘‘(BB) on completion of the project or
‘‘(ee) includes the information required to
be submitted under section 1605(c)(4) of the
Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability,
Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies
of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012; and
‘‘(ff) submits the reports required under
item (dd) to—
‘‘(AA) the Committee on Science,
Space, and Technology, the Committee on

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Natural Resources, the Committee on
Transportation and Infrastructure, and
the Committee on Appropriations of the
House of Representatives; and
‘‘(BB) the Committee on Environment
and Public Works, the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, the
Committee on Energy and Natural
Resources, and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate.
‘‘(viii) APPLICATION OF FEDERAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ACT.—The Council, or any other advisory committee established under this subparagraph, shall not
be considered an advisory committee under the Federal
Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.).
‘‘(ix) SUNSET.—The authority for the Council, and
any other advisory committee established under this
subparagraph, shall terminate on the date all funds
in the Trust Fund have been expended.
‘‘(I) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days
after the date of enactment of the Resources and
Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities,
and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States
Act of 2012, the Chairperson, on behalf of the
Council and after appropriate public input, review,
and comment, shall publish a proposed plan to
restore and protect the natural resources, ecosystems, fisheries, marine and wildlife habitats,
beaches, and coastal wetlands of the Gulf Coast
described in subclause (I) shall include and incorporate the findings and information prepared by
the President’s Gulf Coast Restoration Task Force.
‘‘(I) INITIAL PLAN.—Not later than 1 year after
the date of enactment of the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and
Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act
of 2012 and after notice and opportunity for public
comment, the Chairperson, on behalf of the Council
and after approval by the Council, shall publish
in the Federal Register the initial Comprehensive
Plan to restore and protect the natural resources,
ecosystems, fisheries, marine and wildlife habitats,
beaches, and coastal wetlands of the Gulf Coast
initial Comprehensive Plan in close coordination
with the President’s Gulf Coast Restoration Task
‘‘(III) CONSIDERATIONS.—In developing the initial Comprehensive Plan and subsequent updates,
the Council shall consider all relevant findings,

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reports, or research prepared or funded under section 1604 or 1605 of the Resources and Ecosystems
Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived
Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012.
‘‘(IV) CONTENTS.—The initial Comprehensive
Plan shall include—
‘‘(aa) such provisions as are necessary to
fully incorporate in the Comprehensive Plan
the strategy, projects, and programs recommended by the President’s Gulf Coast Restoration Task Force;
‘‘(bb) a list of any project or program
authorized prior to the date of enactment of
this subsection but not yet commenced, the
completion of which would further the purposes and goals of this subsection and of the
Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability,
Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies
of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012;
‘‘(cc) a description of the manner in which
amounts from the Trust Fund projected to be
made available to the Council for the succeeding 10 years will be allocated; and
‘‘(dd) subject to available funding in
accordance with clause (iii), a prioritized list
of specific projects and programs to be funded
and carried out during the 3-year period immediately following the date of publication of the
initial Comprehensive Plan, including a table
that illustrates the distribution of projects and
programs by the Gulf Coast State.
‘‘(V) PLAN UPDATES.—The Council shall
‘‘(aa) the Comprehensive Plan every 5
years in a manner comparable to the manner
established in this subparagraph for each 5year period for which amounts are expected
to be made available to the Gulf Coast States
from the Trust Fund; and
‘‘(bb) the 3-year list of projects and programs described in subclause (IV)(dd)
‘‘(iii) RESTORATION PRIORITIES.—Except for projects
and programs described in clause (ii)(IV)(bb), in
selecting projects and programs to include on the 3year list described in clause (ii)(IV)(dd), based on the
best available science, the Council shall give highest
priority to projects that address 1 or more of the following criteria:
‘‘(I) Projects that are projected to make the
greatest contribution to restoring and protecting
the natural resources, ecosystems, fisheries,
marine and wildlife habitats, beaches, and coastal
wetlands of the Gulf Coast region, without regard
to geographic location within the Gulf Coast

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‘‘(II) Large-scale projects and programs that
are projected to substantially contribute to
restoring and protecting the natural resources, ecosystems, fisheries, marine and wildlife habitats,
beaches, and coastal wetlands of the Gulf Coast
‘‘(III) Projects contained in existing Gulf Coast
State comprehensive plans for the restoration and
protection of natural resources, ecosystems, fisheries, marine and wildlife habitats, beaches, and
coastal wetlands of the Gulf Coast region.
‘‘(IV) Projects that restore long-term resiliency
of the natural resources, ecosystems, fisheries,
marine and wildlife habitats, beaches, and coastal
wetlands most impacted by the Deepwater Horizon
oil spill.
‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—The Council, acting through the
Federal agencies represented on the Council and Gulf
Coast States, shall expend funds made available from
the Trust Fund to carry out projects and programs
adopted in the Comprehensive Plan.
‘‘(I) IN GENERAL.—Primary authority and
responsibility for each project and program
included in the Comprehensive Plan shall be
assigned by the Council to a Gulf Coast State
represented on the Council or a Federal agency.
‘‘(II) TRANSFER OF AMOUNTS.—Amounts necessary to carry out each project or program
included in the Comprehensive Plan shall be transferred by the Secretary of the Treasury from the
Trust Fund to that Federal agency or Gulf Coast
State as the project or program is implemented,
subject to such conditions as the Secretary of the
Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of
the Interior and the Secretary of Commerce, established pursuant to section 1602 of the Resources
and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast
States Act of 2012.
‘‘(aa) GRANTS TO NONGOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES.—In the case of funds transferred to a
Federal or State agency under subclause (II),
the agency shall not make 1 or more grants
or cooperative agreements to a nongovernmental entity if the total amount provided
to the entity would equal or exceed 10 percent
of the total amount provided to the agency
for that particular project or program, unless
the 1 or more grants have been reported in
accordance with item (bb).
30 days prior to making a grant or entering
into a cooperative agreement described in item
(aa), the name of each grantee, including the

H. R. 4348—197
amount and purpose of each grant or cooperative agreement, shall be published in the Federal Register and delivered to the congressional committees listed in subparagraph
Annually, the name of each grantee, including
the amount and purposes of each grant or
cooperative agreement, shall be published in
the Federal Register and delivered to Congress
as part of the report submitted pursuant to
subparagraph (C)(vii)(VII).
Council, a Federal agency, or a State may not
carry out a project or program funded under this
paragraph outside of the Gulf Coast region.
‘‘(F) COORDINATION.—The Council and the Federal
members of the Council may develop memoranda of understanding establishing integrated funding and implementation plans among the member agencies and authorities.
‘‘(i) DISBURSEMENT.—Of the total amount made
available from the Trust Fund, 30 percent shall be
disbursed pursuant to the formula in clause (ii) to
the Gulf Coast States on the approval of the plan
described in subparagraph (B)(i).
‘‘(ii) FORMULA.—Subject to subparagraph (B), for
each Gulf Coast State, the amount disbursed under
this paragraph shall be based on a formula established
by the Council by regulation that is based on a
weighted average of the following criteria:
‘‘(I) 40 percent based on the proportionate
number of miles of shoreline in each Gulf Coast
State that experienced oiling on or before April
10, 2011, compared to the total number of miles
of shoreline that experienced oiling as a result
of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
‘‘(II) 40 percent based on the inverse proportion of the average distance from the mobile offshore drilling unit Deepwater Horizon at the time
of the explosion to the nearest and farthest point
of the shoreline that experienced oiling of each
Gulf Coast State.
‘‘(III) 20 percent based on the average population in the 2010 decennial census of coastal counties bordering the Gulf of Mexico within each Gulf
Coast State.
‘‘(iii) MINIMUM ALLOCATION.—The amount disbursed to a Gulf Coast State for each fiscal year under
clause (ii) shall be at least 5 percent of the total
amounts made available under this paragraph.
‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—The Council shall disburse
amounts to the respective Gulf Coast States in accordance with the formula developed under subparagraph
(A) for projects, programs, and activities that will

H. R. 4348—198
improve the ecosystems or economy of the Gulf Coast
region, subject to the condition that each Gulf Coast
State submits a plan for the expenditure of amounts
disbursed under this paragraph that meets the following criteria:
‘‘(I) All projects, programs, and activities
included in the plan are eligible activities pursuant
to clauses (i) and (ii) of paragraph (1)(B).
‘‘(II) The projects, programs, and activities
included in the plan contribute to the overall economic and ecological recovery of the Gulf Coast.
‘‘(III) The plan takes into consideration the
Comprehensive Plan and is consistent with the
goals and objectives of the Plan, as described in
paragraph (2)(B)(i).
‘‘(ii) FUNDING.—
‘‘(I) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in subclause (II), the plan described in clause (i) may
use not more than 25 percent of the funding made
available for infrastructure projects eligible under
subclauses (VI) and (VII) of paragraph (1)(B)(i).
‘‘(II) EXCEPTION.—The plan described in clause
(i) may propose to use more than 25 percent of
the funding made available for infrastructure
projects eligible under subclauses (VI) and (VII)
of paragraph (1)(B)(i) if the plan certifies that—
‘‘(aa) ecosystem restoration needs in the
State will be addressed by the projects in the
proposed plan; and
‘‘(bb) additional investment in infrastructure is required to mitigate the impacts of
the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill to the ecosystem or economy.
‘‘(iii) DEVELOPMENT.—The plan described in clause
(i) shall be developed by—
‘‘(I) in the State of Alabama, the Alabama
Gulf Coast Recovery Council established under
paragraph (1)(F)(i);
‘‘(II) in the State of Florida, a consortia of
local political subdivisions that includes at a minimum 1 representative of each affected county;
‘‘(III) in the State of Louisiana, the Coastal
Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana;
‘‘(IV) in the State of Mississippi, the Office
of the Governor or an appointee of the Office of
the Governor; and
‘‘(V) in the State of Texas, the Office of the
Governor or an appointee of the Office of the Governor.
‘‘(iv) APPROVAL.—Not later than 60 days after the
date on which a plan is submitted under clause (i),
the Council shall approve or disapprove the plan based
on the conditions of clause (i).
‘‘(C) DISAPPROVAL.—If the Council disapproves a plan
pursuant to subparagraph (B)(iv), the Council shall—
‘‘(i) provide the reasons for disapproval in writing;

H. R. 4348—199
‘‘(ii) consult with the State to address any identified deficiencies with the State plan.
fails to submit an adequate plan under this paragraph,
any funds made available under this paragraph shall
remain in the Trust Fund until such date as a plan is
submitted and approved pursuant to this paragraph.
‘‘(E) JUDICIAL REVIEW.—If the Council fails to approve
or take action within 60 days on a plan, as described
in subparagraph (B)(iv), the State may obtain expedited
judicial review within 90 days of that decision in a district
court of the United States, of appropriate jurisdiction and
venue, that is located within the State seeking the review.
‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—A Gulf Coast State or coastal
political subdivision may use, in whole or in part,
amounts made available to that Gulf Coast State or
coastal political subdivision under this paragraph to
satisfy the non-Federal share of any project or program
‘‘(I) is authorized by other Federal law; and
‘‘(II) is an eligible activity described in clause
(i) or (ii) of paragraph (1)(B).
‘‘(ii) EFFECT ON OTHER FUNDS.—The use of funds
made available from the Trust Fund under this paragraph to satisfy the non-Federal share of the cost of
a project or program described in clause (i) shall not
affect the priority in which other Federal funds are
allocated or awarded.
amount made available for any fiscal year from the Trust
Fund that is equal to the interest earned by the Trust Fund
and proceeds from investments made by the Trust Fund in
the preceding fiscal year—
‘‘(A) 50 percent shall be divided equally between—
‘‘(i) the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Science,
Observation, Monitoring, and Technology program
authorized in section 1604 of the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and
Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of
2012; and
‘‘(ii) the centers of excellence research grants
authorized in section 1605 of that Act; and
‘‘(B) 50 percent shall be made available to the Gulf
Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council to carry out the Comprehensive Plan pursuant to paragraph (2).’’.



(a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section:
(1) ADMINISTRATOR.—The term ‘‘Administrator’’ means the
Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
(2) COMMISSION.—The term ‘‘Commission’’ means the Gulf
States Marine Fisheries Commission.

H. R. 4348—200
(3) DIRECTOR.—The term ‘‘Director’’ means the Director
of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.
(4) PROGRAM.—The term ‘‘program’’ means the Gulf Coast
Ecosystem Restoration Science, Observation, Monitoring, and
Technology program established under this section.
(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days after the date
of enactment of this Act, the Administrator, in consultation
with the Director, shall establish the Gulf Coast Ecosystem
Restoration Science, Observation, Monitoring, and Technology
program to carry out research, observation, and monitoring
to support, to the maximum extent practicable, the long-term
sustainability of the ecosystem, fish stocks, fish habitat, and
the recreational, commercial, and charter fishing industry in
the Gulf of Mexico.
(2) EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS.—For each fiscal year, amounts
made available to carry out this subsection may be expended
for, with respect to the Gulf of Mexico—
(A) marine and estuarine research;
(B) marine and estuarine ecosystem monitoring and
ocean observation;
(C) data collection and stock assessments;
(D) pilot programs for—
(i) fishery independent data; and
(ii) reduction of exploitation of spawning aggregations; and
(E) cooperative research.
year, amounts made available to carry out this subsection may
be transferred to the Commission to establish a fisheries monitoring and research program, with respect to the Gulf of Mexico.
(4) CONSULTATION.—The Administrator and the Director
shall consult with the Regional Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council and the Commission in carrying out the program.
(c) SPECIES INCLUDED.—The research, monitoring, assessment,
and programs eligible for amounts made available under the program shall include all marine, estuarine, aquaculture, and fish
species in State and Federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
(d) RESEARCH PRIORITIES.—In distributing funding under this
subsection, priority shall be given to integrated, long-term projects
(1) build on, or are coordinated with, related research activities; and
(2) address current or anticipated marine ecosystem,
fishery, or wildlife management information needs.
(e) DUPLICATION.—In carrying out this section, the Administrator, in consultation with the Director, shall seek to avoid duplication of other research and monitoring activities.
in consultation with the Director, shall develop a plan for the
coordination of projects and activities between the program and
other existing Federal and State science and technology programs
in the States of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and
Texas, as well as between the centers of excellence.

H. R. 4348—201
(1) IN GENERAL.—Not more than 3 percent of funds provided in subsection (h) shall be used for administrative
(2) NOAA.—The funds provided in subsection (h) may not
be used—
(A) for any existing or planned research led by the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, unless
agreed to in writing by the grant recipient;
(B) to implement existing regulations or initiate new
regulations promulgated or proposed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; or
(C) to develop or approve a new limited access privilege
program (as that term is used in section 303A of the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management
Act (16 U.S.C. 1853a)) for any fishery under the jurisdiction
of the South Atlantic, Mid-Atlantic, New England, or Gulf
of Mexico Fishery Management Councils.
(h) FUNDING.—Of the total amount made available for each
fiscal year for the Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund established
under section 1602, 2.5 percent shall be available to carry out
the program.
(i) SUNSET.—The program shall cease operations when all funds
in the Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund established under section
1602 have been expended.

(a) IN GENERAL.—Of the total amount made available for each
fiscal year from the Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund established
under section 1602, 2.5 percent shall be made available to the
Gulf Coast States (as defined in section 311(a) of the Federal
Water Pollution Control Act (as added by section 1603 of the
Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities,
and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012)),
in equal shares, exclusively for grants in accordance with subsection
(c) to establish centers of excellence to conduct research only on
the Gulf Coast Region (as defined in section 311 of the Federal
Water Pollution Control Act (33. U.S.C. 1321)).
The duties of a Gulf Coast State under this section shall be carried
out by the applicable Gulf Coast State entities, task forces, or
agencies listed in section 311(t)(1)(F) of the Federal Water Pollution
Control Act (as added by section 1603 of the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012), and for the State
of Florida, a consortium of public and private research institutions
within the State, which shall include the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, for that Gulf Coast State.
(c) GRANTS.—
(1) IN GENERAL.—A Gulf Coast State shall use the amounts
made available to carry out this section to award competitive
grants to nongovernmental entities and consortia in the Gulf
Coast region (including public and private institutions of higher
education) for the establishment of centers of excellence as
described in subsection (d).
(2) APPLICATION.—To be eligible to receive a grant under
this subsection, an entity or consortium described in paragraph

H. R. 4348—202
(1) shall submit to a Gulf Coast State an application at such
time, in such manner, and containing such information as
the Gulf Coast State determines to be appropriate.
(3) PRIORITY.—In awarding grants under this subsection,
a Gulf Coast State shall give priority to entities and consortia
that demonstrate the ability to establish the broadest crosssection of participants with interest and expertise in any discipline described in subsection (d) on which the proposal of
the center of excellence will be focused.
(A) IN GENERAL.—Each Gulf Coast State shall provide
annually to the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council
established under section 311(t)(2)(C) of the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act (as added by section 1603 of the
Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist
Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast
States Act of 2012) information regarding all grants,
including the amount, discipline or disciplines, and recipients of the grants, and in the case of any grant awarded
to a consortium, the membership of the consortium.
(B) INCLUSION.—The Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration
Council shall include the information received under
subparagraph (A) in the annual report to Congress of the
Council required under section 311(t)(2)(C)(vii)(VII) of the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act (as added by section
1603 of the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability,
Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf
Coast States Act of 2012).
(d) DISCIPLINES.—Each center of excellence shall focus on
science, technology, and monitoring in at least 1 of the following
(1) Coastal and deltaic sustainability, restoration and
protection, including solutions and technology that allow citizens to live in a safe and sustainable manner in a coastal
delta in the Gulf Coast Region.
(2) Coastal fisheries and wildlife ecosystem research and
monitoring in the Gulf Coast Region.
(3) Offshore energy development, including research and
technology to improve the sustainable and safe development
of energy resources in the Gulf of Mexico.
(4) Sustainable and resilient growth, economic and commercial development in the Gulf Coast Region.
(5) Comprehensive observation, monitoring, and mapping
of the Gulf of Mexico.
SEC. 1606. EFFECT.

section, the term ‘‘Deepwater Horizon oil spill’’ has the meaning
given the term in section 311(a) of the Federal Water Pollution
Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1321(a)).
(b) EFFECT AND APPLICATION.—Nothing in this subtitle or any
amendment made by this subtitle—
(1) supersedes or otherwise affects any other provision
of Federal law, including, in particular, laws providing recovery
for injury to natural resources under the Oil Pollution Act
of 1990 (33 U.S.C. 2701 et seq.) and laws for the protection
of public health and the environment; or

H. R. 4348—203
(2) applies to any fine collected under section 311 of the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1321) for any
incident other than the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
(c) USE OF FUNDS.—Funds made available under this subtitle
may be used only for eligible activities specifically authorized by
this subtitle and the amendments made by this subtitle.

(a) WILLING SELLER.—Funds made available under this subtitle
may only be used to acquire land or interests in land by purchase,
exchange, or donation from a willing seller.
(b) ACQUISITION OF FEDERAL LAND.—None of the funds made
available under this subtitle may be used to acquire land in fee
title by the Federal Government unless—
(1) the land is acquired by exchange or donation; or
(2) the acquisition is necessary for the restoration and
protection of the natural resources, ecosystems, fisheries,
marine and wildlife habitats, beaches, and coastal wetlands
of the Gulf Coast region and has the concurrence of the Governor of the State in which the acquisition will take place.

The Office of the Inspector General of the Department of the
Treasury shall have authority to conduct, supervise, and coordinate
audits and investigations of projects, programs, and activities
funded under this subtitle and the amendments made by this


This title may be cited as the ‘‘America Fast Forward Financing
Innovation Act of 2012’’.





Sections 601 through 609 of title 23, United States Code, are
amended to read as follows:
‘‘§ 601. Generally applicable provisions
‘‘(a) DEFINITIONS.—In this chapter, the following definitions
‘‘(1) CONTINGENT COMMITMENT.—The term ‘contingent
commitment’ means a commitment to obligate an amount from
future available budget authority that is—
‘‘(A) contingent on those funds being made available
in law at a future date; and
‘‘(B) not an obligation of the Federal Government.
‘‘(2) ELIGIBLE PROJECT COSTS.—The term ‘eligible project
costs’ means amounts substantially all of which are paid by,
or for the account of, an obligor in connection with a project,
including the cost of—
‘‘(A) development phase activities, including planning,
feasibility analysis, revenue forecasting, environmental

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File Modified2014-08-22
File Created2012-07-03

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