Notice – CDC estimates the average public reporting burden for this collection of information as 50 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data/information sources, gathering and maintaining the data/information needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road, MS H21-8, Atlanta, GA 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-0214). Assurance of Confidentiality: We take your privacy very seriously. All information that relates to or describes identifiable characteristics of individuals, a practice, or an establishment will be used only for statistical purposes. NCHS staff, contractors, and agents will not disclose or release responses in identifiable form without the consent of the individual or establishment in accordance with section 308(d) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 242m(d)), and the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act (44 U.S.C. 3561-3583). In accordance with CIPSEA, every NCHS employee, contractor, and agent has taken an oath and is subject to a jail term of up to five years, a fine of up to $250,000, or both if he or she willfully discloses ANY identifiable information about you. In addition to the above cited laws, NCHS complies with the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015 (6 U.S.C. § 151 and 151 note) which protects Federal information systems from cybersecurity risks by screening their networks. Question ID: VFY.0010.00.1 Variable name: CURRES_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (GEN.ASTAT=2 or GEN.CBSTAT_A=1) Universe Description: The Sample Adult section has not been started or completed or has a Sample Adult callback setup Question Text: Response: Enter the line number of the person to whom you are speaking. 00. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Not on roster ^ALIASNAME[1] ^ALIASNAME[2] ^ALIASNAME[3] ^ALIASNAME[4] ^ALIASNAME[5] ^ALIASNAME[6] ^ALIASNAME[7] ^ALIASNAME[8] ^ALIASNAME[9] ^ALIASNAME[10] ^ALIASNAME[11] ^ALIASNAME[12] ^ALIASNAME[13] ^ALIASNAME[14] ^ALIASNAME[15] ^ALIASNAME[16] ^ALIASNAME[17] ^ALIASNAME[18] ^ALIASNAME[19] ^ALIASNAME[20] ^ALIASNAME[21] ^ALIASNAME[22] Page 1 of 420 23. 24. 25. ^ALIASNAME[23] ^ALIASNAME[24] ^ALIASNAME[25] Skip Instructions: <1-25> [goto AVAIL_A] Question ID: VFY.0020.00.1 Variable name: AVAIL_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (GEN.ASTAT=2 or GEN.CBSTAT_A=1) Universe Description: The Sample Adult section has not been started or completed or has a Sample Adult callback setup Question Text: Response: Fills: The next questions must be answered by ^SANAME. Probe as necessary to determine the availability of ^SANAME. If Sample Adult refuses to participate enter CTRL-R. Read if necessary: The next questions are about ^SANAME. ^Awayschool ^IshesheArethey_A ^stayinghere available now? ^ONCAMPSA 1. 2. 3. RF: Available Not Available or not able to answer right now Physical or mental condition prohibits responding Refused ^SANAME Sample Adult's name ^Awayschool If Roster.HHC.tblNAME.bPerson.ONOFFCAMPUS IN (1,RF,DK), fill: "Earlier, you said ^SANAME is living away at school or college." ^IshesheArethey_A If SEX_A=1 fill: "Is he" If SEX_A=2 fill: "Is she" If SEX_A IN ('DK'. 'RF") fill: "Are they" ^stayinghere If ONOFFCAMPUS IN (1,DK,RF) fill: "staying here and" ^ONCAMPSA If Roster.HHC.tblNAME.bPerson.ONOFFCAMPUS=1 and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1, fill: *If the on-campus Sample Adult is currently at the sample unit and able to complete the interview: Proceed with the Sample Adult interview. Page 2 of 420 *If the on-campus Sample Adult is not currently at the sample unit and able to complete the interview: Proceed with arranging a callback. Skip Instructions: <1> if CURRES_A ne PX_A [goto INTMODE_A] elseif Roster.HHC.tblNAME.bPerson[PX_A].ONOFFCAMPUS IN (1,RF,DK) and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 [goto VFYONCAMP_A] else [goto VFYALL_A] <2> [goto bCallback.CB_POSSIBLE] then if there is a Sample child and they have not been interviewed [goto Child.VFY.CURRES_C] elseif GEN.OUTCOME=203 [goto BCK.THANKS_SUF] else [goto BCK.THANKS_INSUF] <3> [goto PROXY_A]if there is a SC [goto Child.VFY.CURRES_C] elseif GEN.OUTCOME=203 [goto BCK.THANKS_SUF] else [goto BCK.THANKS_INSUF] Question ID: VFY.0030.00.1 Variable name: PROXY_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: AVAIL_A=3 Universe Description: The Sample Adult's physical or mental condition prohibits responding. Question Text: Response: Proxy interviews can be done for sample adults that have a mental or physical condition that prevents them from responding for themselves. Is a family member or caregiver that is knowledgeable about ^SANAME's health available? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 3 of 420 Fills: ^SANAME Sample Adult's name Skip Instructions: <1> [goto PROXYREL_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto PROXYCALL_A] Question ID: VFY.0040.00.1 Variable name: PROXYREL_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: PROXY_A=1 Universe Description: Knowledgeable proxy is available. Question Text: Response: Fills: What is this person's relationship to ^SANAME? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Relative who lives in household Relative who doesn't live in household Nonrelative who lives in household Nonrelative who does not live in household Don't Know Refused ^SANAME Sample Adult's name Skip Instructions: <1,3> if PCNT18PLUS=1 [goto ERR1_PROXYREL_A] else [goto PROXYLNO_A] <2,4,RF,DK> [goto INTMODE_A] Page 4 of 420 Check Name: ERR1_PROXYREL_A Text: {check ERR1_PROXYREL_A} This is not a valid option as there are no other adults 18+ living in the household. Please correct. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: PCNT18PLUS=1 and PROXYREL_A IN (1,3) Universe Description: Sample Adult is the only person in the household 18+ and answer category "Relative who lives in household" or "Other non-relative who lives in household" was selected at PROXYREL_A Question ID: VFY.0050.00.1 Variable name: PROXYLNO_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: PROXYREL_A IN (1,3) Universe Description: Sample adult proxy is a relative or non relative who lives in the household Question Text: Response: Select the person in this household who is the proxy for ^SANAME. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. ^ALIASNAME[1] ^ALIASNAME[2] ^ALIASNAME[3] ^ALIASNAME[4] ^ALIASNAME[5] Page 5 of 420 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Fills: ^ALIASNAME[6] ^ALIASNAME[7] ^ALIASNAME[8] ^ALIASNAME[9] ^ALIASNAME[10] ^ALIASNAME[11] ^ALIASNAME[12] ^ALIASNAME[13] ^ALIASNAME[14] ^ALIASNAME[15] ^ALIASNAME[16] ^ALIASNAME[17] ^ALIASNAME[18] ^ALIASNAME[19] ^ALIASNAME[20] ^ALIASNAME[21] ^ALIASNAME[22] ^ALIASNAME[23] ^ALIASNAME[24] ^ALIASNAME[25] ^SANAME Sample Adult's name Skip Instructions: <1-25> if PROXYLNO_A ne CURRES_A [goto INTMODE_A] elseif PROXYLNO_A=CURRES_A and Roster.HHC.tblNAME.bPerson[PX_A].ONOFFCAMPUS IN (1,RF,DK) and HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 [goto VFYONCAMP_A] else [goto VFYALL_A] Question ID: VFY.0060.00.1 Variable name: PROXYCALL_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: PROXY_A IN (2,RF,DK) Universe Description: Knowledgeable proxy is not available. Question Text: Can a callback with someone knowledgeable about ^SANAME's health be arranged? Response: Page 6 of 420 1. 2. Fills: Yes No ^SANAME Sample Adult's name Skip Instructions: <1> [goto bCallback.CB_POSSIBLE], then if there is a Sample child and they have not been interviewed [goto Child.VFY.CURRES_C] else [goto BCK.THANKS_CB] <2> if there is a Sample child and they have not been interviewed [goto Child.VFY.CURRES_C] elseif GEN.OUTCOME=203 [goto BCK.THANKS_SUF] else [goto BCK.THANKS_INSUF] Question ID: VFY.0070.00.1 Variable name: INTMODE_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (CURRES_A ne PX_A AND AVAIL_A=1) OR (PROXYREL_A IN (2,4,RF,DK)) OR (PROXYLNO_A IN (1-25) AND PROXYLNO_A ne CURRES_A) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ and Not initially speaking to the Sample Adult but now speaking to the Sample Adult OR Now speaking to a proxy respondent who is not on the roster or refused or don't know if on the roster OR Now speaking to a proxy respondent who is on the roster and who wasn't who you were initially speaking to Question Text: Response: How are you contacting ^SARESP? 1. Personal visit Page 7 of 420 2. Fills: Telephone ^SARESP FillSample Adult respondent's name Skip Instructions: <1> if Roster.HHC.tblNAME.bPerson[PX_A].ONOFFCAMPUS IN (1,RF,DK) and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 [goto VFYONCAMP_A] else[goto VFYALL_A] <2> [goto TINTRO_A] Question ID: VFY.0080.00.1 Variable name: TINTRO_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: INTMODE_A=2 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ and interviewer is conducting a telephone interview with new respondent Question Text: Response: Fills: Hello, my name is ( say your name). I'm calling from the U.S. Census Bureau. We are conducting the National Health Interview Survey on behalf of the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This is a nationwide survey about the health of both adults and children. I have some information from ^HHRESP. Now, I would like to ask you some questions. Read if necessary: I believe I am calling you on a cell phone. Before we continue, I have to ask: Are you currently driving a vehicle? Even if the respondent is using a hands-free device while driving, you must enter '1'. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused ^HHRESP Display the name of the person selected at Roster.HHC.HHRESPAVAIL Page 8 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,RF,DK> [goto ATTN_A] <2> [goto LETTER_A] Question ID: VFY.0090.00.1 Variable name: ATTN_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: TINTRO_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ and interviewer is conducting a telephone interview with new respondent who is driving Question Text: For your safety, we will call you back at another time. Enter 1 to continue. Response: Skip Instructions: <1> [goto bCallback.CB_POSSIBLE] Question ID: VFY.0100.00.1 Variable name: LETTER_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: TINTRO_A=2 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ and interviewer is conducting a telephone interview with new respondent who is not driving Question Text: Response: If sample adult is a new respondent read question below, otherwise enter 1 Read if necessary: A letter describing the National Health Interview Survey was sent to your home recently. Do you remember seeing the letter? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 9 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto S_INTRO_A] Question ID: VFY.0110.00.1 Variable name: S_INTRO_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: TINTRO_A=2 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ and interviewer is conducting a telephone interview with new respondent who is not driving Question Text: ?[F1] If sample adult is a new respondent read question below, otherwise enter 1 Read if necessary: There are a few things I need to cover before we continue. I'd like you to know that taking part in this survey is voluntary. You may choose not to answer any questions you don't wish to answer, or end the interview at any time without penalty. We are required by Federal law to develop and follow strict procedures to protect the confidentiality of your information and use your answers only for statistical research. I can describe these laws if you wish. Except for the National Center for Health Statistics and Census Bureau employees and specially designated agents, no one can see your answers until all information that could identify you and/or your family has been removed. Only after that will your data be made available to researchers. For most adults, the survey will take less than ^SATIME minutes. I'd like to continue now unless you have any questions. If respondent asks for more information about the privacy laws, press F1. Response: Fills: ^SATIME If GEN.CSTAT=1 and GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1, fill: 35 else, fill: 45 Skip Instructions: <1> if Roster.HHC.tblNAME.bPerson[PX_A].ONOFFCAMPUS IN (1,RF,DK) and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 [goto VFYONCAMP_A] else [goto VFYALL_A] Page 10 of 420 Question ID: VFY.0120.00.1 Variable name: VFYONCAMP_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: Roster.HHC.tblNAME.bPerson.ONOFFCAMPUS IN (1,RF,DK) (AVAIL_A=1 or PROXY_A=1) and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 and Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ living in on-campus housing and the Sample Adult is not the household respondent Question Text: Response: I want to confirm some information. Do you live in on-campus housing or off-campus housing? Read if necessary: On-campus housing includes residence halls and dorms where students live together. It also includes buildings that are owned, leased, or managed by the school. Fraternities and sororities are on-campus housing. 1. 2. DK: RF: On campus Off campus Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,RF,DK> [goto VFYALL_A] <2> [goto NOMORE_A] Question ID: VFY.0130.00.1 Variable name: VFYALL_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (AVAIL_A=1 or PROXY_A=1) and VFYONCAMP_A ne 2 Universe Description: Sample adults 18+ and the Sample Adult or a proxy is available to continue the interview and the Sample Adult is not identified as away at college and living in off-campus housing Question Text: ^Verifyintro I have recorded ^yoursexis, you are ^AGE_A, ^NATORG_A, and ^RACE_A. Would you like to make any changes to this ^additionalinfo_A? ^RACEVRBATvalue_A If respondent "refuses" or says "don't know", enter "2" for "no." Response: Page 11 of 420 1. 2. Fills: Yes No ^Verifyintro If VFYONCAMP_A=empty "I want to confirm some information." else fill nothing ^yoursexis If GEN.SEX_FINAL=1 fill "your sex is male" If GEN.SEX_FINAL=2 fill "your sex is female" If GEN.SEX_FINAL=DK and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG=1 fill "you do not know your sex" If GEN.SEX_FINAL=RF and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG=1 fill "you do not wish to provide your sex" If GEN.SEX_FINAL IN (DK,RF) and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne1 fill "your sex was not provided" ^AGE_A if GEN.AGE_FINAL ne RF, DK fill with age elseif GEN.AGE_FINAL IN (RF,DK) andRoster.HHC.tblAGE.blkPerson[PX_A].AGE65=2 fill "65 or older" elseif GEN.AGE_FINAL in (RF,DK) andRoster.HHC.tblAGE.blkPerson[PX_A].AGE65=1 fill "between 18 and 64" elseif GEN.AGE_FINAL IN (RF, DK) and Roster.HHC.tblAGE.blkPerson[PX_A].AGE65 IN (RF,DK,empty) fill "18 and older" ^NATORG_A If GEN.NATO_FINAL=1 fill: "you are of Hispanic or Latino origin" If GEN.NATO_FINAL=2 fill: "you are not of Hispanic or Latino origin" If GEN.NATO_FINAL=DK and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG=1 fill: "you do not know if you are of Hispanic or Latino origin" If GEN.NATO_FINAL=RF and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG=1 fill: "you do not wish to provide information about your Hispanic or Latino origin" If GEN.NATO_FINAL IN (DK,RF) and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 fill "information about your Hispanic or Latino origin was not provided" ^RACE_A Ifrace or races GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A].RACE_FINAL Page 12 of 420 fill: IN "you are ^RACEFILLAND_A." If GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A].RACE_FINAL=DK and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG=1 fill "you do not know your race." If GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A].RACE_FINAL=RF and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG=1 fill: "you do not wish to provide your race." If GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A].RACE_FINAL IN (DK,RF) and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 fill "your race was not provided." ^additionalinfo_A See attachment for fill instructions ^RACEVRBATvalue_A IF GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 and GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A].RACE_VRBAT_FINAL ne (empty,RF,DK), fill "*If respondent wants information on which other race they are listed as, say^RACE_VRBAT." Skip Instructions: <1> [goto VFYDEM_A] <2> if GEN.SEX_FINAL IN (RF,DK) [goto SEXGUESS_A] elseif GEN.NATO_FINAL=1 [goto HISPTYPE_A] elseif GEN.RACE_FINAL=6 [goto PITYPE_A] elseif GEN.RACE_FINAL=7 [goto ASIANTYPE_A] elseif (NEWRACE_A=8 or (NEWRACE_A=empty and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 and Roster.HHC.tblRACE.bperson.RACE_SP[PX_A] in (ZZ,RF,DK))) [goto RACEOTHER_A] else [goto BMONTH_A] Page 13 of 420 Question ID: VFY.0140.00.1 Variable name: VFYDEM_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: VFYALL_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ would like to change demographic information Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: What should I change? commas. 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Enter all that apply, separate with Sex Age Hispanic or Latino Origin Race Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: if 1 IN VFYDEM_A [goto NEWSEX_A] elseif (2,3,4) IN VFYDEM_A and GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A] IN (RF,DK) [goto SEXGUESS_A] elseif 2 IN VFYDEM_A and GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A] NOT IN (RF,DK)[goto NEWAGE_A] elseif 3 IN VFYDEM_A and GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A] NOT IN (RF,DK) [goto NEWNATORG_A] elseif 4 IN VFYDEM_A and GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A] NOT IN (RF,DK) [goto NEWRACE_A] If GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A] IN (RF,DK) [goto SEXGUESS_A] elseif GEN.NATO_FINAL=1 [goto HISPTYPE_A] elseif GEN.RACE_FINAL=6 [goto PITYPE_A] elseif GEN.RACE_FINAL=7 [goto ASIANTYPE_A] elseif (NEWRACE_A=8 or (NEWRACE_A=empty and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 and Roster.HHC.tblRACE.bperson.RACE_SP[PX_A] in (ZZ,RF,DK))) [goto RACEOTHER_A] else [goto BMONTH_A] Page 14 of 420 Question ID: VFY.0150.00.1 Variable name: NEWSEX_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 1 IN VFYDEM_A Universe Description: Respondent said his/her sex is not correct Question Text: Response: Are you male or female? 1. 2. DK: RF: Male Female Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: if GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=RF,DK and NEWSEX_A=RF,DK [goto SEXGUESS_A] elseif 2 IN VFYDEM_A [goto NEWAGE_A] elseif 3 IN VFYDEM_A [goto NEWNATORG_A] elseif 4 IN VFYDEM_A [goto NEWRACE_A] elseif GEN.NATO_FINAL=1 [goto HISPTYPE_A] elseif GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A].RACE_FINAL=6 [goto PITYPE_A] elseif GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A].RACE_FINAL=7 [goto ASIANTYPE_A] elseif (NEWRACE_A=8 or (NEWRACE_A=empty and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 and Roster.HHC.tblRACE.bperson.RACE_SP[PX_A] in (ZZ,RF,DK))) [goto RACEOTHER_A] else [goto BMONTH_A] Page 15 of 420 Question ID: VFY.0160.00.1 Variable name: SEXGUESS_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: GEN.SEX_FINAL IN (DK,RF) and (VFYDEM_A NOT IN 1 or (VFYDEM_A=1 and NEWSEX_A IN (RF,DK))) Universe Description: Sample adults for whom there is no sex provided by the household respondent and did not give a sex when asked to verify information Question Text: Response: Fills: Enter your best guess of ^SANAME's sex. 1. 2. Male Female ^SANAME Sample Adult's name Skip Instructions: <1,2> if 2 IN VFYDEM_A [goto NEWAGE_A] elseif 3 IN VFYDEM_A [goto NEWNATORG_A] elseif 4 IN VFYDEM_A [goto NEWRACE_A] elseif GEN.NATO_FINAL=1 [goto HISPTYPE_A] elseif GEN.RACE_FINAL=6 [goto PITYPE_A] elseif GEN.RACE_FINAL=7 [goto ASIANTYPE_A] elseif (NEWRACE_A=8 or (NEWRACE_A=empty and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 and Roster.HHC.tblRACE.bperson.RACE_SP[PX_A] in (ZZ,RF,DK))) [goto RACEOTHER_A] else [goto BMONTH_A] Page 16 of 420 Question ID: VFY.0170.00.1 Variable name: NEWAGE_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 2 IN VFYDEM_A Universe Description: Sample Adult 18+ said his/her age is not correct Question Text: Response: How old are you? DK: RF: Enter age. Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <0-120, RF, DK> if 3 IN VFYDEM_A [goto NEWNATORG_A] elseif 4 IN VFYDEM_A [goto NEWRACE_A] elseif GEN.NATO_FINAL=1 [goto HISPTYPE_A] elseif GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A].RACE_FINAL=6 [goto PITYPE_A] elseif GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A].RACE_FINAL=7 [goto ASIANTYPE_A] elseif (NEWRACE_A=8 or (NEWRACE_A=empty and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 and Roster.HHC.tblRACE.bperson.RACE_SP[PX_A] in (ZZ,RF,DK))) [goto RACEOTHER_A] else [goto BMONTH_A] Question ID: VFY.0190.00.1 Variable name: NEWNATORG_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 3 IN VFYDEM_A Universe Description: Sample Adult 18+ said his/her Hispanic Origin is not correct Question Text: Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic or Latino? Response: Page 17 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> if 4 IN VFYDEM_A [goto NEWRACE_A] elseif GEN.NATO_FINAL=1 [goto HISPTYPE_A] elseif GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A].RACE_FINAL=6 [goto PITYPE_A] elseif GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A].RACE_FINAL=7 [goto ASIANTYPE_A] elseif (NEWRACE_A=8 or (NEWRACE_A=empty and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 and Roster.HHC.tblRACE.bperson.RACE_SP[PX_A] in (ZZ,RF,DK))) [goto RACEOTHER_A] else [goto BMONTH_A] Question ID: VFY.0200.00.1 Variable name: NEWRACE_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 4 IN VFYDEM_A Universe Description: Sample Adult 18+ said his/her race is not correct Question Text: Response: What race or races do you consider yourself to be? Please select 1 or more of these categories: White, Black, African American, American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, Asian, or some other race? Enter all that apply, separate with commas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. White Black/African American American Indian Alaska Native Native Hawaiian Page 18 of 420 6. 7. 8. DK: RF: Pacific Islander Asian Some other race Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-8,RF,DK> if GEN.NATO_FINAL=1 [goto HISPTYPE_A] elseif GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A].RACE_FINAL=6 [goto PITYPE_A] elseif GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A].RACE_FINAL=7 [goto ASIANTYPE_A] elseif (NEWRACE_A=8 or (NEWRACE_A=empty and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 and Roster.HHC.tblRACE.bperson.RACE_SP[PX_A] in (ZZ,RF,DK))) [goto RACEOTHER_A] else [goto BMONTH_A] Question ID: VFY.0210.00.1 Variable name: HISPTYPE_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: GEN.NATO_FINAL[PX_A]=1 NOMORE_A ne 1 and (AVAIL_A=1 or PROXY_A=1) and Universe Description: Respondent is of Hispanic Origin Question Text: Response: What is your Hispanic or Latino ancestry or origin, such as Mexican, Mexican American, ^CHICANOA, Central or South American, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Dominican (Republic), or Other Hispanic, ^LATINOA, or Spanish -- and if you have more than one, tell me all of them. Enter all that apply, separate with commas. 1. 2. Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano(a) Central American Page 19 of 420 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. DK: RF: Fills: South American Puerto Rican (Boricua) Cuban Dominican (Republic) Other Hispanic, Latino(a), or Spanish (specify) Don't Know Refused ^CHICANOA If SEX_FINAL = 1 fill: "Chicano" if SEX_FINAL = 2,DK,RF fill "Chicano or Chicana" ^LATINOA If SEX_FINAL= 1 fill: "Latino" if SEX_FINAL = 2,DK,RF fill "Latino or Latina" Skip Instructions: <7> [goto HISPOTHER_A] <1-6,RF,DK> if GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A]=6 [goto PITYPE_A] elseif GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A]=7 [goto ASIANTYPE_A] elseif (NEWRACE_A=8 or (NEWRACE_A=empty and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 and Roster.HHC.tblRACE.bPerson.RACE_SP[PX_A] in (ZZ,RF,DK))) [goto RACEOTHER_A] else [goto BMONTH_A] Question ID: VFY.0220.00.1 Variable name: HISPOTHER_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HISPTYPE_A=7 Universe Description: Respondent is of Other Hispanic Origin Question Text: Response: ?[F1] What is your Hispanic or Latino ancestry or origin? If you have more than one, tell me all of them. Start typing and then select from list. If Hispanic or Latino ancestry is not on the list, type "ZZ" and enter verbatim. If any of the following are mentioned, backup to previous screen and correct the entry. Mexican Mexican American Chicano/Chicana Central American (REFER TO HELP SCREEN) South American (REFER TO HELP SCREEN) Puerto Rican (Boricua) Cuban/Cuban American Dominican (Republic) If respondent provides more than one other Hispanic or Latino ancestry or origin, select 'ZZ' from the lookup table. At the next question, enter ALL the other Hispanic or Latino ancestries or origins in the verbatim field. DK: Don't Know Page 20 of 420 RF: Refused Skip Instructions: [goto HISPVRBAT_A] if GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A]=6 [goto PITYPE_A] elseif GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A]=7 [goto ASIANTYPE_A] elseif (NEWRACE_A=8 or (NEWRACE_A=empty and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 and Roster.HHC.tblRACE.bPerson.RACE_SP[PX_A] in (ZZ,RF,DK))) [goto RACEOTHER_A] else [goto BMONTH_A] Question ID: VFY.0230.00.1 Variable name: HISPVRBAT_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HISPOTHER_A=ZZ Universe Description: Sample Adult 18+ who report some other Hispanic Ancestry and this is not choosen from the picklist Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: What is your Hispanic or Latino ancestry or origin? If you have more than one, tell me all of them. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: if GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A].RACE_FINAL=6 [goto PITYPE_A] elseif GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A].RACE_FINAL=7 [goto ASIANTYPE_A] elseif (NEWRACE_A=8 or (NEWRACE_A=empty and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 and Roster.HHC.tblRACE.bPerson.RACE_SP[PX_A].RACE_FINAL in (ZZ,RF,DK))) [goto RACEOTHER_A] else [goto BMONTH_A] Page 21 of 420 Question ID: VFY.0240.00.1 Variable name: PITYPE_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A].RACE_FINAL=6 and (AVAIL_A=1 or PROXY_A=1) and NOMORE_A ne 1 Universe Description: Respondent identifies race as Pacific Islander Question Text: Response: I have recorded that you are Pacific Islander. What specific ethnic group or groups are you-- such as Guamanian or Chamorro, Samoan, or other Pacific Islander? If you are more than one, tell me all of them. Enter all that apply, separate with commas. 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Guamanian or Chamorro Samoan Other Pacific Islander Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <3> [goto PIOTHER_A] <1,2,RF,DK> if GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A].RACE_FINAL=7 [goto ASIANTYPE_A] elseif (NEWRACE_A=8 or (NEWRACE_A=empty and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 and Roster.HHC.tblRACE.bPerson.RACE_SP[PX_A] IN (ZZ,RF,DK))) [goto RACEOTHER_A] else [goto BMONTH_A] Page 22 of 420 Question ID: VFY.0250.00.1 Variable name: PIOTHER_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: PITYPE_A=3 Universe Description: Sample Adult 18+ who identifies as Other Pacific Islander Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: I have recorded that you are Pacific Islander. What specific ethnic group or groups are you? If you are more than one, tell me all of them. Start typing and then select from list. If Pacific Islander ethnic group is not on the list, type "ZZ" and enter verbatim. If respondent provides more than one ethnic group, select 'ZZ' from the lookup table. At the next question, enter ALL the ethnic groups in the verbatim field. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: [goto PIVRBAT_A] if GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A].RACE_FINAL=7 [goto ASIANTYPE_A] elseif (NEWRACE_A=8 or (NEWRACE_A=empty and HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 and Roster.HHC.tblRACE.bPerson.RACE_SP[PX_A] IN (ZZ,RF,DK))) [goto RACEOTHER_A] else [goto BMONTH_A] Question ID: VFY.0260.00.1 Variable name: PIVRBAT_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: PIOTHER_A=ZZ Universe Description: Sample Adult 18+ who report some other group of Pacific Islander not on the picklist Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: I have recorded that you are Pacific Islander. What specific ethnic group or groups are you? If you are more than one, tell me all of them. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 23 of 420 Skip Instructions: if GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A].RACE_FINAL=7 [goto ASIANTYPE_A] elseif (NEWRACE_A=8 or (NEWRACE_A=empty and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 and Roster.HHC.tblRACE.bPerson.RACE_SP[PX_A] IN (ZZ,RF,DK))) [goto RACEOTHER_A] else [goto BMONTH_A] Question ID: VFY.0270.00.1 Variable name: ASIANTYPE_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: GEN.RACE_FINAL[PX_A].RACE_FINAL=7 and (AVAIL_A=1 or PROXY_A=1) and NOMORE_A ne 1 Universe Description: Sample Adult identifies race as Asian Question Text: Response: I have recorded that you are Asian. What specific ethnic group or groups are you-- such as Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, or Other Asian? If you are more than one, tell me all of them. Enter all that apply, separate with commas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. DK: RF: Asian Indian Chinese Filipino Japanese Korean Vietnamese Other Asian Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <7> [goto ASIANOTHER_A] <1-6,RF,DK> elseif (NEWRACE_A=8 or (NEWRACE_A=empty and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 and Roster.HHC.tblRACE.bPerson.RACE_SP[PX_A] in (ZZ,RF,DK)))[goto RACEOTHER_A] else [goto BMONTH_A] Page 24 of 420 Question ID: VFY.0280.00.1 Variable name: ASIANOTHER_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ASIANTYPE_A=7 Universe Description: Respondent identifies as other Asian Question Text: Response: What is your specific Asian ethnic group or groups? If you have more than one, tell me all of them. Start typing and then select from list. If Asian ethnic group is not on the list, type "ZZ" and enter verbatim. If any of the following are mentioned, backup to previous screen and correct the entry. (Asian) Indian Chinese Filipino Japanese Korean Vietnamese If respondent provides more than one ethnic group, select 'ZZ' from the lookup table. At the next question, enter ALL the ethnic groups in the verbatim field. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: (NEWRACE_A=8 or (NEWRACE_A=empty and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 and Roster.HHC.tblRACE.bPerson.RACE_SP[PX_A] in (ZZ,RF,DK))) [goto RACEOTHER_A] else [goto BMONTH_A] Question ID: VFY.0290.00.1 Variable name: ASIANVRBAT_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ASIANOTHER_A=ZZ Universe Description: Sample Adult 18+ who report some other ethnic group of Asian that is not on the picklist Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: What is your specific Asian ethnic group or groups? If you have more than one, tell me all of them. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 25 of 420 Skip Instructions: if (NEWRACE_A=8 or (NEWRACE_A=empty and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 and Roster.HHC.tblRACE.bPerson.RACE_SP[PX_A] in (ZZ,RF,DK))) [goto RACEOTHER_A] else [goto BMONTH_A] Question ID: VFY.0300.00.1 Variable name: RACEOTHER_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (AVAIL_A=1 or PROXY_A=1) and (NEWRACE_A=8 or (NEWRACE_A=empty and GEN.HHRESPSA_FLG ne 1 and ROSTER.HHC.RACE_SP[PX_A] IN (ZZ,RF,DK))) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ and race was changed to "some other race" in verification section or where the Sample Adult respondent is not the Household respondent and did not report a new race and were identified by the household respondent as being "some other race" not on the roster other race picklist Question Text: Response: What other race or races do you consider yourself to be? Start typing and then select from list. If race is not on the list, type "ZZ" and enter verbatim. If respondent provides more than one other race, select 'ZZ' from the lookup table. At the next question, enter ALL the other races in the verbatim field. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: [goto RACEVRBAT] [goto BMONTH_A] Page 26 of 420 Question ID: VFY.0310.00.1 Variable name: RACEVRBAT_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: RACEOTHER_A=ZZ Universe Description: Sample adults 18+ who are some other race and this is not selected from Sample adult picklist Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: What other race or races do you consider yourself to be? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: [goto BMONTH_A] Question ID: VFY.0340.01.1 Variable name: BMONTH_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (AVAIL_A=1 or PROXY_A=1) and DOB_COUNT_A lt 2 Universe Description: Sample adults 18+ and someone is available to continue the interview and date of birth was verified as incorrect fewer than 2 times Question Text: Response: 1 of 3 What is your date of birth? Please give month, day, and year for the date of birth. Enter month of birth. 1. 2. 3. January February March Page 27 of 420 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. DK: RF: April May June July August September October November December Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-12,RF,DK> [goto BDAY_A] Question ID: VFY.0340.02.1 Variable name: BDAY_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (AVAIL_A=1 or PROXY_A=1) and DOB_COUNT_A lt 2 Universe Description: Sample adults 18+ and someone is available to continue the interview and date of birth was verified as incorrect fewer than 2 times Question Text: Response: 2 of 3 DK: RF: Enter day of birth. Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-31,RF,DK> Only allow valid days for month entered. if days not valid [goto ERR_BDAY_A] else [goto BYEAR_A] Page 28 of 420 Check Name: ERR_BDAY_A Text: {check ERR_BDAY_A} ^BDAY_A is not a valid day for ^BMONTH_A. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Fills: ^BDAY_A Fill value from Adult.VFY.BDAY_A ^BMONTH_A Fill value from Adult.VFY.BMONTH_A Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: Invalid dates for the month entered Question ID: VFY.0340.03.1 Variable name: BYEAR_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (AVAIL_A=1 or PROXY_A=1) and DOB_COUNT_A lt 2 Universe Description: Sample adults 18+ and someone is available to continue the interview and date of birth was verified as incorrect fewer than 2 times Question Text: Response: 3 of 3 DK: RF: Enter year of birth. If year of birth is before 1900, enter 1900. Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1900-current year,RF,DK> if (BYEAR_A gt current year) or (BYEAR_A=current year and BMONTH_A gt current month) or (BYEAR_A=current year and BMONTH_A=current month and BDAY_A gt current day) [goto ERR_BYEAR_A] elseif BDAY_A=29 and BMONTH_A=2 and (BYEAR=2000 or BYEAR_A/4 remainder ne 0) [goto ERR_BDAYLEAP_A] elseif GEN.AGE_FINAL IN (RF,DK) [goto AGEGUESS_A] elseif ((BYEAR_A not IN (RF,DK) and AGETEMP_A not IN (RF,DK) and AGETEMP_A ne AGE_CALC_A) AND (AGETEMP_A not IN (RF,DK) and AGETEMP_A ne AGE_CALCMINUS1_A)) and DOB_COUNT_A ne 1 [goto Page 29 of 420 VFYDOB_A] elseif (AGETEMP_A eq (AGE_CALC_A or AGE_CALCMINUS1_A)) or DOB_COUNT_A=1 if GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] lt 18 [goto NOMORE_A] else [goto next section] Check Name: ERR_BDAYLEAP_A Text: {check ERR_BDAYLEAP_A} ^BDAY_A is not a valid day for ^BMONTH_A. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Fills: ^BDAY_A Fill value from Adult.VFY.BDAY_A ^BMONTH_A Fill value from Adult.VFY.BMONTH_A Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: Invalid dates for the month entered Check Name: ERR_BYEAR_A Text: {check ERR_BYEAR_A} Future date invalid Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (BYEAR_A>current year) or (BYEAR_A=current BMONTH_A>current month) or (BYEAR_A=current BMONTH_A=current month and BDAY_A>current day) Universe Description: Birthday is in the future Page 30 of 420 year year and and Question ID: VFY.0370.00.1 Variable name: AGEGUESS_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: GEN.AGE_FINAL IN (DK,RF) Universe Description: Sample Adult's age is don't know or refused Question Text: An age has not been collected and we are unable to determine an age based upon the date of birth. What is your best guess at ^ALIASNAME's age? Response: Fills: ^ALIASNAME Fill value from Roster.HHC.ALIAS[PX] Skip Instructions: <18-120> [goto next section] Question ID: VFY.0380.00.1 Variable name: VFYDOB_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ((BYEAR_A not IN (DK,RF) and AGETEMP_A not IN (DK,RF) and AGETEMP_A ne AGE_CALC_C) AND (AGETEMP_A not IN (DK,RF) and AGETEMP_A ne AGE_CALCMINUS1_A and (AGETEMP_A ne AGE_CALCSASTART_A AND SASTARTAGE_FLG ne 1))) and DOB_COUNT_A ne 1 and Universe Description: Sample Adults whose age provided in either HHC or NEWAGE_A does not match either age calculated from date of birth information Question Text: There is a difference between the age the computer calculated from your date of birth of ^AGEDOB_A_fill and the age I had previously recorded of ^TEMPAGE_A. I recorded your ^dateofbirth Response: Page 31 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^dateofbirth If BDAY_A, BMONTH,A and BYEAR_A are all valid, fill: "date of birth as ^BMONTH_A ^BDAY_A, ^BYEAR_A, is that correct?" If only BMONTH_A and BYEAR_A are valid, fill: "date of birth as ^BMONTH_A ^BYEAR_A, is that correct?" If only BDAY_A and BYEAR_A are valid, fill: "year of birth as ^BYEAR_A, is that correct?" If only BYEAR_A is valid, fill: "year of birth as ^BYEAR_A, is that correct?" ^AGEDOB_A_fill Fill one age calculated from AGE_CALC_A as "(age)" Fill two ages calculated from AGE_CALC_A and AGE_CALCMINUS1_A as "(age) or (age)" ^TEMPAGE_A Fill value of AGETEMP_A Skip Instructions: <1,RF,DK> if GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] lt 18 [goto NOMORE_A] else [goto next section] <2> if DOB_COUNT_A le 1 [goto BMONTH_A] else if GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] lt 18 [goto NOMORE_A] else [goto next section] Page 32 of 420 Question ID: VFY.0390.00.1 Variable name: NOMORE_A Interview module: VFY(Adult.VFY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] lt 18 or VFYONCAMP_A=2 Universe Description: Sample adult whose age is now less than 18 or lives off campus Question Text: Response: Fills: ^SANAME is no longer the sample adult for this family. End this interview and begin the Sample Child Interview. If there is no Sample Child or the Sample Child interview has been completed, EXIT Not everyone in our survey is asked all questions. I have all the information that I need about you at this time. Enter '1' to Continue. 1. Enter 1 to Continue ^SANAME Sample Adult's name Skip Instructions: <1> if there is a Sample Child that has not been interviewed [goto Child.VFY.CURRES_C] else if GEN.OUTCOME IN 215 [goto BCK.THANKS_INSUF] else [goto BCK.THANKS_SUF] Question ID: HIS.0010.00.1 Variable name: PHSTAT_A Interview module: HIS(Adult.HIS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Would you say your health in general is excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor? Response: Page 33 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DK: RF: Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-5,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: LSF.0010.00.3 Variable name: LSATIS4_A Interview module: LSF(Adult.LSF) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: In general, how satisfied are you with your life? Are you very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Very satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto next section] Page 34 of 420 Question ID: HYP.0010.00.1 Variable name: HYPINTRO_A Interview module: HYP(Adult.HYP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Now I am going to ask you about certain medical conditions. continue. 1. Enter '1' to Enter 1 to Continue Skip Instructions: <1> [goto HYPEV_A] Question ID: HYP.0020.00.1 Variable name: HYPEV_A Interview module: HYP(Adult.HYP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had ...Hypertension, also called high blood pressure? Enter '1' if respondent is taking medication to control his/her high blood pressure. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto HYPDIF_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Page 35 of 420 Question ID: HYP.0030.00.1 Variable name: HYPDIF_A Interview module: HYP(Adult.HYP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HYPEV_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were ever told they had hypertension Question Text: Response: Were you told on two or more DIFFERENT visits that you had hypertension or high blood pressure? Enter '1' if respondent is taking medication to control his/her high blood pressure. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto HYP12M_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto HYPMED_A] Question ID: HYP.0040.00.1 Variable name: HYP12M_A Interview module: HYP(Adult.HYP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HYPDIF_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were ever told they had hypertension (2+ visits) Question Text: During the past 12 months, have you had hypertension or high blood pressure? Enter '1' if respondent is taking medication to control his/her high blood pressure. Response: Page 36 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto HYPMED_A] Question ID: HYP.0050.00.1 Variable name: HYPMED_A Interview module: HYP(Adult.HYP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HYPEV_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were ever told they have hypertension Question Text: Response: Are you NOW taking any medication prescribed by a doctor for your high blood pressure? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: CHL.0010.00.1 Variable name: CHLEV_A Interview module: CHL(Adult.CHL) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had high cholesterol? Enter ‘1' if respondent is taking medication to control his/her high cholesterol. Response: Page 37 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto CHL12M_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: CHL.0020.00.1 Variable name: CHL12M_A Interview module: CHL(Adult.CHL) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CHLEV_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were ever told they had high cholesterol Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, have you had high cholesterol? Enter '1' if respondent is taking medication to control his/her high cholesterol. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto CHLMED_A] Question ID: CHL.0030.00.1 Variable name: CHLMED_A Interview module: CHL(Adult.CHL) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CHLEV_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were ever told they had high cholesterol Question Text: Are you NOW taking any medication prescribed by a doctor to help lower your cholesterol? Response: Page 38 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: CVC.0010.00.1 Variable name: CHDEV_A Interview module: CVC(Adult.CVC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had ...Coronary heart disease? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto ANGEV_A] Question ID: CVC.0020.00.1 Variable name: ANGEV_A Interview module: CVC(Adult.CVC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Read if necessary: Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had ...Angina, also called angina pectoris? Response: Page 39 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto MIEV_A] Question ID: CVC.0030.00.1 Variable name: MIEV_A Interview module: CVC(Adult.CVC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had ...A heart attack, also called myocardial infarction? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto STREV_A] Question ID: CVC.0040.00.1 Variable name: STREV_A Interview module: CVC(Adult.CVC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Read if necessary: Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had ...A stroke? Response: Page 40 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: AST.0010.00.1 Variable name: ASEV_A Interview module: AST(Adult.AST) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had asthma? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto ASTILL_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: AST.0020.00.1 Variable name: ASTILL_A Interview module: AST(Adult.AST) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ASEV_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were ever told they have asthma Question Text: Do you still have asthma? Response: Page 41 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto ASAT12M_A] Question ID: AST.0030.00.1 Variable name: ASAT12M_A Interview module: AST(Adult.AST) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ASEV_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were ever told they had asthma Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, have you had an episode of asthma or an asthma attack? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto ASER12M_A] Question ID: AST.0040.00.1 Variable name: ASER12M_A Interview module: AST(Adult.AST) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ASEV_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were ever told they had asthma Question Text: During the past 12 months, have you had to visit an emergency room or urgent care center because of asthma? Response: Page 42 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: CAN.0010.00.1 Variable name: CANEV_A Interview module: CAN(Adult.CAN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had ...Cancer or a malignancy of any kind? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto CANKIND1_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: CAN.0020.00.1 Variable name: CANKIND1_A Interview module: CAN(Adult.CAN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CANEV_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were ever told they had cancer Question Text: What kind of cancer was it? Enter code for the first kind of cancer. Response: Page 43 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. DK: RF: Bladder Blood Bone Brain Breast Cervix/Cervical Colon Esophagus/Esophageal Gallbladder Kidney Larynx-trachea Leukemia Liver Lung Lymphoma Melanoma Mouth/tongue/lip Ovary/Ovarian Pancreas/Pancreatic Prostate Rectum/Rectal Skin (melanoma) Skin (non-melanoma) Skin (don't know kind) Stomach Testis/Testicular Throat - pharynx Thyroid Uterus/Uterine Other Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: If GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=1 and CANKIND1_A IN (6,18,29) ERR1_CANKIND_A] elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=2 and CANKIND1_A IN (20,26) ERR2_CANKIND_A] <1-30,RF,DK> [goto CANAGE1_A] Page 44 of 420 [goto [goto Check Name: ERR1_CANKIND_A Text: {signal ERR1_CANKIND_A} Verify. Code 6 or 18 or 29 is unavailable for males. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: GEN.SEX_FINAL=1 and (CANKIND1_A IN (6,18,29) or CANKIND2_A IN (6,18,29) or CANKIND3_A IN (6,18,29)) Check Name: ERR2_CANKIND_A Text: {signal ERR2_CANKIND_A} Verify.Code 20 or 26 is unavailable for females. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: GEN.SEX_FINAL=2 and (CANKIND1_A IN (20,26) or CANKIND2_A IN (20,26) or CANKIND3_A IN (20,26)) Question ID: CAN.0030.00.1 Variable name: CANAGE1_A Interview module: CAN(Adult.CAN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CANEV_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were ever told they had cancer Question Text: Response: How old were you when a doctor or other health professional first told you that you had ^CANKIND1? Enter 1 if reported age is 1 or younger. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 45 of 420 Fills: ^CANKIND1 If CANKIND1_A = RF,DK fill "this cancer"; else fill "bladder cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 1; else fill "blood cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 2; else fill "bone cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 3; else fill "brain cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 4; else fill "breast cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 5; else fill "cervical cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 6; else fill "colon cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 7; else fill "esophageal cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 8; else fill "gallbladder cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 9; else fill "kidney cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 10; else fill "larynx-trachea cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 11; else fill "leukemia" if CANKIND1_A = 12; else fill "liver cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 13; else fill "lung cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 14; else fill "lymphoma" if CANKIND1_A = 15; else fill "melanoma" if CANKIND1_A = 16; else fill "mouth/tongue/lip cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 17; else fill "ovarian cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 18; else fill "pancreatic cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 19; else fill "prostate cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 20; else fill "rectal cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 21; else fill "skin (melanoma) cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 22; else fill "skin (non-melanoma) cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 23; else fill "skin (don't know kind) cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 24; else fill "stomach cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 25; else fill "testicular cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 26; else fill "throat/pharynx cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 27; else fill "thyroid cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 28; else fill "uterine cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 29; else fill "other cancer" if CANKIND1_A = 30 Page 46 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1-120,DK> [goto CANKIND2_A] if CANKIND1_A=RF [goto next section] else [goto CANKIND2_A] If number in CANAGE1_A gt GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ERR_CANAGE1_A] [goto Check Name: ERR_CANAGE1_A Text: {check ERR_CANAGE1_A} Please correct. ^CANAGE1_A years old is older than age ^SA_AGE. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Fills: ^SA_AGE Fill GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] value for sample adult ^CANAGE1_A Fill value from Adult.CAN.CANAGE1_A Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: If GEN.AGE_FINAL=valid and value in CANAGE1_A gt GEN.AGE_FINAL Question ID: CAN.0040.00.1 Variable name: CANKIND2_A Interview module: CAN(Adult.CAN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CANEV_A=1 and (CANKIND1_A IN (1-30,DK) or CANAGE1_A IN (1-120,DK)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were ever told they had cancer and mentioned or didn't know a first type of cancer OR gave a valid age or did not know age for first cancer Question Text: Have you EVER had any other kinds of cancer? If yes, ask respondent for second kind of cancer, enter code. If no, enter '96' for no more. Response: Page 47 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 96. DK: RF: Bladder Blood Bone Brain Breast Cervix/Cervical Colon Esophagus/Esophageal Gallbladder Kidney Larynx-trachea Leukemia Liver Lung Lymphoma Melanoma Mouth/tongue/lip Ovary/Ovarian Pancreas/Pancreatic Prostate Rectum/Rectal Skin (melanoma) Skin (non-melanoma) Skin (don't know kind) Stomach Testis/Testicular Throat - pharynx Thyroid Uterus/Uterine Other No more Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: If GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=1 and CANKIND2_A IN (6,18,29) ERR1_CANKIND_A] elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=2 and CANKIND2_A IN (20,26) ERR2_CANKIND_A] <1-30,RF,DK> [goto CANAGE2_A] <96> [goto next section] Page 48 of 420 [goto [goto Question ID: CAN.0050.00.1 Variable name: CANAGE2_A Interview module: CAN(Adult.CAN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CANKIND2_A IN (1-30,DK,RF) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who selected a second kind of cancer or don't know the second kind of cancer or refused the second kind of cancer Question Text: Response: Fills: How old were you when a doctor or other health professional first told you that you had ^CANKIND2? Enter 1 if reported age is 1 or younger. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused ^CANKIND2 If CANKIND2_A = R,D fill "this cancer"; else fill "bladder cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 1; else fill "blood cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 2; else fill "bone cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 3; else fill "brain cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 4; else fill "breast cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 5; else fill "cervical cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 6; else fill "colon cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 7; else fill "esophageal cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 8; else fill "gallbladder cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 9; else fill "kidney cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 10; else fill "larynx-trachea cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 11; else fill "leukemia" if CANKIND2_A = 12; else fill "liver cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 13; else fill "lung cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 14; else fill "lymphoma" if CANKIND2_A = 15; else fill "melanoma" if CANKIND2_A = 16; else fill "mouth/tongue/lip cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 17; else fill "ovarian cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 18; else fill "pancreatic cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 19; else fill "prostate cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 20; else fill "rectal cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 21; else fill "skin (melanoma) cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 22; else fill "skin (non-melanoma) cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 23; else fill "skin (don't know kind) cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 24; else fill "stomach cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 25; Page 49 of 420 else fill "testicular cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 26; else fill "throat/pharynx cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 27; else fill "thyroid cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 28; else fill "uterine cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 29; else fill "other cancer" if CANKIND2_A = 30 Skip Instructions: <1-120,DK> [goto CANKIND3_A] if CANKIND2_A=RF [goto next section] else [goto CANKIND3_A] If CANAGE2_A gt GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] [goto ERR_CANAGE2_A] Check Name: ERR_CANAGE2_A Text: {check ERR_CANAGE2_A} ^CANAGE2_A years old is older than age ^SA_AGE. Please correct. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Fills: ^CANAGE2_A Fill value from Adult.CAN.CANAGE2_A ^SA_AGE Fill GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] value for sample adult Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: If GEN.AGE_FINAL=valid and value in CANAGE2_A gt GEN.AGE_FINAL Page 50 of 420 Question ID: CAN.0060.00.1 Variable name: CANKIND3_A Interview module: CAN(Adult.CAN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CANKIND2_A IN (1-30,DK) or CANAGE2_A IN (1-120,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who selected a second kind of cancer or don't know the second kind of cancer or gave a valid age for second cancer or did not know age for second cancer Question Text: Response: Have you EVER had any other kinds of cancer? If yes, ask respondent for third kind of cancer, enter code. If no, enter '96' for no more. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Bladder Blood Bone Brain Breast Cervix/Cervical Colon Esophagus/Esophageal Gallbladder Kidney Larynx-trachea Leukemia Liver Lung Lymphoma Melanoma Mouth/tongue/lip Ovary/Ovarian Pancreas/Pancreatic Prostate Rectum/Rectal Page 51 of 420 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 96. DK: RF: Skin (melanoma) Skin (non-melanoma) Skin (don't know kind) Stomach Testis/Testicular Throat - pharynx Thyroid Uterus/Uterine Other No more Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: If GEN.SEX_FINAL=1 and CANKIND3_A IN (6,18,29) ERR1_CANKIND_A] elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=2 and CANKIND3_A IN (20,26) ERR2_CANKIND_A] <1-30,RF,DK>[goto CANAGE3_A] <96> [goto next section] Question ID: CAN.0070.00.1 Variable name: CANAGE3_A [goto [goto Interview module: CAN(Adult.CAN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CANKIND3_A IN (1-30,DK,RF) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who selected a third kind of cancer or don't know or refused the third kind of cancer Question Text: Response: How old were you when a doctor or other health professional first told you that you had ^CANKIND3? Enter 1 if reported age is 1 or younger. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 52 of 420 Fills: ^CANKIND3 If CANKIND3_A = R,D fill "this cancer"; else fill "bladder cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 1; else fill "blood cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 2; else fill "bone cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 3; else fill "brain cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 4; else fill "breast cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 5; else fill "cervical cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 6; else fill "colon cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 7; else fill "esophageal cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 8; else fill "gallbladder cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 9; else fill "kidney cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 10; else fill "larynx-trachea cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 11; else fill "leukemia" if CANKIND3_A = 12; else fill "liver cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 13; else fill "lung cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 14; else fill "lymphoma" if CANKIND3_A = 15; else fill "melanoma" if CANKIND3_A = 16; else fill "mouth/tongue/lip cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 17; else fill "ovarian cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 18; else fill "pancreatic cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 19; else fill "prostate cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 20; else fill "rectal cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 21; else fill "skin (melanoma) cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 22; else fill "skin (non-melanoma) cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 23; else fill "skin (don't know kind) cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 24; else fill "stomach cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 25; else fill "testicular cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 26; else fill "throat/pharynx cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 27; else fill "thyroid cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 28; else fill "uterine cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 29; else fill "other cancer" if CANKIND3_A = 30 Page 53 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1-120,DK> [goto CANMORE_A] if CANKIND3_A=RF [goto next section] else [goto CANMORE_A] if CANAGE3_A gt GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] [goto ERR_CANAGE3_A] Check Name: ERR_CANAGE3_A Text: {check ERR_CANAGE3_A} Please correct. ^CANAGE3_A years old is older than age ^SA_AGE. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Fills: ^CANAGE3_A Fill value from Adult.CAN.CANAGE3_A ^SA_AGE Fill GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] value for sample adult Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: If GEN.AGE_FINAL=valid and value in CANAGE3_A gt GEN.AGE_FINAL Question ID: CAN.0080.00.1 Variable name: CANMORE_A Interview module: CAN(Adult.CAN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CANKIND3_A IN (1-30,DK) or CANAGE3_A IN (1-120,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who selected a third kind of cancer or don't know the third kind of cancer or selected a valid age for third type of cancer or did not know age for third type of cancer Question Text: Did you have any other kinds of cancer? Response: Page 54 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: DIB.0010.00.1 Variable name: PREDIB_A Interview module: DIB(Adult.DIB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Has a doctor or other health professional EVER told you that you had prediabetes or borderline diabetes? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> If GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=2 [goto GESDIB_A] elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=1,RF,DK [goto DIBEV_A] Question ID: DIB.0020.00.1 Variable name: GESDIB_A Interview module: DIB(Adult.DIB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=2 Universe Description: Female Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Has a doctor or other health professional EVER told you that you had gestational diabetes, a type of diabetes that occurs ONLY during pregnancy? Read if necessary: Gestational diabetes is diabetes that you did not have prior to being pregnant and goes away after you are pregnant. Pregnant women are usually screened for gestational diabetes during the 24th to 28th week of pregnancy. Response: Page 55 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto DIBEV_A] Question ID: DIB.0030.00.1 Variable name: DIBEV_A Interview module: DIB(Adult.DIB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Fills: ^NOTPREGDM a doctor or other health professional EVER told you that you had diabetes? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^NOTPREGDM If GESDIB_A ne 1 AND PREDIB_A ne 1: "Has" If GESDIB_A=1 AND PREDIB_A ne 1: "Not including gestational diabetes, has" If PREDIB_A=1 AND GESDIB_A ne 1: "Not including prediabetes, has" If GESDIB_A=1 AND PREDIB_A=1: "Not including prediabetes orgestational diabetes, has" Skip Instructions: <1> [goto DIBAGE_A] <2,RF,DK> if PREDIB_A=1 [goto DIBPILL_A] else if PREDIB_A=2,RF,DK [goto next section] Page 56 of 420 Question ID: DIB.0040.00.1 Variable name: DIBAGE_A Interview module: DIB(Adult.DIB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: DIBEV_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were told they had diabetes Question Text: Response: Fills: How old were you when a doctor or other health professional FIRST told you that you had diabetes^NOTPREGDM2? Enter '1' if reported age is 1 or younger. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused ^NOTPREGDM2 If GESDIB_A ne 1 AND PREDIB_A ne 1: NO FILL If GESDIB_A=1 AND PREDIB_A ne 1: ",not including gestational diabetes" If PREDIB_A=1 AND GESDIB_A ne 1: ",not including prediabetes" If GESDIB_A=1 AND PREDIB_A=1: ",not including prediabetes orgestational diabetes" Skip Instructions: <1-120,RF,DK> if DIBAGE_A gt GEN.AGE_FINAL [goto ERR_DIBAGE_A] else [goto DIBPILL_A] Check Name: ERR_ DIBAGE_A Text: {check ERR_DIBAGE_A} Please correct. ^DIBAGE_A years old is older than your age ^SA_AGE. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Fills: ^DIBAGE_A Fill value from Adult.DIB.DIBAGE_A ^SA_AGE Fill GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] value for sample adult Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: If AGE_FINAL=valid and value in DIBAGE_A gt AGE_FINAL Page 57 of 420 Universe Description: Age diagnosed with diabetes is greater than SA age Question ID: DIB.0050.00.1 Variable name: DIBPILL_A Interview module: DIB(Adult.DIB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: PREDIB_A=1 or DIBEV_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were told they had prediabetes and/or diabetes Question Text: Response: Are you NOW taking diabetic pills to lower your blood sugar? These are sometimes called oral agents or oral hypoglycemic agents. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-2,RF,DK> [goto DIBINS_A] Question ID: DIB.0060.00.1 Variable name: DIBINS_A Interview module: DIB(Adult.DIB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: PREDIB_A=1 or DIBEV_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were told they had prediabetes and/or diabetes Question Text: Insulin can be taken by shot or pump. Are you NOW taking insulin? Response: Page 58 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> if DIBEV_A=1 [goto DIBINSTIME_A] else [goto DIBGLP_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto DIBGLP_A] Question ID: DIB.0070.00.3 Variable name: DIBINSTIME_A Interview module: DIB(Adult.DIB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: DIBEV_A=1 and DIBINS_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have diabetes and currently take insulin Question Text: Response: Thinking back to when you were first diagnosed with diabetes, how long was it before you started taking insulin? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Less than 1 month 1 month to less than 6 months 6 months to less than 1 year 1 year or more Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto DIBINSSTOP_A] Page 59 of 420 Question ID: DIB.0080.00.3 Variable name: DIBINSSTOP_A Interview module: DIB(Adult.DIB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: DIBEV_A=1 and DIBINS_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have diabetes and are taking insulin Question Text: Response: Since you started taking insulin, have you ever stopped taking it for more than 6 months? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> if DIBINSTIME_A IN (1,2,3) [goto DIBINSSTYR_A] else [goto DIBGLP_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto DIBGLP_A] Question ID: DIB.0090.00.3 Variable name: DIBINSSTYR_A Interview module: DIB(Adult.DIB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: DIBINSTIME_A in (1,2,3) and DIBINSSTOP_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have diabetes, who started taking insulin less than 1 year from when they were diagnosed with diabetes, and who stopped taking insulin for more than 6 months Question Text: Was this only during the first year after you were diagnosed with diabetes? Response: Page 60 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto DIBGLP_A] Question ID: DIB.0130.00.4 Variable name: DIBGLP_A Interview module: DIB(Adult.DIB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: PREDIB_A=1 or DIBEV_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were told they had prediabetes and/or diabetes Question Text: Response: Fills: ^INSULIN NOW taking any injectable medications to lower your blood sugar or lose weight? Read if necessary: These medications include GLP-1 injectibles, TM such as Ozempic (oh-ZEM-pik), WegovyTM (Wee-GOH-vee), SaxendaTM, Victoza TM, TrulicityTM, MounjaroTM (mount-JER-roh), and ByettaTM. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^INSULIN If DIBINS_A=1, fill: "Other than insulin, are you" else, fill: "Are you" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> if DIBEV_A=1 [goto DIBTYPE_A] else [goto next section] Page 61 of 420 Question ID: DIB.0140.00.1 Variable name: DIBTYPE_A Interview module: DIB(Adult.DIB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: DIBEV_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were told they had diabetes Question Text: Response: According to your doctor or other health professional, what type of diabetes do you have? Is it type 1, type 2, or some other type? If you don't remember or weren't told, that's OK. 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Type 1 Type 2 Other type of diabetes Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: CON.0010.00.1 Variable name: COPDEV_A Interview module: CON(Adult.CON) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had ...Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, C.O.P.D., emphysema, or chronic bronchitis? 1. Yes Page 62 of 420 2. DK: RF: No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto ARTHEV_A] Question ID: CON.0020.00.1 Variable name: ARTHEV_A Interview module: CON(Adult.CON) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had ...Some form of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus, or fibromyalgia (fy-bro-my-AL-jee-uh)? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto DEMENEV_A] Question ID: CON.0030.00.1 Variable name: DEMENEV_A Interview module: CON(Adult.CON) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Read if necessary: Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had ...Dementia, including Alzheimer's disease? Response: Page 63 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto ANXEV_A] Question ID: CON.0040.00.1 Variable name: ANXEV_A Interview module: CON(Adult.CON) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had ...Any type of anxiety disorder? Read if necessary: Some common types of anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and phobias. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto DEPEV_A] Question ID: CON.0050.00.1 Variable name: DEPEV_A Interview module: CON(Adult.CON) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Read if necessary: Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had ...Any type of depression? Read if necessary: Some common types of depression include major depression (or major depressive disorder), bipolar depression, dysthymia, post-partum depression, and seasonal affective disorder. Response: Page 64 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: RCN.0010.00.2 Variable name: KIDWEAKEV_A Interview module: RCN(Adult.RCN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had ...Weak or failing kidneys? Read if necessary: Do not include kidney stones, bladder infections, or incontinence. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto HEPEV_A] Question ID: RCN.0020.00.2 Variable name: HEPEV_A Interview module: RCN(Adult.RCN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Read if necessary: Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had ...Hepatitis? Response: Page 65 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto LIVEREV_A] Question ID: RCN.0030.00.2 Variable name: LIVEREV_A Interview module: RCN(Adult.RCN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had ...Cirrhosis (suh-ROE-siss) or any other kind of long-term liver condition? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: SCE.0010.00.3 Variable name: CROHNSEV_A Interview module: SCE(Adult.SCE) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had ...Crohn's (Croans) disease? Response: Page 66 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto ULCCOLEV_A] Question ID: SCE.0020.00.3 Variable name: ULCCOLEV_A Interview module: SCE(Adult.SCE) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had ...Ulcerative Colitis? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto PSOREV_A] Question ID: SCE.0030.00.3 Variable name: PSOREV_A Interview module: SCE(Adult.SCE) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Read if necessary: Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had ...Psoriasis (sore-EYE-ah-sis)? Response: Page 67 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: CFS.0010.00.3 Variable name: CFSEV_A Interview module: CFS(Adult.CFS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had ...Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (My-AL-jick In-seff-ah-low-my-uh-LIE-tiss) (ME)? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto CFSNOW_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: CFS.0020.00.3 Variable name: CFSNOW_A Interview module: CFS(Adult.CFS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CFSEV_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have been told by a doctor or other health professional that they had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Question Text: Do you still have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or ME? ME is also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (My-AL-jick In-seff-ah-low-my-uh-LIE-tiss). Response: Page 68 of 420 Read if necessary: 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: TSH.0010.00.3 Variable name: COLDFLU12M_A Interview module: TSH(Adult.TSH) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, have you had a head cold or flu for longer than a month? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto DRYMTH12M_A] Question ID: TSH.0020.00.3 Variable name: DRYMTH12M_A Interview module: TSH(Adult.TSH) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: During the past 12 months, have you had persistent dry mouth? Response: Page 69 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: ISN.0010.00.3 Variable name: MEDRXTRT_A Interview module: ISN(Adult.ISN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: In the past 12 months, have you taken prescription medication or had any medical treatments that a doctor or other health professional told you would weaken your immune system? Read if necessary: Examples include steroid or corticosteroid (Core-tih-coe-STAIR-oid) pills, such as prednisone (PRED-nuh-sown), or other oral or injected medications for treating many types of autoimmune conditions or certain cancers. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto HLTHCOND_A] Question ID: ISN.0020.00.3 Variable name: HLTHCOND_A Interview module: ISN(Adult.ISN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Do you currently have a health condition that a doctor or other health professional told you weakens the immune system^MEDTRT? Read if necessary: Examples include certain kinds of leukemia, lymphoma, or HIV infection. Response: Page 70 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^MEDTRT If MEDRXTRT_A=1, fill: ", even without related medications or treatments" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: ALG.0010.00.2 Variable name: ALGINTRO_A Interview module: ALG(Adult.ALG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: The next set of questions are about different types of allergies. 1. Enter 1 to Continue Skip Instructions: <1> [goto CURRESP_A] Question ID: ALG.0020.00.2 Variable name: CURRESP_A Interview module: ALG(Adult.ALG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Do you get symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, or itchy or watery eyes due to hay fever, seasonal or year-round allergies? Read if necessary: Hay fever, seasonal or year-round allergies may also be known as environmental allergies, allergic rhinitis or allergic conjunctivitis. Response: Page 71 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto DXRESP_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto CURFOOD_A] Question ID: ALG.0030.00.2 Variable name: DXRESP_A Interview module: ALG(Adult.ALG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CURRESP_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a current respiratory allergy Question Text: Response: Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had hay fever, seasonal or year-round allergies? Read if necessary: Hay fever, seasonal or year-round allergies may also be known as environmental allergies, allergic rhinitis or allergic conjunctivitis. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto CURFOOD_A] Page 72 of 420 Question ID: ALG.0040.00.2 Variable name: CURFOOD_A Interview module: ALG(Adult.ALG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: The next question is about food allergies. People with food allergies have reactions such as hives, vomiting, trouble breathing, or throat tightening that occur within two hours of eating a specific food. Do you have an allergy to one or more foods? Read if necessary: Food allergies are different from food intolerances, such as lactose and gluten intolerance, and other digestive disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto DXFOOD_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto CURSKIN_A] Question ID: ALG.0050.00.2 Variable name: DXFOOD_A Interview module: ALG(Adult.ALG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CURFOOD_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a current food allergy Question Text: Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had an allergy to one or more foods? Read if necessary: Food allergies are different from food intolerances, such as lactose and gluten intolerance, and other digestive disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome. Response: Page 73 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto CURSKIN_A] Question ID: ALG.0060.00.2 Variable name: CURSKIN_A Interview module: ALG(Adult.ALG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: The next question is about an allergic skin condition. Do you get an itchy rash due to eczema or atopic dermatitis? Read if necessary: The rash can be dry, scaly, bumpy, or crusty and lasts for several days or longer without treatment. Eczema is different from hives which come and go in a few hours. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto DXSKIN_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: ALG.0070.00.2 Variable name: DXSKIN_A Interview module: ALG(Adult.ALG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CURSKIN_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a current skin allergy Question Text: Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had eczema or atopic dermatitis? Response: Page 74 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: BMI.0010.00.1 Variable name: PREGNOW_A Interview module: BMI(Adult.BMI) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=2 and ((GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 18 GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] le 49) or GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] IN (DK,RF)) and Universe Description: Female Sample Adults 18-49 or age is don't know or refused Question Text: Response: Are you currently pregnant? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto HEIGHTFT_A] Question ID: BMI.0020.01.1 Variable name: HEIGHTFT_A Interview module: BMI(Adult.BMI) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adult 18+ Question Text: Response: How tall are you without shoes? Enter M to record metric measurements. If ^SANAME's height is less than 2 feet, enter 2. If ^SANAME's height is greater than 7 feet, enter 7. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 75 of 420 Fills: ^SANAME Sample Adult's name Skip Instructions: If HEIGHTFT_A NE <2-7,RF,DK,M> [goto ERR1_HEIGHTFT_A] If HEIGHTFT_A = <2,3> [goto ERR2_HEIGHTFT_A] <2-7> [goto HEIGHTIN_A] [goto WEIGHTLB_A] [goto HEIGHTM_A] Check Name: ERR1_HEIGHTFT_A Text: {check ERR1_HEIGHTFT_A} field. Please correct. Only 2-7, Don't Know/Refused or M allowed in this Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HEIGHTFT_A NE (2-7,RF,DK,M) Universe Description: Height is not 2ft-7ft, Refused, Don't know, or Metric Check Name: ERR2_HEIGHTFT_A Text: {signal ERR2_HEIGHTFT_A} Please verify. Respondent's height in feet is ^HEIGHTFT? Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Fills: ^HEIGHTFT Fill value from Adult.BMI.HEIGHTFT_A Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HEIGHTFT_A IN (2,3) Page 76 of 420 Question ID: BMI.0020.02.1 Variable name: HEIGHTIN_A Interview module: BMI(Adult.BMI) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HEIGHTFT_A=2-7 Universe Description: Sample Adult 18+ and height is 2-7ft Question Text: Response: Fills: Enter inches. DK: RF: Enter '0' if exactly ^HEIGHTFT feet tall. Don't Know Refused ^HEIGHTFT Fill value from Adult.BMI.HEIGHTFT_A Skip Instructions: <0-11,RF,DK> [goto WEIGHTLB_A] Check Name: ERR2_HEIGHTIN_A Text: {signal ERR2_HEIGHTIN_A} Probe only if necessary. Please verify that the height was entered correctly. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ((GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=1 and (AHTINCH_A lt 61 or AHTINCH_A gt 75)) or (GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=2 and (AHTINCH_A lt 56 or AHTINCH_A gt 69)) or (GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A] IN (DK,RF) and (AHTINCH_A lt 56 or AHTINCH_A gt 75))) Page 77 of 420 Question ID: BMI.0020.04.1 Variable name: HEIGHTM_A Interview module: BMI(Adult.BMI) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HEIGHTFT_A=M Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who choose to give their height in metric measurements Question Text: Response: How tall are you without shoes? Enter height in metric. If the height is given in centimeters, press '0' at meters and enter the measure in centimeters (241 centimeters maximum). DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <0-2> [goto HEIGHTCM_A] [goto WEIGHTLB_A] Question ID: BMI.0020.05.1 Variable name: HEIGHTCM_A Interview module: BMI(Adult.BMI) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HEIGHTM_A=0-2 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who entered 0 to 2 meters for height Question Text: Response: Enter centimeters. Enter height in metric. 241 centimeters, enter 241. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 78 of 420 If ^SANAME's height is greater than Fills: ^SANAME Sample Adult's name Skip Instructions: <0-241,RF,DK> [goto WEIGHTLB_A] Check Name: ERR1_HEIGHTCM_A Text: {check ERR1_HEIGHTCM_A} correct. Total height exceeds maximum allowed. Please Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ((HEIGHTM_A=2 and HEIGHTCM_A gt 41) or (HEIGHTM_A=1 and HEIGHTCM_A gt 141) or (HEIGHTCM_A gt 241)) Check Name: ERR2_HEIGHTCM_A Text: {signal ERR2_HEIGHTCM_A} Probe only if necessary. Please verify that the height was entered correctly. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ((GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=1 and (AHTCM_A lt 156 or AHTCM_A gt 192)) or (GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=2 and (AHTCM_A lt 143 or AHTCM_A gt 176)) or (GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A] IN (DK,RF) and (AHTCM_A lt 143 or AHTCM_A gt 192))) Page 79 of 420 Question ID: BMI.0030.01.1 Variable name: WEIGHTLB_A Interview module: BMI(Adult.BMI) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Fills: ^PREGWEIGH Enter M to record metric measurements. If ^SANAME's weight is less than 50 pounds, enter 50. If ^SANAME's weight is greater than 500 pounds, enter 500. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused ^PREGWEIGH If GEN.SEX_FINAL=2ANDPREGNOW_A=1: "How much did you weighbefore your pregnancy?" else: "How much do you weigh?" ^SANAME Sample Adult's name Skip Instructions: If WEIGHTLB_A lt 50 or WEIGHTLB_A gt 500 [goto ERR1_WEIGHTLB_A] elseif ((GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=1 and (WEIGHTLB_A lt 113 or WEIGHTLB_A gt 316)) or (GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=2 and (WEIGHTLB_A lt 96 or WEIGHTLB_A gt 293)) or (GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A] IN (RF,DK) and (WEIGHTLB_A lt 96 or WEIGHTLB_A gt 316))) [goto ERR2_WEIGHTLB_A] <50-500,RF,DK> [goto next section] [goto WEIGHTKG_A] Page 80 of 420 Check Name: ERR1_WEIGHTLB_A Text: {check ERR1_WEIGHTLB_A} Weight is out of range. Only "50-500" or "M" or "Don't know/Refused" allowed in this field. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (WEIGHTLB_A lt 50 or WEIGHTLB_A gt 500) or WEIGHTLB_A not IN (M, DK, RF) Universe Description: Weight is less than 50lbs or weight is greater than 500lbs or entered something other than "M", don't know, or refused. Check Name: ERR2_WEIGHTLB_A Text: {signal ERR2_WEIGHTLB_A} Probe only if necessary. Please verify that the weight was entered correctly. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ((GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=1 and (WEIGHTLB_A lt 113 or WEIGHTLB_A gt 316)) or (GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=2 and (WEIGHTLB_A lt 96 or WEIGHTLB_A gt 293)) or (GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A] IN (DK,RF) and (WEIGHTLB_A lt 96 or WEIGHTLB_A gt 316))) Page 81 of 420 Question ID: BMI.0030.02.1 Variable name: WEIGHTKG_A Interview module: BMI(Adult.BMI) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: WEIGHTLB_A=M Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who chose to give their weight in metric measurements Question Text: Response: Fills: ^PREGWEIGH Enter weight in kilograms. If ^SANAME's weight is less than 23 kilograms, enter 23. If ^SANAME's weight is greater than 226 kilograms, enter 226. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused ^PREGWEIGH If GEN.SEX_FINAL=2ANDPREGNOW_A=1: "How much did you weighbefore your pregnancy?" else: "How much do you weigh?" ^SANAME Sample Adult's name Skip Instructions: If WEIGHTKG_A lt 23 or WEIGHTKG_A gt 226 [goto ERR1_WEIGHTKG_A] elseif ((GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX]=1 and (WEIGHTKG_A lt 51 or WEIGHTKG_A gt 143)) or (GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX]=2 and (WEIGHTKG_A lt 43 or WEIGHTKG_A gt 133)) or (GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX] IN (RF,DK) and (WEIGHTKG_A lt 43 or WEIGHTKG_A gt 143)))[goto ERR2_WEIGHTKG_A] <23-226,RF,DK> [goto next section] Page 82 of 420 Check Name: ERR1_WEIGHTKG_A Text: {check ERR1_WEIGHTKG_A} Weight is out of range (23-226). Please correct. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (WEIGHTKG_A lt 23 or WEIGHTKG_A gt 226) Universe Description: Weight is less than 23kg or weight is greater than 226kg Check Name: ERR2_WEIGHTKG_A Text: {signal ERR2_WEIGHTKG_A} Probe only if necessary. Please verify that the weight was entered correctly. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ((GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX]=1 and (WEIGHTKG_A lt 51 or WEIGHTKG_A gt 143)) or (GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX]=2 and (WEIGHTKG_A lt 43 or WEIGHTKG_A gt 133)) or (GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX] IN (RF,DK) and (WEIGHTKG_A lt 43 or WEIGHTKG_A gt 143))) Page 83 of 420 Question ID: VIS.0010.00.1 Variable name: VISINTRO_A Interview module: VIS(Adult.VIS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: The next questions ask about difficulties you may have doing certain activities because of a health problem. Enter '1' to continue. 1. Enter 1 to Continue Skip Instructions: <1> [goto WEARGLSS_A] Question ID: VIS.0020.00.1 Variable name: WEARGLSS_A Interview module: VIS(Adult.VIS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? Read if necessary: Persons who wear glasses to read or to do other occasional tasks should answer yes to this question. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto VISIONDF_A] Page 84 of 420 Question ID: VIS.0030.00.1 Variable name: VISIONDF_A Interview module: VIS(Adult.VIS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Fills: Do you have difficulty ^AGLASSCNTS? Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot do this at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused ^AGLASSCNTS If WEARGLSS_A=1 fill "seeing, even when wearing glasses or contact lenses"; else fill "seeing" Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: HEA.0010.00.1 Variable name: HEARAID_A Interview module: HEA(Adult.HEA) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Do you use a hearing aid? Response: Page 85 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [HEARAIDFR_A] <2,RF,DK> [HEARINGDF_A] Question ID: HEA.0020.00.1 Variable name: HEARAIDFR_A Interview module: HEA(Adult.HEA) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HEARAID_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who use a hearing aid Question Text: Response: How often do you use your hearing aid(s)? Would you say all of the time, some of the time, rarely, or never? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: All of the time Some of the time Rarely Never Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [HEARINGDF_A] Page 86 of 420 Question ID: HEA.0030.00.1 Variable name: HEARINGDF_A Interview module: HEA(Adult.HEA) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Fills: Do you have difficulty hearing^HEARAID? Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot do this at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused ^HEARAID IfHEARAID_A=1, fill: ", even when using your hearing aid(s)" else NO FILL Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto HEARQTRM_A] <4> [goto next section] Question ID: HEA.0040.00.2 Variable name: HEARQTRM_A Interview module: HEA(Adult.HEA) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HEARINGDF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have no difficulty, some difficulty or a lot of difficulty hearing, even when using a hearing aid or refused or don't know Question Text: Do you have difficulty hearing what is said in a conversation with one other person in a quiet room^HEARAID? Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot do this at all? Response: Page 87 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Fills: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused ^HEARAID IfHEARAID_A=1, fill: ", even when using your hearing aid(s)" else NO FILL Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto HEARNYRM_A] <4> [goto next section] Question ID: HEA.0050.00.2 Variable name: HEARNYRM_A Interview module: HEA(Adult.HEA) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HEARQTRM_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have no difficulty, some difficulty, or a lot of difficulty, hearing what is said in a conversation with one other person in a quiet room, even when wearing their hearing aid(s) or refuse or don't know Question Text: Response: Do you have difficulty hearing what is said in a conversation with one other person in a noisier room^HEARAID? Read if necessary: Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot do this at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused Page 88 of 420 Fills: ^HEARAID IfHEARAID_A=1, fill: ", even when using your hearing aid(s)" else NO FILL Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK>[goto next section] Question ID: MOB.0010.00.1 Variable name: DIFF_A Interview module: MOB(Adult.MOB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Do you have difficulty walking or climbing steps? Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot do this at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto EQUIP_A] Question ID: MOB.0020.00.1 Variable name: EQUIP_A Interview module: MOB(Adult.MOB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Do you use any equipment or receive help for getting around? Response: Page 89 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto CANEWLKR_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto WLK100_A] Question ID: MOB.0030.00.1 Variable name: WLK100_A Interview module: MOB(Adult.MOB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EQUIP_A IN (2,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who do not use equipment or receive help for getting around or refused or don't know Question Text: Response: Do you have difficulty walking 100 yards on level ground, that would be about the length of one football field or one city block? Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot do this at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto WLK13M_A] <4> [goto STEPS_A] Page 90 of 420 Question ID: MOB.0040.00.1 Variable name: WLK13M_A Interview module: MOB(Adult.MOB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: WLK100_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have no difficulty, some difficulty, or a lot of difficulty walking 100 yards or refused or don't know Question Text: Response: Do you have difficulty walking a third of a mile on level ground, that would be the length of five football fields or five city blocks? Read if necessary: Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot do this at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto STEPS_A] Question ID: MOB.0050.00.1 Variable name: STEPS_A Interview module: MOB(Adult.MOB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EQUIP_A IN (2,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who do not use equipment or receive help for getting around or refused or don't know Question Text: Do you have difficulty walking up or down 12 steps? Read if necessary: Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, you cannot do this at all? Response: Page 91 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: MOB.0060.00.1 Variable name: CANEWLKR_A Interview module: MOB(Adult.MOB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EQUIP_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who use equipment or receive help for getting around Question Text: Response: Do you use any of the following... ...Cane or walker? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto WCHAIR_A] Question ID: MOB.0070.00.1 Variable name: WCHAIR_A Interview module: MOB(Adult.MOB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EQUIP_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who use equipment or receive help for getting around Question Text: Read if necessary: Do you use any of the following? ...Wheelchair or scooter? Response: Page 92 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto PERASST_A] Question ID: MOB.0080.00.1 Variable name: PERASST_A Interview module: MOB(Adult.MOB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EQUIP_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who use equipment or receive help for getting around Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: Do you use any of the following? ...Someone's assistance? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto NOEQWLK100_A] Question ID: MOB.0090.00.1 Variable name: NOEQWLK100_A Interview module: MOB(Adult.MOB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EQUIP_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who use equipment or receive help for getting around Question Text: WITHOUT THE USE OF YOUR AID, do you have difficulty walking 100 yards on level ground, that would be about the length of one football field or one city block? Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot do this at all? Response: Page 93 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto NOEQWLK13M_A] <4> [goto NOEQSTEPS_A] Question ID: MOB.0100.00.1 Variable name: NOEQWLK13M_A Interview module: MOB(Adult.MOB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: NOEQWLK100_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have no difficulty, some difficulty, or a lot of difficulty walking 100 yards without the use of their aid or refused or don't know Question Text: Response: WITHOUT THE USE OF YOUR AID, do you have difficulty walking a third of a mile on level ground, that would be the length of five football fields or five city blocks? Read if necessary: Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot do this at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto NOEQSTEPS_A] Page 94 of 420 Question ID: MOB.0110.00.1 Variable name: NOEQSTEPS_A Interview module: MOB(Adult.MOB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EQUIP_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who use equipment or receive help for getting around Question Text: Response: WITHOUT THE USE OF YOUR AID, do you have difficulty walking up or down 12 steps? Read if necessary: Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot do this at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> if WCHAIR_A ne 1 [goto EQWLK100_A] else [goto next section] Question ID: MOB.0120.00.1 Variable name: EQWLK100_A Interview module: MOB(Adult.MOB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EQUIP_A=1 and WCHAIR_A IN (2,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who use equipment or receive help for getting around but do not use a wheelchair or scooter or refused or don't know Question Text: WHEN USING YOUR AID, do you have difficulty walking 100 yards on level ground, that would be about the length of one football field or one city block? Read if necessary: Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot do this at all? Response: Page 95 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto EQWLK13M_A] <4> [goto EQSTEPS_A] Question ID: MOB.0130.00.1 Variable name: EQWLK13M_A Interview module: MOB(Adult.MOB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EQWLK100_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have no difficulty, some difficulty, or a lot of difficulty walking 100 yards, when using their aid or refused or don't know Question Text: Response: WHEN USING YOUR AID, do you have difficulty walking a third of a mile on level ground, that would be the length of five football fields or five city blocks? Read if necessary: Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot do this at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto EQSTEPS_A] Page 96 of 420 Question ID: MOB.0140.00.1 Variable name: EQSTEPS_A Interview module: MOB(Adult.MOB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EQUIP_A=1 and WCHAIR_A ne 1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who use equipment or receive help for getting around but do not use a wheelchair or scooter Question Text: Response: WHEN USING YOUR AID, do you have difficulty walking up or down 12 steps? Read if necessary: Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot do this at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: COM.0010.00.1 Variable name: COMDIFF_A Interview module: COM(Adult.COM) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Using your usual language, do you have difficulty communicating, for example, understanding or being understood? Read if necessary: Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot do this at all? Response: Page 97 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto COMUSESL_A] Question ID: COM.0020.00.2 Variable name: COMUSESL_A Interview module: COM(Adult.COM) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Do you use sign language? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: COG.0010.00.1 Variable name: COGMEMDFF_A Interview module: COG(Adult.COG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Do you have difficulty remembering or concentrating? Read if necessary: Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot do this at all? Response: Page 98 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,RF,DK> [goto next section] <2-4> [goto COGTYPEDFF_A] Question ID: COG.0020.00.1 Variable name: COGTYPEDFF_A Interview module: COG(Adult.COG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: COGMEMDFF_A IN (2,3,4) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or are unable to remember or concentrate Question Text: Response: Is that a difficulty with remembering, concentrating, or both? 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Difficulty remembering only Difficulty concentrating only Difficulty with both remembering and concentrating Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,3> [goto COGFRQDFF_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Page 99 of 420 Question ID: COG.0030.00.1 Variable name: COGFRQDFF_A Interview module: COG(Adult.COG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: COGTYPEDFF_A IN (1,3) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have difficulty remembering or remembering and concentrating Question Text: Response: How often do you have difficulty remembering? Would you say sometimes, often, or all of the time? 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Sometimes Often All of the time Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto COGAMTDFF_A] Question ID: COG.0040.00.1 Variable name: COGAMTDFF_A Interview module: COG(Adult.COG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: COGTYPEDFF_A IN (1,3) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have difficulty remembering or remembering and concentrating Question Text: Do you have difficulty remembering a few things, a lot of things, or almost everything? Response: Page 100 of 420 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: A few things A lot of things Almost everything Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: UPP.0010.00.1 Variable name: UPPSLFCR_A Interview module: UPP(Adult.UPP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Do you have difficulty with self care, such as washing all over or dressing? Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot do this at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto UPPRAISE_A] Question ID: UPP.0020.00.1 Variable name: UPPRAISE_A Interview module: UPP(Adult.UPP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Do you have difficulty raising a 2 liter bottle of water or soda from waist to eye level? Read if necessary: Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot do this at all? Response: Page 101 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto UPPOBJCT_A] Question ID: UPP.0030.00.1 Variable name: UPPOBJCT_A Interview module: UPP(Adult.UPP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Do you have difficulty using your hands and fingers, such as picking up small objects, for example, a button or pencil, or opening or closing containers or bottles? Read if necessary: Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot do this at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto next section] Page 102 of 420 Question ID: SOC.0010.00.1 Variable name: SOCERRNDS_A Interview module: SOC(Adult.SOC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping? Read if necessary: Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot do this at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto SOCSCLPAR_A] Question ID: SOC.0020.00.1 Variable name: SOCSCLPAR_A Interview module: SOC(Adult.SOC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty participating in social activities such as visiting friends, attending clubs and meetings, or going to parties? Read if necessary: Would you say no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot do this at all? Response: Page 103 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto SOCWRKLIM_A] Question ID: SOC.0030.00.1 Variable name: SOCWRKLIM_A Interview module: SOC(Adult.SOC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Are you limited in the kind OR amount of work you can do because of a physical, mental or emotional problem? Read if necessary: Work includes paid work, volunteer work, school work, and homework. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: ADO.0010.00.3 Variable name: DEVDONSET_A Interview module: ADO(Adult.ADO) Inherited Universe: (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 22 and (MOB.DIFF_A IN (3,4) or MOB.WLK100_A IN (3,4) or MOB.WLK13M_A IN (3,4) or MOB.NOEQWLK100_A IN (3,4) or MOB.NOEQWLK13M_A IN (3,4) or MOB.STEPS_A IN (3,4) or MOB.NOEQSTEPS_A IN (3,4) or COM.COMDIFF_A IN (3,4) or COG.COGMEMDFF_A IN (3,4) or UPP.UPPSLFCR_A IN (3,4) or SOC.SOCERRNDS_A IN (3,4))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 22 and (MOB.DIFF_A IN (3,4) or MOB.WLK100_A IN (3,4) or MOB.WLK13M_A IN (3,4) or MOB.NOEQWLK100_A IN (3,4) or MOB.NOEQWLK13M_A IN (3,4) or MOB.STEPS_A IN (3,4) or MOB.NOEQSTEPS_A IN (3,4) or COM.COMDIFF_A IN (3,4) or COG.COGMEMDFF_A IN (3,4) or UPP.UPPSLFCR_A IN (3,4) or SOC.SOCERRNDS_A IN (3,4)))) Page 104 of 420 Universe Description: Sample Adults age 22+ who said they had a lot of difficulty or could not do the following activities at all: Walking or climbing stairs, communicating, remembering or concentrating, self-care, or doing errands alone Question Text: Response: Fills: You said that you have difficulty with ^DIFF. Did ^THISDIFF begin before age 22? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^DIFF if (MOB.WLK100_A IN (3,4) or MOB.WLK13M_A IN (3,4) or MOB.NOEQWLK100_A IN (3,4) or MOB.NOEQWLK13M_A IN (3,4)), then fill "walking" if (MOB.STEPS_AIN (3,4) or MOB.NOEQSTEPS_A IN (3,4)), then fill "climbing steps" if none of MOB.WLK100_A, MOB.WLK13M_A, MOB.NOEQWLK100_A, MOB.NOEQWLK13M_A, MOB.STEPS_A, or MOB.NOEQSTEPS_A = 3 or 4, but MOB.DIFF_A = 3 or 4, then fill "walking or climbing steps" If COM.COMDIFF_A "communicating" IN (3,4), then fill If COG.COGMEMDFF_A IN (3,4), If COG.COGTYPEDFF_A IN (1,3), then fill "remembering" If COG.COGTYPEDFF_A IN (2,3), then fill "concentrating" If COG.COGTYPEDFF_A IN (DK,RF), then fill "remembering or concentrating" If UPP.UPPSLFCR_A = 3 or 4, then fill "self-care" If SOC.SOCERRNDS_A = 3 or 4, then fill "doing errands alone" If more than two of the above are true, then separate the fills with commas and place an "and" before the last item. If two of the above are true, separate them with "and" ^THISDIFF if ADO.countDIFF=1, fill "this difficulty" Page 105 of 420 elseif ADO.countDIFF gt 1, fill "any of these difficulties" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: INS.0010.00.1 Variable name: HICOV_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: ?[F1] The next questions are about health insurance. Include health insurance obtained through employment or purchased directly as well as government programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children's Health Insurance Program that provide medical care or help pay medical bills. Are you covered by any kind of health insurance or some other kind of health care plan? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,RF,DK> [goto HIKIND_A] <2> if (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 65 Roster.HHC.tblAGE.blkPerson[PX_A].AGE65=2) [goto MCAREPRB_A] else [goto MCAIDPRB_A] Page 106 of 420 or Question ID: INS.0020.00.1 Variable name: HIKIND_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HICOV_A IN (1,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ covered by any kind of health insurance or health care coverage or refused/don't know if they have insurance or health care coverage. Question Text: Response: ?[F1] What kinds of health insurance or health care coverage do you have? Is it...Private health insurance, Medicare, Medicare supplement, Medicaid, Children's Health Insurance Program or CHIP, military related health care including TRICARE, CHAMPUS, VA health care and CHAMP-VA, Indian Health Service, a state-sponsored health plan, or an other government program? Enter all that apply, separate with commas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. DK: RF: Private health insurance Medicare (including Medicare Advantage) Medicare supplement (Medigap) Medicaid Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Military related health care: TRICARE (CHAMPUS) / VA health care / CHAMP-VA Indian Health Service State-sponsored health plan Other government program No coverage of any type Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: if more than 1 answer selected and (10 IN HIKIND_A) [goto ERR1_HIKIND_A] elseif (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 65 or (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] IN (RF,DK) and Roster.HHC.tblAGE.blkPerson[PX_A]=2) and 2 NOT IN HIKIND_A [goto MCAREPRB_A] elseif (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] lt 65 or (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] IN (RF,DK) and Roster.HHC.tblAGE.blkPerson[PX_A].AGE65 IN (1,RF,DK,empty)) and HIKIND_A IN (10,RF,DK) [goto MCAIDPRB_A] else [goto SINCOVDE_A] Page 107 of 420 Check Name: ERR1_HIKIND_A Text: {check ERR1_HIKIND_A} type. Please correct. Cannot mark "no coverage of any kind" and another Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: if more than 1 answer selected at HIKIND_A and (<10> in HIKIND_A) Question ID: INS.0030.00.1 Variable name: MCAREPRB_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 65 or (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] IN (DK,RF) and Roster.HHC.tblAGE.blkPerson[PX_A].AGE65=2)) and 2 NOT IN HIKIND_A Universe Description: Sample Adults 65+ who have not indicated they had Medicare in HIKIND_A Question Text: Response: ?[F1] Are you covered by Medicare? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto SINCOVDE_A] Page 108 of 420 Question ID: INS.0040.00.1 Variable name: MCAIDPRB_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] lt 65 or (GEN.AGE_FINAL IN (RF,DK) and Roster.HHC.tblAGE.bPerson[PX_A].AGE65 IN (1,RF,DK,empty)) and HIKIND_A IN (10,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18-64 who have indicated they are uninsured, refused, or don't know their type of health insurance Question Text: Response: Fills: ?[F1] There is a program called Medicaid that pays for health care for persons in need. ^STATEMA Are you covered by Medicaid? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^STATEMA if STMEDICAID ne empty, fill: "In ^STATENAME it is alsocalled ^STMEDICAID." else fill: blank Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto SINCOVDE_A] Question ID: INS.0050.00.1 Variable name: SINCOVDE_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: ?[F1] ^INADDITIONARE you covered by a SEPARATE plan that only pays for dental services? Response: Page 109 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^INADDITIONARE If (HIKIND_A=1-9 or MCAIDPRB_A=1), fill ^HITYPEANOSS, are" else fill "Are" MCAREPRB_A=1 "In addition or to Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto SINCOVVS_A] Question ID: INS.0060.00.1 Variable name: SINCOVVS_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: ?[F1] Are you covered by a SEPARATE plan that only pays for vision services? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto SINCOVRX_A] Page 110 of 420 Question ID: INS.0070.00.1 Variable name: SINCOVRX_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: ?[F1] Are you covered by a SEPARATE plan that only pays for prescriptions? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto HICHANGE_A] Question ID: INS.0080.00.1 Variable name: HICHANGE_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Fills: ?[F1] I have recorded you are ^COVEREDA. Is this correct? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^COVEREDA if HIKIND_A=10,R,D and (MCAIDPRB_A=2,R,DorMCAREPRB_A=2,R,D) and SINCOVDE_A=2,R,Dand SINCOVVS_A=2,R,Dand SINCOVRX_A=2,R,Dfill: "not covered by health insurance" else fill: "covered by ^HITYPEA" Page 111 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,RF,DK> if 02 in HIKIND_A or MCAREPRB_A=1[goto MCPART_A] else if 04 in HIKIND_A or MCAIDPRB_A=1[goto MACHMN_A] else if 01 in HIKIND_A [goto SET_INSPRI_FLAG] else if 03 in HIKIND_A [goto SET_INSPRI_FLAG] else if 05 in HIKIND_A [goto CHNAME_A] else if 08 in HIKIND_A [goto OPNAME_A] else if 09 in HIKIND_A [goto OGNAME_A] else if 06 in HIKIND_A [goto MILSPC_A] else if 07 in HIKIND_A [goto HINOTYR_A] else if 10 in HIKIND_A and (MCAIDPRB_A IN (2,RF,DK) or MCAREPRB_A IN (2,RF,DK))[goto HILAST_A] else [goto FINISH_A] <2> [goto ERR1_HICHANGE_A] Check Name: ERR1_HICHANGE_A Text: {signal ERR1_HICHANGE_A} Suppress this error to go back to HIKIND_A and update coverage. Close this error to change your answer to HICHANGE_A. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HICHANGE_A=2 Universe Description: Answered health insurance coverage is incorrect Skip Instructions: [goto HIKIND_A] [goto HICHANGE_A] Page 112 of 420 Question ID: INS.0090.00.1 Variable name: MCPART_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 02 IN HIKIND_A or MCAREPRB_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with Medicare Question Text: Response: ?[F1] What type of Medicare coverage do you have? Is it Part A - hospital insurance, Part B - medical insurance, or both? 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Part A- hospital only Part B- medical only Both Part A and Part B Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto MCPARTD_A] <2-3,RF,DK> [goto MCCHOICE_A] Question ID: INS.0100.00.1 Variable name: MCCHOICE_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (02 IN HIKIND_A or MCAREPRB_A=1) and MCPART_A IN (2,3,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with Medicare that have part B Medicare or don't know or refused if they have part B Medicare Question Text: ?[F1] Are you enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan? Response: Page 113 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto MCHMO_A] Question ID: INS.0110.00.1 Variable name: MCHMO_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (02 IN HIKIND_A or MCAREPRB_A=1) and MCPART_A IN (2,3,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with Medicare that have part B Medicare or don't know or refused if they have part B Medicare Question Text: Response: ?[F1] Are you under a Medicare managed care arrangement, such as an HMO, that is, a Health Maintenance Organization? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto MCANAME_A] <2,RF,DK> if MCCHOICE_A=1 [goto MCANAME_A] elseif MCCHOICE_A IN (2,RF,DK) [goto MCPARTD_A] Page 114 of 420 Question ID: INS.0120.00.1 Variable name: MCANAME_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: MCCHOICE_A=1 or MCHMO_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a Medicare Advantage plan or a Medicare managed care arrangement Question Text: Response: ?[F1] What is the name of your Medicare Advantage or Medicare HMO plan? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: [goto MCDNCOV_A] Question ID: INS.0121.00.1 Variable name: MCDNCOV_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: MCCHOICE_A=1 or MCHMO_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a Medicare Advantage plan or a Medicare managed care arrangement Question Text: Response: ?[F1] Does ^MEDADVNAME_A pay for any of the costs for dental care? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 115 of 420 Fills: ^MEDADVNAME_A If MCANAME_A=RESPONSE, fill value of MCANAME_A elseif MCANAME_A IN (DK,RF), fill: "this Medicare Advantage or Medicare HMO plan" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto MCVSCOV_A] Question ID: INS.0122.00.1 Variable name: MCVSCOV_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: MCCHOICE_A=1 or MCHMO_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a Medicare Advantage plan or a Medicare managed care arrangement Question Text: Response: Fills: ?[F1] Does ^MEDADVNAME_A pay for any of the costs for routine vision care, such as glasses and contact lenses? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^MEDADVNAME_A If MCANAME_A=RESPONSE, fill value of MCANAME_A elseif MCANAME_A IN (DK,RF), fill: "this Medicare Advantage or Medicare HMO plan" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto MCPARTD_A] Page 116 of 420 Question ID: INS.0130.00.1 Variable name: MCPARTD_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 02 IN HIKIND_A or MCAREPRB_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with Medicare Question Text: Response: ?[F1] Are you enrolled in Medicare Part D, also known as the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> if 04 in HIKIND_A or MCAIDPRB_A=1 [goto MACHMN_A] elseif 01 in HIKIND_A [goto SET_INSPRI_FLAG] elseif 03 in HIKIND_A [goto SET_INSPRI_FLAG] elseif 05 in HIKIND_A [goto CHNAME_A] elseif 08 in HIKIND_A [goto OPNAME_A] elseif 09 in HIKIND_A [goto OGNAME_A] elseif 06 in HIKIND_A [goto MILSPC_A] else [goto HINOTYR_A] Question ID: INS.0140.00.1 Variable name: MACHMN_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 04 IN HIKIND_A or MCAIDPRB_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with Medicaid coverage Question Text: Response: ?[F1] The next questions are about Medicaid coverage. What is the name of your Medicaid health plan? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 117 of 420 Skip Instructions: [goto MAXCHNG_A] Question ID: INS.0150.00.1 Variable name: MAXCHNG_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 04 IN HIKIND_A or MCAIDPRB_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with Medicaid coverage Question Text: Response: Fills: ?[F1] Was your Medicaid obtained through or the ^MARKETPLACE? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^MARKETPLACE If no state specified below, fill "Health Insurance Marketplace" If state specified below fill: If CA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Covered California" If CO then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Connect for Health Colorado" If CT then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Access Health CT" If DC then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as DC Health Link" If ID then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Your Health Idaho" If KY then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Kynect" If MA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Massachusetts Health Connector" If ME then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as CoverME" If MD then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Maryland Health Connection" If MN then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as MNsure" If NJ then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as GetCoveredNJ" Page 118 of 420 If NV then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Nevada Health Link" If NM then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as beWellnm" If NY then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as NY State of Health" If PA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Pennie" If RI then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as HealthSource RI" If VA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Virginia's Insurance Marketplace" If VT then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Vermont Health Connect" If WA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Washington Healthplanfinder" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto MAPREM_A] Question ID: INS.0160.00.1 Variable name: MAPREM_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 04 IN HIKIND_A or MCAIDPRB_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with Medicaid coverage Question Text: Response: ?[F1] A health insurance premium is the amount you or a family member pay each month for health care coverage. Do you or a family member pay a premium for this Medicaid plan? 1. Yes Page 119 of 420 2. DK: RF: No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto MADEDUC_A] Question ID: INS.0170.00.1 Variable name: MADEDUC_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 04 IN HIKIND_A or MCAIDPRB_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with Medicaid coverage Question Text: Response: ?[F1] A deductible is the amount you have to pay for health care before your health insurance or health coverage plan will start paying your medical bills. Does your Medicaid plan have an annual deductible? Read if necessary: A deductible is different from a copay (copayment). 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto MAHDHP_A] <2,RF,DK> if 01 in HIKIND_A [goto SET_INSPRI_FLAG] else if 03 in HIKIND_A [goto SET_INSPRI_FLAG] else if 05 in HIKIND_A [goto CHNAME_A] else if 08 in HIKIND_A [goto OPNAME_A] else if 09 in HIKIND_A [goto OGNAME_A] else if 06 in HIKIND_A [goto MILSPC_A] else [goto HINOTYR_A] Page 120 of 420 Question ID: INS.0180.00.1 Variable name: MAHDHP_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: MADEDUC_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with Medicaid coverage who have a deductible Question Text: Response: Fills: ?[F1] Is the annual deductible for medical care for this plan less than ^HDHPDED or ^HDHPDED or more? If there is a separate deductible for prescription drugs, hospitalization, or out-of-network care, do not include those deductible amounts here. 1. 2. DK: RF: Less than ^HDHPDED ^HDHPDED or more Don't Know Refused ^HDHPDED Fill: $1,600 Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> if 01 in HIKIND_A [goto SET_INSPRI_FLAG] elseif 03 in HIKIND_A [goto SET_INSPRI_FLAG] elseif 05 in HIKIND_A [goto CHNAME_A] elseif 08 in HIKIND_A [goto OPNAME_A] elseif 09 in HIKIND_A [goto OGNAME_A] elseif 06 in HIKIND_A [goto MILSPC_A] else [goto HINOTYR_A] Page 121 of 420 Question ID: INS.0270.00.1 Variable name: PLANNAME1_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: INSPRI1_FLG1_A=1 and INSPRI1_FLG2_A=1 and INSPRI1_FLG3_A=1 and GEN.INSPRI_FLG=1 and GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and Child.INS.PLANNAME1_C=empty Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with private health insurance coverage, where the Sample Child interview has already been conducted, the Sample Child is in the same family, and the Sample Child also had private health insurance, and the first private plan is not self only coverage, a plan name was not don't know or refused, and the source and who pays for the coverage is not don't know or refused. Question Text: Response: Fills: Earlier I recorded that ^SCNAME was covered by ^HIPNAM1_C. Are you covered by this same plan as ^SCNAME? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^SCNAME Fill ALIAS of HHSTAT_C=1 ^HIPNAM1_C Fill value from Child.INS.HIPNAM1_C Skip Instructions: <1> if Child.INS.bPlan[1].POLHLD_C ne 1 [goto POLHLDA1_A] elseif Child.INS.bPlan[1].POLHLD_C=1 [goto PRPOLHP1_A] <2,RF,DK> if INSPRI2_FLG2_A=1 and INSPRI2_FLG3_A=1 and INSPRI2_FLG4_A=1 and INSPRI2_FLG5_A=1 and INSPRI_FLG=1 and SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and CHILD.INS.PLANNAME2_C=empty [goto PLANNAME2_A] else [goto HIPNAM1_A] Page 122 of 420 Question ID: INS.0280.00.1 Variable name: POLHLDA1_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: PLANNAME1_A=1 and Child.INS.bPlan[1].POLHLD_C IN (2,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a shared private health plan with the Sample Child, where the child is not the policyholder for their first private plan or refused or don't know. Question Text: Response: Fills: ?[F1] Health insurance plans are usually obtained in one person's name even if other family members are covered by that plan. That person is called the policyholder. Are you the policyholder for ^HIPNAM1_C? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^HIPNAM1_C Fill value from Child.INS.HIPNAM1_C Skip Instructions: <1> if INSPRI2_FLG2_A=1 and INSPRI2_FLG3_A=1 INSPRI2_FLG4_A=1 and INSPRI2_FLG5_A=1 [goto PLANNAME2_A] else [goto MORPLAN_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto PRPOLHP1_A] Question ID: INS.0290.00.1 Variable name: PRPOLHP1_A and Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: PLANNAME1_A=1 and (Child.INS.bPlan[1].POLHLD_C=1 or POLHLDA1_A IN (2,RF,DK)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a shared private health plan with the Sample Child, where the Child is the policy holder or where the Sample Adult is not the policyholder for the first plan or refused or don't know. Question Text: ?[F1] How are you related to the policyholder for ^HIPNAM1_C? Are you the policyholder's child, spouse, former spouse, or are you related in some other way? Page 123 of 420 Response: Fills: 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Child Spouse Former spouse Some other relationship Don't Know Refused ^HIPNAM1_C Fill value from Child.INS.HIPNAM1_C Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> if INSPRI2_FLG2_A=1 and INSPRI2_FLG3_A=1 INSPRI2_FLG4_A=1 and INSPRI2_FLG5_A=1 [goto PLANNAME2_A] else [goto MORPLAN_A] Question ID: INS.0300.00.1 Variable name: PLANNAME2_A and Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: INSPRI2_FLG2_A=1 and INSPRI2_FLG3_A=1 and INSPRI2_FLG4_A=1 and INSPRI2_FLG5_A=1 and GEN.INSPRI_FLG=1 and GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and Child.INS.PLANNAME2_C=empty Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with private health insurance coverage, where the Sample Child interview has already been conducted, the Sample Child is in the same family, and the Sample Child also had private health insurance, and listed two plans. The second private plan is not self only coverage, a plan name was not don't know or refused, and the source and who pays for the coverage is not don't know or refused. Question Text: Response: Earlier I recorded that ^SCNAME was covered by a second plan: ^HIPNAM2_C. Are you covered by this same plan as ^SCNAME? 1. Yes Page 124 of 420 2. DK: RF: Fills: No Don't Know Refused ^SCNAME Fill ALIAS of HHSTAT_C=1 ^HIPNAM2_C Fill value from Child.INS.HIPNAM2_C Skip Instructions: <1> if Child.INS.bPlan[2].POLHLD_C ne 1 [goto POLHLDA2_A], if Child.INS.bPlan[2].POLHLD_C=1 [goto PRPOLHP2_A] <2,RF,DK> if PLANNAME1_A IN(2,RF,DK,empty) [goto HIPNAM1_A] else [goto MORPLAN_A] Question ID: INS.0310.00.1 Variable name: POLHLDA2_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: PLANNAME2_A=1 and Child.INS.bPlan[2].POLHLD_C IN (2,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a shared private health plan with the Sample Child, where the child is not the policyholder for their second private plan or refused or don't know. Question Text: Response: Fills: ?[F1] Read if necessary: Health insurance plans are usually obtained in one person's name even if other family members are covered by that plan. That person is called the policyholder. Are you the policyholder for ^HIPNAM2_C? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^HIPNAM2_C Fill value from Child.INS.HIPNAM2_C Page 125 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1> if PLANNAME1_A IN (2,RF,DK,empty) [goto MORPLAN_A] elseif 05 in HIKIND_A [goto CHNAME_A] elseif 08 in HIKIND_A [goto OPNAME_A] elseif 09 in HIKIND_A [goto OGNAME_A] elseif 06 in HIKIND_A [goto MILSPC_A] else [goto HINOTYR_A] <2,RF,DK>[goto PRPOLHP2_A] Question ID: INS.0320.00.1 Variable name: PRPOLHP2_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: PLANNAME2_A=1 and (Child.INS.bPlan[2].POLHLD_C=1 or POLHLDA2_A IN (2,RF,DK)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a shared private health plan with the Sample Child, where the Sample Child is the policy holder for the second plan or the Sample Adult is not the policyholder for the second plan or refused or don't know. Question Text: Response: Fills: ?[F1] How are you related to the policyholder for ^HIPNAM2_C? Are you the policyholder's child, spouse, former spouse, or are you related in some other way? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Child Spouse Former spouse Some other relationship Don't Know Refused ^HIPNAM2_C Fill value from Child.INS.HIPNAM2_C Page 126 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> if PLANNAME1_A IN (2,RF,DK,empty) [goto MORPLAN_A] elseif 05 in HIKIND_A [goto CHNAME_A] elseif 08 in HIKIND_A [goto OPNAME_A] elseif 09 in HIKIND_A [goto OGNAME_A] elseif 06 in HIKIND_A [goto MILSPC_A] else [goto HINOTYR_A] Question ID: INS.0330.00.1 Variable name: HIPNAM1_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 03 IN HIKIND_A or (01 IN HIKIND_A and PLANNAME1_A (2,RF,DK,empty) and PLANNAME2_A IN (2,RF,DK,empty)) IN Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ enrolled in a Medigap plan or private health insurance and the sample adult did not share or refused or did not know if they shared or did not have a value for both of the two listed private plans for the sample child Question Text: Response: ?[F1] It is important that we record the complete and accurate name of each private health insurance plan. What is the COMPLETE name of your plan? Do NOT include plans that only provide extra cash while in the hospital or plans that pay for only one type of service such as long term care, accidents, or dental care. Read if necessary: Do you have a health plan card or something with the plan name on it? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: [goto MORPLAN_A] Page 127 of 420 Question ID: INS.0340.00.1 Variable name: MORPLAN_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HIPNAM1_A ne empty or ((PLANNAME1_A=1 and PLANNAME2_A=2,RF,DK,empty) or (PLANNAME1_A=2,RF,DK,empty and PLANNAME2_A=1)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ enrolled in a private health plan where the name of the plan was given or don't know or refused or the sample adult only shared one private plan with the Sample Child. Question Text: Response: ?[F1] Are you covered by any other private health insurance plans? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto HIPNAM2_A] <2,RF,DK> if (PLANNAME1_A=1 or PLANNAME2_A=1) then if 05 in HIKIND_A [goto CHNAME_A] elseif 08 in HIKIND_A [goto OPNAME_A] elseif 09 in HIKIND_A [goto OGNAME_A] elseif 06 in HIKIND_A [goto MILSPC_A] else [goto HINOTYR_A] else [goto bPlan[1].POLHLD_A] Page 128 of 420 Question ID: INS.0350.00.1 Variable name: HIPNAM2_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: MORPLAN_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a second private health insurance plan Question Text: Response: ?[F1] What is the name of that private health insurance plan? Read if necessary: Do you have a health plan card or something with the plan name on it? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: [goto bPlan[1].POLHLD_A] Question ID: INS.0370.00.1 Variable name: POLHLD_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS.bPlan) Inherited Universe: (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with private health insurance coverage where a plan name was given or refused or don't know. Question Text: Response: ?[F1] I am going to ask you some questions about ^FIRSTPLANA. Health insurance plans are usually obtained in one person's name even if other family members are covered by that plan. That person is called the policyholder. Are you the policyholder for ^THISPLANA? 1. Yes Page 129 of 420 2. DK: RF: Fills: No Don't Know Refused ^THISPLANA if PlanNum=1 then if HIPNAM1_A IN (RF,DK) fill: "this plan" else fill: "^HIPNAM1_A" if PlanNum=2 then if HIPNAM2_A IN (RF,DK) fill: "this plan" Else fill: "^HIPNAM2_A" ^FIRSTPLANA if PlanNum=1 then if HIPNAM1_A IN (RF,DK) and HIPNAM2_A= empty fill: "this plan" elseif HIPNAM1_A IN (RF,DK) fill: "this first plan" else fill: "this ^HIPNAM1_A plan" if PlanNum=2 then if HIPNAM2_A IN (RF,DK) fill: "this second plan" else fill: "this ^HIPNAM2_A plan" Skip Instructions: <1,RF,DK> [goto PRPLCOV_A] <2> [goto PRPOLH_A] Question ID: INS.0380.00.1 Variable name: PRPLCOV_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS.bPlan) Inherited Universe: (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty)) Universe: POLHLD_A=1,RF,DK Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with private health insurance coverage where a plan name was given or refused or don't know and where the Sample Adult is the policyholder or refused or don't know Question Text: Does this plan cover someone other than yourself? Response: Page 130 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto PLNWRK_A] Question ID: INS.0390.00.1 Variable name: PRPOLH_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS.bPlan) Inherited Universe: (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty)) Universe: POLHLD_A=2 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with private health insurance who are not the policyholder Question Text: Response: ?[F1] How are you related to the policyholder? Are you the policyholder's child, spouse, former spouse, or are you related in some other way? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Child Spouse Former spouse Some other relationship Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto PLNWRK_A] Page 131 of 420 Question ID: INS.0400.00.1 Variable name: PLNWRK_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS.bPlan) Inherited Universe: (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with private health insurance coverage where a plan name was given or refused or don't know Question Text: Response: ?[F1] Which one of these categories best describes how this plan was obtained? Was it obtained through an employer or union, purchased directly, obtained through or the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, obtained through a state or local government or community program or obtained in some other way? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DK: RF: Through an employer, union, or professional association Purchased directly Through or the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare Through a state or local government or community program Other Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,3> [goto PLNPAY_A] <2,4,RF,DK> [goto PLNEXCHG_A] <5> [goto PLNWKSP_A] Page 132 of 420 Question ID: INS.0410.00.1 Variable name: PLNWKSP_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS.bPlan) Inherited Universe: (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty)) Universe: PLNWRK_A=5 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with private health insurance coverage where a plan name was given or refused or don't know and private health insurance coverage was obtained from an other source Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: How was this plan obtained? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: [goto PLNEXCHG_A] Question ID: INS.0420.00.1 Variable name: PLNEXCHG_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS.bPlan) Inherited Universe: (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty)) Universe: PLNWRK_A IN (2,4,5,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with private health insurance coverage where a plan name was given or refused or don't know that is directly purchased, or obtained through a state, local, government or community program, or obtained another way, or refused/don't know how obtained Question Text: ?[F1] Was the plan obtained through or the ^MARKETPLACE? Response: Page 133 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^MARKETPLACE If no state specified below, fill "Health Insurance Marketplace" If state specified below fill: If CA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Covered California" If CO then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Connect for Health Colorado" If CT then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Access Health CT" If DC then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as DC Health Link" If ID then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Your Health Idaho" If KY then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Kynect" If MA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Massachusetts Health Connector" If ME then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as CoverME" If MD then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Maryland Health Connection" If MN then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as MNsure" If NJ then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as GetCoveredNJ" If NV then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Nevada Health Link" If NM then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as beWellnm" If NY then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as NY State of Health" If PA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Pennie" If RI then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as HealthSource RI" If VA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Virginia's Insurance Marketplace" If VT then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Vermont Health Connect" If WA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Washington Healthplanfinder" Page 134 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto PLNPAY_A] Question ID: INS.0430.00.1 Variable name: PLNPAY_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS.bPlan) Inherited Universe: (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with private health insurance coverage where a plan name was given or refused or don't know. Question Text: Response: Who pays for this health insurance plan? commas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DK: RF: Enter all that apply, separate with Self or family (living in the household) Employer or union Someone outside the household Medicare Medicaid Other government program Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: if <1> IN PLNPAY_A [goto HICOSTN_A] else if <2-6> IN PLNPAY_A or PLNPAY_A IN (RF,DK)[goto PRDEDUC_A] Question ID: INS.0440.00.1 Variable name: HICOSTN_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS.bPlan) Inherited Universe: (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty)) Universe: 1 IN PLNPAY_A Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with private health insurance coverage where a plan name was given or refused or don't know who paid for by self or family Question Text: Response: ?[F1] How much ^DOYOUFAM currently spend for health insurance premiums for ^FIRSTPLANA? Please include payroll deductions for premiums. DK: Don't Know Page 135 of 420 RF: Fills: Refused ^DOYOUFAM if PCNT_A=1 fill "do you", else fill "does your family" ^FIRSTPLANA if PlanNum=1 then if HIPNAM1_A IN (RF,DK) and HIPNAM2_A= empty fill: "this plan" elseif HIPNAM1_A IN (RF,DK) fill: "this first plan" else fill: "this ^HIPNAM1_A plan" if PlanNum=2 then if HIPNAM2_A IN (RF,DK) fill: "this second plan" else fill: "this ^HIPNAM2_A plan" Skip Instructions: <20000-99995> [goto ERR1_HICOSTN_A] <1-19999> [goto HICOSTT_A] [goto PRDEDUC_A] Check Name: ERR1_HICOSTN_A Text: {signal ERR1_HICOSTN_A} corrections if necessary. [^HICOSTN_A] is unusually high. Please verify. Make Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Fills: ^HICOSTN_A Fill value from Adult.INS.HICOSTN_A Inherited Universe: (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty)) Universe: if HICOSTN_A ge 20000 Page 136 of 420 Question ID: INS.0440.02.1 Variable name: HICOSTT_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS.bPlan) Inherited Universe: (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty)) Universe: HICOSTN_A IN (1-99995) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with private health insurance coverage where a plan name was given or refused or don't know who gave a premium amount. Question Text: ?[F1] Response: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. DK: RF: Enter time period for premium payments. Once a week Once every 2 weeks Once a month Twice a month Every two months Quarterly (every 3 months) Once a year Twice a year Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-8,RF,DK> [goto PRDEDUC_A] Question ID: INS.0450.00.1 Variable name: PRDEDUC_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS.bPlan) Inherited Universe: (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with private health insurance plans where a plan name was given or refused or don't know. Question Text: ?[F1] A deductible is the amount you have to pay for health care before your health insurance or health coverage plan will start paying your medical bills. Does this health plan have an annual deductible? Read if necessary: A deductible is different from a copay (copayment). Response: Page 137 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto PRHDHP_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto INTROCOV_A] Question ID: INS.0460.00.1 Variable name: PRHDHP_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS.bPlan) Inherited Universe: (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty)) Universe: PRDEDUC_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with private health insurance coverage where a plan name was given or refused or don't know with a deductible Question Text: Response: Fills: ?[F1] Is the ^FAM_A annual deductible for medical care for this plan less than ^HDHPAMT_A, or ^HDHPAMT_A or more? If there is a separate deductible for prescription drugs, hospitalization, or out-of-network care, do not include those deductible amounts here. 1. 2. DK: RF: Less than ^HDHPAMT_A ^HDHPAMT_A or more Don't Know Refused ^FAM_A if POLHLD_A=2 or PRPLCOV_A=1, fill 'family'. Else no fill. ^HDHPAMT_A if POLHLD_A=2 "^HDHPDED_family" Else fill "^HDHPDED" Page 138 of 420 or PRPLCOV_A=1, fill Skip Instructions: <1> [goto INTROCOV_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto HSAHRA_A] Question ID: INS.0470.00.1 Variable name: HSAHRA_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS.bPlan) Inherited Universe: (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty)) Universe: PRHDHP_A=2,RF,DK Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with private health insurance coverage where a plan name was given or refused or don't know with a high deductible Question Text: Response: There are special accounts or funds that can be used to pay for medical expenses, sometimes referred to as Health Savings Accounts or HSAs, Health Reimbursement Accounts or HRAs, Personal Care accounts, Personal Medical funds, or Choice funds. These are DIFFERENT from Flexible Spending Accounts or FSAs. Is there one of these accounts or funds with this plan? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto INTROCOV_A] Page 139 of 420 Question ID: INS.0475.00.1 Variable name: INTROCOV_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS.bPlan) Inherited Universe: (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with private health insurance coverage where a plan name was given or refused or don't know Question Text: Response: Fills: The next three questions are about services ^FIRSTPLANA may cover. '1' to continue. 1. Enter Enter 1 to Continue ^FIRSTPLANA if PlanNum=1 then if HIPNAM1_A IN (RF,DK) and HIPNAM2_A= empty fill: "this plan" elseif HIPNAM1_A IN (RF,DK) fill: "this first plan" else fill: "this ^HIPNAM1_A plan" if PlanNum=2 then if HIPNAM2_A IN (RF,DK) fill: "this second plan" else fill: "this ^HIPNAM2_A plan" Skip Instructions: <1> [goto PRRXCOV_A] Question ID: INS.0480.00.1 Variable name: PRRXCOV_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS.bPlan) Inherited Universe: (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with private health insurance coverage where the name of the plan was given or refused or don't know Question Text: Does ^FIRSTPLANA pay for any of the costs for medications prescribed by a doctor? Read if necessary: Even if you have not used this benefit, please answer if this plan would cover at least some of the costs if you were prescribed medications. Response: Page 140 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^FIRSTPLANA if PlanNum=1 then if HIPNAM1_A IN (RF,DK) and HIPNAM2_A= empty fill: "this plan" elseif HIPNAM1_A IN (RF,DK) fill: "this first plan" else fill: "this ^HIPNAM1_A plan" if PlanNum=2 then if HIPNAM2_A IN (RF,DK) fill: "this second plan" else fill: "this ^HIPNAM2_A plan" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto PRDNCOV_A] Question ID: INS.0490.00.1 Variable name: PRDNCOV_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS.bPlan) Inherited Universe: (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with private health insurance coverage where the plan name was given or refused or don't know. Question Text: Response: Does ^FIRSTPLANA pay for any of the costs for dental care? Read if necessary: Even if you have not used this benefit, please answer if this plan would cover at least some of the costs if you did have dental care. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 141 of 420 Fills: ^FIRSTPLANA if PlanNum=1 then if HIPNAM1_A IN (RF,DK) and HIPNAM2_A= empty fill: "this plan" elseif HIPNAM1_A IN (RF,DK) fill: "this first plan" else fill: "this ^HIPNAM1_A plan" if PlanNum=2 then if HIPNAM2_A IN (RF,DK) fill: "this second plan" else fill: "this ^HIPNAM2_A plan" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto PRVSCOV_A] Question ID: INS.0500.00.1 Variable name: PRVSCOV_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS.bPlan) Inherited Universe: (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (HIPNAM1_A ne empty or HIPNAM2_A ne empty)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with private health insurance coverage where a plan name was given or refused or don't know. Question Text: Response: Fills: Does ^FIRSTPLANA pay for any of the costs for routine vision care, such as glasses and contact lenses? Read if necessary: Even if you have not used this benefit, please answer if this plan would cover at least some of the costs if you did have vision care. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^FIRSTPLANA if PlanNum=1 then if HIPNAM1_A IN (RF,DK) and HIPNAM2_A= empty fill: "this plan" elseif HIPNAM1_A IN (RF,DK) fill: "this first plan" else fill: "this ^HIPNAM1_A plan" if PlanNum=2 then if HIPNAM2_A IN (RF,DK) fill: "this second plan" else fill: "this ^HIPNAM2_A plan" Page 142 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> If there is another plan [goto bPlan for next plan] elseif 05 in HIKIND_A [goto CHNAME_A] elseif 08 in HIKIND_A [goto OPNAME_A] elseif 09 in HIKIND_A [goto OGNAME_A] elseif 06 in HIKIND_A [goto MILSPC_A] else [goto HINOTYR_A] Question ID: INS.0510.00.1 Variable name: CHNAME_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 05 IN HIKIND_A Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a CHIP plan Question Text: Response: ?[F1] Earlier I recorded that you are covered by the Children's Health Insurance Program or CHIP. What is the name of the plan? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: [goto CHXCHNG_A] Question ID: INS.0520.00.1 Variable name: CHXCHNG_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 05 IN HIKIND_A Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a CHIP plan Question Text: ?[F1] Was your CHIP plan obtained through or the ^MARKETPLACE? Response: Page 143 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^MARKETPLACE If no state specified below, fill "Health Insurance Marketplace" If state specified below fill: If CA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Covered California" If CO then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Connect for Health Colorado" If CT then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Access Health CT" If DC then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as DC Health Link" If ID then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Your Health Idaho" If KY then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Kynect" If MA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Massachusetts Health Connector" If ME then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as CoverME" If MD then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Maryland Health Connection" If MN then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as MNsure" If NJ then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as GetCoveredNJ" If NV then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Nevada Health Link" If NM then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as beWellnm" If NY then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as NY State of Health" If PA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Pennie" If RI then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as HealthSource RI" If VA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Virginia's Insurance Marketplace" If VT then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Vermont Health Connect" If WA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Washington Healthplanfinder" Page 144 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto CHPREM_A] Question ID: INS.0530.00.1 Variable name: CHPREM_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 05 IN HIKIND_A Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a CHIP plan Question Text: Response: ?[F1] A health insurance premium is the amount you or a family member pays each month for health care coverage. Do you or a family member pay a premium for this CHIP plan? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto CHDEDUC_A] Question ID: INS.0540.00.1 Variable name: CHDEDUC_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 05 IN HIKIND_A Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a CHIP plan Question Text: ?[F1] A deductible is the amount you have to pay for health care before your health insurance or health coverage plan will start paying your medical bills. Does your CHIP plan have an annual deductible? Read if necessary: A deductible is different from a copay (copayment). Response: Page 145 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto CHHDHP_A] <2,RF,DK> if 08 in HIKIND_A [goto OPNAME_A] elseif 09 in HIKIND_A [goto OGNAME_A] elseif 06 in HIKIND_A [goto MILSPC_A] else [goto HINOTYR_A] Question ID: INS.0550.00.1 Variable name: CHHDHP_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CHDEDUC_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have a CHIP plan deductible Question Text: Response: Fills: ?[F1] Is the annual deductible for medical care for this plan less than ^HDHPDED or ^HDHPDED or more? If there is a separate deductible for prescription drugs, hospitalization, or out-of-network care, do not include those deductible amounts here. 1. 2. DK: RF: Less than ^HDHPDED ^HDHPDED or more Don't Know Refused ^HDHPDED Fill: $1,600 Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> if 08 in HIKIND_A [goto OPNAME_A] elseif 09 in HIKIND_A [goto OGNAME_A] elseif 06 in HIKIND_A [goto MILSPC_A] else [goto HINOTYR_A] Page 146 of 420 Question ID: INS.0560.00.1 Variable name: OPNAME_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 08 IN HIKIND_A Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a state-sponsored plan Question Text: Response: ?[F1] Earlier I recorded that you are covered by a state-sponsored plan. What is the name of the plan? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: [goto OPXCHNG_A] Question ID: INS.0570.00.1 Variable name: OPXCHNG_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 08 IN HIKIND_A Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a state-sponsored plan Question Text: Response: ?[F1] Was your state-sponsored plan obtained through or the ^MARKETPLACE? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 147 of 420 Fills: ^MARKETPLACE If no state specified below, fill "Health Insurance Marketplace" If state specified below fill: If CA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Covered California" If CO then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Connect for Health Colorado" If CT then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Access Health CT" If DC then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as DC Health Link" If ID then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Your Health Idaho" If KY then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Kynect" If MA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Massachusetts Health Connector" If ME then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as CoverME" If MD then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Maryland Health Connection" If MN then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as MNsure" If NJ then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as GetCoveredNJ" If NV then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Nevada Health Link" If NM then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as beWellnm" If NY then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as NY State of Health" If PA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Pennie" If RI then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as HealthSource RI" If VA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Virginia's Insurance Marketplace" If VT then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Vermont Health Connect" If WA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Washington Healthplanfinder" Page 148 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto OPPREM_A] Question ID: INS.0580.00.1 Variable name: OPPREM_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 08 IN HIKIND_A Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a state-sponsored plan Question Text: Response: ?[F1] A health insurance premium is the amount you or a family member pays each month for health care coverage. Do you or a family member pay a premium for this state-sponsored plan? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto OPDEDUC_A] Question ID: INS.0590.00.1 Variable name: OPDEDUC_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 08 IN HIKIND_A Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a state-sponsored plan Question Text: ?[F1] A deductible is the amount you have to pay for health care before your health insurance or health coverage plan will start paying your medical bills. Does your state-sponsored plan have an annual deductible? Read if necessary: A deductible is different from a copay (copayment). Response: Page 149 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1>[goto OPHDHP_A] <2,RF,DK> if 09 in HIKIND_A [goto OGNAME_A] elseif 06 in HIKIND_A [goto MILSPC_A] else [goto HINOTYR_A] Question ID: INS.0600.00.1 Variable name: OPHDHP_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: OPDEDUC_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a state-sponsored plan with a deductible Question Text: Response: Fills: ?[F1] Is the annual deductible for medical care for this plan less than ^HDHPDED or ^HDHPDED or more? If there is a separate deductible for prescription drugs, hospitalization, or out-of-network care, do not include those deductible amounts here. 1. 2. DK: RF: Less than ^HDHPDED ^HDHPDED or more Don't Know Refused ^HDHPDED Fill: $1,600 Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> if 09 in HIKIND_A [goto OGNAME_A] elseif 06 in HIKIND_A [goto MILSPC_A] else [goto HINOTYR_A] Page 150 of 420 Question ID: INS.0610.00.1 Variable name: OGNAME_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 09 IN HIKIND_A Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have an other government plan Question Text: Response: ?[F1] Earlier I recorded that you are covered by an other government program. What is the name of the plan? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: [goto OGXCHNG_A] Question ID: INS.0620.00.1 Variable name: OGXCHNG_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 09 IN HIKIND_A Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have an other government plan Question Text: Response: ?[F1] Was your other government plan obtained through or the ^MARKETPLACE? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 151 of 420 Fills: ^MARKETPLACE If no state specified below, fill "Health Insurance Marketplace" If state specified below fill: If CA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Covered California" If CO then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Connect for Health Colorado" If CT then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Access Health CT" If DC then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as DC Health Link" If ID then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Your Health Idaho" If KY then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Kynect" If MA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Massachusetts Health Connector" If ME then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as CoverME" If MD then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Maryland Health Connection" If MN then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as MNsure" If NJ then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as GetCoveredNJ" If NV then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Nevada Health Link" If NM then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as beWellnm" If NY then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as NY State of Health" If PA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Pennie" If RI then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as HealthSource RI" If VA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Virginia's Insurance Marketplace" If VT then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Vermont Health Connect" If WA then fill "Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Washington Healthplanfinder" Page 152 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto OGPREM_A] Question ID: INS.0630.00.1 Variable name: OGPREM_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 09 IN HIKIND_A Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have an other government plan Question Text: Response: ?[F1] A health insurance premium is the amount you or a family member pays each month for health care coverage. Do you or a family member pay a premium for your other government plan? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto OGDEDUC_A] Question ID: INS.0640.00.1 Variable name: OGDEDUC_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 09 IN HIKIND_A Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with an other government plan Question Text: ?[F1] A deductible is the amount you have to pay for health care before your health insurance or health coverage plan will start paying your medical bills. Does your other government plan have an annual deductible? Read if necessary: A deductible is different from a copay (copayment). Response: Page 153 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto OGHDHP_A] <2,RF,DK> if 06 in HIKIND_A [goto MILSPC_A] else [goto HINOTYR_A] Question ID: INS.0650.00.1 Variable name: OGHDHP_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: OGDEDUC_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with an other government plan with a deductible Question Text: Response: Fills: ?[F1] Is the annual deductible for medical care for this plan less than ^HDHPDED or ^HDHPDED or more? If there is a separate deductible for prescription drugs, hospitalization, or out-of-network care, do not include those deductible amounts here. 1. 2. DK: RF: Less than ^HDHPDED ^HDHPDED or more Don't Know Refused ^HDHPDED Fill: $1,600 Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> if 06 in HIKIND_A [goto MILSPC_A] else [goto HINOTYR_A] Page 154 of 420 Question ID: INS.0660.00.1 Variable name: MILSPC_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 06 IN HIKIND_A Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with military related health care Question Text: Response: ?[F1] Earlier I recorded that you are covered by military related health care. What types of military related health care are you covered by? Enter all that apply, separate with commas. 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: VA health care TRICARE (CHAMPUS) CHAMP-VA (do not include CHAMPUS) Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto HINOTYR_A] Question ID: INS.0670.00.1 Variable name: HILAST_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 10 IN HIKIND_A and (MCAIDPRB_A IN (2,RF,DK) or MCAREPRB_A IN (2,RF,DK)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ without known health insurance and answered no, refused or don't know to the Medicaid probe or the Medicare probe. Question Text: How long has it been since you last had health care coverage that paid for doctor's visits or hospital stays? Response: Page 155 of 420 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DK: RF: Never Within the past year (anytime less than 12 months ago) Within the last 2 years (1 year but less than 2 years ago) Within the last 3 years (2 years but less than 3 years ago) Within the last 5 years (3 years but less than 5 years ago) Within the last 10 years (5 years but less than 10 years ago) 10 years ago or more Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto HILASTMY_A] <2,3> [goto HISTOPJOB_A] <4,5,6,0,RF,DK> [goto RSNHICOST_A] Question ID: INS.0680.00.1 Variable name: HILASTMY_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HILAST_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ without known health insurance who last had insurance at some time within the last 12 months Question Text: Response: In the past 12 months, how many months were you without coverage? than 1 month, enter '1'. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-12,RF,DK> [goto HISTOPJOB_A] Page 156 of 420 If less Question ID: INS.0690.00.1 Variable name: HISTOPJOB_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HILAST_A IN (1,2,3) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have been uninsured for less than 3 years Question Text: Response: ?[F1] Think about the last time that you did have health care coverage that paid for doctor's visits or hospital stays. I am going to read a list of reasons why someone might no longer be enrolled in coverage. Please tell me, yes or no, if this is a reason why you are no longer enrolled in your last health care plan. You or the policyholder retired, lost a job, or changed employers? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto HISTOPMISS_A] Question ID: INS.0700.00.1 Variable name: HISTOPMISS_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HILAST_A IN (1,2,3) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have been uninsured for less than 3 years Question Text: Read if necessary: Are you no longer enrolled in your last health care plan because... You missed a deadline for signing up or paying for the coverage? Response: Page 157 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto HISTOPAGE_A] Question ID: INS.0710.00.1 Variable name: HISTOPAGE_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HILAST_A IN (1,2,3) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have been uninsured for less than 3 years Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: Are you no longer enrolled in your last health care plan because... You became ineligible because of your age or because you left school? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto HISTOPCOST_A] Question ID: INS.0720.00.1 Variable name: HISTOPCOST_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HILAST_A IN (1,2,3) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have been uninsured for less than 3 years Question Text: Read if necessary: Are you no longer enrolled in your last health care plan because... The cost for your coverage increased? Response: Page 158 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto HISTOPELIG_A] Question ID: INS.0730.00.1 Variable name: HISTOPELIG_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HILAST_A IN (1,2,3) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have been uninsured for less than 3 years Question Text: Response: ?[F1] Read if necessary: Are you no longer enrolled in your last health care plan because... You had Medicaid or other public coverage, but were no longer eligible? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto RSNHICOST_A] Question ID: INS.0740.00.1 Variable name: RSNHICOST_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 10 IN HIKIND_A and (MCAIDPRB_A IN (2,RF,DK) or MCAREPRB_A IN (2,RF,DK)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ without known health insurance and answered no, refused or don't know to the Medicare probe or the Medicaid probe. Question Text: ^INSREASONS Are you currently uninsured because coverage is not affordable? Response: Page 159 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^INSREASONS If HILAST_A IN (0,4,5,6,RF,DK) fill: "There are many reasons why people do not have health insurance coverage." If HILAST_A IN (1,2,3) fill: "We just discussed reasons you lost coverage. Now I am going to ask you some questions about why you haven't obtained coverage." Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto RSNHIWANT_A] Question ID: INS.0750.00.1 Variable name: RSNHIWANT_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 10 IN HIKIND_A and (MCAIDPRB_A IN (2,RF,DK) or MCAREPRB_A IN (2,RF,DK)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ without known health insurance and answered no, refused or don't know to the Medicare probe or the Medicaid probe. Question Text: Response: There are other reasons that people do not have health insurance coverage. ^PLUSCOSTA you currently uninsured because... do not need or want coverage? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 160 of 420 Fills: ^PLUSCOSTA if RSNHICOST_A = 1 then fill "In addition to cost, are" Else fill "Are" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto RSNHIELIG_A] Question ID: INS.0760.00.1 Variable name: RSNHIELIG_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 10 IN HIKIND_A and (MCAIDPRB_A IN (2,RF,DK) or MCAREPRB_A IN (2,RF,DK)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ without known health insurance and answered no, refused or don't know to the Medicaid probe or the Medicare probe Question Text: Response: Fills: Read if necessary: There are other reasons that people do not have health insurance coverage. ^PLUSCOSTA you currently uninsured because... are not eligible for coverage? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^PLUSCOSTA if RSNHICOST_A = 1 then fill "In addition to cost, are" Else fill "Are" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto RSNHICONF_A] Page 161 of 420 Question ID: INS.0770.00.1 Variable name: RSNHICONF_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 10 IN HIKIND_A and (MCAIDPRB_A IN (2,RF,DK) or MCAREPRB_A IN (2,RF,DK)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ without known health insurance and answered no, refused or don't know to the Medicaid probe or the Medicare probe Question Text: Response: Fills: Read if necessary: There are other reasons that people do not have health insurance coverage. ^PLUSCOSTA you currently uninsured because... ...the process of signing up for coverage is too difficult or confusing? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^PLUSCOSTA if RSNHICOST_A = 1 then fill "In addition to cost, are" Else fill "Are" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto RSNHIMEET_A] Question ID: INS.0780.00.1 Variable name: RSNHIMEET_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 10 IN HIKIND_A and (MCAIDPRB_A IN (2,RF,DK) or MCAREPRB_A IN (2,RF,DK)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ without known health insurance and answered no, refused or don't know to the Medicaid probe or the Medicare probe Question Text: Read if necessary: There are other reasons that people do not have health insurance coverage. ^PLUSCOSTA you currently uninsured because... cannot find a plan that meets your needs? Response: Page 162 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^PLUSCOSTA if RSNHICOST_A = 1 then fill "In addition to cost, are" Else fill "Are" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto RSNHIWAIT_A] Question ID: INS.0790.00.1 Variable name: RSNHIWAIT_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 10 IN HIKIND_A and (MCAIDPRB_A IN (2,RF,DK) or MCAREPRB_A IN (2,RF,DK)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ without known health insurance and answered no, refused or don't know to the Medicare probe or the Medicaid probe Question Text: Response: Fills: Read if necessary: There are other reasons that people do not have health insurance coverage. ^PLUSCOSTA you currently uninsured because... applied for coverage but it has not started yet? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^PLUSCOSTA if RSNHICOST_A = 1 then fill "In addition to cost, are" Else fill "Are" Page 163 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto RSNHIOTH_A] Question ID: INS.0800.00.1 Variable name: RSNHIOTH_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 10 IN HIKIND_A and (MCAIDPRB_A IN (2,RF,DK) or MCAREPRB_A IN (2,RF,DK)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ without known health insurance and answered no, refused or don't know to the Medicare probe or the Medicaid probe Question Text: Response: Is there another reason that you currently do not have health insurance coverage? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto RSNHIOTHSP_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: INS.0810.00.1 Variable name: RSNHIOTHSP_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: RSNHIOTH_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have another reason for not having coverage Question Text: Response: What is your other reason for not having coverage? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 164 of 420 Skip Instructions: [goto next section] Question ID: INS.0820.00.1 Variable name: HINOTYR_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 01<=HIKIND_A<=09 or (MCAIDPRB_A=1 or MCAREPRB_A=1) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with known health insurance coverage or responded yes to the medicare probe or medicaid probe Question Text: Response: In the past 12 months, was there any time when you did NOT have ANY health insurance or coverage? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto HINOTMYR_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto FINISH_A] Question ID: INS.0830.00.1 Variable name: HINOTMYR_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 01<=HIKIND_A<=09 HINOTYR_A=1 or (MCAIDPRB_A=1 or MCAREPRB_A=1) and Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with known health insurance coverage and did not have health insurance for some period of time in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: In the past 12 months, about how many months were you without coverage? If less than 1 month, enter '1'. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 165 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1-12,RF,DK> [goto FINISH_A] Question ID: INS.0840.00.1 Variable name: FINISH_A Interview module: INS(Adult.INS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: The Sample Adult health insurance section is now complete. continue. 1. Enter '1' to Enter 1 to Continue Skip Instructions: <1> [goto next section] Question ID: PAY.0010.00.1 Variable name: PAYINTRO_A Interview module: PAY(Adult.PAY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.PAY_FLG_C=empty) (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.PAY_FLG_C=2 GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or and Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ living in same family as the Sample Child when the Sample Child PAY section has not been completed or Sample Adults living in same family as Sample Child when the Sample Child respondent is not the Sample Adult and the Sample Child respondent answered don't or refused to PAYBLL12M_C and PAYNOBLLNW_C or Sample adults living in different families than the Sample Child Question Text: ?[F1] Now I am going to ask you about your medical bills. Include bills for doctors, dentists, hospitals, therapists, medication, equipment, and nursing home or home care. ^Dormfill Enter '1' to continue. Response: Page 166 of 420 1. Fills: Enter 1 to Continue ^Dormfill If Roster.HHC.tblNAME.bPerson[PX_A].ONOFFCAMP US=1, fill "When I ask about your family, please think about your family living at ^HNO ^HNOSUF ^STRNAME." else leave blank Skip Instructions: <1> [goto PAYBLL12M_A] Question ID: PAY.0020.00.1 Variable name: PAYBLL12M_A Interview module: PAY(Adult.PAY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and PAY_FLG_C=blank) or (SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and PAY_FLG_C=2 and SARESPSC_FLG ne 1) or (SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ living in same family as the Sample Child when the Sample Child PAY section has not been completed or Sample Adults living in same family as Sample Child when the Sample Child respondent is not the Sample Adult and the Sample Child respondent answered don't or refused to PAYBILL12M_C and PAYNOBLLNW_C or Sample adults living in different families than the Sample Child Question Text: Response: ?[F1] In the past 12 months, did ^youanyone have problems paying or were unable to pay any medical bills? Read if necessary: Include bills for doctors, dentists, hospitals, therapists, medication, equipment, nursing home or home care. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 167 of 420 Fills: ^youanyone If GEN.PCNT_A=1 fill "you"; else fill "anyone in the family" Skip Instructions: <1,RF,DK> [goto PAYNOBLLNW_A] <2> [goto PAYWORRY_A] Question ID: PAY.0030.00.1 Variable name: PAYNOBLLNW_A Interview module: PAY(Adult.PAY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ((SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and PAY_FLG_C=blank) or (SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and PAY_FLG_C=2 and SARESPSC_FLG ne 1) or (SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1)) and PAYBLL12M_A IN (1,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ where anyone in the family has difficulty playing medical bills or don't know or refused and Sample Adult is living in same family as the Sample Child when the Sample Child PAY section has not been completed or Sample Adults living in same family as Sample Child when the Sample Child respondent is not the Sample Adult and the Sample Child respondent answered don't or refused to PAYBILL12M_C and PAYNOBLLNW_C or Sample adults living in different families than the Sample Child AND who said they/anyone in their family has problems paying their medical bills or don't know or refuse to answer if they/anyone in their family has problems paying bills Question Text: Response: ^DoyouDoesanyoneinfam currently have any medical bills that you are unable to pay at all? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 168 of 420 Fills: ^DoyouDoesanyoneinfamIf GEN.PCNT_A=1 fill "Do you"; else fill "Does anyone in your family" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto PAYWORRY_A] Question ID: PAY.0040.00.1 Variable name: PAYWORRY_A Interview module: PAY(Adult.PAY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: If you get sick or have an accident, how worried are you that you will be able to pay your medical bills? Are you very worried, somewhat worried, or not at all worried? 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Very worried Somewhat worried Not at all worried Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: CVL.0010.00.3 Variable name: CVDINTRO_A Interview module: CVL(Adult.CVL) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: The next set of questions are about coronavirus or COVID-19. continue. Response: Page 169 of 420 Enter '1' to 1. Enter 1 to Continue Skip Instructions: <1> [goto EVERCOVD_A] Question ID: CVL.0020.00.3 Variable name: EVERCOVD_A Interview module: CVL(Adult.CVL) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Have you ever had COVID-19? Read if necessary: Include being told by a doctor or other health professional that you had or likely had COVID-19. Also include antibodies or blood tests as well as other forms of testing for COVID-19, such as a nasal swabbing or throat swabbing. Also include if you had close contact with someone who had COVID-19 and you had symptoms. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto LONGCOVD1_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: CVL.0030.00.3 Variable name: LONGCOVD1_A Interview module: CVL(Adult.CVL) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EVERCOVD_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have ever had COVID-19 Question Text: Did you have any symptoms lasting 3 months or longer that you did not have prior to having COVID-19? Read if necessary: Long term symptoms may include tiredness or fatigue, difficulty thinking, concentrating, forgetfulness or memory problems, sometimes referred to as "brain fog," difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, joint or muscle pain, fast-beating or pounding heart (also known as heart palpitations), chest pain, dizziness on standing, smell or taste loss or alteration to smell or taste, ^menstrual and inability to exercise. Response: Page 170 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^menstrual If GEN.SEX_FINAL=2,RF,DK and GEN.AGE_FINAL=9-58, fill "menstrual changes," else fill blank Skip Instructions: <1> [goto SYMPNOW1_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: CVL.0040.00.3 Variable name: SYMPNOW1_A Interview module: CVL(Adult.CVL) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: LONGCOVD1_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have ever had COVID-19 and had symptoms lasting 3 months or longer Question Text: Response: Do you have symptoms NOW? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto LCVDACT_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Page 171 of 420 Question ID: CVL.0050.00.3 Variable name: LCVDACT_A Interview module: CVL(Adult.CVL) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SYMPNOW1_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with COVID-19 symptoms lasting 3 months or longer that they did not have prior to having coronavirus or COVID-19 and they have symptoms now Question Text: Response: How much do these long-term symptoms reduce your ability to carry out day-to-day activities compared with the time before you had COVID-19? Would you say not at all, a little, or a lot? 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Not at all A little A lot Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: TSC.0010.00.3 Variable name: CVDSYMSM2_A Interview module: TSC(Adult.TSC) Inherited Universe: (CVL.EVERCOVD_A=1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (CVL.EVERCOVD_A=1)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who ever had COVID-19 Question Text: When you had coronavirus, or afterwards, did you lose some or all of your sense of smell or did you smell odors that were not there? If the respondent indicates they lost some or all sense of smell or smelled odors that were not there, enter '1' for yes. Response: Page 172 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto CVDPAROS_A] Question ID: TSC.0020.00.3 Variable name: CVDPAROS_A Interview module: TSC(Adult.TSC) Inherited Universe: (CVL.EVERCOVD_A=1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (CVL.EVERCOVD_A=1)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who ever had COVID-19 Question Text: Response: When you had coronavirus, or afterwards, did some strong odors smell differently from how they usually smelled? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto CVDSMREC2_A] <2,RF,DK> if CVDSYMSM2_A=1 [goto CVDSMREC2_A] else [goto CVDSYMTST2_A] Question ID: TSC.0030.00.3 Variable name: CVDSMREC2_A Interview module: TSC(Adult.TSC) Inherited Universe: (CVL.EVERCOVD_A=1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (CVL.EVERCOVD_A=1)) Universe: CVDSYMSM2_A=1 or CVDPAROS_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have ever had COVID-19 and lost some or all of their sense of smell or smelled odors that weren't there or some strong odors smelled differently Question Text: Has your sense of smell fully recovered, partially recovered, or not recovered at all? If the respondent's sense of smell has improved but is still worse than it was before, or if they still smell things that are not there, but less frequently than before, Page 173 of 420 enter '2' for partially recovered. Response: 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Fully recovered Partially recovered Not recovered at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto CVDSYMTST2_A] Question ID: TSC.0040.00.3 Variable name: CVDSYMTST2_A Interview module: TSC(Adult.TSC) Inherited Universe: (CVL.EVERCOVD_A=1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (CVL.EVERCOVD_A=1)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who ever had COVID-19 Question Text: Response: When you had coronavirus, or afterwards, did you lose some or all of your ability to taste or did you have unwanted tastes or sensations in your mouth that did not go away? If the respondent indicates they lost some or all of their ability to taste or had unwanted tastes or sensations in their mouth that did not go away, enter '1' for yes. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto CVDTSTREC2_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Page 174 of 420 Question ID: TSC.0050.00.3 Variable name: CVDTSTREC2_A Interview module: TSC(Adult.TSC) Inherited Universe: (CVL.EVERCOVD_A=1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (CVL.EVERCOVD_A=1)) Universe: CVDSYMTST2_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who ever had COVID-19 and lost some or all of their ability to taste or had unwanted tastes or sensations in their mouth that did not go away Question Text: Response: Has your ability to taste fully recovered, partially recovered, or not recovered at all? If the respondent's ability to taste has improved but is still worse than it was before, or if they still have unwanted tastes or sensations in their mouth, but less frequently than before, enter '2' for partially recovered. 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Fully recovered Partially recovered Not recovered at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: UTZ.0010.00.1 Variable name: UTZINTRO_A Interview module: UTZ(Adult.UTZ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Now, I would like to ask you about your health care, not including dental care. Enter '1' to continue. Response: Page 175 of 420 1. Enter 1 to Continue Skip Instructions: <1> [goto LASTDR_A] Question ID: UTZ.0020.00.1 Variable name: LASTDR_A Interview module: UTZ(Adult.UTZ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: About how long has it been since you last saw a doctor or other health professional about your health? Read if necessary: Do not include appointments by video or phone. Read if necessary: Include doctors seen while a patient in a hospital. Read if necessary: Do not include dental care. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DK: RF: Never Within the past year (anytime less than 12 months ago) Within the last 2 years (1 year but less than 2 years ago) Within the last 3 years (2 years but less than 3 years ago) Within the last 5 years (3 years but less than 5 years ago) Within the last 10 years (5 years but less than 10 years ago) 10 years ago or more Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-6> [goto WELLNESS_A] <0,RF,DK> [goto USUALPL_A] Page 176 of 420 Question ID: UTZ.0030.00.1 Variable name: WELLNESS_A Interview module: UTZ(Adult.UTZ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: LASTDR_A IN (1,2,3,4,5,6) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have seen a doctor Question Text: Response: Was this a wellness visit, physical, or general purpose check-up? Read if necessary: This kind of visit typically includes: blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar checks, height and weight measurements, and vaccinations. The doctor or other health professional may also discuss topics related to your health such as smoking, alcohol use, diet and exercise. These visits are usually scheduled in advance and occur when you are not sick or injured. Read if necessary: If a wellness exam was combined with a sick care visit, include this visit. Read if necessary: An obstetrician/gynecologist (OB/GYN) may perform this visit. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto USUALPL_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto WELLVIS_A] Question ID: UTZ.0040.00.1 Variable name: WELLVIS_A Interview module: UTZ(Adult.UTZ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: WELLNESS_A IN (2,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have seen a doctor, but the last visit was not a wellness visit or they didn't know or refused whether it was a wellness visit Question Text: About how long has it been since you last saw a doctor or other health professional for a wellness visit, physical, or general purpose check-up? Read if necessary: This kind of visit typically includes: blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar checks, height and weight measurements, and vaccinations. The doctor or other health professional may also discuss topics related to your health such as smoking, alcohol use, diet and exercise. These visits are usually scheduled in advance and occur when you are not sick or injured. Read if necessary: If a wellness exam was combined with a sick care visit, include this visit. Read if Page 177 of 420 necessary: An obstetrician/gynecologist (OB/GYN) may perform this visit. Response: 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DK: RF: Never Within the past year (anytime less than 12 months ago) Within the last 2 years (1 year but less than 2 years ago) Within the last 3 years (2 years but less than 3 years ago) Within the last 5 years (3 years but less than 5 years ago) Within the last 10 years (5 years but less than 10 years ago) 10 years ago or more Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <0-6,RF,DK> [goto USUALPL_A] Question ID: UTZ.0050.00.1 Variable name: USUALPL_A Interview module: UTZ(Adult.UTZ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Is there a place that you USUALLY go to if you are sick and need health care? 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Yes There is NO place There is MORE THAN ONE place Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,3,RF,DK> [goto USPLKIND_A] <2> [goto RETURGINT_A] Page 178 of 420 Question ID: UTZ.0060.00.1 Variable name: USPLKIND_A Interview module: UTZ(Adult.UTZ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: USUALPL_A IN (1,3,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with 1+ usual place of care or who don't know or refused to answer if they have a usual place of care Question Text: Response: Fills: What kind of place ^ISITGOMSTOFT - a doctor's office or health center; an urgent care center, a clinic in a drug store or grocery store; a hospital emergency room; a VA Medical Center or VA outpatient clinic; or some other place? Read if necessary: A doctor's office or health center is a place where you see the same doctor or the same group of doctors every visit, where you usually need to make an appointment ahead of time, and where your medical records are on file. Read if necessary: Urgent care centers and clinics in a drug store or grocery store are places where you do not need to make an appointment ahead of time, and do not usually see the same health care provider at each visit. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DK: RF: A doctor's office or health center Urgent care center or clinic in a drug store or grocery store Hospital emergency room A VA Medical Center or VA outpatient clinic Some other place Does not go to one place most often Don't Know Refused ^ISITGOMSTOFT If USUALPL_A=1 fill "is it"; else fill "do you go to most often" Skip Instructions: <1-6,RF,DK> [goto RETURGINT_A] Page 179 of 420 Question ID: UTZ.0065.00.1 Variable name: RETURGINT_A Interview module: UTZ(Adult.UTZ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: The next questions are about your use of retail health clinics and urgent care centers. Enter '1' to continue. 1. Enter 1 to Continue Skip Instructions: <1> [goto RETAILHC12M_A] Question ID: UTZ.0070.00.1 Variable name: RETAILHC12M_A Interview module: UTZ(Adult.UTZ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Retail health clinics are located in a pharmacy, grocery store, or supercenter. During the past 12 months, how many times have you gone to a retail health clinic about your health? Enter 96 if number is 96 or greater. Read if necessary: Common examples of retail health clinics include places like CVS Minute Clinic, Walgreens Health Clinic, or clinics in a Walmart or Kroger supermarket. These clinics can provide common services such as certain vaccinations, as well as testing for or treatment of minor uncomplicated illnesses. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <0-39,RF,DK> [goto URGCC12M_A] <40-96> [goto ERR1_RETAILHC12M_A] Page 180 of 420 Check Name: ERR1_RETAILHC12M_A Text: {signal ERR1_RETAILHC12M_A} ^RETAILHC12M_A is an unusually large number. Did you visit a retail health clinic center about your health ^RETAILHC12M_A times in the past 12 months? Please verify. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Fills: ^RETAILHC12M_A Value of RETAILHC12M_A Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: RETAILHC12M_A=40-96 Universe Description: Sample adult reported going to retail health clinic 40-96 times Question ID: UTZ.0075.00.1 Variable name: URGCC12M_A Interview module: UTZ(Adult.UTZ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: An urgent care center is located in its own building or space. These centers can provide services such as x-rays and stitches. During the past 12 months, how many times have you gone to an urgent care center about your health? Enter 96 if number is 96 or greater. Read if necessary: An urgent care center can provide common vaccinations, testing for or treatment of illnesses. They can also treat illnesses or injuries that require immediate care but are not serious enough to require a visit to a hospital emergency room. Read if necessary: This is different from a hospital emergency room. Read if necessary: These centers provide care during business hours, evenings, and weekends. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 181 of 420 Skip Instructions: <0-39,RF,DK> [goto EMERGE12M_A] <40-96> [goto ERR1_URGCC12M_A] Check Name: ERR1_URGCC12M_A Text: {signal ERR1_URGCC12M_A} ^URGCC12M_A is an unusually large number. Did you visit an urgent care center about your health ^URGCC12M_A times in the past 12 months? Please verify. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Fills: ^URGCC12M_A fill value from Adult.UTZ.URGCC12M_A Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: URGCC12M_A=40-96 Universe Description: Sample adult reported going to urgent care 40-96 times Question ID: UTZ.0080.00.1 Variable name: EMERGE12M_A Interview module: UTZ(Adult.UTZ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, how many times have you gone to a hospital emergency room about your health? Read if necessary: This includes emergency room visits that resulted in a hospital admission. Enter 96 if number of times is 96 or more. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 182 of 420 Skip Instructions: <0-39,RF,DK> [goto HOSPONGT_A] <40-96> [goto ERR1_EMERGE12M_A] Check Name: ERR1_EMERGE12M_A Text: {signal ERR1_EMERGE12M_A} ^EMERGE12M_A is an unusually large number. Did you visit a hospital emergency room about your health ^EMERGE12M_A times in the past 12 months? Please verify. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Fills: ^EMERGE12M_A Fill value from Adult.UTZ.EMERGE12M_A Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EMERGE12M=40-96 Universe Description: Sample adult reported going to ER 40-96 times Question ID: UTZ.0090.00.1 Variable name: HOSPONGT_A Interview module: UTZ(Adult.UTZ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: During the past 12 months, have you been hospitalized overnight? ^PAST12MER_A Response: Page 183 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^PAST12MER_A If ((EMERGE12M_A ge 01 and EMERGE12M_A le 96) or EMERGE12M_A IN (RF,DK): Fill: "Do not include an overnight stay in the emergency room." Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto MEDDL12M_A] Question ID: UTZ.0100.00.1 Variable name: MEDDL12M_A Interview module: UTZ(Adult.UTZ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, have you DELAYED getting medical care because of the cost? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto MEDNG12M_A] Page 184 of 420 Question ID: UTZ.0110.00.1 Variable name: MEDNG12M_A Interview module: UTZ(Adult.UTZ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, was there any time when you needed medical care, but DID NOT GET IT because of the cost? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: TLH.0010.00.1 Variable name: VIRAPP12M_A Interview module: TLH(Adult.TLH) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, have you had an appointment with a doctor, nurse, or other health professional by video or by phone? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Page 185 of 420 Question ID: HIT.0010.00.4 Variable name: ACCSSINT_A Interview module: HIT(Adult.HIT) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Do you have access to the Internet? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto ACCSSHOM_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: HIT.0020.00.4 Variable name: ACCSSHOM_A Interview module: HIT(Adult.HIT) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ACCSSINT_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with access to the Internet Question Text: Response: Do you have access to the Internet from your home? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 186 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto HITLOOK_A] Question ID: HIT.0030.00.4 Variable name: HITLOOK_A Interview module: HIT(Adult.HIT) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ACCSSINT_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with access to the Internet Question Text: Response: 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto HITCOMM_A] Question ID: HIT.0040.00.4 Variable name: HITCOMM_A Interview module: HIT(Adult.HIT) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ACCSSINT_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with access to the Internet Question Text: Read if necessary: During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet for any of the following reasons? To communicate with a doctor or doctor's office. Read if necessary: Include Internet and data use through a computer, tablet, smartphone, or other electronic device. Response: Page 187 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto HITTEST_A] Question ID: HIT.0050.00.4 Variable name: HITTEST_A Interview module: HIT(Adult.HIT) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ACCSSINT_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with access to the Internet Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet for any of the following reasons? To look up medical test results. Read if necessary: Include Internet and data use through a computer, tablet, smartphone, or other electronic device. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: PMD.0010.00.1 Variable name: RX12M_A Interview module: PMD(Adult.PMD) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: At any time in the past 12 months, did you take prescription medication? Response: Page 188 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto RXSK12M_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto RXDG12M_A] Question ID: PMD.0020.00.1 Variable name: RXSK12M_A Interview module: PMD(Adult.PMD) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: RX12M_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have taken prescription medication in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, were any of the following true for you? ...You skipped medication doses to save money. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto RXLS12M_A] Question ID: PMD.0030.00.1 Variable name: RXLS12M_A Interview module: PMD(Adult.PMD) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: RX12M_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have taken prescribed medication in the past 12 months Question Text: Read if necessary: During the past 12 months, were any of the following true for you? ...You took less medication to save money. Response: Page 189 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto RXDL12M_A] Question ID: PMD.0040.00.1 Variable name: RXDL12M_A Interview module: PMD(Adult.PMD) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: RX12M_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have taken prescribed medication in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: During the past 12 months, were any of the following true for you? ...You DELAYED filling a prescription to save money. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto RXDG12M_A] Question ID: PMD.0050.00.1 Variable name: RXDG12M_A Interview module: PMD(Adult.PMD) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: During the past 12 months, was there any time when you needed prescription medication, but DID NOT GET IT because of the cost? Response: Page 190 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: IMS.0010.00.3 Variable name: PREGFLUYR_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=2 and ((GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A]=18-49 or GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] IN (RF,DK)) and (Adult.BMI.PREGNOW_A IN (2,DK) OR (Adult.BMI.PREGNOW_A=1 and GEN.INTERVIEW_MONTH IN (4,5,6,7))) Universe Description: Female sample adults 18-49 years or age is refused or don't know and who are not currently pregnant or don't know if they are currently pregnant or who are currently pregnant and the interview occurred between April-July Question Text: Response: Fills: Were you pregnant any time ^AUGUSTYEAR? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^AUGUSTYEAR If INTERVIEW_MONTH=1-3, fill "since August 1st, ^LASTYEAR" elseif INTERVIEW_MONTH=4-7, fill "from August ^LASTYEAR through March ^YEAR" elseif INTERVIEW_MONTH=8-12, fill "since August 1st, ^YEAR" Page 191 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,2,DK> [goto LIVEBIRTH_A] [goto FLUINTRO_A] Question ID: IMS.0020.00.3 Variable name: LIVEBIRTH_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: GEN.SEX_FINAL=2 and (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A]=18-49 or GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] IN (RF,DK)) and Adult.BMI.PREGNOW_A ne RF and PREGFLUYR_A ne RF Universe Description: Female sample adults aged 18-49 of age or age is refused or don't know who did not refuse to answer if they are currently pregnant or if they were pregnant in between August and March Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, did you have a pregnancy that ended in a live birth? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto FLUINTRO_A] Question ID: IMS.0025.00.1 Variable name: FLUINTRO_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: There are currently vaccines available for seasonal influenza and coronavirus or COVID-19. I will first ask you questions about seasonal flu vaccination and then about coronavirus or COVID-19 vaccination. Enter '1' to continue. Response: Page 192 of 420 1. Enter 1 to Continue Skip Instructions: <1> [goto SHTFLU12M_A] Question ID: IMS.0030.00.1 Variable name: SHTFLU12M_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: There are two types of flu vaccinations. One is a shot and the other is a spray, mist, or drop in the nose. During the past 12 months, have you had a flu vaccination? Read if necessary: A flu vaccination is usually given in the fall and protects against influenza for the flu season. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto SHTFLUM_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto SHTCVD191_A] Question ID: IMS.0040.01.1 Variable name: SHTFLUM_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SHTFLU12M_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who had a flu shot in the past 12 months Question Text: 1 of 2 During what month and year did you receive your most recent flu vaccine? Response: Page 193 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. DK: RF: January February March April May June July August September October November December Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-12,DK> [goto SHTFLUY_A] if Adult.BMI.PREGNOW_A=1 and GEN.INTERVIEW_MONTH IN (1,2,3,8,9,10,11,12) [goto FLUPREG_A] elseif PREGFLUYR_A=1 [goto FLUPREG2_A] else [goto SHTCVD191_A] Question ID: IMS.0040.02.1 Variable name: SHTFLUY_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SHTFLUM_A IN (1-12,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who gave a month for their last flu shot or who didn't know the month Question Text: Response: 2 of 2 DK: RF: Enter year of most recent flu vaccine. Don't Know Refused Page 194 of 420 Skip Instructions: if SHTFLUM_A and SHTFLUY_A=a future date [goto ERR1_SHTFLUY_A] elseif SHTFLUM_A and SHTFLUY_A=a date before 12 months ago [goto ERR2_SHTFLUY_A] elseif PREGNOW_A=1 and GEN.INTERVIEW_MONTH IN (1,2,3,8,9,10,11,12) [goto FLUPREG_A] elseif PREGFLUYR_A=1 [goto FLUPREG2_A] else [goto SHTCVD191_A] Check Name: ERR1_SHTFLUY_A Text: {check ERR1_SHTFLUY_A} Future date invalid. Please correct. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SHTFLUM_A + SHTFLUY_A=future date Universe Description: Future date Check Name: ERR2_SHTFLUY_A Text: {check ERR2_SHTFLUY_A} Date more than 12 months ago. Please correct. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SHTFLUM_A + SHTFLUY_A=a date before 12 months ago Page 195 of 420 Question ID: IMS.0050.00.3 Variable name: FLUPREG_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=2 and (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A]=18-49 or GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] IN (RF,DK)) and Adult.BMI.PREGNOW_A=1 and SHTFLU12M_A=1 and GEN.INTERVIEW_MONTH IN (1,2,3,8,9,10,11,12) Universe Description: Female Sample Adults 18-49 or refused or don't know their age who are currently pregnant and received a flu vaccination in the past 12 months and the interview takes place in Jan-March or Aug-Dec Question Text: Response: Did you get a flu vaccination before or during your current pregnancy? 1. 2. DK: RF: Before pregnancy During pregnancy Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto SHTCVD191_A] Question ID: IMS.0060.00.3 Variable name: FLUPREG2_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=2 and (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A]=18-49 GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] IN (RF,DK)) and PREGFLUYR_A=1 SHTFLU12M_A=1 or and Universe Description: Female Sample Adults 18-49 years of age or refused or don't know their age who reported a pregnancy during August-March and received a flu vaccination in the past 12 months Question Text: Earlier you said you were pregnant sometime ^AUGUSTYEAR. Did you get a flu vaccination before, during, or after your pregnancy? Response: Page 196 of 420 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Fills: Before pregnancy During pregnancy After pregnancy Don't Know Refused ^AUGUSTYEAR If INTERVIEW_MONTH=1-3, fill "since August 1st, ^LASTYEAR" elseif INTERVIEW_MONTH=4-7, fill "from August ^LASTYEAR through March ^YEAR" elseif INTERVIEW_MONTH=8-12, fill "since August 1st, ^YEAR" Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto SHTCVD191_A] Question ID: IMS.0061.00.3 Variable name: SHTCVD191_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: The next questions are about coronavirus or COVID-19 vaccination. Have you had at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccination? Read if necessary: The COVID-19 vaccination has been available since 2020. Read if necessary: COVID-19 vaccines approved for use in the United States are made by Pfizer-BioNTech, also called Comirnaty® (koe-mir'-na-tee), Moderna, also called Spikevax®, Johnson and Johnson, and Novavax. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 197 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1> [goto SHTCVD19NM2_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto SHTPNUEV_A] Question ID: IMS.0062.00.3 Variable name: SHTCVD19NM2_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SHTCVD191_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have received a COVID-19 vaccination Question Text: Response: How many COVID-19 vaccinations have you received? 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: 1 vaccination 2 vaccinations 3 or more vaccinations Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3> [goto CVDVAC1M2_A] [goto SHTPNUEV_A] Question ID: IMS.0063.01.3 Variable name: CVDVAC1M2_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SHTCVD19NM2_A=1-3 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have had one or more COVID-19 vaccinations Question Text: 1 of 2 During what month and year did you receive your MOST RECENT COVID-19 vaccination? Enter month of most recent COVID-19 vaccination. Response: Page 198 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. DK: RF: January February March April May June July August September October November December Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-12,DK> [goto CVDVAC1Y1_A] [goto SHOTTYPE2_A] Question ID: IMS.0063.02.3 Variable name: CVDVAC1Y2_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CVDVAC1M2_A=1-12,DK Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who gave month of most recent COVID-19 vaccination or don't know Question Text: Response: 2 of 2 DK: RF: Enter year of most recent COVID-19 vaccination. Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: [goto SHTPNUEV_A] if CVDVAC1M2_A and CVDVAC1Y2_A=future date [goto ERR1_CVDVAC1Y2_A]; if CVDVAC1M2_A and CVDVAC1Y2_A=date prior to birth [goto ERR2_CVDVAC1Y2_A]; if CVDVAC1Y2_A lt 2020 [goto ERR3_CVDVAC1Y2_A] if CVDVAC1M2_A=1-11 and CVDVAC1Y2_A=2020 [goto ERR4_CVDVAC1Y2_A] Page 199 of 420 Check Name: ERR1_CVDVAC1Y2_A Text: {check ERR1_CVDVAC1Y2_A} Future date invalid. Please correct. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CVDVAC1Y2_A gt current year or (CVDVAC1Y2_A=current year and CVDVAC1M2_A gt current month) Universe Description: Date of most recent COVID-19 vaccination is in the future Check Name: ERR2_CVDVAC1Y2_A Text: {check ERR2_CVDVAC1Y2_A} Date prior to birth. Please correct. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CVDVAC1M2_A and CVDVAC1Y2_A=date prior to birth date Universe Description: Date of most recent COVID-19 vaccination is before Sample Adult's birth date Page 200 of 420 Check Name: ERR3_CVDVAC1Y2_A Text: {check ERR3_CVDVAC1Y2_A} Date before 2020. Please correct. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CVDVAC1Y2_A lt 2020 Universe Description: Date of most recent COVID-19 vaccination is prior to 2020 Check Name: ERR4_CVDVAC1Y2_A Text: {signal ERR4_CVDVAC1Y2_A} Date before December 2020 reported. Please verify and make corrections if necessary. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CVDVAC1M2_A=1-11 and CVDVAC1Y2_A=2020 Universe Description: Date of most recent COVID-19 vaccination Jan-Nov 2020 Page 201 of 420 Question ID: IMS.0070.00.1 Variable name: SHTPNUEV_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: A pneumonia shot is also known as a pneumococcal vaccine. Have you EVER had a pneumonia shot? Read if necessary: There are two types of pneumonia shots: polysaccharide (polly-SACK-ah-ride), also known as Pneumovax®, and conjugate, also known as Prevnar® or Vaxneuvance®. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto SHTPNEUNB_A] <2,RF,DK> if GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 50 or ISN.MEDRXTRT_A=1 or ISN.HLTHCOND_A=1 [goto SHTSHINGL1_A] elseif (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] le 49 or GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] IN (DK,RF)) and LIVEBIRTH_A=1 [goto TDAPPREG_A] else [goto SHTHEPA_A] Question ID: IMS.0080.00.1 Variable name: SHTPNEUNB_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SHTPNUEV_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who ever had a pneumonia shot Question Text: How many pneumonia shots have you ever had? Response: Page 202 of 420 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: One pneumonia shot Two pneumonia shots More than two pneumonia shots Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> if GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 50 or ISN.MEDRXTRT_A=1 or ISN.HLTHCOND_A=1 [goto SHTSHINGL1_A] elseif (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] le 49 or GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] IN (DK,RF)) and LIVEBIRTH_A=1 [goto TDAPPREG_A] else [goto SHTHEPA_A] Question ID: IMS.0090.00.3 Variable name: SHTSHINGL1_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ISN.HLTHCOND_A=1 ge 50 or ISN.MEDRXTRT_A=1 or Universe Description: Sample Adults 50+ or adults 18+ who have a weakened immune system Question Text: Response: Have you had a vaccine for shingles? Read if necessary: Shingles is an illness that results in a rash or blisters on the skin, and is usually painful. There are two vaccines that have been used to prevent shingles. The first was Zostavax®, which was available in the U.S. from 2006 through 2020 and required one shot. The other is Shingrix®, which has been available since 2017 and requires two shots. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto SHINGYEAR_A] <2,RF,DK> if (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] le 49 or GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] IN (DK,RF)) and LIVEBIRTH_A=1 [goto TDAPPREG_A] else [goto SHTHEPA_A] Page 203 of 420 Question ID: IMS.0100.00.3 Variable name: SHINGYEAR_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 50 or ISN.HLTHCOND_A=1) and SHTSHINGL1_A=1 ISN.MEDRXTRT_A=1 or Universe Description: Sample Adults 50+ or adults 18+ who have a weakened immune system who had a shingles vaccine Question Text: Response: What year did you get your most recent shingles vaccine? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1900-2016> if date prior to birth [goto ERR2_SHINGYEAR_A] elseif date prior to 2006 [goto ERR3_SHINGYEAR_A] else if (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] le 49 or GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] IN (DK,RF)) and LIVEBIRTH_A=1 [goto TDAPPREG_A] else [goto SHTHEPA_A] <2017-2020> [goto SHINGRIX3_A] <2021-2030> if gt current year [goto ERR1_SHINGYEAR_A] else [goto SHINGRIXFS1_A] [goto SHINGWHEN1_A] Check Name: ERR1_SHINGYEAR_A Text: {check ERR1_SHINGYEAR_A} Future date invalid. Please correct. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SHINGYEAR_A gt current year Universe Description: Future date Page 204 of 420 Check Name: ERR2_SHINGYEAR_A Text: {check ERR2_SHINGYEAR_A} Adult's birth. Please correct. Date of most recent shinglesshot is prior to Sample Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SHINGYEAR_A=a date before Sample Adult's birth Universe Description: Date of most recent shingles shot is prior to Sample Adult's birth Check Name: ERR3_SHINGYEAR_A Text: {signal ERR3_SHINGYEAR_A} Please verify. Date of most recent shinglesshot is prior to 2006. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SHINGYEAR_A lt 2006 Universe Description: Year of shingles shot is before 2006 Page 205 of 420 Question ID: IMS.0110.00.3 Variable name: SHINGWHEN1_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 50 or (ISN.MEDRXTRT_A=1 ISN.HLTHCOND_A=1)) and SHINGYEAR_A IN (RF,DK) or Universe Description: Sample Adults 50+ or adults 18+ who have a weakened immune system who had a shingles vaccination and refused or don't know the year they had it Question Text: Response: Was it before 2017? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> if (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] le 49 or GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] IN (DK,RF)) and LIVEBIRTH_A=1 [goto TDAPPREG_A] else [goto SHTHEPA_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto SHINGRIX3_A] Question ID: IMS.0120.00.3 Variable name: SHINGRIX3_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 50 or ISN.MEDRXTRT_A=1 ISN.HLTHCOND_A=1) and (SHINGWHEN1_A IN (2,RF,DK) SHINGYEAR_A=2017-2020) or or Universe Description: Sample Adults 50+ or adults 18+ who have a weakened immune system who had a shingles vaccine from 2017 through 2020 Question Text: There are two vaccines that have been used to prevent shingles. The first was Zostavax®, which was available in the U.S. from 2006 through 2020 and required one shot. The other is Shingrix®, which has been available since 2017 and requires two shots. Have you ever had any Shingrix® shots? Response: Page 206 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto SHINGRIXN3_A] <2,RF,DK> if (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] le 49 or GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] IN (DK,RF)) and LIVEBIRTH_A=1 [goto TDAPPREG_A] else [goto SHTHEPA_A] Question ID: IMS.0140.00.3 Variable name: SHINGRIXN3_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 50 or ISN.HLTHCOND_A=1) and SHINGRIX3_A=1 ISN.MEDRXTRT_A=1 or Universe Description: Sample Adults 50+ or adults 18+ who have a weakened immune system who had a Shingrix vaccine Question Text: Response: How many Shingrix® shots have you ever had? 1. 2. DK: RF: One shot Two shots Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> if (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] le 49 or GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] IN (DK,RF)) and LIVEBIRTH_A=1 [goto TDAPPREG_A] else [goto SHTHEPA_A] Page 207 of 420 Question ID: IMS.0150.00.3 Variable name: SHINGRIXFS1_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 50 or ISN.MEDRXTRT_A=1 ISN.HLTHCOND_A=1) and SHINGYEAR_A ge 2021 or Universe Description: Sample Adults 50+ or adults 18+ who have a weakened immune system who had a most recent shingles vaccine in or after 2021 Question Text: Response: Fills: Shingrix® is the only shingles vaccine that has been available in the U.S. since 2021 and requires two shots. Was your most recent Shingrix® shot in ^SHINGYEAR_A your first or second Shingrix® shot? Read if necessary: There are two vaccines that have been used to prevent shingles. The first was Zostavax®, which was available in the U.S. from 2006 through 2020 and required one shot. The other is Shingrix®, which has been available since 2017 and requires two shots. 1. 2. DK: RF: First shot Second shot Don't Know Refused ^SHINGYEAR_A Fill value from IMS.SHINGYEAR_A Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> if (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] le 49 or GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] IN (DK,RF)) and LIVEBIRTH_A=1 [goto TDAPPREG_A] else [goto SHTHEPA_A] Page 208 of 420 Question ID: IMS.0170.00.3 Variable name: TDAPPREG_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=2 and (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A]=18-49 GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] IN (RF,DK)) and LIVEBIRTH_A=1 or Universe Description: Female Sample Adults 18-49 or age is refused or don't know who had a live birth in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: A Tdap vaccination is a tetanus booster shot that also includes pertussis (per-TUH-sis) or whooping cough vaccine. Earlier you said that you had a pregnancy that ended in a live birth during the past 12 months. Did you receive a Tdap vaccine during this pregnancy? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto SHTHEPA_A] Question ID: IMS.0180.00.3 Variable name: SHTHEPA_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: The hepatitis A vaccine is given in two separate doses. Although it can be given as a combination vaccine with hepatitis B, it is different from the hepatitis B vaccine. Have you EVER received the hepatitis A vaccine? Read if necessary: The hepatitis A vaccine has been available since 1995. It is routinely given to some children starting at 1 year of age and to some adults and people who travel outside the United States. Response: Page 209 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto WORKHEALTH_A] Question ID: IMS.0190.00.3 Variable name: WORKHEALTH_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: In your work or volunteer activities, do you provide direct medical care to patients, such as being a doctor, nurse, dentist, therapist, home health care worker, or emergency responder? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto TRAVEL_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto WRKHLTHFC_A] Question ID: IMS.0200.00.3 Variable name: WRKHLTHFC_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: WORKHEALTH_A IN (2,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who do not provide medical care to patients or refused or don't know Question Text: Even if you do not provide direct medical care to patients, do you do any kind of work or volunteer activities in a health care facility, such as in a hospital, doctor's office, dentist's office, clinic, nursing home, or residential care home? Response: Page 210 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto TRAVEL_A] Question ID: IMS.0210.00.3 Variable name: TRAVEL_A Interview module: IMS(Adult.IMS) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Since 1995, have you traveled to any countries OTHER than Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and those in Europe? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: ANX.0010.00.1 Variable name: ANXFREQ_A Interview module: ANX(Adult.ANX) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: How often do you feel worried, nervous or anxious? Would you say daily, weekly, monthly, a few times a year, or never? If respondent asks whether they are to answer about their emotional states after taking mood-regulating medications, say: "Please answer based on your usual use of medication." Response: Page 211 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DK: RF: Daily Weekly Monthly A few times a year Never Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-5,RF,DK> [goto ANXMED_A] Question ID: ANX.0020.00.1 Variable name: ANXMED_A Interview module: ANX(Adult.ANX) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Do you take prescription medication for these feelings? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,RF,DK> [goto ANXLEVEL_A] <2> if ANXFREQ_A=5 [goto next section] else [goto ANXLEVEL_A] Question ID: ANX.0030.00.1 Variable name: ANXLEVEL_A Interview module: ANX(Adult.ANX) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ANXFREQ_A IN (1,2,3,4,RF,DK) or ANXMED_A IN (1,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who feel worried, anxious, or nervous daily, weekly, monthly, a few times a year or don't know or refused how often OR who do take medication for these feelings or don't know or refused if they take medication for these feelings Question Text: Thinking about the last time you felt worried, nervous or anxious, how would you describe the level of these feelings? Would you say a little, a lot, or somewhere in between? Page 212 of 420 Response: 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: A little A lot Somewhere in between a little and a lot Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: DEP.0010.00.1 Variable name: DEPFREQ_A Interview module: DEP(Adult.DEP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: How often do you feel depressed? Would you say daily, weekly, monthly, a few times a year, or never? If respondent asks whether they are to answer about their emotional states after taking mood-regulating medications, say: "Please answer based on your usual use of medication." 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DK: RF: Daily Weekly Monthly A few times a year Never Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-5,RF,DK> [goto DEPMED_A] Page 213 of 420 Question ID: DEP.0020.00.1 Variable name: DEPMED_A Interview module: DEP(Adult.DEP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Do you take prescription medication for depression? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,RF,DK> [goto DEPLEVEL_A] <2> if DEPFREQ_A=5 [goto next section] else [goto DEPLEVEL_A] Question ID: DEP.0030.00.1 Variable name: DEPLEVEL_A Interview module: DEP(Adult.DEP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: DEPFREQ_A IN (1,2,3,4,RF,DK) or DEPMED_A IN (1,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who feel depressed daily, weekly, monthly, a few times a year or refused or don't know how often they feel depressed OR who do take medication or refused or don't know if they take medication for depression. Question Text: Response: Thinking about the last time you felt depressed, how depressed did you feel? Would you say a little, a lot, or somewhere in between? 1. A little Page 214 of 420 2. 3. DK: RF: A lot Somewhere in between a little and a lot Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: MHC.0010.00.1 Variable name: MHRX_A Interview module: MHC(Adult.MHC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ANX.ANXMED_A IN (2,RF,DK) and DEP.DEPMED_A IN (2,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have not taken medication for worry or don't know or refused if they have and have not taken medication for depression or don't know or refused if they have Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, did you take prescription medication to help you with any other emotions or with your concentration, behavior or mental health? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto MHTHRPY_A] Question ID: MHC.0020.00.1 Variable name: MHTHRPY_A Interview module: MHC(Adult.MHC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: During the past 12 months, did you receive counseling or therapy from a mental health professional such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychiatric nurse, or clinical social worker? Response: Page 215 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,RF,DK> [goto MHTPYNOW_A] <2> [goto MHTHDLY_A] Question ID: MHC.0030.00.1 Variable name: MHTPYNOW_A Interview module: MHC(Adult.MHC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: MHTHRPY_A IN (1,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have received, or refused to answer or don't know if they have received counseling or therapy from a mental health professional in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: Are you currently receiving counseling or therapy from a mental health professional? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto MHTHDLY_A] Page 216 of 420 Question ID: MHC.0040.00.1 Variable name: MHTHDLY_A Interview module: MHC(Adult.MHC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, have you DELAYED getting counseling or therapy from a mental health professional because of the cost? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto MHTHND_A] Question ID: MHC.0050.00.1 Variable name: MHTHND_A Interview module: MHC(Adult.MHC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, was there any time when you needed counseling or therapy from a mental health professional, but DID NOT GET IT because of the cost? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 217 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: SPD.0010.00.2 Variable name: SPDINTRO_A Interview module: SPD(Adult.SPD) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Now I am going to ask you some questions about feelings you may have experienced over the past 30 days. Enter '1' to continue. 1. Enter 1 to Continue Skip Instructions: <1> [goto SAD_A] Question ID: SPD.0020.00.2 Variable name: SAD_A Interview module: SPD(Adult.SPD) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 30 days, how often did you feel ...So sad that nothing could cheer you up? Would you say all of the time, most of the time, some of the time, a little of the time, or none of the time? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DK: RF: All of the time Most of the time Some of the time A little of the time None of the time Don't Know Refused Page 218 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1-5,RF,DK> [goto NERVOUS_A] Question ID: SPD.0030.00.2 Variable name: NERVOUS_A Interview module: SPD(Adult.SPD) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 30 days, how often did you feel ...Nervous? Would you say all of the time, most of the time, some of the time, a little of the time, or none of the time? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DK: RF: All of the time Most of the time Some of the time A little of the time None of the time Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-5,RF,DK> [goto RESTLESS_A] Question ID: SPD.0040.00.2 Variable name: RESTLESS_A Interview module: SPD(Adult.SPD) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Read if necessary: During the past 30 days, how often did you feel ...Restless or fidgety? Read if necessary: Would you say all of the time, most of the time, some of the time, a little of the time, or none of the time? Response: Page 219 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DK: RF: All of the time Most of the time Some of the time A little of the time None of the time Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-5,RF,DK> [goto HOPELESS_A] Question ID: SPD.0050.00.2 Variable name: HOPELESS_A Interview module: SPD(Adult.SPD) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: During the past 30 days, how often did you feel ...Hopeless? Read if necessary: Would you say all of the time, most of the time, some of the time, a little of the time, or none of the time? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DK: RF: All of the time Most of the time Some of the time A little of the time None of the time Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-5,RF,DK> [goto EFFORT_A] Page 220 of 420 Question ID: SPD.0060.00.2 Variable name: EFFORT_A Interview module: SPD(Adult.SPD) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: During the past 30 days, how often did you feel ...That everything was an effort? Read if necessary: Would you say all of the time, most of the time, some of the time, a little of the time, or none of the time? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DK: RF: All of the time Most of the time Some of the time A little of the time None of the time Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-5,RF,DK> [goto WORTHLESS_A] Question ID: SPD.0070.00.2 Variable name: WORTHLESS_A Interview module: SPD(Adult.SPD) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: During the past 30 days, how often did you feel ...Worthless? Read if necessary: Would you say all of the time, most of the time, some of the time, a little of the time, or none of the time? 1. All of the time Page 221 of 420 2. 3. 4. 5. DK: RF: Most of the time Some of the time A little of the time None of the time Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-5,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: REP.0010.00.2 Variable name: REPSTRAIN_A Interview module: REP(Adult.REP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: The next set of questions asks about injuries. The first question is about repetitive strain injuries. By this, we mean injuries caused by repeating the same movement over an extended period. Examples include carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, or tendonitis. During the past 3 months, did you have any injuries due to repetitive strain? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto REPLIMIT_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Page 222 of 420 Question ID: REP.0020.00.2 Variable name: REPLIMIT_A Interview module: REP(Adult.REP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: REPSTRAIN_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a repetitive strain injury in the past 3 months Question Text: Response: Were any repetitive strain injuries serious enough to limit your usual activities for at least 24 hours? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto REPSAWDOC_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: REP.0030.00.2 Variable name: REPSAWDOC_A Interview module: REP(Adult.REP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: REPLIMIT_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were limited in usual activities for at least 24 hours because of repetitive strain injury Question Text: For the next questions, please think only about the repetitive strain injuries that limited your usual activities for at least 24 hours after the injury occurred. During the past 3 months, did you talk to or see a doctor or other health professional about your repetitive strain injuries? Response: Page 223 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto REPWRKDAYS_A] Question ID: REP.0040.00.2 Variable name: REPWRKDAYS_A Interview module: REP(Adult.REP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: REPLIMIT_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were limited in usual activities for at least 24 hours because of repetitive strain injury Question Text: Response: During the past 3 months, how many days of work did you miss because of your repetitive strain injuries? If respondent says none, no, or 0 days, ask: Did you work at all the past 3 months? Enter '90' if respondent says they missed every day of work in the past 3 months. Enter '91' if respondent says they did not work in the past 3 months. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-90,DK> [goto REPFUTWORK_A] <0,RF> [goto REPSTOPCHG_A] <91> [goto REPWRKCAUS_A] Page 224 of 420 Question ID: REP.0050.00.2 Variable name: REPFUTWRK_A Interview module: REP(Adult.REP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: REPWRKDAYS_A IN (1-90,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who missed at least one day of work due to repetitive strain injury in past 3 months or don't know Question Text: Response: Do you expect to miss any more days of work because of your repetitive strain injuries? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto REPSTOPCHG_A] Question ID: REP.0060.00.2 Variable name: REPSTOPCHG_A Interview module: REP(Adult.REP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: REPWRKDAYS_A IN (0-90,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who missed 0 or more days of work due to repetitive strain injury in past 3 months or refused or don't know Question Text: During the past 3 months, did you stop working or change jobs because of your repetitive strain injuries? Enter 'no' if respondent says they did not work in the past 3 months. Response: Page 225 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto REPREDUCE_A] Question ID: REP.0070.00.2 Variable name: REPREDUCE_A Interview module: REP(Adult.REP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: REPWRKDAYS_A IN (0-90,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who missed 0 or more days of work due to repetitive strain injury in past 3 months or refused or don't know Question Text: Response: During the past 3 months, did you make a major change in your work activities, such as taking on fewer hours or lighter duties, because of your repetitive strain injuries? Enter 'no' if respondent says they did not work in the past 3 months. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto REPWRKCAUS_A] Page 226 of 420 Question ID: REP.0080.00.2 Variable name: REPWRKCAUS_A Interview module: REP(Adult.REP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: REPLIMIT_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were limited in usual activities for at least 24 hours because of repetitive strain injury Question Text: Response: Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that any of your repetitive strain injuries were likely to be work-related? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: INJ.0010.00.2 Variable name: INJINTRO_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: The next set of questions asks about SUDDEN injuries. People can be injured accidentally or on purpose. They may hurt themselves or others may cause them to be hurt. Enter '1' to continue. 1. Enter 1 to Continue Page 227 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1> [goto ANYINJURY_A] Question ID: INJ.0020.00.2 Variable name: ANYINJURY_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Fills: ^NOTREPS the past 3 months, did you have an accident or an injury where any part of your body was hurt? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^NOTREPS If REP.REPSTRAIN_A=1, fill: "NOT INCLUDING ANY OF THE REPETITIVE STRAIN INJURIES YOU JUST MENTIONED, during" If REP.REPSTRAIN_A=2,RF,DK, "During" Skip Instructions: <1> [goto INJLIMIT_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: INJ.0030.00.2 Variable name: INJLIMIT_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ANYINJURY_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who reported sudden injury in past 3 months Question Text: Did any of these injuries limit your usual activities for at least 24 hours after the injury occurred? Response: Page 228 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto NUMINJ_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: INJ.0040.00.2 Variable name: NUMINJ_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: INJLIMIT_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who reported sudden injury in past 3 months which limited activities for at least 24 hours Question Text: Response: Fills: For the next questions, please think only about the significant injuries that occurred during the past 3 months. By significant, I mean those injuries that limited your usual activities for at least 24 hours after the injury occurred. ^NOTREPS the past 3 months, how many times did these accidents or injury events occur? Enter '96' if number is 96 or greater. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused ^NOTREPS If REP.REPSTRAIN_A=1, fill: "NOT INCLUDING ANY OF THE REPETITIVE STRAIN INJURIES YOU JUST MENTIONED, during" If REP.REPSTRAIN_A=2,RF,DK, "During" Skip Instructions: <1-9,RF,DK> [goto INJHOME_A] <10-96> [goto ERR1_NUMINJ_A], then [goto INJHOME_A] Page 229 of 420 Check Name: ERR1_NUMINJ_A Text: {signal ERR1_NUMINJ_A} verify. ^NUMINJ_A is an unusually large number. Please Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Fills: ^NUMINJ_A number of injuries Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: NUMINJ_A=10-96 Universe Description: Respondent reported 10-96 injuries Question ID: INJ.0050.00.2 Variable name: INJHOME_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: INJLIMIT_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who reported sudden injury in past 3 months which limited activities for at least 24 hours Question Text: Response: During the past 3 months, did ^siginj_A occur while you were at your home? Read if necessary: Include the yards, garage, basement, and other places on the home property. 1. Yes Page 230 of 420 2. DK: RF: Fills: No Don't Know Refused ^siginj_A If INJ.NUMINJ_A=1, fill: "your significant injury" If INJ.NUMINJ_A IN (2-96,RF,DK), fill: "any of your significantinjuries" Skip Instructions: <1> if NUMINJ_A=1 [goto INJSPORTS_A] elseif NUMINJ_A=2-96,RF,DK [goto INJWORK_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto INJWORK_A] Question ID: INJ.0060.00.2 Variable name: INJWORK_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (NUMINJ_A IN (2-96,RF,DK) or (NUMINJ_A=1 and INJHOME_A IN (2,RF,DK))) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who reported more than 1 injury in the past 3 months or don't know or who reported 1 injury in the past 3 months but did not report an injury at home Question Text: Response: Fills: During the past 3 months, did ^siginj_A occur while you were working at a job or business? Enter 'no' if respondent says they did not work in the past 3 months. 1. 2. DK: RF: ^siginj_A Yes No Don't Know Refused If INJ.NUMINJ_A=1, fill: "your significant injury" If INJ.NUMINJ_A IN (2-96,RF,DK), fill: "any of your significantinjuries" Page 231 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto INJSPORTS_A] Question ID: INJ.0070.00.2 Variable name: INJSPORTS_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: INJLIMIT_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who reported sudden injury in past 3 months which limited activities for at least 24 hours Question Text: Response: Fills: During the past 3 months, did ^siginj_A occur while you were playing sports or exercising, including walking, biking, or running, playing baseball, basketball, football or doing any other physical activity? Read if necessary: Include recreational sports such as skating, skiing, tennis, golf, bowling, or fishing. 1. 2. DK: RF: ^siginj_A Yes No Don't Know Refused If INJ.NUMINJ_A=1, fill: "your significant injury" If INJ.NUMINJ_A IN (2-96,RF,DK), fill: "any of your significantinjuries" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto INJFALL_A] Page 232 of 420 Question ID: INJ.0080.00.2 Variable name: INJFALL_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: INJLIMIT_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who reported sudden injury in past 3 months which limited activities for at least 24 hours Question Text: Response: Fills: During the past 3 months, did ^siginj_A occur as a result of a fall or falling? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^siginj_A If INJ.NUMINJ_A=1, fill: "your significant injury" If INJ.NUMINJ_A IN (2-96,RF,DK), fill: "any of your significantinjuries" Skip Instructions: <1> if NUMINJ_A=1 [goto INJMOTOR_A] elseif NUMINJ_A IN (2-96,RF,DK) and INJHOME_A=1 [goto INJFALLHOM_A] elseif NUMINJ_A IN (2-96,RF,DK) and INJWORK_A=1 [goto INJFALLWRK_A] else [goto INJMOTOR_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto INJMOTOR_A] Question ID: INJ.0090.00.2 Variable name: INJFALLHOM_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: NUMINJ_A IN (2-96,RF,DK) and INJFALL_A=1 and INJHOME_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who had more than 1 significant injury or don't know or refused, and were injured as a result of a fall or falling, and who were injured at home Question Text: Did any fall occur while you were at your home? Response: Page 233 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> if INJWORK_A=1 [goto INJFALLWRK_A] else [goto INJMOTOR_A] Question ID: INJ.0100.00.2 Variable name: INJFALLWRK_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: NUMINJ_A IN (2-96,RF,DK) and INJFALL_A=1 and INJWORK_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who had more than 1 injury or don't know or refused, and were injured as a result of a fall or falling, and who were injured at work Question Text: Response: Did any fall occur while you were working at a job or business? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto INJMOTOR_A] Question ID: INJ.0110.00.2 Variable name: INJMOTOR_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: INJLIMIT_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who reported sudden injury in past 3 months which limited activities for at least 24 hours Question Text: During the past 3 months, did ^siginj_A occur as a result of being in a motor vehicle crash or being hit by a motor vehicle while walking or biking? Read if necessary: Motor vehicles include cars, trucks, vans, buses, motorcycles, motorized scooters, motorized wheelchairs, motorized carts, tractors, ATVs, snowmobiles, dune buggies, and other motorized vehicles. Page 234 of 420 Response: Fills: 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^siginj_A If INJ.NUMINJ_A=1, fill: "your significant injury" If INJ.NUMINJ_A IN (2-96,RF,DK), fill: "any of your significantinjuries" Skip Instructions: <1> [goto INJMVTYPE_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto INJCHORES_A] Question ID: INJ.0120.00.2 Variable name: INJMVTYPE_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: INJMOTOR_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who reported a significant injury from a motor vehicle accident Question Text: Response: Were you a driver, passenger, bicyclist, pedestrian, or doing something else when this occurred? Enter all that apply, separate with commas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DK: RF: Driver Passenger Bicyclist Pedestrian Something else Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-5,RF,DK> [goto INJCHORES_A] Page 235 of 420 Question ID: INJ.0130.00.2 Variable name: INJCHORES_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: INJLIMIT_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who reported sudden injury in past 3 months which limited activities for at least 24 hours Question Text: Response: Fills: During the past 3 months, did ^siginj_A occur while you were doing household activities, such as housework, cooking, home maintenance, or yardwork? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^siginj_A If INJ.NUMINJ_A=1, fill: "your significant injury" If INJ.NUMINJ_A IN (2-96,RF,DK), fill: "any of your significantinjuries" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto INJSAWDOC_A] Question ID: INJ.0140.00.2 Variable name: INJSAWDOC_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: INJLIMIT_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who reported sudden injury in past 3 months which limited activities for at least 24 hours Question Text: During the past 3 months, did you see or talk to a doctor or other health professional about ^siginj_A? Response: Page 236 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^siginj_A If INJ.NUMINJ_A=1, fill: "your significant injury" If INJ.NUMINJ_A IN (2-96,RF,DK), fill: "any of your significantinjuries" Skip Instructions: <1> if UTZ.EMERGE12M_A IN (1-96,RF,DK) [goto INJER_A] elseif UTZ.HOSPONGT_A IN (1,RF,DK) [goto INJHOSP_A] else [goto INJBONES_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto INJWRKDAYS_A] Question ID: INJ.0150.00.2 Variable name: INJER_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: INJSAWDOC_A=1 and UTZ.EMERGE12M_A IN (1-96,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who saw doctor about their injuries and went to the ER at least once in the past 12 months or don't know or refused Question Text: Response: Fills: During the past 3 months, did you go to an emergency room because of ^siginj_A? 1. 2. DK: RF: ^siginj_A Yes No Don't Know Refused If INJ.NUMINJ_A=1, fill: "your significant injury" If INJ.NUMINJ_A IN (2-96,RF,DK), fill: "any of your significantinjuries" Page 237 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> if UTZ.HOSPONGT_A IN (1,RF,DK) [goto INJHOSP_A] else [goto INJBONES_A] Question ID: INJ.0160.00.2 Variable name: INJHOSP_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: INJSAWDOC_A=1 and UTZ.HOSPONGT_A IN (1,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who saw doctor about their injuries and reported being hospitalized at least once in the past 12 months or don't know or refused Question Text: Response: Fills: During the past 3 months, were you hospitalized overnight because of ^siginj_A? 1. 2. DK: RF: ^siginj_A Yes No Don't Know Refused If INJ.NUMINJ_A=1, fill: "your significant injury" If INJ.NUMINJ_A IN (2-96,RF,DK), fill: "any of your significantinjuries" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto INJBONES_A] Page 238 of 420 Question ID: INJ.0170.00.2 Variable name: INJBONES_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: INJSAWDOC_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who saw a doctor about an injury Question Text: Response: Fills: During the past 3 months, did you have any broken bones as a result of ^siginj_A? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^siginj_A If INJ.NUMINJ_A=1, fill: "your significant injury" If INJ.NUMINJ_A IN (2-96,RF,DK), fill: "any of your significantinjuries" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto INJSTITCH_A] Question ID: INJ.0180.00.2 Variable name: INJSTITCH_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: INJSAWDOC_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who saw a doctor about an injury Question Text: During the past 3 months, did you get any stitches or staples because of ^siginj_A? Response: Page 239 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^siginj_A If INJ.NUMINJ_A=1, fill: "your significant injury" If INJ.NUMINJ_A IN (2-96,RF,DK), fill: "any of your significantinjuries" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto INJWRKDAYS_A] Question ID: INJ.0190.00.2 Variable name: INJWRKDAYS_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: INJLIMIT_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who had a significant sudden injury in the past 3 months that limited their usual activities for at least 24 hours Question Text: Response: Fills: During the past 3 months, how many days of work did you miss because of ^siginj_A? If respondent says none, no, or 0 days, ask: Did you work at all the past 3 months? Enter '90' if respondent says they missed every day of work in the past 3 months. Enter '91' if respondent says they did not work in the past 3 months. DK: RF: ^siginj_A Don't Know Refused If INJ.NUMINJ_A=1, fill: "your significant injury" If INJ.NUMINJ_A IN (2-96,RF,DK), fill: "any of your significantinjuries" Page 240 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1-90,DK> [goto INJFUTWRK_A] <0,RF> [goto INJSTOPCHG_A] <91> [goto next section] Question ID: INJ.0200.00.2 Variable name: INJFUTWRK_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: INJWRKDAYS_A IN (1-90,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have missed at least one day of work due to injury in past 3 months or don't know Question Text: Response: Fills: Do you expect to miss any more days of work because of ^siginj_A that occurred during the past 3 months? 1. 2. DK: RF: ^siginj_A Yes No Don't Know Refused If INJ.NUMINJ_A=1, fill: "your significant injury" If INJ.NUMINJ_A IN (2-96,RF,DK), fill: "any of your significantinjuries" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto INJSTOPCHG_A] Page 241 of 420 Question ID: INJ.0210.00.2 Variable name: INJSTOPCHG_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: INJWRKDAYS_A IN (0-90,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have missed 0 or more days of work due to injury in past 3 months or refused or don't know Question Text: Response: Fills: During the past 3 months, did you stop working or change jobs because of ^siginj_A? Enter 'no' if respondent says they did not work in the past 3 months. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^siginj_A If INJ.NUMINJ_A=1, fill: "your significant injury" If INJ.NUMINJ_A IN (2-96,RF,DK), fill: "any of your significantinjuries" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto INJREDUCE_A] Question ID: INJ.0220.00.2 Variable name: INJREDUCE_A Interview module: INJ(Adult.INJ) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: INJWRKDAYS_A IN (0-90,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have missed 0 or more days of work due to injury in past 3 months or refused or don't know Question Text: During the past 3 months, did you make a major change in your work activities, such as taking on fewer hours or lighter duties, because of ^siginj_A? Enter 'no' if respondent says they did not work in the past 3 months. Response: Page 242 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^siginj_A If INJ.NUMINJ_A=1, fill: "your significant injury" If INJ.NUMINJ_A IN (2-96,RF,DK), fill: "any of your significantinjuries" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: TBI.0010.00.3 Variable name: TBIINTRO1_A Interview module: TBI(Adult.TBI) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: The next questions are about head injuries that may have occurred in the past 12 months. Please think about all head injuries, for example, from playing sports, car accidents, falls, or being hit by something or someone that may have occurred in the past 12 months. Enter '1' to continue. 1. Enter 1 to Continue Skip Instructions: <1> [goto TBILCDCMG_A] Question ID: TBI.0020.00.3 Variable name: TBILCDCMG_A Interview module: TBI(Adult.TBI) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: During the past 12 months, as a result of a blow or jolt to the head, have you been knocked out or lost consciousness, been dazed or confused, or had a gap in your memory? Read if necessary: Please think about all head injuries, for example, from playing sports, car accidents, falls, or being hit by something or someone that may have occurred in the past 12 months. Response: Page 243 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto TBIHLSBMC_A] Question ID: TBI.0030.00.3 Variable name: TBIHLSBMC_A Interview module: TBI(Adult.TBI) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, as a result of a blow or jolt to the head, have you had headaches, sensitivity to light or noise, balance problems, or changes in mood or behavior? Read if necessary: Please think about all head injuries, for example, from playing sports, car accidents, falls, or being hit by something or someone that may have occurred in the past 12 months. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto TBISPORT_A] <2,RF,DK> if TBILCDCMG_A=1 [goto TBISPORT_A] elseif TBILCDCMG_A=2,RF,DK [goto next section] Page 244 of 420 Question ID: TBI.0040.00.3 Variable name: TBISPORT_A Interview module: TBI(Adult.TBI) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: TBILCDCMG_A=1 or TBIHLSBMC_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who experienced TBI symptoms from a blow or jolt to the head over the past 12 months Question Text: Response: Fills: ^CDCMG_A Were you playing a sport or participating in a physical or recreational activity, such as jogging, biking, or pick-up games, when you experienced any of these blows or jolts to the head? Read if necessary: Include team or league sports competitions or practices. Read if necessary: Include organized and non-organized sports. Read if necessary: A pick-up game is when a group of players get together and spontaneously start a game, like basketball or soccer. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^CDCMG_A If TBILCDCMG_A=1 and TBIHLSBMC_A=2,RF,DK, fill:"Think about the blows or jolts to the head that caused you to lose consciousness, become dazed or confused, or have a gap in your memory." else no fill Skip Instructions: <1> [goto TBILEAGUE_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto TBIEVAL_A] Page 245 of 420 Question ID: TBI.0050.00.3 Variable name: TBILEAGUE_A Interview module: TBI(Adult.TBI) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: TBISPORT_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who experienced TBI symptoms from a blow or jolt to the head over the past 12 months and had a sports or recreational injury Question Text: Response: Were you participating in an organized team or league sports competition or practice when you experienced any of these blows or jolts to the head? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto TBIEVAL_A] Question ID: TBI.0060.00.3 Variable name: TBIEVAL_A Interview module: TBI(Adult.TBI) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: TBILCDCMG_A=1 or TBIHLSBMC_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who experienced TBI symptoms from a blow or jolt to the head over the past 12 months Question Text: During the past 12 months, as a result of a blow or jolt to the head, were you evaluated for a concussion or brain injury by a doctor, nurse, paramedic, athletic trainer, or other health professional? Response: Page 246 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: FGE.0010.00.2 Variable name: FGEFRQTRD_A Interview module: FGE(Adult.FGE) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: In the past 3 months, how often did you feel very tired or exhausted? Would you say never, some days, most days, or every day? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Never Some days Most days Every day Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto next section] <2-4,RF,DK> [goto FGELNGTRD_A] Question ID: FGE.0020.00.2 Variable name: FGELNGTRD_A Interview module: FGE(Adult.FGE) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: FGEFRQTRD_A IN (2,3,4,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who felt very tired or exhausted some days, most days, every day, or refused or don't know Question Text: Thinking about the last time you felt very tired or exhausted, how long did it last? Would you say some of the day, most of the day, or all of the day? Response: Page 247 of 420 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Some of the day Most of the day All of the day Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto FGELEVTRD_A] Question ID: FGE.0030.00.2 Variable name: FGELEVTRD_A Interview module: FGE(Adult.FGE) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: FGEFRQTRD_A IN (2,3,4,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who felt very tired or exhausted some days, most days, every day, or refused or don't know Question Text: Response: Thinking about the last time you felt this way, how would you describe the level of tiredness? Would you say a little, a lot, or somewhere in between? 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: A little A lot Somewhere in between a little and a lot Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto next section] Page 248 of 420 Question ID: CIG.0010.00.1 Variable name: CIGINTRO_A Interview module: CIG(Adult.CIG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: These next questions are about cigarette smoking. 1. Enter '1' to continue. Enter 1 to Continue Skip Instructions: <1> [goto SMKEV_A] Question ID: CIG.0020.00.1 Variable name: SMKEV_A Interview module: CIG(Adult.CIG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your ENTIRE LIFE? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto SMKAGE_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto ECIGEV_A] Page 249 of 420 Question ID: CIG.0030.00.2 Variable name: SMKAGE_A Interview module: CIG(Adult.CIG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SMKEV_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who ever smoked 100 cigarettes Question Text: Response: How old were you when you FIRST started to smoke fairly regularly? Smoking regularly is respondent defined. If asked about what this means, say that "It is whatever you consider as first starting to smoke fairly regularly." Enter '6' if less than 6 years old. Enter '95' if 95 years old or older. Enter '96' if never smoked regularly. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <6-95,96,RF,DK> if SMKAGE_A gt GEN.AGE_FINAL and SMKAGE_A ne 96 [goto ERR1_SMKAGE_A] else [goto SMKNOW_A] Check Name: ERR1_SMKAGE_A Text: {check ERR1_SMKAGE_A} Starting age exceeds current age. Please correct Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: If GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A]=valid and SMKAGE_A gt GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] and SMKAGE_A NE 96 Universe Description: Age started smoking exceeds the respondent's current age Page 250 of 420 Question ID: CIG.0040.00.1 Variable name: SMKNOW_A Interview module: CIG(Adult.CIG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SMKEV_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who ever smoked 100 cigarettes Question Text: Response: Do you NOW smoke cigarettes every day, some days or not at all? 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Every day Some days Not at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto CIGNOW_A] <2> [goto SMK30D_A] <3> [goto SMKQTN_A] [goto ECIGEV_A] Question ID: CIG.0050.00.1 Variable name: CIGNOW_A Interview module: CIG(Adult.CIG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SMKNOW_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who are current every day smokers Question Text: Response: On average, about how many cigarettes do you NOW smoke a day? less than 1 cigarette. Enter '95' if 95 or more cigarettes. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 251 of 420 Enter '1' if Skip Instructions: <1-95,RF,DK> [goto MENTHOLC_A] Question ID: CIG.0060.00.1 Variable name: SMK30D_A Interview module: CIG(Adult.CIG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SMKNOW_A=2 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who are current some day smokers Question Text: Response: On how many of the past 30 days did you smoke a cigarette? None. DK: RF: Enter '0' for Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <0> [goto MENTHOLC_A] <1-30,RF,DK> [goto CIG30D_A] Question ID: CIG.0070.00.1 Variable name: CIG30D_A Interview module: CIG(Adult.CIG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SMK30D_A IN (1-30,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have smoked any time in the past 30 days or refused or don't know Question Text: Response: On average, when you smoked during the past 30 days, about how many cigarettes did you smoke a day? Enter '1' if less than 1. Enter '95' if 95 or more cigarettes. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 252 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1-95,RF,DK> [goto MENTHOLC_A] Question ID: CIG.0075.00.3 Variable name: MENTHOLC_A Interview module: CIG(Adult.CIG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SMKNOW_A IN (1,2) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who currently smoke cigarettes every day or some days Question Text: Response: Do you usually smoke menthol or non-menthol cigarettes? 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Menthol Non-menthol No usual type Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto SMKQT12M_A] Question ID: CIG.0080.00.2 Variable name: SMKQT12M_A Interview module: CIG(Adult.CIG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SMKNOW_A IN (1,2) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who are every day or someday smokers Question Text: During the past 12 months, have you stopped smoking for more than one day BECAUSE YOU WERE TRYING TO QUIT SMOKING? Response: Page 253 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto AVGNUMCIG_A] Question ID: CIG.0090.01.2 Variable name: SMKQTN_A Interview module: CIG(Adult.CIG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SMKNOW_A=3 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who quit smoking Question Text: Response: 1 of 2 How long has it been since you quit smoking cigarettes? for time since quit smoking. DK: RF: Enter number Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-365> [goto SMKQTTP_A] [goto MENTHOLF_A] Question ID: CIG.0090.02.2 Variable name: SMKQTTP_A Interview module: CIG(Adult.CIG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SMKQTN_A IN (1-365) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who gave a number for how long ago they quit smoking Question Text: 2 of 2 Enter time period for time since quit smoking. Response: Page 254 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Day(s) Week(s) Month(s) Year(s) Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto MENTHOLF_A] <4> if SMKERR1_CALC_A lt 15 [goto ERR1_SMKQTTP_A] elseif SMKERR2_CALC_A gt GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ERR2_SMKQTTP_A] else [goto MENTHOLF_A] [goto Check Name: ERR1_SMKQTTP_A Text: {signal ERR1_SMKQTTP_A} verify. Respondent quit smoking before age 15? Please Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SMKERR1_CALC_A lt 15 Universe Description: Former smokers who quit before the age of 15 Check Name: ERR2_SMKQTTP_A Text: {check ERR2_SMKQTTP_A} Age started smoking (^SMKAGE_A years) + years since quitting (^SMKQTN_A) exceeds current age. Please correct. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Fills: ^SMKAGE_A Fill number from SMKAGE_A. ^SMKQTN_A age when quit smoking Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Page 255 of 420 Universe: If GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A]=valid GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] and SMKERR2_CALC_A gt Universe Description: Age started smoking plus years since quitting is greater than current age Question ID: CIG.0100.00.3 Variable name: MENTHOLF_A Interview module: CIG(Adult.CIG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SMKNOW_A=3 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who are former smokers Question Text: Response: Thinking back to the 12 MONTHS BEFORE YOU QUIT SMOKING CIGARETTES, during that time, did you usually smoke menthol or non-menthol cigarettes? 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Menthol Non-menthol No usual type Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto AVGNUMCIG_A] Question ID: CIG.0110.00.3 Variable name: AVGNUMCIG_A Interview module: CIG(Adult.CIG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SMKNOW_A=1-3 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who are every day or some day smokers or who have smoked in the past Question Text: Response: Over the entire time that you have smoked, what is the average number of cigarettes that you smoked per day? Enter P to record packs smoked per day. Enter '95' if 95 or more cigarettes. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 256 of 420 Skip Instructions: [goto AVGPACKCIG_A] <00-94,95,RF,DK> if ((SMKQTN_A le 365 and SMKQTTP_A=1) or (SMKQTN_A le 52 and SMKQTTP_A=2) or (SMKQTN_A le 12 and SMKQTTP_A=3) or (SMKQTN_A le 1 and SMKQTTP_A=4)) [goto SMKTLK_A] else [goto ECIGEV_A] Check Name: ERR1_AVGNUMCIG_A Text: {check ERR1_AVGNUMCIG_A} Average number of cigarettes smoked per dayis out of range. Only "0-95" or "P" or "Don't know/Refused" allowed in this field. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: AVGNUMCIG_A ne 0-95 or AVGNUMCIG_A not IN (P,DK,RF) Universe Description: Average number of cigarettes smoked per day is greater than 95 or entered something other than "P", don't know, or refused Question ID: CIG.0120.00.3 Variable name: AVGPACKCIG_A Interview module: CIG(Adult.CIG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: AVGNUMCIG_A=P Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who want to answer average number of cigarettes smoked per day in packs Question Text: Enter the average number of packs of cigarettes smoked per day. necessary: 1 pack equals 20 cigarettes. Response: Page 257 of 420 Read if 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. DK: RF: Half a pack per day (1/2 pack) One pack per day (1 pack) One and a half packs per day (1 ½ pack) Two packs per day (2 packs) Two and a half packs per day (2 ½ packs) Three packs per day (3 packs) Three and a half packs per day (3 ½ packs) Four or more packs per day (4 packs) Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-8,RF,DK> if ((SMKQTN_A LE 365 and SMKQTTP_A=1) or (SMKQTN_A le 52 and SMKQTTP_A=2) or (SMKQTN_A le 12 and SMKQTTP_A=3) or (SMKQTN_A le 1 and SMKQTTP_A=4)) [goto SMKTLK_A] else [goto ECIGEV_A] Question ID: CIG.0130.00.2 Variable name: SMKTLK1_A Interview module: CIG(Adult.CIG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (SMKNOW_A IN (1,2) or ((SMKQTN_A le 365 and SMKQTTP_A=1) or (SMKQTN_A le 52 and SMKQTTP_A=2) or (SMKQTN_A le 12 and SMKQTTP_A=3) or (SMKQTN_A le 1 and SMKQTTP_A=4))) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who are current cigarette smokers or former cigarette smokers who have quit in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: In the past 12 months, has a doctor, dentist, or other health professional ADVISED you about ways to stop smoking or prescribed medication to help you quit? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 258 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto ECIGEV_A] Question ID: CIG.0140.00.1 Variable name: ECIGEV_A Interview module: CIG(Adult.CIG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Have you ever used an e-cigarette or other electronic vaping product, even just one time, in your entire life? Read if necessary: Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) and other electronic vaping products include JUULs, vape pens, e-cigars, and others. These products are battery-powered and usually contain nicotine and flavors such as fruit, mint, or candy. These questions concern electronic vaping products for nicotine use. Do not include marijuana use. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto ECIGNOW_A] <2,RF,DK> if SMKNOW_A=3 and (SMKQTN_A le 365 and SMKQTTP_A=1) or (SMKQTN_A le 104 and SMKQTTP_A=2) or (SMKQTN_A le 24 and SMKQTTP_A=3) or (SMKQTN_A le 2 and SMKQTTP_A=4) [goto FQUITA1_A] elseif SMKQT12M_A=1 [goto CQUITA1_A] elseif SMKNOW_A IN (1,2) [goto QWANT_A] else [goto next section] Page 259 of 420 Question ID: CIG.0150.00.1 Variable name: ECIGNOW_A Interview module: CIG(Adult.CIG) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ECIGEV_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have ever used e-cigarettes Question Text: Response: Do you NOW use e-cigarettes or other electronic vaping products every day, some days, or not at all? These questions concern electronic vaping products for nicotine use. Do not include marijuana use. 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Every day Some days Not at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: OTB.0010.00.3 Variable name: CIGAREV_A Interview module: OTB(Adult.OTB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample adults 18+ Question Text: Have you ever smoked a regular cigar, cigarillo, or a little filtered cigar EVEN ONE TIME? Read if necessary: "Cigarillos" are medium cigars that sometimes are sold with plastic or wooden tips. Some common brands are Black and Mild, Swisher Sweets, Dutch Masters and Phillies Blunts. Cigarillos are usually sold individually or in packs of 5 or fewer. Little filtered cigars look like cigarettes and are usually brown in color. Like cigarettes, little filtered cigars have a spongy filter and are sold in packs of 20. Some common brands are Prime Time and Winchester. Read if necessary: Do not include electronic cigars or e-cigars. Response: Page 260 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto CIGARCUR_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto SMOKELSEV_A] Question ID: OTB.0020.00.3 Variable name: CIGARCUR_A Interview module: OTB(Adult.OTB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CIGAREV_A=1 Universe Description: Sample adults 18+ who have ever smoked a regular cigar, cigarillo, or filtered cigar Question Text: Response: Do you NOW smoke regular cigars, cigarillos, or little filtered cigars every day, some days, or not at all? 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Every day Some days Not at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,RF,DK> [goto SMOKELSEV_A] <2,3> [goto CIGAR30D_A] Page 261 of 420 Question ID: OTB.0030.00.3 Variable name: CIGAR30D_A Interview module: OTB(Adult.OTB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CIGARCUR_A IN (2,3) Universe Description: Sample adults 18+ who now smoke a regular cigar, cigarillo, or little filtered cigar some days or not at all Question Text: Response: On how many of the past 30 days have you smoked a regular cigar, cigarillo, or little filtered cigar? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <0-30,RF,DK> [goto SMOKELSEV_A] Question ID: OTB.0060.00.3 Variable name: SMOKELSEV1_A Interview module: OTB(Adult.OTB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Smokeless tobacco products are placed in the mouth or nose and can include chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, snus (SNOOSE), nicotine pouches, or dissolvable tobacco. Have you ever used smokeless tobacco products EVEN ONE TIME? Read if necessary: Do not include nicotine replacement therapy products such as patch, gum, lozenge, or spray, which are considered smoking cessation treatments. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 262 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1> [goto SMOKELSCR1_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: OTB.0070.00.3 Variable name: SMOKELSCR1_A Interview module: OTB(Adult.OTB) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SMOKELSEV1_A=1 Universe Description: Sample adults 18+ who have ever used smokeless tobacco products Question Text: Response: Do you NOW use smokeless tobacco products every day, some days, or not at all? 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Every day Some days Not at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: LCS.0010.00.3 Variable name: CTSCANEV1_A Interview module: LCS(Adult.LCS) Inherited Universe: (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 40) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 40)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 40+ Question Text: Have you ever had a CT scan of your chest area? During this test, you are lying down and moved through a donut-shaped x-ray machine while holding your breath. Response: Page 263 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto CTLNGWHN1_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: LCS.0020.00.3 Variable name: CTLNGWHN1_A Interview module: LCS(Adult.LCS) Inherited Universe: (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 40) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 40)) Universe: CTSCANEV1_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 40+ who ever had a CT scan of their chest area Question Text: Response: When did you have your most recent CT scan of your chest area? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DK: RF: Within the past year (anytime less than 12 months ago) Within the past 2 years (1 year but less than 2 years ago) Within the past 3 years (2 years but less than 3 years ago) Within the past 5 years (3 years but less than 5 years ago) Within the past 10 years (5 years but less than 10 years ago) 10 years ago or more Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-6,RF,DK> [goto CTLNGCAN1_A] Page 264 of 420 Question ID: LCS.0030.00.3 Variable name: CTLNGCAN1_A Interview module: LCS(Adult.LCS) Inherited Universe: (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 40) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 40)) Universe: CTSCANEV1_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 40+ who ever had a CT scan of their chest area Question Text: Response: Was your most recent CT scan of your chest area done to check or screen for lung cancer, rather than for some other reason? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: ALC.0010.00.2 Variable name: DRKLIFE_A Interview module: ALC(Adult.ALC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: These next questions are about drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol includes beer, wine, wine coolers, liquors such as vodka, whiskey or rum, mixed drinks or cocktails with alcohol, and any other type of alcoholic drink. In your ENTIRE LIFE, have you had at least 1 drink of any kind of alcohol, not counting small tastes or sips? Response: Page 265 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto DRK12MN_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: ALC.0020.01.2 Variable name: DRK12MN_A Interview module: ALC(Adult.ALC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: DRKLIFE_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have had at least 1 drink in their entire life Question Text: Response: 1 of 2 During the past 12 months, how many days per week, per month or per year did you drink any type of alcoholic beverage? Read if necessary: Alcohol includes beer, wine, wine coolers, liquors such as vodka, whiskey or rum, mixed drinks or cocktails with alcohol, and any other type of alcoholic drink. Enter number for how often alcoholic beverages were consumed in the past 12 months. Then enter category of response (week, month, year). Enter '0' for Never. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <0> [goto DRK12ANYR_A] <1-365> [goto DRK12MTP_A]
[goto DRKAVG12M_A] [goto next section] Page 266 of 420 Question ID: ALC.0020.02.2 Variable name: DRK12MTP_A Interview module: ALC(Adult.ALC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: DRK12MN_A=1-365 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who gave a number for number of days drank per week/month/year Question Text: Response: 2 of 2 Enter time period for how often alcoholic beverages were consumed in the past year. 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Per week Per month Per year Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3> if ((DRK12MN_A gt 7 and DRK12MTP_A=1) or (DRK12MN_A gt 31 and DRK12MTP_A=2))[goto ERR1_DRK12MTP_A] else [goto DRKAVG12M_A] [goto DRKAVG12M_A] Check Name: ERR1_DRK12MTP_A Text: {check ERR1_DRK12MTP_A} ^DRK12MN_A days per ^DRK12MTP_A exceeds number possible in this time period. Please correct. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Fills: ^DRK12MN_A Fill value from Adult.ALC.DRK12MN_A ^DRK12MTP_A Fill value from Adult.ALC.DRK12MTP_A Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ((DRK12MN_A gt 7 and DRK12MTP_A=1) or (DRK12MN_A gt 31 and DRK12MTP_A=2)) Universe Description: More than 7 days per week or 31 days per month Page 267 of 420 Question ID: ALC.0030.00.2 Variable name: DRKAVG12M_A Interview module: ALC(Adult.ALC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: DRK12MN_A IN (1-365,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who drank at least once in the past year or don't know Question Text: Response: When counting number of drinks, one drink is equal to a 12-ounce beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine, or one shot or 1.5 ounces of liquor. A larger 40-ounce beer would count as 3 drinks, or a cocktail drink with 2 shots would count as 2 drinks. During the past 12 months, on those days that you drank alcoholic beverages, on average, how many DRINKS did you have? Enter '1' if 1 or fewer drinks. Enter '95' if 95 or more drinks. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto DRKBNG12M_A] <4> if GEN.SEX_FINAL=2 [goto DRKANY30D_A] elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL IN (1,RF,DK) [goto DRKBNG12M_A] <5-95> [goto DRKANY30D_A] <10-95> [goto ERR1_DRKAVG12M_A] Check Name: ERR1_DRKAVG12M_A Text: {signal ERR1_DRKAVG12M_A} ^DRKAVG12M_A drinks is an usually high number. Please verify. Do not probe. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Fills: ^DRKAVG12M_A Average number of drinks when drank in past 12 months Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: DRKAVG12M_A IN (10-95) Universe Description: Those who reported having 10 or more daily drinks Page 268 of 420 Question ID: ALC.0040.00.2 Variable name: DRK12ANYR_A Interview module: ALC(Adult.ALC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: DRK12MN_A=0 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have not had a drink in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: In ANY ONE YEAR, have you had at least 12 drinks of any type of alcoholic beverage? Read if necessary: One drink is equivalent to a 12-ounce beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine, or a drink with one shot (1.5 ounces) of liquor. A 40-ounce beer would count as 3 drinks or a cocktail drink with 2 shots would count as 2 drinks. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: ALC.0050.00.2 Variable name: DRKBNG12M_A Interview module: ALC(Adult.ALC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (DRKAVG12M_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK) GEN.SEX_FINAL IN (1,RF,DK))) or (DRKAVG12M_A=4 and Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who drank less than 4(female)/5(male, refused, don't know sex) drinks a day on average Question Text: During the past 12 months, did you ever have ^BINGE drinks in a day? Response: Page 269 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^BINGE If GEN.SEX_FINAL in (1,RF,DK) fill: "5 or more" If GEN.SEX_FINAL=2, fill: "4 or more" Skip Instructions: <1> [goto DRKANY30D_A] <2,RF,DK> if (DRKAVG12M_A IN (RF,DK) and DRK12MN_A GE 1) [goto DRKANY30D_A] elseif (DRK12MN_A GE 1 or DRKAVG12M_A GE 1)[goto DRKADVISE1_A] elseif (DRKAVG12M_A IN (RF,DK) AND DRK12MN_A=DK))[goto next section] Question ID: ALC.0060.00.2 Variable name: DRKANY30D_A Interview module: ALC(Adult.ALC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ((DRKAVG12M_A=5-95 or (DRKAVG12M_A=4 and GEN.SEX_FINAL=2)) or DRKBNG12M_A=1 or (DRKBNG12M_A=2,RF,DK and DRKAVG12M_A=RF,DK and DRK12MN_A GE 1)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who drank 4+(female)/5+(male, refused, don't know sex) drinks in a day in the last year or refused or don't know Question Text: Response: The next question will ask you about ONLY the past 30 days. During the past 30 days, did you have at least one drink of any type of alcoholic beverage? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 270 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,RF,DK> [goto DRKBNG30D_A] <2> [goto DRKADVISE1_A] Question ID: ALC.0070.00.2 Variable name: DRKBNG30D_A Interview module: ALC(Adult.ALC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: DRKANY30D_A IN (1,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who drank in the past 30 days or refused or don't know Question Text: Response: Fills: During the past 30 days, how many times did you have ^BINGE drinks on an occasion? Read if necessary: A drinking occasion is considered to be approximately two hours. Enter '0' if none. Enter '60' if 60 or more times. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused ^BINGE If GEN.SEX_FINAL in (1,RF,DK) fill: "5 or more" If GEN.SEX_FINAL=2, fill: "4 or more" Skip Instructions: <0-60,RF,DK> [goto DRKADVISE1_A] Question ID: ALC.0080.00.2 Variable name: DRKADVISE1_A Interview module: ALC(Adult.ALC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: DRK12MN_A ge 1 or DRKAVG12M_A ge 1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have had 1 or more drinks in the past 12 months Question Text: During the past 12 months, has a doctor, dentist, or other health professional ADVISED you to stop or cut down on your drinking? Response: Page 271 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: PHY.0010.01.2 Variable name: MODN_A Interview module: PHY(Adult.PHY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: 1 of 2 The next questions are about physical activities such as exercise, sports, or physically active hobbies that you may do in your LEISURE time. We are interested in two types of physical activity --- moderate and vigorous-intensity. Moderate-intensity activities cause moderate increases in breathing or heart rate whereas vigorous-intensity activities cause large increases in breathing or heart rate. How often do you do MODERATE-INTENSITY LEISURE-TIME physical activities? If necessary, prompt with: How many times per day, per week, per month, or per year do you do these activities? Enter number for moderate leisure-time physical activities. Enter '0' for Never. Enter '996' if unable to do this type of activity. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-995> [goto MODTP_A] <0,996,RF,DK> [goto VIGN_A] Page 272 of 420 Question ID: PHY.0010.02.2 Variable name: MODTP_A Interview module: PHY(Adult.PHY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: MODN_A=1-995 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who do moderate physical activities Question Text: Response: 2 of 2 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Enter time period for moderate leisure-time physical activities. Per day Per week Per month Per year Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4> if ((MODN_A gt 4 and MODTP_A=1) or (MODN_A gt 28 and MODTP_A=2) or (MODN_A gt 31 and MODTP_A=3) or (MODN_A gt 365 and MODTP_A=4)) [goto ERR1_MODTP_A] else [goto MODLN_A] [goto VIGN_A] Check Name: ERR1_MODTP_A Text: {signal ERR1_MODTP_A} Please verify. ^MODN_A times per ^MODTP_A is unusually high. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Fills: ^MODN_A Fill value from Adult.PHY.MODN_A ^MODTP_A Fill value from Adult.PHY.MODTP_A Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: if ((MODN_A gt 4 and MODTP_A=1) or (MODN_A gt 28 and MODTP_A=2) or (MODN_A gt 31 and MODTP_A=3) or (MODN_A gt 365 and MODTP_A=4)) Universe Description: moderate-intensity activity greater than 4 times per day or 28 times per week or 31 times per month or 365 times per year Page 273 of 420 Question ID: PHY.0020.01.2 Variable name: MODLN_A Interview module: PHY(Adult.PHY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: MODTP_A=1-4 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who do moderate physical activities Question Text: Response: 1 of 2 About how long do you do these moderate leisure-time physical activities each time? Read if necessary: Moderate-intensity activities cause moderate increases in breathing or heart rate. Enter number for length of moderate leisure-time physical activities. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-995> [goto MODLTP_A] [goto VIGN_A] Question ID: PHY.0020.02.2 Variable name: MODLTP_A Interview module: PHY(Adult.PHY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: MODLN_A=1-995 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who do moderate physical activities Question Text: Response: 2 of 2 1. 2. DK: RF: Enter time period for length of moderate leisure-time physical activities. Minutes Hours Don't Know Refused Page 274 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,2> if ((MODLN_A ge 120 and MODLTP_A=1) or (MODLN_A ge 2 and MODLTP_A=2)) [goto ERR1_MODLTP_A] elseif (MODLN_A ge 25 and MODLTP_A=2) [goto ERR2_MODLTP_A] else [goto VIGN_A] [goto VIGN_A] Check Name: ERR1_MODLTP_A Text: {signal ERR1_MODLTP_A} verify. ^MODLN_A ^MODLTP_A is unusually high. Please Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Fills: ^MODLN_A Fill value from Adult.PHY.MODLN_A ^MODLTP_A FIll value from Adult.PHY.MODLTP_A Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: if (MODLN_A ge 120 and MODLTP_A=1) or (MODLN_A ge 2 and MODLTP_A=2) Universe Description: Moderate-intensity activities 120 minutes or more or 2 hours or more Check Name: ERR2_MODLTP_A Text: {check ERR2_MODLTP_A} ^MODLN_A ^MODLTP_A is more than 24 hours a day and is not allowed. Please correct. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Fills: ^MODLTP_A FIll value from Adult.PHY.MODLTP_A ^MODLN_A Fill value from Adult.PHY.MODLN_A Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Page 275 of 420 Universe: if (MODLN_A ge 25 and MODLTP_A=2) Universe Description: Moderate-intensity activities 25 or more hours Question ID: PHY.0030.01.2 Variable name: VIGN_A Interview module: PHY(Adult.PHY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: 1 of 2 How often do you do VIGOROUS-INTENSITY LEISURE-TIME physical activities? Read if necessary: Vigorous-intensity activities cause large increases in breathing or heart rate. Read if necessary: How many times per day, per week, per month, or per year do you do these activities? Enter number for vigorous leisure-time physical activities. Enter '0' for Never. Enter '996' if unable to do this type of activity. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <0,996,RF,DK> [goto STRN_A] <1-995> [goto VIGTP_A] Question ID: PHY.0030.02.2 Variable name: VIGTP_A Interview module: PHY(Adult.PHY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: VIGN_A=1-995 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who do vigorous physical activities Question Text: 2 of 2 Enter time period for vigorous leisure-time physical activities. Response: Page 276 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Per day Per week Per month Per year Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4> if (VIGN_A gt 4 and VIGTP_A=1) or (VIGN_A gt 28 and VIGTP_A=2) or (VIGN_A gt 31 and VIGTP_A=3) or (VIGN_A gt 365 and VIGTP_A=4) [goto ERR1_VIGTP_A] else [goto VIGLN_A] Check Name: ERR1_VIGTP_A Text: {signal ERR1_VIGTP_A} Please verify. ^VIGN_A times per ^VIGTP_A is unusually high. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Fills: ^VIGN_A fill value from Adult.PHY.VIGN_A ^VIGTP_A fill value from Adult.PHY.VIGTP_A Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: if (VIGN_A gt 4 and VIGTP_A=1) or (VIGN_A gt 28 and VIGTP_A=2) or (VIGN_A gt 31 and VIGTP_A=3) or (VIGN_A gt 365 and VIGTP_A=4) Universe Description: vigorous-intensity activity greater than 4 times per day or 28 times per week or 31 times per month or 365 times per year Page 277 of 420 Question ID: PHY.0040.01.2 Variable name: VIGLN_A Interview module: PHY(Adult.PHY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: VIGTP_A=1-4 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who do vigorous physical activities Question Text: Response: 1 of 2 About how long do you do these vigorous leisure-time physical activities each time? Read if necessary: Vigorous-intensity activities cause large increases in breathing or heart rate. Enter number for length of vigorous leisure-time physical activities. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-995>[goto VIGLTP_A] [goto STRN_A] Question ID: PHY.0040.02.2 Variable name: VIGLTP_A Interview module: PHY(Adult.PHY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: VIGLN_A=1-995 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who do vigorous physical activities Question Text: Response: 2 of 2 1. 2. DK: RF: Enter time period for length of vigorous leisure-time physical activities. Minutes Hours Don't Know Refused Page 278 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,2> if (VIGLN_A ge 120 and VIGLTP_A=1) or (VIGLN_A ge 2 and VIGLTP_A=2) [goto ERR1_VIGLTP_A] elseif (VIGLN_A ge 25 and VIGLTP_A=2) [goto ERR2_VIGLTP_A] else [goto STRN_A] [goto STRN_A] Check Name: ERR1_VIGLTP_A Text: {signal ERR1_VIGLTP_A} verify. ^VIGLN_A ^VIGLNTP_A is unusually high. Please Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Fills: ^VIGLN_A Fill value from Adult.PHY.VIGLN_A ^VIGLNTP_A Fill value from Adult.PHY.VIGLNTP_A Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: if (VIGLN_A ge 120 and VIGLTP_A=1) or (VIGLN_A ge 2 and VIGLTP_A=2) Universe Description: Vigorous-intensity activities of 120 minutes or more or 2 hours or more Check Name: ERR2_VIGLTP_A Text: {check ERR2_VIGLTP_A} ^VIGLN_A ^VIGLNTP_A is more than 24 hours a day and is not allowed. Please correct. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Fills: ^VIGLN_A Fill value from Adult.PHY.VIGLN_A ^VIGLNTP_A Fill value from Adult.PHY.VIGLNTP_A Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: if (VIGLN_A ge 25 and VIGLTP_A=2) Page 279 of 420 Universe Description: Vigorous-intensity activities of 25 hours or more Question ID: PHY.0050.01.2 Variable name: STRN_A Interview module: PHY(Adult.PHY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: 1 of 2 Including activities that you mentioned earlier, how often do you do LEISURE-TIME physical activities specifically designed to STRENGTHEN your muscles such as sit-ups, push-ups, or lifting weights? Read if necessary: How many times per day, per week, per month, or per year do you do these activities? Enter number for strengthening activities. Enter '0' for Never. Enter '996' for Unable to do this type of activity. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-995> [goto STRTP_A] <0,996,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: PHY.0050.02.2 Variable name: STRTP_A Interview module: PHY(Adult.PHY) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: STRN_A=1-995 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who do strengthening activities Question Text: 2 of 2 Enter time period for strengthening activities. Response: Page 280 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Per day Per week Per month Per year Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4> if (STRN_A gt 4 and STRTP_A=1) or (STRN_A gt 28 and STRTP_A=2) or (STRN_A gt 31 and STRTP_A=3) or (STRN_A gt 365 and STRTP_A=4) [goto ERR1_STRTP_A] else [goto next section] Check Name: ERR1_STRTP_A Text: {signal ERR1_STRTP_A} Please verify. ^STRN_A times per ^STRTP_A is unusually high. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Fills: ^STRN_A Fill value from Adult.PHY.STRN_A ^STRTP_A Fill value from Adult.PHY.STRTP_A Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: if (STRN_A gt 4 and STRTP_A=1) or (STRN_A gt 28 and STRTP_A=2) or (STRN_A gt 31 and STRTP_A=3) or (STRN_A gt 365 and STRTP_A=4) Universe Description: Strengthening activities greater than 4 times per day or 28 times per week or 31 times per month or 365 times per year Page 281 of 420 Question ID: WLK.0010.00.2 Variable name: WLKTRAN_A Interview module: WLK(Adult.WLK) Inherited Universe: (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK))) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who are able to walk Question Text: Response: The next questions are about walking for transportation. This is walking you might have done to travel to and from work, to do errands, or to go from place to place. I will ask you separately about walking for other reasons like relaxation, exercise, or walking the dog. In the past 7 days, did you walk for transportation? Read if necessary: Include walking to or from a bus, train, or rail stop. Read if necessary: Do not include walking for relaxation or exercise. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto WLKTRANDAY_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto WLKLEIS_A] Question ID: WLK.0020.00.2 Variable name: WLKTRANDAY_A Interview module: WLK(Adult.WLK) Inherited Universe: (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK))) Universe: WLKTRAN_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have walked for transportation in the past 7 days Question Text: Response: In the past 7 days, how many days did you walk for transportation? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 282 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1-7> [goto WLKTRANTPD_A] [goto WLKLEIS_A] Question ID: WLK.0030.00.2 Variable name: WLKTRANTPD_A Interview module: WLK(Adult.WLK) Inherited Universe: (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK))) Universe: WLKTRANDAY_A=1-7 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have walked for transportation at least one day in the past 7 days Question Text: Response: Fills: ^WLKDAYT DK: RF: Don't Know Refused ^WLKDAYT If WLKTRANDAY_A=1, fill: "How many times did you walk for transportation that day?" elseif WLKTRANDAY_A IN (2-7), fill: "On average, how many times per day did you walk for transportation?" Skip Instructions: <1-94> [goto WLKTRANLGT_A] [goto WLKLEIS_A] Page 283 of 420 Question ID: WLK.0040.01.2 Variable name: WLKTRANLGT_A Interview module: WLK(Adult.WLK) Inherited Universe: (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK))) Universe: WLKTRANTPD_A=1-94 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have walked for transportation at least one time in the past 7 days Question Text: Response: Fills: 1 of 2 ^WALKTIMETP DK: RF: Enter number for length of walk for transportation. Don't Know Refused ^WALKTIMETP If WLKTRANDAY_A=1 AND WLKTRANTPD_A=1, fill: "How long did that walk take?" If WLKTRANDAY_A=2-7 OR WLKTRANTPD_A=2-94, fill: "On average, how long did those walks take?" Skip Instructions: <1-995> [goto WLKTRANTP_A] [goto WLKLEIS_A] Question ID: WLK.0040.02.2 Variable name: WLKTRANTP_A Interview module: WLK(Adult.WLK) Inherited Universe: (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK))) Universe: WLKTRANLGT_A=1-995 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who entered a number for how long they walked for transportation in the past 7 days Question Text: 2 of 2 Enter time period for length of walking for transportation. Response: Page 284 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Minutes Hours Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2> if ((WLKTRANLGT_A (WLKTRANLGT_A GT ERR1_WLKTRANLGT_A] <1,2> if ((WLKTRANLGT_A ERR2_WLKTRANLGT_A] else [goto WLKLEIS_A] [goto WLKLEIS_A] GT 1 119 and WLKTRANTP_A=1) or and WLKTRANTP_A=2))[goto GE 25 and WLKTRANTP_A=2))[goto Check Name: ERR1_WLKTRANLGT_A Text: {signal ERR1_WLKTRANLGT_A} Please verify. Amount of time walkingis unusually high. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Inherited Universe: (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK))) Universe: ((WLKTRANLGT_A GT 119 and WLKTRANTP_A=1) or (WLKTRANLGT_A GT 1 and WLKTRANLGT_A LT 25 and WLKTRANTP_A=2)) Universe Description: Amount of time walking is 2 hours or more on average Page 285 of 420 Check Name: ERR2_WLKTRANLGT_A Text: {check ERR2_WLKTRANLGT_A} is not allowed. Please correct. Amount of time walkingis more than 24 hours and Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK))) Universe: (WLKTRANLGT_A GE 25 and WLKTRANTP_A=2)) Universe Description: Amount of time walking is 25 hours or more on average Question ID: WLK.0050.00.2 Variable name: WLKLEIS_A Interview module: WLK(Adult.WLK) Inherited Universe: (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK))) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who are able to walk Question Text: Response: Sometimes you may walk for fun, relaxation, exercise, or to walk the dog. In the past 7 days, did you walk for any of these reasons? Read if necessary: Do not include walking for transportation. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 286 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1> [goto WLKLEISDAY_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: WLK.0060.00.2 Variable name: WLKLEISDAY_A Interview module: WLK(Adult.WLK) Inherited Universe: (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK))) Universe: WLKLEIS_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have walked for leisure in the past 7 days Question Text: Response: In the past 7 days, how many days did you walk for leisure or exercise? Read if necessary: Walked for fun, relaxation, exercise, or to walk the dog. Read if necessary: Do not include walking for transportation. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-7> [goto WLKLEISTPD_A] [goto next section] Question ID: WLK.0070.00.2 Variable name: WLKLEISTPD_A Interview module: WLK(Adult.WLK) Inherited Universe: (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK))) Universe: WLKLEISDAY_A=1-7 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have walked for leisure at least one day in the past 7 days Question Text: Response: ^WLKDAYL DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 287 of 420 Fills: ^WLKDAYL If WLKLEISDAY_A=1, fill: "How many times did you walk for leisure or exercise that day?" elseif WLKLEISDAY_A IN (2-7), fill: "On average, how many times per day did you walk for leisure or exercise?" Skip Instructions: <1-94> [goto WLKLEISLGT_A] [goto next section] Question ID: WLK.0080.01.2 Variable name: WLKLEISLGT_A Interview module: WLK(Adult.WLK) Inherited Universe: (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK))) Universe: WLKLEISTPD_A=1-94 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have walked for leisure at least once in the past 7 days Question Text: Response: Fills: 1 of 2 ^WALKTIMELE exercise. DK: RF: Enter number for length of walk for fun, relaxation, or Don't Know Refused ^WALKTIMELE If WLKLEISDAY_A=1AND WLKLEISTPD_A=1, fill: "How long did that walk take?" elseif WLKLEISDAY_A=2-7OR WLKLEISTPD_A=2-94, fill: "On average, how long did those walks take?" Page 288 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1-995> [goto WLKLEISTP_A] [goto next section] Question ID: WLK.0080.02.2 Variable name: WLKLEISTP_A Interview module: WLK(Adult.WLK) Inherited Universe: (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK))) Universe: WLKLEISLGT_A=1-995 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who gave a number for amount of time walked for leisure in the past 7 days Question Text: Response: 2 of 2 1. 2. DK: RF: Enter time period for length of walking for fun, relaxation, or exercise. Minutes Hours Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2> if ((WLKLEISLGT_A GT 119 and WLKLEISTP_A=1) or (WLKLEISLGT_A GT 1 and WLKLEISTP_A=2)) [goto ERR1_WLKLEISLGT_A], then [goto next section] <1,2> if (WLKLEISLGT_A GE 25 and WLKLEISTP_A=2)) [goto ERR2_WLKLEISLGT_A] [goto next section] Page 289 of 420 Check Name: ERR1_WLKLEISLGT_A Text: {signal ERR1_WLKLEISLGT_A} verify. Amount of time walkingis unusually high. Please Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Inherited Universe: (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK))) Universe: ((WLKLEISLGT_A GT 119 and WLKLEISTP_A=1) or (WLKLEISLGT_A GT 1 and WLKLEISLGT_A LT 25 and WLKLEISTP_A=2)) Universe Description: Amount of time walking is over 2 hours on average Check Name: ERR2_WLKLEISLGT_A Text: {check ERR2_WLKLEISLGT_A} is not allowed. Please correct. Amount of time walkingis more than 24 hours and Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (MOB.DIFF_A IN (1,2,3,RF,DK))) Universe: (WLKLEISLGT_A GE 25 and WLKLEISTP_A=2)) Universe Description: Amount of time walking is over 24 hours on average Page 290 of 420 Question ID: ENV.0010.00.3 Variable name: HOMEWLK_A Interview module: ENV(Adult.ENV) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (WLK.WLKTRAN_A=1 or WLK.WLKLEIS_A=1) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who report walking for transportation or leisure Question Text: Response: Fills: How often does the ^TLwalking you reported earlier take place near ^HOME? Would you say almost always, most of the time, some of the time, or never? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Almost always Most of the time Some of the time Never Don't Know Refused ^HOME If Roster.HHC.tblNAME.bPerson[PX_A].ONOFFCAMP US=1, fill "your home at ^HNO ^HNOSUF ^STRNAME" else fill "your home" ^TLwalking If WLK.WLKLEIS_A=1 and WLK.WLKTRAN_A=1, fill: "walking for leisure and transportation" elseif WLK.WLKLEIS_A=1, fill: "walking for leisure" elseif WLK.WLKTRAN_A=1, fill: "walking for transportation" Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto ROADSWLK_A] Page 291 of 420 Question ID: ENV.0020.00.3 Variable name: ROADSWLK_A Interview module: ENV(Adult.ENV) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Fills: The next questions are about where you live. By where you live we mean in your neighborhood or near ^HOME. Where you live, are there roads, sidewalks, paths or trails where you can walk? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^HOME If Roster.HHC.tblNAME.bPerson[PX_A].ONOFFCAMP US=1, fill "your home at ^HNO ^HNOSUF ^STRNAME" else fill "your home" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto SHOPSWLK_A] Question ID: ENV.0030.00.3 Variable name: SHOPSWLK_A Interview module: ENV(Adult.ENV) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Read if necessary: Where you live... Are there shops, stores, or markets that you can walk to? Response: Page 292 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto TRANSITWLK_A] Question ID: ENV.0040.00.3 Variable name: TRANSITWLK_A Interview module: ENV(Adult.ENV) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: Where you live... Are there bus or transit stops that you can walk to? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto FUNWLK_A] Question ID: ENV.0050.00.3 Variable name: FUNWLK_A Interview module: ENV(Adult.ENV) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Read if necessary: Where you live... Are there places like movies, libraries, or places of worship that you can walk to? Response: Page 293 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto RELAXWLK_A] Question ID: ENV.0060.00.3 Variable name: RELAXWLK_A Interview module: ENV(Adult.ENV) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: Where you live... Are there places that you can walk to that help you relax, clear your mind, and reduce stress? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto SIDEWLK_A] Question ID: ENV.0070.00.3 Variable name: SIDEWLK_A Interview module: ENV(Adult.ENV) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Where you live, do most streets have sidewalks? Response: Page 294 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto TRAFFICWLK_A] Question ID: ENV.0080.00.3 Variable name: TRAFFICWLK_A Interview module: ENV(Adult.ENV) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: Where you live... Does traffic make it unsafe for you to walk? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto CRIMEWLK_A] Question ID: ENV.0090.00.3 Variable name: CRIMEWLK_A Interview module: ENV(Adult.ENV) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Read if necessary: Where you live... Does crime make it unsafe for you to walk? Response: Page 295 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto ANIMALWLK_A] Question ID: ENV.0100.00.3 Variable name: ANIMALWLK_A Interview module: ENV(Adult.ENV) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: Where you live... Do dogs or other animals make it unsafe for you to walk? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto WEATHERWLK_A] Question ID: ENV.0110.00.3 Variable name: WEATHERWLK_A Interview module: ENV(Adult.ENV) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: How often does the weather make you less likely to walk? Would you say almost always, most of the time, some of the time, or never? Read if necessary: We mean any kind of bad weather that makes you less likely to walk, such as hot, cold, rainy, snowy, and windy weather. Response: Page 296 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Almost always Most of the time Some of the time Never Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto PEOPLEWLK_A] Question ID: ENV.0120.00.3 Variable name: PEOPLEWLK_A Interview module: ENV(Adult.ENV) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Fills: How often are there people walking within sight of ^HOME? Would you say every day, every 2 to 3 days, about once a week, or less than once a week? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: ^HOME Every day Every 2 to 3 days About once a week Less than once a week Don't Know Refused If Roster.HHC.tblNAME.bPerson[PX_A].ONOFFCAMP US=1, fill "your home at ^HNO ^HNOSUF ^STRNAME" else fill "your home" Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto next section] Page 297 of 420 Question ID: CPA.0010.00.2 Variable name: ADVACTIVE_A Interview module: CPA(Adult.CPA) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, has a doctor or other health professional ADVISED you to increase the amount of physical activity or exercise you get? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: SUN.0010.00.3 Variable name: SUNSKIN1_A Interview module: SUN(Adult.SUN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: The next questions are about sun exposure and sunburns. By sunburn, we mean when even a small part of your skin turns red or hurts for 12 hours or more. After several months of not being in the sun, if you THEN went out in the sun without sunscreen or protective clothing for one hour, which of these would happen to your skin? Would you get a severe sunburn with blisters, have a moderate sunburn with or without peeling, burn mildly with some or no darkening or tanning, turn darker without sunburn, or would nothing happen to your skin? Read if necessary: Even if you do not go out in the sun, what would happen if you did? Read if necessary: By sunburn, we mean when even a small part of your skin turns red or hurts for 12 hours or more. Do not read the choice "do not go out in the sun." Select this choice if respondent volunteers. Response: Page 298 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DK: RF: Get a severe sunburn with blisters Have a moderate sunburn with or without peeling Burn mildly with some or no darkening or tanning Turn darker without sunburn Nothing would happen to my skin Do not go out in the sun Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-6,RF,DK> [goto SUNTAN1_A] Question ID: SUN.0020.00.3 Variable name: SUNTAN1_A Interview module: SUN(Adult.SUN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Think about the past 12 months, when spending time outdoors, how often did you try to get some sun for the purpose of developing a tan? Would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never? Do not read the choice "don't spend time outdoors." Select this choice if respondent volunteers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DK: RF: Always Most of the time Sometimes Rarely Never Don't spend time outdoors Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-6,RF,DK> [goto ANYSBURN1_A] Page 299 of 420 Question ID: SUN.0030.00.3 Variable name: ANYSBURN1_A Interview module: SUN(Adult.SUN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, did you have a sunburn even on a small part of your skin? Read if necessary: By sunburn, we mean when even a small part of your skin turns red or hurts for 12 hours or more. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto NUMBURNS1_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: SUN.0040.00.3 Variable name: NUMSBURNS1_A Interview module: SUN(Adult.SUN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ANYSBURN1_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who had a sunburn in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, how many times have you had a sunburn even on a small part of your skin? Read if necessary: If you can't remember exactly how many, just give your best guess. Read if necessary: By sunburn, we mean when even a small part of your skin turns red or hurts for 12 hours or more. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 300 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1-39,RF,DK> [goto SBURNWRK_A] <40-365> [goto ERR1_NUMSBURNS1_A] Check Name: ERR1_NUMSBURNS1_A Text: {signal ERR1_NUMSBURNS1_A} Please confirm. ^NUMSBURNS is an unusually high number. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Fills: ^NUMSBURNS Fill value from Adult.SUN.NUMSBURNS_A Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: NUMSBURNS1_A=40-365 Universe Description: Reported 40-365 sunburns in the past 12 months Question ID: SUN.0050.00.3 Variable name: SBURNWRK_A Interview module: SUN(Adult.SUN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ANYSBURN1_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who had a sunburn in the past 12 months Question Text: The next questions are about your MOST RECENT sunburn in the past 12 months. Were you working at your job when you got sunburned? Read if necessary: By sunburn, we mean when even a small part of your skin turns red or hurts for 12 hours or more. Response: Page 301 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> if SUNTAN1_A=1-4 [goto SBURNTAN_A] else [goto SBURNPHY_A] Question ID: SUN.0060.00.3 Variable name: SBURNTAN_A Interview module: SUN(Adult.SUN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ANYSBURN1_A=1 and SUNTAN1_A=1-4 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have had a sunburn in the past 12 months and report always, most of the time, sometimes, or rarely outdoor tanning Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: Think about the MOST RECENT time you got a sunburn. Were you trying to get a tan? Read if necessary: By sunburn, we mean when even a small part of your skin turns red or hurts for 12 hours or more. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto SBURNPHY_A] Page 302 of 420 Question ID: SUN.0070.00.3 Variable name: SBURNPHY_A Interview module: SUN(Adult.SUN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ANYSBURN1_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who had a sunburn in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: Think about the MOST RECENT time you got a sunburn. Were you exercising? Read if necessary: By sunburn, we mean when even a small part of your skin turns red or hurts for 12 hours or more. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto SBURNWAT_A] Question ID: SUN.0080.00.3 Variable name: SBURNWAT_A Interview module: SUN(Adult.SUN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ANYSBURN1_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who had a sunburn in the past 12 months Question Text: Read if necessary: Think about the MOST RECENT time you got a sunburn. Were you spending time in, on, or near the water such as a pool, lake, or ocean? If the respondent mentions swimming or another aquatic activity when exercising, enter '1'. Read if necessary: By sunburn, we mean when even a small part of your skin turns red or hurts for 12 hours or more. Response: Page 303 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto SBURNSCR_A] Question ID: SUN.0090.00.3 Variable name: SBURNSCR_A Interview module: SUN(Adult.SUN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ANYSBURN1_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who had a sunburn in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: Think about the MOST RECENT time you got a sunburn. Were you using sunscreen? Read if necessary: By sunburn, we mean when even a small part of your skin turns red or hurts for 12 hours or more. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> if ALC.DRK12MN_A=1-365 and ALC.DRK12MTP_A=1-3 [goto SBURNALC_A] else [goto next section] Page 304 of 420 Question ID: SUN.0100.00.3 Variable name: SBURNALC_A Interview module: SUN(Adult.SUN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ANYSBURN1_A=1 ALC.DRK12MTP_A=1-3 and ALC.DRK12MN_A=1-365 and Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who had a sunburn in the past 12 months and have had at least one drink of alcohol in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: Read if necessary: Think about the MOST RECENT time you got a sunburn. Were you drinking alcohol? Read if necessary: By sunburn, we mean when even a small part of your skin turns red or hurts for 12 hours or more. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: SLP.0010.00.2 Variable name: SLPHOURS_A Interview module: SLP(Adult.SLP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: On average, how many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hour period? Enter hours in whole numbers, rounding 30 minutes (1/2 hour) or more UP to the next whole hour and dropping 29 or fewer minutes. Enter 1 if the respondent reports less than 1 hour of sleep. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 305 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1-5> [goto ERR1_SLPHOURS_A] <6-24,RF,DK> [goto SLPREST_A] Check Name: ERR1_SLPHOURS_A Text: {signal ERR1_SLPHOURS_A} Please verify. Average number of hours of sleep is ^SLPHOURS. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Fills: ^SLPHOURS number of hours slept Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SLPHOURS_A=1-5 Universe Description: Sample adult 18+ sleeps 1-5 hours in a 24-hour period Question ID: SLP.0020.00.2 Variable name: SLPREST_A Interview module: SLP(Adult.SLP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 30 days, how often did you wake up feeling well-rested? Would you say never, some days, most days, or every day? 1. Never Page 306 of 420 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Some days Most days Every day Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto SLPFLL_A] Question ID: SLP.0030.00.2 Variable name: SLPFLL_A Interview module: SLP(Adult.SLP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 30 days, how often did you have trouble falling asleep? Would you say never, some days, most days, or every day? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Never Some days Most days Every day Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto SLPSTY_A] Question ID: SLP.0040.00.2 Variable name: SLPSTY_A Interview module: SLP(Adult.SLP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Read if necessary: During the past 30 days... How often did you have trouble staying asleep? Read if necessary: Would you say never, some days, most days, or every day? Include waking up too early. Response: Page 307 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Never Some days Most days Every day Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto SLPMEDINTRO_A] Question ID: SLP.0050.00.2 Variable name: SLPMEDINTRO_A Interview module: SLP(Adult.SLP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: The next three questions are about sleep medications and supplements. For the first two questions, do not include marijuana or CBD products. Enter '1' to continue. 1. Enter 1 to Continue Skip Instructions: <1> [goto SLPMED1_A] Question ID: SLP.0060.00.2 Variable name: SLPMED1_A Interview module: SLP(Adult.SLP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: During the past 30 days, how often did you take any medications prescribed by a doctor to help you fall asleep or stay asleep? Would you say never, some days, most days, or every day? Read if necessary: Do not include marijuana or CBD products. Response: Page 308 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Never Some days Most days Every day Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto SLPMED2_A] Question ID: SLP.0070.00.2 Variable name: SLPMED2_A Interview module: SLP(Adult.SLP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 30 days, how often did you take any over the counter (OTC) medications or supplements to help you fall asleep or stay asleep? Would you say never, some days, most days, or every day? Read if necessary: Do not include marijuana or CBD products. 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Never Some days Most days Every day Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto SLPMED3_A] Page 309 of 420 Question ID: SLP.0080.00.2 Variable name: SLPMED3_A Interview module: SLP(Adult.SLP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 30 days, how often did you use marijuana or CBD products to help you fall asleep or stay asleep? Read if necessary: Would you say never, some days, most days, or every day? Read if necessary: CBD is a substance found in the cannabis plant that does not cause a feeling of being high. CBD has been marketed in some products as a sleep aid. 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Never Some days Most days Every day Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: SSL.0005.00.3 Variable name: SSLINTRO_A Interview module: SSL(Adult.SSL) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: The next questions are about social and emotional support. continue. 1. Enter 1 to Continue Page 310 of 420 Enter '1' to Skip Instructions: <1> [goto SUPPORT_A] Question ID: SSL.0010.00.3 Variable name: SUPPORT_A Interview module: SSL(Adult.SSL) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: How often do you get the social and emotional support you need? Would you say always, usually, sometimes, rarely, or never? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DK: RF: Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-5,RF,DK> [goto LONELY_A] Question ID: SSL.0020.00.3 Variable name: LONELY_A Interview module: SSL(Adult.SSL) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: How often do you feel lonely? Would you say always, usually, sometimes, rarely, or never? Response: Page 311 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DK: RF: Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-5,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: TSM.0010.00.3 Variable name: SMELLDF_A Interview module: TSM(Adult.TSM) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, have you had difficulty with your sense of smell or ability to detect odors? Would you say no difficulty, a little difficulty, moderate difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot smell at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DK: RF: No difficulty A little difficulty Moderate difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot smell at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-5,RF,DK> [goto SMELLCOMP_A] Page 312 of 420 Question ID: TSM.0020.00.3 Variable name: SMELLCOMP_A Interview module: TSM(Adult.TSM) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Fills: How would you rate your ability to smell now as compared to when you were ^25year5yearsyounger? Is it better, worse, or is there no change? ^YOUNGADULT 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Better Worse No Change Don't Know Refused ^25year5yearsyounger If GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] lt 30 fill "five years younger" elseif GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 30 fill "25 years old" elseif GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] in (RF,DK), fill: "a young adult" ^YOUNGADULT if GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] in (RF,DK), fill: "* If the respondent indicates that she/he is a young adult, mark "no change"." else fill: blank Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto SMELLPHT_A] Page 313 of 420 Question ID: TSM.0030.00.3 Variable name: SMELLPHT_A Interview module: TSM(Adult.TSM) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, did you sometimes smell an unpleasant, bad, metallic, or burning odor when nothing was there? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto SMELLPAR_A] Question ID: TSM.0040.00.3 Variable name: SMELLPAR_A Interview module: TSM(Adult.TSM) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, did some strong odors smell differently from how they usually smelled? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto TASTEDF_A] Page 314 of 420 Question ID: TSM.0050.00.3 Variable name: TASTEDF_A Interview module: TSM(Adult.TSM) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, have you had difficulty with your ability to taste sweet, sour, salty, or bitter foods and drinks? Would you say no difficulty, a little difficulty, moderate difficulty, a lot of difficulty, or you cannot taste at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DK: RF: No difficulty A little difficulty Moderate difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot taste at all Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-5,RF,DK> [goto TASTECOMP_A] Question ID: TSM.0060.00.3 Variable name: TASTECOMP_A Interview module: TSM(Adult.TSM) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Compared to when you were ^25year5yearsyounger, how would you rate your ability to taste sweet, sour, salty, or bitter foods and drinks? Is it better, worse, or is there no change? ^YOUNGADULT 1. Better Page 315 of 420 2. 3. DK: RF: Fills: Worse No Change Don't Know Refused ^25year5yearsyounger If GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] lt 30 fill "five years younger" elseif GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 30 fill "25 years old" elseif GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] in (RF,DK), fill: "a young adult" ^YOUNGADULT if GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] in (RF,DK), fill: "* If the respondent indicates that she/he is a young adult, mark "no change"." else fill: blank Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto TASTEFLAV_A] Question ID: TSM.0070.00.3 Variable name: TASTEFLAV_A Interview module: TSM(Adult.TSM) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Compared to when you were ^25year5yearsyounger, how would you rate your ability to taste flavors such as chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry? Is it better, worse, or is there no change? ^YOUNGADULT 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Better Worse No Change Don't Know Refused Page 316 of 420 Fills: ^25year5yearsyounger If GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] lt 30 fill "five years younger" elseif GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ge 30 fill "25 years old" elseif GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] in (RF,DK), fill: "a young adult" ^YOUNGADULT if GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] in (RF,DK), fill: "* If the respondent indicates that she/he is a young adult, mark "no change"." else fill: blank Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto TASTEUNW_A] Question ID: TSM.0080.00.3 Variable name: TASTEUNW_A Interview module: TSM(Adult.TSM) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, have you had an unwanted taste or other sensation in your mouth that does not go away? Read if necessary: This could include bad, metallic, or bitter tastes or burning or tingling sensations. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto TSTSMHP2_A] Page 317 of 420 Question ID: TSM.0090.00.3 Variable name: TSTSMHP2_A Interview module: TSM(Adult.TSM) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Have you ever talked to a doctor or other health professional about any problem with your ability to taste or smell? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto TSTSLAST_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: TSM.0100.00.3 Variable name: TSTSMLAST_A Interview module: TSM(Adult.TSM) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: TSTSMHP2_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who discussed problems with or changes in ability to taste or smell with a doctor or health professional Question Text: Response: When was the last time you talked to a doctor or other health professional about any problem with your ability to taste or smell? 1. 2. Within the past year (anytime less than 12 months ago) Within the past 2 years (1 year but less than 2 years ago) Page 318 of 420 3. 4. 5. 6. DK: RF: Within the past 3 years (2 years but less than 3 years ago) Within the past 5 years (3 years but less than 5 years ago) Within the past 10 years (5 years but less than 10 years ago) 10 years ago or more Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-6,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: ORN.0010.00.1 Variable name: ORNINTRO_A Interview module: ORN(Adult.ORN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Next we have some questions about your demographic characteristics, including sexual orientation, gender identity, income, employment, and veteran status. Like all your answers, these will be used to understand the health of different groups in the population and will be kept confidential. Enter '1' to continue. 1. Enter 1 to Continue Skip Instructions: <1> [goto ORIENT_A] Question ID: ORN.0020.00.1 Variable name: ORIENT_A Interview module: ORN(Adult.ORN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Do you think of yourself as ^gaylesbian; straight, that is, not ^gaylesbian; bisexual; something else; or you don't know the answer? Response: Page 319 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. RF: Fills: ^GayLesbian Straight, that is, not ^gaylesbian Bisexual Something else I don't know the answer Refused ^gaylesbian If GEN.SEX_FINAL=1 fill "gay"; else if GEN.SEX_FINAL='2',RF,DK fill "lesbian or gay" Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF> [goto next section] <4,5> [goto ORIENTSP_A] Question ID: ORN.0030.00.1 Variable name: ORIENTSP_A Interview module: ORN(Adult.ORN) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ORIENT_A IN (4,5) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who answer something else or don't know to sexual orientation Question Text: Response: Fills: Could you tell me what you mean by ^ORIENTSP? ^ORIENTSPDK DK: RF: Don't Know Refused ^ORIENTSP if ORIENT_A=4, fill "something else" elseif ORIENT_A=5, fill "don't know" ^ORIENTSPDK if ORIENT_A=5, fill "* Read if necessary:For example, you don't understand the words, or you understand the words, but you have not figured out or are in the process of figuring out your sexuality?" else, no fill Page 320 of 420 Skip Instructions: [goto next section] Question ID: GNI.0010.00.4 Variable name: GENDER_A Interview module: GNI(Adult.GNI) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: For this next question you may select more than one answer. Do you currently describe yourself as male, female, transgender, nonbinary, or another gender? Read if necessary: The purpose of this question is to get a better understanding about how people's gender impacts their health. Your privacy and confidentiality, and all your answers, are protected by law. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DK: RF: Male Female Transgender Nonbinary Another gender Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto next section] <5> [goto GENDSPEC_A] Question ID: GNI.0020.00.4 Variable name: GENDSPEC_A Interview module: GNI(Adult.GNI) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: GENDER_A=5 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who identify as another gender Question Text: Response: What term do you use to describe your gender? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 321 of 420 Skip Instructions: [goto next section] Question ID: MAR.0010.00.1 Variable name: MARITAL_A Interview module: MAR(Adult.MAR) Inherited Universe: (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ and the Child PAR section has not been completed for the Sample Adult or the Child PAR section has been completed for the Sample Adult and the Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent Question Text: Response: The next questions are about marriage and cohabitation. Are you now married, living with a partner together as an unmarried couple, or neither? If respondent answers both married and living with a different partner together as an unmarried couple, enter living with partner. 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Married Living with a partner together as an unmarried couple Neither Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto SPOUSLIV_A] <2> if GEN.PCNT16PLUS=1 [got PARTNERWHO_A] <3,RF,DK> [goto EVRMARRIED_A] Page 322 of 420 ERR1_MARITAL_A] else [goto Check Name: ERR1_MARITAL_A Text: {signal ERR1_MARITAL_A} Respondent is the only person 16 or older on the household roster. There is no one else eligible to select. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Inherited Universe: (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) Universe: MARITAL_A=2 and GEN.PCNT16PLUS=1 Universe Description: SA reports he/she is living with a partner but SA is the only person eligible to be living with a partner on the household roster Skip Instructions: Correct: [goto MARITAL_A] Suppress: [goto EVRMARRIED_A] Question ID: MAR.0020.00.1 Variable name: SPOUSLIV_A Interview module: MAR(Adult.MAR) Inherited Universe: (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) Universe: MARITAL_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who are married Question Text: Does your spouse live here? Response: Page 323 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> if GEN.PCNT16PLUS=1 SPOUSWHO_A] <2> [goto SPOUSEP_A] [goto next section] [goto ERR1_SPOUSLIV_C] else [goto Check Name: ERR1_SPOUSLIV_A Text: {signal ERR1_SPOUSLIV_A} Respondent is the only person 16 or older on the household roster. There is no one else eligible to select. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Inherited Universe: (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) Universe: MARITAL_A=1 and SPOUSLIV_A=1 and GEN.PCNT16PLUS=1 Universe Description: SA is married and says spouse lives in household but SA is the only person eligible to be married on the household roster Skip Instructions: Correct: [goto SPOUSLIV_A] Suppress: [goto next section] Page 324 of 420 Question ID: MAR.0030.00.1 Variable name: SPOUSWHO_A Interview module: MAR(Adult.MAR) Inherited Universe: (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) Universe: SPOUSLIV_A=1 and GEN.PCNT16PLUS gt 1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with spouse in household Question Text: Response: Which person is your spouse? Enter line number of spouse. Deleted persons cannot be selected. Enter '0' if respondent wishes to select a deleted person. 00. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Not on roster ^ALIASNAME[1] ^ALIASNAME[2] ^ALIASNAME[3] ^ALIASNAME[4] ^ALIASNAME[5] ^ALIASNAME[6] ^ALIASNAME[7] ^ALIASNAME[8] ^ALIASNAME[9] ^ALIASNAME[10] ^ALIASNAME[11] ^ALIASNAME[12] ^ALIASNAME[13] ^ALIASNAME[14] ^ALIASNAME[15] ^ALIASNAME[16] ^ALIASNAME[17] ^ALIASNAME[18] Page 325 of 420 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. DK: RF: ^ALIASNAME[19] ^ALIASNAME[20] ^ALIASNAME[21] ^ALIASNAME[22] ^ALIASNAME[23] ^ALIASNAME[24] ^ALIASNAME[25] Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <0-25> [goto SPOUSSEX_A] [goto next section] Question ID: MAR.0040.00.1 Variable name: SPOUSSEX_A Interview module: MAR(Adult.MAR) Inherited Universe: (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) Universe: SPOUSWHO_A=1-25 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with spouse in household who entered a line number for their spouse Question Text: Response: Fills: I previously recorded ^SPOUSENAME's ^spousesex. Is this correct? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^spousesex if GEN.SEX_FINAL[person selected at SPOUSWHO_A]=1, fill "sex is male" if GEN.SEX_FINAL[person selected at SPOUSWHO_A]=2, fill "sex is female" if GEN.SEX_FINAL[person selected at SPOUSWHO_A] IN (DK,RF), fill "sex was not provided" ^SPOUSENAME Fill name of spouse selected at SPOUSWHO_A Page 326 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,RF,DK> [goto next section] <2> [goto SPOUNEWSEX_A] Question ID: MAR.0050.00.1 Variable name: SPOUNEWSEX_A Interview module: MAR(Adult.MAR) Inherited Universe: (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) Universe: SPOUSSEX_A=2 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with spouse with incorrect sex Question Text: Response: Fills: Is ^SPOUSENAME male or female? 1. 2. DK: RF: Male Female Don't Know Refused ^SPOUSENAME Fill name of spouse selected at SPOUSWHO_A Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Page 327 of 420 Question ID: MAR.0060.00.1 Variable name: SPOUSEP_A Interview module: MAR(Adult.MAR) Inherited Universe: (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) Universe: SPOUSLIV_A=2 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ whose spouse does not live in the household Question Text: Response: Does your spouse not live here because you and your spouse are legally separated? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: MAR.0070.00.1 Variable name: PARTNERWHO_A Interview module: MAR(Adult.MAR) Inherited Universe: (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) Universe: MARITAL_A=2 and GEN.PCNT16PLUS gt 1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who are living with unmarried partner in household Question Text: Which person is your partner? Enter line number of partner. Deleted persons cannot be selected. Enter '0' if respondent wishes to select a deleted person. Response: Page 328 of 420 00. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. DK: RF: Not on roster ^ALIASNAME[1] ^ALIASNAME[2] ^ALIASNAME[3] ^ALIASNAME[4] ^ALIASNAME[5] ^ALIASNAME[6] ^ALIASNAME[7] ^ALIASNAME[8] ^ALIASNAME[9] ^ALIASNAME[10] ^ALIASNAME[11] ^ALIASNAME[12] ^ALIASNAME[13] ^ALIASNAME[14] ^ALIASNAME[15] ^ALIASNAME[16] ^ALIASNAME[17] ^ALIASNAME[18] ^ALIASNAME[19] ^ALIASNAME[20] ^ALIASNAME[21] ^ALIASNAME[22] ^ALIASNAME[23] ^ALIASNAME[24] ^ALIASNAME[25] Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <0-25> [goto PARTNERSEX_A] [goto EVRMARRIED_A] Page 329 of 420 Question ID: MAR.0080.00.1 Variable name: PARTNERSEX_A Interview module: MAR(Adult.MAR) Inherited Universe: (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) Universe: PARTNERWHO_A=1-25 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with partner in household who entered a line number for their partner Question Text: Response: Fills: I previously recorded ^PARTNERNAME's ^partnersex. Is this correct? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^partnersex if GEN.SEX_FINAL[person selected at PARTNERWHO_A]=1, fill "sex is male" if GEN.SEX_FINAL[person selected at PARTNERWHO_A]=2, fill "sex is female" if GEN.SEX_FINAL[person selected at PARTNERWHO_A] IN (DK,RF), fill "sex was not provided" ^PARTNERNAME Fill name of partner selected at PARTNERWHO_A Skip Instructions: <1,RF,DK> [goto EVRMARRIED_A] <2> [goto PARTNEWSEX_A] Page 330 of 420 Question ID: MAR.0090.00.1 Variable name: PARTNEWSEX_A Interview module: MAR(Adult.MAR) Inherited Universe: (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) Universe: PARTNERSEX_A=2 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with partner with incorrect sex Question Text: Response: Fills: Is ^PARTNERNAME male or female? 1. 2. DK: RF: Male Female Don't Know Refused ^PARTNERNAME Fill name of partner selected at PARTNERWHO_A Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto EVRMARRIED_A] Question ID: MAR.0100.00.1 Variable name: EVRMARRIED_A Interview module: MAR(Adult.MAR) Inherited Universe: (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) Universe: MARITAL_A IN (2,3,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who are living with unmarried partner or who are not married or living with an unmarried partner or refused or don't know Question Text: Have you ever been married? Response: Page 331 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> if MARITAL_A=2 [goto LEGALSTAT_A] elseif MARITAL_A=3 [goto WIDIVSEP_A] else [goto next section] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: MAR.0110.00.1 Variable name: LEGALSTAT_A Interview module: MAR(Adult.MAR) Inherited Universe: (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) Universe: EVRMARRIED_A=1 and MARITAL_A=2 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who are living with a partner but have been married Question Text: Response: What is your current legal marital status? Are you married, widowed, divorced, or separated? 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Married Widowed Divorced Separated Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-4,RF,DK> [goto next section] Page 332 of 420 Question ID: MAR.0120.00.1 Variable name: WIDIVSEP_A Interview module: MAR(Adult.MAR) Inherited Universe: (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) Universe: EVRMARRIED_A=1 and MARITAL_A=3 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who are neither living with a partner nor married, but have been married Question Text: Response: Are you widowed, divorced, or separated? 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Widowed Divorced Separated Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto FINISH_MAR_A] Question ID: MAR.0130.00.1 Variable name: FINISH_MAR_A Interview module: MAR(Adult.MAR) Inherited Universe: (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A]=empty or (GEN.PAR_FLG_C[PX_A] ne empty and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ and the Child PAR section has not been completed for the Sample Adult or the Child PAR section has been completed for the Sample Adult and the Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent Question Text: The Sample Adult MAR section is now complete. Response: Page 333 of 420 Enter '1' to continue. 1. Enter 1 to Continue Skip Instructions: <1> [goto next section] Question ID: VET.0010.00.1 Variable name: AFVET_A Interview module: VET(Adult.VET) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Did you ever serve on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, military Reserves, or National Guard? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto AFVETTRN_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: VET.0020.00.1 Variable name: AFVETTRN_A Interview module: VET(Adult.VET) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: AFVET_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have ever served in the armed forces Question Text: Were you on active duty ONLY for training in the Reserves or National Guard? Response: Page 334 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto VADISB_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto COMBAT_A] Question ID: VET.0030.00.1 Variable name: COMBAT_A Interview module: VET(Adult.VET) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: AFVET_A=1 and AFVETTRN_A IN (2,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have ever served in the armed forces and who were not only activated for training in the Reserves or National Guard Question Text: Response: Did you ever serve in a foreign country during a time of armed conflict or on a humanitarian or peace-keeping mission? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto VADISB_A] Question ID: VET.0040.00.1 Variable name: VADISB_A Interview module: VET(Adult.VET) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: AFVET_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have ever served in the armed forces Question Text: Do you have a VA service-connected disability rating? Response: Page 335 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto VAHOSP_A] Question ID: VET.0050.00.1 Variable name: VAHOSP_A Interview module: VET(Adult.VET) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: AFVET_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have ever served in the armed forces Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, did you receive any care at a Veteran's Health Administration facility or receive any other health care paid for by the VA? Read if necessary: Veteran's Health Administration facilities include VA hospitals, VA medical centers, VA outpatient clinics, and VA nursing homes. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto next section] <2,RF,DK> if 1 IN Adult.INS.MILSPC_A [goto next section] else [goto VACAREEV] Page 336 of 420 Question ID: VET.0060.00.1 Variable name: VACAREEV_A Interview module: VET(Adult.VET) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: VAHOSP_A IN (2,RF,DK) and 1 NOT IN Adult.INS.MILSPC_A Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who have ever served in the armed forces and did not receive care at a VHA facility or other health care paid for by the VA in the past 12 months and did not report VA health care when asked about insurance Question Text: Response: Have you ever enrolled in or used VA health care? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: NAT.0010.00.1 Variable name: NATUSBORN_A Interview module: NAT(Adult.NAT) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: ^Askverify_A Were you born in the United States or a U.S. territory? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 337 of 420 Fills: ^Askverify_A If GEN.SARESPSC_FLG=1, fill "*Ask or verify:" Skip Instructions: <1> [goto NATSTBORN_A] <2> [goto NATUSYR_A] [goto next section] Question ID: NAT.0020.00.1 Variable name: NATSTBORN_A Interview module: NAT(Adult.NAT) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: NATUSBORN_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ born in the United States or U.S. territory Question Text: Response: In what state or U.S. territory were you born? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: [goto CITIZEN_A] else [goto next section] Question ID: NAT.0040.00.1 Variable name: NATUSYR_A Interview module: NAT(Adult.NAT) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: NATUSBORN_A=2 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ not born in the United States or U.S. territory Question Text: Response: In what year did you come to the United States to stay? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 338 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1900-Current Year,RF,DK> if NATUSYR_A is a future year [goto ERR1_NATUSYR_A] if NATUSYR_A lt VFY.BYEAR_A [goto ERR2_NATUSYR_A] else [goto CITIZEN_A] Check Name: ERR1_NATUSYR_A Text: {check ERR1_NATUSYR_A} Future year invalid. Please correct. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: NATUSYR_A = future year Check Name: ERR2_NATUSYR_A Text: {check ERR2_NATUSYR_A} Year is prior to date of birth. Please correct. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: NATUSYR_A LT VFY.BYEAR_A Universe Description: Year of naturalization is prior to year of birth Page 339 of 420 Question ID: NAT.0050.00.1 Variable name: CITIZEN_A Interview module: NAT(Adult.NAT) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: NATUSBORN_A=2 or NATSTBORN_A=American Samoa Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ not born in the United States or U.S. territory or born in American Samoa Question Text: Response: Are you a citizen of the United States? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto NATCTZN_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: NAT.0060.00.1 Variable name: NATCTZN_A Interview module: NAT(Adult.NAT) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: (NATUSBORN_A=2 or NATSTBORN_A=AS) and CITIZEN_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ not born in the United States or a United States territory or born in the U.S. territory of American Samoa but are U.S. citizens Question Text: Were you born abroad to an American parent, born abroad and adopted by an American parent, or did you become a U.S. citizen by naturalization? Response: Page 340 of 420 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Born abroad to American parent Born abroad and adopted by an American parent Became U.S. citizen by naturalization Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: LNG.0010.00.4 Variable name: LANGHM_A Interview module: LNG(Adult.LNG) Inherited Universe: (GEN.LNG_FLG=1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.LNG_FLG=1)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: If the interview is being conducted in a language other than English, do not read this question and enter '1' for yes. Do you speak a language other than English at home? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto LANGSPEC_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Page 341 of 420 Question ID: LNG.0020.00.4 Variable name: LANGSPEC_A Interview module: LNG(Adult.LNG) Inherited Universe: (GEN.LNG_FLG=1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.LNG_FLG=1)) Universe: LANGHM_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who speak a language other than English at home Question Text: Response: If the interview is being conducted in a language other than English, do not read this question and enter the other language. What other language do you speak most often at home? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-53,RF,DK> [goto LANGMED_A] <54> [goto LANGSPECSP_A] Question ID: LNG.0040.00.4 Variable name: LANGSPECSP_A Interview module: LNG(Adult.LNG) Inherited Universe: (GEN.LNG_FLG=1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.LNG_FLG=1)) Universe: LANGSPEC_A=54 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who speak a language other than English at home with an unlisted language Question Text: Response: Enter language spoken most often at home. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 342 of 420 Skip Instructions: [goto LANGMED_A] Question ID: LNG.0050.00.4 Variable name: LANGMED_A Interview module: LNG(Adult.LNG) Inherited Universe: (GEN.LNG_FLG=1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.LNG_FLG=1)) Universe: LANGHM_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who speak a language other than English at home Question Text: Response: When you watch television, read news online or in print, or listen to the radio, which language do you use most often? 1. 2. DK: RF: English Other language Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto LANGDOC_A] Question ID: LNG.0060.00.4 Variable name: LANGDOC_A Interview module: LNG(Adult.LNG) Inherited Universe: (GEN.LNG_FLG=1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.LNG_FLG=1)) Universe: LANGHM_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who speak a language other than English at home Question Text: When you see a doctor or other health care professional, which language do you use most often? Response: Page 343 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: English Other language Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> if SOC.SOCSCLPAR_A=1-3 [goto LANGSOC_A] else [goto next section] Question ID: LNG.0070.00.4 Variable name: LANGSOC_A Interview module: LNG(Adult.LNG) Inherited Universe: (GEN.LNG_FLG=1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.LNG_FLG=1)) Universe: LANGHM_A=1 and SOC.SOCSCLPAR_A=1-3 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who speak a language other than English at home and who did not answer unable to do, refused, or don't know when asked if they have difficulty participating in social activities such as visiting friends, attending clubs and meetings, or going to parties Question Text: Response: When you participate in social activities, such as visiting friends, attending clubs and meetings, or going to parties, which language do you use most often? 1. 2. DK: RF: English Other language Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Page 344 of 420 Question ID: SCH.0010.00.1 Variable name: SCHCURENR_A Interview module: SCH(Adult.SCH) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Are you currently enrolled in or attending school? Read if necessary: School includes high school, college, trade school, and professional school. Students may be enrolled part-time or full-time. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto SCHDYSMSS_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: SCH.0020.00.1 Variable name: SCHDYSMSS_A Interview module: SCH(Adult.SCH) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SCHCURENR_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who are currently enrolled in school Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, about how many days of school did you miss because you had an illness, injury, or disability? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 345 of 420 Skip Instructions: <0-99,RF,DK> [goto next section] <100-365> [goto ERR1_SCHDYSMSS_A] Check Name: ERR1_SCHDYSMSS_A Text: {signal ERR1_SCHDYSMSS_A} ^SCHDYSMSS_A is an unusually large number. Did you miss ^SCHDYSMSS_A days of school because of illness, injury, or disability? Please verify. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Fills: ^SCHDYSMSS_A Fill value from SCHDYSMSS_A Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SCHDYSMSS_A=100-365 Universe Description: Sample adult missed 100 to 365 days of school Question ID: EMP.0010.00.1 Variable name: EMPLASTWK_A Interview module: EMP(Adult.EMP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: LAST WEEK, did you work for pay at a job or business? If the respondent says ^heshetheywork, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business, enter '1' for yes. Response: Page 346 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^heshetheywork elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=1 fill "he works" elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=2 fill "she works" elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL IN (RF,DK) fill "they work" Skip Instructions: <1> [goto EMPHOURS_A] <2> [goto EMPNOWRK_A] [goto next section] Question ID: EMP.0020.00.1 Variable name: EMPNOWRK_A Interview module: EMP(Adult.EMP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EMPLASTWK_A=2 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were not working for pay at a job or business last week Question Text: Response: Did you have a job or business LAST WEEK, but were temporarily absent due to illness, vacation, family or maternity leave, or some other reason? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> [goto EMPHOURS_A] <2> [goto EMPWHYNOT_A] [goto next section] Page 347 of 420 Question ID: EMP.0030.00.1 Variable name: EMPWHYNOT_A Interview module: EMP(Adult.EMP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EMPNOWRK_A=2 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were not working for pay and were not on temporary leave from a job or business last week Question Text: Response: What is the MAIN reason you were not working for pay at a job or business last week? Probe if necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. DK: RF: Can't find work, laid off, looking for work Seasonal/contract work Retired Unable to work for health reasons/disabled Taking care of house or family Going to school Working at a family-owned job or business not for pay Other Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-6,8,RF,DK> [goto EMPWHENWRK_A] <7> [goto EMPHOURS_A] Question ID: EMP.0040.00.1 Variable name: EMPWHENWRK_A Interview module: EMP(Adult.EMP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EMPWHYNOT_A IN (1-6,8,RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ whose main reason for not working last week was because they couldn't find work, did seasonal or contract work, were retired, unable to work for health reasons, taking care of the house/family, going to school, or some other reason, or refused or don't know Question Text: When was the last time you worked for pay at a job or business, even if only for a few days? Response: Page 348 of 420 1. 2. 3. 4. DK: RF: Within the past 12 months 1-5 years ago Over 5 years ago Never worked Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> if EMPWHYNOT_A=2 [goto EMPHOURS_A] else [goto EMPSICKLV_A] <2-4,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: EMP.0050.00.1 Variable name: EMPHOURS_A Interview module: EMP(Adult.EMP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EMPLASTWK_A=1 or EMPNOWRK_A=1 or (EMPWHYNOT_A=2 and EMPWHENWRK_A=1) EMPWHYNOT_A=7 or Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were working at or were on temporary leave from a paid job or business last week, or worked but not for pay at a family business or had seasonal/contract work in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: Fills: ^Whenwork many hours do you USUALLY work in total at ALL jobs or businesses? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused ^Whenwork If EMPWHYNOT_A=2 fill "When you aredoing your seasonal or contract work, how" else fill "How" Skip Instructions: <1-94> [goto EMPSICKLV_A] <95-168> [goto ERR1_EMPHOURS_A], then [goto EMPSICKLV_A] [goto EMPFULLTIM_A] Page 349 of 420 Check Name: ERR1_EMPHOURS_A Text: {signal ERR1_EMPHOURS_A} ^EMPHOURS_A hours is unusually high. Please verify. Make corrections if necessary. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Fills: ^EMPHOURS_A Fill value from Adult.EMP.EMPHOURS_A Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EMPHOURS_A=95-168 Universe Description: 95-168 hours worked last week/usually work per week Question ID: EMP.0060.00.1 Variable name: EMPFULLTIM_A Interview module: EMP(Adult.EMP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EMPHOURS_A IN (RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who refused or didn't know how many hours they usually work Question Text: Response: ^WhenworkDo you USUALLY work 35 hours or more per week in total at ALL jobs or businesses? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 350 of 420 Fills: ^WhenworkDo If EMPWHYNOT_A=2 fill: "When you are doing your seasonal or contract work, do" else "Do" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto EMPSICKLV_A] Question ID: EMP.0070.00.1 Variable name: EMPSICKLV_A Interview module: EMP(Adult.EMP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EMPLASTWK_A=1 or EMPWHENWRK_A=1 EMPNOWRK_A=1 or EMPWHYNOT_A=7 or Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were working at or were on temporary leave from a paid job or business last week; who work, but not for pay at family business or who are not currently working but who had some period of employment in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: Fills: ^LASTJOB paid sick leave available if you ^workneed it? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^haber_A Spanish only ^workneed If EMPWHENWRK_A=1 and EMPWHYNOT_A ne 2, fill: "needed"; else fill: "need" ^LASTJOB If EMPWHENWRK_A=1 and EMPWHYNOT_Ane 2 fill: "When you last worked, was" else fill: "Regarding your job or business, is" Page 351 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto EMPHEALINS_A] Question ID: EMP.0080.00.1 Variable name: EMPHEALINS_A Interview module: EMP(Adult.EMP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EMPLASTWK_A=1 or EMPWHENWRK_A=1 EMPNOWRK_A=1 or EMPWHYNOT_A=7 or Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were working at or were on temporary leave from a paid job or business last week; who work, but not for pay at family business or who are not currently working but who had some period of employment in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: Fills: ^LASTJOB health insurance offered to you through your workplace? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^LASTJOB If EMPWHENWRK_A=1 and EMPWHYNOT_Ane 2 fill: "When you last worked, was" else fill: "Regarding your job or business, is" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto EMPDAYMISS_A] Page 352 of 420 Question ID: EMP.0090.00.1 Variable name: EMPDAYMISS_A Interview module: EMP(Adult.EMP) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EMPLASTWK_A=1 or EMPWHENWRK_A=1 EMPNOWRK_A=1 or EMPWHYNOT_A=7 or Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were working at or were on temporary leave from a paid job or business last week; who work, but not for pay at family business or who are not currently working but who had some period of employment in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: Fills: During the past 12 months, about how many days of work did you miss because you had an illness, injury, or disability? Read if necessary: Do not include family or ^paternitymaternity leave. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused ^paternitymaternity If GEN.SEX_FINAL=1 fill "paternity" else if GEN.SEX_FINAL=2 fill "maternity" else if GEN.SEX_FINAL=RF,DK fill "maternity or paternity" Skip Instructions: <0-99,RF,DK> [goto next section] <100-365> [goto ERR1_EMPDAYMISS_A] then [goto next section] Page 353 of 420 Check Name: ERR1_EMPDAYMISS_A Text: {signal ERR1_EMPDAYMISS_A} ^EMPDAYMISS_A days is unusually high. Please verify. Make corrections if necessary. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Fills: ^EMPDAYMISS_A Fill value from Adult.EMP.EMPDAYMISS_A Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: EMPDAYMISS_A=100-365 Universe Description: 100-365 days of work missed in the past 12 months Question ID: EMD.0010.00.2 Variable name: EMDWHOWRK1_A Interview module: EMD(Adult.EMD) Inherited Universe: (EMP.EMPLASTWK_A=1 or EMP.EMPNOWRK_A=1 or EMP.EMPWHYNOT_A=7 or EMP.EMPWHENWRK_A=1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (EMP.EMPLASTWK_A=1 or EMP.EMPNOWRK_A=1 or EMP.EMPWHYNOT_A=7 or EMP.EMPWHENWRK_A=1)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were working at or were on temporary leave from a paid job or business last week, or who work, but not for pay at a family-owned job or business, or who did not have a job or business last week but had a job or business in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: ^JOBFOR whom ^dodid you work ^job? Enter the name of the company, business or employer. Read if necessary for those with more than one MAIN job or business: Where ^dodid you work for the most amount of time? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 354 of 420 Fills: ^JOBFOR If EMP.EMPLASTWK_A=1 or EMP.EMPNOWRK_A=1 or EMP.EMPWHYNOT_A=7fill: "For" elseif EMP.EMPWHENWRK_A=1 fill: "Thinking about the MAIN job you held in the past 12 months, for" ^dodid EMP.EMPLASTWK_A=1 or EMP.EMPNOWRK_A=1 or EMP.EMPWHYNOT_A=7fill: "do" If EMP.EMPWHENWRK_A=1, fill: "did" ^job if (EMP.EMPLASTWK_A=1 or EMP.EMPNOWRK_A=1 or EMP.EMPWHYNOT_A=7) fill: "at your MAIN job or business" else no fill Skip Instructions: [goto EMDINDUST_A] Question ID: EMD.0020.00.2 Variable name: EMDINDUST_A Interview module: EMD(Adult.EMD) Inherited Universe: (EMP.EMPLASTWK_A=1 or EMP.EMPNOWRK_A=1 or EMP.EMPWHYNOT_A=7 or EMP.EMPWHENWRK_A=1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (EMP.EMPLASTWK_A=1 or EMP.EMPNOWRK_A=1 or EMP.EMPWHYNOT_A=7 or EMP.EMPWHENWRK_A=1)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were working at or were on temporary leave from a paid job or business last week, or who work, but not for pay at a family-owned job or business, or who did not have a job or business last week but had a job or business in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: What kind of business or industry ^iswas this? Read if necessary: For example: hospital, newspaper publishing, mail order house, auto engine manufacturing, bank. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 355 of 420 Fills: ^iswas If EMP.EMPLASTWK_A=1 EMP.EMPNOWRK_A=1 EMP.EMPWHYNOT_A=7fill "is" elseIf EMP.EMPWHENWRK_A=1, fill "was" or or Skip Instructions: [goto EMDKIND_A] Question ID: EMD.0030.00.2 Variable name: EMDKIND1_A Interview module: EMD(Adult.EMD) Inherited Universe: (EMP.EMPLASTWK_A=1 or EMP.EMPNOWRK_A=1 or EMP.EMPWHYNOT_A=7 or EMP.EMPWHENWRK_A=1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (EMP.EMPLASTWK_A=1 or EMP.EMPNOWRK_A=1 or EMP.EMPWHYNOT_A=7 or EMP.EMPWHENWRK_A=1)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were working at or were on temporary leave from a paid job or business last week, or who work, but not for pay at a family-owned job or business, or who did not have a job or business last week but had a job or business in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: Fills: What kind of work ^arewere you doing? Read if necessary: For example: registered nurse, personnel manager, supervisor of order department, secretary, accountant. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused ^hacer_A Spanish only ^arewere If EMP.EMPLASTWK_A=1 EMP.EMPNOWRK_A=1 EMP.EMPWHYNOT_A=7, fill: "are" If EMP.EMPWHENWRK_A=1, fill: "were" Page 356 of 420 or or Skip Instructions: [goto EMDIMPACT1_A] Question ID: EMD.0040.00.2 Variable name: EMDIMPACT1_A Interview module: EMD(Adult.EMD) Inherited Universe: (EMP.EMPLASTWK_A=1 or EMP.EMPNOWRK_A=1 or EMP.EMPWHYNOT_A=7 or EMP.EMPWHENWRK_A=1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (EMP.EMPLASTWK_A=1 or EMP.EMPNOWRK_A=1 or EMP.EMPWHYNOT_A=7 or EMP.EMPWHENWRK_A=1)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were working at or were on temporary leave from a paid job or business last week, or who work, but not for pay at a family-owned job or business, or who did not have a job or business last week but had a job or business in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: Fills: What ^arewere your most important activities or duties on this job or business? Read if necessary: For example: patient care, directing hiring policies, supervising order clerks, typing and filing, reconciling financial records. DK: RF: ^arewere Don't Know Refused If EMP.EMPLASTWK_A=1 EMP.EMPNOWRK_A=1 EMP.EMPWHYNOT_A=7, fill: "are" If EMP.EMPWHENWRK_A=1, fill: "were" Skip Instructions: [goto EMDSUPER_A] Page 357 of 420 or or Question ID: EMD.0050.00.2 Variable name: EMDSUPER_A Interview module: EMD(Adult.EMD) Inherited Universe: (EMP.EMPLASTWK_A=1 or EMP.EMPNOWRK_A=1 or EMP.EMPWHYNOT_A=7 or EMP.EMPWHENWRK_A=1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (EMP.EMPLASTWK_A=1 or EMP.EMPNOWRK_A=1 or EMP.EMPWHYNOT_A=7 or EMP.EMPWHENWRK_A=1)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were working at or were on temporary leave from a paid job or business last week, or who work, but not for pay at a family-owned job or business, or who did not have a job or business last week but had a job or business in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: Fills: ^DoDid you supervise other employees as part of your job? 1. 2. DK: RF: ^DoDid Yes No Don't Know Refused If EMP.EMPLASTWK_A=1 EMP.EMPNOWRK_A=1 EMP.EMPWHYNOT_A=7fill: "Do" If EMP.EMPWHENWRK_A=1, fill: "Did" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto EMDWRKCAT1_A] Page 358 of 420 or or Question ID: EMD.0060.00.2 Variable name: EMDWRKCAT1_A Interview module: EMD(Adult.EMD) Inherited Universe: (EMP.EMPLASTWK_A=1 or EMP.EMPNOWRK_A=1 or EMP.EMPWHYNOT_A=7 or EMP.EMPWHENWRK_A=1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (EMP.EMPLASTWK_A=1 or EMP.EMPNOWRK_A=1 or EMP.EMPWHYNOT_A=7 or EMP.EMPWHENWRK_A=1)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who were working at or were on temporary leave from a paid job or business last week, or who work, but not for pay at a family-owned job or business, or who did not have a job or business last week but had a job or business in the past 12 months Question Text: Response: Fills: Which of these BEST describes your MAIN job or ^WRKCAT? choices. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DK: RF: Read answer Employee of a PRIVATE company for wages A FEDERAL government employee A STATE government employee A LOCAL government employee Self-employed in OWN business, professional practice or farm Working WITHOUT PAY in a family-owned business or farm Don't Know Refused ^WRKCAT If EMP.EMPLASTWK_A=1 or EMP.EMPNOWRK_A=1 orEMP.EMPWHYNOT_A=7, fill: "work situation" If EMP.EMPWHENWRK_A=1, fill: "business in the past 12 months" Skip Instructions: <1-6,RF,DK> [goto next section] Page 359 of 420 Question ID: VOL.0010.00.4 Variable name: CEVOLUN1_A Interview module: VOL(Adult.VOL) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, did you spend any time volunteering for any organization or association? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,RF> [goto next section] <2,DK> [goto CEVOLUN2_A] Question ID: VOL.0020.00.4 Variable name: CEVOLUN2_A Interview module: VOL(Adult.VOL) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: CEVOLUN1_A IN (2,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who did not spend time volunteering in the past 12 months or don't know Question Text: Response: Some people don't think of activities they do infrequently or for children's schools or youth organizations as volunteer activities. During the past 12 months, have you done any of these types of activities? 1. Yes Page 360 of 420 2. DK: RF: No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: FEM.0010.00.1 Variable name: FEMINTRO_A Interview module: FEM(Adult.FEM) Inherited Universe: (GEN.PCNT18UP_A GT 1 AND ((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FEM_FLG_C=blank) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FEM_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (GEN.PCNT18UP_A GT 1 AND ((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FEM_FLG_C=blank) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FEM_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe Description: If Sample Adult lives in a family with at least one other adult AND (Sample Child and Sample Adult are not in the same family OR Sample Child and Sample Adult are in the same family AND Sample Child FEM section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and every question asked in the Sample Child FEM section was answered with RF/DK and the person answering the SC interview and the SA are different people. Question Text: Now I'm going to ask you about some of the other members of your family. Enter '1' to continue. Response: Page 361 of 420 1. Enter 1 to Continue Skip Instructions: <1>[goto tblFEM_A] Question ID: FEM.0030.00.1 Variable name: FEMWORK_A Interview module: FEM(Adult.FEM.tblFEM_A.blkPerson Inherited Universe: (GEN.HHSTAT_A[PX] ne '1' and (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX] ge 18 or Roster.HHC.tblAGE.bPerson.AGE18[PX]=2 or Roster.HHC.tblAGE.bPerson.AGEGUESS[PX]=2) and FAMILYA_FLG[PX]=1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND ((GEN.PCNT18UP_A GT 1 AND ((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FEM_FLG_C=blank) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FEM_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND (GEN.HHSTAT_A[PX] ne '1' and (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX] ge 18 or Roster.HHC.tblAGE.bPerson.AGE18[PX]=2 or Roster.HHC.tblAGE.bPerson.AGEGUESS[PX]=2) and FAMILYA_FLG[PX]=1))) Universe Description: If Sample Adult lives in a family with at least one other adult AND (Sample Child and Sample Adult are not in the same family OR Sample Child and Sample Adult are in the same family AND Sample Child FEM section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and every question asked in the Sample Child FEM section was answered with RF/DK and the person answering the SC interview and the SA are different people. Question Text: Does ^ALIASNAME work for pay at a job or business? If the respondent says ^heshetheywork, but not for pay, at a family-owned job or business, enter '1' for yes. Response: Page 362 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^ALIASNAME Fill value from Roster.HHC.ALIAS[PX] ^heshetheywork elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=1 fill "he works" elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL=2 fill "she works" elseif GEN.SEX_FINAL IN (RF,DK) fill "they work" Skip Instructions: <1> [goto FEMWKFT_A] <2,RF,DK> if there is another adult in the family [goto FEMWORK_A] for the next adult 18+ else [goto next section] Question ID: FEM.0040.00.1 Variable name: FEMWKFT_A Interview module: FEM(Adult.FEM.tblFEM_A.blkPerson Inherited Universe: (GEN.HHSTAT_A[PX] ne '1' and (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX] ge 18 or Roster.HHC.tblAGE.bPerson.AGE18[PX]=2 or Roster.HHC.tblAGE.bPerson.AGEGUESS[PX]=2) and FAMILYA_FLG[PX]=1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND ((GEN.PCNT18UP_A GT 1 AND ((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FEM_FLG_C=blank) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FEM_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND (GEN.HHSTAT_A[PX] ne '1' and (GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX] ge 18 or Roster.HHC.tblAGE.bPerson.AGE18[PX]=2 or Roster.HHC.tblAGE.bPerson.AGEGUESS[PX]=2) and FAMILYA_FLG[PX]=1))) Universe: FEMLSTWK_A[PX]=1 Universe Description: If Sample Adult lives in a family with at least one other adult AND (Sample Child and Sample Adult are not in the same family OR Sample Child and Sample Adult are in the same family AND Sample Child FEM section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and every question asked in the Sample Child FEM section was answered with RF/DK and the person answering the SC interview and the SA are different people. Page 363 of 420 Question Text: Response: Fills: Does ^ALIASNAME usually work 35 hours or more per week in total at ^hishertheir job or jobs? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^ALIASNAME Fill value from Roster.HHC.ALIAS[PX] ^hishertheir If GEN.SEX_FINAL=1 fill "his"; else if GEN.SEX_FINAL=2 fill "her"; else if GEN.SEX_FINAL IN (DK, RF) fill "their" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> if another adult in the family [goto FEMWORK_A] for the next adult 18+ else [goto next section] Question ID: INC.0010.00.1 Variable name: INCINTRO_A Interview module: INC(Adult.INC) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ and Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child INC section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, Sample Child respondent answered all questions asked in the INC section with dk/rf and Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent Question Text: The next questions are about your total ^FAMILY income in ^LASTYEAR BEFORE TAXES. ^INCSAFAM Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, with this information, we can learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical services more or less often than those in another group. Please be assured that, like all other information you have provided, these answers will remain confidential. Enter '1' to continue. Page 364 of 420 Response: Fills: 1. Enter 1 to Continue ^FAMILY If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family" ^LASTYEAR Fill year prior to current year ^INCSAFAM If more than one person in the Sample Adult's family, fill "Based on questions asked earlier we have that your family consists of^SAFAM." else no fill Skip Instructions: <1> [goto INCWRKO_A] Question ID: INC.0020.00.1 Variable name: INCWRKO_A Interview module: INC(Adult.INC) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ and Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child INC section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, Sample Child respondent answered all questions asked in the INC section with dk/rf and Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent Question Text: In ^LASTYEAR, did ^YOUFAM18YRS receive income from wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses, tips, or self-employment? ^INCSAFAMoptional Response: Page 365 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^YOUFAM18YRS If PCNT18UP_A=1 fill "you" else if PCNT18UP_A GT 1 fill "you or any family members 18 or older" ^INCSAFAMoptional If more than one person in the Sample Adult's family, fill"*Read if necessary:For the purpose of this survey, your family includes ^FAMVERSA_fill." else no fill ^LASTYEAR Fill year prior to current year Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto INCINTER_A] Question ID: INC.0030.00.1 Variable name: INCINTER_A Interview module: INC(Adult.INC) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ and Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child INC section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, Sample Child respondent answered all questions asked in the INC section with dk/rf and Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent Question Text: In ^LASTYEAR, did ^YOUFAMHERE receive income from interest-bearing accounts or investments, dividends from stocks or mutual funds, net rental income, royalty income, or income from estates and trusts? Response: Page 366 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^YOUFAMHERE If PCNT_A=1 fill "you" else if PCNT_A GT 1 fill "you or any family members" ^LASTYEAR Fill year prior to current year Skip Instructions: <1,2,DK> [goto INCSSRR_A] if INCWRKO_A IN (1,2,DK) [goto INCSSRR_A] else [goto next section] Question ID: INC.0040.00.1 Variable name: INCSSRR_A Interview module: INC(Adult.INC) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: INCINTER_A IN (1,2,DK) or INCWRKO_A IN (1,2,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ and Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the INC section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, Sample Child respondent answered all questions asked in the INC section with dk/rf and Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent and the Sample Adult did not refuse both the income from wages and income from accounts questions Question Text: Read if necessary: In ^LASTYEAR, did ^YOUFAMHERE receive... Income from Social Security or Railroad Retirement? Response: Page 367 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^LASTYEAR Fill year prior to current year ^YOUFAMHERE If PCNT_A=1 fill "you" else if PCNT_A GT 1 fill "you or any family members" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto INCSSISSDI_A] Question ID: INC.0050.00.1 Variable name: INCSSISSDI_A Interview module: INC(Adult.INC) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: INCINTER_A IN (1,2,DK) or INCWRKO_A IN (1,2,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ and Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the INC section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, Sample Child respondent answered all questions asked in the INC section with dk/rf and Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent and the Sample Adult did not refuse both the income from wages and income from accounts questions Question Text: Read if necessary: In ^LASTYEAR, did ^YOUFAMHERE receive... Supplemental Security Income, SSI, or Social Security Disability Income, SSDI, which are different from Social Security? Response: Page 368 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^LASTYEAR Fill year prior to current year ^YOUFAMHERE If PCNT_A=1 fill "you" else if PCNT_A GT 1 fill "you or any family members" Skip Instructions: <1> [goto SSISSDIBTH_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto INCWELF_A] Question ID: INC.0060.00.1 Variable name: SSISSDIBTH_A Interview module: INC(Adult.INC) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: INCSSISSDI_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ where someone in the family gets SSI or SSDI and Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child INC section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, Sample Child respondent answered all questions asked in the INC section with dk/rf and Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent Question Text: Was this Supplemental Security Income, SSI, Social Security Disability Income, SSDI, or both? Response: Page 369 of 420 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: SSI SSDI Both SSI and SSDI Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto SSISSDIDSB_A] Question ID: INC.0070.00.1 Variable name: SSISSDIDSB_A Interview module: INC(Adult.INC) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: INCSSISSDI_A=1 Universe Description: Sample adults 18+ where someone in the family gets SSI or SSDI and Sample Child and Sample Adult are in the same family and the INC section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, Sample Child respondent answered all questions asked in the INC section with dk/rf and Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent Question Text: Response: Was this received as a disability benefit? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 370 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1> if GEN.PCNT_A gt 1 [goto SSISSDIP_A] elseif GEN.PCNT_A=1 [goto INCWELF_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto INCWELF_A] Question ID: INC.0090.00.1 Variable name: SSISSDIP_A Interview module: INC(Adult.INC) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: SSISSDIDSB_A=1 and GEN.PCNT_A gt 1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with more than one person in the family where someone in the family gets SSI or SSDI and SSI/SSDI was received as a disability benefit and Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child INC section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, Sample Child respondent answered all questions asked in the INC section with dk/rf and Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent Question Text: Response: In ^LASTYEAR, who received this disability benefit? Read if necessary: Do NOT include a benefit received on behalf of someone else. Enter all that apply, separate with commas. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. ^ALIASNAME[1] ^ALIASNAME[2] ^ALIASNAME[3] ^ALIASNAME[4] ^ALIASNAME[5] Page 371 of 420 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. DK: RF: Fills: ^ALIASNAME[6] ^ALIASNAME[7] ^ALIASNAME[8] ^ALIASNAME[9] ^ALIASNAME[10] ^ALIASNAME[11] ^ALIASNAME[12] ^ALIASNAME[13] ^ALIASNAME[14] ^ALIASNAME[15] ^ALIASNAME[16] ^ALIASNAME[17] ^ALIASNAME[18] ^ALIASNAME[19] ^ALIASNAME[20] ^ALIASNAME[21] ^ALIASNAME[22] ^ALIASNAME[23] ^ALIASNAME[24] ^ALIASNAME[25] Don't Know Refused ^LASTYEAR Fill year prior to current year Skip Instructions: <1-25,RF,DK> [goto INCWELF_A] Question ID: INC.0100.00.1 Variable name: INCWELF_A Interview module: INC(Adult.INC) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: INCINTER_A IN (1,2,DK) or INCWRKO_A IN (1,2,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ and Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child INC section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, Sample Child respondent answered all questions asked in the INC section with dk/rf and Sample Adult is not the Page 372 of 420 Sample Child respondent and the Sample Adult did not refuse both the income from wages and income from accounts questions Question Text: Response: Fills: In ^LASTYEAR, did ^YOUFAMHERE receive... Any public assistance or welfare payments from the state or local welfare office? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^LASTYEAR Fill year prior to current year ^YOUFAMHERE If PCNT_A=1 fill "you" else if PCNT_A GT 1 fill "you or any family members" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto INCRETIRE_A] Question ID: INC.0110.00.1 Variable name: INCRETIRE_A Interview module: INC(Adult.INC) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: INCINTER_A IN (1,2,DK) or INCWRKO_A IN (1,2,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ and Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child INC section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, Sample Child respondent answered all questions asked in the INC section with dk/rf and Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent and the Sample Adult did not refuse both the income from wages and income from accounts questions Question Text: Read if necessary: In ^LASTYEAR, did ^YOUFAMHERE receive... Income from retirement, survivor, or disability pensions? Response: Page 373 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^LASTYEAR Fill year prior to current year ^YOUFAMHERE If PCNT_A=1 fill "you" else if PCNT_A GT 1 fill "you or any family members" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto INCOTHR_A] Question ID: INC.0120.00.1 Variable name: INCOTHR_A Interview module: INC(Adult.INC) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: INCINTER_A IN (1,2,DK) or INCWRKO_A IN (1,2,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ and Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child INC section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, Sample Child respondent answered all questions asked in the INC section with dk/rf and Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent and the Sample Adult did not refuse both the income from wages and income from accounts questions Question Text: Read if necessary: In ^LASTYEAR, did ^YOUFAMHERE receive... Any other sources of income such as VA payments from the Veterans Benefits Administration, unemployment compensation, child support, or alimony? Response: Page 374 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^YOUFAMHERE If PCNT_A=1 fill "you" else if PCNT_A GT 1 fill "you or any family members" ^LASTYEAR Fill year prior to current year Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto INCTOTAL_A] Question ID: INC.0130.00.1 Variable name: INCTOTAL_A Interview module: INC(Adult.INC) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: INCINTER_A IN (1,2,DK) or INCWRKO_A IN (1,2,DK) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ and Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child INC section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, Sample Child respondent answered all questions asked in the INC section with dk/rf and Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent and the Sample Adult did not refuse both the income from wages and income from accounts questions Question Text: Response: ^INCALLFAM What is your best estimate of ^TOTALINCOME from all sources, before taxes, in ^LASTYEAR? Enter '999995' if the reported income $999,995 or greater. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 375 of 420 Fills: ^INCALLFAM IF PCNT_A GT 1 fill "When answering this next question, please remember to include your income PLUS the income of all family members living in this household." ^TOTALINCOME If PCNT_A=1 fill "your total income" else if PCNT_A GT 1 fill "the total income of all family members" ^LASTYEAR Fill year prior to current year Skip Instructions: <0-999> [goto ERR1_INCTOTAL_A] <250001-999995> [goto ERR2_INCTOTAL_A] <1000-250000> [goto next section] [goto INC250PCT_A] Check Name: ERR1_INCTOTAL_A Text: {signal ERR1_INCTOTAL_A} Do not read to the respondent. unusually low. Make corrections if necessary. ^INCTOTAL_A is Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Fills: ^INCTOTAL_A Fill value from INCTOTAL_A Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: INCTOTAL_A=0-999 Page 376 of 420 Check Name: ERR2_INCTOTAL_A Text: {signal ERR2_INCTOTAL_A} Do not read to the respondent. unusually high. Make corrections if necessary. ^INCTOTAL_A is Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Fills: ^INCTOTAL_A Fill value from INCTOTAL_A Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: INCTOTAL_A=250001-999995 Question ID: INC.0150.01.1 Variable name: INC250PCT_A Interview module: INC(Adult.INC) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: INCTOTAL_A IN (DK,RF) Universe Description: Sample Adult 18+ who don't know or refuse the total family income and Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child INC section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, Sample Child respondent answered all questions asked in the INC section with dk/rf and Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent Question Text: Was your total ^FAMILY income from all sources less than ^250POVERTY_A or ^250POVERTY_A or more? Page 377 of 420 Response: Fills: 1. 2. DK: RF: Less than ^250POVERTY_A ^250POVERTY_A or more Don't Know Refused ^250POVERTY_A Fill value stored in Adult.INC.INC250FILL_A ^FAMILY If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family" Skip Instructions: <1> [goto INC138PCT_A] <2> if GEN.PCNT_A=1 [goto INC75K_A] elseif GEN.PCNT_A IN (2,4) [goto INC100K_A] elseif GEN.PCNT_A=3 or GEN.PCNT_A ge 5 [goto INC400PCT_A] [goto next section] Question ID: INC.0160.01.1 Variable name: INC138PCT_A Interview module: INC(Adult.INC) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: INC250PCT_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adult 18+ answered less than 250% of poverty threshold and Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child INC section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, Sample Child respondent answered all questions asked in the INC section with dk/rf and Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent Question Text: Was your total ^FAMILY income from all sources less than ^138POVERTY_A or ^138POVERTY_A or more? Response: Page 378 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Less than ^138POVERTY_A ^138POVERTY_A or more Don't Know Refused ^FAMILY If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family" ^138POVERTY_A Fill value stored in Adult.INC.INC138FILL_A Skip Instructions: <1> [goto INC100PCT_A] <2> [goto INC200PCT_A] [goto next section] Question ID: INC.0170.01.1 Variable name: INC100PCT_A Interview module: INC(Adult.INC) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: INC138PCT_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who answered less than 138% of poverty threshold and Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child INC section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, Sample Child respondent answered all questions asked in the INC section with dk/rf and Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent Question Text: Was your total ^FAMILY income from all sources less than ^100POVERTY_A or ^100POVERTY_A or more? Response: Page 379 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Less than ^100POVERTY_A ^100POVERTY_A or more Don't Know Refused ^FAMILY If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family" ^100POVERTY_A Fill value stored in Adult.INC.INC100FILL_A Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: INC.0180.01.1 Variable name: INC200PCT_A Interview module: INC(Adult.INC) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: INC138PCT_A=2 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who answered 138% of poverty or more and Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child INC section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, Sample Child respondent answered all questions asked in the INC section with dk/rf and Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent Question Text: Was your total ^FAMILY income from all sources less than ^200POVERTY_A or ^200POVERTY_A or more? Response: Page 380 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Less than ^200POVERTY_A ^200POVERTY_A or more Don't Know Refused ^FAMILY If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family" ^200POVERTY_A Fill value stored in Adult.INC.INC200FILL_A Skip Instructions: <1> if GEN.PCNT_A ge 9 [goto INC100K_A] else [goto next section] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: INC.0190.00.1 Variable name: INC75K_A Interview module: INC(Adult.INC) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: INC250PCT_A=2 and GEN.PCNT_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who answered 250% of poverty threshold or more and is from a 1 person family and Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child INC section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, Sample Child respondent answered all questions asked in the INC section with dk/rf and Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent Question Text: Was your total ^FAMILY income from all sources less than $75,000 or $75,000 or more? Response: Page 381 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Less than $75,000 $75,000 or more Don't Know Refused ^FAMILY If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family" Skip Instructions: <1> [goto INC400PCT_A] <2> [goto INC100K_A] [goto next section] Question ID: INC.0200.00.1 Variable name: INC100K_A Interview module: INC(Adult.INC) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: INC75K_A=2 or (INC250PCT_A=2 and (INC200PCT_A=1 and GEN.PCNT_A ge 9) GEN.PCNT_A IN (2,4)) or Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ who answered $75,000 or more OR answered 250% of poverty threshold or more and is from a 2 or 4 person family OR answered 200% of poverty threshold and is from a family of 9 or more people and Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child INC section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, Sample Child respondent answered all questions asked in the INC section with dk/rf and Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent Question Text: Was your total ^FAMILY income from all sources less than $100,000 or $100,000 or more? Response: Page 382 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Less than $100,000 $100,000 or more Don't Know Refused ^FAMILY If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family" Skip Instructions: <1> if GEN.PCNT_A=2 [goto INC400PCT_A] else [goto next section] <2> if GEN.PCNT_A IN (1,2) [goto INC150K_A] elseif GEN.PCNT_A=4 [goto INC400PCT_A] elseif GEN.PCNT_A ge 9 [goto next section] [goto next section] Question ID: INC.0210.01.1 Variable name: INC400PCT_A Interview module: INC(Adult.INC) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: (INC75K_A=1 or (INC100K_A=1 and GEN.PCNT_A=2) or (INC100K_A=2 and GEN.PCNT_A=4) or (INC250PCT_A=2 and (GEN.PCNT_A=3 or GEN.PCNT_A ge 5))) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ and answered less than $75,000 OR answered less than $100,000 and is from a 2 person family OR answered $100,000 or more and is from a 4 person family or answered 250% of poverty threshold or more and is from a 3 or 5+ person family and Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child INC section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, Sample Child respondent answered all questions asked in the INC section with dk/rf and Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent Question Text: Was your total ^FAMILY income from all sources less than ^400POVERTY_A or ^400POVERTY_A or more? Page 383 of 420 Response: Fills: 1. 2. DK: RF: Less than ^400POVERTY_A ^400POVERTY_A or more Don't Know Refused ^FAMILY If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family" ^400POVERTY_A Fill value stored in Adult.INC.INC400FILL_A Skip Instructions: <1> if GEN.PCNT_A IN (6,7,8) [goto INC150K_A] else [goto next section] <2> if GEN.PCNT_A IN (1,2) or GEN.PCNT_A ge 5 [goto next section] else if GEN.PCNT_A IN (3,4) [goto INC150K_A] [goto next section] Question ID: INC.0220.00.1 Variable name: INC150K_A Interview module: INC(Adult.INC) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.INC_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: (INC100K_A=2 and GEN.PCNT_A IN (1,2)) or (INC400PCT_A=2 and GEN.PCNT_A IN (3,4)) or (INC400PCT_A=1 and GEN.PCNT_A IN (6,7,8)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ answered $100,000 or more and is from 1 or 2 person family OR respondent answered 400% of poverty or more and is from 3 or 4 person family OR respondent answered less than 400% of poverty and is from a family of 6, 7 or 8 persons and Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child INC section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, Sample Child respondent answered all questions asked in the INC section with dk/rf and Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent Question Text: Was your total ^FAMILY income from all sources less than $150,000 or $150,000 or more? Page 384 of 420 Response: Fills: 1. 2. DK: RF: Less than $150,000 $150,000 or more Don't Know Refused ^FAMILY If PCNT_A > 1 fill "family" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: FOO.0010.00.1 Variable name: FSNAP12M_A Interview module: FOO(Adult.FOO) Inherited Universe: (FINISH_FOO_A ne 1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (FINISH_FOO_A ne 1)) Universe: ((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FOO_FLG_C=blank) (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 GEN.FOO_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG NE 1)) or and Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ where the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child FOO section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and all questions in the Sample Child FOO section was answered with refused or don't know and the Sample Adult is not the Sample Child respondent Question Text: Response: At any time in the last 12 months did ^YOUFAMLVHERE_A receive ^FSSNAPNM? Read if necessary: This program puts money on a SNAP EBT card that you can only use to buy food. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 385 of 420 Fills: ^FSSNAPNM If AL then fill "Food Assistance Program or food stamp benefits" If AK then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If AZ then fill "Nutrition Assistance or food stamp benefits" If AR then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If CA then fill "CalFresh or food stamp benefits" If CO then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If CT then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If DE then fill "Food Supplement Program or food stamp benefits" If DC then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If FL then fill "Food Assistance Program or food stamp benefits" If GA then fill "Georgia Food Stamp Program or food stamp benefits" If HI then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If ID then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If IL then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If IN then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If IA then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If KS then fill "Food Assistance Program or food stamp benefits" If KY then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If LA then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If ME then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If MD then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If MA then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If MI then fill "Food Assistance Program (FSP) or food stamp benefits" If MN then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If MS then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If MO then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If MT then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If NE then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If NV then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If NH then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If NJ then fill "NJ SNAP or food stamp benefits" If NM then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If NY then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If NC then fill "Food and Nutrition Services or food stamp benefits" If ND then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If OH then fill "Food Assistance Program or food stamp benefits" If OK then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If OR then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" Page 386 of 420 If PA then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If RI then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If SC then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If SD then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If TN then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If TX then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If UT then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If VT then fill "3SquaresVT or food stamp benefits" If VA then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If WA then fill "Basic Food or food stamp benefits" If WV then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If WI then fill "FoodShare Wisconsin or food stamp benefits" If WY then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" ^YOUFAMLVHERE_A If GEN.PCNT_A=1, fill: "you"; elseif GEN.PCNT_A gt 1 and Roster.HHC.tblNAME.bPerson[PX_A].ONOFFCAMP US ne 1, fill: "any family members living here" elseif GEN.PCNT_A gt 1 and Roster.HHC.tblNAME.bPerson[PX_A].ONOFFCAMP US=1, fill "you or any family members living at ^HNO ^HNOSUF ^STRNAME" Skip Instructions: <1> [goto FSNAP30D_A] <2,RF,DK> if PCNTF1255_A ge 1 or PCNTC05_A ge 1 [goto FWIC12M_A] else if PCNTC517_A ge 1 [goto FLUNCH12M1_A] else [goto FINISH_FOO_A] Page 387 of 420 Question ID: FOO.0020.00.3 Variable name: FSNAP30D_A Interview module: FOO(Adult.FOO) Inherited Universe: (FINISH_FOO_A ne 1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (FINISH_FOO_A ne 1)) Universe: FSNAP12M_A=1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ living in families where someone received food stamps in the last 12 months Question Text: Response: Fills: Did ^YOUFAMLVHERE_A receive ^FSSNAPNM in the LAST 30 days? Read if necessary: This program puts money on a SNAP EBT card that you can only use to buy food. 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^YOUFAMLVHERE_A If GEN.PCNT_A=1, fill: "you"; elseif GEN.PCNT_A gt 1 and Roster.HHC.tblNAME.bPerson[PX_A].ONOFFCAMP US ne 1, fill: "any family members living here" elseif GEN.PCNT_A gt 1 and Roster.HHC.tblNAME.bPerson[PX_A].ONOFFCAMP US=1, fill "you or any family members living at ^HNO ^HNOSUF ^STRNAME" ^FSSNAPNM If AL then fill "Food Assistance Program or food stamp benefits" If AK then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If AZ then fill "Nutrition Assistance or food stamp benefits" If AR then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If CA then fill "CalFresh or food stamp benefits" If CO then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If CT then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If DE then fill "Food Supplement Program or food stamp benefits" If DC then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If FL then fill "Food Assistance Program or food stamp benefits" If GA then fill "Georgia Food Stamp Program or food stamp benefits" Page 388 of 420 If HI then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If ID then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If IL then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If IN then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If IA then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If KS then fill "Food Assistance Program or food stamp benefits" If KY then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If LA then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If ME then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If MD then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If MA then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If MI then fill "Food Assistance Program (FSP) or food stamp benefits" If MN then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If MS then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If MO then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If MT then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If NE then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If NV then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If NH then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If NJ then fill "NJ SNAP or food stamp benefits" If NM then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If NY then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If NC then fill "Food and Nutrition Services or food stamp benefits" If ND then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If OH then fill "Food Assistance Program or food stamp benefits" If OK then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If OR then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If PA then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If RI then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If SC then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If SD then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If TN then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If TX then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If UT then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If VT then fill "3SquaresVT or food stamp benefits" If VA then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If WA then fill "Basic Food or food stamp benefits" If WV then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" If WI then fill "FoodShare Wisconsin or food stamp benefits" If WY then fill "SNAP or food stamp benefits" Page 389 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> if PCNTF1255_A ge 1 or PCNTC05_A ge 1 [goto FWIC12M_A] else if PCNTC517_A ge 1 [goto FLUNCH12M1_A]; else [goto FINISH_FOO_A] Question ID: FOO.0030.00.1 Variable name: FWIC12M_A Interview module: FOO(Adult.FOO) Inherited Universe: (FINISH_FOO_A ne 1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (FINISH_FOO_A ne 1)) Universe: (PCNTF1255_A ge 1 or PCNTC05_A ge 1) AND ((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FOO_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FOO_FLG_C=2 GEN.SARESPSC_FLG NE 1) or (GEN.SAMFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FOO_FLG_C=1 Child.FOO.FWIC12M_C = EMPTY)) and and Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ living in families with females 12-55 years of age or children 0-5 years of age AND the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child FOO section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and all questions in the Sample Child FOO section was answered with refused or don't know and the Sample Adult is not the sample child respondent OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and at least one question asked in Sample Child FOO section has a valid answer (not dk/rf) and the received WIC benefits question was not asked in the Sample Child FOO section Question Text: Response: At any time in the last 12 months did ^YOUFAMLVHERE_A receive benefits from the WIC program, that is, the Women, Infants, and Children program? 1. Yes Page 390 of 420 2. DK: RF: Fills: No Don't Know Refused ^YOUFAMLVHERE_A If GEN.PCNT_A=1, fill: "you"; elseif GEN.PCNT_A gt 1 and Roster.HHC.tblNAME.bPerson[PX_A].ONOFFCAMP US ne 1, fill: "any family members living here" elseif GEN.PCNT_A gt 1 and Roster.HHC.tblNAME.bPerson[PX_A].ONOFFCAMP US=1, fill "you or any family members living at ^HNO ^HNOSUF ^STRNAME" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> if PCNTC517_A ge 1 [goto FLUNCH12M1_A] else [goto FINISH_FOO_A] Question ID: FOO.0040.00.1 Variable name: FLUNCH12M1_A Interview module: FOO(Adult.FOO) Inherited Universe: (FINISH_FOO_A ne 1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (FINISH_FOO_A ne 1)) Universe: PCNTC517_A ge 1 AND ((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 GEN.FOO_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FOO_FLG_C=2 GEN.SARESPSC_FLG NE 1)) and or and Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ living in families with children between the ages of 5-17 and the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child FOO section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and all questions in the Sample Child FOO section was answered with refused or don't know and the sample adult is not the sample child respondent Question Text: At any time in the last 12 months, did ^SCCHILDFAM_A receive free or reduced-price breakfasts or lunches at school? Read if necessary: The National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program provide cash assistance to states to operate breakfast and lunch programs in schools and residential childcare institutions. The programs provide low-price or free breakfasts and lunches to low-income children in kindergarten through 12th grade. Response: Page 391 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^SCCHILDFAM_A if PCNT517_A=1, fill: ^ALIASNAME of child in Sample Adult family, elseif PCNT517_Agt 1, fill "any child in your family", Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto FINISH_FOO_A] Question ID: FOO.0050.00.1 Variable name: FINISH_FOO_A Interview module: FOO(Adult.FOO) Inherited Universe: (FINISH_FOO_A ne 1) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (FINISH_FOO_A ne 1)) Universe: FOO_FINISH_A = EMPTY AND ((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FOO_FLG_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FOO_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG NE 1) or (GEN.SAMFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FOO_FLG_C=1 and Child.FOO.FWIC12M_C = EMPTY and (PCNTF1255_A ge 1 or PCNTC05_A ge 1) )) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ where the Sample Adult FOO section has not been completed AND the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the Sample Child FOO section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and all questions in the Sample Child FOO section was answered with refused or don't know and the sample adult is not the sample child respondent the OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and at least one question asked in Sample Child FOO section has a valid answer (not dk/rf) and the received WIC benefits question was not asked in the Sample Child FOO section and within the family exist at least one female 12-55 years of age or child 0-5 years of age Question Text: The Sample Adult food related programs section is now complete. continue. Response: Page 392 of 420 Enter '1' to 1. Enter 1 to Continue Skip Instructions: <1> [goto next section] Question ID: FDS.0010.00.3 Variable name: FDSINTRO_A Interview module: FDS(Adult.FDS) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe Description: Sample Child and Sample Adult are not in the same family OR Sample Child and Sample Adult are in the same family AND Sample Child FDS section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and every question asked in the Sample Child FDS section was answered with RF/DK and the person answering the SC interview and the SA are different people. Question Text: Response: Fills: These next questions are about whether ^youyourfamily_A ^waswere always able to afford the food you needed in the last 30 days. I'm going to read you several statements that people have made about their food situation. For these statements, please tell me whether the statement was often true, sometimes true, or never true for ^youyourfamily_A in the last 30 days. Enter '1' to continue. 1. Enter 1 to Continue ^youyourfamily_A If PCNT_A=1 "you" else "your family" ^waswere If PCNT_A=1 "were" else "was" Page 393 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1> [goto FDSRUNOUT_A] Question ID: FDS.0020.00.3 Variable name: FDSRUNOUT_A Interview module: FDS(Adult.FDS) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe Description: The Sample Child and Sample Adult are not in the same family OR Sample Child and Sample Adult are in the same family AND Sample Child FDS section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and every question asked in the Sample Child FDS section was answered with RF/DK and the person answering the SC interview and the SA are different people. Question Text: Response: Fills: The first statement is "^IWe_A worried whether ^myour_A food would run out before ^Iwe_A got money to buy more." Was that often true, sometimes true, or never true for ^youyourfamily_A in the last 30 days? 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Often true Sometimes true Never true Don't Know Refused ^preocupar_A Spanish only ^youyourfamily_A If PCNT_A=1 "you" else "your family" ^IWe_A If PCNT_A=1 fill: "I" else fill:"We" ^myour_A If PCNT_A=1 fill: "my" else fill: "our" ^Iwe_A If PCNT_A=1 fill "I" else fill "we" Page 394 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto FDSLAST_A] Question ID: FDS.0030.00.3 Variable name: FDSLAST_A Interview module: FDS(Adult.FDS) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe Description: The Sample Child and Sample Adult are not in the same family OR Sample Child and Sample Adult are in the same family AND Sample Child FDS section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and every question asked in the Sample Child FDS section was answered with RF/DK and the person answering the SC interview and the SA are different people. Question Text: Response: Fills: "The food that ^Iwe_A bought just didn't last, and ^Iwe_A didn't have money to get more." Was that often true, sometimes true, or never true for ^youyourfamily_A in the last 30 days? 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Often true Sometimes true Never true Don't Know Refused ^comprar_A Spanish Only ^TENER_A Spanish Only ^youyourfamily_A If PCNT_A=1 "you" else "your family" ^Iwe_A If PCNT_A=1 fill "I" else fill "we" Page 395 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto FDSBALANCE_A] Question ID: FDS.0040.00.3 Variable name: FDSBALANCE_A Interview module: FDS(Adult.FDS) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe Description: The Sample Child and Sample Adult are not in the same family OR Sample Child and Sample Adult are in the same family AND Sample Child FDS section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and every question asked in the Sample Child FDS section was answered with RF/DK and the person answering the SC interview and the SA are different people. Question Text: Response: Fills: ^IWe_A couldn't afford to eat balanced meals." Was that often true, sometimes true, or never true for ^youyourfamily_A in the last 30 days? 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Often true Sometimes true Never true Don't Know Refused ^TENER_A Spanish Only ^youyourfamily_A If PCNT_A=1 "you" else "your family" ^IWe_A If PCNT_A=1 fill: "I" else fill:"We" Page 396 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1-2> [goto FDSSKIP_A] <3,RF,DK> if FDSRUNOUT_A IN (1,2) OR FDSLAST_A IN (1,2) [goto FDSSKIP_A]; else [goto next section] Question ID: FDS.0050.00.3 Variable name: FDSSKIP_A Interview module: FDS(Adult.FDS) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: FDSRUNOUT_A IN (1,2) or FDSLAST_A IN (1,2) or FDSBALANCE_A IN (1,2) Universe Description: The Sample Child and Sample Adult are not in the same family OR Sample Child and Sample Adult are in the same family AND Sample Child FDS section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and every question asked in the Sample Child FDS section was answered with RF/DK and the person answering the SC interview and the SA are different people and respondent answered often true or sometimes true in the last 30 days they worried that food would run out before they got money to buy more, or that the food that was bought didn't last and they didn't have money to get more or couldn't afford to eat balanced meals Question Text: In the last 30 days, did ^youorother_A ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food? Response: Page 397 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^youorother_A If PCNT18UP_A=1: fill "you" else "you or other adults in your family" ^dejar_A Spanish only Skip Instructions: <1> [goto FDSSKIPDYS_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto FDSLESS_A] Question ID: FDS.0060.00.3 Variable name: FDSSKIPDYS_A Interview module: FDS(Adult.FDS) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: FDSSKIP_A=1 Universe Description: The Sample Child and Sample Adult are not in the same family OR Sample Child and Sample Adult are in the same family AND Sample Child FDS section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and every question asked in the Sample Child FDS section was answered with RF/DK and the person answering the SC interview and the SA are different people and respondent said that they or other adults in their family cut the size of their meals or skipped meals due to cost. Question Text: Response: In the last 30 days, how many days did this happen? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 398 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1-30,RF,DK> [goto FDSLESS_A] Question ID: FDS.0070.00.3 Variable name: FDSLESS_A Interview module: FDS(Adult.FDS) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: FDSRUNOUT_A IN (1,2) or FDSLAST_A IN (1,2) or FDSBALANCE_A IN (1,2) Universe Description: The Sample Child and Sample Adult are not in the same family OR Sample Child and Sample Adult are in the same family AND Sample Child FDS section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and every question asked in the Sample Child FDS section was answered with RF/DK and the person answering the SC interview and the SA are different people and respondent answered often true or sometimes true that in the last 30 days they worried that food would run out before they got money to buy more, or that the food that was bought didn't last and they didn't have money to get more or couldn't afford to eat balanced meals. Question Text: Response: In the last 30 days, did ^youorother_A ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn't enough money for food? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 399 of 420 Fills: ^COMER_A Spanish Only ^pensar_A Spanish only ^youorother_A If PCNT18UP_A=1: fill "you" else "you or other adults in your family" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto FDSHUNGRY_A] Question ID: FDS.0080.00.3 Variable name: FDSHUNGRY_A Interview module: FDS(Adult.FDS) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: FDSRUNOUT_A IN (1,2) or FDSLAST_A IN (1,2) or FDSBALANCE_A IN (1,2) Universe Description: The Sample Child and Sample Adult are not in the same family OR Sample Child and Sample Adult are in the same family AND Sample Child FDS section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and every question asked in the Sample Child FDS section was answered with RF/DK and the person answering the SC interview and the SA are different people and respondent answered often true or sometimes true that in the last 30 days they worried that food would run out before they got money to buy more, or that the food that was bought didn't last and they didn't have money to get more or couldn't afford to eat balanced meals. Question Text: In the last 30 days, were ^youorother_A ever hungry but didn't eat because there wasn't enough money for food? Response: Page 400 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^estar_A Spanish Only ^youorother_A If PCNT18UP_A=1: fill "you" else "you or other adults in your family" ^COMER_A Spanish Only Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto FDSWEIGHT_A] Question ID: FDS.0090.00.3 Variable name: FDSWEIGHT_A Interview module: FDS(Adult.FDS) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: FDSRUNOUT_A IN (1,2) or FDSLAST_A IN (1,2) or FDSBALANCE_A IN (1,2) Universe Description: The Sample Child and Sample Adult are not in the same family OR Sample Child and Sample Adult are in the same family AND Sample Child FDS section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and every question asked in the Sample Child FDS section was answered with RF/DK and the person answering the SC interview and the SA are different people and respondent answered often true or sometimes true that in the last 30 days they worried that food would run out before they got money to buy more, or that the food that was bought didn't last and they didn't have money to get more or couldn't afford to eat balanced meals. Question Text: In the last 30 days, did ^youorother_A lose weight because there wasn't enough money for food? Page 401 of 420 Response: Fills: 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^perder_A Spanish only ^youorother_A If PCNT18UP_A=1: fill "you" else "you or other adults in your family" Skip Instructions: <1> [goto FDSNOTEAT_A] <2,RF,DK> if FDSSKIP_A=1 or FDSLESS_A=1 or FDSHUNGRY_A=1 [goto FDSNOTEAT_A]; else [goto next section] Question ID: FDS.0100.00.3 Variable name: FDSNOTEAT_A Interview module: FDS(Adult.FDS) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: (FDSSKIP_A=1 or FDSWEIGHT_A=1) FDSLESS_A=1 or FDSHUNGRY_A=1 or Universe Description: The Sample Child and Sample Adult are not in the same family OR Sample Child and Sample Adult are in the same family AND Sample Child FDS section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and every question asked in the Sample Child FDS section was answered with RF/DK and the person answering the SC interview and the SA are different people and respondent answered they cut the size of the meals, skipped meals, were hungry but didn't eat, or lost weight in the last 30 days because there wasn't enough money for food. Question Text: In the last 30 days, did ^youorother_A ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food? Response: Page 402 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^pasar_A Spanish only ^youorother_A If PCNT18UP_A=1: fill "you" else "you or other adults in your family" Skip Instructions: <1> [goto FDSNEDAYS_A] <2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: FDS.0110.00.3 Variable name: FDSNEDAYS_A Interview module: FDS(Adult.FDS) Inherited Universe: (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))) AND ((GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces) AND (((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=empty) OR (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.FDS_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)))) Universe: FDSNOTEAT_A=1 Universe Description: The Sample Child and Sample Adult are not in the same family OR Sample Child and Sample Adult are in the same family AND Sample Child FDS section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and every question asked in the Sample Child FDS section was answered with RF/DK and the person answering the SC interview and the SA are different people and respondent didn't eat for a whole day in last 30 days because there wasn't enough money for food Question Text: Response: In the last 30 days, how many days did this happen? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Page 403 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1-30,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: HOU.0010.00.1 Variable name: HOUYRSLIV_A Interview module: HOU(Adult.HOU) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Fills: About how long ^YRSLIV? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DK: RF: ^YRSLIV Less than 1 year 1 to 3 years 4 to 10 years 11 to 20 years 21 years or more Don't Know Refused If Roster.HHC.tblname.bPerson[PX_A]ONOFFCAMPU S=1 fill "have you lived at ^HNO ^HNOSUF ^STRNAME" else fill "have you lived in this house/apartment" Skip Instructions: <1-5,RF,DK> if ((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.HOU_FLG_C=empty) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.HOU_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1))[goto HOUTENURE_A] else [goto next section] If GEN.AGE_FINAL[PX_A] ERR1_HOUYRSLIV_A] lt Page 404 of 420 21 and HOUYRSLIV_A=5 [goto Check Name: ERR1_HOUYRSLIV_A Text: {check ERR1_HOUYRSLIV_A} Please correct. Years in house/apartment exceed^SANAME's age. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Fills: ^SANAME Sample Adult's name Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: AGE_FINAL LT 21 and HOUYRSLIV_A=5 Question ID: HOU.0020.00.1 Variable name: HOUTENURE_A Interview module: HOU(Adult.HOU) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and GEN.HOU_FLG_C=blank) (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 GEN.HOU_FLG_C=2 and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1) or and Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ and Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the HOU section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and Sample child respondent answered refused or don't know to all questions in the sample child HOU section and the sample child respondent is not the sample adult respondent. Question Text: ^HOUTEN owned or rented by you ^SOMEFAM_A? record as owned. Response: Page 405 of 420 If house has a mortgage, 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: Fills: Owned or being bought Rented Other arrangement Don't Know Refused ^HOUTEN If Roster.HHC.tblName.bPerson[PX_A].ONOFFCAMP US=1, fill "Is the house/apartment at ^HNO ^HNOSUF ^STRNAME" else fill "Is this house/apartment" ^SOMEFAM_A If PCNT18UP_A=1 fill: blank If PCNT18UP_A gt1 fill: "or someone in your family" Skip Instructions: <1,3,RF,DK> [goto next section] <2> [goto HOUGVASST_A] Question ID: HOU.0030.00.1 Variable name: HOUGVASST_A Interview module: HOU(Adult.HOU) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: HOUTENURE_A=2 and ((SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and HOU_FLG_C=blank) or (SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1) or (SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and HOU_FLG_C=2 and SARESPSC_FLG ne 1)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with a house/apartment that is being rented AND Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family and the house/apartment is being owned/rented and the HOU section has not been completed OR the Sample Adult and Sample Child are not in the same family section Question Text: ^HOUGVT paying lower rent because the Federal, State, or local government is paying part of the cost? Read if necessary: Federal, State, or Local government housing programs for persons with low income may take many forms. Government housing assistance could come from monetary assistance to help pay rent, a program called "Section 8," direct payments to landlords, vouchers, or other types of assistance from a local housing authority. Living in public housing is considered housing assistance from the government. Response: Page 406 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^HOUGVT If Roster.HHC.tblName.bPerson[PX_A].ONOFFCAMP US ne 1 and GEN.PCNT18UP_A=1, fill "Are you" elseif Roster.HHC.tblName.bPerson[PX_A].ONOFFCAMP US ne 1 and PCNT18UP_A gt 1, fill "Are you or anyone in your family" elseif Roster.HHC.tblNAME.bPerson[PX_A].ONOFFCAMP US=1, fill "Is your family at ^HNO ^HNOSUF ^STRNAME" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: SDH.0010.00.4 Variable name: HOUSECOST_A Interview module: SDH(Adult.SDH) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, was there a time when you were not able to pay your mortgage, rent or utility bills? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 407 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: TBH.0010.00.4 Variable name: TRANSPOR_A Interview module: TBH(Adult.TBH) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: In the past 12 months, has a lack of reliable transportation kept you from medical appointments, meetings, work, or from getting things you needed for daily living? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: CIV.0010.00.4 Variable name: CEMMETNG_A Interview module: CIV(Adult.CIV) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: During the past 12 months, did you attend a public meeting, such as a zoning or school board meeting, that discussed a local issue? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Page 408 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto CEVOTELC_A] Question ID: CIV.0020.00.4 Variable name: CEVOTELC_A Interview module: CIV(Adult.CIV) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Did you vote in the LAST LOCAL elections, such as for mayor, councilmembers, or school board? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto next section] Question ID: REC.0010.00.1 Variable name: LNKFNAME_A Interview module: REC(Adult.REC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Ask or verify: What is your full name? DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: [goto LNKMNAME_A] Page 409 of 420 Enter first name. Question ID: REC.0020.00.1 Variable name: LNKMNAME_A Interview module: REC(Adult.REC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Enter middle name. name. DK: RF: Press "Enter" to skip to last name if respondent has no middle Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: [goto LNKLNAME_A] Question ID: REC.0030.00.1 Variable name: LNKLNAME_A Interview module: REC(Adult.REC) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Enter last name. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: [goto next section] Page 410 of 420 Question ID: TEL.0010.00.1 Variable name: TELCURWRK_A Interview module: TEL(Adult.TEL) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: ((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and TELCURWRK_C=empty) ((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and TELCURWRK_C IN (DK,RF) GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1)) or and Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ where the Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family but TELCURWRK_C has not been asked OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, TELCURWRK_C was answered don't know or refused and the Sample Adult is not the Sample Child Respondent or where the Sample Adult does not live in same family as Sample Child Question Text: Response: Fills: Is there at least one telephone INSIDE ^HOME that is currently working and is not a cell phone? 1. 2. DK: RF: ^HOME Yes No Don't Know Refused If Roster.HHC.tblNAME.bPerson[PX_A].ONOFFCAMP US=1, fill "your home at ^HNO ^HNOSUF ^STRNAME" else fill "your home" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto TELCEL_A] Page 411 of 420 Question ID: TEL.0020.00.1 Variable name: TELCEL_A Interview module: TEL(Adult.TEL) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: Do you have a working cell phone? 1. 2. DK: RF: Yes No Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: <1> if TELCURWRK_A=1 or (TELCURWRK_C=1 GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1)[goto PHONEUSE_A] else[goto TLNO_TEL_SA] and <2,RF,DK> if (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and PHONELIVE_C=empty) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and PHONELIVE_C IN (RF,DK) and GEN.SARESPSC_A ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1)) and GEN.PCNT_A gt 1 [goto PHONELIVE_A] else [goto TLNO_TEL_SA] Question ID: TEL.0030.00.1 Variable name: PHONELIVE_A Interview module: TEL(Adult.TEL) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: TELCEL_A IN (2,RF,DK) and ((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and PHONELIVE_C=blank) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and PHONELIVE_C IN (DK,RF) and GEN.SARESPSC_FLG ne 1) or (GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG ne 1)) and GEN.PCNT_A gt 1 Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ in a family with at least one other person without working cell phones where Sample Adult does not live in same family as Sample Child or Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family but PHONELIVE_C has not been asked OR Sample Adult and Sample Child are in the same family, PHONELIVE_C was answered dk/rf and the Sample Adult is not the Sample Child Respondent. Question Text: Do you live with anyone ^ATHOME who has a working cell phone? Response: Page 412 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^ATHOME If Roster.HHC.tblNAME.bPerson[PX_A].ONOFFCAMP US=1, fill "at your home at ^HNO ^HNOSUF ^STRNAME" else leave blank Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK> [goto TLNO_TEL_SA] Question ID: TEL.0040.00.1 Variable name: PHONEUSE_A Interview module: TEL(Adult.TEL) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: TELCEL_A=1 and ((GEN.SAMEFAM_FLG=1 and TELCURWRK_C=1) or (TELCURWRK_A=1)) Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ with working personal cell phone and who said they have a working land-line in household or in the same family as sample child respondent who said they have a working landline in the household. Question Text: Response: Of all the telephone calls that you answer, are all or almost all on your cell phones, some on your cell phone and some on your home phone, or very few or none on your cell phones? 1. 2. 3. DK: RF: All or almost all calls on cell phone Some on cell phone and some on home phone Very few or none on cell phone Don't Know Refused Page 413 of 420 Skip Instructions: <1-3,RF,DK> [goto TLNO_TEL_SA] Question ID: LNK.0010.00.1 Variable name: LNKINTRO_A Interview module: LNK(Adult.LNK) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Response: ?[F1] We would like the last four digits of your Social Security Number^medicarenum. This information will help us link your survey data with health-related records of other government agencies, and allow us to conduct additional research without taking up your time with more questions. The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) uses this information for research purposes only. Providing this information is voluntary. There will be no effect on your benefits if you do not provide this information. Federal laws authorize us to ask for this information. Like all other answers you have provided, this information will remain confidential. Read if necessary: The specific federal laws protecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your data are the Public Health Service Act (Title 42, U.S.C., Section 242m(d)); the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act (44 U.S.C. §§ 3561-3583); and the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. § 552a). In addition to the above cited laws, NCHS complies with the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015 (6 U.S.C. §§ 151 and 151 note) which protects Federal information systems from cybersecurity risks by screening their networks. Read if necessary: NCHS collects health-related data from other government agencies, including records from Medicare and Medicaid Services, Social Security, housing, and death certificates. If you agree, NCHS will attempt to link records such as these with your survey data to give a fuller picture of the kinds of things that affect health. NCHS does this linkage. Your name and your information are not given to these agencies. Read if necessary: If asked: Your data will not be linked to records from the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) or ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). Enter '1' to continue. 1. Enter 1 to Continue Page 414 of 420 Fills: ^medicarenum If INS.HIKIND_A=2 or INS.MCAREPRB_A=1, fill ", and the last four characters of your Medicare number" else, fill nothing Skip Instructions: <1> [goto SSN4_A] Question ID: LNK.0020.00.1 Variable name: SSN4_A Interview module: LNK(Adult.LNK) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Question Text: Response: ?[F1] What are the last four digits of your Social Security Number? Read if necessary: Providing this information is voluntary. There will be no effect on your benefits if you do not provide this information. Federal laws authorize us to ask for this information. Like all other information you have provided, these answers will remain confidential. Read if asked about specific laws: The specific federal laws protecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your data are the Public Health Service Act, which is Title 42, U.S.C., Section 242m(d); the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act (44 U.S.C. §§ 3561-3583); and the Privacy Act of 1974, which is 5 U.S.C. § 552a. In addition to the above cited laws, NCHS complies with the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015 (6 U.S.C. §§ 151 and 151 note) which protects Federal information systems from cybersecurity risks by screening their networks. Enter 'N' for no Social Security Number. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: if SSN4_A=000-999 [goto ERR2_SSN4_A] elseif SSN4_A NOT IN (N,RF,DK,000-999,0001-9999) [goto ERR3_SSN4_A] <0001-9999> if.Adult.INS.HIKIND_A=2 or Adult.INS.MCAREPRB_A=1 [goto LAST4C_A] else [goto next section] if Adult.INS.HIKIND_A=2 or Adult.INS.MCAREPRB_A=1 [goto LAST4C_A] else [goto RLINK_A] Page 415 of 420 Check Name: ERR2_SSN4_A Text: {check ERR2_SSN4_A} You must enter all four of the last four digits of the Social Security Number. Please correct. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SSN4_A=000-999 Universe Description: Entered less than four digits Check Name: ERR3_SSN4_A Text: {check ERR3_SSN4_A} The last 4 digits of a SSN should be between 0001-9999. For a respondent who does not want to provide the SSN, enter 'Ctrl D' or 'Ctrl R' for 'Don't Know' or 'Refused.' If a respondent does not have a SSN, enter 'N'. Please correct. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SSN4_A NOT IN (N,RF,DK,000-999,0001-9999) Universe Description: SSN last four digits are 0000 or a letter other than N Page 416 of 420 Question ID: LNK.0040.00.1 Variable name: LAST4C_A Interview module: LNK(Adult.LNK) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: 02 IN INS.HIKIND_A or INS.MCAREPRB_A=1 Universe Description: Sample adults 18+ who have Medicare Question Text: Response: ?[F1] 1 of 2 What are the last four characters of your Medicare or Health Insurance Claim Number? Read if necessary: Providing this information is voluntary. There will be no effect on your benefits if you do not provide this information. Federal laws authorize us to ask for this information. Like all other information you have provided, these answers will remain confidential. Read if asked about specific laws: The specific federal laws protecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your data are the Public Health Service Act, which is Title 42, U.S.C., Section 242m(d); the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act (44 U.S.C. §§ 3561-3583); and the Privacy Act of 1974, which is 5 U.S.C. § 552a. In addition to the above cited laws, NCHS complies with the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015 (6 U.S.C. §§ 151 and 151 note) which protects Federal information systems from cybersecurity risks by screening their networks. Reports from memory are acceptable if the Medicare card (or some other form of documentation) is not available. Enter the last four characters, which should be letter-letter-number-number. DK: RF: Don't Know Refused Skip Instructions: if anything lt 4 alphanumeric characters [goto ERR1_LAST4C_A] elseif SSN4_A IN (N,RF,DK) or LAST4C_A IN (RF,DK) [goto RLINK_A] else [goto next section] Page 417 of 420 Check Name: ERR1_LAST4C_A Text: {checkERR1_LAST4C_A} You must enter all four of the last four alphanumeric characters of the Medicare number. Please correct. Hard / Soft Edit: Hard Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: LAST4C_A = lt 4 alphanumeric characters Question ID: LNK.0060.00.1 Variable name: RLINK_A Interview module: LNK(Adult.LNK) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe: SSN4_A IN (N,RF,DK) or LAST4C_A IN (RF,DK) Universe Description: Sample adults 18+ who answered no SSN or refused or don't know last 4 digits of SSN or who answered refused or don't know at last 4 of Medicare number Question Text: ?[F1] May we try to link your survey data without a ^SSNMEDNUM? Read if necessary: Any data obtained are protected by strict federal laws, including the Public Health Service Act, which is Title 42, U.S.C., Section 242m(d); the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act (44 U.S.C. §§ 3561-3583); and the Privacy Act of 1974, which is 5 U.S.C. § 552a. In addition to the above cited laws, NCHS complies with the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015 (6 U.S.C. §§ 151 and 151 note) which protects Federal information systems from cybersecurity risks by screening their networks. Response: Page 418 of 420 1. 2. DK: RF: Fills: Yes No Don't Know Refused ^SSNMEDNUM if (SSN4_A IN (N,RF,DK) and ((Adult.INS.HIKIND_A ne 2and Adult.INS.MCAREPRB_A ne 1) or(MCNO4_Age 001and MCNO4_A le 9999) or (LAST4C_A NOT IN (empty,RF, DK)))) fill= "social security number" elseif ((SSN4_A ge 0001 and SSN4_A le 9999) and (Adult.INS.HIKIND_A= 2or Adult.INS.MCAREPRB_A =1) and (MCNO4_AIN (RF, DK) or (LAST4C_A IN (RF,DK))) fill = "Medicare or Health Insurance Claim Number" else fill = "social security number, Medicare or Health Insurance Claim Number" Skip Instructions: <1,2,RF,DK>[goto next section] Question ID: THX.0080.00.1 Variable name: THANKS_A Interview module: THX(Adult.THX) Inherited Universe: GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS and not all household members in the armed forces Universe Description: Sample Adults 18+ Question Text: Thank respondent for answering these questions. If there is a Sample Child interview to complete, ask for appropriate person to respond to these questions. Enter '1' to continue. Response: Page 419 of 420 1. Enter 1 to Continue Skip Instructions: <1> [goto next section] Check Name: Adult parallel tab finished Text: You have finished the Adult parallel tab. Press "Enter" or click OK to go back to the main interview path. Then press the "END" key to jump to the next unanswered question. Hard / Soft Edit: Soft Inherited Universe: (GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS armed forces) AND (GEN.PX_A gt 0 and GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNT gt GEN.PCNTAGEGUESS armed forces) 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and and not all household members in the 0 and GEN.PCNT18PLUS gt 0 and and not all household members in the Skip Instructions: Closing the box takes the user to the CASESTATUS screen Page 420 of 420
File Type | application/pdf |
Author | King, Summer (CDC/DDPHSS/NCHS/OD) |
File Modified | 2023:10:24 11:38:18-04:00 |
File Created | 2023:10:23 12:35:49-04:00 |