fAttachment 1. Science Ambassador Fellowship (SAF) Alumni Survey
Form Approved
OMB No. 0920-1163
Expiration Date: 02/28/2026
You are being asked to complete this survey because of your previous participation in the Science Ambassador Fellowship program (SAF). The purpose of this survey is to learn about how fellowship alumni contribute to the future public health workforce.
Your participation is completely voluntary, and you may skip any questions you do not want to answer. Your individual responses will be kept secure and not shared. Only CDC Epidemiology and Laboratory Workforce Branch (including SAF program staff) and CDC Division evaluation staff will have access to your responses. Results from the survey will be reported in aggregate.
We estimate that it will take approximately 10 minutes to complete this survey. This survey link is unique to you, so please don’t forward it to others. You will be able to return to the survey to edit or update your responses at any time prior to the survey closing date on [DATE].
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
Notice: By continuing to the next screen, you consent to complete this survey.
The public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average [Y1: 10, Y3/5: 10] minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering, and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS H21-8, Atlanta, Georgia 30329 ATT: PRA (0920-1163)
Which best describes your current role? Select all that apply.
Teaching grades K-5
Teaching grades 6-8
Teaching grades 9-12
Teaching undergraduate or graduate students
Pursuing additional education full-time
Curriculum Development Specialist
Professional Development Provider
School administration
I am not currently teaching or working in a school
Other (please specify): __________________
How long have you been teaching or working in a school?*
Less than a year
1-3 years
4-10 years
More than 10 years
Not applicable – I am not teaching or working in a school. (skip to Page 3)
In which type of school(s) do you teach or work? Select all that apply.
Public (K-12)
Private (K-12)
Charter (K-12)
Public college/university
Private college/university
Other (please specify): _____________
Do any of the schools where you teach or work receive Title 1 funds?
Title 1 provides financial assistance to local educational agencies and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.
I don’t know
In the last two years] how did you incorporate epidemiology and public health topics into your curriculum? Select all that apply.
Not Applicable - I did not teach
I offered a yearlong course on epidemiology or public health science
I offered a semester course on epidemiology or public health science
I taught one or more units on epidemiology and public health science
I incorporated topics from epidemiology and public health science into my existing curriculum
I did not, because… (open response): _________________
In the last two years] which resource(s) did you use to teach public health? Select all that apply.
Not Applicable - I did not teach
CDC NERD Academy curriculum
CDC Science Ambassador Fellowship Educational Activities (Lesson Plans)
STEM at CDC website
CDC website
Non-CDC lesson plans (e.g., Young Epidemiology Scholars Lesson Plans) or websites (e.g., Medical Detectives). Please provide 1–2 examples:
Please provide an example of an activity you have used to teach your students to apply public health concepts to solve real-world problems in the last two years]. [open-ended, optional]
Over the last two years] what additional topics or skills (if any) would have supported you in teaching epidemiology and public health that were not addressed in SAF when you participated? [open-ended, optional]
Outside of completing the SAF, what other trainings, experiences or resources have you used to teach epidemiology and public health in the last two years]? [open-ended, optional]
A) Estimate how many students you have taught epidemiology or public health concepts to as part of your curriculum or elective course in the last two years]. [whole number only]
B) Estimate how many students you coached through extracurricular clubs or programs at your school or organization related to public health in the last two years] (e.g., Science Olympiad Disease Detectives coach; HOSA supervisor for Public Health or Epidemiology event). [whole number only]
C) Estimate how many teachers/colleagues you have trained/introduced to teaching public health content as part of their STEM curriculum in the last two years] (e.g., presenting at a conference or other professional development opportunity). [whole number only]
We are interested in learning about what facilitated or hindered your ability to teach epidemiology or other public health topics in your classroom (or, if you are not a classroom teacher, facilitating teaching epidemiology or other public health topics in your school or organization). Please rate your agreement with each statement below:
Over the last two years…
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
I felt sufficiently trained to teach epidemiology or public health |
I had the resources I needed (e.g., lesson plans, classroom activities) to teach epidemiology or public health |
I had time to teach epidemiology or public health in addition to curriculum requirements |
I had institutional support to teach epidemiology or public health |
Students demonstrated interest in epidemiology or public health |
What other barriers, if any, have you experienced teaching or facilitating epidemiology or other public health topics? [open-ended, optional]
How frequently do you interact with the following groups on work-related topics?
Never/We do not interact or only interact on issues outside of work |
Once a year or less
About once a quarter
About once a month
Every week
Every day |
What kind of activities does your current relationship with the following groups entail? Select all that apply.
Networking |
Sharing resources / information |
Collaboration on a project |
Professional working relationship |
Not applicable |
Other |
If you selected “other” to the previous question, please specify. [open-ended]
Have you taught/co-taught any SAF events in the last two years]? Select all that apply.
Yes, I presented at a SAF regional training
Yes, I presented at a SAF virtual training
Yes, I presented at a SAF leadership & networking session
Yes, I co-presented with CDC staff at a conference
Other (please specify):
Have you participated in any SAF events in the last two years]? Select all that apply.
Yes, I attended a SAF regional training
Yes, I attended a SAF virtual training
Yes, I attended a SAF leadership & networking session
Yes, I attended a session at a conference about SAF
Other (please specify):
The following questions are optional.
What is your ethnicity? 1
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
I prefer not to answer
What is your race (select all that apply): 1
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
I prefer not to answer
How do you currently describe yourself (select all that apply)? 1
I use a different term (please specify)
I prefer not to answer
Alumni are a great way to get the word out about CDC's fellowship programs. Are you interested in participating in any future efforts to recruit or promote your fellowship? Activities may include co-presenting with staff at regional trainings and conferences, and/or volunteering as a peer leader. If “Yes,” you may be contacted by CDC Division of Workforce Development staff. Your contact information will not be shared with anyone outside of DWD.1
Yes (continue to Page 9)
No (skip to Page 10)
If you reside in the United States and are interested in participating in a recruitment event near you, please share your location information. 1
City: [open-ended]
State/Territory: [drop-down list]
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | McColloch, Caitlin (CDC/PHIC/DWD) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-11-30 |