OMB Control Number 1205-0526 Expiration Date: 04-30-2027 |
ETA-9171 | ||||
Statewide Information | |||||
100 | Reciprocal Agreements with Other States (to be completed by states) | AN 112 | Record two letter postal code(s) for states with which your state has reciprocal agreements. Reciprocal agreements are when your state recognizes the ETP lists for training providers in other states. Leave blank if data element does not apply to the program. |
Training Provider and Program of Service | |||||
101 | Name of Eligible Training Provider | AN 75 | Record the name of the organization deemed eligible by a state to provide training services to WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker program participants. | XXXXXXXXXX | |
102 | Description of Training Provider | AN 2000 | Report a short description of training provider. The description can include accreditation and program offerings/specialties. | XXXXXXXXXX | |
103 | Training Provider Address: Line 1 | AN 50 | Report the street address of the training provider's main location. Please verify the address and zip code using the USPS address validation system:!input.action |
103A | Training Provider Address: Line 2 | AN 10 | Report the Apartment/Suite/Unit/Room number, if applicable. | XXXXXXXXXX | |
103B | Address: City | AN 25 | Report the city where the training provider's main location is located. | XXXXXXXXXX | |
103C | Address: State | AN 2 | Report the 2 letter USPS state code for the state where the training provider's main location is located. | XX | |
103D | Address: Zip Code | IN 5 | Report the 5-digit zip code where the training provider's main location is located. Please verify the address and zip code using the USPS address validation system:!input.action |
0 | |
104 | Type of Entity | IN 5 | Record the type(s) of training entity of the ETP as defined in 20 CFR 680.410. Record all that apply. Codes 5, 6, and 7 are mutually exclusive and cannot be used in combination with one another, code 8 may only be used on its own when other codes are clearly not applicable. Record 1 if the provider is an institution of higher education that awards Associate’s Degrees Record 2 if the provider is an institution of higher education that awards baccalaureate or higher degrees Record 3 if the provider is an institute of higher education that awards community college certificates of completion Record 4 if the provider is a National Apprenticeship provider Record 5 if the provider is a private non-profit provider Record 6 if the provider is a private for-profit provider Record 7 if the provider is a public provider Record 8 if the provider is a type of institution not listed above |
1 = Higher Ed: Associate’s Degree 2 = Higher Ed: Baccalaureate or Higher 3 = Higher Ed: Certificate of Completion 4 = National Apprenticeship 5 = Private Non-Profit 6 = Private For-Profit 7 = Public 8 = Other |
105 | Name of Training Program | AN 250 | Report the name of the approved training program. | XXXXXXXXXX | |
106 | Description of Training Program | AN 2500 | Report a short description of approved training program. The description can include other course prerequisites (e.g., driver’s license or work experience), learning outcomes, competencies gained, program accreditation, full time/part time, required books/technology, and related careers. | XXXXXXXXXX | |
107 | URL of Training Program | AN 200 | Record the URL of the program-specific webpage for training seekers to find more information on approved training program. If a program-specific page is not available, record the URL of a list of all programs for the provider. Leave blank if no URL is available. |
108 | Program of study – by potential outcome | IN 10 | Record the potential outcome of the program of study. A program of study is synonymous with a “program of training services” as defined at 20 CFR 680.420. Record 1 if a program of study leads to an industry-recognized certificate or certification Record 2 if a program of study leads to a certificate of completion of an apprenticeship Record 3 if a program of study leads to a license recognized by the State involved or the Federal Government Record 4 if a program of study leads to an associate’s degree Record 5 if a program of study leads to a baccalaureate degree Record 6 if a program of study leads to a certificate of completion from an accredited Institution of Higher Education(IHE) (includes community colleges as well as post-baccalaureate and post masters certificates). Record 7 if a program of study leads to a secondary school diploma or its equivalent Record 8 if a program of study leads to employment Record 9 if a program of study leads to a measurable skill gain leading to a credential Record 0 if a program of study leads to a measurable skill gain leading to employment Please provide all that apply in this field. |
1 = Industry-Recognized Certificate or Certification 2 = Certificate of Completion of an Apprenticeship 3 = License Recognized by the State Involved or the Federal Government 4 = Associate’s Degree 5 = A program of study leading to a baccalaureate degree 6 = IHE Certificate of Completion 7 = Secondary School Diploma or Its Equivalent 8 = Employment 9 = Measurable Skill Gain Leading to a Credential 0 = Measurable Skill Gain Leading to Employment |
109 | Name of Associated Credential | AN 200 | Record the specific name of certificate, certification, license, or degree participants can receive. Example: Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) Leave blank if a credential is not associated with the program. |
110 | Program of Study – CIP Code | IN 6 | A program of study is identified through both the type of program outlined above (e.g. industry-recognized certificate) and the field of study. The taxonomy that will be used to identify fields of study will be the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP). The CIP code can be found here: This field should represent the 6-digit CIP code, without decimal points. |
111 | Out-of-Pocket Cost for a Non-WIOA Participant: Tuition and Required Fees | DE 8.2 | Record the program's total cost of tuition and required fees for non-WIOA participants, assuming normal time to completion. Examples: Athletic center fees, technology fees, and lab fees. Record 0.00 if there are no costs for Tuition or Required Fees for the program. |
000000.00 | |
112 | Out-of-Pocket Cost for a Non-WIOA Participant: Books and Supplies | DE 8.2 | Record an estimate of the program's total cost of books and supplies for non-WIOA participants, assuming normal time to completion. Record 0.00 if there are no costs for Books and Supplies for the program. |
000000.00 | |
113 | Program Length (Clock/Contact Hours per week) | IN 2 | Record the length of the program in clock/contact hours per week. Clock hours are the total number of actual hours per week a student spends attending class or other instructional activities that count toward completing a program of study. A clock/contact hour is defined as a 60-minute span of time with between 50 and 60 minutes of actual class instruction, which may include class, recitation, lecture, lab, training, or internship. No more than 1.0 clock hour can be assigned to any discrete 60-minute period. Record 99 if the program is a competency-based program. |
00 | |
114 | Program Length (Weeks) | IN 3 | Record the length of the program in weeks, as completed by a full time student. Record 999 if the program is a competency-based program. |
000 | |
115 | Program Prerequisites | IN 1 | Record one of the following program prerequisites for enrollment: Record 0 if the program has no educational requirements Record 1 if the program requires a high school diploma or its equivalent Record 2 if the program requires an Associate's degree Record 3 if the program requires a Bachelor's degree Record 4 if the program requires particular course prerequisites Record 5 if the program requires a combination of education and course prerequisites (For example: the program requires an Associate’s degree and specific prerequisite course(s)) |
0 = None 1 = High School Diploma or Equivalent 2 = Associate's Degree 3 = Bachelor's Degree 4 = Course(s) 5 = Combination of Education and Course(s) |
116 | Program Format | IN 3 | Indicate the format of the program: Record 1 if the program is in-person Record 2 if the program is online, e-learning, or distance learning Record 3 if the program is a hybrid or blended program with both online and in-person components For programs offered in multiple formats, please provide all that apply in this field. For example, for a program that is offered both online and in-person formats, record “12” in this field. |
1 = In-person 2 = Online, E-learning, or Distance Learning 3 = Hybrid or Blended Program |
117 | O*NET-SOC Code Associated with Program Occupation #1 | IN 8 | Record an 8-digit O*NET Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) 2019 Taxonomy code for which this program prepares students. A CIP-to-SOC crosswalk can be found here: This field should represent the 8-digit O*NET-SOC code, without dashes or decimal points. |
118 | O*NET-SOC Code Associated with Program Occupation #2 | IN 8 | Record an 8-digit O*NET Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) 2019 Taxonomy code for which this program prepares students. A CIP-to-SOC crosswalk can be found here: This field should represent the 8-digit O*NET-SOC code, without dashes or decimal points. |
119 | O*NET-SOC Code Associated with Program Occupation #3 | IN 8 | Record an 8-digit O*NET Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) 2019 Taxonomy code for which this program prepares students. A CIP-to-SOC crosswalk can be found here: This field should represent the 8-digit O*NET-SOC code, without dashes or decimal points. |
All Individuals | |||||
120 | Total Number of Individuals Served | IN 5 | Record the total number of students enrolled in this program of study in the ETP reporting period. The aggregate number of all individuals (WIOA and non-WIOA) refers to any individual who was enrolled in a course that is part of a program of study within the ETP reporting period. |
00000 | |
121 | Total Number of Individuals Completed, Withdrew, or Transferred (Exited) | IN 5 | Record the total number of students who completed, withdrew, or transferred from this program of study in the ETP reporting period. The aggregate number of WIOA exiters and non-WIOA students who completed, withdrew, or transferred within the given program of study during the ETP reporting period. |
00000 | |
122 | All Individuals: Program of Study Completed | IN 5 | Record the total number of individuals (WIOA and non-WIOA) who exited and completed (did not withdraw or transfer) the program of study within the ETP reporting period. | 00000 | |
123 | All Individuals: Number Employed in the second quarter after exit (Numerator) |
IN 5 | Record the total number of WIOA exiters and non-WIOA students who completed, withdrew, or transferred who were in the 2nd quarter after exit and have been determined to be in unsubsidized employment through a wage record match or other supplemental means within the ETP reporting period. | 00000 | |
124 | All Individuals: Number Employed in the fourth quarter after exit (Numerator) |
IN 5 | Record the total number of WIOA exiters and non-WIOA students who completed, withdrew, or transferred who were in the 4th quarter after exit and have been determined to be in unsubsidized employment through a wage record match or other supplemental means within the ETP reporting period. | 00000 | |
125 | All Individuals: Median Earnings in the 2nd Quarter After Exit | DE 9.2 | For all individuals in this program of study who were employed in the 2nd quarter after exit during the ETP reporting period , report the wage that is at the midpoint between the highest and lowest wage earned in the second quarter after exit. This indicator also includes individuals who are verified to be self- employed. Record 9999999.99 if data is not yet available for this item. |
0000000.00 | |
126 | All Individuals: Credential Attainment (Numerator) | IN 5 | Record the total number of those WIOA exiters and non-WIOA students who completed, withdrew, or transferred who completed the program of study AND attained a credential associated with the program of study within one year after exit from the program. This includes individuals enrolled in this program of study who: Attained a recognized postsecondary credential during the program or within one year after exit from the program; OR Attained a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent during the program or within one year after exit AND who were also employed or enrolled in an education or training program leading to a recognized postsecondary credential within one year after exit from the program. |
00000 | |
127 | All Individuals: Average Earnings (Q2) | DE 9.2 | Average earnings of individuals in the program of study who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit. Record average total earnings for the second quarter after exit. Record 9999999.99 if data is not yet available for this item. |
0000000.00 | |
128 | All Individuals: Average Earnings (Q4) | DE 9.2 | Average earnings of individuals in the program of study who are in unsubsidized employment during the fourth quarter after exit. Record average total earnings for the fourth quarter after exit. Record 9999999.99 if data is not yet available for this item. |
0000000.00 | |
129 | Employed in the Second Quarter After Exit Denominator | IN 6 | Record the total number of WIOA exiters and non-WIOA students who completed, withdrew, or transferred who were in the 2nd quarter after exit within the ETP reporting period. | 000000 | |
130 | Fourth Quarter After Exit Indicators Denominator | IN6 | Record the total number of WIOA exiters and non-WIOA students who completed, withdrew, or transferred who were in the 4th quarter after exit within the ETP reporting period. | 000000 | |
WIOA Participants | |||||
133 | Total Number of WIOA Participants | IN 5 | Record the total number of WIOA participants, as defined at 20 CFR part 677.150(a), who received training services in this program of study through the WIOA Title I programs during the reporting period. | 00000 | |
134 | Total Number of WIOA Exiters | IN 5 | Record the total number of WIOA exiters, as defined at 20 CFR 677.150(c), who received training services in this program of study through the WIOA Title I programs whose exit date is in the ETP reporting period. | 00000 | |
135 | Total Number of WIOA Participants served with an Individual Training Account (ITA) | IN 5 | Record the total number of WIOA participants as defined at 677.150(a), who were in the program of study and receiving WIOA Title I funding via an ITA during the ETP reporting period. | 00000 | |
136 | Total Number of WIOA Exiters (Participants that Completed, Withdrew, or Transferred) served with an ITA | IN 5 | Record the total number of WIOA exiters, as defined at 677.150(c), who were in the program of study and receiving WIOA Title I funding via an ITA and whose exit date is in the ETP reporting period. | 00000 | |
137 | WIOA Exiters: Program of Study Completed | IN 5 | Record the total number of WIOA exiters as defined at 20 CFR 677.150(c), who were in this program of study through the WIOA Title I programs that exited and completed (did not withdraw or transfer out) from the program of study during the ETP reporting period. |
00000 | |
138 | ITA Funds Received by Program (Cost Per WIOA Participant Served Numerator) | DE 10.2 | Record the aggregate summation of all WIOA ITA funds expended by the state for all WIOA participants for this program of study within the ETP reporting period. | 00000000.00 | |
WIOA Participants - Outcomes | |||||
139 | WIOA Exiters: Total number employed in the second quarter after Exit (Numerator) | IN 5 | Record the total number of WIOA exiters who have been determined to be in unsubsidized employment through a wage record match or other supplemental means within the second quarter after Exit. | 00000 | |
140 | WIOA Exiters: Total number employed in the fourth quarter after Exit (Numerator) | IN 5 | Record the total number of WIOA exiters who have been determined to be in unsubsidized employment through a wage record match or other supplemental means within the fourth quarter after Exit. | 00000 | |
141 | WIOA Exiters Median Earnings in the second quarter after Exit | DE 9.2 | For all WIOA exiters in this program of study who exited during the reporting period, report the quarterly earnings that is at the midpoint between the highest and lowest quarterly earnings in the second quarter after exit. This indicator also includes WIOA exiters who are verified to be self-employed. Record 9999999.99 if data is not yet available for this item. |
00000000.00 | |
142 | WIOA Exiters: Credential Attainment (Numerator) | IN 5 | Record the total number of those WIOA exiters who attained a credential within one year after exit from the program. This includes WIOA Participants enrolled in this program of study who: Attained a recognized postsecondary credential during the program or within one year after exit from the program; OR Attained a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent during the program or within one year after exit AND who were also employed or enrolled in an education or training program leading to a recognized postsecondary credential within one year after exit from the program. |
00000 | |
170 | WIOA Exiters: Employed in the Second Quarter After Exit Denominator | IN 6 | Record the total number of WIOA exiters who were in the 2nd quarter after exit within the ETP reporting period. | 000000 | |
171 | WIOA Exiters: Fourth Quarter After Exit Indicators Denominator | IN 6 | Record the total number of WIOA exiters who were in the 4th quarter after exit within the ETP reporting period. | 000000 | |
WIOA Participants - Characteristics | |||||
143 | <16 | IN 5 | Number of WIOA participants in this program of study who are less than 16 years old at program entry. | 00000 | |
144 | 16 - 18 | IN 5 | Number of WIOA participants in this program of study who are age 16 - 18 at program entry. | 00000 | |
145 | 19 - 24 | IN 5 | Number of WIOA participants in this program of study who are age 19 - 24 at program entry. | 00000 | |
146 | 25 - 44 | IN 5 | Number of WIOA participants in this program of study who are age 25 - 44 at program entry. | 00000 | |
147 | 45 - 54 | IN 5 | Number of WIOA participants in this program of study who are age 45 - 54 at program entry. | 00000 | |
148 | 55 - 59 | IN 5 | Number of WIOA participants in this program of study who are age 55 - 59 at program entry. | 00000 | |
149 | 60+ | IN 5 | Number of WIOA participants in this program of study who are age 60+ at program entry. | 00000 | |
150 | Male | IN 5 | Number of male WIOA participants in this program of study at program entry. | 00000 | |
151 | Female | IN 5 | Number of female WIOA participants in this program of study at program entry. | 00000 | |
152 | Asian | IN 5 | Number of Asian WIOA participants in this program of study at program entry. | 00000 | |
153 | Black or African American | IN 5 | Number of Black or African American WIOA participants in this program of study at program entry. | 00000 | |
154 | Hispanic or Latino | IN 5 | Number of Hispanic WIOA participants in this program of study at program entry. | 00000 | |
155 | Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | IN 5 | Number of Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander WIOA participants in this program of study at program entry. | 00000 | |
156 | American Indian or Alaska Native | IN 5 | Number of American Indian or Alaska Native WIOA participants in this program of study at program entry. | 00000 | |
157 | White | IN 5 | Number of White WIOA participants in this program of study at program entry. | 00000 | |
158 | More Than One Race | IN 5 | Number of WIOA participants having origins in more than one racial category in this program of study at program entry. | 00000 | |
WIOA Participants - Barriers to Employment | |||||
159 | Displaced Homemakers | IN 5 | Number of WIOA participants in this program of study who are displaced homemakers at program entry. | 00000 | |
160 | Low-Income Individuals | IN 5 | Number of WIOA participants in this program of study who are low income individuals at program entry. | 00000 | |
161 | Individuals with Disabilities, including youth | IN 5 | Number of WIOA participants in this program of study who are individuals with disabilities, including youth, at program entry. | 00000 | |
162 | Ex-offenders | IN 5 | Number of WIOA participants in this program of study who are ex-offenders at program entry. | 00000 | |
163 | Homeless Individuals or runaway youth | IN 5 | Number of WIOA participants in this program of study who are homeless individuals or runaway youth at program entry. | 00000 | |
164 | Youth who are in or have aged out of the foster care system | IN 5 | Number of WIOA participants in this program of study who are youth up to age 24 who have ever been in, or have aged out of the foster care system, at program entry. | 00000 | |
165 | English Language Learners, Low Levels of Literacy, Cultural Barriers | IN 5 | Number of WIOA participants in this program of study who are English language learners, individuals who have low levels of literacy, or who face substantial cultural barriers at program entry. | 00000 | |
166 | Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers | IN 5 | Number of WIOA participants in this program of study who are migrant or seasonal farmworkers at program entry. | 00000 | |
167 | Exhausting TANF within 2 years (Part A Title IV of Social Security Act) | IN 5 | Number of WIOA participants in this program of study at program entry who will exhaust TANF (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) within 2 years. | 00000 | |
168 | Single Parents (Including single pregnant women) | IN 5 | Number of WIOA participants in this program of study who are single parents or single pregnant women at program entry. | 00000 | |
169 | Long-term Unemployed (27 or more consecutive weeks) | IN 5 | Number of WIOA participants in this program of study who are long-term unemployed at program entry. | 00000 | |
172 | Date Added to State ETP List | DT 8 | Record the date that the program of training services was granted initial eligibility to the state ETP list. If a precise date is not known, record the first day of the month that the program of training services was granted initial eligibility (e.g. March 2015 would be reported as 20150301) |
173 | Date Removed from ETP List After Start of Program Year | DT 8 | Record the date that the program of training services was removed from the state ETP list after the start of the program year. Leave this element blank if the program was not removed from the state ETP list after the start of the program year. |
174 | Reason for ETP List Removal | IN 1 | Record 1 if the program was removed from the state ETP list at the request of the training provider, which includes programs whose eligibility was allowed to expire due to a failure to apply for continued eligibility. Record 2 if the program was removed from the state ETP list due to a failure to meet continued eligibility requirements. Record 3 if the program was removed due to the program's occupation no longer being in demand or due to a lack of WIOA participants being served by the program. Record 4 if the program was removed for cause. This includes but is not limited to programs removed due to a failure to submit performance data, programs that are no longer compliant with state requirements (such as accreditations), or other violations of state policies. Record 0 if the program was not removed from the state ETP list. |
1 = Removed, Training Provider request 2 = Removed, determined ineligible 3 = Removed, no longer in demand 4 = Removed, for cause 0 = Not Removed |
175 | Provider/Institution Employer Identification Number (EIN) | AN 9 | Record the Provider/Institution's 9 digit Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) (no hyphens). For more information regarding the valid structure and source of the provider/institution EIN, see the IRS EIN page at | xxxxxxxxx | |
176 | Unique Provider/Institution ID | AN 6 | Record the 6 digit Provider/Institution ID. For institutions that report to IPEDS, states must report the first 6 digits of the institution’s UNIT ID. A current listing of institution UNIT IDs can be found on the IPEDS website: All other providers/institutions should be assigned a unique state-level ID that starts with the reporting state’s two letter postal code followed by 4 alphanumeric characters chosen by the state. This ID must be unique and persist across reporting periods. |
xxxxxx | |
State ETP list URL | |||||
*Use this text box to report the state's current ETP list URL. | |||||
*Use this text box for notes/clarifications about the uploaded file. | |||||
*Additional technical specifications can be found in form ETA - 9169 that provide detail about which WIOA PIRL (ETA-9170) data elements are used to define WIOA participant characteristics and barriers to employment. | |||||
*WIOA also defines 2 other "Barriers to Employment" that are collected here as part of the WIOA participant characteristics: "Indian, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians" and "Older Individuals (55+)" | |||||
Public Burden Statement (1205-0526) Persons are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Respondent’s reply to these reporting requirements is required to obtain or retain benefits (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Section 185(a)(2)). Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to range between 15 and 360 minutes which averages 187.5 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate to the Office of Policy Development and Research ● U.S. Department of Labor ● Room N-5641 ● 200 Constitution Ave., NW, ● Washington, DC ● 20210. Do NOT send the completed 9171 application to this address. |
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