Quarterly Report Template - NSF Regional Innovation Engines Program

Grantee Reporting Requirements for NSF Regional Innovation Engines (NSF Engines) Program

Budget and Resources Spreadsheet Template.xlsx

Quarterly Report Template - NSF Regional Innovation Engines Program


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Existing & New Resources
Acronyms & Annotations
Summary Budget
Organization Lists--pivot table
Org Budgets--pivot tables
Activity Budgets--pivot tables
Lookup tables

Sheet 1: Budget

Details entered below are provided as illustrative examples only. Please delete examples and add in your own budget details with costs allocated toward appropriate Core Function. A single line item from your budget can be allocated to more than one Core Function by breaking the total amount out over multiple rows. Add rows to the table as needed. Multiple columns contain drop-down lists that will limit your answer options. See attached instructions for more guidance. When implementing any suggested updates to your budget; a simple change in the amount for a given line item can be entered in the Updated Cost column. If an item in your budget changes to a different core function in the updated version, add another row to reflect the change.
Cost Category Core Function Activity Category Institution Type Institution Organization Type Partnership Role Year Cost Updated Cost Difference between Revised & Original Description - Also note any high level changes or rationale
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Other Ecosystem Building EB-2 Ecosystem Building Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $160,000 $160,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Other Ecosystem Building EB-3 Ecosystem Building Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $160,000 $160,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Other Ecosystem Building EB-4 Ecosystem Building Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $160,000 $160,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Other Ecosystem Building EB-5 Ecosystem Building Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $160,000 $160,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Use-inspired R/D R/D-1 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $150,000 $150,000 $- {All faculty/staff personnel devoted to R/D and Activity 1 summarized here}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Use-inspired R/D R/D-1 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 1 $150,000 $150,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Use-inspired R/D R/D-1 Project Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 1 $150,000 $150,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Use-inspired R/D R/D-1 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $160,000 $160,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Use-inspired R/D R/D-3 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $160,000 $160,000 $- {year 2 versions of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Use-inspired R/D R/D-5 Project Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 2 $160,000 $160,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Translation Innovations to Practice TR-1 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $150,000 $150,000 $- {All faculty/staff personnel devoted to Translation & Activity 3 summarized here}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Translation Innovations to Practice TR-1 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 1 $150,000 $150,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Translation Innovations to Practice TR-1 Project Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 2 $160,000 $160,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Translation Innovations to Practice TR-2 Ecosystem Building Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $160,000 $160,000 $- {year 2 versions of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Translation Innovations to Practice TR-4 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $160,000 $160,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Translation Innovations to Practice TR-5 Project Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 1 $150,000 $150,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Workforce Development WD-1 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $150,000 $150,000 $- {All faculty/staff personnel devoted to Workforce Development & Activity 2 summarized here}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Workforce Development WD-1 Project Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 1 $150,000 $150,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Workforce Development WD-2 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $160,000 $160,000 $- {year 2 versions of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Workforce Development WD-3 Ecosystem Building Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $160,000 $160,000 $- {year 2 versions of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Workforce Development WD-3 Ecosystem Building Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 2 $160,000 $160,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Workforce Development WD-3 Ecosystem Building Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 2 $160,000 $160,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Workforce Development WD-4 Ecosystem Building Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 1 $150,000 $150,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Workforce Development WD-4 Ecosystem Building Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $160,000 $160,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Workforce Development WD-5 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $160,000 $160,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Governance and Management N/A N/A Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $250,000 $250,000 $- {All faculty/staff personnel devoted to Governance summarized here}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Governance and Management N/A N/A Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $250,000 $125,000 $(125,000) [example: reduction in revised]{ Describe suggested reduction in Governance personnel budget}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Governance and Management N/A N/A Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1
$125,000 $125,000 [example: adding a position specifically for DEIA]{ Describe change in Governance personnel budget}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Governance and Management N/A N/A Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $275,000 $275,000 $- {year 2 versions of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Governance and Management N/A N/A Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $275,000 $135,000 $(140,000) {year 2 versions of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Governance and Management N/A N/A Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2
$135,000 $135,000 {year 2 versions of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Governance and Management N/A N/A Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 1 $250,000 $250,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Governance and Management N/A N/A Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 1 $250,000 $250,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Governance and Management N/A N/A Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $275,000 $275,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) Governance and Management N/A N/A Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 2 $275,000 $275,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) Use-inspired R/D R/D-1 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 1 $50,000 $50,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) Use-inspired R/D R/D-1 Project Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 1 $50,000 $50,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) Use-inspired R/D R/D-2 Ecosystem Building Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $60,000 $60,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) Use-inspired R/D R/D-3 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $75,000 $75,000 $-
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) Use-inspired R/D R/D-4 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $80,000 $80,000 $- {year 2 versions of all items}
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) Use-inspired R/D R/D-5 Project Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 2 $60,000 $60,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) Translation Innovations to Practice TR-1 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $75,000 $75,000 $- {All postdocs/students/other personnel devoted to Translation & Activity 3 summarized here}
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) Translation Innovations to Practice TR-1 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 1 $50,000 $50,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) Translation Innovations to Practice TR-1 Project Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 2 $60,000 $60,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) Translation Innovations to Practice TR-2 Ecosystem Building Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $80,000 $80,000 $- {year 2 versions of all items}
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) Translation Innovations to Practice TR-4 Project Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 1 $50,000 $50,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) Translation Innovations to Practice TR-4 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $60,000 $60,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) Workforce Development WD-1 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $60,000 $60,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) Workforce Development WD-2 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $75,000 $75,000 $- {All postdocs/students/other personnel devoted to Workforce Development & Activity 2 summarized here}
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) Workforce Development WD-2 Project Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 1 $50,000 $50,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) Workforce Development WD-2 Project Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 1 $50,000 $50,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) Workforce Development WD-3 Ecosystem Building Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $80,000 $80,000 $- {year 2 versions of all items}
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) Workforce Development WD-4 Ecosystem Building Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 1 $50,000 $50,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) Workforce Development WD-4 Ecosystem Building Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 2 $60,000 $60,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) Workforce Development WD-5 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 1 $50,000 $50,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
C. Fringe & I. Indirect

Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $300,000 $300,000 $- For IDC and Fringe keep revised amount the same as original budget amount
C. Fringe & I. Indirect

Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $300,000 $300,000 $- For IDC and Fringe keep revised amount the same as original budget amount
D. Equipment Other Ecosystem Building EB-1 Ecosystem Building Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 2 $25,000 $25,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
D. Equipment Use-inspired R/D R/D-1 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $100,000 $50,000 $(50,000) [example: reduction in revised] {Describe equipment and relation to activity} e.g. Analytical instruments, field instruments, specialized biological and engineering equipment.
D. Equipment Use-inspired R/D R/D-2 Ecosystem Building Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $25,000 $25,000 $- {Description of equipment related to R/D and Activity 2}
D. Equipment Use-inspired R/D R/D-2 Ecosystem Building Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $30,000 $30,000 $- {year 2 versions of all items}
D. Equipment Use-inspired R/D R/D-3 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $25,000 $25,000 $- {Description of equipment related to R/D and Activity 3}
D. Equipment Use-inspired R/D R/D-3 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $30,000 $30,000 $- {year 2 versions of all items}
D. Equipment Use-inspired R/D R/D-3 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 1 $20,000 $20,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
D. Equipment Use-inspired R/D R/D-3 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $25,000 $25,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
D. Equipment Use-inspired R/D R/D-3 Project Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 2 $25,000 $25,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
D. Equipment Use-inspired R/D R/D-4 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $30,000 $30,000 $- {year 2 versions of all items}
D. Equipment Use-inspired R/D R/D-4 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 1 $20,000 $20,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
D. Equipment Use-inspired R/D R/D-5 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $30,000 $30,000 $- {year 2 versions of all items}
D. Equipment Translation Innovations to Practice TR-1 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $100,000 $50,000 $(50,000) {Describe equipment and relation to activity} e.g. Analytical instruments, field instruments, specialized biological and engineering equipment.
D. Equipment Translation Innovations to Practice TR-3 Ecosystem Building Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $20,000 $20,000 $- {Description of equipment related to Translation and Activity 3}
D. Equipment Translation Innovations to Practice TR-3 Ecosystem Building Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $15,000 $15,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
D. Equipment Translation Innovations to Practice TR-3 Ecosystem Building Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $15,000 $15,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
D. Equipment Translation Innovations to Practice TR-3 Ecosystem Building Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 2 $15,000 $15,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
D. Equipment Translation Innovations to Practice TR-4 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $20,000 $20,000 $- {Description of equipment related to Translation and Activity 2}
D. Equipment Translation Innovations to Practice TR-4 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $20,000 $20,000 $- {Description of equipment related to Translation and Activity 4}
D. Equipment Translation Innovations to Practice TR-4 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $15,000 $15,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
D. Equipment Translation Innovations to Practice TR-4 Project Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 2 $15,000 $15,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
E. Travel Governance and Management N/A N/A Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $75,000 $50,000 $(25,000) Domestic travel for Engine and NSF events, meetings, conferences; updated budget reduced due to…
E. Travel Governance and Management N/A N/A Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $85,000 $85,000 $- {year 2 versions of all items}
E. Travel Governance and Management N/A N/A Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 1 $75,000 $75,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
G. 1. Materials and Supplies Use-inspired R/D R/D-1 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $55,000 $55,000 $- Office supplies, consumables, computer hardware, printing, postage, lab equipment, and construction personal protective equipment.
G. 1. Materials and Supplies Use-inspired R/D R/D-1 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $65,000 $65,000 $- {year 2 versions of all items}
G. 1. Materials and Supplies Use-inspired R/D R/D-1 Project Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 2 $65,000 $65,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
G. 1. Materials and Supplies Use-inspired R/D R/D-4 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $65,000 $65,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
G. 1. Materials and Supplies Use-inspired R/D R/D-5 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 1 $55,000 $55,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
G. 1. Materials and Supplies Use-inspired R/D R/D-5 Project Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 1 $55,000 $55,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
G. 3. Consultant Services Translation Innovations to Practice TR-1 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $975,000 $25,000 $(950,000) License for access to ~100 digital twins of factories; reduction in updated due to…
G. 3. Consultant Services Translation Innovations to Practice TR-2 Ecosystem Building Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 1 $400,000 $400,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
G. 3. Consultant Services Translation Innovations to Practice TR-5 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $500,000 $500,000 $- {year 2 versions of all items}
G. 3. Consultant Services Translation Innovations to Practice TR-5 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $100,000 $100,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
G. 3. Consultant Services Workforce Development WD-1 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $150,000 $150,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
G. 3. Consultant Services Workforce Development WD-2 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $595,000 $250,000 $(345,000) University of XYZ, pending; reduction in updated due to…
G. 3. Consultant Services Workforce Development WD-3 Ecosystem Building Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $350,000 $350,000 $- {year 2 versions of all items}
G. 3. Consultant Services Workforce Development WD-5 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 1 $595,000 $595,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
G. 4. Computer Services Use-inspired R/D R/D-1 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $55,000 $55,000 $- {description of Computer services related to R/D and Activity 1}
G. 4. Computer Services Use-inspired R/D R/D-2 Ecosystem Building Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $75,000 $75,000 $- {year 2 versions of all items}
G. 4. Computer Services Use-inspired R/D R/D-3 Project Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 2 $65,000 $65,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
G. 4. Computer Services Use-inspired R/D R/D-4 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $55,000 $55,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
G. 4. Computer Services Use-inspired R/D R/D-5 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 1 $55,000 $55,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
G. 5. Other Use-inspired R/D R/D-2 Ecosystem Building Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $- Seed grants
G. 5. Other Translation Innovations to Practice TR-2 Ecosystem Building Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $500,000 $500,000 $- Seed grants
Infrastructure Construction Translation Innovations to Practice TR-1 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $175,000 $175,000 $- ACME Solutions Group to install real-time sensing equipment for data collection, factory benchmarking and providing factory productivity expertise. 500 hours total
Infrastructure Construction Translation Innovations to Practice TR-1 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $100,000 $100,000 $- {year 2 versions of all items}
Infrastructure Construction Translation Innovations to Practice TR-1 Project Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 2 $75,000 $75,000 $- {year 2 versions of all items}
Infrastructure Construction Translation Innovations to Practice TR-1 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 1 $150,000 $150,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
Infrastructure Construction Translation Innovations to Practice TR-1 Project Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 2 $75,000 $75,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
Infrastructure Construction Translation Innovations to Practice TR-2 Ecosystem Building Lead [lead institution name] University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Lead Year 1 $150,000 $150,000 $- Factory installation and data acquisition
Infrastructure Construction Translation Innovations to Practice TR-2 Ecosystem Building Subaward [subaward-2 institution name] Non-profit/philanthropy Informal Partner Year 1 $150,000 $150,000 $- {Subaward-2 version of all items}
Infrastructure Construction Translation Innovations to Practice TR-5 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $100,000 $100,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}
Infrastructure Construction Translation Innovations to Practice TR-5 Project Subaward [subaward-1 institution name] VC or start up incubator Formal Partner Year 2 $75,000 $75,000 $- {Subaward-1 version of all items}

Sheet 2: Existing & New Resources

Details entered below are provided as illustrative examples only. Please delete examples and add in your own Existing and New Resources, as defined in the BAA and outlined in your proposal, and align them with the relevant Functional Group. There should be one line for each resource. Please be succinct in the detail field.

Original Existing and New Resources in the relevant Core Functional Group

Core Function Activity Category New/Existing Institution Organization Type Partnership Role Resource Value Resource Value (updated) % Available to Engine (original) % Available to Engine (updated) Resource Type Resource Detail
Other Ecosystem Building EB-1 Ecosystem Building New University of XYZ University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Formal Partner High (>$750k) High (>$750k)

Dedicated office space
Use-inspired R/D R/D-1 Project Existing ACME Science & Technology Corporation VC or start up incubator Lead Low ($0-250k) Low ($0-250k)

Manufacturing research facilities and equipment
Use-inspired R/D R/D-2 Ecosystem Building New University of XYZ University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Formal Partner Medium ($250-750k) Medium ($250-750k)

Lab Space Lab space for execution of Engine project and student projects
Use-inspired R/D R/D-3 Project New University of XYZ University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Formal Partner High (>$750k) High (>$750k)

Large facility oufitted with advanced prototyping and manufacturing equipment; lead us-inspired R&D
Use-inspired R/D R/D-4 Project New ABC University University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Informal Partner Medium ($250-750k) Medium ($250-750k)

Dedicated lab space
Translation Innovations to Practice TR-1 Project Existing LMN University University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Formal Partner Low ($0-250k) Low ($0-250k)

Facilitate technology transfer efforts; Support for venture funding pipelines and commercialization
Translation Innovations to Practice TR-2 Ecosystem Building Existing ACME Science & Technology Corporation VC or start up incubator Lead Low ($0-250k) Low ($0-250k)

Center for translating new technologies into real-world products
Workforce Development WD-1 Project New ACME Science & Technology Corporation VC or start up incubator Lead Low ($0-250k) Low ($0-250k)

Personnel Partnership coordination; Workforce training initiatives
Workforce Development WD-2 Project Existing University of XYZ University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Formal Partner Medium ($250-750k) Medium ($250-750k)

Large population of underserved students; Lead outreach with partners; develop workforce training programs
Workforce Development WD-2 Project New University of XYZ University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Formal Partner High (>$750k) High (>$750k)

Postdoctoral researcher mentoring program
Workforce Development WD-3 Ecosystem Building New ABC University University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Informal Partner Medium ($250-750k) Medium ($250-750k)

Lead student entrepeneur programs
Workforce Development WD-4 Ecosystem Building Existing LMN University University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Formal Partner Low ($0-250k) Low ($0-250k)

Training students to be ready to enter the workforce
Governance and Management

New University of XYZ University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Formal Partner Medium ($250-750k) Medium ($250-750k)

Dedicated office space
Governance and Management

New ABC University University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Informal Partner Medium ($250-750k) Medium ($250-750k)

Lead outreach with partners within the state
Governance and Management

Existing LMN University University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Formal Partner Low ($0-250k) Medium ($250-750k) 10% 20%
Dedicated office space; access to conference and meeting facilities; updated includes additional dedicated
Governance and Management

Existing LMN University University (granting doctoral or master's degrees) Formal Partner Low ($0-250k) Low ($0-250k)

Dedicated office space; access to conference and meeting facilities

Sheet 3: Acronyms & Annotations

Use this sheet to create a glossary of any acronyms used in the summary descriptions in either the Budget or Existing & New Resources tabs.

Also, please briefly list the primary planned activities for your proposed Engine that correspond to the activities you will be presenting in sessions 4-6. Note R&D activities as R/D-1, R/D-2, etc.; translation activities as TR-1, TR-2, etc.; workforce development activities as WD-1, WD-2, etc., ecosystem building activities as EB-1, EB-2, etc.

Acronym or term Spelled out or explanation
Activity Activity Detail







Sheet 4: Definitions

a. Ecosystem Building: ecosystem building helps grow, build, support, and nurture the development of an inclusive, sustainable innovation ecosystem. This includes activities, research, initiatives, or efforts that engage entrepreneurs, policymakers, philanthropists, and other regional and community stakeholders to better understand, transform, or support the development of a system-wide approach to foster innovation and a culture of DEIA. Ecosystem Building Projects are distinct from use-inspired R&D projects, translation of innovation to practice projects, and workforce development project.
b. Engine Core Functions: Engine efforts that fall with Use-Inspired R&D, Translation of Innovations to Impact, Workforce Development, Ecosystem Building, or Governance and Management
c. Existing and New Resources: Tangible resource contributions (e.g., funding, facilities, equipment, human capital, datasets) that will support and advance the Engine’s strategic goals and that are directly applicable to the proposed Engine in its first two years of operation, should it be funded. Per the BAA, only those existing resources that have a letter of collaboration included with the original proposal submission should be included. 
d. Formal Partner: a partner organization that has a signed NSF Engines partnership agreement
e. Governance and Management: Costs related to oversight of all aspects of the Engine, management of the Engine core functions, finances, contracts, subawards, evaluation, and all reporting requirements. This should also include costs associated with all positions designated as part of the leadership team, as defined in the broad agency announcement (BAA).   
f. Informal Partners: a partner organization that does not have a signed NSF Engines partnership agreement
g. Infrastructure Construction: Costs covering all building construction as well as design and engineering services, and on-site costs, e.g., prep costs including cleanup, legal services, etc., should be included. Space outfitting items for existing or new spaces, such as furniture, should also be included. 
h. Lead Organization: Per BAA, the NSF Engine award recipient is the lead organization and has full responsibility for the conduct of the Engine activities supported under the NSF award and for the results achieved. The lead organization is responsible for oversight of all aspects of the Engine, including the Engine core functions, finances, contracts, subawards, evaluation, and all reporting requirements. The lead organization must have a significant presence and vested interest in the region of service. 
i. Other Ecosystem Building Project: An Ecosystem Building Project that crosses more than one programmatic category (R&D, Translation, or Workforce Development) or is in support of the Engine at large. For example, a project that involves developing the financial sustainability across the Engine, inclusive engagement efforts for the Engine at large, and some governance and management efforts.
j. Partner Organization: An organization that actively participates or is involved in one or more NSF Engine projects; and provides an NSF Engine with monetary or in-kind contributions. Fee-for-service work, where there is no active participation and collaboration, will not be regarded as an Engines partnership.
k. Project: An operational, time-limited project with an identified end state in support of an Engine making progress towards meeting NSF Engines programmatic goals or individual Engine goals. 
l. Technology research level (TRL): A framework that measures the maturity level of a technology throughout its research, development, and deployment phase progression. The TRL scale ranges from 1 to 9, with 9 being the most mature technology.
m. Translation of Innovations to Practice Activity: support development of products, technologies, or bringing services to market (whether through commercialization or open-source mechanisms), that are currently within the Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) 6-9. In addition to specific translation projects, activities include ecosystem building efforts in support of translation. For example, development of startups, the processes, structure, and expertise required to support continuous and timely identification and implementation of translation opportunities, and ongoing stakeholder engagement.
n. Translation of Innovations to Practice projects: development of a specific product, technology, or bringing a service to market (whether through commercialization or open source) that currently falls into TRL 6-9 and with the aim to advance further along the TRL spectrum.
o. Use-inspired R/D Activity: support the development of products, technologies, or bringing services to market (whether through commercialization or open-source mechanisms), that are currently within the Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) 1-5. Activities must be inspired by the current regional demands (i.e., market or societal “pull”) and/or future forecasts of needs in industry and/or for end users. In addition to specific R&D projects, activities include ecosystem building efforts in support of R&D. For example, customer discovery and other stakeholder engagement, development of R&D funding calls, and development of testbed infrastructure.
p. Use-inspired R&D projects: development of a specific product, technology, or bringing a service to market (whether through commercialization or open source) that currently falls into TRL 1-5 and with the aim to advance further along the TRL spectrum.
q. Workforce Development Activity: A workforce development activity is one that supports the creation and implementation of recruitment, education, training, retention, and workforce development programs at all levels relevant to an Engine’s key industries and/or technology focus areas. In addition to specific workforce development projects, activities include, for example, ecosystem building efforts in support of workforce development.
r. Workforce Development projects: specific job training, development opportunities, and/or education opportunities along with social services and community supports to position individuals for long-term success in the workforce related to an Engine’s key industries and/or technology focus area.

Sheet 5: Summary Budget

Click the Data menu title then Refresh All, for tables to update with details from the Budget tab

Amended Budget as of April 1, 2024

Updated Budget

Delta Budget Rolled up

(Updated budget - Original Budget)

Core Function Data

Core Function Data

Core Function Data

Workforce Development
Use-inspired R/D
Translation Innovations to Practice
Governance and Management
Other Ecosystem Building
Total # Total %

Workforce Development
Use-inspired R/D
Translation Innovations to Practice
Governance and Management
Other Ecosystem Building
Total # Total %

Workforce Development
Use-inspired R/D
Translation Innovations to Practice
Governance and Management
Other Ecosystem Building
Total # Total %

Cost Category # % # % # % # % # % # %

Cost Category # % # % # % # % # % # %

Cost Category # % # % # % # % # % # %

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $1,410,000 9.06% $930,000 5.97% $930,000 5.97% $2,100,000 13.49%

$640,000 4.11% $6,010,000 38.60%
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $1,410,000 9.97% $930,000 6.57% $930,000 6.57% $2,095,000 14.81%

$640,000 4.52% $6,005,000 42.45%
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $- 0.00% $- 0.00% $- 0.00% $(5,000) 0.35%

$- 0.00% $(5,000) 0.35%

B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) $475,000 3.05% $375,000 2.41% $375,000 2.41%

$1,225,000 7.87%
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) $475,000 3.36% $375,000 2.65% $375,000 2.65%

$1,225,000 8.66%
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) $- 0.00% $- 0.00% $- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

C. Fringe & I. Indirect

$600,000 3.85%

$600,000 3.85%
C. Fringe & I. Indirect

$600,000 4.24%

$600,000 4.24%
C. Fringe & I. Indirect

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

D. Equipment

$360,000 2.31% $235,000 1.51%

$25,000 0.16% $620,000 3.98%
D. Equipment

$310,000 2.19% $185,000 1.31%

$25,000 0.18% $520,000 3.68%
D. Equipment

$(50,000) 3.51% $(50,000) 3.51%

$- 0.00% $(100,000) 7.02%

E. Travel

$235,000 1.51%

$235,000 1.51%
E. Travel

$210,000 1.48%

$210,000 1.48%
E. Travel

$(25,000) 1.75%

$(25,000) 1.75%

G. 1. Materials and Supplies

$360,000 2.31%

$360,000 2.31%
G. 1. Materials and Supplies

$360,000 2.55%

$360,000 2.55%
G. 1. Materials and Supplies

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

G. 3. Consultant Services $1,690,000 10.85%

$1,975,000 12.68%

$3,665,000 23.54%
G. 3. Consultant Services $1,345,000 9.51%

$1,025,000 7.25%

$2,370,000 16.76%
G. 3. Consultant Services $(345,000) 24.21%

$(950,000) 66.67%

$(1,295,000) 90.88%

G. 4. Computer Services

$305,000 1.96%

$305,000 1.96%
G. 4. Computer Services

$305,000 2.16%

$305,000 2.16%
G. 4. Computer Services

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

G. 5. Other

$1,000,000 6.42% $500,000 3.21%

$1,500,000 9.63%
G. 5. Other

$1,000,000 7.07% $500,000 3.53%

$1,500,000 10.60%
G. 5. Other

$- 0.00% $- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

Infrastructure Construction

$1,050,000 6.74%

$1,050,000 6.74%
Infrastructure Construction

$1,050,000 7.42%

$1,050,000 7.42%
Infrastructure Construction

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

Total Result $3,575,000 22.96% $3,330,000 21.39% $5,065,000 32.53% $2,335,000 15.00% $600,000 3.85% $665,000 4.27% $15,570,000 100.00%
Total Result $3,230,000 22.83% $3,280,000 23.19% $4,065,000 28.74% $2,305,000 16.30% $600,000 4.24% $665,000 4.70% $14,145,000 100.00%
Total Result $(345,000) 24.21% $(50,000) 3.51% $(1,000,000) 70.18% $(30,000) 2.11% $- 0.00% $- 0.00% $(1,425,000) 100.00%

Budget as Originally Proposed (broken down by Organization)

Budget with Team's Suggested Updates (broken down by Organization)

Delta Budget Detail

(Updated budget - Original Budget)

Core Function Data

Core Function Data

Core Function Data

Workforce Development
Use-inspired R/D
Translation Innovations to Practice
Governance and Management
Other Ecosystem Building
Total # Total %

Workforce Development
Use-inspired R/D
Translation Innovations to Practice
Governance and Management
Other Ecosystem Building
Total # Total %

Workforce Development
Use-inspired R/D
Translation Innovations to Practice
Governance and Management
Other Ecosystem Building
Total # Total %
Cost Category Institution Type Institution # % # % # % # % # % # %

Institution Type Institution # % # % # % # % # % # %

Institution Type Institution # % # % # % # % # % # %

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff)

$1,410,000 9.06% $930,000 5.97% $930,000 5.97% $2,100,000 13.49%

$640,000 4.11% $6,010,000 38.60%

$1,410,000 9.97% $930,000 6.57% $930,000 6.57% $2,095,000 14.81%

$640,000 4.52% $6,005,000 42.45%

$- 0.00% $- 0.00% $- 0.00% $(5,000) 0.35%

$- 0.00% $(5,000) 0.35%

$470,000 3.02% $310,000 1.99% $310,000 1.99% $1,050,000 6.74%

$2,140,000 13.74% Lead
$470,000 3.32% $310,000 2.19% $310,000 2.19% $1,045,000 7.39%

$2,135,000 15.09% Lead
$- 0.00% $- 0.00% $- 0.00% $(5,000) 0.35%

$(5,000) 0.35%

[lead institution name] $470,000 3.02% $310,000 1.99% $310,000 1.99% $1,050,000 6.74%

$2,140,000 13.74%
[lead institution name] $470,000 3.32% $310,000 2.19% $310,000 2.19% $1,045,000 7.39%

$2,135,000 15.09%
[lead institution name] $- 0.00% $- 0.00% $- 0.00% $(5,000) 0.35%

$(5,000) 0.35%

$940,000 6.04% $620,000 3.98% $620,000 3.98% $1,050,000 6.74%

$640,000 4.11% $3,870,000 24.86% Subaward
$940,000 6.65% $620,000 4.38% $620,000 4.38% $1,050,000 7.42%

$640,000 4.52% $3,870,000 27.36% Subaward
$- 0.00% $- 0.00% $- 0.00% $- 0.00%

$- 0.00% $- 0.00%

[subaward-1 institution name] $470,000 3.02% $310,000 1.99% $310,000 1.99% $525,000 3.37%

$640,000 4.11% $2,255,000 14.48%
[subaward-1 institution name] $470,000 3.32% $310,000 2.19% $310,000 2.19% $525,000 3.71%

$640,000 4.52% $2,255,000 15.94%
[subaward-1 institution name] $- 0.00% $- 0.00% $- 0.00% $- 0.00%

$- 0.00% $- 0.00%

[subaward-2 institution name] $470,000 3.02% $310,000 1.99% $310,000 1.99% $525,000 3.37%

$1,615,000 10.37%
[subaward-2 institution name] $470,000 3.32% $310,000 2.19% $310,000 2.19% $525,000 3.71%

$1,615,000 11.42%
[subaward-2 institution name] $- 0.00% $- 0.00% $- 0.00% $- 0.00%

$- 0.00%
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc)

$475,000 3.05% $375,000 2.41% $375,000 2.41%

$1,225,000 7.87%

$475,000 3.36% $375,000 2.65% $375,000 2.65%

$1,225,000 8.66%

$- 0.00% $- 0.00% $- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

$155,000 1.00% $155,000 1.00% $155,000 1.00%

$465,000 2.99% Lead
$155,000 1.10% $155,000 1.10% $155,000 1.10%

$465,000 3.29% Lead
$- 0.00% $- 0.00% $- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

[lead institution name] $155,000 1.00% $155,000 1.00% $155,000 1.00%

$465,000 2.99%
[lead institution name] $155,000 1.10% $155,000 1.10% $155,000 1.10%

$465,000 3.29%
[lead institution name] $- 0.00% $- 0.00% $- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

$320,000 2.06% $220,000 1.41% $220,000 1.41%

$760,000 4.88% Subaward
$320,000 2.26% $220,000 1.56% $220,000 1.56%

$760,000 5.37% Subaward
$- 0.00% $- 0.00% $- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

[subaward-1 institution name] $160,000 1.03% $110,000 0.71% $110,000 0.71%

$380,000 2.44%
[subaward-1 institution name] $160,000 1.13% $110,000 0.78% $110,000 0.78%

$380,000 2.69%
[subaward-1 institution name] $- 0.00% $- 0.00% $- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

[subaward-2 institution name] $160,000 1.03% $110,000 0.71% $110,000 0.71%

$380,000 2.44%
[subaward-2 institution name] $160,000 1.13% $110,000 0.78% $110,000 0.78%

$380,000 2.69%
[subaward-2 institution name] $- 0.00% $- 0.00% $- 0.00%

$- 0.00%
C. Fringe & I. Indirect

$600,000 3.85%

$600,000 3.85%

$600,000 4.24%

$600,000 4.24%

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%


$600,000 3.85%

$600,000 3.85% Lead

$600,000 4.24%

$600,000 4.24% Lead

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

[lead institution name]

$600,000 3.85%

$600,000 3.85%
[lead institution name]

$600,000 4.24%

$600,000 4.24%
[lead institution name]

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%
D. Equipment

$360,000 2.31% $235,000 1.51%

$25,000 0.16% $620,000 3.98%

$310,000 2.19% $185,000 1.31%

$25,000 0.18% $520,000 3.68%

$(50,000) 3.51% $(50,000) 3.51%

$- 0.00% $(100,000) 7.02%


$270,000 1.73% $160,000 1.03%

$430,000 2.76% Lead

$220,000 1.56% $110,000 0.78%

$330,000 2.33% Lead

$(50,000) 3.51% $(50,000) 3.51%

$(100,000) 7.02%

[lead institution name]

$270,000 1.73% $160,000 1.03%

$430,000 2.76%
[lead institution name]

$220,000 1.56% $110,000 0.78%

$330,000 2.33%
[lead institution name]

$(50,000) 3.51% $(50,000) 3.51%

$(100,000) 7.02%


$90,000 0.58% $75,000 0.48%

$25,000 0.16% $190,000 1.22% Subaward

$90,000 0.64% $75,000 0.53%

$25,000 0.18% $190,000 1.34% Subaward

$- 0.00% $- 0.00%

$- 0.00% $- 0.00%

[subaward-1 institution name]

$65,000 0.42% $45,000 0.29%

$110,000 0.71%
[subaward-1 institution name]

$65,000 0.46% $45,000 0.32%

$110,000 0.78%
[subaward-1 institution name]

$- 0.00% $- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

[subaward-2 institution name]

$25,000 0.16% $30,000 0.19%

$25,000 0.16% $80,000 0.51%
[subaward-2 institution name]

$25,000 0.18% $30,000 0.21%

$25,000 0.18% $80,000 0.57%
[subaward-2 institution name]

$- 0.00% $- 0.00%

$- 0.00% $- 0.00%
E. Travel

$235,000 1.51%

$235,000 1.51%

$210,000 1.48%

$210,000 1.48%

$(25,000) 1.75%

$(25,000) 1.75%


$160,000 1.03%

$160,000 1.03% Lead

$135,000 0.95%

$135,000 0.95% Lead

$(25,000) 1.75%

$(25,000) 1.75%

[lead institution name]

$160,000 1.03%

$160,000 1.03%
[lead institution name]

$135,000 0.95%

$135,000 0.95%
[lead institution name]

$(25,000) 1.75%

$(25,000) 1.75%


$75,000 0.48%

$75,000 0.48% Subaward

$75,000 0.53%

$75,000 0.53% Subaward

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

[subaward-1 institution name]

$75,000 0.48%

$75,000 0.48%
[subaward-1 institution name]

$75,000 0.53%

$75,000 0.53%
[subaward-1 institution name]

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%
G. 1. Materials and Supplies

$360,000 2.31%

$360,000 2.31%

$360,000 2.55%

$360,000 2.55%

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%


$120,000 0.77%

$120,000 0.77% Lead

$120,000 0.85%

$120,000 0.85% Lead

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

[lead institution name]

$120,000 0.77%

$120,000 0.77%
[lead institution name]

$120,000 0.85%

$120,000 0.85%
[lead institution name]

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%


$240,000 1.54%

$240,000 1.54% Subaward

$240,000 1.70%

$240,000 1.70% Subaward

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

[subaward-1 institution name]

$120,000 0.77%

$120,000 0.77%
[subaward-1 institution name]

$120,000 0.85%

$120,000 0.85%
[subaward-1 institution name]

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

[subaward-2 institution name]

$120,000 0.77%

$120,000 0.77%
[subaward-2 institution name]

$120,000 0.85%

$120,000 0.85%
[subaward-2 institution name]

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%
G. 3. Consultant Services

$1,690,000 10.85%

$1,975,000 12.68%

$3,665,000 23.54%

$1,345,000 9.51%

$1,025,000 7.25%

$2,370,000 16.76%

$(345,000) 24.21%

$(950,000) 66.67%

$(1,295,000) 90.88%

$945,000 6.07%

$1,475,000 9.47%

$2,420,000 15.54% Lead
$600,000 4.24%

$525,000 3.71%

$1,125,000 7.95% Lead
$(345,000) 24.21%

$(950,000) 66.67%

$(1,295,000) 90.88%

[lead institution name] $945,000 6.07%

$1,475,000 9.47%

$2,420,000 15.54%
[lead institution name] $600,000 4.24%

$525,000 3.71%

$1,125,000 7.95%
[lead institution name] $(345,000) 24.21%

$(950,000) 66.67%

$(1,295,000) 90.88%

$745,000 4.78%

$500,000 3.21%

$1,245,000 8.00% Subaward
$745,000 5.27%

$500,000 3.53%

$1,245,000 8.80% Subaward
$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

[subaward-1 institution name] $745,000 4.78%

$500,000 3.21%

$1,245,000 8.00%
[subaward-1 institution name] $745,000 5.27%

$500,000 3.53%

$1,245,000 8.80%
[subaward-1 institution name] $- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%
G. 4. Computer Services

$305,000 1.96%

$305,000 1.96%

$305,000 2.16%

$305,000 2.16%

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%


$130,000 0.83%

$130,000 0.83% Lead

$130,000 0.92%

$130,000 0.92% Lead

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

[lead institution name]

$130,000 0.83%

$130,000 0.83%
[lead institution name]

$130,000 0.92%

$130,000 0.92%
[lead institution name]

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%


$175,000 1.12%

$175,000 1.12% Subaward

$175,000 1.24%

$175,000 1.24% Subaward

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

[subaward-1 institution name]

$110,000 0.71%

$110,000 0.71%
[subaward-1 institution name]

$110,000 0.78%

$110,000 0.78%
[subaward-1 institution name]

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

[subaward-2 institution name]

$65,000 0.42%

$65,000 0.42%
[subaward-2 institution name]

$65,000 0.46%

$65,000 0.46%
[subaward-2 institution name]

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%
G. 5. Other

$1,000,000 6.42% $500,000 3.21%

$1,500,000 9.63%

$1,000,000 7.07% $500,000 3.53%

$1,500,000 10.60%

$- 0.00% $- 0.00%

$- 0.00%


$1,000,000 6.42% $500,000 3.21%

$1,500,000 9.63% Lead

$1,000,000 7.07% $500,000 3.53%

$1,500,000 10.60% Lead

$- 0.00% $- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

[lead institution name]

$1,000,000 6.42% $500,000 3.21%

$1,500,000 9.63%
[lead institution name]

$1,000,000 7.07% $500,000 3.53%

$1,500,000 10.60%
[lead institution name]

$- 0.00% $- 0.00%

$- 0.00%
Infrastructure Construction

$1,050,000 6.74%

$1,050,000 6.74%

$1,050,000 7.42%

$1,050,000 7.42%

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%


$500,000 3.21%

$500,000 3.21% Lead

$500,000 3.53%

$500,000 3.53% Lead

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

[lead institution name]

$500,000 3.21%

$500,000 3.21%
[lead institution name]

$500,000 3.53%

$500,000 3.53%
[lead institution name]

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%


$550,000 3.53%

$550,000 3.53% Subaward

$550,000 3.89%

$550,000 3.89% Subaward

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

[subaward-1 institution name]

$325,000 2.09%

$325,000 2.09%
[subaward-1 institution name]

$325,000 2.30%

$325,000 2.30%
[subaward-1 institution name]

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%

[subaward-2 institution name]

$225,000 1.45%

$225,000 1.45%
[subaward-2 institution name]

$225,000 1.59%

$225,000 1.59%
[subaward-2 institution name]

$- 0.00%

$- 0.00%
Total Result

$3,575,000 22.96% $3,330,000 21.39% $5,065,000 32.53% $2,335,000 15.00% $600,000 3.85% $665,000 4.27% $15,570,000 100.00%

$3,230,000 22.83% $3,280,000 23.19% $4,065,000 28.74% $2,305,000 16.30% $600,000 4.24% $665,000 4.70% $14,145,000 100.00%

$(345,000) 24.21% $(50,000) 3.51% $(1,000,000) 70.18% $(30,000) 2.11% $- 0.00% $- 0.00% $(1,425,000) 100.00%

Sheet 6: Organization Lists--pivot table

List of Partner Organizations in Updated Budget

Updated List of Partner Organizations in Resources

Green buttons update all tables related to budget

Count of Resource Value (updated)
Resource Value (updated)

Partnership Role Institution Sum of Updated Cost
Partnership Role Institution Low ($0-250k) Medium ($250-750k) High (>$750k) Total Result


[lead institution name] $7,040,000

ACME Science & Technology Corporation 3

Formal Partner
Formal Partner
3 4 3 10

[subaward-1 institution name] $4,620,000

LMN University 3 1
Informal Partner

University of XYZ
3 3 6

[subaward-2 institution name] $2,485,000
Informal Partner

Total Result

ABC University

Total Result
6 7 3 16

Blue buttons update all tables related to resources

Sheet 7: Org Budgets--pivot tables

Use buttons to filter tables on Core Function and Institution Budgets


Data reflects Team's suggested updates to their budget

Data reflects Team's suggested updates to their resources

Green buttons update all tables related to budget

Blue buttons update all tables related to resources To see the full set of resources see the Summary Resources tab


Cost Category # %

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $6,005,000 42.45%

B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) $1,225,000 8.66%

C. Fringe & I. Indirect $600,000 4.24%

D. Equipment $520,000 3.68%

E. Travel $210,000 1.48%

G. 1. Materials and Supplies $360,000 2.55%

G. 3. Consultant Services $2,370,000 16.76%

G. 4. Computer Services $305,000 2.16%

G. 5. Other $1,500,000 10.60%

Infrastructure Construction $1,050,000 7.42%

Total Result $14,145,000 100.00%

Budgets per Activity (Using Updated Budget)

Resources per Activity (Using Updated Resources)

Activity Resource Type Resource Detail (empty)
Activity Cost Category # %

$1,000,000 7.07%

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $610,000 4.31%

Manufacturing research facilities and equipment

B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) $100,000 0.71% R/D-2

D. Equipment $50,000 0.35%
Lab Space

G. 1. Materials and Supplies $185,000 1.31%

Lab space for execution of Engine project and student projects

G. 4. Computer Services $55,000 0.39% R/D-3

$1,190,000 8.41%

B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) $60,000 0.42%

Large facility oufitted with advanced prototyping and manufacturing equipment; lead us-inspired R&D

D. Equipment $55,000 0.39% R/D-4

G. 4. Computer Services $75,000 0.53%

G. 5. Other $1,000,000 7.07%

Dedicated lab space
$425,000 3.00% TR-1

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $160,000 1.13%

B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) $75,000 0.53%

Facilitate technology transfer efforts; Support for venture funding pipelines and commercialization

D. Equipment $125,000 0.88%

G. 4. Computer Services $65,000 0.46%


$250,000 1.77%

Center for translating new technologies into real-world products

B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) $80,000 0.57%

D. Equipment $50,000 0.35%


G. 1. Materials and Supplies $65,000 0.46%

Partnership coordination; Workforce training initiatives

G. 4. Computer Services $55,000 0.39%

$415,000 2.93%


A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $160,000 1.13%

Large population of underserved students; Lead outreach with partners; develop workforce training programs

B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) $60,000 0.42%

Postdoctoral researcher mentoring program

D. Equipment $30,000 0.21%

G. 1. Materials and Supplies $110,000 0.78%


G. 4. Computer Services $55,000 0.39%

Lead student entrepeneur programs

$1,295,000 9.16%

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $460,000 3.25%


B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) $185,000 1.31%

Training students to be ready to enter the workforce

D. Equipment $50,000 0.35%

G. 3. Consultant Services $25,000 0.18%


Infrastructure Construction $575,000 4.07%

Dedicated office space

$1,440,000 10.18%

Dedicated office space; access to conference and meeting facilities

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $160,000 1.13%

Dedicated office space; access to conference and meeting facilities; updated includes additional dedicated

B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) $80,000 0.57%

Lead outreach with partners within the state

G. 3. Consultant Services $400,000 2.83%

G. 5. Other $500,000 3.53%


Infrastructure Construction $300,000 2.12%

Dedicated office space

$65,000 0.46%
Total Result

D. Equipment $65,000 0.46%

$340,000 2.40%

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $160,000 1.13%

B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) $110,000 0.78%

D. Equipment $70,000 0.49%

$925,000 6.54%

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $150,000 1.06%

G. 3. Consultant Services $600,000 4.24%

Infrastructure Construction $175,000 1.24%

$510,000 3.61%

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $300,000 2.12%

B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) $60,000 0.42%

G. 3. Consultant Services $150,000 1.06%

$585,000 4.14%

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $160,000 1.13%

B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) $175,000 1.24%

G. 3. Consultant Services $250,000 1.77%

$910,000 6.43%

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $480,000 3.39%

B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) $80,000 0.57%

G. 3. Consultant Services $350,000 2.47%

$420,000 2.97%

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $310,000 2.19%

B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) $110,000 0.78%

$805,000 5.69%

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $160,000 1.13%

B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) $50,000 0.35%

G. 3. Consultant Services $595,000 4.21%

$600,000 4.24%

C. Fringe & I. Indirect $600,000 4.24%

$160,000 1.13%

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $160,000 1.13%

$160,000 1.13%

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $160,000 1.13%

$160,000 1.13%

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $160,000 1.13%

$160,000 1.13%

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $160,000 1.13%

$25,000 0.18%

D. Equipment $25,000 0.18%

$2,305,000 16.30%

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $2,095,000 14.81%

E. Travel $210,000 1.48%

Total Result
$14,145,000 100.00%

Sheet 8: Activity Budgets--pivot tables

Use buttons to filter tables on Core Function and Activity Updated Budget

Updated Resources

Data reflects Team's suggested updates to their budget

Data reflects Team's suggested updates to their resources

To see the full set of resources see the Summary Resources tab


Cost Category # %

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff) $6,005,000 42.45%

B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc) $1,225,000 8.66%

C. Fringe & I. Indirect $600,000 4.24%

D. Equipment $520,000 3.68%

E. Travel $210,000 1.48%

G. 1. Materials and Supplies $360,000 2.55%

G. 3. Consultant Services $2,370,000 16.76%

G. 4. Computer Services $305,000 2.16%

G. 5. Other $1,500,000 10.60%

Infrastructure Construction $1,050,000 7.42%

Total Result $14,145,000 100.00%

Budgets per Organization (Using Updated Budget)

Resources per Organization (Using Updated Resources)

Institution Resource Type Resource Detail (empty)

Cost Category Institution Type Institution # % ABC University

A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff)

$6,005,000 42.45%

$2,135,000 15.09%

Dedicated lab space

[lead institution name] $2,135,000 15.09%

Lead outreach with partners within the state

$3,870,000 27.36%

Lead student entrepeneur programs

[subaward-1 institution name] $2,255,000 15.94% ACME Science & Technology Corporation

[subaward-2 institution name] $1,615,000 11.42%

B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc)

$1,225,000 8.66%

Partnership coordination; Workforce training initiatives

$465,000 3.29%

[lead institution name] $465,000 3.29%

Center for translating new technologies into real-world products

$760,000 5.37%

Manufacturing research facilities and equipment

[subaward-1 institution name] $380,000 2.69% LMN University

[subaward-2 institution name] $380,000 2.69%

C. Fringe & I. Indirect

$600,000 4.24%

Dedicated office space; access to conference and meeting facilities

$600,000 4.24%

Dedicated office space; access to conference and meeting facilities; updated includes additional dedicated

[lead institution name] $600,000 4.24%

Facilitate technology transfer efforts; Support for venture funding pipelines and commercialization
D. Equipment

$520,000 3.68%

Training students to be ready to enter the workforce

$330,000 2.33% University of XYZ

[lead institution name] $330,000 2.33%
Lab Space

$190,000 1.34%

Lab space for execution of Engine project and student projects

[subaward-1 institution name] $110,000 0.78%

[subaward-2 institution name] $80,000 0.57%

Dedicated office space
E. Travel

$210,000 1.48%

Large facility oufitted with advanced prototyping and manufacturing equipment; lead us-inspired R&D

$135,000 0.95%

Large population of underserved students; Lead outreach with partners; develop workforce training programs

[lead institution name] $135,000 0.95%

Postdoctoral researcher mentoring program

$75,000 0.53% Total Result

[subaward-1 institution name] $75,000 0.53%

G. 1. Materials and Supplies

$360,000 2.55%

$120,000 0.85%

[lead institution name] $120,000 0.85%

$240,000 1.70%

[subaward-1 institution name] $120,000 0.85%

[subaward-2 institution name] $120,000 0.85%

G. 3. Consultant Services

$2,370,000 16.76%

$1,125,000 7.95%

[lead institution name] $1,125,000 7.95%

$1,245,000 8.80%

[subaward-1 institution name] $1,245,000 8.80%

G. 4. Computer Services

$305,000 2.16%

$130,000 0.92%

[lead institution name] $130,000 0.92%

$175,000 1.24%

[subaward-1 institution name] $110,000 0.78%

[subaward-2 institution name] $65,000 0.46%

G. 5. Other

$1,500,000 10.60%

$1,500,000 10.60%

[lead institution name] $1,500,000 10.60%

Infrastructure Construction

$1,050,000 7.42%

$500,000 3.53%

[lead institution name] $500,000 3.53%

$550,000 3.89%

[subaward-1 institution name] $325,000 2.30%

[subaward-2 institution name] $225,000 1.59%

Total Result

$14,145,000 100.00%

Sheet 9: Lookup tables

Cost Category
Institution Type
Core Function
Organization Type
Partnership Role
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff)
Workforce Development
Year 1
Low ($0-250k)
University (granting doctoral or master's degrees)
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc)
Use-inspired R/D
Year 2
Medium ($250-750k)
Formal Partner
Ecosystem Building
C. Fringe & I. Indirect

Translation Innovations to Practice

High (>$750k)
US Industry
Informal Partner
D. Equipment

Governance and Management

Venture Capitalist

E. Travel

Other Ecosystem Building

State or local government


F. Participant Support

Federal Government


G. 1. Materials and Supplies

Private Foundation


G. 3. Consultant Services



G. 4. Computer Services

US College (e.g. community, technical)


G. 5. Other

Tribal College


Infrastructure Construction

Workforce Development

Tribal Nation


Use-inspired R/D


National Lab or FFRDC (Federally Funded R&D Center)


Translation Innovations to Practice
Year 1
Low ($0-250k)
Angel Investor
A, B. 2,5,6 Salaries and Wages (Faculty/Staff)
Governance and Management
Year 2

Medium ($250-750k)
Quasi Government
Formal Partner
Ecosystem Building
B.1,3,4 Other Personnel (Postdocs/Students/etc)

Other Ecosystem Building

High (>$750k)
Industry Association
Informal Partner
C. Fringe & I. Indirect

Foreign Industry

D. Equipment

Foreign Institution of HIgher Education


E. Travel

Foreign Government


F. Participant Support



G. 1. Materials and Supplies


G. 3. Consultant Services


G. 4. Computer Services

G. 5. Other


Infrastructure Construction

University (granting doctoral or master's degrees)




US Industry


Venture Capitalist


State or local government


Federal Government


Private Foundation




US College (e.g. community, technical)


Tribal College


Tribal Nation


National Lab or FFRDC (Federally Funded R&D Center)


Angel Investor


Quasi Government


Industry Association


Foreign Industry


Foreign Institution of HIgher Education


Foreign Government





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