Program Letter 19-03

PL 19-03.pdf

Railroad Separation Allowance or Severance Pay Report

Program Letter 19-03

OMB: 3220-0173

Document [pdf]
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United States
Railroad Retirement Board
Office of Programs

Quality Reporting Service Center
Email: [email protected]
Letter No. 2019-03

Phone: (312) 751-4992
Fax: (312) 751-7123
Date: September 30, 2019

Certification Contact Officials

SUBJECT: Electronic Version of Form BA-9 Available on the Employer Reporting System

Please share this information with the appropriate members of your staff who file service
and compensation reporting forms for employees of your organization.

We have updated the services available on the Employer Reporting System (ERSNet) to now
include Form BA-9, Report of Separation Allowance or Severance Pay. Effective September 30,
2019, a limited number of employers will be approved to use the Internet version of the BA-9 in
order to securely, conveniently, and efficiently transmit separation allowance or severance pay
This new addition joins the twenty (20) employer forms and notices currently available in the
ERSNet system. For a full list of forms, please refer to Section F of the attached BA-12 form.
BA-9 Background
Form BA-9, Report of Separation Allowance or Severance Pay, is used by the Railroad
Retirement Board (RRB) to establish a disqualification period for unemployment and sickness
benefits and to calculate any Separation Allowance Lump-Sum benefit due at retirement. In order
for employees to be eligible for this benefit, the RRB must collect and maintain records of
separation allowances and severance payments which were subject to Tier II taxation. Information
on Form BA-9 may also be used to make deemed service month determinations.
General background information about Form BA-9 and its use can be found in Part V, Chapter 6,
of both the Rail Employer and the Labor Employer Reporting Instructions.
Detailed instructions on how to use the system are covered in Part VIII of both the Rail Employer
and the Labor Employer Reporting Instructions.


Rail Employer Reporting Instructions

Labor Employer Reporting Instructions:

Access Levels on the ERSNet Site
Access to ERSNet is role-based, which means that each user's access is tailored to the role or work
they do at their company. Access levels are assigned by the company, allowing employers to retain
control over the forms their employees can view and submit. If you are not enrolled and want to
begin filing your reports on ERSNet follow the instructions below. An Explanation of Access
Levels is enclosed.
Applying for Access
To apply for access do the following:

Read the attached “Security Guidelines,” explaining your responsibilities as a user of ERSNet.
They are also available in Part 8 of both the Rail Employer and the Labor Employer Reporting
Rail Employer Reporting Instructions:
Labor Employer Reporting Instructions:


File the attached Form BA-12, Application for Employer Reporting Internet Access. Complete
Sections A, B, C, and D then have the designated employee sign Item 5 in Section B and return
the form to you. The certification in Section E must be completed by an official of the company
who has authority to sign official RRB forms. If you have signature authority, sign the
certification. Otherwise, the company president and those persons designated on Form G-117A,
Designation of Contact Official, are assumed to have signature authority. For additional copies
of Form BA-12 or information on how to complete it, go directly to or contact the Quality Reporting Service Center at the
telephone number or email address shown above. All employer forms can be accessed on the
RRB website at

Within three to five days of receipt of an acceptable application, we will mail your user ID and
password along with instructions for accessing the site. To deter fraudulent use of ERSNet, the
Form BA-12 cannot be completed or filed on our website; original signatures (no reproductions)
are needed and it must be transmitted by U.S. or express mail carrier. For security reasons,
facsimiles are not acceptable.


Security Guidelines
Explanation of Access Levels
Form BA-12


Attachment for PL 19-03
Security Guidelines
The site,, is an official United States
Government site intended for use by employers covered under the Railroad Retirement
and Railroad Unemployment Insurance Acts in filing service and compensation reports
with the Railroad Retirement Board and related activities. The site is referred to as the
Employer Reporting System (ERSNet). The Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) is taking all
reasonable measures to ensure the security of the information sent and received via the
ERSNet site.
Transmission Security utilizes a secure transmission protocol (Secure Sockets Layer – SSL)
to provide encryption protection for the communication between your computer and the
server that RRB uses for the Employer Reporting Internet site. You will note that the
address to the site begins “https” rather than “http”. This indicates you are connecting to
a secure site using Secure Sockets Layer.
Authentication of User
The RRB uses a written application form to ensure that only authorized users have access
to the system. The application is signed by an authorized representative of the employer
and reviewed by the RRB. Once authorized, future authentication is controlled by a logon
and password. A logon, if used to file forms, has the same status as a signature on a
paper document.
Password Security
It is the responsibility of each individual to keep secure the password supplied for the
purpose of accessing the RRB employer site. In applying for access, you agree not to
share your password and to log onto the system only as yourself. All individuals requiring
access to the system should apply for their own access. Users are responsible for all use
of their password accounts. The system will prompt you to change your password every
60 days. If you do not access the system that often, you will be prompted to change your
password upon accessing the system but in no case will passwords remain active longer
than 200 days.
Secure Your PC
It is the responsibility of each individual to secure their personal computers. When you
step away from your computer, it is important to lock or turn it off so that unauthorized
persons cannot use your computer to masquerade as you and gain illegal access.
Password Lockout
If you type your password incorrectly more than three times, you will be temporarily locked
out of the ERSNet system. If you are locked out or suspect that your password may have
been compromised, contact the password administrator (312) 751-4992.
Password Termination
When an employee who has access to this system, leaves your company, notify the RRB
to terminate their access by completing Form BA-12, Application for Employer Reporting
Internet Access. Forms should either be mailed to the address listed under Section E or
faxed to (312) 751-7123. If you suspect an employee is, or may become, a security
problem, immediately call the password administrator at (312) 751-4992. The RRB has
the capability to lock out users on a temporary or permanent basis.

Security Guidelines
Session Timeout
For security reasons, a session will not remain open indefinitely. Twenty minutes of
inactivity will result in an open session being deleted. Any data entered to a screen but
not “updated” or “approved” depending on the options for that screen, will be lost when a
session is deleted.
Privacy and Law Enforcement Investigations
The RRB is committed to protecting privacy. Any personal information you provide as part
of the application process will be used only for the purposes described. Your logon and
password control confidentiality of employer data by making available only information you
are authorized to receive. System administrators will not read files unless absolutely
necessary in the course of their duties and will treat the contents of those files as private
information at all times.
The ERSNet system maintains statistical information concerning network traffic flow and
volume including date, time, Internet protocol, type of browser and operating system. We
do not collect personal information about you just because you visit the site. An attempt
to identify individual users will be made if, and only if, illegal behavior is suspected.
For site security purposes, we have software that can identify users. If illegal behavior is
suspected, this software could be used to:
1. trace the source of an attack designed to disrupt the site,
2. trace the source of an unauthorized attempt to modify information stored on this
system, or
3. prove whether fraud has occurred in connection with a law enforcement investigation.
Use of this system constitutes consent to such tracing and auditing.
Unauthorized or Fraudulent Use
Any person who knowingly and willingly:
1. makes any representation that is false
a. to obtain information from RRB records and/or,
b. intended to deceive the RRB as to the true identity of an individual; or
2. obtains unauthorized access and/or modifies information on this site, could be
punished by a fine or imprisonment, or both.
This site uses temporary session “cookies” to give you a single, uninterrupted session
when you are online. This allows you to move from one secure section to another without
having to re-enter your logon and password. We do not use persistent “cookies” which
are permanent files placed on a visitor’s site to allow a website to monitor a visitor’s use
of the site. To the extent we use any cookies; they expire and are immediately deleted no
later than the closing of the Web browser.

Attachment for PL 19-03

Explanation of Access Levels
Access is to Specific Forms
When the RRB was developing requirements for the Internet system, some employers
required that the work of a department remain private within that department. As a result,
we developed a “roles-based access” which provides access on an individual form basis.
An employee’s access is expected to be specific to their role, or work, at their company. If a
form is used only by one department, access can be limited to employees in that
Two-Step Update and Approval Process
Again, when developing requirements, some employers required that a manager review and
certify service and compensation reports completed by their staff. Others indicated that the
person authorized to complete the report was also authorized to certify and file the report
without additional review. No employer required a review of forms other than BA-3, BA-4,
and BA-11 as these are the only forms which change the RRB record of an employee’s
service and compensation.
The RRB access system was designed to account for all of these differences. A separate
update function was developed for Form BA-4. If you wish to use a second person as a
reviewer, assign update access to the staff that prepare the BA-4’s and assign approve
access to the staff that review and certify BA-4’s to the RRB. If you do not wish to use a
second person as a reviewer, do not assign update access. Rather assign approve access
to the staff that prepare and certify the BA-4’s.
Update Access
This access is used only with forms that change the RRB’s record of service and
compensation, as explained above. Update access allows a person to complete or update a
Form BA-4, but not to submit the form to the RRB. The form is updated to the system where
it will await approval. The form appears in the “outstanding items” list with a status of
“awaiting approval.” Only a person with approve access can submit or certify the form to the
RRB. While the form is pending approval, it can be modified by the original updater. Once
the form has been approved, it is no longer available on the system and no further changes
are possible.
Approve Access
Only a person with approve access can certify and submit forms to the RRB. For most
forms, the person with approve access will also be the person who completes the form. In
the case of a BA-4, the person with approve access may be approving a form completed by
an updater, as explained above, or may prepare and certify their own BA-4’s. A person with
approve access can delete a form created by an updater. A person with approve access
can also modify a form created by an updater; however, the form must be updated again
before it is approved. This is a security measure so that all the updates can be recorded for
the appropriate person.
Read-Only Access
This access is used with forms that have summary reports. Read access to Form BA-4 is
access to the BA-4 summary report, not to pending Forms BA-4. Read access does not
include access to pending work on the system whether initiated by the RRB or by the
employer. There is no read access to Forms BA-6a or GL-129a as these forms do not
include reports.

Attachment for PL 19-03
United States of America
Railroad Retirement Board

Form Approved
OMB No. 3220-0008

Application for Employer Reporting Internet Access
General Instructions – This form may be used by employers covered under the Railroad Retirement and Railroad
Unemployment Insurance Acts to add, modify, or terminate employee access to the Railroad Retirement Board’s (RRB)
Employer Reporting System (ERSNet). You may request system access for one or more employees, and you may
authorize different levels of access for each employee. You may also request that an individual employee file online
reports on behalf of one or more subsidiary or affiliate employers. In each case, your employees must certify that they will
adhere to the RRB’s security guidelines, which include the use of an authoritative electronic signature. The Security
Guidelines are under Part VIII, Chapter 8 of the Reporting Instructions on the RRB’s website.

To request new or modified system access, complete the entire form.


To terminate an employee’s access, complete only Sections A, B(1-4), D1, and E.

Making representations on this form to gain unauthorized access to the RRB Employer Reporting System or
using an authorized access for fraudulent purposes is a violation of federal law punishable by fine,
imprisonment, or both.
We estimate this form takes an average of 10 to 20 minutes per response to complete, including the time needed for
reviewing the instructions, getting the needed data, and reviewing the completed form. Federal agencies may not conduct
or sponsor, and respondents are not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB
number. If you wish, send comments regarding the accuracy of our estimate or any other aspect of this form, including
suggestions for reducing the completion time, to: Associate Chief Information Officer for Policy and Compliance, Railroad
Retirement Board, 844 N. Rush Street, Chicago, IL 60611-1275.
Employer Information
Section A
In this section, enter the BA number, name, and address of the employer whose reports will be accessed online.
Special Instructions to Request Access on Behalf of Multiple Employers – If you are requesting the same level of
access for the employee listed in Section B on behalf of multiple employers, list all affected BA numbers in Item 1. If you
are requesting different levels of access for this employee for different employers, file a separate application for each
level of access.

BA Number(s):


Name and Address of Employer – If you are requesting access on behalf of multiple employers, provide only the
name and address of the employer serving as primary contact for this account.

Section B




Employee Information


Telephone Number


Email Address


5. I have read the document "Security Guidelines" and agree to comply with these guidelines. I understand that my
logon, if used to file forms, has the same status as my signature on a paper document. I also understand that
providing false or fraudulent information through the RRB Employer Reporting System is a violation of federal law
punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both.
Signature: _____________________________________________________

Date: _______________________

Form BA-12 (09-19)

Attachment for PL 19-03
Group or Section Email Address to Receive Notices
Section C
Complete this section only if you prefer to designate a group or section email address as the default address for RRB
work notices, rather than the email address listed in Section B above.

Default Email Address:


If you have more than one group or section email address, number each address and specify here which forms or
group of forms are associated with each address.

Requested Action and Level of Access
Add New User
Action (check appropriate box)

Section D

Modify Access

Terminate Access

Explanation of the Levels of Access Used in Section F on the next page.
User can only view the forms. Restricts access to “read only.”
User has access to complete or “update” a form that changes the RRB's record of service and
compensation. User cannot submit the form to the RRB without authorization.
User has access to approve, update, certify and submit forms to the RRB. Level “A” access is
appropriate for personnel who work independently and supervisory approval is not needed.
Terminate User is prohibited from access to ERSNet or a particular form.
For additional information on levels of access, see Part VIII, Chapter 2 of the Reporting Instructions.

Section E
Certification of Authority to Approve Access
The form must be signed by an official with signature authority to sign RRB forms for the employer(s) listed in Section A.
Signatures of two individuals are not required if the employee listed in Section B has authority to sign RRB forms. The
head of the company and those persons designated on Form G-117A, Designation of Contact Official, have signature
authority. A contact official may assign signature authority to a designee, but the RRB will verify with the contact official
any signatures other than those of a contact official.
1. Name (Print)
2. Title
3. Telephone Number



I have signature authority to approve this request and authorize the RRB to grant access as indicated above. I
understand that I am responsible for notifying the RRB if, in the future, this individual's access should be terminated.
Signature: _____________________________________________________

Date: _____________________

Questions? Please contact the System Administrator at (312) 751-4961 or the Quality Reporting Service Center at (312) 751-4992.

Mail this completed application to:

Quality Reporting Service Center
Railroad Retirement Board
844 N. Rush Street
Chicago, IL 60611-1275

For RRB Use: Access _______________________________

Reviewed by: __________________________________________

Continued on Next Page

Page 2

Form BA-12 (09-19)

Attachment for PL 19-03
Section F

Forms and Levels of Access

Check one box for each form. Note: Employee’s level of access will apply for all employers listed in Section A.1.
Form BA-3, Annual Report of Creditable Compensation





Form BA-4, Report of Creditable Compensation Adjustments







Form BA-6a, Form BA-6 Address Report
Form BA-9, Report of Separation Allowance or Severance Pay





Form BA-11, Report of Gross Earnings





Form G-73a.1, Notice of Death of Railroad Retirement Annuitant


Form G-88A.1, Request for Verification of Last Date Carried on Payroll





Form G-88A.2, Notice of Retirement and Request for Service Needed for





Form G-88P, Employer’s Supplemental Pension Report









Form GL-129a, Record of Employer Determination on Employee Protest of
Service and Compensation
Form ID-3s, Request for Lien Information; Report of Settlement
Form ID-3u, Request for Section 2(f) Information


Form ID-4E, Notice of RUIA Claim Determinations




Form ID-4K, Prepayment Notice of Employees' Applications and Claims for
Benefits under RUIA




Form ID-6, Report of Tier I Tax Transactions



Form ID-6Y, Annual Summary of Tier I Tax Transactions



Form ID-30b, Notice of Lien







Form RL-5a, Notice to Employer of Annuity Award



Form SI-5F (SUP), Status Report – Personal Injury Claims


Form ID-40Q, Quarterly Notice to Employers – Railroad Unemployment Insurance
Form ID-40R/S, Annual Notice to Employers – Railroad Unemployment Insurance
Act and Annual Proclamation

Page 3



Form BA-12 (09-19)

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleProgram Letter 19-03
SubjectElectronic Version of Form BA-9 Available on the Employer Reporting System (ERSNet)
File Modified2019-10-01
File Created2019-10-01

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