Explain the circumstances that make the collection of information necessary. Identify any legal or administrative requirements that necessitate the collection. Attach a copy of the appropriate section of each statute and regulation mandating or authorizing the collection of information.
This information collection is used by the Forest Service to evaluate and ensure that authorized uses of National Forest System (NFS) lands are in the public interest and are compatible with the agency’s mission. The information helps the agency identify environmental and social impacts of special uses for purposes of compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and program administration. In addition, the agency uses the information to ascertain whether the land use fee being charged for special use authorizations is based on market value. The information is collected through application forms and terms and conditions in special use authorizations and operating plans. Ongoing uses must be monitored to ensure compliance with the terms of the corresponding authorizations. In certain situations, information from the authorization holder is the only way the Forest Service can verify compliance with the terms of an authorization.
Several statutes authorize the Forest Service to issue and administer authorizations for use and occupancy of NFS lands and require the collection of information from the public for those purposes. The laws for authorizing the use and managing these uses of NFS lands include:
The Organic Administration Act of 1897 (16 U.S.C. 551);
Title V of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA, 43 U.S.C. 1761-1771);
The Act of March 4, 1915 (16 U.S.C. 497);
The National Forest Ski Area Permit Act (16 U.S.C. 497b);
Section 28 of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 185);
The National Forest Roads and Trails Act (FRTA, 16 U.S.C. 532-538);
Section 7 of the Granger-Thye Act (16 U.S.C. 480d);
The Act of May 26, 2000 (16 U.S.C. 460l-6d);
The Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (16 U.S.C. 6801-6814);
Act of September 3, 1954 (68 Stat. 1146; 43 U.S.C. 931c, 931d);
Archeological Resource Protection Act of October 31st , 1979 (16 U.S.C.1996)
The Rural Electrification Act of 1936, as amended
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Forest Service regulations implementing these authorities, found at 36 CFR part 251, subpart B, contain information collection requirements, including submission of applications, execution of forms, and imposition of terms and conditions that entail information collection requirements, such as the requirement to submit annual financial information; to prepare and update an operating plan; to prepare and update a maintenance plan; and to submit compliance reports and information updates. The information collection requirements described in this request for an extension with revision of a currently approved information collection are necessary for the Forest Service to issue and administer special use authorizations to use and occupy NFS lands under these authorities.
From time to time, the agency will be making minor changes to the forms included in this approval. These revisions will not materially change the information collection, but rather the terms and conditions and legal authorities that govern special use authorizations.
Indicate how, by whom, and for what purpose the information is to be used. Except for a new collection, indicate the actual use the agency has made of the information received from the current collection.
What information will be collected – reported or recorded? (If there are pieces of information that are especially burdensome in the collection, a specific explanation should be provided.)
Information requests for the issuance and administration of special use authorizations can be categorized as follows: (1) information required from proponents and applicants to evaluate proposals and applications to use or occupy NFS lands; (2) information required from applicants to complete special use authorizations; (3) annual financial information required from authorization holders (holders) to determine land use fees; (4) information required from holders to prepare and update operating plans; (5) information required from holders to prepare and update maintenance plans; and (6) information required from holders to complete compliance reports and information updates. The six categories cover all information collection requirements involved in administration of the special uses program, including application and reporting forms; authorization forms; supplemental special use authorization clauses in Forest Service Handbook 2709.11, chapter 50, and information collection requirements not associated with an approved standard form.
None of the requested information is especially burdensome. When requested, financial information is the same information, and in the same level of detail, that must be supplied to the Internal Revenue Service or maintained under traditional sound business management practices.
Category 1: The Application Process
The application includes both the proposal to use NFS lands and the application for an authorization. When a proposal is accepted it moves forward as an application. The information in this process identifies the applicant, is used to determine if a requested use can be authorized and provides the required information for the authorization. The typical application information in the application process is:
identification of the applicant;
a description of the proposed use;
the location and duration of the proposed use;
the technical and financial capability of the applicant;
alternative locations considered for the proposed use, including non-federal lands;
anticipated environmental impacts associated with the proposed use and proposed mitigation of those impacts; and
information needed to recover agency costs to process an application and monitor a special use authorization. The authorized officer evaluates this information and makes a decision to grant or deny the application.
Category 2: Special Use Authorizations
A special use authorization is a revocable permit, term permit, lease, or easement which provides permission, without conveying an interest in land, to occupy and use NFS lands for specified purposes and for a specified term.
There are approximately 60,688 special use authorizations in effect, authorizing a variety of activities that range from individual private uses to large-scale commercial facilities and public services. Examples of authorized special uses include public and private road rights-of-way, apiaries, domestic water supply conveyance systems, telephone and electric service rights-of-way, oil and gas pipeline rights-of-way, communications facilities, hydroelectric power-generating facilities, ski areas, resorts, marinas, municipal sewage treatment plants, and public parks and playgrounds. Each year the Forest Service issues approximately 8,000 special use authorizations. Due to the complexity of the special uses program, the use of standard forms to issue special use authorizations is critical to administration of the program.
Under 36 CFR part 251, subpart B, each special use authorization may be modified to include supplemental clauses (as described in Forest Service Handbook 2709.11, chapter 50) based on local conditions, unique situations, environmental needs, liability concerns, and changes in applicable law.
Category 3: Annual Financial Information
For some special use authorizations, the land use fee is determined from financial statements or accounting records maintained by the holder. For example, the land use fee may be calculated based on the number and types of users of the site or the gross revenue generated by the authorized use. Without this information, the government would not have the information necessary to calculate the holder's land use fee. This information may be obtained only from the holder and usually involves records the holder maintains in the normal course of business.
In some situations, the holder's certified public accountant or business manager extracts information from the holder's financial statements to complete the information collection. These data are reviewed and certified by the holder and forwarded to the Forest Service for the purpose of calculating the land use fee. Without this type of financial information, there would be no way to compute the land use fee.
A requirement for the holder to submit annual or quarterly financial information may be contained in fee clauses incorporated in a special use authorization. Some holders are required to submit quarterly financial information to facilitate multiple billings during the year.
Category 4: Preparing and Updating Operating Plans
Special use authorizations may contain a clause requiring the holder to prepare and update an operating plan governing day-to-day operations of the authorized use. This information is useful to the holder and the authorized officer because it specifies procedures and policies for conducting the authorized use. Typically, operating plans contain daily operating guidelines, fire abatement and control procedures, monitoring guidelines, maintenance standards, safety and emergency plans, and inspection standards. Operating plans are usually necessary for complex operations, commercial uses, and uses conducted in environmentally sensitive areas.
Category 5: Preparing and Updating Maintenance Plans
A permit or easement issued under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act or The National Forest Roads and Trails Act may require the holder or grantee to submit and update a road maintenance plan or information necessary for the preparation of a road maintenance plan. A road maintenance plan governs a holder's or grantee's responsibility to perform or pay for maintenance of a National Forest System (NFS) road.
Category 6: Compliance Reports and Information Updates
Special use authorizations may contain a clause requiring the holder to provide the authorized officer with compliance reports, information reports, and other information required by federal law or to manage NFS lands to address protection of national forest resources and public health and safety. Examples of compliance and information updates include notifications involving a change in ownership of authorized improvements or a change in control of the holder; and documentation of compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Please refer to question 12 for a list of the individual forms.
From whom will the information be collected? If there are different respondent categories (for example, loan applicant versus a bank versus an appraiser), each should be described along with the type of collection activity that applies.
The Forest Service collects the information from new applicants and those holding a special use authorization (holders). Holders and Applicants for special use authorizations to use NFS lands are represented by all the various uses. In the approximately 60,688 authorizations, the proportions are as follows: 42 percent are individuals (single person, husband and wife, or family trust); 41 percent are private sector businesses (sole proprietor, partnerships, corporations, schools, and charities); 15 percent encompass state, tribal, and local governmental entities; and 2 percent encompass federal entities. This breakdown has been verified in 2024 and is more or less consistent with the previous submission. Special Use Authorization holders and applicants represent all individuals and organization types in the United States. Individuals, partnerships, trust, corporations, organizations, federal, state, and local governmental entities, and tribes all have uses on NFS lands.
These uses of NFS lands range from an individual’s driveway to interstate gas lines; a single boat dock to multi-million-dollar recreation resorts; or a small (fee exempt) not-for-profit utility to multi-national corporations and federal power organizations.
What will this information be used for - provide ALL uses?
The information collected is used to issue authorizations and enforce compliance with the terms of the authorization, and reports are generated to ensure fees are paid (such as recreation residence cabins or communications uses) and to monitor growth of the Special Use Program. This helps with budget forecasting and program development.
How will the information be collected (for example, forms, non-forms, electronically, face-to-face, over the phone, over the Internet)? Does the respondent have multiple options for providing the information? If so, what are they?
Typically, the information is collected via delivery of the form via hard copy mail, FAX or in electronic format via e-mail. Since most of these forms are legally binding Agreements, they require a signature for the attestation or acceptance, with an original signature.
How frequently will the information be collected?
It varies. Based on the length of the authorization and the type of use, forms have a use period ranging from short-term (days or months), to long-term (up to 50 years). Thus, depending on the use type, information can be collected with varying frequencies. Large resorts may provide fee information on a monthly basis, whereas a 30-year term special use permit for a driveway may not be required to submit information but once or twice over the term of the authorization.
Will the information be shared with any other organizations inside or outside USDA or the government?
The information is not shared in any routine or established manner. Information is released in certain situations such as audits by USDA Office of the Inspector General, FOIA’s, and the Government Accountability Office, and yearly requests for certain information relevant to local taxing authorities for their Possessory Interest Taxes.
If this is an ongoing collection, how have the collection requirements changed over time?
This is an ongoing information collection. Updates to existing forms and additions and revisions to existing standard clauses applied to various forms are made periodically based on policy changes, case law, and implementation of new or amended statutes. For instance, the FS-2700-5a Term Special Use Permit for Recreation Residences was updated by the Cabin Fee Act of 2014 16 U.S.C. 6214 that affected recreation residence fees, and a number of the forms in the collection are subject to Executive Order 14026, Increasing the Minimum Wage for Contractors and Executive Order 13706, Establishing Paid Sick Leave for Federal Contractors.
Describe whether, and to what extent, the collection of information involves the use of automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, for example permitting electronic submission of responses, and the basis for the decision for adopting this means of collection. Also describe any consideration of using information technology to reduce burden.
Authorizations are automated and produced in the agency’s Special Uses Database System (SUDS). Routine and reoccurring information can be delivered to the agency by the applicant or permit holder using the information technology employed in the normal course of business. The agency uses e-mail and FAX to improve delivery of services and plans to use improved technology when it is available. The agency is currently engaged in multiple efforts to facilitate E-permitting and digital management of forms and forms submissions.
Describe efforts to identify duplication. Show specifically why any similar information already available cannot be used or modified for use for the purposes described in item 2 above.
The information collected is unique to the Forest Service. The Forest Service has determined that the information the agency needs to process special use applications and monitor special use authorizations for use of NFS lands is not available from other governmental and private entities.
To avoid duplication of effort, the Forest Service policy is to consolidate uses into one authorization when appropriate, thereby eliminating multiple billings and the individual data required by each authorization.
The use of standard forms tends to reduce requests for extraneous information and allows the applicant to provide data in a more efficient manner than if several different forms were required.
If the collection of information impacts small businesses or other small entities, describe any methods used to minimize burden.
This information collection does impact small business or other small entities. While many small entities (individuals, businesses, organizations, and governmental units) qualify for fee exemptions or waivers, there is no waiver from compliance with required environmental laws and receiving the appropriate legal instrument for their use or occupancy of NFS lands.
The methods used to minimize burden include collecting only the minimal information necessary to calculate the land use fee and to verify a basic level of maintenance at the site is required. Financial information, when required, involves records typically maintained in the normal course of business. No unusual information is required to determine the land use fee.
The Forest Service waives the required cost recovery fees for processing applications and monitoring authorizations when the impact to the agency is less than 1 hours (Forest Service Recreation program exempts any application requiring under 50 hours to process or monitor from cost recovery). The agency is also streamlining several fees and permitting activities. As required by Section 367 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, linear rights-of-way fees can be determined up to ten years in advance allowing holders to improve their budgeting for land use fees. Outfitter and Guides have a revised permit and fee program that reduces the information collection burden to them.
Our agency estimates 20 percent of small businesses may be impacted by this information collection renewal.
Describe the consequence to Federal program or policy activities if the collection is not conducted or is conducted less frequently, as well as any technical or legal obstacles to reducing burden.
If the collection is not conducted or conducted less frequently there will be a loss to the Federal Treasury of the required receipts from use of NFS lands and reimbursement of agency costs, costs incurred only due to the special benefit provided to that holder. All receipts are required to be paid either annually or as a condition of receiving their unique benefit. Because the statutes listed in item 1 authorize the agency to issue and administer authorizations and the implementing regulations for the Special Uses program require authorizations for use and occupancy of NFS lands, reduction in the use of the collection would result in reduced agency compliance with the statutes and regulations governing the program.
Additionally, based on prior experience, when authorizations are not authorized and administered correctly, conflicting uses and adverse impacts occur to the natural resources within the national forests occur. Facilities improperly located and constructed most likely result in aesthetic damage, soil loss, and water pollution. Soil loss, water pollution, and adverse impacts to plants and animals and their habitat will also occur without the appropriate administration of the use and occupancy of NFS lands.
The Forest Service collects the information that is used to determine whether the use meets applicable regulations. The use could not be evaluated without the information collected.
The Forest Service must calculate land use fees accurately. The frequency for collecting information needed to calculate land use fees vary based on how the land use fee is determined (for example, based on sales vs. land appraisal). If the information is not collected as frequently, the accuracy of land use fees will suffer. In addition, the Forest Service must ensure that the public and the United States are protected. Required information is submitted at the minimum frequency. For example, insurance policies are normally written for a year.
The information required from an annual inspection is necessary to ensure a basic level of maintenance and public service and to address concerns of public health and safety or resource impacts.
Explain any special circumstances that would cause an information collection to be conducted in a manner:
Requiring respondents to report information to the agency more often than quarterly;
Based on regulation or law, certain information is collected more frequently than quarterly. For example; resorts with large fees report and pay fees monthly. Due to unusual events or environmental concerns, information collection can occur more frequently then quarterly. When an entity has a change of condition, such change of ownership or control, reporting is required.
Requiring respondents to submit more than an original and two copies of any document;
Requiring respondents to prepare a written response to a collection of information in fewer than 30 days after receipt of it;
Certain environmental or public safety emergencies can require a response sooner than 30 days. Examples are an oil spill, fire, injury or death; these would require a notice to update an Operating Plan (Category 4, no designated form.) or to complete incident investigations and compliance monitoring.
Requiring respondents to retain records, other than health, medical, government contract, grant-in-aid, or tax records for more than three years;
Revenue based authorizations require the retention of support documentation for revenue and related information for the period between fee audits, which can be 5 years, or to the standard required by the Internal Revenue Service, which is 6 years. This record keeping is a normal business practice. The administering office retains records of all active administrative records and maintains those records according to the agency’s Record Management System (FSH 6209.11).
In connection with a statistical survey, that is not designed to produce valid and reliable results that can be generalized to the universe of study;
Requiring the use of a statistical data classification that has not been reviewed and approved by OMB;
That includes a pledge of confidentiality that is not supported by authority established in statute or regulation, that is not supported by disclosure and data security policies that are consistent with the pledge, or which unnecessarily impedes sharing of data with other agencies for compatible confidential use; or
Requiring respondents to submit proprietary trade secret, or other confidential information unless the agency can demonstrate that it has instituted procedures to protect the information's confidentiality to the extent permitted by law.
There are no other special circumstances. The collection of information is conducted in a manner consistent with the guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.6.
If applicable, provide a copy and identify the date and page number of publication in the Federal Register of the agency's notice, required by 5 CFR 1320.8 (d), soliciting comments on the information collection prior to submission to OMB. Summarize public comments received in response to that notice and describe actions taken by the agency in response to these comments. Specifically address comments received on cost and hour burden.
The Forest Service solicited comments on information collection 0596-0082 in a Federal Register notice published on October 8, 2024, Vol. 89, No. 195, pages 81417 - 81424. The 60-day comment period for the notice closed on December 9, 2024. The public was able to comment via REG.gov, email, standard mail and able to inspect documents via a public Pinyon (Box) link and at Office of the Director. This notice included new forms, updates to existing forms, and new and revised clauses. The Forest Service received four comments. The comments and responses prepared by the Forest Service are attached in the supplementary document 0596-0082 Special Use Administration 2024-23216 FRN Response to Comments.
Describe efforts to consult with persons outside the agency to obtain their views on the availability of data, frequency of collection, the clarity of instructions and record keeping, disclosure, or reporting format (if any), and on the data elements to be recorded, disclosed, or reported.
Consultation with representatives of those from whom information is to be obtained or those who must compile records should occur at least once every 3 years even if the collection of information activity is the same as in prior periods. There may be circumstances that may preclude consultation in a specific situation. These circumstances should be explained.
Table 1. Consultation with representatives outside the agency
Explain any decision to provide any payment or gift to respondents, other than re-enumeration of contractors or grantees.
The Forest Service does not provide any gift or payment to the respondents regarding information collection requirements of 36 CFR part 251, subpart B, for Special Uses.
Describe any assurance of confidentiality provided to respondents and the basis for the assurance in statute, regulation, or agency policy.
The Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a) protects proprietary and confidential information. The public was notified in the Federal Register Notice “All comments, including names and addresses when provided, will be placed in the record and will be available for public inspection and copying. The public may review comments received on the Regulations.gov page at Regulations.gov.
Provide additional justification for any questions of a sensitive nature, such as sexual behavior or attitudes, religious beliefs, and other matters that are commonly considered private. This justification should include the reasons why the agency considers the questions necessary, the specific uses to be made of the information, the explanation to be given to persons from whom the information is requested, and any steps to be taken to obtain their consent.
Questions of a sensitive nature are not asked or included on any form in this information collection.
Provide estimates of the hour burden of the collection of information. Indicate the number of respondents, frequency of response, annual hour burden, and an explanation of how the burden was estimated.
• Indicate the number of respondents, frequency of response, annual hour burden, and an explanation of how the burden was estimated. If this request for approval covers more than one form, provide separate hour burden estimates for each form.
a) Description of the collection activity
b) Corresponding form number (if applicable)
c) Number of respondents
d) Number of responses annually per respondent,
e) Total annual responses (columns c multiplied by d)
f) Estimated hours per response
g) Total annual burden hours (columns e multiplied by f)
Table 2a. Private sector: estimates of the hour burden of the collection of information
(A) Section of Regulation |
(B) Description |
(C) Form No. |
(D) Number of Respondents |
(E) Number of Responses per Respondent |
(F) Total Annual
Response |
(G) Hours per Response |
(H) Total Hours
Category 1: The Application Process |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Request for Revocation of a Special Use Authorization |
FS-2700-3a |
1414 |
1 |
1414 |
0.5 |
707 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Noncommercial Group Use |
FS-2700-3b |
29 |
1 |
29 |
0.25 |
7.25 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Application and Permit for Recreation Events |
FS-2700-3c |
499 |
1 |
499 |
1 |
499 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Application and Temporary Permit for Outfitting and Guiding |
FS-2700-3f |
227 |
1 |
227 |
4 |
908 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Technical Data Sheet for Communications Uses |
FS-2700-10 |
187 |
1 |
187 |
0.25 |
46.75 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Agreement Concerning Small Business Administration Loan for Holder of Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-11 |
10 |
1 |
10 |
1 |
10 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Agreement Concerning a Loan for a Holder of a Special Use Permit, |
FS-2700-12 |
10 |
1 |
10 |
1 |
10 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Application for Permit for Archaeological Investigations |
FS-2700-30 |
389 |
1 |
389 |
4 |
1556 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Insurance Endorsement for a Special Use Authorization |
FS-2700-33 |
100 |
1 |
100 |
0.3 |
30 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Prospectus for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions |
FS-2700-34 |
20 |
1 |
20 |
10 |
200 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Assumption of Risk, Waiver of Liability, and Indemnity Agreement for Good Samaritan Search and Recovery Missions |
FS-2700-40 |
20 |
1 |
20 |
1 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Financial Statement |
FS-6500-24 |
100 |
1 |
100 |
8 |
800 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Request for Verification |
FS-6500-25 |
100 |
1 |
100 |
0.5 |
50 |
Category 2: Special Use Authorizations |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-4 |
8636 |
1 |
8636 |
1 |
8636 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Forest Road Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-4b |
1393 |
1 |
1393 |
1 |
1393 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Private Road Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-4c |
887 |
1 |
887 |
1 |
887 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for a Temporary Road Covered by a Cost Share Agreement |
FS-2700-4d |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions |
FS-2700-4h |
128 |
1 |
128 |
1 |
128 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions - Appendix C: Granger-Thye Fee Offset Agreement |
FS-2700-4h, Appendix C |
128 |
1 |
128 |
2 |
256 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions - Appendix G, Operation of Federally Owned Drinking Water Systems |
FS-2700-4h, Appendix G |
128 |
1 |
128 |
1 |
128 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions - Appendix H: Granger-Thye Fee Offset Claim |
FS-2700-4h, Appendix H |
128 |
1 |
128 |
2 |
256 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Outfitting & Guiding |
FS-2700-4i |
3472 |
1 |
3472 |
1 |
3472 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Outfitting and Guiding, Appendix H: Annual Stewardship Act Fee Offset Agreement |
FS-2700-4i, Appendix H |
300 |
1 |
300 |
1 |
300 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Outfitting and Guiding, Appendix H: Annual Stewardship Act Fee Offset Claim |
FS-2700-4i, Appendix I |
300 |
1 |
300 |
1 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Powerline Facility Permit for Non-Federal Entities |
FS-2700-4j |
182 |
1 |
182 |
1 |
182 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Archeological Investigations |
FS-2700-4m |
389 |
1 |
389 |
1 |
389 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Oil or Gas Pipeline Facility Permit |
FS-2700-4o |
20 |
1 |
20 |
2 |
40 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Equestrian Outfitting on the Shawnee National Forest |
FS-2700-4-Shawnee |
50 |
1 |
50 |
1 |
50 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Term Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-5 |
332 |
1 |
332 |
1 |
332 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Term Special Use Permit for Recreation Residences |
FS-2700-5a |
28 |
1 |
28 |
1 |
28 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Term Special Use Permit for Recreation Residences in Grand Island Recreation Area |
FS-2700-5a-Grand Island |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Ski Area Term Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-5b |
126 |
1 |
126 |
3 |
378 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Resort/Marina Term Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-5c |
248 |
1 |
248 |
1 |
248 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit, Resort Supplement for Outfitting and Guiding |
FS-2700-5d |
8 |
1 |
8 |
1 |
8 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Agricultural Irrigation and Livestock Watering System Easement |
FS-2700-9a |
721 |
1 |
721 |
1 |
721 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Cost Share Easement |
FS-2700-9d |
92 |
1 |
92 |
1 |
92 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Non-Cost Share Easement |
FS-2700-9e |
32 |
1 |
32 |
1 |
32 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Public Road Easement |
FS-2700-9f |
322 |
1 |
322 |
1 |
322 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Forest Road Easement Issued Under the National Forest Roads and Trails Act (FRTA) |
FS-2700-9g |
2625 |
1 |
2625 |
1 |
2625 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Private Road Easement Issued Under the National Forest Roads and Trails Act (FRTA) |
FS-2700-9h |
34 |
1 |
34 |
1 |
34 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Forest Road Easement issued under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) |
FS- 2700-9i |
672 |
1 |
672 |
1 |
672 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Private Road Easement Issued Under The Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) |
FS-2700-9j |
465 |
1 |
465 |
1 |
465 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Communications Use Lease |
FS-2700-10b |
1594 |
1 |
1594 |
1 |
1594 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Communications Use Permit for Use and Occupancy of Structures Under the Jurisdiction of the Forest Service |
FS-2700-10d |
5 |
1 |
5 |
2 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Historic Property Lease |
FS-2700-13 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Lease for Forest Service Administrative Sites |
FS-2700-14 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Prospectus for Leasing Administrative Sites |
FS-2700-14a |
0 |
1 |
0 |
10 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Lease for Forest Service Administrative Sites, Appendix B, In-Kind Consideration Agreement |
FS-2700-14b |
0 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Lease for Forest Service Administrative Sites, Appendix C, Claim for In-Kind Consideration Costs |
FS-2700-14c |
0 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Amendment for Special Use Authorization |
FS-2700-23 |
27 |
1 |
27 |
1 |
27 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Temporary Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-25 |
203 |
1 |
203 |
1 |
203 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Category 6 Major Cost Recovery Agreement |
FS-2700-26 |
74 |
1 |
74 |
8 |
592 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Category 5 Major Cost Recovery Agreement |
FS-2700-26b |
30 |
1 |
30 |
8 |
240 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Notice to Alaska Native Corporations Regarding Prospectus for Visitor Services |
FS-2700-27 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
20 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Powerline Facility Easement |
FS-2700-31 |
40 |
1 |
40 |
1 |
40 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Oil or Gas Pipeline Facility Easement |
FS-2700-31a |
8 |
1 |
8 |
2 |
16 |
Category 3: Annual Financial Information |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Reconciliation of Sales for Fee Calculation |
FS-2700-7 |
300 |
1 |
300 |
1 |
300 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Reconciliation of Gross Fixed Assets (GFA) to Booked Amounts |
FS-2700-8 |
300 |
1 |
300 |
1 |
300 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Facility Owner and Occupant Inventory of Communications Uses |
FS-2700-10a |
2073 |
1 |
2073 |
1 |
2073 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Fee Calculation for Concession Permits |
FS-2700-19 |
158 |
1 |
158 |
1 |
158 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Fee Calculation for Ski Area Permits |
FS-2700-19a |
131 |
1 |
131 |
2 |
262 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Documentation of Eligibility for Financing by the Rural Utilities Service Under the Rural Electrification Act |
FS-2700-38 |
138 |
1 |
138 |
1 |
138 |
Category 4: Preparing and Updating Operating Plans (No Designated Form) |
Category 5: Preparing and Updating Maintenance Plans (No Designated Form) |
Category 6: Compliance Reports and Information Updates |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Monitoring or Inspection Report for Special Uses |
FS-2700-1 |
4930 |
1 |
4930 |
0.25 |
1232.5 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Recreation Residence Self-Inspection Report |
FS-2700-6b |
22 |
1 |
22 |
2.5 |
55 |
Private Sector Subtotal |
34958 |
64 |
34958 |
137.55 |
34433.5 |
Table 2b. Households and individuals: estimates of the hour burden of the collection of information
(A) Section of Regulation |
(B) Description |
(C) Form No. |
(D) Number of Respondents |
(E) Number of Responses per Respondent |
(F) Total Annual
Response |
(G) Hours per Response |
(H) Total Hours
Category 1: The Application Process |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Request for Revocation of a Special Use Authorization |
FS-2700-3a |
1467 |
1 |
1467 |
0.5 |
733.5 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Noncommercial Group Use |
FS-2700-3b |
20 |
1 |
20 |
0.25 |
5 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Application and Permit for Recreation Events |
FS-2700-3c |
388 |
1 |
388 |
1 |
388 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Application and Temporary Permit for Outfitting and Guiding |
FS-2700-3f |
93 |
1 |
93 |
4 |
372 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Technical Data Sheet for Communications Uses |
FS-2700-10 |
194 |
1 |
194 |
0.25 |
48.5 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Agreement Concerning Small Business Administration Loan for Holder of Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-11 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0.25 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Agreement Concerning a Loan for a Holder of a Special Use Permit, |
FS-2700-12 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Application for Permit for Archaeological Investigations |
FS-2700-30 |
18 |
1 |
18 |
4 |
72 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Insurance Endorsement for a Special Use Authorization |
FS-2700-33 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0.3 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Prospectus for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions |
FS-2700-34 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
10 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Assumption of Risk, Waiver of Liability, and Indemnity Agreement for Good Samaritan Search and Recovery Missions |
FS-2700-40 |
20 |
1 |
20 |
10 |
20 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Financial Statement |
FS-6500-24 |
30 |
1 |
30 |
8 |
240 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Request for Verification |
FS-6500-25 |
30 |
1 |
30 |
0.5 |
15 |
Category 2: Special Use Authorizations |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-4 |
4328 |
1 |
4328 |
1 |
4328 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Forest Road Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-4b |
1193 |
1 |
1193 |
1 |
1193 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Private Road Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-4c |
2388 |
1 |
2388 |
1 |
2388 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for a Temporary Road Covered by a Cost Share Agreement |
FS-2700-4d |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions |
FS-2700-4h |
9 |
1 |
9 |
1 |
9 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions - Appendix C: Granger-Thye Fee Offset Agreement |
FS-2700-4h, Appendix C |
9 |
1 |
9 |
2 |
18 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions - Appendix G, Operation of Federally Owned Drinking Water Systems |
FS-2700-4h, Appendix G |
9 |
1 |
9 |
1 |
9 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions - Appendix H: Granger-Thye Fee Offset Claim |
FS-2700-4h, Appendix H |
9 |
1 |
9 |
2 |
18 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Outfitting & Guiding |
FS-2700-4i |
933 |
1 |
933 |
1 |
933 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Outfitting and Guiding, Appendix H: Annual Stewardship Act Fee Offset Agreement |
FS-2700-4i, Appendix H |
90 |
1 |
90 |
1 |
90 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Outfitting and Guiding, Appendix H: Annual Stewardship Act Fee Offset Claim |
FS-2700-4i, Appendix I |
90 |
1 |
90 |
1 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Powerline Facility Permit for Non-Federal Entities |
FS-2700-4j |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Archaeological Investigations |
FS-2700-4m |
18 |
1 |
18 |
1 |
18 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Oil or Gas Pipeline Facility Permit |
FS-2700-4o |
0 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Equestrian Outfitting on the Shawnee National Forest |
FS-2700-4-Shawnee |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Term Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-5 |
42 |
1 |
42 |
1 |
42 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Term Special Use Permit for Recreation Residences |
FS-2700-5a |
12708 |
1 |
12708 |
1 |
12708 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Term Special Use Permit for Recreation Residences in Grand Island Recreation Area |
FS-2700-5a-Grand Island |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Ski Area Term Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-5b |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
6 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Resort/Marina Term Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-5c |
45 |
1 |
45 |
1 |
45 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit, Resort Supplement for Outfitting and Guiding |
FS-2700-5d |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Agricultural Irrigation and Livestock Watering System Easement |
FS-2700-9a |
881 |
1 |
881 |
1 |
881 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Cost Share Easement |
FS-2700-9d |
13 |
1 |
13 |
1 |
13 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Non-Cost Share Easement |
FS-2700-9e |
3 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Public Road Easement |
FS-2700-9f |
8 |
1 |
8 |
1 |
8 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Forest Road Easement Issued Under the National Forest Roads and Trails Act (FRTA) |
FS-2700-9g |
63 |
1 |
63 |
1 |
63 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Private Road Easement Issued Under the National Forest Roads and Trails Act (FRTA) |
FS-2700-9h |
37 |
1 |
37 |
1 |
37 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Forest Road Easement issued under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) |
FS- 2700-9i |
877 |
1 |
877 |
1 |
877 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Private Road Easement Issued Under The Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) |
FS-2700-9j |
1199 |
1 |
1199 |
1 |
1199 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Communications Use Lease |
FS-2700-10b |
64 |
1 |
64 |
1 |
64 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Communications Use Permit for Use and Occupancy of Structures Under the Jurisdiction of the Forest Service |
FS-2700-10d |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Historic Property Lease |
FS-2700-13 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Lease for Forest Service Administrative Sites |
FS-2700-14 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Prospectus for Leasing Administrative Sites |
FS-2700-14a |
0 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Lease for Forest Service Administrative Sites, Appendix B, In-Kind Consideration Agreement |
FS-2700-14b |
0 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Lease for Forest Service Administrative Sites, Appendix, Claim for In-Kind Consideration Costs |
FS-2700-14c |
0 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Amendment for Special Use Authorization |
FS-2700-23 |
34 |
1 |
34 |
1 |
34 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Temporary Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-25 |
109 |
1 |
109 |
1 |
109 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Category 6 Major Cost Recovery Agreement |
FS-2700-26 |
5 |
1 |
5 |
8 |
40 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Category 5 Major Cost Recovery Agreement |
FS-2700-26b |
0 |
1 |
0 |
8 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Notice to Alaska Native Corporations Regarding Prospectus for Visitor Services |
FS-2700-27 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
20 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Powerline Facility Easement |
FS-2700-31 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Oil or Gas Pipeline Facility Easement |
FS-2700-31a |
0 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
Category 3: Annual Financial Information |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Reconciliation of Sales for Fee Calculation |
FS-2700-7 |
54 |
1 |
54 |
1 |
54 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Reconciliation of Gross Fixed Assets (GFA) to Booked Amounts |
FS-2700-8 |
54 |
1 |
54 |
1 |
54 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Facility Owner and Occupant Inventory of Communications Uses |
FS-2700-10a |
93 |
1 |
93 |
1 |
93 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Fee Calculation for Concession Permits |
FS-2700-19 |
12 |
1 |
12 |
1 |
12 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Fee Calculation for Ski Area Permits |
FS-2700-19a |
3 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
6 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Documentation of Eligibility for Financing by the Rural Utilities Service Under the Rural Electrification Act |
FS-2700-38 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Category 4: Preparing and Updating Operating Plans (No Designated Form) |
Category 5: Preparing and Updating Maintenance Plans (No Designated Form) |
Category 6: Compliance Reports and Information Updates: |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Monitoring or Inspection Report for Special Uses |
FS-2700-1 |
5118 |
1 |
5118 |
0.25 |
1279.5 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Recreation Residence Self-Inspection Report |
FS-2700-6b |
2000 |
1 |
2000 |
2.5 |
5000 |
Households and Individuals Subtotal |
34765 |
64 |
34765 |
133.8 |
33621.5 |
Table 2c. State, Tribal, and local governments: estimates of the hour burden of the collection of information
(A) Section of Regulation |
(B) Description |
(C) Form No. |
(D) Number of Respondents |
(E) Number of Responses per Respondent |
(F) Total Annual
Response |
(G) Hours per Response |
(H) Total Hours
Category 1: The Application Process |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Request for Revocation of a Special Use Authorization |
FS-2700-3a |
511 |
1 |
511 |
0.5 |
255.5 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Noncommercial Group Use |
FS-2700-3b |
12 |
1 |
12 |
0.25 |
3 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Application and Permit for Recreation Events |
FS-2700-3c |
24 |
1 |
24 |
1 |
24 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Application and Temporary Permit for Outfitting and Guiding |
FS-2700-3f |
13 |
1 |
13 |
4 |
52 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Technical Data Sheet for Communications Uses |
FS-2700-10 |
68 |
1 |
68 |
0.25 |
17 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Agreement Concerning Small Business Administration Loan for Holder of Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-11 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0.25 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Agreement Concerning a Loan for a Holder of a Special Use Permit, |
FS-2700-12 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Application for Permit for Archaeological Investigations |
FS-2700-30 |
45 |
1 |
45 |
4 |
180 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Insurance Endorsement for a Special Use Authorization |
FS-2700-33 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0.3 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Prospectus for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions |
FS-2700-34 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
10 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Assumption of Risk, Waiver of Liability, and Indemnity Agreement for Good Samaritan Search and Recovery Missions |
FS-2700-40 |
20 |
1 |
20 |
1 |
20 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Financial Statement |
FS-6500-24 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
8 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Request for Verification |
FS-6500-25 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0.5 |
0 |
Category 2: Special Use Authorizations |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-4 |
2978 |
1 |
2978 |
1 |
2978 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Forest Road Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-4b |
920 |
1 |
920 |
1 |
920 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Private Road Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-4c |
217 |
1 |
217 |
1 |
217 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for a Temporary Road Covered by a Cost Share Agreement |
FS-2700-4d |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions |
FS-2700-4h |
3 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions - Appendix C: Granger-Thye Fee Offset Agreement |
FS-2700-4h, Appendix C |
3 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
6 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions - Appendix G, Operation of Federally Owned Drinking Water Systems |
FS-2700-4h, Appendix G |
3 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions - Appendix H: Granger-Thye Fee Offset Claim |
FS-2700-4h, Appendix H |
3 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
6 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Outfitting & Guiding |
FS-2700-4i |
166 |
1 |
166 |
1 |
166 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Outfitting and Guiding, Appendix H: Annual Stewardship Act Fee Offset Agreement |
FS-2700-4i, Appendix H |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Outfitting and Guiding, Appendix H: Annual Stewardship Act Fee Offset Claim |
FS-2700-4i, Appendix I |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Powerline Facility Permit for Non-Federal Entities |
FS-2700-4j |
10 |
1 |
10 |
1 |
10 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Archaeological Investigations |
FS-2700-4m |
45 |
1 |
45 |
1 |
45 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Oil or Gas Pipeline Facility Permit |
FS-2700-4o |
0 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Equestrian Outfitting on the Shawnee National Forest |
FS-2700-4-Shawnee |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Term Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-5 |
62 |
1 |
62 |
1 |
62 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Term Special Use Permit for Recreation Residences |
FS-2700-5a |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Term Special Use Permit for Recreation Residences in Grand Island Recreation Area |
FS-2700-5a-Grand Island |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Ski Area Term Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-5b |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
3 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Resort/Marina Term Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-5c |
4 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
4 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit, Resort Supplement for Outfitting and Guiding |
FS-2700-5d |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Agricultural Irrigation and Livestock Watering System Easement |
FS-2700-9a |
21 |
1 |
21 |
1 |
21 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Cost Share Easement |
FS-2700-9d |
45 |
1 |
45 |
1 |
45 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Non-Cost Share Easement |
FS-2700-9e |
27 |
1 |
27 |
1 |
27 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Public Road Easement |
FS-2700-9f |
1310 |
1 |
1310 |
1 |
1310 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Forest Road Easement Issued Under the National Forest Roads and Trails Act (FRTA) |
FS-2700-9g |
1281 |
1 |
1281 |
1 |
1281 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Private Road Easement Issued Under the National Forest Roads and Trails Act (FRTA) |
FS-2700-9h |
6 |
1 |
6 |
1 |
6 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Forest Road Easement issued under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) |
FS- 2700-9i |
114 |
1 |
114 |
1 |
114 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Private Road Easement Issued Under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) |
FS-2700-9j |
48 |
1 |
48 |
1 |
48 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Communications Use Lease |
FS-2700-10b |
484 |
1 |
484 |
1 |
484 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Communications Use Permit for Use and Occupancy of Structures Under the Jurisdiction of the Forest Service |
FS-2700-10d |
12 |
1 |
12 |
2 |
24 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Historic Property Lease |
FS-2700-13 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Lease for Forest Service Administrative Sites |
FS-2700-14 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Prospectus for Leasing Administrative Sites |
FS-2700-14a |
1 |
1 |
1 |
10 |
10 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Lease for Forest Service Administrative Sites, Appendix B, In-Kind Consideration Agreement |
FS-2700-14b |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Lease for Forest Service Administrative Sites, Appendix, Claim for In-Kind Consideration Costs |
FS-2700-14c |
0 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Amendment for Special Use Authorization |
FS-2700-23 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Temporary Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-25 |
58 |
1 |
58 |
1 |
58 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Category 6 Major Cost Recovery Agreement |
FS-2700-26 |
6 |
1 |
6 |
8 |
48 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Category 5 Major Cost Recovery Agreement |
FS-2700-26b |
0 |
1 |
0 |
8 |
0 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Notice to Alaska Native Corporations Regarding Prospectus for Visitor Services |
FS-2700-27 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
20 |
20 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Powerline Facility Easement |
FS-2700-31 |
6 |
1 |
6 |
1 |
6 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Oil or Gas Pipeline Facility Easement |
FS-2700-31a |
0 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
Category 3: Annual Financial Information |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Reconciliation of Sales for Fee Calculation |
FS-2700-7 |
4 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
4 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Reconciliation of Gross Fixed Assets (GFA) to Booked Amounts |
FS-2700-8 |
4 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
4 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Facility Owner and Occupant Inventory of Communications Uses |
FS-2700-10a |
611 |
1 |
611 |
1 |
611 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Fee Calculation for Concession Permits |
FS-2700-19 |
23 |
1 |
23 |
2 |
46 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Fee Calculation for Ski Area Permits |
FS-2700-19a |
4 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
4 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Documentation of Eligibility for Financing by the Rural Utilities Service Under the Rural Electrification Act |
FS-2700-38 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Category 4: Preparing and Updating Operating Plans (No Designated Form) |
Category 5: Preparing and Updating Maintenance Plans (No Designated Form) |
Category 6: Compliance Reports and Information Updates |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Monitoring or Inspection Report for Special Uses |
FS-2700-1 |
1783 |
1 |
1783 |
0.25 |
445.75 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Recreation Residence Self-Inspection Report |
FS-2700-6b |
0 |
1 |
0 |
2.5 |
0 |
State Tribal, and Local Government Subtotal |
10961 |
64 |
10961 |
134.8 |
9598.25 |
Record keeping burden should be addressed separately and should include columns for:
a) Description of record keeping activity: None
b) Number of record keepers: None
c) Annual hours per record keeper: None
d) Total annual record keeping hours (columns b multiplied by c): Zero
The Forest Service does not require additional record keeping beyond normal business record keeping practices.
Table 3. Record keeping burden
(a) Description of Record Keeping Activity |
(b) Number of Record Keepers |
(c) Annual Hours per Record Keeper |
(d) Total Annual Record Keeping Hours (b x c) |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Totals |
0 |
— |
0 |
• Provide estimates of annualized cost to respondents for the hour burdens for collections of information, identifying and using appropriate wage rate categories.
Table 4a. Private sector: estimates of annualized cost to respondents for collections of information
(The columns in the tables below are copied from 0596-0082 Special Uses Administration Burden Hour Cost Spreadsheet. Please reference 0596-0082 Special Uses Administration Burden Hour Cost Spreadsheet for more details.)
(A) |
(B) |
(C) |
(L) |
(M) |
Category 1: The Application Process |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Request for Revocation of a Special Use Authorization |
FS-2700-3a |
43.78 |
$30,952.46 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Noncommercial Group Use |
FS-2700-3b |
43.78 |
$317.41 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Application and Permit for Recreation Events |
FS-2700-3c |
43.78 |
$21,846.22 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Application and Temporary Permit for Outfitting and Guiding |
FS-2700-3f |
43.78 |
$39,752.24 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Technical Data Sheet for Communications Uses |
FS-2700-10 |
43.78 |
$2,046.72 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Agreement Concerning Small Business Administration Loan for Holder of Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-11 |
43.78 |
$437.80 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Agreement Concerning a Loan for a Holder of a Special Use Permit, |
FS-2700-12 |
43.78 |
$437.80 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Application for Permit for Archaeological Investigations |
FS-2700-30 |
43.78 |
$68,121.68 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Insurance Endorsement for a Special Use Authorization |
FS-2700-33 |
43.78 |
$1,313.40 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Prospectus for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions |
FS-2700-34 |
43.78 |
$8,756.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Assumption of Risk, Waiver of Liability, and Indemnity Agreement for Good Samaritan Search and Recovery Missions |
FS-2700-40 |
43.78 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Financial Statement |
FS-6500-24 |
43.78 |
$35,024.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Request for Verification |
FS-6500-25 |
43.78 |
$2,189.00 |
Category 2: Special Use Authorizations |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-4 |
43.78 |
$378,084.08 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Forest Road Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-4b |
43.78 |
$59,759.70 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Private Road Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-4c |
43.78 |
$38,832.86 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for a Temporary Road Covered by a Cost Share Agreement |
FS-2700-4d |
43.78 |
$43.78 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions |
FS-2700-4h |
43.78 |
$5,603.84 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions - Appendix C: Granger-Thye Fee Offset Agreement |
FS-2700-4h, Appendix C |
43.78 |
$11,207.68 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions - Appendix G, Operation of Federally Owned Drinking Water Systems |
FS-2700-4h, Appendix G |
43.78 |
$5,603.84 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions - Appendix H: Granger-Thye Fee Offset Claim |
FS-2700-4h, Appendix H |
43.78 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Outfitting and Guiding |
FS-2700-4i |
43.78 |
$152,004.16 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Outfitting and Guiding, Appendix H: Annual Stewardship Act Fee Offset Agreement |
FS-2700-4i, Appendix H |
43.78 |
$13,134.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Outfitting and Guiding, Appendix H: Annual Stewardship Act Fee Offset Claim |
FS-2700-4i, Appendix I |
43.78 |
$13,134.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Powerline Facility Permit for Non-Federal Entities |
FS-2700-4j |
43.78 |
$7,967.96 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Archaeological Investigations |
FS-2700-4m |
43.78 |
$17,030.42 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Oil or Gas Pipeline Facility Permit |
FS-2700-4o |
43.78 |
$1751.20 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Equestrian Outfitting on the Shawnee National Forest |
FS-2700-4-Shawnee |
43.78 |
$2,189.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Term Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-5 |
43.78 |
$14,534.96 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Term Special Use Permit for Recreation Residences |
FS-2700-5a |
43.78 |
$1,225.84 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Term Special Use Permit for Recreation Residences in Grand Island Recreation Area |
FS-2700-5a-Grand Island |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Ski Area Term Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-5b |
43.78 |
$16,548.84 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Resort/Marina Term Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-5c |
43.78 |
$10,857.44 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit, Resort Supplement for Outfitting and Guiding |
FS-2700-5d |
43.78 |
$350.24 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Agricultural Irrigation and Livestock Watering System Easement |
FS-2700-9a |
43.78 |
$31,565.38 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Cost Share Easement |
FS-2700-9d |
43.78 |
$4,027.76 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Non-Cost Share Easement |
FS-2700-9e |
43.78 |
$1,400.96 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Public Road Easement |
FS-2700-9f |
43.78 |
$14,097.16 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Forest Road Easement Issued Under the National Forest Roads and Trails Act (FRTA) |
FS-2700-9g |
43.78 |
$114,922.50 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Private Road Easement Issued Under the National Forest Roads and Trails Act (FRTA) |
FS-2700-9h |
43.78 |
$1,488.52 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Forest Road Easement issued under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) |
FS- 2700-9i |
43.78 |
$29,420.16 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Private Road Easement Issued Under The Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) |
FS-2700-9j |
43.78 |
$20,357.70 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Communications Use Lease |
FS-2700-10b |
43.78 |
$69,785.32 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Communications Use Permit for Use and Occupancy of Structures Under the Jurisdiction of the Forest Service |
FS-2700-10d |
43.78 |
$437.80 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Historic Property Lease |
FS-2700-13 |
43.78 |
$87.56 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Lease for Forest Service Administrative Sites |
FS-2700-14 |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Prospectus for Leasing Administrative Sites |
FS-2700-14a |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Lease for Forest Service Administrative Sites, Appendix B, In-Kind Consideration Agreement |
FS-2700-14b |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Lease for Forest Service Administrative Sites, Appendix, Claim for In-Kind Consideration Costs |
FS-2700-14c |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Amendment for Special Use Authorization |
FS-2700-23 |
43.78 |
$1,182.06 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Temporary Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-25 |
43.78 |
$8,887.34 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Category 6 Major Cost Recovery Agreement |
FS-2700-26 |
43.78 |
$25,917.76 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Category 5 Major Cost Recovery Agreement |
FS-2700-26b |
43.78 |
$10,507.20 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Notice to Alaska Native Corporations Regarding Prospectus for Visitor Services |
FS-2700-27 |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Powerline Facility Easement |
FS-2700-31 |
43.78 |
$1,751.20 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Oil or Gas Pipeline Facility Easement |
FS-2700-31a |
43.78 |
$700.48 |
Category 3: Annual Financial Information |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Reconciliation of Sales for Fee Calculation |
FS-2700-7 |
43.78 |
$13,134.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Reconciliation of Gross Fixed Assets (GFA) to Booked Amounts |
FS-2700-8 |
43.78 |
$13,134.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Facility Owner and Occupant Inventory of Communications Uses |
FS-2700-10a |
43.78 |
$90,755.94 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Fee Calculation for Concession Permits |
FS-2700-19 |
43.78 |
$6,917.24 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Fee Calculation for Ski Area Permits |
FS-2700-19a |
43.78 |
$11,470.36 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Documentation of Eligibility for Financing by the Rural Utilities Service Under the Rural Electrification Act |
FS-2700-38 |
43.78 |
$6,041.64 |
Category 4: Preparing and Updating Operating Plans (No Designated Form) |
Category 5: Preparing and Updating Maintenance Plans (No Designated Form) |
Category 6: Compliance Reports and Information Updates |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Monitoring or Inspection Report for Special Uses |
FS-2700-1 |
43.78 |
$53,958.85 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Recreation Residence Self-Inspection Report |
FS-2700-6b |
43.78 |
$2,407.90 |
Private Sector Subtotal |
2801.92 |
$1,507,498.63 |
Table 4b. Households and individuals: estimates of annualized cost to respondents for collections of information
(The columns in the tables below are copied from 0596-0082 Special Uses Administration Burden Hour Cost Spreadsheet. Please reference 0596-0082 Special Uses Administration Burden Hour Cost Spreadsheet for more details.)
(A) |
(B) |
(C) |
(L) |
(M) |
Category 1: The Application Process |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Request for Revocation of a Special Use Authorization |
FS-2700-3a |
43.78 |
$32,112.63 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Noncommercial Group Use |
FS-2700-3b |
43.78 |
$218.90 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Application and Permit for Recreation Events |
FS-2700-3c |
43.78 |
$16,986.64 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Application and Temporary Permit for Outfitting and Guiding |
FS-2700-3f |
43.78 |
$16,286.16 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Technical Data Sheet for Communications Uses |
FS-2700-10 |
43.78 |
$2,123.33 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Agreement Concerning Small Business Administration Loan for Holder of Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-11 |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Agreement Concerning a Loan for a Holder of a Special Use Permit, |
FS-2700-12 |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Application for Permit for Archaeological Investigations |
FS-2700-30 |
43.78 |
$3,152.16 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Insurance Endorsement for a Special Use Authorization |
FS-2700-33 |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Prospectus for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions |
FS-2700-34 |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Assumption of Risk, Waiver of Liability, and Indemnity Agreement for Good Samaritan Search and Recovery Missions |
FS-2700-40 |
43.78 |
$875.60 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Financial Statement |
FS-6500-24 |
43.78 |
$10,507.20 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Request for Verification |
FS-6500-25 |
43.78 |
$656.70 |
Category 2: Special Use Authorizations |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-4 |
43.78 |
$189,479.84 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Forest Road Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-4b |
43.78 |
$52,229.54 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Private Road Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-4c |
43.78 |
$104,546.64 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for a Temporary Road Covered by a Cost Share Agreement |
FS-2700-4d |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions |
FS-2700-4h |
43.78 |
$394.02 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions - Appendix C: Granger-Thye Fee Offset Agreement |
FS-2700-4h, Appendix C |
43.78 |
$788.04 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions - Appendix G, Operation of Federally Owned Drinking Water Systems |
FS-2700-4h, Appendix G |
43.78 |
$394.02 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions - Appendix H: Granger-Thye Fee Offset Claim |
FS-2700-4h, Appendix H |
43.78 |
$788.04 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Outfitting & Guiding |
FS-2700-4i |
43.78 |
$40,846.74 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Outfitting and Guiding, Appendix H: Annual Stewardship Act Fee Offset Agreement |
FS-2700-4i, Appendix H |
43.78 |
$3,940.20 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Outfitting and Guiding, Appendix H: Annual Stewardship Act Fee Offset Claim |
FS-2700-4i, Appendix I |
43.78 |
$3,940.20 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Powerline Facility Permit for Non-Federal Entities |
FS-2700-4j |
43.78 |
$87.56 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Archaeological Investigations |
FS-2700-4m |
43.78 |
$788.04 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Oil or Gas Pipeline Facility Permit |
FS-2700-4o |
43.78 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Equestrian Outfitting on the Shawnee National Forest |
FS-2700-4-Shawnee |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Term Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-5 |
43.78 |
$1,838.76 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Term Special Use Permit for Recreation Residences |
FS-2700-5a |
43.78 |
$556,356.24 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Term Special Use Permit for Recreation Residences in Grand Island Recreation Area |
FS-2700-5a-Grand Island |
43.78 |
$43.78 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Ski Area Term Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-5b |
43.78 |
$262.68 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Resort/Marina Term Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-5c |
43.78 |
$1,970.10 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit, Resort Supplement for Outfitting and Guiding |
FS-2700-5d |
43.78 |
$43.78 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Agricultural Irrigation and Livestock Watering System Easement |
FS-2700-9a |
43.78 |
$38,570.18 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Cost Share Easement |
FS-2700-9d |
43.78 |
$569.14 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Non-Cost Share Easement |
FS-2700-9e |
43.78 |
$131.34 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Public Road Easement |
FS-2700-9f |
43.78 |
$350.24 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Forest Road Easement Issued Under the National Forest Roads and Trails Act (FRTA) |
FS-2700-9g |
43.78 |
$2,758.14 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Private Road Easement Issued Under the National Forest Roads and Trails Act (FRTA) |
FS-2700-9h |
43.78 |
$1,619.86 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Forest Road Easement issued under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) |
FS- 2700-9i |
43.78 |
$38,395.06 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Private Road Easement Issued Under The Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) |
FS-2700-9j |
43.78 |
$52,492.22 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Communications Use Lease |
FS-2700-10b |
43.78 |
$2,801.92 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Communications Use Permit for Use and Occupancy of Structures Under the Jurisdiction of the Forest Service |
FS-2700-10d |
43.78 |
$87.56 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Historic Property Lease |
FS-2700-13 |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Lease for Forest Service Administrative Sites |
FS-2700-14 |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Prospectus for Leasing Administrative Sites |
FS-2700-14a |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Lease for Forest Service Administrative Sites, Appendix B, In-Kind Consideration Agreement |
FS-2700-14b |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Lease for Forest Service Administrative Sites, Appendix, Claim for In-Kind Consideration Costs |
FS-2700-14c |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Amendment for Special Use Authorization |
FS-2700-23 |
43.78 |
$1,488.52 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Temporary Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-25 |
43.78 |
$4,772.02 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Category 6 Major Cost Recovery Agreement |
FS-2700-26 |
43.78 |
$1,751.20 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Category 5 Major Cost Recovery Agreement |
FS-2700-26b |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Notice to Alaska Native Corporations Regarding Prospectus for Visitor Services |
FS-2700-27 |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Powerline Facility Easement |
FS-2700-31 |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Oil or Gas Pipeline Facility Easement |
FS-2700-31a |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
Category 3: Annual Financial Information |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Reconciliation of Sales for Fee Calculation |
FS-2700-7 |
43.78 |
$2,364.12 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Reconciliation of Gross Fixed Assets (GFA) to Booked Amounts |
FS-2700-8 |
43.78 |
$2,364.12 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Facility Owner and Occupant Inventory of Communications Uses |
FS-2700-10a |
43.78 |
$4,071.54 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Fee Calculation for Concession Permits |
FS-2700-19 |
43.78 |
$525.36 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Fee Calculation for Ski Area Permits |
FS-2700-19a |
43.78 |
$262.68 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Documentation of Eligibility for Financing by the Rural Utilities Service Under the Rural Electrification Act |
FS-2700-38 |
43.78 |
$0.00 |
Category 4: Preparing and Updating Operating Plans (No Designated Form) |
Category 5: Preparing and Updating Maintenance Plans (No Designated Form) |
Category 6: Compliance Reports and Information Updates |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Monitoring or Inspection Report for Special Uses |
FS-2700-1 |
43.78 |
$56,016.51 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Recreation Residence Self-Inspection Report |
FS-2700-6b |
43.78 |
$218,900.00 |
Households and Individuals Subtotal |
2801.92 |
$1,471,949.27 |
Table 4c. State, Tribal, local government: estimates of annualized cost to respondents for collections of information
(A) |
(B) |
(C) |
(L) |
(M) |
Category 1: The Application Process |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Request for Revocation of a Special Use Authorization |
FS-2700-3a |
61.27 |
$15,654.49 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Noncommercial Group Use |
FS-2700-3b |
61.27 |
$183.81 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Application and Permit for Recreation Events |
FS-2700-3c |
61.27 |
$1,470.48 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Application and Temporary Permit for Outfitting and Guiding |
FS-2700-3f |
61.27 |
$3,186.04 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Technical Data Sheet for Communications Uses |
FS-2700-10 |
61.27 |
$1,041.59 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Agreement Concerning Small Business Administration Loan for Holder of Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-11 |
61.27 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Agreement Concerning a Loan for a Holder of a Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-12 |
61.27 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Application for Permit for Archaeological Investigations |
FS-2700-30 |
61.27 |
$11,028.60 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Insurance Endorsement for a Special Use Authorization |
FS-2700-33 |
61.27 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Prospectus for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions |
FS-2700-34 |
61.27 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Assumption of Risk, Waiver of Liability, and Indemnity Agreement for Good Samaritan Search and Recovery Missions |
FS-2700-40 |
61.27 |
$1,225.40 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Financial Statement |
FS-6500-24 |
61.27 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Request for Verification |
FS-6500-25 |
61.27 |
$0.00 |
Category 2: Special Use Authorizations |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-4 |
61.27 |
$182,462.06 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Forest Road Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-4b |
61.27 |
$56,368.40 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Private Road Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-4c |
61.27 |
$13,295.59 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for a Temporary Road Covered by a Cost Share Agreement |
FS-2700-4d |
61.27 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions |
FS-2700-4h |
61.27 |
$183.81 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions - Appendix C: Granger-Thye Fee Offset Agreement |
FS-2700-4h, Appendix C |
61.27 |
$367.62 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions - Appendix G, Operation of Federally Owned Drinking Water Systems |
FS-2700-4h, Appendix G |
61.27 |
$183.81 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Campground and Related Granger-Thye Concessions - Appendix H: Granger-Thye Fee Offset Claim |
FS-2700-4h, Appendix H |
61.27 |
$367.62 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Outfitting & Guiding |
FS-2700-4i |
61.27 |
$10,170.82 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Outfitting and Guiding, Appendix H: Annual Stewardship Act Fee Offset Agreement |
FS-2700-4i, Appendix H |
61.27 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Outfitting and Guiding, Appendix H: Annual Stewardship Act Fee Offset Claim |
FS-2700-4i, Appendix I |
61.27 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Powerline Facility Permit for Non-Federal Entities |
FS-2700-4j |
61.27 |
$612.70 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Archaeological Investigations |
FS-2700-4m |
61.27 |
$2,757.15 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Oil or Gas Pipeline Facility Permit |
FS-2700-4o |
61.27 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit for Equestrian Outfitting on the Shawnee National Forest |
FS-2700-4-Shawnee |
61.27 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Term Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-5 |
61.27 |
$3,798.74 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Term Special Use Permit for Recreation Residences |
FS-2700-5a |
61.27 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Term Special Use Permit for Recreation Residences in Grand Island Recreation Area |
FS-2700-5a-Grand Island |
61.27 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Ski Area Term Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-5b |
61.27 |
$183.81 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Resort/Marina Term Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-5c |
61.27 |
$245.08 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Special Use Permit, Resort Supplement for Outfitting and Guiding |
FS-2700-5d |
61.27 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Agricultural Irrigation and Livestock Watering System Easement |
FS-2700-9a |
61.27 |
$1,286.67 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Cost Share Easement |
FS-2700-9d |
61.27 |
$2,757.15 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Non-Cost Share Easement |
FS-2700-9e |
61.27 |
$1,654.29 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Public Road Easement |
FS-2700-9f |
61.27 |
$80,263.70 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Forest Road Easement Issued Under the National Forest Roads and Trails Act (FRTA) |
FS-2700-9g |
61.27 |
$78,486.87 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Private Road Easement Issued Under the National Forest Roads and Trails Act (FRTA) |
FS-2700-9h |
61.27 |
$367.62 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Forest Road Easement issued under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) |
FS- 2700-9i |
61.27 |
$6,984.78 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Private Road Easement Issued Under The Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) |
FS-2700-9j |
61.27 |
$2,940.96 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Communications Use Lease |
FS-2700-10b |
61.27 |
$29,654.68 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Communications Use Permit for Use and Occupancy of Structures Under the Jurisdiction of the Forest Service |
FS-2700-10d |
61.27 |
$1,470.48 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Historic Property Lease |
FS-2700-13 |
61.27 |
$122.54 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Lease for Forest Service Administrative Sites |
FS-2700-14 |
61.27 |
$122.54 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Prospectus for Leasing Administrative Sites |
FS-2700-14a |
61.27 |
$612.70 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Lease for Forest Service Administrative Sites, Appendix B, In-Kind Consideration Agreement |
FS-2700-14b |
61.27 |
$122.54 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Lease for Forest Service Administrative Sites, Appendix, Claim for In-Kind Consideration Costs |
FS-2700-14c |
61.27 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Amendment for Special Use Authorization |
FS-2700-23 |
61.27 |
$61.27 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Temporary Special Use Permit |
FS-2700-25 |
61.27 |
$3,553.66 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Category 6 Major Cost Recovery Agreement |
FS-2700-26 |
61.27 |
$2,940.96 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Category 5 Major Cost Recovery Agreement |
FS-2700-26b |
61.27 |
$0.00 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Notice to Alaska Native Corporations Regarding Prospectus for Visitor Services |
FS-2700-27 |
61.27 |
$1,225.40 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Powerline Facility Easement |
FS-2700-31 |
61.27 |
$367.62 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Oil or Gas Pipeline Facility Easement |
FS-2700-31a |
61.27 |
$0.00 |
Category 3: Annual Financial Information |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Reconciliation of Sales for Fee Calculation |
FS-2700-7 |
61.27 |
$245.08 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Reconciliation of Gross Fixed Assets (GFA) to Booked Amounts |
FS-2700-8 |
61.27 |
$245.08 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Facility Owner and Occupant Inventory of Communications Uses |
FS-2700-10a |
61.27 |
$37,435.97 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Fee Calculation for Concession Permits |
FS-2700-19 |
61.27 |
$2,818.42 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Fee Calculation for Ski Area Permits |
FS-2700-19a |
61.27 |
$245.08 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Documentation of Eligibility for Financing by the Rural Utilities Service Under the Rural Electrification Act |
FS-2700-38 |
61.27 |
$0.00 |
Category 4: Preparing and Updating Operating Plans (No Designated Form) |
Category 5: Preparing and Updating Maintenance Plans (No Designated Form) |
Category 6: Compliance Reports and Information Updates |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Monitoring or Inspection Report for Special Uses |
FS-2700-1 |
61.27 |
$27,311.10 |
36CFR 251, Subpart B |
Recreation Residence Self-Inspection Report |
FS-2700-6b |
61.27 |
$0.00 |
State, Tribal, and Local Government Subtotal |
3921.28 |
$588,084.78 |
The Forest Service does not collect or track data for individual employment sectors and therefore has relied on the data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Bureau of Labor News Release, dated June 18, 2024 (https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/ecec.pdf), for the calculations of respondent costs.
Provide estimates of the total annual cost burden to respondents or record keepers resulting from the collection of information, (do not include the cost of any hour burden shown in items 12 and 14). The cost estimates should be split into two components: (a) a total capital and start-up cost component annualized over its expected useful life; and (b) a total operation and maintenance and purchase of services component.
There are no capital operation and maintenance costs.
Provide estimates of annualized cost to the Federal government. Provide a description of the method used to estimate cost and any other expense that would not have been incurred without this collection of information.
The response to this question covers the actual costs the agency will incur as a result of implementing the information collection. The estimate should cover the entire life cycle of the collection and include costs, if applicable, for:
Employee labor and materials for developing, printing, storing forms
Employee labor and materials for developing computer systems, screens, or reports to support the collection
Employee travel costs
Cost of contractor services or other reimbursements to individuals or organizations assisting in the collection of information
Employee labor and materials for collecting the information
Employee labor and materials for analyzing, evaluating, summarizing, and/or reporting on the collected information
Table 5. Forest Service collection administration costs
Action Item |
Personnel |
GS Level |
Hourly Rate |
Hours |
Salary |
1. The Application Process |
Resource Specialists/ Permit Administrators |
9-step-5 |
$42.33 |
29,390 |
$1,244,019.92 |
2. Special Use Authorizations |
Resource Specialists/ Permit Administrators |
9-step-5 |
$42.33 |
22,490 |
$951,956.72 |
3. Annual Financial Information |
Resource Specialists/ Permit Administrators |
9-step-5 |
$42.33 |
4,498 |
$190,391.34 |
4. Preparing and Updating Operating Plans |
Resource Specialists/ Permit Administrators |
9-step-5 |
$42.33 |
17,992 |
$761,565.38 |
5. Preparing and Updating Maintenance Plans |
Resource Specialists/ Permit Administrators |
9-step-5 |
$42.33 |
9,192 |
$389,078.98 |
6. Compliance Reports and Information Updates |
Resource Specialists/ Permit Administrators |
9-step-5 |
$42.33 |
14,106 |
$597,078.77 |
7. Special Uses Data Systems (SUDS) Management |
Resource Specialists/ Permit Administrators |
9-step-5 |
$42.33 |
9,767 |
$413,409.11 |
8. Special Use Data Systems (Annual Program cost) |
— |
— |
— |
$450,000 |
Totals |
— |
— |
107,435 |
$4,997,723.55 |
GS-9, Step 5 was used because it is the mean grade level for Forest Service employees working in the Special Use program and the Hourly Rate was calculated using OPM Salary Table 2024-RUS and multiplied by 1.3 to factor in the actual estimated cost to government.
Annual Hours was based to the available data in SUDS and estimations of time spent on each administrative process related to receiving, reviewing and processing Special Use applications and administering and monitoring Special Use authorizations.
Explain the reasons for any program changes or adjustments reported in items 13 or 14 of OMB form 83-I.
There have been no program changes.
For collections of information whose results are planned to be published, outline plans for tabulation and publication.
There are no plans to publish the results of this information collection.
If seeking approval to not display the expiration date for OMB approval of the information collection, explain the reasons that display would be inappropriate.
The Forest Service requested and was exempted from displaying the OMB expiration date on the previous Paperwork Reduction Act submission. Many of the Authorizations are valid for periods of up to 50 years from the date of execution. Holders of Forest Service Special Use authorizations often confuse OMB’s expiration date with the Forest Service’s date for expiration of the authorized use, or with the date a form was last revised (usually to reflect corrections due to typographical errors, misspellings, and so forth). Therefore, we are requesting approval to not display the OMB expiration date on forms covered by OMB information collection 0596-0082.
Explain each exception to the certification statement identified in item 19, "Certification Requirement for Paperwork Reduction Act."
There are no exceptions to the certification statement. The agency is able to certify compliance with all provisions under Item19 of OMB form 83-I, Certification Requirements for Paperwork Reduction Act.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Info Collections Specialist |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-12-31 |