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pdfAttachment N2 – NAMCS Provider Survey Component Introductory Letters
(Email Invitation to take web survey – survey link) NAMCS-Provider Survey Component (email 1 of 2)
SUBJECT: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (email 1 of 2)
Dear FirstName LastName, Degree (if provided),
You have been randomly selected to participate in the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS).
NAMCS has been conducted since 1973 and is the Nation’s foremost study of ambulatory care. NAMCS focuses
on non-federally employed ambulatory care providers who are primarily engaged in direct patient care. The
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) collects NAMCS data from ambulatory care providers to help health
services researchers and policy makers understand changing characteristics of ambulatory health care in the
United States. Information collected on the provider experience includes topics such as telemedicine, EHR usage,
and health equity.
The easiest way to respond is on the web version of this survey, found at https://XXXXXXX. A unique Log-in ID
and password to access the survey will be sent to you in a separate email for confidentiality reasons.
Participation in this 30-minute survey is voluntary. You are not being asked to provide any patient information. You
may stop participation at any time and there are no penalties for nonparticipation. If you participate, you are giving
consent. This allows for your deidentified information to be made available for future research by NCHS or other
investigators. We may carry out additional health care research by linking your survey responses to administrative
medical information and other related records. The Ethics Review Board (ERB) at CDC’s NCHS has reviewed and
approved this study to be in compliance with NCHS Practices and Procedures.
If you have questions or comments regarding this study, or you do not receive the second email with your Log-in
ID and password, please call (1-XXX) XXX-XXXX or email [email protected]. If you have questions about your rights
as a participant, please call the NCHS ERB at (800) 223-8118 and say you are calling about Protocol #2021-03.
Additional information about NAMCS may be found at
Thank you in advance for your participation in this important study.
Brian C. Moyer, PhD
National Center for Health Statistics
Frequently Asked Question
How does NCHS protect the confidentiality of NAMCS data and responses?
We take your privacy very seriously. The answers you provide are used for statistical purposes only. This
means that your answers will be combined with other providers’ answers in a way that protects everyone’s
identity. As required by federal law, only those NCHS employees and our specially designated agents who
must use your personal information for a specific reason can see your answers.
NCHS complies with numerous federal laws to protect your data, privacy, and confidentiality, as described
in detail below. Data collection is authorized under Section 306 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C.
242k). A number of federal laws require that all information we collect be held in strict confidence: Section
308(d) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 242m(d)), the Confidential Information Protection and
Statistical Efficiency Act (44 U.S.C 3561-3583), and the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. § 552a).
Transmissions across the internet into Federal information systems may be monitored for cybersecurity
purposes in accordance with the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015 (6 U.S.C. §§ 151 and 151 note).
Every NCHS employee, contractor, and agent has taken an oath to keep your information private. Anyone
who willfully discloses ANY identifiable information could get a jail term of up to five years, a fine of up to
$250,000, or both.
(Email Invitation to take web survey– Log-in ID & password) NAMCS-Provider Survey Component (email 2 of
SUBJECT: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (email 2 of 2)
Dear FirstName LastName, Degree (if provided),
You have been randomly selected to participate in the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS).
The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a Federal Statistical Agency, collects data from
ambulatory care providers to help health services researchers and policy makers understand changing
characteristics of ambulatory health care in this United States. NAMCS covers a diverse array of topics,
including telemedicine, EHR usage, and health equity.
A separate email was sent to you with the link to access the web-version of this survey. When prompted,
enter the Log-in ID and password provided below.
Log-in ID: [Login- ID-here]
Password: [password-here]
If you have questions or comments regarding this study, or you do not receive the first email with the survey
link, please call (1-XXX) XXX-XXXX or email [email protected] If you have questions about your rights as a
participant, please call the NCHS Ethics Review Board at (800) 223-8118 and say you are calling about
Protocol #2021-03.
Thank you in advance for your participation in this important study.
Brian C. Moyer, PhD
National Center for Health Statistics
Frequently Asked Question
How does NCHS protect the confidentiality of NAMCS data and responses?
We take your privacy very seriously. The answers you provide are used for statistical purposes only. This
means that your answers will be combined with other providers’ answers in a way that protects everyone’s
identity. As required by federal law, only those NCHS employees and our specially designated agents who
must use your personal information for a specific reason can see your answers.
NCHS complies with numerous federal laws to protect your data, privacy, and confidentiality, as described
in detail below. Data collection is authorized under Section 306 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C.
242k). A number of federal laws require that all information we collect be held in strict confidence: Section
308(d) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 242m(d)), the Confidential Information Protection and
Statistical Efficiency Act (44 U.S.C 3561-3583), and the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. § 552a).
Transmissions across the internet into Federal information systems may be monitored for cybersecurity
purposes in accordance with the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015 (6 U.S.C. §§ 151 and 151 note).
Every NCHS employee, contractor, and agent has taken an oath to keep your information private. Anyone
who willfully discloses ANY identifiable information could get a jail term of up to five years, a fine of up to
$250,000, or both.
(Follow-Up e-mail Invitation to take web survey – survey link) NAMCS-Provider Survey Component (email 1 of 2)
SUBJECT: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Follow-Up (email 1 of 2)
Dear FirstName LastName, Degree (if provided),
We have been trying to reach you about an important study on ambulatory medical care. You have been
randomly selected to participate in the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS). NAMCS
data are used to inform health services researchers and policy makers of changing characteristics of
ambulatory health care in the United States.
The easiest way to respond is on the web version of this survey, found at https://XXXXXXX. A unique Log-in
ID and password to access the survey will be sent to you in a separate email for confidentiality reasons.
Participation in this 30-minute survey is voluntary. You are not being asked to provide any patient
information. You may stop participation at any time and there are no penalties for nonparticipation. If you
participate, you are giving consent. This allows for your deidentified information to be made available for
future research by NCHS or other investigators. We may carry out additional health care research by linking
your survey responses to administrative medical information and other related records. The Ethics Review
Board (ERB) at CDC’s NCHS has reviewed and approved this study to be in compliance with NCHS
Practices and Procedures.
If you have questions or comments regarding this study, or you do not receive the second email with your
Log-in ID and password, please call (1-XXX) XXX-XXXX or email [email protected]. If you have questions about
your rights as a participant, please call the NCHS ERB at (800) 223-8118 and say you are calling about
Protocol #2021-03. Additional information about NAMCS may be found at
Thank you in advance for your participation in this important study.
Brian C. Moyer, PhD
National Center for Health Statistics
Frequently Asked Question
How does NCHS protect the confidentiality of NAMCS data and responses?
We take your privacy very seriously. The answers you provide are used for statistical purposes only. This
means that your answers will be combined with other providers’ answers in a way that protects everyone’s
identity. As required by federal law, only those NCHS employees and our specially designated agents who
must use your personal information for a specific reason can see your answers.
NCHS complies with numerous federal laws to protect your data, privacy, and confidentiality, as described
in detail below. Data collection is authorized under Section 306 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C.
242k). A number of federal laws require that all information we collect be held in strict confidence: Section
308(d) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 242m(d)), the Confidential Information Protection and
Statistical Efficiency Act (44 U.S.C 3561-3583), and the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. § 552a).
Transmissions across the internet into Federal information systems may be monitored for cybersecurity
purposes in accordance with the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015 (6 U.S.C. §§ 151 and 151 note).
Every NCHS employee, contractor, and agent has taken an oath to keep your information private. Anyone
who willfully discloses ANY identifiable information could get a jail term of up to five years, a fine of up to
$250,000, or both.
(Follow-Up e-mail Invitation to take web survey– Log-in ID & password) NAMCS-Provider Survey
Component (email 2 of 2)
SUBJECT: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Follow-Up (email 2 of 2)
Dear FirstName LastName, Degree (if provided),
We have been trying to reach you about an important study on ambulatory medical care. You have been
randomly selected to participate in the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS). NAMCS
covers a diverse array of topics, including telemedicine, EHR usage, and health equity.
A separate email was sent to you with the link to access the web-version of this survey. When prompted,
enter the Log-in ID and password provided below.
Log-in ID: [Login- ID-here]
Password: [password-here]
If you have questions or comments regarding this study, or you do not receive the first email with the survey
link, please call (1-XXX) XXX-XXXX or email [email protected]. If you have questions about your rights as a
participant, please call the NCHS Ethics Review Board at (800) 223-8118 and say you are calling about
Protocol #2021-03.
Thank you in advance for your participation in this important study.
Brian C. Moyer, PhD
National Center for Health Statistics
Frequently Asked Question
How does NCHS protect the confidentiality of NAMCS data and responses?
We take your privacy very seriously. The answers you provide are used for statistical purposes only. This
means that your answers will be combined with other providers’ answers in a way that protects everyone’s
identity. As required by federal law, only those NCHS employees and our specially designated agents who
must use your personal information for a specific reason can see your answers.
NCHS complies with numerous federal laws to protect your data, privacy, and confidentiality, as described
in detail below. Data collection is authorized under Section 306 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C.
242k). A number of federal laws require that all information we collect be held in strict confidence: Section
308(d) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 242m(d)), the Confidential Information Protection and
Statistical Efficiency Act (44 U.S.C. 3561-3583), and the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. § 552a).
Transmissions across the internet into Federal information systems may be monitored for cybersecurity
purposes in accordance with the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015 (6 U.S.C. §§ 151 and 151 note).
Every NCHS employee, contractor, and agent has taken an oath to keep your information private. Anyone
who willfully discloses ANY identifiable information could get a jail term of up to five years, a fine of up to
$250,000, or both.
FirstName LastName, Degree (if provided)
City, State Zip
(Mail Invitation to take web survey)
Dear FirstName LastName, Degree (if provided),
You have been randomly selected to participate in the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS).
NAMCS has been conducted since 1973 and is the Nation’s foremost study of ambulatory care. NAMCS
focuses on non-federally employed ambulatory care providers who are primarily engaged in direct patient
care. The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a Federal Statistical Agency, collects data from
ambulatory care providers to help health services researchers and policy makers understand changing
characteristics of ambulatory health care in this country. Information collected on the providers’ experience
includes topics such as advanced telemedicine, EHR usage, and health equity.
Responding to this survey is easy:
1. Go to: https://XXXXXX
2. Enter your Log-in ID: [Login-ID-here]
3. Enter your Password: [password-here]
Participation in this 30-minute survey is voluntary. You are not being asked to provide any patient
information. You may stop participation at any time, and there are no penalties for nonparticipation. If you
participate, you are giving consent. This allows for your deidentified information being made available for
future research by NCHS or other investigators. We may carry out additional health care research by linking
your survey responses to administrative medical information and other related records. The Ethics Review
Board (ERB) at CDC’s NCHS has reviewed and approved this study to be in compliance with NCHS
Practices and Procedures.
If you need assistance with the survey or have questions, please call (1-XXX) XXX-XXXX or email
[email protected]. If you have questions about your rights as a participant, please call the NCHS ERB at (800)
223-8118 and say you are calling about Protocol #2021-03. Additional information about NAMCS may be
found at
Thank you in advance for your participation in this important study.
Brian C. Moyer, PhD
National Center for Health Statistics
Frequently Asked Question
How does NCHS protect the confidentiality of NAMCS data and responses?
We take your privacy very seriously. The answers you provide are used for statistical purposes only. This
means that your answers will be combined with other providers’ answers in a way that protects everyone’s
identity. As required by federal law, only those NCHS employees and our specially designated agents who
must use your personal information for a specific reason can see your answers.
NCHS complies with numerous federal laws to protect your data, privacy, and confidentiality, as described
in detail below. Data collection is authorized under Section 306 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C.
242k). A number of federal laws require that all information we collect be held in strict confidence: Section
308(d) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 242m(d)), the Confidential Information Protection and
Statistical Efficiency Act (44 U.S.C 3561-3583), and the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. § 552a).
Transmissions across the internet into Federal information systems may be monitored for cybersecurity
purposes in accordance with the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015 (6 U.S.C. §§ 151 and 151 note).
Every NCHS employee, contractor, and agent has taken an oath to keep your information private. Anyone
who willfully discloses ANY identifiable information could get a jail term of up to five years, a fine of up to
$250,000, or both.
FirstName LastName, Degree (if provided)
City, State Zip
(First Mail Survey Package)
Dear FirstName LastName, Degree (if provided),
Previously we contacted you about your participation in the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey
(NAMCS). NAMCS is the Nation’s foremost study of ambulatory care. As of this mailing, we have not
received your completed survey. Results from the enclosed survey will provide information about topics
such as telemedicine, EHR usage, and health equity.
Responding to this survey is easy:
1. Go to: https://XXXXXX
2. Enter your Log-in ID: [Login-ID-here]
3. Enter your Password: [password-here]
If you are unable to complete the survey online:
Please complete the enclosed paper questionnaire and return it inside the envelope provided.
If you are unable to complete the survey, a staff member familiar with your workload can complete the
survey on your behalf. If you choose not to participate, please answer questions 1-2 and 4-5 and return the
Participation in this 30-minute survey is voluntary. You are not being asked to provide any patient
information. You may stop participation at any time. There are no penalties for nonparticipation. If you
participate, you are giving consent. This allows for your deidentified information being made available for
future research by NCHS or other investigators. We may carry out additional health care research by linking
your survey responses to administrative medical information and other related records. The Ethics Review
Board (ERB) at CDC’s NCHS has reviewed and approved this study to be in compliance with NCHS
Practices and Procedures.
If you have survey questions, please call (1-XXX) XXX-XXXX or email [email protected]. If you have questions
about your rights as a participant, please call the NCHS ERB at (800) 223-8118 and say you are calling
about Protocol #2021-03. Additional information about NAMCS may be found at
Thank you for your valuable assistance with this important study.
Brian C. Moyer, PhD
National Center for Health Statistics
Frequently Asked Question
How does NCHS protect the confidentiality of NAMCS data and responses?
We take your privacy very seriously. The answers you provide are used for statistical purposes only. This
means that your answers will be combined with other providers’ answers in a way that protects everyone’s
identity. As required by federal law, only those NCHS employees and our specially designated agents who
must use your personal information for a specific reason can see your answers.
NCHS complies with numerous federal laws to protect your data, privacy, and confidentiality, as described
in detail below. Data collection is authorized under Section 306 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C.
242k). A number of federal laws require that all information we collect be held in strict confidence: Section
308(d) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 242m(d)), the Confidential Information Protection and
Statistical Efficiency Act (44 U.S.C 3561-3583), and the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. § 552a).
Transmissions across the internet into Federal information systems may be monitored for cybersecurity
purposes in accordance with the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015 (6 U.S.C. §§ 151 and 151 note).
Every NCHS employee, contractor, and agent has taken an oath to keep your information private. Anyone
who willfully discloses ANY identifiable information could get a jail term of up to five years, a fine of up to
$250,000, or both.
FirstName LastName, Degree (if provided)
City, State Zip
(Second Mail Survey Package)
Dear FirstName LastName, Degree (if provided),
We have been trying to reach you about an important study on ambulatory medical care. You have been
randomly selected to participate in the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS). NAMCS
data are used to inform health services researchers and policy makers of changing characteristics of
ambulatory health care in the United States.
Responding to this survey is easy:
1. Go to: https://XXXXXX
2. Enter your Log-in ID: [Login-ID-here]
3. Enter your Password: [password-here]
If you are unable to complete the survey online:
Please complete the enclosed paper questionnaire and return it inside the envelope provided.
This study period will be ending soon, and a concern is that providers who have not responded may have
different experiences from those who have. We need to hear from all types of providers, and we cannot
replace your contribution. If you are unable to complete the survey yourself within the next week, then a
staff member familiar with your workload can complete it on your behalf. It should take about 30 minutes to
complete. If you are no longer in practice or do not provide ambulatory patient care, please answer
questions and 1-5. If you choose not to participate, please answer questions 1-2 and 4-5.
You are not being asked to provide any patient information for this survey and participation is voluntary. You
may stop participation at any time, and there are no penalties for nonparticipation. If you participate, you are
giving consent. This allows for your deidentified information being made available for future research by
NCHS or other investigators. We may carry out additional health care research by linking your survey
responses to administrative medical information and other related records. The Ethics Review Board (ERB)
at CDC’s NCHS has reviewed and approved this study to be in compliance with NCHS Practices and
Thank you in advance for your time, effort, and contribution to this important study. If you need assistance
with the survey or have questions, please call (1-XXX) XXX-XXXX or email [email protected]. If you have
questions about your rights as a participant, please call the NCHS ERB at (800) 223-8118 and say you are
calling about Protocol #2021-03. Additional information about NAMCS may be found at
Brian C. Moyer, PhD
National Center for Health Statistics
Frequently Asked Question
How does NCHS protect the confidentiality of NAMCS data and responses?
We take your privacy very seriously. The answers you provide are used for statistical purposes only. This
means that your answers will be combined with other providers’ answers in a way that protects everyone’s
identity. As required by federal law, only those NCHS employees and our specially designated agents who
must use your personal information for a specific reason can see your answers.
NCHS complies with numerous federal laws to protect your data, privacy, and confidentiality, as described
in detail below. Data collection is authorized under Section 306 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C.
242k). A number of federal laws require that all information we collect be held in strict confidence: Section
308(d) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 242m(d)), the Confidential Information Protection and
Statistical Efficiency Act (44 U.S.C 3561-3583), and the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. § 552a).
Transmissions across the internet into Federal information systems may be monitored for cybersecurity
purposes in accordance with the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015 (6 U.S.C. §§ 151 and 151 note).
Every NCHS employee, contractor, and agent has taken an oath to keep your information private. Anyone
who willfully discloses ANY identifiable information could get a jail term of up to five years, a fine of up to
$250,000, or both.
[placeholder for contractor's logo]
Previously, a National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) questionnaire was mailed
to you requesting your participation in an important study of ambulatory medical care.
If you returned the questionnaire, thank you for your contribution. If not, please do so today.
Your participation is critical and helps improve our understanding of the provision and use of
ambulatory medical care services in the United States.
If you need assistance with the survey or have questions, please call [placeholder for respondent
help phone number or email]. If you have questions about your rights as a participant, please call the
NCHS ERB at (1-800) 223-8118 and say you are calling about Protocol #2021-03. Additional
information about NAMCS may be found at
Thank you for your participation.
Brian C. Moyer, PhD
National Center for Health Statistics
NAMCS-L6 (06-27-2022)
[placeholder for contractor's logo]
Previously, a National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) questionnaire was mailed
to you requesting your participation in an important study of ambulatory medical care.
If you returned the questionnaire, thank you for your contribution. If not, please do so today.
Your participation is critical and helps improve our understanding of the provision and use of
ambulatory medical care services in the United States.
If you need assistance with the survey or have questions, please call [placeholder for
respondent help phone number]. If you have questions about your rights as a participant,
please call the NCHS ERB at (1-800) 223-8118 and say you are calling about Protocol
#2021-03. Additional information about NAMCS may be found at
Thank you for your participation.
Brian C. Moyer, PhD
National Center for Health Statistics
NAMCS-L6 (06-27-2022)
File Type | application/pdf |
Author | O'Connor, Kathy (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS) |
File Modified | 2024-12-05 |
File Created | 2024-03-25 |