Change Request Memo_26JUN2024

PHIG GenIC Request_TEP-rev.pdf

[OADPS] The Performance Measures Project: Improving Performance Measurement and Monitoring by CDC Programs

Change Request Memo_26JUN2024

OMB: 0920-1282

Document [pdf]
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Notice of Funding Opportunity OE22-2203, “Strengthening U.S. Public Health
Infrastructure, Workforce, and Data Systems”


In 2023, CDC obtained approval to collect performance measures for OE222203 recipients for 3 years (2023-2025) [3-year total of 963 responses, 43,014
burden hours]; View Information Collection (IC) (


In 2023, CDC obtained approval for a one-time data collection to create an
inventory of Targeted Evaluation Projects (TEP) planned or initiated by OE222203 recipients as part of their performance plan [1-year total of 107
responses, 214 burden hours]; View Information Collection (IC) (

Requested Changes: In 2024, CDC is requesting approval to modify the TEP template. Information
will be collected to monitor the status (in progress and/or completed) of TEPs
reported in 2023. This Change Request incorporates two additional collections
in the TEP template to respectively monitor progress and completion of the
TEPs through2024 and 2025. These two collections are found in Appendix A,
sections 2 and 3. The total change in burden over 2 cycles of data collection
(2024 and 2025) is 214 hours and 214 responses, or 107 additional hours of
annualized burden.


OMB Control Number 0920-1282
Performance Measures Project
Request for genIC Approval (for data collection in 2023 to 2025)
CIO: National Center for STLT Public Health Infrastructure and Workforce
PROJECT TITLE: OE22-2203 TEP CHANGE REQUEST (to the Performance Measures for
Strengthening U.S. Public Health Infrastructure, Workforce, and Data Systems Grant (PHIG) (2023)
PURPOSE AND USE OF COLLECTION: The purpose of this collection is to provide oversight of
Targeted Evaluation Project (TEP) reporting requirements established for funding recipients under
CDC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) OE22-2203, Strengthening U.S. Public Health
Infrastructure, Workforce, and Data Systems (the “Public Health Infrastructure (PHI) Grant
Program”). The PHI grant program currently provides cross-cutting support to 107 public health
agencies (recipients) for critical infrastructure needs. Recipients are units of government in state and
local jurisdictions, special districts, U.S. territories, and Freely Associated States. Funding from this
multi-component grant will help ensure that recipients have the people, services, and systems
needed by their jurisdictions to promote and protect health.
Background: In 2023, CDC obtained approval for 3 years to monitor recipient performance of
activities funded under NOFO Component A (see OMB No. 0920-1282, [OADPS / NCSTLTPHIW]
Performance Measures for Strengthening U.S. Public Health Infrastructure, Workforce, and Data
Systems Grant OE22-2203 2023-2025), View Information Collection (IC) ( CDC is currently
collecting information needed to describe and monitor activities in the following areas of emphasis:

Strategy A1: Workforce (Recruit, retain, support, and train the public health workforce).
Strategy A2. Foundational Capabilities (Strengthen systems, processes, and policies).

No performance measure data are being collected for Strategy A3: Data Modernization (Deploy
scalable, flexible, and sustainable technologies) through the PHI grant.
Recipient jurisdictions are expected to achieve a number of key outcomes by the end of the 5-year
period of performance. In the short term, expected outcomes include: (1) Increased hiring of diverse
public health staff and (2) Improved organizational systems and processes, among other outcomes.
In the long term, expected outcomes include: (1) Increased size and capabilities of the public health
workforce; (2) Stronger public health foundational capabilities; (3) Increased availability and use of
public health data; and (4) Improved sharing of lessons learned.
CDC and public health partners use the performance measures collected under Component A:
Strategy A1 and Strategy A2 to:
• Track and report progress consistently across recipients on priority outcomes
• Inform CDC and Partners’ technical assistance activities such as site visits, training
opportunities, and peer-to-peer sharing activities, to support recipients with advancing their
work through this grant



Inform partners and CDC on progress and gaps to ultimately identify actions to improve
performance over time


Stimulate discussions between CDC Project Officers and recipients.

This revision describes the incremental burden of adding Progress and Completion sections
to the original form:
Revision to Supplemental TEP Data Collection: This is a change request to a previous package that
includes an approved supplemental for TEP Data Collection (see OMB No. 0920-1282/0920-24AJ PHIG TEP supplement, [OPPE/ NCSTLTPHIW] TARGETED EVALUATION PROJECTS (TEPs)SUPPLEMENT to Performance Measures for Strengthening U.S. Public Health Infrastructure,
Workforce, and Data Systems Grant OE22-2203 [2023, 2024]), View Information Collection (IC)
( As noted below, we received approval in 2023 to collect Supplemental TEP Data for
recipients to describe their evaluation approaches and performance measures(s) they have selected
for their targeted evaluation. This is a request to expand the previously approved form to incorporate
two additional collections: a TEP Progress Report for programs with ongoing projects (Appendix A
Worksheets 2-A through 2-C) and a Completion Report for programs who have completed their
project (Appendix A Worksheet 3-A). This revision does not change the burden estimate for the
original TEP Project Plan form, but the added sections on recipients’ TEP Progress and Completion
do add additional burden. Those changes are reflected in the Annualized Burden Hours table below.
CDC will use the supplemental TEP Progress and Completion information to:



Continue to ensure appropriate stewardship of PHI grant funds by monitoring recipient
progress and completion on a key grant requirement, i.e., the progress and barriers
associated with the implementation of a Targeted Evaluation Project selected from the
recipient’s overall performance measures.
Continue to facilitate continuous quality and program improvement throughout the period of
performance and determine the applicability of evidence-based approaches to different
populations, settings, and contexts.
Inform the provision of programmatic support and proactive training and technical
Identify recipients’ activities and strategies that have been effective at achieving the grant’s
key outcomes and performance measures and share these widely with recipients, Federal
Partners, and partner organizations working on improving public health infrastructure.

The deadline for reporting the Progress section of the form to CDC is August 1, 2024. The
Completion section of the form will be submitted in 2025, on a rolling basis to CDC (60 days within
the completion of a TEP.)

Supplemental TEP Data Collection: The PHI grant requires each recipient to choose 1-2 specific
funded activities or strategies – aligned with their priority performance measures – for further
evaluation. CDC instituted this requirement to stimulate focused approaches to infrastructure
investment and evaluation that can ultimately be shared and inform future investments. The
definition of what constitutes a Targeted Evaluation Project is broad and may encompass process
evaluations, outcome evaluations, or quality improvement initiatives pertaining to expected

outcomes. TEPs are recipient-driven, i.e., recipients should propose TEPs that are useful and
meaningful within the context of their infrastructure enhancement goals. Recipients are encouraged
to use the findings from their TEPs to improve the implementation and/or understand the
effectiveness of their activities. CDC does not determine the recipients’ individualized infrastructure
goals, evaluation priorities, or the methods for conducting targeted evaluations, and CDC is not
collecting the data described in the recipients’ TEPs. However, CDC is requiring recipients to report
which performance measure(s) they have selected for targeted evaluation and to describe their
evaluation approaches, as outlined in the attached template (see Appendix A).
CDC will use the supplemental TEP information to:



Ensure appropriate stewardship of PHI grant funds by monitoring recipient progress on a key
grant requirement, i.e., the development and implementation of a Targeted Evaluation
Project selected from the recipient’s overall performance measures.
Facilitate continuous quality and program improvement throughout the period of performance
and determine the applicability of evidence-based approaches to different populations,
settings, and contexts.
Inform the provision of programmatic support and proactive training and technical
Create an inventory of TEPs that can be used to
o Facilitate communication and collaboration among recipients and public health
partners regarding the scope of recipient-driven approaches to evaluating
investments in public health infrastructure;
o Understand what other recipients are planning to evaluate which will be helpful in
making peer-to-peer connections to facilitate learning and cross-collaboration;
o Facilitate discussions with HHS and Federal partners regarding recipients’
perspectives, expressed in their evaluation priorities and strategies, about the public
benefit of Federal investment in public health infrastructure.

The deadline for reporting the first TEP to CDC is November 15, 2023. If recipients make sufficient
progress on implementing their TEPs in 2023-2024, CDC may request submission of an additional
TEP in 2025-2026.
The information to be collected in the TEP is related to, but distinct from, the performance measures
currently reported under CDC generic 0920-1282.
NUMBER AND TITLE OF NOFO: CDC-RFA-OE22-2203 Strengthening U.S. Public Health
Infrastructure, Workforce, and Data Systems Grant Program
NUMBER OF PARTICIPATING RECIPIENTS: 107 public health jurisdictions (50 states,
Washington, D.C., 48 local, 8 territories/freely associated states), or their bona fide agents
DESCRIPTION OF NOFO (check all that apply):

Funds all 50 states



Has budget higher than $10 million per year


Has significant stakeholder interest (e.g. partners, Congress)

Please elaborate:
The PHI grant program provides $3.685 billion under Component A to help state, local, and territorial
and freely associated health agencies across the U.S. strengthen their public health workforce and
infrastructure. CDC awarded Component A grant funding to 107 recipient jurisdictions, including
public health agencies in all 50 states, Washington D.C., 8 territories/freely associated states, and
48 large localities (cities serving a population of 400,000 or more and counties serving a population
of 2,000,000 or more based on the 2020 U.S. Census). Recipient award amounts were based on a
funding formula that included population size and community resilience.

The revisions in the updated template will provide information about a recipient’s progress
on their TEP and their findings. The Targeted Evaluation Project (TEP) template provides detailed
information about a recipient’s selection and approach to evaluating one of the activities described in
its overall performance measures. The template is organized into sections:

1-A. Background Details (date submitted, recipient name, and evaluation POC)
1-B. Evaluation Users and Focus (project description, purpose, intended users, applicable
strategies, type of evaluation, and evaluation product)
1-C. Evaluation Questions, Methods, and Implementation Plan (evaluation questions,
methods, and timeline)


1-D. Optional Activities (technical assistance, community of practice, and participation in the
PHIG National Evaluation Plan)
2-A. Progress (status of implementation, barriers)
2-B. Revisions (changes in previously submitted TEPs, if applicable)


2-C. Preliminary Findings (evaluation results, if applicable)
3-A. Completion (completion status, evaluation results)

CDC is not requiring submission of TEP evaluation data. CDC is requiring submission of the TEP
template in order to monitor recipient progress and completion on a key performance requirement of
the grant, to describe activities and outcomes funded under the PHI grant and respond to inquiries,
and to provide technical assistance to recipients, as requested.

I certify the following to be true:
1. The collection is non-controversial and does not raise issues of concern to other federal


2. Information gathered is meant primarily for program improvement and accountability; it is not
intended to be used as the principal basis for policy decisions
signed by Christina L. Chung -S
Christina L. Chung -S Digitally
Date: 2024.06.24 10:49:13 -04'00'

Name: ________________________________________________

Reporting requirements for the Targeted Evaluation Projects (TEPs) capture the three phases of the
project: 1) development, 2) implementation, and 3) completion. For each year of progress reporting,
respondents will submit the [one] TEP form that aligns with their project phase:

TEP Template – This form aligns with the project development phase and collects
descriptive information about the TEP planned by each recipient. The total burden for this
form reflects an estimated amount of 2 hours for completion by 107 recipients (estimated
total = 214 hours). This reporting form will be completed and submitted once by each
recipient. Please NOTE: This form (included in the original request) was submitted by
recipients in 2023 and does not change/impact the original burden estimate.


TEP Template: Annual Progress Report – This section of the form aligns with the project
implementation phase. It is estimated that completion will require 1 hour.
TEP Template: Completion Report – This section of the form aligns with the project
completion phase. This section will be submitted by those recipients who have completed
their TEP during the performance period and are reporting final achievements. It is estimated
a total of 1 hour will be required to complete this section.


Accordingly, each recipient will submit the following:
1) By August 2024, each of the 107 recipients will submit the Progress Report worksheet
2) In 2025, each of the 107 recipients will submit a second form: either another Progress Report
worksheet OR they will submit a Completion Report worksheet.
In total, there will be 214 responses, each response taking an estimated 1 hour for completion. The
total burden for these collections, adding burden for both 2024 and 2025, is 214 hours. Without
knowing how many recipients will have completed their project by the 2025 deadline, we are unable
to provide a precise number of responses for each of the two distinct forms. Instead, the entries in
the burden table below are intended to represent the cumulative burden of the two forms, with an
assumption for simplicity’s sake that each recipient will have completed their project by the 2025
deadline and will be submitting a completion report.

2024 Annualized Burden Table
Type of

Form Name

No. of


No. of

Burden Per


Public health
agency (state,
associated state)
or bona fide


(1-A through



2 hours

214 hours

(2-A through



1 hour

107 hours




1 hour

0 hours

Total burden
in this
request for

107 hours

2025 Annualized Burden Table
Type of

Form Name

No. of

No. of

Burden Per


Public health
agency (state,
associated state)
or bona fide




1 hour

107 hours


Total burden
in this
request for

107 hours

This table specifies the calendar years in which information will be collected and calculates the total
burden hours requested over the approved timeframe of the generic.
No. Years

Burden Hours

Total Burden Hours

2023 – TEP Template


214 hours

214 hours

2024 – TEP Template: Annual Progress Report


107 hours

107 hours

2025 – TEP Template: Completion Report


107 hours

107 hours

Data Collection Timeframe (List up to 3 Years)

for this GENIC

FEDERAL COST: The estimated annual cost to the Federal government is $92,426
The cost estimate reflects salaries of CDC FTEs and contractors during data collection and analysis
activities, including building and maintaining the data reporting tool, data cleaning and quality
assurance, data analysis, and reporting of data. Estimated costs for CDC FTEs and contractors are:

GS13, Step 1: $99,595 x 0.10 FTE x 1 staff = $9,595 (building/maintaining data reporting
GS13, Step 6: $121,342 x 0.50 FTE x 1 staff = $60,671 (data management, cleaning, quality
assurance, data analysis)
GS11, Step 1: $74,950 x 0.20 FTE x 1 staff = $14,990 (data cleaning, quality assurance)
GS14, Step 6: $143,390 x 0.05 FTE x 1 staff = $7,170 (oversight of process, including data
collection and analysis)

1. How will you collect the information? (Check all that apply)
[ X ] Web-based
[ ] Email
[ ] Postal Mail
[ ] Other, Explain

Please make sure all instruments, instructions, and scripts are submitted with the request.

Appendix A: TEP Template


Appendix B: Notification Email


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2024-06-24
File Created2024-06-24

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