Non-Substantive Change Request Memo [13NOV2024]

PHIG GenIC Request (Revision)_Signed.pdf

[OADPS] The Performance Measures Project: Improving Performance Measurement and Monitoring by CDC Programs

Non-Substantive Change Request Memo [13NOV2024]

OMB: 0920-1282

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OMB Control Number 0920-1282
Performance Measures Project
Request for genIC Approval (for data collection in 2023, 2024, 2025)
Date: 11/07/2024

CIO: National Center for STLT Public Health Infrastructure and Workforce
PROJECT TITLE: Performance Measures for Strengthening U.S. Public Health Infrastructure,
Workforce, and Data Systems Grant (Revision)
PURPOSE AND USE OF COLLECTION: This is a non-substantive revision to the
aforementioned project, which will maintain its original title. The sole change will be adding
five data points that represent targets for four of the five performance measures: Retention
(two targets), Hiring Timeliness, Procurement Timeliness, and Accreditation Involvement and
Readiness. This revision does not affect the estimated burden hours. Supported in part by the
American Rescue Plan Act, the Strengthening U.S. Public Health Infrastructure, Workforce, and
Data Systems grant (OE22-2203, the Public Health Infrastructure (PHI) Grant Program) provides
funding to support the critical public health infrastructure needs of jurisdictions across the United
States (U.S.). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) awarded $3.2 billion under
Component A to 107 public health agencies from state, local, and territorial and freely associated
states (Component A recipients). The purpose of Component A funding is to provide diseaseagnostic funding to support investments in workforce and foundational capabilities, with the goal of
strengthening the public health workforce and infrastructure of Component A recipient jurisdictions.
Under Component A, the three grant strategies are:
A1. Workforce: Recruit, retain, support, and train the public health workforce,
A2. Foundational Capabilities: Strengthen systems, processes, and policies, and
A3. Data Modernization: Deploy scalable, flexible, and sustainable technologies.
There are several key outcomes under Component A that recipient jurisdictions are expected to
achieve by the end of the five (5)-year period of performance. In the short term, expected outcomes
include: (1) Increased hiring of diverse public health staff and (2) Improved organizational systems
and processes, among other outcomes. In the long term, expected outcomes include: (1) Increased
size and capabilities of the public health workforce; (2) Stronger public health foundational
capabilities; (3) Increased availability and use of public health data; and (4) Improved sharing of
lessons learned.
This request for genIC approval is applicable to all 107 Component A recipients for performance
measures under Component A for Strategy A1, Workforce, and Strategy A2, Foundational
Capabilities. No performance measure data will be collected for Strategy A3, Data Modernization,
through this project.


The Component A, Strategy A1 and Strategy A2 performance measures associated with this grant
are intended to be used by CDC and partners to:
• Track and report progress consistently across recipients on priority outcomes
• Inform CDC and Partners’ technical assistance activities such as site visits, training
opportunities, and peer-to-peer sharing activities, to support recipients with advancing their
work through this grant
• Inform partners and CDC on progress and gaps to ultimately identify actions to improve
performance over time
• Stimulate discussions between CDC Project Officers and recipients
CDC plans to leverage other methods of information that are collected via Notice of Funding
Opportunity (NOFO) grant reporting requirements to demonstrate performance more robustly (e.g.,
work plan updates, annual progress reports, progress calls, and focused evaluation projects). CDC
will rely on a combination of these sources, along with these performance measure data, to assess
progress throughout the period of performance.

NUMBER AND TITLE OF NOFO: CDC-RFA-OE22-2203 Strengthening U.S. Public Health
Infrastructure, Workforce, and Data Systems Grant Program
NUMBER OF PARTICIPATING RECIPIENTS: 107 public health jurisdictions (50 states,
Washington, D.C., 48 local, 8 territories/freely associated states), or their bona fide agents
DESCRIPTION OF NOFO (check all that apply):

Funds all 50 states


Has budget higher than $10 million per year


Has significant stakeholder interest (e.g. partners, Congress)

Please elaborate:
The PHI grant program provides $3.2 billion under Component A to help state, local, and territorial
and freely associated health agencies across the U.S. strengthen their public health workforce and
infrastructure. CDC awarded Component A grant funding to 107 recipient jurisdictions, including
public health agencies in all 50 states, Washington D.C., 8 territories/freely associated states, and
48 large localities (cities serving a population of 400,000 or more and counties serving a population
of 2,000,000 or more based on the 2020 U.S. Census). Recipient award amounts were based on a
funding formula that included population size and community resilience.

CDC and its partners developed a set of performance measures designed to reflect priority
outcomes for the grant under Component A, Strategy A1, Workforce, and Strategy A2, Foundational
Capabilities (see Appendix A: OE22-2203: Strengthening U.S. Public Health Infrastructure,
Workforce, and Data Systems Grant Program Component A Recipient Performance Measure
Guidance Document). These measures reflect priority outcomes for the grant. They were selected to


serve as meaningful markers of program outcomes; to inform actions to drive improvements for
achieving intended outcomes; to keep recipient reporting burden low; and to contribute to a
meaningful set of measures overall for this grant.
The process for developing and selecting these performance measures included a review and
prioritization of logic model outcomes, determination of criteria to inform prioritization of performance
measures, and discussions with key partners and a self-selected sample of recipients. Discussions
with partners, internal program staff, and recipients elicited feedback on both importance of
monitoring these data and feasibility for reporting these data that informed the final list of
performance measures. A draft technical specifications document for these measures was further
shared with all 107 recipients for comment. This comment period allowed all recipients to provide
feedback on the measures to help ensure that the measures and terms were clearly operationalized,
that reporting on these data would not be overly burdensome, and to understand what additional
assistance recipients would need for reporting on these data, if applicable.
There are five performance measures to be reported to CDC by Component A recipients. Three of
the measures are to be reported twice a year (6 month reporting frequency), while two of the
measures are to be reported once per year (12 month reporting frequency), on a similar timeframe.
This cadence of reporting was determined based on the extent to which CDC anticipates there being
opportunities to engage recipients on performance improvement and provide technical assistance on
these topics. There are three (3) measures for Strategy A1: Workforce and two (2) measures for
Strategy A2: Foundational Capabilities. The measures address the topics of Hiring, Retention, Hiring
Timeliness, Procurement Timeliness, and Accreditation Involvement and Readiness.

A1.1. Hiring: Number of PHI grant-funded positions filled by job classification and program
area (6 month reporting frequency)
A1.2. Retention: Overall agency staff retention rate (12 month reporting frequency)
A2.1. Hiring Timeliness: Time-to-fill position (6 month reporting frequency)
A2.2. Procurement Timeliness: Procurement cycle time from approval to move forward with
procurement to contract execution (6 month reporting frequency)
A2.3. Accreditation Involvement and Readiness: Level of engagement with PHAB
accreditation (12 month reporting frequency)

I certify the following to be true:
1. The collection is non-controversial and does not raise issues of concern to other federal
2. Information gathered is meant primarily for program improvement and accountability; it is not
intended to be used as the principal basis for policy decisions
Digitally signed by Christina
Christina L.
L. Chung -S
Name: ________________________________________________
Date: 2024.11.07 16:45:26
Chung -S

To assist review, please answer the following questions:


This table calculates the total estimated burden per year for all recipients. Estimates are based on
the highest possible burden expected for recipients to report on measures. The first row of the table
is for measures reported twice a year and the second row is for the measures reported once a year.
The estimates include recipient time to collect and aggregate data from internal and external
partners, manage reporting systems in jurisdictions, and enter data into the web-based reporting
system, the Public Health Infrastructure Virtual Engagement (PHIVE), a Salesforce Platform (see
Appendix B: Screenshots of Component A Recipient Performance Measures Salesforce Data Entry
Fields for OE22-2203: Strengthening U.S. Public Health Infrastructure, Workforce, and Data
Systems Grant Program).

Type of Respondent


No. of

No. of
Responses per

Burden Per

Burden Hours

Public health agency
(state, local,
territorial/freely associated
state) or bona fide agents



2 (3 measures
reported every 6

56 hours

11,984 hours

Public health agency
(state, local,
territorial/freely associated
state) or bona fide agents



1 (2 measures
reported every
12 months)

22 hours

2,354 hours

78 hours

14,338 hours


This table specifies the calendar years in which information will be collected and calculates the total
burden hours requested over the approved timeframe of the generic.
Data Collection Timeframe (List up to 3 Years)

No. Years

2023, 2024, 2025



Burden Hours

14,338 hours

Total Burden Hours

for this GENIC
43,014 hours

FEDERAL COST: The estimated annual cost to the Federal government is $123,284
The cost estimate reflects salaries of CDC FTEs and contractors during data collection and analysis
activities, including building and maintaining the data reporting tool, data cleaning and quality
assurance, data analysis, and reporting of data. Estimated costs for CDC FTEs and contractors are:

GS13, Step 1: $99,595 x 0.10 FTE x 1 staff = $9,595 (building/maintaining data reporting


GS13, Step 10: $129,472 x 0.10 FTE x 1 staff = $12,947 (building/maintaining data reporting
GS13, Step 6: $121,342 x 0.50 FTE x 1 staff = $60,671 (data management)
GS11, Step 1: $74,950 x 0.20 FTE x 1 staff = $14,990 (data cleaning, quality assurance)
GS13, Step 10: $129,472 x 0.10 FTE x 1 staff = 12,947 (stats support, developing code,
formatting tables)


GS13, Step 6: $121,342 x 0.10 FTE x 1 staff = $12,134 (data cleaning and analysis

1. How will you collect the information? (Check all that apply)
[ X ] Web-based
[ ] Email
[ ] Postal Mail
[ ] Other, Explain

Please make sure all instruments, instructions, and scripts are submitted with the request.

Appendix A: OE22-2203: Performance Measures Guidance (Revision)
Appendix B: OE22-2203: Salesforce Data Entry (Revision)
Appendix C: OE22-2203: Recipient Notification Email (Revision)


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - PHIG GenIC Request (Revision)
File Modified2024-11-07
File Created2024-11-07

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