SHIPS Performance Measures Guide

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[OADPS] The Performance Measures Project: Improving Performance Measurement and Monitoring by CDC Programs

SHIPS Performance Measures Guide

OMB: 0920-1282

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Document Drafted October 2024

Form Approved
OMB Control Number: 0920-1282
Expiration Date: 06/30/2026

CDC-RFA-PS-24-0003 Support and Scale-Up
of HIV Prevention Services in Sexual Health
Clinics (SHIPS) Performance Measure

CDC estimates the average public reporting burden for this collection of information as 56 hours annually, including the time for reviewing
instructions, searching existing data/information sources, gathering and maintaining the data/information needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of
information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of
this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600
Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-1282)

Introduction & Purpose of Performance Measure Guidance Document
This document provides performance measure guidance to sexual health clinics (SHCs) participating in
the Division of Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention’s (DSTDP) CDC-RFA-PS-24-0003 Support and
Scale-Up of HIV Prevention Services in Sexual Health Clinics (or SHIPS).
Performance measurement is the ongoing monitoring of a set of indicators (performance measures) to
determine program progress. Performance measurement interprets patterns in performance measures
and answers the general line of questioning around “what occurred or what is occurring?” with the
program. Performance measures are assessed with a set recurring frequency so that strategy and
approach may be adjusted when needed. Recipients will report required performance measurement
quantitative and qualitative data using CDC-approved systems.
CDC-RFA-PS-24-0003, or SHIPS, has two required strategies. Recipients must address both Strategies A
and B.
• Strategy A: Strengthen clinic infrastructure and improve service delivery to address the syndemic
of HIV and other STIs. There are four required activities associated with Strategy A.
• Strategy B: Foster strategic partnerships in support of the EHE initiative. There are three required
activities associated with Strategy B.
Recipients should familiarize themselves with these required strategies and activities by referring to the
CDC-RFA-PS-24-0003 Notice of Funding Opportunity. Recipients will enter planned strategy and activity
implementation information into their work plans. Performance measure monitoring will help the CDC
and recipients understand where reality deviated from plans and the proximal benefit of implemented
There are 21 SHIPS performance measures (15 for Strategy A and 6 for Strategy B). SHIPS performance
measures link directly to select high-priority outcomes (see SHIPS logic model below). These measures
were selected to serve as meaningful markers towards meeting program outcomes; to inform actions to
drive improvements for achieving intended outcomes; and to keep recipient reporting burden low.
Each SHIPS performance measure is described here below with a performance measure reference sheet.
Performance measure reference sheets provide insights into how the CDC calculates performance
measures from data entered into the REDCap platform.
For further detail on how to report the base data used to calculate performance measures, refer to the
Data Entry Guidance document. The Data Entry Guidance document will also include key definitions and
reporting guidance. The Data Entry Guidance document is the foundational reporting document for
SHIPS recipients.



Performance Measure Reference Sheets
Strategy A Performance Measure Reference Sheets

PM-1. Proportion of STD-QCS recommended services offered, by service
Performance Measure Characteristics
Relevant NOFO
Logic Model

This performance measure relates to the following activity and outcome:
Activity A1. Implement an action plan to address clinic infrastructure gaps.

Outcome ST1. Enhanced adoption of optimal sexual health services and clinic
models for the provision of quality STI-related clinical care.
Measure Rationale, CDC’s Recommendations for Providing Quality Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Background, and/or Clinical Services (STD QCS) assessment tool will be used to assess the recipient’s
clinic infrastructure for each of the seven domains of recommended STD clinical
services (prevention, evaluation, laboratory, treatment, sexual history and
exam, screening, partner services) for the stipulated performance period. CDC
will use this measure to assess changes in clinic infrastructure over time within
the cooperative agreement period.
See the Data Entry Guidance document for key definitions and further

Performance Measure Specifications
Unit of


Frequency of

Dichotomous Yes/No answer options by service. CDC will derive counts and
proportions of “should” and “could” STD-QCS recommendations met based on
Yes/No answers logged in the assessment.
STD-QCS “should” recommendations met:
• # “should” recommendations offered in clinic.
STD-QCS “could” recommendations met:
• # “could” recommendations offered in clinic.
STD-QCS “should” recommendations met:
• Total # of possible “should” recommendations.
STD-QCS “could” recommendations met:
• Total # of possible “could” recommendations.
Due at NOFO application submission and September 15th annually, beginning

Data Source Attributes
Data Source(s)
Lag in Reporting

Recipients will complete the STD-QCS Assessment instrument programmed in
Look-back period of one year. Recipients will receive a copy of their previous
year’s submission to aid in data entry for the current year.

PM-2. Number of training, technical assistance, and/or capacity-building events

Performance Measure Characteristics
Relevant NOFO Logic
Model Components

This performance measure relates to the following activity and outcome:
Activity A1. Implement an action plan to address clinic infrastructure gaps.

Measure Rationale,
Background, and/or

Population Targeted

Outcome ST1. Enhanced adoption of optimal sexual health services and clinic
models for the provision of quality STI-related clinical care.
Recipients should collaborate with the National Network of STD Clinical
Prevention Training Centers (NNPTC) to identify training, technical assistance,
and capacity-building opportunities to implement quality sexual health
services at the participating clinic in accordance with the STD QCS. Emphasis
should be placed on the identification of training needs to support the
provision of culturally sensitive, trauma-informed, patient-centered care.
Recipients will enter information about each training, technical assistance,
and/or capacity-building event completed in the reporting period.
See the Data Entry Guidance document for key definitions and further
More than likely, clinic staff.

Performance Measure Specifications
Unit of Measurement

Frequency of

Count. Recipients will enter information about each training, technical
assistance, and/or capacity-building event into the REDCap Annual
Performance Measures instrument. CDC will then derive a count by type of
event logged in the instrument.
September 15th annually, beginning 9/15/25.

Data Source Attributes
Data Source(s)
Lag in Reporting

Recipients will complete the Annual Performance Measures instrument
programmed in REDCap.
Look-back period of one year.

PM-3. Number of evidence-based or informed clinic projects completed.
Performance Measure Characteristics
Relevant NOFO Logic
Model Components

This performance measure relates to the following activity and outcome:
Activity A2. Implement evidence-based or evidence-informed approaches.

Measure Rationale,
Background, and/or

Outcome ST1. Enhanced adoption of optimal sexual health services and clinic
models for the provision of quality STI-related clinical care.
Recipients will identify and implement evidence-based or evidence-informed
approaches or emerging strategies to implement at the participating clinic
that will improve patient flow, increase patient volume, and allow clinic staff
to serve patients more efficiently, including the provision of timely testing
and treatment. Recipients will enter information about each evidence-based
or informed project completed in the reporting period.

See the Data Entry Guidance document for key definitions and further

Performance Measure Specifications
Unit of Measurement

Frequency of

Count. Recipients will enter information about each evidence-based or
informed project completed in the reporting period. CDC will then derive a
count by project logged in the instrument.
September 15th annually, beginning 9/15/25.

Data Source Attributes
Data Source(s)
Lag in Reporting

Recipients will complete the Annual Performance Measures instrument
programmed in REDCap.
Look-back period of one year.

PM-4. Number of assessments completed to assess patient satisfaction and
Performance Measure Characteristics
Relevant NOFO Logic
Model Components

This performance measure relates to the following activity and outcome:
Activity A3. Assess patient clinic experience and needs.

Measure Rationale,
Background, and/or

Outcome ST2. Increased understanding of and responsiveness to patients’
experiences, satisfaction, and needs.
Recipients will assess the patient clinic experience via surveys, patient
interviews or focus groups, etc. and make improvements based on their
findings. Recipients will enter information about each assessment completed
in the reporting period.
See the Data Entry Guidance document for key definitions and further

Performance Measure Specifications
Unit of Measurement

Frequency of

Count. Recipients will enter information about each patient satisfaction or
needs assessment completed in the reporting period. CDC will then derive a
count by assessment logged in the instrument.
• N/A
• N/A
September 15th annually, beginning 9/15/25.

Data Source Attributes
Data Source(s)
Lag in Reporting

Recipients will complete the Annual Performance Measures instrument
programmed in REDCap.
Look-back period of one year.


PM-5. Clinic patient volume: Number of visits completed in the reporting
Performance Measure Characteristics
Relevant NOFO Logic
Model Components

This performance measure relates to the following activity and outcome:
Activity A4. Adopt a whole-person approach to HIV prevention and care in

Measure Rationale,
Background, and/or

Outcome ST3. Increased identification of new HIV and STI infections and of
persons with HIV who are out of care or not virally suppressed.
Recipients are expected to report the total number of patient visits
conducted in the reporting period. This information will allow CDC to
contextualize the number of unique patient visits conducted in the reporting
period. Taken together, patient volume and unique patient visits helps the
CDC understand clinic activity.
See the Data Entry Guidance document for key definitions and further

Performance Measure Specifications
Unit of Measurement
Frequency of
Record Level of

First collection to occur on 3/15/25 with subsequent submissions due on 9/15
and 3/15 of each year.
Visits documented here need not be per unique patients. Rather, the CDC is
looking for total visit numbers.

Data Source(s)

Recipients will complete the Biannual Performance Measures instrument
programmed in REDCap.
9/15 submissions will use a look-back period of January 1 to June 30.

Data Source Attributes

Lag in Reporting

3/15 submissions will use a look-back period of July 1 to December 31 (with
the exception of the first biannual PM submission occurring on 3/15/25).

PM-6. Clinic test volume: Number of tests completed in the reporting period.
Performance Measure Characteristics
Relevant NOFO Logic
Model Components

This performance measure relates to the following activity and outcome:
Activity A4. Adopt a whole-person approach to HIV prevention and care in

Measure Rationale,
Background, and/or

Outcome ST3. Increased identification of new HIV and STI infections and of
persons with HIV who are out of care or not virally suppressed.
Recipients are expected to report the total number of tests conducted in the
reporting period. This information will allow CDC to contextualize the number


of unique patients tested in the reporting period (PM8). Taken together, test
volume and unique patient tests helps the CDC understand clinic activity.
See the Data Entry Guidance document for key definitions and further

Performance Measure Specifications
Unit of Measurement
Frequency of
Record Level of

First collection to occur on 3/15/25 with subsequent submissions due on 9/15
and 3/15 of each year.
Tests documented here need not be per unique patients. Rather, the CDC is
looking for total test numbers.

Data Source(s)

Recipients will complete the Biannual Performance Measures instrument
programmed in REDCap.
9/15 submissions will use a look-back period of January 1 to June 30.

Data Source Attributes

Lag in Reporting

3/15 submissions will use a look-back period of July 1 to December 31 (with
the exception of the first biannual PM submission occurring on 3/15/25).

PM-7. Clinic case volume: Number of diagnoses in the reporting period.
Performance Measure Characteristics
Relevant NOFO Logic
Model Components

This performance measure relates to the following activity and outcome:
Activity A4. Adopt a whole-person approach to HIV prevention and care in

Measure Rationale,
Background, and/or

Outcome ST3. Increased identification of new HIV and STI infections and of
persons with HIV who are out of care or not virally suppressed.
Recipients are expected to report total number of new STI cases identified
(syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and mpox), in the specified reporting period.
This may include cases diagnosed in any previous reporting period and
reinfected, then diagnosed in this reporting period. Please count only cases
with a positive test AND confirmed clinical diagnosis.
See the Data Entry Guidance document for key definitions and further

Performance Measure Specifications
Unit of Measurement
Frequency of
Record Level of

First collection to occur on 3/15/25 with subsequent submissions due on 9/15
and 3/15 of each year.
Diagnoses documented here need not be per unique patients. Rather, the
CDC is looking for total case numbers.

Data Source Attributes

Data Source(s)
Lag in Reporting

Recipients will complete the Biannual Performance Measures instrument
programmed in REDCap.
9/15 submissions will use a look-back period of January 1 to June 30.
3/15 submissions will use a look-back period of July 1 to December 31 (with
the exception of the first biannual PM submission occurring on 3/15/25).

PM-8. Clinic treatment volume: Number of cases treated in the reporting
Performance Measure Characteristics
Relevant NOFO Logic
Model Components

This performance measure relates to the following activity and outcome:
Activity A4. Adopt a whole-person approach to HIV prevention and care in

Measure Rationale,
Background, and/or

Outcome ST3. Increased identification of new HIV and STI infections and of
persons with HIV who are out of care or not virally suppressed.
Recipients are expected to report the total number of STI cases identified
receiving CDC-recommended treatment for syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia,
and mpox in the specified reporting period. This may include cases treated in
any previous reporting period and reinfected, then diagnosed and treated in
this reporting period. CDC’s recommendations for treating STIs are outlined
in the 2021 STI Treatment Guidelines.
See the Data Entry Guidance document for key definitions and further

Performance Measure Specifications
Unit of Measurement
Frequency of
Record Level of

First collection to occur on 3/15/25 with subsequent submissions due on 9/15
and 3/15 of each year.
Treatments documented here need not be per unique patients. Rather, the
CDC is looking for total treatment numbers.

Data Source Attributes
Data Source(s)
Lag in Reporting

Recipients will complete the Biannual Performance Measures instrument
programmed in REDCap.
9/15 submissions will use a look-back period of January 1 to June 30.
3/15 submissions will use a look-back period of July 1 to December 31 (with
the exception of the first biannual PM submission occurring on 3/15/25).

PM-9. Proportion of unique persons served, by HIV status.
Performance Measure Characteristics
Relevant NOFO Logic
Model Components

This performance measure relates to the following activity and outcome:
Activity A4. Adopt a whole-person approach to HIV prevention and care in

Measure Rationale,
Background, and/or

Population Targeted

Outcome ST3. Increased identification of new HIV and STI infections and of
persons with HIV who are out of care or not virally suppressed.
An Ending the HIV Epidemic midterm goal is to increase knowledge of HIV
status to 95%. Recipients should ascertain whether each patient seen in clinic
knows their HIV status and if status is unknown, patients should be offered an
HIV test.
See the Data Entry Guidance document for key definitions and further
All clinic patients seen in the reporting period.

Performance Measure Specifications
Unit of Measurement


Frequency of
Record Level of

• All unique patients served who are known to be HIV-positive.
• All unique patients served who are known to be HIV-negative.
Unknown status:
• All unique patients served with an unknown HIV status.
• All unique clinic patients seen in the reporting period.
• All unique clinic patients seen in the reporting period.
Unknown status:
• All unique clinic patients seen in the reporting period.
First collection to occur on 3/15/25 with subsequent submissions due on 9/15
and 3/15 of each year.
Unique clinic patients.

Data Source Attributes
Data Source(s)
Lag in Reporting

Recipients will complete the Biannual Performance Measures instrument
programmed in REDCap.
9/15 submissions will use a look-back period of January 1 to June 30.
3/15 submissions will use a look-back period of July 1 to December 31 (with
the exception of the first biannual PM submission occurring on 3/15/25).

PM-10 Number of unique persons tested for HIV at least once in the reporting
Performance Measure Characteristics
Relevant NOFO Logic
Model Components

This performance measure relates to the following activity and outcome:
Activity A4. Adopt a whole-person approach to HIV prevention and care in
Outcome ST3. Increased identification of new HIV and STI infections and of
persons with HIV who are out of care or not virally suppressed.

Measure Rationale,
Background, and/or

Persons testing for HIV at least once in the reporting period will be captured
by this measure. Do not include persons who are known to be HIV positive
and receiving confirmatory testing here. If a person was tested more than
once, only count them here once. Test volume is recorded elsewhere.
See the Data Entry Guidance document for key definitions and further

Performance Measure Specifications
Unit of Measurement

Frequency of
Record Level of

Tested for HIV:
• All unique patients testing for HIV at least once in the reporting
period, regardless of result.
First collection to occur on 3/15/25 with subsequent submissions due on 9/15
and 3/15 of each year.
Unique clinic patients.

Data Source Attributes
Data Source(s)
Lag in Reporting

Recipients will complete the Biannual Performance Measures instrument
programmed in REDCap.
9/15 submissions will use a look-back period of January 1 to June 30.
3/15 submissions will use a look-back period of July 1 to December 31 (with
the exception of the first biannual PM submission occurring on 3/15/25).

PM-11. Proportion of unique persons newly diagnosed with HIV in the reporting
Performance Measure Characteristics
Relevant NOFO Logic
Model Components

This performance measure relates to the following activity and outcome:
Activity A4. Adopt a whole-person approach to HIV prevention and care in

Measure Rationale,
Background, and/or

Outcome ST3. Increased identification of new HIV and STI infections and of
persons with HIV who are out of care or not virally suppressed.
This is the number of persons that are newly diagnosed with HIV and were
not tested and diagnosed in a previous reporting period. New HIV cases are
the numbers of people who, at minimum, test positive after being tested in
the specified reporting period, and should not be greater than the number of
people tested. For unavailable or missing values, please enter the applicable
numbers in the ‘unknown’ fields.
See the Data Entry Guidance document for key definitions and further

Performance Measure Specifications

Unit of Measurement
Frequency of
Record Level of

Number of unique persons newly testing positive for HIV.
Total number of unique persons tested for HIV.
First collection to occur on 3/15/25 with subsequent submissions due on 9/15
and 3/15 of each year.
Unique clinic patients.

Data Source(s)

Recipients will complete the Biannual Performance Measures instrument
programmed in REDCap.
9/15 submissions will use a look-back period of January 1 to June 30.

Data Source Attributes

Lag in Reporting

3/15 submissions will use a look-back period of July 1 to December 31 (with
the exception of the first biannual PM submission occurring on 3/15/25).

PM-12. Proportion of unique persons newly diagnosed with HIV linked to HIV
medical care.
Performance Measure Characteristics
Relevant NOFO Logic
Model Components

This performance measure relates to the following activity and outcome:
Activity A4. Adopt a whole-person approach to HIV prevention and care in

Measure Rationale,
Background, and/or

Population Targeted

Outcome IT1. Increased rapid linkage to HIV medical care for persons newly
diagnosed with HIV in a sexual health clinic.
An Ending the HIV Epidemic midterm goal is to increase linkage to HIV
medical care to 95%. Patients with newly diagnosed HIV should be rapidly
linked to HIV medical care either onsite or with an external provider within 7
days of diagnosis.
See the Data Entry Guidance document for key definitions and further
Clinic patients newly diagnosed with HIV in the reporting period.

Performance Measure Specifications
Unit of Measurement


Linked to care internally:
• # newly diagnosed persons linked to care within 30 days of diagnosisinternally or in-house
Linked to care externally:
• # newly diagnosed persons linked to care within 30 days of diagnosisexternally
Unlinked to care/lost-to follow-up:
• # newly diagnosed persons unlinked to care within 30 days of
diagnosis /lost to follow-up
Linked to care internally:
• Total # unique persons newly diagnosed with HIV
Linked to care externally:
• Total # unique persons newly diagnosed with HIV

Frequency of
Record Level of

Unlinked to care/lost-to follow-up:
• Total # unique persons newly diagnosed with HIV
First collection to occur on 3/15/25 with subsequent submissions due on 9/15
and 3/15 of each year.
Unique clinic patients.

Data Source Attributes
Data Source(s)
Lag in Reporting

Recipients will complete the Biannual Performance Measures instrument
programmed in REDCap.
9/15 submissions will use a look-back period of January 1 to June 30.
3/15 submissions will use a look-back period of July 1 to December 31 (with
the exception of the first biannual PM submission occurring on 3/15/25).

PM-13. Number of unique persons prescribed HIV post-exposure prophylaxis
Performance Measure Characteristics
Relevant NOFO Logic
Model Components

This performance measure relates to the following activity and outcome:
Activity A4. Adopt a whole-person approach to HIV prevention and care in

Measure Rationale,
Background, and/or

Outcome IT2. Increased receipt of recommended, timely STI prevention and
treatment interventions for patients and their partners.
Recipients will report the number of people who were prescribed nPEP for
HIV at least once, in the specified reporting period. Count all persons who
received one or more prescriptions for nPEP.

Population Targeted

See the Data Entry Guidance document for key definitions and further
All clinic patients seen in the reporting period.

Performance Measure Specifications
Unit of Measurement
Frequency of
Record Level of

First collection to occur on 3/15/25 with subsequent submissions due on 9/15
and 3/15 of each year.
Unique clinic patients.

Data Source Attributes
Data Source(s)
Lag in Reporting

Recipients will complete the Biannual Performance Measures instrument
programmed in REDCap.
9/15 submissions will use a look-back period of January 1 to June 30.
3/15 submissions will use a look-back period of July 1 to December 31 (with
the exception of the first biannual PM submission occurring on 3/15/25).


PM-14. Number of unique persons prescribed or given doxyPEP for bacterial
Performance Measure Characteristics
Relevant NOFO Logic
Model Components

This performance measure relates to the following activity and outcome:
Activity A4. Adopt a whole-person approach to HIV prevention and care in

Measure Rationale,
Background, and/or

Outcome IT2. Increased receipt of recommended, timely STI prevention and
treatment interventions for patients and their partners.
Recipients will report the number of people who were prescribed or given
DoxyPEP for bacterial STIs in the reporting period. Count all unique persons
who received one or more prescriptions for DoxyPEP.

Population Targeted

See the Data Entry Guidance document for key definitions and further
All clinic patients seen in the reporting period.

Performance Measure Specifications
Unit of Measurement
Frequency of
Record Level of

First collection to occur on 3/15/25 with subsequent submissions due on 9/15
and 3/15 of each year.
Unique clinic patients.

Data Source Attributes
Data Source(s)
Lag in Reporting

Recipients will complete the Biannual Performance Measures instrument
programmed in REDCap.
9/15 submissions will use a look-back period of January 1 to June 30.
3/15 submissions will use a look-back period of July 1 to December 31 (with
the exception of the first biannual PM submission occurring on 3/15/25).

PM-15. PrEP coverage by the clinic, or the Proportion of unique persons PrEP
eligible receiving PrEP in clinic.
Performance Measure Characteristics
Relevant NOFO Logic
Model Components

This performance measure relates to the following activity and outcome:
Activity A4. Adopt a whole-person approach to HIV prevention and care in

Measure Rationale,
Background, and/or

Outcome ST4. Increased persons eligible for PrEP who were prescribed PrEP
at the clinic.
An Ending the HIV Epidemic goal is to increase PrEP coverage to 50%. PrEP
coverage is defined as the estimated percentage of people with indications
for PrEP classified as having been prescribed PrEP. Those eligible for PrEP are
HIV-negative and at substantial risk for HIV, as defined locally or by CDC

guidelines for PrEP (

Population Targeted

See the Data Entry Guidance document for key definitions and further
Clinic patients eligible for PrEP in the reporting period (local definition

Performance Measure Specifications
Unit of Measurement
Frequency of
Record Level of

# unique persons already on PrEP (refill/maintenance prescription) + # unique
persons prescribed PrEP at/by the clinic (initial prescription)
Total # of unique persons PrEP eligible.
First collection to occur on 3/15/25 with subsequent submissions due on 9/15
and 3/15 of each year.
Unique clinic patients.

Data Source Attributes
Data Source(s)
Lag in Reporting

Recipients will complete the Biannual Performance Measures instrument
programmed in REDCap.
9/15 submissions will use a look-back period of January 1 to June 30.
3/15 submissions will use a look-back period of July 1 to December 31 (with
the exception of the first biannual PM submission occurring on 3/15/25).

Strategy B Performance Measure Reference Sheets

PM-16. Number (and type) of new partnerships established.
Performance Measure Characteristics
Relevant NOFO Logic
Model Components

This performance measure relates to the following activities and outcome:
Activity B1. Foster action-oriented, strategic partnerships with community
providers, CBOs, health departments and other entities.
Activity B2. Participate in local HIV planning activities.
Activity B3. Build active and meaningful engagements with priority
populations affected by HIV and STIs.

Measure Rationale,
Background, and/or

Outcome ST5. Increased collaboration and engagement with local partners
and community members to inform sexual health service delivery, especially
among priority populations affected by the HIV/STI syndemic.
Recipients are expected to foster strategic community partnerships to
maximize the impact of Ending the HIV Epidemic implementation and
improve equitable access to HIV and sexual health services. Recipients will
enter information about each partnership established in the reporting period.
See the Data Entry Guidance document for key definitions and further

Performance Measure Specifications
Unit of Measurement

Frequency of

Count. Recipients will enter information about each partnership established
in the reporting period. CDC will then derive a count by partner logged in the
September 15th annually, beginning 9/15/25.

Data Source Attributes
Data Source(s)
Lag in Reporting

Recipients will complete the Initial Partnership instrument programmed in
Look-back period of one year.

PM-17. Number (and type) of HIV planning activity engagements completed.
Performance Measure Characteristics
Relevant NOFO Logic
Model Components

This performance measure relates to the following activities and outcome:
Activity B1. Foster action-oriented, strategic partnerships with community
providers, CBOs, health departments and other entities.
Activity B2. Participate in local HIV planning activities.
Activity B3. Build active and meaningful engagements with priority
populations affected by HIV and STIs.

Measure Rationale,
Background, and/or

Outcome ST5. Increased collaboration and engagement with local partners
and community members to inform sexual health service delivery, especially
among priority populations affected by the HIV/STI syndemic.
Recipients are expected to actively participate in existing local HIV planning
activities in their jurisdiction and use input obtained to improve the quality of
clinical care and clinic experience in their respective clinics and to focus on
their priority population(s). Recipients will enter information about each HIV
planning activity engagement completed in the reporting period.
See the Data Entry Guidance document for key definitions and further

Performance Measure Specifications
Unit of Measurement

Frequency of

Count. Recipients will enter information about each HIV planning activity
engagement completed in the reporting period. CDC will then derive a count
by activity logged in the instrument.
September 15th annually, beginning 9/15/25.

Data Source Attributes

Data Source(s)
Lag in Reporting

Recipients will complete the Annual Performance Measures instrument
programmed in REDCap.
Look-back period of one year.

PM-18. Number (and type) of community engagement activities completed.
Performance Measure Characteristics
Relevant NOFO Logic
Model Components

This performance measure relates to the following activities and outcome:
Activity B1. Foster action-oriented, strategic partnerships with community
providers, CBOs, health departments and other entities.
Activity B2. Participate in local HIV planning activities.
Activity B3. Build active and meaningful engagements with priority
populations affected by HIV and STIs.

Measure Rationale,
Background, and/or

Outcome ST5. Increased collaboration and engagement with local partners
and community members to inform sexual health service delivery, especially
among priority populations affected by the HIV/STI syndemic.
Recipients are expected to build active and meaningful engagements with the
communities of priority populations affected by HIV and other STIs to inform
clinical sexual health service delivery improvements and advance health
equity. Recipients will enter information about each community engagement
activity completed in the reporting period.
See the Data Entry Guidance document for key definitions and further

Performance Measure Specifications
Unit of Measurement

Frequency of

Count. Recipients will enter information about each community engagement
activity engagement completed in the reporting period. CDC will then derive
a count by activity logged in the instrument.
September 15th annually, beginning 9/15/25.

Data Source Attributes
Data Source(s)
Lag in Reporting

Recipients will complete the Annual Performance Measures instrument
programmed in REDCap.
Look-back period of one year.

PM-19. Number (and type) of community outreach activities completed.
Performance Measure Characteristics
Relevant NOFO Logic
Model Components

This performance measure relates to the following activities and outcome:
Activity B1. Foster action-oriented, strategic partnerships with community
providers, CBOs, health departments and other entities.

Activity B2. Participate in local HIV planning activities.
Activity B3. Build active and meaningful engagements with priority
populations affected by HIV and STIs.

Measure Rationale,
Background, and/or

Outcome ST5. Increased collaboration and engagement with local partners
and community members to inform sexual health service delivery, especially
among priority populations affected by the HIV/STI syndemic.
Recipients may conduct community outreach activities (including during
events focused on wellness or general activities of cultural interest) to
promote availability of comprehensive sexual health services. Recipients will
enter information about each community outreach activity completed in the
reporting period.
See the Data Entry Guidance document for key definitions and further

Performance Measure Specifications
Unit of Measurement

Frequency of

Count. Recipients will enter information about each community outreach
activity completed in the reporting period. CDC will then derive a count by
activity logged in the instrument.
September 15th annually, beginning 9/15/25.

Data Source Attributes
Data Source(s)
Lag in Reporting

Recipients will complete the Annual Performance Measures instrument
programmed in REDCap.
Look-back period of one year.

PM-20. Number (and type) of existing/sustained partnerships.
Performance Measure Characteristics
Relevant NOFO Logic
Model Components

This performance measure relates to the following activities and outcome:
Activity B1. Foster action-oriented, strategic partnerships with community
providers, CBOs, health departments and other entities.
Activity B2. Participate in local HIV planning activities.
Activity B3. Build active and meaningful engagements with priority
populations affected by HIV and STIs.

Measure Rationale,
Background, and/or

Outcome IT4. Sustained community partnerships to inform strategic EHE
planning and activity implementation.
Recipients are expected to foster strategic community partnerships to
maximize the impact of Ending the HIV Epidemic implementation and
improve equitable access to HIV and sexual health services. Recipients will
enter information about each existing or sustained partnership.

See the Data Entry Guidance document for key definitions and further

Performance Measure Specifications
Unit of Measurement

Frequency of

Count. Recipients will enter information about each existing or sustained
partnership. CDC will then derive a count by partner logged in the
September 15th annually, beginning 9/15/26.

Data Source Attributes
Data Source(s)
Lag in Reporting

Recipients will complete the Annual Partnership instrument programmed in
Look-back period of one year.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleCDC-RFA-PS-24-0003 Support and Scale-Up of HIV Prevention Services in Sexual Health Clinics (SHIPS) Performance Measure Guidance
AuthorEvans, Lindsey (CDC/NCHHSTP/DSTDP)
File Modified2024-11-21
File Created2024-11-21

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