Billing Code Data Dictionary

Billing Code Data Dictionary.xlsx

[NCEZID] The National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN)

Billing Code Data Dictionary

OMB: 0920-0666

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Table UB-04 Form Locator (FL) Variable Name Field Name Instructions for Data Collection Values Format Length
Encounter 12 ADM_DATE Admit Date (MMDDYY) Enter the date that the patient was admitted for inpatient care using a six-digit format (MMDDYY). Valid range: Month= 1-12; Day= 1-31
Valid month/day ranges:
For Month 04, 06, 09, and 11, Day = 01-30
For Month 01, 03, 05, 07, 08, 10, and 12,
Day = 01-31
For Month 02, Day = 01-28 or 29
For Year: include two-digit year
N 6
Encounter 69 ADM_DIAG Admitting Diagnosis Codes Enter the approriate diagnosis code(s) that describes the patient's admitting condition for this encounter. ICD-9/10 Valid Code List (Inpatient or Ambulatory) AN 8
Encounter 13 ADM_HR Admit Hour Enter the appropriate two-digit admission time referring to the hour during which the patient was admitted for inpatient care. 00-23 AN 2
Encounter 14 ADM_TYPE Admit Type Enter the appropriate two-digit type of visit priority code for the admission/visit. 1= Emergency
2= Urgent
3= Elective
4= Newborn
5= Trauma
6-8 Reserved
9= information not available
AN 1
Encounter 18-28 COND_CODE Condition Codes Enter the appropriate two-digit condition code or to describe
any of the conditions or events that apply to the billing period if applicable to the patient’s condition.
Two-digit codes from the NUBC’s Official UB-04 Data
Specifications Manual
AN 2
Revenue 44 CPT_HCPCS HCPCS/RATES/HIPPS CODE Enter the applicable HCPCS (CPT)/HIPPS rate code for the service line item if the claim was for ancillary outpatient services and accommodation rates. Five-digit code from the current AMA CPT code list AN 5
Condition 67A-Q DIAG_CODE Diagnosis Code Enter the approriate diagnosis code(s) to describe any health condition(s) identified/treated/observed during this encounter. ICD-9/10 Valid Code List (Inpatient or Ambulatory) AN 8
Condition 66 DIAG_CODE_SYS_NAME Diagnosis and Procedure Code Qualifier Enter the required value of “9” or only for the special conditions enter a “0”. Note: “0” is allowed if ICD-10 is named as an allowable code set under HIPAA. 0=ICD10
N 1
Condition 67A-Q DIAG_TYPE Diagnosis Type Identify the diagnois using the following diagnosis types:
Admitting Diagnosis - the condition identified by the physician at the time of the patient’s admission requiring hospitalization.
Other Diagnoses - other condition(s) coexist or develop(s) subsequently during the patient’s treatment.
Patient’s Reason for Visit - the condition the patient reports as the reason for their visit.
Principal Diagnosis - the condition established after study to be chiefly responsible for this encounter.
Reason for Visit - (up to three (3) diagnoses)
May enter up to 23 total diagnosis codes.
ADM_DIAG = Admitting Diagnosis
DIAG = Other Diagnoses
PT_REASON = Patient’s Reason for Visit
PRIN_ DIAG = Principal Diagnosis
REASON_VISIT = Reason for Visit
AN 8
Encounter N/A DIS_DATE Patient's Discharge Date Not include on UB04 form Valid range: Month= 1-12; Day= 1-31
Valid month/day ranges:
For Month 04, 06, 09, and 11, Day = 01-30
For Month 01, 03, 05, 07, 08, 10, and 12,
Day = 01-31
For Month 02, Day = 01-28 or 29
For Year: include two-digit year
N 6
Encounter 17 DISC_DISP_CODE Patient's Discharge Status (Disposition) Code Enter the appropriate two-digit code indicating the patient’s discharge status. Standard Values are:
01= Discharged to home
02= Transf. to short-term hospital
03= Discharged to SNF
04= Discharged to custodial care or ICF
05= Discharged to Designated Cancer Center or Children's Hospital
06= Discharged to Home under care of organized home health service
07= Left against medical advice
08= Reserved
09= Admitted as Inpatient to Hospital
10-19= Reserved
20= Expired
21= Discharged to Court/Law Enforcement
22-29= Reserved
30= Still Patient
31-39= Reserved
40= Expired at Home
41= Expired in a Medical Facility
42= Expired Place Unknown
43= discharged to a federal health care facility
44-49= Reserved
50= Hospice-home
51= Hospice-medical facility
52-60= Reserved
61= Discharged to swing bed (SNF)
62= Discharged to IRF (rehab)
63= Discharged to a Medicare certified long term care hospital
64= Discharged to a nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not under Medicare
65= Discharged to Psychiatric Hospital
66= Discharged to a critical access hospital
67-68= Reserved
69= Discharged to Designated Disaster Alternative Care Site
70= Discharged to another type of health care institution not defined elsewhere
73-80= Reserved
81= Discharged to home with a Planned Readmission
82= Transf. to short-term hospital with a Planned Readmission
83= Discharged to SNF with a Planned Readmission
84= Discharged to custodial care or ICF with a Planned Readmission
85= Discharged to Designated Cancer Center or Children's Hospital with a Planned Readmission
86= Discharged to Home under care of organized home health service with a Planned Readmission
87= Discharged to Court/Law Enforcement with a Planned Readmission
88= discharged to a federal health care facility with a Planned Readmission
89= Discharged to swing bed (SNF) with a Planned Readmission
90= Discharged to IRF (rehab) with a Planned Readmission
91= Discharged to a Medicare certified long term care hospital with a Planned Readmission
92= Discharged to a nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not under Medicare with a Planned Readmission
93= Discharged to Psychiatric Hospital with a Planned Readmission
94= Discharged to a critical access hospital with a Planned Readmission
95= Discharged to another type of health care institution not defined elsewhere with a Planned Readmission
96-99= Reserved
AN 2
Encounter 16 DISC_HOUR Discharge Hour Enter the appropriate two-digit admission time referring to the hour during which the patient was admitted for inpatient care. 00-23 AN 2
Encounter N/A ENCOUNTER_ID Encounter Identificiation Unique identifier for each patient encounter, assigned by NHSN. As assigned by NHSN AN ????
Revenue 44 HCPCS_MOD_1, 2,3,4 CPT (Level I HCPCS) and Level II HCPCS Modifiers Up to four modifiers, two characters each. Various CPT (Level I HCPCS) and Level II HCPCS codes may require the use of modifiers to improve the accuracy of coding. Hospitals should not report a separate HCPCS (five-digit code) instead of the modifier. When appropriate, report a modifier based on the CPT (Level I HCPCS) and Level II HCPCS. CPT (Level I HCPCS) and Level II HCPCS Modifiers based on the current AMA publication. AN 2
Encounter 51 HLTH_PLAN_ID_NUM_1, 2, 3 Health Plan Identification Number Enter the number used by the primary (51a) health plan to identify itself. Enter a secondary (51b) or tertiary (51c) health plan, if applicable. Report the national health plan identifier when one is established; otherwise report the “number” Medicare has assigned. AN 15
Patient 81 MARITAL_STATUS Patient's Marital Status Enter the marital status of the patient at the time of admission. A= Common Law
B= Registered Domestic Partner
C= Not Applicable
D= Divorced
I= Single
K= Unknown
M= Married
R= Unreported
S= Separated
U= Unmarried (Single or Divorced or Widowed)
W= Widowed
AN 1
Encounter N/A NHSN_ORGID NHSN Facility ID The NHSN-assigned facility ID when enrolled in NHSN. must be >= 10000
must be <= 99999
N 5
Encounter 50 PAYER_ID_PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY Payer identification Enter the health plan that the provider might expect some payment from for the claim - Primary, Secondary, Tertiary 09= Self-pay
10= Central certification
11= Other non-federal programs
12= Preferred provided organization (PPO)
13= Point of Service (POS)
14= Exclusive provider organization (EPO)
15= Indemnity insurance
16= Health maintenance organization (HMO) Medicare risk
AM= Automobile medical
BL= Blue cross/Blue shield
CH= Champus
CI= Commercial Insurance Co.
DS= Disability
HM= Health Maintenance Organization
LI= Liability
LM= Liability medical
MA= Medicare Part A
MB= Medicare Part B
MC= Medicaid
OF= Other Federal Programs
TV= Title V
VA= Veteran Administration Plan
WC= Workers' Compensation Health Claim
ZZ= Mutually defined, unknown
AN 23
Encounter 15 POINT_ORIGIN_CODE Point of Orgin Code Enter the code indicating the source of the referral for this admission or visit 1= Non-health care facility point of origin
2= Clinic or Physician's Office
3= Reserved for assignment
4= Transfer from hospital
5= Transfer from SNF
6= Transfer from another Health Care facility
7= Reserved for assignment by NUBC
8= Court/law enforcement
9= Info not available
A= Reserved
B= Transfer from another home health agency

D= Transfer from 1 distinct unit of hosp. to another distinct unit of the same hosp. resulting in a separate claim
E= Transfer from an ASC
F= Transfer from a Hospice Facility
G-Z= Reserved
Codes for Newborn
1-4= Reserved
5= Born inside this hospital
6= Born outside this hospital
7-9= Reserved
AN 1
Condition 67pos 8 PRESENT_ON_ADM Present on Admission Enter the diagnosis code of the condition that was present when the patient was admitted. ICD-9/10 Valid Code List (Inpatient or Ambulatory) AN 8

74 PROC_CODE Procedure Code Enter the procedure code(s) to describe any procedure(s) performed during this encounter. ICD-9/10 Valid Code List (Inpatient or Ambulatory);
Level I HCPCS codes which are also referred to as CPT codes (Ambulatory Only);
AN 8
Procedure N/A PROC_CODE_ORDER Procedure Code Order Enter the number that corresponds to the procedure to indicate the order in which the procedure was preformed. 1,2,3…..

Procedure 66 PROC_CODE_SYSTEM_NAME Procedure Code Qualifier Enter the required value of “9” or only for the special conditions enter a “0”. Note: “0” is allowed if ICD-10 is named as an allowable code set under HIPAA. 0=ICD10
AN 1

74 PROC_START_DATE Procedure Start Date Enter the date that the procedure was performed. Valid range: Month= 1-12; Day= 1-31
Valid Range = YYYY = survey year to survey year minus 1
Valid month/day ranges:
For Month 04, 06, 09, and 11, Day = 01-30
For Month 01, 03, 05, 07, 08, 10, and 12,
Day = 01-31
For Month 02, Day = 01-28 or 29
For Year: include two-digit year

Patient 09a PT_ADDRESS Patient's Mailing Address Required. The patient’s mailing address, including street number and name, post office box number or RFD. As patient reports AN 40
Patient 09b PT_ADDRESS_CITY Patient's City Required. The patient’s city. As patient reports AN 30
Patient 09c PT_ADDRESS_STATE Patient's State Required. The patient’s State. Valid range: AL;AK; AZ; AR; CA; CO; CT; DE; DC; FL; GA; HI; ID; IL; IN; IA; KS; KY; LA; ME; MD; MA; MI; MN; MS; MO; MT; NE; NV; NH; NJ; NM; NY; NC; ND; OH; OK; OR; PA; RI; SC; SD; TN; TX; UT; VT; VA; WA; WV; WI; WY AN 2
Patient 09d PT_ADDRESS_ZIP Patient's Zipcode Required. The patient’s ZIP Code. Valid range of first 5 digits = valid zip code listed in database purchased from (using the latest monthly update) AN 9
Encounter 3a PT_CONTROL_NUM Patient's Control Number Enter the patient’s unique alphanumeric control number assigned to the patient by the facility. This number is unique for every encounter. Assigned by facility AN 24/50
Patient 10 PT_DOB Patient's Date of Birth Required. The patient's month, day, and year of birth (MMDDCCYY) of patient. If full birth date is unknown, indicate zeros for all eight digits. Valid range: Month= 1-12; Day= 1-31
Valid month/day ranges:
For Month 04, 06, 09, and 11, Day = 01-30
For Month 01, 03, 05, 07, 08, 10, and 12,
Day = 01-31
For Month 02, Day = 01-28 or 29
For Year: include four-digit year
N 8
Patient 81 PT_ETHNICITY Patient's Ethnicity Patient's Ethnicity Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Not Latino
Decline to respond

Patient 3b PT_MRN Patient's Medical Record Number The number assigned to the patient’s medical/health record by the provider (not FL3a). Assigned by facility

Patient 8a PT_NAME_FIRST Patient's First Name Required. The patient’s first name. As reported by patient AN 19
Patient 8b PT_NAME_LAST Patient's Last Name Required. The patient’s last name. As reported by patient AN 29
PT_NAME_MIDDLE Patient's Middle Name Required. The patient’s middle name. As reported by patient

Patient 81 PT_RACE Patient's Race Patient's Race. 1002-5 = American Indian or Alaska Native
2028-9 = Asian
2054-5 = Black or African American
2118-8 = Middle Eastern or North African
2076-8 = Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
2106-3 = White
DEC = Decline to respond
UNK = Unknown
AN 6
Patient 11 PT_SEXATBIRTH Patient's Sex Assigned at Birth Required. The patient’s sex as recorded at admission, outpatient service, or start of care. F = Female
M = Male
UNK = Unknown
AN 3
PT_SSN Patient's Social Security Number
As reported by patient N 12 `
Revenue 42 REV_CODE Revenue Code 1-23 Enter the applicable Revenue Code for the services rendered Four-digit codes from the NUBC’s Official UB-04 Data
Specifications Manual
N 4
Revenue 45 REV_SER_DATE Revenue Service Date Enter the applicable six-digit format (MMDDYY) for the service line item if the claim was for outpatient services, SNF\PPS assessment date, or needed to report the creation date for line 23. Valid dates: Any date on or after 1/1/2013.
Valid range: Month= 01-12; Day= 01-31
Valid month/day ranges:
For Month 04, 06, 09, and 11, Day = 01-30
For Month 01, 03, 05, 07, 08, 10, and 12,
Day = 01-31
For Month 02, Day = 01-28 or 29
For Year: include two-digit year
N 6
Encounter 6 STMT_FROM_DATE Statement From Date The beginning service dates of the period included on the bill included on the bill using a six-digit date format (MMDDYY). Valid dates: Any date on or after 1/1/2013.
Valid range: Month= 01-12; Day= 01-31
Valid month/day ranges:
For Month 04, 06, 09, and 11, Day = 01-30
For Month 01, 03, 05, 07, 08, 10, and 12,
Day = 01-31
For Month 02, Day = 01-28 or 29
For Year: include two-digit year
N 6
Encounter 6 STMT_THRU_DATE Statement Through Date The ending service dates of the period included on the bill included on the bill using a six-digit date format (MMDDYY). Valid dates: Any date on or after 1/1/2013.
Valid range: Month= 01-12; Day= 01-31
Valid month/day ranges:
For Month 04, 06, 09, and 11, Day = 01-30
For Month 01, 03, 05, 07, 08, 10, and 12,
Day = 01-31
For Month 02, Day = 01-28 or 29
For Year: include two-digit year
N 6
Encounter 4 TYPE_BILL Type of Bill This four-digit alphanumeric code gives three specific pieces of information after a leading zero. CMS will ignore the leading zero. CMS will continue to process three specific pieces of information. The second digit identifies the type of facility. The third classifies the type of care. The fourth indicates the sequence of this bill in this particular episode of care. It is referred to as a “frequency” code. Inpatient:
011x= Hospital Inpatient
012x= Hospital Inpatient (Medicare Part B)

013x= Hospital Outpatient
014x= Hospital Laboratory Services for non-patients
083x= Ambulatory Surgery Center
085x= Critical Access Hospital
AN 4
File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
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