Kadada' na Sinangan I Benefisiu Siha yan Kinobre Siha: Hafa esti na Planu ha Kokobre siha & Hafa Un Apasi para Ma Kobre na Setbisiu siha Tiempon Kinobre: [See Instructions]
: Kinobre para: | Klasin Planu:
Impottante na Kuestion Siha |
Ineppe Siha |
Hafa Na Gai Sustansia Esti: |
Hafa i kinabales deductible? |
$ |
Gi enerat, debi na un apasi todu i gasto siha ginen man pribeniniyi siha hulo esta deductible kinantida antes di esti planu ha tutuhon man apasi. [For family coverage, see instructions for additional applicable language.] |
Kao guaha siha setbisiu man ma kobre antes di un fakcha'i iyo-mu deductible? |
Hunggan. [Insert: major categories] |
Esti planu ha kokobre palu kosas siha yan setbisiu siha achokha' ti un fakchacha'i i deductible kinantida. Lao i copayment osino coinsurance sina aplikao. [For non-grandfathered plans, insert: "Pot ehemplo, esti planu ha kokobre palu setbisiun tinagam siha sin pinatten gasto yan antes di un fakcha'i iyo-mu deductible. Atan i listan kinobre setbisiun tinagam siha gi https://www.healthcare.gov/coverage/preventive-care-benefits/."] |
Kao guaha siha otro deductibles para spesifiku na sebisiu siha? |
Hunggan. $ |
Debi na un apasi todu i gasto para esti siha na setbisiu esta hulo i spesifikat deductible kinantida antes di esti planu ha tutuhon man apasi. |
Hafa ayu i san hiyong-i- boksa limite para esti planu? |
$ |
I limiten sin hiyong-i-boksa sa i mas para un apasi gi halom un sakkan para man ma kobre na setbisiu siha. [For family coverage, see instructions for additional applicable language.] |
Hafa ti ma inkluso gi halom i limiten san hiyong-i-boksa? |
[Insert: major exceptions] |
Achokha' un apapasi esti siha na gasto, ti man ma tufong halom gi limiten san hiyon-i-boksa. |
Kao para un apasi ti megai yanggen un usa i man pribeniniyi network? |
Hunggan. Atan [www.insert.com] osino a'gang 1-800-[insert] para i listan i man pribeniniyi network siha. |
Esti planu ha u'usa i man pribeniniyi network. Siempre ti megai para un apasi yanggen un usa i man pribeniniyi gi halom i iyon planu network. Siempre un apasi mas yanggen un usa i man pribeniniyi san hiyong-i-network, yan sina kasi man risibi hao kubransa ginen i man pribeniniyi para i difrensia gi entalo i iyon man pribeniniy itinigon yan hafa iyo-mu planu ha apapasi (balansia na tinigon). Ke'tungo, iyo-mu man pribeniniyi network sina ha usa man pribeniniyi san hiyon-i-network para palu setbisiu siha (tat kumo che'cho' lab). Ke'sotda yan iyo-mu man pribeniniyi antes di un fanuli setbisiu siha. |
Kao un nisisita i riniferi para un li'e i specialist? |
Hunggan. |
Esti planu siempre ha apasi palu osino todu i gasto siha para un li'e i specialist para man ma kobre na setbisiu siha lao solo yanggen guaha hao riniferi antes di un li'e i specialist. |
PRA Disclosure Statement: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-1146. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 0.02 hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | SBC Yes Answers |
Subject | Describes why "Yes" answers to important questions matter |
Author | CMS |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-12-24 |