OMB #: 0970-0531, Expiration Date: 09/30/2025
Instrument 1: Child Support Administrative Data Extract
Variable Name |
CPR Expected Output |
SAVES Demonstration Site Output |
Member ID |
To be used for matching cases in payment and enforcement action files (if submitted separately) |
Violence Assessment (FVI = Family Violence Indicator) |
Binary (yes/no) |
CP Race |
Categorical |
NCP Race |
Categorical |
CP Ethnicity |
Binary or Categorical |
NCP Ethnicity |
Binary or Categorical |
CP Age |
Date of Birth (month/day/year) |
NCP Age |
Date of Birth (month/day/year) |
CP Sex/gender |
Binary or categorical |
NCP Sex/gender |
Binary or categorical |
CP Zip code of residence |
Categorical |
NCP Zip code of residence |
Categorical |
Marital status on case |
Categorical |
Number of children on case |
Total number |
Age of youngest child on case |
Date of birth (month/day/year) |
Number of cases CP has |
Total number |
Number of cases NCP has |
Total number |
CP Income (without CS) |
Amount and frequency (ex per hour, annually etc.) |
NCP Income (without CS) |
Amount and frequency (ex per hour, annually etc.) |
CP Employment Status |
Full-time, part-time, seasonal, self-employed, unemployed |
NCP Employment Status |
Full-time, part-time, seasonal, self-employed, unemployed |
County/Region |
Categorical |
Case creation date |
Date (month/day/year) |
Order establishment date |
Date (month/day/year) |
Referral source (e.g., mandatory, self) |
Categorical (e.g., mandatory, self) |
Order establishment method |
Categorical (admin, judicial, default, etc.) |
CP attorney representation |
Binary (yes/no) |
NCP attorney representation |
Binary (yes/no) |
Case type |
Categorical (child support, intrastate, Medicaid only, etc.) |
TANF status at establishment |
Categorical (current, former, never) |
Monthly Support Obligation (MSO) |
Amount of current support due per month (exclude arrears, interest, etc.) |
Arrears balance at order establishment |
Total amount |
Arrears balance at extract |
Total amount |
Method of paternity establishment |
Categorical (VAP, court, etc.) |
Method of child medical coverage ordered |
Categorical (NCP, CP, Medicaid, etc.) |
Method of child medical coverage provided |
Categorical (NCP, CP, Medicaid, etc.) |
National Medical Support Notice (NMSN) issued to NCP Employer |
Binary (yes/no) |
Verified Employer at extract |
Binary (yes/no) |
Date employment verified (or previous 12 months) |
Date (month/day/year) |
Was good cause application made? |
Binary (yes/no) |
Good cause application date |
Date (month/day/year) |
Good cause outcome |
Categorical or binary |
Evidence of Case closure activity? |
Binary (yes/no) |
Case closure reason |
Categorical (interested in closure for safety) |
Case closure date |
Date (month/day/year) |
Was there a request for FVI |
Binary (yes/no) |
FVI Application |
Date (month/day/year) |
Date FVI Assigned |
Date (month/day/year) |
FVI Recertification |
Binary (yes/no) |
FVI Recertification Date |
Date (month/day/year) |
Date FVI Removed |
Date (month/day/year) |
Enrolled in address confidentiality program |
Yes/no/type? |
Can be submitted in separate spreadsheet |
Current support due (monthly for prior 12 months) |
Month 1 amount due Month 2 amount due Month 3 amount due Month 4 amount due Month 5 amount due Month 6 amount due Month 7 amount due Month 8 amount due Month 9 amount due Month 10 amount due Month 11 amount due Month 12 amount due |
Current support paid (monthly for prior 12 months) |
Month 1 amount paid Month 2 amount paid Month 3 amount paid Month 4 amount paid Month 5 amount paid Month 6 amount paid Month 7 amount paid Month 8 amount paid Month 9 amount paid Month 10 amount paid Month 11 amount paid Month 12 amount paid |
Was wage withholding or income assignment a method of payment in the prior 12 months? Or was the last payment in month 11 paid by wage assignment? |
Enforcement actions ever taken on case |
Type and date action taken (credit bureau, driver’s license, recreation license, passport, contempt, FIDM, etc.) |
The Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: This collection of information is voluntary and will be used to better understand efforts to increase safe access to child support, parenting time, and establishment of parentage services for survivors of domestic violence. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 180 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number and expiration date for this collection are OMB #: 0970-0531, Exp: 09/30/2025. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Center for Policy Research; 1570 Emerson Street Denver, Colorado 80218.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Destinee Starcher |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-12-24 |