Attachment 1 - Evaluation of a Sample Design

Attachment 1- Evaluation of a Sample Design Based on Predicted Occupational Frame Data.pdf

Occupational Requirements Survey

Attachment 1 - Evaluation of a Sample Design

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JSM 2019 - Government Statistics Section

Evaluation of a Sample Design Based on Predicted Occupational Frame Data
Erin McNulty and Alice Yu November 2019
Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2 Massachusetts Ave. NE, Washington, DC 20212
The Occupational Requirements Survey (ORS) is an establishment survey conducted by
the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for the Social Security Administration (SSA). The
survey collects information on the vocational preparation and the cognitive and physical
requirements of occupations in the U.S. economy, as well as the environmental conditions
in which those occupations are performed. For the first three years of the survey, the
establishment sample was allocated proportional to industry employment, and occupations
were subsampled within each establishment in proportion to occupational employment. In
an effort to publish data on a wider variety of occupations, the ORS sample design was
modified using a predicted frame of occupations. Establishments with less-common
occupations were selected with greater frequency, and occupations for each establishment
were pre-selected with an emphasis on these less-common occupations. This paper
describes the sample design and evaluates its effectiveness in its first year of collection.
Key Words: complex sample design, predicted frame, establishment survey, stratification,
allocation, hard-to-reach population
1. Introduction
For the first three years of the Occupational Requirements Survey (ORS), the establishment
sample was allocated proportional to industry employment, and occupations were
subsampled within each establishment in proportion to occupational employment. This
resulted in estimates for occupations that represent over 90% of the nation’s employment.
However, fewer than half of occupations had any estimates because employment is not
spread evenly among occupations. In an effort to publish data on a wider variety of
occupations, the ORS sample design was modified using a predicted frame of occupations.
Establishments with less-common occupations were selected with greater frequency, and
occupations for each establishment were pre-selected with an emphasis on the lesscommon occupations.
The purpose of this paper is to describe the ORS sample design and evaluate its
effectiveness in its first year of collection. The next section gives a brief background of the
survey, followed by a description of the new survey design. Then, the results of collected
are presented and discussed.
2. Background Information on ORS
In the summer of 2012, the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS) signed an interagency agreement to begin the process of testing the
collection of data on occupations. As a result, the ORS was established as a test survey in
late 2012. Initial planning for ORS involved several feasibility tests throughout fiscal years
(FY) 2013 and 2014. These tests examined the feasibility of gathering the basic information
desired and the availability of data, the efficiency of alternative collection procedures, and
the probable degree of cooperation from respondents. In FY 2015, the Pre-Production Test
was conducted to mimic what will occur during ORS production. The first wave of a three


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year production cycle started in FY 2016 and ended in FY 2018. For more details on the
development of the ORS, see the papers by Ferguson, McNulty, and Ponikowski (2014);
Ferguson and McNulty (2015); and Rhein, Ponikowski, and McNulty (2013). For more
details on ORS production processes and outputs to this point, see the BLS Handbook of
Methods (2019a) and the ORS website (BLS 2019c).
The goal of the ORS is to collect and publish occupational information that will replace
outdated data currently used by SSA (n.d.; U.S. Department of Labor 1991). All outputs
generated from ORS data will be made public for use by non-profits, employment agencies,
state or federal agencies, the disability community, and other stakeholders.
The ORS data are collected by field economists. The field economists collect
approximately 70 data elements related to the occupational requirements of a job. The
following four groups of data are collected:

Physical demands of work such as keyboarding and lifting
Environmental conditions such as extreme heat and cold
Vocational preparation including education, prior work experience, and training
Mental and cognitive demands of work including decision making and
3. Motivation for New ORS Survey Design

The ORS aims to produce measures for specific occupations. However, occupations are
not evenly spread among the more than 140 million workers in the United States, and
certain occupations cover relatively few workers. These low-employment occupations are
varied, ranging from transportation occupations such as Ship Engineers, to manufacturing
occupations such as Metal Pourers and Casters, to scientific occupations such as
Astronomers. Such occupations are therefore not, as a group, concentrated in typical
establishment sampling strata, which are generally based on widely available
characteristics such as geographic location, industry, and establishment size. Some
occupations can even have relatively low employment within establishments where they
exist, adding additional difficulty to sampling them.
Tourangeau (2014) defines hard-to-reach populations as those groups that are hard to
sample, hard to identify, hard to contact, hard to induce to respond, and/or hard to
interview. Because low-employment occupations are hard to sample, the ORS will not
often encounter them using typical methods, potentially leaving them poorly represented
by the survey. Although low representation of rare sub-populations in a sample can bias
population-wide measures, it is a much bigger concern when measures are needed for the
rare subpopulations themselves. The need for occupation-specific estimates of job
characteristics means that sampling low-employment, or rare, occupations must be a focus
of the ORS sample design in order to produce reliable, comprehensive estimates.
Although hard-to-reach populations are commonly associated with demographic groups
such as migrants, the homeless, or ethnic minorities, the “the needle-in-a-haystack
phenomenon” (Willis, Smith, Shariff-Marco, & English 2014) applies to occupational
groups, as well, because available sample frames do not reveal where rare occupations can
be found. Sample frames of business establishments without occupational detail are
generally available, but frames with data on the specific occupations present at specific


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establishments are not. A predicted occupation frame, while unavoidably imperfect as it is
based on a model, provides the ORS a nearly universal indicator of the occupations that
might plausibly be found in any given establishment and therefore where rare occupations
might be located.
Methods for sampling hard-to-reach populations are often focused on a single rare
population. Often, though, as in the case of the ORS, measures will be estimated for various
subgroups. In fact, the ORS aims to produce estimates for hundreds of occupations, around
one-fifth of which are considered rare. This could make some sampling approaches
inefficient or impractical, in particular because the ORS is attempting to conduct
probability-based sampling (Kalton 2009).
A relatively straightforward and time-tested probabilistic approach for targeting rare
populations is disproportionate stratified sampling. Since rare occupations are so disparate,
they are spread across the economy. Establishments with these occupations cannot be
separated from the rest of the population by typical establishment characteristics such as
location, industry, or employment size. However, using a predicted occupation frame as a
guide to where rare occupations might be, each “typical” sample stratum can be separated
into two sub-strata: (1) establishments predicted to have at least one rare occupation and
(2) establishments predicted to not have any rare occupations. Then, establishments can be
oversampled from the first sub-stratum at the first (establishment) stage of selection. In the
second (occupation) stage, rare occupations can be sampled with near certainty to
maximize their presence in the sample while still allowing collection of all occupations in
the economy (Kalton 2009; Kish 1965).
4. Overview of New ORS Survey Design
4.1 ORS Sample
The new ORS sample design will be applied to the five years of ORS sample that began
collection in autumn of 2018. This paper will sometimes refer to the new sample as the
second wave of the ORS to distinguish it from the first wave of the ORS, which was the
separate, three-year ORS production sample that was completed in 2018.
The major goals of the new ORS sample design are to:
(1) Improve the distribution of the number of observations sampled across all
(2) Produce more published estimates across a greater number of occupations while
maintaining current resource levels.
4.2 ORS Sample Frame
The predicted occupation frame used for the ORS is created by researchers in the BLS’s
Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) program (BLS 2019b). The OES uses the
staffing patterns identified in its 1.2 million-establishment sample to model occupation
distributions at the detailed geography, industry, and establishment employment level.
Their model is then applied to all private industry establishments in the BLS’s Quarterly
Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), which is the main establishment sampling
frame for the BLS’s surveys. This results in a list of potential occupational observations
for each establishment.


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Because of data constraints, the occupation frame is not available for state and local
government establishments. Government establishments are also selected from the QCEW
frame, but occupational observations are selected in the field from occupation lists
provided by ORS respondents, following the procedures from the first wave of the ORS.
4.3 ORS Establishment Sample Selection
The private industry establishment sample comprises 42,500 establishments over five
years, accounting for 85% of the total five-year ORS sample size of 50,000. The remaining
15% is allocated to State and Local Government establishments. Sample allocation is
carried out each year using updated frame information, and 8,500 private industry and
1,500 government establishments are selected annually.
The private industry sample is a two-stage stratified sample of private industry
establishments and occupations within selected establishments. Strata are formed by the
cross-classification of the predicted presence or absence of a rare occupation in the
establishment, the Census Region (Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, West), and the
aggregate industry (Education, Goods Producing, Health Care, Financial Activities,
Service Providing), leading to forty strata. A higher proportion of the total private industry
sample size is allocated to the twenty rare-occupation strata than to the twenty non-rareoccupation strata. Establishment allocation to the cells within the rare/non-rare strata is
proportional to total employment within the stratum. At the first stage of sample selection,
private industry establishments are selected with probability proportional to the
employment size of the establishment.
Because of the government frame limitations, the sample design and selection procedures
for the State and Local Government sample are largely unchanged from the first wave of
the ORS. The government sample is a two-stage stratified sample of establishments and
occupations within selected establishments. The government establishment sample is
allocated by industry proportional to the total employment within each of ten sample strata.
Establishments are selected with probability proportional to the employment size of the
4.4 ORS Job Selection Process
ORS occupations are classified according to the 2018 Standard Occupational Classification
(SOC) system. Prior to sampling, the ORS program defines occupations at the six-digit
SOC level as rare or non-rare based on their national employment.1 The 200 least common
occupations are designated rare. The rare-occupation designation is used to prioritize
occupations found on the predicted occupation frame, which applies only to private
industry establishments. In order to focus sampling on occupations that have a viable
chance of collection, certain occupations are ineligible to be designated as rare (though
they continue to be in-scope for ORS collection):
1. Agricultural occupations, because the agriculture industry is out of scope for the
2. Occupations primarily found in government, because government establishments
are not on predicted occupation frame

Based on May 2017 employment reported by the Occupational Employment Statistics
program (



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3. Residual-category occupations, such as “Drafters, All Other,” because presampling tests showed them to be difficult to collect (more information on these
occupations is provided later in the paper)
4. Occupations in SOC codes that were not present in the predicted frame, because
OES uses the 2010 version of SOC while ORS uses the 2018 version of SOC
ORS job selection is begun at the time of establishment sampling for the majority of ORS
establishments, including most private industry establishments. These pre-selected jobs
(PSJ) are the source of ORS data most of the time. For an establishment using a pre-selected
job list, any rare occupations are selected with certainty and are placed first on the list (with
a few exceptions for establishments with a large number of rare occupations, in order to
allow all occupations the chance for inclusion in the sample and collection in the field).
Remaining occupations are selected using an equal probability sampling method and are
added to the end of the job list. The data collector proceeds through the pre-selected job
list in order, stopping collection when the target is met or the list is exhausted (potentially
coming up short of the target).
There are three categories of ORS establishments where occupations are selected at the
time of data collection rather than via a pre-selected job list. For these establishments, data
collectors follow the probability selection of occupations (PSO) method that was used
during the first wave of ORS collection:
1. Private industry establishments that overlap with the National Compensation
Survey (NCS). ORS information is collected for the NCS occupations, rather
than the pre-selected jobs, in order to reduce respondent burden.
2. Private industry (non-overlapping) establishments in which none of the preselected occupations match to jobs within the establishment. ORS occupations
are selected from the establishment’s existing occupations using the PSO
method, as a fallback.
3. State government and local government establishments. ORS occupations are
selected using the PSO method because predicted occupation information is
not available for them from the OES.
Each establishment, regardless of the occupational selection method, is assigned a target
number of occupations for collection, based on its employment. When pre-selected jobs
are provided, the occupation sample for an establishment provides two times the target
number of occupations (up to the number of distinct occupations on the frame for the
establishment) to allow for the fact that frame is based on a model and was not verified
within in the establishment before sample selection. See Table 1 for the targets.


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Table 1. Target Number of Occupations by Establishment Size
Target Number Pre-selected Jobs
Provided*, If
4 – 49
50 – 249
250 or more
*Maximum. The target and number of jobs provided may be limited by the number
of distinct jobs at the establishment.
For establishments using PSO, the target number of occupations is selected in the field.
The PSO method gives more common occupations a greater chance of selection and allows
occupations to overlap (sometimes reducing the unique occupation yield).
Although pre-selected jobs are provided at the six-digit SOC level, all occupations are
coded at the eight-digit O*NET-SOC level, regardless of occupation selection method
(U.S. Department of Labor 2019). For most occupations, there is no difference between the
two levels, but some six-digit SOC codes are broken out into more detailed occupations at
the eight-digit O*NET-SOC level. For example, Registered Nurses (six-digit SOC code
29-1141) can be classified into one of five eight-digit SOC codes:
 Registered Nurses (29-1141.00)
 Acute Care Nurses (29-1141.01)
 Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses (29-1141.02)
 Critical Care Nurses (29-1141.03)
 Clinical Nurse Specialists (29-1141.04)
5. Results of Collection
5.1 Scope of Results
Results are based on ORS data collected as of August 6, 2019, which was the end of the
data collection period. At that time, 100% of the first one-year sample under the new
sample design had been collected, but data review was ongoing. The final set of reviewed
and validated data was not available in time for this paper. As a result, all measures are
based on unweighted counts.
Occupational results for “PSJ and PSO Establishments” include data from all usable
establishments, regardless of occupational selection method (covering private industry and
government establishments). Occupational results for “PSJ Establishments Only” include
data only from usable establishments where a pre-selected job list was used to select
occupations (covering most, though not all, private industry establishments).
In about half of establishments, a pre-selected job list from the predicted occupational
frame was used to determine the ORS occupations (52%). Fallback PSO, done when
collection of pre-selected jobs was attempted but not possible, was uncommon (2%). PSO
was used for 17% of establishments, including establishments using fallback PSO. PSO


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was specified by the sample design for all private industry NCS overlaps (3%) and state
and local government establishments (12%). Respondent refusal at the establishment level
accounted for 29% of establishments, and the remaining establishments were unusable as
a result of business closure, out-of-scope location, out-of-scope industry, or lack of inscope occupations (3%). (See Figure 1.)

Figure 1. Percent of completed establishments, by collection status
A responding establishment was defined as an establishment with at least one responding
occupation, which means that at least one occupation had at least one piece of usable ORS
data. This definition led to a 69% establishment response rate from all sampled units and a
71% response rate from all viable units. The remainder of the paper deals with data from
only the responding establishments.
5.2 Establishment Level Results
Data from establishments were usually collected using the occupation sampling method
that had been assigned during sampling. Seventy-five percent of the responding
establishments provided data on occupations from a pre-selected job list (PSJ
establishments), compared to 77% that were sampled as PSJ establishments. In the
remaining establishments, probability selection of occupations was performed (PSO
establishments). Most PSO establishments were assigned as PSO establishments (as
government establishments or NCS overlaps), but some establishments used PSO as a
fallback after none of the pre-selected jobs were found at the establishment. Fallback PSO
was most common in establishments with fewer than 50 employees, where 8% of PSJ
establishments used fallback PSO, compared to 1% of establishments in larger
Each establishment was assigned a target or ideal number of occupations to collect. While
it was expected that the target would sometimes be missed because of incorrect frame
information (for PSJ establishments) or overlapped occupations (for PSO establishments),
the sample design assumed that the number of collected occupations would come
reasonably close to the number of target occupations. A PSJ establishment where the
number of matched occupations equaled the target number of unique occupations was


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considered to have met the target, regardless of whether usable occupation data were
collected for every occupation (a matched occupation could be out of scope or a refusal).
The target was met in 43% of PSJ establishments. Meeting the target was least common in
PSJ establishments with fewer than 50 employees, where 32% met the target. In larger PSJ
establishments, 47% of establishments met the target. In PSO establishments, the target
was met if there were no collapsed occupations. Meeting the target was more common in
PSO establishments than PSJ establishments overall; 52% of all PSO establishments met
the target. (See Figure 2.)

Figure 2. Percent of usable establishments where the target number of occupations was
collected, by establishment employment size class and occupational selection method
Across all PSJ and PSO establishments, an average of 6.23 unique occupations per
establishment were targeted for collection, and 76% of this target (4.72) were matched or
collected. In establishments with fewer than 50 employees, about two-thirds of the total
target number of occupations was collected. The proportion in small establishments has
decreased compared to the first wave of the ORS survey. At the same time, the proportion
has increased in establishments with 50-249 employees. The average number of
occupations collected per establishment, or occupation yield, depended on the
establishment employment, ranging from 2.08 for establishments with fewer than 50
employees to 4.41 for establishments with 250 or more employees. (Such a range was
expected because the target number of occupations correlates with establishment size.) The
occupation yield for the current ORS sample has increased slightly compared to the ORS
first-wave sample overall, while both the smallest (with less than 50 employees) and largest
(with 250 or more employees) establishments have experienced a decrease compared to
the first-wave sample. On average, 3.59 unique occupations per establishment were
collected with usable data, which is 58% of the targeted number of occupations. (See
Figure 3 and Figure 4.)


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Figure 3. Percent of target number of occupations that was collected, by establishment
employment size class

Figure 4. Average number of usable occupations per usable establishment, by
establishment employment size class
Rare occupations were sampled in all establishments predicted to have at least one rare
occupation (sampled-rare establishments). However, the presence of rare occupations was
not certain at the time of sample selection because the frame was based on a model. A rare
occupation was collected from 59% of sampled-rare establishments. Matching rare
occupations was more common in large establishments with 250 or more employees, where
at least one rare occupation was found in 70% of sampled-rare establishments. An average
of 3.1 rare occupations were provided for each of these large sampled-rare establishments.
Finding rare occupations was less common in smaller establishments, where an average of
1.2 rare occupations were provided per sampled-rare establishment; a rare occupation was
found in 43% of establishments with fewer than 50 employees. (See Figure 5.)


JSM 2019 - Government Statistics Section

Figure 5. Percent of establishments where rare occupations were found, out of
establishments sampled with rare occupations, by establishment employment size class
When a list of an establishment’s occupations was obtained before the interview, the data
collector could do preliminary work to match sampled jobs to actual establishment jobs.
This could potentially leave more time for the collection of ORS element data. A small
establishment’s occupation list was obtained before the ORS interview 26% of the time. In
larger establishments, the list was obtained before the interview 52% of the time.
5.3 Occupation Level Results
5.3.1 Pre-selected Jobs (PSJ)
Collection was attempted for occupations on an establishment’s pre-selected job list until
the target was met, the list was exhausted, or the respondent ended the interview. As a
result, some jobs on the list might not be used. On average, 25% of all occupations on the
lists were not used, and 11% of rare occupations were not used. Results in this section are
based on occupations that were used – that is, they were either matched to an establishment
position or not found at the establishment.
About half of occupational observations for which collection was attempted were matched
to an establishment position (52%); the other half were not found at the establishment. The
match rate among rare occupations was similar (53%). The overall match rate varied by
occupation group, ranging from 48% in Management, Business, and Financial occupations
to 60% in Service occupations. The rare occupation match rate ranged from 22% in Sales
and Related occupations (where there are only two rare occupations) to 57% in Service
occupations. (See Figure 6.)


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Figure 6. Percent of occupational observations that were matched in establishments with
pre-selected jobs, comparing all occupations to rare occupations, by aggregate SOC group
While occupational observations were matched about half of the time, the plurality of the
848 non-military detailed occupations (occupational titles) had match rates between 25%
and 34%. About one-fifth of detailed occupations had match rates of 50% or more. A larger
percentage (37%) of the rare detailed occupations had match rates of 50% or more. (See
Figure 7.)

Figure 7. Percent of detailed occupations (titles) by average match rate for the occupation,
for all occupations and rare occupations.
Some occupations were matched less frequently than average. These include the “allother”-labeled occupations, which are residual groups for workers not included in
specifically defined occupations. For example, the “Drafters, All Other” occupation
includes all drafters that are not “Architectural and Civil Drafters,” “Electrical and
Electronics Drafters,” or “Mechanical Drafters.” In the 74 residual-group occupations, 27%
of observations where collection was attempted were matched, compared to 52% of jobs
matched across all occupations. (See Figure 8.)


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Figure 8. Percent of occupational observations that were matched in establishments with
pre-selected jobs, comparing all occupations to occupations in the “All Other” residual
categories, by aggregate SOC group
Three-quarters of the 74 residual-group detailed occupations (titles) had match rates
under 30%, compared to 37% of all detailed occupations. (See Figure 9.)

Figure 9. Percent of detailed occupations (titles) by average match rate for the occupation,
for all occupations and residual group occupations.
After a data collector matched an occupation to a position in the establishment, the
collection of ORS data provided additional information that was useful for classifying the
occupation by SOC. It was sometimes determined that the collected occupation belonged
to a different SOC than was sampled and subsequently matched. At this point, it was not
feasible to start over with a new occupation in the sampled SOC (if one even existed in the
establishment), so data collectors were able to update the SOC code of a collected
occupation if necessary. Updates to SOC codes after occupation matching were
uncommon. About 86% of matched observations were coded within the same 6-digit SOC
for which they were sampled. The rate for rare occupations was 89%. The rates ranged
from 81% for Office and Administrative Support occupations to 91% for Service


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occupations. Most occupations (95%) remained in the same two-digit (major group) SOC
designation as they were sampled. (See Figure 10.)

Figure 10. Percent of occupational observations that were matched to the sampled SOC
code, by level of match, by aggregate SOC group
The majority of the 848 detailed occupations (titles) had six-digit SOC match rates above
85%. This was also true among rare detailed occupations. (See Figure 11.)

Figure 11. Percent of detailed occupations (titles) that were matched to the sampled SOC
code, for all occupations and rare occupations.
A collected occupation was considered usable when data for ORS elements were provided
by the respondent. The majority of occupational observations in PSJ establishments
provided usable ORS data (78%). The occupational response rate was higher for rare PSJ
occupations (83%). (See Figure 12.)


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Figure 12. Percent of usable occupational observations out of observations that were
collected, PSJ establishments, by aggregate SOC group
The majority of the 848 detailed occupations (titles) had response rates above 75%. The
majority of rare detailed occupations had response rates above 80%. (See Figure 13.)

Figure 13. Percent of detailed occupations (titles) that were usable, PSJ establishments,
for all occupations and rare occupations.
5.3.2 Total Occupations (PSJ + PSO)
Response rates were higher among occupations in PSJ establishments (78%) than in PSO
establishments (71%); the difference was especially marked among rare occupations (83%
PSJ compared to 58% PSO). When occupational data from PSO establishments were
combined with PSJ data, the occupational response rate was 76%, and the response rate for
rare occupations was 81%. The response rate ranged from 72% in Management, Business,
and Financial occupations to 82% in Transportation and Material Moving occupations.
(See Figure 14.)


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Figure 14. Percent of usable occupational observations out of observations that were
collected, PSJ and PSO establishments, by aggregate SOC group
The majority of the 848 non-military detailed occupations (occupational titles) had a
response rate of 75% or more. The majority of rare detailed occupations had response rates
above 80%. (See Figure 15.)

Figure 15. Percent of detailed occupations (titles) that were usable, PSJ and PSO
establishments, for all occupations and rare occupations.
Detailed occupations (occupational titles) will be eligible for ORS estimates if at least 30
usable observations are collected (other publication criteria are also applied, so 30
observations does not guarantee estimates). Of the 848 non-military detailed occupations,
206 had 30 or more usable observations; 26 of the 206 potentially publishable occupations
were rare occupations. About one quarter of the potentially publishable occupations (57)
were not published during the first wave of ORS (which included three years of sample).
None of the 26 rare occupations were published during the first wave of the ORS.


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Overall, one-quarter of the detailed occupations are potentially publishable after the first
year of the sample design; 6% of potentially publishable occupations were not published
after the three years of the first wave. After the first wave, none of the rare occupations
were publishable, but 13% of rare occupations are potentially publishable after the first
year of the second wave.
On the other end of the spectrum, there were 48 occupations (6% of occupations) for which
observations were sampled in PSJ establishments, but no usable observations were
collected in either PSJ or PSO establishments. Twenty-one of these were rare occupations
(11% of rare occupations). An additional 46 occupations (5%), including one rare
occupation, had no sampled observations in PSJ establishments and no usable observations
in PSO establishments.
6. Discussion of Results
As stated early in the paper, the major goals of the new ORS sample design are to:
(1) Improve the distribution of the number of observations sampled across all
(2) Produce more published estimates across a greater number of occupations while
maintaining current resource levels.
To achieve the goals, it is helpful to maximize the overall number of occupational
observations collected. Since resource levels, in particular sample sizes, remain the same
in the second wave compared to the first wave, large gains in the overall number of usable
observations were not expected. It is therefore positive that the second wave is performing
slightly (though not substantially) better than the first wave on this measure.
However, it appears that total occupation counts per establishment lagged in small
establishments. Establishments with fewer than 50 employees were less likely to meet the
target number of occupations, and predicted occupations were less likely to be matched in
these establishments. Compared to the first wave, the proportion of target occupations that
were usable decreased. Small establishments were also more likely to require fallback PSO,
which dilutes the advantage of targeting specific occupations. These details indicate that
the predicted occupation frame may be less efficient for small establishments. By definition
their employment is low, so small establishments simply did not have as many frame
occupations as larger establishments. Only 29% of establishments with fewer than 50
employees had sufficient frame occupations to be provided twice the target number of
occupations, while 85% of larger establishments were provided twice the target. As a
result, small establishments on average were provided 1.47 occupations per targeted
occupation, compared to 1.92 in larger establishments. Any negative effects of the lower
performance among small establishments may be mitigated somewhat in the second wave,
though: Small establishments comprised a smaller proportion of the ORS sample in the
second wave (23%) than the first wave (39%), a consequence of small establishments not
having as many rare occupations generally (establishments with rare occupations were
sampled at a higher rate).
Occupational response rates also contribute to how much data are collected. The overall
response rate of 76% was relatively good; the response rate was a bit higher in PSJ
establishments, which made up three-quarters of the collected sample, and lower in PSO


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establishments. At the same time, meeting the target number of occupations was more
common in PSO establishments, even though these establishments were generally larger
and had more occupations to collect (they were mostly government units and overlap
units). The timing of collection activities within the ORS interview might have contributed
to these PSJ-to-PSO differences. In PSO, the occupation-matching step was not done, and
all occupations were immediately identified from the job list provided by the respondent.
Therefore, it might have been easier to hit the target number of occupations given a limited
amount of time. Time might have run out, however, at the occupation data collection stage
because the establishments were often large enough to have a target of eight occupations,
resulting in more occupation refusals. It is telling that in PSJ establishments, rare
occupations, which are listed first, had a higher response rate than non-rare occupations,
hinting that response propensity decreases as the interview progresses. (Note that
weighting procedures will take into account situations where the target is not met; it is only
the loss of unique occupational observations that is a concern.)
To improve both the quantity and distribution of occupational observations, it is helpful to
maximize the amount of pre-selected occupations that are matched, because this makes it
more likely that the target will be met and provides control over the occupations that are
collected. Providing twice the target number of occupations seemed generally sufficient,
as the overall match rate was 52%. The larger job list on average accounted appropriately
for inaccuracies in the frame without burdening the respondent with too many jobmatching attempts. The match rate, however, varied by occupation and by establishment
size, so adjustments might be needed in sampling rates at the occupation level if there are
shortfalls. Since most occupations have match rates below 50%, it appears that the best
match rates occur in common (heavily sampled) occupations; familiarity with an
occupation might contribute to frame accuracy, match rates, or both.
Collecting ORS data elements for rare occupations is one of the goals of the sample design
and seems to be succeeding generally. The occupation frame on average predicts the
presence of rare occupations as well as it predicts the more common occupations. Upon
collection, overall occupation code (SOC) match rates were not different by rare/non-rare
status, so the less common occupations were not more difficult to identify accurately. Also,
rare occupations actually had a higher response rate than average. It seems likely that the
occupations listed first resulted in usable data more often because they were collected
before respondent fatigue set in or the respondent ran out of time.
The prospect of publishing estimates for rare occupations has improved. During the first
wave of the ORS, estimates were not published for any of the 200 rare occupations, but 26
are now eligible for published estimates. This is only the first year of a five year sample
design, so it is expected that additional occupations, rare and non-rare, will become
publishable in the future. In addition, since there are about 70 ORS elements, each with
various estimates, the breadth of estimates for occupations published after the first year can
increase over the next four years.
7. Conclusions and Future Work
The ORS data collected so far show that the new sample design is yielding a similar amount
of occupation data as the first wave ORS sample design while allowing more control over


JSM 2019 - Government Statistics Section

how the occupations are distributed. Rare occupations as a group are performing at least as
well as all occupations for several measures of interest, such as the occupational match rate
and occupational response rate. At the same time, the number of unique usable occupations
per establishments has increased slightly, showing that the emphasis on less common
occupations is not hindering the collection of more common occupations. In the aggregate,
the ORS continues to collect data on enough occupations to get reasonably close to
collecting the ideal (target) number of occupations.
Over the remaining years of the second wave of the ORS, the ORS program will continue
to monitor the collection of occupations. Occupational distributions and occupational
response will be studied to see if patterns shift. The ORS program will examine
occupational data to determine how to allocate future samples, with the goal of maximizing
the number of occupations with published data. Similarly, data from small establishments
will be tracked to determine if procedures should be tailored to establishment size. There
will also be a more thorough examination of the amount of ORS element data that is usable
within an occupation, in particular ORS element durations.
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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleEvaluation of a Sample Design Based on Predicted Occupational Frame Data
AuthorErin McNulty and Alice Yu
File Modified2019-12-13
File Created2019-09-26

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