Department of Treasury
Community Development Financial Institutions Fund
Transaction Level Report
Data Point Guidance
January 2025
OMB Approval No. 1559-0027
Paperwork Burden Statement:
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act, as amended, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Approval Number. This form's Approval Number is 1559-0027. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, 1500 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20220.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Statement:
The CDFI Fund does not publish proprietary or confidential information submitted by CDFI’s as a general practice. However, any information submitted by CDFI’s in the CDFI ERP Transaction Level Report (TLR) or other reports made in connection with TLR (e.g., TLR Snapshot Report) is subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 U.S.C. 552) and other federal laws and regulations. Any information contained in this collection, including any attachments or supplements hereto, is subject to disclosure to law enforcement agencies for law enforcement purposes. In general, FOIA makes federal agency records available to the public, unless the information requested is exempt from disclosure. Trade secrets and commercial or financial information submitted by CDFI’s may be exempt from disclosure pursuant to the FOIA. CDFI’s should consult their legal counsel for further guidance on this matter.
The CDFI Fund reserves the right to publish responses to select questions provided during the reporting process.
The CDFI Fund may upon request provide information collected and any associated reporting submitted by the Recipient to an appropriate federal, state, tribal, local, international, or foreign law enforcement agency or other appropriate authority charged with investigating or prosecuting a violation or enforcing or implementing a law, rule, regulation, or order.
CDFI ERP Grant Level Report (GLR) 1
CDFI TLR and Loan Purchase TLR 15
CDFI TLR Address and Loan Purchase TLR 23
CDFI ERP Consumer Loans/Investments Report (ERP CLR) 27
Community Development Financial Institutions Equitable Recovery Program (CDFI ERP) Award Recipients will be required to collect and report demographic data for all Financial Products and Grants funded with a CDFI ERP Award. Additionally, to the extent CDFI ERP Award Recipients make Financial Products and Grants funded with other available sources on their balance sheet to meet their CDFI ERP Performance Goals under their CDFI ERP Assistance Agreement, Recipients will be required to collect and report demographic data on those borrowers, investees, and grantees as well. Recipients will be required to collect and report data on all Financial Products and/or Grants supported by a Loan Loss Reserve or Capital Reserve funded with a CDFI ERP Award, including for all recipients of loans, investments, and grants supported by these reserves. Demographic reporting is not required for Development Services or Financial Services; however, the CDFI Fund encourages Recipients to track this data for themselves, if feasible.
CDFI ERP Recipients are not required to complete the GLR unless they fund grants directly with CDFI ERP Funds or use grant activity to meet their CDFI ERP Performance Goals under the CDFI ERP Assistance Agreement. If CDFI ERP Recipients complete the GLR, they do not need to report on all grants issued. They only need to report on those grants funded directly with CDFI ERP Funds and/or used to meet CDFI ERP PG&Ms.
Below are the data points and descriptions included in the CDFI ERP Grant Level Report (GLR):
Grant Award Date Report the date that the grant agreement was signed by the recipient and the CDFI. |
Response must be mm/dd/yyyy |
GLR Submission Year Choose one of the pre-defined values. GLR Submission Year is the year of the report, NOT the year when the report is submitted. For example, if this is your 2024 CDFI TLR report, you should set the GLR Submission Year to “2024” for all records in that report even though the report is submitted in 2025. |
Amount Report the amount of the grant issued to the recipient. The amount should be a non-zero positive whole number |
Status Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report the status of the grant at the reporting period end. |
Please select one of the following: |
A grant that was only partially deployed at the reporting period end. |
A grant that was paid in full at the reporting period end. |
Purpose Choose one of the pre-defined values below and identify the primary purpose of the grant. If there are multiple purposes (for example, a grant (funding both the purchase of a fixed asset and a facility improvement), select the purpose with the largest share of the grant. |
Please select one of the following: |
Consumer: Grant made to one or more individuals for health, education, emergency, credit repair, debt consolidation, or other consumer purposes. Grants for business purposes should be identified as Business grants and grants for home improvement or repair should be identified as Housing grants. |
Non-Real Estate Business: Grants to a for-profit or nonprofit businesses with more than five employees or in an amount greater than $50,000 for a purpose that is not connected to the development (including construction of new facilities and rehabilitation/enhancement of existing facilities), management, or leasing of real estate. |
Non-Real Estate Microenterprise: Grant to a for-profit or nonprofit enterprise that has five or fewer employees (including the proprietor) with an amount no more than $50,000 for a purpose that is not connected to the development (including construction of new facilities and rehabilitation/enhancement of existing facilities), management, or leasing of real estate. |
Home Purchase: Grant is for the purchase of a primary residence. |
Home Improvement: Grant is for the renovation or other improvement of an owner-occupied home. |
Real Estate – Construction/Permanent/Acquisition w/o Rehab – Commercial: Grant is for predevelopment financing, construction or permanent financing, or acquisition without rehabilitation of office, retail, manufacturing, or community facility space. Include mixed-use real estate that combines both commercial and residential use. |
Real Estate – Construction–Housing-Multi Family: Grant is for predevelopment financing, or construction of multifamily housing. |
Real Estate – Construction–Housing-Single Family: Grant is for predevelopment financing, or construction of single-family housing. |
Real Estate–Rehabilitation–Commercial: Grant is to
rehabilitate office, retail, |
Real Estate – Rehabilitation – Housing – Multi Family: Grant is to rehabilitate or acquire multifamily housing. |
Real Estate – Rehabilitation – Housing – Single Family: Grant is to rehabilitate or acquire single-family housing. |
None of the Above: Grant purpose does not match any of the purposes defined above. Grants to other CDFIs should be reported as “Other.” |
Climate-Focused Purpose Report whether the grant has a secondary purpose focused on (1) the mitigation of the economic impacts from climate-related disasters; (2) climate resilience; or (3) clean energy transition. Mitigation of the Economic Impacts from Climate-Related Disasters includes grants related to the post-disaster consumer grants and home repairs for homeowners; post disaster business grants to support recovery after climate impacts or disasters; grants to support post-disaster repair and rehabilitation of rental housing affordable to LMI households; and place-based investment grants focused on rebuilding community infrastructure after climate impacts or disasters, and pollution reduction measures. Climate resilience includes consumer and mortgage grants that helps consumers and homeowners prepare for anticipated climate impacts and disasters; grants for businesses focused on adapting their business model and/or facilities to be more resilient to anticipated climate impacts and disasters; grants to make rental housing and community facilities more resilient to anticipated climate impacts and disasters; and place-based investment grants focused on making community infrastructure more resilient to anticipated climate impacts and disasters, including sustainable agriculture. Clean energy transition grants includes grants to allow LMI homeowners to integrate renewable and/or efficient energy sources in their homes or automobiles; grants for businesses that engage in fields including sustainable agriculture, solar, and electric vehicles; grants to enable the owners of multifamily rental housing properties or other community facilities in LMI neighborhoods to integrate renewable and/or efficient energy sources to increase efficiency and reduce costs for property owners and tenants; and place-based investment grants in economically distressed geographies, potentially accompanied by green workforce development, to grants for clean energy production projects that intentionally produce benefits in financially underserved communities including community solar; and investments in coal-impacted or energy communities. |
Please select one of the following: |
The grant has a climate-focused purpose for the mitigation of the economic impacts from climate-related disasters. |
The grant has a climate-focused purpose for climate resilience. |
The grant has a climate-focused purpose for clean energy transition. |
No |
The grant does not have a climate-focused purpose of any form. |
Do Not Know |
The information is either unknown to the lender or not applicable. |
Investee Type Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report whether the transaction is a grant to an individual, a business or a CDFI certified by CDFI Fund. Grants to nonprofit entities or non-certified CDFIs should be reported as “BUS.” |
Please select one of the following: |
Individual: A grant is issued by CDFI to a recipient, who is an individual. |
Business: A grant is issued by CDFI to a recipient, who is a business entity. |
CDFI: A grant is issued by CDFI to a recipient, who is a CDFI certified by CDFI Fund. |
ERP 2010 Census Tract Compliance Check Report the project’s 11-digit 2010 FIPS Code. If in the case that the FIPS code has only 10 digits, enter a leading “0” to the code to make it 11 digits. For csv uploading, please save the code in custom format in order to keep that leading “0”. |
Response must be numeric |
Originator Transaction ID Your organization should assign a unique identifier to each grant. The identifier can be a combination of both letters and numbers and should start with a letter. It should not contain any special characters such as, but not limited to, commas and exclamation points. Do not use names, social security numbers or any other personally identifying information in creating Originator Transaction ID. |
Response must be text - up to 20 characters |
Client ID Your organization can create and report a unique identifier to help distinguish which clients/projects (investees, borrowers, or projects) are associated with which grants. A client/project ID can be associated with one or more grants. The identifier can be a combination of both letters and numbers and should start with a letter. It should not contain any special characters such as, but not limited to, commas and exclamation points. Do not use names, social security numbers or any other personal identifying information in creating Client ID. |
Response must be text up to 20 characters |
Other Targeted Populations Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report whether the transaction serves an Other Targeted Population (OTP). For purposes of this data collection, the CDFI Fund relies on definitions established by the 1997 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standards on race and ethnicity. Certified CDFIs must refer to the CDFI Fund’s Target Market Assessment Methodology on how to properly assess OTP. Although the CDFI Fund is collecting OTP data for grants, grant transactions will be excluded from any certification calculations. |
Please select one of the following: |
Native American |
Native American |
Native Alaskan |
Native Alaskan |
African American |
African American |
Native Hawaiian |
Native Hawaiian |
Other Pacific Islander |
Other Pacific Islander |
Filipino |
Filipino |
Vietnamese |
Vietnamese |
Persons with Disabilities |
Persons with Disabilities |
Hispanic |
Hispanic |
Certified CDFIs |
Certified Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) |
Other Approved OTP |
Other Approved OTP |
NA |
Not Applicable |
Description of Other Approved OTP Desc. Of Other Approved OTP If “Other Approved OTP” was selected above, report the description of that targeted population. |
Response must be text |
End Users: Loans to businesses: End users are third-party entities. For example, if the majority of the Entities Z (the third party) belong to an Other Targeted Population, then select “YES” for OTP End Users. Loans for Facilities and Multi-Family Housing: Reporting End Users for OTP designated grants to fund facilities or multi-family housing or apartments should reflect the majority of the demographic or socioeconomic characteristics of the beneficiary population. NOTE: ERP Award Recipients must refer to the CDFI Fund’s Target Market assessment methodology document on how to properly assess OTP end users. |
OTP End Users Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report if the transaction serves Other Targeted Population (OTP) End User(s). For purposes of this data collection, the CDFI Fund relies on definitions established by the 1997 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standards on race and ethnicity. Certified CDFIs must refer to the CDFI Fund’s Target Market assessment methodology document on how to properly assess OTP end users. |
Please select one of the following: |
Native American |
Native American. |
Native Alaskan |
Native Alaskan. |
African American/Black |
African American. |
Native Hawaiian |
Native Hawaiian. |
Native Pacific Islander |
Native Pacific Islander. |
Persons with Disabilities |
Persons with Disabilities. |
Hispanic |
Hispanic. |
Filipino |
Filipino. |
Vietnamese |
Vietnamese. |
Other Approved OTP |
Other Approved OTP. |
NA |
Not Applicable. |
Description of Other Approved OTP-End Users Desc. Of Other Approved OTP-End Users If “Other Approved OTP” was selected above, report the description of that Targeted Population. |
Response must be text |
ERP Race Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report the race of the grantee. If the grantee is of mixed race, select “MULTIRACIAL.” Enter “DECLINED” if the grantee declined to provide the information. |
Please select one of the following: |
American Indian |
Alaskan Native |
Asian |
Black or African American |
Native Hawaiian |
Other Pacific Islander |
White |
Multiracial |
None of the Above |
The recipient declined to provide the information. |
ERP Ethnicity Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report whether the grantee is Hispanic or Latino. Enter “DECLINED” if the grantee declined to provide the information. |
Please select one of the following: |
The recipient is either Hispanic or Latino |
NO |
The recipient is neither Hispanic nor Latino |
The recipient declined to provide the information |
ERP Impact (Employment) Indicate whether this transaction helps to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of job loss. |
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction is associated with positive impacts in this issue area. If not, leave blank. |
Response must be YES or null. |
ERP Impact (Healthcare) Indicate whether this transaction helps to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of disruptions in health and mental healthcare. |
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction is associated with positive impacts in this issue area. If not, leave blank. |
Response must be YES or null. |
ERP Impact (Childcare) Indicate whether this transaction helps to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of disruptions in childcare. |
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction is associated with positive impacts in this issue area. If not, leave blank. |
Response must be YES or null. |
ERP Impact (Housing Stability) Indicate whether this transaction helps to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of increased housing instability. |
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction is associated with positive impacts in this issue area. If not, leave blank. |
Response must be YES or null. |
ERP Impact (Affordable Housing) Indicate whether this transaction helps to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of decreased availability of and increased cost of financing for affordable housing and home ownership. |
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction is associated with positive impacts in this issue area. If not, leave blank. |
Response must be YES or null. |
ERP Impact (Broadband) Indicate whether this transaction helps to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of exacerbated inaccessibility to broadband internet. |
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction is associated with positive impacts in this issue area. If not, leave blank. |
Response must be YES or null. |
ERP Impact (Food Insufficiency) Indicate whether this transaction helps to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of increased food insufficiency. |
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction is associated with positive impacts in this issue area. If not, leave blank. |
Response must be YES or null. |
ERP Impact (Business Disruption) Indicate whether this transaction helps to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of disruptions in operations for small businesses, Small Farms and nonprofit organizations. |
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction is associated with positive impacts in this issue area. If not, leave blank. |
Response must be YES or null. |
ERP Impact (Other) Indicate whether this transaction helps to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in a specific issue area not mentioned in this GLR.
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction is associated with positive impacts in this issue area. If not, leave blank. |
Response must be YES or null. |
ERP Impact (Other)-Explain If recipient indicates a transaction helps respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in an issue area not specified, briefly explain the specific issue area not mentioned. |
Response must be text |
ERP Small Business Indicate if this transaction qualifies as a grant to a small business or Small Farm per CDFI ERP’s definitions. |
Please select one of the following: |
YesSB100K |
The transaction qualifies as a grant to a small business with less than $100,000 in annual gross revenue. |
YesSB |
The transaction qualifies as a grant to a small business with less than $1 million in annual gross business revenue but more than $100,000 in annual gross revenue). |
YesSF |
The transaction qualifies as a grant to a Small Farm per CDFI ERP’s definition (Small Farm means any farm with gross cash farm income (GCFI), defined as the total revenue received by a farm business in a given year, less than $350,000, as defined by United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.) |
No |
The transaction does not qualify as a grant to a small business or Small Farm per CDFI ERP’s definitions. |
ERP Qualifying Native Transaction The transaction qualifies as serving the ERP Program’s definition of a Native Area. |
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction qualifies as serving CDFI ERP’s definition of a Native Area. If no or unknown, leave blank. |
Response must be YES or null. |
Below is the data point in the CDFI TLR and Loan Purchase TLR Objects in AMIS that is modified to allow users to designate a transaction to CDFI ERP.
FA Program Type Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report the FA Program PG&M objective of the loan/investment. If a loan/investment is used to satisfy Persistent Poverty Counties PG&M objective, then select “PPC-FA.” If a loan/investment is used to satisfy Healthy Food Financing Initiative PG&M objective, then select “HFFI-FA.” If a loan/investment is used to satisfy People with Disabilities PG&M objective, then select “DF-FA.” If a loan/investment is used to satisfy Rapid Response Program PG&M objective, then select “RRP-FA.” If a loan/investment is used to meet an Equitable Recovery Program PG&M objective, then select “ERP.” If a loan/investment is used to meet Capital Magnet Fund PG&M objective, then select “CMF.” Please see guidance below on which NMTC transactions to include. If a loan/investment is used to meet Financial Assistance (CDFI/NACA) PG&M objective, then select “FA.” For transactions not counted toward a PG&M objective, select “NA.” Only one option is allowed for each transaction.
NOTE: RRP-FA should no longer be an active answer choice after TLRs are submitted on August 31, 2024, but the Fund is keeping it as an answer choice for any late submissions. |
Please select one of the following: |
Persistent Poverty Counties Financial Assistance: The loan is used to meet Persistent Poverty Counties PG&M objective. |
Healthy Food Financing Initiative Financial Assistance: The loan is used to meet Healthy Food Financing Initiative PG&M objective. |
Disability Funds Financial Assistance: The loan is used to meet People with Disabilities PG&M objective. |
Rapid Response Program Financial Assistance: The loan is used to meet Rapid Response Program PG&M objective. |
Equitable Recovery Program: The loan is used to meet an Equitable Recovery Program PG&M objective. |
The loan is used to meet Capital Magnet Fund PG&M objective. |
(1) include any financial transactions made by the CDFI to an NMTC Investment Fund (in the form of leverage debt) or directly to a Qualified Active Low-Income Community Business (QALICB) or affiliate and (2) exclude any Qualified Low Income Community Investments (QLICIs) funded by Qualified Equity Investments (QEIs) from NMTCs. |
FA |
Community Development Financial Institutions Program and/or Native American CDFI Assistance Program Financial Assistance: The loan is used to meet CDFI-FA and/or NACA-FA PG&M objective. |
NA |
Not Applicable |
Below are the new data points in the CDFI TLR and Loan Purchase TLR Objects in AMIS that allow users to describe their ERP transactions:
Climate-Focused Purpose Report whether the transaction has a secondary purpose focused on (1) the mitigation of the economic impacts from climate-related disasters; (2) climate resilience; or (3) clean energy transition. Mitigation of the Economic Impacts from Climate-Related Disasters is financing related to the post-disaster consumer lending and home repairs for homeowners; post disaster business lending to support recovery after climate impacts or disasters; financing to support post-disaster repair and rehabilitation of rental housing affordable to LMI households; and place-based investment focused on rebuilding community infrastructure after climate impacts or disasters, and pollution reduction measures. Climate resilience includes consumer and mortgage lending that helps consumers and homeowners prepare for anticipated climate impacts and disasters; financing for businesses focused on adapting their business model and/or facilities to be more resilient to anticipated climate impacts and disasters; financing to make rental housing and community facilities more resilient to anticipated climate impacts and disasters; and place-based investment focused on making community infrastructure more resilient to anticipated climate impacts and disasters, including sustainable agriculture. Clean energy transition financing spans financing to allow LMI homeowners to integrate renewable and/or efficient energy sources in their homes or automobiles; financing for businesses that engage in fields including sustainable agriculture, solar, and electric vehicles; financing to enable the owners of multifamily rental housing properties or other community facilities in LMI neighborhoods to integrate renewable and/or efficient energy sources to increase efficiency and reduce costs for property owners and tenants; and place-based investment in economically distressed geographies, potentially accompanied by green workforce development, to finance clean energy production projects that intentionally produce benefits in financially underserved communities including community solar; and investments in coal-impacted or energy communities. |
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction has a climate-focused purpose for the mitigation of the economic impacts from climate-related disasters. |
The transaction has a climate-focused purpose for climate resilience. |
The transaction has a climate-focused purpose for clean energy transition. |
No |
The transaction does not have a climate-focused purpose of any form. |
Do Not Know |
The information is either unknown to the lender or not applicable. |
ERP Race Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report the race of the investee or borrower. If the investee or borrower is of mixed race, select “MULTIRACIAL.” Enter “DECLINED” if the recipient refused to provide the information. |
Please select one of the following: |
American Indian |
Alaskan Native |
Asian |
Black or African American |
Native Hawaiian |
Other Pacific Islander |
White |
Multiracial |
None of the Above |
The recipient declined to provide the information. |
ERP Ethnicity Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report whether the investee or borrower is Hispanic or Latino. Enter “DECLINED” if the recipient declined to provide the information. |
Please select one of the following: |
The recipient is either Hispanic or Latino |
NO |
The recipient is neither Hispanic nor Latino |
The recipient declined to provide the information |
ERP Minority Owned or Controlled Report whether the investee/borrower is more than 50% owned or controlled by one or more minorities. If the business is a for-profit entity, report whether more than 50% of the owners are minorities. If the business is a nonprofit entity, report whether more than 50% of the members of its Board of Directors are minorities. Enter “Do Not Know” if the information is either unknown or not applicable. Minority or minorities as defined in CDFI ERP’s Authorizing Statute means any Black American, Hispanic American, Asian American, Native American, Native Alaskan, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander, as those terms are further defined in the 1997 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Standards on Race and Ethnicity as follows: i. American Indian or Alaska Native. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. ii. Asian. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. iii. Black or African American. A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. iv. Hispanic or Latino. A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. v. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. |
Please select one of the following: |
Yes |
The investee/borrower is owned or controlled by minorities. |
No |
The investee/borrower is not owned or controlled by minorities. |
Declined |
The investee/borrower to provide the information. |
ERP Impact (Employment) Indicate whether this transaction helps to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of job loss. |
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction is associated with positive impacts in this issue area. If not, leave blank. |
Response must be YES or null. |
ERP Impact (Healthcare) Indicate whether this transaction helps to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of disruptions in health and mental healthcare. |
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction is associated with positive impacts in this issue area. If not, leave blank. |
Response must be YES or null. |
ERP Impact (Childcare) Indicate whether this transaction helps to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of disruptions in childcare. |
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction is associated with positive impacts in this issue area. If not, leave blank. |
Response must be YES or null. |
ERP Impact (Housing Stability) Indicate whether this transaction helps to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of increased housing instability. |
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction is associated with positive impacts in this issue area. If not, leave blank. |
Response must be YES or null. |
ERP Impact (Affordable Housing) Indicate whether this transaction helps to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of decreased availability of and increased cost of financing for affordable housing and home ownership. |
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction is associated with positive impacts in this issue area. If not, leave blank. |
Response must be YES or null. |
ERP Impact (Broadband) Indicate whether this transaction helps to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of exacerbated inaccessibility to broadband internet. |
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction is associated with positive impacts in this issue area. If not, leave blank. |
Response must be YES or null. |
ERP Impact (Food Insufficiency) Indicate whether this transaction helps to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of increased food insufficiency. |
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction is associated with positive impacts in this issue area. If not, leave blank. |
Response must be YES or null. |
ERP Impact (Business Disruption) Indicate whether this transaction helps to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of disruptions in operations for small businesses, Small Farms and nonprofit organizations. |
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction is associated with positive impacts in this issue area. If not, leave blank. |
Response must be YES or null. |
ERP Impact (Other) Indicate whether this transaction helps to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in a specific issue area not mentioned in this TLR.
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction is associated with positive impacts in this issue area. If not, leave blank. |
Response must be YES or null. |
ERP Impact (Other)-Explain If recipient indicates a transaction helps respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in an issue area not specified, briefly explain the specific issue area not mentioned. |
Response must be text |
ERP Small Business Indicate if this transaction qualifies as financing a small business or Small Farm per CDFI ERP’s definitions. |
Please select one of the following: |
YesSB100K |
The transaction qualifies as financing a small business with less than $100,000 in annual gross revenue. |
YesSB |
The transaction qualifies as financing a small business with less than $1 million in annual gross business revenue but more than $100,000 in annual gross revenue). |
YesSF |
The transaction qualifies as financing a Small Farm per CDFI ERP’s definition (Small Farm means any farm with gross cash farm income (GCFI), defined as the total revenue received by a farm business in a given year, less than $350,000, as defined by United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.) |
No |
The transaction does not qualify as financing a small business or Small Farm per CDFI ERP’s definitions. |
ERP Qualifying Native Transaction The transaction qualifies as serving the ERP Program’s definition of a Native Area. |
Please select one of the following: |
The transaction qualifies as serving CDFI ERP’s definition of a Native Area. If no or unknown, leave blank. |
Response must be YES or null. |
Below is the new data point in the CDFI TLR Address and Loan Purchase TLR Objects in AMIS that requires users to provide a 2010 FIPS code for each transaction associated with CDFI ERP.
ERP 2010 Census Tract Compliance Check Report the project’s 11-digit 2010 FIPS Code. If in the case that the FIPS code has only 10 digits, enter a leading “0” to the code to make it 11 digits. For csv uploading, please save the code in custom format in order to keep that leading “0”. |
Response must be numeric |
Climate Mitigation Amount Of the Total Originated Amount, enter the amount of loans that have a secondary purpose of climate-focused for the mitigation of the economic impacts from climate-related disasters which is defined here as post-disaster consumer lending. NOTE: For the Climate-Focused secondary purposes, a loan can be characterized as Climate Mitigation, Climate Resilience or Climate Clean Energy, but not more than one, so the Applicant/Certified CDFI must choose one Climate-Focused secondary purpose to be used for the transaction. |
Response must be numeric |
Climate Mitigation Number Of the Total Originated Number, enter the number of loans that have a secondary purpose of climate-focused financing for the mitigation of the economic impacts from climate-related disasters which is defined here as post-disaster consumer lending. NOTE: For the Climate-Focused secondary purposes, a loan can be characterized as Climate Mitigation, Climate Resilience or Climate Clean Energy, but not more than one, so the Applicant/Certified CDFI must choose one Climate-Focused secondary purpose to be used for the transaction. |
Response must be numeric |
Climate Resilience Amount Of the Total Originated Amount, enter the amount of loans that have a secondary purpose of climate-focused financing for climate resilience which is defined here as consumer lending that helps consumers prepare for anticipated climate impacts and disasters. NOTE: For the Climate-Focused secondary purposes, a loan can be characterized as Climate Mitigation, Climate Resilience or Climate Clean Energy, but not more than one, so the Applicant/Certified CDFI must choose one Climate-Focused secondary purpose to be used for the transaction. |
Response must be numeric |
Climate Resilience Number Of the Total Originated Number, enter the number of loans that have a secondary purpose of climate-focused financing for climate resilience which is defined here as consumer lending that helps consumers prepare for anticipated climate impacts and disasters. NOTE: For the Climate-Focused secondary purposes, a loan can be characterized as Climate Mitigation, Climate Resilience or Climate Clean Energy, but not more than one, so the Applicant/Certified CDFI must choose one Climate-Focused secondary purpose to be used for the transaction. |
Response must be numeric |
Climate Clean Energy Amount Of the Total Originated Amount, enter the amount of loans that have a secondary purpose of climate-focused financing for clean energy transition which is defined here as consumer financing to allow LMI homeowners to integrate renewable and/or efficient energy sources in their homes or automobiles. NOTE: For the Climate-Focused secondary purposes, a loan can be characterized as Climate Mitigation, Climate Resilience or Climate Clean Energy, but not more than one, so the Applicant/Certified CDFI must choose one Climate-Focused secondary purpose to be used for the transaction. |
Response must be numeric |
Climate Clean Energy Number Of the Total Originated Amount, enter the amount of loans that have a secondary purpose of climate-focused financing for clean energy transition which is defined here as consumer financing to allow LMI homeowners to integrate renewable and/or efficient energy sources in their homes or automobiles. NOTE: For the Climate-Focused secondary purposes, a loan can be characterized as Climate Mitigation, Climate Resilience or Climate Clean Energy, but not more than one, so the Applicant/Certified CDFI must choose one Climate-Focused secondary purpose to be used for the transaction. |
Response must be numeric |
Regulated entities (banks, credit unions, cooperativas, and depository institution holding companies) with CDFI ERP transactions will complete the CDFI ERP CLR in addition to the regular CLR. The regular CLR will contain data on total consumer lending for these entities. The CDFI ERP CLR will contain data on the subset of consumer loan transactions funded directly with the CDFI ERP Award, used to meet CDFI ERP PG&Ms, as well as any consumer loans that are used to meet the Recipient’s CDFI ERP Policy Priority Performance Goal. Similar to the regular CLR, transactions in CDFI ERP CLR will be reported in aggregate at the census tract level.
Below are the data points and their associated guidance for the ERP CLR Object in AMIS:
Fiscal Year CDFI’s reporting period fiscal year is the timeframe during which loans/investments were originated. This is not the same as “TLR Submission Year” on the TLR. For example, if your organization’s Fiscal Year ends on 12/31, then the reporting entity should select “Fiscal Year=2023” for loans originated between 1/1/2023 and 12/31/2023 and “Fiscal Year=2024” for loans originated between 1/1/2024 and 12/31/2024. |
Purpose Report the primary purpose of the financial note. |
Please confirm: |
Consumer: Loan is a personal (secured or unsecured) loan to one or more individuals for health, education, emergency, credit repair, debt consolidation, or other consumer purposes. Personal loans for business purposes should be identified as Business loans and personal loans for home improvement or repair should be identified as Housing loans. Note: Only Banks and Credit Unions report consumer loans in the Consumer Loans/Investments Originated table. |
Census Vintage Year |
Response must be 2010 |
ERP 2010 Census Tract Compliance Check Report the project’s 11-digit 2010 FIPS Code. If in the case that the FIPS code has only 10 digits, enter a leading “0” to the code to make it 11 digits. For csv uploading, please save the code in custom format in order to keep that leading “0”. |
Response must be numeric |
ERP Total Originated Amount Report the total dollar amount of loans or investments originated in the census tract that are associated with the CDFI ERP Award during the reporting period. Reporting entity needs to aggregate the total amount of CDFI ERP loans or investments per the census tract, per fiscal year. For LOC and credit cards, report the credit limit amount at the time of origination. If the credit limit amount is unknown, enter “1.” If LOC and credit card involve new or additional credit, you should only report the net increase of the credit limit related to the reporting period. |
Response must be numeric |
ERP Total Originated Number Report the total number of loans or investments originated in the census tract that are associated with the CDFI ERP Award during the reporting period. Reporting entity needs to aggregate the total number of ERP loans or investments per the census tract, per fiscal year. |
Response must be numeric |
ERP OTP Amount Of the CDFI ERP Total Originated Amount, enter the amount of CDFI ERP loans or investments serving an Other Targeted Population (OTP). For purposes of this data collection, the CDFI Fund relies on definitions established by the 1997 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standards on race and ethnicity. Applicants and Certified CDFIs must refer to the CDFI Fund’s Target Market Assessment Methodology on how to properly assess OTP. Reporting entity needs to aggregate the total amount of loans or investments per the census tract, per fiscal year. NOTE: For the Target Market Activity Threshold calculation, a loan or investment can only be characterized as LITP, OTP, or IA, but not more than one, so the Applicant/Certified CDFI must choose one Target Market type to be used for the transaction. |
Response must be numeric |
ERP OTP Number Of the CDFI ERP Total Originated Number, enter the number of CDFI ERP loans or investments serving an Other Targeted Population (OTP). For purposes of this data collection, the CDFI Fund relies on definitions established by the 1997 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standards on race and ethnicity. Applicants and Certified CDFIs must refer to the CDFI Fund’s Target Market Assessment Methodology on how to properly assess OTP. Reporting entity needs to aggregate the total number of loans or investments per the census tract, per fiscal year. NOTE: For the Target Market Activity Threshold calculation, a loan or investment can only be characterized as LITP, OTP, or IA, but not more than one, so the Applicant/Certified CDFI must choose one Target Market type to be used for the transaction. |
Response must be numeric |
ERP Race Amount (American Indian) Of the CDFI ERP dollars originated in this census tract, indicate the dollar amount to American Indian borrowers. Please note that CDFIs may only select one racial category for each transaction and should select “multiracial” in cases where borrowers belong to multiple racial groups. Please note that this variable describes the race of the borrower and may or may not match the numbers reported under ERP Qualifying Native Transaction, as Qualifying Native Transaction is based on the location where the loan is made. |
ERP Race Number (American Indian) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the number of loans made to American Indian borrowers. Please note that CDFIs may only select one racial category for each transaction and should select “multiracial” in cases where borrowers belong to multiple racial groups. Please note that this variable describes the race of the borrower and may or may not match the numbers reported under ERP Qualifying Native Transaction, as Qualifying Native Transaction is based on the location where the loan is made. |
ERP Race Amount (Alaska Native) Of the CDFI ERP dollars originated in this census tract, indicate the dollar amount to Alaska Native borrowers. Please note that CDFIs may only select one racial category for each transaction and should select “multiracial” in cases where borrowers belong to multiple racial groups. Please note that this variable describes the race of the borrower and may or may not match the numbers reported under ERP Qualifying Native Transaction, as Qualifying Native Transaction is based on the location where the loan is made. |
ERP Race Number (Alaska Native) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the number of loans made to Alaska Native borrowers. Please note that CDFIs may only select one racial category for each transaction and should select “multiracial” in cases where borrowers belong to multiple racial groups. Please note that this variable describes the race of the borrower and may or may not match the numbers reported under ERP Qualifying Native Transaction, as Qualifying Native Transaction is based on the location where the loan is made. |
ERP Race Amount (Asian) Of the CDFI ERP dollars originated in this census tract, indicate the dollar amount to Asian borrowers. Please note that CDFIs may only select one racial category for each transaction and should select “multiracial” in cases where borrowers belong to multiple racial groups. |
ERP Race Number (Asian) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the number of loans made to Asian borrowers. Please note that CDFIs may only select one racial category for each transaction and should select “multiracial” in cases where borrowers belong to multiple racial groups. |
ERP Race Amount (Black or African American) Of the CDFI ERP dollars originated in this census tract, indicate the dollar amount to Black or African American borrowers. Please note that CDFIs may only select one racial category for each transaction and should select “multiracial” in cases where borrowers belong to multiple racial groups. |
ERP Race Number (Black or African American) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the number of loans made to Black or African American borrowers. Please note that CDFIs may only select one racial category for each transaction and should select “multiracial” in cases where borrowers belong to multiple racial groups. |
ERP Race Amount (Native Hawaiian) Of the CDFI ERP dollars originated in this census tract, indicate the dollar amount to Native Hawaiian borrowers. Please note that CDFIs may only select one racial category for each transaction and should select “multiracial” in cases where borrowers belong to multiple racial groups. Please note that this variable describes the race of the borrower and may or may not match the numbers reported under ERP Qualifying Native Transaction, as Qualifying Native Transaction is based on the location where the loan is made. |
ERP Race Number (Native Hawaiian) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the number of loans made to Native Hawaiian borrowers. Please note that CDFIs may only select one racial category for each transaction and should select “multiracial” in cases where borrowers belong to multiple racial groups. Please note that this variable describes the race of the borrower and may or may not match the numbers reported under ERP Qualifying Native Transaction, as Qualifying Native Transaction is based on the location where the loan is made. |
ERP Race Amount (Other Pacific Islander) Of the CDFI ERP dollars originated in this census tract, indicate the dollar amount to Other Pacific Islander borrowers. Please note that CDFIs may only select one racial category for each transaction and should select “multiracial” in cases where borrowers belong to multiple racial groups. |
ERP Race Number (Other Pacific Islander) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the number of loans made to Other Pacific Islander borrowers. Please note that CDFIs may only select one racial category for each transaction and should select “multiracial” in cases where borrowers belong to multiple racial groups. |
ERP Race Amount (White) Of the CDFI ERP dollars originated in this census tract, indicate the dollar amount to White borrowers. Please note that CDFIs may only select one racial category for each transaction and should select “multiracial” in cases where borrowers belong to multiple racial groups. |
ERP Race Number (White) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the number of loans made to White borrowers. Please note that CDFIs may only select one racial category for each transaction and should select “multiracial” in cases where borrowers belong to multiple racial groups. |
ERP Race Amount (Other) Of the CDFI ERP dollars originated in this census tract, indicate the dollar amount to borrowers whose race is something other than the categories described above. Please note that CDFIs may only select one racial category for each transaction and should select “multiracial” in cases where borrowers belong to multiple racial groups. |
ERP Race Number (Other) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the number of loans made to borrowers whose race is something other than the categories described above. Please note that CDFIs may only select one racial category for each transaction and should select “multiracial” in cases where borrowers belong to multiple racial groups. |
ERP Race Amount (Declined) Of the CDFI ERP dollars originated in this census tract, indicate the dollar amount to borrowers who declined to provide information on race. Please note that CDFIs may only select one racial category for each transaction and should select “multiracial” in cases where borrowers belong to multiple racial groups. |
ERP Race Number (Declined) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the number of loans made to borrowers who declined to provide information on race. Please note that CDFIs may only select one racial category for each transaction and should select “multiracial” in cases where borrowers belong to multiple racial groups. |
ERP Hispanic Amount Of the CDFI ERP dollars originated in this census tract, indicate the dollar amount to borrowers who are Hispanic or Latino. |
ERP Hispanic Number Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the number of loans made to borrowers who are Hispanic or Latino. |
ERP Hispanic Amount (Declined) Of the CDFI ERP dollars originated in this census tract, indicate the dollar amount to borrowers who refused to provide information on ethnicity. |
ERP Hispanic Number (Declined) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the number of loans made to borrowers who refused to provide information on ethnicity. |
ERP Impact Amount (Employment) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the total transaction dollars that respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of job loss. |
ERP Impact Number (Employment) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the total number of transactions that respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of job loss. |
ERP Impact Amount (Healthcare) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the total transaction dollars that respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of disruptions in health and mental healthcare. |
ERP Impact Number (Healthcare) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the total number of transactions that respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of disruptions in health and mental healthcare. |
ERP Impact Amount (Childcare) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the total transaction dollars that respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of disruptions in childcare |
ERP Impact Number (Childcare) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the total number of transactions that respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of disruptions in childcare |
ERP Impact Amount (Housing Stability) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the total transaction dollars that respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of increased housing instability. |
ERP Impact Number (Housing Stability) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the total number of transactions that respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of increased housing instability. |
ERP Impact Amount (Affordable Housing) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the total transaction dollars that respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of decreased availability of and increased cost of financing for affordable housing and home ownership. |
ERP Impact Number (Affordable Housing) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the total number of transactions that respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of decreased availability of and increased cost of financing for affordable housing and home ownership. |
ERP Impact Amount (Broadband) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the total transaction dollars that respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of exacerbated inaccessibility to broadband internet. |
ERP Impact Number (Broadband) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the total number of transactions that respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of exacerbated inaccessibility to broadband internet. |
ERP Impact Amount (Food Insufficiency) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the total transaction dollars that respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of increased food insufficiency. |
ERP Impact Number (Food Insufficiency) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the total number of transactions that respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of increased food insufficiency. |
ERP Impact Amount (Business Disruption) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the total transaction dollars that respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of disruptions in operations for small businesses, Small Farms and nonprofit organizations. |
ERP Impact Number (Business Disruption) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the total number of transactions that respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the specific issue area of disruptions in operations for small businesses, Small Farms and nonprofit organizations. |
ERP Impact Amount (Other) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the total transaction dollars that respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in a specific issue area not mentioned in this ERP CLR. |
ERP Impact Number (Other) Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the total number of transactions that respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in a specific issue area not mentioned in this ERP CLR. |
ERP Qualifying Native Transaction Amount Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the total transaction dollar amount that qualify as serving CDFI ERP’s definition of a Native Area. |
ERP Qualifying Native Transaction Number Of the CDFI ERP transactions originated in this census tract, indicate the total transaction number that qualify as serving CDFI ERP’s definition of a Native Area. |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Federal Register PRA Notice for 60 Day Comment Period – CDFI ERP data fields on the TLR and new CDFI ERP GLR |
Author | McKay, Shannon |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2025-01-30 |