REO - Nonprofit Organizations (Quarterly & Final Reports)

Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery Grant Reporting and National Materials Management Survey

Draft Instrument -- Grantee Final Report Form Template

REO - Nonprofit Organizations (Quarterly & Final Reports)


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Draft RCSD SWIFR/REO Grantee Progress Report Template


The final report should describe a narrative of what your organization accomplished during the implementation of your cooperative agreement project and the challenges you encountered along the way.

Although measurable results are an important component of your final report, there should also be a qualitative evaluation of the grant. This is your opportunity to describe the successes, challenges, and benefits of your project that cannot be summarized with numbers.

The information you provide in this report will help the EPA report on the success of the grant program, as well as help us work with you and other community groups more effectively in the future.

In your response, you should also attach any material that highlights your project accomplishments during the project period. Include such documents as photographs, flyers, press releases, newspaper clippings, meeting sign-in sheets, etc.

Paperwork Reduction Act Burden Statement

This collection of information is approved by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. (OMB Control No. 2050-NEW). Responses to this collection of information are voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately one hour per response. Send comments on the Agency’s need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden to Director, Information Engagement Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2821T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address.

Section 1: General Grant Information

Please Respond Below


Grantee Name


Grant Project Title


EPA Grant #


Period of Performance (grant start date)


Period of Performance (grant end date)


EPA Grant Award Amount ($)

Section 2: Grantee Project Manager Information

Please Respond Below


Project Manager Name


Project Manager Phone #


Project Manager Email

Section 3: Project Description

Please Respond Below

Please enter a brief project description (3-5 sentences)

Section 4: Project Purpose

Please Respond Below


Describe the original purpose of your grant project - what did you intend to accomplish through this grant?


What where the goals and objectives in the original proposal?


How do the goals and objectives of the project address environmental and public health protection?


If there was a change in the scope of the grant, explain what was changed, why the change was requested, and how the change(s) affects the original project goals and objectives.


What communities did your project affect or involve? Include information on the target audience, such as local residents, businesses, demographics of the target audience.

Section 5: Project Tasks and Accomplishments

Detail progress on project tasks outlined in the approved workplan including any performance data results. Detail accomplishments related to the task.

Provide measurable results, as appropriate. Identify any deliverables submitted during this work period, if applicable.

Add additional tasks as necessary. (2-15 sentences per task)

Task (from workplan)

Accomplishments: Detail accomplishments related to the task. Provide measurable results, as appropriate.

Task #

Task Name

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Add Task

[user will click to add rows to table to enter additional tasks]

Section 6: Grant Project Activities

Please indicate which of the following activities were performed under your grant project. (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

[user to select one or more of the following]

  • Purchase, develop or enhance infrastructure

  • Establish, increase, expand, or optimize collection

  • Develop/update plans

  • Develop and enhance data collection and measurement

  • Implementation of the Plan

  • Inform the public about residential or community recycling programs

  • Provide information about the recycled materials that are accepted as part of a residential or community recycling program that provides for the separate collection of residential solid waste from recycled material

  • Increase collection rates and decrease contamination in residential and community recycling programs

Section 7: Grant Project Measures


Grant Project Activity Measures

What were the specific outcomes and/or products resulting from this project? Report on the quantitative and/or qualitative metrics of your project. Describe the measures used, data collection methods, and sources of data.

If you do not have a quantity to report, please enter a zero.

Additional measures may be added.

[System will only show measures associated with the Activities selected in Section 6 as labelled in the second column]


Applicable Activity

[Will not show on form]

Quantity (for entire grant)

Revisions to these Quantities

Additional Narrative relating to these Measures

Number of stakeholders involved in the plan development

Develop/update plans

Number of these stakeholders involved in plan development from disadvantaged communities

Develop/update plans

Number of communities involved in the plan development

Develop/update plans

Number of these communities involved in plan development from disadvantaged communities

Develop/update plans

Number of plans developed

Develop/update plans

Number of plans updated

Develop/update plans

Number of counties or territorial equivalents served by the plans

Develop/update plans

Number of disadvantaged communities (as defined in this Guidance) served by the plan or implementation of the plan

Develop/update plans

Implementation of the Plan

Number of infrastructure investments/enhancements made spanning the spectrum of collection through end market development (e.g., bins purchased, post-consumer materials management systems created, technology improvements made)

Purchase, develop or enhance infrastructure

Estimates as to how many pounds of plastic waste was prevented from entering the oceans and other waterways as a result of activities funded

Implementation of the Plan

Number of temporary jobs created

Purchase, develop or enhance infrastructure

Develop/update plans

Develop and enhance data collection and measurement

Implementation of the Plan

Inform the public …

Provide information ….

Increase collection rates …

Number of permanent jobs created

Purchase, develop or enhance infrastructure

Develop/update plans

Develop and enhance data collection and measurement

Implementation of the Plan

Inform the public …

Provide information …

Increase collection rates …

Number of outreach campaigns or projects implemented (e.g., public service announcements delivered, informational materials and education and outreach campaigns executed, toolkits for municipal and commercial recycling programs produced, labeling and signs created, etc.).

Inform the public …

Provide information …

Increase collection rates …

Percentage change in participation rate of the recycling or composting program

Inform the public …

Provide information …

Increase collection rates …

Percentage Reduction of contamination in the recycling stream

Inform the public …

Provide information …

Increase collection rates …

Percentage of political subdivisions served as a result of establishing, increasing, expanding, or optimizing collection.

Establish, increase, expand, or optimize collection

Number of disadvantaged communities served (as defined by this solicitation) as a result of establishing, increasing, expanding, or optimizing collection.

Establish, increase, expand, or optimize collection

Number of communities reached through outreach activities, including disadvantaged communities (as defined by this solicitation).

Establish, increase, expand, or optimize collection

Inform the public …

Provide information …

Increase collection rates …

Percentage of Tribes and Tribal members of Intertribal consortia served as a result of establishing, increasing, expanding, or optimizing collection.

Establish, increase, expand, or optimize collection

Number of Tribes and member Tribes of Intertribal consortia

served as a result of establishing, increasing, expanding, or optimizing collection.

Establish, increase, expand, or optimize collection

Add Measure

[user will click to add rows to table to enter


MSW/C&D collected, recycled, composted, or managed via other management pathways in the state

[System will only show 7.2 if one of the following activities are selected under section 6:

  • Develop and enhance data collection and measurement

  • Implementation of the Plan]

Please report on the measures listed below.

If you do not have a quantity to report, please enter a zero. Additional measures may be added. Please make sure to describe sources of data, calculations, and assumptions.

If you have your calculations in a separate document, you can attach to this progress report under section 13.

Total Tons (for entire grant)


Management Pathway

Additional Narrative relating to these Measures

[user select one item from lookup field from list at the end of this document]

[user select one item from picklist values:

  • Composted

  • Animal feed

  • Bio-based materials/biochemical processing

  • Co-digested/anaerobic digestion

  • Mechanically Recycled

  • Land applied

  • Reused

  • Source Reduction

  • Rendered

  • Landfilled

  • Waste-to-energy

  • Combustion

  • Other Management Pathway ]

Add Measure

[user will click to add rows to table to enter additional measures]


MSW/C&D generated in the state

[System will only show 7.3 if one of the following activities are selected under section 6:

  • Develop and enhance data collection and measurement

  • Implementation of the Plan]

Please report on the measures listed below.

If you do not have a quantity to report, please enter a zero. Additional measures may be added. Please make sure to describe sources of data, calculations, and assumptions.

If you have your calculations in a separate document, you can attach to this progress report under section 13.

Tons (for entire grant)


Source of Material

Additional Narrative relating to these Measures

[user select one item from lookup field from list at the end of this document]

[user select one item from picklist values:

  • Residential

  • Public

  • Commercial

  • Institutional

  • Non-process industrial (e.g., front office)]

  • Unknown

  • Combined/Mixed]

Add Measure

[user will click to add rows to table to enter additional measures]


GHGs reduced from collection, recycling, composting, or management via other management pathways in the state

[System will only show 7.4 if one of the following activities are selected under section 6:

  • Develop and enhance data collection and measurement

  • Implementation of the Plan]

Please report on the measures listed below.

If you do not have a quantity to report, please enter a zero. Additional measures may be added.

Please make sure to describe sources of data, calculations, and assumptions. If you have your calculations in a separate document, you can attach to this progress report under section 13.

MTCO2e (for entire grant)


Management Pathway

Additional Narrative relating to these Measures

[user select one item from lookup field from list at the end of this document]

[user select one item from picklist values:

  • Composted

  • Animal feed

  • Bio-based materials/biochemical processing

  • Co-digested/anaerobic digestion

  • Mechanically Recycled

  • Land applied

  • Reused

  • Source Reduction

  • Rendered

  • Landfilled

  • Waste-to-energy

  • Combustion

Other Management Pathway ]

Add Measure

[user will click to add rows to table to enter additional measures]


Other Measures

Please add any additional measures you wish to report in the table below.

If you have a quantity to report, please include that in the measure description. Please make sure describe sources of data, calculations, and assumptions in the Explanation of Measure Reported field. Additional measures may be added.

You can attach supporting documents (e.g., calculations and datasets) to this progress report under section 13.

Name of Measure

Quantity and units or qualitative description (for entire grant)

Additional Narrative relating to these Measures

Add Measure

[user will click to add rows to table to enter additional measures]

Section 8: Project Accomplishments

Please Respond Below


Did the project attain all the goals and objectives originally targeted?




Was the budget reallocated? If so, explain how this change reflected in the revised workplan?


Describe how you measured project effectiveness throughout the implementation of your project, as well as the quality of the final outcomes of your project.


How did you use evaluation data to strengthen your project during implementation?


Describe the short- and long-term impacts this project has had or will have on your community


Describe the short- and long-term impacts this project has had or will have on post-consumer materials management in your area

Section 9: Project Challenges

Please Respond Below


What were the most significant challenges and barriers to achieving the goals for this project?


How did challenges alter your workplan or change your approach to implementing the project?

Section 10: Lessons Learned

Relating to EPA Grant Management

Relating to the project itself


What are the features, accomplishments, or nuances about this project that you have not experienced in implementing other projects?


What went well? (E.g., assessment of feasibility of application; increased processing capacity; increased feedstocks or networks, improved quality of feedstocks, relationships created; collaboration with non-traditional partners)


What would you do differently if you were to implement this (or for similar projects) again?


What advice would you give to another group doing a similar project?

Section 11: Future Plans

Please Respond Below


Does your organization plan to continue this project (or work that is closely related) beyond this grant period? Why or why not?


If yes, how do you plan to continue funding this work in the future?


How have you disseminated project results to your target audience?


What are your plans (if any) to share results with a wider audience?

Section 12: Comments

Please Respond Below

Please provide any additional comments for this reporting period.

Section 13: Attachments

Please digitally submit any materials that represent or highlight your project accomplishments during the project period. Include such documents as photographs , flyers, press releases, newspaper articles, meeting sign-in sheets, etc.

[field for Grantee to upload documents to the GMS]

Material List (for material lookup field for Sections 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4)

Electronics: Consumer Electronics and Small Equipment

Electronics: Video Display Devices - CRT

Electronics: Video Display Devices - Non-CRT

Batteries: Lead acid Batteries

Batteries: Alkaline Batteries

Batteries: Lithium-ion Batteries

Batteries: Other Batteries

Batteries: Mixed

Electronics: Other Electrical Equipment

Electronics: Mixed

Glass: Clear Glass Bottles and Containers

Glass: Green Glass Bottles and Containers

Glass: Brown Glass Bottles and Containers

Glass: Other Colored Glass Bottles and Containers

Glass: Other

Glass: Mixed

Metals: Steel Cans

Metals: Other Ferrous Metals

Metals: Other Non-Ferrous Metals

Metals: Other Aluminum (foil, trays, etc)

Metals: Aluminum Cans

Metals: Other

Metals: Mixed

Mixed Materials

Municipal Solid Waste

Paper: Uncoated Corrugated Cardboard and Kraft Paper

Paper: Newspaper

Paper: White Office-type Paper and Mail

Paper: Magazines and Catalogs

Paper: Folding Cartons and Other Paperboard Packaging

Paper: Miscellaneous Paper Packaging

Paper: Aseptic Containers and Gable-top Cartons

Paper: Other

Paper: Mixed

Plastics: PET Bottles and Jars

Plastics: #1 PET Containers

Plastics: #2 HDPE Bottles and Jars

Plastics: #2 HDPE Containers

Plastics: #3 Containers

Plastics: #4 Containers

Plastics: #5 Containers

Plastics: #6 Containers

Plastics: #7 Containers

Plastics: Trash Bags

Plastics: Grocery and Other Merchandise Bags

Plastics: Non-Bag Commercial and Industrial Packaging Film

Plastics: Film Products

Plastics: Flexible Plastic Pouches

Plastics: Other Plastic Film

Plastics: Durable Plastic Items

Plastics: Other Expanded Polystyrene Packaging

Plastics: Other

Plastics: Mixed

Organics: Inedible Food Waste

Organics: Edible Food Waste

Organics: Compostable Food Ware & Packaging - Paper/Wood

Organics: Compostable Food Ware & Packaging - Plastic

Organics: Yard Debris: Leaves and Grass

Organics: Yard Debris: Prunings and Trimmings

Organics: Untreated Wood

Organics: Branches and Stumps

Organics: Biosolids

Organics: Manure

Organics: Fats, Oils, and Grease

Organics: Other Organic Materials

Organics: Mixed

Textiles: Synthetics

Textiles: Natural Fibers

Textiles: Shoes, Purses, Belts

Textiles: Mixed or Unknown

Bulky Items: Furniture

Bulky Items: Treated/Painted/Stained wood

Bulky Items: Mattresses and Foundations

Bulky Items: Other Bulky Items

Bulky Items: Mixed

Major Appliances


Household Hazardous Waste: Paint

Household Hazardous Waste: Used Oil

Household Hazardous Waste: Oil Filters

Household Hazardous Waste: Pharmaceuticals

Household Hazardous Waste: Solvents

Household Hazardous Waste: Corrosives

Household Hazardous Waste: Flammables

Household Hazardous Waste: Fluorescent tubes

Household Hazardous Waste: Pesticides

Household Hazardous Waste: One-Pound Propane Gas Cylinders

Household Hazardous Waste: Other

Household Hazardous Waste: Mixed

C&D: Concrete

C&D: Asphalt Paving

C&D: Rock & Soil

C&D: Asphalt Roofing

C&D: Gypsum Board

C&D: Carpet

C&D: Wood

C&D: Metals

C&D: Other

C&D: Mixed

Diapers and Sanitary Products

Household Items

Disaster Debris within MSW

Solar Panels



File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorVance, Ronald (he/him/his)
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2025-01-15

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