TBD CCG Progress Report Track II

Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grant Program: Post-Award Reporting (New)

CCG Progress Report_Track II

Environmental and Climate Justice CCG Program: Post-Award Reporting


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Environmental Justice Community Change Grant (CCG) Progress Report: Track II

Instructions: Environmental Justice Community Change Grant (EJCCG) Cooperative Agreement (CA) recipients are required to submit quarterly progress reports via the Salesforce online reporting system. Reports are due 30 days after each reporting period (see table below). For instance, if your Project Period began on January 1st, then your first reporting period is from January 1st – March 31th and your deadline to submit your first progress report is April 30th. Please answer all the questions as thoroughly as possible. If you have any questions or concerns about completing this report, please contact your Project Officer for assistance. Resources and support for using the Salesforce system are available if needed – please talk to your Project Officer.

Administrative Information

Recipient Name:

Project Title:

UEI Number:

EPA Grant #:

EPA Project Officer:

Project Period Start Date:

Project Period End Date:

Current Year of Project: One □ Two □ Three □

Reporting Period for current year: One □ Two □ Three □ Four □
Reporting Period (start date, end date):

Date Report Submitted:

Submitted by:

  1. Project Activities, Goals, and Special Considerations

  1. Please list the zip codes for the community/communities where your grant will be implemented: 

  2. Milestones: To what extent were your activities for this reporting period aligned with the goals you had established for this period in your workplan? Select one option:

    • Activities for this reporting period completely supported our goals – no changes.

    • Activities for this reporting period somewhat supported our goals and we would like to propose making minor changes.

Please describe which activities you are currently doing that do not support your goals and the modifications you would like to make:

  1. New Collaborating Entities (partners not disclosed in your original grant application): Have you added any new partners (i.e., Collaborating Entities) to your project during the reporting period? Y/N

    1. If so, please describe these partners (organization name, project activities/resources the partner is responsible for)

  1. Progress to Date

Instructions for this section: In this section, you will report on the specific activities and outcomes of the grant program achieved during the reporting period. For each work area, there is a ‘Grant-Specific Reporting’ table where you will list the activities engaged in and/or completed by your grant that are related to that work area. Only provide information specific to the reporting period. Please list one activity per row, adding a new row for each activity. For each activity, please provide information describing associated partner organizations participating in that activity (if relevant), the timeframe and location(s) in which the activity occurred, the target audience(s) of the activity (if relevant), and the outputs resulting from the activity. Separately, please report on any outcomes achieved during the reporting period. Only include aggregated data from all sub awardees for your grant, you do not need to report sub awardee level data separately. Only report completed activities, outputs, and outcomes (if any are ongoing, wait to report on them until the period when they are complete).

Next, please report any relevant quantitative data that are available for your grant within the ‘Cross-grant Quantitative Reporting’ tables for each work area. EPA understands that grantees may not have access to data to report on all of the outputs or outcomes listed in these quantitative tables for several reasons (e.g., some outputs or outcomes will not be relevant to your grant, it may be early in implementation to have data to report, or you may not have been funded to gather such data). Please enter any relevant and available data for this reporting period, and otherwise leave the field blank.

Finally, EPA would like to gather qualitative information such as narrative information from interviews, observations, questionnaires, notes, etc. describing grantee contributions toward key CCG short, medium- and long-term outcomes. Please report relevant responses to questions in the ‘Cross-Grant Qualitative Reporting’ sections for each work area. It is ok to repeat information already included in the grant-specific reporting tables, but if you have additional narrative to help EPA understand your grant’s contributions toward CCG outcomes, please provide it in this section. If you do not have anything to report, leave the field blank.

Please only provide NEW data that has not been previously reported. Definitions of project activities, outputs and outcomes can be found in the CCG Notification of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). If you are reporting different metrics than originally proposed, please provide a brief narrative description of why (e.g., your activities needed to change due to conditions on the ground, which resulted in more effective metrics for your outputs or outcomes, etc.) at the end of this section.

Community Training

Please report on the activities, outputs, and outcomes achieved that relate to Community Training. Please list one activity per row, adding a new row for each activity, and only provide NEW data that has not been previously reported.

Grant-Specific Reporting (Community Training)







  1. What outcomes, if any, have you achieved during this reporting period including those from your grant’s logic model or workplan and any secondary or unintended outcomes, if applicable?

Cross-grant Quantitative Reporting (Community Training)


Enter numeric value


# of trainings completed that increase community residents' capacity to participate in government processes


# of informational meetings held between governmental officials and community members to exchange information

# of participants at informational meetings


# of community residents who participate in a community-based participatory research initiative that informs a government process and / or priority

# of community residents informed of local, state, federal and other governmental environmental public processes.

Short term outcomes

Enter numeric value


# of community residents who can demonstrate (by appropriate assessment) they understand local, state, federal and other governmental environmental public processes.


# of community residents with built/developed capacity to participate in government processes through trainings, educational forums, or other capacity building activities


# of informational products published with data reflecting community opinions and preferences

Mid-term outcomes

Enter numeric value


# of trained community residents who engage in local decision-making processes


# of local decision-making processes using informational products with community opinions and preferences

Cross-grant Qualitative Reporting (Community Training):

  1. (Short-term) Do you have information that illustrates that community residents are more aware of local, state, federal, and other governmental environmental public processes due to your grant’s activities? If so, please describe the information and source(s).

  2. (Mid-term) Do you have information that illustrates that the training provided through your grant made trainees more prepared for available engagement opportunities? If so, please describe the information and source(s).

  3. (Short to Mid-term) What else should EPA understand about your work related to this Strategy? Have there been any specific challenges, achievements, or lessons learned in the short to mid-term that you would like to share?

Community Engagement and Empowerment

Please report on the activities, outputs, and outcomes achieved that relate to Community Engagement and Empowerment. Please list one activity per row, adding a new row for each activity, and only provide NEW data that has not been previously reported.

Grant-Specific Reporting (Community Engagement and Empowerment)







  1. What outcomes, if any, have you achieved during this reporting period including those from your grant’s logic model or workplan and any secondary or unintended outcomes, if applicable?

Cross-grant Quantitative Reporting (Community Engagement and Empowerment)


Enter numeric value


# of public meetings/listening sessions to inform and involve community residents and to seek input on grant activities


# of community residents engaged at public meetings or listening sessions


# of residents reached through other, non-public meeting, outreach methods (e.g., emails or flyers sent, social media impressions, website visits)


# of local partners supporting or participating in grant projects, program decisions and goals

Short term outcomes

Enter numeric value


# of community residents who can demonstrate (by appropriate assessment) they understand grant activities and the key climate, resiliency and/or pollution issues related to the grant program.


# of underserved and disadvantaged residents who advanced to community leadership positions because of your program

Mid-term outcomes

Enter numeric value


# community residents engaged in grant projects or programs


# of community residents, especially those from priority populations, who participate in local decision-making processes (e.g., advisory panels, budgeting, workshops, direct engagement in policy or program development or planning, rulemakings)

Cross-grant Qualitative Reporting (Community Engagement and Empowerment):

  1. (Short-term) What methods did you use to reach out to and engage community members in your grant's activities? Which were the least and most effective and why?

  2. (Short-term) What methods did you use to encourage meaningful community engagement, seek community feedback, and promote accountability to the needs and preferences of the community residents? Which were the least and most effective and why?

  3. (Mid-term) Do you have information that illustrates the involvement of priority populations in your grants' activities? If so, please describe the information and source(s).

  4. (Mid-term) Do you have information that illustrates the involvement of priority populations in local decision-making processes? If so, please describe the information and source(s).

  5. (Mid-term) What information do you have that illustrates increased or successful coordination and trust among project partners? What challenges or successes have you had related to building and sustaining your coalition/partnerships?

  6. (Short to Mid-term) What else should EPA understand about your work related to this Strategy? Have there been any specific challenges, achievements, or lessons learned in the short to mid-term that you would like to share? 

Other Activities

If you completed any activities during this reporting period that do not fit into one of the above categories, you can list these activities in the table below. If you do not have any additional activities to report, you can leave this section blank.







  1. Describe any change to the metrics (i.e., outputs or outcomes) used in this report from the metrics in your original grant proposal, and provide a brief explanation: ­­­­______________________________________

  1. What outcomes from your grant’s logic model or workplan, if any, have you achieved during this reporting period?

  1. Program Management Updates

Fiscal Information

  1. Funds drawn down in reporting period:

  2. Total funds drawn down to date:

  3. EPA Funds remaining:

  4. Are you requesting a budget change that is greater than 10% of the overall budget? Yes or No

  5. Do you have questions about allowable use of funds? Yes or No

  6. Are you drawing down funds timely and effectively? Yes or No or Don’t know

    1. If no or don’t know, what challenges are you having drawing down funds?

  7. Do you have a change in indirect cost rate? Yes or No

    1. Note: Prior approval is required before using a new rate.

  8. Have you submitted the required Financial Status Report? Yes or No

    1. Note: EPA recipients must submit the Federal Financial Report (SF-425) at least annually.

Personnel changes

  1. Any major changes in project personnel? Yes or No

    1. If yes, please describe any changes in project personnel.

Workplan Changes

  1. Did you make changes to the workplan? Yes or No

    1. If yes, please note what changes, if any, were made to the reported activities or metrics because of the changes to the workplan.


  1. Any problems or difficulties encountered during this reporting period?

    1. If yes, how have they been addressed or resolved?

  2. How can your EPA Project Officer better support you?

V. Look Ahead
Provide a list of major planned activities for the next quarter (reporting period).

VI. Feedback
If you have any additional feedback or comments for EPA, please note this here.

  1. Optional Project Photos (not required)

Instructions: You can submit pictures capturing images of key project activities and highlights with your progress report. When submitting photos, please complete the license agreement. This allows EPA & DOE to use your images for EPA & DOE website, reports, or other documents.

Feel free to attach the photos on separate pages or in separate emails to your EPA Project Officer. Please submit the hi-resolution version of the photos, as the hi-res photos can be uploaded easily by EPA staff into our online EJ Grantee Spotlights and Story-maps.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorAarti Iyer
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2025-01-17

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